EX-99 4 r8ka706991.htm AUDITED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS, CONDENSED BALANCE SHEETS AND INDEPENDENT AUDITORS REPORT r8ka706991.pdf -- Converted by SECPublisher 4.0, created by BCL Technologies Inc., for SEC Filing
December 31, 2005     
(in Euro)     

Cash and cash equivalents    952,912 
Receivables    9,814,325 
Inventories    6,031,724 
Accrued income and prepaid expenses    13,865 
Fixed assets    1,465,875 
Intangible assets    448,666 
Investments    45,864 
TOTAL ASSETS    18,773,231 
Bank overdrafts    756,807 
Short-term bank loans    88,106 
Current portion of long-term debt    63,751 
Advances from customers    164,220 
Payables due to suppliers    3,918,200 
Tax payables    649,809 
Payables due to social security institutions    120,181 
Payables due to others    1,444,334 
Accrued expenses and deferred income    155,252 
Long-term debt    410,333 
Allowances for risks and charges    26,893 
Employee severance indemnity    1,015,951 
Share capital    362,750 
Revaluation reserve    368,832 
Legal reserve    65,816 
Other reserves     
other reserve    204,705 
reserve for rounding    (1) 
unavailable reserve    1,791 
currency translation reserve    13,100 
Retained earnings    7,171,295 
Net income    1,771,106 
Capital lease obligation    207,875 

For the year ended December 31, 2005     
(in Euro)     
Revenues from sales and services    22,766,560 
Change in finished goods and work in progress inventory    (322,543) 
Other income and revenues    189,702 
TOTAL REVENUE    22,633,719 
Raw materials, consumables and goods    11,049,486 
Services    3,355,675 
Leases and rentals    473,066 
Personnel costs     
     Wages and salaries    2,452,600 
     Social security costs    673,209 
     Provision for severance indemnity    175,616 
     Pension costs    288 
     Other costs relating to employees    51,337 
Valuation adjustments     
     Amortization of intangible assets    73,444 
     Depreciation of fixed assets    241,530 
     Write downs of current receivables and liquid assets    48,598 
Changes in inventories of raw materials, consumables and goods    535,174 
Other provisions    143,161 
Other operating costs    294,302 
OPERATING MARGIN    3,066,233 
Other financial income    5,257 
Interest expense and other financial charges    (58,319) 
Foreign exchange gain (loss)    (1,771) 
Income    967 
Charges    (148) 
Income taxes    (1,241,113) 
     current income tax expense    (1,250,437) 
     deferred income tax benefit    9,324 
NET INCOME    1,771,106 


For the year ended December 31, 2005
(in Euro)

Cash flows from operating activities:     

Net income    1,771,106 
Depreciation and amortization    314,974 
Write-down of receivables    48,598 
Write-down of investment in subsidiaries    14,641 
Provision for employee severance indemnity    175,616 
Cash generated from operating income before changes in working capital    2,324,935 
Decrease in receivables    590,521 
Decrease in inventories    862,976 
Decrease in accrued income and prepaid expenses    8,998 
Decrease in payables due to suppliers    (891,813) 
Increase in advances from customers    154,703 
Increase in tax payables    385,168 
Decrease in payables due to social security institutions    (4,115) 
Increase in payables due to others    328,447 
Decrease in allowances for risks and charges    (13,437) 
Decrease in employee severance indemnity    (125,037) 
Decrease in accrued expenses and deferred income    (115,334) 

Net cash provided from operating activities    3,506,012 

Cash flows from investing activities:     

Purchase of fixed assets    (433,752) 
Purchase of intangible assets    (1,400) 
Disposal of fixed assets    98,894 
Investment in subsidiary    (14,641) 

Net cash used in investing activities    (350,899) 

Cash flows from financing activities:     

Repayment of short-term debt    (195,860) 
Repayment of long-term debt    (185,390) 

Net cash used in financing activities    (381,250) 

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents    2,773,863 

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period    (2,577,758) 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period    196,105 


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of BCS Group

We have audited the accompanying aggregated balance sheet of BCS Group, comprising BCS Srl, BCS Service Srl, Vetus Srl and Boat Equipment Ltd, as of December 31, 2005, and the related aggregated statements of income and cash flows for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Group’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.

Except as explained in the following two paragraphs, we conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Our audit scope was limited for the following two items:

·      We did not observe the taking of the physical inventory as of December 31, 2005 and December 31, 2004, as those dates were prior to our appointment as independent accountants for the Group, and we were unable to satisfy ourselves regarding the inventory quantities representing approximately 25% of the value of inventory of the Group as of those dates by means of other auditing procedures. Inventory amounts as of December 31, 2004 enter into the determination of net income and cash flows for the year ended December 31, 2005.


·      We did not obtain audit evidence related to the fixed asset revaluations made by the Group in accordance with various Italian laws, which represent approximately 22% and 4% of fixed assets and shareholders’ equity, respectively, as of December 31, 2005.

In our opinion, except for the effects of such adjustments, if any, as might have been determined to be necessary had we been able to perform and complete audit procedures on the items described in the preceding paragraph, the aggregated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of BCS Group at December 31, 2005, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in Italy.

Accounting principles generally accepted in Italy vary in certain significant respects from accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Information relating to the nature and effect of such differences is presented in Notes 17 and 18 of the financial statements.

Rome, July 24, 2006

/s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers SPA
PricewaterhouseCoopers SpA



Explanatory notes to the aggregated financial statements December 31, 2005

1 Background

The aggregated financial statements of BCS Group at December 31, 2005 and for the year then ended are comprised of BCS Srl, BCS Service Srl, Vetus Srl and Boat Equipment Ltd (hereinafter, “the Group”). BCS Srl, BCS Service Srl and Vetus Srl are Italian limited liability companies, whereas Boat Equipment Ltd is incorporated in Malta. The Group manufactures and sells nautical systems for motor pleasure boats, provides assistance and maintenance services and distributes Vetus branded nautical equipment.

On May 12, 2006, each of the companies was acquired by Twin Disc Incorporated from a common group of shareholders.

2 Summary of significant accounting and reporting policies Basis of presentation

The aggregated financial statements of BCS Group have been prepared in accordance with principles prescribed by Italian law and supplemented by the accounting principles issued by the Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti e dei Ragionieri, by the Organismo Italiano di Contabilità or, in the absence thereof and if applicable, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) (collectively, "Italian GAAP"). Italian GAAP differs in certain respects from generally accepted accounting principles in the United States ("U.S. GAAP"). A description of these differences and their effects on net income and shareholders’ equity is set forth in Notes 17 and 18. The financial statements have been reformatted from the Italian statutory financial statement presentation. Reclassifications reflect essentially a different aggregation of certain items that were segregated between current and non-current.

Principles of aggregation

The aggregated financial statements of BCS Group include the statutory accounts of the four companies acquired by Twin Disc Incorporated as described above. Other companies owned by the shareholder group that were not acquired by Twin Disc Incorporated have been excluded. Furthermore, insignificant subsidiaries have not been aggregated. These companies are accounted for under the cost method as described below under the heading Investments.

Intercompany transactions

All intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated.

Foreign currency translation

Assets and liabilities of Boat Equipment Ltd have been translated at the exchange rate prevailing at year-end, whereas income statement accounts have been translated at the average exchange rate for the period. Related translation adjustments are reported as a component of shareholders’ equity.

Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in currencies other than the functional currency are translated into Euro using the prevailing rate at the balance sheet date. All exchange rate differences are recognized in earnings in the period.

Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand and at banks and are recorded at nominal value. In the Statement of Cash Flows, bank overdrafts are included as part of cash and cash equivalents in accordance with International Accounting Standards.

Receivables and payables

Receivables are recorded at their estimated net realizable value. Payables are recorded at their nominal value.


Inventories consist of raw materials, work in progress and finished goods and are valued at the lower of weighted average cost or market value.

Prepayments and accrued income

Such items relate to revenues and expenses referring to two or more financial periods and are recorded on an accrual basis.


Fixed assets

Fixed assets are stated at purchase or production cost, including any incidental expenses and all costs directly chargeable to the assets, as adjusted by revaluations in accordance with various Italian laws; revaluations are included in aggregated shareholders’ equity.

The recorded value of fixed assets is depreciated using the straight-line method by applying depreciation rates that are based on the estimated useful lives of the fixed assets.

Fixed assets purchased during the year are depreciated at 50% of the ordinary rates to reflect the reduced usage of the related asset. In the event of an other than temporary impairment in value, such cost is written down accordingly. The original value of such fixed assets is subsequently reinstated if the reasons for any write-downs cease to apply. The Group has not recorded any impairment charges. Routine maintenance costs are expensed to the income statement as incurred. The costs of significant betterments or improvements in production capacity are attributed to the relevant asset and depreciated over the remaining useful life of the asset.

The depreciation rates applied to the principal categories of fixed assets are the following:

Land and building    3% 
Machinery and equipment    15% 
Commercial and industrial equipment    10% - 15% 
Fittings and furniture    12% 
Vehicles    20% - 25% 

Intangible assets

Intangible assets are stated at purchase or production cost, including any incidental expenses and all costs directly chargeable to the assets. Such assets are amortized on a straight-line basis in accordance with the rates shown below, which are representative of their useful economic lives.


Start – up and expansion    10% 
Research, development and advertising costs    20% 
Industrial patents and intellectual property rights    10% 
Permits, licenses, trademarks and similar rights    10% 
Goodwill    10% 

In the event of an other than temporary impairment in the value of such intangibles, the relevant asset is written down accordingly. The original value of such assets is subsequently reinstated if the reasons for any write-down cease to apply. The Group has not recorded any impairment charges.

Start-up and expansion costs include non-recurring costs incurred during the startup and expansion of the Group in relation to exceptional corporate events that provide long-term benefits.

Research, development and advertising costs are capitalized if they provide long-term benefits.

Industrial patents and intellectual property rights include the purchase cost of application software licenses allowing unlimited use, as well as the capitalized costs of the time spent by Group personnel on design, development and implementation activities for information systems.

Permits, licenses, trademarks and similar rights are recorded at the cost of their development or purchase price, including incidental expenses. The cost is amortized over the duration of the license.

Goodwill represents the difference between the amount paid for the acquisition of companies and their related net book value.


Equity investments relate to investments in subsidiaries and related companies and are valued at cost. In the event of an other than temporary impairment in value, such cost is written down. The original value of such assets is subsequently reinstated if the reasons for any write-down cease to apply.

Provisions for contingencies and other liabilities

Provisions for contingencies or other liabilities relate to losses that are either likely or certain to be incurred but are uncertain as to their amount or the date on which they become due. Such provisions represent management’s best estimate based on available information.



Employee severance indemnity

The employee severance indemnity is calculated and recorded in accordance with Italian law and existing labor agreements and represents the entire liability owed to employees, if terminated at the balance sheet date, net of any advances paid.

Revenues and costs

Revenues from the sales of products and services are recognized upon transfer of title or completion of service. Costs are recognized when the related goods and services are sold, consumed or allocated.

Income taxes

The provision for current taxes is determined in accordance with enacted regulations and tax rates.

Deferred tax assets or liabilities are recognized for differences between the financial reporting and tax bases of assets and liabilities. Deferred tax liabilities are not recognized if ultimate payment is not deemed probable.

Deferred tax assets are recognized when there is a reasonable expectation of their realization.

Statement of cash flows

The statement of cash flows is prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standards using the indirect method.


3 Receivables

At December 31, 2005 receivables total €9,881 thousand, as follows (in €/000):

RECEIVABLES    Dec. 31, 2005 

Trade receivables    8,889 
Tax receivable    2 
Deferred tax assets    372 
Other receivables    551 

Total receivables    9,814 

Deferred tax assets include €274 thousand related to the provision for slow-moving inventory, €65 thousand related to the elimination of margin on intercompany sales and €33 thousand related to the bad debt provision.

Other receivables include €499 thousand related to an insurance policy to cover the indemnity that the Group must pay to members of the board of directors when they step down. The related liability is recorded in payables due to others.

The bad debt provision totals €264 thousand.

4 Inventories

At December 31, 2005 inventories total €6,032 thousand, as follows (in €/000):

                                                       INVENTORIES    Dec. 31,    2005 

Raw materials and consumables        2,892 
Provision for raw materials and consumables         (295) 

Total raw materials and consumables        2,597 

Finished goods and goods for resale        3,875 
Provision for finished goods and goods for resale         (440) 

Total finished goods and goods for resale        3,435 

Total inventories        6,032 


5 Fixed assets 

At December 31, 2005 fixed assets total €1,466 thousand and reflect an increase of €434 thousand, a decrease of €100 thousand for disposals and €241 thousand for depreciation.

The following tables provide data on the historical cost, purchases, disposals, and depreciation during the year and the closing balance (in €/000):


                HISTORICAL COST         

FIXED ASSETS    Dec. 31, 2004    Purchases    Disposals    Dec. 31, 2005 

Land and buildings        821        -           -        821 
Machinery and equipment        698        31             2        727 
Commercial and industrial        1,093        232           82        1,243 
Other        382        69           16        435 
Fixed assets under                                 
construction and advances        -        102           -        102 

Total fixed assets        2,994        434        100        3,328 


FIXED ASSETS    Dec. 31, 2004    Increase    Decrease    Dec. 31, 2005 

Land and buildings        175        22           -        197 
Machinery and equipment        506        55           -        561 
Commercial and industrial        639        130           -        769 
Other        301        34           -        335 
Fixed assets under                                 
construction and advances        -        -           -        - 

Total fixed assets        1,621        241           -        1,862 

        Dec. 31, 2004            Dec. 31, 2005     

    Historical Accumulated        Historical Accumulated     
FIXED ASSETS                Net Value                Net Value 
       Cost    depreciation           Cost    depreciation     

Land and buildings    821    175    646               821    197    624 
Machinery and equipment    698    506    192               727    561    166 
Commercial and industrial equipment    1,093    639    454           1,243    769    474 
Other    382    301    81               435    335    100 
Fixed assets under construction and                                 
advances               -           -                   -               102    -    102 

Total fixed assets    2,994    1,621    1,373           3,328    1,862    1,466 

Revaluations made in previous years in accordance with Italian laws are as follows (in €/000):

    Year    Amount 

Land and buildings    2003                 328 
Machinery and equipment    2001                 127 

TOTAL                     455 


The following table shows the effects on the financial statements if the Group had treated qualifying leases as capital leases (in €/000):


Income Statement:     
Rent expense    168 
Depreciation    (184) 
Interest expense    (14) 
Tax effect    11 

Total effect - Income Statement    (19) 

Balance sheet:     
Fixed assets    346 
Pre-paid expenses    (10) 
Capital lease obligations    (207) 
Tax effect    (48) 

Total effect - Balance Sheet    81 

6    Intangible assets     
At December 31, 2005, intangible fixed assets total €449 thousand.     

The following tables provide data on the historical cost, purchases, disposals and amortization made during the year and the closing balance (in €/000):

        HISTORICAL COST     

    Dec. 31,            Dec. 31, 
                                 INTANGIBLE ASSETS        Purchases Disposals     
    2004            2005 

Start-up and expansion costs    22    -    -    22 
Research, development and advertising costs    62    1    -    63 
Industrial patents and intellectual property rights    2    -    -    2 
Permits, licenses, trademarks and similar rights    260    -    -    260 
Goodwill    489    -    -    489 
Other    15    -    -    15 

Total intangible assets    850    1    -    851 


    Dec. 31,            Dec. 31, 
                                 INTANGIBLE ASSETS        Increase Decrease     
    2004            2005 

Start-up and expansion costs    4    2    -    6 
Research, development and advertising costs    29    12    -    41 
Industrial patents and intellectual property rights    1    -    -    1 
Permits, licenses, trademarks and similar rights    78    29    -    107 
Goodwill    208    27    -    235 
Other    9    3    -    12 

Total intangible assets    329    73    -    402 


            NET VALUE         

                     Dec. 31, 2004                     Dec. 31, 2005 







                     INTANGIBLE ASSETS        Net Value        Net Value 

Start-up and expansion costs    22    4    18    22    6    16 
Research, development and advertising                         
costs    62    29    33    63    41    22 
Industrial patents and intellectual property                         
rights    2    1    1    2    1    1 
Permits, licenses, trademarks and similar                         
rights    260    78    182    260    107    153 
Goodwill    489    208    281    489    235    254 
Other    15    9    6    15    12    3 

Total intangible assets    850    329    521    851    402    449 

Goodwill arose from the acquisition of other companies, as follows:

  • €396 thousand for the acquisition of a business branch from the company “BCS di Bini, Cecchi e Salvadori Srl” in 2000;
  • €58 thousand for the acquisition of a business branch from the company “BCS di Bini, Cecchi e Salvadori Srl” in 2003;
  • €35 thousand for the acquisition of a business branch from the company “OMP Srl” in 2003.

7 Investments

At December 31, 2005 investments total €46 thousand.

The following table provides data on the historical cost, write-down, revaluations, acquisition and disposals made in current year:

    Dec. 31,                Dec. 31, 
INVESTMENTS        Acquisitions    Disposals    Writedowns     
    2004                2005 

        (Amounts expressed in €/000)     

Equity investments in:                     
subsidiary companies    43    15                     -                               15    43 
   other companies    3    -                     -                             -    3 

Total equity investments    46    15                     -                               15    46 


The following table provides financial data of subsidiary companies:

                    Loss in        Value in 
        Parent    Share            %    aggregated 
    Subsidiary            Equity    current         
        Company    capital            owned    financial 
                    period        statements 

                (Amounts expressed in €)         

Hydraflex Srl    BCS Srl       30,600    9,147           (4,568)    50.00    15,494 
Vema Boat Srl    Vetus Srl       25,500    22,878           (2,622)    99.99    27,481 

Total                        42,975 

8     Current liabilities                     

At December 31, 2005 current liabilities total €7,360 thousand, as follows (in €/000):

    Amount at Dec. 
                                                                 Current liabilities    31, 2005 

Bank overdrafts    757 
Short-term bank loans    88 
Current portion of long-term debt    64 
Advances from customers    164 
Payables due to suppliers    3,918 
Tax payables    650 
Payables due to social security institutions    120 
Payables due to others    1,444 
Accrued expenses and deferred income    155 

Total current liabilities    7,360 

Tax payables are as follows:

  • VAT for €122 thousand;
  • Income taxes for €370 thousand;
  • Payroll taxes for €58 thousand.

Payables due to others include €1,049 thousand related to the indemnity that the Group owes to members of the board of directors when they step down.

9 Debt

The Group has various credit facilities with several banks. The short-term bank loans bear interest at rates ranging from 5.73% to 5.95% .

Long-term debt relates to a loan obtained through government incentives. The loan bears interest at 1% per annum and is repayable in semi-annual installments through January 1, 2012.


10 Allowances for risks and charges

At December 31, 2005 the allowance for risks and charges totals €27 thousand, a €45 thousand decrease from the prior year.

The following table shows the breakdown of the items and changes during the year (in €/000):

         Allowances for risks and charges    12/31/2004 Provisions Utilization    Dec. 31, 

Provisions for pensions and similar                 
commitments    10    30    30    10 
Provision for taxation    47    -    30    17 

Total allowances for risks and charges    57    30    60    27 

Provision for taxation represents the deferred tax liabilities related to the temporary taxable differences.

11 Employee severance indemnity

At December 31, 2005 the employee severance indemnity totals €1,016 thousand, a net increase of €50 thousand over the prior year.

The following table shows the changes during the year (in €/000):

Amount accrued during the year    175 

Amount paid during the year    (125) 

Amount at Dec. 31, 2005    1,016 

12 Shareholders’ equity

Share capital and reserves represent the aggregation of such items in the statutory accounts of each company comprising the Group. Changes in shareholders’ equity during the year are as follows:



 Un- available


Description                TOTAL 

Amount at Dec.                                     
31, 2004           363    66               369           205    -                 -    6,713         458    8,174 

Allocation of prior                                     
year net income                                     
           -    0               -             -    -                 -    458    (458)    0 

Translation of                                     
Boat Equipment                                     
Ltd to Euro           -    -               -             -    -                   13    -           -    13 

Accrual for                                     
specific law           -    -               -             -    1                 -    -           -    1 

Net income           -    -               -             -    -                 -    -    1,771    1,771 

Amount at Dec.                                     
31, 2005           363    66               369           205    1                   13    7,171    1,771    9,959 

The following table shows the possible utilization for each item of equity:     

                        Amounts at         
       SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                Notes     
                        Dec. 31, 2005         

                                   (in €/000)         

Share capital                            363         
Revaluation reserve                        369    A,B     
Legal reserve                            66    A,B     
Other reserves                                     
       other reserve                        205         A,B,C     
       reserve for rounding                        (0)         
       unavailable reserve                        2         
       currency transaction reserve                    13    A, B     
Retained earnings                        7,171         A,B,C     
Net income                            1,771         

Total Group shareholders' equity                9,959         


A:      for capital increase;
B:      for coverage of losses;
C:      for distribution to shareholders.


13    Revenues     

                                                           Description    12/31/2005 


Revenues from sales and services    22,767 
Change in finished goods and WIP inventory    (323) 
Other income and revenues    190 

Total aggregated revenues    22,634 

Sales of goods and services

For the year ended December 31, 2005 sales comprised the following:

  • €19,127 thousand related to domestic sales of finished goods;
  • €2,898 thousand related to foreign sales of finished goods;
  • €342 thousand related to service for assistance and maintenance;
  • €400 thousand related to other.

14 Operating costs

For the year ended December 31, 2005 operating costs total €19,567 thousand, as follows (in €/000):

                                                                           Description    Total 

Raw materials, consumables and goods    11,049 
Services    3,356 
Leases and rentals    473 
Personnel costs     
     Wages and salaries    2,453 
     Social security costs    673 
     Provision for severance indemnity    176 
     Other costs relating to employees    51 
Valuation adjustments     
     Amortization of intangible assets    73 
     Depreciation of fixed assets    242 
     Writedowns of current receivables and liquid assets    49 
Changes in inventories of raw materials, consumables and goods    535 
Other provisions    143 
Other operating costs    294 

Total    19,567 


Raw materials, consumables and goods for sale

The cost of raw materials, consumables and goods for sale for 2005 totals €11,049 thousand, of which €7,283 thousand for the purchase of raw materials, €1,298 thousand for work in progress and €140 thousand for the purchase of finished goods. The remaining amount of €2,328 thousand relates to the purchase of other material goods, packaging costs and other.


Services costs for 2005 include emoluments of the members of the Board of Directors of €954 thousand and fees of the board of statutory auditors of €24 thousand.

Leases and rentals

Leases and rentals cost for 2005 totals €473 thousand and relates for €213 thousand to leased goods and for €260 thousand to the rental of the Group’s premises from the company “BCS di Bini, Cecchi e Salvadori Srl”, whose owners are primarily the same as the ownership group of the Group.

Other provisions

Other provisions relate to the indemnity that the Group owes to members of the board of directors when they step down.

15 Financial income and expense

Other financial income

Other financial income relates to bank interest income.

Interest expense

Interest expense totals €58 thousand for 2005, as follows:

  • interest expense to banks for €41 thousand;
  • interest on payables for €17 thousand.

Foreign exchange gains and losses

Foreign exchange gains and losses includes both realized gains and losses arising from changes in exchange rates upon the collection of receivables and settlement of payables denominated in foreign currencies, as well as unrealized gains and losses arising upon the translation of assets and liabilities originally denominated in foreign currencies at exchange rates prevailing at the balance sheet date.

16 Income taxes

Income tax expense for 2005 totals €1,241 thousand, of which €1,250 thousand relates to current taxes, partially offset by a deferred tax benefit of €9 thousand.


The following tables provide the reconciliation from the enacted tax rate to the effective tax rate (in €/000):



Profit before taxes    3,012 
Enacted tax (33%)    994 
Profit before taxes    3,012 
Nondeductible expenses and other additions to taxable income    144 
Non taxable income and other reductions to taxable income    (293) 

Taxable income    2,863 
Effective tax (33%)    944 



Profit before taxes    3,012 
Enacted tax (4,25%)    128 
Profit before taxes    3,012 
Nondeductible expenses and other additions to taxable income    4,715 
Non taxable income and other reductions to taxable income    (529) 

Taxable income    7,198 
Effective tax (4,25%)    306 



17 Summary of significant differences between Italian accounting principles and U.S. GAAP

The Group’s aggregated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Italian GAAP, which differs in certain respects from U.S. GAAP. A description of the significant differences and their effects on net income and shareholders’ equity is set forth in the following notes. Those differences described below that are not included in the reconciliation of net income or shareholders’ equity (see note 18) either had no effect, or their effect was not significant. See also note 2, Summary of significant accounting and reporting policies for additional information on the accounting principles that the Group follows.

A) Aggregation policy

The companies included in the aggregated financial statements and the principles applied in preparing the aggregated financial statements are those described in Notes 1 and 2. The Group has not included in the aggregated financial statements subsidiaries of the aggregated companies.

Under U.S. GAAP, investments of greater than 50% of share capital are consolidated by the investor when the investor has control. Investments of between 20% and 50% are accounted for by the equity method when the investor does not have control but exercises significant influence over the investee.

In addition, U.S. GAAP also requires an entity that absorbs the majority of a variable interest entity’s (“VIE”) expected losses, or in the absence of this, the majority of a VIE’s expected residual returns (such an entity being the Primary Beneficiary) to consolidate the VIE.

B) Valuation of assets and subsequent revaluation

Both Italian and U.S. GAAP require that assets which are impaired be written down to their fair value. However, under Italian GAAP, in order to determine whether an impairment exists, the book value of an asset in question is compared to the sum of the discounted cash flows expected to be generated by such asset. If the sum of such discounted cash flows is less than the carrying value of the asset, an impairment exists. Under U.S. GAAP, the performance of the same analysis uses undiscounted cash flows.

In addition, under Italian GAAP impairment charges are reversed when the situation giving rise to an impairment ceases to exist. Under U.S. GAAP reversals of impairment charges are not permitted.

C) Monetary revaluation of assets

Under Italian GAAP, certain assets have been revalued at various times in accordance with various Italian laws. Under U.S. GAAP, such revaluations are not permitted.


D) Deferred tax assets and liabilities

Under Italian GAAP deferred taxes are recorded if recoverable with reasonable certainty. Taxes payable relating to certain potential distributions from shareholders’ equity or upon liquidation of a company are accrued only to the extent such distributions are planned.

Under U.S. GAAP, deferred tax assets are recorded if their recovery is more likely than not. The potential taxes on equity reserves are considered deferred tax liabilities and are accrued accordingly.

The adjustments included in the reconciliations to U.S. GAAP take into account the deferred tax effect of U.S. GAAP adjustments.

E) Intangible assets

Under Italian GAAP, goodwill is amortized on a straight-line basis over its estimated useful life, not to exceed twenty years. Under U.S. GAAP, goodwill is not amortized, but is subject to an annual evaluation in order to define the relevant impairment, if any.

Under Italian GAAP, start-up costs, research and development and advertising costs may be capitalized if they benefit more than one financial period. Under U.S. GAAP, such costs are expensed as incurred.


F) Lease accounting

Under Italian GAAP, all leases are treated as operating and all lease payments are expensed as incurred. For fixed assets under capital lease, disclosure is provided in the footnotes as to the effect on the income statement and shareholders’ equity as if the leases had been accounted for as capital leases.

Under U.S. GAAP, fixed assets under capital lease are capitalized and depreciated over the lease period or estimated useful life of the asset and a liability is recorded for the present value of future lease payments.

G) Transactions with entities under common control

The Group purchased three businesses from the shareholder group. Under Italian GAAP, transactions with entities under common control are accounted for at the exchange value and the difference between the acquisition cost and the underlying net carrying value of the net assets acquired is recorded as goodwill. Under U.S. GAAP, transactions with entities under common control are accounted for at predecessor basis.

H) Extraordinary income and expense

All items recorded by the Group as extraordinary under Italian GAAP would not qualify as extraordinary under U.S. GAAP.

18 Reconciliations between net income and shareholders’ equity determined under Italian GAAP to U.S. GAAP

The following is a summary of the significant adjustments to net income for the year ended December 31, 2005 and to shareholders’ equity at December 31, 2005 that would be required if U.S. GAAP had been applied instead of Italian GAAP in the aggregated financial statements.




Net income according to the financial statements prepared     
under Italian GAAP    1,771 
Items increasing (decreasing) reported net income:     
A. effect of the differences related to companies carried at cost     
under Italian GAAP but consolidated under U.S. GAAP    (3) 
A. effect of the differences related to companies carried at cost     
under Italian GAAP but accounted for under the equity method     
under U.S. GAAP    (2) 
C. effect of the elimination of monetary revaluations    30 
D. deferred income taxes    (24) 
E. effect of the write-off of intangible assets    14 
F. effect of lease accounting    (19) 
G. effect of the elimination of transactions with entities under     
common control    27 
Net adjustment    22 
Net income in accordance with U.S. GAAP    1,793 



        Dec. 31, 2005 

Shareholders' equity according to the financial statements prepared     
under Italian GAAP        9.959 
Items increasing (decreasing) reported shareholders' equity:         
A. effect of the differences related to companies carried at cost    under Italian     
GAAP but consolidated under U.S. GAAP        (4) 
A. effect of the differences related to companies carried at cost    under Italian     
GAAP but accounted for under the equity method under U.S. GAAP    (11) 
C. effect of the elimination of monetary revaluations        (327) 
D. deferred income taxes        184 
E. effect of the write-off of intangible assets        (38) 
F. effect of lease accounting        81 
G. effect of the elimination of transactions with entities under common    (254) 
Net adjustment        (368) 
Shareholders' equity in accordance with U.S. GAAP        9.591 

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