Pro Forma Post Acquisition Form 8K

The accompanying unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements present the pro forma combined financial position and results of operations of the combined company based upon the historical statements of Norwood and ("Delaware"), after giving effect to the merger and adjustments described in the accompanying footnotes. The acquisition by Norwood of Delaware has been accounted for under the acquisition method of accounting under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ("GAAP"). Under this method, Delaware's assets and liabilities as of the date of the acquisition have been recorded at their respective fair values and added to those of Norwood. Any differences between the purchase price for Delaware and the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired have been recorded as goodwill. The goodwill resulting from the acquisition will not be amortized to expense, but instead will be reviewed for impairment at least annually and to the extent goodwill is impaired, its carrying value will be written down to its implied fair value and a charge will be made to earnings. Core deposit and other intangibles with definite useful lives recorded by Norwood in connection with the acquisition will be amortized to expense over their estimated useful lives. The financial statements of Norwood issued after the acquisition will reflect the results attributable to the acquired operations of Delaware beginning on the date of completion of the acquisition. The merger has been effected by the issuance of shares of Norwood common stock and cash to Delaware shareholders.
The unaudited pro forma combined financial information provides each share of Delaware common stock was exchanged for either 0.6221 shares of Norwood common stock (and cash in lieu of fractional shares) or $16.68 in cash.   All shareholder elections were subject to allocation and proration procedures set forth in the merger agreement. The shares of Norwood common stock issued illustrated in this pro forma were assumed to be recorded at $28.15 per share, the closing sale price of Norwood common stock on July 29, 2016.  Former Delaware shareholders own approximately 10.5% of the voting stock of the combined company after the merger.
The following unaudited pro forma combined consolidated balance sheet as of March 31, 2016 and unaudited pro forma combined consolidated statements of operations for the three months ended March 31, 2016 and the year ended December 31, 2015 combine the historical financial statements of Norwood and Delaware. The unaudited pro forma financial statements give effect to the merger as if it occurred on March 31, 2016 with respect to the balance sheet, and on January 1, 2016 and January 1, 2015 with respect to the statements of operations for the three months ended March 31, 2016 and the year ended December 31, 2015, respectively. The unaudited pro forma financial statements were prepared with Norwood treated as the acquirer and Delaware as the acquiree under the acquisition method of accounting. Accordingly, the consideration paid by Norwood to complete the merger will be allocated to Delaware's assets and liabilities based upon their fair values as of the date of completion of the merger. The recorded fair value adjustments made to the acquired assets and liabilities of Delaware are considered preliminary at this time and are subject to change as Norwood finalizes its fair value determinations. There can be no assurance that the final determination will not result in material changes from the amounts presented in these pro forma financial statements. The pro forma calculations, shown below, include a closing share price of $28.15, which represents the closing price of Norwood's common stock on July 29, 2016.
Certain reclassification adjustments to pro forma financial statements were made to the pro forma financial statements to conform to Norwood's financial statement presentation.

Norwood anticipates that the merger with Delaware will provide the combined company with financial benefits that include increased operating efficiencies. The pro forma information, while helpful in illustrating the financial characteristics of the combined company under one set of assumptions, does not reflect the benefits of expected increased operating efficiencies or opportunities to earn additional revenue and, accordingly, does not attempt to predict or
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suggest future results.  It also does not necessarily reflect what the historical results of the combined company would have been had our companies been combined during these periods.
The unaudited pro forma combined consolidated financial information has been derived from and should be read in conjunction with the historical consolidated financial statements and the related notes of Norwood and Delaware which are incorporated in this document by reference.
The unaudited pro forma stockholders' equity and net income are qualified by the statements set forth under this caption and should not be considered indicative of the market value of Norwood common stock or the actual or future results of operations of Norwood for any period. Actual results may be materially different than the pro forma information presented.

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Consolidated Company Level            
Unaudited Combined Pro Forma Balance Sheets as of March 31, 2016            
($ In Thousands, Except Per Share Data)            
Pro Forma
Pro Forma
Financial Corp.
Bancshares, Inc.
Cash and due from banks
Interest bearing deposits with banks
     Cash and cash equivalents
Securities held-to-maturity
Securities available-for-sale
     Total Securities
Loans receivable
         Less:  Allowance for Loan Losses
    Net loans receivable
Regulatory stock, at cost
Premises and equipment, net
Bank owned life insurance
Accrued interest receivable
Foreclosed real estate owned
Other intangibles
Deferred tax asset
Other assets
     Non-interest bearing demand
        Total Deposits
Short term borrowings
Other borrowings
Junior subordinated debentures
Accrued interest payable
Other liabilities
     Common Stock    373        1,396      (1,303)  (1)(2)    416
     Retained earnings
    Accumulated other comprehensive income
    Treasury stock at cost
Per Share Data
Shares Outstanding
Book Value Per Share
Tangible Book Value Per Share
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Consolidated Level             
Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Statement of Operations for the Twelve Months Ended December 31 2015        
($ In Thousands, Except Per Share Data)             
Pro Forma
Pro Forma
Financial Corp.
Bancshares, Inc.
Loans receivable, including fees
        Total Interest Income
Short-term borrowings
Other borrowings
Junior subordinated debentures
        Total Interest Expense
Net interest income
Net interest income after provision for loan losses
Service charges and fees
Income from fiduciary activities
Net realized gains on sales of securities
Gain on sales of loans and servicing rights, net
Earnings and proceeds on bank owned life insurance policies
        Total Other Income
Salaries and employee benefits
Occupancy, furniture and equipment, net
Data processing
Taxes other than income
Professional fees
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation insurance
Foreclosed real estate
Amortization of intangibles
        Total Other Expenses
Income Before Income Taxes
Net income
Basic EPS weighted average shares outstanding
Diluted EPS weighted average shares outstanding
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Consolidated Level                  
Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Statement of Operations for the Three Months Ended March 31, 2016
($ In Thousands, Except Per Share Data)      
  Pro Forma    
Pro Forma
        Financial Corp.   Bancshares, Inc.    Adjustments    Combined
Loans receivable, including fees
        Total Interest Income
Short-term borrowings
Other borrowings
Junior subordinated debentures
        Total Interest Expense
Net interest income
Net interest income after provision for loan losses
Service charges and fees
Income from fiduciary activities
Net realized gains on sales of securities
Gain on sales of loans and servicing rights, net
Earnings and proceeds on bank owned life insurance policies
        Total Other Income
Salaries and employee benefits
Occupancy, furniture and equipment, net
Data processing
Taxes other than income
Professional fees
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation insurance
Foreclosed real estate
Amortization of intangibles
        Total Other Expenses
Income Before Income Taxes
Net income
Basic EPS weighted average shares outstanding
Diluted EPS weighted average shares outstanding


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The acquisition was effected by the issuance of shares of Norwood common stock and cash to Delaware's shareholders. Pursuant to the terms of the merger agreement, shareholders of Delaware received for each share of Delaware stock they own, either 0.6221 shares of Norwood common stock or $16.68 in cash.  All shareholder elections were subject to allocation and proration procedures set forth in the merger agreement that were intended to ensure that, in the aggregate, 75% of the outstanding shares of the Delaware common stock will be converted into Norwood common stock and 25% will be converted into cash. In the merger 694,114 of the 925,499 shares of Delaware common stock would be exchanged for Norwood common stock, with the balance of the outstanding Delaware shares being exchanged for cash. The 431,605 shares of Norwood common stock issued illustrated in this pro forma were recorded at $28.15 per share, the closing sale price of Norwood common stock on July 29, 2016.

The unaudited pro forma financial information has been prepared to include the estimated adjustments necessary to record the assets and liabilities of Delaware at their fair values and represents management's best estimate based upon the information available at this time. The recorded fair value adjustments made to the acquired assets and liabilities of Delaware are considered preliminary at this time and are subject to change as Norwood finalizes its fair value determinations. The unaudited pro forma combined financial statements for the acquisition are included only as of and for the three months ended March 31, 2016 and for the year ended December 31, 2015. The unaudited pro forma combined financial information presented herein does not necessarily provide an indication of the combined results of operations or the combined financial position that would have resulted had the consolidation actually been completed as of the assumed consummation date, nor is it indicative of the results of operations in future periods or the future financial position of the combined company.

The total estimated purchase price for the purpose of this pro forma financial information is $16.0 million.  The following table provides the calculation and allocation of the purchase price used in the pro forma financial statements and a reconcilement of pro forma shares to be outstanding:
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Summary of Purchase Price Calculation and Goodwill Resulting from Merger
($ in thousands except per share data)
March 31,
Purchase Price Consideration in Norwood Common Stock
Delaware Bancshares, Inc. common shares outstanding
Delaware Bancshares, Inc.  common shares settled for stock
Exchange Ratio
Norwood shares to be issued
Value assigned to Norwood common share
Purchase price assigned to Delaware Bancshares common shares exchanged for Norwood stock
Purchase Price Consideration - Cash for Delaware Common Stock
Delaware Bancshares shares exchanged for cash
Purchase price paid to each  Delaware Bancshares common share exchanged for cash
Purchase price assigned to Delaware Bancshares common shares exchanged for cash
Purchase Price Consideration - Cash in lieu of Fractional Shares
Total Purchase Price
Net Assets Acquired:
Delaware Bancshares shareholders' equity
Delaware Bancshares goodwill and intangibles
Delaware Bancshares tangible equity
Estimated adjustments to reflect assets acquired at fair value:
Allowance for loan losses
Premises & equipment, net
Core deposit intangible
Miscellaneous Assets
Deferred tax assets
Estimated adjustments to reflect liabilities acquired at fair value:
Time deposits
Miscellaneous Liabilities
Delaware transaction merger liabilities accrued
Goodwill resulting from merger
Reconcilement of Pro Forma Shares Oustanding
Delaware Bancshares shares outstanding
Exchange ratio
Norwood shares to be issued to Delaware
Norwood shares outstanding
Pro Forma Norwood shares outstanding
Percentage ownership for Norwood
Percentage ownership for Delaware
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Adjustment to reflect the issuance of 431,605 shares of Norwood common stock with a $0.10 par value in connection with the acquisition and the adjustments to shareholders' equity for the reclassification of Delaware historical equity accounts (common stock, accumulated other comprehensive loss, cost of treasury stock, and undivided profits) into surplus and adjustment for goodwill created in the transaction.

Adjustment to reverse the existing Delaware core deposit intangible asset (and historical amortization expense) and create a new Delaware core deposit intangible to reflect the fair value of $449 thousand and the new related amortization and the related amortization adjustment based upon an expected life of 10 years. The amortization of the new core deposit intangible is expected to increase pro forma pre-tax amortization expense by $82 thousand in year one.

Securities held-to-maturity fair value approximated book value at March 31, 2016 and no balance sheet or income statement adjustment was needed. Securities available-for-sale were recorded at fair value at March 31, 2016, therefore no balance sheet adjustment is necessary. Income statement adjustment includes prospective reclassification of existing available-for-sale securities fair value adjustment to an accreting discount which will be accreted into income based on the expected life.  This investment adjustment is expected to decrease pro forma pre-tax interest income by $319 thousand in the first year following consummation.  

The securities available-for-sale balance sheet adjustment also includes a $3.9 million pro forma reduction of investments to be liquidated by Norwood to fund the cash portion of the Delaware common stock purchased, and an $11.7 million pro forma reduction of securities available-for-sale by Norwood for the cash needed to pay off other borrowings of Delaware (see note 8). The income statement adjustments includes the loss of interest income of $233 thousand in year one related to the cash used to purchase Delaware common stock and pay off Delaware other borrowings; assuming a 1.5% investment rate.

The balance sheet adjustment includes a positive adjustment of $1.5 million to reflect a fair value loan premium for Delaware of loans based on current interest rates of similar loans. This adjustment will be substantially recognized over approximately the expected life of the loans and is expected to decrease pro forma pre-tax interest income in year one by $438 thousand. The balance sheet also includes negative adjustments of $1.6 million fair value general credit risk loan discount and a $0.5 million fair value specific credit discount.   The general credit adjustment will be substantially recognized over approximately the expected life of the loans and is expected to increase pro forma pre-tax interest income in year one by $442 thousand. The accretable portion of the specific credit adjustment is expected to increase pro forma year one pre-tax interest income by $74 thousand.  The balance sheet adjustment also includes the reversal of existing loan premiums of $324 thousand related to loans purchased which have no fair value to Norwood.

The balance sheet adjustment for the reversal of the Delaware allowance for loan losses as of March 31, 2016 in accordance with acquisition method of accounting for the acquisition.

The balance sheet adjustment of $252 thousand to reflect the fair values of certain interest-bearing time deposit liabilities based on current interest rates for similar instruments. The adjustment will be recognized using an amortization method based upon the maturities of the deposit liabilities. This adjustment is expected to decrease pro forma pre-tax interest expense by $145 thousand in year one.

No fair value adjustments were deemed necessary for short term borrowings or junior subordinated debentures. Balance sheet adjustment of $11.7 million reflects liquidation of investments by Norwood to pay off $11.7 million of other borrowings. The other borrowings of Delaware are collateralized by 100% of NBDC Bank's common stock and to effectuate this merger the other borrowings were paid off at closing by Norwood. The income statement reflects lost investment interest income of $175 thousand in year one, assuming a 1.5% yield on investments liquidated to pay down the other borrowing and lower other borrowing interest expense by $665 thousand in year one. The adjustment for other noninterest expense represents the elimination of deferred other borrowing costs of $63,000 annually related to the $11.7 million pay off mentioned in this footnote.

Adjustment to reflect the net deferred tax at a rate of 35% related to fair value adjustments on the balance sheet and an effective tax rate of 35% for book tax expense. The balance sheet includes a reversal of $1.3 million related to reversal of deferred tax assets in which Norwood would not be able to utilize.
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     Balance sheet adjustment of $3.1 million to reflect an increase in fair value for premises and equipment. The amortization of the fair value adjustment is presented over a 40 year period. The adjustment is expected to increase pro forma occupancy and equipment expense by $89 thousand in the first year. Other liabilities includes a fair value premium adjustment related to a leased property of $359 thousand, which will be amortized over the remaining life of the lease with an annual increase in occupancy expense of $19 thousand.
Balance sheet adjustment to reflect the accrual of one-time estimated merger charges for Norwood and Delaware: a) Norwood's pre-tax charge of $1.9 million ($1.5 million after-tax) included as a pro forma liability with the after-tax costs as a reduction of retained earnings; and b) Delaware's pre-tax charge of $3.7 million ($2.6 million after-tax) included as a pro forma fair value liability accrual. There were no significant merger expenses included in the historical financial statements of either Norwood or Delaware.

Balance sheet adjustment to reverse prepaid expenses that have no fair value to Norwood.
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