<DOCUMENT> <TYPE>EX-99 <SEQUENCE>13 <FILENAME>exhb9908.txt <DESCRIPTION>EXHIBIT 99.8 - MARCH 12, 2007 - COURT TRANSCRIPT <TEXT> 1 1 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA 2 3 Judge Steven H. Friedman 4 5 In Re: 6 Case No. 04-35435-BKC-SHF 7 8 eCom eCom.com, Inc., 9 Debtor. _______________________________ 10 11 12 CONFIRMATION HEARING 13 14 March 12, 2007 15 16 The above entitled cause came on for hearing before the 17 HONORABLE STEVEN H. FRIEDMAN, one of the Judges in the UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT, in and for the SOUTHERN 18 DISTRICT OF FLORIDA, at 1515 N. Flagler Drive, West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, on March 12, 2007, 19 commencing on or about 1:30 p.m., and the following proceedings were had: 20 21 22 23 24 Reported By: Jacquelyn Ann Jones, Court Reporter 25 OUELLETTE & MAULDIN COURT REPORTERS (305) 358-8875 2 1 APPEARANCES: 2 3 KLUGER PERETZ KAPLAN & BERLIN, P.L. By: MICHAEL D. SEESE, ESQUIRE 4 On behalf of the Debtor 5 SCHIFF HARDEN 6 By: MARK FISHER, ESQUIRE On behalf of American Capital Holdings 7 8 OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES TRUSTEE By: DENYSE HEFFNER, ESQUIRE 9 10 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION By: GORDON ROBINSON, ESQUIRE 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 3 1 THE COURT: Thank you for your patience. eCom eCom.com, Inc. I'm going to attempt to set up a 2 conference call on the computer. 3 (The Court contacted Ms. Heffner and Mr. Robinson by 4 telephone.) 5 THE COURT: Ms. Heffner, good afternoon. This 6 is Judge Friedman calling you from West Palm Beach on 7 eCom eCom.com, Inc. I will ask you to hold on so that I 8 can conference in Mr. Gordon Robinson with the Security 9 and Exchange Commission. 10 Mr. Robinson, good afternoon. This is 11 bankruptcy Judge Friedman calling from West Palm Beach on 12 the matter of eCom eCom.com, Inc. I'm going to 13 conference you in with Denyse Heffner, and then from 14 there we'll proceed with the individuals who are in 15 court. If somehow I should lose you, please bear with 16 me. 17 Then we are ready to proceed. Mr. Seese. 18 MR. SEESE: Yes, sir. Thank you. 19 THE COURT: You are representing -- 20 MR. SEESE: eCom, the debtor. 21 THE COURT: The debtor. 22 MR. FISHER: My name is Mark Fisher, Your 23 Honor, from Schiff Harden in Chicago. I'm pro hac vice 24 and for American Capital Holdings, the co-plan proponent. 25 THE COURT: Very well. Thank you. Nice to 4 1 have you here, Mr. Fisher. 2 MR. FISHER: It's a pleasure to be here, Your 3 Honor. 4 THE COURT: Mr. Seese, are you ready to 5 proceed? 6 MR. SEESE: I am, Your Honor. 7 THE COURT: I have reviewed the certificate of 8 attorney for debtor on acceptance of the first amended 9 plan of reorganization. Unless I am misreading the 10 certificate and the attachments, it would appear that the 11 requisite numbers of votes in each class were received 12 approving the plan. In fact, in class 4, which was the 13 only class, I believe impaired -- 14 MR. SEESE: There was one other class, class 15 3. 16 THE COURT: Class 3 and class 4 were both 17 impaired. Class 3 accepted 100 percent, and class 4, 18 which is equity, accepted to the extent of 99.57 19 percent. 20 MR. SEESE: That's correct, Your Honor. And 21 there were over 15 million shares voted. 22 THE COURT: Over 15 million shares voted. So 23 it would appear as though, at least in terms of the 24 votes, the requisite numbers were received. 25 Ms. Heffner, do you have any thoughts on that? 5 1 MS. HEFFNER: Your Honor, it certainly appears 2 as though the creditors, as well as whatever equity is 3 left, has voted to accept the plan. 4 THE COURT: And Mr. Robinson, do you have any 5 comment on that? 6 MR. ROBINSON: Yes, I would like to speak, if I 7 could, for just a moment about the uniqueness of this 8 case. Your Honor has noted, and the reason I'm appearing 9 is that the SEC generally frowns on the trafficking in 10 public company shells such as this. 11 THE COURT: Yes. 12 MR. ROBINSON: This particular case is unique, 13 and that is why we've not filed an objection to 14 confirmation. The gravamen of Federal securities law is 15 full disclosure, and here counsel has cooperated fully. 16 They have included by way of disclosure everything we 17 have asked for, including the fact that the shares may 18 not be transferable, because this is a blank check 19 company. 20 Under the circumstances, we still might have an 21 objection, because most companies that come into the 22 bankruptcy courts at this stage are delinquent in their 23 periodic public reports. eCom is not, it is current, 24 which is extraordinarily unique. 25 In fact, I checked this morning and found that 6 1 all their filings were in order, and that they are still 2 trading on Big Sheets, LLC. They are trading within a 3 narrow band of value and very low volume, none of which 4 particularly bothers us. There are not great big spikes 5 in their trading, big spikes in volume. So even though 6 the commission is not terribly fond of blank checks, 7 sometimes we just have to hold our nose and let them go. 8 THE COURT: And this would be such a case. 9 MR. ROBINSON: This would be one of those 10 unique cases. Again, counsel here has done absolutely 11 everything we've asked for, and we're confident that they 12 are highly sophisticated and understand the requirements 13 going forward. 14 THE COURT: Thank you very much. Mr. Seese, do 15 you have anything to add on the issue of confirmation? 16 MR. SEESE: Well, I thank Mr. Robinson for his 17 comments. I can tell Your Honor, I appreciate what Mr. 18 Robinson has said, and we have represented to the Court 19 on several occasions that we have attempted to fully 20 cooperate with the SEC and address all of their concerns, 21 and have included them in the disclosure statement 22 process and have circulated for review to make sure that 23 we had all of their issues addressed. 24 Your Honor, I know it's approaching 3:00 and we 25 were set for 1:30, and there are other people in the 7 1 courtroom. There are two ways that we can proceed. If 2 Your Honor is okay with that, I can give you the long 3 version, or I can give you the short version that just 4 proffers the elements that are necessary to comply with 5 1129. Your Honor has already addressed the fact that we 6 have the required acceptances under the Code, I think 7 overwhelming acceptances, both for the plan and the 8 releases contained therein. 9 We have the confirmation affidavit, which is 10 what I would proffer to the Court. Mr. Richmond, who is 11 in court today, he is the acting CEO by order of this 12 Court. I would proffer his testimony through the 13 confirmation affidavit, ask Your Honor to take judicial 14 notice of the affidavit as compliance with the elements 15 under 1129(a) for purposes of confirmation, and then 16 conclude with the matters that are outstanding and how 17 that impacts the effective date of the plan under the 18 plan. 19 MR. FISHER: I believe the confirmation 20 affidavit is attached to Mr. Seese's certificate, Your 21 Honor. 22 THE COURT: I just don't remember where I saw 23 it. I have it. 24 MR. SEESE: I simply don't want to 25 unnecessarily take up your time, Judge. 8 1 THE COURT: No. And Mr. Fisher, you're 2 comfortable with this? 3 MR. FISHER: I believe, Your Honor, that it 4 covers all the requirements of 1129. 5 THE COURT: I reviewed the affidavit, and it 6 does seem to touch upon all the elements under 1129. 7 If no one is taking issue with the confirmation 8 affidavit filed by Mr. Richmond, then I suppose I should 9 hear from other parties who are in the courtroom. Are 10 there any parties on eCom eCom.com who wish to be heard? 11 There being none to come forward, I will then confirm the 12 debtor's first amended Chapter 11 plan. 13 Mr. Seese, you'll submit the appropriate 14 order. 15 MR. SEESE: Yes, I will, Your Honor. 16 THE COURT: Now then according to my calendar, 17 that leaves for consideration the final fee application 18 and reimbursement of expenses filed by Kluger, Peretz, 19 Kaplan and Berlin as counsel for the debtor. 20 MR. SEESE: Yes, Your Honor. Before we address 21 the fee application, there are a couple of outstanding 22 matters that I would like to bring to Your Honor's 23 attention. 24 THE COURT: Very well. 25 MR. SEESE: There are a couple of pending 9 1 matters. Both the debtor and American Capital Holdings, 2 the co-proponent of the plan had filed a joint objection 3 to claims. The deadline to respond to those objections 4 has expired within the meaning of the Code and the local 5 rules. We filed a certificate of no response last week 6 and have submitted the order to Your Honor, and I believe 7 that was Thursday or Friday that we did that. 8 There were three claims for which creditors and 9 or equity security holders responded. One is a security 10 holder, a shareholder named Patricia Finch-Junk 11 (phonetic), and she simply filed an objection saying that 12 she wanted her money back. The amount of money is 13 $584.88. We have reserved for that sum. 14 Clinton Partners filed a claim that was a 15 letter, it was addressed to Your Honor. They had 16 original claim, I think it was about $34,000, that had 17 been reduced down to about $21,000. We have settled with 18 them. They will have an allowed claim and will be 19 permitted to convert to equity under the plan as the 20 other unsecured creditors, and we will file a 9019 motion 21 this week with the court in order to attain approval 22 of that. 23 And then lastly, Barbara Pania had filed a 24 claim with the court. We had objected. They had 25 responded. And they are represented by Mr. Abrams, Tom 10 1 Abrams, if Your Honor will recall. We have settled with 2 them. 3 The 9019 motion was filed with the court, and 4 the objection period expires today. We don't anticipate 5 any objections being filed. The settlement was fully 6 discussed in the disclosure statement, and so we will be 7 submitting a certificate of no response and a proposed 8 order to Your Honor. 9 Lastly, class 1 is the unsecured priority 10 claims. There was one claimant, Mr. Rick Turner, who is 11 in court today, who has a claim for $4,650. We would 12 like to amend the plan on the record to provide, it was 13 inadvertence on my behalf, that the class 1 holder has 14 the right to elect to receive stock under the plan, and 15 he has elected to do so and can affirm that with Your 16 Honor. And so we are seeking to make a modification to 17 the plan to provide that class 1, like class 3, has the 18 ability to elect or receive stock, and we did include 19 that as part of the confirmation order. 20 THE COURT: And Mr. Turner is here? 21 MR. SEESE: Yes. He's in the courtroom, Your 22 Honor. 23 THE COURT: And Mr. Turner, that is an accurate 24 statement that you wish to convert your claim to an 25 equity claim? 11 1 MR. TURNER: That's correct. 2 MR. SEESE: Lastly, Your Honor, I know I said 3 lastly before, one more time, the effective date was 4 originally slated under the plan to be when the 5 confirmation order goes final. 6 What I would like to do is just simply modify 7 on the record to provide that the effective date of the 8 plan will go final once we have the order on the Pania 9 settlement, once we have the order on the Partners 10 settlement, and then we again will reserve for the 11 shareholder who objected, so I don't think that that 12 needs to hold anything up. But that should take maybe 20 13 or 25 days. So we would simply modify the plan to 14 provide instead of 11 days, it would be 20 or 25 days at 15 the most. 16 As far as U.S. Trustee fees, the debtor is 17 current on all DIP reports through 12/31/06. They are 18 current on U.S. Trustee fees through 12/31/06. We have a 19 check for the first quarter '07 payment for $250, which 20 is not yet due. 21 The funds that were provided for under the 22 plan, ACH is in court, Mr. Richmond is here, and we 23 believe that there are sufficient funds on hand to meet 24 the expenses contemplated under the plan, and I believe 25 that covers everything that I wanted to address with Your 12 1 Honor. 2 And now I'm prepared to get into the fee 3 application if Your Honor is ready. 4 THE COURT: Before I do, let me inquire, Ms. 5 Heffner, is there anything you would like to add or 6 inquire about? 7 MS. HEFFNER: Your Honor, I'm blown away by Mr. 8 Seese. No, I do not object to the continuance of the 9 effective date for what would be probably about two 10 weeks. We do need reports for, I think January and 11 February, but I'm not worried about that at this time. 12 The case isn't actually closing, it is the firm, and 13 I think we're ready to go on to the fee applications. 14 THE COURT: Very well. Mr. Fisher, do you wish 15 to add anything? 16 MR. FISHER: I do not, Your Honor. I believe 17 that we've made a record for feasibility here. I have in 18 my pocket the cashier's checks that have to be 19 distributed that we'll give over for that once the plan 20 becomes effective, so we're ready to go with respect to 21 that distribution. 22 THE COURT: And Mr. Robinson? 23 MR. ROBINSON: Your Honor, I think they have 24 covered everything. Thank you. 25 THE COURT: Then I will confirm the debtor's 13 1 Chapter 11 plan. Congratulations, Mr. Seese. 2 MR. SEESE: Thank you, Your Honor. 3 THE COURT: And you'll submit the confirmation 4 order. 5 MR. SEESE: Yes, sir. 6 THE COURT: That confirmation order will 7 include the changes in status of Mr. Turner, I believe, 8 and any other changes that you've mentioned. 9 MR. SEESE: Yes, sir. And I'm happy to 10 circulate a draft to Mr. Fisher, as well as Ms. Heffner 11 and Mr. Robinson, for their review. 12 THE COURT: Very well. That's fine. Then we 13 can move on to the fee application. 14 MR. SEESE: Yes, sir. 15 Your Honor, my firm filed a, it's the only fee 16 application that was filed in this case, it's for the 17 period ending January 31, 2007. The fees were 18 approximately $124,000. We have agreed with the debtor 19 to reduce our fee application to $120,000. We hold a 20 $65,000 retainer. American Capital Holdings, in 21 accordance with the plan, is putting up another $35,000. 22 We will accept a payment of $100,000, with the balance to 23 be paid over the next four months, $5,000 per month. And 24 we reserve the right to file a supplement fee application 25 to capture our fees for February 1 through the 14 1 confirmation hearing, although I don't suspect they're 2 much, the last I checked it was about $3500, but that was 3 for the month of February. So maybe that will double the 4 hearing up for confirmation. And then those will be paid 5 in the fifth month following the effective date. 6 There were no objections filed to the fee 7 application, and therefore, we would ask Your Honor to 8 approve same. I do not have an order with me today, I 9 apologize, but I will be happy to upload it in the near 10 future. 11 THE COURT: So then the fee would be allowed 12 for $120,000. 13 MR. SEESE: Yes, sir. 14 THE COURT: Your firm received a $65,000 15 retainer. 16 MR. SEESE: Yes, sir. 17 THE COURT: So then the fee order will provide 18 that your firm will receive an additional $35,000, and 19 the source of those funds will be -- 20 MR. SEESE: American Capital Holdings, the 21 co-proponent of the plan. 22 MR. FISHER: This is all part of the exit 23 financing was provided for in the plan, in essence they 24 put it up and it will be turned into equity at the same 25 rate that the unsecured creditors are getting. 15 1 THE COURT: Very well. And then the order will 2 further provide that the remaining $20,000 would be paid 3 how? 4 MR. SEESE: $5,000 per month in each of the 5 next four months following the effective date, with any 6 supplemental fees awarded to be tacked on at the end. 7 THE COURT: Plus reimbursement of expenses in 8 the amount of $364.74. 9 MR. SEESE: I think that's correct, Your Honor, 10 it's a few hundred dollars. I did not bring my binder up 11 with me. 12 THE COURT: That's what was reflected in the 13 fee application. 14 MR. SEESE: Yes. That would be through the end 15 of January 31, yes, sir. 16 THE COURT: Actually, the fee order should 17 reflect that the gross amount of the fees allowed, less 18 the retainer, and then the same would go for the 19 expenses. 20 MR. SEESE: Yes, sir. And I will circulate 21 that order as well. 22 THE COURT: Very well. Mr. Robinson, any last 23 comments? 24 MR. ROBINSON: Your Honor, I'm just surprised 25 that Mr. Seese doesn't want to elect to accept stock. 16 1 THE COURT: No comment. Ms. Heffner. 2 MS. HEFFNER: Your Honor, I have no objection. 3 I want to point out the comments made by Mr. Robinson 4 earlier about the sophisticated and very good work that 5 the attorney did in complying with difficult SEC 6 regulations, and I think certainly the fees may be 7 deserved. 8 MR. FISHER: There's one other matter which 9 will happen in the same time frame. The auditors 10 that have kept this company reporting currently will file 11 their fee application also, which will be heard within 12 that same period, and so that Your Honor will review 13 their fees. 14 MR. SEESE: The Weisnik (phonetic) firm did not 15 file a final fee application in accordance with the 16 order. There was a provision in the plan that provided 17 that final fee applications would be filed within ten 18 days of the effective date. It was inadvertence when 19 they didn't file it, and so we would only ask that we be 20 permitted to file their fee application as well to 21 encompass the fees that they have incurred during this 22 case, and those too would be paid as part of the new 23 funding by American Capital Holdings in accordance with 24 the plan. 25 THE COURT: I would need to hold a hearing on 17 1 that. 2 MR. SEESE: Yes, sir. And we have advised them 3 on that. 4 THE COURT: So then what I will ask you to do, 5 Mr. Seese, is, when that fee application is filed, to 6 move matters along, please get in touch with my courtroom 7 deputy, Ms. Klopp, to expedite the scheduling of the 8 hearing, at least so it gets set -- it still will need to 9 be set on no less than 20 days notice. 10 MR. SEESE: Yes, Your Honor. 11 MR. FISHER: We'll take care of that. 12 MR. SEESE: Thank you very much for your 13 accommodating us. You've been very patient, and we're 14 finally there, and we thank you very much. 15 THE COURT: If I gave you a quarter, would you 16 call my wife and tell her that. 17 MR. SEESE: Only if I can get a transcript or 18 excerpt of Ms. Heffner's comments on my fees. 19 THE COURT: Ms. Heffner, anything further? 20 MS. HEFFNER: No, nothing further, Your 21 Honor. 22 THE COURT: And nothing from you, Mr. Robinson? 23 MR. ROBINSON: No. Thank you, Your Honor, for 24 accommodating us by telephone today. 25 THE COURT: I thank you all very much. Very 18 1 well done, Mr. Seese, and I appreciate your being here 2 also, and I'm very pleased at the outcome. 3 MR. FISHER: Thank you very much. 4 MR. SEESE: Thank you, Your Honor. It's a 5 pleasure. 6 MS. HEFFNER: Thank you, Your Honor. 7 (The proceedings were concluded.) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 19 1 C E R T I F I C A T E. 2 3 The State of Florida ) 4 County of Palm Beach ) 5 6 I, JACQUELYN ANN JONES, Court Reporter, certify 7 that I was authorized to and did stenographically report 8 the foregoing hearing; and that the transcript is a true 9 record of my stenographic notes. 10 I further certify that I am not a relative, 11 employee, attorney or counsel of any of the parties, nor 12 am I a relative or employee of any of the parties' 13 attorney or counsel connected with the action, nor am I 14 financially interested in the action. 15 16 In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand 17 and seal this 13th day of March, 2007. 18 19 ___________________________ 20 JACQUELYN ANN JONES 21 Commission No. CC 995956 22 Expires Feb 18, 2009 23 24 25 </TEXT> </DOCUMENT>