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For the month of November 2002

Commission File Number: 001-14148

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     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: November 6, 2002   By: /s/ John E. Maguire

John E. Maguire
Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial


[CanWest Global Communications Corp. Logo]

News Release

For Immediate Release
November 5, 2002

CanWest Reports Preliminary 2002 Financial Results

Combined EBITDA up 9% on 2% combined revenue increase from pro forma prior year
Asset sales in fiscal 2002 contribute approximately $500 million to senior debt reduction

WINNIPEG, MB — CanWest Global Communications Corp., Canada’s largest integrated international media company, today reported preliminary results for the year ended August 31, 2002. The results are preliminary, pending completion of the year-end audit at Fireworks Entertainment that was delayed due to a combination of executive time required to complete the recently concluded Comerica credit facility and the application of complex new accounting rules for film and television productions. The Company expects to issue final results within the next two weeks. Management believes that the finalization of the Fireworks audit will not result in a material change to the Company’s overall operating results or financial condition.

The Company reported consolidated earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2002 of $470 million, a 7% increase from the $441 million actual results recorded for the previous year. On a combined basis, including the Company’s 57.5% proportional share of EBITDA of Network TEN, the Company’s EBITDA was $553 million, a 9% increase from the $507 million combined pro forma and $510 million combined actual results recorded for the previous year. Pro forma results provide a fiscal 2001 comparison based on the same asset base as existed for the year ended August 31, 2002. Actual results for the previous year included only a partial contribution from newspaper assets, which were acquired on November 16, 2000, and also included a contribution for the full year from CKVU (Vancouver), a television station that was sold effective September 1, 2001.

Consolidated revenues for the 2002 fiscal year were $2,273 million versus consolidated revenues of $1,945 million for the 2001 fiscal year. On a combined basis, revenues for the year increased by 2% to $2,592 million from pro forma combined revenues of $2,546 million last year, and were 18% above actual combined revenues of $2,201 million reported for the prior year.

EBITDA for the Company’s newspaper assets increased by 18% to $292 million, compared to the pro forma result (including the National Post) of $246 million for the previous year. The EBITDA improvement was attributable to cost reductions at all major newspapers and substantially reduced EBITDA losses at the National Post. EBITDA for the year for Canadian television declined by 6% to $195 million from a pro forma (same station) result of $208 million in the previous year, primarily due to higher programming costs associated with investment spending in new program franchises.

Network TEN’s contribution to CanWest’s combined EBITDA increased by 18% to $82 million. New Zealand broadcasting assets reported a 169% increase in EBITDA to $14 million for the year as a result of a substantial improvement in results from TV3/4 and continued growth in EBITDA from radio operations. TV3 Ireland also grew, with CanWest’s share of EBITDA



increasing to $8 million for the year compared to a pro forma result of less than $2 million for the prior year.

The resilience and the steady results in the face of one of the most difficult advertising environments in the last 50 years proved the quality of CanWest’s underlying media businesses.

The preliminary annual results include revenues from Fireworks Entertainment in the amount of $157 million and an EBITDA loss of $0.7 million. Last year, Fireworks Entertainment reported revenues of $182 million and EBITDA of $13.5 million.

Consolidated fourth quarter revenues were $484 million in fiscal 2002 compared to consolidated revenues of $508 million in the prior fiscal year. On a combined basis, revenues in the fourth quarter dropped by 4% to $575 million compared to pro forma combined revenues of $596 million for the previous year. The overall revenue decline for the quarter was attributable to lower revenues from Canadian newspaper operations and from Fireworks Entertainment. Newspaper revenues declined by 6% to $286 million from $304 million for the fourth quarter of last year, but newspaper EBITDA, in fact, improved significantly for the quarter (see below).

Revenues at Fireworks Entertainment declined to $27 million from $76 million in the same quarter last year. The principle reason for the revenue decline was the absence of a major motion picture release in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2002, whereas the release of Rat Race contributed substantial revenues in the fourth quarter of the prior year.

Consolidated fourth quarter EBITDA was $53 million in fiscal 2002, compared to $66 million in the same quarter in the prior fiscal year. On a combined basis the Company recorded EBITDA of $73 million for the fourth quarter, a 20% improvement from the pro forma combined result of $61 million for the same period last year. EBITDA from Canadian television operations declined by 16% to $10 million due mainly to increased investment in programming, while EBITDA generated by CanWest’s publications group (including the National Post) increased by 40% to $52 million from the pro forma result of $37 million last year. All of CanWest’s overseas operations registered significant year-over-year EBITDA growth, with Network TEN recording a 36% increase in its contribution to CanWest’s EBITDA, to $21 million, for the quarter. The decline in fourth quarter revenues at Fireworks contributed to its EBITDA loss of $5.0 million for the quarter compared to EBITDA of $5.5 million last year.

“The past year was a challenge by any measure, but on balance, our results for 2002 reflected good progress on the fundamentals, including concrete accomplishments in the implementation of our multi-platform media strategy,” said Leonard Asper, CanWest’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “Improved operating results are particularly noteworthy at all of our international broadcasting operations. Network TEN solidified its position as the most watched Australian network in its target 16 to 39 year old demographic while increasing TEN’s appeal among older viewers, registering significantly higher revenues and EBITDA in the process. Cost reductions across the board at our newspaper operations were instrumental in achieving a 18% gain in newspaper EBITDA, despite a 6% reduction in revenues. Much of this was a result of significant progress in reducing EBITDA losses at the National Post.”

Aggressive pursuit of operating efficiencies, cost reductions and multi-platform advertising products was a significant factor in ameliorating the negative impact of the weaker economy. As a result, the Company believes it has become more resilient to the effects of difficult ad markets. These operating improvements should contribute to higher EBITDA as advertising demand picks up.

At the end of the year, the Company and certain of its operations recorded a number of one-time items that did not affect EBITDA or the generation of free cash flow. These items, which include write-downs of certain investments, did however negatively affect net earnings, reducing what would otherwise have been a net profit of $37 million or $0.21 per share to net earnings for the year of $13 million, or $0.07 per share, for the twelve months compared to net earnings of $46.6 million or $0.27 per share last year. Net earnings on a combined basis and a consolidated basis are the same.



Highlights of the fourth quarter and for the period after the end of the year include the following:

    The Company completed the sale to GTC of all CanWest-owned community newspapers and related assets in Atlantic Canada and Saskatchewan for a cash price of $255 million, the proceeds of which were applied to the reduction of senior debt.
    Network TEN reached a favourable settlement of a tax dispute with the Australian Tax Office that ensures the continued tax deductibility of subordinated debenture interest until June 30, 2004. The settlement does not affect TEN’s contribution to CanWest’s EBITDA in 2002, will not affect TEN’s EBITDA contributions to CanWest’s combined EBITDA in future years and will not affect expected cash distributions from TEN in 2003.
    Network TEN acquired the remaining 40% of Eye Corp, Australia’s leading out-of-home advertising company, for A$10 million. Complete ownership will enable TEN to implement the necessary realignments of management and strategy to enable Eye Corp to achieve its full earnings potential more quickly than would have otherwise been possible.
    CanWest will soon enter the Canadian radio business with the launch of 99.1COOL in Winnipeg in early 2003. The new station will go on air early in calendar 2003 with programming designed to appeal to the underserved community of jazz music lovers.
    The Company secured a stand-alone financing facility of US $110 million(C$172 million) for its production and distribution subsidiary, Fireworks Entertainment. The facility reflects investor confidence in the business strategy of Fireworks and the underlying value of its extensive film library.

Looking ahead to 2003, Mr. Asper said, “ Our most important task will be to press ahead on the many projects we initiated in 2001 and 2002. Debt reduction remains our top priority. We have made significant progress in the divestiture of non-core newspaper and TV assets over the past year, bringing in approximately $500 million in proceeds that were applied to reduce our senior debt. We continue to explore opportunities to divest or monetize additional assets that are not central to our corporate strategy, at prices which we believe reflect their fair value.”

Mr. Asper added, “We see encouraging signs of improved ad markets as we move into fiscal 2003. Up-front television advertising sales in Canada are tracking well ahead of last year. Global remains the first choice of Canadians, with ratings in major markets well ahead of our main competitor. BBM Spring Diaries report that Global National, the early evening national news program with Kevin Newman, has overtaken CBC’s The National with Peter Mansbridge and is closing in on CTV National News with Lloyd Robertson. An average of 802,000 viewers 18 years or older tuned in to Global National compared to 748,000 to CBC and 856,000 to CTV. The CBC’s Canada Now early evening news trails with an average of 532,000 viewers.” (Source: BBM diary survey spring, 2002)

“Readership is growing at many of our major metro newspapers, and the National Post is ahead of its principal competitor in most markets outside Toronto with gains being made in Toronto over the summer months as more Toronto and arts content was added to this paper. We are encouraged that the trend line is positive in newspaper ad sales with room for significant further growth just to attain their peak levels of two years ago,” said Mr. Asper.

This press release contains certain comments or forward-looking statements that are based largely on the Company’s current expectations and are subject to certain risks, trends and uncertainties. These factors could cause actual future performance to vary materially from current expectations.



CanWest Global Communications Corp. (NYSE: CWG; TSE: CGS.S and CGS.A; www.canwestglobal.com) is an international media company. CanWest, now Canada’s largest publisher of daily newspapers owns, operates and/or holds substantial interests in newspapers, conventional television, out-of-home advertising, specialty cable channels, radio networks and Internet portals in Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland and the United Kingdom. Fireworks, the Company’s program production and distribution division, operates in several countries throughout the world.

For further information contact:

Geoffrey Elliot,
Vice President, Corporate Affairs


John Maguire,
Chief Financial Officer and Vice President, Finance

Telephone:      (204) 956-2025
Fax:                  (204) 947-9841



(In thousands of Canadian dollars except as otherwise noted)

            For the three months ended   For the year ended
            August 31   August 31   August 31   August 31
            2002   2001   2002   2001
    484,059       508,382       2,272,783       1,944,775  
Operating expenses
    302,848       352,981       1,244,263       1,121,392  
Selling general and administrative expense
    128,699       89,629       558,214       382,312  
Operating profit before amortization (EBITDA)
    52,512       65,772       470,306       441,071  
Amortization of intangibles and goodwill
    4,375       23,904       17,500       90,159  
Amortization of property and equipment
    19,290       18,889       74,654       60,565  
Other amortization
    1,839       187       6,670       5,240  
Earnings before financing expenses (EBIT)
    27,008       22,792       371,482       285,107  
Financing expenses
    (90,409 )     (92,804 )     (376,632 )     (356,755 )
Investment income and gains net of writedowns of investments
    (30,977 )           32,043       28,630  
Dividend income
                3,241       2,952  
Earnings (loss) before income taxes
    (94,378 )     (70,012 )     30,134       (40,066 )
Provision for (recovery of) income taxes
    (24,794 )     (2,318 )     7,108       (59,019 )
Earnings (loss) before the following
    (69,584 )     (67,694 )     23,026       18,953  
Minority interests
          1,497       4,330       (3,196 )
Interest in earnings (loss) of Network TEN
    (34,003 )     34,819       (11,815 )     52,567  
Interest in loss of equity accounted affiliates
    (557 )     (5,670 )     (1,523 )     (14,491 )
Realized currency translation adjustments
                (1,000 )     (7,200 )
Net earnings (loss)
    (104,144 )     (37,048 )     13,018       46,633  
Amortization of indefinite life intangibles and goodwill – net of tax
          17,355             64,338  
Amortization of indefinite life intangibles and goodwill in equity accounted affiliates
          1,771             6,211  
Adjusted net earnings (loss)
    (104,144 )     (17,922 )     13,018       117,182  
Earnings per share:(1)
Net earnings (loss)
    ($0.59 )     ($0.22 )   $ 0.07     $ 0.27  
    ($0.59 )     ($0.22 )   $ 0.07     $ 0.27  
Adjusted net earnings (loss)
    ($0.59 )     ($0.10 )   $ 0.07     $ 0.68  
    ($0.59 )     ($0.10 )   $ 0.07     $ 0.68  

(1)   Earnings per share have been calculated on the basis of the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the year of 176,956,800 (2001 – 171,421,200).



The following statements have been prepared on a combined basis to proportionately consolidate the Company’s 57.5% interest in Network TEN. These financial statements are supplementary information for shareholders, designed to provide more meaningful and complete disclosure of the Company’s operations.

(in thousands of Canadian dollars, except as otherwise noted)

            For the three months ended   For the year ended
            August 31   August 31   August 31   August 31
            2002   2001   2002   2001
    574,535       576,085       2,592,283       2,200,753  
Operating expenses
    493,317       490,039       2,012,513       1,670,972  
Operating profit before undernoted
    81,218       86,046       579,770       529,781  
Corporate and development expenses
    8,417       6,953       26,808       19,606  
Operating profit before amortization (EBITDA)
    72,801       79,093       552,962       510,175  
Amortization of intangibles and goodwill
    4,375       25,675       17,500       96,370  
Amortization of property and equipment
    21,531       20,402       82,292       65,477  
Other amortization
    2,114       287       7,731       5,692  
Earnings before financing expenses (EBIT)
    44,781       32,729       445,439       342,636  
Financing expenses
    (94,382 )     (96,290 )     (389,800 )     (365,176 )
Investment income and gains net of loss on
writedown of investments
    (40,879 )     28,643       22,141       43,825  
Dividend income
                3,241       2,952  
Earnings (loss) before income taxes
    (90,480 )     (34,918 )     81,021       24,237  
Provision for (recovery of) income taxes
    (4,883 )     (367 )     42,364       (44,239 )
Earnings (loss) before the following
    (85,597 )     (34,551 )     38,657       68,476  
Minority interests
    792       3,173       7,053       (693 )
Goodwill impairment loss
    (18,782 )           (30,169 )      
Interest in loss of equity accounted affiliates
    (557 )     (5,670 )     (1,523 )     (13,950 )
Realized currency translation adjustments
                (1,000 )     (7,200 )
Net earnings (loss)
    (104,144 )     (37,048 )     13,018       46,633  
Amortization of indefinite life intangibles
and goodwill – net of tax
          19,126             70,549  
Adjusted net earnings (loss)
    (104,144 )     (17,922 )     13,018       117,182  
Earnings per share:(1)
Net earnings (loss)
    ($0.59 )     ($0.22 )   $ 0.07     $ 0.27  
    ($0.59 )     ($0.22 )   $ 0.07     $ 0.27  
Adjusted net earnings (loss)
    ($0.59 )     ($0.10 )   $ 0.07     $ 0.68  
    ($0.59 )     ($0.10 )   $ 0.07     $ 0.68  

(1)   Earnings per share have been calculated on the basis of the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the year of 176,956,800 (2001 – 171,421,200).



(in thousands of Canadian dollars)

        For the year ended August 31
        2002   2001   2001
        Actual   Actual   Proforma
    687,833       632,857       632,857  
Australia – Network TEN
    281,427       233,117       233,117  
New Zealand – TV3 and TV4
    69,079       58,436       58,436  
Ireland – TV3(3)
    28,317       31,056       20,321  
    1,066,656       1,023,636       944,731  
Television operations in development – Canada
Radio – New Zealand
    60,724       56,864       56,864  
Entertainment – Canada
    156,914       181,985       181,985  
Publications – Canada(4)
    1,263,715       917,775       1,339,842  
Outdoor – Australia
    38,074       22,861       22,861  
On-line Operations – Canada
    7,360       6,532       8,336  
Inter-segment revenues
    (5,215 )     (8,900 )     (8,900 )
    2,592,283       2,200,753       2,545,719  
    195,025       208,249       208,249  
Australia – Network TEN
    81,782       69,212       69,212  
New Zealand – TV3 and TV4
    (1,938 )     (8,939 )     (8,939 )
Ireland – TV3 (3)
    7,654       2,748       1,734  
    282,523       292,515       270,256  
Television operations in development – Canada
    (4,273 )            
Radio – New Zealand
    16,361       14,301       14,301  
Entertainment – Canada
    (743 )     13,551       13,551  
Publications – Canada (4)
    291,952       224,083       246,470  
Outdoor – Australia
    874       1,610       1,610  
On-line Operations – Canada
    (6,924 )     (16,279 )     (19,493 )
    579,770       529,781       526,695  
Corporate expenses
    26,808       19,606       19,606  
    552,962       510,175       507,089  

(1)   Combined results include the Company’s 57.5% economic interest in Network TEN.
(2)   Proforma results include the results from Southam Publications for the quarter ended November 30, 2000, include the results of the National Post on a consolidated basis, exclude CKVU which was sold effective August 31, 2001 and include TV3 Ireland on a proportionately consolidated basis.
(3)   Effective April 1, 2001 results include CanWest’s proportionate interest (45%) in the operations of TV3 Ireland. Prior periods are consolidated.
(4)   Includes results of the National Post on a consolidated basis from September 1, 2001. These results were previously accounted at equity.



(in thousands of Canadian dollars)

          For the three months ended August 31
          2002   2001   2001
          Actual   Actual   Proforma
    125,199       114,574       114,574  
Australia – Network TEN
    81,331       59,280       59,280  
New Zealand – TV3 and TV4
    20,341       15,247       15,247  
Ireland – TV3 (3)
    6,344       4,744       4,744  
    233,215       205,231       193,845  
Television operations in development
– Canada
Radio – New Zealand
    15,815       13,603       13,603  
Entertainment – Canada
    27,252       76,206       76,206  
Publications – Canada (4)
    285,597       272,420       303,669  
Outdoor – Australia
    9,146       8,424       8,424  
On-line Operations – Canada
    1,816       1,686       1,686  
Inter-segment Revenues
          (1,485 )     (1,485 )
    574,535       576,085       595,948  
    9,879       11,770       11,770  
Australia – Network TEN
    20,693       15,162       15,162  
New Zealand – TV3 and TV4
    2,105       (2,373 )     (2,373 )
Ireland – TV3 (3)
    847       123       123  
    33,524       25,013       24,682  
Television operations in development – Canada
    (1,901 )            
Radio – New Zealand
    4,713       3,595       3,595  
Entertainment – Canada
    (4,968 )     5,511       5,511  
Publications – Canada (4)
    51,724       54,963       36,968  
Outdoor – Australia
    (404 )     (114 )     (114 )
On-line Operations – Canada
    (1,470 )     (2,922 )     (2,922 )
    81,218       86,046       67,720  
Corporate expenses
    8,417       6,953       6,953  
    72,801       79,093       60,767  

(1)   Combined results include the Company’s 57.5% economic interest in Network TEN.
(2)   Proforma results include the results from Southam Publications for the quarter ended November 30, 2000, include results of the National Post on a consolidated basis, exclude CKVU which was sold effective August 31, 2001 and include TV3 Ireland on a proportionately consolidated basis.
(3)   Effective April 1, 2001 results include CanWest’s proportionate interest (45%) in the operations of TV3 Ireland. Prior periods are consolidated.
(4)   Results of the National Post are consolidated from September 1, 2001, these results were previously accounted at equity.