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Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Policies)
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2021
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies [Abstract]  
Principles of Consolidation Principles of Consolidation The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company and its wholly-owned subsidiary, the Bank, and the Bank’s wholly-owned subsidiaries, WCB Realty Corp., Norwood Investment Corp. and WTRO Properties. All significant intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation. The year ended December 31, 2020 includes the acquisition of UpState New York Bancorp, Inc. effective July 7, 2020.
Estimates Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities, at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Material estimates that are particularly susceptible to significant change in the near term relate to the determination of the allowance for loan losses, the valuation of deferred tax assets, the determination of other-than-temporary impairment on securities, the determination of goodwill impairment and the fair value of financial instruments.
Significant Group Concentrations of Credit Risk and Concentrations of Credit Risk Significant Group Concentrations of Credit Risk Most of the Company’s activities are with customers located within its markets in Northeastern Pennsylvania and the New York Counties of Delaware, Sullivan, Ontario, Otsego and Yates. Note 3 discusses the types of securities that the Company invests in. Note 4 discusses the types of lending that the Company engages in. The Company does not have any significant concentrations to any one industry or customer. Concentrations of Credit Risk The Bank operates primarily in Wayne, Pike, Lackawanna, Luzerne and Monroe Counties, Pennsylvania and Delaware, Sullivan, Ontario, Otsego and Yates Counties, New York. Accordingly, the Bank has extended credit primarily to commercial entities and individuals in these areas whose ability to honor their contracts is influenced by the region’s economy. These customers are also the primary depositors of the Bank. The Bank is limited in extending credit by legal lending limits to any single borrower or group of related borrowers.
Securities Securities Securities classified as available for sale are those securities that the Company intends to hold for an indefinite period of time but not necessarily to maturity. Any decision to sell a security classified as available for sale would be based on various factors, including significant movement in interest rates, changes in maturity mix of the Company’s assets and liabilities, liquidity needs, regulatory capital considerations and other similar factors. Securities available for sale are carried at fair value. Unrealized gains and losses are reported in other comprehensive income, net of the related deferred tax effect. Realized gains or losses, determined on the basis of the cost of the specific securities sold, are included in earnings. Premiums and discounts are recognized in interest income using a method which approximates the interest method over the term of the security. Bonds, notes and debentures for which the Company has the positive intent and ability to hold to maturity are reported at cost, adjusted for premiums and discounts that are recognized in interest income using the interest method over the term of the security. Management determines the appropriate classification of debt securities at the time of purchase and re-evaluates such designation as of each Consolidated Balance Sheet date. Declines in the fair value of available for sale securities below their cost that are deemed to be other than temporary are reflected in earnings as realized losses. In estimating other-than-temporary impairment losses, management considers (1) the length of time and the extent to which the fair value has been less than cost, (2) the financial condition and near-term prospects of the issuer, and (3) the intent of the Company to not sell the securities and it is more likely than not that it will not have to sell the securities before recovery of their cost basis.
Regulatory Stock Regulatory Stock The Company, as a member of the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) system is required to maintain an investment in capital stock of its district FHLB according to a predetermined formula. This regulatory stock has no quoted market value and is carried at cost. Management evaluates the regulatory stock for impairment. Management’s determination of whether these investments are impaired is based on their assessment of the ultimate recoverability of their cost rather than by recognizing temporary declines in value. The determination of whether a decline affects the ultimate recoverability of their cost is influenced by criteria such as (1) the significance of the decline in net assets of the FHLB as compared to the capital stock amount for the FHLB and the length of time this situation has persisted, (2) commitments by the FHLB to make payments required by law or regulation and the level of such payments in relation to the operating performance of the FHLB, and (3) the impact of legislative and regulatory changes on institutions and, accordingly, on the customer base of the FHLB. Management considers the FHLB’s regulatory capital ratios, liquidity, and the fact that new shares of FHLB stock continue to change hands at the $100 par value. Management believes no impairment charge is necessary related to FHLB stock as of December 31, 2021.
Loans Receivable Loans Receivable Loans receivable that management has the intent and ability to hold for the foreseeable future or until maturity or payoff are stated at their outstanding unpaid principal balances, net of an allowance for loan losses and any deferred fees. Interest income is accrued on the unpaid principal balance. Loan origination fees are deferred and recognized as an adjustment of the yield (interest income) of the related loans. The Company is generally amortizing these amounts over the contractual life of the loan. The accrual of interest is generally discontinued when the contractual payment of principal or interest has become 90 days past due or management has serious doubts about further collectability of principal or interest, even though the loan is currently performing. A loan may remain on accrual status if it is in the process of collection and is either guaranteed or well secured. When a loan is placed on nonaccrual status, unpaid interest credited to income in the current year is reversed and unpaid interest accrued in prior years is charged against the allowance for loan losses. Interest received on nonaccrual loans generally is either applied against principal or reported as interest income, according to management’s judgment as to the collectability of principal. Generally, loans are restored to accrual status when the obligation is brought current, has performed in accordance with the contractual terms for a reasonable period of time and the ultimate collectability of the total contractual principal and interest is no longer in doubt.
Troubled Debt Restructurings Troubled Debt Restructurings A loan is considered to be a troubled debt restructuring (TDR) loan when the Company grants a concession to the borrower because of the borrower’s financial condition that it would not otherwise consider. Such concessions include the reduction of interest rates, forgiveness of principal or interest, or other modifications of interest rates that are less than the current market rate for new obligations with similar risk.
Loans Acquired Loans Acquired Loans acquired including loans that have evidence of deterioration of credit quality since origination and for which it is probable, at acquisition, that the Company will be unable to collect all contractually required payments receivable, are initially recorded at fair value (as determined by the present value of expected future cash flows) with no valuation allowance. Loans are evaluated individually to determine if there is evidence of deterioration of credit quality since origination. The difference between the undiscounted cash flows expected at acquisition and the investment in the loan, or the “accretable yield,” is recognized as interest income on a level-yield method over the life of the loan. Contractually required payments for interest and principal that exceed the undiscounted cash flows expected at acquisition, or the “non-accretable difference,” are not recognized as a yield adjustment or as a loss accrual or a valuation allowance. Increases in expected cash flows subsequent to the initial investment are recognized prospectively through adjustment of the yield on the loan over its remaining estimated life. Decreases in expected cash flows are recognized immediately as impairment. Any valuation allowances on these impaired loans reflect only losses incurred after the acquisition. For purchased loans acquired that are not deemed impaired at acquisition, credit discounts representing the principal losses expected over the life of the loan are a component of the initial fair value. Loans may be aggregated and accounted for as a pool of loans if the loans being aggregated have common risk characteristics. Subsequent to the purchase date, the methods utilized to estimate the required allowance for credit losses for these loans is similar to originated loans; however, the Company records a provision for loan losses only when the required allowance exceeds any remaining credit discounts. The remaining differences between the purchase price and the unpaid principal balance at the date of acquisition are recorded in interest income over the life of the loans.
Mortgage Servicing Rights Mortgage Servicing Rights Servicing assets are recognized as separate assets when rights are acquired through purchase or through the sale of financial assets. Capitalized servicing rights are reported in other assets and are amortized into noninterest income in proportion to, and over the period of, the estimated future net servicing income of the underlying financial assets. Servicing assets are evaluated for impairment based upon a third party appraisal. Fair value is determined using prices for similar assets with similar characteristics, when available, or based upon discounted cash flows using market-based assumptions. Impairment is recognized through a valuation allowance to the extent that fair value is less than the capitalized amount. The Company’s loan servicing assets at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively, were not impaired. Total servicing assets included in other assets as of December 31, 2021 and 2020, were $289,000 and $337,000, respectively.
Allowance for Loan Losses Allowance for Loan Losses The allowance for loan losses is established through provisions for loan losses charged against income. Loans deemed to be uncollectible are charged against the allowance for loan losses, and subsequent recoveries, if any, are credited to the allowance. The allowance for loan losses is maintained at a level considered adequate to provide for losses that can be reasonably anticipated. Management’s periodic evaluation of the adequacy of the allowance is based on the Company’s past loan loss experience, known and inherent risks in the portfolio, adverse situations that may affect the borrower’s ability to repay, the estimated value of any underlying collateral, composition of the loan portfolio, current economic conditions and other relevant factors. This evaluation is inherently subjective as it requires material estimates that may be susceptible to significant revision as more information becomes available. The allowance consists of specific and general components. The specific component relates to loans that are classified as substandard. For such loans that are also classified as impaired, an allowance is established when the discounted cash flows (or collateral value or observable market price) of the impaired loan is lower than the carrying value of that loan. The general component covers non-classified loans and is based on historical loss experience adjusted for qualitative factors. A loan is considered impaired when, based on current information and events, it is probable that the Company will be unable to collect the scheduled payments of principal or interest when due according to the contractual terms of the loan agreement. Factors considered by management in determining impairment include payment status, collateral value and the probability of collecting scheduled principal and interest payments when due. Loans that experience insignificant payment delays and payment shortfalls generally are not classified as impaired. Management determines the significance of payment delays and payment shortfalls on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration all of the circumstances surrounding the loan and the borrower, including the length of the delay, the reasons for the delay, the borrower’s prior payment record and the amount of the shortfall in relation to the principal and interest owed. Impairment is measured on a loan-by-loan basis for commercial and construction loans by either the present value of expected future cash flows discounted at the loan’s effective interest rate, the loan’s obtainable market price or the fair value of the collateral if the loan is collateral dependent. Large groups of smaller balance homogeneous loans are collectively evaluated for impairment. Accordingly, the Company does not separately identify individual consumer and residential real estate loans for impairment disclosures, unless such loans were acquired with impairment or are the subject of a restructuring agreement.
Premises and Equipment Premises and Equipment Land is carried at cost. Premises and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. Depreciation expense is calculated principally on the straight-line method over the respective assets estimated useful lives as follows: YearsBuildings and improvements 10 - 40Furniture and equipment 3 - 10
Leases Leases The Company applies a right-of-use (ROU) model that requires a lessee to record, for all leases with a lease term of more than 12 months, an asset representing its right to use the underlying asset and a liability to make lease payments. For leases with a term of 12 months or less, a practical expedient is available whereby a lessee may elect, by class of underlying asset, not to recognize an ROU asset or lease liability. At inception, lessees must classify all leases as either finance or operating based on five criteria. Balance sheet recognition of finance and operating leases is similar, but the pattern of expense recognition in the income statement, as well as the effect on the statement of cash flows, differs depending on the lease classification. See Note 8 for related disclosures.
Transfers of Financial Assets Transfers of Financial Assets Transfers of financial assets, including loan and loan participation sales, are accounted for as sales, when control over the assets has been surrendered. Control over transferred assets is deemed to be surrendered when (1) the assets have been isolated from the Company, (2) the transferee obtains the right (free of conditions that constrain it from taking advantage of that right) to pledge or exchange the transferred assets and (3) the Company does not maintain effective control over the transferred assets through an agreement to repurchase them before their maturity or the ability to unilaterally cause the holder to return specific assets.
Foreclosed Real Estate Foreclosed Real Estate Real estate properties acquired through, or in lieu of, loan foreclosure are to be sold and are initially recorded at fair value less cost to sell at the date of foreclosure establishing a new cost basis. After foreclosure, valuations are periodically performed by management and the real estate is carried at the lower of its carrying amount or fair value less cost to sell. Revenue and expenses from operations and changes in the valuation allowance are included in other expenses.
Bank Owned Life Insurance Bank Owned Life Insurance The Company invests in bank owned life insurance (BOLI) as a source of funding for employee benefit expenses. BOLI involves the purchasing of life insurance by the Bank on a select group of employees. The Company is the owner and beneficiary of the policies. This life insurance investment is carried at the cash surrender value of the underlying policies. Income from the increase in cash surrender value of the policies or from death benefits realized is included in other income on the Consolidated Statements of Income.
Goodwill Goodwill In connection with three acquisitions the Company recorded goodwill in the amount of $29.3 million, representing the excess of amounts paid over the fair value of net assets of the institutions acquired. Goodwill is tested and deemed impaired when the carrying value of goodwill exceeds its implied fair value. The value of the goodwill can change in the future. We expect the value of the goodwill to decrease if there is a significant decrease in the franchise value of the Bank. If an impairment loss is determined in the future, we will reflect the loss as an expense for the period in which the impairment is determined, leading to a reduction of our net income for that period by the amount of the impairment loss. No impairment was recognized for the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020.
Other Intangible Assets Other Intangible Assets At December 31, 2021, the Company had other intangible assets of $407,000, which is net of accumulated amortization of $1,347,000. These intangible assets will continue to be amortized using the sum-of-the-years digits method of amortization over ten years. At December 31, 2020, the Company had other intangible assets of $530,000, which was net of accumulated amortization of $1,224,000. Amortization expense related to other intangible assets was $123,000 and $114,000 for the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively. As of December 31, 2021, the estimated future amortization expense for the core deposit intangible is as follows (in thousands): 2022$ 1012023 852024 692025 542026 38Thereafter 60 $ 407
Income Taxes Income Taxes Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are determined based on the differences between financial statement carrying amounts and the tax basis of existing assets and liabilities. These differences are measured at the enacted tax rates that will be in effect when these differences reverse. Deferred tax assets are reduced by a valuation allowance when, in the opinion of management, it is more likely than not that some portion of the deferred tax assets will not be realized. As changes in tax laws or rates are enacted, deferred tax assets and liabilities are adjusted through the provision for income taxes. The Company and its subsidiary file a consolidated federal income tax return. The Company recognizes interest and penalties on income taxes as a component of income tax expense. The Company analyzes each tax position taken in its tax returns and determines the likelihood that the position will be realized. Only tax positions that are “more-likely-than-not” to be realized can be recognized in an entity’s financial statements. For tax positions that do not meet this recognition threshold, an entity will record an unrecognized tax benefit for the difference between the position taken on the tax return and the amount recognized in the financial statements. The Company does not have any unrecognized tax benefits at December 31, 2021 or 2020, or during the years then ended. No unrecognized tax benefits are expected to arise within the next twelve months.
Advertising Costs Advertising Costs Advertising costs are expensed as incurred.
Earnings Per Share Earnings per Share Basic earnings per share represents income available to common stockholders divided by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the period less any unvested restricted shares. Diluted earnings per share reflects additional common shares that would have been outstanding if dilutive potential common shares had been issued, as well as any adjustment to income that would result from the assumed issuance. Potential common shares that may be issued by the Company relate solely to outstanding stock options and are determined using the treasury stock method. Treasury shares are not deemed outstanding for earnings per share calculations.
Employee Benefit Plans Employee Benefit Plans The Company has a defined contributory profit-sharing plan which includes provisions of a 401(k) plan. The Company’s contributions are expensed as the cost is incurred. The Company has several supplemental executive retirement plans. To fund the benefits under these plans, the Company is the owner of single premium life insurance policies on the participants. The Company provides pension benefits to eligible employees. The Company’s funding policy is to contribute at least the minimum required contributions annually.
Interest Rate Derivatives Interest Rate DerivativesThe Company is exposed to certain risk arising from both its business operations and economic conditions.  The Company principally manages its exposures to a wide variety of business and operational risks through management of its core business activities. The Company manages economic risks, including interest rate, liquidity, and credit risk primarily by managing the amount, sources, and duration of its assets and liabilities and the use of derivative financial instruments.  Specifically, the Company enters into derivative financial instruments to manage exposures that arise from business activities that result in the receipt or payment of future known and uncertain cash amounts, the value of which are determined by interest rates.  The Company’s derivative financial instruments are used to manage differences in the amount, timing, and duration of the Company’s known or expected cash receipts and its known or expected cash payments.  
Stock Option Plans Stock Option Plans The Company recognizes the value of share-based payment transactions as compensation costs in the financial statements over the period that an employee provides service in exchange for the award. The fair value of the share-based payments for stock options is estimated using the Black-Scholes option-pricing model. The Company used the modified-prospective transition method to record compensation expense. Under the modified-prospective method, companies are required to record compensation cost for new and modified awards over the related vesting period of such awards and record compensation cost prospectively for the unvested portion, at the date of adoption, of previously issued and outstanding awards over the remaining vesting period of such awards. No change to prior periods presented is permitted under the modified-prospective method.
Restricted Stock Restricted Stock The Company recognizes compensation cost related to restricted stock based on the market price of the stock at the grant date over the vesting period. The product of the number of shares granted and the grant date market price of the Company’s common stock determines the fair value of restricted stock under the Company’s 2014 Equity Incentive Plan. The Company recognizes compensation expense for the fair value of the restricted stock on a straight-line basis over the requisite service period for the entire award.
Cash Flow Information Cash Flow Information For the purposes of reporting cash flows, cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, amounts due from banks, interest-bearing deposits with banks and federal funds sold.
Off-Balance Sheet Financial Instruments Off-Balance Sheet Financial Instruments In the ordinary course of business, the Company has entered into off-balance sheet financial instruments consisting of commitments to extend credit, letters of credit and commitments to sell loans. Such financial instruments are recorded on the balance sheets when they become receivable or payable.
Trust Assets Trust Assets Assets held by the Company in a fiduciary capacity for customers are not included in the financial statements since such items are not assets of the Company. Trust income is reported on the accrual method.
Treasury Stock Treasury Stock Common shares repurchased are recorded as treasury stock at cost.
Comprehensive Income Comprehensive Income Accounting principles generally require that recognized revenue, expenses, gains and losses be included in net income. Certain changes in assets and liabilities, such as unrealized gains and losses on available for sale securities and defined benefit pension obligations, are reported as a separate component of the equity section of the balance sheet. Such items, along with net income, are components of comprehensive income as presented in the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income.
Segment Reporting Segment Reporting The Company acts as an independent community financial services provider and offers traditional banking related financial services to individual, business and government customers. Through its Community Office and automated teller machine network, the Company offers a full array of commercial and retail financial services, including the taking of time, savings and demand deposits; the making of commercial, consumer and mortgage loans; and the providing of safe deposit services. The Company also performs personal, corporate, pension and fiduciary services through its Trust Department. Management does not separately allocate expenses, including the cost of funding loan demand, between the commercial, retail, mortgage banking and trust operations of the Company. As such, discrete information is not available and segment reporting would not be meaningful.
Reclassification of Comparative Amounts Reclassification of Comparative Amounts Certain comparative amounts for the prior year have been reclassified to conform to current-year classifications. Such reclassifications had no material effect on net income or stockholders’ equity.
New Accounting Pronouncements Not Yet Adopted New Accounting Pronouncements Not Yet Adopted In June 2016, the FASB issued ASU 2016-13, Financial Instruments – Credit Losses: Measurement of Credit Losses on Financial Instruments, which changes the impairment model for most financial assets. This Update is intended to improve financial reporting by requiring timelier recording of credit losses on loans and other financial instruments held by financial institutions and other organizations. The underlying premise of the Update is that financial assets measured at amortized cost should be presented at the net amount expected to be collected, through an allowance for credit losses that is deducted from the amortized cost basis. The allowance for credit losses should reflect management’s current estimate of credit losses that are expected to occur over the remaining life of a financial asset. The income statement will be affected for the measurement of credit losses for newly recognized financial assets, as well as the expected increases or decreases of expected credit losses that have taken place during the period. With certain exceptions, transition to the new requirements will be through a cumulative-effect adjustment to opening retained earnings as of the beginning of the first reporting period in which the guidance is adopted. This Update is effective for SEC filers that are eligible to be smaller reporting companies, non-SEC filers, and all other companies, to fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2022, including interim periods within those fiscal years. We expect to recognize a one-time cumulative-effect adjustment to the allowance for loan losses as of the beginning of the first reporting period in which the new standard is effective but cannot yet determine the magnitude of any such one-time adjustment or the overall impact of the new guidance on the consolidated financial statements. In January 2017, the FASB issued ASU 2017-04, Simplifying the Test for Goodwill Impairment. To simplify the subsequent measurement of goodwill, the FASB eliminated Step 2 from the goodwill impairment test. In computing the implied fair value of goodwill under Step 2, an entity had to perform procedures to determine the fair value at the impairment testing date of its assets and liabilities (including unrecognized assets and liabilities) following the procedure that would be required in determining the fair value of assets acquired and liabilities assumed in a business combination. Instead, under the amendments in this Update, an entity should perform its annual, or interim, goodwill impairment test by comparing the fair value of a reporting unit with its carrying amount. An entity should recognize an impairment charge for the amount by which the carrying amount exceeds the reporting unit’s fair value; however, the loss recognized should not exceed the total amount of goodwill allocated to that reporting unit. The Update is effective for smaller reporting companies and all other entities for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2022, and interim periods within those fiscal years. This Update is not expected to have a significant impact on the Company’s financial statements. In November 2018, the FASB issued ASU 2018-19, Codification Improvements to Topic 326, Financial Instruments ‒ Credit Losses, which, in addition to addressing other matters, ASU 2018-19 clarifies that receivables arising from operating leases are not within the scope of Subtopic 326-20. The effective date and transition requirements for ASU 2018-19 are the same as those in ASU 2016-13. This Update is not expected to have a significant impact on the Company’s financial statements. In April 2019, the FASB issued ASU 2019-04, Codification Improvements to Topic 326, Financial Instruments – Credit Losses, Derivatives, and Hedging (Topic 815); and Financial Instruments (Topic 825), which affects a variety of topics in the Codification and applies to all reporting entities within the scope of the affected accounting guidance. ASU 2019-04 makes clarifying amendments to certain financial instrument standards. For entities that have not yet adopted ASU 2016-13, the effective dates for the amendments related to ASU 2016-13 are the same as the effective dates in ASU 2016-13. For entities that have adopted ASU 2016-13, the amendments related to ASU 2016-13 are effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, including interim periods within those fiscal years. For entities that have not yet adopted ASU 2017-12 as of April 25, 2019, the effective dates for the amendments to Topic 815 are the same as the effective dates in ASU 2017-12. For entities that have adopted ASU 2017-12 as of April 25, 2019, the effective date is as of the beginning of the first annual period beginning after April 25, 2019. The amendments related to ASU 2016-01 are effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, including interim periods within those fiscal years. The Company qualifies as a smaller reporting company and does not expect to early adopt these ASUs. In May 2019, the FASB issued ASU 2019-05, Financial Instruments – Credit Losses (Topic 326), which allows entities to irrevocably elect the fair value option for certain financial assets previously measured at amortized cost upon adoption of the new credit losses standard. To be eligible for the transition election, the existing financial asset must otherwise be both within the scope of the new credit losses standard and eligible for applying the fair value option in ASC 825-10.3. The election must be applied on an instrument-by-instrument basis and is not available for either available-for-sale or held-to-maturity debt securities. For entities that elect the fair value option, the difference between the carrying amount and the fair value of the financial asset would be recognized through a cumulative-effect adjustment to opening retained earnings as of the date an entity adopted ASU 2016-13. Changes in fair value of that financial asset would subsequently be reported in current earnings. For entities that have not yet adopted the credit losses standard, the ASU is effective when they implement the credit losses standard. For entities that already have adopted the credit losses standard, the ASU is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, including interim periods within those fiscal years. The Company qualifies as a smaller reporting company and does not expect to early adopt ASU 2016-13. In November 2019, the FASB issued ASU 2019-10, Financial Instruments ‒ Credit Losses (Topic 326), Derivatives and Hedging (Topic 815), and Leases (Topic 842), which deferred the effective date for ASC 944, Financial Services – Insurance, for public business entities that are SEC filers, except for smaller reporting companies, to fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2021, and interim periods within those fiscal years, and for all other entities, including smaller reporting companies, to fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2023, and interim periods within fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2024. The Company qualifies as a smaller reporting company and does not expect to early adopt ASU 2016-13. In November 2019, the FASB issued ASU 2019-11, Codification Improvements to Topic 326, Financial Instruments – Credit Losses, to clarify its new credit impairment guidance in ASC 326, based on implementation issues raised by stakeholders. This Update clarified, among other things, that expected recoveries are to be included in the allowance for credit losses for these financial assets; an accounting policy election can be made to adjust the effective interest rate for existing troubled debt restructurings based on the prepayment assumptions instead of the prepayment assumptions applicable immediately prior to the restructuring event; and extends the practical expedient to exclude accrued interest receivable from all additional relevant disclosures involving amortized cost basis. For entities that have not yet adopted ASU 2016-13 as of November 26, 2019, the effective dates for ASU 2019-11 are the same as the effective dates and transition requirements in ASU 2016-13. For entities that have adopted ASU 2016-13, ASU 2019-11 is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, including interim periods within those fiscal years. The Company qualifies as a smaller reporting company and does not expect to early adopt these ASUs. In March 2020, the FASB issued ASU 2020-03, Codification Improvements to Financial Instruments. This ASU was issued to improve and clarify various financial instruments topics, including the current expected credit losses (CECL) standard issued in 2016. The ASU includes seven issues that describe the areas of improvement and the related amendments to GAAP; they are intended to make the standards easier to understand and apply and to eliminate inconsistencies, and they are narrow in scope and are not expected to significantly change practice for most entities. Among its provisions, the ASU clarifies that all entities, other than public business entities that elected the fair value option, are required to provide certain fair value disclosures under ASC 825, Financial Instruments, in both interim and annual financial statements. It also clarifies that the contractual term of a net investment in a lease under Topic 842 should be the contractual term used to measure expected credit losses under Topic 326. Amendments related to ASU 2019-04 are effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, including interim periods within those fiscal years. Early adoption is not permitted before an entity’s adoption of ASU 2016-01. Amendments related to ASU 2016-13 for entities that have not yet adopted that guidance are effective upon adoption of the amendments in ASU 2016-13. Early adoption is not permitted before an entity’s adoption of ASU 2016-13. Amendments related to ASU 2016-13 for entities that have adopted that guidance are effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, including interim periods within those years. Other amendments are effective upon issuance of this ASU. This Update is not expected to have a significant impact on the Company’s financial statements In January 2020, the FASB issued ASU 2020-04, Reference Rate Reform (Topic 848): Facilitation of the Effects of Reference Rate Reform on Financial Reporting, March 2020, to provide temporary optional expedients and exceptions to the U.S. GAAP guidance on contract modifications and hedge accounting to ease the financial reporting burdens of the expected market transition from LIBOR and other interbank offered rates to alternative reference rates, such as the Secured Overnight Financing Rate. Entities can elect not to apply certain modification accounting requirements to contracts affected by what the guidance calls “reference rate reform” if certain criteria are met. An entity that makes this election would not have to remeasure the contracts at the modification date or reassess a previous accounting determination. Also, entities can elect various optional expedients that would allow them to continue applying hedge accounting for hedging relationships affected by reference rate reform if certain criteria are met, and can make a one-time election to sell and/or reclassify held-to-maturity debt securities that reference an interest rate affected by reference rate reform. The amendments in this ASU are effective for all entities upon issuance through December 31, 2022. It is too early to predict whether a new rate index replacement and the adoption of the ASU will have a material impact on the Company’s financial statements. In January 2021, the FASB issued ASU 2021-01, Reference Rate Reform (Topic 848), which provides optional temporary guidance for entities transitioning away from the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) and other interbank offered rates (IBORs) to new references rates so that derivatives affected by the discounting transition are explicitly eligible for certain optional expedients and exceptions within Topic 848. ASU 2021-01 clarifies that the derivatives affected by the discounting transition are explicitly eligible for certain optional expedients and exceptions in Topic 848. ASU 2021-01 is effective immediately for all entities. Entities may elect to apply the amendments on a full retrospective basis as of any date from the beginning of an interim period that includes or is subsequent to March 12, 2020, or on a prospective basis to new modifications from any date within an interim period that includes or is subsequent to the date of the issuance of a final update, up to the date that financial statements are available to be issued. The amendments in this update do not apply to contract modifications made, as well as new hedging relationships entered into, after December 31, 2022, and to existing hedging relationships evaluated for effectiveness for periods after December 31, 2022, except for certain hedging relationships existing as of December 31, 2022, that apply certain optional expedients in which the accounting effects are recorded through the end of the hedging relationship. The Company is currently evaluating the impact the adoption of the standard will have on the Company’s financial position or results of operations.