EX-10.8 5 filename5.htm EX-10.8

Exhibit 10.8

File No.                                         



THIS LEASE, dated August 18, 2014 for reference purposes only, is made by and between Osprey Capital Building 50, LLC, a California limited liability company (“Landlord”), and Corsair Memory, Inc. a Delaware corporation (“Tenant”), to be effective and binding upon the parties as of the date the last of the designated signatories to this Lease shall have executed this Lease (the “Effective Date of this Lease”)



1.1 REFERENCES: All references in this Lease (subject to any further clarifications contained in this Lease) to the following terms shall have the following meaning or refer to the respective address, person, date, time period, amount, percentage, calendar year or fiscal year as below set forth:


A. Tenant’s Address for Notices:

  47100 Bayside Parkway
  Fremont, California 94538

B. Tenant’s Representative:

  Andrew Paul

 Phone Number:


C. Landlord’s Address for Notices:

  Riverside Interests, Inc.
  Suite 200
  615 National Avenue
  Mountain View, California 94043

D. Landlord’s Representative:

  William N. Neidig

 Phone Number:

  650-428-1400     neidig@riverii.com

E. Intended Commencement Date:

  January 1, 2015

F. Intended Term:

  Seven (7) Years and Three (3) months

G. Lease Expiration Date:

  March 31, 2022

H. Tenant’s Punchlist Period:

  Five (5) Business Days from delivery of the Premises

I. Prepaid Rent:


J. Last Month’s Prepaid Rent:


K. Tenant’s Security Deposit:

  $85,479.00 See Section 3.7

L. Late Charge Amount:

  Ten(-10%) percent of the amount due

M. Tenant’s Required Liability Coverage:

  Ten Million Dollars, Single Limit

N. Brokers:

  Joe Kelley, CBRE and Chris Shaffer and Kurt Heinrich, Cornish and Carey


        Landlord Initials             W        
        Tenant Initials           NH        

O. Property or Project: That certain real property, situated in the City of Fremont, County of Alameda, State of California, as presently improved with one building together with all amenities serving the Property or for the benefit of the Property, which real property is shown on the Site Plan attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and is commonly known as or otherwise described as follows:

Renco 50

47100 Bayside Parkway

Fremont, California 94538

P. Building: That certain Building within the Property in which the Leased Premises are located, which Building is shown outlined in red on Exhibit “A” hereto.

Q. Outside Areas: The “Outside Areas” shall mean all areas within the Property which are located outside the buildings, such as pedestrian walkways, parking areas, landscaped areas, open areas and enclosed trash disposal areas.

R. Leased Premises: All the space which is the Building, consisting of approximately 61,454 square feet of gross leasable area measuring to the outside edge of the outside walls and drip lines, including the electrical room and other interior common spaces and, for purposes of this Lease, agreed between Landlord and Tenant to contain said number of square feet. The Leased Premises are commonly known as or otherwise described as follows:

Renco 50

47100 Bayside Parkway

Fremont, California 94538

S. Base Monthly Rent: The term “Base Monthly Rent” shall mean the  following:


January 1, 2015    through    March 31, 2015    No Base Monthly Rent
April 1, 2015    through    December 31, 2015    $61,454.00
January 1, 2016    through    December 31, 2016    $61,454.00
January 1, 2017    through    December 31, 2017    $63,300.00
January 1, 2018    through    December 31, 2018    $65,200.00
January 1, 2019    through    December 31, 2019    $67,200.00
January 1, 2020    through    December 31, 2020    $69,200.00
January 1, 2021    through    December 31, 2021    $71,250.00
January 1, 2022    through    March 31, 2022    $73,380.00

T. Permitted Use: The term “Permitted Use” shall mean the following:

General office, design, engineering, sales and marketing, light manufacturing, assembly and testing of products owned and for sale by Tenant

U. Exhibits: The term “Exhibits” shall mean the Exhibits to this Lease which are described as follows:

Exhibit “A” - Site Plan showing the Property and delineating the Building in which the Leased Premises are located.

Exhibit “B” - Floor Plan outlining the Leased Premise

Exhibit “C” - Subordination Agreement

Exhibit “D” - Tenant Estoppel Certificate

Exhibit “E” - Acceptance Agreement

Exhibit “F” - Tenant Improvement Agreement


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        Tenant Initials           NH        

V. Addenda: The term “Addenda” shall mean the Addendum (or Addenda) to this Lease which is (or are) described as follows:



2.1 DEMISE OF LEASED PREMISES: Landlord hereby leases to Tenant and Tenant hereby leases from Landlord for Tenant’s own use in the conduct of Tenant’s business and not for purposes of speculating in real estate, for the Lease Term and upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this Lease, that certain interior space described in Article I as the Leased Premises, reserving and excepting to Landlord the exclusive right to all profits to be derived from any assignments or sublettings by Tenant during the Lease Term by reason of the appreciation in the fair market rental value of the Leased Premises. Tenant’s lease of the Leased Premises, together with the appurtenant right to use the Outside Areas as described in Article 2.2 below, shall be conditioned upon and be subject to the continuing compliance by Tenant with (i) all the terms and conditions of this Lease, (ii) all Laws governing the use of the Leased Premises and the Property, (iii) all Private Restrictions, easements and other matters now of public record respecting the use of the Leased Premises and the Property, and (iv) all reasonable rules and regulations from time to time established by Landlord.

2.2 RIGHT TO USE OUTSIDE AREAS: As an appurtenant right to Tenant’s right to the use and occupancy of the Leased Premises, Tenant shall have the right to use the Outside Areas in conjunction with its use of the Leased Premises solely for the purposes for which they were designed and intended and for no other purposes whatsoever. Tenant’s right to so use the Outside Areas shall be subject to the limitations on such use as set forth in Article 4 and shall terminate concurrently with any termination of this Lease.

2.3 LEASE COMMENCEMENT DATE AND LEASE TERM: The term of this Lease shall begin, and the Lease Commencement Date shall be deemed to have occurred, on the Intended Commencement Date (as set forth in Article 1) unless either (i) Landlord is unable to deliver possession of the Leased Premises to Tenant on the Intended Commencement Date, in which case the Lease Commencement Date shall be as determined pursuant to Article 2.4 below or (ii) Tenant enters into possession of the Leased Premises prior to the Intended Commencement Date, in which case the Lease Commencement Date shall be as determined pursuant to Article 2.7 below (the “Lease Commencement Date” . The term of the Lease shall end on the Lease Expiration Date (as set forth in Article I), irrespective of whatever date the Lease Commencement Date is determined to be pursuant to the foregoing sentence. The Lease Term shall be that period of time commencing on the Lease Commencement Date and ending on the Lease Expiration Date (the “Lease Term”). Notwithstanding the above, Tenant shall have the right to enter the Premises following Lease execution in accordance with all the terms of this Lease (other than the obligation to pay rent until the stated dates) for the purpose of planning, fit up, and installing alterations (subject to Landlord approval). Prior to entering the Premises Tenant shall put all utility services in its name and pay the ongoing costs of utilities, landscape, maintenance and building service contracts.

2.4 DELIVERY OF POSSESSION: Landlord shall deliver to Tenant possession of the Leased Premises on or before the Intended Commencement Date (as set forth in Article 1) in their presently existing condition, broom clean, unless Landlord shall have agreed, as a condition to Tenant’s obligation to accept possession of the Leased Premises pursuant to a written Exhibit or Addenda attached to and made a part of this Lease, to modify existing interior improvements or to make, construct and/or install additional specified improvements within the Leased Premises or to the Outside Areas, in which case Landlord shall deliver to Tenant possession of the Leased Premises on or before the Intended Commencement Date as so modified and/or improved. If Landlord is unable to so deliver possession of the Leased Premises to Tenant in the agreed condition on or before the Intended Commencement Date, for whatever reason, Landlord shall not be in default under this Lease, nor shall this Lease be void, voidable or cancelable by Tenant until the lapse of one hundred twenty days after the Intended Commencement Date (the “delivery grace period”); however, the Lease Commencement Date shall not be deemed to have occurred until such date as Landlord notifies Tenant that the Leased Premises are in the agreed condition and are Ready for Occupancy. Additionally, the delivery grace period above set forth shall be extended for such number of days as Landlord may be delayed in making the agreed improvements and/or delivering possession of the Leased Premises to Tenant by reason of Force Majeure or the actions of Tenant. If Landlord is unable to deliver possession of the Leased Premises in the agreed condition to


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        Landlord Initials             W        
        Tenant Initials           NH        

Tenant within the described delivery grace period (including any extensions thereof by reason of Force Majeure or the actions of Tenant), then Tenant’s sole remedy shall be to cancel and terminate this Lease, and in no event shall Landlord be liable in damages to Tenant for such delay. Tenant may not cancel this Lease at any time after the date Landlord notifies Tenant that the Leased Premises have been put into the agreed condition and are Ready for Occupancy.

2.5 ACCEPTANCE OF POSSESSION: Tenant acknowledges that it has inspected the Leased Premises and is willing to accept them in their existing condition, broom clean, unless Landlord shall have agreed, as a condition to Tenant’s obligation to accept possession of the Leased Premises pursuant to a written Exhibit or Addenda attached to and made a part of the Lease, to modify existing interior improvements or to make, construct and/or install specified improvements within the Leased Premises, in which case Tenant agrees to accept possession of the Leased Premises when Landlord has substantially completed such modifications or improvements and the Leased Premises are Ready for Occupancy. If Landlord shall have so modified existing improvements or constructed additional improvements within the Leased Premises for Tenant, Tenant shall, within Tenant’s Punchlist Period (as set forth in Article I) which shall commence on the date that Landlord notifies Tenant that the agreed improvements have been completed and the Leased Premises are Ready for Occupancy, submit to Landlord a signed copy of the Acceptance Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit “D” together with a punchlist of all incomplete and/or improper work performed by Landlord. Upon the expiration of Tenant’s Punchlist Period, Tenant shall be conclusively deemed to have accepted the Leased Premises in their then-existing condition as so delivered by Landlord to Tenant, except as to those items reasonably set forth in the punchlist submitted to Landlord prior to the expiration of said period. Landlord agrees to correct all items reasonably set forth in Tenant’s punchlist, provided that such punchlist was submitted to Landlord within Tenant’s Punchlist Period. Additionally, Landlord agrees to place in good working order all existing plumbing, lighting, heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems within the Leased Premises and all man doors and roll-up truck doors serving the Leased Premises to the extent that such systems and/or items are not in good operating condition as of the date Tenant accepts possession of the Leased Premises; provided that, and only if, Tenant notifies Landlord in writing of such failures or deficiencies within five business days from the date Tenant so accepts possession of the Leased Premises. Landlord will not be responsible for any low voltage wiring (below 110 volt) including telephone, data, and alarm systems in the Building.

2.6 SURRENDER OF POSSESSION: Immediately prior to the expiration or upon the sooner termination of this Lease, Tenant shall remove all of Tenant’s signs from the exterior of the Building and shall remove all of Tenant’s equipment, trade fixtures, furniture, supplies, wall decorations and other personal property from the Leased Premises, and shall vacate and surrender the Leased Premises to Landlord in the same condition, broom clean, as existed at the Lease Commencement Date. Tenant shall repair all damage to the Leased Premises caused by Tenant’s removal of Tenant’s property and all damage to the exterior of the Building caused by Tenant’s removal of Tenant’s signs. Tenant shall patch and refinish, to Landlord’s reasonable satisfaction, all -penetrations made by Tenant or its employees to the floor, walls or ceiling of the Leased Premises, whether such penetrations were made with Landlord’s approval or not. Tenant shall clean, repair or replace all stained or damaged ceiling tiles, wall coverings and clean or replace as may be required materially soiled floor coverings to the reasonable satisfaction of Landlord. Tenant shall replace all burned out light bulbs and damaged light lenses, and clean or and repaint all painted walls. However, Tenant shall not be liable for normal wear and tear remediation costs. Landlord shall retain a mechanical contractor at Tenant’s expense to service all heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning equipment, and Tenant shall pay the cost for the service and the cost to restore (or replace as required) said equipment to good working order. Tenant shall pay the cost of restoring or replacing all trees, shrubs, plants, lawn and ground cover, and repair (or replace as required) all paved surfaces of the Property, and otherwise satisfy all requirements to repair any damage or wear to the Leased Premises, Building, Outside Areas, and/or Property. Tenant shall repair all damage caused by Tenant to the exterior surface of the Building and the paved surfaces of the outside areas adjoining the Leased Premises and, where necessary, replace or resurface same. Additionally, Tenant shall, prior to the expiration or sooner termination of this Lease, remove any improvements constructed or installed by Tenant which Landlord requests be so removed by Tenant and repair all damage caused by such removal. If the Leased Premises are not surrendered to Landlord in the condition required by this Article at the expiration or sooner termination of this Lease, Landlord may, at Tenant’s expense, so remove Tenant’s signs, property and/or improvements not so removed and make such repairs and replacements not so made or hire, at Tenant’s expense, independent contractors to perform such work. Tenant shall be liable to Landlord for all costs incurred by Landlord in returning the Leased Premises to the required condition, plus interest on all costs incurred from the date paid by Landlord at the then maximum rate of interest not prohibited by Law until paid, payable by Tenant to Landlord within ten days after receipt of a statement therefore from Landlord, and Tenant shall be deemed to have impermissibly held over until such time as such required work is completed, and Tenant shall pay Base


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        Landlord Initials             W        
        Tenant Initials           NH        

Monthly Rent and Additional Rent in accordance with the terms of Section 13.2 (Holding Over) until such work is completed. Tenant shall indemnify Landlord against loss or liability resulting from delay by Tenant in so surrendering the Leased Premises, including, without limitation, any claims made by any succeeding tenant or any losses to Landlord due to lost opportunities to lease to succeeding tenants.

2.7 EARLY OCCUPANCY: Tenant has the right to enter the building subject to Section 2.3 prior to November 1, 2014 for the purpose of tenant improvements and installation. If Tenant enters into possession of the Leased Premises prior to the Intended Commencement Date (or permits its contractors to enter the Leased Premise prior to the Intended Commencement Date), unless otherwise agreed in writing by Landlord, the Lease Commencement Date shall be deemed to have oc¬curred on such sooner date, and Tenant shall be obligated to perform all its obligations under this Lease, including the obligation to pay rent, from that sooner date.



3.1 BASE MONTHLY RENT: Commencing on the Lease Commencement Date (as determined pursuant to Article 2.3 above) and continuing throughout the Lease Term, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, without prior demand therefore or offset, in advance on the first day of each calendar month, as base monthly rent, the amount set forth as “Base Monthly Rent” in Article 1 (the “Base Monthly Rent”).

3.2 ADDITIONAL RENT: Subject to Section 2.3, Commencing on the Lease Commencement Date (as determined pursuant to Article 2.3 above) November 1, 2014, and continuing throughout the Lease Term, in addition to the Base Monthly Rent, Tenant shall pay to Landlord without offset as additional rent (the “Additional Rent”) the following amounts:

A. An amount equal to all Property Operating Expenses (as defined in Article 13) incurred by Landlord. Payment shall be made by whichever of the following methods (or combination of methods) is (are) from time to time designated by Landlord:

(1) Landlord may bill to Tenant, on a periodic basis not more frequently than monthly, the amount of such expenses (or group of expenses) as paid or incurred by Landlord, and Tenant shall pay to Landlord the amount of such expenses within ten days after receipt of a written bill therefore from Landlord; and/or

(2) Landlord may deliver to Tenant Landlord’s reasonable estimate of any given expense (such as Landlord’s Insurance Costs or Real Property Taxes), or group of expenses, which it anticipates will be paid or incurred for the ensuing calendar or fiscal year, as Landlord may determine, and Tenant shall pay to Landlord an amount equal to the estimated amount of such expenses for such year in equal monthly, installments during such year with the installments of Base Monthly Rent.

(3) Landlord reserves the right to change from time to time the methods of billing Tenant for any given expense or group of expenses or the periodic basis on which such expenses are billed.

B. Landlord’s share of the consideration received by Tenant upon certain assignments and sublettings as required by Article 7;

C. Any legal fees and costs that Tenant is obligated to pay or reimburse to Landlord pursuant to Article 13; and

D. Any other charges or reimbursements due Landlord from Tenant pursuant to the terms of this Lease other than late charges and interest on defaulted rent.

3.3 YEAR-END ADJUSTMENTS: If Landlord shall have elected to bill Tenant for the Property Operating Expenses (or any group of such expenses) on an estimated basis in accordance with the provisions of Article 3.2A(2) above, Landlord shall furnish to Tenant following the end of the applicable calendar or fiscal year, as the case may be, a statement setting forth (i) the amount of such expenses paid or incurred during the just ended calendar or fiscal year, as appropriate, and (ii) the amount that Tenant has paid to Landlord for credit against such expenses for such


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        Landlord Initials             W        
        Tenant Initials           NH        

period. If Tenant shall have paid more than its obligation for such expenses for the stated period, Landlord shall, at its election, either (i) credit the amount of such overpayment toward the next ensuing payment or payments of Additional Rent that would otherwise be due or (ii) refund in cash to Tenant the amount of such overpayment. If such year-end statement shall show that Tenant did not pay its obligation for such expenses in full, then Tenant shall pay to Landlord the amount of such underpayment within ten days from Landlord’s billing of same to Tenant. The provisions of this Article shall survive the expiration or sooner termination of this Lease. Tenant shall have the right to receive itemized details of actual Operating Expenses incurred and, at Tenant’s sole cost, audit the statement and supporting details of the Operating Expenses.

3.4 LATE CHARGE AND INTEREST ON RENT IN DEFAULT: Tenant acknowledges that the late payment by Tenant of any monthly installment of Base Monthly Rent or any Additional Rent will cause Landlord to incur certain costs and expense not contemplated under this Lease, the exact amounts of which are extremely difficult or impractical to fix. Such costs and expenses will include, without limitation, administration and collection costs and processing and accounting expenses. Therefore, if any installment of Base Monthly Rent is not received by Landlord from Tenant within six calendar days after the same becomes due and Tenant fails to remedy within four (4) business days following receipt of written notice of such late payment from Landlord, Tenant shall immediately pay to Landlord a late charge in an amount equal to the amount set forth in Article 1 as the “Late Charge Amount”, and if any Additional Rent is not received by Landlord within six business days after same becomes due and Tenant fails to remedy within four (4) business days following notice of such late payment from Landlord, Tenant shall immediately pay to Landlord a late charge in an amount equal to ten percent of the Additional Rent not so paid. Landlord and Tenant agree that this late charge represents a reasonable estimate of such costs and expenses and is fair compensation to Landlord for the anticipated loss Landlord would suffer by reason of Tenant’s failure to make timely payment. In no event shall this provision for a late charge be deemed to grant to Tenant a grace period or extension of time within to pay any rental installment or prevent Landlord from exercising any right or remedy available to Landlord upon Tenant’s failure to pay each rental installment due under this Lease when due, including the right to terminate this Lease. If any rent remains delinquent for a period in excess of six calendar days and Tenant fails to remedy within four (4) business days following receipt of written notice of such late payment from Landlord, then, in addition to such late charge, Tenant shall pay to Landlord interest on any rent that is not so paid from said sixth day at the then maximum rate of interest not prohibited or made usurious by Law until paid.

3.5 PAYMENT OF RENT: All rent shall be paid in lawful money of the United States, without any abatement, reduction or offset for any reason whatsoever, to Landlord at such address as Landlord may designate from time to time. Tenant’s obligation to pay Base Monthly Rent and all Additional Rent shall be appropriately prorated at the commencement and expiration of the Lease Term. The failure by Tenant to pay any Additional Rent as required pursuant to this Lease when due shall be treated the same as a failure by Tenant to pay Base Monthly Rent when due, and Landlord shall have the same rights and remedies against Tenant as Landlord would have if Tenant failed to pay the Base Monthly Rent when due.

3.6 PREPAID RENT: Concurrent with the execution of this Lease, Tenant shall pay to Landlord the amount set forth in Article I as First Month’s Prepaid Rent” as prepayment of rent for credit against the first installment(s) of Base Monthly Rent due hereunder. Additionally, Tenant has paid to Landlord the amount set forth in Article I as “Last Month’s Prepaid Rent” as prepayment of rent for credit against the last installment(s) of Base Monthly Rent due hereunder, subject, however, to the provisions of Article 3.7 below.

3.7 SECURITY DEPOSIT: Concurrent with the execution of this Lease, Tenant shall deposit with Landlord the amount set forth in Article 1 as the “Security Deposit” as security for the performance by Tenant of the terms of this Lease to be performed by Tenant, and not as prepayment of rent. Landlord may apply such portion or portions of the Security Deposit as are reasonably necessary for the following purposes: (i) to remedy any default by Tenant in the payment of Base Monthly Rent or Additional Rent or a late charge or interest on defaulted rent; (ii) the reasonable cost to repair damage to the Leased Premises, the Building or the Outside Areas caused by Tenant; (iii) the reasonable cost to clean and repair the Leased Premises, the Building or the Outside Areas following their surrender to Landlord if not surrendered in the condition required pursuant to the provisions of Article 2; and (iv) the reasonable cost to remedy any other default of Tenant to the extent permitted by Law including, without limitation, paying in full on Tenant’s behalf any sums claimed by material men or contractors of Tenant to be owing to them by Tenant for work done or improvements made at Tenant’s request to the Leased Premises. In this regard, Tenant hereby waives any restriction on the uses to which the Security Deposit may be applied as contained in Section 1950.7(c) of the California


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        Landlord Initials             W        
        Tenant Initials           NH        

Civil Code and/or any successor statute. In the event the Security Deposit or any portion thereof is so used, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, promptly upon demand, an amount in cash sufficient to restore the Security Deposit to the full original sum. If Tenant fails to promptly restore the Security Deposit and if Tenant shall have paid to Landlord any sums as “Last Month’s Prepaid Rent”, Landlord may, in addition to any other remedy Landlord may have under this Lease, reduce the amount of Tenant’s Last Month’s Prepaid Rent by transferring all or portions of such Last Month’s Prepaid Rent to Tenant’s Security Deposit until such Security Deposit is restored to the amount set forth in Article 1. Landlord shall not be deemed a trustee of the Security Deposit. Landlord may use the Security Deposit in Landlord’s ordinary business and shall not be required to segregate it from its general accounts. Tenant shall not be entitled to any interest on the Security Deposit. If Landlord transfers the Building or the Property during the Lease Term, Landlord may pay the Security Deposit to any subsequent owner in conformity with the provisions of Section 1950.7 of the California Civil Code and/or any successor statute, in which event the transferring landlord shall be released from all liability for the return of the Security Deposit. Tenant specifically grants to Landlord (and Tenant hereby waives the provisions of California Civil Code Section 1950.7 to the contrary) a period of sixty days following a surrender of the Leased Premises by Tenant to Landlord within which to return the Security Deposit (less permitted deductions) to Tenant and provide Tenant with an itemized list of proposed Security Deposit deductions, it being agreed between Landlord and Tenant that sixty days is a reasonable period of time within which to inspect the Leased Premises, make required repairs, receive and verify workmen’s billings therefore, and prepare a final accounting with respect to such deposit. In no event shall the Security Deposit, or any portion thereof, be considered prepaid rent.

Concurrent with the execution of this Lease, Tenant shall deposit with Landlord a commercial letter of credit in form and substance acceptable to Landlord from a financial institution acceptable to Landlord in the amount of four hundred fifty thousand dollars ($450,000) which shall be held by Landlord during the term of the Lease as an additional “Security Deposit” under the terms of this Section 3.7. Should the term of the letter of credit be shorter than the term of this Lease, Landlord may negotiate the full amount of the letter of credit on month prior to its expiration.



4.1 PERMITTED USE: Tenant shall be entitled to use the Leased Premises solely for the “Permitted Use” as set forth in Article 1 and for no other purpose whatsoever unless agreed in writing with Landlord. Tenant shall continuously and without interruption use the Leased Premises for such purpose for the entire Lease Term. Any discontinuance of such use for a period of thirty consecutive calendar days shall be, at Landlord’s election, a default by, Tenant under the terms of this Lease. Tenant shall have the right to use the Outside Areas in conjunction with its Permitted Use of the Leased Premises solely for the purposes for which they were designed and intended and for no other purposes whatsoever, except by written request from the Tenant and approved by the Landlord.

4.2 GENERAL LIMITATIONS ON USE: Tenant shall keep the Premises and the Property in a neat and clean, attractive, and orderly condition and shall not do or permit anything to be done in or about the Leased Premises, the Building, the Outside Areas or the Property which does or could (i) jeopardize the structural integrity of the Building or (ii) cause damage to any part of the Leased Premises, the Building, the Outside Areas or the Property. Tenant shall not operate any equipment within the Leased Premises which does or could (i) injure, vibrate or shake the Leased Premises or the Building, (ii) damage, overload, corrode, or impair the efficient operation of any electrical, plumbing, sewer, heating, ventilating or air conditioning systems within or servicing the Leased Premises or the Building or (iii) damage or impair the efficient operation of the sprinkler system (if any) within or servicing the Leased Premises or the Building. Tenant shall not install any equipment or antennas on or make any penetrations of the exterior walls or roof of the Building without prior written consent of Landlord, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. Tenant shall not affix any equipment to or make any penetrations or cuts in the floor, ceiling or walls of the Leased Premises without prior written consent of Landlord, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. Tenant shall not place any loads upon the floors, walls, ceiling or roof systems which could endanger the structural integrity of the Building or damage its floors, foundations or supporting structural components. Tenant shall not place any explosive, flammable or harmful fluids or other waste materials including Hazardous Materials in the drainage systems of the Leased Premises, the Building, the Outside Areas or the Property. Tenant shall not drain or discharge any fluids in the landscaped areas or across the paved areas of the Property. Tenant shall not use any of the Outside Areas for the storage of its materials, supplies, inventory or equipment, and all such materials, supplies, inventory or equipment shall at all times be stored within the Leased Premises. Tenant shall not commit nor permit to be committed any waste in or about the Leased Premises, the Building, the Outside Areas or the Property.


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        Landlord Initials             W        
        Tenant Initials           NH        

4.3 NOISE AND EMISSIONS: All noise generated by Tenant in its use of the Leased Premises shall be confined or muffled so that it does not interfere with the businesses of or annoy the occupants and/or users of adjacent properties. All dust, fumes, odors and other emissions generated by Tenant’s use of the Leased Premises shall be sufficiently dissipated in accordance with sound environmental practices and exhausted from the Leased Premises in such a manner so as not to interfere with the businesses of or annoy the occupants and/or users of adjacent properties, or cause any damage to the Leased Premises, the Building, the Outside Areas or the Property or any component part thereof or the property of adjacent property owners.

4.4 TRASH DISPOSAL: Tenant shall provide trash bins (or other adequate garbage disposal facilities) within the trash enclosure areas provided or permitted by Landlord outside the Leased Premises sufficient for the interim disposal of all of its trash, garbage and waste. All such trash, garbage and waste temporarily stored in such areas shall be stored in such a manner so that it is not visible from outside of such areas, and Tenant shall cause such trash, garbage and waste to be regularly removed from the Property at Tenant’s sole cost. Tenant shall at all times keep the Leased Premises, the Building, the Outside Areas and the Property in a clean, safe and neat condition free and clear of all trash, garbage, waste and/or boxes, pallets and containers containing same at all times.

4.5 PARKING: Tenant shall not, at any time, park or permit to be parked any recreational vehicles, inoperative vehicles or equipment in the Outside Areas or on any portion of the Property. Tenant agrees to assume responsibility for compliance by its employees and invitees with the parking provisions contained herein. If Tenant or its employees park any vehicle within the Property in violation of these provisions, then Landlord may, in addition to any other remedies Landlord may have under this Lease, charge Tenant, as Additional Rent, and Tenant agrees to pay, as Additional Rent, Fifty Dollars per day for each day or partial day that each such vehicle is so parked within the Property.

4.6 SIGNS: Other than one business identification sign which is first approved by Landlord in accordance with this Article, Tenant shall not place or install on or within any portion of the Leased Premises, the exterior of the Building, the Outside Areas or the Property any sign, advertisement, banner, placard, or picture which is visible from the exterior of the Leased Premises. Tenant shall not place or install on or within any portion of the Leased Premises, the exterior of the Building, the Outside Areas or the Property any business identification sign which is visible from the exterior of the Leased Premises until Landlord shall have first approved in writing the location, size, content, design, method of attachment and material to be used in the making of such sign. Any sign, once approved by Landlord, shall be installed only in strict compliance with Landlord’s approval, at Tenant’s expense, using a person first approved by Landlord to install same. Landlord may remove any signs (which have not been first approved in writing by Landlord), advertisements, banners, placards or pictures so placed by Tenant on or within the Leased Premises, the exterior of the Building, the Outside Areas or the Property and charge to Tenant the cost of such removal, together with any costs incurred by Landlord to repair any damage caused thereby, including any cost incurred to restore the surface upon which such sign was so affixed to its original condition. Tenant shall remove all of Tenant’s signs, repair any damage caused thereby, and restore the surface upon which the sign was affixed to its original condition, all to Landlord’s reasonable satisfaction, upon the termination of this Lease.

4.7 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND PRIVATE RESTRICTIONS: Tenant shall abide by and shall promptly observe and comply with, at its sole cost and expense, all Laws and Private Restrictions respecting the use and occupancy of the Leased Premises, the Building, the Outside Areas or the Property including, without limitation, all Laws governing the use and/or disposal of hazardous materials, and shall defend with competent counsel, indemnify and hold Landlord harmless from any claims, damages or liability resulting from Tenant’s failure to do so. The indemnity provision of this Article shall survive the expiration or sooner termination of this Lease, with respect to any activities of Tenant occurring on or about the Property while Tenant was in possession of the Leased Premises.

4.8 COMPLIANCE WITH INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: With respect to any insurance policies required or permitted to be carried by Landlord in accordance with the provisions of this Lease, Tenant shall not conduct (or permit any other person to conduct) any activities nor keep, store or use (or allow any other person to keep, store or use) any item or thing within the Leased Premises, the Building, the Outside Areas or the Property which (i) is prohibited under the terms of any of such policies, (ii) could result in the termination of the coverage afforded under any of such policies, (iii) could give to the insurance carrier the right to cancel any of such policies, or


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(iv) could cause an increase in the rates (over standard rates) charged for the coverage afforded under any of such policies. Tenant shall comply with all requirements of any insurance company, insurance underwriter, or Board of Fire Underwriters which are necessary to maintain, at standard rates, the insurance coverages carried by either Landlord or Tenant pursuant to this Lease.

4.9 LANDLORD’S RIGHT TO ENTER: Landlord and its agents shall have the right to enter the Leased Premises during normal business hours after giving Tenant reasonable notice and subject to Tenant’s reasonable security measures for the purpose of (i) inspecting the same; (ii) showing the Leased Premises to prospective purchasers, mortgagees or tenants; (iii) making necessary alterations, additions or repairs; (iv) performing any of Tenant’s obligations when Tenant has failed to do so. Landlord shall have the right to enter the Leased Premises during normal business hours (or as otherwise agreed), subject to Tenant’s reasonable security measures, for purposes of supplying any maintenance or services agreed to be supplied by Landlord. Landlord shall have the right to enter the Outside Areas during normal business hours for purposes of (i) inspecting the exterior of the Building and the Outside Areas, (ii) posting notices of non-responsibility, or “For Lease” of “For Sale” signs, and (iii) supplying any services to be provided by Landlord. Any entry into the Leased Premises or the Outside Areas obtained by Landlord in accordance with this Article shall not under any circumstances be construed or deemed to be a forcible or unlawful entry into, or a detainer of, the Leased Premises, or an eviction, actual or constructive of Tenant from the Leased Premises or any portion thereof.

4.10 USE OF OUTSIDE AREAS: Tenant, in its use of the Outside Areas, shall at all times keep the Outside Areas in a safe condition free and clear of all materials, equipment, debris, trash (except within existing enclosed trash areas), inoperable vehicles, and other items which are not specifically permitted by Landlord to be stored or located thereon by Tenant. If, in the opinion of Landlord, unauthorized persons are using any of the Outside Areas by reason of, or under claim of, the express or implied authority or consent of Tenant, then Tenant, upon demand of Landlord, shall restrain, to the fullest extent then allowed by Law, such unauthorized use, and shall initiate such appropriate proceedings as may be required to so restrain such use. Landlord reserves the right to temporarily close any part of the Outside Areas to perform maintenance or for any other reason deemed sufficient by Landlord and to change the shape of the Outside Area and the size and location of improvements within the Outside Area including without limitation the construction of parking or other structures.

4.11 RULES AND REGULATIONS: Landlord shall have the right from time to time to establish reasonable rules and regulations and/or amendments or additions thereto resulting the use of the Leased Premises and the Outside Areas for the care and orderly management of the Property. Upon delivery to Tenant of a copy of such rules and regulations or any amendments or additions thereto, Tenant shall comply with such rules and regulations. A material violation by Tenant of any of such rules and regulations, which Tenant fails to remedy within a reasonable time period shall constitute a default by Tenant under this Lease. If there is a conflict between the rules and regulations and any of the provisions of this Lease, the provisions of this Lease shall prevail. Landlord shall not be responsible or liable to Tenant for the violation of such rules and regulations by any other tenant of the Property.

4.12 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Landlord may voluntarily cooperate in a reasonable manner with the efforts of all governmental agencies in reducing actual or potential environmental damage. Tenant shall not be entitled to terminate this Lease or to any reduction in or abatement of rent by reason of such compliance or cooperation. Tenant agrees at all times to cooperate fully with Landlord and to abide by all rules and regulations and requirements which Landlord may reasonably prescribe in order to comply with the requirements and recommendations of governmental agencies regulating, or otherwise involved in, the protection of the environment.

4.13 OUTSIDE AREAS: No materials, pallets, supplies, tanks or containers whether above or below ground level, equipment, finished products or semi finished products, raw materials, inoperable vehicles or articles of any nature shall be stored upon or permitted to remain outside of the Leased Premises except in fully fenced and screened areas outside the Building which have been designed for such purpose and have been approved in writing by Landlord for such use by Tenant.

4.14 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: Landlord and Tenant agree as follows with respect to the existence or use of Hazardous Materials on the Property:


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A. Any handling, transportation, storage, treatment, disposal or use of Hazardous Materials by Tenant, Tenant’s Agents, or any other party after the Effective Date of this Lease in or about the Property shall strictly comply with all applicable Hazardous Materials Laws. Tenant shall indemnify, defend upon demand with counsel reasonably acceptable to Landlord, and hold harmless Landlord, its agents, employees, officers, directors, and partners from and against any and all liabilities, losses, claims, damages, lost profits, consequential damages, interest, penalties, fines, court costs, remediation costs, investigation costs, and other expenses which result from or arise in any manner whatsoever out of the use, storage, treatment, transportation, release, or disposal of Hazardous Materials on or about the Property by Tenant , Tenant’s Agents, Permitees, or Invites after the Effective Date.

B. If the presence of Hazardous Materials on the Property caused or permitted by Tenant, Tenant’s Agents, Permitees, or Invites after the Effective Date of this Lease results in contamination or deterioration of water or soil or any other part of the Property, then Tenant shall promptly take any and all action necessary to investigate and remediate such contamination. Tenant shall further be solely responsible for, and shall defend, indemnify and hold Landlord and its agents harmless from and against, all claims, costs and liabilities, including attorney’s fees and costs, arising out of or in connection with any investigation and remediation (including investigative analysis, removal, cleanup, and/or restoration work) required hereunder to return the Leased Premises, Building, Common Areas, Outside Areas, and/or Property and any other property of whatever nature to their condition existing prior to the appearance of such Hazardous Materials.

C. Landlord and Tenant shall each give written notice to the other as soon as reasonably practicable of (i) any communication received from any governmental authority concerning Hazardous Materials which relates to the Property, and (ii) any contamination of the Property by Hazardous Materials which constitutes a violation of any Hazardous Materials Law. Tenant acknowledges that Landlord, as the owner of the Property, at Landlord’s election, shall have the sole right at Tenant’s expense to negotiate, defend, approve, and/or appeal any action taken or order issued with regard to Hazardous Materials by any applicable governmental authority. Tenant may use small quantities of household chemicals such as adhesives, lubricants, and cleaning fluids in order to conduct its business at the Premises and such other Hazardous Materials as are necessary to the operation of Tenant’s business of which Landlord receives notice prior to such Hazardous Materials being brought onto the Property (or any portion thereof) and which Landlord consents in writing may be brought onto the Property. In granting Landlord’s consent, Landlord may specify the location and manner or use, storage, or handling of any Hazardous Material. Landlord’s consent shall in no way relieve Tenant from any of its obligations as contained herein. Tenant shall notify Landlord in writing at least ten (10) days prior to the first appearance of any Hazardous Material on the Leased Premises, Building, Common Areas, Outside Areas, and/or Property. Tenant shall provide Landlord with a list of all Hazardous Materials and the quantities of each Hazardous Material to be stored on any portion of the Property, and upon Landlord’s request Tenant shall provide Landlord with copies of any and all Hazardous Materials Management Plans, Material Safety Data Sheets, Hazardous Waste Manifests, and other documentation maintained or received by Tenant pertaining to the Hazardous Materials used, stored, or transported or to be used, stored, or transported on any portion of the Property. At any time during the Lease Term, Tenant shall, within five days after written request therefor received from Landlord, disclose in writing all Hazardous Materials that are being used by Tenant on the Property (or have been used on the Property), the nature of such use, and the manner of storage and disposal.

D. Landlord may cause testing wells to be installed on the Property, and may cause the ground water to be tested to detect the presence of Hazardous Material by the use of such tests as are then customarily used for such purposes. If Tenant so requests, Landlord shall supply Tenant with copies of such test results. The cost of such tests and of the installation, maintenance, repair and replacement of such wells shall be paid by Tenant if such tests disclose the existence of facts which give rise to liability of Tenant pursuant to its indemnity given in A and or B above. Landlord may retain consultants to inspect the Property, conduct periodic environmental audits, and review any information provided by Tenant. Tenant shall pay the reasonable cost of fees charged by Landlord and/or Landlord’s consultants as a Property Maintenance Cost.

E. Upon the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease, Tenant, at its sole cost, shall remove all Hazardous Materials from the Property and shall provide a certificate to Landlord from a registered consultant satisfactory to Landlord certifying that Tenant has caused no contamination of building (s), soil or groundwater in or about the Leased Premises, Building, Common Areas, Outside Areas, or Property. If Tenant fails to so surrender the Property, Tenant shall indemnify and hold Landlord its agents, employees, officers, directors, and partners harmless from all damages resulting from Tenant’s failure to surrender the Property as required by this Subsection, including, without limitation, any claims or damages in connection with the condition of the Property including, without limitation, damages occasioned by the inability to release the Property (or any portion thereof) or a reduction in the fair market and/or rental value of the Property, Building, Common Areas, Outside Areas, and/or Property by reason of the existence of any Hazardous Materials in or around the Leased Premises, Building, Common Areas, Outside Areas, and/or Property. If any action is required to be taken by a governmental authority to test, monitor, and/or clean up Hazardous Materials from the Leased Premises, Building, Common Areas, Outside Areas, and/or Property and such action is not completed prior to the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease, Tenant shall be deemed to have impermissibly held over



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until such time as such required action is completed, and Tenant shall pay Base Monthly Rent and Additional Rent in accordance with the terms of Section 13.2 (Holding Over). In addition, Landlord shall be entitled to all damages directly or indirectly incurred in connection with such holding over, including without limitation, damages occasioned by the inability to release the Property or a reduction of the fair market and/or rental value of the Leased Premises, Building, Common Areas, Outside Areas, and/or Property.

F. As used herein, the term “Hazardous Materials(s)” means any hazardous or toxic substance, material or waste, which is or becomes regulated by any federal, state, regional or local governmental authority because it is in any way hazardous, toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic or otherwise adversely affects any part of the environment or creates risks of any such hazards or effects, including, but not limited to, petroleum; asbestos, and polychlorinated bipheyls and any material, substance, or waste (a) defined as a “hazardous waste,” “extremely hazardous waste” or “restricted hazardous waste” under Sections 25115, 25117 or 25122.7, or listed pursuant to Section 25140 of the California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.5 (Hazardous Waste Control Law); (b) defined as a “hazardous substance” under Section 25316 of the California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.8 (Carpenter-Presley Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act); (c) defined as a “hazardous material,” “hazardous substance” or “hazardous waste” under Section 25501 of the California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.95 (Hazardous Materials Release Response Plans and Inventory); (d) defined as a “hazardous substance” under Section 25281 of the California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.7 (Underground Storage of Hazardous Substances); (e) defined as a “hazardous substance” pursuant to Section 311 of the Clean Water Act, 33 United States Code Sections 1251 et seq. (33 U.S.C. 1321) or listed pursuant to Section 307 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1317); (f) defined as a “hazardous waste” pursuant to Section 1004 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 United States Code Sections 6901 et seq. (42 U.S.C. 6903); or (g) defined as a “hazardous substance” pursuant to Section 101 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, 42 United States Code Section 9601 et seq. (42 U.S.C. 9601) or (h) defined as a “hazardous substance” pursuant to Section 311 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq. or (i) listed pursuant to Section 307 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1317 ) or ( j ) regulated under the Toxic Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.) or (k) defined as a “hazardous material “under Section 66680 or 66084 of Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations (Administrative Code) (l) listed in the United States Department of Transportation Hazardous Materials Table (49 C. F.R. 172.101) or (m) listed by the Environmental Protection Agency as “hazardous substances” ( 4 0 C.F.R. Part 302 ) and amendments thereto . The term “Hazardous Material Laws” shall mean (i) all of the foregoing laws as amended from time to time and (ii) any other federal, state, or local law, ordinance, regulation, or order regulating Hazardous Materials.

G. Tenant’s failure to comply with any of the requirements of this Section regarding the storage, use, disposal, or transportation of Hazardous Materials, or the appearance of any Hazardous Materials on the Leased Premises, Building, Common Area, Outside Area, and/or the Property without Landlord’s consent shall be an Event of Default as defined in this Lease. The obligations of Landlord and Tenant under this Section shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease Term. The rights and obligations of Landlord and Tenant within respect to issues relating to Hazardous Materials are exclusively established by this section. In the event of any inconsistency between any other part of this Lease and this Section, the terms of this Section shall control.



5.1 REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE: Except in the case of damage to or destruction of the Leased Premises, the Building, the Outside Areas or the Property caused by an Act of God or other peril, in which case the provisions of Article 10 shall control, the parties shall have the following obligations and responsibilities with respect to the repair and maintenance of the Leased Premises, the Building and the Outside Areas.

A. Tenant’s Obligation: Tenant shall, at all times during the Lease Term and at its sole cost and expense, regularly clean and continuously keep and maintain in good order, condition and repair the Leased Premises, Outside Areas, and the Property and every part thereof including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, (i) all interior walls, floors and ceilings, (ii) all windows, doors and skylights, (iii) all electrical wiring, conduits, connectors and fixtures, (iv) all plumbing, pipes, sinks, toilets, faucets and drains, (v) all lighting fixtures, bulbs and lamps, (vi) all heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment, and (vii) all entranceways to the Leased Premises. Tenant, if requested to do so by Landlord shall hire, at Tenant’s sole cost and expense, a licensed heating, ventilating and air conditioning contractor to regularly and periodically (not less frequently than every three months) inspect and perform required maintenance on the heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment and systems serving the Leased


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Premises, or alternatively, Landlord may, at its election -contract in its own name for such regular and periodic inspections of and maintenance on such heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment and systems and charge to Tenant, as Additional Rent, the cost thereof. Tenant shall, at all times during the Lease Term, keep in a clean and safe condition the Outside Areas. Tenant shall regularly and periodically sweep and clean the driveways and parking areas. Tenant shall, at its sole cost and expense, repair all damage to the Leased Premises, the Building, the Outside Areas or the Property caused by the activities of Tenant, its employees, invitees or contractors promptly following written notice from Landlord to so repair such damage. If Tenant shall fail to perform the required maintenance or fail to make repairs required of it pursuant to this Article within a reasonable period of time following notice from Landlord to do so, then Landlord may, at its election and without waiving any other remedy it may otherwise have under this Lease or at Law, perform such maintenance or make such repairs and charge to Tenant, as Additional Rent, the costs so incurred by, Landlord for same. All glass within or a part of the Leased Premises, both interior and exterior, is at the sole risk of Tenant and any broken glass shall promptly be replaced by Tenant at Tenant’s expense with glass of the same kind, size and quality.

B. Landlord’s Obligation: Landlord shall, at all times during the Lease Term, maintain in good condition and repair: (i) the exterior and structural parts of the Building (including the foundation, subflooring, load-bearing and exterior walls, and roof); and (ii) the landscaped areas located outside the Building. The provisions of this Subarticle B shall in no way limit the right of Landlord to charge to Tenant, as Additional Rent pursuant to Article 3 (to the extent permitted pursuant to Article 3), the costs incurred by Landlord in performing such maintenance and/or making such repairs.

5.2 UTILITIES: Tenant shall arrange, at its sole cost and expense and in its own name, for the supply of gas and electricity to the Leased Premises. In the event that such services are not separately metered, Tenant shall, at its sole expense, cause such meters to be installed. Landlord shall maintain the water meter(s) in its own name; provided, however, that if at any time during the Lease Term Landlord shall require Tenant to put the water service in Tenant’s name, Tenant shall do so at Tenant’s sole cost. Tenant shall be responsible for determining if the local supplier of water, gas and electricity can supply the needs of Tenant and whether or not the existing water, gas and electrical distribution systems within the Building and the Leased Premises are adequate for Tenant’s needs. Tenant shall be responsible for determining if the existing sanitary and storm sewer systems now servicing the Leased Premises and the Property are adequate for Tenant’s needs. Tenant shall pay all charges for water, gas, electricity, and storm and sanitary sewer services as so supplied to the Leased Premises, irrespective of whether or not the services are maintained in Landlord’s or Tenant’s name.

5.3 SECURITY: Tenant acknowledges that Landlord has not undertaken any duty whatsoever to provide security for the Leased Premises, the Building, the Outside Areas or the Property and, accordingly, Landlord is not responsible for the security of same or the protection of Tenant’s property or Tenant’s employees, invitees or contractors. To the extent Tenant determines that such security or protection services are advisable or necessary, Tenant shall arrange for and pay the costs of providing same.

5.4 ENERGY AND RESOURCE CONSUMPTION: Landlord may voluntarily cooperate in a reasonable manner with the efforts of governmental agencies and/or utility suppliers in reducing energy or other resource consumption within the Property. Tenant shall not be entitled to terminate this Lease or to any reduction in or abatement of rent by reason of such compliance or cooperation. Tenant agrees at all times to cooperate fully with Landlord and to abide by all reasonable rules established by Landlord (i) in order to maximize the efficient operation of the electrical, heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems and all other energy or other resource consumption systems within the Property and/or (ii) in order to comply with the requirements and recommendations of utility suppliers and governmental agencies regulating the consumption of energy and/or other resources.

5.5 LIMITATION OF LANDLORD’S LIABILITY: Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant for injury to Tenant, its employees, agents, invitees or contractors, damage to Tenant’s property or loss of Tenant’s business or profits, nor shall Tenant be entitled to terminate this Lease or to any reduction in or abatement of rent by reason of any matter relating to this Lease or the Premises unless the same is caused by Landlord’s gross negligence or intentional misconduct. Without limiting the foregoing, Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant as a result of (i) Landlord’s failure to provide security services or systems within the Property for the protection of the Leased Premises, the Building or the Outside Areas, or the protection of Tenant’s property or Tenant’s employees, invitees, agents or contractors, or (ii) Landlord’s failure to perform any maintenance or repairs to the Leased Premises, the Building, the Outside Areas or the Property until Tenant shall have first notified Landlord, in writing, of the need for such


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maintenance or repairs, and then only after Landlord shall have had a reasonable period of time following its receipt of such notice within which to perform such maintenance or repairs, or (iii) any failure, interruption, rationing or other curtailment in the supply of water, electric current, gas or other utility service to the Leased Premises, the Building, the Outside Areas or the Property from whatever cause (other than Landlord’s gross negligence or willful misconduct), or (iv) the unauthorized intrusion or entry into the Leased Premises by third parties (other than Landlord).



6.1 BY TENANT: Tenant shall not make any - alterations to or modifications of the Leased Premises or construct any improvements to or within the Leased Premises without Landlord’s prior written approval, and then not until Landlord shall have first approved, in writing, the plans and specifications therefore, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. All such modifications, alterations or improvements, once so approved, shall be made, constructed or installed by Tenant at Tenant’s expense, using a licensed contractor first approved by Landlord, in substantial compliance with the Landlord-approved plans and specifications therefore. All work undertaken by Tenant shall be done in accordance with all Laws and in a good and workmanlike manner using new materials of good quality that match or complement the original improvements existing as of the Lease Commencement Date. Tenant shall not commence the making of any such modifications or alterations or the construction of any such improvements until (i) all required governmental approvals and permits shall have been obtained, (ii) all requirements regarding insurance imposed by this Lease have been satisfied, (iii) Tenant shall have given Landlord at least five business days prior written notice of its intention to commence such work so that Landlord may post and file notices of non-responsibility, (iv) if requested by Landlord, Tenant shall have obtained contingent liability and broad form builder’s risk insurance in an amount satisfactory to Landlord to cover any perils relating to the proposed work not covered by insurance carried by Tenant pursuant to Article 9, and (v) if requested by Landlord, Tenant shall provide a cash deposit or payment and performance bond for such work which deposit or bond shall be in such amount as to cover the cost of removing the work and restoring the Property to its original condition. In no event shall Tenant make any modifications, alterations or improvements to the Common Areas or any areas outside of the Leased Premises. As used in this Article, the term “modifications, alterations and/or improvements” shall include, without limitation, the installation of additional electrical outlets, overhead lighting fixtures, drains, sinks, partitions, doorways, or the like. As a part of granting Landlord’s approval for Tenant to make alterations or modifications Landlord may require Tenant to increase the amount of its Security Deposit to cover the cost of removing Tenant’s alterations or modifications and to restore the condition of the Premises to its prior condition. Tenant shall pay Landlord’s reasonable costs to inspect the construction of Tenant’s alterations or modifications and to have Landlord’s architect revise Landlord’s drawings to show the work performed by Tenant.

6.2 OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS: All modifications, alterations or improvements made or added to the Leased Premises by Tenant (other than Tenant’s inventory, equipment, movable furniture, wall decorations and trade fixtures) shall be deemed real property and a part of the Leased Premises, but shall remain the property of Tenant during the Lease Term. Any such modifications, alterations or improvements, once completed, shall not be altered or removed from the Leased Premises during the Lease Term without Landlord’s written approval first obtained in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.1 above. At the expiration or sooner termination of this Lease, all such modifications, alterations and improvements (other than Tenant’s inventory, equipment, movable furniture, wall decorations and trade fixtures) shall automatically become the property of Landlord and shall be surrendered to Landlord as a part of the Leased Premises as required pursuant to Article 2, unless Landlord shall require Tenant to remove any of such modifications, alterations or improvements in accordance with the provisions of Article 2, in which case Tenant shall so remove same. Landlord shall have no obligation to reimburse to Tenant all or any portion of the cost or value of any such modifications, alterations or improvements so surrendered to Landlord. All modifications, alterations or improvements which are installed or constructed on or attached to the Leased Premises by Landlord at Landlord’s expense shall be deemed real property and a part of the Leased Premises and shall be the property of Landlord. All lighting, plumbing, electrical, heating, ventilating and air conditioning fixtures, partitioning, window coverings, wall coverings and floor coverings installed by Tenant shall be deemed improvements to the Leased Premises and not trade fixtures of Tenant.

6.3 ALTERATIONS: Tenant shall, at its sole cost make all modifications, alterations and improvements to the Property that are required by any Law because of (i) Tenant’s use or occupancy of the Leased Premises, the Building, the Outside Areas, or the Property, (ii) Tenant’s application for any permit or governmental approval, or (iii)


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Tenant’s making of any modifications, alterations or improvements to or within the Leased Premises. Except as provided for in the preceding sentence, if Landlord shall, at any time during the Lease Term, (i) be required by any governmental authority to make any modifications, alterations or improvements to the Building or the Project, (ii) modify the existing (or construct additional) capital improvements or provide building service equipment for the purpose of reducing the consumption of utility services or project maintenance costs for the property, the cost incurred by Landlord in making such modifications, alterations or improvements shall be considered a Property Maintenance Cost.

6.4 LIENS: Tenant shall keep the Property and every part thereof free from any liens and shall pay when due all bills arising out of any work performed, materials furnished, or obligations incurred by Tenant, its agents, employees or contractors relating to the Property. If any such claim of lien is recorded against Tenant’s interest in this Lease, the Property or any part thereof, Tenant shall bond against, discharge or otherwise cause such lien to be entirely released within ten days after the same has been so recorded. Tenant’s failure to do so shall be conclusively deemed a material default under the terms of this Lease.



7.1 BY TENANT: Tenant shall not sublet the Leased Premises (or any portion thereof) or assign or encumber its interest in this Lease, whether voluntarily or by operation of Law, without Landlord’s prior written consent first obtained in accordance with the provisions of this Article 7. Any attempted subletting, assignment or encumbrance without Landlord’s prior written consent, at Landlord’s election, shall constitute a default by Tenant under the terms of this Lease. The acceptance of rent by Landlord from any person or entity other than Tenant, or the acceptance of rent by Landlord from Tenant with knowledge of a violation of the provisions of this Article, shall not be deemed to be a waiver by Landlord of any provision of this Article or this Lease or to be a consent to any subletting by Tenant or any assignment or encumbrance of Tenant’s interest in this Lease. In the event that Tenant subleases the Premises or any portion thereof or assigns its interest under this Lease, Tenant shall lose any rights or options to renew or extend the term of this Lease or to expand the size of the Premises.

7.2 MERGER OR REORGANIZATION: If Tenant is a corporation or a limited liability company, any dissolution, merger, consolidation or other reorganization of Tenant, or the sale or other transfer in the aggregate over the Lease Term of a controlling percentage of the ownership interest of Tenant, shall be deemed a voluntary assignment of Tenant’s interest in this Lease. The phrase “controlling percentage” means the ownership of and the right to vote stock or membership interests possessing more than fifty percent of the total combined voting power of all classes of Tenant’s capital stock or ownership interests issued, outstanding and entitled to vote. If Tenant is a partnership, a withdrawal or change, whether voluntary, involuntary or by operation of Law, of any general partner, or the dissolution of the partnership, shall be deemed a voluntary assignment of Tenant’s interest in this Lease.

7.3 LANDLORD’S ELECTION: If Tenant or Tenant’s successors shall desire to assign its interest under this Lease or to sublet the Leased Premises, Tenant and Tenant’s successors must first notify Landlord, in writing, of its intent to so assign or sublet, at least thirty days in advance of the date it intends to so assign its interest in this Lease or sublet the Leased Premises but not sooner than sixty days in advance of such date, specifying in detail the terms of such proposed assignment or subletting, including the name of the proposed assignee or sublessee, the proposed assignee’s or Sublessee’s intended use of the Leased Premises, a current financial statement of such proposed assignee or sublessee and the form of documents to be used in effectuating such assignment or subletting. Landlord shall have a period of fifteen days following receipt of such notice and receipt of all information requested by Landlord regarding the proposed assignee or sublessee within which to do one of the following: (a) terminate this Lease or, in the case of a sublease of less than all of the Leased Premises, terminate this Lease as to that part of the Leased Premises proposed to be so sublet, either (i) on the condition that the proposed Transferee immediately enter into a direct lease of the Leased Premises with Landlord (or, in the case of a partial sublease, a lease for the portion proposed to be so sublet) on the same terms and conditions contained in Tenant’s (or Tenant’s successors’) notice, or (ii) so that Landlord is thereafter free to lease the Leased Premises (or, in the case of a partial sublease, the portion proposed to be so sublet) to whomever it pleases on whatever terms are acceptable to Landlord. In the event Landlord elects to so terminate this Lease, then (i) if such termination is conditioned upon the execution of a lease between Landlord and the proposed Transferee, Tenant’s and Tenant’s successors’ obligations under this Lease shall not be terminated until such Transferee executes a new lease with Landlord, enters into possession, and commences


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the payment of rent, and (ii) if Landlord elects simply to terminate this Lease (or, in the case of a partial sublease, terminate this Lease as to the portion to be so sublet), the Lease shall so terminate in its entirety (or as to the space to be so sublet) fifteen (15) days after Landlord has notified Tenant and Tenant’s successors in writing of such election. In the case of a partial termination of the Lease, the Base Monthly Rent and Tenant’s or Tenant’s successors’ proportionate share shall be reduced to an amount which bears the same relationship to the original amount thereof as the area of that part of the Leased Premises which remains subject to the Lease bears to the original area of the Leased Premises. Landlord and Tenant or Tenant’s successors shall execute a cancellation agreement with respect to the Lease to effect such termination or partial termination, or (b) if Landlord shall not have elected to cancel and terminate this Lease, to either (i) consent to such requested assignment or subletting subject to Tenant’s and Tenant’s successors’ compliance with the conditions set forth in Article 7.4 below or (ii) refuse to so consent to such requested assignment or subletting, provided that such consent shall not be unreasonably refused. It shall not be unreasonable for Landlord to withhold its consent to any proposed assignment or subletting if (i) the proposed assignee’s or subtenant’s anticipated use of the Premises is more intensive than Tenant’s and/or involves the storage, use or disposal of a Hazardous Material; (ii) if the proposed assignee or subtenant has been required by any prior landlord, lender or governmental authority to clean up Hazardous Materials unlawfully discharged by the proposed assignee or subtenant; (iii) if the proposed assignee or subtenant is subject to investigation or enforcement order or proceeding by any governmental authority in connection with the use, disposal or storage of a Hazardous Material (iv) the proposed assignee or subtenant is a subsidiary of another entity and the parent entity does not guarantee the obligations under this Lease, or (iv) all of the assets of Tenant shall not be held by the proposed assignee or subtenant following the transfer. Tenant and Tenant’s successors covenant and agree to supply to Landlord, upon request, with all necessary or relevant information which Landlord may reasonably request respecting such proposed assignment or subletting and/or the proposed assignee or sublessee. Landlord’s review period shall not commence until Landlord has received all information requested by Landlord.

7.4 CONDITIONS TO LANDLORD’S CONSENT: If Landlord elects to consent, or shall have been ordered to so consent by a court of competent jurisdiction, to such requested assignment, subletting or encumbrance, such consent shall be expressly conditioned upon the occurrence of each of the conditions below set forth, and any purported assignment, subletting or encumbrance made or ordered prior to the full and complete satisfaction of each of the following conditions shall be void and, at the election of Landlord, which election may be exercised at any time following such a purported assignment, subletting or encumbrance shall constitute a material default by Tenant under this Lease giving Landlord the absolute right to terminate this Lease. The conditions are as follows:

A. Landlord having approved in form and substance the assignment or sublease agreement (or the encumbrance agreement), which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld by Landlord if the requirements of this Article 7 are otherwise complied with. Without limiting the foregoing such agreement shall contain a provision that it may not be amended or modified without Landlord’s prior written consent, the absence of which will cause any such amendment or modification to be null and void.

B. Each such sublessee or assignee having agreed, in writing satisfactory to Landlord and its counsel and for the benefit of Landlord, to assume, to be bound by, and to perform the obligations of this Lease to be performed by Tenant (or, in the case of an encumbrance, each such encumbrancer having similarly agreed to assume, be bound by and to perform Tenant’s obligations upon a foreclosure or transfer in lieu thereof). Tenant shall remain fully responsible and obligated for all obligations under this Lease and shall have the financial ability to do so, including but not limited to all monetary obligations, after such consented sublease or assignment.

C. Tenant having fully and completely performed all of its obligations under the terms of this Lease through and including the date of the requested consent, as well as through and including the date such assignment or subletting is to become effective.

D. Tenant having reimbursed to Landlord all reasonable costs and attorneys fees incurred by Landlord in conjunction with the processing and documentation of any such requested subletting, assignment or encumbrance.

E. Tenant having delivered to Landlord a complete and fully-executed duplicate original of such sublease agreement, assignment agreement or encumbrance (as applicable) and all related agreements.

F. Tenant having paid, or having agreed in writing to pay as to future payments, to Landlord one hundred percent of all assignment consideration or excess rentals to be paid to Tenant or to any other on Tenant’s behalf or for Tenant’s benefit for such assignment or subletting.


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7.5 ADJUSTMENT TO BASE MONTHLY RENT: In the event Tenant subleases all or a portion of the Premises or assigns its interest in this Lease, the Base Monthly Rent shall be adjusted as of the effective day of such sublease or assignment to be the greater of (i) the Base Monthly Rent as stated in this Lease, or (ii) the Then Fair Market Base Monthly Rent. The “Then Fair Market Base Monthly Rent” shall be determined by Landlord in its reasonable opinion. If Tenant disagrees with Landlord’s opinion of the Then Fair Market Base Monthly Rent, Tenant must so notify Landlord in writing within five (5) business days following receipt of Landlord’s notice of its opinion of the Then Fair Market Base Monthly Rent. Failure to notify Landlord within said five (5) business day time period shall be conclusive proof that Tenant accepts Landlord’s opinion of the Then Fair Market Base Monthly Rent. In the event Tenant provides notice of its objection to Landlord’s determination of the Then Fair Market Base Monthly Rent within the required time period, Landlord and Tenant shall determine the Then Fair Market Base Monthly Rent using the following process: Landlord and Tenant shall each appoint a real estate appraiser with at least five (5) years full-time commercial/industrial appraisal experience in Santa Clara County to appraise and determine the Then Fair Market Base Monthly Rent the Leased Premises, in their then existing condition for the use specified in the Lease could be leased for, on the same terms and conditions set forth in the Lease, to a qualified tenant ready, willing and able to lease the Leased Premises for a term equal to the remaining term of the Lease. If either party does not appoint an appraiser within ten (10) days after the other party has given notice of the name of its appraiser, the other party can then apply to the President of the Santa Clara County Real Estate Board or the presiding Judge of the Superior Court of that County for the selection of a second appraiser who meets the qualifications stated above. The failing party shall bear the cost of appointing the second appraiser and of paying the second appraiser’s fee. The two appraisers shall attempt to establish the Then Fair Market Base Monthly Rent for the Leased Premises. If the two appraisers are unable to agree on the Then Fair Market Base Monthly Rent for the Leased Premises within ten (10) days after the second appraiser has been selected or appointed, then the two appraisers shall attempt to select a third appraiser meeting the qualifications stated above. If they fail to agree on a third appraiser, either party can follow the above procedure for having an appraiser appointed by the Real Estate Board or a judiciary. Each of the parties shall bear one-half (1/2) of the cost of appointing the third appraiser and of paying the third appraiser’s fee. Unless the three appraisers are able to agree on the Then Fair Market Base Monthly Rent for the Leased Premises within ten (10) days after the selection or appointment of the third appraiser, the two appraisal amounts being calculated most closely together, after having discarded the appraisal amount which most greatly varies from the other two appraisal amounts, shall be added together then divided by two (2). The resulting rental amount shall be defined as the Then Fair Market Base Monthly Rent for the Leased Premises. In no event, however, shall the resulting Then Fair Market Base Monthly Rent be less than the Base Monthly Rent as stated in this Lease. From the effective date of the sublease or assignment until a final determination is made using the above described procedure, Tenant shall pay to Landlord the amount of the Then Fair Market Base Monthly Rent initially determined by Landlord with an appropriate adjustment made immediately following the final determination of the Then Fair Market Base Monthly Rent.

7.6 PAYMENTS: All payments required by this Article to be made to Landlord shall be made in cash in full as and when they become due. At the time Tenant, Tenant’s assignee or sublessee makes each such payment to Landlord, Tenant or Tenant’s assignee or sublessee, as the case may be, shall deliver to Landlord an itemized statement in reasonable detail showing the method by which the amount due Landlord was calculated and certified by the party making such payment as true and correct. Landlord may require that all payments of Excess Rentals and/or Assignment Consideration to be made hereunder be made directly to Landlord by such Transferee.

7.7 GOOD FAITH: The rights granted to Tenant by this Article are granted in consideration of Tenant’s express covenant that all pertinent allocations which are made by Tenant between the rental value of the Leased Premises and the value of any of Tenant’s personal property which may be conveyed or leased concurrently with and which may reasonably be considered a part of the same transaction as the permitted assignment or subletting shall be made fairly, honestly, reasonably, and in good faith. If Tenant shall breach this Covenant of Good Faith, Landlord may immediately declare Tenant to be in default under the terms of this Lease and terminate this Lease and/or exercise any other rights and remedies Landlord would have under the terms of this Lease in the case of a material default by Tenant under this Lease.

7.8 EFFECT OF LANDLORD’S CONSENT: No subletting, assignment or encumbrance, even with the consent of Landlord, shall relieve Tenant of its personal and primary obligation to pay rent and to perform all of the obligations to be performed by Tenant hereunder. Consent by Landlord to one or more assignments or encumbrances of Tenant’s interest in this Lease or to one or more sublettings of the Leased Premises shall not be deemed to be a


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consent to any subsequent assignment, encumbrance or subletting. If Landlord shall have been ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction to consent to a requested assignment or subletting, or such an assignment or subletting shall have been ordered over the objection of Landlord, such assignment or subletting shall not be binding between the assignee (or sublessee) and Landlord until such time as all conditions set forth in Article 7.4 above have been fully satisfied (to the extent not then satisfied) by the assignee or sublessee, including, without limitation, the payment to Landlord of all agreed assignment considerations and/or excess rentals then due Landlord.

7.9 PROHIBITED FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS: Tenant shall not, without Landlords consent, enter into or do any of the following acts if to do so would result in Tenant having a net worth or net income after such action or event that is less than Tenants net work and/or net income as of the date of this Lease: (i) make any distribution or declare or pay any cash dividends on, or purchase, acquire, redeem or retire any of its capital stock, of any class, whether now or hereafter outstanding, (ii) acquire, merge, or consolidate with or into any other business organization, (iii) make any changes in Tenants financial structure or (iv) borrow funds, pledge assets, or lease or sell equipment or other property. Landlord and Tenant understand and agree that the value of the Leased Premises is influenced by Tenants financial standing, and the provisions of this section are intended to prohibit those voluntary actions of the Tenant that are not conducted in the normal course of its business which would reduce Tenants net worth and/or net income and thereby would adversely effect the value of the Leased Premises.



8.1 LIMITATION ON LANDLORD’S LIABILITY AND RELEASE: Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant for, and Tenant hereby releases Landlord and its partners, principals, officers, agents and employees from, any and all liability, whether in contract, tort or on any other basis, for any injury to or any damage sustained by Tenant, Tenant’s agents, employees, contractors or invitees; any damage to Tenant’s property; or any loss to Tenant’s business, loss of Tenant’s profits or other financial loss of Tenant resulting from or attributable to the condition of, the management of, the repair or maintenance of, the protection of, the supply of services or utilities to, the damage to or destruction of the Leased Premises, the Building, the Project or the Common Areas, including without limitation (i) the failure, interruption, rationing or other curtailment or cessation in the supply of electricity, water, gas or other utility service to the Project, the Building or the Leased Premises; (ii) the vandalism or forcible entry into the Building or the Leased Premises; (iii) the penetration of water into or onto any portion of the Leased Premises through roof leaks or otherwise; (iv) the failure to provide security and/or adequate lighting in or about the Project, the Building or the Leased Premises; (v) the existence of any design or construction defects within the Project, the Building or the Leased Premises; (vi) the failure of any mechanical systems to function properly (such as the HVAC systems); or (vi) the blockage of access to any portion of the Project, the Building or the Leased Premises, except that Tenant does not so release Landlord from such liability to the extent such damage was proximately caused by Landlord’s active gross negligence, willful misconduct, or Landlord’s intentional failure to perform an obligation expressly undertaken pursuant to this Lease after a reasonable period of time shall have lapsed following receipt of written notice from Tenant to so perform such obligation. In this regard, Tenant acknowledges that it is fully apprised of the provisions of Law relating to releases, and particularly to those provisions contained in Section 1542 of the California Civil Code which reads as follows:

A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor.

Notwithstanding such statutory provision, and for the purpose of implementing a full and complete release and discharge, Tenant hereby (i) waives the benefit of such statutory provision and (ii) acknowledges that, subject to the exceptions specifically set forth herein, the release and discharge set forth in this Article is a full and complete settlement and release and discharge of all claims and is intended to include in its effect, without limitation, all claims which Tenant, as of the date hereof, does not know of or suspect to exist in its favor.

8.2 TENANT’S INDEMNIFICATION OF LANDLORD: Tenant shall defend with competent counsel satisfactory to Landlord any claims made or legal actions filed or threatened against Landlord with respect to the violation of any law, or the death, bodily injury, personal injury, property damage, or interference with


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contractual or property rights suffered by any third party (including other tenants with the Project) occurring within the Leased Premises or resulting from Tenant’s use or occupancy of the Leased Premises, the Building or the Outside Areas, or resulting from Tenant’s activities in or about the Leased Premises, the Building, the Outside Areas or the Property, and Tenant shall indemnify and hold Landlord, Landlord’s principals, employees, agents and contractors harmless from any loss, liability, penalties, or expense whatsoever (including any loss attributable to vacant space which otherwise would have been leased, but for such activities) resulting therefrom, except to the extent proximately caused by the active negligence or willful misconduct of Landlord. This indemnity agreement shall survive the expiration or sooner termination of this Lease, provided that Tenant shall not be required to indemnify Landlord under this section 8.2 with respect to events that first occur after the later of (a) the date of the expiration, or sooner termination, of this Lease, or (b) the date Tenant actually vacates the Premises, provided that Landlord has actual notice of such vacation.



9.1 TENANT’S INSURANCE: Tenant shall maintain insurance complying with all of the following:

A. Tenant shall procure, pay for and keep in full force and effect, at all times during the Lease Term, the following:

(1) Commercial General Liability insurance insuring Tenant against liability for bodily injury, death, property damage and personal injury occurring at the Leased Premises, or resulting from Tenant’s use or occupancy of the Leased Premises or the Building, Outside Areas, Property, or Common Areas or resulting from Tenant’s activities in or about the Leased Premises. Such insurance shall be on an occurrence basis with a combined single limit of liability of not less than the amount of Tenant’s Required Liability Coverage (as set forth in Article 1). The policy or policies shall be endorsed to name Landlord and such others as are designated by Landlord as additional insureds in the form equivalent to CG20111185 or successor and shall contain the following additional endorsement: “The insurance afforded to the additional insureds is primary insurance. If the additional insureds have other insurance which is applicable to the loss on a contributing, excess or contingent basis, the amount of this insurance company’s liability under this policy shall not be reduced by the existence of such other insurance. Any insurance carried by the additional insureds shall be excess and non contributing with the insurance provided by the tenant.” The policy shall not be canceled or reduced without at least 30 days written notice to additional insureds. If the policy insures more than one location, it shall be endorsed to show that the limits and aggregate apply per location using endorsement CG25041185 or successor. Tenant’s policy shall also contain the severability of interest and cross-liability endorsement or clauses.

(2) Fire and property damage insurance in so-called Special Form plus earth quake and flood insuring Tenant against loss from physical damage to Tenant’s personal property, inventory, stock, trade fixtures and improvements within the Leased Premises with coverage for the full actual replacement cost thereof;

(3) Plate-glass insurance, at actual replacement cost;

(4) Boiler and machinery insurance, if applicable;

(5) Product Liability insurance (including without limitation Liquor Liability insurance for liability arising out of the distribution, sale, or consumption of food and/or beverages including alcoholic beverages at the Leased Premises) for not less than the Tenant’s Required Liability Coverage as set forth in Article 1;

(6) Workers’ compensation insurance and any other employee benefit insurance sufficient to comply with all applicable Laws which policy shall not be endorsed to provide cancelled with less than thirty (30) days written notice of cancellation to Landlord;

(7) With respect to making of alterations or the construction of improvements or the like undertaken by Tenant, contingent liability and builder’s risk insurance, in an amount and with coverage satisfactory to Landlord;

(8) Business Income Interruption Insurance at a minimum of 50% coinsurance including coverage for loss of business income due to damage to equipment from perils covered under the so called Special Form plus the perils of earth quake and flood; and

(9) Comprehensive Auto Liability insurance with a combined single limit coverage of not less than the amount of Tenants Required Liability Coverage (as set forth in Article I) for bodily injury and/or property damage liability for: a) Owned autos b) Hired or borrowed autos c) Non-owned autos d) Auto blanket contractual form CA0029. The policy shall be endorsed to provide 30 days written notice of cancellation to Landlord.



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B. Each policy of liability insurance required to be carried by Tenant pursuant to this Article or actually carried by Tenant with respect to the Leased Premises or the Property (i) shall be in a form satisfactory to Landlord, (ii) Shall be provided by carriers admitted to do business in the state of California, with a Best rating of “A/VI” or better and/or acceptable to Landlord. Property insurance shall contain a waiver and/or a permission to waive by the insurer any right of subrogation against Landlord, its principal, employees, agents and contractors which might arise by reason of any payment under such policy or by reason of any act or omission of Landlord, its principals, employees, agents or contractors.

C. Prior to the time Tenant or any of its contractors enters the Leased Premises, Tenant shall deliver to the Landlord with respect to each policy of insurance required to be carried by Tenant pursuant to this article, a certificate of the insurer certifying, in a form satisfactory to the Landlord, that the policy has been issued and premium paid providing the coverage required by this Article and containing the provisions herein. Attached to such a certificate shall be endorsements naming Landlord as additional insured, and including the wording under primary insurance above. With respect to each renewal or replacement of any such insurance, the requirements of this Article must be complied with not less than 30 days prior to the expiration or cancellation of the policy being renewed or replaced. Landlord may at any time and from time-to-time inspect and/or copy any and all insurance policies required to be carried by Tenant pursuant to this article. If Landlord’s lender, insurance broker or advisor or counsel reasonably determines at any time that the form or amount of coverage set forth in Article 9.1.(A) for any policy of insurance Tenant is required to carry pursuant to this Article is not adequate, then Tenant shall increase the amount of coverage for such insurance to such greater amount or change the form as Landlord’s lender, insurance broker or advisor or counsel reasonably deems adequate (provided however such increase level of coverage may not exceed the level of coverage for such insurance commonly carried by comparable businesses similarly situated and operating under similar circumstances).

D. The Commercial General Liability insurance carried by Tenant shall specifically insure the performance by Tenant of the Indemnification provisions set forth in Article 8.2 of this lease provided, however, nothing contained in this Article 9 shall be construed to limit the liability of Tenant under the Indemnification provisions set forth in said Article 8.2.

9.2 LANDLORD’S INSURANCE: With respect to insurance maintained by Landlord:

A. Landlord may maintain, as the minimum coverage required of it by this Lease, property insurance in so-called “Special” form insuring Landlord (and such others as Landlord may designate) against loss from physical damage to the Building with coverage of not less than one hundred percent of the full actual replacement cost thereof and against loss of rents for a period of not less than twelve months. Such property damage insurance, at Landlord’s election but without any requirement on Landlord’s behalf to do so, (i) may be written in so-called Special Form, excluding only those perils commonly excluded from such coverage by Landlord’s then property damage insurer; (ii) may provide coverage for physical damage to the improvements so insured for up to the entire full actual replacement cost thereof; (iii) may be endorsed to include (or separate policies may be carried to cover) loss or damage caused by any additional perils against which Landlord may elect to insure, including earthquake and/or flood; (iv) may provide coverage for loss of rents for a period of up to twelve months; and/or (v) may contain “deductibles” per occurrence in an amount reasonably acceptable to Landlord. Landlord shall not be required to cause such insurance to cover any of Tenant’s personal property, inventory and trade fixtures, or any modifications, alterations or improvements made or constructed by Tenant to or within the Leased Premises.

B. Landlord may maintain Commercial General Liability insurance insuring Landlord (and such others as are designated by Landlord) against liability for personal injury, bodily injury, death, and damage to property occurring in, on or about, or resulting from the use or occupancy of the Property, or any portion thereof, with combined single limit coverage of at least Two Million Dollars or more. Landlord may carry such greater coverage as Landlord or Landlord’s Lender, insurance broker or advisor or counsel may from time to time determine is reasonably necessary for the adequate protection of Landlord and the Property.

C. Landlord may maintain any other insurance which in the opinion of its lender, insurance broker or advisor, or legal counsel is prudent to carry under the given circumstances.

9.3 MUTUAL WAIVER OF SUBROGATION: Landlord hereby releases Tenant, and Tenant hereby releases Landlord and its respective principals, officers, agents, employees and servants, from any and all liability for loss, damage or injury to the property of the other in or about the Leased Premises or the Property which is caused by or results from a peril or event or happening which would be covered by insurance required to be carried by the party sustaining such loss under the terms of this Lease, or is covered by insurance actually carried and in force at the time of the loss, by the party sustaining such loss; provided, however, that such waiver shall be effective only to the extent permitted by the insurance covering such loss and to the extent such insurance is not prejudiced thereby.


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10.1 LANDLORD’S DUTY TO RESTORE: If the Leased Premises, the Building or the Outside Areas are damaged by any insured peril after the Effective Date of this Lease, Landlord shall restore the same, as and when required by this Article, unless this Lease is terminated by Landlord pursuant to Article 10.3 or by Tenant pursuant to Article 10.4. If this Lease is not so terminated, then upon availability, of the insurance proceeds to Landlord (if the loss is covered by insurance) and the issuance of all necessary governmental permits, Landlord shall commence and diligently prosecute to completion the restoration of the Leased Premises, the Building or the Outside Areas, as the case may be, to the extent then allowed by Law, to substantially the same condition in which it existed as of the Lease Commencement Date. Landlord’s obligation to restore shall be limited to the improvements constructed by Landlord. Landlord shall have no obligation to restore any improvements made by Tenant to the Leased Premises or any of Tenant’s personal property, inventory or trade fixtures. Upon completion of the restoration by Landlord, Tenant shall forthwith replace or fully repair all of Tenant’s personal property, inventory, trade fixtures and other improvements constructed by Tenant to like or similar condition as existed at the time of such damage or destruction.

10.2 INSURANCE PROCEEDS: All insurance proceeds available from the fire and property damage insurance carried by Landlord shall be paid to and become the property of Landlord. If this Lease is terminated pursuant to either Article 10. 3 or 10. 4, all insurance proceeds available from insurance carried by Tenant which cover loss of property that is Landlord’s property or would become Landlord’s property on termination of this Lease shall be paid to and become the property of Landlord, and the remainder of such proceeds shall be paid to and become the property of Tenant. If this Lease is not terminated pursuant to either Article 10.3 or 10.4, all insurance proceeds available from insurance carried by Tenant which cover loss to property that is Landlord’s property shall be paid to and become the property of Landlord, and all proceeds available from such insurance which cover loss to property which would only become the property of Landlord upon the termination of this Lease shall be paid to and remain the property of Tenant.

10.3 LANDLORD’S RIGHT TO TERMINATE: Landlord shall have the option to terminate this Lease in the event any of the following occurs, which option may be exercised only by delivery to Tenant of a written notice of election to terminate within thirty days after the date of such damage or destruction:

A. The Building is damaged by any peril covered by valid and collectible insurance actually carried by Landlord and in force at the time of such damage or destruction (an “insured peril”) to such an extent that the estimated cost to restore the Building exceeds the lesser of (i) the insurance proceeds available from insurance actually carried by Landlord, or (ii) seventy-five percent of the then actual replacement cost thereof;

B. The Building is damaged by an uninsured peril, which peril Landlord was required to insure against pursuant to the provisions of Article 9 of this Lease, to such an extent that the estimated cost to restore the Building exceeds the lesser of (i) the insurance proceeds which would have been available had Landlord carried such required insurance, or (ii) seventy-five percent of the then actual replacement cost thereof;

C. The Building is damaged by an uninsured peril, which peril Landlord was not required to insure against pursuant to the provisions of Article 9 of this Lease, to any extent.

D. The Building is damaged by any peril and, because of the Laws then in force, the Building (i) can not be restored at reasonable cost or (ii) if restored, can not be used for the same use being made thereof before such damage.

10.4 TENANT’S RIGHT TO TERMINATE: If the Leased Premises, the Building or the Outside Areas are damaged by any peril and Landlord does not elect to terminate this Lease or is not entitled to terminate this Lease pursuant to this Article, then as soon as reasonably practicable, Landlord shall furnish Tenant with the written opinion of Landlord’s architect or construction consultant as to when the restoration work required of Landlord may be complete. Tenant shall have the option to terminate this Lease in the event any of the following occurs, which option may be exercised in the case of A or B below only by delivery to Landlord of a written notice of election to terminate within seven days after Tenant receives from Landlord the estimate of the time needed to complete such restoration:

A. The Leased Premises are damaged by any peril and, in the reasonable opinion of Landlord’s architect or construction consultant, the restoration of the Leased Premises cannot be substantially completed within nine months after the date of such notice from Landlord; or

B. The Leased Premises are damaged by any peril within nine months of the last day of the Lease Term and, in the reasonable opinion of Landlord’s architect or construction consultant, the restoration of the Leased Premises cannot be substantially completed within ninety days after the date such restoration is commenced.



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10.5 TENANT’S WAIVER: Landlord and Tenant agree that the provisions of Article 10.4 above, captioned “Tenant’s Right to Terminate”, are intended to supersede and replace the provisions contained in California Civil Code, Section 1932, Subdivision 2, and California Civil Code, Section 1934, and accordingly, Tenant hereby waives the provisions of said Civil Code Sections and the provisions of any successor Code Sections or similar laws hereinafter enacted.

10.6 ABATEMENT OF RENT: In the event of damage to the Leased Premises which does not result in the termination of this Lease, the Base Monthly Rent (and any Additional Rent) shall be temporarily abated during the period of restoration in proportion to the degree to which Tenant’s use of the Leased Premises is impaired by such damage.



11.1 TENANT’S RIGHT TO TERMINATE: Except as otherwise provided in Article 11.4 below regarding temporary takings, Tenant shall have the option to terminate this Lease if, as a result of any taking, (i) all of the Leased Premises is taken, (ii) thirty-three and one-third percent or more of the Leased Premises is taken and the part of the Leased Premises that remains cannot, within a reasonable period of time, be made reasonably suitable for the continued operation of Tenant’s business, or (iii) there is a taking of a portion of the Outside Areas and, as a result of such taking, Landlord cannot provide parking spaces within the Property (or within a reasonable distance therefrom) equal in number to at least sixty-six and two-thirds percent of the number of parking spaces existing within the Outside Areas immediately prior to such taking, whether by rearrangement of the remaining parking areas in the Outside Areas (including, if Landlord elects, construction of multi-deck parking structures or restriping for compact cars where permitted by Law). Tenant must exercise such option within a reasonable period of time, to be effective on the later to occur of (i) the date that possession of that portion of the Leased Premises or the Outside Areas that is condemned is taken by the condemnor or (ii) the date Tenant vacated the Leased Premises.

11.2 LANDLORD’S RIGHT TO TERMINATE: Except as otherwise provided in Article 11.4 below regarding temporary takings, Landlord shall have the option to terminate this Lease if, as a result of any taking, (i) all or a substantial part of the Leased Premises is taken, (ii) more than thirty-three and one-third percent of the Outside Areas is taken, or (iii) because of the Laws then in force, the Leased Premises may not be used for the same use being made thereof before such taking, whether or not restored as required by Article 11.3 below. Any, such option to terminate by Landlord must be exercisable within a reasonable period of time, to be effective as of the date possession is taken by the condemnor.

11.3 RESTORATION: If any part of the Leased Premises, the Building or the Outside Areas is taken and this Lease is not terminated, then Landlord shall repair any damage occasioned thereby to the remainder thereof to a condition reasonably suitable for Tenant’s continued operations and otherwise, to the extent practicable, in the manner and to the extent provided in Article 10.1.

11.4 TEMPORARY TAKING: If any portion of the Leased Premises is temporarily taken for a period of one year or less and such period does not extend beyond the Lease Expiration Date, this Lease shall remain in effect. If any portion of the Leased Premises is temporarily taken for a period which either exceeds one year or which extends beyond the Lease Expiration Date, then Landlord and Tenant shall each independently have the option to terminate this Lease, effective on the date possession is taken by the condemnor.

11.5 DIVISION OF CONDEMNATION AWARD: Any award made for any taking of the Property, the Building, the Outside Areas or the Leased Premises, or any portion thereof, shall belong to and be paid to Landlord, and Tenant hereby assigns to Landlord all of its right, title and interest in any such award; provided, however, that Tenant shall be entitled to receive any portion of the award that is made specifically (i) for the taking of personal property, inventory or trade fixtures belong to Tenant, (ii) for Tenant’s moving costs, or (iii) for any temporary taking where this Lease is not terminated as a result of such taking. The rights of Landlord and Tenant regarding any condemnation shall be determined as provided in this Article, and each party hereby waives the provisions of Section 1265.130 of the California Code of Civil Procedure, and the provisions of any similar law hereinafter enacted, allowing either party to petition the Superior Court to terminate this Lease and/or otherwise allocate condemnation awards between Landlord and Tenant in the event of a taking of the Leased Premises.


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        Tenant Initials           NH        

11.6 ABATEMENT OF RENT: In the event of a taking of the Leased Premises which does not result in a termination of this Lease (other than a temporary taking), then, as of the date possession is taken by the condemning authority, the Base Monthly Rent shall be reduced in the same proportion that the area of that part of the Leased Premises so taken (less any addition to the area of the Leased Premises by reason of any reconstruction) bears to the area of the Leased Premises immediately prior to such taking.

11.7 TAKING DEFINED: The term “taking” or “taken” as used in this Article 11 shall mean any transfer or conveyance of all or any portion of the Property to a public or quasi-public agency or other entity having the power of eminent domain pursuant to or as a result of the exercise of such power by such an agency, including any inverse condemnation and/or any sale or transfer by Landlord of all or any portion of the Property to such an agency under threat of condemnation or the exercise of such power.



12.1 EVENTS OF TENANT’S DEFAULT: Tenant shall be in default of its obligations under this Lease if any of the following events occur:

A. Tenant shall have failed to pay Base Monthly Rent or any Additional  Rent when due; or

B. Tenant shall have done or permitted to have been done any act, use or thing in its use, occupancy or possession of the Leased Premises or the Building or the Outside Areas which is prohibited by the terms of this Lease; or

C. Tenant shall have failed to perform any term, covenant or condition of this Lease, except those requiring the payment of Base Monthly Rent or Additional Rent, within ten days after written notice from Landlord to Tenant specifying the nature of such failure and requesting Tenant to perform same.

D. Tenant shall have sublet the Leased Premises or assigned or encumbered its interest in this Lease in violation of the provisions contained in Article 7, whether voluntarily or by operation of Law; or

E. Tenant shall have failed to continuously occupy the Leased Premises for a period of ten (10) consecutive days; or

F. Tenant or any Guarantor of this Lease shall have permitted or suffered the sequestration or attachment of, or execution on, or the appointment of a custodian or receiver with respect to, all or any substantial part of the property or assets of Tenant (or such Guarantor) or any property or asset essential to the conduct of Tenant’s (or such Guarantors) business, and Tenant (or such Guarantor) shall have failed to obtain a return or release of the same within thirty days thereafter, or prior to sale pursuant to such sequestration, attachment or levy, whichever is earlier; or

G. Tenant or any Guarantor of this Lease shall have made a general assignment of all or a substantial part of its assets for the benefit of its creditors; or

H. Tenant or any Guarantor of this Lease shall have allowed (or sought) to have entered against it a decree or order which: (i) grants or constitutes an order for relief, appointment of a trustee, or confirmation or a reorganization plan under the bankruptcy laws of the United States; (ii) approves as properly filed a petition seeking liquidation or reorganization under said bankruptcy laws or any other debtor’s relief law or similar statute of the United States or any state thereof; or (iii) otherwise directs the winding up or liquidation of Tenant; provided, however, if any decree or order was entered without Tenant’s consent or over Tenant’s objection, Landlord may not terminate this Lease pursuant to this Subarticle if such decree or order is rescinded or reversed within thirty days after its original entry.

I. Tenant or any Guarantor of this Lease shall have availed itself of the protection of any debtor’s relief law, moratorium law or other similar Law which does not require the prior entry of a decree or order.


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        Tenant Initials           NH        

Tenant agrees that any notice given by Landlord pursuant to Paragraph 12.1 of the Lease shall satisfy the requirements for notice under California Civil Procedure Section 1161 and Landlord shall not be required to give any additional notice in order to be entitled to commence an unlawful detainer proceeding.

Tenant agrees that any notice given by Landlord pursuant to Paragraph 12.1 of the Lease shall satisfy the requirements for notice under California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1161, and Landlord shall not be required to give any additional notice in order to be entitled to commence an unlawful detainer proceeding.

12.2 LANDLORD’S REMEDIES: In the event of any default by Tenant, and without limiting Landlord’s right to indemnification as provided in Article 8.2, Landlord shall have the following remedies, in addition to all other rights and remedies provided by Law or otherwise provided in this Lease, to which Landlord may resort cumulatively, or in the alternative:

A. Landlord may, at Landlord’s election, keep this Lease in effect and enforce, by an action at law or in equity, all of its rights and remedies under this Lease including, without limitation, (i) the right to recover the rent and other sums as they become due by appropriate legal action, (ii) the right to make payments required by Tenant, or perform Tenant’s obligations and be reimbursed by Tenant for the cost thereof with interest at the then maximum rate of interest not prohibited by Law from the date the sum is paid by Landlord until Landlord is reimbursed by Tenant, and (iii) the remedies of injunctive relief and specific performance to prevent Tenant from violating the terms of this Lease and/or to compel Tenant to perform its obligations under this Lease, as the case may be.

B. Landlord may, at Landlord’s election, terminate this Lease by giving Tenant written notice of termination, in which event this Lease shall terminate on the date set forth for termination in such notice. Any termination under this Subarticle shall not relieve Tenant from its obligation to pay to Landlord all Base Monthly Rent and Additional Rent then or thereafter due, or any other sums due or thereafter accruing to Landlord, or from any claim against Tenant for damages previously accrued or then or thereafter accruing. In no event shall any one or more of the following actions by Landlord, in the absence of a written election by Landlord to terminate the Lease, constitute a termination of the Lease:

(1) Appointment of a receiver or keeper in order to protect Landlord’s interest hereunder;

(2) Consent to any subletting of the Leased Premises or assignment of this Lease by Tenant, whether pursuant to the provisions hereof or otherwise; or

(3) Any other action by Landlord or Landlord’s agents intended to mitigate the adverse effects of any breach of this Lease by Tenant, including, without limitation, any action taken to maintain and preserve the Leased Premises or any action taken to relet the Leased Premises, or any portion thereof, for the account of Tenant and in the name of Tenant.

C. In the event Tenant breaches this Lease and abandons the Leased Premises, Landlord may terminate this Lease, but this Lease shall not terminate unless Landlord gives Tenant written notice of termination. If Landlord does not terminate this Lease by giving written notice of termination, Landlord may enforce all its rights and remedies under this Lease, including the right to recover rent as it becomes due under this Lease as provided in California Civil Code Section 1951.4, as in effect on the Effective Date of this Lease.

D. In the event Landlord terminates this Lease, Landlord shall be entitled, at Landlord’s election, to damages in an amount as set forth in California Civil Code Section 1951.2, as in effect on the Effective Date of this Lease. For purposes of computing damages pursuant to Section 1951.2, an interest rate equal to the maximum rate of interest then not prohibited by Law shall be used where permitted. Such damages shall include, without limitation:

(1) The worth at the time of award of the amount by which the unpaid rent for the balance of the term after the time of award exceeds the amount of such rental loss that Tenant proves could be reasonably avoided, computed by discounting such amount at the discount rate of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, at the time of award plus one percent; and

(2) Any other amount necessary to compensate Landlord for all detriment proximately caused by Tenant’s failure to perform Tenant’s obligations under this Lease, or which in the ordinary course of things would be likely to result therefrom, including without limitation, the following: (i) expenses for cleaning, repairing or restoring


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        Tenant Initials           NH        

the Leased Premises; (ii) expenses for altering, remodeling or otherwise improving the Leased Premises for the purpose of reletting, including removal of existing leasehold improvements and/or installation of additional leasehold improvements (regardless of how the same is funded, including reduction of rent, a direct payment or allowance to a new tenant, or otherwise); (iii) broker’s fees, advertising costs and other expenses of reletting the Leased Premises; (iv) costs of carrying and maintaining the Leased Premises which costs would have been billed to Tenant as Additional Rent had Tenant not defaulted and which include but are not limited to taxes, insurance premiums, utility charges, landscape maintenance costs, costs of maintaining electrical, plumbing and HVAC equipment and costs for providing security; (v) expenses incurred in removing, disposing of and/or storing any of Tenant’s personal property, inventory or trade fixtures remaining therein; (vi) attorneys’ fees, expert witness fees, court costs and other reasonable expenses incurred by Landlord but not limited to taxable costs) in retaking possession of the Leased Premises, establishing damages hereunder, and re-leasing the Leased Premises; and (vii) any other expenses, costs or damages otherwise incurred or suffered as a result of Tenant’s default.

12.3 LANDLORD’S DEFAULT AND TENANT’S REMEDIES: In the event Landlord fails to perform any of its obligations under this Lease, Landlord shall nevertheless not be in default under the terms of this Lease until such time as Tenant shall have first given Landlord written notice specifying the nature of such failure to perform its obligations, and then only after Landlord shall have had a reasonable period of time following its receipt of such notice within which to perform such obligations. In the event of Landlord’s default as above set forth, then, and only then, Tenant shall have the following remedies only:

A. Tenant may then proceed in equity or at law to compel Landlord to perform its obligations and/or to recover damages proximately caused by such failure to perform (except as and to the extent Tenant has waived its right to damages as provided in this Lease).

B. Tenant, at its option, may then cure any default of Landlord at Landlord’s cost. If, pursuant to this Subarticle, Tenant reasonably pays any sum to any third party or does any act that requires the payment of any sum to any third part at any time by reason of Landlord’s default, the sum paid by, Tenant shall be immediately due from Landlord to Tenant at the time Tenant supplies Landlord with an invoice therefor (provided such invoice sets forth and is accompanied by a written statement of Tenant setting forth in reasonable detail the amount paid, the party to whom it was paid, the date it was paid, and the reasons giving rise to such payment), together with interest at twelve percent per annum from the date of such invoice until Tenant is reimbursed by Landlord. Tenant may not offset such sums against any installment of rent due Landlord under the terms of this Lease.

12.4 LIMITATION ON TENANT’S RECOURSE: If Landlord is a corporation, trust, partnership, joint venture, unincorporated association, or other form of business entity, Tenant agrees that (i) the obligations of Landlord under this Lease shall not constitute personal obligations of the officers, directors, trustees, partners, joint venturers, members, owners, stockholders, or other principals of such business entity and (ii) Tenant shall have recourse only to Landlord’s then equity interest, if any, in the Property for the satisfaction of such obligations and not against the assets of such officers, directors, trustees, partners, joint venturers, members, owners, stockholders or principals (other than to the extent of their interest in the Property). Tenant shall look exclusively to such equity interest of Landlord, if any, in the Property for payment and discharge of any obligations imposed upon Landlord hereunder, and Landlord is hereby released and relieved of any other obligations hereunder. Additionally, if Landlord is a partnership, then Tenant covenants and agrees:

A. No partner of Landlord shall be sued or named as a party in any suit or action brought by Tenant with respect to any alleged breach of this Lease (except to the extent necessary to secure jurisdiction over the partnership and then only for that sole purpose);

B. No service of process shall be made against any partner of Landlord except for the sole purpose of securing jurisdiction over the partnership; and

C. No writ of execution shall be levied against the assets of any partner of Landlord other than to the extent of his interest in Property.

Tenant further agrees that each of the foregoing covenants and agreements shall be enforceable by Landlord and by any partner of Landlord and shall be applicable to any actual or alleged misrepresentation or non-disclosure made respecting this Lease or the Leased Premises or any actual or alleged failure, default or breach of any covenant or agreement either expressly or implicitly contained in this Lease or imposed by statute or at common law.


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        Tenant Initials           NH        

12.5 TENANT’S WAIVER: Landlord and Tenant agree that the provisions of Article 12.3 above are intended to supersede and replace the provisions of California Civil Code Sections 1932(l), 1941 and 1942, and accordingly, Tenant hereby waives the provisions of California Civil Code Sections 1932(l), 1941 and 1942 and/or any similar or successor Law regarding Tenant’s right to terminate this Lease or to make repairs and deduct the expenses of such repairs from the rent due under this Lease. Tenant hereby waives any right of redemption or relief from forfeiture under the Laws of the State of California, or under any other present or future Law, in the event Tenant is evicted or Landlord takes possession of the Leased Premises by reason of any default by Tenant.



13.1 TAXES ON TENANT’S PROPERTY: Tenant shall pay before delinquency any and all taxes, assessments, license fees, use fees, permit fees and public charges of whatever nature or description levied, assessed or imposed against Tenant or Landlord by a governmental agency arising out of, caused by reason of or based upon Tenant’s estate in this Lease, Tenant’s ownership of property, improvements made by Tenant to the Leased Premises or the Outside Areas, improvements made by Landlord for Tenant’s use within the Leased Premises or the Outside Areas, Tenant’s use (or estimated use) of public facilities or services or Tenant’s consumption (or estimated consumption) of public utilities, energy, water or other resources. Upon demand by Landlord, Tenant shall furnish Landlord with satisfactory evidence of these payments. If any such taxes, assessments, fees or public charges are levied against Landlord, Landlord’s property, the Building or the Property, or if the assessed value of the Building or the Property is increased by the inclusion therein of a value placed upon same, then Landlord, after giving written notice to Tenant, shall have the right, regardless of the validity thereof, to pay such taxes, assessment, fee or public charge and bill Tenant, as Additional Rent, the amount of such taxes, assessment, fee or public charge so paid on Tenant’s behalf. Tenant shall, within ten days from the date it receives an invoice from Landlord setting forth the amount of such taxes, assessment, fee or public charge so levied, pay to Landlord, as Additional Rent, the amount set forth in said invoice. Failure by Tenant to pay the amount so invoiced within said ten day period shall be conclusively deemed a default by Tenant under this Lease. Tenant shall have the right, and the Landlord’s full cooperation if Tenant is not then in default under the terms of this Lease, to bring suit in any court of competent jurisdiction to recover from the taxing authority the amount of any such taxes, assessment, fee or public charge so paid.

13.2 HOLDING OVER: This Lease shall terminate without further notice on the Lease Expiration Date (as set forth in Article 1). Any holding over by Tenant after expiration of the Lease Term shall neither constitute a renewal nor extension of this Lease nor give Tenant any rights in or to the Leased Premises except as expressly provided in this Article. Any such holding over shall be deemed an unlawful detainer of the Leased Premises unless Landlord has consented to same. Any such holding over to which Landlord has consented shall be construed to be a tenancy from month to month, on the same terms and conditions herein specified insofar as applicable, except that the Base Monthly Rent shall be increased to an amount equal to one hundred fifty percent of the Base Monthly Rent payable during the last full month immediately preceding such holding over.

13.3 SUBORDINATION TO MORTGAGES: This Lease is subject to and subordinate to all underlying ground leases, mortgages and deeds of trust which affect the Building or the Property and which are of public record as of the Effective Date of this Lease, and to all renewals, modifications, consolidations, replacements and extensions thereof. However, if the lessor under any such ground lease or any lender holding any such mortgage or deed of trust shall advise Landlord that it desires or requires this Lease to be made prior and superior thereto, then, upon written request of Landlord to Tenant, Tenant shall promptly execute, acknowledge and deliver any and all documents or instruments which Landlord and such lessor or lender deem necessary or desirable to make this Lease prior thereto. Tenant hereby consents to Landlord’s ground leasing the land underlying the Building or the Property and/or encumbering the Building or the Property as security for future loans on such terms as Landlord shall desire, all of which future ground leases, mortgages or deeds of trust shall be subject to and subordinate to this Lease. However, if any lessor under any such future ground lease or any lender holding such future mortgage or deed of trust shall desire or require that this Lease be made subject to and subordinate to such future ground lease, mortgage or deed of trust, then Tenant agrees, within ten days after Landlord’s written request therefor, to execute, acknowledge and deliver to Landlord any and all documents or instruments requested by Landlord or by such lessor or lender as may be necessary or proper to assure the subordination of this Lease to such future ground lease, mortgage or deed of trust.


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        Tenant Initials           NH        

13.4 TENANT’S ATTORNMENT UPON FORECLOSURE: Tenant shall, upon request, attorn (i) to any purchaser of the Building or the Property at any foreclosure sale or private sale conducted pursuant to any security instrument encumbering the Building or the Property, (ii) to any grantee or transferee designated in any deed given in lieu of foreclosure of any security interest encumbering the Building or the Property, or (iii) to the lessor under any underlying ground lease of the land underlying the Building or the Property, should such ground lease be terminated; provided that such purchaser, grantee or lessor recognizes Tenant’s rights under this Lease.

13.5 MORTGAGEE PROTECTION: In the event of any default on the part of Landlord, Tenant will give notice by registered mail to any Lender or lessor under any underlying ground lease who shall have requested, in writing, to Tenant that it be provided with such notice, and Tenant shall offer such Lender or lessor a reasonable opportunity to cure the default, including time to obtain possession of the Leased Premises by power of sale or judicial foreclosure or other appropriate legal proceedings if reasonably necessary to effect a cure.

13.6 ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATES: Tenant will, following any request by Landlord, promptly execute and deliver to Landlord an estoppel certificate (i) certifying that this Lease is unmodified and in full force and effect, or, if modified, stating the nature of such modification and certifying that this Lease, as so modified, is in full force and effect, (ii) stating the date to which the rent and other charges are paid in advance, if any, (iii) acknowledging that there are not, to Tenant’s knowledge, any uncured defaults on the part of Landlord hereunder, or specifying such defaults if any are claimed, and (iv) certifying such other information about this Lease as may be reasonably requested by Landlord, its Lender or prospective lenders, investor or purchaser of the Building or the Property. Tenant’s failure to execute and deliver such estoppel certificate within ten business days after Landlord’s request therefor shall be a material default by Tenant under this Lease, and Landlord shall have all of the rights and remedies available to Landlord as Landlord would otherwise have in the case of any other material default by Tenant, including the right to terminate this Lease and sue for damages proximately caused thereby, it being agreed and understood by Tenant that Tenant’s failure to so deliver such estoppel certificate in a timely manner could result in Landlord being unable to perform committed obligations to other third parties which were made by Landlord in reliance upon this covenant of Tenant. Landlord and Tenant intend that any statement delivered pursuant to this Article may be relied upon by any Lender or purchaser or prospective Lender or purchaser of the Building, the Property, or any interest herein.

13.7 TENANT’S FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Tenant shall, within five business days after Landlord’s request therefor deliver to Landlord a copy of a current financial statement prepared in the ordinary course of Tenant’s business including an income statement for the most recent twelve month period and a balance sheet and any such other information reasonably requested by Landlord regarding Tenant’s financial condition. Tenant acknowledges that Landlord is relying upon the financial information provided to Landlord by Tenant prior to entering into this lease and the information to be provided to Landlord by Tenant during the term of this Lease. Landlord shall be entitled to disclose such financial statements or other information to its Lender, to any present or prospective principal of or investor in Landlord, or to any prospective Lender or purchaser of the Building, the Property or any portion thereof or interest therein. Any such financial statement or other information which is marked “confidential” or company secrets” (or is otherwise similarly marked by Tenant) shall be confidential and shall not be disclosed by Landlord to any third party except as specifically provided in this Article, unless the same becomes a part of the public domain without the fault of Landlord. Landlord will limit its requests for financial information to once a year, and/or in the event Landlord has reason to suspect that there has been a significant change in Tenant’s financial position, and/or as requested by Landlord’s current or prospective lender or a prospective purchaser of the Property.

13.8 TRANSFER BY LANDLORD: Landlord and its successors in interest shall have the right to transfer their interest in the Building, the Property, or any portion thereof at any time and to any person or entity. In the event of any such transfer, the Landlord originally named herein (and in the case of any subsequent transfer, the transferor), from the date of such transfer, (i) shall be automatically relieved, without any further act by any person or entity, of all liability for the performance of the obligations of the Landlord hereunder which may accrue after the date of such transfer and (ii) shall be relieved of all liability for the performance of the obligations of the Landlord hereunder which have accrued before the date of transfer if its transferee agrees to assume and perform all such prior obligations of the Landlord hereunder. Tenant shall attorn to any such transferee. After the date of any such transfer, the term “Landlord” as used herein shall mean the transferee of such interest in the Building or the Property.

13.9 FORCE MAJEURE: The obligations of each of the parties under this Lease (other than the obligations to pay money) shall be temporarily excused if such party is prevented or delayed in performing such obligation by reason of any strikes, lockouts or labor disputes; inability to obtain labor, materials, fuels or reasonable substitutes therefor; governmental restrictions, regulations, controls, action or inaction; civil commotion; inclement weather, fire or other acts of God; or other causes (except financial inability) beyond the reasonable control of the party obligated to perform (including acts or omissions of the other party) for a period equal to the period of any such prevention, delay or stoppage.


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13.10 NOTICES: except for unlawful detainer notices which Landlord may serve either in accordance with State law or in accordance with this paragraph, any notice required or desired to be given by a party regarding this Lease shall be in writing and shall be personally served, or in lieu of personal service may be given by (i) delivery by Federal Express, United Parcel Service or similar commercial carrier, (ii) electronic fax transmission, or (iii) depositing such notice in the United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the other party as follows:

A. If addressed to Landlord, to Landlord at its Address for Notices (as set forth in Article 1).

B. If addressed to Tenant, to Tenant at its Address for Notices (as set forth in Article 1). Any notice given by registered mail shall be deemed to have been given on the third business day after its deposit in the United States mail.

Any notice given by registered mail shall be deemed given on the date receipt was acknowledged to the postal authorities. Any notice given by mail other than registered or certified mail shall be deemed given only if received by the other party, and then on the date of receipt. Any notice delivered by commercial carrier or by fax shall be deemed given on the date of confirmation of delivery by the carrier or by electronic confirmation. Each party may, by written notice to the other in the manner aforesaid, change the address to which notices addressed to it shall thereafter be mailed.

13.11 ATTORNEYS FEES: In the event any party shall bring any action, arbitration proceeding or legal proceeding alleging a material breach of any provision of this Lease, to recover rent, to terminate this Lease, or to enforce, protect, determine or establish any term or covenant of this Lease or rights or duties hereunder of either party, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the non-prevailing party as a part of such action or proceeding, or in a separate action for that purpose brought within one year from the determination of such proceeding, reasonable attorneys’ fees, expert witness fees, court costs and other reasonable expenses incurred by the prevailing party. In the event that Landlord shall be required to retain counsel to enforce any provision of this Lease, and if Tenant shall thereafter cure (or desire to cure) such default, Landlord shall be conclusively deemed the prevailing party and Tenant shall pay to Landlord all attorneys’ fees, expert witness fees, court costs and other reasonable expenses so incurred by Landlord promptly upon demand. Landlord may enforce this provision by either (i) requiring Tenant to pay such fees and costs as a condition to curing its default or (ii) bringing a separate action to enforce such payment, it being agreed by and between Landlord and Tenant that Tenant’s failure to pay such fees and costs upon demand shall constitute a breach of this Lease in the same manner as a failure by Tenant to pay the Base Monthly Rent, giving Landlord the same rights and remedies as if Tenant failed to pay the Base Monthly Rent.

13.12 DEFINITIONS: Any term that is given a special meaning by any provision in this Lease shall, unless otherwise specifically stated, have such meaning whenever used in this Lease or in any Addenda or amendment hereto. In addition to the terms defined in Article 1, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

A. REAL PROPERTY TAXES: The term “Real Property Tax” or “Real Property Taxes” shall each mean (i) all taxes, assessments, levies and other charges of any kind or nature whatsoever, general and special, foreseen and unforeseen (including all installments of principal and interest required to pay any general or special assessments for public improvements and any increases resulting from reassessments caused by any change in ownership or new construction), now or hereafter imposed by any governmental or quasi-governmental authority or special district having the direct or indirect power or tax or levy assessments, which are levied or assessed for whatever reason against the Project or any portion thereof, or Landlord’s interest herein, or the fixtures, equipment and other property of Landlord that is an integral part of the Project and located thereon, or Landlord’s business of owning, leasing or managing the Project or the gross receipts, income or rentals from the Project; (ii) all charges, levies or fees imposed by any governmental authority against Landlord by reason of or based upon the use of or number of parking spaces within the Project, the amount of public services or public utilities used or consumed (e.g. water, gas, electricity, sewage or surface water disposal) at the Project, the number of persons employed by tenants of the Project, the size (whether measured in area, volume, number of tenants or whatever) or the value of the Project, or the type of use or uses conducted within the Project; and (iii) all costs and fees (including attorneys’ fees) incurred by Landlord in contesting any Real Property Tax and in negotiating with public authorities as to any Real Property Tax. If, at any time during the Lease Term, the taxation or assessment of the Project prevailing as of the Effective Date of


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this Lease shall be altered so that in lieu of or in addition to any Real Property Tax described above there shall be levied, or imposed (whether by reason of a change in the method of taxation or assessment, creation of a new tax or charge, or any other cause) an alternate, substitute, or additional tax or charge (i) on the value, size, use or occupancy of the Project or Landlord’s interest therein or (ii) on or measured by the gross receipts, income or rentals from the Project, or on Landlord’s business of owning, leasing or managing the Project or (iii) computed in any manner with respect to the operation of the Project, then any such tax or charge, however designated, shall be included within the meaning of the terms “Real Property Tax” or “Real Property Taxes” for purposes of this Lease. If any Real Property Tax is partly based upon property or rents unrelated to the Project, then only that part of such Real Property Tax that is fairly allocable to the Project shall be included within the meaning of the terms “Real Property Tax” or “Real Property Taxes.” Notwithstanding the foregoing, the terms “Real Property Tax” or “Real Property Taxes” shall not include estate, inheritance, transfer, gift or franchise taxes of Landlord or the federal or state income tax imposed on Landlord’s income from all sources.

B. LANDLORD’S INSURANCE COSTS: The term “Landlord’s Insurance Costs” shall mean the costs to Landlord to carry and maintain the policies of fire and property damage insurance including earth quake and flood for the Building and the Property and general liability insurance required, or permitted, to be carried by Landlord pursuant to Article 9, together with any deductible amounts paid by Landlord upon the occurrence of any insured casualty or loss.

C. PROPERTY MAINTENANCE COSTS: The term “Property Maintenance Costs” shall mean all costs and expenses (except Landlord’s Insurance Costs and Real Property Taxes) paid or incurred by Landlord in protecting, operating, maintaining, repairing and preserving the Property and all parts thereof, including without limitation, (i) professional management fees (equal to three percent of the annualized Base Monthly Rent), (ii) the costs incurred by Landlord in the making of any modifications, alterations or improvements as set forth in Article 6 including costs of complying with any governmental regulation or court order such as costs associates with complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or any similar laws or court cases, (iii) costs of complying with governmental regulations governing Tenant’s use of Hazardous Materials, and Landlord’s costs of monitoring Tenant’s use of Hazardous Materials including fees charged by Landlord’s consultants to periodically inspect the Premises and the Property, (iv) all costs, fees, expenses, assessments, and the like charged by any public or private maintenance association or district whether such costs are incurred on or off the Project, for the benefit of the Project, also including any costs required to be paid by Landlord pursuant to any covenants, conditions, and/or restrictions effecting the Project for the benefit of any common property owners association, and (v) such other costs as may be paid or incurred with respect to operating, maintaining and preserving the Property, such as repairing, replacing, and resurfacing the exterior surfaces of the buildings (including roofs), repairing, replacing, and resurfacing paved areas, repairing structural parts of the buildings, cleaning, maintaining, restoring and/or replacing the interior of the Leased Premises both during the term of the Lease and upon its termination, and maintaining, repairing, installing or replacing, electrical, plumbing, sewer, drainage, heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems serving the buildings, providing utilities to the common areas, maintenance, repair, replacement or installation of lighting fixtures, directional or other signs and signals, irrigation or drainage systems, trees, shrubs, materials, maintenance of all landscaped areas, and depreciation and financing costs on maintenance and operating machinery and equipment (if owned) and rental paid for such machinery and equipment (if leased). Notwithstanding the above, for the replacement due to normal wear and tear of a piece of HVAC equipment first put in service prior to January 1, 2000, Tenant’s payment obligation shall be limited to paying the first eight thousand dollars of such replacement when incurred plus amortization payments of the balance of the cost over the useful life of the equipment as reasonably determined by Landlord (in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles) with interest on the unamortized balance at the then prevailing interest Landlord would pay if it borrowed funds to pay the cost of the replacement. Landlord shall inform Tenant of the monthly amortization payment required to amortize such costs, and Tenant shall pay the monthly amount as Additional Rent during the Term of this Lease. For replacement of the entire or a substantial portion of the roof covering surface (“roofing”) due to normal wear and tear Tenant’s payment obligation shall be limited to the amount of ninety thousand dollars ($90,000). Prior to installing a new roof Landlord will provide Tenant with the reasonable justification for the need to replace the roof and evidence that the proposed cost is reasonable.

D. READY FOR OCCUPANCY: The term “Ready for Occupancy” shall mean the date upon which (i) the Leased Premises are available for Tenant’s occupancy in a broom clean condition and (ii) the improvements, if any, to be made to the Leased Premises by Landlord as a condition to Tenant’s obligation to accept possession of the


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Leased Premises have been substantially completed and the appropriate governmental building department (i.e. the City building department, if the Property is located within a City, or otherwise the County building department) shall have approved the construction of such improvements as substantially complete or is willing to so approve the construction of the improvements as substantially complete subject only to compliance with specified conditions which are the responsibility of Tenant to satisfy or is willing to allow Tenant to occupy subject to its receiving assurances that specified work will be completed.

E. PROPERTY OPERATING EXPENSES: The term “Property Operating Expenses” shall mean and include the all Real Property Taxes, plus all Landlord’s Insurance Costs, plus the all Property Maintenance Costs, plus an accounting fee equal to five percent of all such costs.

F. LAW: The term “Law” shall mean any judicial decision and any statute, constitution, ordinance, resolution, regulation, rule, administrative order, or other requirement of any municipal, county, state, federal, or other governmental agency or authority having jurisdiction over the parties to this Lease, the Leased Premises, the Building or the Property, or any of them in effect either at the Effective Date of this Lease or at any time during the Lease Term, including, without limitation, any regulation, order, or policy of any quasi-official entity or body (e.g. a board of fire examiners or a public utility or special district).

G. LENDER: The term “Lender” shall mean the holder of any Note or other evidence of indebtedness secured by the Property or any portion thereof.

H. PRIVATE RESTRICTIONS: The term “Private Restrictions” shall mean all recorded covenants, conditions and restrictions, private agreements, easements, and any other recorded instruments affecting the use of the Property, as they may exist from time to time.

I. RENT: The term “rent” shall mean collectively Base Monthly Rent and all Additional Rent.

13.13 GENERAL WAIVERS: One party’s consent to or approval of any act by the other party requiring the first party’s consent or approval shall not be deemed to waive or render unnecessary the first party’s consent to or approval of any subsequent similar act by the other party. No waiver of any provision hereof or any breach of any provision hereof shall be effective unless in writing and signed by the waiving party. The receipt by Landlord of any rent or payment with or without knowledge of the breach of any other provision hereof shall not be deemed a waiver of any such breach. No waiver of any provision of this Lease shall be deemed a continuing waiver unless such waiver specifically states so in writing and is signed by both Landlord and Tenant. No delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy accruing to either party upon any breach by the other party under this Lease shall impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver of any such breach theretofore or thereafter occurring. The waiver by either party of any breach of any provision of this Lease shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provisions herein contained.

13.14 CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST INSPECTION: California law requires a Landlord to notify Tenant whether Landlord has had the Leased Premises inspected by a Certified Access Specialist. Landlord has not caused the Leased Premises to be so inspected.

13.15 ENERGY RATINGS INFORMATION: Landlord has registered the Property and created a property profile with the US Environmental Protection Agency Energy Star program https://portfoliomanager.energystar.gov/pm/login.html which Tenant may access. Tenant agrees that this complies with California energy disclosure requirements pursuant to California Code of Regulations Title 20, Division 2, Chapter 4, Article 9, Sections 1680 et. seq. At Tenant’s request, Landlord will make available to Tenant prior bills for energy use in the building. Tenant acknowledges that prior use may not be indicative of Tenant’s actual energy use. Tenant shall place utility services in its name and pay utility providers directly for such services. Within fifteen (15) days of Landlord’s written request, Tenant agrees to deliver to Landlord such information and/or documents as Landlord requires for Landlord to comply with the Energy Disclosure Requirements, or successor statute(s) of code(s), relating to commercial building energy ratings.


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        Tenant Initials           NH        

13.16 MISCELLANEOUS: Should any provision of this Lease prove to be invalid or illegal, such invalidity or illegality shall in no way affect, impair or invalidate any other provision hereof, and such remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. Time is of the essence with respect to the performance of every provision of this Lease in which time of performance is a factor. Any copy of this Lease which is executed by the parties shall be deemed an original for all purposes. This Lease shall, subject to the provisions regarding assignment, apply to and bind the respective heirs, successors, executors, administrators and assigns of Landlord and Tenant. The term “party” shall mean Landlord or Tenant as the context implies. If Tenant consists of more than one person or entity, then all members of Tenant shall be jointly and severally liable hereunder. This Lease shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the Laws of the State in which the Leased Premises are located. The language in all parts of this Lease shall in all cases be construed as a whole according to its fair meaning, and not strictly for or against either Landlord or Tenant. The captions used in this Lease are for convenience only and shall not be considered in the construction or interpretation of any provision hereof. When the context of this Lease requires, the neuter gender includes the masculine, the feminine, a partnership or corporation or joint venture, and the singular includes the plural. The terms “must”, shall”, will”, and “agree” are mandatory. The term “may” is permissive. When a party is required to do something by this Lease, it shall do so at its sole cost and expense without right of reimbursement from the other party unless specific provision is made therefor. Where Tenant is obligated not to perform any act or is not permitted to perform any act, Tenant is also obligated to restrain any others reasonably within its control, including agents, invitees, contractors, subcontractors and employees, from performing said act. Landlord shall not become or be deemed a partner or a joint venture with Tenant by reason of any of the provisions of this Lease.




14.1 CORPORATE AUTHORITY: If Tenant is a corporation, each individual executing this Lease on behalf of said corporation represents and warrants that Tenant is validly formed and duly authorized and existing, that Tenant is qualified to do business in the State in which the Leased Premises are located, that Tenant has the full right and legal authority to enter into this Lease, that he or she is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Lease on behalf of Tenant in accordance with the bylaws and/or a board of directors’ resolution of Tenant, and that this Lease is binding upon Tenant in accordance with its terms. Tenant shall, within thirty days after execution of this Lease, deliver to Landlord a certified copy of the resolution of its board of directors authorizing or ratifying the execution of this Lease, and if Tenant fails to do so, Landlord at its sole election may elect to (i) extend the Intended Commencement Date by such number of days that Tenant shall have delayed in so delivering such corporate resolution to Landlord or (ii) terminate this Lease.

14.2 BROKERAGE COMMISSIONS: Tenant warrants that it has not had any dealings with any real estate broker(s), leasing agent(s), finder(s) or salesmen, other than the Brokers (as named in Article I) with respect to the lease by it of the Leased Premises pursuant to this Lease, and that it will indemnify, defend with competent counsel, and hold Landlord harmless from any liability for the payment of any real estate brokerage commissions, leasing commissions or finder’s fees claimed by any other real estate broker(s), leasing agent(s), finder(s), or salesmen to be earned or due and payable by reason of Tenant’s agreement or promise implied or otherwise) to pay (or to have Landlord pay) such a commission or finder’s fee by reason of its leasing the Leased Premises pursuant to this Lease.

14.3 ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Lease, the Exhibits (as described in Article 1) and the Addenda (as described in Article 1), which Exhibits and Addenda are by this reference incorporated herein, constitute the entire agreement between the parties, and there are no other agreements, understandings or representations between the parties relating to the lease by Landlord of the Leased Premises to Tenant, except as expressed herein. No subsequent changes, modifications or additions to this Lease shall be binding upon the parties unless in writing and signed by both Landlord and Tenant.

14.4 LANDLORD’S REPRESENTATIONS: Landlord obtained Building Permit BLD2011-04844 and complied with all requirements of the permit resulting in permit final approval by the City of Fremont for occupancy of the Building. To the best of Landlord’s knowledge the building complies with appropriate ordinances for occupancy. Tenant acknowledges that neither Landlord nor any of its agents made any representation or warranties respecting the Project, the Building or the Leased Premises, upon which Tenant relied in entering into this Lease, which are not expressly set forth in this Lease. Tenant further acknowledges that neither Landlord nor any of its agents made any representations as to (i) whether the Leased Premises may be used for Tenant’s intended use under existing Law, or (ii) the suitability of the Leased Premises for the conduct of Tenant’s business, or (iii) the exact


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        Tenant Initials           NH        

square footage of the Leased Premises, and that Tenant relied solely upon its own investigations respecting said matters. Tenant expressly waives any and all claims for damage by reason of any state- management, representation, warranty, promise or other agreement of Landlord or Landlord’s agent(s), if any, not contained in this Lease or in any Addenda hereto.



15.1 Option to Renew: Landlord hereby grants to Tenant Two (2) options to renew the Lease for an additional period of five (5) years each (the Renewal Terms). The Each Renewal Term shall commence upon the expiration of the preceding lease term (or the first Renewal Term as appropriate) such that there shall not be a gap in the time between the Lease Term and the Renewal Terms. Tenant shall only be permitted to exercise the second Renewal Term if it has previously exercised the option for the first Renewal Term. In the event that Tenant subleases the Premises or any portion thereof or assigns its interest under this Lease, Tenant shall lose any rights or options to renew or extend the term of this Lease.

1. The lease of the Leased Premises for the each Renewal Term shall be on the same terms and conditions as set forth in the Lease, except:

A. That the rental for the Leased Premises during the Renewal Term shall be as set forth below in Paragraph 3, and

B. That the Security Deposit shall be increased to the rental amount determined in Paragraph 3 (the “Increased Security Deposit Amount”).

2. Tenant shall notify Landlord of Tenant’s exercise of its right to renew the Lease for the each Renewal Term only by giving to Landlord written notice not sooner than eight (8) months prior to the Renewal Commencement Date and not later than seven (7) months prior to the Renewal Commencement Date (time is expressly of the essence to Landlord). Any attempted exercise of this Option made other than within the time period stated or in the manner stated shall be void and of no force or effect. In the event that Tenant does not or is not entitled to exercise its option Tenant shall have no further rights hereunder.

3. If Tenant shall have properly and timely exercised its right to extend the term of the Lease, the term of the Lease shall be so extended for the Renewal Term on the same terms and conditions contained in the Lease; provided, however, the Base Monthly Rent for each month of the Renewal Term shall be calculated as follows: The new Base Monthly Rent for the Renewal Term shall be the greater of: (i) the Base Monthly Rent being paid by Tenant to Landlord during the final full month of the final year of the initial Lease Term (or the final month of the first Renewal Term as appropriate), or (ii) the Then Market Rental Rate for the Lease Premises.

4. The term “Then Monthly Market Rental Rate” shall be determined by mutual agreement between Landlord and Tenant or, in the event such agreement cannot be made within ten (10) days from the date Tenant shall have exercised this option, Landlord and Tenant shall each appoint a real estate appraiser with at least five (5) years full-time commercial/industrial appraisal experience in Santa Clara County to appraise and determine the fair market monthly rental rate the Leased Premises, in their then existing condition for the use specified in the Lease could be leased for, on the same terms and conditions set forth in the Lease, to a qualified tenant ready, willing and able to lease the Leased Premises for a term equal to the Renewal Term. If either party does not appoint an appraiser within ten (10) days after the other party has given notice of the name of its appraiser, the other party can then apply to the President of the Santa Clara County Real Estate Board or the presiding Judge of the Superior Court of that County for the selection of a second appraiser who meets the qualifications stated above. The failing party shall bear the cost of appointing the second appraiser and of paying the second appraiser’s fee. The two appraisers shall attempt to establish the Then Monthly Market Rental Rate for the Leased Premises. If the two appraisers are unable to agree on the Then Monthly Market Rental Rate for the Leased Premises within ten (10) days after the second appraiser has been selected or appointed, then the two appraisers shall attempt to select a third appraiser meeting the qualifications stated above. If they fail to agree on a third appraiser, either party can follow the above procedure for having an appraiser appointed by the Real Estate Board or a judiciary. Each of the parties shall bear one-half (1/2) of the cost of appointing the third appraiser and of paying the third appraiser’s fee. Unless the three appraisers are able to agree


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on the Then Monthly Market Rental Rate for the Leased Premises within ten (10) days after the selection or appointment of the third appraiser, the two appraisal amounts being calculated most closely together, after having discarded the appraisal amount which most greatly varies from the other two appraisal amounts, shall be added together then divided by two (2). The resulting rental amount shall be defined as the Then Monthly Market Rental Rate for the Leased Premises. In no event, however, shall the resulting Then Monthly Market Rental Rate for the Renewal Term be less than the Base Monthly Rent paid during the final full month of the initial Lease Term (or the first Renewal Term as appropriate).

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Landlord and Tenant have executed this Lease as of the respective dates below set forth with the intent to be legally bound thereby as of the Effective Date of this Lease first above set forth.


AS LANDLORD:                  AS TENANT:
Osprey Capital Building 50, LLC      Corsair Memory, Inc.
a California limited liability company      a Delaware corporation
By:    Riverside Interests, Inc      By: /s/ Nicholas Hawkins                                                     
          A California Corporation, Manager     
     Title: CFO                                                                             
By: /s/ William N. Neidig                                                       By:                                                                                           
          William N. Neidig     
Title: President      Title:                                                                                         
Dated: 8/26/14                                                                         Date: 8/25/14                                                                         

If Tenant is a CORPORATION, the authorized officers must sign on behalf of the corporation and indicate the capacity in which they are signing. This Lease must be executed by the chairman of the board, president or vice-president, and the secretary, assistant secretary, the chief financial officer or assistant treasurer, unless the bylaws or a resolution of the board of directors shall otherwise provide, in which event a certified copy, of the bylaws or a certified copy of the resolution, as the case may be, must be attached to this Lease.


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