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Report on Form 6-K dated July 30, 2003

Commission File No. 1-14110

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Enclosure: A press release dated July 29, 2003, announcing Pechiney’s second quarter results for 2003. 
July 29, 2003

For the second quarter of 2003, Pechiney announces earnings from operations of €67 million, down slightly from the €71 million in the previous quarter. Net income in the second quarter totals €12 million, after a net loss of €1 million in the first quarter of the year.

The main trends in the Group’s earnings from operations were as follows.

  • As in previous quarters, the Primary Aluminum sector, which reported earnings from operations of €37 million, down from €42 million, was affected by the depreciation of the US dollar. The €/$ parity realized was 1.11 in the second quarter, compared with 1.04 in the first quarter and 0.90 in the second quarter of 2002. The recent stabilization of the US dollar observed in the markets is a positive factor for Pechiney with reference to its production capacities outside the dollar zone.
  • In the second quarter, the Aluminum Conversion sector confirmed the recovery reported in the previous quarter, with earnings from operations of €14 million, versus €15 million in the first quarter and €9 million in the second quarter of 2002. Sales volume remained satisfactory particularly in aerospace in Europe, after the inventory depletion observed in 2002, and as additional orders for the A380 are only beginning their upward trend.
  • At €26 million, the Packaging sector reported earnings from operations identical to the first quarter. Boosted by good performances in controllable costs reductions, this result was achieved in spite of the fact that the cost of the plastic resins used in flexible packaging reached a high point during the quarter before starting to slide downwards, reflecting the decline in the price of oil.

Pechiney actively continued to implement its strategy during the second quarter with:

  • New gains generated by the Pechiney Continuous Improvement System, totaling the cumulated sum of €181 million since January 1, 2002;
  • Two major acquisitions: that of the 65% equity interest held by the financial partners in the Aluminium Dunkerque smelter (effective as of December 30, 2003), which will increase the Group’s attributable aluminum capacity by 17%, and the acquisition of Novacel, the Mexican leader in specialty flexible packaging, a transaction that is expected to be finalized during the summer.

Commentary and prospects At the announcement of Pechiney’s 2003 second quarter results, Jean-Pierre Rodier declared: “2003 is another year in which Pechiney is moving forward. In an eroded economic environment, Pechiney continues to strengthen the Group’s positions in terms of costs as well as of the preparation of the AP50 project and Pechiney’s position as the main supplier for the A380 aircraft, which will lead to an acceleration of deliveries beyond 2003. Pechiney’s uncontested technological leadership in aluminum, its leading positions in the aerospace and in European automotive, as well as the leadership of a good number of its businesses in packaging are the result of a strategy developed over a few years, which aims at maximizing the value of Pechiney for its shareholders and makes for a unique combination of key strong points designed, with the Pechiney Continuous Improvement System, to secure as many growth projects as possible that satisfy the Group’s strict investment criteria.”
The Pechiney Board met on July 28, 2003 and confirmed its position as expressed on July 8, 2003. Besides the uncertain nature of the unsolicited proposed offer by Alcan, the proposed price is grossly insufficient given the company’s industrial, technological and immaterial assets, and in no way reflects its strategic value.

Statement of income (French GAAP)                
   Millions of euros H1 2002   H1 2003   Millions of euros Q2 2002   Q1 2003*   Q2 2003  
   Net sales 6,211   5,446   Net sales 3,397   2,820   2,626  
   Earnings from operations 241   138   Earnings from operations 137   71   67  
   Restructuring expense, other (70)   (76)   Restructuring expense, other (54)   (59)   (17)  
   (expense) income         (expense) income            
   Financial expense, net (22)   (24)   Financial expense, net (11)   (11)   (13)  
   Income tax expense (59)   (15)   Income tax expense (31)   5   (20)  
   Equity affiliates 4   5   Equity affiliates 3   2   3  
   Minority interests 0   (3)   Minority interests 4   (2)   (1)  
   Net Income before goodwill 94   25   Net Income before goodwill 48   6   19  
   Goodwill amortisation (17)   (14)   Goodwill amortisation (8)   (7)   (7)  
   except. Goodwill amortisation (31)   -   except. Goodwill amortisation (31)   -   -  
   Net income 46   11   Net income 9   (1)   12  
   Net Income Per share "A" (€) 0.57   0.14   Net Income Per share "A" (€) 0.11   (0.02)   0.15  
   Adjusted Net Income ** 123   60   Adjusted Net Income ** 74   37   23  
   Adj. Net inc. / share** bef. GW 1.78   0.95   Adj. Net inc. / share** bef. GW 1.04   0.56   0.39  
   Adj. net income per share** 1.56   0.77   Adj. net income per share** 0.94   0.47   0.30  
(*) The accounting standard SFAS 143 “Accounting for Asset Retirement Obligations” was adopted during the second quarter of 2003, effective January 1, 2003. This change, which affects essentially the Primary Aluminum sector, resulted in a decrease of Earnings from Operations for the first quarter of 2003 by €1 million and an improvement of net income for the first quarter of 2003 by € 1 million (see Appendix). (**) Published net income per share as adjusted to exclude the impact, after taxes, of restructuring expense, other (expense) income and other non-recurring items. Pechiney believes that presenting net income as adjusted is an additional measure of performance that investors can use to compare net income between reporting periods.
Principal indicators            
  Q2   Q1   Q2  
  2002   2003   2003  
   Average euro/U.S. dollar 0.92   1.07   1.14  
   Realised € /$ (Primary Al.) 0.90   1.04   1.11  
   LME average price ($/t) 1,377   1,392   1,380  
   Average realized price ($/t) 1,385   1,368   1,390  

     Net Sales (Millions of euros)
Earnings from Operations (Millions of euros)


Recent developments    
  • April 28: definitive creation of Techpack Asia. Ninety-five percent of the Indonesian company is owned by Techpack, a subsidiary of the Pechiney Group and a world leader in plastic packaging for cosmetics and perfume, and 5% belongs to Nurtjahya Tanudisastro, who owns the Indonesian group Tiger.
  • May 27: adoption by a special general meeting of holders of Pechiney preferred shares “B” of the proposed conversion of preferred shares “B”into common shares “A”. Pechiney’s capital stock now totals € 1,259,997,440.75, represented by 82,622,783 common shares of a single category.
  • June 5: signing of an agreement for the purchase by Pechiney Plastic Packaging Inc. (PPPI) of Novacel, the Mexican leader in specialty flexible packaging for USD 90 million. This transaction implements the Group’s strategy of international growth in targeted markets.
  • June 12: acquisition by Pechiney Capsules, a Pechiney subsidiary specialized in capping and overcapping for fine wines, spirits, champagne and cordials, of the Chilean company ENOCAP, a leader in the Chilean overcapping market. This transaction allows the Group to develop in Chile, a country with high quality wines that are gaining worldmarket share.
  • July 7: launch by the Alcan Group of an unsolicited takeover bid for Pechiney. At its July 8 meeting, Pechiney’s Board of Directors declared that the proposed bid was uncertain, since it was subordinated to the Phase I approval of the European Commission, thereby creating a situation that is contrary to the interests of the company and its employees, industrial partners and shareholders. It then alerted the Group’s shareholders that the price proposed by Alcan is grossly insufficient given the company’s industrial, technological and immaterial assets, and that it in no way reflects its strategic value.
  • July 9: acquisition by Pechiney of the entire equity interest of the financial partners of Aluminium Dunkerque. This agreement finalized the negotiations conducted in the first half of the year with the financial partners in order to anticipate the exercise of sale options that they had been granted in June 1990. This transaction will increase the Group’s attributable aluminum capacity by approximately 17%.

Main trends – Q2 2003

Pechiney Continuous Improvement System – Q2 2003

To cumulated gains, gross of inflation, of €154 million reported at the end of March 2003, €27 million can be added for the second quarter of 2003. Cumulated gains since January 1, 2002, thus total €181 million.

Cumulated Continuous Improvement Gains at the end of June 2003

Market environment

In the Primary Aluminum market, the latest estimates of the balance between supply and demand show a significant revision of the data for 2002. With a world demand higher than estimated, with an increase of 6.9%, and a level of production that was slightly below previous estimates, the excess supply of primary aluminum vis-à-vis demand in 2002 can now be estimated at approximately 320,000 metric tons, instead of the almost 800,000 metric tons previously reported. In 2003, the planned increases in production capacity should be scaled back by pressure on the spot market price of alumina, while demand remains strong, boosted in particular by the consumption of aluminum in China, up 29% in the first five months of 2003.

In the Aluminum Conversion markets, Pechiney’s European activities benefit from the upturn in shipments to Airbus after inventory depletion in 2002. Conversely, markets for extrusions in Europe and for standard rolled products in the United States remain depressed.

In Packaging, the trend in markets linked to food products remains steady, whereas the beauty market remains depressed without sign of a recovery.


In addition, the main external factors that influence Pechiney’s results seem to have hit a low point in the second quarter in several areas:

  • the fall of the US dollar seems to have been stopped and for the first time in a year, the dollar’s current exchange rate is at a slightly higher level than the average recorded in the previous quarter;
  • the price of aluminum on the LME showed good resistance at a level of approximately 1,400 US dollars per metric ton and fears of a decrease in the price of aluminum seem to be on the wane;
  • the rise in the price of plastic resins marked a high point in the second quarter, since prices have since decreased twice, once in May and again in June.

Net Sales (new organization1)

Millions of euros Q2 2002   Q1 2003   Q2 2003  
   Primary Aluminium 488   473   460  
   Aluminium Conversion 703   659   618  
   Packaging 614   559   549  
   Net sales from 1,805   1,691   1,627  
   industrial operations            
   International Trade 1,592   1,129   999  
Total 3,397   2,820   2,626  

Earnings from operations (new organization1)

Millions of euros Q2 2002   *Q1 2003   Q2 2003  
   Primary Aluminium 93   42   37  
   Aluminium Conversion 9   15   14  
   Packaging 40   26   26  
   International Trade 18   14   14  
   Holdings (23)   (26)   (24)  
Total 137   71   67  
(*) Restated for the application of FAS 143

Segment breakdown - Second quarter 2003

Primary Aluminum (Aluminum Metal, Bauxite – Alumina and Ferroalloys)

Good operating performance and stabilization of external factors

At €37 million, earnings from operations in the second quarter of 2003, were down €5 million from the previous quarter, and down €56 million from the second quarter of 2002.

This decline was mainly due to the depreciation of the US dollar, whose parity realized vis-à-vis the euro fell 23%, from 0.90 to 1.11 US dollars for 1 euro since the second quarter of 2002. This negative trend has, however, recently stabilized. This occurred in an environment in which the price of aluminum remained not very high, at a level slightly less than 1,400 US dollars per metric ton, in expectation of signs of a world economic recovery and of a reduction in the excess supply of aluminum.

In this difficult environment, the sector reported very good manufacturing performance in the second quarter at almost all its production facilities, with the exception of PNL’s Dutch smelter, whose difficulties should be resolved by the end of 2003.

The project to build the first smelter using AP50 technology in South Africa is also being actively pursued in order to finalize the project’s shareholding base.

Aluminum Conversion

Upturn in shipments to the aerospace sector confirmed, good operational performance of European facilities, slight decrease in demand in Europe and reduced losses in the United States

In the second quarter, with earnings from operations of €14 million, the Aluminum Conversion sector confirmed the recovery reported in the first quarter which generated €15 million, versus €9 million in the second quarter of 2002.


European activities ensured earnings from operations of €21 million, compared with €24 million in the second quarter of 2002.

The increase in aerospace shipments was thus confirmed. After a 15% rise in the first quarter, the Issoire facility reported 29% growth in shipments to aerospace in Europe compared with the second quarter of 2002, in part owing to the first shipments of parts for the assembly of Airbus A380 aircraft.

However, the environment remains depressed in extrusions and foil and thin foil.

In the United States (Ravenswood, Vernon and Aluminum Lithium), the operating loss totaled €7 million in the second quarter of 2003, a definite improvement over the first quarter of 2003 (loss of €11 million) and the second quarter of 2002 (loss of €15 million). The reorganization of Aluminum Lithium activities made it possible to offset somewhat the difficulties at Ravenswood, where improved operating performance has been slowed by the continued depressed economic environment in the United States.


A fast pace of cost reductions in the second quarter and the start of a decline in the price of resins after a high point during the period

Earnings from operations in Packaging totaled €26 million, stable compared with the previous quarter and down from the second quarter of 2002.

The sector reported good performances with regard to the Pechiney Continuous Improvement System, and managed to reduce its costs despite cost overruns of plans being shut down.

In the second quarter, the sector continued to suffer from a strong price/raw materials scissors effect and the depreciation of the US dollar vis-à-vis the euro, a movement that accelerated in comparison with the first quarter.

1 2002 numbers have been restated according to the new organization launched on February 1st 2003.

The sector also announced the signing of an agreement to acquire Novacel, the Mexican leader in specialty flexible packaging. This transaction creates major growth opportunities for Pechiney in both the Mexican and American markets. This acquisition, like the creation of Techpack Asia, illustrates the strategy that aims to expand in new markets and optimize labor costs.

In the second half, the sector should benefit from the impact of these acquisitions, the progressive recovery of activities currently being restructured and the recent trend to lower resin prices.

International Trade

At €14 million, earnings from operations in International Trade were in line with the figure reported in the first quarter, as the good performance of trading activities offset the negative influence of the US dollar.

Other statement of income items

Income from operations totaled €50 million in the second quarter of 2003, versus €83 million in the second quarter of 2002 and €12 million in the first quarter of 2003. This figure included €17 million of Restructuring expense and Other (expense) income.
Net financial expense
totaled €13 million in the second quarter of 2003, up slightly from the second quarter of 2002 and from the previous quarter.


Current and deferred income taxes represented a charge of €20 million in the second quarter of 2003, versus €31 million in the same period in 2002. The high effective tax rate during the quarter is owed to the impact on differed taxes of the USD/AUD parity evolution.

Amortization of goodwill

The Group continues the regular amortization of its goodwill on the basis of French accounting standards. A charge of €7 million was recorded in the second quarter of 2003.

Cash flow

The cash flow generated by operations totaled €268 million in the first half of the year. Net of investments and divestitures, the Group's cash flow was a negative €38 million, before €87 million of dividends paid.

Financial structure

As of June 30, 2003, net indebtedness totaled €1,526 million, up €89 million from December 31, 2002. Compared with shareholders' equity and minority interests of €3,024 million, the debt-to-equity ratio was 0.50, compared with 0.45 as of December 31, 2002.
As of June 30, 2003, the total number of outstanding shares was 82,622,783 of which 4,767,044 were owned by the Company.


Next consensus survey: October 1, 2003
Third quarter results: October 28, 2003

Pursuant to article 7 of the COB Rule book n° 2002-04, this press release was disclosed to the Commission des Opérations de Bourse before its release.

Certain statements in this press release that describe Pechiney’s intentions, expectations or projections may constitute forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause Pechiney’s actual results, performance or achievement to be materially different from its intentions, expectations or projections. The forward-looking statements in this press release speak only as of its date and Pechiney undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

Investor Relations Contact:         Press Contacts:
Charles L. Ranunkel: Tel: 33 1 56 28 25 07
Fax 33 1 56 28 33 38
  Chrystèle Ivins: Tel: 33 1 56 28 24 18

7, place du Chancelier Adenauer
75116 Paris
Internet: http://www.pechiney.com

  Stephan Giraud: Tel: 33 1 56 28 24 19


Comparison with American accounting standards (US GAAP)

Statement of Income Q2 2003

   Millions of euros
      Net Sales
      Earnings from
      Restructuring expense,
      other (expense) income
      Income from
      Financial expense, net
      Income tax benefit
      Equity in net earnings of
      Minority interests
      Goodwill amortisation
      Net Income

Balance Sheet as of 30/06/2003
   Millions of euros French   US   US  
   Long-term assets 4,865   (28)   4,837  
   Current assets 3,344   228   3,572  
   Total assets 8,209   200   8,409  
   Shareholder's equity 2,877   (57)   2,820  
   Minority Interests 147   -   147  
   Long-term liabilities 2,674   55   2,729  
   Current liabilities 2,511   202   2,713  
   Total liabilities and            
  8,209   200   8,409  
   Shareholder's equity            

Impact of the initial application of SFAS 143 on the
statement of income Q1 2003
   Millions of euros
French GAAP
142 &
   Earnings from operations
  (5)   66  
   Restructuring expense, other
   (expense) income
  -   (59)  
   Income from operations
  (5)   7  
   Financial expense, net
  3   (8)  
   Income tax benefit (expense)
  1   6  
   Equity in net earnings of
  2   4  
   Minority interests
  -   (2)  
   Goodwill amortisation
  7   -  
   Net income before cumulative
  8   7  
   effect of accounting change
   Cumulative effect of
  36   36  
   accounting change
   Net Income
  44   43  

The accounting principles applied by the Group in the preparation of its financial statements differ in certain points from generally accepted accounting principles in the United States (US GAAP). The impact of these differences is presented in the accompanying tables.

Accounting for derivatives and hedging operations

Pechiney's US GAAP financial statements reflect the application of SFAS 133, which requires that derivative instruments (foreign exchange, interest rates, commodities) be recognized in the balance sheet at fair value, and sets criteria to define transactions that may be accounted for as hedging operations.

On the basis of these criteria, certain hedging operations, although efficient from an economic point of view, are not recognized as hedging activities. As a result, gains and losses due to the mark to market of certain hedging instruments are recorded in net income or in equity, with no recognition of the inverse effect of the mark to market of the hedged items. For this reason, the impact of this standard on results varies according to market conditions and is difficult to forecast. The application of SFAS 133 generated a net accounting gain (with no impact on cash flow) of € 5 million in the second quarter of 2003.

Amortisation of goodwill

In Pechiney's US GAAP financial statements reflect the application of SFAS 142, which requires that goodwill be not amortised on a recurring basis, but be regularly tested for impairment, leading, if necessary to non-recurring amortisation.The application of SFAS 142 led to the cancellation of recurring amortisation in the second quarter of 2003.


Cumulative effect of initially applying SFAS 143

In Pechiney's US GAAP financial statements and French GAAP financial statements, the accounting standard SFAS 143, “Accounting for asset retirement obligation”, was adopted during the second quarter of 2003, effective January 1, 2003. In the US GAAP financial statements, the cumulative effect adjustment at January 1, 2003 is presented on a specific line, at the bottom of the statement of income for the first quarter of 2003. In the French GAAP financial statements, the cumulative effect adjustment is directly recognized in equity.

SFAS 143 requires that legal obligations associated with the retirement of long-lived assets and resulting from normal activities be recognized as liabilities, at fair value, when incurred. These asset retirement costs are capitalized by increasing the carrying amount of the related asset and are depreciated over the useful life of the asset. For Pechiney, the main change relates to the cost of disposal of spent pot lining of aluminum pots in operation, which is now recognized as a liability and capitalized from the time the lining is placed into service. As a consequence, since January 1, 2003, the cost of replacing pot lining, which was previously charged to income, has also been capitalized and depreciated over the useful life of the lining, including for pots in operation at January 1, 2003.

The cumulative effect at January 1, 2003 is an increase of net property plant and equipment, environmental reserves and minority interest by respectively 90, 30 and 3 million euros and a decrease of net deferred tax assets by 21 million euros resulting in a positive net effect of € 36 million. The effect of the change on the results for the first quarter of 2003 is a decrease of Earnings from operations of the Primary Aluminum sector by €1 million and an improvement of Net income before cumulative effect of accounting change by € 1 million. The effect of the change on the second quarter is a decrease of Earnings from operations by € 1 million and a decrease of Net income by € 1 million.

Balance-sheet – The differences in the balance sheet as of June 30, 2003 included the impacts of SFAS 133, SFAS 142 and SFAS 87 (reduction in shareholders' equity due to the different way complementary retirement provisions are recorded in US and in French GAAP). These differences amounted to a net reduction in shareholders’ equity of € 57 million as of June 30, 2003 in US GAAP, down from € 105 million as of December 31, 2002.



Consolidated Statement of Income

   French GAAP          
         (in millions of euros)   Q2 2002   Q2 2003  
      Net sales   3,397   2,626  
      Other operating revenues   41   51  
Cost of goods sold (excluding depreciation) (3,042)   (2,344)  
Selling, general and administrative expense (152)   (144)  
      Research and development expense   (20)   (24)  
      Amortisation (excluding goodwill)   (87)   (98)  
      Earnings from operations   137   67  
Restructuring expense and Long-lived assets writedowns (43)   (10)  
      Other (expense) income   (11)   (7)  
      Income from operations   83   50  
      Financial expense, net   (11)   (13)  
      Income before income taxes   72   37  
      Income tax benefit (expense)   (31)   (20)  
      Income from consolidated companies   41   17  
      Equity in net earnings of affiliates   3   3  
      Minority interests   4   (1)  
      Net Income before goodwill   48   19  
      Goodwill amortisation   (8)   (7)  
      Exceptional Goodwill amortisation   (31)   -  
      Net Income   9   12  
      Net Income per share "A" (€) (*)   0.11   0.15  
   (*) Computed on the average number of shares, i.e. 77,855,742 for the second quarter of 2003 (excluding treasury shares) and 78,927,067 “A” and “B” (which existed at the time) shares for the second quarter of 2002.
Adjusted Net Income per share Calculation        
      - Adjusted net Income (**)   74   23  
      - Adjusted net Income per share (€)   0.94   0.30  
(**) Published net income per share as adjusted to exclude the impact, after taxes, of restructuring expense, other (expense) income and other non-recurring items. Pechiney believes that presenting net income as adjusted is an additional measure of performance that investors can use to compare net income between reporting periods. Net income as adjusted can provide a more relevant view of a company's financial performance.

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow

(in millions of euros) Q2 2002   Q2 2003  
Resources from Operations 173   169  
Change in working capital requirements 74   10  
Utilisation of provisions and other (127)   (90)  
Cash provided by Operations 120   89  
Capital expenditures (122)   (162)  
Financial investments (5)   (27)  
Divestitures and other (6)   8  
Net Cash-flow (13)   (92)  
Dividends paid (98)   (87)  
Purchase of treasury shares (7)   (1)  
Increase in capital -   -  
Increase (decrease) in Cash (118)   (180)  



Consolidated Statement of Income

French GAAP                              
   (in millions of euros) Q1   Q2   Q3   Q4   Q1   Q2  
   Net sales 2,814   3,397   3,020   2,678   2,820   2,626        
   Other operating revenues 30   41   35   38   30   51        
   Cost of goods sold (excluding depreciation) (2,473)   (3,042)   (2,717)   (2,379)   (2,513)   (2,344)        
   Selling, general and administrative expense (153)   (152)   (142)   (163)   (148)   (144)        
   Research and development expense (24)   (20)   (22)   (24)   (24)   (24)        
   Amortisation (excluding goodwill) (90)   (87)   (79)   (79)   (94)   (98)        
   Earnings from operations 104   137   95   71   71   67        
   Restructuring expense and Long-lived assets (10)   (43)   (7)   (85)   (50)   (10)        
   Other (expense) income (6)   (11)   (40)   (41)   (9)   (7)        
   Income from operations 88   83   48   (55)   12   50        
   Financial expense, net (11)   (11)   (16)   (11)   (11)   (13)        
   Income before income taxes 77   72   32   (66)   1   37        
   Income tax benefit (expense) (28)   (31)   (19)   39   5   (20)        
   Income from consolidated companies 49   41   13   (27)   6   17        
   Equity in net earnings of affiliates 1   3   0   (1)   2   3        
   Minority interests (4)   4   (3)   3   (2)   (1)        
   Net Income before goodwill 46   48   10   (25)   6   19        
   Goodwill amortisation (9)   (8)   (8)   (7)   (7)   (7)        
   Exceptional Goodwill amortisation -   (31)   (16)   (50)   -   -        
   Net Income 37   9   (14)   (82)   (1)   12        
Adjusted Net Income per share Calculation
   - Adjusted net Income (*) 49   74   38   50   37   23        
   - Adjusted net Income per share (€) 0.62   0.94   0.48   0.65   0.47   0.30        
(*) Published net income per share as adjusted to exclude the impact, after taxes, of restructuring expense, other (expense) income and other non-recurring items. Pechiney believes that presenting net income as adjusted is an additional measure of performance that investors can use to compare net income between reporting periods. Net income as adjusted can provide a more relevant view of a company's financial performance.

Earnings from operations (new organization)

  Q3   Q4   Q1   Q2  
Primary Aluminium 69  
  70   50   42   37          
Aluminium Conversion 4  
  0   0   15   14          
Packaging 33  
  32   24   26   26          
International Trade 19  
  16   20   14   14          
Holdings (21)  
  (23)   (23)   (26)   (24)          
  95   71   71   67          
Total EBITDA (**) 194  
  174   150   165   165          
Consolidated primary Aluminium Prod. (kt) 215  
  221   222   217   210          
Average realised LME price ($/t)(***) 1,354  
  1,360   1,334   1,368   1,390          
Realised € /$ – Primary Aluminium 0.88  
  0.95   0.98   1.04   1.11          
Average euro/U.S. dollar 0.88  
  0.98   1.00   1.07   1.14          
(**) Earnings from operations before depreciation.
(***) Average actual selling price of a metric ton of primary aluminium (excluding premiums) negotiated by the Group during the quarter.


Consolidated Balance Sheet

French GAAP          
(in millions of euros)  
As of 31/12/2002
As of 30/06/2003
Long-term assets          
Property, plant and equipment, net 2,832   2,927  
Goodwill, net   637   625  
Other intangible assets, net   163   135  
Investments in equity affiliates   285   285  
Long-term investments   139   100  
Deferred income taxes   505   495  
Other long-term assets   279   298  
    4,840   4,865  
Current assets          
Inventories, net   1,525   1,453  
Accounts receivable – Trade   1,281   1,414  
Deferred income taxes   51   46  
Prepaid expenses   72   66  
Other receivables   29   14  
Marketable securities   153   54  
Cash   283   297  
    3,394   3,344  
Total assets   8,234   8,209  
Shareholder's equity          
Capital stock          
- Common shares "A"   1,242   1,260  
- Preferred shares "B"   16   -  
Treasury shares   (180)   (181)  
Share premium   790   790  
Retained earnings   1,297   1,242  
Cumulative translation adjustment (151)   (234)  
    3,014   2,877  
Minority interests   149   147  
Long-term liabilities          
Deferred income taxes   195   184  
Other long-term liabilities   1,142   1,162  
    1,337   1,346  
Long-term debt   1,465   1,328  
Current liabilities          
Accounts payable – Trade   1,456   1,576  
Accrued liabilities   376   372  
Other payables   8   6  
Current portion of long-term debt   39   185  
Short-term bank loans   390   372  
    2,269   2,511  
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity 8,234   8,209  
Net Debt 1,437   1,526  
Shareholder's equity + Minority interests 3,163   3,024  
Gearing 0.45   0.50  



Consolidated Statement of Income

US GAAP (*)          
   (in millions of euros)   Q2 2002   Q2 2003  
   Net sales   3,408   2,625  
   Other operating revenues   41   51  
Cost of goods sold (excluding depreciation) (3,043)   (2,334)  
Selling, general and administrative expense (152)   (144)  
   Research and development expense   (20)   (24)  
   Amortisation (excluding goodwill)   (87)   (98)  
   Earnings from operations   147   76  
Restructuring expense and Long-lived assets writedown (43)   (10)  
Other (expense) income (11)   (7)  
   Income from operations   93   59  
   Financial expense, net   (13)   (15)  
   Income before income taxes   80   44  
   Income tax benefit (expense)   (34)   (23)  
   Income from consolidated companies   46   21  
   Equity in net earnings of affiliates   14   4  
   Minority interests   4   (1)  
   Net Income   64   24  
   Net Income per share "A" (€) (**)   0.81   0.31  
(*) The US GAAP consolidated statement of income is prepared on the basis of the FR GAAP statement of income and incorporates the adjustments required to conform with US GAAP.
(**) Computed on the average number of shares, i.e. 77,855,742 for the second quarter of 2003 (excluding treasury shares) and 78,927,067 “A” and “B” (which existed at the time) shares for the second quarter of 2002.
Adjusted Net Income per share Calculation
- Adjusted net Income (***) 98   35  
- Adjusted net Income per share (€) 1.25   0.46  
(***) Published net income per share as adjusted to exclude the impact, after taxes, of restructuring expense, other (expense) income and other non-recurring items. Pechiney believes that presenting net income as adjusted is an additional measure of performance that investors can use to compare net income between reporting periods. Net income as adjusted can provide a more relevant view of a company's financial performance.

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow

(in millions of euros) Q2 2002   Q2 2003  
Resources from Operations 188   176  
Change in working capital requirements 53   15  
Utilisation of provisions and other (121)   (102)  
Cash provided by Operations 120   89  
Capital expenditures (122)   (162)  
Financial investments (5)   (27)  
Divestitures and other (6)   8  
Net Cash-flow (13)   (92)  
Dividends paid (98)   (87)  
Purchase of treasury shares (7)   (1)  
Increase in capital -   -  
Increase (decrease) in Cash (118)   (180)  


Consolidated Balance Sheet

US GAAP        
(in millions of euros)
As of 31/12/2002
As of 30/06/2003
Current assets        
Cash 283   297  
Marketable securities 153   54  
Other receivables 11   10  
Prepaid expenses 309   334  
Deferred income taxes 47   31  
Accounts receivable – Trade 1,269   1,392  
Inventories, net 1,524   1,454  
  3,596   3,572  
Long-term assets        
Other long-term assets 201   240  
Deferred income taxes 499   488  
Long-term investments 139   100  
Investments in equity affiliates 285   287  
Other intangible assets, net 163   135  
Goodwill, net 659   660  
Property, plant and equipment, net 2,832   2,927  
  4,778   4,837  
Total assets 8,374   8,409  
Short term debt        
Short term bank loans 392   372  
Current portion of long term debt 39   185  
Other payables 8   6  
Accrued liabilities 579   578  
Accounts payable – Trade 1,451   1,572  
  2,469   2,713  
Other long term liabilities 45   55  
Long term Debt 1,465   1,328  
Long term Liabilities        
Other long term liabilities 1,142   1,162  
Deferred income taxes 195   184  
  1,337   1,346  
Minority Interests 149   147  
Shareholder's equity        
Fair value of derivative instruments 33   54  
Cumulative translation adjustment (151)   (233)  
Additional minimum pension liability (141)   (135)  
Retained earnings 1,300   1,265  
Share premium 790   790  
Treasury shares (180)   (181)  
Capital stock 1,258   1,260  
- Common shares "A" 1,242   1,260  
- Preferred shares "B" 16   -  
  2,909   2,820  
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity 8,374   8,409  


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Pechiney has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: July 30, 2003 PECHINEY



Name: Olivier MALLET

Title: Chief Financial Officer