Washington, D.C. 20549
Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the month of April, 2019
Commission File Number:  000-24027
NXT Energy Solutions Inc.
(Translation of registrant's name into English)
Suite 302, 3320-17th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta  T3E 0B4
(Address of principal executive offices)
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Exhibit List:
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Date: April 2, 2019

By:  /s/ Eugene Woychyshyn
Name: Eugene Woychyshyn
Title: Interim Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Controller

  Exhibit 99.1
Consolidated Financial Statements
For the year ended
December 31, 2018
Consolidated Balance Sheets
 (Expressed in Canadian dollars)
December 31,
December 31,
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Short-term investments (Note 3)
Accounts receivable
Prepaid expenses
Long term assets
Deposits (Note 4)
Property and equipment (Note 5)
Intellectual property (Note 6)
Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
Current liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (Note 7)
Income taxes payable
Current portion of capital lease obligation (Note 8)
Long-term liabilities
Capital lease obligation (Note 8)
Other liabilities (Note 16)
Asset retirement obligation (Note 9)
Deferred charges (Note 16)
Commitments and contingencies (Note 16)
Going concern (Note 1)
Shareholders' equity
Common shares (Note 10): - authorized unlimited
     Issued: 68,573,558 (2017 – 58,161,133) common shares
Contributed capital
Accumulated other comprehensive income
Signed "George Liszicasz"
Signed "Bruce G. Wilcox"
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss) and Comprehensive Income (Loss)
(Expressed in Canadian dollars)
For the year ended December 31
   Survey revenue (Note 17)
   Survey costs, net (Note 18)
   General and administrative expenses
   Stock based compensation expense (Note 12)
   Amortization expense (Notes 5 & 6)
Other expenses (income)
   Interest expense (income), net
   Foreign exchange (gain) loss
   Intellectual property and other expenses
   Gain on extinguishment of liability (Note 20)
Loss before income taxes
Income tax expense
Net Loss and comprehensive Loss
Net Loss per share (Note 11)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
(Expressed in Canadian dollars)
For the year ended December 31
Operating activities
Comprehensive income (loss) for the period
Items not affecting cash:
  Stock based compensation expense (Note 12)
  Amortization expense (Notes 5 & 6)
  Settlement of payable with shares
  Non-cash changes to asset retirement obligation
  Asset Retirement obligation paid
  Valuation allowance of Bolivian Tax Credits
  Foreign Exchange
  Amortization of deferred gain on sale of aircraft (Note 16)
  Deferred rent (Note 16)
  Gain on settlement of liabilities (Note 20)
  Change in non-cash working capital balances (Note 15)
Net cash used in operating activities
Financing activities
Proceeds from exercise of stock options (Note 10)
Net Proceeds from Rights Offering (Note 10)
Cost of equity-based transaction with non-employee
Net Proceeds from Private Placement (Note 10)
Repayment of capital lease obligation (Note 8)
Net cash from financing activities
Investing activities
Proceeds from sale / purchase of property & equipment, net
(Increase) in deposits (Note 4)
Decrease (increase) in restricted cash
Increase in short-term investments
Change in non-cash working capital balances (Note 15)
Net cash from (used in) investing activities
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period
Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period
Supplemental information
   Cash interest (received)
   Cash taxes paid
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity
(Expressed in Canadian dollars)
For the Year ended December 31
Common Shares
Balance at beginning of the period (Note 10)
Rights Offering ( Note 10)
Issuance of Common Stock on Private Placement (Note 10)
Issued upon exercise of stock options (Note 10)
Transfer from contributed capital upon exercise of stock options (Note 10)
Equity-based transaction with non-employee
Finder’s fee (Note 10)
Balance at end of the period
Contributed Capital
Balance at beginning of the period
Issuance of warrants on Private Placement (Note 10 and 21)
Recognition of stock based compensation expense
Contributed capital transferred to common shares
          upon exercise of stock options
Balance at end of the period
Balance at beginning of the period
Net loss and comprehensive loss for the period
Balance at end of the period
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income
Balance at beginning and end of the period
Total Shareholders' Equity at end of the period
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
As at and for the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017
(Expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated)
1. The Company and Going Concern
NXT Energy Solutions Inc. (the "Company" or "NXT") is a publicly traded company based in Calgary, Alberta Canada.
NXT's proprietary Stress Field Detection ("SFD®") technology is an airborne survey system that is used in the oil and natural gas exploration industry to identify subsurface trapped fluid accumulations. These condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis.  The going concern basis of presentation assumes that NXT will continue in operation for the foreseeable future and will be able to realize its assets and discharge its liabilities and commitments in the normal course of business. 
The events described in the following paragraphs highlight that there is substantial doubt about NXT’s ability to continue as a going concern within one year after the date that these financial statements have been issued.
As a result of the extended duration between revenue bearing contracts, NXT’s balance of Current Assets less Current Liabilities has been declining since the closing of the first tranche of the Private Placement on February 2018.  As a result, the Company’s current and forecasted cash position is not expected to be sufficient to meet its obligations for the 12 month period beyond the date that these financial statements have been issued. 
While near term survey prospects are expected to translate into revenue bearing contacts and provide positive contribution to the liquidity position, there are no certainties that these prospects will convert into executed contracts prior to the full depletion of the Company’s cash resources.  In February 2019, the Company signed a Co-operation agreement for which it will receive a non-refundable deposit of $200,000 United States Dollars in April 2019 and in March 2019 signed a contract for the approximate revenue value of $8,900,000 United States Dollars. Advanced payments totaling $300,000 United States dollars have been received in the first quarter of 2019 on the contract and an additional $1,000,000 United States Dollars is contracted to be received in April 2019 upon performing of a 100-line KM pilot survey. The Company is also taken future steps to reduce costs which include evaluating alternatives to reduce aircraft and office costs. In addition, the Advisory Board has been suspended indefinitely and staffing costs are being reduced with new Human Resource policies. If required, further financing options that may be available to the Company include issuance of new equity, debentures or bank credit facilities.  The need for any of these options will be dependent on the timing of securing new contracts and obtaining financing terms that are acceptable to both the Company and the financier.
NXT continues to develop its pipeline of opportunities to secure new revenue contracts. However, the Company’s longer-term success remains dependent upon its ability convert these opportunities into successful contracts and to continue to attract new client projects and expand the revenue base to a level sufficient to exceed fixed operating costs and generate positive cash flow from operations.  The occurrence and timing of these events cannot be predicted with certainty. 
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
As at and for the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017
(Expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated)
The consolidated financial statements do not reflect adjustments that would be necessary if the going concern basis was not appropriate.  If the going concern basis was not appropriate for these consolidated financial statements, then significant adjustments would be necessary in the classification and carrying value of assets and liabilities and the reported revenues and expenses.
2. Significant Accounting Policies
Basis of Presentation
These consolidated financial statements for the period ended December 31, 2018 have been prepared by management in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles of the United States of America ("US GAAP").
These consolidated financial statements reflect the accounts of the Company and its wholly owned subsidiaries (all of which are inactive). All significant inter-company balances and transactions among NXT and its subsidiaries have been eliminated and are therefore not reflected in these consolidated financial statements.
Estimates and Judgements
Estimates made relate primarily to the use of the going concern assumption, estimated useful lives, valuation of intellectual property, property and equipment, the measurement of stock-based compensation expense, valuation of deferred income tax assets and estimates for asset retirement obligations. The estimates and assumptions used are based upon management's best estimate. Estimates and assumptions are reviewed periodically and the effects of revisions are reflected in the period when determined. Actual results may differ from those estimates.
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash on hand and short term GICs with an original maturity less than 90 days from the date of acquisition.
Short Term Investments
Short term investments consist of short term GICs, with original maturity dates greater than 90 days and up to one year.
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
As at and for the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017
(Expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated)
Revenue recognition
In May 2014, the US Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued new guidance on accounting for “Revenue from Contracts with Customers”, which supersedes the current revenue recognition requirements and most industry-specific guidance. This new guidance requires that an entity recognize revenue to depict the transfer of promised goods or services to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the Company expects to be entitled in exchange for those goods or services.
The Company applied the new standard effective January 1, 2018 using the modified retrospective approach. As the Company has generated no revenue 2018 or 2017 the new standard had no significant impact. As the Company enters into new contracts with customers, it will evaluate the recognition of revenue under the new standard.
Revenue from the services is measured based on the consideration specified in contracts with customers, net of sales taxes. NXT recognizes revenue when it satisfies a performance obligation by transferring promised services to a customer. This is generally over time based on a daily basis.
Fair Value of Derivative Instruments
Derivative Instruments
Derivative instruments are recognized on the balance sheet at fair value with any changes in fair value between periods recognized in the determination of net income (loss) for the period. NXT does not apply hedge accounting to any of its derivatives. As at December 31, 2018 and 2017, NXT had no outstanding derivative instruments.
Fair Value Measures
For any balance sheet items recorded at fair value on a recurring basis or non-recurring basis, the Company is required to classify the fair value measure into one of three categories based on the fair value hierarchy noted below.
In Level I, the fair value of assets and liabilities is determined by reference to quoted prices in active markets for identical assets and liabilities that the Company has the ability to assess at the measurement date.
In Level II, determination of the fair value of assets and liabilities is based on the extrapolation of inputs, other than quoted prices included within Level I, for which all significant inputs are observable directly or indirectly. Such inputs include published exchange rates, interest rates, yield curves and stock quotes from external data service providers. Transfers between Level I and Level II would occur when there is a change in market circumstances.
In Level III, the fair value of assets and liabilities measured on a recurring basis is determined using a market approach based on inputs that are unobservable and significant to the overall fair value measurement. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value can fluctuate between Level II and Level III depending on the proportion of the value of the contract that extends beyond the time frame for which inputs are considered to be observable. As contracts near maturity and observable market data becomes available, the contracts are transferred out of Level III and into Level II.
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
As at and for the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017
(Expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated)
Deposits consist of security payments made to lessors for the Company’s office and aircraft lease. They are classified as long term if the lease end date is greater than one year.
Property and Equipment
Property and equipment is recorded at cost, less accumulated amortization, which is recorded over the estimated service lives of the assets using the following annual rates and methods:
Computer hardware (including survey equipment)
30% declining balance
10% declining balance
Furniture and other equipment
20% declining balance
Leasehold improvements
10% declining balance
Impairment of Long-Lived Assets
The Company reviews long-lived assets, which includes property, equipment and intellectual property for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate the carrying value may not be recoverable. When indictors of impairment exist, the Company first compares the total of the estimated undiscounted future cash flows or the estimated sale price to the carrying value of an asset. If the carrying value exceeds these amounts, an impairment loss is recognized for the excess of the carrying value over the estimated fair value of the asset.
Intellectual Property
Intellectual property acquired is recorded at cost, less accumulated amortization, which is recorded over the estimated minimum useful life of the assets. Intellectual property is also subject to ongoing tests of potential impairment of the recorded net book value.
Research and Development Expenditure
Research and development ("R&D") expenditures incurred to develop, improve and test the SFD® survey system and related components are expensed as incurred. Any intellectual property that is acquired for the purpose of enhancing research and development projects, if there is no alternative use for the intellectual property, is expensed in the period acquired. No significant external R&D was incurred in the years ended 2016, 2017 and 2018.
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
As at and for the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017
(Expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated)
Foreign Currency Translation
The Company's functional currency is the Canadian dollar. Revenues and expenses denominated in foreign currencies are translated into Canadian dollars at the average exchange rate for the applicable period. Shareholders' equity accounts are translated into Canadian dollars using the exchange rates in effect at the time of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities are translated into Canadian dollars at the exchange rate in effect at the end of the applicable period. Non-monetary assets and liabilities are recorded at the relevant exchange rates for the period in which the balances arose. Any related foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from these translations are included in the determination of net income (loss) for the period.
Income Taxes
NXT follows the asset and liability method of accounting for income taxes. This method recognizes deferred income tax assets and liabilities based on temporary differences in reported amounts for financial statement and income tax purposes, at the income tax rates expected to apply in the future periods when the temporary differences are expected to be reversed or realized. The effect of a change in income tax rates on deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities is recognized in income in the period when the tax rate change is enacted. Valuation allowances are provided when necessary to reduce deferred tax assets to the amount that is more likely than not to be realized.
Stock Based Compensation Expense
NXT follows the fair value method of accounting for stock options that are granted to acquire common shares under NXT's stock option plan. Under this method, an estimate of the fair value of the cost of stock options that are granted to employees, directors and consultants is calculated using the Black-Scholes option pricing model and charged to income over the future vesting period of the stock options, with a corresponding increase recorded in contributed capital. Upon exercise of the stock options, the consideration received by NXT, and the related amount which was previously recorded in contributed capital, is recognized as an increase in the recorded value of the common shares of the Company.
Stock based compensation expense related to stock options granted to non-employees is periodically re-measured until the earlier of the completion of their service period or when the vesting period is completed. Changes to the re-measured compensation are recognized in the period of change and amortized over the remaining life of the vesting period in the same manner as the original stock option.
Loss Per Share
Basic loss per share amounts are calculated by dividing net loss by the weighted average number of common shares that are outstanding for the fiscal period. Shares issued during the period are weighted for the portion of the period that the shares were outstanding. Diluted income per share, in periods when NXT has net income, is computed using the treasury stock method, whereby the weighted average number of shares outstanding is increased to include any additional shares that would be issued from the assumed exercise of stock options and common share purchase warrants. The incremental number of shares added under the treasury stock method assumes that outstanding stock options and warrants that are exercisable at exercise prices below the Company's average market price (i.e. they were “in-the-money”) for the applicable fiscal period are exercised and then that number of incremental shares is reduced by the number of shares that could have been repurchased by the Company from the issuance proceeds, using the average market price of the Company’s shares for the applicable fiscal period.
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
As at and for the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017
(Expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated)
No addition to the basic number of shares is made when calculating the diluted number of shares if the diluted per share amounts become anti-dilutive (such as occurs in the case where there is a net loss for the period).
Future Accounting Policy Changes
In February 2016, the FASB issued new guidance on leases. The new guidance requires lessees to recognize leases on the balance sheet and disclose key information about leasing arrangements.  The new standard establishes a right-of-use (“ROU”) model that requires a lessee to recognize a ROU asset and corresponding lease liability on the balance sheet for all leases longer than 12 months. Leases will be classified as finance or operating, with classification affecting the pattern and classification of expense recognition in the income statement.
The Company will adopt the new standard on its effective date of January 1, 2019. NXT will apply modified retrospective transition approach which it will apply to the new standard to all leases existing at the date of initial application being January 1, 2019. Consequently, financial information for prior periods will not be restated and the disclosures required under the new standard will not be provided for dates and periods before January 1, 2019.
The Company will elect the package of practical expedients which permits entities not to reassess prior conclusions about lease identification, lease classification, and initial direct costs under the rules of the new standard.
The Company believes that the most significant effects of adoption will relate to the recognition of the new ROU assets and lease liabilities on the Company’s balance sheet for its operating leases and providing significant new disclosures about the Company’s leasing activities. On adoption, the Company will recognize ROU assets and related lease liability of approximately $3 million based on the present value of the remaining minimum lease payments for existing operating leases.
3. Short-term investments
Short-term investments consist of Guaranteed Investment Certificates with maturity dates of one year from the date of purchase. For December 31, 2018 interest rates range from 2.10% to 2.15%. For December 31, 2017 the interest rate was 0.70%.
One year cashable GIC’s
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
As at and for the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017
(Expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated)
4. Deposits
Security deposits have been made to the lessors of the office building and the aircraft.
5. Property and equipment
Net book
Year ended December 31, 2018
Survey equipment
Computers and software
Furniture and other equipment
Leasehold improvements
Net book
For the period ended December 31, 2017
Survey equipment
Computers and software
Furniture and other equipment
Leasehold improvements
6. Intellectual property
During 2015, NXT acquired the permanent rights to the SFD® technology for use in the exploration of hydrocarbons from Mr. George Liszicasz and recorded the acquisition as an intellectual property asset on the balance sheet. The asset was recorded at the fair value of the consideration transferred, including the related tax affect, of approximately $25.3 million.
The asset is being amortized on a straight line basis over its estimated useful life of 15 years. The annual amortization expense expected to be recognized in each of the next five years is approximately $1.7 million per year for a 5 year aggregate total of $8.5 million.
Intellectual property acquired
Accumulated amortization
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
As at and for the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017
(Expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated)

7. Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Accrued liabilities related to:
Consultants and professional fees
Board of Directors' fees
Deferred gain on sale of aircraft (current)
Payroll (wages payable and vacation pay)
Trade payables and other
8. Capital lease obligation
Capital lease obligation
Less current portion
The capital lease obligation is secured by specific leasehold improvements included in property and equipment, bears interest at a rate of 7.4%, and is repayable as follows:
Year ended December 31:
9. Asset Retirement Obligation
Asset retirement obligations ("ARO") relate to minor non-operated interests in oil and natural gas wells in which NXT has outstanding abandonment and reclamation obligations in accordance with government regulations. The estimated future abandonment liability is approximately $27,000 which is based on estimates of the future timing and costs to abandon, remediate and reclaim the well sites within the next five years. The net present value of the ARO is as noted below, and has been calculated using an inflation rate of 2.0% and discounted using a credit-adjusted risk-free interest rate of 2.5%.
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
As at and for the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017
(Expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated)
ARO balance, beginning of the year
Accretion expense
Costs incurred
Change in ARO estimates
ARO balance, end of the year
10. Common shares
The Company is authorized to issue an unlimited number of common shares, of which the following are issued and outstanding:
As at the Year Ended
December 31, 2018
December 31, 2017
# of shares
$ amount
# of shares
$ amount
As at the beginning of the year
Shares issued during the year:
Issuance of Common Stock
  on the Private Placement (see iii)
Exercise of stock options
Rights Offering, net of issue costs (see i)
Stock options proceeds receivable (see ii)
Shares for Debt (see ii)
Transfer from contributed capital on the
   exercise of stock options (see ii)
Finder’s Fee
As at the end of the year
 As at the Year Ended
December 31, 2016
# of shares
$ amount
As at the beginning of the year
Shares issued during the year:
Exercise of stock options
Stock options proceeds receivable
Transfer from contributed capital on the
exercise of stock options
Return to Treasury of
exercised stock options
As at the end of the year
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
As at and for the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017
(Expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated)
i) On November 3, 2017, NXT closed the Rights Offering that had been announced to existing shareholders on September 26, 2017. The Company issued 4,187,290 common shares a price of $0.50 per common share, for aggregate gross proceeds of $2,093,645. Share issue costs of $63,778 were recorded as a reduction to share capital.
Approximately 53% of the Rights Offering, being 2,237,607 shares were issued in the basic subscription, of which 680,856 shares were issued to insiders of the Company and 1,556,751 shares were issued to others. A total of 1,949,683 shares were applied for under the additional subscription provision, all of which were issued to non-insiders representing 47% of the Rights Offering.
ii) During 2017, the Company settled certain accounts payable to a consultant totaling $78,980 by way of issuing 110,000 common shares at a price per share of $0.718. The cost of issuing these shares of $6,149 were recorded as a reduction to share capital. Also, at December 31, 2016, a reduction of $16,200 in the common share capital balance was made in respect of shares that had been repurchased by the Company and held in trust. These shares were issued to the Consultant in lieu of fees that were incurred in 2017.
iii) In July 2018, the company completed the private placement. In total, the Subscriber purchased 10,264,946 Units at a price of $0.924 per Unit for total gross proceeds of approximately $9,484,810.
As a result of the Private Placement, a total of 10,264,946 common shares and a total of 3,421,648 warrants were issued to the Subscriber. The allocation of gross proceeds was $8,766,039 to the common shares and $718,771 to the share purchase warrants, less share issuance costs of $407,429. The fair value of the warrants was calculated using the Black-Scholes pricing model with the following assumptions: (i) dividend yield of 0%, (ii) estimated volatility of 65%, (iii) risk-free interest rate of 1.68% based on the Canada 1-Year Treasury Bill Yield and (iv) and expected life of 1 year. As of the date of these financial statements the Company has received conditional approval from the TSX to extend the warrants to February 16, 2020, subject to shareholder approval. See Note 21 for further details.
The Subscriber now holds approximately 20.0% of the Company's 68,573,558 outstanding common shares including common shares issuable through the exercise of its warrants.
A finder’s fee of 3% of the total amount of the Private Placement, which was paid one half in shares and one half in cash during the third quarter.
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
As at and for the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017
(Expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated)
11. Loss per share

Comprehensive loss for the period
Weighted average number of shares
 outstanding for the year:
Basic and Diluted
Net Income (loss) per share – Basic & diluted
In periods in which a loss results, all outstanding stock options are excluded from the fully diluted loss per share calculations as their effect is anti-dilutive.
12. Stock options
The following is a summary of stock options which are outstanding as at December 31, 2018:
Average remaining
Exercise price
# of options
#of options
per share
life (in years)
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
As at and for the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017
(Expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated)
A continuity of the number of stock options which are outstanding as at the current period ending December 31, 2018 and as at the prior fiscal year ended December 31, 2017 is as follows:
For the year ended
For the year ended
 December 31, 2018
 December 31, 2017
# of stock
# of stock
exercise price
exercise price
Options outstanding, start of the period
Options outstanding, end of the period
Options exercisable, end of the period
Stock options granted generally expire, if unexercised, five years from the date granted and entitlement to exercise them generally vests at a rate of one-third at the end of each of the first three years following the date of grant.
Stock based compensation expense (“SBCE”) is calculated based on the fair value attributed to grants of stock options using the Black-Scholes valuation model and utilizing the following weighted average assumptions:
Year ended
Expected dividends paid per common share
Expected life in years
Expected volatility in the price of common shares
Risk free interest rate
Weighted average fair market value per share at grant date
Intrinsic (or "in-the-money") value per share of options exercised
The unamortized portion of SBCE related to the non-vested portion of stock options, which will be recognized in 2019 to 2020 is approximately $28,000.
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
As at and for the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017
(Expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated)
13. Financial instruments
1) Non-derivative financial instruments:
The Company's non-derivative financial instruments consist of cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments, accounts receivable, accounts payables and accrued liabilities and capital leases. The carrying value of these financial instruments approximates their fair values due to their short terms to maturity. NXT is not exposed to significant interest or credit risks arising from these financial instruments. NXT is exposed to foreign exchange risk as a result of periodically holding foreign denominated financial instruments. Any unrealized foreign exchange gains and losses arising on such holdings are reflected in earnings at the end of each period.
2) Derivative financial instruments
As at December 31, 2018, 2017 and 2016 the Company held no derivative financial instruments.
14. Income Tax Expense
NXT periodically earns revenues while operating outside of Canada in foreign jurisdictions. Payments made to NXT for services rendered to clients and branch offices in certain countries may be subject to foreign income and withholding taxes. Such taxes incurred are only recoverable in certain limited circumstances, including potential utilization in Canada as a foreign tax credit, or against future taxable earnings from the foreign jurisdictions.
For the year ended December 31, 2018, NXT recorded foreign income and withholding taxes of $0 (2017 - $75,545).
Income tax expense is different from the expected amount that would be computed by applying the statutory Canadian federal and provincial income tax rates to NXT's income (loss) before income taxes as follows:
Net loss before income taxes
Canadian statutory income tax rate
Income tax (recovery) at statutory income tax rate
  (2, 401,610)
Effect of non- deductible expenses and other items:
Stock-based compensation and other expenses
Change in statutory tax rates
Foreign exchange adjustments
Foreign tax credit benefit
Non-taxable portion of capital gain
Change in valuation allowance
Income taxes in foreign jurisdictions
Income tax expense (recovery)
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
As at and for the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017
(Expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated)
On December 22, 2017, The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (the “Act”) was enacted in the United States. This has resulted in a decrease in the US Federal tax rate from 35% to 21%.
A valuation allowance has been provided for the potential financial statement value of the Company’s deferred income tax assets, due to uncertainty regarding the amount and timing of their potential future utilization, as follows:
Net operating losses carried forward:
Canada (expiration dates 2027 to 2039)
USA (expiration dates 2020 to 2026)
  2, 575,389 
Timing differences on property & equipment
and financing costs
SRED Expenditures
Foreign Tax Credit
Intellectual property
  (6, 216,552)
Less valuation allowance
15. Change in non-cash working capital
The changes in non-cash working capital balances are comprised of:
For the year ended December 31
Accounts receivable
Work in-progress
Prepaid expenses and deposits
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Income taxes payable
Deferred gain
Deferred revenue
Portion attributable to:
Operating activities
Financing activities
Investing activities

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
As at and for the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017
(Expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated)
16. Commitments and contingencies
Aircraft and Office premises lease
NXT has an operating lease commitment on its Calgary office space for a 10 year term ending in 2025 at an estimated minimum monthly lease payment of $48,243 (including management fees and operating costs).
The leaseback of NXT’s aircraft is an operating lease with a minimum term of 60 months and monthly lease payments of approximately US$39,500. In April 2017, NXT completed a sale and leaseback agreement of its aircraft with a Calgary based international aircraft services organization (the “Lessor”). The terms of the agreement resulted in NXT selling its Cessna Citation aircraft that was purchased in 2015 for US$2,000,000 for the sum of US$2,300,000. NXT has leased the aircraft over an initial term of 60 months and retains all existing operating rights and obligations.
Net proceeds to NXT from the sale were approximately CAD$2,700,000, after payment of all commissions and fees. The net book value of the asset of $2.4 million was derecognized and the resulting gain on disposition of CAD$776,504 was deferred ($621,203 included in long term liabilities and $155,301 included in accounts payable and accrued liabilities). The gain will be recognized as a reduction to the Company’s lease expense over the 60 month term of the lease. The resulting leaseback transaction is an operating lease. NXT has the option to extend the term of the lease by an additional two years. Should NXT want to repurchase the aircraft at the end of the initial lease term, the purchase price is US$1.45 million. The estimated future minimum annual commitments for these leases are as follows as at December 31, 2018:
Fiscal year ending December 31
Office Premises
Thereafter, 2023 through 2025
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
As at and for the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017
(Expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated)
Deferred charges of $79,730 as at December 31, 2018 relates to the valuation of an initial free-rent period received on the office lease in 2015. This balance is being amortized as a reduction of general and administrative expense over the remaining term of the lease commitment.
17. Geographic information
NXT conducts all of its survey operations from its head office in Canada, and occasionally maintains administrative offices in foreign locations if and when needed. NXT has no long term assets outside of Canada.
Revenues in 2016 were derived almost entirely from a single client.
Revenues were derived by geographic area as follows:
South and Central America (Bolivia)
North America
18. Survey Expenses
Survey Expenses include the following:
Aircraft Operations
Charter Hire Revenue Earned
Lease payments
Operating Expenses
  1, 084,432 
Survey Projects
  1, 289,429 
19. Other related party transactions
One of the members of NXT’s Board of Directors is a partner in a law firm which provides legal advice to NXT. Legal fees (including costs related to share issuance) incurred with this firm were as follows:
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities includes a total of $5,999 ($120,479 as at December 31, 2017) payable to this law firm.
In addition, accounts payable and accrued liabilities includes $7,461 ($14,210 as at December 31, 2017) related to re-imbursement of expenses owing to Officers of NXT.
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
As at and for the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017
(Expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated)
20. Gain on Extinguishment of Liability
During the year NXT determined that liabilities it had recorded before 2005 were no longer payable. As a result a gain of $185,661 has been recognized on the extinguishment of the liability. No cash was paid.
21. Subsequent Event
Co-operative Agreement and Warrant Extension
In February 2019, NXT entered into a Co-operative Agreement with one of its largest shareholders, Alberta Green Ventures (“AGV”), to propose up to three SFD® surveys within two years. The Co-operative Agreement is based on a cost plus formula and a gross overriding royalty interest in oil and gas production arising on lands subject to the surveys.
Under the Agreement, NXT and AGV will consider at least two SFD® Surveys in North America and an additional one internationally. The first SFD® Survey is to be completed by August 31, 2019 and the fees payable by AGV are partially secured by a $200,000 United States Dollars non-refundable deposit payable within two months of signing the agreement. AGV has committed to completing an exploration drilling program on each of the lands subject to the SFD® surveys within two years of completion of the surveys.
As part of the consideration for the agreement, NXT has agreed to seek approval for a 12-month extension of the expiry date of certain common share purchase warrants held by AGV. The TSX has granted conditional approval to the extension, subject to disinterested shareholder approval. NXT intends to table a resolution for the approval of disinterested shareholders at the 2019 Annual Shareholder Meeting of the NXT to ratify a twelve (12) month extension of AGV’s 3,421,648 warrants (“Warrants”) to February 16, 2020. If approved, each Warrant entitles the holder to acquire one Common Share at an exercise price of $1.20 for an additional twelve months to February 16, 2020. The date of the Annual Shareholder Meeting is June 24, 2019. Until the extension is approved by shareholders at the meeting, the warrants will not be exercisable by AGV. If the extension is not approved, then the warrants will terminate.
Sales Representative Agreement and Contingent Private Placement
NXT has entered into a three year exclusive sales representative agreement with AGV, in nine jurisdictions in the Middle East and Latin America. Contingent on achieving a $2,000,000 United States Dollars sales quota in the first year of the sales representative agreement term, AGV will be granted an at-market subscription right to purchase treasury shares of NXT in a dollar amount equal to 25% of the contracts introduced by AGV to NXT in the first year of the Agreement, up to a maximum of $5,000,000 United States Dollars, subject to approval from the TSX.
Sales Contract
NXT has signed a contract to provide up to 5,000-line kms of SFD® surveys for a value of approximately $8,900,000 United States Dollars. Data acquisition operations for this contract are expected to commence in early April 2019. The SFD® surveys are expected to be completed within four months. NXT’s recommendations on the SFD® survey data for this project are planned to be delivered before the end of the third quarter of 2019. A restricted deposit of $300,000 United States Dollars was received by NXT in March 2019.
Exhibit 99.2
Management's Discussion and Analysis
For the Year Ended
December 31, 2018
Management's Discussion and Analysis
The following management's discussion and analysis ("MD&A") was prepared by management based on information available as at April 1, 2019 unless otherwise stated, has been approved by the Board of Directors of the Company (the “Board”), and should be reviewed in conjunction with the audited consolidated financial statements and related notes for the year ended December 31, 2018. This MD&A covers the unaudited three months ("Q4-18") and the twelve months year-to-date ended December 31, 2018 ("2018 YTD") periods, with comparative totals for the three months ("Q4-17") and the twelve months year-to-date ended December 31, 2017 ("2017 YTD").
As used in this MD&A, the terms "we", "us", "our", "NXT" and the "Company" mean NXT Energy Solutions Inc.
Our functional and reporting currency is the Canadian dollar. All references to "dollars" or “$” in this MD&A refers to Canadian or CDN dollars ("CDN$") unless specific reference is made to United States or US dollars ("US$").
NXT and Stress Field Detector ("SFD®") in Canada and the United States are the registered trademarks of NXT.
Forward-looking Information
Certain statements in this MD&A constitute forward-looking information under applicable securities laws. These statements typically contain words such as "intends", "plans", "anticipates", "expects", "scheduled", “estimates”, “believes”, “forecasts” or other variations, (including negative variations) of such words and phrases, or state that certain actions, events or results “may”, “could”, “would”, “might” or “will” be taken, occur or be achieved and relate primarily to:
the continued use of proceeds from the Private Placement (as defined below);
the timing and extent of potential future growth opportunities in new international markets including the potential securing of SFD® contracts, new business ventures, and the satisfaction by third-parties of certain necessary conditions related thereto including obtaining financing and government and regulatory approvals;
the ability to successfully complete the SFD® data acquisition on the terms of contracts;
completion SFD® recommendations within the contract parameters;
ensuring collections of all contract revenue in accordance with the terms of the contract;
estimates related to our future financial position and liquidity;
estimated minimum annual commitments for our leased premises and equipment; and
general business strategies and objectives.
This forward-looking information is based on a number of assumptions which may prove to be incorrect. Assumptions have been made with respect to the following matters, in addition to any other assumptions identified in this document:
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MD&A for the year ended December 31, 2018
our ability to source personnel and equipment in a timely manner and at an acceptable cost;
our ability to obtain all permits and approvals required;
general business, economic and market conditions (including global commodity prices);
the ability to obtain insurance to mitigate the risk of default on client billings; and
foreign currency exchange and interest rates.
These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations and are subject to a wide range of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Known risks include:
our ability to generate sufficient ongoing cash flow from operations or to raise adequate capital to allow us to grow the business and continue operations;
conducting operations in international markets;
the emergence of alternative competitive technologies;
protection of our intellectual property and rights to our SFD® technology;
reliance on a limited number of aircraft;
the loss of key personnel;
our dependence on a limited number of clients;
foreign currency and interest rate fluctuations may affect our financial position;
changes in, or in the interpretation of, laws, regulations or policies; and
volatility in oil and natural gas commodity prices may reduce demand for our services.
Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors and risks that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results to differ from those anticipated, estimated or intended.
See the section titled "Risk Factors" for more information relating to risks, and for more information about industry factors affecting NXT’s performance and additional trends, demand, commitments, events or uncertainties that are reasonably likely to have an effect on NXT’s businesses and future performance and the financial statements in this MD&A and NXT's current Annual Information Form. Except as required by law, NXT assumes no obligation to update forward-looking information should circumstances or the Company's estimates or opinions change. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.
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MD&A for the year ended December 31, 2018
Non-GAAP Measures
NXT's accompanying consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America ("US GAAP").  This MD&A includes references to net working capital which does not have a standardized meaning prescribed by US GAAP and may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other entities.  Net working capital is the net result of the difference of current assets less current liabilities. Management of NXT uses this non-GAAP measure to improve its ability to assess liquidity at a point in time. 
Description of the Business
NXT utilizes its proprietary and patented SFD® survey method to provide airborne, gravity-based geophysical surveys to companies involved in oil and gas exploration and production globally.
The discussion in this MD&A focuses on the highlights of NXT's ongoing business development activities, and any significant changes arising prior to the filing of our MD&A for the three and twelve month periods ended December 31, 2018.
The consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis.  The going concern basis of presentation assumes that NXT will continue in operation for the foreseeable future and will be able to realize its assets and discharge its liabilities and commitments in the normal course of business. 
The events described in the following paragraphs highlight that there is substantial doubt about NXT’s ability to continue as a going concern within one year after the date that these financial statements have been issued.
As a result of the extended duration between revenue bearing contracts, NXT’s balance of working capital has been declining since the closing of the first tranche of the Private Placement on February 2018.  As a result, the Company’s current and forecasted cash position is not expected to be sufficient to meet its obligations for the 12-month period beyond the date that these financial statements have been issued. 
While near term survey prospects are expected to translate into revenue bearing contacts and provide positive contribution to the liquidity position, there are no certainties that several of these prospects will convert into executed contracts prior to the full depletion of the Company’s cash resources.  As discussed below, in February 2019, the Company signed a Co-operation agreement for which it will receive a non-refundable deposit of $200,000 United States Dollars in April 2019. In March 2019 NXT signed a SFD® Survey contract for the approximate revenue value of $8,900,000 United States dollars. Advance payments totaling $300,000 United States Dollars for mobilization and demobilization costs have been received in March of 2019 and an additional $1,000,000 United States Dollars is to be received in April 2019 upon successful completion of a 100-line km pilot survey. The Company has also taken further steps to reduce costs which include evaluating alternatives to reduce aircraft costs and office costs. In addition, the Advisory Board has been suspended indefinitely and staffing costs are being reduced with new human resource policies. If required, further financing options that may be available to the Company include issuance of new equity, debentures or bank credit facilities.  The need and availability of any of these options will be dependent on the timing of securing further new contracts and obtaining financing terms that are acceptable to both the Company and the financier.
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MD&A for the year ended December 31, 2018
NXT continues to develop its pipeline of opportunities to secure new revenue contracts. However, the Company’s longer-term success remains dependent upon its ability to convert these opportunities into successful contracts and to continue to attract new client projects and expand the revenue base to a level sufficient to exceed fixed operating costs and generate positive cash flow from operations.  The occurrence and timing of these events cannot be predicted with certainty. 
The consolidated financial statements do not reflect adjustments that would be necessary if the going concern basis was not appropriate.  If the going concern basis was not appropriate for these consolidated financial statements, then significant adjustments would be necessary in the classification and carrying value of assets, liabilities and the reported revenues and expenses.
Financial and Operational Highlights
Key financial and operational highlights for 2018 include:
Following the Company’s participation at the Upstream West Africa Summit in Senegal in Q2, NXT management traveled twice to Africa to meet with representatives of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (“NNPC”) and the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (“GNPC”) to discuss the benefits SFD® would bring to their current exploration programs.
Discussions with NNPC continued in the fourth quarter of 2018 and have resulted in the signing of a contract in March 2019 with PE Energy Limited, a Nigerian oil and gas service company, for the value of approximately $US8.9 million. Details of the contract are provided below.
In February 2019, NXT entered into a Co-operative Agreement with Alberta Green Ventures (“AGV”), for AGV to propose up to three SFD® Surveys within two years. The Co-operative Agreement is based on a cost plus formula and a gross overriding royalty interest in oil and gas production arising on lands subject to the surveys. AGV now holds approximately 20.0% of the Company's 68,573,558 outstanding common shares including common shares issuable through the exercise of its warrants.
NXT has entered into a three year exclusive sales representative agreement with AGV, in nine jurisdictions in the Middle East and Latin America. This includes an at-market subscription right to purchase treasury shares of NXT in a dollar amount equal to 25% of the contracts introduced by AGV to NXT in the first year of the Agreement, subject to approval from the TSX.
NXT received notification of the granting of NXT's SFD® patent in China on April 13, 2018.
In September, 2018, NXT received a United States patent for its new sensor design we term the “Cascade” configuration.
The Cascade sensor is the result of NXT’s continued research & development efforts and builds upon our existing US patent. Management believes the Company’s Cascade sensors will provide enhanced ability for identifying trapped fluid bodies indicative of potential hydrocarbon accumulations along with improved reliability and flexibility during SFD® survey operations.
In October 2018, we signed an MOU with BGP Inc., a subsidiary of China National Petroleum Corporation, to further explore opportunities for NXT and PGP Inc. to work together. NXT’s forward strategy is to secure SFD® contracts with BGP and its affiliates.
The MOU entered into between Generation Resource Discoveries (“GRD”), NXT’s regional representative, and the Government of Aceh, Indonesia on February 22, 2018, GRD has expired.
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MD&A for the year ended December 31, 2018
As mentioned in the third quarter, as a result of recent political changes in the government of Sri Lanka, our contract negotiations have been put on hold. We will assess when discussions can be renewed.
NXT completed a private placement financing on July 3, 2018 of $9,484,810 through the issuance of an aggregate of 10,264,946 units at $0.924 per unit (the "Private Placement"). Each unit consists of one common share and one-third of one common share purchase warrant (each whole warrant, a "Warrant"), and each Warrant entitles the holder to acquire one common share at an exercise price of $1.20 for twelve (12) months from closing of the first tranche of the Private Placement on February 16, 2018. As the result of the Co-operation Agreement between AGV and NXT, the Company has received conditional approval from the Toronto Stock Exchange to extend the Warrants for 12 months until February 16, 2020, subject to disinterested shareholder approval.
No survey revenues were recorded in 2018.
A net loss of $1.39 million was recorded for Q4-18, including amortization expense of $0.45 million and stock-based compensation expense recovery in Q4 of $(0.17) million.
A net loss of $6.97 million was recorded for 2018 YTD, including amortization expense of $1.79 million and stock-based compensation expense of $0.39 million.
Operating activities used $1.16 million of cash during Q4-18 and net cash used for financing activities was $0.01 million.
Losses per common share were $0.02 for Q4-18 and $0.11 for 2018 YTD (basic and diluted).
Operating activities used $6.04 million as at 2018 YTD and net cash from financing activities was $9.18 million.
General and administrative costs for 2018 YTD as compared to 2017 YTD have been reduced by $0.96 million or 19% mostly due to a reduction in headcount, public company costs and partially offset by increased business development activity.
Cash and short-term investments at the end of the Q4-18 were $4.24 million.
Nigerian SFD® Survey
In March 2019, the Company has signed an $8.9 Million USD contract with PE Energy Limited (“PE”), a Nigerian oil and gas service company that has a contract with NNPC (National Nigerian Petroleum Company), to provide 5,000-line km of SFD® Surveys in Nigeria. Data acquisition operations for this contract are expected to commence in early April 2019 and NXT’s interpretations and recommendations are expected to be delivered during the third quarter of 2019.
The Company received a $300,000 USD mobilization fee in March 2019. A $1 Million USD pre-survey payment must be paid to NXT in April 2019 after performing a 100-line km pilot survey. The pilot survey must be completed to the satisfaction of NNPC to evaluate the response of the SFD® in the Nigerian geological environment. Thereafter, payments will be made upon completion of each of three (3) project milestones: (i) data acquisition (April/May 2019), (ii) interpretation and delivery of a report (June/July 2019) and (iii) upon satisfaction of all performance conditions under the contracts (August 2019). The contracts have resulted from more than six months of negotiations and the exchange of substantial technical information on the performance of the SFD®.
The Company conducted significant due diligence to ensure we understand the business environment and including compliance with the Canadian Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act and all relevant related foreign laws. The Company has engaged advisors such as Norton Rose Fulbright and Kreller Group to provide guidance to ensure the integrity of these contracts.
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MD&A for the year ended December 31, 2018
As of April 1, 2019, the Company has begun to mobilize its aircraft and equipment to Nigeria, but has not begun the SFD® Surveys or pilot survey.
Co-operation Agreement and Warrant Extension
In February 2019, NXT entered into a Co-operative Agreement with one of its largest shareholders, AGV, to propose up to three SFD® surveys within two years. The Co-operative Agreement is based on a cost-plus formula and a gross overriding royalty interest in oil and gas production arising on lands subject to the surveys.
Under the Agreement, NXT and AGV will consider at least two SFD® Surveys in North America and an additional one internationally. The first SFD® Survey is to be completed by August 31, 2019 and the fees payable by AGV are partially secured by a $200,000 United States Dollars non-refundable deposit payable within two months of signing the agreement. AGV has committed to completing an exploration drilling program on each of the lands subject to the SFD® surveys within two years of completion of the surveys.
As part of the consideration for the agreement, NXT has agreed to seek approval for a 12-month extension of the expiry date of certain common share purchase warrants held by AGV. The TSX has granted conditional approval to the extension, subject to disinterested shareholder approval. NXT intends to table a resolution for the approval of disinterested shareholders at the 2019 Annual Shareholder Meeting of the NXT to ratify a twelve (12) month extension of AGV’s 3,421,648 warrants (“Warrants”) to February 16, 2020. If approved, each Warrant entitles the holder to acquire one Common Share at an exercise price of $1.20 for an additional twelve months to February 16, 2020. The date of the Annual Shareholder Meeting is to be set for a date in the second quarter of 2019. Until the extension is approved by shareholders at the meeting, the warrants will not be exercisable by AGV. If the extension is not approved, then the warrants will terminate. If the Warrants are exercised they will contribute approximately $4,100,000 in cash flow to NXT.
Sales Representative Agreement and Contingent Private Placement
NXT has entered into a three-year exclusive sales representative agreement with AGV, in nine jurisdictions in the Middle East and Latin America. Contingent on achieving a $2,000,000 US$ sales quota in the first year of the sales representative agreement term, AGV will be granted an at-market subscription right to purchase treasury shares of NXT in a dollar amount equal to 25% of the contracts introduced by AGV to NXT in the first year of the Agreement, up to a maximum of $5,000,000 US$. If this condition is met, NXT will seek approval from the TSX and any required shareholder approvals.
Private Placement
In July 2018, the Company completed the Private Placement. In total, AGV purchased 10,264,946 Units at a price of $0.924 per Unit for total gross proceeds of approximately $9,484,810.
As a result of the Private Placement, a total of 10,264,946 common shares and a total of 3,421,648 warrants were issued to the AGV. The allocation of gross proceeds was $8,766,039 to the common shares and $718,771 to the share purchase warrants, less share issuance costs of $407,429. The fair value of the warrants was calculated using the Black-Scholes pricing model with the following assumptions: (i) dividend yield of 0%, (ii) estimated volatility of 65%, (iii) risk-free interest rate of 1.68% based on the Canada 1-Year Treasury Bill Yield and (iv) and expected life of 1 year. As of the date of this MD&A the Company has received conditional approval from the TSX to extend the warrants to February 16, 2020, subject to disinterested shareholder approval. As previously discussed as part of the Co-operation Agreement, NXT has agreed to seek approval to a 12-month extension of the expiry date of the common share purchase warrants held by AGV.
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MD&A for the year ended December 31, 2018
AGV now holds approximately 20.0% of the Company's 68,573,558 outstanding common shares including common shares issuable through the exercise of its warrants.
A finder’s fee of 3% of the total amount of the Private Placement was paid one half in shares and one half in cash was paid during the third quarter.
In connection with the closing on the final amount of the Private Placement, the Company and AGV entered into an Investor Rights Agreement pursuant to which: (a) AGV has the right to nominate one director for election to the Board (subject to AGV maintaining an equity ownership of at least 10% in the Company); (b) AGV is entitled to participate in future equity or convertible security offerings of the Company in order to maintain its pro rata equity interest in the Company (subject to AGV maintaining an equity ownership of at least 10% in the Company); (c) AGV is entitled to a similar equity offering participation right in connection with certain new entities that may be created by the Company to expand the application of its proprietary technologies; and (d) AGV has agreed to a 18 month standstill from July 3, 2018 and a 12 month restriction on dispositions of 75% of the securities acquired in the Private Placement.
In Q4-18, there was no change in the intended use of proceeds from this Private Placement. Proceeds will continue to be critical in providing NXT with the capital necessary to finance the Nigerian project in the second quarter of 2019 and finalize other SFD® contract negotiations for the deployment of our SFD® technology.
Summary of Quarterly Results
A summary of operating results for each of the trailing eight quarters (including a comparison of certain key categories to each respective prior quarter) follows.
Dec 31
Sept 30
June 30
Mar 31
Survey revenue
Net loss
Loss per share - basic
Loss per share - diluted
Dec 31
June 30
Mar 31
Survey revenue
Net loss
Loss per share - basic
Loss per share - diluted
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MD&A for the year ended December 31, 2018
Significant or Unusual Items Impacting Net Loss:
There have been no revenues in the last eight quarters. The extent of the net loss in each quarter is mainly due to survey costs (related to aircraft lease and aircraft maintenance costs), G&A costs, and non-cash items like stock-based compensation expense ("SBCE"). All of these costs can be a significant expense in any given quarter. In addition, net loss was affected by the following:
In Q4-18, SBCE was lower by $283,811 as unvested options were forfeited. In addition, G&A costs decreased $156,271 for two reasons. Firstly, business development decreased as most of the business development work was centred in Calgary supporting Nigerian SFD® survey negotiations. Secondly, there was a decrease in public company costs as the previous quarter had significant costs related to the Private Placement. Offsetting this was an increase of $44,010 in survey expenses as NXT’s aircraft incurred a scheduled major maintenance in December 2018.
In Q3-18, a gain of $185,661 has been recognized on the extinguishment of a liability that was recorded before 2005 which is no longer payable. Also, interest income of $26,171 was earned on cash received from the Private Placement.
In Q1-18, G&A costs were lower as NXT began to recognize the full extent of cost reductions started in the prior quarter.
In Q4-17, G&A costs were higher due to severance and other costs incurred to implement cost reduction plans.
In Q2-17, all costs related to an SFD® multi-client survey conducted in the Gulf of Mexico were expensed.
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MD&A for the year ended December 31, 2018
Summary of Operating Results
2018 YTD
2017 YTD
Survey revenue
 Survey costs
 General and administrative
 Stock-based compensation
Amortization of property & equipment
Other Expenses (income):
 Interest Expense (income), net

 Foreign exchange (gain) loss
 Other expense (recovery)
Income (loss) before income taxes
Income tax expense :
Net Income (loss) for the period
Net Income (loss) per share - basic
Net Income (loss) per share - diluted
Net loss for Q4-18 compared to Q4-17 decreased by $700,686 (33%) or $0.02 per share. Headcount reductions decreased G&A by $166,025 along with no financing activity in Q4-18 reducing professional fees a further $155,923. SBCE decreased $257,718 as unvested options were forfeited in Q4-18. A foreign exchange gain was recorded in Q4-18 as a result of US$ currency exchange strength compared to the US$ CAD$. NXT has a $300,000 US$ deposit on its aircraft lease which is the source of most of the currency exchange gain. Interest income was significantly higher in Q4-18 as excess cash was invested in short-term investments. Finally, costs for several asset retirement obligations related to minor non-operated interests in oil and natural gas wells in which NXT has outstanding abandonment and reclamation obligations in accordance with government regulations were significantly reduced in the quarter.
Net loss for 2018 YTD compared to 2017 YTD decreased by $2,001,887 (22%) or $0.05 per share. This was the result of headcount reductions and other cost savings reducing G&A by $961,872. Also, the Q2-17 Gulf of Mexico survey which was fully expensed in YTD-2017. YTD-2018 recorded interest income on short-term investments and the extinguishment of the liability recorded in 2005 that was determined to be no longer payable resulted in a gain of $185,661. There were no revenues in any of the periods.
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MD&A for the year ended December 31, 2018
Summary of Survey Expenses
 2018 YTD
 2017 YTD
Aircraft lease costs
Amortization of deferred gain
Aircraft operations
Survey projects
Total Survey Expenses, net
During Q4-18, survey expenses related entirely to the aircraft lease and maintenance costs, net of charter hire revenue as there were no SFD® surveys conducted. Aircraft operation costs were higher than Q4-17 as a Phase 5 major maintenance was performed in the quarter. Aircraft lease costs were higher in Q4-18 due to the weaker CAD$ versus Q4-17. Lease payments are made in US$.
During Q2-17, the Company entered into a sale and leaseback transaction of its aircraft (the "Leaseback Transaction"). Accordingly, subsequent to entering into the Leaseback Transaction in April 2017, there were no lease costs, but amortization expenses were higher as NXT owned the aircraft until April 2017. In addition, an amortized deferred gain on sale that was realized upon completion of the Leaseback Transaction has been recorded since April 2017.
In comparing 2018 YTD with 2017 YTD, costs for aircraft operations are higher because of the Phase 5 major maintenance performed on the aircraft. This was offset by increased charter hours for all of 2018 YTD which offset operating costs. Aircraft lease costs in 2018 YTD are $202,085 higher than 2017 YTD as the lease payments started in May 2017, which resulted in 4 months less of lease costs in 2017. Correspondingly, amortization costs are lower in 2018 YTD. During Q2-17, NXT completed its first ever SFD® multi-client survey in the Gulf of Mexico. There have been no sales for the SFD® data recorded and therefore the direct costs of the survey were expensed during that quarter. Survey costs only represent the direct costs that were incurred during operations of this survey and exclude any indirect costs associated with the use of the technology.
The aircraft is available for charter to third parties through our aircraft manager when it is not being used by NXT. Any charter fees received are used to offset aircraft costs.
General and administrative expense – all salaries and overhead costs related to SFD® data interpretation staff are included in G&A and not included with direct survey expenses. The categories of costs included in G&A are as follows:
G&A Expenses
net change
Salaries, benefits and consulting charges
Board, professional fees, & public company costs
Premises and administrative overhead
Business development
Bolivian overhead
Total G&A Expenses
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MD&A for the year ended December 31, 2018
 G&A Expenses
2018 YTD
2017 YTD
net change
Salaries, benefits and consulting charges
Board, professional fees, & public company costs
Premises and administrative overhead
Business development
Bolivian overhead
Total G&A Expenses
G&A Expenses decreased 30% or $372,106 in Q4-18 compared to Q4-17 as the result of the Company’s cost reduction efforts and refocusing of business development.
The main reason that salaries, benefits and consulting charges were lower in Q4-18 when compared to Q4-17 is due to a reduction in corporate headcount. Also, severance costs directly related to the headcount reduction were incurred in Q4-17.
Board, professional fees & public company costs, were 45% lower in Q4-18 compared to Q4-17 as the Company incurred costs indirectly related to rights offering in Q4-17. (“Rights Offering”)
Premises and administrative overhead were flat in Q4-18 compared to the same period the prior year as most of these costs are fixed and long term in nature.
Business development costs decreased by $51,003. In Q4-17, the Company incurred significant conference costs while in Q4-18 most of the business development activity was centred in the Calgary office as resources concentrated on the Nigerian SFD® survey negotiations.
The Bolivian operations and office were closed in 2017, however the branch set up for tax and reporting purposes to satisfy Bolivian government requirements remains in a dormant status but is being formally closed. This should be completed in the second quarter of 2019. Final cost estimates to close the branch were obtained in Q4-18 and resulted in a credit of $3,565 versus previous quarter estimates. As the operations and office in Bolivia ceased in 2017, there is no effect on the financial results of the Company other than the closing costs.
G&A expenses decreased by 19% or $961,872 in 2018 YTD compared to 2017 YTD.
The main reason for salaries, benefits and consulting charges being lower in 2018 YTD than 2017 YTD is due to a reduction in corporate headcount. In addition, focus was put on reducing vacation liabilities.
Board, professional fees and public company costs, were 14% lower in 2018 YTD compared to 2017 YTD as the Advisory Board was indefinitely suspended and there was one less Director on the Board of Directors. Also, professional fees were higher in 2017 YTD as there were two significant transactions, the Rights Offering and the Sale Leaseback transaction which required significant legal assistance. In 2018 YTD, the significant transaction was the Private Placement.
Premises and administrative overhead was 11% lower in 2018 YTD compared to the prior year, mostly due to lower property taxes and lower maintenance costs early in the year. In addition, there was significant cost reduction efforts in office overhead costs like supplies and subscriptions.
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Business development costs increased $124,681 as the Company increased marketing efforts for the SFD® technology during 2018.
2018 YTD Bolivian overhead costs of $35,347 are related to closing of the branch.
Stock-based compensation – this expense varies in any given quarter or year as it is a function of several factors including the number of stock options issued in the period and the period of amortization (based on the term of the contract and/or number of years for full vesting of the options, which is normally three years) of the resultant expense. Also, SBCE is a function of periodic changes in the inputs used in the Black-Scholes option valuation model, such as volatility in NXT's trailing share price.
SBCE in Q4-18 was lower compared to Q4-17 by $257,718. The expense was lower as significant unvested options were forfeited and almost all remaining options were fully vested earlier in 2018 YTD.
Other (Income)/Expenses
 2018 YTD
 2017 YTD
Interest (income) expense, net
Unrealized foreign exchange (gain) loss
Intellectual property, R&D and ARO
Gain on extinguishment of liability
Other, net
 Total Other Expenses, net
Interest (income) expense, net – includes interest income earned on short-term investments netted by interest expense from capital lease obligations. Net interest income for Q4-18 was $21,626 as compared to net interest expense of $404 for Q4-17. For 2018 YTD net interest income was $62,004 and for 2017 YTD net interest expense was $4,485. Proceeds from the Private Placement were placed in short-term investments when they were received and therefore interest income increased versus the prior periods. Short-term investments were minimal in Q4-17 and 2017 YTD.
Unrealized foreign exchange (gain) loss – this total is caused by changes in the relative exchange values of the US$ and CDN$. For example, when the CDN$ trades higher relative to the US$, cash held in US$ and monetary assets denominated in US$ will decline in value. This decline will be reflected as a foreign exchange loss in the period. NXT normally holds its cash and short-term investments in CDN$ to reduce the effect of market volatility. The security deposit for the aircraft is held in US$, which has a significant effect on the unrealized foreign exchange gain and loss each quarter.
The foreign exchange gain for the quarter was primarily caused by the translation of assets and liabilities in the Canadian Company which were held in US$.
Intellectual property, R&D and ARO – this category includes primarily costs related to intellectual property ("IP") filings and R&D activity related to the SFD® technology and costs for certain non-recurring, "project" activities.
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For 2018 YTD, the Company's Intellectual property and R&D expenses were negative as it incurred less costs from a provider of services than originally estimated. The Company also updated estimates for several asset retirement obligations related to minor non-operated interests in oil and natural gas wells in which NXT has outstanding abandonment and reclamation obligations in accordance with government regulations were significantly reduced in Q4-18.
Gain on Extinguishment of Liability - In 2018 YTD, the Company determined that liabilities it had recorded before 2005 were no longer payable. As a result, a gain of $185,661 was recorded in other income on the extinguishment of the liability. No cash was paid to settle the liability. For 2017 YTD, other expenses consisted primarily of costs incurred to secure a patent for SFD® in the United States and to continue to develop SFD® technology.
Amortization Expenses
2018 YTD
2017 YTD
Property and equipment
Intellectual property
 Total Amortization Expenses
Total amortization expense – NXT finalized its acquisition of specific rights to utilize the proprietary SFD® technology from its inventor, NXT's President & CEO, on August 31, 2015. As a result of this acquisition, NXT obtained the exclusive right to utilize the SFD® intellectual property in global hydrocarbon exploration applications.
The value attributed to the IP assets acquired in 2015 was $25.3 million. The IP assets are being amortized on a straight-line basis over a 15-year period (future amortization expense of $1,685,000 per year) and will also be subject to ongoing tests of potential impairment of the recorded net book value. No impairments were recognized during the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017.
Property and equipment amortization is lower for the year ended December 31, 2018 versus the same period in the prior year due to the Leaseback Transaction as the Company no longer owns the aircraft.
Income Tax Expense
2018 YTD
2017 YTD
Income tax expense
Income tax expense – NXT periodically earns revenues while operating outside of Canada as a non-resident within certain foreign jurisdictions, and services rendered to clients in such countries may be subject to foreign withholding taxes, which are only recoverable in certain limited circumstances. Income tax expense for 2017 is a result of withholding taxes that were incurred on charges related to the Bolivia survey project. There was no income tax expense in Canada or Bolivia during 2018.
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Our SFD® airborne survey service is based upon a proprietary technology, which is capable of remotely identifying, from a survey aircraft, subsurface anomalies associated with potential hydrocarbon traps with a resolution that we believe is technically superior to other airborne survey systems. To our knowledge there is no other company employing technology comparable to our SFD® survey system for oil and natural gas exploration.
Seismic is the standard technology used by the oil & gas industry to image subsurface structures. It is our view that the SFD® survey system is highly complementary to seismic analysis. Our system may reduce the need for seismic in wide-area reconnaissance but will not replace the role of seismic in verifying structure, closure and selecting drilling locations. The seismic industry is very competitive with many international and regional service providers.
The SFD® system can be used as a focusing tool for seismic. With an SFD® survey a large tract (i.e. over 5,000 square kilometers) of land can be evaluated quickly to identify locations with indications of reservoir potential. Seismic surveys, although effective in identifying these locations, are much more expensive, require significantly more time and impose a much greater negative impact on local communities and the environment. An SFD® survey deployed first can provide necessary information to target a seismic program over a limited area of locations selected by SFD®. This approach can result in a more effective seismic program and reduce the overall cost, time, community resistance and environmental impact required to locate and qualify a prospect.
The industry uses other technologies for wide area oil and natural gas reconnaissance exploration, such as aeromagnetic and gravity surveys. These systems can provide regional geological information, such as basement depth, sedimentary thickness and major faulting and structural development; however, these other airborne techniques are not as suitable for identifying areas with reservoir potential as the SFD® system.
Liquidity and Capital Resources
NXT's cash and cash equivalents plus short-term investments at December 31, 2018 was $4,239,532.
In order for NXT to continue to operate on a going concern basis, NXT must generate sufficient cash from successfully signing contracts and receiving advance payments. NXT's longer-term success remains dependent upon our ability to continue to attract new client projects and expand the revenue base to a level sufficient to exceed G&A expenses and generate excess net cash flow from operations. Proceeds from past equity financings have been and the proceeds from the Private Placement are expected to be used to provide NXT with funds to pursue, close and implement commercial transactions currently in negotiation, develop additional revenue streams including multi-client data sales, strategic partnerships, for general corporate and working capital purposes. Please also see Description of Business regarding the Going Concern assumption over the next 12 months.
Risks related to having sufficient ongoing working capital to execute survey project contracts are mitigated through our normal practice of obtaining progress payments from prospective clients throughout the course of the projects, which often span three to four months. In addition, where possible, risk of default on client billings has been mitigated through the use of export insurance programs offered by Export Development Canada.
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During 2018, NXT continued to make progress in strengthening its liquidity and working capital position through a series of corporate actions described below.
Reduction in corporate costs: Following the completion of the Leaseback Transaction, NXT took further steps to reduce corporate costs. The most significant of these steps included a reduction in non-essential staff and new Human Resource policies to reduce staffing costs. Please see the discussion under "Summary of Operating Results – General and administrative expense" for the results of these reductions.
Private Placement: As discussed in the section Private Placement Closing, the Company closed the final portion of the Private Placement on July 3, 2018.
Nigerian SFD® Survey: With the signing of the Nigerian project with PE Energy including the receipt of $0.3 million US$ mobilization/demobilization fee, the expected receipt of the $1,000,000 advance payment after the completion of the pilot survey, and maintaining current staffing and spending levels, NXT estimates it will have sufficient funds to meet its ongoing obligations for a period of approximately 5 months from the date of this MD&A. If as expected NXT receives timely receipt of milestone payments from the Nigerian SFD® survey, NXT estimates it will have sufficient funds to meet its ongoing obligations for an additional 19 months. After this period NXT will require additional funds in order to continue to seek revenue contracts, pay salaries, suppliers and to maintain its aircraft obligations.
NXT has no secured debt and had net working capital of $3,823,832 as at December 31, 2018, as follows:
Net Working Capital Summary
Dec 31,
Dec 31,
net change
as at Q4-18
Current assets (current liabilities)
Cash, cash equivalents and Short-Term Investments
Accounts receivable
Prepaid expenses and deposits
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Income taxes payable
Current portion of capital lease obligation
Net Working Capital
The increase in working capital was due to the cash provided by the Private Placement, net of cash operating costs during 2018. In addition, liabilities are lower as the Company paid outstanding liabilities with funds received from the Private Placement.
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The net decrease in accounts payable and accrued liabilities is comprised of the following movements:
Accounts Payable Summary  
Dec 31,
Dec 31,
net change
as at Q4-18
Trade accounts payable
Deferred gain on sale of aircraft
Deferred employee salaries
Deferred director /Advisory Board payable
Accrued liabilities
Vacation pay accrued
 Total Accounts Payable
Trade accounts payable as at December 31, 2018 decreased by $291,591 compared to those outstanding as at December 31, 2017 as several deferred payables were settled during Q2-18 and the Company kept liabilities current during the year. Deferred employee salaries decreased to $nil as the salary deferral program ended and employees were paid their outstanding deferred salaries. Deferred director and Advisory Board fees decreased by $165,102 as most of these outstanding liabilities were paid or settled upon termination of contracts during 2018. Board of Director fees have also been settled on time during the last two quarters of 2018. As with other liabilities, accrued liabilities are lower by $102,326 as outstanding accruals were settled during 2018. Vacation pay accrued decreased by $123,292 as employees took significant vacation time and any remaining outstanding balances from prior years were settled.
The overall net changes in cash balances in each of the periods noted above is a function of several factors including any inflows (outflows) due to changes in net working capital balances and net of any cash transferred into/out of short-term investments. Further information on the net changes in cash, by each of the operating, financing, and investing activities, is as follows:
Cash Flow Summary - from / (used in)
2018 YTD
2017 YTD
Operating activities
Financing activities
Investing activities
Net source (use) of cash
Cash and cash equivalents, start of period
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period
Cash and cash equivalents
Short-term investments
Total Cash and Short-Term Investments
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Operating Activities
2018 YTD
2017 YTD
Net income (loss) for the period
Total non-cash expense items
Change in non-cash working capital balances
Total Cash from (used in) Operating Activities
For all periods, changes in operating cash flow was driven by the lack of revenue and incurred operating costs for the period. Operating cash outflow decreased by $648,209 when comparing Q4-18 versus Q4-17 as liabilities were being deferred during Q4-17. This was partially offset by lower costs in Q4-18. When comparing 2018 YTD to 2017 YTD cost reduction and cash deferral efforts reduced the operating cash by $1,107,944, but payments of deferred liabilities decreased non-cash working capital by $1,687,184 resulting in a total change of $579,240 (decrease) in operating cash flow.
Financing Activities
2018 YTD
2017 YTD
Proceeds from exercise of stock options
Net proceeds from Private Placement/Rights Offering
Cost of Shares for Debt
Repayment of capital lease obligation
Total Cash from (used in) Financing Activities
NXT recorded a net cash financing outflow of $12,187 in Q4-18 on payment for its capital lease and a $9,176,839 inflow during 2018 YTD as a result of proceeds received from the closing of tranches in the Private Placement. The 2017 inflows were from the Rights Offering in Q4-17.
Investing Activities
2018 YTD
2017 YTD
Sale/(purchase) of property and equipment
Decrease (increase) in short-term investments
(Increase) in deposits
Total Cash from (used in) Investing Activities
Short-term investments in Q4-18 decreased by $1,100,000 to pay operating costs. 2018 YTD short-term investments increased as a result of the Private Placement. In Q4-17, short-term investments increased from funds received from the Rights Offering. 2017 YTD, short-term investments decreased to fund operations. During Q2-17, funds were received from the Leaseback Transaction.
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Contractual Commitments
Aircraft and office premises lease
NXT has an operating lease commitment on its Calgary office space for a 10-year term at an estimated minimum monthly lease payment of $48,243 (including operating costs), ending in September 2025.
The leaseback of NXT's aircraft is an operating lease with a minimum term of 60 months, ending in March 2022 and monthly lease payments of approximately US$39,500.
The estimated minimum annual commitments for these leases are as follows, as at December 31, 2018:
For the period ended December 31
Office Premises
Thereafter, 2024 through 2025
Financial Instruments
The Company’s non-derivative financial instruments consist of cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments, accounts receivable, accounts payable, accrued liabilities and capital leases. The carrying value of these financial instruments approximates their fair values due to their short terms to maturity. NXT is not exposed to significant interest or credit risks arising from these financial instruments, though NXT will not be able to meet its obligations for its capital and operating leases if contract payments are not received as expected. NXT is exposed to foreign exchange risk as a result of periodically holding foreign denominated financial instruments. Any unrealized foreign exchange gains and losses arising on such holdings are reflected in earnings at the end of each period.
As at December 31, 2018, the Company held no derivate financial instruments.
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Additional Disclosures – Outstanding Share Capital and Dilutive Securities
April 1,
December 31,
As at December 31,
Common shares issued and outstanding:
Common shares
Common shares issuable upon exercise:
Stock options
Total Share Capital and Dilutive Securities
NXT has agreed to seek approval to a 12-month extension of the expiry date of certain common share purchase warrants held by AGV. The TSX has granted conditional approval to the extension, subject to disinterested shareholder approval. NXT intends to table a resolution for the approval of disinterested shareholders at the 2019 Annual Shareholder Meeting of the NXT to ratify a twelve (12) month extension of AGV’s 3,421,648 warrants (“Warrants”) to February 16, 2020. If approved each Warrant entitles the holder to acquire one Common Share at an exercise price of $1.20 for an additional twelve months to February 16, 2020. The date of the Annual Shareholder Meeting is to be set for a date in the second quarter of 2019. Until the extension is approved by shareholders at the meeting, the warrants will not be exercisable by AGV. If the extension is not approved, then the warrants will terminate.
Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements
The Company has no off-balance sheet arrangements as of the date of this MD&A other than operating leases as described in Contractual Commitments and Availability of Aircraft in the Risk Factors Section.
Other Transactions with Related Parties
One of the members of NXT's Board of Directors, Thomas Valentine is a partner in the law firm Norton Rose Fulbright, which provides legal advice to NXT. Legal fees (including costs related to share issuance) incurred with this firm were as follows:
For the three-month period
For the twelve-month period
ended December 31
ended December 31
Legal Fees
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities includes a total of $5,999 ($120,479 as at December 31, 2017) payable to this law firm. Norton Rose Fulbright continues to provide legal services to NXT.
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In addition, accounts payable and accrued liabilities include $7,461 ($14,210 as at December 31, 2017) related to re-imbursement of expenses owing to the CEO of NXT.
 Critical Accounting Estimates
The key elements and assumptions are substantially unchanged from those described in NXT's annual audited consolidated financial statements as at and for the year-ended December 31, 2018.
The following is also important to note:
Revenue recognition
Revenue earned on SFD® survey contracts (net of any related foreign sales taxes) is recognized over time by measuring the progress toward complete satisfaction of its performance obligations to the customer. This method of revenue recognition is currently deemed appropriate given the complex nature of the end product that is delivered to the client. While the quantity of data acquisition can be measured based on actual line kilometers flown, the acquired SFD® data does not realize its full value until it is processed, interpreted in detail, and a recommendations report is generated and reviewed with the client's geological and geophysical staff.
All funds received or invoiced in advance of completion of the contract are reflected as unearned revenue and classified as a current liability on our balance sheet. All survey expenditures and obligations related to uncompleted SFD® survey contracts (including directly-related sales commissions) are reflected as work-in-progress and classified as a current asset on our balance sheet. Upon completion of the related contract, unearned revenue and the work-in-progress is moved as appropriate to the statement of earnings (loss) as either revenue or survey cost. Survey costs do not include any salaries and overhead related to SFD® data interpretation staff (which is included in G&A expense) or amortization of property and equipment expense.
Changes in Accounting Policies
In February 2016, the FASB issued new guidance on leases. The new guidance requires lessees to recognize leases on the balance sheet and disclose key information about leasing arrangements.  The new standard establishes a right-of-use (“ROU”) model that requires a lessee to recognize a ROU asset and corresponding lease liability on the balance sheet for all leases longer than 12 months. Leases will be classified as finance or operating, with classification affecting the pattern and classification of expense recognition in the income statement.
The Company will adopt the new standard when it becomes effective on January 1, 2019. NXT will apply modified retrospective transition approach which it will apply to the new standard to all leases existing at the date of initial application being January 1, 2019. Consequently, financial information for prior periods will not be restated and the disclosures required under the new standard will not be provided for dates and periods before January 1, 2019.
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The Company will elect the package of practical expedients which permits entities not to reassess prior conclusions about lease identification, lease classification, and initial direct costs under the rules of the new standard.
The most significant effects of adoption will relate to the recognition of the new ROU assets and lease liabilities on the Company’s balance sheet for its operating leases and providing significant new disclosures about the Company’s leasing activities. On adoption on January 1, 2019, the Company will recognize ROU assets and related lease liability of approximately $3 million based on the present value of the remaining minimum lease payments for existing operating leases.
Risk Factors
NXT is exposed to numerous business-related risks, some of which are unique to the nature of its operations. Many of these risks cannot be readily controlled.
Future Operations
NXT is still in the early stages of realizing wide-spread commercialization of its SFD® technology. Its ability to generate cash flow from operations will depend on its ability to service its existing clients and develop new clients for its SFD® services. Management recognizes that the commercialization phase can last for several years, and that it can have significant economic dependence on a small number of clients, which can have a material effect on the Company's operating results and financial position.
NXT anticipates that it will be able to generate both net income and cash from operations in future years based on its current business model however, this outcome cannot be predicted with certainty. The Company has a history of generating net losses and periodic shortages of current assets less current liabilities. The Company's consolidated financial statements do not include any adjustments to amounts and classifications of assets and liabilities that might be necessary should NXT be unable to generate sufficient revenues, net income and cash flow from operations in future years in order to continue as a going concern.
Financial Statements
The preparation of financial statements requires our management to make estimates and assumptions. These estimates and assumptions affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities including the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities as well as revenues and expenses recorded in our financial statements. Estimates made relate primarily to the measurement of accrued liabilities, stock-based compensation expense, valuation of future income tax assets, estimates for asset retirement obligations, and the useful lives of capital assets and intellectual property.
The estimates and assumptions are reviewed periodically and are based upon the best information available to management; however, we cannot provide assurance that future events will not prove that these estimates and assumptions are inaccurate. Any revisions to our estimates and assumptions may have a material impact on our future reported net income or loss and assets and liabilities.
Commodity Prices
NXT's customer base is in the oil and natural gas exploration industry, which is exposed to risks of volatility in oil and natural gas commodity prices. As such, demand for our services and prospective revenues may become adversely impacted by ongoing declines in oil and natural gas prices. The impact of price changes on our ability to enter into SFD® survey contracts cannot be readily determined. However, in general, if commodity prices decline significantly, our opportunity to obtain and execute SFD® survey contracts will also likely decline, at least in the short term.
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Foreign Currency Fluctuations
We currently conduct cash transactions and have holdings in Canadian dollars, U.S. dollars and periodically have holdings of local currency in other countries. We generally contract to earn revenues in U.S. dollars and potentially may earn revenues in Canadian dollars and other foreign currencies.
Our reporting currency is in Canadian dollars. We currently do not engage in currency hedging activities but are reviewing opportunities to do so. Our cash positions and potential foreign currency revenue streams in currencies other than Canadian dollars exposes us to exchange rate fluctuations between the Canadian dollar and foreign currencies.
Our financial position will be affected by exchange rate fluctuations. We may earn revenue and incur expenses denominated in foreign currencies yet report our financial results in Canadian dollars. Furthermore, we intend to enter into contracts to provide services in foreign countries and may periodically conduct business in other currencies such as the Euro. Changes in currency exchange rates could have an adverse effect on the Company's business, financial condition and results of operations.
Interest Rate Fluctuations
We periodically invest available cash in short term investments that generate interest income that will be affected by any change in interest rates.
Availability of Aircraft
In April 2017, NXT completed a sale and leaseback agreement of its aircraft with a Calgary based international aircraft services organization (the “Lessor”). The terms of the agreement resulted in NXT selling its’ 1997 Cessna Citation Ultra 560 jet aircraft that was purchased in 2015. NXT has leased the aircraft over an initial term of 60 months and retains all existing operating rights and obligations. NXT is required to make monthly payments to the Lessor of approximately US$39,500. NXT has the option to extend the term of the lease by an additional two years. Should NXT want to repurchase the aircraft at the end of the initial lease term, the purchase price is US$1,450,000. When the aircraft is not needed for use by NXT, we seek to earn charter hire revenues from the aircraft through a 3rd party, Air Partners.
Air Partners also has access to an alternate, similar model aircraft (certified for the use of our survey equipment) which could be charter hired for use by NXT if needed.
In the event that NXT’s aircraft is not available (due to damage, a need for extensive repairs, or other unforeseen events) to conduct survey projects, there is a risk that suitable alternative aircraft may not be available on a timely basis from other charter operators when needed. This inability to conduct survey operations could have a material adverse effect on the Company's business, financial condition and results of operations.
Segregation of Duties
Certain duties that are most appropriately segregated between different employees are due to our current limited staff, assigned to one or two individuals depending on the task.
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Standard internal control methodology involves the separation of incompatible functions by assigning these functions to separate individuals, and in larger organizations, to separate departments. We often cannot allocate these functions to separate individuals because our administrative staff is limited.
Although we have adopted alternative control methods designed to compensate for the reduced ability to separate incompatible functions, these alternative controls are not effective and there is more than a remote likelihood that our internal control over financial reporting will not prevent or detect material misstatements if they should exist in our financial statements. This lack of separation of duties exposes us to potential misappropriation of funds, embezzlement and other forms of fraud and could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
Related Party Transactions
We may periodically enter into related party transactions with our officers and directors. The most significant transaction was a “Technology Transfer Agreement” (the “TTA”) that was executed on December 31, 2006 between NXT and Mr. George Liszicasz, our CEO, President and Chairman wherein we issued 10,000,000 convertible preferred shares to him in exchange for the rights to the SFD® technology for use in hydrocarbon exploration. In 2013, a total of 2,000,000 of these preferred shares were converted (on a one-to-one basis) into common shares, and the remaining 8,000,000 preferred shares were converted in August 2015.
Although we manage this potential conflict of interest risk through maintenance of a strong independent board of directors (the “Board”), all related party transactions have the potential for conflicts of interest that may compromise the ability of Board members to exercise their fiduciary responsibility to NXT shareholders.
For the period December 1, 2017 to January 31, 2018, Mr. Selby acted as the Interim CFO of the Company.
Conflicts of Interest
Mr. George Liszicasz, our CEO, is our largest shareholder, and as of April 1, 2019 owns approximately 23% of our outstanding common shares and therefore has a substantial influence in all shareholder matters.
Controls do exist to mitigate any potential risks associated with this conflict of interest. Mr. Liszicasz adheres to a code of conduct which includes a fiduciary responsibility to the Company and its shareholders, and this conduct is governed by the independent Board of directors who collectively represent a majority of the Board. Furthermore, all material related party transactions are disclosed publicly.
However, should these conflict of interest controls not be effective, decisions could be made by the Company that may advantage Mr. Liszicasz and negatively impact other shareholders.
Rights to SFD® Technology
Our rights to ownership and use of SFD® technology depended on Mr. Liszicasz having the lawful right to sell to NXT the exclusive rights to exploit the SFD® technology for the exploration of hydrocarbons as agreed to in the TTA.
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A risk exists that an unknown party may claim some legal entitlement to our intellectual property, our rights to commercialize this intellectual property or our right to create SFD® devices and processes. However, we believe that such a claim would be without merit.
The SFD® technology is an essential component of our business plan. If a third party challenged our lawful entitlement to this technology, the legal defense of our right to the technology may be expensive and could cause a loss of our right to the SFD® technology, or a protracted legal process to assert our right to the technology would have a material adverse effect on the Company's business, financial condition and results of operations.
Reliance on Specialized Equipment
We rely on specialized data acquisition equipment, including a limited number of SFD® sensor devices, to conduct our aerial SFD® survey operations. We would be at risk if these survey sensors were to become damaged, destroyed, worn out, stolen or in any way became unavailable for use in operations prior to us creating and testing additional sensors. Should the sensors become unavailable for any reason, our ability to conduct surveys could be delayed for several months as we built new sensors. During this period, we may become unable to satisfy contractual obligations, which may jeopardize future revenue opportunities and may potentially result in a client drawing on a contract performance bond posted by the Company or otherwise making claims against the Company for breach of contract. In addition, an inability to satisfy contractual obligations may have an adverse effect on our developing reputation within the oil and gas community.
NXT seeks to mitigate this risk by researching new designs and constructing additional SFD® sensor devices.
Geological Conditions
As the Company is in the early commercialization phase, SFD® surveys have not been tested over all potential geological conditions. Some geological conditions may subsequently be proven to be unsuited for SFD® surveys thereby creating unforeseen limitations to the application of SFD® surveys.
Any limitation to the application of SFD® surveys has the potential of restricting future revenue opportunities and if not properly disclosed to industry clients, such limitations may impact the reputation of the Company with these clients.
Technological Improvement
Unless we pursue ongoing technological improvement and development, we may be unable to respond to changes in customer requirements or new competitive technologies.
We must continue to refine and develop our SFD® survey system to make it scalable for growth and to respond to potential future competitive pressures. These improvements require substantial time and resources. Furthermore, even if resources are available, there can be no assurance that the Company will be commercially or technically successful in enhancing the technology. Our inability to keep pace with new technologies and evolving industry standards and demands could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
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Reliance on Key Personnel
We rely on a limited number of key personnel who collectively possess the knowledge and skills to conduct SFD® surveys and interpret SFD® data as required to meet contract obligations. Additional or replacement personnel cannot be found and trained quickly. The loss of any of these key persons or increased demand for our services from clients could impair our ability to meet contract obligations, thereby adversely impacting our reputation and our ability to earn future revenue from clients.
The Company's future success depends, to a significant extent, on the continued service of its key technical and management personnel and on our ability to continue to attract and retain qualified employees. The loss of the services of our employees or a failure to attract, retain and motivate qualified personnel could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. We do not have “key man” insurance on any of our personnel.
The Company put in place employment agreements with its chief executive officer, George Liszicasz.
We have a dependence on Mr. Liszicasz and three other staff members to be involved in the SFD® data interpretation process and to continue to enhance our technology. We are working to minimize dependency on key personnel. Mr. Liszicasz has trained and continues to train a team of signal interpreters to minimize our reliance on him to perform these functions. Currently, a total of four persons, two of which are highly experienced, are trained to interpret SFD® signals.
Although we have engaged employees with suitable credentials to work with Mr. Liszicasz to enhance our interpretation process and further develop the SFD® technology, if we are unable to reduce dependence on Mr. Liszicasz and he becomes incapable of performing or unwilling to perform these functions, then there may be an adverse effect on our ability to interpret the data from SFD® surveys or to enhance our technology.
Within the province of Alberta, the skilled personnel that we require may periodically be in short supply and there is specialized training required that can take several months in order for a new employee to become effective. If we cannot hire these key personnel, we have inadequate time to train them or should we lose current personnel, then our ability to accept contracts or meet contract commitments may be adversely affected, thereby restricting our ability to earn revenue.
Ability to Trade Shares
There is no certainty that an investor can trade our common shares on public markets at a stable market price. The Company has historically had a limited public market for our common shares on the TSX Venture Exchange (the “TSX-V”), and the United States (“U.S.”) OTC Markets Group’s Venture Stage Marketplace (the “OTCQB”) and there is a risk that a broader or more active public trading market for our common shares will not develop or be sustained, or that current trading levels will not be sustained. Effective March 22, 2016, the Company’s application to graduate from the TSX-V to the broader Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”), Canada’s premier stock exchange listing, was approved.
The market price for the common shares on the exchanges where our stock is listed has been, and we anticipate will continue to be, extremely volatile and subject to significant price and volume fluctuations in response to a variety of external and internal factors. This is especially true with respect to emerging companies such as ours. Examples of external factors, which can generally be described as factors that are unrelated to the operating performance or financial condition of any particular company, include changes in interest rates and worldwide economic and market conditions, as well as changes in industry conditions, such as changes in oil and natural gas prices, oil and natural gas inventory levels, regulatory and environment rules, and announcements of technology innovations or new products by other companies. Examples of internal factors, which can generally be described as factors that are directly related to our consolidated financial condition or results of operations, would include release of reports by securities analysts and announcements we may make from time to time relative to our operating performance, clients exploration results, financing, advances in technology or other business developments.
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Because we have a limited operating history and a limited history of profitability to date, the market price for the common shares is more volatile than that of a seasoned issuer. Changes in the market price of the common shares, for example, may have no connection with our operating results or the quality of services provided to clients. No predictions or projections can be made as to what the prevailing market price for the common shares will be at any time, or as to what effect, if any, that the sale of shares or the availability of common shares for sale at any time will have on the prevailing market price. Given the relatively low historic trading volumes, small trades of NXT’s common shares can adversely and potentially dramatically affect the market prices for those shares.
Accordingly, investors in our common stock should anticipate both volatile stock price and poor liquidity unless these conditions change.
We have never paid any cash dividends on our common shares and we do not anticipate that we will pay any dividends in the foreseeable future. Our current business plan is to retain any future earnings to finance the expansion of our business. Any future determination to pay cash dividends will be at the discretion of our Board of directors and will be dependent upon our consolidated financial condition, results of operations, capital requirements and other factors as our Board of directors may deem relevant at that time.
Our right to issue additional capital stock at any time could have an adverse effect on your proportionate ownership and voting rights.
We are authorized under our Articles of Incorporation to issue an unlimited number of common shares and an unlimited number of preferred shares. We may issue these shares under such circumstances and in such manner and at such times, prices, amounts and purposes as our Board of Directors may, in its discretion, determine to be necessary and appropriate, subject to compliance with all applicable exchange regulations and corporate and securities laws. Proportionate ownership and voting rights of common shareholders could be adversely affected by the issuance of additional common shares which may result in common share value dilution.
Intellectual Property
We may not be able to protect our trade secrets and intellectual property from competitors who would use this knowledge to eliminate or reduce our technological advantage.
Our success and future revenue growth will depend, in part, on our ability to protect our intellectual property (“IP”). We have commenced an IP strategy process to obtain patents related to the SFD® technology, while also utilizing “trade secrets” protection of the proprietary nature of our technology as applicable.
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Initiatives to expand and protect our IP (including patenting and new R&D initiatives) were very successful in 2017. Squire Patton Boggs LLP, a United States (“US”) based leader in IP protection, has been advising NXT on our IP strategy, including the prior filing of an initial US provisional patent application in May 2012. In November 2014, NXT filed a related patent amendment submission in the US and since that time has undertaken new patent applications in select strategic international markets.
So far, SFD® patents have been granted in Russia (January 2017), Japan (July 2017), Canada (August 2017), Europe (September 2017) and the United States (November 2017), and notices of allowance have been also received from Mexico (July 2017) and China (March 2018), which are areas of prime commercial focus for the Company. As of the writing of this financial report, NXT has been granted patents, filed or received patent allowance for SFD® in different 48 countries. The SFD® patents serve an important purpose beyond the protection they provide to the proprietary SFD® technology. Our patents also serve as an independent third-party verification of the scientific principles that form the basis of the SFD® process and its application.
The patent protection application process requires disclosure of at least some aspects of our SFD® technology to third parties and ultimately public disclosure. This disclosure could significantly increase the risk of unlawful use of our technology by third parties. Furthermore, we have no assurance that, even if we seek patent protection, a patent could be registered to protect our IP in all or any jurisdictions within North America or other countries throughout the world. If registered, there can be no assurance that it would be sufficiently broad to protect our technology or that any potential patent would not be challenged, invalidated or circumvented or that any right granted thereunder would provide meaningful protection or a competitive advantage to us. Finally, protection afforded by patents is limited by the financial resources available to legally defend IP rights. We currently do not possess the required financial resources to fund a lengthy defense of our rights if challenged by a much larger competitor or an oil and gas company.
We do enjoy common and contract law protection of our technology and trade secrets. Employees and contractors are governed by confidentiality agreements as well as a fiduciary responsibility to protect our technology, supporting documentation and other proprietary information.
Our strongest protection of the SFD® technology comes from restricting access to knowledge concerning the technology. Only a very limited number of NXT personnel have access to or knowledge of the underlying SFD® technology and no one employee and only one officer has access or knowledge of all aspects of the SFD® system. Currently, no third party has any significant knowledge of the technology. As further protection, SFD® equipment does not leave the direct control of NXT employees, thereby preventing unauthorized replication of the equipment.
The Company reassesses the appropriateness of its IP protection strategy on an ongoing basis and seeks advice from IP advisors as necessary.
It is possible that a third party will copy or otherwise obtain and use the Company's technology without authorization, develop a similar technology independently or design around the Company's secrets. Accordingly, there can be no assurance that the steps taken by the Company to prevent misappropriation or infringement of our IP will be successful.
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An inability to protect our IP would make it possible for competitors to offer similar products and services that could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
Flight Operations
We experience operational hazards in our flight operations that may subject us to potential claims in the event that an incident or accident occurs.
The flight operations of SFD® surveys are subject to the hazards associated with general flight operations. An aircraft accident may cause personal injury and loss of life, as well as severe damage to and destruction of property or the SFD® sensors and related equipment.
Independent third parties provide all the services required to maintain and operate the aircraft; they bear the primary risks of flight operations. These services are provided by an organization accredited by Transport Canada to operate aircraft in accordance with Transport Canada approved and audited operating procedures. The aircraft operator employs the required pilots, aircraft maintenance engineers and support personnel and ensures that they operate within their Transport Canada operating certificate. Our employees do not perform any airworthiness or flight safety operations.
We require the flight contractor to maintain appropriate insurance coverage for the risks associated with aircraft operations, and we obtain insurance coverage to provide us with additional risk protection. In addition, we maintain general business insurance coverage, and believe that this insurance and the policy limits are appropriate for the operational risks that we incur.
Despite our policy to not operate the aircraft directly and our insurance coverage, we cannot avoid or alternatively be insured for all risks of flight operations. In the event of an incident or accident we may be sued by injured parties in excess of our policy limits or for damages that are not covered by our insurance policy. The magnitude of a lawsuit of this nature is not determinable. Furthermore, to the extent that our SFD® equipment is damaged, we may be unable to conduct SFD® surveys for several months following an accident.
Foreign Countries
We conduct operations in foreign countries, which exposes us to several risks that may have a material adverse effect on the Company.
Criminal Activity and Social Instability – We have operated in the past in foreign countries such as Colombia, which over the past two decades experienced significant social upheaval and criminal activity relating to drug trafficking, kidnapping and terrorist acts. While the situation has improved dramatically in recent years, there can be no guarantee that the situation will not deteriorate again, nor are these risks eliminated as yet. Furthermore, other potential international survey locations may have similar or other indeterminate criminal or social instability risks.
Systemic criminal activity in a country or isolated criminal acts may disrupt operations, impact our ability to earn revenue, dramatically add to our cost of operations or potentially prevent us from earning any survey revenue in a country.
In addition, foreign markets may be susceptible to a higher risk of corruption and bribery. All of NXT’s employees, contractors, and independent sales agents are required to adhere to the Company’s code of conduct and business ethics, which prohibits illegal activities, including any acts of bribery or corruption.
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Political Instability - Any changes in regulations or shifts in political attitudes are beyond the control of the Company and may adversely affect our business. Exploration may be affected in varying degrees by government regulations which have the effect of restricting exploration and production activities. These changes may adversely impact the laws and policies governing price controls, export controls, foreign exchange controls, income taxes, expropriation of property, environmental legislation, site safety or other areas.
Currently, there are no restrictions (other than the payment of local with-holding taxes) on the repatriation back to Canada of our earnings in foreign countries in which we have operated, such as Colombia and Bolivia; however, there can be no assurance that significant restrictions on repatriation to Canada of earnings will not be imposed in the future.
Our operations may also be adversely affected by changes in laws and policies in Canada impacting foreign travel and immigration, foreign trade, taxation and investment.
Commercial Disputes – While operating in a foreign country, we are subjected to local commercial laws which often involve executing contracts in a foreign language. Although every effort is made to ensure we have access to an accurate English translation, misunderstanding and potential disputes between parties may arise.
In the event of a dispute arising in connection with our foreign operations for any reason, we may be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of foreign courts or may not be successful in subjecting foreign persons to the jurisdictions of the courts of Canada or enforcing Canadian judgments in such other jurisdictions. We may also be hindered or prevented from enforcing our rights with respect to a government instrumentality because of the doctrine of sovereign immunity.
Accordingly, these risk factors have the potential of adversely reducing the level of survey revenue from our clients, our ability to operate effectively or our ability to be paid for our services and may have a material adverse effect on our financial position.
Where possible, NXT utilizes risk mitigation products offered by entities such as Export Development Canada (“EDC”). EDC financial products include insurance coverage of contract accounts receivable, guarantee support for contract performance bonds, and wrongful call insurance for such bonds.
Flight Permits
We rely upon the right to conduct airborne surveys in foreign countries. These foreign operations expose us to the risks that we will be prevented from conducting surveys when requested by clients.
The operation of our business, namely conducting aerial SFD® surveys and interpreting SFD® data, is not subject to material governmental or environmental regulation in Canada and the United States with the exception of flight rules issued by Transport Canada and the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) governing the use of commercial aircraft, including rules relating to low altitude flights. The requirements in other countries vary greatly and may require permits and/or provide other restrictions to conducting flight operations in the country that may restrict our ability to perform SFD® surveys.
For example, in South American countries in which we have operated, such as Colombia and Bolivia, SFD® surveys must comply with additional requirements not encountered in Canada and the United States, including customs obligations and bonds related to the importation and exportation of the aircraft into the country, obtaining permits from the local aviation authority, and obtaining permits from the local Air Force. We have successfully operated in South America and other global regions in accordance with these typical requirements.
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With our North America and International experience to date, we do not anticipate any government controls or regulations that will prevent timely completion of SFD® surveys. However, we may encounter government restrictions in other countries that may impact or restrict our ability to conduct surveys.
If we encounter government regulation and restrictions that impact or prevent us from conducting surveys in any country, then we will not be able to earn revenue in the country and we may be exposed to forfeiting any performance bonds which may have been issued.
Disclosure Controls and Procedures ("DCP") and
  Internal Controls over Financial Reporting ("ICFR")
NXT's Chief Executive Officer (the "CEO") and Chief Financial Officer (the "CFO"), together the "Responsible Officers") are responsible for establishing and maintaining DCP, or causing them to be designed under their supervision, for NXT to provide reasonable assurance that material information relating to the Company is made known to the Responsible Officers by others within the organization, particularly during the period in which the Company's quarterly and year-end consolidated financial statements and MD&A are being prepared.
DCP and other procedures are designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed in reports that are filed is recorded, summarized and reported within the time periods specified by the relevant security authority in either Canada or the United States of America. DCP include controls and procedures designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed in our reports is communicated to management, including our Responsible Officers, to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.
The Company has established and maintains ICFR using the criteria that were set forth by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission in Internal Control – Integrated Framework (2013). The control framework was designed or caused to be designed under the supervision of the CEO and CFO to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with US GAAP.
In an evaluation of the effectiveness of the Company's DCP as defined under the rules adopted by the Canadian securities regulatory authorities and by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, the Company's Responsible Officers concluded that there are material weaknesses in the Company's ICFR that have a direct impact on the Company's DCP:
Due to the limited number of staff, it is not feasible to achieve adequate segregation of incompatible duties. NXT mitigates this deficiency by adding management and Audit Committee review procedures over the areas where inadequate segregation of duties are of the greatest concern; and
NXT does not have a sufficient level of staff with specialized expertise to adequately conduct separate preparation and a subsequent independent review of certain complex or highly judgmental accounting issues. These complex areas have historically included accounting for income taxes and equity related transactions. NXT mitigates this deficiency by preparing financial statements with their best judgments and estimates of the complex accounting matters and relies on reviews by management, external consultants and the Audit Committee for quality assurance.
From time to time to reduce these risks and to supplement a small corporate finance function, the Company engages various outside experts and advisors to assist with various accounting, controls and tax issues in the normal course.
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The small size of the Company's finance team has resulted in control deficiencies in maintaining DCP and ICFR that in turn have led to a recurrence of previously identified deficient disclosure and the requirement for refiling of certain disclosure documents.  To address this issue and improve ICFR moving forward, management has established a practice of increased engagement of the Company's Disclosure Committee and Audit Committee in reviewing the public disclosure and has increased engagement of external consultants and legal counsel as well.  
NXT's efforts to mitigate the risks associated with the above-mentioned deficiencies has resulted in an improvement in its DCP. The CEO and CFO concluded that, as at December 31, 2018, the Company's ICFR have improved, but are still not effective and as a result its DCP are still not sufficiently effective. NXT reached this conclusion based upon its assessment that there is a more than remote likelihood that its ICFR will not prevent or detect material misstatements if they should exist in the Company's consolidated financial statements. NXT continues a process of continuous improvement in financial reporting and disclosure policies and responsibilities from which the Company expects to see benefits during 2019. The Responsible Officers continue to take certain actions to remediate these material weaknesses including: (i) the implementation of new controls with regards to the review procedures surrounding its disclosure; and (ii) engagement of third-party specialists. In addition, even though the previous CFO left the Corporation in November 2018 the Company continues to take actions to remediate these material weaknesses. To ensure continuity of the Chief Financial Officer role the Corporate Controller is serving the as the Interim CFO and subject matter consultants have been engaged to assist the Interim CFO as the need arises.
The new controls over financial reporting and disclosure policies and responsibilities have been performed over three quarterly periods and are being tested. Material weaknesses cannot be considered remediated until the remedial controls operate for a sufficient period of time and Responsible Officers have concluded through testing that these controls are operating effectively.
It should be noted that a control system, including the Company's DCP and ICFR procedures, no matter how well conceived, can provide only reasonable, but not absolute assurance that the objectives of the control system will be met, and it should not be expected that the DCP and ICFR will prevent all errors or fraud.
Additional Information
Additional information related to the Company including the Company’s Annual Information Form is available on NXT's website at www.nxtenergy.com and on SEDAR at www.sedar.com.
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EX-99.3 4 nsfdf_993.htm ANNUAL INFORMATION FORM FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2017 Blueprint
Exhibit 99.3
April 1, 2019
Company Information 5
Intercorporate Relationship 5
Three Year History 6
Company’s Operations and Principal Activities 10
Seasonality of the Company’s Main Business 12
Sources and Availability of Raw Materials 12
Marketing Channels 13
Employees 13
Patents 13
Competition 14
Government and Environmental Regulations 14
Property, Plant & Equipment 15
Continued Operations 16
Financial Statements 16
Commodity Prices 16
Foreign Currency Fluctuations 17
Interest Rate Fluctuations 17
Availability of Aircraft 17
Segregation of Duties 17
Related Party Transactions 18
Conflicts of Interest 18
Rights to SFD® Technology 18
Reliance on Specialized Equipment 19
Geological Conditions 19
Technological Improvement 19
Reliance on Key Personnel 19
Ability to Trade Shares 20
Dividends 21
Dilution 21
Intellectual Property 21
Flight Operations 22
Foreign Countries 23
Flight Permits 24
Common Shares 25
Preferred Shares 25
Warrants 25
Cease Trade Orders, Bankruptcies, Penalties or Sanctions30
Board Practices 30
Technology Transfer Agreement (TTA) 34
AIF for the year ended December 31, 2018
Except for any historical information contained herein, certain statements contained in this Annual Information Form constitute “forward-looking statements” or “forward-looking information” within the meaning of applicable securities legislation, with respect to our financial condition, results of operations and business. These statements relate to analyses and other information which are based on forecasts of future results and estimates of amounts not yet determinable. These statements also relate to our future prospects, developments and business strategies. These forward-looking statements are identified by their use of terms and phrases such as “anticipate”, “believe”, “could”, “estimate”, “expect”, “intend”, “may”, “plan”, “predict”, “will” and similar terms and phrases, including references to assumptions. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, including current trend information, projections for deliveries and other trend projections, that may cause our actual future activities and results of operations to be materially different from those suggested or described in this Annual Information Form.
These risks include:
our ability to generate sufficient ongoing cash flow from operations or to raise adequate capital to allow us to grow the business and continue operations;
conducting operations in international markets;
the emergence of alternative competitive technologies;
protection of our intellectual property and rights to our SFD® technology;
reliance on a limited number of aircraft;
the loss of key personnel;
our dependence on a limited number of clients;
foreign currency and interest rate fluctuations which may affect our financial position;
changes in, or in the interpretation of, laws, regulations or policies; and
volatility in oil and natural gas commodity prices which may reduce demand for our services; and
other factors described herein under “Risk Factors”.
If one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or if underlying assumptions prove incorrect, our actual results may vary materially from those expected, estimated or projected. Given these uncertainties, users of the information included in this Annual Information Form, including investors and prospective investors, are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. We do not intend to update the forward-looking statements included in this Annual Information Form.
In this Annual Information Form, except as specified otherwise or unless the context requires otherwise, “we”, “us”, “our”, the “Company”, and “NXT” refer to NXT Energy Solutions Inc. and its subsidiaries. All references to “fiscal” in connection with a year shall mean the year ended December 31.
All financial information contained herein is expressed in Canadian dollars (“CDN$”) unless otherwise stated.
AIF for the year ended December 31, 2018
Company Information
NXT Energy Solutions Inc. is a Calgary-based technology company whose proprietary SFD® survey system utilizes quantum-scale sensors to detect gravity field perturbations in an airborne survey method which can be used both onshore and offshore to remotely identify areas with exploration potential for traps and reservoirs. The SFD® survey system enables our clients to focus their hydrocarbon exploration decisions concerning land commitments, data acquisition expenditures and prospect prioritization on areas with the greatest potential. SFD® is environmentally non-intrusive and unaffected by ground security issues or difficult terrain. SFD® and NXT® are both registered trademarks of NXT Energy Solutions Inc.
Our head office is located at Suite 302, 3320 17th Ave. SW, Calgary, Alberta Canada. Phone number is (403) 264-7020.
We are a reporting issuer in Alberta, Ontario and British Columbia and are principally governed by the Alberta Securities Commission in accordance with the Securities Act (Alberta) and the Business Corporations Act (Alberta). We are a foreign private issuer under United States securities laws and are subject to the regulation of the US Securities in accordance with the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”).
Intercorporate Relationship
The following table provides a list of all subsidiaries and other companies controlled by NXT:
Date and Manner of Incorporation
Authorized Share Capital
Issued and Outstanding Shares
Nature of the Business
% of each Class of Shares owned by NXT
NXT Energy USA, Inc.
October 20, 1995 by Articles of Incorporation – State of Nevada, USA
20,000,000 common
5,000,000 common
NXT Aero USA, Inc.
August 28, 2000 by Articles of Incorporation – State of Nevada, USA
1,000 common
4,000 preferred
100 common
Cascade Petroleum Inc. (Formerly Survey Services International Inc.)¹
September 6, 2011 by Articles of Incorporation – Province of Alberta
Unlimited number of common shares
100 common
NXT Energy Services (SFD) Inc.
December 2008 by Federal Articles of Incorporation – Canada
Unlimited number of common shares
100 common
PetroCaza Exploration Inc.
May 2015 by Articles of Incorporation – Province of Alberta
Unlimited number of common and preferred shares
100 common
¹ On January 16th, 2017 the name of Survey Services International Inc. was changed to “Cascade Petroleum Inc.”
In February 2010, NXT registered a wholly owned “Branch” entity with the tax administration and Chamber of Commerce authorities in Colombia, (NXT Energy Solutions Inc. Sucursal Colombia). The formation of this branch became a Colombian legal requirement following the Company commencing permanent activity in Colombia in 2010 while conducting commercial survey operations. This branch was closed in 2017.
In addition, in March 2015, NXT registered NXT Energy Solutions Inc. (Sucursal Bolivia) as a wholly owned “Branch” entity under the laws of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, to contract and conduct survey operations in Bolivia. Operations have now ceased in Bolivia and we are in the process of closing the branch which should be completed in the second quarter of 2019.
Three Year History
We have an opportunity to provide our services in any region of the world where oil and gas exploration activities are conducted. However, we choose to be strategic and focus our limited marketing and sales resources on a limited number of markets in the early stages of commercialization on a limited number of markets.
A summary of revenues derived in our primary geographic market segments for the last 3 fiscal years:
Year ended December 31
South and Central America (Bolivia, Belize)
North America  
In 2014, we invested significant marketing efforts in the emerging Bolivia market. We were able to leverage our experience in Colombia and Mexico, and in 2015, we successfully secured our largest single survey project to date. The contract with Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (“YPFB”), the National Oil Company of Bolivia.
Our SFD® data acquisition operations commenced in Bolivia in early June 2015, and the data acquisition phase was completed in August, with NXT’s related recommendations reports delivered to YPFB in late October 2015. During the data acquisition phase, YPFB chose to undertake an additional survey “expansion” project valued at approximately US$1.0 million. The decision for YPFB’s expansion was based on the rapid delivery of preliminary SFD® results, which had excellent correlations noted between anomalies identified by SFD® and the clients’ existing ones identified using seismic methods. A contract amendment was finalized in October 2015 for this project, the final results for which were delivered by NXT in January 2016.
Effective March 22, 2016, the Company’s application to graduate from the TSX-V to the broader Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”), Canada’s premier stock exchange listing, was approved.
NXT completed the data acquisition and interpretation of 37,596 line-km for the first ever SFD® Multi-Client survey in the Gulf of Mexico in June 2017. The airborne survey was conducted over the area that was identified by Comision Nacional de Hidrocarburos (“CNH”) for the shallow water bid round 2.1 covering the Tampicao-Misantla, Veracruz and Cuencas del Sureste exploration areas. The survey data provides 100% grid coverage over the offshore blocks offered in Bid Round 2.1, an area of approximately 8,900 square kilometers and was completed ahead of time and budget. In addition, NXT acquired incidental data over many of the 35 blocks offered in the recently concluded Bid Round 3.1. Based on the Five-Year Tender Program for the Exploration and Extraction of Hydrocarbons 2015 - 2019 by the Mexican Secretary of Energy, much of the remaining data will also be applicable to future Bid Rounds. To date, there have been no sales of this proprietary data.
We also completed testing of an upgraded SFD® Data Acquisition System. This system was successfully used on the Gulf of Mexico SFD® survey project and is more reliable, compact, and expandable to acquire larger SFD® datasets. It also eliminates the dependency on custom operating systems.
Initiatives to expand and protect our IP (including patenting and new R&D initiatives) were very successful in 2017 and 2018. NXT’s patent applications have been filed in nine (9) jurisdictions.  Thus far seven (7) patents have been granted: U.S.A. (2), Canada, Japan, Russia, Mexico, and China. Three (3) are pending: European Patent Office (38 countries), Brazil, and India. In total NXT has been granted patents or received patent allowance for SFD® in 48 separate countries.
During 2017 NXT made significant progress in strengthening its liquidity and working capital position through a series of corporate actions described below. Nevertheless, liquidity remains a major risk and concern of the company.
Sale Lease Back: In December 2015, NXT acquired (from its third party owner), a 1997 Cessna Citation Ultra 560 jet aircraft, the primary aircraft which had previously been charter hired to NXT by its operator, Air Partners. In order to enhance the short-term cash flow of the business, NXT completed a sale and leaseback agreement with a Calgary based international aircraft services organization on April 28th, 2017. The terms of the agreement involved NXT selling its’ Cessna Citation aircraft that was purchased in 2015 for US$2,000,000 for the sum of US$2,300,000. NXT leased the aircraft back for a minimum period of 60 months and retains all existing operating rights and obligations. Net proceeds to NXT from the sale were approximately CAD $2,700,000, after payment of all commissions and fees. The net book value of the asset of $2,400,000 was derecognized and the resulting gain on disposition of $776,504 was deferred ($621,203 included in long term liabilities and $155,301 included in accounts payable and accrued liabilities). The gain will be recognized as a reduction to the Company’s lease expense over the 60 month term of the lease. The resulting leaseback transaction is an operating lease. NXT is required to make monthly payments to the lessor of approximately US$39,500. NXT has the option to extend the term of the lease by an additional two years. Should NXT want to repurchase the aircraft at the end of the initial lease term, the purchase price is US$1,450,000.
Reduction in Corporate Costs: Following the completion of the Leaseback Transaction, NXT took further steps to reduce corporate costs. The most significant of these steps included a reduction in non-essential staff and new Human Resource policies to reduce staffing costs.
Rights Offering: On September 26th, 2017 the Company announced a Rights Offering to its existing shareholders.
The Rights Offering closed on November 3rd 2017 with the following results:
Non Insiders
Basic Subscription
Over Subscription
Total Shares Purchased
Total Proceeds
In July 2018, the company completed the Private Placement. In total, Alberta Green Ventures purchased 10,264,946 Units at a price of $0.924 per Unit for total gross proceeds of approximately $9,484,810.
Following the Company’s participation at the Upstream West Africa Summit in Senegal in Q2, NXT management traveled twice to Africa to meet with representatives of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (“NNPC”) and the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (“GNPC”) to discuss the benefits SFD® would bring to their current exploration programs. Discussions with NNPC continued in the fourth quarter of 2018 and have resulted in the signing of a contract in March 2019 with PE Energy Limited, a Nigerian oil and gas service company, for the value of approximately $US8.9 million. PE Energy Limited has a contract with NNPC, to provide 5,000-line kms of SFD® Surveys in Nigeria. Data acquisition operations for this contract are expected to commence in early April 2019 and NXT’s interpretations and recommendations are expected to be delivered during the third quarter of 2019.
NXT received notification of the granting of NXT's SFD® patent in China on April 13, 2018. In September, 2018, NXT received a United States patent for its new sensor design we term the “Cascade” configuration. The Cascade sensor is the result of NXT’s continued research & development efforts and builds upon our existing US patent. Management believes the Company’s Cascade sensors will provide enhanced ability for identifying trapped fluid bodies indicative of potential hydrocarbon accumulations along with improved reliability and flexibility during SFD® survey operations.
In October, we signed an MOU with BGP Inc., a subsidiary of China National Petroleum Corporation, to further explore opportunities for NXT and BGP Inc. to work together. NXT’s forward strategy is to secure SFD® contracts with BGP and its affiliates.
The MOU entered into between Generation Resource Discoveries (“GRD”), NXT’s regional representative and the Government of Aceh, Indonesia on February 22, 2018, GRD has expired.
As a result of recent political changes in the government of Sri Lanka, our contract negotiations have been put on hold. We will assess when discussions can be renewed.
NXT intends to continue its business model of providing SFD® Surveys on a fee for service basis, marketing of multi-client data and is also beginning to execute its vertical model where it will share in successful production as a result of SFD® recommendations. Described below are first quarter 2019 steps in achieving our strategy.
Nigerian SFD® Survey: In March 2019, the Company has signed an $8.9 Million USD contract with PE Energy Limited (“PE”), a Nigerian oil and gas service company that has a contract with NNPC (National Nigerian Petroleum Company), to provide 5,000 line kms of SFD® Surveys in Nigeria. Data acquisition operations for this contract are expected to commence in early April 2019 and NXT’s interpretations and recommendations are expected to be delivered during the third quarter of 2019.
The Company has received a $300,000 USD mobilization fee from PE Energy Limited to begin the SFD® Surveys in Nigeria. A $1 Million USD pre-survey payment must be paid to NXT within five (5) days of performing a 100-line KM pilot survey. The pilot survey must be completed to the satisfaction of NNPC to evaluate the response of the SFD® in the Nigerian geological environment. Thereafter, payments will be made upon completion of each of three (3) project milestones: (i) data acquisition, (ii) interpretation and (iii) delivery of a report with satisfaction of all performance conditions under the contracts. The contracts have resulted from more than six months of negotiations and the exchange of substantial technical information on the performance of the SFD®.
The Company conducted significant due diligence to ensure we understand the business environment and comply with Canadian, United States and Nigerian law. The Company has engaged advisors such as Norton Rose Fulbright and Kreller Group to provide guidance to ensure the integrity of these contracts.
Co-operation Agreement: In February 2019, NXT, entered into a Co-operative Agreement with one of its largest shareholders, AGV, to propose up to three SFD® surveys within two years. The Co-operative Agreement is based on a cost plus formula and a gross overriding royalty interest in oil and gas production arising on lands subject to the surveys.
Under the Agreement, NXT and AGV will consider at least two SFD® Surveys in North America and an additional one internationally. The first SFD® Survey is to be completed by August 31, 2019 and the fees payable by AGV are partially secured by a $200,000 United States Dollars non-refundable deposit payable within two months of signing the agreement. AGV has committed to completing an exploration drilling program on each of the lands subject to the SFD® surveys within two years of completion of the surveys.
As part of the consideration for the agreement, NXT has agreed to seek approval to a 12-month extension of the expiry date of certain common share purchase warrants held by AGV. The TSX has granted conditional approval to the extension, subject to disinterested shareholder approval. NXT intends to table a resolution for the approval of disinterested shareholders at the 2019 Annual Shareholder Meeting of the NXT to ratify a twelve (12) month extension of AGV’s 3,421,648 warrants (“Warrants”) to February 16, 2020. If approved each Warrant entitles the holder to acquire one Common Share at an exercise price of $1.20 for an additional twelve months to February 16, 2020. The date of the Annual Shareholder Meeting is to be set for a date in the second quarter of 2019. Until the extension is approved by disinterested shareholders at the meeting, the warrants will not be exercisable by AGV. If the extension is not approved, then the warrants will terminate.
Sales Representative Agreement and Continent Private Placement: NXT has entered into a three year exclusive sales representative agreement with AGV, in nine jurisdictions in the Middle East and Latin America. Contingent on achieving a $2,000,000 United States Dollars sales quota in the first year of the sales representative agreement term, AGV will be granted an at-market subscription right to purchase treasury shares of NXT in a dollar amount equal to 25% of the contracts introduced by AGV to NXT in the first year of the Agreement, up to a maximum of $5,000,000 United States Dollars, subject to approval from the TSX.
Company’s Operations and Principal Activities
We utilize our proprietary, airborne SFD® survey system to provide a service for the oil and gas exploration industry. NXT provides a rapid and cost-effective method for our clients to evaluate large land areas for their exploration potential.
The underlying technology employed by our SFD® survey system was invented by George Liszicasz, our President and Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”), Chairman and one of our largest shareholders. The technology was initially licensed to the Company by Mr. Liszicasz until December 31, 2006 through a series of consecutive license agreements. On December 31, 2006 we obtained the rights to the technology from Mr. Liszicasz pursuant to the terms of a Technology Transfer Agreement (“TTA”).
Upon execution of the TTA, Mr. Liszicasz transferred to us all his rights and entitlements to the SFD® technology for use in the field of hydrocarbon exploration.
For further details of the TTA, see “Section 10.1” below.
SFD® technology for the purposes of the TTA is defined as the theories of quantum physics and engineering which are utilized in the operation of stress field detectors used by NXT for the reception, collection and recording of subsurface geological stresses for hydrocarbon exploration.
SFD® sensors remotely respond to gravity perturbations and changes in subsurface stress regimes that are meaningful for oil and gas exploration. These responses are captured as raw data that, when interpreted, can provide an indirect method to detect the presence of geological features such as structures, faults, fractures and reefs that are often associated with traps and reservoir accumulations. SFD® is highly effective in frontier and under-explored areas, in offshore or onshore environments, and over any terrain. The SFD® survey system has been demonstrated to quickly focus exploration resources, offering the benefit of reducing the risk, time and expense associated with frontier exploration.
Following completion of the aerial surveys, we deliver to our clients a detailed report and maps of the surveyed area that identifies, ranks and recommends areas with SFD® indications of reservoir potential.
In 2006, we commenced our current business model and began providing SFD® survey services to clients on a fee-for-service basis. In accordance with this model, we have not invested either directly or indirectly in exploration or development wells or engaged in other exploration or production activities. Our current business model minimizes our capital requirements, thereby conserving cash, and minimizes any perceived or real conflicts between the interests of NXT and its survey clients.
NXT’s primary business model is to earn revenues by conducting SFD® surveys for clients on a fee-for-service basis. Secondly, we may be able to negotiate to earn revenue from gross overriding royalty income and/or other incentive fees from clients should they generate production on areas recommended by SFD® surveys. Finally, in the future, we may earn a fee by providing other related geological and geophysical integration services to clients.
We also continue to utilize high quality local sales representatives with key knowledge of their respective areas, potential clients and the exploration potential of a region allowing us to cover larger areas and more clients with minimum fixed cost. Our sales representatives continue to pursue SFD® opportunities in numerous regions including Latin America, the Middle-East and Southeast Asia. Furthermore, to ensure our sales representatives follow industry best practices, each representative is required to annually certify they adhere to NXT's code of conduct and business ethics.
In support of these sales efforts, NXT has also been effective in positioning the SFD® method as an established geophysical tool for oil & gas exploration following the successful completion of projects in Latin America (Bolivia and Mexico) with the publication of technical papers, creation of project case studies and the development of a strong list of references and recommendation letters. In addition, NXT has now been granted patents or received patent allowance in 48 separate countries.
Our overall objective remains to continue to increase industry awareness and appreciation of the value of our SFD® survey system and our strategy to achieve this includes maximizing client endorsement opportunities (such as through joint case studies) and targeting the most appropriate markets (i.e. where SFD® provides the maximum benefits). Our specific tactics include:
Focus the majority of sales resources on high profile primary markets which offer the maximum opportunity for success;
Build upon success in this initial market and step out to other markets in Latin America, and in South Asia;
Pursue requests of interest from qualified potential client "bluebirds" from all other locations in the world. The bluebird model is defined as an opportunity that arises, not from deliberate targeted sales initiatives, but in response to unsolicited client enquiries;
Continue to conduct pilot surveys to expand our knowledge base and provide documentation to support the use of SFD® in new applications. Each new application opens more market opportunities and provides valuable case studies to support our sales initiatives; and
Respond to opportunities to present at technical conferences, publish papers in periodicals and generally maximize our opportunities to educate the industry on SFD® capabilities and document case study successes.
As we continue to progress and grow our project pipeline on a Fee for Survey Project basis, we remain optimistic given our progress during the year coupled with the steadily improving oil & gas environment. Notwithstanding, NXT has concurrently sought the development of an alternative business line though the sale of “Multi-Client Datasets” focused on IOCs and the development of their global exploration strategies. The purpose of this strategy has been to integrate our SFD® technology into the standard exploration process of such organizations. We believe this approach will be instrumental in helping us to build an independent and steady backlog of smaller scale data sales enabling us to enhance and smooth our revenue flow while we continue to execute on larger Fee for Survey Projects.
Seasonality of the Company’s Main Business
There is no seasonality to our business. NXT does however, have a very cyclical business, as revenue activity is dependent upon the level of capital investment in exploration drilling in the oil & gas industry and the size and timing of a limited number of survey contracts each year.
Sources and Availability of Raw Materials
We do not foresee any constraints upon materials or equipment that will impede our ability to execute our business plan or affect our ability to conduct and/or expand our business. Our main direct project input costs are aircraft operating costs and data interpretation staff. None of these expenses have been subject to significant price volatility.
In order to conduct our survey operations, we require the following:
Survey aircraft – Historically, we have both owned aircraft and chartered aircraft from independent charter aircraft companies. From 2009 to December 2015, we utilized an aircraft charter agreement with Air Partners, a Calgary-based air-charter operator, to provide aircraft, crew and maintenance services for our survey operations worldwide In December 2015, we acquired from Air Partners a jet aircraft which was previously charter hired to NXT. In April, 2017, NXT completed a sale and leaseback agreement of its aircraft with a Calgary based international aircraft services organization. The terms of the agreement resulted in NXT selling its’ 1997 Cessna Citation Ultra 560 jet aircraft. We currently rely on Air Partners as the manager / operator of the aircraft which we use in SFD® survey operations.
SFD® sensors - All of the survey sensors are manufactured in-house. Certain machining is required by third party machine shops, with final assembly performed by our technical staff. The sensors, once assembled, require flight testing prior to being considered acceptable for operational use. Not all sensors meet the performance criteria for operational use; however, we have demonstrated our ability to manufacture new functional SFD® sensors.
SFD® assembly - The units in which the sensors are incorporated are custom designed, fabricated and assembled in-house or through subcontracted vendors. We utilize the services of Transport Canada approved Design Approval Representatives to prepare subsequent type certificates (“STC”) for the installation of our SFD® units in each aircraft that we utilize for surveys. The time to obtain an STC approval for the installation of our SFD® units into any proposed aircraft type may require several months.
Computer hardware and software - (Data Acquisition System, SFD® Signal Conditioning Unit and data Interpretation software). During 2016, a new data acquisition system completed final testing. The software was developed by in-house personnel and will be utilized on future surveys. The hardware we use in our SFD® survey systems (other than the SFD® unit), and the balance of the computer software we use, are all readily available from retail or wholesale sources.
We are not dependent upon any other third-party contract manufacturers or suppliers to satisfy our technology requirements.
Marketing Channels
We largely use direct sales methods with some use of independent commissioned sales representatives in international markets.
Fiscal year ended December 31, 2018
As of the fiscal year ended December 31, 2018 we had a total of 11 employees. NXT has no employees that are members of a labor union. The following summarizes the number of employees and independent contractors by main job function as at December 31, 2018:
Senior management team
Finance, administration and sales
Operations and technical development
All of the above noted staff are based in Calgary, Canada. The 6 operations and technical development staff includes one research scientist holding a Ph.D. and 3 geoscientists. We periodically engage other technical and administrative contract personnel as required on a project basis.
In May 2012, we commenced a “provisional” patent application process in the U.S. and formally filed a patent on May 22, 2013, which was subsequently published on November 28, 2013. We intend to continue expanding the process with additional formal patent applications in the future. We understand that our right to patent the SFD® technology is not compromised by our ongoing commercial use of the technology, as the components of the SFD® technology have never been disclosed to third parties (except under very limited and confidential terms) or released in any manner into the public domain.
Initiatives to expand and protect our IP (including patenting and new R&D initiatives) were very successful in 2017. Squire Patton Boggs LLP, a United States (“US”) based leader in IP protection, has been advising NXT on our IP strategy, including the prior filing of an initial US provisional patent application in May 2012. In November 2014, NXT filed a related patent amendment submission in the US and since that time has undertaken new patent applications in select strategic international markets.
NXT’s patent applications have been filed in nine (9) jurisdictions worldwide.  Thus far, seven (7) patents have been granted: two (2) in U.S.A., and one (1) in each of the following countries: Canada, Japan, China, Russia, and Mexico. In late January 2019, we received a positive feedback from the examiner of the European Patent Office (consisting of 38 country members), showing potential to be allowed in the near future. In addition, two (2) more applications are pending in Brazil and India. SFD® patents granted in the U.S.A. and many other countries serve an important purpose beyond protection of our proprietary SFD® technology. They also provide multiple independent third-party recognitions of the technological invention in terms of the practical applicability, conceptual novelty, and knowledge advancement.
Our SFD® airborne survey service is based upon a proprietary technology, which is capable of remotely identifying, from a survey aircraft, subsurface anomalies associated with potential hydrocarbon traps with a resolution that we believe is technically superior to other airborne survey systems. To our knowledge there is no other company employing technology comparable to our SFD® survey system for oil and natural gas exploration.
Seismic is the standard technology used by the oil & gas industry to image subsurface structures. It is our view that the SFD® survey system is highly complementary to seismic analysis. Our system may reduce the need for seismic in wide-area reconnaissance but will not replace the role of seismic in verifying structure, closure and selecting drilling locations. The seismic industry is very competitive with many international and regional service providers.
The SFD® system can be used as a focusing tool for seismic. With an SFD® survey a large tract (i.e. over 5,000 square kilometers) of land can be evaluated quickly to identify locations with indications of reservoir potential. Seismic surveys, although effective in identifying these locations, are much more expensive, require significantly more time and impose a much greater negative impact on local communities and the environment. An SFD® survey deployed first can provide necessary information to target a seismic program over a limited area of locations selected by SFD®. This approach can result in a more effective seismic program and reduce the overall cost, time, community resistance and environmental impact required to locate and qualify a prospect.
The industry uses other technologies for wide area oil and natural gas reconnaissance exploration, such as aeromagnetic and gravity surveys. These systems can provide regional geological information, such as basement depth, sedimentary thickness and major faulting and structural development; however, these other airborne techniques are not as suitable for identifying areas with reservoir potential as the SFD® system.
Government & Environmental Regulation
SFD® Survey Flight Operations
The operation of our business, namely conducting aerial SFD® surveys and interpreting SFD® data, is not subject to material governmental or environmental regulation in Canada and the United States with the exception of flight rules issued by Transport Canada and the Federal Aviation Authority governing the use of commercial aircraft, including rules relating to low altitude flights. The requirements in other countries vary greatly and may require permits and/or provide other restrictions to conducting flight operations in the country that may restrict our ability to perform SFD® surveys as freely as in Canada and the United States.
For example, in Colombia, SFD® surveys must comply with three requirements not encountered in Canada and the United States. These requirements are i) customs obligations and bonds related to the importation and exportation of the aircraft into Colombia, ii) obtaining permits from the local aviation authority, and iii) obtaining permits from the Colombian Air Force. NXT has successfully operated in the past in Colombia in accordance with these requirements.
With our past experience in Canada, the United States, Bolivia, Mexico, Colombia and other countries, we do not anticipate any unusual government controls or regulations that might significantly prevent timely completion of SFD® surveys. However, we may encounter unforeseen government regulations or restrictions in other countries that may impair or restrict our ability to conduct surveys, which could limit our ability to earn revenue or potentially expose us to forfeiture of performance bonds.
Property, plant and equipment.
Oil and Gas Properties
We have minor historical interests in a limited number of acreage holdings of undeveloped lands in western Canada. These assets are not a material asset and have been written off in our financial statements. Additionally, we may in the future become entitled to receive gross over-riding royalty (“GORR”) interests on production from portions of certain lands where we conducted past surveys for clients in Canada, such as in the Horn River shale gas basin in British Columbia, Canada. There is no certainty that wells on these lands will become placed on production, or that future royalty revenues will be earned from these entitlements prior to the expiry of the landowners’ related mineral leases. No asset value has been recorded in the financial statements for these GORRs.
Facilities / office premises
In August 2015, NXT moved to a new office premises (11,333 square feet) at 3320 – 17th Avenue SW in Calgary under a 10-year lease at an initial estimated minimum monthly lease payment of $48,243 (including building operating costs) commencing in October 2015.
Our SFD® technology is comprised of three main components, detailed below, which we collectively refer to as our SFD® survey system. This system is generally stored at our Calgary office facility unless deployed during survey operations when this equipment would travel with the aircraft or be stored in a locked facility at the survey location when not in use. In addition, there is extensive interpretation equipment located in Calgary. The main categories of equipment we use are:
Stress Field Detector - the stress field detector, or SFD® system, including a unit which houses the SFD® sensors, is the principal component of our technology. SFD® sensors respond to changes in subsurface stress. These responses are transformed through a passive transducer into electronic digital signals. Airborne surveys are normally conducted utilizing an array of 22 SFD® sensors, consisting of 6 primary, 8 secondary and 8 development sensors, allowing the acquisition of multiple independent SFD® signals responses at all points of a survey.
Data Acquisition System - used in conjunction with the SFD® sensor array on surveys, our data acquisition system is a compact, portable computer system which concurrently acquires the electronic digital signals from the SFD® sensor array and other pertinent client data, including the GPS location information of the data.
SFD® Signal Conditioning Unit - this self-contained unit contains electronic circuits for stabilizing and conditioning electronic signals. All sensor output is directly connected to this unit and after signal conditioning is completed, all output is forwarded to the computer system.
Interpretation Theatre - once returned to our home base, the SFD® data collected is processed and converted into a format that can be used by our interpretation staff using systems consisting of generally off-the-shelf computer equipment, high definition monitors, projectors and screens. This equipment is generally permanently set up at our Calgary office facility. A remote SFD® data interpretation theater is available and may be deployed during survey operations and would be set up in a facility at the survey client’s city.
We are not affected by any significant environmental concerns, nor is there any planned significant capital additions contemplated.
4.0           RISK FACTORS
Investing in our common shares involves a high degree of risk. In addition to the other information included in this document, you should carefully consider the risks described below before purchasing our common shares. If any of the following risks actually occur, our business, financial condition and results of operations could materially suffer. As a result, the trading price of our common shares could decline, and you might lose all or part of your investment.
Future Operations
NXT is still in the early stages of realizing wide-spread commercialization of its SFD® technology. Its ability to generate cash flow from operations will depend on its ability to service its existing clients and develop new clients for its SFD® services. Management recognizes that the commercialization phase can last for several years and that it can have significant economic dependence on a small number of clients, which can have a material effect on the Company's operating results and financial position.
NXT anticipates that it will be able to generate both net income and cash from operations in future years based on its current business model however, this outcome cannot be predicted with certainty. The Company has a history of generating net losses and periodic shortages of current assets less current liabilities. The Company's consolidated financial statements do not include any adjustments to amounts and classifications of assets and liabilities that might be necessary should NXT be unable to generate sufficient revenues, net income and cash flow from operations in future years in order to continue as a going concern.
Financial Statements
The preparation of financial statements requires our management to make estimates and assumptions. These estimates and assumptions affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities including the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities as well as revenues and expenses recorded in our financial statements. Estimates made relate primarily to the measurement of accrued liabilities, stock-based compensation expense, valuation of future income tax assets, estimates for asset retirement obligations, and the useful lives of capital assets and intellectual property.
The estimates and assumptions are reviewed periodically and are based upon the best information available to management; however, we cannot provide assurance that future events will not prove that these estimates and assumptions are inaccurate. Any revisions to our estimates and assumptions may have a material impact on our future reported net income or loss and assets and liabilities.
Commodity Prices
NXT's customer base is in the oil and natural gas exploration industry, which is exposed to risks of volatility in oil and natural gas commodity prices. As such, demand for our services and prospective revenues may become adversely impacted by ongoing declines in oil and natural gas prices. The impact of price changes on our ability to enter into SFD® survey contracts cannot be readily determined. However, in general, if commodity prices decline significantly, our opportunity to obtain and execute SFD® survey contracts will also likely decline, at least in the short term.
Foreign Currency Fluctuations
We currently conduct cash transactions and have holdings in Canadian dollars, U.S. dollars and periodically have holdings of local currency in other countries. We generally contract to earn revenues in U.S. dollars and potentially may earn revenues in Canadian dollars and other foreign currencies.
Our reporting currency is in Canadian dollars. We currently do not engage in currency hedging activities, but are reviewing opportunities to do so. Our cash positions and potential foreign currency revenue streams in currencies other than Canadian dollars exposes us to exchange rate fluctuations between the Canadian dollar and foreign currencies.
Our financial position will be affected by exchange rate fluctuations. We may earn revenue and incur expenses denominated in foreign currencies, yet report our financial results in Canadian dollars. Furthermore, we intend to enter into contracts to provide services in foreign countries and may periodically conduct business in other currencies such as the Euro. Changes in currency exchange rates could have an adverse effect on the Company's business, financial condition and results of operations.
Interest Rate Fluctuations
We periodically invest available cash in short term investments that generate interest income that will be affected by any change in interest rates.
Availability of Aircraft
In April 2017, NXT completed a sale and leaseback agreement of its aircraft with a Calgary based international aircraft services organization (the “Lessor”). The terms of the agreement resulted in NXT selling its 1997 Cessna Citation Ultra 560 jet aircraft that was purchased in 2015. NXT has leased the aircraft over an initial term of 60 months and retains all existing operating rights and obligations. NXT is required to make monthly payments to the Lessor of approximately US$39,500. NXT has the option to extend the term of the lease by an additional two years. Should NXT want to repurchase the aircraft at the end of the initial lease term, the purchase price is US$1,450,000. When the aircraft is not needed for use by NXT, we seek to earn charter hire revenues from the aircraft through a 3rd party, Air Partners.
Air Partners also has access to an alternate, similar model aircraft (certified for the use of our survey equipment) which could be charter hired for use by NXT if needed.
In the event that NXT’s aircraft is not available (due to damage, a need for extensive repairs, or other unforeseen events) to conduct survey projects, there is a risk that suitable alternative aircraft may not be available on a timely basis from other charter operators when needed. This inability to conduct survey operations could have a material adverse effect on the Company's business, financial condition and results of operations.
Segregation of Duties
Certain duties that are most appropriately segregated between different employees are, due to our current limited staff, assigned to one or two individuals depending on the task.
Standard internal control methodology involves the separation of incompatible functions by assigning these functions to separate individuals and in larger organizations to separate departments. We often cannot allocate these functions to separate individuals because our administrative staff is limited.
Although we have adopted alternative control methods designed to compensate for the reduced ability to separate incompatible functions, these alternative controls are not effective and there is more than a remote likelihood that our internal control over financial reporting will not prevent or detect material misstatements if they should exist in our financial statements. This lack of separation of duties exposes us to potential misappropriation of funds, embezzlement and other forms of fraud and could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
Related Party Transactions
We may periodically enter into related party transactions with our officers and directors. The most significant transaction was a “Technology Transfer Agreement” (the “TTA”) that was executed on December 31, 2006 between NXT and Mr. George Liszicasz, our CEO, President and Chairman wherein we issued 10,000,000 convertible preferred shares to him in exchange for the rights to the SFD® technology for use in hydrocarbon exploration. In 2013, a total of 2,000,000 of these preferred shares were converted (on a one-to-one basis) into common shares, and the remaining 8,000,000 preferred shares were converted in August 2015.
Although we manage this potential conflict of interest risk through maintenance of a strong independent board of directors (the “Board”), all related party transactions have the potential for conflicts of interest that may compromise the ability of Board members to exercise their fiduciary responsibility to NXT shareholders.
For the period December 1, 2017 to January 31, 2018, Mr. Selby acted as the Interim CFO of the Company.
Conflicts of Interest
Mr. George Liszicasz, our CEO, is our largest shareholder, and as of March 26, 2019 owns approximately 23% of our outstanding common shares and therefore has a substantial influence in all shareholder matters.
Controls do exist to mitigate any potential risks associated with this conflict of interest. Mr. Liszicasz adheres to a code of conduct which includes a fiduciary responsibility to the Company and its shareholders and this conduct is governed by the independent Board of directors who collectively represent a majority of the Board. Furthermore, all material related party transactions are disclosed publicly.
However, should these conflict of interest controls not be effective, decisions could be made by the Company that may advantage Mr. Liszicasz and negatively impact other shareholders.
Rights to SFD® Technology
Our rights to ownership and use of SFD® technology depended on Mr. Liszicasz having the lawful right to sell to NXT the exclusive rights to exploit the SFD® technology for the exploration of hydrocarbons as agreed to in the TTA.
A risk exists that an unknown party may claim some legal entitlement to our intellectual property, our rights to commercialize this intellectual property or our right to create SFD® devices and processes. However, we believe that such a claim would be without merit.
The SFD® technology is an essential component of our business plan. If a third party challenged our lawful entitlement to this technology, the legal defense of our right to the technology may be expensive and could cause a loss of our right to the SFD® technology, or a protracted legal process to assert our right to the technology would have a material adverse effect on the Company's business, financial condition and results of operations.
Reliance on Specialized Equipment
We rely on specialized data acquisition equipment, including a limited number of SFD® sensor devices, to conduct our aerial SFD® survey operations. We would be at risk if these survey sensors were to become damaged, destroyed, worn out, stolen or in any way became unavailable for use in operations prior to us creating and testing additional sensors. Should the sensors become unavailable for any reason, our ability to conduct surveys could be delayed for several months as we built new sensors. During this period we may become unable to satisfy contractual obligations, which may jeopardize future revenue opportunities and may potentially result in a client drawing on a contract performance bond posted by the Company or otherwise making claims against the Company for breach of contract. In addition, an inability to satisfy contractual obligations may have an adverse effect on our developing reputation within the oil and gas community.
NXT seeks to mitigate this risk by researching new designs and constructing additional SFD® sensor devices.
Geological Conditions
As the Company is in the early commercialization phase, SFD® surveys have not been tested over all potential geological conditions. Some geological conditions may subsequently be proven to be unsuited for SFD® surveys thereby creating unforeseen limitations to the application of SFD® surveys.
Any limitation to the application of SFD® surveys has the potential of restricting future revenue opportunities and if not properly disclosed to industry clients, such limitations may impact the reputation of the Company with these clients.
Technological Improvement
Unless we pursue ongoing technological improvement and development, we may be unable to respond to changes in customer requirements or new competitive technologies.
We must continue to refine and develop our SFD® survey system to make it scalable for growth and to respond to potential future competitive pressures. These improvements require substantial time and resources. Furthermore, even if resources are available, there can be no assurance that the Company will be commercially or technically successful in enhancing the technology. Our inability to keep pace with new technologies and evolving industry standards and demands could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
Reliance on Key Personnel
We rely on a limited number of key personnel who collectively possess the knowledge and skills to conduct SFD® surveys and interpret SFD® data as required to meet contract obligations. Additional or replacement personnel cannot be found and trained quickly. The loss of any of these key persons or increased demand for our services from clients could impair our ability to meet contract obligations, thereby adversely impacting our reputation and our ability to earn future revenue from clients.
The Company's future success depends, to a significant extent, on the continued service of its key technical and management personnel and on our ability to continue to attract and retain qualified employees. The loss of the services of our employees or a failure to attract, retain and motivate qualified personnel could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. We do not have “key man” insurance on any of our personnel.
The Company put in place employment agreements with its chief executive officer, George Liszicasz.
We have a dependence on Mr. Liszicasz and three other staff members to be involved in the SFD® data interpretation process and to continue to enhance our technology. We are working to minimize dependency on key personnel. Mr. Liszicasz has trained and continues to train a team of signal interpreters to minimize our reliance on him to perform these functions. Currently, a total of four persons, two of which are highly experienced, are trained to interpret SFD® signals.
Although we have engaged employees with suitable credentials to work with Mr. Liszicasz to enhance our interpretation process and further develop the SFD® technology, if we are unable to reduce dependence on Mr. Liszicasz and he becomes incapable of performing or unwilling to perform these functions, then there may be an adverse effect on our ability to interpret the data from SFD® surveys or to enhance our technology.
Within the province of Alberta, the skilled personnel that we require may periodically be in short supply and there is specialized training required that can take several months in order for a new employee to become effective. If we cannot hire these key personnel, we have inadequate time to train them or should we lose current personnel, then our ability to accept contracts or meet contract commitments may be adversely affected, thereby restricting our ability to earn revenue.
Ability to Trade Shares
There is no certainty that an investor can trade our common shares on public markets at a stable market price. The Company has historically had a limited public market for our common shares on the TSX Venture Exchange (the “TSX-V”), and the United States (“U.S.”) OTC Markets Group’s Venture Stage Marketplace (the “OTCQB”) and there is a risk that a broader or more active public trading market for our common shares will not develop or be sustained, or that current trading levels will not be sustained. Effective March 22, 2016, the Company’s application to graduate from the TSX-V to the broader Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”), Canada’s premier stock exchange listing, was approved.
The market price for the common shares on the exchanges where our stock is listed has been and we anticipate will continue to be, extremely volatile and subject to significant price and volume fluctuations in response to a variety of external and internal factors. This is especially true with respect to emerging companies such as ours. Examples of external factors, which can generally be described as factors that are unrelated to the operating performance or financial condition of any particular company, include changes in interest rates and worldwide economic and market conditions, as well as changes in industry conditions, such as changes in oil and natural gas prices, oil and natural gas inventory levels, regulatory and environment rules, and announcements of technology innovations or new products by other companies. Examples of internal factors, which can generally be described as factors that are directly related to our consolidated financial condition or results of operations, would include release of reports by securities analysts and announcements we may make from time to time relative to our operating performance, clients exploration results, financing, advances in technology or other business developments.
Because we have a limited operating history and a limited history of profitability to date, the market price for the common shares is more volatile than that of a seasoned issuer. Changes in the market price of the common shares, for example, may have no connection with our operating results or the quality of services provided to clients. No predictions or projections can be made as to what the prevailing market price for the common shares will be at any time, or as to what effect, if any, that the sale of shares or the availability of common shares for sale at any time will have on the prevailing market price. Given the relatively low historic trading volumes, small trades of NXT’s common shares can adversely and potentially dramatically affect the market prices for those shares.
Accordingly, investors in our common stock should anticipate both volatile stock price and poor liquidity unless these conditions change.
We have never paid any cash dividends on our common shares and we do not anticipate that we will pay any dividends in the foreseeable future. Our current business plan is to retain any future earnings to finance the expansion of our business. Any future determination to pay cash dividends will be at the discretion of our Board of directors and will be dependent upon our consolidated financial condition, results of operations, capital requirements and other factors as our Board of directors may deem relevant at that time.
Our right to issue additional capital stock at any time could have an adverse effect on your proportionate ownership and voting rights.
We are authorized under our Articles of Incorporation to issue an unlimited number of common shares and an unlimited number of preferred shares. We may issue these shares under such circumstances and in such manner and at such times, prices, amounts and purposes as our Board of Directors may, in its discretion, determine to be necessary and appropriate, subject to compliance with all applicable exchange regulations and corporate and securities laws. Proportionate ownership and voting rights of common shareholders could be adversely affected by the issuance of additional common shares which may result in common share value dilution.
Intellectual Property
We may not be able to protect our trade secrets and intellectual property from competitors who would use this knowledge to eliminate or reduce our technological advantage.
Our success and future revenue growth will depend, in part, on our ability to protect our intellectual property (“IP”). We have commenced an IP strategy process to obtain patents related to the SFD® technology, while also utilizing “trade secrets” protection of the proprietary nature of our technology as applicable.
Initiatives to expand and protect our IP (including patenting and new R&D initiatives) have been very successful. Squire Patton Boggs LLP, a United States (“US”) based leader in IP protection, has been advising NXT on our IP strategy, including the prior filing of an initial US provisional patent application in May 2012. In November 2014, NXT filed a related patent amendment submission in the US and since that time has undertaken new patent applications in select strategic international markets.
So far, SFD® patents applications have been filed in nine (9) jurisdictions worldwide.  Thus far seven (7) patents have been granted: two (2) in U.S.A., and one (1) in each of the following countries: Canada, Japan, China, Russia, and Mexico. In late January 2019, we received a positive feedback from the examiner of the European Patent Office (consisting of 38 country members), showing potential to be allowed in the near future. In addition, two (2) more applications are pending in Brazil and India. The SFD® patents serve an important purpose beyond the protection they provide to the proprietary SFD® technology. Our patents also serve as an independent third-party verification of the scientific principles that form the basis of the SFD® process and its application.
The patent protection application process requires disclosure of at least some aspects of our SFD® technology to third parties and ultimately public disclosure. This disclosure could significantly increase the risk of unlawful use of our technology by third parties. Furthermore, we have no assurance that, even if we seek patent protection, a patent could be registered to protect our IP in all or any jurisdictions within North America or other countries throughout the world. If registered, there can be no assurance that it would be sufficiently broad to protect our technology or that any potential patent would not be challenged, invalidated or circumvented or that any right granted thereunder would provide meaningful protection or a competitive advantage to us. Finally, protection afforded by patents is limited by the financial resources available to legally defend IP rights. We currently do not possess the required financial resources to fund a lengthy defense of our rights if challenged by a much larger competitor or an oil and gas company.
We do enjoy common and contract law protection of our technology and trade secrets. Employees and contractors are governed by confidentiality agreements as well as a fiduciary responsibility to protect our technology, supporting documentation and other proprietary information.
Our strongest protection of the SFD® technology comes from restricting access to knowledge concerning the technology. Only a very limited number of NXT personnel have access to or knowledge of the underlying SFD® technology and no one employee and only one officer has access or knowledge of all aspects of the SFD® system. Currently, no third party has any significant knowledge of the technology. As further protection, SFD® equipment does not leave the direct control of NXT employees, thereby preventing unauthorized replication of the equipment.
The Company reassesses the appropriateness of its IP protection strategy on an ongoing basis and seeks advice from IP advisors as necessary.
It is possible that a third party will copy or otherwise obtain and use the Company's technology without authorization, develop a similar technology independently or design around the Company's secrets. Accordingly, there can be no assurance that the steps taken by the Company to prevent misappropriation or infringement of our IP will be successful.
An inability to protect our IP would make it possible for competitors to offer similar products and services that could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
Flight Operations
We experience operational hazards in our flight operations that may subject us to potential claims in the event that an incident or accident occurs.
The flight operations of SFD® surveys are subject to the hazards associated with general flight operations. An aircraft accident may cause personal injury and loss of life, as well as severe damage to and destruction of property or the SFD® sensors and related equipment.
Independent third parties provide all the services required to maintain, operate the aircraft and they bear the primary risks of flight operations. These services are provided by an organization accredited by Transport Canada to operate aircraft in accordance with Transport Canada approved and audited operating procedures. The aircraft operator employs the required pilots, aircraft maintenance engineers, support personnel and ensures that they operate within their Transport Canada operating certificate. Our employees do not perform any airworthiness or flight safety operations.
We require the flight contractor to maintain appropriate insurance coverage for the risks associated with aircraft operations and we obtain insurance coverage to provide us with additional risk protection. In addition, we maintain general business insurance coverage and believe that this insurance and the policy limits are appropriate for the operational risks that we incur.
Despite our policy to not operate the aircraft directly and our insurance coverage, we cannot avoid or alternatively be insured for all risks of flight operations. In the event of an incident or accident we may be sued by injured parties in excess of our policy limits or for damages that are not covered by our insurance policy. The magnitude of a lawsuit of this nature is not determinable. Furthermore, to the extent that our SFD® equipment is damaged, we may be unable to conduct SFD® surveys for several months following an accident.
Foreign Countries
We conduct operations in foreign countries, which exposes us to several risks that may have a material adverse effect on the Company.
Criminal Activity and Social Instability – We have operated in the past in foreign countries such as Colombia, which over the past two decades experienced significant social upheaval and criminal activity relating to drug trafficking, kidnapping and terrorist acts. While the situation has improved dramatically in recent years, there can be no guarantee that the situation will not deteriorate again, nor are these risks eliminated as yet. Furthermore, other potential international survey locations may have similar or other indeterminate criminal or social instability risks.
Systemic criminal activity in a country or isolated criminal acts may disrupt operations, impact our ability to earn revenue, dramatically add to our cost of operations or potentially prevent us from earning any survey revenue in a country.
In addition, foreign markets may be susceptible to a higher risk of corruption and bribery. All of NXT’s employees, contractors, and independent sales agents are required to adhere to the Company’s code of conduct and business ethics, which prohibits illegal activities, including any acts of bribery or corruption.
Political Instability - Any changes in regulations or shifts in political attitudes are beyond the control of the Company and may adversely affect our business. Exploration may be affected in varying degrees by government regulations which have the effect of restricting exploration and production activities. These changes may adversely impact the laws and policies governing price controls, export controls, foreign exchange controls, income taxes, expropriation of property, environmental legislation, site safety or other areas.
Currently, there are no restrictions (other than the payment of local with-holding taxes) on the repatriation back to Canada of our earnings in foreign countries in which we have operated, such as Colombia and Bolivia; however, there can be no assurance that significant restrictions on repatriation to Canada of earnings will not be imposed in the future.
Our operations may also be adversely affected by changes in laws and policies in Canada impacting foreign travel and immigration, foreign trade, taxation and investment.
Commercial Disputes – While operating in a foreign country, we are subjected to local commercial laws which often involve executing contracts in a foreign language. Although every effort is made to ensure we have access to an accurate English translation, misunderstanding and potential disputes between parties may arise.
In the event of a dispute arising in connection with our foreign operations for any reason, we may be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of foreign courts or may not be successful in subjecting foreign persons to the jurisdictions of the courts of Canada or enforcing Canadian judgments in such other jurisdictions. We may also be hindered or prevented from enforcing our rights with respect to a government instrumentality because of the doctrine of sovereign immunity.
Accordingly, these risk factors have the potential of adversely reducing the level of survey revenue from our clients, our ability to operate effectively or our ability to be paid for our services and may have a material adverse effect on our financial position.
Where possible, NXT utilizes risk mitigation products offered by entities such as Export Development Canada (“EDC”). EDC financial products include insurance coverage of contract accounts receivable, guarantee support for contract performance bonds and wrongful call insurance for such bonds.
Flight permits
We rely upon the right to conduct airborne surveys in foreign countries. These foreign operations expose us to the risks that we will be prevented from conducting surveys when requested by clients.
The operation of our business, namely conducting aerial SFD® surveys and interpreting SFD® data, is not subject to material governmental or environmental regulation in Canada and the United States with the exception of flight rules issued by Transport Canada and the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) governing the use of commercial aircraft, including rules relating to low altitude flights. The requirements in other countries vary greatly and may require permits and/or provide other restrictions to conducting flight operations in the country that may restrict our ability to perform SFD® surveys.
For example, in South American countries in which we have operated, such as Colombia and Bolivia, SFD® surveys must comply with additional requirements not encountered in Canada and the United States, including customs obligations and bonds related to the importation and exportation of the aircraft into the country, obtaining permits from the local aviation authority, and obtaining permits from the local Air Force. We have successfully operated in South America and other global regions in accordance with these typical requirements.
With our North America and International experience to date, we do not anticipate any government controls or regulations that will prevent timely completion of SFD® surveys. However, we may encounter government restrictions in other countries that may impact or restrict our ability to conduct surveys.
If we encounter government regulation and restrictions that impact or prevent us from conducting surveys in any country, then we will not be able to earn revenue in the country and we may be exposed to forfeiting any performance bonds which may have been issued.
We caution that the factors referred to above and those referred to as part of particular forward-looking statements may not be exhaustive and that new risk factors emerge from time to time in our rapidly changing business environment.
5.           DIVIDEND POLICY
The Company has not paid dividends since its inception.
Common Shares
The Company is authorized to issue an unlimited number of common shares. As of April 1, 2019, there were 68,573,558 fully paid and non-assessable common shares issued and outstanding. The holders of common shares are entitled to dividends (subject to any prior rights of the holders of Preferred Shares) if, as and when declared by the Board of Directors. 
The holders of common shares are entitled to one vote per share at any meeting of the shareholders of the Company and to receive in the event of liquidation or dissolution (subject to any prior rights of the holders of Preferred Shares), all assets of the Company as are distributable to the holders of shares.
The complete description of the rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions of the common shares is included in our articles a copy of which is available through the Company's issuer profile on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. 
Preferred Shares
The Company is authorized to issue an unlimited number of Preferred Shares, issuable in series.  The Board may by resolution fix before issuance, the designation, rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions to attach to the Preferred Shares of each series.  The Preferred Shares are entitled to preference over the common shares with respect to the payment of dividends, if any, and in the event of liquidation, dissolution or winding-up of the Company. As of April 1, 2019, there are no Preferred Shares issued and outstanding.
The complete description of the rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions of the Preferred Shares is included in our articles a copy of which is available through the Company's issuer profile on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. 
On February 16, 2018, the Company entered into an agreement to complete a three-tranche Private Placement under which AGV has committed to purchase 10,905,212 Units at a price of $0.924 per Unit for total gross proceeds of approximately $10,076,416. Each Unit consists of one Common Share and one-third of one Warrant. Each Warrant entitles the holder to acquire one Warrant Share at an exercise price of $1.20 for twelve (12) months from closing of the first tranche of the Private Placement.
As of the date of this AIF the Company has received conditional approval from the TSX to extend the warrants to February 16, 2020, subject to disinterested shareholder approval. As previously discussed as part of the Co-operation Agreement, NXT has agreed to seek approval to a 12-month extension of the expiry date of the common share purchase warrants held by AGV.
The Company had 68,573,558 common shares outstanding at the 31st December 2018. All shares have equal voting rights.
The following tables set forth the price history of the Company’s common shares listed on the OTC in the United States and on the TSX in Canada.
Month Ended
(in CDN$)
(in CDN$)
(in US$)
(in US$)
December 31, 2018
November 30, 2018
October 31, 2018
September 30, 2018
August 31, 2018
July 31, 2018
June 30, 2018
May 31, 2018
April 30, 2018
March 31, 2018
February 28, 2018
January 31, 2018
As described in section 6.3, Warrants, the Company completed the final tranches of a three-tranche Private Placement on July 3, 2018.
In conjunction with the closing on the final amount of the Private Placement, the Company and the AGV have agreed to enter into an Investor Rights Agreement pursuant to which: (a) the Subscriber has the right to nominate one director for election to the board of directors of the Company (subject to maintaining any equity ownership of at least 10% in the Company); (b) the Subscriber is entitled to participate in future equity or convertible security offerings of the Company in order to maintain its pro rata equity interest in the Company (subject to maintaining any equity ownership of at least 10% in the Company); (c) the Subscriber is entitled to a similar equity offering participation right in connection with certain new entities that may be created by the Company to expand the application of its proprietary technologies; and (d) the Subscriber has agreed to a 18 month standstill from July 3, 2018 and a 12 month restriction on dispositions of 75% of the securities acquired in the Private Placement.
There are no other securities held in escrow or securities subject to a contractual restriction on transfer.

Our articles of incorporation provide for a minimum of one director and a maximum of 15 directors comprising our Board of directors. At present, our Board of directors consists of five members.
Our directors are elected by our shareholders at our annual meeting of shareholders and hold the position either until the next annual shareholders’ meeting, the date of their resignation or until a successor is appointed.
The following sets forth information, including directorships in other reporting issuers, as of April 1, 2019, for our directors, executive officers and key employees:
George Liszicasz Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Director, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer since January 1996;
President since July 2002   
Mr. Liszicasz is the inventor of the SFD® Technology and has been Chairman and Chief Executive Officer since the Corporation's inception in 1996. Mr. Liszicasz’ primary responsibilities, as the President and CEO, are to oversee all operations and to further develop the SFD® technology.
He holds an Electronics Engineer degree from the Landler Jeno Technitken in Hungary in 1973 and studied general sciences at the University of British Columbia between 1979 and 1983. Mr. Liszicasz has extensive R&D body of work with various technologies, and 52 inventions.
Charles Selby Calgary,
Alberta, Canada
 Director since January 2006
 Mr. Selby holds a B. Sc. (Hons) in Chemical Engineering, a J.D. degree and is a registered Professional Engineer in the Province of Alberta. He previously practiced law for two large Canadian law firms, specializing in securities and corporate finance matters. Since leaving the practice of law,  Mr. Selby was a Vice President of Pengrowth Corporation for almost 20 years. He also has served on the board and in management of a number of reporting issuers including Arakis Energy, which has operations in the Sudan, and other issuers in the oil and natural gas industry.
He is currently the Chairman and CEO of Montana Exploration Corp. (formerly AltaCanada Energy Corp.), an oil and gas company listed on the TSX-V, and is the president of Caledonian Royalty Corporation, Caledonian Global Corporation and Caledonian Midstream Corporation, private entities which are involved in oil & gas production and the midstream business.
Mr. Selby is the Lead Director of NXT.  He is also Chair of NXT’s Compensation Committee and a member of the Audit, Disclosure, and Strategic Planning Committees.   
Mr. Selby also served as the Company’s interim CFO from December, 2017 to January, 2018.
 John Tilson Montecito, California, USA
Director since February 2015
 Mr. Tilson is retired, and after obtaining MBA and CFA designations, had a distinguished career as an analyst, portfolio manager, and advisor in the US investment and financial industry with such firms as Sutro & Company and EF Hutton & Company. Mr. Tilson joined Roger Engemann and Associates in 1983 when assets under management were roughly US$160 million. During his tenure there, the Pasadena Group of Mutual Funds was started, with Pasadena Capital Corporation formed as the holding company for the mutual funds and investment management business. After working as an analyst and portfolio manager, John later became Executive Vice President & Managing Director of Pasadena Capital Corporation. Assets under management had grown to over US$5 billion by the time the firm was sold to Phoenix Companies in 1997. Mr. Tilson later retired in 2005.
From 2006 to 2012, Mr. Tilson was a member of the Board of Trustees, including three years serving as VP and Chairman of the long-range planning committee, for Lotusland, a Santa Barbara non-profit organization established by Madame Ganna Walska.
Mr. Tilson is the Chair of the Board’s Strategic Planning Committee, and a member of the Compensation, Governance and Audit Committees.
Thomas E. Valentine Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Director since November 2007
Corporate Secretary since April 2014
 Mr. Valentine is a Partner with Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP, where he has practiced law, both as a Barrister and a Solicitor, since his call to the Bar in 1987. He is a member of the firm’s Energy and Infrastructure Practice Group and is involved in energy and energy related matters throughout the Middle East, North Africa, the CIS, Asia and South America.
Mr. Valentine is a member of the Board of Directors of Touchstone Exploration Inc., and formerly was a director of two other Canadian public companies, Calvalley Petroleum Inc. (to May 2015) and Veraz Petroleum Ltd.  
Mr. Valentine holds a BA from the University of British Columbia, a LLB from Dalhousie University, and a LL.M. from the London School of Economics.  
Mr. Valentine is the Chair of the Governance Committee and a member of the Compensation Committee.
Bruce G. Wilcox New York, New York, USA
Director since June 2015      
 Mr. Wilcox has had a long career as an investment company CEO, analyst and portfolio manager. He spent most of his career with Cumberland Associates, LLC, a New York equity fund, from 1986 through retirement in 2010, progressing from analyst / portfolio manager to partner, and Chairman of the Management Committee. Mr. Wilcox specialized in Cumberland’s investments in the energy industry (E&P and service companies), with an emphasis on value and long-term holdings. During his tenure, the fund’s assets under management ranged from US$0.7 to $1.5 billion.
From 1984 to 1986, Mr. Wilcox was with Central National-Gottesman, Inc. as an analyst and portfolio manager on a team responsible for a $500 million listed equity portfolio.
Mr. Wilcox is presently CEO of E Street Management, LLC which manages a long/short equity fund of funds. He is also one of the managing members of Xiling Fund III, LLC, part of a series of private equity funds (US$100+ million) which specialize in investing in museum quality Chinese art and collectibles.
Mr. Wilcox obtained a BA (Honors), in Modern Chinese from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a Master of International Management from the American Graduate School of International Management in Phoenix.
Mr. Wilcox is a member of several Boards, including the Teachers College of Colombia University (2003 to date, including acting as the Chair of the Investment Committee), the University of California Santa Barbara Foundation (2003 to date, including as former Chair of the Board, Investment and Finance Committees), and is a Trustee (2001 to date) of the Manhattan Institute For Policy Research, a leading urban, state, and national policy institution, which works on matters such as energy policy.
Mr. Wilcox is the chair of the Board’s Audit Committee and a member of the Disclosure, Governance and Strategic Planning Committees.  
Eugene Woychyshyn Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Interim CFO and Corporate Controller
since December 2018  
Mr. Woychyshyn has been serving as a consultant to NXT since late November 2017 providing controllership services. He has extensive international experience in North America, Europe and Asia working in numerous industries and has previous experience in the CFO role of a TSX Venture listed company. Mr. Woychyshyn is a Chartered Professional Accountant who holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Manitoba and a Masters of Business Administration from St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia PA. 
Mr. Woychyshyn is a member of the Disclosure Committee.                                
As of April 1, 2019, the directors and officers of NXT, as a group, beneficially owned or controlled or directed, directly or indirectly 19,281,979 Common Shares or approximately 28.1% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares.
9.1 Cease Trade Orders, Bankruptcies, Penalties or Sanctions
None of the directors or executive officers is, or has been in the last ten years, a director, chief executive officer or chief financial officer of any company that: (i) was subject to a cease trade or similar order or an order that denied the relevant company access to any exemption under securities legislation for a period of more than 30 consecutive days that was issued while the director was acting in that capacity; and (ii) was subject to such an order that was issued after the proposed director ceased to be a director, chief executive officer or chief financial officer and which resulted from an event that occurred while that person was acting in such a capacity.
None of the directors or executive officers is, or has been in the last ten years, a director or executive officer of any company that, while that person was acting in that capacity, or within a year of that person ceasing to act in that capacity, became bankrupt, made a proposal under any legislation relating to bankruptcy or insolvency or was subject to or instituted any proceedings, arrangement or compromise with creditors or had a receiver, receiver manager or trustee appointed to hold its assets, other than as discussed below.
A cease trade order was issued by the Alberta Securities Commission on May 4, 2018 against Montana Exploration Corp. (“MEC”) for failing to file its annual audited financial statements, annual management’s discussion and analysis and certification of annual filings within the required time period. Charles Selby is the Chief Executive Officer of MEC. The TSX Venture Exchange has announced that upon revocation of the Cease Trade Order, MEC’s shares will remain suspended until the company meets TSX Venture Exchange requirements. Charles Selby was previously a member of the board of directors of Wellpoint Systems Inc. (“Wellpoint”, a reporting issuer on the TSX-V), which in 2011 had a Receiver appointed by the Court of Queen’s Bench of the Province of Alberta on behalf of the holders of secured debts. Wellpoint was subsequently wound up following a restructuring and sale of its operating assets. Charles Selby was previously a member of the board of directors of Idaho Natural Resources Corp., which was cease-traded by the TSX Venture Exchange in December 2012 for failing to meet listing requirements.
None of the directors or executive officers has, within the last ten years, become bankrupt, made a proposal under any legislation relating to bankruptcy or insolvency, or become subject to or instituted any proceedings, arrangement or compromise with creditors or had a receiver, receiver manager or trustee appointed to hold their assets.
Messrs. Tilson, Valentine, and Wilcox are considered "independent" within the meaning of Canadian securities law.
Board Practices
Expiration Dates
No director or member of our administrative, or supervisory bodies has an expiration date for their current term of office. Directors are elected by shareholders at the annual meeting of shareholders and hold the position either until the next annual shareholders’ meeting or until a successor is appointed. The period during which each individual has served as a director is set out in the table under Item 9 – “Directors and Officers”.
Service Contracts
No directors (other than an employment contract for the CEO, Mr. Liszicasz) have service contracts with the Company or any of its subsidiaries that provide benefits upon termination of employment.
Board of Directors Mandate
The principal role of the Board is stewardship of the Company through the creation of shareholder value, including the protection and enhancement of the value of its assets, as the fundamental objective. The stewardship responsibility means that the Board oversees the general operation of the business and management, which is responsible for the day-to-day conduct of the business. The Board must assess and ensure systems are in place to manage the risks of the Company’s business with the objective of preserving the Company’s assets. The Board, through the CEO, sets the attitude and disposition of the Company towards compliance with applicable laws, environmental, safety and health policies, financial practices and reporting. In addition to its primary accountability to shareholders, the Board is also accountable to employees, government authorities, other stakeholders and the public. The Mandate of the Board is located in Appendix B.
Board Committees
The Company and the Board recognize the importance of corporate governance to the effective management of the Company and to its shareholders. The Company’s approach to significant issues of corporate governance is designed with a view to ensuring that the business and affairs of the Company are effectively managed so as to enhance shareholder value. The Mandate of the Corporate Governance Committee is posted on the Company website and may be viewed at www.nxtenergy.com or you may request a copy be mailed to you by writing to our offices at Suite 302, 3320 - 17th Avenue SW Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T3E 0B4.
The Board and management endorse the need to establish forward-looking governance policies and to continuously evaluate and modify them to ensure their effectiveness.
Composition of the Corporate Governance Committee
Mr. Valentine (Chair), Mr. Wilcox and Mr. Tilson are members of the Corporate Governance Committee and are independent.
Responsibilities of the Corporate Governance Committee
The Corporate Governance Committee’s duties, as outlined in its charter, are to deal with the Company’s approach to corporate governance and the promotion of compliance with industry and regulatory standards. The committee is responsible for overseeing and assessing the functioning of the Board and the committees of the Board and for the development, recommendation to the Board, implementation and assessment of effective corporate governance principles and guidelines. The Committee’s responsibilities also include identifying new candidates for director and recommending that the Board select qualified director candidates for election at the next annual meeting of shareholders.
Composition of the Disclosure Committee
The Disclosure Committee currently consists of Mr. Wilcox who is independent and Mr. Selby and Mr. Woychyshyn.
Responsibilities of the Disclosure Committee
The Disclosure Committee’s duties are to ensure that the Company provides timely, accurate and balanced disclosure of all material information about the Company and to provide fair and equal access to such information. All news releases, including but not limited to releases of material information, are managed by the Disclosure Committee. If the information has been determined by the Disclosure Committee to be material, news releases will be prepared, reviewed and then disseminated through a news-wire service that provides simultaneous service to widespread news services and financial media. Additionally, the Disclosure Committee is responsible for ensuring public disclosure through filing these news releases on SEDAR, EDGAR, and our website.
Composition of the Audit Committee
The Audit Committee consists of Messrs. Wilcox (Chair), Tilson and Selby. Messrs. Wilcox and Tilson are independent. Each member is financially literate. The Company’s Audit Committee Charter is attached in “Appendix A”.
Bruce Wilcox
Mr. Wilcox holds a Master of International Management from the American Graduate School of International Management in Phoenix. His career as an investment company CEO, analyst and portfolio manager was spent primarily with Cumberland Associates, LLC, a New York equity fund, where he was a partner, and served as Chairman of the Managing Committee.
 John Tilson
Mr. Tilson is retired, and after obtaining MBA and CFA designations, had a distinguished career as an analyst, portfolio manager, and advisor in the US investment and financial industry with such firms as Sutro & Company and EF Hutton & Company.  
Charles Selby
Mr. Selby is both a lawyer and Professional Engineer, with past legal experience specializing in securities and corporate finance matters.  He has served on the board or in senior management roles with a number of private firms as well as reporting issuers in the oil and natural gas industry. 
Mr. Selby has previously served on the audit committees of Alta Canada Energy Corp. and served as the audit committee chairman for Idaho Natural Resources Corp. (formerly Bridge Resources Corp.).
All members of the Audit Committee have the educational background and experience that provides them with the knowledge and ability to understand accounting policies and related financial reporting and disclosure issues, in order to fulfill their duties and responsibilities as an Audit Committee member.
Audit Committee Oversight - The Company’s Board has adopted all recommendations by the Audit Committee with respect to the nomination and compensation of the external auditor.
Pre-Approval Policies and Procedures - The Audit Committee has adopted a formal policy requiring the pre-approval of all audit and non-audit related services to be provided by the Company’s principal auditor prior to the commencement of the engagement, subject to the following:
the Audit Committee will review annually a list of audit, audit related, recurring tax and other non-audit services and recommend pre-approval of those services for the upcoming year. Any additional requests will be addressed on a case-by-case specific engagement basis;
for engagements not on the pre-approved list, the Audit Committee has delegated to the Chair of the Committee the authority to pre-approve individual non-audit service engagements with expected costs of up to $50,000 (annual aggregate total) subject to reporting to the Audit Committee, at its next scheduled meeting; and
for engagements not on the pre-approved list and with expected costs greater than $50,000 (annual aggregate total), the entire Audit Committee must approve this service, generally at its next scheduled meeting.
The following table sets forth the aggregate audit fees, audit-related fees, tax fees of our principal accountants and all other fees billed for products and services provided by our principal accountants for each of the fiscal years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017.
 Audit fees
 Audit related fees – Colombia branch
 Audit related fees – Bolivian branch
 Tax fees
 Other Audit Related Fees
Total fees
Audit Committee’s Pre-approval Policies and Procedures
Our Audit Committee nominates and engages our independent auditors to audit our financial statements. Our Audit Committee also requires management to obtain the Audit Committee’s approval on a case-by-case basis before engaging our independent auditors to provide any audit or permitted non-audit services to the Company or any of our subsidiaries. All fees shown have been pre-approved by the Audit Committee.
Composition of the Compensation Committee
Messrs. Selby (Chair), Tilson, and Valentine are members of the Compensation Committee. Messrs. Tilson and Valentine are independent. The charter or mandate of the Compensation Committee is posted on the Company website and may viewed at www.nxtenergy.com or you may request a copy be mailed to you by writing to our offices at Suite 302, 3320-17th Ave. SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T3E 0B4.
Responsibilities of the Compensation Committee
The Compensation Committee's duties, as outlined in its charter, are to deal with the assessment of management and succession to key positions and compensation within the Company. The Compensation Committee shall assist the Board in discharging the Board’s oversight responsibilities relating to the compensation and retention of key senior management employees, and in particular the CEO, with the skills and expertise needed to enable the Company to achieve its goals and strategies at fair and competitive compensation and appropriate performance incentives. In discharging its responsibilities, the Compensation Committee will report and, where appropriate make recommendations to the Board in respect of the matters identified in the charter.
Composition of the Strategic Planning Committee
Messrs. Tilson (Chair), Selby and Wilcox are members of the Strategic Planning Committee. Messrs. Tilson and Wilcox are independent. The Committee was formed in 2015 to assist the Company with addressing long range planning considerations, including plans for growth and management succession.
Summarized below are certain other transactions and business relationships between NXT and persons who are related parties, for the current fiscal year ended December 31, 2018:
Details of stock options which have been granted to related parties during the above noted period are included above. Details of stock options which have been exercised by related parties are noted below.
One of the members of NXT’s Board of directors, Mr. Thomas Valentine is a partner in the law firm Norton Rose Fulbright, which provides legal advice to NXT. In 2018, NXT incurred legal expenses of $249,218 with this firm, for which a total of $5,999 is included in accounts payable as at December 31, 2018. Norton Rose Fulbright continues to provide legal services to NXT.
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities at December 31, 2018 includes a total of $7,461 related to re-imbursement of expenses owing to the CEO of NXT.
There were no stock options to acquire common shares of the Company exercised in 2018 by persons who were directors or officers of NXT as at the date of their exercise.
Technology Transfer Agreement (TTA)
Upon execution of the TTA on December 31, 2006, Mr. Liszicasz transferred all his rights and entitlements to the SFD® technology for use in the field of hydrocarbon exploration to NXT in exchange for receiving 10,000,000 non-voting, convertible preferred shares. Effective May 22, 2013, Mr. Liszicasz formally converted 2,000,000 of these preferred shares into 2,000,000 common shares. NXT’s independent members of the Board of Directors elected to retain the SFD® technology by converting the remaining outstanding preferred shares to common shares effective August 31, 2015.
Following the conversion, Mr. Liszicasz has continued to retain the rights to utilize the SFD® technology in all other potential field-of-use applications.
Our Transfer Agent is of Computershare Trust Company of Canada, located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and the Company's transfer agent for its common shares.
The Company has not entered into any material contracts outside its normal course of business.
To the best of the Company's knowledge, there are no legal or arbitration proceedings existing or pending which have had or may have, significant effects on the Company's financial position or profitability and no such proceedings are pending or known to be contemplated by governmental authorities.
KPMG LLP are the auditors of NXT Energy Solutions Inc. and have confirmed with respect to the Company, that they are independent within the meaning of the relevant rules and related interpretations prescribed by the relevant professional bodies in Canada and any applicable legislation or regulations.
The Company’s consolidated financial statements are stated in Canadian dollars and are prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. Additional information relating to NXT can be found on SEDAR at www.sedar.com.
AIF for the year ended December 31, 2018
This charter (the “Charter”) has been adopted to govern the composition, mandate, responsibilities and authority of the Audit Committee (the “Committee”) of the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of NXT Energy Solutions Inc. (the “Company”).
The Committee shall be appointed by the Board and shall be composed of three directors, with at least two of whom being “independent” as required by the Business Corporations Act (Alberta) (the “Act”).
The Board will appoint the chair of the Committee.
The quorum for meetings shall be a majority of the members of the Committee, present in person or by telephone or other telecommunication device that permits all persons participating in the meeting to speak and to hear each other.
Meetings of the Committee shall be conducted as follows:
the Committee shall meet, in person or by teleconference, at least four times annually at such times and locations as may be requested by the chair of the Committee. Notice of meetings to the members shall be the same as set out in the by-laws of the Company for meetings of the Board. The Auditors or any member of the Committee may request a meeting of the Committee; and
management representatives may be invited to attend meetings (except private sessions with the Auditors as defined below).
The primary responsibilities of the Committee are:
To recommend to the Board:
the external auditor (the “Auditors”) to be nominated for appointment by the shareholders of the Company for the purpose of preparing or issuing the Auditor’s report or performing other audit, review or attest services for the Company; and
the compensation of the Auditors.
To oversee the work of the Auditors in preparing or issuing the Auditor’s report on the Company’s annual consolidated financial statements or performing other audit, review or attest services for the Company including the resolution of disagreements between management of the Company and the Auditors regarding financial reporting.
To pre-approve, as required by the Act and subject to the exemptions in the Act, all non-audit services to be provided to the Company by the Auditors. The Committee may, in accordance with the requirements of the Act, delegate to one or more members of the Committee the authority to pre-approve non-audit services to be provided by the Auditors, provided that all such pre-approvals of non-audit services shall be presented to the Committee at its first scheduled meeting following such pre-approval.
To review:
the Company’s unaudited quarterly consolidated financial statements for the first, second and third quarters of the Company’s fiscal year (“quarterly statements”) and the Company’s audited annual consolidated financial statements (“annual statements”);
the Management’s Discussion and Analysis (“MD&A”) prepared in conjunction with the quarterly and annual statements; and
all press releases to be issued by the Company with respect to its annual and quarterly earnings and press releases on other material financial reporting matters.
To satisfy itself that adequate procedures are adopted by the Company for the review of the Company’s public disclosure of financial information extracted or derived from the Company’s financial statements other than the public disclosure referred to in Section 4 above, and to regularly assess the adequacy of such procedures.
To satisfy itself that adequate procedures are adopted and oversee the maintenance of procedures for:
the receipt, retention and treatment of complaints received by the Company regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters; and
the confidential anonymous submission by employees of the Company and its subsidiaries of concerns regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters.
To review and approve the Company’s and its subsidiaries’ hiring policies regarding partners, employees and former partners and employees of the current and former Auditors of the Company and its subsidiaries.
Subject to prior consultation with the Chief Executive Officer or the Chief Financial Officer (except in unusual circumstances), the Committee is authorized to:
engage independent counsel and other advisors it determines necessary to carry out the Committee’s duties and responsibilities;
set and require the Company to pay the compensation and charged expenses for any advisors engaged by the Committee; and
communicate directly with any internal audit staff of the Company and its subsidiaries (if any) and the Auditors.
The Committee shall ensure that the Company requires and instructs the Auditors to report directly to the Committee.
The Committee is responsible for ensuring the independence of the Auditors. On an annual basis, the Committee shall obtain a formal written statement from the Auditors delineating all relationships between the Auditors and the Company and confirming the independence of the Auditors. This written statement shall be obtained in conjunction with the audit of the annual financial statements after each fiscal year end.
Review of Annual Financial Statements
The Committee shall review the annual financial statements and related MD&A of the Company prior to their public release and shall report the results of its review to the Board and make recommendations to the Board with respect to Board approval of the financial statements and related MD&A. At the Committee meeting at which the Company’s annual financial statements are to be reviewed, the Committee shall meet, in person or by teleconference, with representatives of the Auditors and with the Company’s management to assess and understand the annual financial statements and the results of the audit including, but not limited to:
that the Company’s system of internal controls and financial reporting systems are adequate to produce fair and complete disclosure of its financial results;
that the Company’s reporting is complete and fairly presents its financial condition in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;
that accounting judgments and estimates used by management are reasonable and do not constitute earnings management;
that risk management policies are in place to identify and reduce significant financial and business risks; and
that the Company has in place a system to ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations and policies.
Review of Quarterly Financial Statements
The Committee shall review the interim quarterly financial statements and related MD&A of the Company prior to their public release and shall report the results of its review to the Board and make recommendations to the Board with respect to Board approval of the quarterly statements and related MD&A unless the Board has delegated to the Committee the authority to approve the quarterly statements and related MD&A, in which case the Committee shall also approve the quarterly statements and related MD&A. The review by the Company shall be substantially completed prior to the issuance of a press release respecting the quarterly financial results. The Committee shall meet with the Company’s management to assess and understand the interim quarterly financial statements and to discuss the results of their preparation and review.
Other Responsibilities and Duties
As part of the quarterly and annual reviews described above, the Committee will:
meet with management in the absence of the Auditors for the annual review;
meet with the Auditors in the absence of management for the annual review;
review with management and the Auditors any proposed changes in major accounting policies, the presentation and impact of significant risks and uncertainties, and key estimates and judgments of management that may be material to financial reporting;
review with management and the Auditors any significant financial reporting issues discussed during the fiscal period and the method of resolution;
review any problems experienced by the Auditors in performing the annual audit, including any restrictions imposed by management or significant accounting issues on which there was a disagreement with management;
obtain an explanation from management of all significant variances between comparative reporting periods;
review the post-audit or management letter, containing the recommendations of the Auditors and management’s response and subsequent follow up to matters raised by the Auditors;
review any evaluation of internal controls by the Auditors; together with management’s response; and
review and reassess the Charter for adequacy at least annually and make changes as it deems necessary.
In addition to the quarterly and annual reviews, the Committee will:
prior to the commencement of each annual audit, meet with the Auditors to review the Auditors’ audit plan for the ensuing audit;
review with management and the Auditors all material accounting and financial issues affecting the Company not dealt with in annual and quarterly reviews; and
review annually and recommend changes to the Company’s Code of Conduct & Business Ethics.
The Committee shall perform such other duties as may be required by the Board or as may be delegated to the Committee by the Board.
AIF for the year ended December 31, 2018
Board of Directors Mandate
The principal role of the Board of Directors of NXT Energy Solutions Inc. (the “Company”) is stewardship of the Company through the creation of shareholder value, including the protection and enhancement of the value of its assets, as the fundamental objective. The stewardship responsibility means that the Board oversees the conduct of the business and management, which is responsible for the day-to-day conduct of the business. The Board must assess and ensure systems are in place to manage the risks of the Company’s business with the objective of preserving the Company’s assets. The Board, through the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”), sets the attitude and disposition of the Company towards compliance with applicable laws, environmental, safety and health policies, financial practices and reporting. In addition to its primary accountability to shareholders, the Board is also accountable to employees, government authorities, other stakeholders and the public.
The principal responsibilities of the Board, which are required to ensure the overall stewardship of the Company are as follows:
The Board must ensure that there are long-term goals in place and must adopt a strategic planning process. The CEO, with the approval of the Board, must establish long-term goals for the Company. The CEO formulates the Company’s strategy, policies and proposed actions and presents them to the Board for approval. The Board brings objectivity and judgment to this process. The Board ultimately approves, on an annual basis, the strategic plan which takes into account, among other things, the opportunities and risks of the Company’s business.
The Board must identify and have an understanding of the principal risks associated with the Company’s businesses and must ensure that appropriate systems are in place which effectively monitor and manage those risks.
The Board must ensure that processes are in place to enable it to monitor and measure management’s, and in particular the CEO’s, performance in achieving the Company’s stated objectives. These processes should include appropriate training, development and succession planning of management.
To the extent feasible, the Board shall satisfy itself as to the integrity of the CEO and other executive officers and that the CEO and other executive officers create a culture of integrity throughout the Company.
The Board must ensure that the necessary internal controls and management systems are in place that effectively monitor the Company’s operations and ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations and policies.
The Board must monitor compliance with the Company’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.
The Board must ensure the Company has adopted a communication policy which effectively communicates with and receives feedback from shareholders. The Board must also ensure that the Company has appropriate processes in place to effectively communicate with employees, government authorities, other stakeholders and the public.
Pursuant to the Business Corporations Act (the “Act”), certain matters are considered to be of such importance, so as to warrant the attention of all Directors and, accordingly, the Act prescribes that the following matters either cannot be delegated or may only be delegated in a qualified or partial manner:
the submission of items to shareholders for their approval;
the filling of a vacancy among the directors or in the office of auditor;.
the appointment of additional directors;
the issue of securities;
the declaration of dividends;
the purchase, redemption or other acquisition of the Company’s own shares;
the payment of certain commissions prescribed by the Act;
the approval of a management proxy circular;
the approval of annual financial statements; and
the adoption, amendment or repeal of by-laws.
The following typifies matters customarily considered by the Board in fulfilling its responsibility for stewardship of the Company. The Board may determine it appropriate to delegate certain of these matters to committees of the Board:
the appointment of officers, other than executive officers;
adopting a process to consider the competencies and skills the Board, as a whole, should possess and assess the competencies and skills of each Board member and consider the appropriate size of the Board, with a view to facilitating effective decision-making;
determining the remuneration of directors and auditors;
reviewing and recommending to shareholders, changes to capital structure;
approving the Company’s long-term strategy and the annual capital expenditure plan of the Company and its subsidiaries and where appropriate any supplementary capital plan;
approving banking, borrowing and investment policies;
determining dividend policy;
developing the Company’s approach to corporate governance including, without limitation, developing a set of corporate governance principles and guidelines;
approving the holding, location and date of meetings of shareholders;
appointment of members to committees of the Board of Directors and approving terms of reference for and the matters to be delegated to such committees;
granting any waivers from the Company’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics for the benefit of the Company’s directors or executive officers;
granting and delegating authority to designated officers and employees including the authority to commit capital, open bank accounts, sign bank requisitions and sign contracts, documents and instruments in writing;
determining the number of directors and recommending nominees for election by the shareholders;
approving amendments to the Company’s existing plans: Stock Option Plan, employee benefits plans, or such other plans as the Company approves from time to time;
approving the acquisition or disposition or certain corporate assets; and
appointing the Company’s transfer agents and registrars.
The Board of Directors has the authority to appoint a committee or committees of the Board and may delegate powers to such committees (with the exceptions prescribed by the Act). The matters to be delegated to committees of the Board and the constitution of such committees are assessed annually or more frequently as circumstances require. The following committees have been constituted:
the Audit Committee, to deal with financial reporting and control systems;
the Compensation Committee, to deal with the assessment of management and succession to key positions and compensation within the Company;
the Disclosure Committee, to deal with the Company’s approach to disclosure and the promotion of compliance; and
the Corporate Governance Committee, to deal with the Company’s approach to corporate governance and the promotion of compliance.
The Board of Directors is elected annually by shareholders. The number of Directors to be elected at shareholders meetings is fixed by the by-laws. While the election of directors is ultimately determined by the shareholders, it is the policy of the Board that a majority of the Directors be independent (as defined under applicable stock exchange rules and securities laws).
The Chairman of the Board presides as Chair at all meetings of the Board and shareholders of the Company. The Corporate Secretary or the Recording Secretary attends all meetings of the Board and shareholders and records the proceedings thereof. The Corporate Secretary prepares and keeps minutes and records of all meetings of the Board.
Meetings of the Board of Directors, including telephone conference meetings, are to be held at such time and place as the Chairman of the Board, or any two Directors, may determine. Notice of meetings shall be given to each Director in accordance with the by-laws. Meetings of the Board of Directors may be held without formal notice if all of the Directors are present and do not object to notice not having been given, or if those absent waive notice in any manner before or after the meeting.
Notice of meeting may be delivered personally, given by mail, facsimile or other electronic means of communication.
Each Board member is expected to attend Board meetings and meetings of committees of which he or she is a member and to become familiar with deliberations and decisions as soon as possible after any missed meetings. In that regard, members of the Board are expected to prepare for Board (and committee) meetings by reviewing meeting materials distributed to members of the Board, to the extent feasible, in advance of such meetings. Matters of a confidential or sensitive nature may be discussed at Board (or committee) meeting without advance distribution of meeting materials to members of the Board. It is expected that members of the Board will actively participate in determining and setting the long and short-term goals and interests of the Company.
In recognition of its independence, the Board shall regularly hold discussions without management present.
A resolution in writing signed by all the Directors entitled to vote on that resolution at a meeting of the Directors is as valid as if it had been passed at a meeting of the Directors. A copy of any such resolution in writing is kept with the minutes of the proceedings of the Directors.
At meetings of the Board, any matter requiring a resolution of the Directors is decided by a majority of the votes cast on the question; and in the case of an equality of votes, the Chair of the meeting is entitled to a second or casting vote.
The Board shall ensure that there is a process in place for annually evaluating the effectiveness of the Board, the committees of the Board and individual directors.
No Director, unless he or she is an officer of the Company, should receive remuneration from the Company other than compensation received in his or her capacity as a Director.
AIF for the year ended December 31, 2018
EX-99.4 5 nsfdf_994.htm CERTIFICATION OF ANNUAL FILINGS CEO Blueprint
Exhibit 99.4
Form 52-109F1
Certification of Annual Filings
I, George Liszicasz, Chief Executive Officer, NXT Energy Solutions Inc., certify the following:
Review: I have reviewed the AIF, if any, annual financial statements and annual MD&A, including, for greater certainty, all documents and information that are incorporated by reference in the AIF (together, the “annual filings”) of NXT Energy Solutions Inc. (the “issuer”) for the financial year ended December 31, 2018.
No misrepresentations: Based on my knowledge, having exercised reasonable diligence, the annual filings do not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated or that is necessary to make a statement not misleading in light of the circumstances under which it was made, for the period covered by the annual filings.
Fair presentation: Based on my knowledge, having exercised reasonable diligence, the annual financial statements together with the other financial information included in the annual filings fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, financial performance and cash flows of the issuer, as of the date of and for the periods presented in the annual filings.
Responsibility: The issuer’s other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (DC&P) and internal control over financial reporting (ICFR), as those terms are defined in National Instrument 52-109 Certification of Disclosure in Issuers’ Annual and Interim Filings, for the issuer.
Design: Subject to the limitations, if any, described in paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3, the issuer’s other certifying officer and I have, as at the financial year end
designed DC&P, or caused it to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance that
material information relating to the issuer is made known to us by others, particularly during the period in which the annual filings are being prepared; and
information required to be disclosed by the issuer in its annual filings, interim filings or other reports filed or submitted by it under securities legislation is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in securities legislation; and
designed ICFR, or caused it to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with the issuer’s GAAP.
Control framework: The control framework the issuer’s other certifying officer and I used to design the issuer’s ICFR is the Internal Control – Integrated Framework (COSO Framework) published by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO).
ICFR – material weakness relating to design: The issuer has disclosed in its annual MD&A for each material weakness relating to design existing at the financial year end
a description of the material weakness;
the impact of the material weakness on the issuer’s financial reporting and its ICFR; and
the issuer’s current plans, if any, or any actions already undertaken, for remediating the material weakness.
Limitation on scope of design: N/A
Evaluation: The issuer’s other certifying officer and I have
evaluated, or caused to be evaluated under our supervision, the effectiveness of the issuer’s DC&P at the financial year end and the issuer has disclosed in its annual MD&A our conclusions about the effectiveness of DC&P at the financial year end based on that evaluation; and
evaluated, or caused to be evaluated under our supervision, the effectiveness of the issuer’s ICFR at the financial year end and the issuer has disclosed in its annual MD&A
our conclusions about the effectiveness of ICFR at the financial year end based on that evaluation; and
for each material weakness relating to operation existing at the financial year end
a description of the material weakness;
the impact of the material weakness on the issuer’s financial reporting and its ICFR; and
the issuer’s current plans, if any, or any actions already undertaken, for remediating the material weakness.
Reporting changes in ICFR: The issuer has disclosed in its annual MD&A any change in the issuer’s ICFR that occurred during the period beginning on October 1, 2018 and ended on December 31, 2018 that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the issuer’s ICFR.
Reporting to the issuer’s auditors and board of directors or audit committee: The issuer’s other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of ICFR, to the issuer’s auditors, and the board of directors or the audit committee of the board of directors any fraud that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the issuer’s ICFR.
Date: April 1, 2019
(Signed) “George Liszicasz”
George Liszicasz
Chief Executive Officer
EX-99.5 6 nsfdf_995.htm CERTIFICATION OF ANNUAL FILINGS CFO Blueprint
Exhibit 99.5
Form 52-109F1
Certification of Annual Filings
I, Eugene Woychyshyn, Interim Chief Financial Officer, NXT Energy Solutions Inc., certify the following:
Review: I have reviewed the AIF, if any, annual financial statements and annual MD&A, including, for greater certainty, all documents and information that are incorporated by reference in the AIF (together, the “annual filings”) of NXT Energy Solutions Inc. (the “issuer”) for the financial year ended December 31, 2018.
No misrepresentations: Based on my knowledge, having exercised reasonable diligence, the annual filings do not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated or that is necessary to make a statement not misleading in light of the circumstances under which it was made, for the period covered by the annual filings.
Fair presentation: Based on my knowledge, having exercised reasonable diligence, the annual financial statements together with the other financial information included in the annual filings fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, financial performance and cash flows of the issuer, as of the date of and for the periods presented in the annual filings.
Responsibility: The issuer’s other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (DC&P) and internal control over financial reporting (ICFR), as those terms are defined in National Instrument 52-109 Certification of Disclosure in Issuers’ Annual and Interim Filings, for the issuer.
Design: Subject to the limitations, if any, described in paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3, the issuer’s other certifying officer and I have, as at the financial year end
designed DC&P, or caused it to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance that
material information relating to the issuer is made known to us by others, particularly during the period in which the annual filings are being prepared; and
information required to be disclosed by the issuer in its annual filings, interim filings or other reports filed or submitted by it under securities legislation is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in securities legislation; and
designed ICFR, or caused it to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with the issuer’s GAAP.
Control framework: The control framework the issuer’s other certifying officer and I used to design the issuer’s ICFR is the Internal Control – Integrated Framework (COSO Framework) published by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO).
ICFR – material weakness relating to design: The issuer has disclosed in its annual MD&A for each material weakness relating to design existing at the financial year end
a description of the material weakness;
the impact of the material weakness on the issuer’s financial reporting and its ICFR; and
the issuer’s current plans, if any, or any actions already undertaken, for remediating the material weakness.
Limitation on scope of design: N/A
Evaluation: The issuer’s other certifying officer and I have
evaluated, or caused to be evaluated under our supervision, the effectiveness of the issuer’s DC&P at the financial year end and the issuer has disclosed in its annual MD&A our conclusions about the effectiveness of DC&P at the financial year end based on that evaluation; and
evaluated, or caused to be evaluated under our supervision, the effectiveness of the issuer’s ICFR at the financial year end and the issuer has disclosed in its annual MD&A
our conclusions about the effectiveness of ICFR at the financial year end based on that evaluation; and
for each material weakness relating to operation existing at the financial year end
a description of the material weakness;
the impact of the material weakness on the issuer’s financial reporting and its ICFR; and
the issuer’s current plans, if any, or any actions already undertaken, for remediating the material weakness.
Reporting changes in ICFR: The issuer has disclosed in its annual MD&A any change in the issuer’s ICFR that occurred during the period beginning on October 1, 2018 and ended on December 31, 2018 that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the issuer’s ICFR.
Reporting to the issuer’s auditors and board of directors or audit committee: The issuer’s other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of ICFR, to the issuer’s auditors, and the board of directors or the audit committee of the board of directors any fraud that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the issuer’s ICFR.
Date: April 1, 2019
(Signed) “Eugene Woychyshyn”
Eugene Woychyshyn
Interim Chief Financial Officer
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