Exhibit 1




1676 International Drive
McLean, VA 22102


Independent Accountants’ Report on Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures

German American Capital Corporation (the “Company”)

Deutsche Mortgage & Asset Receiving Corporation

Deutsche Bank Securities Inc.

(together with the Company, the “Specified Parties”)


Re: COMM 2017-DLTA Mortgage Trust – Loan File Procedures

On August 30, 2017, we issued an Independent Accountants’ Report on Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures (the “Initial Covered Services Report”) relating to certain information with respect to the mortgage loan and the related mortgaged properties to be included as collateral in the offering of the COMM 2017-DLTA Mortgage Trust, Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates. The Company informed us that the Loan Agreement and Mezzanine Loan Agreement were subsequently amended and requested that a new report be issued. The Independent Accountants’ Report on Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures described herein supersedes the Initial Covered Services Report. Furthermore, the Specified Parties have been instructed to no longer use or rely upon the Initial Covered Services Report.

We have performed the procedures described below, which were agreed to by the Specified Parties, on specific attributes identified by the Specified Parties contained in an electronic data file provided to us on September 12, 2017 containing information on the mortgage loan and related mortgaged properties (the “Data File” defined below) which we were informed are to be included as collateral in the offering of the COMM 2017-DLTA Mortgage Trust, Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates. The sufficiency of these procedures is solely the responsibility of the Specified Parties. Consequently, we make no representation regarding the sufficiency of the procedures described below either for the purpose for which this report has been requested or for any other purpose.

Unless otherwise noted, the following definitions have been adopted in presenting our procedures and findings:

The term “compared” means compared to the information shown and found it to be in agreement, unless otherwise stated. Such compared information was deemed to be in agreement if differences were attributable to rounding.
The term “recomputed” means recalculated and compared the results to the information shown and found it to be in agreement, unless otherwise stated. Such recomputed information was deemed to be in agreement if differences were attributable to rounding.
The term “rounding” means that dollar amounts and percentages were within $1.00 and 0.1%, respectively.
The term “Data File” means the electronic data file entitled “COMM 2017-DLTA_Tape_09-12-2017.xlsm” provided to us by the Company on September 12, 2017 containing data with respect to one mortgage loan (“Mortgage Loan”) and the related 56 mortgaged properties (“Mortgaged Properties”).
The term “Cut-Off Date” means the payment date in September 2017, as provided by the Company.
The term “Compared Attributes” means the list of fields in the Data File which were selected by the Company for us to perform procedures and listed in Attachment A.
  KPMG LLP is a Delaware limited liability partnership and the US member firm of KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity.  






The term “Loan File” means the copies of source documents made available by the Company and listed in Attachment A including the amended Loan Agreement and amended Mezzanine Loan Agreement described in the first paragraph.
The term “Recomputed Attributes” means the list of fields in the Data File which were selected by the Company for us to perform recomputation procedures and listed in Attachment B.
The term “Calculation Methodology” means the field listed in Attachment B containing the calculation methodology for the Recomputed Attributes provided by the Company.
The term “Instructions” means the instructions provided by the Company pertaining to a specific attribute, methodology, or value and described in Attachment C.

The Company is responsible for the specified attributes identified by the Company in the Data File.

We were instructed by the Company to perform the agreed-upon procedures on the Mortgage Loan and the related Mortgaged Properties in the Data File.

A.We compared the Compared Attributes in the Data File to the corresponding information set forth in the Loan File (subject to the Instructions). Where more than one document was indicated, we used the highest priority document that we could locate in the Loan File. The document priority is the order provided by the Company, which is summarized on Attachment A, with the highest priority document listed first.

We found such information in the Data File to be in agreement.

B.Using (i) certain information in the Data File and (ii) the Calculation Methodology, we recomputed the Recomputed Attributes in the Data File and compared the results of our recomputations to the corresponding information contained in the Data File.

We found such information in the Data File to be in agreement.

There were no conclusions that resulted from the procedures.

This agreed-upon procedures engagement was conducted in accordance with attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. We were not engaged to, and did not, conduct an examination or review, the objective of which would be the expression of an opinion or conclusion, respectively, on the specific attributes identified by the Company in the Data File. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion or conclusion. Had we performed additional procedures, other matters might have come to our attention that would have been reported to you.

The procedures performed were applied based on the methodologies, instructions, assumptions, and information provided to us by the Company, without verification or evaluation of such methodologies, instructions, assumptions, and information by us; therefore, we express no opinion or any other form of assurance regarding (i) the reasonableness of the methodologies, instructions, assumptions, or information provided to us by the Company, (ii) the physical existence of the Mortgage Loan and Mortgaged Properties, (iii) the reliability or accuracy of the documents furnished to us by the Company which were used in our procedures, (iv) the adequacy of the disclosures in the Data File, or as to whether any of the statements expressed therein omit any material facts, or (v) matters of legal interpretation.

The procedures performed were not intended to address, nor did they address: (i) the conformity of the origination of the Mortgage Loan to stated underwriting or credit extension guidelines, standards, criteria or other requirements, (ii) the value of collateral securing the Mortgage Loan being securitized, (iii) the compliance of the originators of the Mortgage Loan with federal, state, and local laws and regulations, or (iv) any other factor or characteristic of the Mortgage Loan that would be material to the likelihood that the issuer of the asset-backed security will pay interest and principal in accordance with applicable terms and conditions. The





procedures performed were not intended to satisfy any criteria for due diligence published by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization (“NRSRO”).

The terms of our engagement are such that we have no obligation to update this report because of events and transactions that may subsequently occur.

This report is intended solely for the information and use of the Specified Parties. It is not intended to be and should not be used by any other person or entity, including investors and NRSROs, who are not identified in the report as Specified Parties but who may have access to this report as required by law or regulation.

McLean, VA

September 12, 2017




Attribute Source Document
ID Provided by Company
Loan Name Provided by Company
Property Name Provided by Company
Originator Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Loan Seller Provided by Company
Primary Type Appraisal
Secondary Type Appraisal
Address Appraisal, Engineering Report
City Appraisal, Engineering Report
State Appraisal, Engineering Report
Zip Code Appraisal, Engineering Report, USPS
Year Built Appraisal, Engineering Report
Building Count Appraisal, Engineering Report
Clear Height Property Specifications, Appraisal, Engineering Report
Dock High Doors Property Specifications, Appraisal, Engineering Report
Drive In Doors Property Specifications, Appraisal, Engineering Report
Individual Appraised Values Appraisal
Portfolio Appraised Value Appraisal
Valuation Date Appraisal
FIRREA Appraisal
Material Recognized Environmental Concern (Y/N) Environmental Report
Date of Engineering Report Engineering Report
Date of Phase I Report Environmental Report
Phase II Recommended (Yes/No) Environmental Report
Date of Phase II Report Environmental Report
Date of Seismic Report Seismic Report





Attribute Source Document
PML/SEL (%) Seismic Report
Collateral SF Underwritten Rent Roll
Cut-off Date Provided by Company
1st Mortgage Current Balance Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
TMA Current Balance Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Mezzanine Current Balance Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Pari Passu Current Balance Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Total Debt Balloon Balance Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
1st Mortgage Balloon Balance Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
TMA Balloon Balance Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Mezzanine Balloon Balance Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Pari Passu Balloon Balance Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
1st Mortgage Original Balance Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
TMA Original Balance Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Mezzanine Original Balance Mezzanine Loan Agreement
Pari Passu Original Balance Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
LIBOR Assumption Provided by Company
LIBOR Setting Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
LIBOR Reset Frequency Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
LIBOR Rounding Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
1st Mortgage Floor Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
TMA LIBOR Floor Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Pari Passu LIBOR Floor Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Mezzanine Floor Mezzanine Loan Agreement
Effective LIBOR TMA Provided by Company
Effective LIBOR 1st Mortgage Provided by Company
Effective LIBOR Pari Passu Provided by Company





Attribute Source Document
Effective LIBOR Mezzanine Provided by Company
Mezzanine Margin Mezzanine Loan Agreement
TMA Margin Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Pari Passu Margin Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
1st Mortgage Margin Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
LIBOR Cap LIBOR Cap Agreement
Margin Check Provided by Company
Coupon Check Provided by Company
Debt Service Check Provided by Company
LIBOR Cap Expiration LIBOR Cap Agreement
LIBOR Cap Provider LIBOR Cap Agreement
LIBOR Cap Guarantor Ratings (S/M/F) Provided by Company
Cap Coupon Check Provided by Company
Debt Service Check at Cap Provided by Company
Note Date Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Borr. Legal Name Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Recourse Carve Out Guarantees (Yes/No) Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Recourse Guarantee Warm Body (Yes/No) Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Recourse Guarantor Name Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Recourse Guarantor Ongoing Net Worth and Liquidity Covenants Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Related Borrower Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Loan Purpose Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Payment Day Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Interest Accrual Begin Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Interest Accrual End Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Rate Type Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Loan Type Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage





Attribute Source Document
1st Amortization Date Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Mezz Amort Mezzanine Loan Agreement
IO Period Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
1st. IO Date Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
First Pmt Date Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Maturity Date Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Exit Fee Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Extension Option Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Extension Fee Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Extended Maturity Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Aggregate Extension Options Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Prepay Description Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Partial Prepay Permitted Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Liquidated Damages Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Lockout Period Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Penalty Period Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Open Period Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Lockout Exp Date Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Prepay Penalty Start Date Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Prepay Penalty End Date Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Grace Days Default Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Grace Days Late Fee Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Default Rate Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Late Fee Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
SPE Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Non Consol Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Ind. Director Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage





Attribute Source Document
Cross Collat. Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Cross Default Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Partial Release Permitted Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Partial Release Description Loan Agreement, Deed of Trust, Mortgage
Lien Position Title
Fee Simple Title
Fully Extended Ground Lease Expiration Year Ground Lease
Current Ground Rent Ground Lease
LockBox Type Loan Agreement, Cash Management Agreement
Cash Management Loan Agreement, Cash Management Agreement
Excess Cash Trap Trigger Loan Agreement, Cash Management Agreement
Initial Tax Reserve Loan Agreement
Initial Insurance Reserve Loan Agreement
Initial Replacement Reserve Loan Agreement
Initial TI/LC Reserve Loan Agreement
Initial Deferred Maintenance Reserve Loan Agreement
Initial Environmental Reserve Loan Agreement
Initial Debt Service Reserve Loan Agreement
Initial Other Reserve Loan Agreement
Initial Other Reserve Description Loan Agreement
Ongoing Tax Escrow Loan Agreement
Ongoing Insurance Escrow Loan Agreement
Ongoing Required Replacement Reserves Loan Agreement
Ongoing Required TI/LC Loan Agreement
Ongoing Other Reserve Loan Agreement
Ongoing Other Reserve Description Loan Agreement
Occupancy Underwritten Rent Roll





Attribute Source Document
Occupancy As Of Date Underwritten Rent Roll
2012 NCF Underwritten Financial Summary Report
2013 NCF Underwritten Financial Summary Report
2014 NCF Underwritten Financial Summary Report
2015 NCF Underwritten Financial Summary Report
2016 NCF Underwritten Financial Summary Report
UW NCF Underwritten Financial Summary Report
Master & Primary Servicing Fees Provided by Company
Trustee/Certificate Administrator Fee Rate Provided by Company
CREFC Fee Rate Provided by Company
Sub-Servicer / Primary Servicer Provided by Company
Sub-Servicing Fee Provided by Company
Directs Investment (Borrower or Lender) Loan Agreement
RE Tax Loan Agreement
Insurance Loan Agreement
Replacement Reserves Loan Agreement
TI/LC Loan Agreement
Immediate Repairs Loan Agreement
Other Escrows Loan Agreement



Attribute Calculation Methodology
Appraised Value / Unit Individual Appraised Value divided by Collateral SF
Total Debt Original Balance The sum of (i) 1st Mortgage Original Balance and (ii) Mezzanine Original Balance
Total Debt Current Balance The sum of (i) 1st Mortgage Current Balance and (ii) Mezzanine Current Balance
TMA Balance / Unit TMA Current Balance divided by Collateral SF
1st Mortgage Balance / Unit 1st Mortgage Current Balance divided by Collateral SF
Total Debt Balance / Unit Total Debt Current Balance divided by Collateral SF
TMA Aggregate Asset Value Current LTV TMA Current Balance divided by the sum of the Individual Appraised Values for all Mortgaged Properties
1st Mortgage Aggregate Asset Value Current LTV 1st Mortgage Current Balance divided by the sum of the Individual Appraised Values for all Mortgaged Properties
Total Debt Aggregate Asset Value Current LTV Total Debt Current Balance divided by the sum of the Individual Appraised Values for all Mortgaged Properties
TMA Portfolio Current LTV TMA Current Balance divided by Portfolio Appraised Value
1st Mortgage Portfolio Current LTV 1st Mortgage Current Balance divided by Portfolio Appraised Value
Total Debt Portfolio Current LTV Total Debt Current Balance divided by Portfolio Appraised Value
TMA Aggregate Asset Value Maturity LTV TMA Balloon Balance divided by the sum of the Individual Appraised Values for all Mortgaged Properties
1st Mortgage Aggregate Asset Value Maturity LTV 1st Mortgage Balloon Balance divided by the sum of the Individual Appraised Values for all Mortgaged Properties
Total Debt Aggregate Asset Value Maturity LTV Total Debt Balloon Balance divided by the sum of the Individual Appraised Values for all Mortgaged Properties





Attribute Calculation Methodology
TMA Portfolio Maturity LTV TMA Balloon Balance divided by Portfolio Appraised Value
1st Mortgage Portfolio Maturity LTV 1st Mortgage Balloon Balance divided by Portfolio Appraised Value
Total Debt Portfolio Maturity LTV Total Debt Balloon Balance divided by Portfolio Appraised Value
Total Debt Margin The sum of (i) Mezzanine Margin multiplied by Mezzanine Original Balance and (ii) TMA Margin multiplied by TMA Original Balance; divided by Total Debt Original Balance
Total Debt Coupon The sum of (i) Total Debt Margin and (ii) Effective LIBOR TMA
TMA Coupon The sum of (i) TMA Margin and (ii) Effective LIBOR TMA
Pari Passu Coupon The sum of (i) Pari Passu Margin and (ii) Effective LIBOR Pari Passu
1st Mortgage Coupon The sum of (i) 1st Mortgage Margin and (ii) Effective LIBOR 1st Mortgage
Mezzanine Coupon The sum of (i) Mezzanine Margin and (ii) Effective LIBOR Mezzanine
TMA Debt Service at LIBOR TMA Coupon multiplied by TMA Current Balance multiplied by 365/360
Pari Passu Debt Service Pari Passu Coupon multiplied by Pari Passu Current Balance multiplied by 365/360
1st Mortgage Debt Service at LIBOR 1st Mortgage Coupon multiplied by 1st Mortgage Current Balance multiplied by 365/360
Mezzanine Debt Service at LIBOR Mezzanine Coupon multiplied by Mezzanine Current Balance multiplied by 365/360
Total Debt, Debt Service at LIBOR Total Debt Coupon multiplied by Total Debt Current Balance multiplied by 365/360
TMA Cap Coupon The sum of (i) LIBOR Cap and (ii)TMA Margin
Pari Passu Cap Coupon The sum of (i) LIBOR Cap and (ii)Pari Passu Margin
1st Mortgage Cap Coupon The sum of (i) LIBOR Cap and (ii)1st Mortgage Margin
Mezzanine Cap Coupon The sum of (i) LIBOR Cap and (ii)Mezzanine Margin





Attribute Calculation Methodology
Total Debt Cap Coupon The sum of (i) LIBOR Cap and (ii)Total Debt Margin
TMA Debt Service at Cap TMA Cap Coupon multiplied by TMA Current Balance multiplied by 365/360
Pari Passu Debt Service at Cap Pari Passu Cap Coupon multiplied by Pari Passu Current Balance multiplied by 365/360
1st Mortgage Debt Service at Cap 1st Mortgage Cap Coupon multiplied by 1st Mortgage Current Balance multiplied by 365/360
Mezzanine Debt Service at Cap Mezzanine Cap Coupon multiplied by Mezzanine Current Balance multiplied by 365/360
Total Debt, Debt Service at Cap Total Debt Cap Coupon multiplied by Total Debt Current Balance multiplied by 365/360
Original Term Number of payments between and including First Pmt Date and Maturity Date
Seasoning Recompute by determining the number of payment dates from and inclusive of First Pmt Date to and inclusive of Cut-off Date
Remaining Term Original Term minus Seasoning
Original Term Extended Number of payments between and including First Pmt Date and Extended Maturity
Remaining Term Extended Original Term Extended minus Seasoning
Total Debt UW NCF DSCR at LIBOR UW NCF divided by Total Debt, Debt Service at LIBOR
Total Debt UW NCF DSCR at Cap UW NCF divided by Total Debt, Debt Service at Cap
1st Mortgage UW NCF DSCR at LIBOR UW NCF divided by 1st Mortgage Debt Service at LIBOR
1st Mortgage UW NCF DSCR at Cap UW NCF divided by 1st Mortgage Debt Service at Cap
TMA UW NCF DSCR at LIBOR UW NCF divided by TMA Debt Service at LIBOR
TMA UW NCF DSCR at Cap UW NCF divided by TMA Debt Service at Cap
Total Debt UWNCF Debt Yield UW NCF divided by Total Debt Original Balance
1st Mortgage UWNCF Debt Yield UW NCF divided by 1st Mortgage Original Balance
TMA UWNCF Debt Yield UW NCF divided by TMA Original Balance
Total Admin Fee The sum of (i) Master & Primary Servicing Fees, (ii) Trustee/Certificate Administrator Fee Rate, (iii) CREFC Fee Rate and (iv) Sub-Servicing Fee






1.For those Compared Attributes with the Source Document indicated as “Provided by Company”, we were instructed by the Company to assume the attribute is accurate and not perform any procedure.

