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This Sixty-seventh Amendment (the “Amendment”) is made by and between CSG Systems, Inc., a Delaware corporation (“CSG”), and Time Warner Cable Inc. (“TWC”). CSG and TWC entered into a certain CSG Master Subscriber Management System Agreement executed March 13, 2003, and effective as of April 1, 2003, as amended (the “Agreement”), and now desire to further amend the Agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Amendment. If the terms and conditions set forth in this Amendment shall be in conflict with the Agreement, the terms and conditions of this Amendment shall control. Any terms in initial capital letters or all capital letters used as a defined term but not defined in this Amendment, shall have the meaning set forth in the Agreement. Upon execution of this Amendment by the parties, any subsequent reference to the Agreement between the parties shall mean the Agreement as amended by this Amendment. Except as amended by this Amendment, the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect according to their terms.

CSG and TWC agree to the following as of the Effective Date:



TWC desires to use and CSG agrees to implement a query process (the “SBT Query Process”) for the CSG Vantage® SBT_ACCT_TRANS table that will query the SBT_ACCT_TRANS table, determine Subscriber account transfer direction and copy the resulting data to TWC’s delta file process for daily delivery to TWC, which will allow TWC to accurately identify the transfer direction of its Subscriber accounts through a database process hosted by CSG.


  a) As a result Schedule C, Basic Services and Additional Services and Associated Exhibits, of the Agreement is modified by adding the following to the section entitled “Additional Services”:

SBT Query Process for Identification of Subscriber Account Transfer Direction


  b) As a result, Schedule C, Basic Services and Additional Services and Associated Exhibits, of the Agreement is modified by adding the following to the section entitled “Services Description”:

SBT Query Process for Identification of Subscriber Account Transfer Direction. CSG develops and implements a CSG hosted database process that will allow TWC to identify the transfer direction of its subscribers that are transferring services from one account to a second account. CSG shall perform the design, development, testing and implementation services related to the SBT Query process pursuant to that certain Statement of Work to be executed by CSG and TWC (CSG document no. 2313993) (the “SOW”). TWC and CSG agree that all work product and deliverables created by CSG pursuant to the SOW shall be the sole and exclusive property of CSG, excluding TWC data that is contained in the database, which shall be deemed to be Confidential Information of TWC, whether or not such data is marked or stated as confidential or proprietary.


  c) As a result, Schedule F of the Agreement shall be amended to include the following fees for the SBT Query Process for Identification of Subscriber Account Transfer Direction. TWC shall pay, and CSG shall invoice to TWC, the following fees for the Additional Services under this Amendment following implementation of SBT Query Process for Identification of Subscriber Account Transfer Direction pursuant to the SOW. For avoidance of doubt, the ******* and ******** fees for SBT Query Process for Identification of Subscriber Account Transfer Direction set forth below, include usage by all Customers that desire, from time to time, to use and receive the SBT Query Process for Identification of Subscriber Account Transfer Direction (subject to the support limitation provided in the Notes below):

***    Confidential Treatment Requested and the Redacted Material has been separately filed with the Commission.


SBT Query Process for Identification of Subscriber Account Transfer Direction


Description of Item/Unit of Measure

   Frequency      Fee  

1. Design, development, and programming (Note 1)

     ********         *****   

2. Recurring ******* Support Fees (Note 2) (Note 3) (Note 4)

     *******       $ ********   

Note 1: Design, development, and programming services shall be set forth in the SOW.

Note 2: Support after the Test Period (as defined below) will be limited to ************************; any support in excess of **************** must be set forth in a Statement of Work and shall be provided at TWC’s then-current Technical Services fee. For clarification purposes, during the initial ***************** period following the initial go-live date (the “Test Period”), CSG and TWC will ensure that the SBT Query Process for Identification of Subscriber Account Transfer Direction is functioning in accordance with any requirements set forth in the SOW and as described in a business requirements document (“BRD”) and other written specifications or documents provided by CSG to TWC under the SOW (“Specifications”). During the Test Period, TWC will report to CSG any failure of the SBT Query Process for Identification of Subscriber Account Transfer Direction to function in accordance with the Specifications (each, a “Failure”). Notwithstanding anything in the Agreement to the contrary, for a period of **************** following the Test Period, TWC shall have the right to terminate SBT Query Process for Identification of Subscriber Account Transfer Direction *************** if TWC determines, in its sole discretion, that CSG has failed to correct any such Failure or that the SBT Query Process for Identification of Subscriber Account Transfer Direction has failed to function in accordance with the Specifications. If TWC terminates SBT Query Process for Identification of Subscriber Account Transfer Direction during such *************** period based on the foregoing, CSG shall promptly ********* TWC any amounts paid to CSG hereunder and TWC’s obligations with respect to the Commitment Period (as defined below) shall be void and of no force or effect. In the event that TWC does not exercise the foregoing right of termination prior to expiration of such *************** period, then TWC shall pay the Recurring ******* Fees upon receipt of an invoice for the same, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement.

Note 3: Recurring ******* Fees will be subject to Annual Fee Adjustments

Note 4: TWC agrees to be invoiced for a minimum of ****************** for SBT Query Process for Identification of Subscriber Account Transfer Direction Recurring ******* Support Fees following commencement of the Additional Service (“Commitment Period”); provided, however, that in no event shall TWC be responsible for such SBT Query Process for Identification of Subscriber Account Transfer Direction fees following any termination of SBT Query Process for Identification of Subscriber Account Transfer Direction by TWC during the Commitment Period for reasons pursuant to Section 6.1(c) or 6.1(d) of the Agreement.

THIS AMENDMENT is executed as of the day and year last signed below (the Effective Date”)


time warner cable inc. (“TWC”)   CSG SYSTEMS, INC. (“CSG”)
By:   /s/ Frank Boncimino   By:    /s/ Joseph T. Ruble
Name:   Frank Boncimino   Name:    Joseph T. Ruble
Title:   SVP, Chief Information Officer   Title:    EVP, CAO & General Counsel
Date:   November 16, 2012   Date:    30 Nov 2012


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