EX-99 2 exb_2.txt EXHIBIT B-2 - PROPOSED LISTING EXHIBIT B-2 ELECTRIC JOURNAL ENTRIES PROPOSED LISTING OF ELECTRIC ASSETS AND LIABILITIES BEING TRANSFERRED FROM UNION ELECTRIC COMPANY TO CENTRAL ILLINOIS PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Union Electric Company (AmerenUE) is transferring its Illinois electric service territory to Central Illinois Public Service Company as follows: 1. All real and personal property located in the State of Illinois owned by AmerenUE (including plant in service and construction work in progress) used in the transmission and distribution of electricity. Excluded from the transfer are the generator lead lines and related equipment connecting Venice and Keokuk plants to the transmission grid. AmerenUE would also retain miscellaneous, minor amounts of property in Illinois to ensure the smooth operation of its electric system, consisting of towers and associated conductors on the Illinois side of the Mississippi River, located at the river's edge, carrying electricity across the river; and communication related equipment located in Illinois. All production facilities at the Venice Plant and Keokuk Plant (including flowage land) are excluded. The cost of these assets are recorded in Accounts 101 and 107 of the Uniform System of Accounts and the related accumulated provision for depreciation and amortization are recorded in Accounts 108 and 111. 2. All non-utility real property located in the State of Illinois, excluding real and personal property located at the Venice Power Plant site and Keokuk Plant flowage land. The cost of these assets are recorded in Account 121 of the Uniform System of Accounts. There is no related accumulated provision for depreciation and amortization. 3. Working funds recorded in Account 135, consisting of petty cash maintained at the East. St. Louis office. 4. Accounts Receivable of Illinois electric customers recorded in Account 142. 5. The provision for uncollectible accounts associated with accounts receivable being transferred to AmerenCIPS (paragraph 4 above). 6. Plant materials and operating supplies located at the Alton Storeroom and truck stock recorded in Account 154. 7. An allocation of undistributed stores expense recorded in Account 163, associated with the plant materials and operating supplies being transferred to AmerenCIPS. 8. Accrued Illinois electric revenues for service not billed at the time of transfer recorded in Account 173. 9. AFUDC temporary differences due to FAS 109 recorded in Account 182. Schedule 2 Page 1 of 11 ELECTRIC JOURNAL ENTRIES 10. Amounts collected for environmental cleanup recorded in Account 186. 11. Accumulated deferred income taxes recorded in Account 190, for the income taxes related to unamortized Investment Tax Credit being transferred to AmerenCIPS. 12. Accrued payroll payable recorded in Account 232. 13. Customer deposits related to Illinois electric customers recorded in Account 235. 14. Accrued vacation liability for electric employees recorded in Account 242. 15. Customer Advances recorded in Account 252. 16. Unamortized investment credit and Federal excess taxes - depreciation both recorded in Account 254. 17. Unamortized Deferred Investment Tax Credits recorded in Account 255, related to the plant assets being transferred to AmerenCIPS. 18. Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes recorded in Account 282 related to the plant being transferred to AmerenCIPS. 19. Deferred Income Tax Liability recorded in Account 283 related to the plant being transferred to AmerenCIPS. 20. Deferred Income Tax Liability related to the deferred gain for tax purposes, but not for book purposes, on transfer. The following appendices provide more detailed listings of the assets identified above: Page 3 lists the asset and liability accounts being transferred to AmerenCIPS by ICC Account. The value shown in this and other schedules are the amounts estimated for AmerenUE books at December 31, 2003. Page 4 lists the amounts being transferred to AmerenCIPS recorded in accounts 101, 107, 108 and 111 by function (paragraph 1 above). Page 5 consists of a listing of the plant material and operating supply amounts being transferred to AmerenCIPS by works headquarters. Schedule 2 Page 2 of 11 PROPOSED ACCOUNTING ENTRIES FOR TRANSFER OF ELECTRIC ASSETS AND LIABILITIES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM UNION ELECTRIC COMPANY TO ------------------------------ CENTRAL ILLINOIS PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY --------------------------------------- ESTIMATED AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2003 ---------------------------------
Proposed Account NUMBER ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION DEBIT CREDIT ------ ------------------- ----- ------ 102 Utility Plant Purchased or Sold $115,936,328 101 Electric Plant in Service $252,180,591 121 Non-Utility Property 16,199 107 Construction Work in Progress 5,909,161 108 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation 141,413,552 111 Accumulated Provision for Amortization 739,872 135 Working funds 10,900 142 Accounts receivable 5,280,252 144 Provision for Uncollectible Accounts 142,362 154 Plant materials and operating supplies 115,591 163 Undistributed stores expense 4,518 173 Accrued electric revenues 9,921,000 182 Regulatory Asset FAS 109 12,943,155 186 Environmental adjustment clause 190 Accumulated deferred income taxes 4,952,245 232 Payroll Payable 49,429 235 Customer Deposits 1,054,723 242 Accrued Vacation Liability 342,480 252 Customer Advances 142,268 254 Other Regulatory Liabilities 3,636,895 255 Accumulated deferred Investment Tax Credit 5,911,045 282 Accumulated deferred income taxes-Other Property 28,672,932 283 Deferred Income Tax Liability -Other 283 Deferred Income Tax Liability -Deferred Intercompany Gain 16,941,549 145 Notes receivable 5,112,119 216 Retained Earnings 5,112,119 ----------------- ----------------- Balance $308,270,643 $308,270,643 ================= ================= To clear Account 102, Electric Plant Purchased or Sold, and charge Account 145, Note Receivable from Associated Companies for the assets And liabilities transferred to AmerenCIPS. 216 Retained Earnings $57,968,164 145 Notes receivable 57,968,164 102 Utility Plant Purchased or Sold $115,936,328 The total effect (Electric Plant Sold and Other Assets/Liabilities transferred) on notes receivable and retained earning is shown below: 145 Notes receivable 63,080,283 216 Retained Earnings 63,080,283
Schedule 2 Page 3 of 11 Union Electric Company Electric Utility Plant Estimated at December 31, 2003
Account 101 Account 107 Accounts 108 & 111 Accumulated Estimated Construction Amortization & Plant Category Electric Plant Work in Progress Depreciation Net Plant ------------------------------- -------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- Transmission $82,724,040 $5,558,704 -$36,747,193 $51,535,551 Distribution 156,263,819 350,457 -98,601,816 58,012,460 General 13,192,732 0 -6,821,033 6,371,699 -------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- Total Electric 252,180,591 5,909,161 -142,170,042 115,919,710 Account 121 ----------- Non-Utility Property -------- Non-Utility 16,199 16,199 --------------------- -------------------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- Total Property and Plant $252,196,790 $5,909,161 -$142,170,042 $115,935,909 ==================== ===================== ===================== =====================
Schedule 2 Page 4 of 11 Union Electric Company Electric Operating Materials & Supplies Transferred to Central Illinois Public Service Company Estimated at December 31, 2003
Storeroom Location Number Balance -------------------------- ---------- ----------------- Alton 061 $ 115,591.00 $ East St. Louis 054 - --------------------- $ 115,591.00 =====================
Schedule 2 Page 5 of 11 GAS JOURNAL ENTRIES PROPOSED LISTING OF GAS ASSETS AND LIABILITIES BEING TRANSFERRED FROM UNION ELECTRIC COMPANY TO CENTRAL ILLINOIS PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Union Electric Company (AmerenUE) is transferring its Illinois gas service territory to Central Illinois Public Service Company as follows: 1. All real and personal property located in the State of Illinois owned by AmerenUE (including plant in service and construction work in progress) used in the production and distribution of natural gas. The cost of these assets are recorded in Accounts 101 and 107 of the Uniform System of Accounts and the related accumulated provision for depreciation is recorded in Account 108. 2. Accounts Receivable of Illinois gas customers recorded in Account 142. 3. The provision for uncollectible accounts associated with accounts receivable being transferred to AmerenCIPS (paragraph 2 above). 4. Fuel stock consisting of propane stored at the Alton Propane Plant recorded in Account 151. 5. Plant materials and operating supplies located at the Alton Storeroom and truck stock recorded in Account 154. 6. Natural gas being held in storage by Mississippi River Transmission Corporation for AmerenUE recorded in Account 164. 7. Accrued Illinois gas revenues for service not billed at the time of transfer recorded in Account 173. 8. AFUDC temporary differences due to FAS 109 recorded in Account 182. 9. Amounts collected for environmental cleanup recorded in Account 186. 10. Accumulated deferred income taxes recorded in Account 190, for the income taxes related to unamortized Investment Tax Credit being transferred to AmerenCIPS. 11. Account payable for the amount of natural gas purchased for resale but not yet paid at the time of transfer to AmerenCIPS recorded in Account 232. 12. Accrued payroll payable recorded in Account 232. 13. Accrued vacation liability for gas employees recorded in Account 242. Schedule 2 Page 6 of 11 14. Unamortized investment credit and Federal excess taxes - depreciation both recorded in Account 254. 15. Environmental cleanup liability at Alton Town Gas Site recorded in Account 253. 16. Unamortized Deferred Investment Tax Credits recorded in Account 255, related to the plant assets being transferred to AmerenCIPS. 17. Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes recorded in Account 282 related to the plant being transferred to AmerenCIPS. 18. Deferred Income Tax Liability recorded in Account 283 related to the plant being transferred to AmerenCIPS. 19. Deferred Income Tax Liability related to the deferred gain for tax purposes, but not book purposes, on transfer. The following appendices provide more detailed listings of the assets identified above: Page 8 lists the asset and liability accounts being transferred to AmerenCIPS by ICC Account. The value shown in this and other schedules are the amounts estimated for AmerenUE books at December 31, 2003. Page 9 lists the amounts being transferred to AmerenCIPS recorded in accounts 101, 107 and 108 by function (paragraph 1 above). Page 10 lists the gas fuel stock being transferred to AmerenCIPS. Page 11 consists of a listing of the plant material and operating supply amounts being transferred to AmerenCIPS by works headquarters. Schedule 2 Page 7 of 11 PROPOSED ACCOUNTING ENTRIES FOR TRANSFER OF GAS ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM UNION ELECTRIC COMPANY TO ------------------------------ CENTRAL ILLINOIS PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY --------------------------------------- ESTIMATED AS DECEMBER 31, 2003 ------------------------------
Proposed Account Number Account Description Debit Credit ------ ------------------- ----- ------ 102 Utility Plant Purchased or Sold $14,140,226 101 Gas Plant in Service $29,811,820 107 Construction Work in Progress 58,186 108 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation 15,729,780 142 Accounts receivable 468,157 144 Provision for Uncollectible Accounts 64,499 151 Propane Fuel Stock 137,928 154 Plant materials and operating supplies 79,051 164 Gas storage 197,044 173 Accrued gas revenues 100,000 186 Environmental adjustment clause 409,257 190 Accumulated deferred income taxes 555,916 232 Accounts payable--to natural gas supplier 1,413,500 232 Payroll Payable 19,700 242 Accrued Vacation Liability 52,034 252 Customer Advances 221,372 253 Environmental cleanup deferred credit 1,000,000 254 Other Regulatory Liabilities 468,233 255 Accumulated deferred Investment Tax Credit 220,418 282 Accumulated deferred income taxes-Other Property 1,985,721 283 Deferred Income Tax Liability-Deferred Intercompany Gain 1,892,495 145 Notes receivable 1,212,071 216 Retained Earnings 1,212,071 ----------------- --------------- Balance $35,724,739 $35,724,739 ================= =============== To clear Account 102, Gas Plant Purchased or Sold, and charge Account 145, Note Receivable from Associated Companies for the assets and liabilities transferred to AmerenCIPS. 216 Retained Earnings $7,070,113 145 Notes receivable 7,070,113 102 Utility Plant Purchased or Sold $14,140,226 The total effect (Gas Plant Sold and Other Assets/Liabilities transferred) on notes receivable and retained earning is shown below: 145 Notes receivable 5,858,042 216 Retained Earnings 5,858,042
Schedule 2 Page 8 of 11 Union Electric Company Gas Utility Plant Estimated as of December 31, 2003
ACCOUNT 101 ACCOUNT 107 Accounts 108 -------------- ---------------- --------------- Estimated Construction Accumulated Work in PLANT CATEGORY GAS PLANT Progress Depreciation Net Plant ------------------- -------------- ---------------- --------------- -------------- Production $815,815 -$794,189 $21,626 Distribution 28,006,763 58,186 -14,182,901 13,882,047 General 989,242 -752,689 236,553 -------------- ---------------- --------------- -------------- Total Gas $29,811,820 $58,186 -$15,729,780 $14,140,226 ============== ================ =============== ==============
Schedule 2 Page 9 of 11 Union Electric Company Gas Fuel Stock Transferred to Central Illinois Public Service Company Estimated at December 31, 2003
PLANT PROPANE NATURAL GAS TOTAL ----- -------- ----------- ----- Alton Propane Plant $150,875 $150,875 Stored by Mississippi River Transmission Co. 46,169 46,169 -------------- -------------- ------------ Total $150,875 $46,169 $197,044 ============== ============== ============
Schedule 2 Page 10 of 11 Union Electric Company Gas Operating Materials & Supplies Transferred to Central Illinois Public Service Company Estimated at December 31, 2003
Storeroom Location Number Balance ----------------- ---------- -------------- Alton 061 $ 79,051.00 East St. Louis 054 $ - -------------- $ 79,051.00 ==============
Schedule 2 Page 11 of 11