EX-10.1 2 tm2212023d1_ex10-1.htm EXHIBIT 10.1


Exhibit 10.1














Table of Contents
I.       Definitions 1
II.     Participation by States and Condition to Preliminary Agreement 13
III.    Injunctive Relief 13
IV.    Settlement Payments 13
V.   Allocation and Use of Settlement Payments 28
VI.     Enforcement 34
VII.     Participation by Subdivisions 40
VIII.   Condition to Effectiveness of Agreement and Filing of Consent Judgment 42
IX.      Additional Restitution 44
X.      Plaintiffs' Attorneys' Fees and Costs 44
XI.      Release 44
XII.     Later Litigating Subdivisions 49
XIII.   Reductions/Offsets 53
XIV.   Miscellaneous 54
EXHIBIT A Alleged Harms A-1
EXHIBIT B Enforcement Committee Organizational Bylaws B-1
EXHIBIT C Litigating Subdivisions List C-1
EXHIBIT D Later Litigating Subdivision Suspension and Offset Determinations D-1
EXHIBIT E List of Opioid Remediation Uses E-1
EXHIBIT F List of States and Overall Allocation Percentages F-1
EXHIBIT G Subdivisions Eligible to Receive Direct Allocations from the Subdivision Fund and Default Subdivision Fund Allocation Percentages G-1
EXHIBIT H Participation Tier Determination1 H-1
EXHIBIT I Primary Subdivisions I-1







EXHIBIT J Settling Distributors' Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures, and Predecessor Entities J-1
EXHIBIT K Subdivision Settlement Participation Form K-1
EXHIBIT L Settlement Fund Administrator L-1
EXHIBIT M Settlement Payment Schedule M-1
EXHIBIT N Additional Restitution Amount Allocation N-1
EXHIBIT O Adoption of a State-Subdivision Agreement O-1
EXHIBIT P Injunctive Relief P-1
EXHIBIT Q Illustrative Examples of Prepayments Q-1
EXHIBIT R Agreement on Attorneys' Fees, Expenses and Costs R-1
EXHIBIT S Agreement on the State Outside Counsel Fee Fund S-1
EXHIBIT T Agreement on the State Cost Fund Administration T-1
EXHIBIT V Cardinal IRS Form 1098-F V-1
EXHIBIT W McKesson IRS Form 1098-F W-1
EXHIBIT X Severity Factors X-1









This Settlement Agreement, dated as of July 21, 2021 (the "Agreement"), sets forth the terms of settlement between and among the Settling States, the Settling Distributors, and the Participating Subdivisions (as those terms are defined below). Upon satisfaction of the conditions set forth in Section II and Section VIII, this Agreement will be binding on all Settling States, Settling Distributors, and Participating Subdivisions. This Agreement will then be filed as part of Consent Judgments in the respective courts of each of the Settling States, pursuant to the terms set forth in Section VIII.




For all sections of this Agreement except Exhibit E and Exhibit P, the following definitions apply:


A.                             "Abatement Accounts Fund." The component of the Settlement Fund described in Section V.E.


B.                             "Additional Restitution Amount." The amount available to Settling States listed on Exhibit N totaling $282,692,307.70.


C.                             "Agreement." This agreement, as set forth above. For the avoidance of doubt, this Agreement is inclusive of all exhibits.


D.                             "Alleged Harms." The alleged past, present, and future financial, societal, and public nuisance harms and related expenditures arising out of the alleged misuse and abuse of Products, non-exclusive examples of which are described in the documents listed on Exhibit A, that have allegedly arisen as a result of the physical and bodily injuries sustained by individuals suffering from opioid-related addiction, abuse, death, and other related diseases and disorders, and that have allegedly been caused by the Settling Distributors.


E.                             "Allocation Statute." A state law that governs allocation, distribution, and/or use of some or all of the Settlement Fund amounts allocated to that State and/or its Subdivisions. In addition to modifying the allocation set forth in Section V.D.2, an Allocation Statute may, without limitation, contain a Statutory Trust, further restrict expenditures of funds, form an advisory committee, establish oversight and reporting requirements, or address other default provisions and other matters related to the funds. An Allocation Statute is not required to address all three (3) types of funds comprising the Settlement Fund or all default provisions.


F.                              "Annual Payment." The total amount payable to the Settlement Fund Administrator by the Settling Distributors on the Payment Date each year, as calculated by the Settlement Fund Administrator pursuant to Section IV.B.1.e. For the avoidance of doubt, this term does not include the Additional Restitution Amount or amounts paid pursuant to Section X.


G."Appropriate Official." As defined in Section XIV.F.3.


H."Bankruptcy Code." Title 11 of the United States Code, 11 U.S.C. § 101, et seq.







I.                                "Bar." Either: (1) a law barring Subdivisions in a State from maintaining Released Claims against Released Entities (either through a direct bar or through a grant of authority to release claims and the exercise of such authority in full) or (2) a ruling by the highest court of the State (or, in a State with a single intermediate court of appeals, the intermediate court of appeals when not subject to further review by the highest court of the State) setting forth the general principle that Subdivisions in the State may not maintain any Released Claims against Released Entities, whether on the ground of this Agreement (or the release in it) or otherwise. For the avoidance of doubt, a law or ruling that is conditioned or predicated upon payment by a Released Entity (apart from the Annual Payments by Settling Distributors under this Agreement) shall not constitute a Bar.


J.                               "Case-Specific Resolution." Either: (1) a law barring the Subdivision at issue from maintaining any Released Claims against any Released Entities (either through a direct bar or through a grant of authority to release claims and the exercise of such authority in full); or (2) a ruling by a court of competent jurisdiction over the Subdivision at issue that the Subdivision may not maintain any Released Claims at issue against any Released Entities, whether on the ground of this Agreement (or the release in it) or otherwise. For the avoidance of doubt, a law or ruling that is conditioned or predicated upon payment by a Released Entity (apart from the Annual Payments by Settling Distributors under this Agreement) shall not constitute a Case- Specific Resolution.


K.                             "Claim." Any past, present or future cause of action, claim for relief, cross- claim or counterclaim, theory of liability, demand, derivative claim, request, assessment, charge, covenant, damage, debt, lien, loss, penalty, judgment, right, obligation, dispute, suit, contract, controversy, agreement, parens patriae claim, promise, performance, warranty, omission, or grievance of any nature whatsoever, whether legal, equitable, statutory, regulatory or administrative, whether arising under federal, state or local common law, statute, regulation, guidance, ordinance or principles of equity, whether filed or unfiled, whether asserted or unasserted, whether known or unknown, whether accrued or unaccrued, whether foreseen, unforeseen or unforeseeable, whether discovered or undiscovered, whether suspected or unsuspected, whether fixed or contingent, and whether existing or hereafter arising, in all such cases, including, but not limited to, any request for declaratory, injunctive, or equitable relief, compensatory, punitive, or statutory damages, absolute liability, strict liability, restitution, abatement, subrogation, contribution, indemnity, apportionment, disgorgement, reimbursement, attorney fees, expert fees, consultant fees, fines, penalties, expenses, costs or any other legal, equitable, civil, administrative, or regulatory remedy whatsoever.


L.                             "Claim-Over." A Claim asserted by a Non-Released Entity against a Released Entity on the basis of contribution, indemnity, or other claim-over on any theory relating to a Non-Party Covered Conduct Claim asserted by a Releasor.


M.                           "Compensatory Restitution Amount." The aggregate amount paid or incurred by the Settling Distributors hereunder other than amounts paid as attorneys' fees and costs or identified pursuant to Section V.B.2 as being used to pay attorneys' fees, investigation costs or litigation costs.







N.                             "Consent Judgment." A state-specific consent judgment in a form to be agreed by the Settling States and the Settling Distributors prior to the Initial Participation Date that, among other things, (1) approves this Agreement and (2) provides for the release set forth in Section XI.A, including the dismissal with prejudice of any Released Claims that the Settling State has brought against Released Entities.


O.                             "Covered Conduct." Any actual or alleged act, failure to act, negligence, statement, error, omission, breach of any duty, conduct, event, transaction, agreement, misstatement, misleading statement or other activity of any kind whatsoever from the beginning of time through the Reference Date (and any past, present, or future consequence of any such act, failure to act, negligence, statement, error, omission, breach of duty, conduct, event, transaction, agreement, misstatement, misleading statement or other activity) relating in any way to (1) the discovery, development, manufacture, packaging, repackaging, marketing, promotion, advertising, labeling, recall, withdrawal, distribution, delivery, monitoring, reporting, supply, sale, prescribing, dispensing, physical security, warehousing, use or abuse of, or operating procedures relating to, any Product, or any system, plan, policy or advocacy relating to any Product or class of Products, including, but not limited to, any unbranded promotion, marketing, programs, or campaigns relating to any Product or class of Products; (2) the characteristics, properties, risks, or benefits of any Product; (3) the reporting, disclosure, non-reporting or non- disclosure to federal, state or other regulators of orders placed with any Released Entity; or (4) diversion control programs or suspicious order monitoring; provided, however, that as to any Claim that a Releasor has brought or could bring, Covered Conduct does not include non- compliance with statutory or administrative supply security standards concerning cleanliness of facilities or stopping counterfeit products, so long as such standards apply to the storage and distribution of both controlled and non-controlled pharmaceuticals.


P."Designated State." New York.


Q."Effective Date." The date sixty (60) calendar days after the Reference Date.


R.                          "Enforcement Committee." A committee consisting of representatives of the Settling States and of the Participating Subdivisions. Exhibit B contains the organizational bylaws of the Enforcement Committee. Notice pursuant to Section XIV.Q shall be provided when there are changes in membership or contact information.


S.                          "Final Order." An order or judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction with respect to the applicable subject matter (1) which has not been reversed or superseded by a modified or amended order, is not currently stayed, and as to which any right to appeal or seek certiorari, review, reargument, stay, or rehearing has expired, and as to which no appeal or petition for certiorari, review, reargument, stay, or rehearing is pending, or (2) as to which an appeal has been taken or petition for certiorari, review, reargument, stay, or rehearing has been filed and (a) such appeal or petition for certiorari, review, reargument, stay, or rehearing has been resolved by the highest court to which the order or judgment was appealed or from which certiorari, review, reargument, stay, or rehearing was sought, or (b) the time to appeal further or seek certiorari, review, reargument, stay, or rehearing has expired and no such further appeal or petition for certiorari, review, reargument, stay, or rehearing is pending.







T."Global Settlement Abatement Amount." The abatement amount of $19,045,384,616.


U.                            "Global Settlement Amount." The Global Settlement Amount is $21 billion, which shall be divided into the Global Settlement Abatement Amount, the Additional Restitution Amount, and the Global Settlement Attorney Fee Amount.


V."Global Settlement Attorney Fee Amount." The attorney fee amount of $1,671,923,077.


W."Incentive Payment A." The incentive payment described in Section IV.F.1.


X."Incentive Payment B." The incentive payment described in Section IV.F.2.


Y."Incentive Payment C." The incentive payment described in Section IV.F.3.


Z.                             "Incentive Payment D." The incentive payment described in Section IV.F.4.


AA.                     "Incentive Payment Final Eligibility Date." With respect to a Settling State, the date that is the earlier of (1) the fifth Payment Date, (2) the date of completion of opening statements in a trial of any action brought by a Subdivision in that State that includes a Released Claim against a Released Entity when such date is more than two (2) years after the Effective Date, or (3) two (2) years after the Effective Date in the event a trial of an action brought by a Subdivision in that State that includes a Released Claim against a Released Entity began after the Initial Participation Date but before two (2) years after the Effective Date.


BB.                     "Initial Participating Subdivision." A Subdivision that meets the requirements set forth in Section VII.D.


CC.                     "Initial Participation Date." January 26, 2022, as extended by written agreement of the Settling Distributors and the Enforcement Committee on December 22, 2021.


DD.                     "Injunctive Relief Terms." The terms described in Section III and set forth in Exhibit P.


EE.                     "Later Litigating Subdivision." A Subdivision (or Subdivision official asserting the right of or for the Subdivision to recover for alleged harms to the Subdivision and/or the people thereof) that: (1) first files a lawsuit bringing a Released Claim against a Released Entity after the Trigger Date; or (2) adds a Released Claim against a Released Entity after the Trigger Date to a lawsuit brought before the Trigger Date that, prior to the Trigger Date, did not include any Released Claims against a Released Entity; or (3) (a) was a Litigating Subdivision whose Released Claims against Released Entities were resolved by a legislative Bar or legislative Case-Specific Resolution as of the Trigger Date, (b) such legislative Bar or legislative Case-Specific Resolution is subject to a Revocation Event after the Trigger Date, and (c) the earlier of the date of completion of opening statements in a trial in an action brought by a Subdivision in that State that includes a Released Claim against a Released Entity or one hundred eighty (180) days from the Revocation Event passes without a Bar or Case-Specific Resolution being implemented as to that Litigating Subdivision or the Litigating Subdivision's







Released Claims being dismissed; or (4) (a) was a Litigating Subdivision whose Released Claims against Released Entities were resolved by a judicial Bar or judicial Case-Specific Resolution as of the Trigger Date, (b) such judicial Bar or judicial Case-Specific Resolution is subject to a Revocation Event after the Trigger Date, and (c) such Litigating Subdivision takes any action in its lawsuit asserting a Released Claim against a Released Entity other than seeking a stay or dismissal.


FF.                     "Later Participating Subdivision." A Participating Subdivision that is not an Initial Participating Subdivision, but meets the requirements set forth in Section VII.E.


GG.                     "Litigating Subdivision." A Subdivision (or Subdivision official) that brought any Released Claim against any Released Entity prior to the Trigger Date; provided, however, that a Subdivision (or Subdivision official) that is a Prior Litigating Subdivision shall not be considered a Litigating Subdivision. Exhibit C is an agreed list of all Litigating Subdivisions. Exhibit C will be updated (including with any corrections) periodically, and a final version of Exhibit C will be attached hereto as of the Reference Date.


HH.                     "National Arbitration Panel." The panel comprised as described in Section VI.F.2.b.


II."National Disputes." As defined in Section VI.F.2.a.


JJ.                         "Net Abatement Amount." The Global Settlement Abatement Amount as reduced by the Tribal/W. Va. Subdivision Credit.


KK.                     "Net Settlement Prepayment Amount." As defined in Section IV.J.1.


LL.                     "Non-Litigating Subdivision." Any Subdivision that is neither a Litigating Subdivision nor a Later Litigating Subdivision.


MM.                     "Non-Participating Subdivision." Any Subdivision that is not a Participating Subdivision.


NN.                     "Non-Party Covered Conduct Claim." A Claim against any Non-Released Entity involving, arising out of, or related to Covered Conduct (or conduct that would be Covered Conduct if engaged in by a Released Entity).


OO.                     "Non-Party Settlement." A settlement by any Releasor that settles any Non- Party Covered Conduct Claim and includes a release of any Non-Released Entity.


PP.                     "Non-Released Entity." An entity that is not a Released Entity.


QQ.                  "Non-Settling State." Any State that is not a Settling State.


RR.                    "Offset Cap." The per-State dollar amount which the dollar-for-dollar offset described in Section XII.A cannot exceed in a Payment Year, to be calculated by multiplying the amount of the relevant Annual Payment apportioned to the State and to its Subdivisions for that Payment Year by the percentage for the applicable Participation Tier as set forth in Exhibit D.







SS.                      "Opioid Remediation." Care, treatment, and other programs and expenditures (including reimbursement for past such programs or expenditures1 except where this Agreement restricts the use of funds solely to future Opioid Remediation) designed to (1) address the misuse and abuse of opioid products, (2) treat or mitigate opioid use or related disorders, or (3) mitigate other alleged effects of, including on those injured as a result of, the opioid epidemic. Exhibit E provides a non-exhaustive list of expenditures that qualify as being paid for Opioid Remediation. Qualifying expenditures may include reasonable related administrative expenses.


TT.                      "Opioid Tax." Any tax, assessment, license fee, surcharge or any other fee (other than a fixed prospective excise tax or similar tax or fee that has no restriction on pass-through) imposed by a State on a Settling Distributor on the sale, transfer or distribution of opioid products; provided, however, that neither the Excise Tax on sale of Opioids, Article 20-D of New York's Tax Law nor the Opioid Stewardship Act, Article 33, Title 2-A of New York's Public Health Law shall be considered an Opioid Tax for purposes of this Agreement.


UU.                     "Overall Allocation Percentage." A Settling State's percentage as set forth in Exhibit F. The aggregate Overall Allocation Percentages of all States (including Settling States and Non-Settling States) shall equal one hundred percent (100%).


VV.                     "Participating Subdivision." Any Subdivision that meets the requirements for becoming a Participating Subdivision under Section VII.B and Section VII.C. Participating Subdivisions include both Initial Participating Subdivisions and Later Participating Subdivisions.


WW                   "Participation Tier." The level of participation in this Agreement as determined pursuant to Section VIII.C using the criteria set forth in Exhibit H.


XX.                     "Parties." The Settling Distributors and the Settling States (each, a "Party").


YY.                     "Payment Date." The date on which the Settling Distributors make the Annual Payment pursuant to Section IV.B.


ZZ.                       "Payment Year." The calendar year during which the applicable Annual Payment is due pursuant to Section IV.B. Payment Year 1 is 2021, Payment Year 2 is 2022 and so forth. References to payment "for a Payment Year" mean the Annual Payment due during that year. References to eligibility "for a Payment Year" mean eligibility in connection with the Annual Payment due during that year.


AAA.                "Preliminary Agreement Date." The date on which the Settling Distributors are to inform the Settling States of their determination whether the condition in Section II.B has been satisfied. The Preliminary Agreement Date shall be no more than fourteen (14) calendar days after the end of the notice period to States, unless it is extended by written agreement of the Settling Distributors and the Enforcement Committee.


BBB.                 "Prepayment Notice." As defined in Section IV.J.1.



1 Reimbursement includes amounts paid to any governmental entities for past expenditures or programs.







CCC.                     "Primary Subdivision." A Subdivision that is a General Purpose Government (including, but not limited to, a municipality, county, county subdivision, city, town, township, parish, village, borough, gore, or any other entities that provide municipal-type government) with population over 10,000; provided, however, that as used in connection with Incentive Payment C, the population threshold is 30,000. Attached as Exhibit I is an agreed list of the Primary Subdivisions in each State.


DDD.                     "Prior Litigating Subdivision" A Subdivision (or Subdivision official) that brought any Released Claim against any Released Entity prior to the Trigger Date and all such Released Claims were separately settled or finally adjudicated prior to the Trigger Date; provided, however, that if the final adjudication was pursuant to a Bar, such Subdivision shall not be considered a Prior Litigating Subdivision. Notwithstanding the prior sentence, the Settling Distributors and the Settling State of the relevant Subdivision may agree in writing that the Subdivision shall not be considered a Prior Litigating Subdivision.


EEE.                     "Product." Any chemical substance, whether used for medicinal or non- medicinal purposes, and whether natural, synthetic, or semi-synthetic, or any finished pharmaceutical product made from or with such substance, that is: (1) an opioid or opiate, as well as any product containing any such substance; or (2) benzodiazepine, carisoprodol, or gabapentin; or (3) a combination or "cocktail" of chemical substances prescribed, sold, bought, or dispensed to be used together that includes opioids or opiates. "Product" shall include, but is not limited to, any substance consisting of or containing buprenorphine, codeine, fentanyl, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, meperidine, methadone, morphine, oxycodone, oxymorphone, tapentadol, tramadol, opium, heroin, carfentanil, diazepam, estazolam, quazepam, alprazolam, clonazepam, oxazepam, flurazepam, triozolam, temazepam, midazolam, carisoprodol, gabapentin, or any variant of these substances or any similar substance. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this section prohibits a Settling State from taking administrative or regulatory action related to benzodiazepine (including, but not limited to, diazepam, estazolam, quazepam, alprazolam, clonazepam, oxazepam, flurazepam, triozolam, temazepam, and midazolam), carisoprodol, or gabapentin that is wholly independent from the use of such drugs in combination with opioids, provided such action does not seek money (including abatement and/or remediation) for conduct prior to the Effective Date.


FFF.                     "Reference Date." The date on which the Settling Distributors are to inform the Settling States of their determination whether the condition in Section VIII has been satisfied. The Reference Date shall be no later than thirty (30) calendar days after the Initial Participation Date, unless it is extended by written agreement of the Settling Distributors and the Enforcement Committee.


GGG.                     "Released Claims." Any and all Claims that directly or indirectly are based on, arise out of, or in any way relate to or concern the Covered Conduct occurring prior to the Reference Date. Without limiting the foregoing, Released Claims include any Claims that have been asserted against a Settling Distributor by any Settling State or Litigating Subdivision in any federal, state, or local action or proceeding (whether judicial, arbitral, or administrative) based on, arising out of, or relating to, in whole or in part, the Covered Conduct, or any such Claims that could be or could have been asserted now or in the future in those actions or in any comparable action or proceeding brought by a State, Subdivision, or Releasor (whether or not







such State, Subdivision, or Releasor has brought such action or proceeding). Released Claims also include all Claims asserted in any proceeding to be dismissed pursuant to this Agreement, whether or not such claims relate to Covered Conduct. The Parties intend that this term, "Released Claims," be interpreted broadly. This Agreement does not release Claims by private individuals. It is the intent of the Parties that Claims by private individuals be treated in accordance with applicable law. Released Claims is also used herein to describe claims brought by a Later Litigating Subdivision or other non-party Subdivision that would have been Released Claims if they had been brought by a Releasor against a Released Entity.


HHH.                "Released Entities." With respect to Released Claims, the Settling Distributors and (1) all past and present subsidiaries, divisions, predecessors, successors, and assigns (in each case, whether direct or indirect) of each Settling Distributor; (2) all past and present subsidiaries and divisions (in each case, whether direct or indirect) of any entity described in subsection (1); (3) the respective past and present officers, directors, members, trustees, and employees of any of the foregoing (each for actions that occurred during and related to their work for, or employment with, any of the Settling Distributors or the foregoing entities); (4) all past and present joint ventures (whether direct or indirect) of each Settling Distributor or its subsidiaries, including in any Settling Distributor or subsidiary's capacity as a participating member in such joint venture; (5) all direct or indirect parents and shareholders of the Settling Distributors (solely in their capacity as parents or shareholders of the applicable Settling Distributor with respect to Covered Conduct); and (6) any insurer of any Settling Distributor or any person or entity otherwise described in subsections (1)-(5) (solely in its role as insurer of such person or entity and subject to the last sentence of Section XI.C). Any person or entity described in subsections (3)-(6) shall be a Released Entity solely in the capacity described in such clause and shall not be a Released Entity with respect to its conduct in any other capacity. For the avoidance of doubt, CVS Health Corp., Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc., and Walmart Inc. (collectively, the "Pharmacies") are not Released Entities, nor are their direct or indirect past or present subsidiaries, divisions, predecessors, successors, assigns, joint ventures, shareholders, officers, directors, members, trustees, or employees (shareholders, officers, directors, members, trustees, and employees for actions related to their work for, employment with, or involvement with the Pharmacies) Released Entities. Notwithstanding the prior sentence, any joint venture or past or present subsidiary of a Settling Distributor is a Released Entity, including any joint venture between a Settling Distributor or any Settling Distributor's subsidiary and a Pharmacy (or any subsidiary of a Pharmacy); provided, however, that any joint venture partner of a Settling Distributor or a Settling Distributor's subsidiary is not a Released Entity unless it falls within subsections (1)-(6) above. Lists of Settling Distributors' subsidiaries, joint ventures, and predecessor entities are appended to this Agreement as Exhibit J. With respect to joint ventures (including predecessor entities), only entities listed on Exhibit J are Released Entities. With respect to wholly-owned subsidiaries (including predecessor entities), Exhibit J represents a good faith effort by the Settling Distributors to list all such entities, but any and all wholly-owned subsidiaries (including predecessor entities) of any Settling Distributor are Released Entities, whether or not they are listed on Exhibit J. For the avoidance of doubt, any entity acquired, or joint venture entered into, by a Settling Distributor after the Reference Date is not a Released Entity.


III.                          "Releasors." With respect to Released Claims, (1) each Settling State; (2) each Participating Subdivision; and (3) without limitation and to the maximum extent of the







power of each Settling State's Attorney General and/or Participating Subdivision to release Claims, (a) the Settling State's and Participating Subdivision's departments, agencies, divisions, boards, commissions, Subdivisions, districts, instrumentalities of any kind and attorneys, including its Attorney General, and any person in his or her official capacity whether elected or appointed to serve any of the foregoing and any agency, person, or other entity claiming by or through any of the foregoing, (b) any public entities, public instrumentalities, public educational institutions, unincorporated districts, fire districts, irrigation districts, and other Special Districts in a Settling State, and (c) any person or entity acting in a parens patriae, sovereign, quasi- sovereign, private attorney general, qui tam, taxpayer, or other capacity seeking relief on behalf of or generally applicable to the general public with respect to a Settling State or Subdivision in a Settling State, whether or not any of them participate in this Agreement. The inclusion of a specific reference to a type of entity in this definition shall not be construed as meaning that the entity is not a Subdivision. Each Settling State's Attorney General represents that he or she has or has obtained (or will obtain no later than the Initial Participation Date) the authority set forth in Section XI.G. In addition to being a Releasor as provided herein, a Participating Subdivision shall also provide the Subdivision Settlement Participation Form referenced in Section VII providing for a release to the fullest extent of the Participating Subdivision's authority.


JJJ.                     "Revocation Event." With respect to a Bar, Settlement Class Resolution, or Case-Specific Resolution, a revocation, rescission, reversal, overruling, or interpretation that in any way limits the effect of such Bar, Settlement Class Resolution, or Case-Specific Resolution on Released Claims, or any other action or event that otherwise deprives the Bar, Settlement Class Resolution, or Case-Specific Resolution of force or effect in any material respect.


KKK.                     "Settlement Class Resolution." A class action resolution in a court of competent jurisdiction in a Settling State (that is not successfully removed to federal court) with respect to a class of Subdivisions in that State that (1) conforms with that Settling State's statutes, case law, and rules of procedure regarding class actions; (2) is approved and entered as an order of a court of competent jurisdiction in that State and such order has become a Final Order; (3) is binding on all Non-Participating Subdivisions in that State (other than opt outs as permitted under the next sentence); (4) provides that all such Non-Participating Subdivisions may not bring any Released Claims against any Released Entities, whether on the ground of this Agreement (or the releases herein) or otherwise; and (5) does not impose any costs or obligations on Settling Distributors other than those provided for in this Agreement, or contain any provision inconsistent with any provision of this Agreement. If applicable state law requires that opt-out rights be afforded to members of the class, a class action resolution otherwise meeting the foregoing requirements shall qualify as a Settlement Class Resolution unless Subdivisions collectively representing more than one percent (1%) of the total population of that State opt out. In seeking certification of any Settlement Class, the applicable State and Participating Subdivisions shall make clear that certification is sought solely for settlement purposes and shall have no applicability beyond approval of the settlement for which certification is sought. Nothing in this Agreement constitutes an admission by any Party that class certification would be appropriate for litigation purposes in any case or for purposes unrelated to this Agreement.


LLL.                     "Settlement Fund." The interest-bearing fund established pursuant to this Agreement into which the Annual Payments are made under Section IV.







MMM.                     "Settlement Fund Administrator." The entity that annually determines the Annual Payment (including calculating Incentive Payments pursuant to Section IV and any amounts subject to suspension, offset, or reduction pursuant to Section XII and Section XIII), annually determines the Participation Tier pursuant to Section VIII.C, administers the Settlement Fund, and distributes amounts into the Abatement Accounts Fund, State Fund, and Subdivision Fund pursuant to this Agreement. The duties of the Settlement Fund Administrator shall be governed by this Agreement. Prior to the Initial Participation Date, the Settling Distributors and the Enforcement Committee shall agree to selection and removal processes for and the identity of the Settlement Fund Administrator, and a detailed description of the Settlement Fund Administrator's duties and responsibilities, including a detailed mechanism for paying the Settlement Fund Administrator's fees and costs, all of which shall be appended to the Agreement as Exhibit L.


NNN.                     "Settlement Fund Escrow." The interest-bearing escrow fund established pursuant to this Agreement to hold disputed or suspended payments made under this Agreement, and to hold the first Annual Payment until the Effective Date.


OOO.                     "Settlement Payment Schedule." The schedule attached to this Agreement as Exhibit M.


PPP.                     "Settlement Prepayment." As defined in Section IV.J.1.


QQQ.                     "Settlement Prepayment Reduction Schedule." As defined in Section IV.J.1.


RRR.                     "Settling Distributors." McKesson Corporation, Cardinal Health, Inc., and AmerisourceBergen Corporation (each, a "Settling Distributor").


SSS.                     "Settling State." A State that has entered into this Agreement with all Settling Distributors and delivers executed releases in accordance with Section VIII.A.


TTT.                     "State." With the exception of West Virginia, which has addressed its claims separately and is excluded from participation in this Agreement, the states, commonwealths, and territories of the United States of America, as well as the District of Columbia. The 55 States are listed in Exhibit F. Additionally, the use of non-capitalized "state" to describe something (e.g., "state court") shall also be read to include parallel entities in commonwealths, territories, and the District of Columbia (e.g., "territorial court").


UUU.                     "State Fund." The component of the Settlement Fund described in Section V.C.


VVV.                     "State-Subdivision Agreement." An agreement that a Settling State reaches with the Subdivisions in that State regarding the allocation, distribution, and/or use of funds allocated to that State and to its Subdivisions. A State-Subdivision Agreement shall be effective if approved pursuant to the provisions of Exhibit O or if adopted by statute. Preexisting agreements addressing funds other than those allocated pursuant to this Agreement shall qualify if the approval requirements of Exhibit O are met. A State and its Subdivisions may revise a State-Subdivision Agreement if approved pursuant to the provisions of Exhibit O, or if such revision is adopted by statute.







WWW.                     "Statutory Trust." A trust fund established by state law to receive funds allocated to a Settling State's Abatement Accounts Fund and restrict any expenditures made using funds from such Settling State's Abatement Accounts Fund to Opioid Remediation, subject to reasonable administrative expenses. A State may give a Statutory Trust authority to allocate one (1) or more of the three (3) types of funds comprising such State's Settlement Fund, but this is not required.


XXX.       "Subdivision." Any (1) General Purpose Government (including, but not limited to, a municipality, county, county subdivision, city, town, township, parish, village, borough, gore, or any other entities that provide municipal-type government), School District, or Special District within a State, and (2) any other subdivision or subdivision official or sub-entity of or located within a State (whether political, geographical or otherwise, whether functioning or non-functioning, regardless of population overlap, and including, but not limited to, Nonfunctioning Governmental Units and public institutions) that has filed a lawsuit that includes a Released Claim against a Released Entity in a direct, parens patriae, or any other capacity. "General Purpose Government," "School District," and "Special District" shall correspond to the "five basic types of local governments" recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau and match the 2017 list of Governmental Units.2 The three (3) General Purpose Governments are county, municipal, and township governments; the two (2) special purpose governments are School Districts and Special Districts.3 "Fire District," "Health District," "Hospital District," and "Library District" shall correspond to categories of Special Districts recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau.4 References to a State's Subdivisions or to a Subdivision "in," "of," or "within" a State include Subdivisions located within the State even if they are not formally or legally a sub-entity of the State; provided, however, that a "Health District" that includes any of the following words or phrases in its name shall not be considered a Subdivision: mosquito, pest, insect, spray, vector, animal, air quality, air pollution, clean air, coastal water, tuberculosis, and sanitary.


YYY.                     "Subdivision Allocation Percentage." The portion of a Settling State's Subdivision Fund set forth in Exhibit G that a Subdivision will receive pursuant to Section V.C or Section V.D if it becomes a Participating Subdivision. The aggregate Subdivision Allocation Percentage of all Subdivisions receiving a Subdivision Allocation Percentage in each State shall equal one hundred percent (100%). Immediately upon the effectiveness of any State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution allowed by Section V.D.3 (or upon the effectiveness of an amendment to any State-Subdivision Agreement,



2 https://www.census.gov/data/datasets/2017/econ/gus/public-use-files.html

3 E.g., U.S. Census Bureau, "Technical Documentation: 2017 Public Use Files for State and Local Government Organization" at 7 (noting that "the Census Bureau recognizes five basic types of local governments," that three of those are "general purpose governments" (county governments, municipal governments, and township governments), and that the other two are "school district and special district governments"), https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/gus/datasets/2017/2017_gov_org_meth_tech_doc.pdf.

4 A list of 2017 Government Units provided by the Census Bureau identifies 38,542 Special Districts and categorizes them by "FUNCTION_NAME." "Govt_Units_2017_Final" spreadsheet, "Special District" sheet, included in "Independent Governments - list of governments with reference information," https://www.census.gov/data/datasets/2017/econ/gus/public-use-files.html. As used herein, "Fire District" corresponds to Special District function name "24 - Local Fire Protection," "Health District" corresponds to Special District function name "32 - Health," "Hospital District" corresponds to Special District function name "40 - Hospitals," and "Library District" corresponds to Special District function name "52 - Libraries." See id.







Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution allowed by Section V.D.3) that addresses allocation from the Subdivision Fund, or upon any, whether before or after the Initial Participation Date, Exhibit G will automatically be amended to reflect the allocation from the Subdivision Fund pursuant to the State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution allowed by Section V.D.3. The Subdivision Allocation Percentages contained in Exhibit G may not change once notice is distributed pursuant to Section VII.A, except upon the effectiveness of any State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution allowed by Section V.D.3 (or upon the effectiveness of an amendment to any State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution allowed by Section V.D.3) that addresses allocation from the Subdivision Fund. For the avoidance of doubt, no Subdivision not listed on Exhibit G shall receive an allocation from the Subdivision Fund and no provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted to create such an entitlement.


ZZZ.                     "Subdivision Fund." The component of the Settlement Fund described in Section V.C.


AAAA.                     "Subdivision Settlement Participation Form." The form attached as Exhibit K that Participating Subdivisions must execute and return to the Settlement Fund Administrator.


BBBB.                     "Suspension Amount." The amount calculated as follows: the per capita amount corresponding to the applicable Participation Tier as set forth in Exhibit D multiplied by the population of the Later Litigating Subdivision.


CCCC.                     "Suspension Cap." The amount calculated as follows: the suspension percentage corresponding to the applicable Participation Tier as set forth in Exhibit D multiplied by the amount of the relevant Annual Payment apportioned to the State of the Later Litigating Subdivision and to Subdivisions in that State in each year of the suspension.


DDDD.                     "Suspension Deadline." With respect to a lawsuit filed by a Later Litigating Subdivision asserting a Released Claim, the deadline set forth in Exhibit D corresponding to the applicable Participation Tier.


EEEE.                     "Threshold Motion." A motion to dismiss or equivalent dispositive motion made at the outset of litigation under applicable procedure. A Threshold Motion must include as potential grounds for dismissal any applicable Bar or the relevant release by a Settling State or Participating Subdivision provided under this Agreement and, where appropriate under applicable law, any applicable limitations defense.


FFFF.                     "Tribal/W. Va. Subdivision Credit." The Tribal/W. Va. Subdivision Credit shall equal 2.58% of the Global Settlement Abatement Amount.


GGGG.                     "Trigger Date." In the case of a Primary Subdivision, the Reference Date. In the case of all other Subdivisions, the Preliminary Agreement Date.







II.Participation by States and Condition to Preliminary Agreement


A.                 Notice to States. On July 22, 2021 this Agreement shall be distributed to all States. The States' Attorneys General shall then have a period of thirty (30) calendar days to decide whether to become Settling States. States that determine to become Settling States shall so notify the National Association of Attorneys General and Settling Distributors and shall further commit to obtaining any necessary additional State releases prior to the Reference Date. This notice period may be extended by written agreement of the Settling Distributors and the Enforcement Committee.


B.                 Condition to Preliminary Agreement. Following the notice period set forth in Section II.A above, the Settling Distributors shall determine on or before the Preliminary Agreement Date whether, in their sole discretion, enough States have agreed to become Settling States to proceed with notice to Subdivisions as set forth in Section VII below. If the Settling Distributors determine that this condition has been satisfied, and that notice to the Litigating Subdivisions should proceed, they will so notify the Settling States by providing notice to the Enforcement Committee and Settlement Fund Administrator on the Preliminary Agreement Date. If the Settling Distributors determine that this condition has not been satisfied, they will so notify the Settling States by providing notice to the Enforcement Committee and Settlement Fund Administrator, and this Agreement will have no further effect and all releases and other commitments or obligations contained herein will be void.


C.                 Later Joinder by States. After the Preliminary Agreement Date, a State may only become a Settling State with the consent of the Settling Distributors, in their sole discretion. If a State becomes a Settling State more than sixty (60) calendar days after the Preliminary Agreement Date, but on or before January 1, 2022, the Subdivisions in that State that become Participating Subdivisions within ninety (90) calendar days of the State becoming a Settling State shall be considered Initial Participating Subdvisions. A State may not become a Settling State after January 1, 2022.


D.                 Litigation Activity. Following the Preliminary Agreement Date, States that determine to become Settling States shall make best efforts to cease litigation activity against Settling Distributors, including by jointly seeking stays or severance of claim against the Settling Distributors, where feasible, and otherwise to minimize such activity by means of agreed deadline extensions and agreed postponement of depositions, document productions, and motion practice if a motion to stay or sever is not feasible or is denied.


III.Injunctive Relief


A.                 Injunctive Relief. As part of the Consent Judgment, the Parties agree to the entry of the injunctive relief terms attached in Exhibit P.


IV.Settlement Payments


A.                 Settlement Fund. All payments under this Section IV shall be made into the Settlement Fund, except that, where specified, they shall be made into the Settlement Fund Escrow. The Settlement Fund shall be allocated and used only as specified in Section V.







B.                 Annual Payments. The Settling Distributors shall make eighteen (18) Annual Payments, each comprised of base and incentive payments as provided in this Section IV, as well as fifty percent (50%) of the amount of any Settlement Fund Administrator costs and fees that exceed the available interest accrued in the Settlement Fund as provided in Section V.C.5, and as determined by the Settlement Fund Administrator as set forth in this Agreement.


1.                   All data relevant to the determination of the Annual Payment and allocations to Settling States and their Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G shall be submitted to the Settlement Fund Administrator no later than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the Payment Date for each Annual Payment. The Settlement Fund Administrator shall then determine the Annual Payment, the amount to be paid to each Settling State and its Participating Subdivisions included on Exhibit G, and the amount of any Settlement Fund Administrator costs and fees, all consistent with the provisions in Exhibit L, by:


a.                   determining, for each Settling State, the amount of base and incentive payments to which the State is entitled by applying the criteria under Section IV.D, Section IV.E, and Section IV.F;


b.                   applying any suspensions, offsets, or reductions as specified under Section IV, Section XII, and Section XIII;


c.                   applying any adjustment required as a result of prepayment or significant financial constraint, as specified under Section IV.J and Section IV.K;


d.                   determining the amount of any Settlement Fund Administrator costs and fees that exceed the available interest accrued in the Settlement Fund, as well as the amounts, if any, of such costs and fees owed by Settling Distributors and out of the Settlement Fund pursuant to Section V.C.5;


e.                   determining the total amount owed by Settling Distributors (including any amounts to be held in the Settlement Fund Escrow pending resolution of a case by a Later Litigating Subdivision as described in Section XII) to all Settling States and the Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G; and


f.                    the Settlement Fund Administrator shall then allocate, after subtracting the portion of any Settlement Fund Administrator costs and fees owed out of funds from the Settlement Fund pursuant to Section V.C.5, the Annual Payment pursuant to Section V.C and Section V.D among the Settling States, among the separate types of funds for each Settling State (if applicable), and among the Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G.


2.                   The Settlement Fund Administrator shall also apply the allocation percentages set forth in Section IV.I and determine for each Settling Distributor the amount of its allocable share of the Annual Payment. For the avoidance of doubt, each Settling Distributor's liability for its share of the Annual Payment is several, and not joint.







3.                   As soon as possible, but no later than fifty (50) calendar days prior to the Payment Date for each Annual Payment and following the determination described in Section IV.B.1 and Section IV.B.2, the Settlement Fund Administrator shall give notice to the Settling Distributors, the Settling States, and the Enforcement Committee of the amount of the Annual Payment (including the amount of the Settlement Fund to be allocated to the Settlement Fund Administrator in costs and fees pursuant to Section V.C.5), the amount to be received by each Settling State, the amount to be received by the separate types of funds for each Settling State (if applicable), and the amount to be received by each Settling State's Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G. The Settlement Fund Administrator shall also give notice to each Settling Distributor of the amount of its allocable share of the Annual Payment, including its allocable share of the amount of any Settlement Fund Administrator costs and fees that exceed the available interest accrued in the Settlement Fund pursuant to Section V.C.5.


4.                   Within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the notice provided by the Settlement Fund Administrator, any party may dispute, in writing, the calculation of the Annual Payment (including the amount allocated for Settlement Fund Administrator costs and fees), or the amount to be received by a Settling State and/or its Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G. Such disputing party must provide a written notice of dispute to the Settlement Fund Administrator, the Enforcement Committee, any affected Settling State, and the Settling Distributors identifying the nature of the dispute, the amount of money that is disputed, and the Settling State(s) affected.


5.                   Within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the sending of a written notice of dispute, any affected party may submit a response, in writing, to the Settlement Fund Administrator, the Enforcement Committee, any affected Settling State, and the Settling Distributors identifying the basis for disagreement with the notice of dispute.


6.                   If no response is filed, the Settlement Fund Administrator shall adjust the amount calculated consistent with the written notice of dispute, and each Settling Distributor shall pay its allocable share of the adjusted amount, collectively totaling that year's Annual Payment, on the Payment Date. If a written response to the written notice of dispute is timely sent to the Settlement Fund Administrator, the Settlement Fund Administrator shall notify the Settling Distributors of the preliminary amount to be paid, which shall be the greater of the amount originally calculated by the Settling Administrator or the amount that would be consistent with the notice of dispute, provided, however, that in no circumstances shall the preliminary amount to be paid be higher than the maximum amount of Base and Incentive Payments A and D for that Payment Year as set forth on Exhibit M. For the avoidance of doubt, a transfer of suspended payments from the Settlement Fund Escrow pursuant to Section XII.A.2 does not count toward determining whether the amount to be paid is higher than the maximum amount of Base and Incentive Payments A and D for that Payment Year as set forth on Exhibit M.


7.                   The Settlement Fund Administrator shall place any disputed amount of the preliminary amount paid by the Settling Distributors into the Settlement Fund Escrow and shall disburse any undisputed amount to each Settling State and its Participating







Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G within fifteen (15) calendar days of the Payment Date or at such later time as directed by each Settling State.


8.                   Disputes described in this subsection shall be resolved in accordance with the terms of Section VI.F.


9.                   For the avoidance of doubt, no Subdivision not listed on Exhibit G shall receive an allocation from the Subdivision Fund and no provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted to create such an entitlement.


C.                 Procedure for Annual Payment in Payment Years 1 and 2. The process described in Section IV.B shall not apply to Payment Years 1 and 2. The procedure in lieu of Section IV.B.1 for Payment Years 1 and 2 is as set forth below:


1.                   The Payment Date for Payment Year 1 is September 30, 2021. Provided that the condition set forth in Section II.B has been satisfied, on or before such date, the Settling Distributors shall pay into the Settlement Fund Escrow the total amount of the base payment, Incentive Payment A for the Settling States (the amount specified in Exhibit M for Payment Year 1 reduced by the allocable share of any Non-Settling States), and the Settling Distributors' allocable share of the amount of any Settlement Fund Administrator costs and fees that exceed the available interest accrued in the Settlement Fund pursuant to Section V.C.5. In the event that, in accordance with the terms of Section VIII.A, the Settling Distributors determine not to proceed with the Settlement, or the Settlement does not become effective for any other reason, the funds held in the Settlement Fund Escrow shall immediately revert to the Settling Distributors. If the condition set forth in Section VIII.A is met, the Settlement Fund Administrator shall allocate the Annual Payment, after subtracting the portion of Settlement Fund Administrator costs and fees owed out of funds from the Settlement Fund pursuant to Section V.C.5, pursuant to Section V.C and Section V.D among the Settling States and their Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G. The portion of any Settlement Fund Administrator costs and fees owed out of funds from the Settlement Fund pursuant to Section V.C.5 shall be available to the Settlement Fund Administrator for the payment of such costs and fees immediately. The remainder of the Annual Payment for Payment Year 1 shall be transferred by the Settlement Fund Administrator on the Effective Date from the Settlement Fund Escrow to the Settlement Fund and then to each Settling State and to its Initial Participating Subdivisions included on Exhibit G; provided, however, that for any Settling State where the Consent Judgment has not been entered as of the Effective Date, the funds allocable to that Settling State and its Participating Subdivisions included on Exhibit G shall not be transferred from the Settlement Fund Escrow or disbursed until ten (10) calendar days after the entry of the Consent Judgment in that State; and, provided, further, the Settlement Fund Administrator shall leave in the Settlement Fund Escrow funds allocated to Subdivisions included on Exhibit G that are not Initial Participating Subdivisions. Should such a Subdivision become a Participating Subdivision between the Initial Participation Date and the Effective Date, the allocation for such Participating Subdivision shall be transferred to the Settlement Fund and paid to the Participating Subdivision at the same time as Initial Participating Subdivisions in that State are paid.







2.                   The Payment Date for Payment Year 2 is July 15, 2022. On or before such date, the Settling Distributors shall pay into the Settlement Fund the total amount of the base payment, Incentive Payment A for the Settling States (the amount specified in Exhibit M for Payment Year 2 reduced by the allocable share of any Non-Settling States), and the Settling Distributors' allocable share of the amount of any Settlement Fund Administrator costs and fees that exceed the available interest accrued in the Settlement Fund pursuant to Section V.C.5. The portion of any Settlement Fund Administrator costs and fees owed out of funds from the Settlement Fund pursuant to Section V.C.5 shall be available to the Settlement Fund Administrator for the payment of such costs and fees immediately. The Settlement Fund Administrator shall disburse the remaining amounts to each Settling State and to its Participating Subdivisions included on Exhibit G within fifteen (15) calendar days of the Payment Date or at such later time as directed by each Settling State. If a Settling State enacts a legislative Bar after the Initial Participation Date, but before July 15, 2022, a Subdivision that meets the requirements for becoming a Participating Subdivision under Section VII prior to July 15, 2022 (but was not an Initial Participating Subdivision) shall be eligible to receive its allocated share (if any) for Payment Year 2, and it shall also receive any amounts allocated to it for Payment Year 1 from the Settlement Fund Escrow.


3.                   Any amounts remaining in the Settlement Fund Escrow for allocations to Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G that have not become Participating Subdivisions after all payments for Payment Year 2 are disbursed shall be transferred to the Settlement Fund and disbursed to the appropriate sub-funds in each Settling State pursuant to Section V.D.5.


4.                     Any disputes as to the allocation of the Annual Payments in Payment Years 1 and 2 shall be resolved pursuant to the process set forth in Section IV.B.3 through Section IV.B.8, except that in Payment Year 1, the Settlement Fund Administrator shall have until ten (10) calendar days after the Initial Participation Date to give notice of the amount to be received by each Settling State, the amount to be received by the separate types of funds for each Settling State (if applicable), and the amount to be received by each Initial Participating Subdivision in the Settling States that is listed on Exhibit G.


D.                 Payment Date for Subsequent Payment Years. The Payment Date for Payment Year 3 and successive Payment Years is July 15 of the third and successive years and the Annual Payment shall be made pursuant to the process set forth in Section IV.B, except that, with respect to Payment Year 3, Settling States shall have up to the Payment Date to become eligible for Incentive Payment A and thus avoid the reductions set forth in Section XIII. If a Settling State enacts a Bar less than sixty (60) calendar days before the Payment Date for Payment Year 3, each Settling Distributor shall pay, within thirty (30) calendar days of the Payment Year 3 Payment Date, its allocable share, pursuant to Section IV.I, of the difference between the Annual Payment as calculated by the Settlement Fund Administrator and the amount that would have been owed had the Settlement Fund Administrator taken the Bar into account.


E.                  Base Payments. Subject to the suspension, reduction, and offset provisions set forth in Section XII and Section XIII, the Settling Distributors shall collectively make base








payments equal to fifty-five percent (55%) of the Net Abatement Amount multiplied by the aggregate Overall Allocation Percentage of the Settling States. These payments will be due in installments consistent with Exhibit M over the eighteen (18) Payment Years and as adjusted by the Settlement Fund Administrator pursuant to the provisions in Section IV, Section XII, and Section XIII.


F.         Incentive Payments. Subject to the suspension, offset, and reduction provisions set forth in Section XII and Section XIII, the Settling Distributors shall collectively make potential additional incentive payments totaling up to a maximum of forty-five percent (45%) of the Net Abatement Amount multiplied by the aggregate Overall Allocation Percentage of the Settling States, with the actual amount depending on whether and the extent to which the criteria set forth below are met in each Settling State. The incentive payments shall be divided among four (4) categories, referred to as Incentive Payments A-D. Incentive Payments A-C will be due in installments over the eighteen (18) Payment Years, and Incentive Payment D will be due in installments over thirteen (13) years beginning with Payment Year 6. The total amount of incentive payments in an Annual Payment shall be the sum of the incentive payments for which individual Settling States are eligible for that Payment Year under the criteria set forth below. The incentive payments shall be made with respect to a specific Settling State based on its eligibility for that year under the criteria set forth below.


1.                   Incentive Payment A. Incentive Payment A shall be equal to forty percent (40%) of the Net Abatement Amount multiplied by the aggregate Overall Allocation Percentage of the Settling States, provided all Settling States satisfy the requirements of Incentive Payment A. Incentive Payment A will be due to a Settling State as part of the Annual Payment in each of the eighteen (18) Payment Years that a Settling State is eligible for Incentive Payment A and shall equal a total potential maximum of $7,421,605,477 if all States are eligible for all eighteen (18) Payment Years. Each Settling State's share of Incentive Payment A in a given year, provided that Settling State is eligible, shall equal the total maximum amount available for Incentive Payment A for that year as reflected in Exhibit M times the Settling State's Overall Allocation Percentage. Eligibility for Incentive Payment A is as follows:


a.                   For the Payment Years 1 and 2, all Settling States are deemed eligible for Incentive Payment A.


b.                   For each Payment Year other than Payment Years 1 and 2, a Settling State is eligible for Incentive Payment A if, as of sixty (60) calendar days prior to the Payment Date (except that in Payment Year 3, this date is as of the Payment Date), (i) there is a Bar in that State in full force and effect, (ii) there is a Settlement Class Resolution in that State in full force and effect, (iii) the Released Claims of all of the following entities are released through the execution of Subdivision Settlement Participation Forms, or there is a Case-Specific Resolution against such entities: all Primary Subdivisions, Litigating Subdivisions, School Districts with a K-12 student enrollment of at least 25,000 or .10% of a State's population, whichever is greater, and Health Districts and Hospital Districts that have at least one hundred twenty-five (125) hospital beds in one or more hospitals rendering services in that district; or (iv) a combination of







the actions in clauses (i)-(iii) has achieved the same level of resolution of Claims by Subdivisions (e.g., a Bar against future litigation combined with full joinder by Litigating Subdivisions). For the avoidance of doubt, subsection (iv) cannot be satisfied unless all Litigating Subdivisions are Participating Subdivisions or there is a Case-Specific Resolution against any such Subdivisions that are not Participating Subdivisions. The Settling Distributors and the Enforcement Committee shall meet and confer in order to agree on data sources for purposes of this Section prior to the Preliminary Agreement Date.


c.         Notwithstanding Section IV.F.1.b, for each Payment Year other than Payment Years 1 and 2, a Settling State that is not eligible for Incentive Payment A as of the Incentive Payment Final Eligibility Date shall not be eligible for Incentive Payment A for that Payment Year or any subsequent Payment Years.


d.         If the Settling Distributors made a payment under Incentive Payment A solely on the basis of a Bar or Settlement Class Resolution in a Settling State and that Bar or Settlement Class Resolution is subsequently removed, revoked, rescinded, reversed, overruled, interpreted in a manner to limit the scope of the release, or otherwise deprived of force or effect in any material respect, that Settling State shall not be eligible for Incentive Payment A thereafter, unless the State requalifies for Incentive Payment A through any method pursuant to Section IV.F.1.b, in which case the Settling State shall be eligible for Incentive Payment A less any litigation fees and costs incurred by Settling Distributor in the interim, except that, if the re-imposition occurs after the completion of opening statements in a trial involving a Released Claim, the Settling State shall not be eligible for Incentive Payment A (unless this exception is waived by the Settling Distributors).


e.         In determining the amount of Incentive Payment A that Settling Distributors will pay in a Payment Year and each Settling State's share, if any, of Incentive Payment A for that Payment Year, the Settlement Fund Administrator shall: (i) identify all Settling States that are eligible for Incentive Payment A; (ii) multiply the Overall Allocation Percentage for each such eligible Settling State by the maximum amount that Settling Distributors could owe with respect to Incentive Payment A for that Payment Year as listed on Exhibit M. The amount calculated in (ii) shall be the amount allocated to a Settling State eligible for Incentive Payment A for that Payment Year and the aggregate of each such amount for Settling States eligible for Incentive Payment A shall be the amount of Incentive Payment A Settling Distributors are obligated to pay in that Payment Year, all such amounts subject to the suspension, offset, and reduction provisions in Section XII and Section XIII.


2.         Incentive Payment B. Incentive Payment B shall be available to Settling States that are not eligible for Incentive Payment A for the applicable Payment Year. Incentive Payment B shall be equal to up to twenty-five percent (25%) of the Net Abatement Amount multiplied by the aggregate Overall Allocation Percentage of the







Settling States. Incentive Payment B will be due to a Settling State as part of the Annual Payment in each of the eighteen (18) Payment Years that a Settling State is eligible for Incentive Payment B and equal a total potential maximum of $4,638,503,423 if all States are eligible for all eighteen (18) Payment Years. Each Settling State's maximum share of Incentive Payment B in a given year shall equal the total maximum amount available for Incentive Payment B for that year as reflected in Exhibit M times the Settling State's Overall Allocation Percentage. Eligibility for Incentive Payment B is as follows:


a.         A Settling State is not eligible for Incentive Payment B for a Payment Year for which it is eligible for Incentive Payment A.


b.         Subject to Section IV.F.2.a, the amount of Incentive Payment B for which a Settling State is eligible in a Payment Year shall be a percentage of that State's maximum share of Incentive Payment B based on the extent to which (A) Litigating Subdivisions in the State are Participating Subdivisions or (B) there is a Case-Specific Resolution against Litigating Subdivisions in the State, collectively, "Incentive B Eligible Subdivisions." The percentage of the State's maximum share of Incentive Payment B that the State is eligible for in a Payment Year shall be determined according to the table below:


Percentage of Litigating
Subdivision Population
that is Incentive B
Eligible Subdivision
Incentive Payment B
Eligibility Percentage
Up to 85% 0%
85%+ 30%
86+ 40%
91+ 50%
95+ 60%
99%+ 95%
100% 100%




5 The "Percentage of Litigating Subdivision Population that is Incentive B Eligible Subdivision Population" shall be determined by the aggregate population of the Settling State's Litigating Subdivisions that are Incentive B Eligible Subdivisions divided by the aggregate population of the Settling State's Litigating Subdivisions. In calculating the Settling State's population that resides in Litigating Subdivisions, (a) the population of the Settling State's Litigating Subdivisions shall be the sum of the population of all Litigating Subdivisions in the Settling State, notwithstanding that persons may be included within the population of more than one Litigating Subdivision, and (b) the population that resides in Incentive B Eligible Subdivisions shall be the sum of the population of the Incentive B Eligible Subdivisions, notwithstanding that persons may be included within the population of more than one Incentive B Eligible Subdivision. An individual Litigating Subdivision shall not be included more than once in the numerator, and shall not be included more than once in the denominator, of the calculation regardless if it (or any of its officials) is named as multiple plaintiffs in the same lawsuit; provided, however, that for the avoidance of doubt, no Litigating Subdivision will be excluded from the numerator or denominator under this sentence unless a Litigating Subdivision otherwise counted in the denominator has the authority to release the Claims (consistent with Section XI) of the Litigating Subdivision to be excluded. For the avoidance of doubt, a Settling State in which the population that resides in Incentive B Eligible Subdivisions is less than eighty-five percent (85%) of the population of Litigating Subdivisions shall not be eligible for any portion of Incentive Payment B.







c.         In determining the amount that Settling Distributors will pay in a Payment Year under Incentive Payment B and each Settling State's share of Incentive Payment B for that Payment Year, the Settlement Fund Administrator shall: (i) identify all States that are eligible for Incentive Payment B because they are ineligible for Incentive Payment A; (ii) determine the Incentive Payment B eligibility percentage for each such Settling State; (iii) multiply the Incentive Payment B eligibility percentage for each such State by the Overall Allocation Percentage of that State; (iv) multiply the product from (iii) by the maximum amount that Settling Distributors could owe under Incentive Payment B for that Payment Year from Exhibit M. The amount calculated in (iv) shall be the amount allocated to a Settling State eligible for Incentive Payment B for that Payment Year, and the aggregate of such amounts for Settling States eligible for Incentive Payment B shall be the amount paid for that Payment Year by Settling Distributors with respect to Incentive Payment B, all such amounts subject to the suspension, offset, and reduction provisions in Section XII and Section XIII. If there are no Litigating Subdivisions in a Settling State, and that Settling State is otherwise eligible for Incentive Payment B, that Settling State will receive its full allocable share of Incentive Payment B.


d.         A Settling State's eligibility for Incentive Payment B for a Payment Year shall be determined as of sixty (60) calendar days prior to the Payment Date for that Payment Year; provided that the percentage of Incentive Payment B for which a Settling State is eligible as of the Incentive Payment Final Eligibility Date shall cap its eligibility for that Payment Year and all subsequent Payment Years.


3.         Incentive Payment C. Incentive Payment C shall be available to Settling States that are not eligible for Incentive Payment A for a Payment Year, including to Settling States that are also eligible for Incentive Payment B. Incentive Payment C shall be equal to up to fifteen percent (15%) of the Net Abatement Amount multiplied by the aggregate Overall Allocation Percentage of the Settling States. Incentive Payment C will be due to a Settling State as part of the Annual Payment in each of the eighteen (18) Payment Years that a Settling State is eligible for Incentive Payment C and equal a total potential maximum of $2,783,102,054 if all States are eligible for all eighteen (18) Payment Years. Each Settling State's maximum share of Incentive Payment C in a given year shall equal the total maximum amount available for Incentive Payment C for that year as reflected in Exhibit M multiplied by the Settling State's Overall Allocation Percentage. Eligibility for Incentive Payment C is as follows:


a.         A Settling State is not eligible for Incentive Payment C for a Payment Year in which it is eligible for Incentive Payment A.


b.         Subject to Section IV.F.3.a, the amount of Incentive Payment C for which a Settling State is eligible in a Payment Year shall be a percentage of the State's maximum share of Incentive Payment C based on the extent to which (A) Non-Litigating Subdivisions that are Primary Subdivisions with a population







over 30,000 and Litigating Subdivisions in the State are Participating Subdivisions or (B) there is a Case-Specific Resolution against Non-Litigating Subdivisions that are Primary Subdivisions with a population over 30,000 and Litigating Subdivisions in the State, collectively, "Incentive C Eligible Subdivisions." The percentage of the State's maximum share of Incentive Payment C that the State is eligible for in a Payment Year shall be determined according to the table below:


Percentage of Relevant
Subdivision Population
that is Incentive C
Eligible Population
Incentive Payment C
Eligibility Percentage
Up to 60% 0%
60%+ 25%
70%+ 35%
75%+ 40%
80%+ 45%
85%+ 55%
90%+ 60%
93%+ 65%
94%+ 75%
95+ 90%
98+ 95%
100% 100%


c.         In determining the amount that Settling Distributors will pay in a Payment Year under Incentive Payment C and each Settling State's share of Incentive Payment C for that Payment Year, the Settlement Fund Administrator shall: (i) identify all States that are eligible for Incentive Payment C because they are ineligible for Incentive Payment A; (ii) determine the Incentive Payment C eligibility percentage for each such Settling State; (iii) multiply the Incentive Payment C eligibility percentage for each such State by the Overall Allocation Percentage of that State; (iv) multiply the product from (iii) by the maximum



6 The "Percentage of Relevant Subdivision Population that is Incentive C Eligible Population" shall be determined by the aggregate population of the Settling State's Incentive C Eligible Subdivisions divided by the aggregate population of the Settling State's Non-Litigating Primary Subdivisions with a population over 30,000 and Litigating Subdivisions ("Incentive Payment C Subdivisions"). None of the population figures shall include Prior Litigating Subdivisions. In calculating the Settling State's population that resides in Incentive Payment C Subdivisions, (a) the population shall be the sum of the population of all Incentive Payment C Subdivisions in the Settling State, notwithstanding that persons may be included within the population of more than one Incentive Payment C Subdivision, and (b) the population that resides in Incentive C Eligible Subdivisions shall be the sum of the population of the Incentive C Eligible Subdivisions, notwithstanding that persons may be included within the population of more than one Incentive C Eligible Subdivision. An individual Incentive Payment C Subdivision shall not be included more than once in the numerator, and shall not be included more than once in the denominator, of the calculation regardless if it (or any of its officials) is named as multiple plaintiffs in the same lawsuit. For the avoidance of doubt, a Settling State in which the population that resides in Incentive C Eligible Subdivisions is less than sixty percent (60%) of the population of Incentive Payment C Subdivisions shall not be eligible for any portion of Incentive Payment C.







amount that Settling Distributors could owe under Incentive Payment C for that Payment Year from Exhibit M. The amount calculated in (iv) shall be the amount allocated to a Settling State eligible for Incentive Payment C for that Payment Year and the aggregate of such amounts for Settling States eligible for Incentive Payment C shall be the amount paid for that Payment Year by Settling Distributors with respect to Incentive Payment C, all such amounts subject to the suspension, offset, and reduction provisions in Section XII and Section XIII. If there are no Litigating Subdivisions or Non-Litigating Subdivisions that are Primary Subdivisions with a population of more than 30,000 in a Settling State, and that Settling State is otherwise eligible for Incentive Payment C, that Settling State will receive its full allocable share of Incentive Payment C.


d.         A Settling State's eligibility for Incentive Payment C for a Payment Year shall be determined as of sixty (60) calendar days prior to the Payment Date for that Payment Year; provided that the percentage of Incentive Payment C for which a Settling State is eligible as of the Incentive Payment Final Eligibility Date shall cap its eligibility for that Payment Year and all subsequent Payment Years.


4.         Incentive Payment D. Incentive Payment D shall be applied at Payment Year 6. Incentive Payment D shall be equal to five percent (5%) of the Net Abatement Amount multiplied by the aggregate Overall Allocation Percentage of the Settling States. Incentive Payment D will be due to a Settling State as part of the Annual Payment for each of thirteen (13) Payment Years (from Payment Year 6 to Payment Year 18) that any Settling State is eligible for Incentive Payment D and equal a total potential maximum of $927,700,685 if all States are eligible for all thirteen (13) Payment Years. Each Settling State's share of Incentive Payment D in a given year shall equal the total maximum amount available for Incentive Payment D for that year as reflected in Exhibit M times the Settling State's Overall Allocation Percentage. Eligibility for Incentive Payment D is as follows:


a.         A Settling State is eligible for Incentive Payment D if there has been no Later Litigating Subdivision in that State that has had a Claim against a Released Entity survive more than six (6) months after denial in whole or in part of a Threshold Motion.


b.         A Settling State's eligibility for Incentive Payment D shall be determined as of sixty (60) calendar days prior to the Payment Date. If a Later Litigating Subdivision's lawsuit in that State survives more than six (6) months after denial in whole or in part of a Threshold Motion after that date, that State shall not be eligible for Incentive Payment D for the Payment Year in which that occurs and any subsequent Payment Year.


c.         Notwithstanding Section IV.F.4, a Settling State can become re- eligible for Incentive Payment D if the lawsuit that survived a Threshold Motion is dismissed pursuant to a later motion on grounds included in the Threshold Motion, in which case the Settling State shall be eligible for Incentive Payment D







less any litigation fees and costs incurred by Settling Distributor in the interim, except that if the dismissal motion occurs after the completion of opening statements in such action, the Settling State shall not be eligible for Incentive Payment D.


d.         For the avoidance of doubt, a Settling State may be eligible for Incentive Payment D whether or not it is eligible for Incentive Payments A-C.


e.         In determining the amount of Incentive Payment D that Settling Distributors will pay in a Payment Year and each Settling State's share, if any, of Incentive Payment D for that Payment Year, the Settlement Fund Administrator shall: (i) identify all Settling States that are eligible for Incentive Payment D; (ii) multiply the Overall Allocation Percentage for each such eligible Settling State by the maximum amount that Settling Distributors could owe with respect to Incentive Payment D for that Payment Year listed on Exhibit M; and (iii) subtract any litigation fees and costs allowed to be deducted pursuant to Section IV.F.4.c. The amount calculated in (iii) shall be the amount allocated to a Settling State eligible for Incentive Payment D for that Payment Year and the aggregate of each such amount for Settling States eligible for Incentive Payment D shall be the amount of Incentive Payment D Settling Distributors are obligated to pay in that Payment Year, all such amounts subject to the suspension, reduction, and offset provisions in Section XII and Section XIII.


G.         Reductions/Offsets. The base and incentive payments are subject to suspension, offset, and reduction as provided in Section XII and Section XIII.


H.        State-Specific Agreements. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement or any other agreement, in the event that: (1) the Settling Distributors enter into an agreement with any Settling State that resolves with finality such Settling State's Claims consistent with Section XI of this Agreement and such agreement has an effective date prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement (such agreement, a "State-Specific Agreement") and (2) pursuant to the terms of the State-Specific Agreement, any payments, or any portion thereof, made by the Settling Distributors thereunder are made in lieu of any payments (for the avoidance of doubt, including the Additional Restitution Amount), or any portion thereof, to be made under this Agreement and the Settling Distributors make such a payment pursuant to the State-Specific Agreement, then the Settling Distributors will reduce any payments allocable to such Settling State (whether made to the Settlement Fund Escrow or the Settlement Fund) made pursuant to this Agreement to the extent such amount was already paid pursuant to the terms of the State- Specific Agreement.


I.        Allocation of Payments among Settling Distributors. Payments due from the Settling Distributors under this Section IV, Section IX, and Section X will be allocated among the Settling Distributors as follows: McKesson - 38.1%; Amerisource - 31.0%; Cardinal - 30.9%. A Settling Distributor's sole responsibility for payments under this Agreement shall be to make its share of each payment. The obligations of the Settling Distributors in this Agreement are several and not joint. No Settling Distributor shall be responsible for any portion of another Settling Distributor's share.







J.          Pre-payment Option.


1.          Any Settling Distributor shall have the right, subject to the limitations set forth in Section IV.J.3, to prepay any base payment or incentive payment in whole or in part, without premium or penalty (a "Settlement Prepayment") by providing at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior written notice to the Settlement Fund Administrator and Enforcement Committee (a "Prepayment Notice"). Any Prepayment Notice shall specify: (a) the gross amount of the Settlement Prepayment (the "Gross Settlement Amount"), (b) the manner in which such Settlement Prepayment shall be applied to reduce such Settling Distributor's future share of Annual Payments (i.e., to which future year(s) the allocable portion of an Annual Payment owed by such Settling Distributor the Settlement Prepayment should be applied) (such manner of application, a "Settlement Prepayment Reduction Schedule"), (c) the net present value of the Settlement Prepayment as of the Prepayment Date based on the Settlement Prepayment Reduction Schedule using a discount rate equal to the prime rate as published by the Wall Street Journal on the date of the Prepayment Notice plus 1.75% (such net present value amount, the "Net Settlement Prepayment Amount"), and (d) the date on which the prepayment will be made, which shall be no more than fifteen (15) calendar days after the date of the Prepayment Notice (the "Prepayment Date").


2.         On the Prepayment Date the Settling Distributor shall pay the Net Settlement Prepayment Amount to the Settlement Fund and such amount shall be used only as specified in Section V. Following such payment, all future portions of the Annual Payments allocated to the applicable Settling Distributor under Section IV.E and Section IV.F shall be reduced pursuant to the Settlement Prepayment Reduction Schedule, and the Exhibit M will be updated to give effect to such reduction, and going forward such updated schedule will be Exhibit M.


3.         A Settling Distributor's right to make prepayments shall be subject to the following limitations:


a.         Prepayments may apply to base payments or to both base and incentive payments. If the prepayment applies to both base and incentive payments, the prepayments will apply proportionately across base and incentive payments.


b.         A Settling Distributor shall make no more than three (3) prepayments over the eighteen (18) year payment term. A Settling Distributor shall not make more than one (1) prepayment in a five (5) year period and there shall not be prepayments made in the first two (2) Payment Years.


c.         Prepayments shall only be applied to one (1) or more of the three (3) Payment Years following the prepayment.


d.         The total amount of a prepayment of base payments after discounting calculations shall not be larger than the base payment for the Payment Year with the lowest Annual Payment amount affected by the prepayment. The







total amount of a prepayment for both base payments and incentive payments shall not be larger than the base payment and anticipated incentive payment for the lowest Payment Year affected by the prepayment. The "anticipated incentive payment" for a future Payment Year shall reflect the incentives earned by each Settling State as of the time of the prepayment and any offsets or adjustments known at that time.


e.         In a Payment Year against which there has been a prepayment, if the amount a Settling State is calculated to receive is greater than the amount prepaid prior to discounting calculations, the Settling Distributor shall pay the difference. If, in a Payment Year for which there has been a prepayment, the amount that a Settling State is calculated to receive is less than the amount calculated at the time of the prepayment, there shall be a credit for the difference to the Settling Distributor to be applied in the subsequent Payment Year(s), if any.


f.          Prepayments shall be applied proportionately to all Settling States.


4.          The Settling States may agree to a prepayment that does not apply these restrictions. Such a prepayment would need approval of Settling States representing at least ninety-five percent (95%) allocable share as measured by the allocations in Exhibit F; provided, however, that this provision does not limit or restrict any Settling State from negotiating its own prepayment with a Settling Distributor.


5.          For illustrative purposes only, attached as Exhibit Q are examples showing a Settlement Prepayment, the related calculation of the Net Settlement Prepayment Amount, and the related adjustment to the Settlement Payment Schedule.


K.         Significant Financial Constraint.


1.         A Settling Distributor's allocable share of the Annual Payment for a Payment Year may, at the election of such Settling Distributor, be deferred either (a) up to the amount by which that share plus such Settling Distributor's share of amounts payable under Section IX and Section X would exceed twenty percent (20%) of such Settling Distributor's total operating cash flow (as determined pursuant to United States generally accepted accounting principles) for its fiscal year that concluded most recently prior to the due date for that payment or (b) (i) up to twenty-five percent (25%) if, as of thirty (30) calendar days preceding that payment date, the company's credit rating from one or more of the three nationally recognized rating agencies is below BBB or Baa2 or (ii) up to one hundred percent (100%) if, as of thirty (30) calendar days preceding that payment date, the company's credit rating from one or more of the three nationally recognized rating agencies is below BBB- or Baa3. If the reason for exceeding twenty percent (20%) of a Settling Distributor's total operating cash flow or the decrease in credit rating is substantially attributable to the incurrence of debt to fund post-settlement acquisitions or to the payment of dividends and/or share repurchases that together are of an amount that exceeds the total amount of those two items for the prior fiscal year, no deferral is available. A Settling Distributor shall not be allowed to defer payment for a







Payment Year if that Settling Distributor engaged in any share repurchases in the three fiscal quarters prior to the Payment Date for that Payment Year.


2.          If a Settling Distributor has reason to believe that it will not be able to pay some or all of its allocable share of the Annual Payment for a Payment Year, it shall provide at least ninety (90) calendar days' prior written notice to the Settlement Fund Administrator and Enforcement Committee (a "Deferred Payment Notice"). Any Deferred Payment Notice shall specify and include: (a) the gross amount of the payments owed (including the estimated allocable portion of the Annual Payment, and amounts owed under Section IX and Section X, by the relevant Settling Distributor), (b) the amount that the Settling Distributor believes it will be unable to pay, (c) the accounting and audited financial documents upon which the Settling Distributor relied for making this determination, and (d) any other relevant information for the Enforcement Committee to consider.


3.          A Settling Distributor shall not utilize this provision during the first three (3) Payment Years. If a Settling Distributor defers some or all of the payments due in a Payment Year pursuant to this Section IV.K, it shall not repurchase any shares, or fund new acquisitions with an acquisition price greater than $250 million, during the deferral period until the deferred amount is fully repaid with interest. Any amounts deferred shall bear interest at an interest rate equal to the prime rate as published by the Wall Street Journal on the date of the Deferral Payment Notice plus 0.5%.


4.          The Settling Distributor shall pay all deferred amounts, including applicable interest on the next Payment Date. If the amounts previously deferred (including interest) together with the Settling Distributor's share of all payments due for a Payment Year would allow for a deferral under Section IV.K.1, the Settling Distributor shall pay as much of the previously deferred amounts (including interest) as it can pay without triggering the ability to defer payment and may defer the remainder as permitted under (and subject to the restrictions of) this Section IV.K.


5.          Deferrals will apply proportionally across base payments and incentive payments. For the avoidance of doubt, this Section IV.K applies fully to Payment Years after the first three (3) Payment Years, including the base payments and all incentive payments due pursuant to this Agreement during the Payment Year at issue.


6.          If a Settling Distributor could pay a portion of its allocable share of the Annual Payments due pursuant to this Agreement during a Payment Year without triggering this Section IV.K, the Settling Distributor shall be required to pay that portion as scheduled and only the excess would be subject to deferral at the election of the Settling Distributor (in whole or in part) as provided herein.


7.          The Settling Distributor shall pay any deferred amounts, including applicable interest on or before the date on which the payment is due for Payment Year 18.







V.Allocation and Use of Settlement Payments


A.        Components of Settlement Fund. The Settlement Fund shall be comprised of an Abatement Accounts Fund, a State Fund, and a Subdivision Fund for each Settling State. The payments made under Section IV into the Settlement Fund shall be initially allocated among those three (3) sub-funds and distributed and used as provided below. Payments placed into the Settlement Fund do not revert back to the Settling Distributors.


B.     Use of Settlement Payments.


1.                  It is the intent of the Parties that the payments disbursed from the Settlement Fund to Settling States and Participating Subdivisions be for Opioid Remediation, subject to exceptions that must be documented in accordance with Section V.B.2. In no event may less than eighty-five percent (85%) of the Settling Distributors' maximum amount of payments pursuant to Section IV, Section IX, and Section X as set forth on Exhibit M over the entirety of all Payments Years (but not any single Payment Year) be spent on Opioid Remediation.


2.                  While disfavored by the Parties, a Settling State or a Participating Subdivision set forth on Exhibit G may use monies from the Settlement Fund (that have not been restricted by this Agreement solely to future Opioid Remediation) for purposes that do not qualify as Opioid Remediation. If, at any time, a Settling State or a Participating Subdivision set forth on Exhibit G uses any monies from the Settlement Fund for a purpose that does not qualify as Opioid Remediation, such Settling State or Participating Subdivision set forth on Exhibit G shall identify such amounts and report to the Settlement Fund Administrator and the Settling Distributors how such funds were used, including if used to pay attorneys' fees, investigation costs, litigation costs, or costs related to the operation and enforcement of this Agreement, respectively. It is the intent of the Parties that the reporting under this Section V.B.2 shall be available to the public. For the avoidance of doubt, (a) any amounts not identified under this Section V.B.2 as used to pay attorneys' fees, investigation costs, or litigation costs shall be included in the "Compensatory Restitution Amount" for purposes of Section VI.F and (b) Participating Subdivisions not listed on Exhibit G may only use monies from the Settlement Fund for purposes that qualify as Opioid Remediation.


C.Allocation of Settlement Fund.


The allocation of the Settlement Fund allows for different approaches to be taken in different states, such as through a State-Subdivision Agreement. Given the uniqueness of States and their Subdivisions, Settling States and their Subdivisions are encouraged to enter into State- Subdivision Agreements in order to direct the allocation of their portion of the Settlement Fund. As set out below, the Settlement Fund Administrator will make an initial allocation to three (3) state-level sub-funds. The Settlement Fund Administrator will then, for each Settling State and its Participating Subdivisions, apply the terms of this Agreement and any relevant State-Subdivision Agreement, Statutory Trust, Allocation Statute, or voluntary redistribution of funds as set out below before disbursing the funds.







1.         Base Payments. The Settlement Fund Administrator will allocate base payments under Section IV.D among the Settling States in proportion to their respective Overall Allocation Percentages. Base payments for each Settling State will then be allocated fifteen percent (15%) to its State Fund, seventy percent (70%) to its Abatement Accounts Fund, and fifteen percent (15%) to its Subdivision Fund. Amounts may be reallocated and will be distributed as provided in Section V.D.


2.         Incentive Payments. The Settlement Fund Administrator will treat incentive payments under Section IV.F on a State-specific basis. Incentive payments for which a Settling State is eligible under Section IV.F will be allocated fifteen percent (15%) to its State Fund, seventy percent (70%) to its Abatement Accounts Fund, and fifteen percent (15%) to its Subdivision Fund. Amounts may be reallocated and will be distributed as provided in Section V.D.


3.         Application of Adjustments. If a suspension, offset, or reduction under Section XII or Section XIII applies with respect to a Settling State, the suspension, offset, or reduction shall be applied proportionally to all amounts that would otherwise be apportioned and distributed to the State Fund, the Abatement Accounts Fund, and the Subdivision Fund for that State.


4.         Settlement Fund Administrator. Prior to the Initial Participation Date, the Settling Distributors and the Enforcement Committee will agree to a detailed mechanism consistent with the foregoing for the Settlement Fund Administrator to follow in allocating, apportioning, and distributing payments, which shall then be appended hereto as Exhibit L.


5.         Settlement Fund Administrator Costs. Any costs and fees associated with or arising out of the duties of the Settlement Fund Administrator as described in Exhibit L shall be paid from the interest accrued in the Settlement Fund Escrow and the Settlement Fund; provided, however, that if such accrued interest is insufficient to pay the entirety of any such costs and fees, Settling Distributors shall pay fifty percent (50%) of the additional amount and fifty percent (50%) shall be paid out of the Settlement Fund.


D.Settlement Fund Reallocation and Distribution.


As set forth below, within a particular Settling State's account, amounts contained in the Settlement Fund sub-funds may be reallocated and distributed per a State-Subdivision Agreement or other means. If the apportionment of amounts is not addressed and controlled under Section V.D.1 and Section V.D.2, then the default provisions of Section V.D.4 apply. It is not necessary that a State-Subdivision Agreement or other means of allocating funds pursuant to Section V.D.1 and Section V.D.2 address all of the Settlement Fund sub-funds. For example, a Statutory Trust might only address disbursements from a Settling State's Abatement Accounts Fund.


1.         Distribution by State-Subdivision Agreement. If a Settling State has a State-Subdivision Agreement, amounts apportioned to that State's State Fund, Abatement Accounts Fund, and Subdivision Fund under Section V.C shall be reallocated and







distributed as provided by that agreement. Any State-Subdivision Agreement entered into after the Preliminary Agreement Date shall be applied only if it requires: (a) that all amounts be used for Opioid Remediation, except as allowed by Section V.B.2, and (b) that at least seventy percent (70%) of amounts be used solely for future Opioid Remediation.7 For a State-Subdivision Agreement to be applied to the relevant portion of an Annual Payment, notice must be provided to the Settling Distributors and the Settlement Fund Administrator at least sixty (60) calendar days prior to the Payment Date.


2.         Distribution by Allocation Statute. If a Settling State has an Allocation Statute and/or a Statutory Trust that addresses allocation or distribution of amounts apportioned to such State's State Fund, Abatement Accounts Fund, and/or Subdivision Fund and that, to the extent any or all such sub-funds are addressed, requires (1) all amounts to be used for Opioid Remediation, except as allowed by Section V.B.2, and (2) at least seventy percent (70%) of all amounts to be used solely for future Opioid Remediation,8 then, to the extent allocation or distribution is addressed, the amounts apportioned to that State's State Fund, Abatement Accounts Fund, and Subdivision Fund under Section V.C shall be allocated and distributed as addressed and provided by the applicable Allocation Statute or Statutory Trust. For the avoidance of doubt, an Allocation Statute or Statutory Trust need not address all three (3) sub-funds that comprise the Settlement Fund, and if the applicable Allocation Statute or Statutory Trust does not address distribution of all or some of these three (3) sub-funds, the applicable Allocation Statute or Statutory Trust does not replace the default provisions described in Section V.D.4 of any such unaddressed fund. For example, if an Allocation Statute or Statutory Trust that meets the requirements of this Section V.D.2 only addresses funds restricted to abatement, then the default provisions in this Agreement concerning allocation among the three (3) sub-funds comprising the Settlement Fund and the distribution of the State Fund and Subdivision Fund for that State would still apply, while the distribution of the applicable State's Abatement Accounts Fund would be governed by the qualifying Allocation Statute or Statutory Trust.


3.         Voluntary Redistribution. A Settling State may choose to reallocate all or a portion of its State Fund to its Abatement Accounts Fund. A Participating Subdivision included on Exhibit G may choose to reallocate all or a portion of its allocation from the Subdivision Fund to the State's Abatement Accounts Fund or to another Participating Subdivision. For a voluntary redistribution to be applied to the relevant portion of an Annual Payment, notice must be provided to the Settling Distributors and the Settlement Fund Administrator at least sixty (60) calendar days prior to the Payment Date.


4.         Distribution in the Absence of a State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, or Statutory Trust. If Section V.D.1 and Section V.D.2 do not apply, amounts



7 Future Opioid Remediation includes amounts paid to satisfy any future demand by another governmental entity to make a required reimbursement in connection with the past care and treatment of a person related to the Alleged Harms.

8 Future Opioid Remediation includes amounts paid to satisfy any future demand by another governmental entity to make a required reimbursement in connection with the past care and treatment of a person related to the Alleged Harms.







apportioned to that State's State Fund, Abatement Accounts Fund, and Subdivision Fund under Section V.C shall be distributed as follows:


a.         Amounts apportioned to that State's State Fund shall be distributed to that State.


b.         Amounts apportioned to that State's Abatement Accounts Fund shall be distributed consistent with Section V.E. Each Settling State shall submit to the Settlement Fund Administrator a designation of a lead state agency or other entity to serve as the single point of contact for that Settling State's funding requests from the Abatement Accounts Fund and other communications with the Settlement Fund Administrator. The designation of an individual entity is for administrative purposes only and such designation shall not limit funding to such entity or even require that such entity receive funds from this Agreement. The designated entity shall be the only entity authorized to request funds from the Settlement Fund Administrator to be disbursed from that Settling State's Abatement Accounts Fund. If a Settling State has established a Statutory Trust then that Settling State's single point of contact may direct the Settlement Fund Administrator to release the State's Abatement Accounts Fund to the Statutory Trust.


c.         Amounts apportioned to that State's Subdivision Fund shall be distributed to Participating Subdivisions in that State included on Exhibit G per the Subdivision Allocation Percentage listed in Exhibit G. Section VII.I shall govern amounts that would otherwise be distributed to Non-Participating Subdivisions listed in Exhibit G. For the avoidance of doubt and notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, no Non-Participating Subdivision will receive any amount from the Settlement Fund, regardless of whether such Subdivision is included on Exhibit G.


d.         Special Districts shall not be allocated funds from the Subdivision Fund, except through a voluntary redistribution allowed by Section V.D.3. A Settling State may allocate funds from its State Fund or Abatement Accounts Fund for Special Districts.


5.          Restrictions on Distribution. No amounts may be distributed from the Subdivision Fund contrary to Section VII, i.e., no amounts may be distributed directly to Non-Participating Subdivisions or to Later Participating Subdivisions to the extent such a distribution would violate Section VII.E through Section VII.H. Amounts allocated to the Subdivision Fund that cannot be distributed by virtue of the preceding sentence shall be distributed into the sub-account in the Abatement Accounts Fund for the Settling State in which the Subdivision is located, unless those payments are redirected elsewhere by a State-Subdivision Agreement described in Section V.D.1 or by an Allocation Statute or a Statutory Trust described in Section V.D.2.


E.Provisions Regarding the Abatement Accounts Fund.







1.          State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, and Statutory Trust Fund Provisions. A State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, or Statutory Trust may govern the operation and use of amounts in that State's Abatement Accounts Fund so long as it complies with the requirements of Section V.D.1 or Section V.D.2, as applicable, and all direct payments to Subdivisions comply with Section VII.E through Section VII.H.


2.          Absence of a State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, or Statutory Trust. In the absence of a State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, or Statutory Trust that addresses distribution, the Abatement Accounts Fund will be used solely for future Opioid Remediation9 and the following shall apply with respect to a Settling State:


a.         Regional Remediation.


(i)        At least fifty percent (50%) of distributions for remediation from a State's Abatement Accounts Fund shall be annually allocated and tracked to the regional level. A Settling State may allow the Advisory Committee established pursuant to Section V.E.2.d to define its regions and assign regional allocations percentages. Otherwise, a Settling State shall (A) define its initial regions, which shall consist of one (1) or more General Purpose Subdivisions and which shall be designated by the state agency with primary responsibility for substance abuse disorder services employing, to the maximum extent practical, existing regions established in that State for opioid abuse treatment or other public health purposes; (B)   assign initial regional allocation percentages to the regions based on the Subdivision Allocation Percentages in Exhibit G and an assumption that all Subdivisions included on Exhibit G will become Participating Subdivisions.


(ii)       This minimum regional expenditure percentage is calculated on the Settling State's initial Abatement Accounts Fund allocation and does not include any additional amounts a Settling State has directed to its Abatement Accounts Fund from its State Fund, or any other amounts directed to the fund. A Settling State may dedicate more than fifty percent (50%) of its Abatement Accounts Fund to the regional expenditure and may annually adjust the percentage of its Abatement Accounts Fund dedicated to regional expenditures as long as the percentage remains above the minimum amount.


(iii)      The Settling State (A) has the authority to adjust the definition of the regions, and (B) may annually revise the percentages



9 Future Opioid Remediation includes amounts paid to satisfy any future demand by another governmental entity to make a required reimbursement in connection with the past care and treatment of a person related to the Alleged Harms.







allocated to each region to reflect the number of General Purpose Subdivisions in each region that are Non-Participating Subdivisions.


b.        Subdivision Block Grants. Certain Subdivisions shall be eligible to receive regional allocation funds in the form of a block grant for future Opioid Remediation. A Participating Subdivision eligible for block grants is a county or parish (or in the case of States that do not have counties or parishes that function as political subdivisions, a city) that (1) does not contain a Litigating Subdivision or a Later Litigating Subdivision for which it has the authority to end the litigation through a release, bar or other action, (2) either (i) has a population of 400,000 or more or (ii) in the case of California has a population of 750,000 or more, and (3) has funded or otherwise managed an established health care or treatment infrastructure (e.g., health department or similar agency). Each Subdivision eligible to receive block grants shall be assigned its own region.


c.         Small States. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section V.E.2.a, Settling States with populations under four (4) million that do not have existing regions described in Section V.E.2.a shall not be required to establish regions. However, such a Settling State that contains one (1) or more Subdivisions eligible for block grants under Section V.E.2.c shall be divided regionally so that each block-grant eligible Subdivision is a region and the remainder of the state is a region.


d.         Advisory Committee. The Settling State shall designate an Opioid Settlement Remediation Advisory Committee (the "Advisory Committee") to provide input and recommendations regarding remediation spending from that Settling State's Abatement Accounts Fund. A Settling State may elect to use an existing advisory committee or similar entity (created outside of a State- Subdivision Agreement or Allocation Statute); provided, however, the Advisory Committee or similar entity shall meet the following requirements:


(i)        Written guidelines that establish the formation and composition of the Advisory Committee, terms of service for members, contingency for removal or resignation of members, a schedule of meetings, and any other administrative details;


(ii)       Composition that includes at least an equal number of local representatives as state representatives;


(iii)      A process for receiving input from Subdivisions and other communities regarding how the opioid crisis is affecting their communities, their abatement needs, and proposals for abatement strategies and responses; and


(iv)      A process by which Advisory Committee recommendations for expenditures for Opioid Remediation will be made to and considered by the appropriate state agencies.







3.         Abatement Accounts Fund Reporting. The Settlement Fund Administrator shall track and assist in the report of remediation disbursements as agreed to among the Settling Distributors and the Enforcement Committee.


F.         Nature of Payment. Each of the Settling Distributors, the Settling States, and the Participating Subdivisions acknowledges and agrees that notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the scope of the Released Claims:


1.         It has entered into this Agreement to avoid the delay, expense, inconvenience, and uncertainty of further litigation;


2.         (a) The Settling States and Participating Subdivisions sought compensatory restitution (within the meaning of 26 U.S.C. § 162(f)(2)(A)) as damages for the Alleged Harms allegedly suffered by the Settling States and Participating Subdivisions; (b) the Compensatory Restitution Amount is no greater than the amount, in the aggregate, of the Alleged Harms allegedly suffered by the Settling States and Participating Subdivisions; and (c) the portion of the Compensatory Restitution Amount received by each Settling State or Participating Subdivision is no greater than the amount of the Alleged Harms allegedly suffered by such Settling State or Participating Subdivision;


3.         The payment of the Compensatory Restitution Amount by the Settling Distributors constitutes, and is paid for, compensatory restitution (within the meaning of 26 U.S.C. § 162(f)(2)(A)) for alleged damage or harm (as compensation for alleged damage or harm arising out of alleged bodily injury) allegedly caused by the Settling Distributors;


4.         The Compensatory Restitution Amount is being paid as compensatory restitution (within the meaning of 26 U.S.C. § 162(f)(2)(A)) in order to restore, in whole or in part, the Settling States and Participating Subdivisions to the same position or condition that they would be in had the Settling States and Participating Subdivisions not suffered the Alleged Harms; and


5.         For the avoidance of doubt: (a) no portion of the Compensatory Restitution Amount represents reimbursement to any Settling State or Participating Subdivision or other person or entity for the costs of any investigation or litigation, (b) the entire Compensatory Restitution Amount is properly characterized as described in Section V.F, and (c) no portion of the Compensatory Restitution Amount constitutes disgorgement or is properly characterized as the payment of statutory or other fines, penalties, punitive damages, or other punitive assessments.




A.         Enforceability. This Agreement is enforceable only by the Settling States and the Settling Distributors; provided, however, that Released Entities may enforce Section XI and Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G have the enforcement rights described in Section VI.D. Except to the extent allowed by the Injunctive Relief Terms, Settling States and Participating Subdivisions shall not have enforcement rights with respect to either the terms of







this Agreement that apply only to or in other States or any Consent Judgment entered into by another Settling State. Participating Subdivisions shall not have enforcement rights against the Settling Distributors with respect to this Agreement or any Consent Judgment except that Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G shall have enforcement rights as set forth herein as to payments that would be allocated to the Subdivision Fund or Abatement Accounts Fund pursuant to Section V; provided, however, that each Settling State shall allow Participating Subdivisions in such Settling State to notify it of any perceived violations of this Agreement or the applicable Consent Judgment.


B.         Jurisdiction. The Settling Distributors consent to the jurisdiction of the court in which each Settling State files its Consent Judgment, limited to resolution of disputes identified in Section VI.F.1 for resolution in that court.


C.Specific Terms Dispute Resolution.


1.         Any dispute that is addressed by the provisions set forth in the Injunctive Relief Terms shall be resolved as provided therein.


2.         In the event that Settling Distributors believe that the eighty-five percent (85%) threshold established in Section V.B.1 is not being satisfied, any Party may request that the Settling Distributors and Enforcement Committee meet and confer regarding the use of funds to implement Section V.B.1. The completion of such meet-and-confer process is a precondition to further action regarding any such dispute. Further action concerning Section V.B.1 shall: (i) be limited to the Settling Distributors seeking to reduce their Annual Payments by no more than five percent (5%) of the difference between the actual amount of Opioid Remediation and the eighty-five percent (85%) threshold established in Section V.B.1; (ii) only reduce Annual Payments to those Settling States and their Participating Subdivisions that are below the eighty-five percent (85%) threshold established in Section V.B.1; and (iii) not reduce Annual Payments restricted to future Opioid Remediation.


D.State-Subdivision Enforcement.


1.          A Subdivision shall not have enforcement rights against a Settling State in which it is located with respect to this Agreement or any Consent Judgment except that a Participating Subdivision listed on Exhibit G shall have enforcement rights (a) as provided for in a State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, or Statutory Trust with respect to intrastate allocation or (b) in the absence of a State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, or Statutory Trust, to allegations that (i) the Settling State's use of Abatement Accounts Fund monies were not used for uses similar to or in the nature of those uses contained in Exhibit E; or (ii) a Settling State failed to pay funds directly from the Abatement Accounts Fund to a Participating Subdivision eligible to receive a block grant pursuant to Section V.E.2.b.


2.          A Settling State shall have enforcement rights against a Participating Subdivision located in its territory (a) as provided for in a State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, or Statutory Trust; or (b) in the absence of a State-Subdivision







Agreement, Allocation Statute, or Statutory Trust, to allegations that the Participating Subdivisions' uses of Abatement Accounts Fund monies were not used for purposes similar to or in the nature of those uses contained in Exhibit E.


3.         As between Settling States and Participating Subdivisions, the above rights are contractual in nature and nothing herein is intended to limit, restrict, change or alter any other existing rights under law.


E.         Subdivision Distributor Payment Enforcement. A Participating Subdivision listed on Exhibit G shall have the same right as a Settling State pursuant to Section VI.F.2.a(v) to seek resolution regarding the failure by a Settling Distributor to make its allocable share of an Annual Payment in a Payment Year.


F.         Other Terms Regarding Dispute Resolution.


1.         Except to the extent provided by Section VI.C or Section VI.F.2, all disputes shall be resolved in either the court that entered the relevant Consent Judgment or, if no such Consent Judgment was entered, a state or territorial court with jurisdiction located wherever the seat of the relevant state government is located.


a.         State court proceedings shall be governed by the rules and procedures of the relevant forum.


b.         For the avoidance of doubt, disputes to be resolved in state court include, but are not limited to, the following:


(i)        disputes concerning whether expenditures qualify as Opioid Remediation;


(ii)       disputes between a Settling State and its Participating Subdivisions as provided by Section VI.D, except to the extent the State- Subdivision Agreement provides for other dispute resolution mechanisms. For the avoidance of doubt, disputes between a Settling State and any Participating Subdivision shall not be considered National Disputes;


(iii)      whether this Agreement and relevant Consent Judgment are binding under state law;


(iv)      the extent of the Attorney General's or other participating entity's authority under state law, including the extent of the authority to release claims;


(v)       whether the definition of a Bar, a Case-Specific Resolution, Final Order, lead state agency as described in Section V.D.4.b, Later Litigating Subdivision, Litigating Subdivision, or Threshold Motion have been met; and







(vi)      all other disputes not specifically identified in Section VI.C or Section VI.F.2.


c.         Any Party may request that the National Arbitration Panel provide an interpretation of any provision of the settlement that is relevant to the state court determination, and the National Arbitration Panel shall make reasonable best efforts to supply such interpretation within the earlier of thirty (30) calendar days or the time period required by the state court proceedings. Any Party may submit that interpretation to the state court to the extent permitted by, and for such weight provided by, the state court's rules and procedures. If requested by a Party, the National Arbitration Panel shall request that its interpretation be accepted in the form of an amicus curiae brief, and any attorneys' fees and costs for preparing any such filing shall be paid for by the requesting Party.


2.         National Disputes involving a Settling State, a Participating Subdivision that has enforcement rights pursuant to Section VI.A, and/or a Settling Distributor shall be resolved by the National Arbitration Panel.


a.         National Disputes are disputes that are not addressed by Section VI.C, and which are exceptions to Section VI.F.1's presumption of resolution in state courts because they involve issues of interpretation of terms contained in this Agreement applicable to all Settling States without reference to a particular State's law. Disputes between a Settling State and any Participating Subdivision shall not be considered National Disputes. National Disputes are limited to the following:


(i)       the amount of offset and/or credit attributable to Non- Settling States or the Tribal/W. Va. Subdivision Credit;


(ii)       issues involving the scope and definition of Product;


(iii)      interpretation and application of the terms "Covered Conduct," "Released Entities," and "Released Claims";


(iv)      the allocation of payments among Settling Distributors as described in Section IV.I;


(v)      the failure by a Settling Distributor to pay its allocable share of the Annual Payment or of the Additional Restitution Amount in a Payment Year, but for the avoidance of doubt, disputes between a Settling Distributor and a Settling State over the amounts owed only to that state that do not affect any other Settling State shall not be considered National Disputes;


(vi)      the interpretation and application of the significant financial constraint provision in Section IV.K, including, without limitation, eligibility for and amount of deferrals for any given year, time for repayment, and compliance with restrictions during deferral term;









(vii)           the interpretation and application of the prepayment provisions as described in Section IV.J;


(viii)         the interpretation and application of any most-favored- nation provision in Section XIV.E;


(ix)             questions regarding the performance and/or removal of the Settlement Fund Administrator;


(x)               replacement of the Monitor, as provided in the Injunctive Relief Terms;


(xi)            disputes involving liability of successor entities;


(xii)           disputes that require a determination of the sufficiency of participation in order to qualify for Incentive Payments A, B, or C, as well as disputes over qualification for Participation Tiers;


(xiii)         disputes involving a Releasor's compliance with, and the appropriate remedy under, Section XI.B.I.A.3;


(xiv)         disputes requiring the interpretation of Agreement terms that are national in scope or impact, which shall mean disputes requiring the interpretation of Agreement terms that (i) concretely affect four (4) or more Settling States; and (ii) do not turn on unique definitions and interpretations under state law; and


(xv)           any dispute subject to resolution under Section VI.F.1 but for which all parties to the dispute agree to arbitration before the National Arbitration Panel under the provisions of this Section VI.F.2.


b.                   The National Arbitration Panel shall be comprised of three (3) arbitrators. One (1) arbitrator shall be chosen by the Settling Distributors, one (1) arbitrator shall be chosen by the Enforcement Committee with due input from Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G, and the third arbitrator shall be agreed upon by the first two (2) arbitrators. The membership of the National Arbitration Panel is intended to remain constant throughout the term of this Agreement, but in the event that replacements are required, the retiring arbitrator shall be replaced by the party that selected him/her.


c.                   The National Arbitration Panel shall make reasonable best efforts to decide all matters within one hundred eighty (180) calendar days of filing, and in no event shall it take longer than one (1) year.


d.                   The National Arbitration Panel shall conduct all proceedings in a reasonably streamlined process consistent with an opportunity for the parties to be heard. Issues shall be resolved without the need for live witnesses where feasible,









and with a presumption in favor of remote participation to minimize the burdens on the parties.


e.                   To the extent allowed under state law, a Settling State, a Participating Subdivision that has enforcement rights pursuant to Section VI.A, and (at any party's request) the National Arbitration Panel may certify to an appropriate state court any question of state law. The National Arbitration Panel shall be bound by a final state court determination of such a certified question. The time period for the arbitration shall be tolled during the course of the certification process.


f.                    The arbitrators will give due deference to any authoritative interpretation of state law, including any declaratory judgment or similar relief obtained by a Settling State, a Participating Subdivision that has enforcement rights pursuant to Section VI.A, or Settling Distributor on a state law issue.


g.                   The decisions of the National Arbitration Panel shall be binding on Settling States, Participating Subdivisions, Settling Distributors, and the Settlement Fund Administrator. In any proceeding before the National Arbitration Panel involving a dispute between a Settling State and one or more Settling Distributors whose resolution could prejudice the rights of a Participating Subdivision(s) in that Settling State, such Participating Subdivision(s) shall be allowed to file a statement of view in the proceeding.


h.                   Nothing herein shall be construed so as to limit or otherwise restrict a State from seeking injunctive or other equitable relief in state court to protect the health, safety, or welfare of its citizens.


i.                    Each party shall bear its own costs in any arbitration or court proceeding arising under this Section VI. The costs for the arbitrators on the National Arbitration Panel shall be divided and paid equally by the disputing sides for each individual dispute, e.g., a dispute between a Settling Distributor and Settling States/Participating Subdivisions shall be split fifty percent (50%) by the Settling Distributor and fifty percent (50%) by the Settling States/Participating Subdivisions that are parties to the dispute; a dispute between a Settling State and a Participating Subdivision shall be split fifty percent (50%) by the Settling State that is party to the dispute and fifty percent (50%) by any Participating Subdivisions that are parties to the dispute.


3.                   Prior to initiating an action to enforce pursuant to this Section VI.F, the complaining party must:


a.                   Provide written notice to the Enforcement Committee of its complaint, including the provision of the Consent Judgment and/or Agreement that the practice appears to violate, as well as the basis for its interpretation of the disputed provision. The Enforcement Committee shall establish a reasonable process and timeline for obtaining additional information from the involved









parties; provided, however, that the date the Enforcement Committee establishes for obtaining additional information from the parties shall not be more than forty- five (45) calendar days following the notice. The Enforcement Committee may advise the involved parties of its views on the complaint and/or seek to resolve the complaint informally.


b.                   Wait to commence any enforcement action until thirty (30) calendar days after the date that the Enforcement Committee establishes for obtaining additional information from the involved parties.


4.                   If the parties to a dispute cannot agree on the proper forum for resolution of the dispute under the provisions of Section VI.F.1 or Section VI.F.2, a committee comprising the Enforcement Committee and sufficient representatives of the Settling Distributors such that the members of the Enforcement Committee have a majority of one (1)   member will determine the forum where the dispute will be initiated within twenty- eight (28) calendar days of receiving notification of the dispute relating to the proper forum. The forum identified by such committee shall be the sole forum for litigating the issue of which forum will hear the substantive dispute, and the committee's identification of such forum in the first instance shall not be entitled to deference by the forum selected.


G.                 No Effect. Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted to limit the Settling State's Civil Investigative Demand ("CID") or investigative subpoena authority, to the extent such authority exists under applicable state law and the CID or investigative subpoena is issued pursuant to such authority, and Settling Distributors reserve all of their rights in connection with a CID or investigative subpoena issued pursuant to such authority.


VII.Participation by Subdivisions


A.                 Notice. No later than fifteen (15) calendar days after the Preliminary Agreement Date, the Settling States, with the cooperation of the Settling Distributors, shall send individual written notice of the opportunity to participate in this Agreement and the requirements of participation to all Subdivisions in the Settling States that are (1) Litigating Subdivisions or (2) Non-Litigating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G. The costs of the written notice to such Subdivisions shall be paid for by the Settling Distributors. The Settling States, with the cooperation of the Settling Distributors, may also provide general notice reasonably calculated to alert Non-Litigating Subdivisions in the Settling States to this Agreement, the opportunity to participate in it, and the requirements for participation. Such notice may include publication and other standard forms of notification, as well as notice to national state and county organizations such as the National Association of Counties and the National League of Cities. The notice will include that the deadline for becoming an Initial Participating Subdivision is the Initial Participation Date. Nothing contained herein shall preclude a Settling State from providing further notice to or otherwise contacting any of its Subdivisions about becoming a Participating Subdivision, including beginning any of the activities described in this paragraph prior to the Preliminary Agreement Date.


B.                 Requirements for Becoming a Participating Subdivision—Non-Litigating Subdivisions. A Non-Litigating Subdivision in a Settling State may become a Participating









Subdivision by returning an executed Subdivision Settlement Participation Form to the Settlement Fund Administrator specifying (1) that the Subdivision agrees to the terms of this Agreement pertaining to Subdivisions, (2) that the Subdivision releases all Released Claims against all Released Entities, (3) that the Subdivision agrees to use monies it receives, if any, from the Settlement Fund pursuant to the applicable requirements of Section V; provided, however, that Non-Litigating Subdivisions may only use monies originating from the Settlement Fund for purposes that qualify as Opioid Remediation, and (4) that the Subdivision submits to the jurisdiction of the court where the applicable Consent Judgment is filed for purposes limited to that court's role under this Agreement. The required Subdivision Settlement Participation Form is attached as Exhibit K.


C.                 Requirements for Becoming a Participating Subdivision—Litigating Subdivisions/Later Litigating Subdivisions. A Litigating Subdivision or Later Litigating Subdivision in a Settling State may become a Participating Subdivision by returning an executed Subdivision Settlement Participation Form to the Settlement Fund Administrator and upon prompt dismissal with prejudice of its lawsuit. A Settling State may require each Litigating Subdivision in that State to specify on the Subdivision Settlement Participation Form whether its counsel has waived any contingency fee contract with that Participating Subdivision and whether, if eligible, it intends to seek fees pursuant to Exhibit R. The Settlement Fund Administrator shall provide quarterly reports of this information to the parties organized by Settling State. A Litigating Subdivision or Later Litigating Subdivision may not become a Participating Subdivision after the completion of opening statements in a trial of the lawsuit it brought that includes a Released Claim against a Released Entity.


D.                 Initial Participating Subdivisions. A Subdivision qualifies as an Initial Participating Subdivision if it meets the applicable requirements for becoming a Participating Subdivision set forth in Section VII.B or Section VII.C by the Initial Participation Date. All Subdivision Settlement Participation Forms shall be held in escrow by the Settlement Fund Administrator until the Reference Date.


E.                  Later Participating Subdivisions. A Subdivision that is not an Initial Participating Subdivision may become a Later Participating Subdivision by meeting the applicable requirements for becoming a Participating Subdivision set forth in Section VII.B or Section VII.C after the Initial Participation Date and by agreeing to be subject to the terms of a State- Subdivision Agreement (if any) or any other structure adopted or applicable pursuant to Section V.D or Section V.E. The following provisions govern what a Later Participating Subdivision can receive (but do not apply to Initial Participating Subdivisions):


1.                   Except as provided in Section IV.C, a Later Participating Subdivision shall not receive any share of any Annual Payment due before it became a Participating Subdivision.


2.                   A Later Participating Subdivision that becomes a Participating Subdivision after July 15, 2022 shall receive seventy-five percent (75%) of the share of future base or incentive payments that it would have received had it become a Later Participating Subdivision prior to that date (unless the Later Participating Subdivision is subject to Section VII.E.3 or Section VII.E.4).









3.                   A Later Participating Subdivision that, after the Initial Participation Date, maintains a lawsuit for a Released Claim(s) against a Released Entity and has judgment entered against it on every such Claim before it became a Participating Subdivision (other than a consensual dismissal with prejudice) shall receive fifty percent (50%) of the share of future base or incentive payments that it would have received had it become a Later Participating Subdivision prior to such judgment; provided, however, that if the Subdivision appeals the judgment and the judgment is affirmed with finality before the Subdivision becomes a Participating Subdivision, the Subdivision shall not receive any share of any base payment or incentive payments.


4.                   A Later Participating Subdivision that becomes a Participating Subdivision while a Bar or Case-Specific Resolution involving a different Subdivision exists in its State shall receive twenty-five percent (25%) of the share of future base or incentive payments that it would have received had it become a Later Participating Subdivision without such Bar or Case-Specific Resolution.


F.                  No Increase in Payments. Amounts to be received by Later Participating Subdivisions shall not increase the payments due from the Settling Distributors.


G.                 Ineligible Subdivisions. Subdivisions in Non-Settling States and Prior Litigating Subdivisions are not eligible to be Participating Subdivisions.


H.                 Non-Participating Subdivisions. Non-Participating Subdivisions shall not directly receive any portion of any Annual Payment, including from the State Fund and direct distributions from the Abatement Accounts Fund; however, a Settling State may choose to fund future Opioid Remediation that indirectly benefits Non-Participating Subdivisions.


I.                    Unpaid Allocations to Later Participating Subdivisions and Non-Participating Subdivisions. Any base payment and incentive payments allocated pursuant to Section V.D to a Later Participating Subdivision or Non-Participating Subdivision that cannot be paid pursuant to this Section VII, including the amounts that remain unpaid after the reductions required by Section VII.E.2 through Section VII.E.4, will be allocated to the Abatement Accounts Fund for the Settling State in which the Subdivision is located, unless those payments are redirected elsewhere by a State-Subdivision Agreement or by a Statutory Trust.


VIII.Condition to Effectiveness of Agreement and Filing of Consent Judgment


A.Determination to Proceed With Settlement.


1.                   The Settling States shall confer with legal representatives of the Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G and inform the Settling Distributors no later than eighteen (18) calendar days prior to the Reference Date whether there is sufficient participation to proceed with this Agreement. Within seven (7) calendar days of informing the Settling Distributors that there is sufficient participation to proceed, the Settling States will deliver all signatures and releases required by the Agreement to be provided by the Settling States to the Settling Distributors.









2.                   If the Settling States inform Settling Distributors that there is sufficient participation, the Settling Distributors will then determine on or before the Reference Date whether there is sufficient State participation and sufficient resolution of the Claims of the Litigating Subdivisions in the Settling States (through participation under Section VII, Case-Specific Resolution(s) and Bar(s)) to proceed with this Agreement. The determination shall be in the sole discretion of the Settling Distributors and may be based on any criteria or factors deemed relevant by the Settling Distributors.


B.                 Notice by Settling Distributors. On or before the Reference Date, the Settling Distributors shall inform the Settling States of their determination pursuant to Section VIII.A. If the Settling Distributors determine to proceed, the Parties will proceed to file the Consent Judgments and the obligations in the Subdivision Settlement Participation Forms will be effective and binding as of the Reference Date. If the Settling Distributors determine not to proceed, this Agreement will have no further effect, any amounts placed in escrow for Payment Year 1, including funds referenced in Section IV.C.1, Section IX, Section X, and Exhibit M, shall be returned to the Settling Distributors, and all releases (including those contained in Subdivision Settlement Participation Forms) and other commitments or obligations contained herein or in Subdivision Settlement Participation Forms will be void.


C.Determination of the Participation Tier.


1.                     On July 1, 2022, as extended by written agreement of the Settling Distributors and the Enforcement Committee, provided that Settling Distributors determine to proceed with this Agreement, the Settlement Fund Administrator shall determine the Participation Tier. The criteria used to determine the Participation Tier are set forth in Exhibit H. Any disputes as to the determination of the Participation Tier shall be decided by the National Arbitration Panel.


2.                   The Participation Tier shall be redetermined by the Settlement Fund Administrator annually as of the Payment Date, beginning with Payment Year 3, pursuant to the criteria set forth in Exhibit H.


3.                   After Payment Year 6, the Participation Tier cannot move higher, unless this restriction is waived by the Settling Distributors.


4.                   In the event that a Participation Tier redetermination moves the Participation Tier higher, and that change is in whole or in part as a result of the post- Reference Date enactment of a Bar and there is later a Revocation Event with respect to such Bar, then on the next Payment Date that is at least one hundred eighty (180) calendar days after the Revocation Event, the Participation Tier shall move down to the Participation Tier that would have applied had the Bar never been enacted, unless the Bar is reinstated or all Subdivisions affected by the Revocation Event become Participating Subdivisions within one hundred eighty (180) calendar days of the Revocation Event. This is the sole circumstance in which, on a nationwide basis, the Participation Tier can move down.









5.                   In the event that there is a post-Reference Date Revocation Event with respect to a Bar that was enacted in a Settling State prior to the Reference Date, then, on the next Payment Date that is at least one hundred eighty (180) calendar days after the Revocation Event, unless the Bar is reinstated or all Subdivisions affected by the Revocation Event become Participating Subdivisions within one hundred eighty (180) calendar days of the Revocation Event, the Participation Tier shall decrease - solely for the State in which the Revocation Event occurred - to the Participation Tier commensurate with the percentage of Litigating Subdivisions in that State that are Participating Subdivisions and the percentage of Non-Litigating Subdivisions that are both Primary Subdivisions and Participating Subdivisions, according to the criteria set forth in Exhibit G, except that the calculations shall be performed as to that State alone. For the avoidance of doubt and solely for the calculation in this subparagraph, the Settling States Column of Exhibit H shall play no role. This is the sole circumstance in which one Settling State will have a different Participation Tier than other Settling States.


6.                   The redetermination of the Participation Tier under Section VIII.C.2 shall not affect payments already made or suspensions, offsets, or reductions already applied.


IX.Additional Restitution


A.                 Additional Restitution Amount. Pursuant to the schedule set forth in Exhibit M and subject to the reduction specified in Section IX.B, the Settling Distributors shall pay an Additional Restitution Amount to the Settling States listed in Exhibit N. Such funds shall be paid, on the schedule set forth on Exhibit M, on the Payment Date for each relevant Payment Year to such Settling States as allocated by the Settlement Fund Administrator pursuant to Exhibit N.


B.                 Reduction of Additional Restitution Amount. In the event that any Non-Settling States appear on Exhibit N, the amounts owed by Settling Distributors pursuant to this Section IX shall be reduced by the allocations set forth on Exhibit N for any such Non-Settling States.


C.                 Use of Funds. All funds paid as an Additional Restitution Amount shall be part of the Compensatory Restitution Amount, shall be used for Opioid Remediation, except as allowed by Section V.B.2, and shall be governed by the same requirements as specified in Section V.F.


X.Plaintiffs' Attorneys' Fees and Costs


The Agreement on Attorneys' Fees, Expenses and Costs is set forth in Exhibit R and incorporated herein by reference. The Agreement on the State Outside Counsel Fee Fund and Agreement on the State Cost Fund Administration are set forth in Exhibit S and Exhibit T, respectively, and are incorporated herein by reference.




A.                 Scope. As of the Effective Date, the Released Entities are hereby released and forever discharged from all of the Releasors' Released Claims. Each Settling State (for itself and its Releasors) and Participating Subdivision hereby absolutely, unconditionally, and irrevocably









covenants not to bring, file, or claim, or to cause, assist or permit to be brought, filed, or claimed, or to otherwise seek to establish liability for any Released Claims against any Released Entity in any forum whatsoever. The releases provided for in this Agreement are intended by the Parties to be broad and shall be interpreted so as to give the Released Entities the broadest possible bar against any liability relating in any way to Released Claims and extend to the full extent of the power of each Settling State and its Attorney General to release claims. This Agreement shall be a complete bar to any Released Claim.


B.Claim-Over and Non-Party Settlement.


1.It is the intent of the Parties that:


a.                   Released Entities should not seek contribution or indemnification (other than pursuant to an insurance contract), from other parties for their payment obligations under this Agreement;


b.                   the payments made under this Agreement shall be the sole payments made by the Released Entities to the Releasors involving, arising out of, or related to Covered Conduct (or conduct that would be Covered Conduct if engaged in by a Released Entity);


c.                   Claims by Releasors against non-Parties should not result in additional payments by Released Entities, whether through contribution, indemnification or any other means; and


d.                   the Agreement meets the requirements of the Uniform Contribution Among Joint Tortfeasors Act and any similar state law or doctrine that reduces or discharges a released party's liability to any other parties.


The provisions of this Section XI.B are intended to be implemented consistent with these principles. This Agreement and the releases and dismissals provided for herein are made in good faith.


2.                   No Released Entity shall seek to recover for amounts paid under this Agreement based on indemnification, contribution, or any other theory from a manufacturer, pharmacy, hospital, pharmacy benefit manager, health insurer, third-party vendor, trade association, distributor, or health care practitioner; provided that a Released Entity shall be relieved of this prohibition with respect to any entity that asserts a Claim-Over against it. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing herein shall prohibit a Released Entity from recovering amounts owed pursuant to insurance contracts.


3.                   To the extent that, on or after the Reference Date, any Releasor enters into a Non-Party Settlement, including in any bankruptcy case or through any plan of reorganization (whether individually or as a class of creditors), the Releasor will include (or in the case of a Non-Party Settlement made in connection with a bankruptcy case, will cause the debtor to include), unless prohibited from doing so under applicable law, in the Non-Party Settlement a prohibition on contribution or indemnity of any kind substantially equivalent to that required from the Settling Distributors in Section XI.B.2, or a release









from such Non-Released Entity in favor of the Released Entities (in a form equivalent to the releases contained in this Agreement) of any Claim-Over. The obligation to obtain the prohibition and/or release required by this subsection is a material term of this Agreement.


4.                   In the event that any Releasor obtains a judgment with respect to Non-Party Covered Conduct against a Non-Released Entity that does not contain a prohibition like that described in Section XI.B.3, or any Releasor files a Non-Party Covered Conduct Claim against a Non-Released Entity in bankruptcy or a Releasor is prevented for any reason from obtaining a prohibition/release in a Non-Party Settlement as provided in Section XI.B.3, and such Non-Released Entity asserts a Claim-Over against a Released Entity, the Released Entity shall be relieved of the prohibition in Section XI.B.2 with respect to that Non-Released Entity and that Releasor and the Settling Distributors shall take the following actions to ensure that the Released Entities do not pay more with respect to Covered Conduct to Releasors or to Non-Released Entities than the amounts owed under this Settlement Agreement by the Settling Distributors:


a.                   Settling Distributors shall notify that Releasor of the Claim-Over within sixty (60) calendar days of the assertion of the Claim-Over or sixty (60) calendar days of the Effective Date of this Settlement Agreement, whichever is later;


b.                   Settling Distributors and that Releasor shall meet and confer concerning the means to hold Released Entities harmless and ensure that they are not required to pay more with respect to Covered Conduct than the amounts owed by Settling Distributors under this Agreement;


c.                   That Releasor and Settling Distributors shall take steps sufficient and permissible under the law of the State of the Releasor to hold Released Entities harmless from the Claim-Over and ensure Released Entities are not required to pay more with respect to Covered Conduct than the amounts owed by Settling Distributors under this Agreement. Such steps may include, where permissible:


(i)                 Filing of motions to dismiss or such other appropriate motion by Settling Distributors or Released Entities, and supported by Releasors, in response to any claim filed in litigation or arbitration;


(ii)               Reduction of that Releasors' Claim and any judgment it has obtained or may obtain against such Non-Released Entity by whatever amount or percentage is necessary to extinguish such Claim- Over under applicable law, up to the amount that Releasor has obtained, may obtain, or has authority to control from such Non-Released Entity;


(iii)             Placement into escrow of funds paid by the Non-Released Entities such that those funds are available to satisfy the Claim-Over;









(iv)             Return of monies paid by Settling Distributors to that Releasor under this Settlement Agreement to permit satisfaction of a judgment against or settlement with the Non-Released Entity to satisfy the Claim-Over;


(v)               Payment of monies to Settling Distributors by that Releasor to ensure they are held harmless from such Claim-Over, up to the amount that Releasor has obtained, may obtain, or has authority to control from such Non-Released Entity;


(vi)             Credit to the Settling Distributors under this Agreement to reduce the overall amounts to be paid under the Agreement such that they are held harmless from the Claim-Over; and


(vii)           Such other actions as that Releasor and Settling Distributors may devise to hold Settling Distributors harmless from the Claim-Over.


d.                   The actions of that Releasor and Settling Distributors taken pursuant to paragraph (c) must, in combination, ensure Settling Distributors are not required to pay more with respect to Covered Conduct than the amounts owed by Settling Distributors under this Agreement.


e.                   In the event of any dispute over the sufficiency of the actions taken pursuant to paragraph (c), that Releasor and the Settling Distributors may seek review by the National Arbitration Panel, provided that, if the parties agree, such dispute may be heard by the state court where the relevant Consent Judgment was filed. The National Arbitration Panel shall have authority to require Releasors to implement a remedy that includes one or more of the actions specified in paragraph (c) sufficient to hold Released Entities fully harmless. In the event that the Panel's actions do not result in Released Entities being held fully harmless, Settling Distributors shall have a claim for breach of this Agreement by Releasors, with the remedy being payment of sufficient funds to hold Settling Distributors harmless from the Claim-Over. For the avoidance of doubt, the prior sentence does not limit or eliminate any other remedy that Settling Distributors may have.


5.                   To the extent that the Claim-Over is based on a contractual indemnity, the obligations under Section XI.B.4 shall extend solely to a Non-Party Covered Conduct Claim against a pharmacy, clinic, hospital or other purchaser or dispenser of Products, a manufacturer that sold Products, a consultant, and/or a pharmacy benefit manager or other third-party payor. Each Settling Distributor shall notify the Settling States, to the extent permitted by applicable law, in the event that any of these types of Non-Released Entity asserts a Claim-Over arising out of contractual indemnity against it.


C.                 Indemnification and Contribution Prohibited. No Released Entity shall seek to recover for amounts paid under this Agreement based on indemnification, contribution, or any









other theory, from a manufacturer, pharmacy, hospital, pharmacy benefit manager, health insurer, third-party vendor, trade association, distributor, or health care practitioner. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing herein shall prohibit a Released Entity from recovering amounts owed pursuant to insurance contracts.


D.                 General Release. In connection with the releases provided for in this Agreement, each Settling State (for itself and its Releasors) and Participating Subdivision expressly waives, releases, and forever discharges any and all provisions, rights, and benefits conferred by any law of any State or territory of the United States or other jurisdiction, or principle of common law, which is similar, comparable, or equivalent to § 1542 of the California Civil Code, which reads:


General Release; extent. A general release does not extend to claims that the creditor or releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release and that if known by him or her, would have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor or released party.


A Releasor may hereafter discover facts other than or different from those which it knows, believes, or assumes to be true with respect to the Released Claims, but each Settling State (for itself and its Releasors) and Participating Subdivision hereby expressly waives and fully, finally, and forever settles, releases and discharges, upon the Effective Date, any and all Released Claims that may exist as of such date but which Releasors do not know or suspect to exist, whether through ignorance, oversight, error, negligence or through no fault whatsoever, and which, if known, would materially affect the Settling States' decision to enter into this Agreement or the Participating Subdivisions' decision to participate in this Agreement.


E.                  Assigned Interest Waiver. To the extent that any Settling State has any direct or indirect interest in any rights of a third-party that is a debtor under the Bankruptcy Code as a result of a claim arising out of Covered Conduct by way of assignment or otherwise, including as a result of being the beneficiary of a trust or other distribution entity, to assert claims against a Settling Distributor (whether derivatively or otherwise), under any legal or equitable theory, including for indemnification, contribution, or subrogation, such Settling State waives the right to assert any such claim, or to receive a distribution or any benefit on account of such claim and such claim, distribution, or benefit shall be deemed assigned to such Settling Distributor.


F.                  Res Judicata. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to reduce the scope of the res judicata or claim preclusive effect that the settlement memorialized in this Agreement, and/or any Consent Judgment or other judgment entered on this Agreement, gives rise to under applicable law.


G.                 Representation and Warranty. The signatories hereto on behalf of their respective Settling States expressly represent and warrant that they have (or have obtained, or will obtain no later than the Initial Participation Date) the authority to settle and release, to the maximum extent of the State's power, all Released Claims of (1) their respective Settling States, (2) all past and present executive departments, state agencies, divisions, boards, commissions and instrumentalities with the regulatory authority to enforce state and federal controlled substances acts, and (3) any of their respective Settling State's past and present executive departments,









agencies, divisions, boards, commissions and instrumentalities that have the authority to bring Claims related to Covered Conduct seeking money (including abatement and/or remediation) or revocation of a pharmaceutical distribution license. For the purposes of clause (3) above, executive departments, agencies, divisions, boards, commissions, and instrumentalities are those that are under the executive authority or direct control of the State's Governor. Also for the purposes of clause (3), a release from a State's Governor is sufficient to demonstrate that the appropriate releases have been obtained.


H.                 Effectiveness. The releases set forth in this Agreement shall not be impacted in any way by any dispute that exists, has existed, or may later exist between or among the Releasors. Nor shall such releases be impacted in any way by any current or future law, regulation, ordinance, or court or agency order limiting, seizing, or controlling the distribution or use of the Settlement Fund or any portion thereof, or by the enactment of future laws, or by any seizure of the Settlement Fund or any portion thereof.


I.                    Cooperation. Releasors (1) will not encourage any person or entity to bring or maintain any Released Claim against any Released Entity and (2) will reasonably cooperate with and not oppose any effort by Settling Distributors to secure the prompt dismissal of any and all Released Claims.


J.                   Non-Released Claims. Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything in the definition of Released Claims, this Agreement does not waive, release or limit any criminal liability, Claims for liability under tax law, Claims under securities law by a State Releasor as investor, Claims against parties who are not Released Entities, Claims by private individuals, and any claims arising under this Agreement for enforcement of this Agreement.


XII.Later Litigating Subdivisions


A.                 Released Claims against Released Entities. Subject to Section XII.B, the following shall apply in the event a Later Litigating Subdivision in a Settling State maintains a lawsuit for a Released Claim against a Released Entity after the Reference Date:


1.                   The Released Entity shall take ordinary and reasonable measures to defend the action, including filing a Threshold Motion with respect to the Released Claim. The Released Entity shall further notify the Settling State and Settlement Fund Administrator immediately upon notice of a Later Litigating Subdivision bringing a lawsuit for a Released Claim, and shall not oppose a Settling State's submission in support of the Threshold Motion.


2.                   The provisions of this Section XII.A.2 apply if the Later Litigating Subdivision is a Primary Subdivision (except as provided in Section XII.A.2.f):


a.                   If a lawsuit including a Released Claim survives until the Suspension Deadline for that lawsuit, the Settlement Fund Administrator shall calculate the Suspension Amount applicable to the next Payment due from the Settling Distributor(s) at issue and apportioned to the State of the Later Litigating Subdivision and to Subdivisions in that State; provided, however, that the Suspension Amount for a Payment Year cannot exceed the Suspension Cap. The









Suspension Amount shall be paid into the Settlement Fund Escrow account. If the Suspension Amount exceeds the Suspension Cap for that Payment Year, then the remaining amount will be paid into the Settlement Fund Escrow in the following Payment Year, subject to the Suspension Cap for that Payment Year, and so forth in each succeeding Payment Year until the entire Suspension Amount has been paid into the Settlement Fund Escrow or the Released Claim is resolved, as provided below, whichever comes first. A suspension does not apply during the pendency of any appeal dismissing the lawsuit for a Released Claim in whole.


b.                   If the Released Claim is resolved with finality without requirement of payment by the Released Entity, the placement of any remaining balance of the Suspension Amount into the Settlement Fund Escrow shall cease and the Settlement Fund Administrator shall immediately transfer amounts in the Settlement Fund Escrow on account of the suspension to the Settling State at issue and its Participating Subdivisions. The lawsuit will not cause further suspensions unless the Released Claim is reinstated upon further review, legislative action, or otherwise.


c.                   If the Released Claim is resolved with finality on terms requiring payment by the Released Entity, the Settlement Fund Administrator will transfer the amounts in the Settlement Fund Escrow on account of the suspension to the Settling Distributor(s) at issue necessary to satisfy the payment obligation of the Released Entity to the relevant Later Litigating Subdivision. If any balance remains in the Settlement Fund Escrow on account of the suspension after transfer of the amount necessary to satisfy the payment obligation, the Settlement Fund Administrator will immediately transfer the balance to the Settling State at issue and its Participating Subdivisions. If the payment obligation of the Released Entity to the relevant Later Litigating Subdivision exceeds the amounts in the Settlement Fund Escrow on account of the suspension, the Settling Distributor at issue shall receive a dollar-for-dollar offset, subject to the yearly Offset Cap, for the excess amount against its obligation to pay its allocable share of Annual Payments that would be apportioned to the Settling State at issue and to its Subdivisions. The offset shall be applied as follows: first against the Settling Distributor's allocable share of the Annual Payment due in Payment Year 18, up to the Offset Cap for that Payment Year, with any remaining amounts above the Offset Cap applied against the Settling Distributor's allocable share of the Annual Payment due in Payment Year 17, up to the Offset Cap for that Payment Year, and so forth for each preceding Payment Year until the entire amount to be offset has been applied or no future Payment Years remain.


d.                   If the lawsuit asserting a Released Claim is resolved with finality on terms requiring payment by the Released Entity, and the Released Claim did not give rise to a suspension of any Settling Distributor's portion of any Annual Payments (e.g., because it was resolved during Payment Years 1 or 2, during which all Settling States are deemed eligible for Incentive Payment A and thus no suspension of payments took place, as provided by Section XII.B), the Settling Distributor at issue shall receive a dollar-for-dollar offset, subject to the yearly









Offset Cap, for the amount paid. The offset shall be applied against the relevant Settling Distributor's allocable portion of the Annual Payments starting in Payment Year 18 and working backwards as set forth in Section XII.A.2.c. If the lawsuit for a Released Claim is otherwise resolved by the Released Entity, without the Settling Distributor filing a Threshold Motion despite an opportunity to do so, and the Released Claim did not give rise to a suspension of any Settling Distributor's portion of any Annual Payments, the Settling Distributor at issue shall not receive any offset for the amount paid.


e.                   If more than one Primary Subdivision in a Settling State becomes a Later Litigating Subdivision, a single Suspension Cap applies and the total amounts deducted from the share of the Annual Payment allocated to the Settling State and its Participating Subdivisions in a given Payment Year cannot exceed the Suspension Cap. For the avoidance of doubt, an individual Primary Subdivision shall not trigger more than one suspension regardless if it (or any of its officials) is named as multiple plaintiffs in the same lawsuit.


f.                    This Section XII.A.2 shall not apply with respect to a Primary Subdivision that is either (i) a Later Litigating Subdivision under clause (3) of the definition of that term solely because a legislative Bar or legislative Case-Specific Resolution applicable as of the Reference Date is invalidated by judicial decision after the Reference Date or (ii) a Later Litigating Subdivision under clause (4) of the definition of that term. Such a Primary Subdivision shall be treated as a General Purpose Government under Section XII.A.3.


3.                   The terms of this Section XII.A.3 apply if a the Later Litigating Subdivision is not a Primary Subdivision (except for Primary Subdivisions referenced in Section XII.A.2.f) but is a General Purpose Government, School District, Health District or Hospital District: if the Released Claim is resolved with finality on terms requiring payment by the Released Entity, the Settling Distributor at issue shall receive a dollar- for-dollar offset, subject to the yearly Offset Cap, for the amount paid against its portion of the obligation to make Annual Payments that would be apportioned to the Settling State at issue and to its Subdivisions. The offset shall be applied as follows: first against the relevant Settling Distributor's allocable share of the Annual Payment due in Payment Year 18, up to the Offset Cap for that Payment Year, with any remaining amounts above the Offset Cap applied against the Payment due in Payment Year 17, up to the Offset Cap for that Payment Year, and so forth for each preceding Payment Year until the entire amount to be offset has been applied or no future Payment Year remains. If the Released Claim is resolved on terms requiring payment during the first two (2) Payment Years, in no case will any amounts be offset against the amounts due in Payment Years 1 and 2.


4.                   In no event shall the total of Suspension Amounts and offsets pursuant to this Section applicable to a Settling State in a Payment Year for that Payment Year exceed the Offset Cap for that State. If, in a Payment Year, the total of Suspension Amounts and offsets applicable to a Settling State exceeds the Offset Cap, the Suspension Amounts shall be reduced so that the total of Suspension Amounts and offsets equals the Offset Cap.









5.                   For the avoidance of doubt, any offset pursuant to this Section XII in a Settling State that is not eligible for Incentive Payment A shall continue to apply even if the Settling State at issue subsequently becomes eligible for Incentive Payment A.


6.         "Terms requiring payment" shall mean (i) a final monetary judgment or (ii) a settlement; provided that the Released Entity sought the applicable State Attorney General's consent to the settlement and such consent was either obtained or unreasonably withheld. Should the judgment or settlement resolve claims that are not Released Claims, the offset shall be for the Released Claims portion only, which shall be distinguishable in the judgment or settlement.




1.                   Section XII.A shall not apply where the Settling State at issue meets the eligibility criteria for and is entitled to Incentive Payment A for the Payment Year at issue, except as expressly provided therein. For the avoidance of doubt, because all Settling States are deemed eligible for Incentive Payment A for Payment Years 1 and 2 under Section IV.F.1.c, a suspension of Payments under Section XII.A.2 shall not apply to any Settling States for those Payment Years.


2.                   An offset under Section XII.A.2 and Section XII.A.3 shall not apply where the Later Litigating Subdivision opted out of a Settlement Class Resolution in the Settling State at issue that was in full force and effect in that Settling State as of the due date of the payment for Payment Year 2 and remains in full force and effect; provided that an offset relating to that Subdivision may apply under Section XIII.


3.                   Section XII.A shall not apply where the Later Litigating Subdivision seeks less than $10 million, or so long as its total claim is reduced to less than $10 million, in the lawsuit for a Released Claim at issue.


4.                   An offset under Section XII.A.3 shall not apply where the applicable Participation Tier is Participation Tier 1 and the population of the Later Litigating Subdivision is under 10,000.


5.                   If the applicable Participation Tier is Participation Tier 2 or higher, and the Later Litigating Subdivision has a population less than 10,000, the offset under Section XII.A.3 shall only apply to amounts paid pursuant to a settlement or judgment that are over $10 million per case or resolution. Any type of consolidated or aggregated or joined or class actions, however styled, shall be considered a single case, and any resolutions that occur within a sixty (60) calendar day period of each other and involve Later Litigating Subdivisions that share common counsel and/or are created by the same or related judgments, settlement agreements, or other instruments or are conditioned upon one another, shall be considered a single resolution. For the avoidance of doubt, any such case or resolution shall have only a single $10,000,000 exemption from the offset under Section XII.A.3.


C.                 No Effect on Other Provisions. A suspension or offset under Section XII.A shall not affect the Injunctive Relief Terms or the Consent Judgment.









D.                 No Effect on Other States. A suspension or offset under Section XII.A applicable to one State shall not affect the allocation or payment of the Annual Payment to other Settling States.




A.                 Non-Settling States. Non-Settling States shall not be eligible for any payments or have any rights in connection with this Agreement. Accordingly, the stated maximum dollar amounts of the payments specified in Exhibit M are reduced by the aggregate Overall Allocation Percentage of Non-Settling States as set forth in Exhibit F.


B.                 Offset Relating to Incentive Payment A. If a Settling State is not eligible for Incentive Payment A at the third Payment Date, the Settling Distributors shall receive an offset with respect to that State.10 The offset shall be the dollar amount difference between (1) the total amount of the Incentive Payment A due from the Settling Distributors on the Effective Date and on the Payment Date for Payment Year 2 allocated to that State and its Participating Subdivisions, and (2) the total amount of Incentive Payments B and C that would have been due from the Settling Distributors on the Effective Date and on the Payment Date for Payment Year 2 so allocated but for the State's deemed eligibility for Incentive Payment A. The offset shall be applied in equal installments to reduce the Annual Payments for Payment Years 3 through 7 that would be apportioned to that State and to its Subdivisions, and shall remain applicable even if that State subsequently becomes eligible for Incentive Payment A.


C.                 Settlement Class Resolution Opt Outs. If a Settling State is eligible for Incentive Payment A on the basis of a Settlement Class Resolution, and a Primary Subdivision that opted out of the Settlement Class Resolution maintains a lawsuit asserting a Released Claim against a Released Entity, the following shall apply. If the lawsuit asserting a Released Claim either survives a Threshold Motion or has an unresolved Threshold Motion fewer than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the scheduled start of a trial involving a Released Claim, and is resolved with finality on terms requiring payment by the Released Entity, the Settling Distributor at issue shall receive a dollar-for-dollar offset for the amount paid against its obligation to make remaining Incentive Payment A payments that would be apportioned to that State and to its Subdivisions. For the avoidance of doubt, an offset shall not be applicable under this subsection if it is applicable under Section XII.A with respect to the Subdivision at issue.


D.                 Revoked Bar, Settlement Class Resolution, or Case-Specific Resolution. If the Settling Distributors made any Annual Payments that included any incentive payments earned as a result of the existence of a Bar, Settlement Class Resolution, or Case-Specific Resolution in a Settling State, and there is subsequently a Revocation Event with respect to that Bar, Settlement Class Resolution, or Case-Specific Resolution after the determination of the amount of such Annual Payment, the Settling Distributors shall receive a dollar-for-dollar offset against the portion of remaining Annual Payments that would be allocated to that State and its Participating Subdivisions. This offset will be calculated as the dollar amount difference between (1) the total amount of incentive payments paid by the Settling Distributors by virtue of the Bar, Settlement



10 For purposes of this provision, in determining whether a Settling State would not be eligible for Incentive Payment A for Payment Year 3, the criteria set forth in Section IV.F.1.b shall apply to that Payment Year.









Class Resolution, or Case-Specific Resolution subject to the Revocation Event and (2) the total amount of incentive payments that would have been due from the Settling Distributors during that time had the Bar, Settlement Class Resolution, or Case-Specific Resolution subject to the Revocation Event not been in effect. The amount of incentive payments that would have been due, referenced in clause (2) above, will be calculated one hundred eighty (180) calendar days after the Revocation Event; for purposes of calculating the amount of incentive payments that would have been due, any relevant Subdivision shall be included as a Participating Subdivision if: (1) its Released Claims are extinguished by any subsequent Bar, Settlement Class Resolution, or Case-Specific Resolution in effect as of the date of such calculation, or (2) it becomes a Participating Subdivision (in addition to all other Participating Subdivisions) prior to the date of such calculation.


E.                  Certain Taxes. Amounts paid by a Settling Distributor under an Opioid Tax in a Settling State in a Payment Year shall give rise to a dollar-for-dollar offset against that Settling Distributor's obligation to pay its share of the Annual Payment in that Payment Year that would be allocated to the taxing State or its Participating Subdivisions. If such amounts paid exceed that Settling Distributor's allocable share of the Annual Payment allocable to the taxing State or its Participating Subdivisions in that Payment Year, the excess shall carry forward as an offset against its allocable share of remaining Annual Payments that would be allocated to the taxing State or its Participating Subdivisions


F.                  Not Subject to Suspension Cap or Offset Cap. For the avoidance of doubt, neither the Suspension Cap nor the Offset Cap apply to the offsets and reductions set forth in this Section XIII.




A.                 Population of General Purpose Governments. The population figures for General Purpose Governments shall be the published U.S. Census Bureau's population estimates for July 1, 2019, released May 2020. These population figures shall remain unchanged during the term of this Agreement.11


B.                 Population of Special Districts. For any purpose in this Agreement in which the population of a Special District is used other than Section IV.F.1.b: (a) School Districts' population will be measured by the number of students enrolled who are eligible under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act ("IDEA") or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; (b) Health Districts' and Hospital Districts' population will be measured at twenty-five percent (25%) of discharges; and (c) all other Special Districts' (including Fire Districts' and Library Districts') population will be measured at ten percent (10%) of the population served. The Settling Distributors and the Enforcement Committee shall meet and confer in order to agree on data sources for purposes of this Section prior to the Preliminary Agreement Date. 



11 The estimates for counties and parishes were accessed at https://www.census.gov/data/datasets/time- series/demo/popest/2010s-countiestotal.html. The estimates for cities and towns can currently be found at https://www.census.gov/data/datasets/time-series/demo/popest/2010s-total-cities-and-towns.html.









C.                 Population Associated with Sheriffs. For any purpose in this Agreement in which the population associated with a lawsuit by a sheriff is used, the population will be measured at twenty percent (20%) of the capacity of the jail(s) operated by the sheriff.


D.                 No Admission. The Settling Distributors do not admit liability or wrongdoing. Neither this Agreement nor the Consent Judgments shall be considered, construed or represented to be (1) an admission, concession or evidence of liability or wrongdoing or (2) a waiver or any limitation of any defense otherwise available to the Settling Distributors.


E.Most-Favored-Nation Provision.—Settling States.


1.                   If, after the Reference Date, any Settling Distributor enters into any settlement agreement with any Non-Settling State that resolves Claims similar in scope to the Claims released by a Settling State under this Agreement on overall payment terms that are more favorable to such Non-Settling State than the overall payment terms of the Agreement (after due consideration of relevant differences in population or other appropriate factors), then the Settling States, individually or collectively, may elect to seek review, pursuant to Section XIV.E.3, of the overall payment terms of this Agreement and the Non-Settling State agreement so that such Settling State(s) may obtain, with respect to that Settling Distributor, overall payment terms at least as favorable as those obtained by such Non-Settling State. "Overall payment terms" refers to consideration of all payment terms of the two agreements, taken together, including, but not limited to the amount of payments, the timing of payments, and conditions or contingencies on payments.


2.                   For any settlement with a Non-Settling State involving Released Claims that is entered into after the Reference Date, Settling Distributors shall provide the Enforcement Committee with a copy of the settlement agreement or relevant consent judgment within thirty (30) calendar days of the consummation of such settlement. The Enforcement Committee will promptly distribute such copy to all Settling States.


3.                   In the event that one or more Settling State(s) believes that the overall payment terms of an agreement by a Settling Distributor with a Non-Settling State are more favorable to the Non-Settling State, when compared based on the totality of the considerations set forth in Section XIV.E.1, the Settling State(s) and the Settling Distributor shall engage in the following process:


a.                   The Settling State(s) shall provide notice, within sixty (60) calendar days of the date on which a settlement agreement or consent judgment is provided to the Enforcement Committee, to the Settling Distributor of its (their) intent to seek revision of this Agreement to provide payment terms that are, on an overall basis, as favorable as those obtained by the Non-Settling State. Such notice shall be confidential and not disclosed publicly to the extent allowed by law and shall state, in detail, the basis for the State's (States') belief that it (they) is entitled to a revision of the Agreement.









b.                   The Settling Distributor shall, within thirty (30) calendar days, provide a response to the Settling State(s), explaining its position, in detail, as to whether the Settling State(s) is entitled to more favorable overall payment terms than those provided for in this Agreement.


c.                   In the event the Settling State(s) and Settling Distributor do not reach agreement as to the application of Section XIV.E.1, the Settling State(s) may petition the National Arbitration Panel to seek a ruling from the Panel as to the applicability of Section XIV.E.1, provided that the Settling State(s) may seek such review only if at least five (5) Settling States co-sign the petition. The Panel shall consider submissions and argument by the parties pursuant to the procedures set forth in Section VI.F.2.


d.                   The Settling State(s) and the Settling Distributor shall be bound by the determination of the National Arbitration Panel.


4.                   This Section XIV.E does not apply to, and there is no ability of any Settling State to seek or obtain revision of this Agreement based on, any Non-Settling State agreement with any Settling Distributor that is entered into with: (a) a Non-Settling State after a date sixty (60) calendar days prior to the scheduled start date of a trial between any Settling Distributor and the Non-Settling State or any severed or bifurcated portion thereof, provided that, where, in order to complete a settlement, a Non-Settling State and a Settling Distributor jointly request an adjournment of the scheduled start date of a trial within sixty (60) days of that date, this exception will apply as if the trial date had not been adjourned; (b) a Non-Settling State that previously litigated to judgment a case related to opioids against any manufacturer, distributor, or pharmacy; or (c) a Non- Settling State that has obtained any court order or judicial determination that grants judgment (in whole or in part) against any Settling Distributor. For avoidance of doubt, the National Arbitration Panel shall have no power to review agreements described in this paragraph.


5.                   This Section XIV.E does not apply to, and there is no ability of any Settling State to seek or obtain revision of this Agreement based on, any agreement between a Settling Distributor and (a) federally-recognized tribe(s) or (b) West Virginia subdivisions or (c) Non-Participating Subdivisions. This Section XIV.E will not apply to any agreement entered into more than eighteen (18) months after the Reference Date.


F.Tax Cooperation and Reporting.


1.                   Upon request by any Settling Distributor, the Settling States and Participating Subdivisions agree to perform such further acts and to execute and deliver such further documents as may be reasonably necessary for the Settling Distributors to establish the statements set forth in Section V.F to the satisfaction of their tax advisors, their independent financial auditors, the Internal Revenue Service, or any other governmental authority, including as contemplated by Treasury Regulations Section 1.162-21(b)(3)(ii) and any subsequently proposed or finalized relevant regulations or administrative guidance.









2.                   Without limiting the generality of Section XIV.F.1, each Settling State and Participating Subdivision shall cooperate in good faith with any Settling Distributor with respect to any tax claim, dispute, investigation, audit, examination, contest, litigation, or other proceeding relating to this Agreement.


3.                   The Designated State, as defined in Section I.P as New York, on behalf of all Settling States and Participating Subdivisions, shall designate one of its officers or employees to act as the "appropriate official" within the meaning of Treasury Regulations Section 1.6050X-1(f)(1)(ii)(B) (the "Appropriate Official"). The Designated State shall direct and ensure that the Appropriate Official timely (a) files (i) at the time this Agreement becomes binding on the Parties, an IRS Form 1098-F in the form attached as Exhibit U, Exhibit V, and Exhibit W with respect to each of the Settling Distributors and (ii)   any legally required returns or amended returns with any applicable governmental authority, or any returns requested by the respective Settling Distributors, and (b) provides to each of the Settling Distributors a copy of (i) the IRS Form 1098-F filed with respect to such Settling Distributor and (ii) any legally required written statement pursuant to any applicable law and any other document referred to in clause (a)(ii) above. Any such form, return, or statement shall be prepared and filed in a manner fully consistent with Section V.F.


4.                   The Settling States and Participating Subdivisions agree that any return, amended return, or written statement filed or provided pursuant to paragraph 3, and any similar document, shall be prepared and filed in a manner consistent with reporting each Settling Distributor's portion of the Global Settlement Amount as the "Total amount to be paid" pursuant to this Agreement in Box 1 of IRS Form 1098-F and each Settling Distributor's portion of the Compensatory Restitution Amount as "Restitution/remediation amount" in Box 2 of IRS Form 1098-F, as reflected in the attached Exhibit U, Exhibit V, and Exhibit W. If the Designated State or Appropriate Official shall be required to file any return, amended return, or written statement contemplated by this Section XIV.F other than an IRS Form 1098-F in the form attached as Exhibit U, Exhibit V, and Exhibit W, the Designated State shall direct and ensure that the Appropriate Official provides to each Settling Distributor a draft of such return, amended return, or written statement in respect of such Settling Distributor no later than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the due date thereof and shall accept and reflect any reasonable comments of such Settling Distributor on the return, amended return, or written statement in respect of such Settling Distributor.


5.                   For the avoidance of doubt, neither the Settling Distributors nor the Settling States and Participating Subdivisions make any warranty or representation to any Settling State, Participating Subdivision, or Releasor as to the tax consequences of the payment of the Compensatory Restitution Amount (or any portion thereof).


G.                 No Third-Party Beneficiaries. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, no portion of this Agreement shall provide any rights to, or be enforceable by, any person or entity that is not a Settling State or Released Entity. No Settling State may assign or otherwise convey any right to enforce any provision of this Agreement.










H.                 Calculation. Any figure or percentage referred to in this Agreement shall be carried to seven decimal places.


I.                    Construction. None of the Parties and no Participating Subdivision shall be considered to be the drafter of this Agreement or of any of its provisions for the purpose of any statute, case law, or rule of interpretation or construction that would or might cause any provision to be construed against the drafter of this Agreement. The headings of the provisions of this Agreement are not binding and are for reference only and do not limit, expand, or otherwise affect the contents or meaning of this Agreement.


J.                   Cooperation. Each Party and each Participating Subdivision agrees to use its best efforts and to cooperate with the other Parties and Participating Subdivisions to cause this Agreement and the Consent Judgments to become effective, to obtain all necessary approvals, consents and authorizations, if any, and to execute all documents and to take such other action as may be appropriate in connection herewith. Consistent with the foregoing, each Party and each Participating Subdivision agrees that it will not directly or indirectly assist or encourage any challenge to this Agreement or any Consent Judgment by any other person, and will support the integrity and enforcement of the terms of this Agreement and the Consent Judgments.


K.                 Entire Agreement. This Agreement, including its exhibits and any other attachments, embodies the entire agreement and understanding between and among the Parties and Participating Subdivisions relating to the subject matter hereof and supersedes (1) all prior agreements and understandings relating to such subject matter, whether written or oral and (2) all purportedly contemporaneous oral agreements and understandings relating to such subject matter.


L.                  Execution. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts and by different signatories on separate counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which shall together be one and the same Agreement. One or more counterparts of this Agreement may be delivered by facsimile or electronic transmission with the intent that it or they shall constitute an original counterpart hereof. One or more counterparts of this Agreement may be signed by electronic signature.


M.               Good Faith and Voluntary Entry. Each Party warrants and represents that it negotiated the terms of this Agreement in good faith. Each of the Parties and Participating Subdivisions warrants and represents that it freely and voluntarily entered into this Agreement without any degree of duress or compulsion. The Parties and Participating Subdivisions state that no promise of any kind or nature whatsoever (other than the written terms of this Agreement) was made to them to induce them to enter into this Agreement.


N.                 Legal Obligations. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as relieving any Settling Distributor of the obligation to comply with all state and federal laws, regulations or rules, nor shall any of the provisions herein be deemed to be permission to engage in any acts or practices prohibited by such laws, regulations, or rules. Except with respect to the Injunctive Relief Terms, in the event of a conflict between this Agreement and any requirement or requirements of federal, state, or local laws, such that a Settling Distributor cannot comply with this Agreement without violating such a requirement or requirements, the Settling Distributor









shall document such conflicts and notify the Attorney(s) General of the relevant Settling State(s) that it intends to comply with the requirement or requirements to the extent necessary to eliminate the conflict. With respect to the Injunctive Relief Terms, in the event of such a conflict, the procedures set forth in Section III.X of the Injunctive Relief Terms will be followed.


O.                 No Prevailing Party. The Parties and Participating Subdivisions each agree that they are not the prevailing party in this action, for purposes of any claim for fees, costs, or expenses as prevailing parties arising under common law or under the terms of any statute, because the Parties and Participating Subdivisions have reached a good faith settlement. The Parties and Participating Subdivisions each further waive any right to challenge or contest the validity of this Agreement on any ground, including, without limitation, that any term is unconstitutional or is preempted by, or in conflict with, any current or future law. Nothing in the previous sentence shall modify, or be construed to conflict with, Section XIV.M.


P.                  Non-Admissibility. The settlement negotiations resulting in this Agreement have been undertaken by the Parties and by certain representatives of the Participating Subdivisions in good faith and for settlement purposes only, and no evidence of negotiations or discussions underlying this Agreement shall be offered or received in evidence in any action or proceeding for any purpose. This Agreement shall not be offered or received in evidence in any action or proceeding for any purpose other than in an action or proceeding arising under or relating to this Agreement.


Q.                 Notices. All notices or other communications under this Agreement shall be in writing (including, but not limited to, electronic communications) and shall be given to the recipients indicated below:


For the Attorney(s) General:


Ashley Moody,
Attorney General
State of Florida
The Capitol,


Tallahassee, FL 32399


Josh Stein, Attorney General

North Carolina Department of Justice
Attn: Daniel Mosteller

PO Box 629

Raleigh, NC 27602


For the Plaintiffs' Executive Committee:


Paul T. Farrell, Jr., Esq.

Farrell & Fuller, LLC









1311 Ponce de Leon Ave., Suite 202
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00907


Jayne Conroy

Simmons Hanly Conroy LLC
112 Madison Avenue, 7
th Floor
New York, NY 10016-7416



Joseph F. Rice
Motley Rice LLC 28
Bridgeside Blvd.

Mount Pleasant, SC 29464


Peter Mougey

Levin Papantonio Rafferty
316 South Baylen St.

Pensacola, FL 32502


Paul J. Geller

Robbins Feller Rudman & Dowd LLP
120 East Palmetto Park Road

Boca Raton, FL 33432



For Settling Distributors:


Copy to AmerisourceBergen Corporation's attorneys at:
Attn: Michael T. Reynolds

Cravath, Swaine & Moore
825 Eighth Avenue

New York, NY 10019


Copy to Cardinal Health, Inc.'s attorneys at:
Attn: Jeffrey M. Wintner, Esq.

Attn: Elaine P. Golin, Esq.
Attn: JB Kelly, Esq.

Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz
51 West 52nd Street

New York, NY 10019











Copy to McKesson Corporation's attorneys at:

Attn: Thomas J. Perrelli
Jenner & Block LLP

1099 New York Ave., NW, Suite 900
Washington, D.C. 20001



Any Party or the Plaintiffs' Executive Committee may change or add the contact information of the persons designated to receive notice on its behalf by notice given (effective upon the giving of such notice) as provided in this Section XIV.P.


R.                 No Waiver. The waiver of any rights conferred hereunder shall be effective only if made by written instrument executed by the waiving Party or Parties. The waiver by any Party of any breach of this Agreement shall not be deemed to be or construed as a waiver of any other breach, whether prior, subsequent, or contemporaneous, nor shall such waiver be deemed to be or construed as a waiver by any other Party.


S.                  Preservation of Privilege. Nothing contained in this Agreement or any Consent Judgment, and no act required to be performed pursuant to this Agreement or any Consent Judgment, is intended to constitute, cause, or effect any waiver (in whole or in part) of any attorney-client privilege, work product protection, or common interest/joint defense privilege, and each Party and Participating Subdivision agrees that it shall not make or cause to be made in any forum any assertion to the contrary.




1.                   This Agreement shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, the Settling Distributors and their respective successors and assigns.


2.                   A Settling Distributor shall not, in one (1) transaction or a series of related transactions, sell or transfer U.S. assets having a fair market value equal to twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the consolidated assets of such Settling Distributor (other than sales or transfers of inventories, or sales or transfers to an entity owned directly or indirectly by such Settling Distributor) where the sale or transfer is announced after the Reference Date, is not for fair consideration, and would foreseeably and unreasonably jeopardize such Settling Distributor's ability to make the payments under this Agreement that are due on or before the third Payment Date following the close of a sale or transfer transaction, unless the Settling Distributor obtains the acquiror's agreement that it will be either a guarantor of or successor to the percentage of that Settling Distributor's remaining Payment Obligations under this Agreement equal to the percentage of the Settling Distributor's consolidated assets being sold or transferred in such transaction. Percentages under this section shall be determined in accordance with United States generally accepted accounting principles and as of the date of the Settling









Distributor's most recent publicly filed consolidated balance sheet prior to the date of entry into the sale or transfer agreement at issue. This Section XIV.T shall be enforceable solely by the Enforcement Committee, and any objection under this Section XIV.T not raised within twenty (20) calendar days of the announcement of the relevant transaction is waived. Any dispute under this Section XIV.T shall be a National Dispute as described in Section VI.F.2 and must be raised exclusively with the National Arbitration Panel as described therein within twenty (20) calendar days of the announcement, and the sole remedy shall be an order enjoining the transaction.


3.                   A Settling Distributor shall not, in one (1) transaction or a series of related transactions, sell or transfer (other than sales or transfers to an entity owned directly or indirectly by such Settling Distributor) more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the distribution centers within its Full-Line Wholesale Pharmaceutical Distribution Business (as that term is defined in the Injunctive Relief Terms) where the sale or transfer is announced after the Reference Date, unless the Settling Distributor obtains the acquiror's agreement that it will be bound by the Injunctive Relief Terms.


U.                 Modification, Amendment, Alteration. After the Reference Date, any modification, amendment, or alteration of this Agreement by the Parties shall be binding only if evidenced in writing signed by the Settling Distributor to which the modification, amendment, or alteration applies, if the change applies to less than all Settling Distributors, along with the signatures of at least thirty-seven of those then serving Attorneys General of the Settling States along with a representation from each Attorney General that either: (1) the advisory committee or similar entity established or recognized by that Settling State (either pursuant to Section V.E.2.d, by a State-Subdivision Agreement, or by statute) voted in favor of the modification, amendment or alteration of this Agreement including at least one member appointed by the Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G; or (2) in States without any advisory committee, that 50.1% (by population) of the Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G expressed approval of the modification, amendment, or alteration of this Agreement in a writing.




1.                   Unless otherwise agreed to by each of the Settling Distributors and the Settling State in question, this Agreement and all of its terms (except Section XIV.P and any other non-admissibility provisions, which shall continue in full force and effect) shall be canceled and terminated with respect to the Settling State, and the Agreement and all orders issued by the courts in the Settling State pursuant to the Agreement shall become null and void and of no effect if one or more of the following conditions applies:


a.                   a Consent Judgment approving this Agreement without modification of any of the Agreement's terms has not been entered as to the Settling State by a court of competent jurisdiction on or before one hundred eighty (180) calendar days after the Effective Date;


b.                   this Agreement or the Consent Judgment as to that Settling State has been disapproved by a court of competent jurisdiction to which it was presented for approval and/or entry (or, in the event of an appeal from or review









of a decision of such a court to approve this Agreement and the Consent Judgment, by the court hearing such appeal or conducting such review), and the time to appeal from such disapproval has expired, or, in the event of an appeal from such disapproval, the appeal has been dismissed or the disapproval has been affirmed by the court of last resort to which such appeal has been taken and such dismissal or disapproval has become no longer subject to further appeal (including, without limitation, review by the United States Supreme Court); or


2.                   If this Agreement is terminated with respect to a Settling State for whatever reason pursuant to Section XIV.V.1, then:


a.                   an applicable statute of limitation or any similar time requirement (excluding any statute of repose) shall be tolled from the date the Settling State signed this Agreement until the later of the time permitted by applicable law or for one year from the date of such termination, with the effect that the Settling Distributors and the Settling State in question shall be in the same position with respect to the statute of limitation as they were at the time the Settling State filed its action; and


b.                   the Settling Distributors and the Settling State in question shall jointly move the relevant court of competent jurisdiction for an order reinstating the actions and claims dismissed pursuant to the terms of this Agreement governing dismissal, with the effect that the Settling Distributors and the Settling State in question shall be in the same position with respect to those actions and claims as they were at the time the action or claim was stayed or dismissed.


3.                   Unless each of the Settling Distributors and the Enforcement Committee agrees otherwise, this Agreement, with the exception of the Injunctive Relief Terms that have their own provisions on duration, shall terminate as to all Parties as of the Payment Date for Payment Year 18, provided that all Settling Distributors that as of that date are not Bankrupt Settling Distributors have performed their Payment obligations under the Agreement as of that date. If fewer than all Settling Distributors that as of that date are not Bankrupt Settling Distributors have performed their Payment obligations under the Agreement as of that date, then the Agreement shall terminate as of that date as to any Settling Distributor that has performed its Payment obligations under the Agreement and the Agreement (a) shall terminate as to each of the remaining Settling Distributors that as of that date is not a Bankrupt Settling Distributor at such time as each performs its Payment obligations under the Agreement and (b) shall terminate as to all Parties at such time as all Settling Distributors that are not Bankrupt Settling Distributors have performed their Payment obligations under the Agreement. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Section XIV.V.3 or in this Agreement, all releases under this Agreement will remain effective despite any termination under this Section XIV.V.3.


W.               Governing Law. Except (1) as otherwise provided in this Agreement or (2) as necessary, in the sole judgment of the National Arbitration Panel, to promote uniformity of interpretation for matters within the scope of the National Arbitration Panel's authority, this Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the respective laws of the









Settling State, without regard to the conflict of law rules of such Settling State, that is seeking to enforce the Agreement against Settling Distributor(s) or against which Settling Distributor(s) are seeking enforcement. Notwithstanding any other provision in this subsection on governing law, any disputes relating to the Settlement Fund Escrow shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the law of the state where the escrow agent has its primary place of business.


X.                 Bankruptcy. The following provisions shall apply if a Settling Distributor enters Bankruptcy (a Settling Distributor which does so and takes the actions, or is otherwise subjected to the actions, referred to in (i) and/or (ii) herein being referred to as a "Bankrupt Settling Distributor") and (i) the Bankrupt Settling Distributor's bankruptcy estate recovers, pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 550, any payments made under this Agreement, or (ii) this Agreement is deemed executory and is rejected by such Settling Distributor pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 365:


1.                   In the event that both a number of Settling States equal to at least seventy- five percent (75%) of the total number of Settling States and Settling States having aggregate Overall Allocation Percentages as set forth on Exhibit F equal to at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the total aggregate Overall Allocation Percentages assigned to all Settling States deem (by written notice to the Settling Distributors other than the Bankrupt Settling Distributor) that the financial obligations of this Agreement have been terminated and rendered null and void as to such Bankrupt Settling Distributor (except as provided in Section XIV.X.1.a) due to a material breach by such Bankrupt Settling Distributor, whereupon, with respect to all Settling States:


a.                   all agreements, all concessions, all reductions of Releasing Parties' Claims, and all releases and covenants not to sue, contained in this Agreement shall immediately and automatically be deemed null and void as to such Bankrupt Settling Distributor; the Settling States shall be deemed immediately and automatically restored to the same position they were in immediately prior to their entry into this Settlement Agreement in respect to such Bankrupt Settling Distributor and the Settling States shall have the right to assert any and all claims against such Bankrupt Settling Distributor in the Bankruptcy or otherwise, subject to any automatic stay, without regard to any limits or agreements as to the amount of the settlement otherwise provided in this Agreement; provided, however, that notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, (i) all reductions of Releasing Parties' Claims, and all releases and covenants not to sue, contained in this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as to all persons or entities other than the Bankrupt Settling Distributor itself; and (ii) in the event a Settling State asserts any Released Claim against a Bankrupt Settling Distributor after the rejection and/or termination of this Agreement with respect to such Settling Distributor as described in this Section XIV.X.1.a and receives a judgment, settlement or distribution arising from such Released Claim, then the amount of any payments such Settling State has previously received from such Bankrupt Settling Distributor under this Agreement shall be applied to reduce the amount of any such judgment, settlement or distribution (provided that no credit shall be given against any such judgment, settlement or distribution for any payment that such Settling State is required to disgorge or repay to the Bankrupt Settling Distributor's bankruptcy estate); and









b.                   the Settling States may exercise all rights provided under the federal Bankruptcy Code (or other applicable bankruptcy or non-bankruptcy law) with respect to their Claims against such Bankrupt Settling Distributor subject to all defenses and rights of the Bankrupt Settling Distributor.











Alleged Harms


The following export reports that were filed in connection with the case captioned In re National Prescription Opiate Litigation, No. 1-17-md-02804 (S.D. Ohio):


1.Expert report of Professor David Cutler, dated March 25, 2019.
2.Expert report of Dr. Jeffrey B. Liebman, dated March 25, 2019.
3.Expert report of Professor Thomas McGuire regarding damages to Bellwethers, dated March 25, 2019.
4.Report of Professor Thomas McGuire regarding public nuisance, dated March 25, 2019.











Enforcement Committee Organizational Bylaws




These bylaws constitute the code of rules adopted by the Settling States and Participating Subdivisions for the creation of an Enforcement Committee (the "Committee") to exist and operate during the term of the Agreement with the Settling Distributors and shall control the regulation and management of the Committee's affairs.





The Committee is organized for the sole purpose of evaluating and taking such action as deemed reasonable, necessary, and appropriate by the members of the Committee on the matters delegated to the Committee under that certain Settlement Agreement between the Settling States and the Settling Distributors dated July 21, 2021.



Members of the Committee


(1)Number of Members

The Committee will consist of seventeen (17) members (the "Members"). Upon majority resolution of the Committee, the number of Members may be increased or decreased from time to time, but in no event shall a decrease have the effect of decreasing the total number of Members to less than seven Members.


(2)Initial Members

The Committee initially will consist of eleven Settling State Members and six Participating Subdivision Members, three of the Participating Subdivisions shall be counties and three shall be municipalities. The initial Settling State Members are representatives from: Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Texas. The initial Participating Subdivision Members are: (a)  Bexar County, Texas; (b) Broward County, Florida; (c) Chicago, Illinois; (d) Cincinnati, Ohio; (e) Nashville, Tennessee; and (f) Nassau County, New York. Until the Reference Date contained in the Settlement Agreement, the Participating Subdivisions may designate their outside counsel to serve as their representative. After the Reference Date, an employee or official of the Participating Subdivision must be the designated as the representative of the Participating Subdivision.


(3)Term of Members

The term of office for Members of the Committee will be until the end of the term of the Settlement Agreement, eighteen (18) years, unless and until a Member withdraws or resigns from the Committee.










Any Member may resign at any time by delivering written notice to the Chairperson of the Committee. Such resignation shall take effect upon receipt or, if later, at the time specified in the notice.




(a)   Any Member may be removed without cause, at any time, by a majority of the entire Committee, at a Regular or Special Meeting called for that purpose. Any Member under consideration of removal must first be notified about the consideration by written notice at least five days prior to the meeting at which the vote takes place.


(b)     In the event that any Member is not a Settling State or a Participating Subdivision or the Member subsequently becomes a Later Litigating Subdivision or otherwise does not support the Agreement, the Member shall be removed immediately without notice or vote of the Committee.



In the event of a vacancy, the Members of the same type (Settling State or Participating Subdivision) shall select another Settling State or Participating Subdivision to fill that Member's position.



Members shall not receive any salaries or other compensation for their services, but, by resolution of the Committee, may be reimbursed for any actual expenses incurred in the performance of their duties for the Committee, as long as a majority of disinterested Members approve the reimbursement. Any reimbursement shall be sought from the Settlement Fund Administrator.



Conflicts of Interest and Code of Ethics


If a Member, agent, or employee of the Committee has a conflict of interest, he or she may not participate in a vote, discussion, or decision about the matter. Each Member shall follow any applicable state or local law with respect to conflicts, gifts, and ethics.



Committee Meetings


(1)Place of Meetings

Meetings of the Committee will be held at any place that the Chairperson may designate, including by telephonic or electronic means.


(2)Regular Meetings

Regular meetings of the Committee shall be held as deemed necessary by the by the Chairperson or any three members.









(3)Notice of Meetings

Written notice of the date, time, place and subject of each meeting must be provided to the Members at least 72 hours before the scheduled time of the meeting, except when there is an emergency or urgent public necessity.



A majority of the incumbent Members (not counting vacancies) shall constitute a quorum for the purposes of convening a meeting or conducting business.


(5)Voting and Proxy

When it is necessary to vote on any matter before the Committee, Members may vote by electronic means as provided in these Bylaws. Proxy voting is permitted. In order for a matter to pass, the matter must have a majority vote of Members present and must have at least one vote from a Settling State Member and a Participating Subdivision Member. In the event that there is a Quorum, but no Settling State or Participating Subdivision Member is present, then a matter may pass with a simple majority vote.



The Committee shall prepare and keep minutes. The minutes must state the subject of each deliberation and indicate each vote, order, decision, or other action taken.





(1)Roster of Officers

The Committee shall have a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson, and a Secretary. The Committee may have at its discretion, such other officers as may be appointed by the Members of the Committee. One person may hold two or more offices, except those serving as Chairperson.


(2)Election and Removal of Officers

All officers shall serve two-year terms. The election shall be conducted at the first meeting of the fiscal year. Officers shall remain in office until their successors have been selected. Officers may serve consecutive terms without limit. The election of officers shall be by majority vote of the Members of the Committee attending the meeting.



If a vacancy occurs during the term of office for any elected officer, the Members of the Committee shall elect a new officer to fill the remainder of the term as soon as practical, by majority vote of Members present.



The Chairperson will supervise and control the affairs of the Committee and shall exercise such supervisory powers as may be given him/her by the Members of the Committee. The Chairperson will perform all duties incident to such office and such other duties as may be









provided in these bylaws or as may be prescribed from time to time by the Committee. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings and shall exercise parliamentary control in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order.


(5)Vice Chairperson

The Vice Chairperson shall act in place of the Chairperson in the event of the Chairperson's absence, inability, or refusal to act, and shall exercise and discharge such other duties as may be required by the Committee. The Vice Chairperson shall serve as the parliamentarian and interpret any ambiguities of the bylaws.



The Secretary will keep and maintain all records related to the Committee and take minutes of all meetings.



All elected officers and committee chairpersons shall relinquish their records to the Chairperson immediately upon the completion of their term of office or completion of their term of office or completion of a project.



An officer may resign the office while not resigning membership from the Committee, by submitting a letter to the Chairperson. Vacancies occurring in any office shall be appointed for the remainder of the term.





(1)Prior to the Reference Date

The Committee shall be responsible for any additional negotiations with the Settling Distributors, including, but not limited to, negotiating extensions of any periods created by the Settlement Agreement.


(2)After the Enforcement Date

The Committee shall establish procedures for the receipt of notices that a dispute exists concerning the Agreement and review of such disputes, pursuant to Section VI of the Agreement. Members may engage with Settling Distributors, Settling States, and Participating Subdivisions attempting to resolve any dispute without further action by the Committee. The Committee may request additional information from Settling Distributors, Settling States, and Participating Subdivisions to the extent the Committee believes such information is necessary to understand, resolve, or provide advice related to a dispute. The Committee shall endeavor to provide advice relative to the dispute no later than 60 days after receipt of notice.










Rules of Procedure


The proceedings and business of the Committee shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order unless otherwise waived by the Committee.






The Committee will keep correct and complete records and will also keep minutes of the proceedings of the Committee meetings and Committees. The Committee will keep at its principal place of business at a place designated by the Chairperson.


All elected officers and committee chairpersons shall relinquish their records to the Chairperson, immediately upon the completion of their term of office.


(2)Inspection of Books and Records

The minutes of a meeting are public records and shall be available for public inspection and copying on request to the Committee's Chairperson or the Chairperson's designee.



The bylaws may be amended at any time by a vote of a majority of Members present and must have at least one vote from a Settling State Member and a Participating Subdivision Member. In the event that there is a Quorum, but no Settling State or Participating Subdivision Member is present, then a matter may pass with a simple majority vote.











Litigating Subdivisions List12


1. Apache (AZ), County of, Arizona 41. Bald Knob (AR), City of, Arkansas
2. Bullhead City (AZ), City of, Arizona 42. Banks (AR), City of, Arkansas
3. Cochise (AZ), County of, Arizona 43. Barling (AR), City of, Arkansas
4. Glendale (AZ), City of, Arizona 44. Bassett (AR), City of, Arkansas
5. Kingman (AZ), City of, Arizona 45. Batesville (AR), City of, Arkansas
6. La Paz (AZ), County of, Arizona 46. Bauxite (AR), City of, Arkansas
7. Maricopa (AZ), County of, Arizona 47. Baxter (AR), County of, Arkansas
8. Mohave (AZ), County of, Arizona 48. Bay (AR), City of, Arkansas
9. Navajo (AZ), County of, Arizona 49. Bearden (AR), City of, Arkansas
10. Phoenix (AZ), City of, Arizona 50. Beaver (AR), City of, Arkansas
11. Pima (AZ), County of, Arizona 51. Beebe (AR), City of, Arkansas
12. Pinal (AZ), County of, Arizona 52. Beedeville (AR), City of, Arkansas
13. Prescott (AZ), City of, Arizona 53. Bella Vista (AR), City of, Arkansas
14. Surprise (AZ), City of, Arizona 54. Bellefonte (AR), City of, Arkansas
15. Tucson (AZ), The City of, Arizona 55. Belleville (AR), City of, Arkansas
16. Yuma (AZ), County of, Arizona 56. Ben Lomond (AR), City of, Arkansas
17. Adona (AR), City of, Arkansas 57. Benton (AR), City of, Arkansas
18. Alexander (AR), City of, Arkansas 58. Benton (AR), County of, Arkansas
19. Alicia (AR), City of, Arkansas 59. Bentonville (AR), City of, Arkansas
20. Allport (AR), City of, Arkansas 60. Bergman (AR), City of, Arkansas
21. Alma (AR), City of, Arkansas 61. Berryville (AR), City of, Arkansas
22. Almyra (AR), City of, Arkansas 62. Bethel Heights (AR), City of, Arkansas
23. Alpena (AR), City of, Arkansas 63. Big Flat (AR), City of, Arkansas
24. Altheimer (AR), City of, Arkansas 64. Bigelow (AR), City of, Arkansas
25. Altus (AR), City of, Arkansas 65. Biggers (AR), City of, Arkansas
26. Amagon (AR), City of, Arkansas 66. Birdsong (AR), City of, Arkansas
27. Amity (AR), City of, Arkansas 67. Biscoe (AR), City of, Arkansas
28. Anthonyvile (AR), City of, Arkansas 68. Black Oak (AR), City of, Arkansas
29. Antoine (AR), City of, Arkansas 69. Black Rock (AR), City of, Arkansas
30. Arkadelphia (AR), City of, Arkansas 70. Black Springs (AR), City of, Arkansas
31. Arkansas (AR), County of, Arkansas 71. Blevins (AR), City of, Arkansas
32. Arkansas City (AR), City of, Arkansas 72. Blue Eye (AR), City of, Arkansas
33. Ash Flat (AR), City of, Arkansas 73. Blue Mountain (AR), City of, Arkansas
34. Ashdown (AR), City of, Arkansas 74. Bluff City (AR), City of, Arkansas
35. Ashley (AR), County of, Arkansas 75. Blytheville (AR), City of, Arkansas
36. Atkins (AR), City of, Arkansas 76. Bodcaw (AR), City of, Arkansas
37. Aubrey (AR), City of, Arkansas 77. Bonanza (AR), City of, Arkansas
38. Augusta (AR), City of, Arkansas 78. Bono (AR), City of, Arkansas
39. Austin (AR), City of, Arkansas 79. Boone (AR), County of, Arkansas
40. Avoca (AR), City of, Arkansas 80. Booneville (AR), City of, Arkansas



12 For purposes of calculating the percentage of Litigating Subdivisions pursuant to Section IV.F.2.b and Exhibit H, an individual Litigating Subdivision shall not be included more than once in the numerator, and shall not be included more than once in the denominator, of the calculation regardless if it (or any of its officials) is named as multiple plaintiffs in the same lawsuit; provided, however, that for the avoidance of doubt, no Litigating Subdivision will be excluded from the numerator or denominator under this sentence unless a Litigating Subdivision otherwise counted in the denominator has the authority to release the Claims (consistent with Section XI) of the Litigating Subdivision to be excluded.





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22

      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22


81. Bradford (AR), City of, Arkansas 134. Cotter (AR), City of, Arkansas
82. Bradley (AR), City of, Arkansas 135. Cotton Plant (AR), City of, Arkansas
83. Bradley (AR), County of, Arkansas 136. Cove (AR), City of, Arkansas
84. Branch (AR), City of, Arkansas 137. Coy (AR), City of, Arkansas
85. Briarcliff (AR), City of, Arkansas 138. Craighead (AR), County of, Arkansas
86. Brinkley (AR), City of, Arkansas 139. Crawford (AR), County of, Arkansas
87. Brookland (AR), City of, Arkansas 140. Crawfordsville (AR), City of, Arkansas
88. Bryant (AR), City of, Arkansas 141. Crittenden (AR), County of, Arkansas
89. Buckner (AR), City of, Arkansas 142. Cross (AR), County of, Arkansas
90. Bull Shoals (AR), City of, Arkansas 143. Crossett (AR), City of, Arkansas
91. Burdette (AR), City of, Arkansas 144. Cushman (AR), City of, Arkansas
92. Cabot (AR), City of, Arkansas 145. Daisy (AR), City of, Arkansas
93. Caddo Valley (AR), City of, Arkansas 146. Dallas (AR), County of, Arkansas
94. Caldwell (AR), City of, Arkansas 147. Damascus (AR), City of, Arkansas
95. Cale (AR), City of, Arkansas 148. Danville (AR), City of, Arkansas
96. Calhoun (AR), County of, Arkansas 149. Dardanelle (AR), City of, Arkansas
97. Calico Rock (AR), City of, Arkansas 150. Datto (AR), City of, Arkansas
98. Calion (AR), City of, Arkansas 151. De Queen (AR), City of, Arkansas
99. Camden (AR), City of, Arkansas 152. Decatur (AR), City of, Arkansas
100. Cammack Village (AR), City of, Arkansas 153. Delaplaine (AR), City of, Arkansas
101. Campbell Station (AR), City of, Arkansas 154. Delight (AR), City of, Arkansas
102. Caraway (AR), City of, Arkansas 155. Dell (AR), City of, Arkansas
103. Carlisle (AR), City of, Arkansas 156. Denning (AR), City of, Arkansas
104. Carroll (AR), County of, Arkansas 157. Dermott (AR), City of, Arkansas
105. Carthage (AR), City of, Arkansas 158. Des Arc (AR), City of, Arkansas
106. Casa (AR), City of, Arkansas 159. Desha (AR), County of, Arkansas
107. Cash (AR), City of, Arkansas 160. Devalls Bluff (AR), City of, Arkansas
108. Caulksville (AR), City of, Arkansas 161. Dewitt (AR), City of, Arkansas
109. Cave City (AR), City of, Arkansas 162. Diamond City (AR), City of, Arkansas
110. Cave Springs (AR), City of, Arkansas 163. Diaz (AR), City of, Arkansas
111. Cedarville (AR), City of, Arkansas 164. Dierks (AR), City of, Arkansas
112. Centerton (AR), City of, Arkansas 165. Donaldson (AR), City of, Arkansas
113. Central City (AR), City of, Arkansas 166. Dover (AR), City of, Arkansas
114. Charleston (AR), City of, Arkansas 167. Drew (AR), County of, Arkansas
115. Cherokee Village (AR), City of, Arkansas 168. Dumas (AR), City of, Arkansas
116. Cherry Valley (AR), City of, Arkansas 169. Dyer (AR), City of, Arkansas
117. Chester (AR), City of, Arkansas 170. Dyess (AR), City of, Arkansas
118. Chicot (AR), County of, Arkansas 171. Earle (AR), City of, Arkansas
119. Chidester (AR), City of, Arkansas 172. East Camden (AR), City of, Arkansas
120. Clarendon (AR), City of, Arkansas 173. Edmondson (AR), City of, Arkansas
121. Clark (AR), County of, Arkansas 174. Egypt (AR), City of, Arkansas
122. Clarksville (AR), City of, Arkansas 175. El Dorado (AR), City of, Arkansas
123. Clay (AR), County of, Arkansas 176. Elaine (AR), City of, Arkansas
124. Cleburne (AR), County of, Arkansas 177. Elkins (AR), City of, Arkansas
125. Cleveland (AR), County of, Arkansas 178. Elm Springs (AR), City of, Arkansas
126. Clinton (AR), City of, Arkansas 179. Emerson (AR), City of, Arkansas
127. Coal Hill (AR), City of, Arkansas 180. Emmet (AR), City of, Arkansas
128. Colt (AR), City of, Arkansas 181. England (AR), City of, Arkansas
129. Columbia (AR), County of, Arkansas 182. Enola (AR), City of, Arkansas
130. Concord (AR), City of, Arkansas 183. Etowah (AR), City of, Arkansas
131. Conway (AR), City of, Arkansas 184. Eudora (AR), City of, Arkansas
132. Conway (AR), County of, Arkansas 185. Eureka Springs (AR), City of, Arkansas
133. Corning (AR), City of, Arkansas 186. Evening Shade (AR), City of, Arkansas





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22
187. Everton (AR), City of, Arkansas 240. Gum Springs (AR), City of, Arkansas
188. Fairfield Bay (AR), City of, Arkansas 241. Gurdon (AR), City of, Arkansas
189. Fargo (AR), City of, Arkansas 242. Guy (AR), City of, Arkansas
190. Farmington (AR), City of, Arkansas 243. Hackett (AR), City of, Arkansas
191. Faulkner (AR), County of, Arkansas 244. Hamburg (AR), City of, Arkansas
192. Fayetteville (AR), City of, Arkansas 245. Hampton (AR), City of, Arkansas
193. Felsenthal (AR), City of, Arkansas 246. Hardy (AR), City of, Arkansas
194. Fifty-Six (AR), City of, Arkansas 247. Harrell (AR), City of, Arkansas
195. Fisher (AR), City of, Arkansas 248. Harrisburg (AR), City of, Arkansas
196. Flippin (AR), City of, Arkansas 249. Harrison (AR), City of, Arkansas
197. Fordyce (AR), City of, Arkansas 250. Hartford (AR), City of, Arkansas
198. Foreman (AR), City of, Arkansas 251. Hartman (AR), City of, Arkansas
199. Forrest City (AR), City of, Arkansas 252. Haskell (AR), City of, Arkansas
200. Fort Smith (AR), City of, Arkansas 253. Hatfield (AR), City of, Arkansas
201. Fouke (AR), City of, Arkansas 254. Havana (AR), City of, Arkansas
202. Fountain Hill (AR), City of, Arkansas 255. Haynes (AR), City of, Arkansas
203. Fountain Lake (AR), City of, Arkansas 256. Hazen (AR), City of, Arkansas
204. Fourche (AR), City of, Arkansas 257. Heber Springs (AR), City of, Arkansas
205. Franklin (AR), City of, Arkansas 258. Hector (AR), City of, Arkansas
206. Franklin (AR), County of, Arkansas 259. Helena - West Helena (AR), City of,
207. Friendship (AR), City of, Arkansas   Arkansas
208. Fulton (AR), City of, Arkansas 260. Hempstead (AR), County of, Arkansas
209. Fulton (AR), County of, Arkansas 261. Hermitage (AR), City of, Arkansas
210. Garfield (AR), City of, Arkansas 262. Hickory Ridge (AR), City of, Arkansas
211. Garland (AR), City of, Arkansas 263. Higden (AR), City of, Arkansas
212. Garland (AR), County of, Arkansas 264. Higginson (AR), City of, Arkansas
213. Garner (AR), City of, Arkansas 265. Highfill (AR), City of, Arkansas
214. Gassville (AR), City of, Arkansas 266. Highland (AR), City of, Arkansas
215. Gateway (AR), City of, Arkansas 267. Hindsville (AR), City of, Arkansas
216. Gentry (AR), City of, Arkansas 268. Holland (AR), City of, Arkansas
217. Georgetown (AR), City of, Arkansas 269. Holly Grove (AR), City of, Arkansas
218. Gilbert (AR), City of, Arkansas 270. Hope (AR), City of, Arkansas
219. Gillett (AR), City of, Arkansas 271. Horatio (AR), City of, Arkansas
220. Gillham (AR), City of, Arkansas 272. Horseshoe Bend (AR), City of, Arkansas
221. Gilmore (AR), City of, Arkansas 273. Horseshoe Lake (AR), City of, Arkansas
222. Glenwood (AR), City of, Arkansas 274. Hot Spring (AR), County of, Arkansas
223. Goshen (AR), City of, Arkansas 275. Hot Springs (AR), City of, Arkansas
224. Gosnell (AR), City of, Arkansas 276. Houston (AR), City of, Arkansas
225. Gould (AR), City of, Arkansas 277. Howard (AR), County of, Arkansas
226. Grady (AR), City of, Arkansas 278. Hoxie (AR), City of, Arkansas
227. Grannis (AR), City of, Arkansas 279. Hughes (AR), City of, Arkansas
228. Grant (AR), County of, Arkansas 280. Humnoke (AR), City of, Arkansas
229. Gravette (AR), City of, Arkansas 281. Humphrey (AR), City of, Arkansas
230. Green Forest (AR), City of, Arkansas 282. Hunter (AR), City of, Arkansas
231. Greenbrier (AR), City of, Arkansas 283. Huntington (AR), City of, Arkansas
232. Greene (AR), County of, Arkansas 284. Huntsville (AR), City of, Arkansas
233. Greenland (AR), City of, Arkansas 285. Huttig (AR), City of, Arkansas
234. Greenway (AR), City of, Arkansas 286. Imboden (AR), City of, Arkansas
235. Greenwood (AR), City of, Arkansas 287. Independence (AR), County of, Arkansas
236. Greers Ferry (AR), City of, Arkansas 288. Izard (AR), County of, Arkansas
237. Griffithville (AR), City of, Arkansas 289. Jackson (AR), County of, Arkansas
238. Grubbs (AR), City of, Arkansas 290. Jacksonport (AR), City of, Arkansas
239. Guion (AR), City of, Arkansas 291. Jacksonville (AR), City of, Arkansas





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22
292. Jasper (AR), City of, Arkansas 345. Madison (AR), County of, Arkansas
293. Jefferson (AR), County of, Arkansas 346. Magazine (AR), City of, Arkansas
294. Jennette (AR), City of, Arkansas 347. Magness (AR), City of, Arkansas
295. Jericho (AR), City of, Arkansas 348. Magnolia (AR), City of, Arkansas
296. Jerome (AR), City of, Arkansas 349. Malvern (AR), City of, Arkansas
297. Johnson (AR), City of, Arkansas 350. Mammoth Spring (AR), City of, Arkansas
298. Johnson (AR), County of, Arkansas 351. Manila (AR), City of, Arkansas
299. Joiner (AR), City of, Arkansas 352. Mansfield (AR), City of, Arkansas
300. Jonesboro (AR), City of, Arkansas 353. Marianna (AR), City of, Arkansas
301. Judsonia (AR), City of, Arkansas 354. Marie (AR), City of, Arkansas
302. Junction City (AR), City of, Arkansas 355. Marion (AR), City of, Arkansas
303. Keiser (AR), City of, Arkansas 356. Marion (AR), County of, Arkansas
304. Kensett (AR), City of, Arkansas 357. Marked Tree (AR), City of, Arkansas
305. Keo (AR), City of, Arkansas 358. Marmaduke (AR), City of, Arkansas
306. Kibler (AR), City of, Arkansas 359. Marshall (AR), City of, Arkansas
307. Kingsland (AR), City of, Arkansas 360. Marvell (AR), City of, Arkansas
308. Knobel (AR), City of, Arkansas 361. Maumelle (AR), City of, Arkansas
309. Knoxville (AR), City of, Arkansas 362. Mayflower (AR), City of, Arkansas
310. La Grange (AR), City of, Arkansas 363. Maynard (AR), City of, Arkansas
311. Lafayette (AR), County of, Arkansas 364. McCaskill (AR), City of, Arkansas
312. Lafe (AR), City of, Arkansas 365. McRae (AR), City of, Arkansas
313. Lake City (AR), City of, Arkansas 366. McCrory (AR), City of, Arkansas
314. Lake View (AR), City of, Arkansas 367. McDougal (AR), City of, Arkansas
315. Lake Village (AR), City of, Arkansas 368. McGehee (AR), City of, Arkansas
316. Lakeview (AR), City of, Arkansas 369. McNab (AR), City of, Arkansas
317. Lamar (AR), City of, Arkansas 370. McNeil (AR), City of, Arkansas
318. Lavaca (AR), City of, Arkansas 371. Melbourne (AR), City of, Arkansas
319. Lawrence (AR), County of, Arkansas 372. Mena (AR), City of, Arkansas
320. Leachville (AR), City of, Arkansas 373. Menifee (AR), City of, Arkansas
321. Lead Hill (AR), City of, Arkansas 374. Midland (AR), City of, Arkansas
322. Lee (AR), County of, Arkansas 375. Miller (AR), County of, Arkansas
323. Leola (AR), City of, Arkansas 376. Mineral Springs (AR), City of, Arkansas
324. Lepanto (AR), City of, Arkansas 377. Minturn (AR), City of, Arkansas
325. Leslie (AR), City of, Arkansas 378. Mississippi (AR), County of, Arkansas
326. Letona (AR), City of, Arkansas 379. Mitchellville (AR), City of, Arkansas
327. Lewisville (AR), City of, Arkansas 380. Monette (AR), City of, Arkansas
328. Lexa (AR), City of, Arkansas 381. Monroe (AR), County of, Arkansas
329. Lincoln (AR), City of, Arkansas 382. Montgomery (AR), County of, Arkansas
330. Lincoln (AR), County of, Arkansas 383. Monticello (AR), City of, Arkansas
331. Little Flock (AR), City of, Arkansas 384. Montrose (AR), City of, Arkansas
332. Little River (AR), County of, Arkansas 385. Moorefield (AR), City of, Arkansas
333. Little Rock (AR), City of, Arkansas 386. Moro (AR), City of, Arkansas
334. Lockesburg (AR), City of, Arkansas 387. Morrilton (AR), City of, Arkansas
335. Logan (AR), County of, Arkansas 388. Morrison Bluff (AR), City of, Arkansas
336. London (AR), City of, Arkansas 389. Mount Ida (AR), City of, Arkansas
337. Lonoke (AR), City of, Arkansas 390. Mount Pleasant (AR), City of, Arkansas
338. Lonoke (AR), County of, Arkansas 391. Mount Vernon (AR), City of, Arkansas
339. Lonsdale (AR), City of, Arkansas 392. Mountain Home (AR), City of, Arkansas
340. Louann (AR), City of, Arkansas 393. Mountain Pine (AR), City of, Arkansas
341. Lowell (AR), City of, Arkansas 394. Mountain View (AR), City of, Arkansas
342. Luxora (AR), City of, Arkansas 395. Mountainburg (AR), City of, Arkansas
343. Lynn (AR), City of, Arkansas 396. Mulberry (AR), City of, Arkansas
344. Madison (AR), City of, Arkansas  397. Murfreesboro (AR), City of, Arkansas





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22
398. Nashville (AR), City of, Arkansas 450. Polk (AR), County of, Arkansas
399. Nevada (AR), County of, Arkansas 451. Pollard (AR), City of, Arkansas
400. Newark (AR), City of, Arkansas 452. Pope (AR), County of, Arkansas
401. Newport (AR), City of, Arkansas 453. Portia (AR), City of, Arkansas
402. Newton (AR), County of, Arkansas 454. Portland (AR), City of, Arkansas
403. Nimmons (AR), City of, Arkansas 455. Pottsville (AR), City of, Arkansas
404. Norfork (AR), City of, Arkansas 456. Powhatan (AR), City of, Arkansas
405. Norman (AR), City of, Arkansas 457. Poyen (AR), City of, Arkansas
406. Norphlet (AR), City of, Arkansas 458. Prairie (AR), County of, Arkansas
407. North Little Rock (AR), City of, Arkansas 459. Prairie Grove (AR), City of, Arkansas
408. Oak Grove (AR), City of, Arkansas 460. Prattsville (AR), City of, Arkansas
409. Oak Grove Heights (AR), City of, 461. Prescott (AR), City of, Arkansas
  Arkansas 462. Pulaski (AR), County of, Arkansas
410. Oakhaven (AR), City of, Arkansas 463. Pyatt (AR), City of, Arkansas
411. Oden (AR), City of, Arkansas 464. Quitman (AR), City of, Arkansas
412. Ogden (AR), City of, Arkansas 465. Randolph (AR), County of, Arkansas
413. Oil Trough (AR), City of, Arkansas 466. Ratcliff (AR), City of, Arkansas
414. O'Kean (AR), City of, Arkansas 467. Ravenden (AR), City of, Arkansas
415. Okolona (AR), City of, Arkansas 468. Ravenden Springs (AR), City of, Arkansas
416. Ola (AR), City of, Arkansas 469. Rector (AR), City of, Arkansas
417. Omaha (AR), City of, Arkansas 470. Redfield (AR), City of, Arkansas
418. Oppelo (AR), City of, Arkansas 471. Reed (AR), City of, Arkansas
419. Osceola (AR), City of, Arkansas 472. Reyno (AR), City of, Arkansas
420. Ouachita (AR), County of, Arkansas 473. Rison (AR), City of, Arkansas
421. Oxford (AR), City of, Arkansas 474. Rockport (AR), City of, Arkansas
422. Ozan (AR), City of, Arkansas 475. Roe (AR), City of, Arkansas
423. Ozark (AR), City of, Arkansas 476. Rogers (AR), City of, Arkansas
424. Palestine (AR), City of, Arkansas 477. Rondo (AR), City of, Arkansas
425. Pangburn (AR), City of, Arkansas 478. Rose Bud (AR), City of, Arkansas
426. Paragould (AR), City of, Arkansas 479. Rosston (AR), City of, Arkansas
427. Paris (AR), City of, Arkansas 480. Rudy (AR), City of, Arkansas
428. Parkdale (AR), City of, Arkansas 481. Russell (AR), City of, Arkansas
429. Parkin (AR), City of, Arkansas 482. Russellville (AR), City of, Arkansas
430. Patmos (AR), City of, Arkansas 483. Salem (AR), City of, Arkansas
431. Patterson (AR), City of, Arkansas 484. Salesville (AR), City of, Arkansas
432. Pea Ridge (AR), City of, Arkansas 485. Saline (AR), County of, Arkansas
433. Peach Orchard (AR), City of, Arkansas 486. Scott (AR), County of, Arkansas
434. Perla (AR), City of, Arkansas 487. Scranton (AR), City of, Arkansas
435. Perry (AR), City of, Arkansas 488. Searcy (AR), City of, Arkansas
436. Perry (AR), County of, Arkansas 489. Searcy (AR), County of, Arkansas
437. Perrytown (AR), City of, Arkansas 490. Sebastian (AR), County of, Arkansas
438. Perryville (AR), City of, Arkansas 491. Sedgwick (AR), City of, Arkansas
439. Phillips (AR), County of, Arkansas 492. Sevier (AR), County of, Arkansas
440. Piggott (AR), City of, Arkansas 493. Shannon Hills (AR), City of, Arkansas
441. Pike (AR), County of, Arkansas 494. Sharp (AR), County of, Arkansas
442. Pindall (AR), City of, Arkansas 495. Sheridan (AR), City of, Arkansas
443. Pine Bluff (AR), City of, Arkansas 496. Sherrill (AR), City of, Arkansas
444. Pineville (AR), City of, Arkansas 497. Sherwood (AR), City of, Arkansas
445. Plainview (AR), City of, Arkansas 498. Shirley (AR), City of, Arkansas
446. Pleasant Plains (AR), City of, Arkansas 499. Sidney (AR), City of, Arkansas
447. Plumerville (AR), City of, Arkansas 500. Siloam Springs (AR), City of, Arkansas
448. Pocahontas (AR), City of, Arkansas 501. Smackover (AR), City of, Arkansas
449. Poinsett (AR), County of, Arkansas 502. Smithville (AR), City of, Arkansas





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22
503. South Lead Hill (AR), City of, Arkansas 556. Warren (AR), City of, Arkansas
504. Sparkman (AR), City of, Arkansas 557. Washington (AR), City of, Arkansas
505. Springdale (AR), City of, Arkansas 558. Washington (AR), County of, Arkansas
506. Springtown (AR), City of, Arkansas 559. Watson (AR), City of, Arkansas
507. St. Charles (AR), City of, Arkansas 560. Weiner (AR), City of, Arkansas
508. St. Francis (AR), City of, Arkansas 561. Weldon (AR), City of, Arkansas
509. St. Francis (AR), County of, Arkansas 562. West Fork (AR), City of, Arkansas
510. St. Joe (AR), City of, Arkansas 563. West Memphis (AR), City of, Arkansas
511. St. Paul (AR), City of, Arkansas 564. West Point (AR), City of, Arkansas
512. Stamps (AR), City of, Arkansas 565. Western Grove (AR), City of, Arkansas
513. Star City (AR), City of, Arkansas 566. Wheatley (AR), City of, Arkansas
514. Stephens (AR), City of, Arkansas 567. Whelen Springs (AR), City of, Arkansas
515. Stone (AR), County of, Arkansas 568. White (AR), County of, Arkansas
516. Strawberry (AR), City of, Arkansas 569. White Hall (AR), City of, Arkansas
517. Strong (AR), City of, Arkansas 570. Wickes (AR), City of, Arkansas
518. Stuttgart (AR), City of, Arkansas 571. Widener (AR), City of, Arkansas
519. Subiaco (AR), City of, Arkansas 572. Wiederkehr Village (AR), City of,
520. Success (AR), City of, Arkansas   Arkansas
521. Sulphur Rock (AR), City of, Arkansas 573. Williford (AR), City of, Arkansas
522. Sulphur Springs (AR), City of, Arkansas 574. Willisville (AR), City of, Arkansas
523. Summit (AR), City of, Arkansas 575. Wilmar (AR), City of, Arkansas
524. Sunset (AR), City of, Arkansas 576. Wilmot (AR), City of, Arkansas
525. Swifton (AR), City of, Arkansas 577. Wilson (AR), City of, Arkansas
526. Taylor (AR), City of, Arkansas 578. Wilton (AR), City of, Arkansas
527. Texarkana (AR), City of, Arkansas 579. Winchester (AR), City of, Arkansas
528. Thornton (AR), City of, Arkansas 580. Winslow (AR), City of, Arkansas
529. Tillar (AR), City of, Arkansas 581. Winthrop (AR), City of, Arkansas
530. Tinsman (AR), City of, Arkansas 582. Woodruff (AR), County of, Arkansas
531. Tollette (AR), City of, Arkansas 583. Wooster (AR), City of, Arkansas
532. Tontitown (AR), City of, Arkansas 584. Wrightsville (AR), City of, Arkansas
533. Traskwood (AR), City of, Arkansas 585. Wynne (AR), City of, Arkansas
534. Trumann (AR), City of, Arkansas 586. Yell (AR), County of, Arkansas
535. Tuckerman (AR), City of, Arkansas 587. Yellville (AR), City of, Arkansas
536. Tull (AR), City of, Arkansas 588. Zinc (AR), City of, Arkansas
537. Tupelo (AR), City of, Arkansas 589. Alameda (CA), County of, California
538. Turrell (AR), City of, Arkansas 590. Amador (CA), County of, California
539. Twin Groves (AR), City of, Arkansas 591. Anaheim (CA), City of, California
540. Tyronza (AR), City of, Arkansas 592. Butte (CA), County of, California
541. Ulm (AR), City of, Arkansas 593. Calaveras (CA), County of, California
542. Union (AR), County of, Arkansas 594. Chico (CA), City of, California
543. Valley Springs (AR), City of, Arkansas 595. Chula Vista (CA), City of, California
544. Van Buren (AR), City of, Arkansas 596. Clearlake (CA), City of, California
545. Van Buren (AR), County of, Arkansas 597. Contra Costa (CA), County of, California
546. Vandervoort (AR), City of, Arkansas 598. Costa Mesa (CA), City of, California
547. Victoria (AR), City of, Arkansas 599. Del Norte (CA), County of, California
548. Vilonia (AR), City of, Arkansas 600. Downey Unified School District (CA),
549. Viola (AR), City of, Arkansas   California
550. Wabbaseka (AR), City of, Arkansas 601. Dublin (CA), City of, California
551. Waldenburg (AR), City of, Arkansas 602. El Dorado (CA), County of, California
552. Waldo (AR), City of, Arkansas 603. El Monte (CA), City of, California
553. Waldron (AR), City of, Arkansas 604. Elk Grove Unified School District (CA),
554. Walnut Ridge (AR), City of, Arkansas   California
555. Ward (AR), City of, Arkansas 605. Encinitas (CA), City of, California




      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22

      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22


606. Eureka (CA), City of, California 653. San Jose (CA), City of, California
607. Fresno (CA), County of, California 654. San Luis Obispo (CA), County of,
608. Fullerton (CA), City of, California   California
609. Glenn (CA), County of, California 655. San Mateo (CA), County of, California
610. Health Plan of San Joaquin (CA), 656. Santa Ana (CA), City of, California
  California 657. Santa Barbara (CA), County of, California
611. Humboldt (CA), County of, California 658. Santa Barbara San Luis Obispo Regional
612. Huntington Beach (CA), City of, California   Heath Authority, d/b/a Central Hospital
613. Imperial (CA), County of, California   (CA), California
614. Inland Empire Health Plan (CA), California 659. Santa Cruz (CA), County of, California
615. Inyo (CA), County of, California 660. Shasta (CA), County of, California
616. Irvine (CA), City of, California 661. Siskiyou (CA), County of, California
617. Kern (CA), County of, California 662. Sonoma (CA), County of, California
618. Kern High School District (CA), California 663. Stockton (CA), City of, California
619. La Habra (CA), City of, California 664. Sutter (CA), County of, California
620. La Mesa (CA), City of, California 665. Tehama (CA), County of, California
621. Laguna Beach (CA), City of, California 666. Trinity (CA), County of, California
622. Lakeport (CA), City of, California 667. Tulare (CA), County of, California
623. Lassen (CA), County of, California 668. Tuolumne (CA), County of, California
624. Los Angeles (CA), City of, California 669. Ventura (CA), County of, California
625. Los Angeles County o/a L.A. Care Health 670. Ventura County Medi-Cal Managed Care
  Plan (CA), Local Initiative Health   Commission d/b/a Gold Coast Health Plan
  Authority   (CA), California
626. Madera (CA), County of, California 671. Westminster (CA), City of, California
627. Marin (CA), County of, California 672. Yolo (CA), County of, California
628. Mariposa (CA), County of, California 673. Yuba (CA), County of, California
629. Mendocino (CA), County of, California 674. Adams (CO), County of (Board of
630. Merced (CA), County of, California   Commissioners), Colorado
631. Modoc (CA), County of, California 675. Alamosa (CO), City of, Colorado
632. Mono (CA), County of, California 676. Alamosa (CO), County of, Colorado
633. Monterey (CA), County of, California 677. Arapahoe (CO), County of (Board of  
634. Montezuma (CA), Fire Protection District,   Commissioners), Colorado
  California 678. Aurora (CO), City of, Colorado
635. Murrieta (CA), City of, California 679. Black Hawk (CO), City of, Colorado
636. Napa (CA), County of, California 680. Boulder (CO), County of (Board of
637. Nevada (CA), County of, California   Commissioners), Colorado
638. Oxnard (CA), City of, California 681. Brighton (CO), City of, Colorado
639. Placentia (CA), City of, California 682. Broomfield (CO), City of, Colorado
640. Placer (CA), County of, California 683. Chaffee (CO), County of, Colorado
641. Pleasant Valley (CA), School District 684. Commerce City (CO), City of, Colorado
  Board of Education, California 685. Conejos (CO), County of, Colorado
642. Plumas (CA), County of, California 686. Crowley (CO), County of, Colorado
643. Riverside (CA), County of, California 687. Denver (CO), City of, Colorado
644. Sacramento (CA), City of, California 688. Federal Heights (CO), City of, Colorado
645. Sacramento (CA), County of, California 689. Fremont (CO), County of (Board of
646. San Benito (CA), County of, California   Commissioners), Colorado
647. San Bernardino (CA), County of, 690. Greeley (CO), City of, Colorado
   California 691. Hudson (CO), City of, Colorado
648. San Clemente (CA), City of, California 692. Huerfano (CO), County of, Colorado
649. San Diego (CA), City of, California 693. Jefferson (CO), County of (Board of
650. San Diego (CA), County of, California   Commissioners), Colorado
651. San Francisco (CA), City of, California 694. Lakewood (CO), City of, Colorado
652. San Joaquin (CA), County of, California    





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22

      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22


695. Larimer (CO), County of (Board of 743. Torrington (CT), City of, Connecticut
  Commissioners), Colorado 744. Wallingford (CT), Town of, Connecticut
696. Las Animas (CO), County of, Colorado 745. Waterbury (CT), City of, Connecticut
697. Mesa (CO), County of (Board of 746. West Haven (CT), City of, Connecticut
  Commissioners), Colorado 747. Wethersfield (CT), Town of, Connecticut
698. Mesa County Valley School District 51 748. Windham (CT), Town of, Connecticut
  (CO), Colorado 749. Wolcott (CT), Town of, Connecticut
699. Northglenn (CO), City of, Colorado 750. Woodbury (CT), Town of, Connecticut
700. Otero (CO), County of, Colorado 751. Dover (DE), City of, Delaware
701. Pueblo (CO), County of, Colorado 752. Kent (DE), County of, Delaware
702. Sheridan (CO), City of, Colorado 753. Seaford (DE), City of, Delaware
703. Teller (CO), County of (Board of 754. Sussex (DE), County of, Delaware
  Commissioners), Colorado 755. Alachua (FL), County of, Florida
704. Thornton (CO), City of, Colorado 756. Apopka (FL), City of, Florida
705. Tri-County Health Department (CO), 757. Bay (FL), County of, Florida
  Colorado 758. Bradenton (FL), City of, Florida
706. Westminster (CO), City of, Colorado 759. Bradford (FL), County of, Florida
707. Wheat Ridge (CO), City of, Colorado 760. Brevard (FL), County of, Florida
708. Ansonia (CT), City of, Connecticut 761. Broward (FL), County of, Florida
709. Beacon Falls (CT), Town of, Connecticut 762. Calhoun (FL), County of, Florida
710. Berlin (CT), Town of, Connecticut 763. Clay (FL), County of, Florida
711. Bethlehem (CT), Town of, Connecticut 764. Clearwater (FL), City of, Florida
712. Bridgeport (CT), City of, Connecticut 765. Coconut Creek (FL), City of, Florida
713. Bristol (CT), City of, Connecticut 766. Coral Gables (FL), City of, Florida
714. Coventry (CT), Town of, Connecticut 767. Coral Springs (FL), City of, Florida
715. Danbury (CT), City of, Connecticut 768. Daytona Beach (FL), City of, Florida
716. Derby (CT), City of, Connecticut 769. Daytona Beach Shores (FL), City of,
717. East Hartford (CT), Town of, Connecticut   Florida
718. Enfield (CT), Town of, Connecticut 770. Deerfield Beach (FL), City of, Florida
719. Fairfield (CT), Town of, Connecticut 771. Delray Beach (FL), City of, Florida
720. Middlebury (CT), Town of, Connecticut 772. Deltona (FL), City of, Florida
721. Middletown (CT), City of, Connecticut 773. Dixie (FL), County of, Florida
722. Milford (CT), City of, Connecticut 774. Eatonville (FL), Town of, Florida
723. Monroe (CT), Town of, Connecticut 775. Escambia (FL), County of, Florida
724. Naugatuck (CT), Borough of, Connecticut 776. Florida City (FL), City of, Florida
725. New Britain (CT), City of, Connecticut 777. Fort Lauderdale (FL), City of, Florida
726. New Haven (CT), City of, Connecticut 778. Fort Pierce (FL), City of, Florida
727. New London (CT), City of, Connecticut 779. Gilchrist (FL), County of, Florida
728. New Milford (CT), Town of, Connecticut 780. Gulf (FL), County of, Florida
729. Newtown (CT), Town of, Connecticut 781. Halifax Hospital Medical Center (FL),
730. North Haven (CT), Town of, Connecticut   Florida
731. Norwalk (CT), City of, Connecticut 782. Hallandale Beach (FL), City of, Florida
732. Norwich (CT), City of, Connecticut 783. Hamilton (FL), County of, Florida
733. Oxford (CT), Town of, Connecticut 784. Hernando (FL), County of, Florida
734. Prospect (CT), Town of, Connecticut 785. Hillsborough (FL), County of, Florida
735. Roxbury (CT), Town of, Connecticut 786. Holmes (FL), County of, Florida
736. Seymour (CT), Town of, Connecticut 787. Homestead (FL), City of, Florida
737. Shelton (CT), City of, Connecticut 788. Jackson (FL), County of, Florida
738. Southbury (CT), Town of, Connecticut 789. Jacksonville (FL), City of, Florida
739. Southington (CT), Town of, Connecticut 790. Lake (FL), County of, Florida
740. Stratford (CT), Town of, Connecticut 791. Lauderhill (FL), City of, Florida
741. Thomaston (CT), Town of, Connecticut 792. Lee (FL), County of, Florida
742. Tolland (CT), Town of, Connecticut    





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22

793. Lee Memorial Health System, d/b/a Lee 840. St. Petersburg (FL), City of, Florida
  Health (FL), Florida 841. Stuart (FL), City of, Florida
794. Leon (FL), County of, Florida 842. Suwannee (FL), County of, Florida
795. Levy (FL), County of, Florida 843. Sweetwater (FL), City of, Florida
796. Lynn Haven (FL), City of, Florida 844. Tallahassee (FL), City of, Florida
797. Manatee (FL), County of, Florida 845. Tampa (FL), City of, Florida
798. Marion (FL), County of, Florida 846. Taylor (FL), County of, Florida
799. Miami (FL), City of, Florida 847. Union (FL), County of, Florida
800. Miami Gardens (FL), City of, Florida 848. Volusia (FL), County of, Florida
801. Miami-Dade (FL), County of, Florida 849. Walton (FL), County of, Florida
802. Miami-Dade (FL), School Board of, 850. Washington (FL), County of, Florida
  Florida 851. West Volusia Hospital Authority (FL),
803. Miramar (FL), City of, Florida   Florida
804. Monroe (FL), County of (County 852. Adel (GA), City of, Georgia
  Commission), Florida 853. Advantage Behavioral Health Systems
805. New Port Richey (FL), City of, Florida   (GA), Georgia
806. Niceville, City of (FL), Florida 854. Albany (GA), City of, Georgia
807. North Broward Hospital District (FL), 855. Albany Area Community Service Board
  Florida   d/b/a Aspire Behavioral Health &
808. North Miami (FL), City of, Florida   Developmental Disability Services
809. Ocala (FL), City of, Florida   (GA), Georgia
810. Ocoee (FL), City of, Florida 856. Alma (GA), City of, Georgia
811. Okaloosa (FL), County of, Florida 857. Appling (GA), County of, Georgia
812. Orange (FL), County of, Florida 858. Appling (GA), County of (County Sheriff
813. Orlando (FL), City of, Florida   Mark Melton), Georgia
814. Ormond Beach (FL), City of, Florida 859. Arlington (GA), City of, Georgia
815. Osceola (FL), County of, Florida 860. Ashburn (GA), City of, Georgia
816. Oviedo (FL), City of, Florida 861. Athens-Clarke County (GA), The Unified
817. Palatka (FL), City of, Florida   Government of, Georgia
818. Palm Bay (FL), City of, Florida 862. Atkinson (GA), County of, Georgia
819. Palm Beach (FL), County of, Florida 863. Atlanta (GA), City of, Georgia
820. Palmetto (FL), City of, Florida 864. Augusta (GA), City of; Augusta (GA),
821. Panama City (FL), City of, Florida   County of, Georgia
822. Pasco (FL), County of, Florida 865. Bacon (GA), County of, Georgia
823. Pembroke Pines (FL), City of, Florida 866. Bacon County Hospital Foundation, Inc.
824. Pensacola (FL), City of, Florida   (GA), Georgia
825. Pinellas (FL), County of, Florida 867. Bainbridge (GA), City of, Georgia
826. Pinellas Park (FL), City of, Florida 868. Baldwin (GA), County of (Sheriff William
827. Polk (FL), County of, Florida   C. Massee, Jr.), Georgia
828. Pompano Beach (FL), City of, Florida 869. Banks (GA), County of, Georgia
829. Port St. Lucie (FL), City of, Florida 870. Bartow (GA), County of, Georgia
830. Putnam (FL), County of, Florida 871. Ben Hill (GA), County of, Georgia
831. Sanford (FL), City of, Florida 872. Berrien (GA), County of, Georgia
832. Santa Rosa (FL), County of, Florida 873. Bibb (GA), County of (Sheriff
833. Sarasota (FL), City of, Florida   David J. Davis), Georgia
834. Sarasota (FL), County of, Florida 874. Bibb County School District (GA), Georgia
835. Sarasota County Public Hospital District 875. Blackshear (GA), City of, Georgia
  d/b/a Memorial Healthcare System, Inc. 876. Blakely (GA), City of, Georgia
  (FL), Florida 877. Brantley (GA), County of, Georgia
836. Seminole (FL), County of, Florida 878. Brooks (GA), County of, Georgia
837. St. Augustine (FL), City of, Florida 879. Brunswick (GA), City of, Georgia
838. St. Johns (FL), County of, Florida 880. Bulloch (GA), County of, Georgia
839. St. Lucie (FL), County of, Florida 881. Burke (GA), County of, Georgia





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22
882. Butts (GA), County of, Georgia 923. Doraville (GA), City of, Georgia
883. Calhoun (GA), City of, Georgia 924. Dougherty (GA), County of, Georgia
884. Camden (GA), County of, Georgia 925. Douglas (GA), County of, Georgia
885. Candler (GA), County of, Georgia 926. Dunwoody (GA), City of, Georgia
886. Candler County (GA), Hospital Authority, 927. Early (GA), County of, Georgia
  Georgia 928. Echols (GA), County of, Georgia
887. Carroll (GA), County of, Georgia 929. Effingham (GA), County of, Georgia
888. Cartersville (GA), City of, Georgia 930. Elbert (GA), County of, Georgia
889. Catoosa (GA), County of, Georgia 931. Emanuel (GA), County of, Georgia
890. Charlton (GA), County of, Georgia 932. Evans (GA), County of, Georgia
891. Chatham (GA), County of, Georgia 933. Evans Memorial Hospital, Inc. (GA),
892. Chatham County Hospital Authority (GA),   Georgia
  Georgia 934. Fannin (GA), County of, Georgia
893. Chatsworth (GA), City of, Georgia 935. Fayette (GA), County of, Georgia
894. Chattooga (GA), County of, Georgia 936. Fitzgerald (GA), City of, Georgia
895. Cherokee (GA), County of, Georgia 937. Floyd (GA), County of, Georgia
896. Clay (GA), County of, Georgia 938. Forsyth (GA), County of, Georgia
897. Clayton (GA), County of, Georgia 939. Fulton (GA), County of, Georgia
898. Clayton Community MH/SA/DS Service 940. Gainesville (GA), City of, Georgia
  Board (GA), Georgia 941. Gateway Community Service Board (GA),
899. Clinch (GA), County of, Georgia   Georgia
900. Clinch County (GA) Hospital Authority, 942. Georgia Mountains Community Services
  Georgia   d/b/a Avita Community Partners (GA),
901. Cobb (GA) County of, Georgia   Georgia
902. Cobb County Community Service Board 943. Georgia Pines Community Service Board
  (GA), Georgia   (GA), Georgia
903. Coffee (GA), County of (Sheriff Doyle T. 944. Glascock (GA), County of, Georgia
  Wooten), Georgia 945. Glynn (GA), County of, Georgia
904. Colquitt (GA), County of, Georgia 946. Glynn (GA), County of (Sheriff E. Neal
905. Columbia (GA), County of, Georgia   Jump), Georgia
906. Columbus (GA), City of, Georgia 947. Gordon (GA), County of, Georgia
907. Community Mental Health Center of East 948. Grady (GA), County of, Georgia
  Central Georgia d/b/a Serenity Behavioral 949. Greene (GA), County of, Georgia
  Health Systems (GA), Georgia 950. Gwinnett (GA), County of, Georgia
908. Community Service Board of Middle 951. Habersham (GA), County of, Georgia
  Georgia (GA), Georgia 952. Habersham County Medical Center (GA),
909. Cook (GA), County of, Georgia   Georgia
910. Crawford (GA), County of (Sheriff Lewis 953. Hall (GA), County of, Georgia
  S. Walker), Georgia 954. Hancock (GA), County of, Georgia
911. Crisp (GA), County of, Georgia 955. Harris (GA), County of (Sheriff Mike
912. Crisp (GA), County of (Sheriff H.W.   Jolley), Georgia
  Hancock), Georgia 956. Heard (GA), County of, Georgia
913. Dade (GA), County of, Georgia 957. Helen (GA), City of, Georgia
914. Damascus (GA), City of, Georgia 958. Henry (GA), County of, Georgia
915. Dawson (GA), City of, Georgia 959. Highland Rivers Community Service Board
916. Dawson (GA), County of, Georgia   d/b/a Highland Rivers Health (GA),
917. Dawsonville (GA), City of, Georgia   Georgia
918. Decatur (GA), County of, Georgia 960. Hospital Authority of Bainbridge and
919. DeKalb (GA) County of, Georgia   Decatur County (GA), Georgia
920. Demorest (GA), City of, Georgia 961. Hospital Authority of Baxley and Appling
921. Dodge County Hospital Authority d/b/a   County (GA), Georgia
  Dodge County Hospital (GA), Georgia  
922. Dooly (GA), County of, Georgia  






      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22
962. Hospital Authority of Bleckley County 1003. New Horizons Community Service Board
  (GA) d/b/a Bleckley Memorial Hospital,   (GA), Georgia
  Georgia 1004. Newton (GA), County of, Georgia
963. Houston (GA), County of, Georgia 1005. Oconee (GA), County of, Georgia
964. Houston (GA), County of (Sheriff Cullen 1006. Oconee (GA), County of (Sheriff Scott R.
  Talton), Georgia   Berry), Georgia
965. Irwin (GA), County of, Georgia 1007. Oglethorpe (GA), County of, Georgia
966. Jackson (GA), City of, Georgia 1008. Peach (GA), County of, Georgia
967. Jackson (GA), County of, Georgia 1009. Peach (GA), County of (Sheriff Terry
968. Jasper (GA), County of, Georgia   Deese), Georgia
969. Jeff Davis (GA), County of, Georgia 1010. Pierce (GA), County of, Georgia
970. Jeff Davis (GA), County of (Sheriff 1011. Pierce (GA), County of (Sheriff Ramsey
  Preston Bohannon), Georgia   Bennett), Georgia
971. Jefferson (GA), County of, Georgia 1012. Pike (GA), County of, Georgia
972. Johnson (GA), County of, Georgia 1013. Pineland Behavioral Health and
973. Jones (GA), County of, Georgia   Developmental Disabilities CSB (GA),
974. Jones (GA), County of (Sheriff R.N. Butch   Georgia
  Reece), Georgia 1014. Polk (GA), County of, Georgia
975. Lakeland (GA), City of, Georgia 1015. Pooler (GA), City of, Georgia
976. Lanier (GA), County of, Georgia 1016. Pulaski (GA), County of, Georgia
977. Laurens (GA), County of, Georgia 1017. Rabun (GA), County of, Georgia
978. Laurens (GA), County of (Sheriff Larry H. 1018. Randolph (GA), County of, Georgia
  Dean), Georgia 1019. Richmond Hill (GA), City of, Georgia
979. Lee (GA), County of, Georgia 1020. Ringgold (GA), City of, Georgia
980. Liberty (GA), County of, Georgia 1021. River Edge Behavioral Health (GA),
981. Lincoln (GA), County of, Georgia   Georgia
982. Long (GA), County of, Georgia 1022. Rockdale (GA), County of, Georgia
983. Lookout Mountain Community Service 1023. Rome (GA), City of, Georgia
  Board (GA), Georgia 1024. Sandy Springs (GA), City of, Georgia
984. Lowndes (GA), County of, Georgia 1025. Satilla Community Services d/b/a Unison
985. Lumpkin (GA), County of, Georgia   Behavioral Health (GA), Georgia
986. Macon (GA), County of, Georgia 1026. Savannah (GA), City of, Georgia
987. Macon-Bibb County (GA), Unified 1027. Schley (GA), County of, Georgia
  Government of, Georgia 1028. Screven (GA), County of, Georgia
988. Madison (GA), County of, Georgia 1029. Screven (GA), County of (Sheriff Mike
989. Marietta (GA), City of, Georgia   Kile), Georgia
990. McDonough (GA), City of, Georgia 1030. Seminole (GA), County of, Georgia
991. McDuffie (GA), County of, Georgia 1031. Snellville (GA), City of, Georgia
992. McIntosh (GA), County of, Georgia 1032. Spalding (GA), County of, Georgia
993. Meriwether (GA), County of, Georgia 1033. Springfield (GA), City of, Georgia
994. Meriwether (GA), County of (Sheriff 1034. Stephens (GA), County of, Georgia
  Chuck Smith), Georgia 1035. Sumter (GA), County of, Georgia
995. Middle Flint Area Community Service 1036. Taliaferro (GA), County of, Georgia
  Board d/b/a Middle Flint Behavioral 1037. Tattnall (GA), County of, Georgia
  Healthcare (GA), Georgia 1038. Telfair (GA), County of, Georgia
996. Milledgeville (GA), City of, Georgia 1039. Telfair (GA), County of (Sheriff Chris
997. Monroe (GA), County of, Georgia   Steverson), Georgia
998. Montgomery (GA), County of, Georgia 1040. Tift (GA), County of (Sheriff Gene
999. Moultrie (GA), City of, Georgia   Scarbrough), Georgia
1000. Murray (GA), County of, Georgia 1041. Tifton (GA), City of, Georgia
1001. Murray (GA), County of (Sheriff Gary 1042. Toombs (GA), County of, Georgia
  Langford), Georgia 1043. Towns (GA), County of, Georgia
1002. Nashville (GA), City of, Georgia 1044. Troup (GA), County of, Georgia





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22
1045. Twiggs (GA), County of, Georgia 1092. Alexander (IL), County of, Illinois
1046. Union (GA), County of, Georgia 1093. Anna (IL), City of, Illinois
1047. Valdosta (GA), City of, Georgia 1094. Bedford Park (IL), Village of, Illinois
1048. Valdosta and Lowndes County (GA), 1095. Bellwood (IL), Village of, Illinois
  Hospital Authority of d/b/a South Georgia 1096. Bensenville (IL), Village of, Illinois
  Medical Center, Georgia 1097. Benton (IL), City of, Illinois
1049. View Point Health Community Service 1098. Berkeley (IL), Village of, Illinois
  Board (GA), Georgia 1099. Berwyn (IL), City of, Illinois
1050. Villa Rica (GA), City of, Georgia 1100. Board of Education of East Aurora, School
1051. Walton (GA), County of, Georgia   District 131 (IL), Illinois
1052. Ware (GA), County of (Sheriff Randy F. 1101. Board of Education of Joliet Township
  Royal), Georgia   High School, District 204 (IL), Illinois
1053. Warren (GA), County of, Georgia 1102. Board of Education of Thornton Fractional
1054. Warwick (GA), City of, Georgia   Township High Schools, District 215 (IL),
1055. Washington (GA), County of, Georgia   Illinois
1056. Wayne (GA), County of, Georgia 1103. Board of Education of Thornton Township
1057. Wayne (GA), County of (Sheriff John G.   High Schools, District 205 (IL), Illinois
  Carter), Georgia 1104. Bolingbrook (IL), Village of, Illinois
1058. Wayne County (GA), Hospital Authority, 1105. Bond (IL), County of, Illinois
  Georgia 1106. Bridgeview (IL), Village of, Illinois
1059. Whitfield (GA), County of, Georgia 1107. Broadview (IL), Village of, Illinois
1060. Wilcox (GA), County of, Georgia 1108. Burbank (IL), City of, Illinois
1061. Wilkes (GA), County of, Georgia 1109. Bureau (IL), County of, Illinois
1062. Wilkinson (GA), County of, Georgia 1110. Calhoun (IL), County of, Illinois
1063. Winder (GA), City of, Georgia 1111. Carbondale (IL), City of, Illinois
1064. Woodbury (GA), City of, Georgia 1112. Chicago (IL), Board of Education, School
1065. Woodstock (GA), City of, Georgia   District No. 299, Illinois
1066. Worth (GA), County of, Georgia 1113. Chicago (IL), City of, Illinois
1067. Kaua'i (HI), County of, Hawaii 1114. Chicago Heights (IL), City of, Illinois
1068. Ada (ID), County of, Idaho 1115. Chicago Ridge (IL), Village of, Illinois
1069. Adams (ID), County of, Idaho 1116. Christian (IL), County of, Illinois
1070. Bannock (ID), County of, Idaho 1117. Coles (IL), County of, Illinois
1071. Bingham (ID), County of, Idaho 1118. Cook (IL), County of, Illinois
1072. Blaine (ID), County of, Idaho 1119. Countryside (IL), City of, Illinois
1073. Boise (ID), City of, Idaho 1120. Dekalb (IL), County of, Illinois
1074. Boise (ID), County of, Idaho 1121. Dolton (IL), Village of, Illinois
1075. Bonneville (ID), County of, Idaho 1122. DuPage (IL), County of, Illinois
1076. Camas (ID), County of, Idaho 1123. Edwards (IL), County of, Illinois
1077. Canyon (ID), County of, Idaho 1124. Effingham (IL), County of, Illinois
1078. Caribou (ID), County of, Idaho 1125. Evergreen Park (IL), Village of, Illinois
1079. Cassia (ID), County of, Idaho 1126. Forest Park (IL), Village of, Illinois
1080. Chubbuck (ID), City of, Idaho 1127. Franklin (IL), County of, Illinois
1081. Elmore (ID), County of, Idaho 1128. Franklin Park (IL), Village of, Illinois
1082. Gooding (ID), County of, Idaho 1129. Gallatin (IL), County of, Illinois
1083. Latah (ID), County of, Idaho 1130. Granite City (IL), City of, Illinois
1084. Minidoka (ID), County of, Idaho 1131. Hamilton (IL), County of, Illinois
1085. Owyhee (ID), County of, Idaho 1132. Hardin (IL) County of, Illinois
1086. Payette (ID), County of, Idaho 1133. Harrisburg (IL), City of, Illinois
1087. Pocatello (ID), City of, Idaho 1134. Harvey (IL), City of, Illinois
1088. Preston (ID), City of, Idaho 1135. Harwood Heights (IL), Village of, Illinois
1089. Twin Falls (ID), City of, Idaho 1136. Henry (IL), County of, Illinois
1090. Twin Falls (ID), County of, Idaho 1137. Herrin (IL), City of, Illinois
1091. Addison (IL), Village of, Illinois 1138. Hillside (IL), Village of, Illinois





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22
1139. Hodgkins (IL), Village of, Illinois 1191. Sesser (IL), City of, Illinois
1140. Hoffman Estates (IL), Village of, Illinois 1192. Shelby (IL), County of, Illinois
1141. Jasper (IL), County of, Illinois 1193. St. Clair (IL), County of, Illinois
1142. Jefferson (IL), County of, Illinois 1194. Stone Park (IL), Village of, Illinois
1143. Jersey (IL), County of, Illinois 1195. Streator (IL), City of, Illinois
1144. Johnson (IL), County of, Illinois 1196. Summit (IL), Village of, Illinois
1145. Kane (IL), County of, Illinois 1197. Tinley Park (IL), Village of, Illinois
1146. Kankakee (IL), City of, Illinois 1198. Union (IL), County of, Illinois
1147. Kendall (IL), County of, Illinois 1199. Wabash (IL), County of, Illinois
1148. La Grange Park (IL), Village of, Illinois 1200. Washington (IL), County of, Illinois
1149. Lake (IL), County of, Illinois 1201. Waukegan Community Unit School
1150. Lake (IL), Couty of (Sheriff), Illinois   District (IL), Illinois
1151. LaSalle (IL), County of, Illinois 1202. West Frankfort (IL), City of, Illinois
1152. Lawrence (IL), County of, Illinois 1203. West Franklin (IL), County of (Central
1153. Lee (IL), County of, Illinois   Dispatch), Illinois
1154. Livingston (IL), County of, Illinois 1204. White (IL), County of, Illinois
1155. Lyons (IL), Township of, Illinois 1205. Will (IL), County of, Illinois
1156. Lyons (IL), Village of, Illinois 1206. Williamson (IL), County of, Illinois
1157. Macoupin (IL), County of, Illinois 1207. Winnebago (IL), County of, Illinois
1158. Marion (IL), City of, Illinois 1208. Alexandria (IN), City of, Indiana
1159. Marion (IL), County of, Illinois 1209. Allen (IN), County of (Board of
1160. Massac (IL), County of, Illinois   Commissioners), Indiana
1161. Massac Memorial, LLC d/b/a Massac 1210. Atlanta (IN), Town of, Indiana
  Memorial Hospital (IL), Illinois 1211. Austin (IN), City of, Indiana
1162. Maywood (IL), Village of, Illinois 1212. Beech Grove (IN), City of, Indiana
1163. McCook (IL), Village of, Illinois 1213. Benton (IN), County of, Indiana
1164. McHenry (IL), County of, Illinois 1214. Blackford (IN), County of, Indiana
1165. McLean (IL), County of, Illinois 1215. Bloomington (IN), City of, Indiana
1166. Melrose Park (IL), Village of, Illinois 1216. Brownstown (IN), Town of, Indiana
1167. Merrionette Park (IL), Village of, Illinois 1217. Chandler (IN), Town of, Indiana
1168. Metropolis (IL), City of, Illinois 1218. Connersville (IN), City of, Indiana
1169. North Riverside (IL), Village of, Illinois 1219. Danville (IN), Town of, Indiana
1170. Northlake (IL), City of, Illinois 1220. Delaware (IN), County of, Indiana
1171. Oak Lawn (IL), Village of, Illinois 1221. Elwood (IN), City of, Indiana
1172. Oak Park (IL), Village of, Illinois 1222. Evansville (IN), City of, Indiana
1173. Orland Fire Protection District (IL), Illinois 1223. Fayette (IN), County of, Indiana
1174. Orland Park (IL), Village of, Illinois 1224. Fishers (IN), City of, Indiana
1175. Palos Heights (IL), City of, Illinois 1225. Fort Wayne (IN), City of, Indiana
1176. Palos Hills (IL), City of, Illinois 1226. Fort Wayne Community Schools (IN),
1177. Pekin (IL), City of, Illinois   Indiana
1178. Peoria (IL), City of, Illinois 1227. Franklin (IN), City of, Indiana
1179. Piatt (IL), County of, Illinois 1228. Franklin (IN), County of (Board of
1180. Posen (IL), Village of, Illinois   Commissioners), Indiana
1181. Princeton (IL), City of, Illinois 1229. Gary (IN), City of, Indiana
1182. Pulaski (IL), County of, Illinois 1230. Greenwood (IN), City of, Indiana
1183. River Forest (IL), Village of, Illinois 1231. Hammond (IN), City of, Indiana
1184. River Grove (IL), Village of, Illinois 1232. Harrison (IN), County of, Indiana
1185. Riverside (IL), Village of, Illinois 1233. Hartford (IN), City of, Indiana
1186. Rockford (IL), City of, Illinois 1234. Howard (IN), County of, Indiana
1187. Saline (IL), County of, Illinois 1235. Huntington (IN), City of, Indiana
1188. Sangamon (IL), County of, Illinois 1236. Indianapolis (IN), City of, Indiana
1189. Schiller Park (IL), Village of, Illinois 1237. Jackson (IN), County of, Indiana
1190. Schuyler (IL), County of, Illinois 1238. Jasper (IN), City of, Indiana





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22
1239. Jay (IN), County of, Indiana 1289. Westfield (IN) City of, Indiana
1240. Jeffersonville (IN), City of, Indiana 1290. Zionsville (IN), Town of, Indiana
1241. Jennings (IN), County of, Indiana 1291. Adair (IA), County of, Iowa
1242. Kokomo (IN), City of, Indiana 1292. Adams (IA), County of, Iowa
1243. Lafayette (IN), City of, Indiana 1293. Allamakee (IA), County of, Iowa
1244. Lake (IN), County of, Indiana 1294. Appanoose (IA), County of, Iowa
1245. LaPorte (IN), County of, Indiana 1295. Audubon (IA), County of, Iowa
1246. Lawrence (IN), City of, Indiana 1296. Benton (IA), County of, Iowa
1247. Lawrence (IN), County of, Indiana 1297. Black Hawk (IA), County of, Iowa
1248. Logansport (IN), City of, Indiana 1298. Bremer (IA), County of, Iowa
1249. Madison (IN), City of, Indiana 1299. Buchanan (IA), County of, Iowa
1250. Madison (IN), County of, Indiana 1300. Buena Vista (IA), County of, Iowa
1251. Marion (IN), County of, Indiana 1301. Calhoun (IA), County of, Iowa
1252. Marshall (IN), County of, Indiana 1302. Carroll (IA), County of, Iowa
1253. Martinsville (IN), City of, Indiana 1303. Cedar (IA), County of, Iowa
1254. Mishawaka (IN), City of, Indiana 1304. Cerro Gordo (IA), County of, Iowa
1255. Monroe (IN), County of, Indiana 1305. Cherokee (IA), County of, Iowa
1256. Montpelier (IN), City of, Indiana 1306. Chickasaw (IA), County of, Iowa
1257. Mooresville (IN), Town of, Indiana 1307. Clay (IA), County of, Iowa
1258. Morgan (IN), County of, Indiana 1308. Clayton (IA), County of, Iowa
1259. Muncie (IN), City of, Indiana 1309. Clinton (IA), County of, Iowa
1260. New Albany (IN), City of, Indiana 1310. Dallas (IA), County of, Iowa
1261. New Castle (IN), City of, Indiana 1311. Delaware (IA), County of, Iowa
1262. Noblesville (IN), City of, Indiana 1312. Des Moines (IA), County of, Iowa
1263. Orange (IN), County of, Indiana 1313. Emmet (IA), County of, Iowa
1264. Pendleton (IN), Town of, Indiana 1314. Fayette (IA), County of, Iowa
1265. Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation 1315. Fremont (IA), County of, Iowa
  (IN), Indiana 1316. Hamilton (IA), County of, Iowa
1266. Peru (IN), City of, Indiana 1317. Hancock (IA), County of, Iowa
1267. Plainfield (IN), Town of, Indiana 1318. Hardin (IA), County of, Iowa
1268. Porter (IN), County of, Indiana 1319. Harrison (IA), County of, Iowa
1269. Portland (IN), City of, Indiana 1320. Henry (IA), County of, Iowa
1270. Pulaski (IN), County of, Indiana 1321. Howard (IA), County of, Iowa
1271. Richmond (IN), City of, Indiana 1322. Humboldt (IA), County of, Iowa
1272. Ripley (IN), County of, Indiana 1323. Ida (IA), County of, Iowa
1273. School City of Mishawaka (IN), Indiana 1324. Jasper (IA), County of, Iowa
1274. Scott (IN), County of, Indiana 1325. Johnson (IA), County of, Iowa
1275. Seymour (IN), City of, Indiana 1326. Jones (IA), County of, Iowa
1276. Shelbyville (IN), City of, Indiana 1327. Keokuk (IA), County of, Iowa
1277. Sheridan (IN), Town of, Indiana 1328. Lee (IA), County of, Iowa
1278. Smith-Green Community Schools (IN), 1329. Lyon (IA), County of, Iowa
  Indiana 1330. Madison (IA), County of, Iowa
1279. South Bend (IN), City of, Indiana 1331. Mahaska (IA), County of, Iowa
1280. South Bend Community School 1332. Marion (IA), County of, Iowa
  Corporation (IN), Indiana 1333. Mills (IA), County of, Iowa
1281. St. Joseph (IN), County of, Indiana 1334. Mitchell (IA), County of, Iowa
1282. Starke (IN), County of, Indiana 1335. Monroe (IA), County of, Iowa
1283. Terre Haute (IN), City of, Indiana 1336. Montgomery (IA), County of, Iowa
1284. Tippecanoe (IN), County of, Indiana 1337. Muscatine (IA), County of, Iowa
1285. Upland (IN), Town of, Indiana 1338. O'Brien (IA), County of, Iowa
1286. Vanderburgh (IN), County of, Indiana 1339. Osceola (IA), County of, Iowa
1287. Vigo (IN), County of, Indiana 1340. Plymouth (IA), County of, Iowa
1288. West Lafayette (IN), City of, Indiana 1341. Pocahontas (IA), County of, Iowa





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22
1342. Polk (IA), County of, Iowa 1379. Pratt (KS), County of (Board of
1343. Pottawattamie (IA), County of, Iowa   Commissioners), Kansas
1344. Poweshiek (IA), County of, Iowa 1380. Reno (KS), County of, Kansas
1345. Sac (IA), County of, Iowa 1381. Sedgwick (KS), County of (Board of
1346. Scott (IA), County of, Iowa   Commissioners), Kansas
1347. Shelby (IA), County of, Iowa 1382. Seward (KS), County of (Board of
1348. Sioux (IA), County of, Iowa   Commissioners), Kansas
1349. Tama (IA), County of, Iowa 1383. Shawnee (KS), County of (Board of
1350. Taylor (IA), County of, Iowa   Commissioners), Kansas
1351. Union (IA), County of, Iowa 1384. Stanton (KS), County of (Board of
1352. Webster (IA), County of, Iowa   Commissioners), Kansas
1353. Winnebago (IA), County of, Iowa 1385. Ulysses (KS), City of, Kansas
1354. Winneshiek (IA), County of, Iowa 1386. Wabaunsee (KS), County of (Board of
1355. Worth (IA), County of, Iowa   Counsellors), Kansas
1356. Wright (IA), County of, Iowa 1387. Wichita (KS), City of, Kansas
1357. Allen (KS), County of (Board of 1388. Wyandotte County - Kansas City (KS),
  Commissioners), Kansas   Unified Government of, Kansas
1358. Barber (KS), County of (Board of 1389. Adair (KY), County (Fiscal Court),
  Commissioners), Kansas   Kentucky
1359. Bourbon (KS), County of, Kansas 1390. Allen (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
1360. Cherokee (KS), County of (Board of   Kentucky
  Commissioners), Kansas 1391. Anderson (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
1361. Cowley (KS), County of (Board of   Kentucky
  Commissioners), Kansas 1392. Ballard (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
1362. Crawford (KS), County of (Board of   Kentucky
  Commissioners), Kansas 1393. Bath (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
1363. Dickinson (KS), County of (Board of   Kentucky
  County Counselors), Kansas 1394. Bell (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
1364. Elk (KS), County of (Board of   Kentucky
  Commissioners), Kansas 1395. Bellefonte (KY), City of, Kentucky
1365. Elkhart (KS), City of, Kansas 1396. Benham (KY), City of, Kentucky
1366. Finney (KS), County of (Board of 1397. Board of Education of Breathitt County
  Commissioners), Kansas   Public Schools (KY), Kentucky
1367. Ford (KS), County of (Board of 1398. Board of Education of Bullitt County
  Commissioners), Kansas   Public Schools (KY), Kentucky
1368. Grant (KS), County of (Board of 1399. Board of Education of Estill County Public
  Commissioners), Kansas   Schools (KY), Kentucky
1369. Greenwood (KS), County of (Board of 1400. Board of Education of Fayette County
  Commissioners), Kansas   Public Schools (KY), Kentucky
1370. Harvey (KS) County of, Kansas 1401. Board of Education of Harrison County
1371. Johnson (KS), County of, Kansas   Public Schools (KY), Kentucky
1372. Leavenworth (KS), County of (Board of 1402. Board of Education of Hart County Public
  Commissioners), Kansas   Schools (KY), Kentucky
1373. Manter (KS), City of, Kansas 1403. Board of Education of Jefferson County
1374. Meade (KS), County of (Board of   Public Schools (KY), Kentucky
  Commissioners), Kansas 1404. Board of Education of Johnson County
1375. Montgomery (KS), County of, Kansas   Public School District (KY), Kentucky
1376. Morton (KS), County of (Board of 1405. Board of Education of LaRue County
  Commissioners), Kansas   Public Schools (KY), Kentucky
1377. Neosho (KS), County of (Board of 1406. Board of Education of Lawrence County
  Commissioners), Kansas   Public Schools (KY), Kentucky
1378. Overland Park (KS), City of, Kansas 1407. Board of Education of Martin County
      Public Schools (KY), Kentucky





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22
1408. Board of Education of Menifee County 1436. Elliott (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
  Public Schools (KY), Kentucky   Kentucky
1409. Board of Education of Owsley County 1437. Estill (KY) County Emergency Medical
  Public Schools (KY), Kentucky   Services, Kentucky
1410. Board of Education of Wolfe County 1438. Estill (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
  Public Schools (KY), Kentucky   Kentucky
1411. Boone (KY), County of (Fiscal Court), 1439. Fleming (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
  Kentucky   Kentucky
1412. Bourbon (KY), County of (Fiscal Court), 1440. Florence (KY), City of, Kentucky
  Kentucky 1441. Floyd (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
1413. Boyd (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),   Kentucky
  Kentucky 1442. Franklin (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
1414. Boyle (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),   Kentucky
  Kentucky 1443. Fulton (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
1415. Bracken (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),   Kentucky
  Kentucky 1444. Gallatin (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
1416. Breathitt (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),   Kentucky
  Kentucky 1445. Garrard (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
1417. Breckinridge (KY), County of (Fiscal   Kentucky
  Court), Kentucky 1446. Grant (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
1418. Buckhorn (KY), City of, Kentucky   Kentucky
1419. Bullitt (KY), County of (Fiscal Court), 1447. Grayson (KY), City of, Kentucky
  Kentucky 1448. Green (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
1420. Caldwell (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),   Kentucky
  Kentucky 1449. Greenup (KY), City of, Kentucky
1421. Calloway (KY), County of (Fiscal Court), 1450. Greenup (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
  Kentucky   Kentucky
1422. Campbell (KY), County of (Fiscal Court), 1451. Hancock (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
  Kentucky   Kentucky
1423. Campbellsville (KY), City of, Kentucky 1452. Hardin (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
1424. Carlisle (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),   Kentucky
  Kentucky 1453. Hardin Memorial Hospital (KY), Kentucky
1425. Carter (KY), County of (Fiscal Court), 1454. Harlan (KY), City of, Kentucky
  Kentucky 1455. Harlan (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
1426. Casey (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),   Kentucky
  Kentucky 1456. Harrison (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
1427. Christian (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),   Kentucky
  Kentucky 1457. Hart (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
1428. Clark (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),   Kentucky
  Kentucky 1458. Henderson (KY), City of, Kentucky
1429. Clay (KY), County of (Fiscal Court), 1459. Henderson (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
  Kentucky   Kentucky
1430. Clinton (KY), County of (Fiscal Court), 1460. Henry (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
  Kentucky   Kentucky
1431. Columbia (KY), City of, Kentucky 1461. Hickman (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
1432. Covington (KY), City of, Kentucky   Kentucky
1433. Cumberland (KY), County of (Fiscal 1462. Hillview (KY), City of, Kentucky
  Court), Kentucky 1463. Hopkins (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
1434. Daviess (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),   Kentucky
  Kentucky 1464. Hyden (KY), City of, Kentucky
1435. Edmonson (KY), County of (Fiscal Court), 1465. Inez (KY), City of, Kentucky
  Kentucky 1466. Jamestown (KY), City of, Kentucky
    1467. Jenkins (KY), City of, Kentucky





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22
1468. Jessamine (KY), County of (Fiscal Court), 1496. Monroe (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
  Kentucky   Kentucky
1469. Kenton (KY), County of (Fiscal Court), 1497. Montgomery (KY), County of (Fiscal
  Kentucky   Court), Kentucky
1470. Kentucky River District Health Department 1498. Morehead (KY), City of, Kentucky
  (KY), Kentucky 1499. Morgan (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
1471. Knott (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),   Kentucky
  Kentucky 1500. Morganfield (KY), City of, Kentucky
1472. Knox (KY), County of (Fiscal Court), 1501. Mt. Washington (KY), City of, Kentucky
  Kentucky 1502. Muhlenberg (KY), County of (Fiscal
1473. Larue (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),   Court), Kentucky
  Kentucky 1503. Murray (KY), City of, Kentucky
1474. Laurel (KY), County of (Fiscal Court), 1504. Nicholas (KY), Count of (Fiscal Court),
  Kentucky   Kentucky
1475. Lawrence (KY), County of (Fiscal Court), 1505. Ohio (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
  Kentucky   Kentucky
1476. Lee (KY), County of (Fiscal Court), 1506. Oldham (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
  Kentucky   Kentucky
1477. Leslie (KY), County of (Fiscal Court), 1507. Owen (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
  Kentucky   Kentucky
1478. Letcher (KY), County of (Fiscal Court), 1508. Owensboro (KY), City of, Kentucky
  Kentucky 1509. Owsley (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
1479. Lewis (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),   Kentucky
  Kentucky 1510. Paducah (KY), City of, Kentucky
1480. Lexington-Fayette County (KY), Urban 1511. Paintsville (KY), City of, Kentucky
  Government of, Kentucky 1512. Pendleton (KY), County (Fiscal Court),
1481. Lincoln (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),   Kentucky
  Kentucky 1513. Perry (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
1482. Logan (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),   Kentucky
  Kentucky 1514. Pike (KY), County of, Kentucky
1483. London (KY), City of, Kentucky 1515. Pineville (KY), City of, Kentucky
1484. Louisville/Jefferson County (KY), Metro 1516. Pippa Passes (KY), City of, Kentucky
  Government of, Kentucky 1517. Powell (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
1485. Loyall (KY), City of, Kentucky   Kentucky
1486. Lynch (KY), City of, Kentucky 1518. Prestonsburg (KY), City of, Kentucky
1487. Madison (KY), County (Fiscal Court), 1519. Pulaski (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
  Kentucky   Kentucky
1488. Manchester (KY), City of, Kentucky 1520. Rowan (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
1489. Marshall (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),   Kentucky
  Kentucky 1521. Russell (KY), City of, Kentucky
1490. Martin (KY), County of (Fiscal Court), 1522. Russell (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
  Kentucky   Kentucky
1491. Mason (KY), County of (Fiscal Court), 1523. Russell Springs (KY), City of, Kentucky
  Kentucky 1524. Scott (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
1492. McCracken (KY), County of (Fiscal   Kentucky
  Court), Kentucky 1525. Shelby (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
1493. McLean (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),   Kentucky
  Kentucky 1526. Shepherdsville (KY), City of, Kentucky
1494. Meade (KY), County of (Fiscal Court), 1527. South Shore (KY), City of, Kentucky
  Kentucky 1528. Spencer (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),
1495. Mercer (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),   Kentucky
  Kentucky 1529. Taylor (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22
1530. Taylor County Hospital District Health 1565. Bossier (LA), Parish of, Louisiana
  Facilities Corporation (KY), Kentucky 1566. Caddo (LA) Fire Protection District No. 1,
1531. Todd (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),   Louisiana
  Kentucky 1567. Caddo (LA), Parish of, Louisiana
1532. Union (KY), County of (Fiscal Court), 1568. Calcasieu (LA), Parish of (Police Jury),
  Kentucky   Louisiana
1533. Vanceburg (KY), City of, Kentucky 1569. Calcasieu (LA), Parish of (Sheriff),
1534. Warfield (KY), City of, Kentucky   Louisiana
1535. Warren (KY), County of, Kentucky 1570. Caldwell (LA), Parish of, Louisiana
1536. Wayne (KY), County of (Fiscal Court), 1571. Cameron (LA), Parish of, Louisiana
  Kentucky 1572. Catahoula (LA), Parish of (Police Jury),
1537. Webster (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),   Louisiana
  Kentucky 1573. Catahoula (LA), Parish of (Sheriff Toney
1538. West Liberty (KY), City of, Kentucky   Edwards), Louisiana
1539. Whitesburg (KY), City of, Kentucky 1574. Claiborne (LA), Parish of, Louisiana
1540. Whitley (KY), County of, Kentucky 1575. Concordia (LA), Parish of, Louisiana
1541. Winchester (KY), City of, Kentucky 1576. Concordia (LA), Parish of (Sheriff Kenneth
1542. Wolfe (KY), County of (Fiscal Court),   Hedrick), Louisiana
  Kentucky 1577. Covington (LA), City of, Louisiana
1543. Woodford (KY), County of (Fiscal Court), 1578. Delhi (LA), Town of, Louisiana
  Kentucky 1579. Desoto (LA), Parish of, Louisiana
1544. Worthington (KY), City of, Kentucky 1580. DeSoto Fire Protection District No. 8 (LA),
1545. Acadia-St. Landry (LA) Hospital Service   Louisiana
  District d/b/a Acadia-St. Landry Hospital, 1581. Donaldsonville (LA), City of, Louisiana
  Louisiana 1582. East Baton Rouge (LA), Parish of (Clerk of
1546. Alexandria (LA), City of, Louisiana   Court Office), Louisiana
1547. Allen (LA), Parish of (Sheriff), Louisiana 1583. East Baton Rouge (LA), Parish of (Sheriff),
1548. Ascension (LA), Parish of, Louisiana   Louisiana
1549. Ascension (LA), Parish of (Sheriff), 1584. East Carroll (LA), Parish of (Police Jury),
  Louisiana   Louisiana
1550. Ascension (LA), Parish School Board, 1585. East Carroll (LA), Parish of (Sheriff),
  Louisiana   Louisiana
1551. Assumption (LA), Parish of (Police Jury), 1586. Eunice (LA), City of, Louisiana
  Louisiana 1587. Evangeline (LA), Parish of (Police Jury),
1552. Assumption (LA), Parish of (Sheriff Leland   Louisiana
  Falcon), Louisiana 1588. Evangeline (LA), Parish of (Sheriff),
1553. Avoyelles (LA), Parish of (Police Jury),   Louisiana
  Louisiana 1589. Ferriday (LA), Town of, Louisiana
1554. Avoyelles (LA), Parish of (Sheriff), 1590. Franklin (LA), City of, Louisiana
  Louisiana 1591. Franklin (LA), Parish of, Louisiana
1555. Baldwin (LA), Town of, Louisiana 1592. Gramercy (LA), Town of, Louisiana
1556. Bastrop (LA), City of, Louisiana 1593. Grant (LA), Parish of (Police Jury),
1557. Baton Rouge (LA), City of, Louisiana   Louisiana
1558. Beauregard (LA), Parish of (Police Jury), 1594. Grant (LA), Parish of (Sheriff), Louisiana
  Louisiana 1595. Gretna (LA), City of, Louisiana
1559. Benton (LA) Fire No. 4, Louisiana 1596. Hospital Service District No. 1 of The
1560. Berwick (LA), Town of, Louisiana   Parish of Avoyelles, State of Louisiana,
1561. Bienville (LA), Parish of (Sheriff),   d/b/a Bunkie General Hospital (LA),
  Louisiana   Louisiana
1562. Bogalusa (LA), City of, Louisiana 1597. Hospital Service District No. 1 of The
1563. Bossier (LA) Parish Emergency Medical   Parish of LaSalle, State of Louisiana. d/b/a
  Services Ambulance District, Louisiana   Hardtner Medical Center (LA), Louisiana
1564. Bossier (LA), City of, Louisiana 1598. Iberia (LA), Parish of, Louisiana





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22
1599. Iberia (LA), Parish School Board of, 1633. North Caddo (LA) Hospital Service
  Louisiana   District d/b/a North Caddo Medical Center,
1600. Iberville (LA), Parish of (Parish Council),   Louisiana
  Louisiana 1634. Opelousas (LA), City of, Louisiana
1601. Jackson (LA), Parish of (Police Jury), 1635. Opelousas (LA), General Hospital
  Louisiana   Authority, a Louisiana Public Trust d/b/a
1602. Jackson (LA), Parish of (Sheriff),   Opelousas General Health System,
  Louisiana   Louisiana
1603. Jean Lafitte (LA), Town of, Louisiana 1636. Orleans (LA), Parish of (Sheriff),
1604. Jefferson (LA), Parish of, Louisiana   Louisiana
1605. Jefferson (LA), Parish of (Coroner's 1637. Orleans Parish Hospital Service District -
  Office), Louisiana   District A (LA), Louisiana
1606. Jefferson (LA), Parish of (Sheriff), 1638. Ouachita (LA), Parish of (Police Jury),
  Louisiana   Louisiana
1607. Jefferson Davis (LA), Parish of (Police 1639. Ouachita (LA), Parish of (Sheriff),
  Jury), Louisiana   Louisiana
1608. Jefferson Davis (LA), Parish of (Sheriff), 1640. Patterson (LA), City of, Louisiana
  Louisiana 1641. Pearl River (LA), Town of, Louisiana
1609. Jefferson Parish Hospital Service District 1 1642. Pineville (LA), City of, Louisiana
  (LA), Louisiana 1643. Pointe Coupee (LA), Parish of (Police
1610. Jefferson Parish Hospital Service District 2   Jury), Louisiana
  (LA), Louisiana 1644. Pointe Coupee Parish (LA) Health Services
1611. Kenner (LA), City of, Louisiana   District Number 1, Louisiana
1612. Lafayette (LA), Parish of (Sheriff), 1645. Rapides (LA), Parish of, Louisiana
  Louisiana 1646. Rapides (LA), Parish of (Sheriff),
1613. Lafourche (LA), Parish of, Louisiana   Louisiana
1614. LaFourche Parish School Board (LA), 1647. Red River (LA) Fire Protection District,
  Louisiana   Louisiana
1615. Lake Charles (LA), City of, Louisiana 1648. Red River (LA), Parish of, Louisiana
1616. Lake Providence (LA), Town of, Louisiana 1649. Richland (LA), Parish of, Louisiana
1617. LaSalle (LA), Parish of, Louisiana 1650. Richland (LA), Parish of (Sheriff),
1618. Lincoln (LA), Parish of (Sheriff),   Louisiana
  Louisiana 1651. Richwood (LA), Town of, Louisiana
1619. Livingston (LA), Parish of, Louisiana 1652. Sabine (LA), Parish of (Police Jury),
1620. Livingston (LA), Parish of (Sheriff),   Louisiana
  Louisiana 1653. Sabine (LA), Parish of (Sheriff), Louisiana
1621. Lutcher (LA), Town of, Louisiana 1654. Shreveport (LA), City of, Louisiana
1622. Madisonville (LA), Town of, Louisiana 1655. Slidell (LA), City of, Louisiana
1623. Mandeville (LA), City of, Louisiana 1656. St. Bernard (LA), Parish of, Louisiana
1624. Monroe (LA), City of, Louisiana 1657. St. Bernard (LA), Parish of (Coroner Dr.
1625. Morehouse (LA), Parish of (Police Jury),   Bryan Bertucci), Louisiana
  Louisiana 1658. St. Bernard (LA), Parish of (Sheriff),
1626. Morehouse (LA), Parish of (Sheriff),   Louisiana
  Louisiana 1659. St. Bernard Parish School Board (LA),
1627. Morgan (LA), City of, Louisiana   Louisiana
1628. Natchitoches (LA), City of, Louisiana 1660. St. Charles (LA), Parish of, Louisiana
1629. Natchitoches (LA), Parish of (Parish 1661. St. Charles (LA), Parish of (Sheriff),
  Council), Louisiana   Louisiana
1630. New Iberia (LA), City of, Louisiana 1662. St. James (LA), Parish of, Louisiana
1631. New Orleans (LA), City of, Louisiana 1663. St. James Parish School Board (LA),
1632. New Roads (LA), City of, Louisiana   Louisiana
    1664. St. John the Baptist (LA), Parish of,





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22
1665. St. Landry (LA), Parish of, Louisiana 1697. West Carroll (LA), Parish of (Sheriff),
1666. St. Landry (LA), Parish of (Sheriff),   Louisiana
  Louisiana 1698. West Monroe (LA), City of, Louisiana
1667. St. Martin (LA), Parish of, Louisiana 1699. Westwego (LA), City of, Louisiana
1668. St. Martinville (LA), City of, Louisiana 1700. Winn (LA), Parish of (Police Jury),
1669. St. Mary (LA), Parish of, Louisiana   Louisiana
1670. St. Mary (LA), Parish of (Sheriff), 1701. Androscoggin (ME), County of, Maine
  Louisiana 1702. Aroostook (ME), County of, Maine
1671. St. Mary (LA), Parish School Board of, 1703. Auburn (ME), City of, Maine
  Louisiana 1704. Augusta (ME), City of, Maine
1672. St. Tammany (LA) Fire Protection District 1705. Bangor (ME), City of, Maine
  No. 4, Louisiana 1706. Biddeford (ME), City of, Maine
1673. St. Tammany (LA), Parish of, Louisiana 1707. Board of Education of Bangor School
1674. St. Tammany (LA), Parish of (Coroner's   Department (ME), Maine
  Office), Louisiana 1708. Board of Education of Cape Elizabeth
1675. St. Tammany (LA), Parish of (Sheriff),   School Department (ME), Maine
  Louisiana 1709. Board of Education of Maine Regional
1676. St. Tammany Fire Protection District No. 1   School Unit 10 (ME), Maine
  (LA), Louisiana 1710. Board of Education of Maine Regional
1677. St. Tammany Fire Protection District No.   School Unit 13 (ME), Maine
  12 (LA), Louisiana 1711. Board of Education of Maine Regional
1678. St. Tammany Fire Protection District No.   School Unit 25 (ME), Maine
  13 (LA), Louisiana 1712. Board of Education of Maine Regional
1679. St. Tammany Fire Protection District No. 2   School Unit 26 (ME), Maine
  (LA), Louisiana 1713. Board of Education of Maine Regional
1680. St. Tammany Fire Protection District No. 3   School Unit 29 (ME), Maine
  (LA), Louisiana 1714. Board of Education of Maine Regional
1681. St. Tammany Fire Protection District No. 5   School Unit 34 (ME), Maine
  (LA), Louisiana 1715. Board of Education of Maine Regional
1682. Tensas (LA), Parish of (Sheriff), Louisiana   School Unit 40 (ME), Maine
1683. Terrebonne (LA), Parish of, Louisiana 1716. Board of Education of Maine Regional
1684. Terrebonne (LA), Parish of (Sheriff),   School Unit 50 (ME), Maine
  Louisiana 1717. Board of Education of Maine Regional
1685. Union (LA), Parish of, Louisiana   School Unit 57 (ME), Maine
1686. Union (LA), Parish of (Sheriff), Louisiana 1718. Board of Education of Maine Regional
1687. Vermilion (LA), Parish of (Police Jury),   School Unit 60 (ME), Maine
  Louisiana 1719. Board of Education of Maine Regional
1688. Vernon (LA), Parish of (Police Jury),   School Unit 71 (ME), Maine
  Louisiana 1720. Board of Education of Maine Regional
1689. Vernon (LA), Parish of (Sheriff), Louisiana   School Unit 9 (ME), Maine
1690. Washington (LA), Parish of, Louisiana 1721. Board of Education of Maine School
1691. Washington (LA), Parish of (Sheriff),   Administrative District 11 (ME), Maine
  Louisiana 1722. Board of Education of Maine School
1692. Webster (LA), Parish of, Louisiana   Administrative District 15 (ME), Maine
1693. West Ascension Parish (LA) Hospital 1723. Board of Education of Maine School
  Service District dba Prevost Memorial   Administrative District 28/Five Town
  Hospital, Louisiana   Central School District (ME), Maine
1694. West Baton Rouge (LA) Fire Protection 1724. Board of Education of Maine School
  District No. 1, Louisiana   Administrative District 35 (ME), Maine
1695. West Baton Rouge (LA), Parish of, 1725. Board of Education of Maine School
  Louisiana   Administrative District 44 (ME), Maine
1696. West Carroll (LA), Parish of, Louisiana 1726. Board of Education of Maine School
      Administrative District 53 (ME), Maine









1727. Board of Education of Maine School
Administrative District 55 (ME), Maine
1767. Carroll (MD), County of (Board of
Commissioners), Maryland
1728. Board of Education of Maine School 1768. Cecil (MD), County of, Maryland
  Administrative District 6 (ME), Maine 1769. Charles (MD), County of (Commissioners),
1729. Board of Education of Maine School   Maryland
  Administrative District 61 (ME), Maine 1770. Charlestown (MD), City of, Maryland
1730. Board of Education of Maine School 1771. Cottage City (MD), Town of, Maryland
  Administrative District 72 (ME), Maine 1772. Cumberland (MD), City of, Maryland
1731. Board of Education of Portland School 1773. Dorchester (MD), County of, Maryland
  Department (ME), Maine 1774. Forest Heights (MD), Town of, Maryland
1732. Board of Education of Scarborough School 1775. Frederick (MD), City of, Maryland
  Department (ME), Maine 1776. Frederick (MD), County of, Maryland
1733. Board of Education of South Portland 1777. Frostburg (MD) City of, Maryland
  School Department (ME), Maine 1778. Garrett (MD), County of, Maryland
1734. Board of Education of St. George 1779. Grantsville (MD), City of, Maryland
  Municipal School District (ME), Maine 1780. Hagerstown (MD), City of, Maryland
1735. Board of Education of Waterville School 1781. Harford (MD) County of, Maryland
  Department (ME), Maine 1782. Havre De Grace (MD), City of, Maryland
1736. Calais (ME), City of, Maine 1783. Howard (MD), County of, Maryland
1737. Cumberland (ME), County of, Maine 1784. Laurel (MD), City of, Maryland
1738. Ellsworth School Department (ME), The 1785. Montgomery (MD), County of, Maryland
  Board of Education of, Maine 1786. Mountain Lake Park (MD), City of,
1739. Kennebec (ME), County of, Maine   Maryland
1740. Knox (ME), County of, Maine 1787. North Brentwood (MD), Town of,
1741. Lewiston (ME), City of, Maine   Maryland
1742. Lincoln (ME), County of, Maine 1788. North East (MD), City of, Maryland
1743. Penobscot (ME), County of, Maine 1789. Oakland (MD), City of, Maryland
1744. Portland (ME), City of, Maine 1790. Perryville (MD), City of, Maryland
1745. Rockland (ME), City of, Maine 1791. Prince George's (MD), County of,
1746. Saco (ME), City of, Maine   Maryland
1747. Sagadahoc (ME), County of, Maine 1792. Rockville (MD), City of (Mayor and
1748. Sanford (ME), City of, Maine   Common Council), Maryland
1749. Somerset (ME), County of, Maine 1793. Seat Pleasant (MD), City of, Maryland
1750. Waldo (ME), County of, Maine 1794. Somerset (MD), County of, Maryland
1751. Washington (ME), County of, Maine 1795. St. Mary's (MD), County of
1752. Waterville (ME), City of, Maine   (Commissioners), Maryland
1753. York (ME), County of, Maine 1796. Talbot (MD), County of, Maryland
1754. Aberdeen (MD), City of, Maryland 1797. Upper Marlboro (MD), Town of, Maryland
1755. Allegany (MD), County of, Maryland 1798. Vienna (MD), City of, Maryland
1756. Annapolis (MD), City of, Maryland 1799. Washington County (MD), County of
1757. Anne Arundel (MD), County of, Maryland   (Board of Commissioners), Maryland
1758. Balitmore (MD), County of, Maryland 1800. Westminster (MD), City of (Mayor and
1759. Baltimore (MD), City of (Mayor and City   Common Council), Maryland
  Council), Maryland 1801. Wicomico (MD), County of, Maryland
1760. Baltimore City Board of School 1802. Acushnet (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
  Commissioners (MD), Maryland 1803. Agawam (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1761. Bel Air (MD), City of, Maryland 1804. Amesbury (MA), City of, Massachusetts
1762. Berlin (MD), City of, Maryland 1805. Andover (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1763. Bowie (MD), City of, Maryland 1806. Aquinnah (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1764. Calvert (MD), County of (Commissioners), 1807. Athol (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
  Maryland 1808. Auburn (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1765. Cambridge (MD), City of, Maryland 1809. Ayer (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1766. Caroline (MD), County of, Maryland 1810. Barnstable (MA), Town of, Massachusetts





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22


1811. Belchertown (MA), Town of, 1858. Lakeville (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
  Massachusetts 1859. Leicester (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1812. Beverly (MA), City of, Massachusetts 1860. Leominster (MA), City of, Massachusetts
1813. Billerica (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1861. Leverett (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1814. Boston (MA) Housing Authority, 1862. Longmeadow (MA), Town of,
  Massachusetts   Massachusetts
1815. Boston (MA) Public Health Commission, 1863. Lowell (MA), City of, Massachusetts
  Massachusetts 1864. Ludlow (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1816. Boston (MA), City of, Massachusetts 1865. Lunenburg (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1817. Braintree (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1866. Lynn (MA), City of, Massachusetts
1818. Brewster (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1867. Lynnfield (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1819. Bridgewater (MA), Town of, 1868. Malden (MA), City of, Massachusetts
  Massachusetts 1869. Marblehead (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1820. Brockton (MA), City of, Massachusetts 1870. Marshfield (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1821. Brookline (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1871. Mashpee (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1822. Cambridge (MA), City of, Massachusetts 1872. Mattapoisett (MA), Town of,
1823. Canton (MA), Town of, Massachusetts   Massachusetts
1824. Carver (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1873. Medford (MA), City of, Massachusetts
1825. Charlton (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1874. Melrose (MA), City of, Massachusetts
1826. Chelmsford (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1875. Methuen (MA), City of, Massachusetts
1827. Chelsea (MA), City of, Massachusetts 1876. Middleborough (MA), Town of,
1828. Chicopee (MA), City of, Massachusetts   Massachusetts
1829. Clarksburg (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1877. Milford (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1830. Clinton (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1878. Millbury (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1831. Danvers (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1879. Millis (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1832. Dedham (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1880. Nantucket (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1833. Dennis (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1881. Natick (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1834. Douglas (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1882. New Bedford (MA), City of, Massachusetts
1835. Dudley (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1883. Newburyport (MA), City of, Massachusetts
1836. East Bridgewater (MA), Town of, 1884. North Adams (MA), City of, Massachusetts
  Massachusetts 1885. North Andover (MA), Town of,
1837. Eastham (MA), Town of, Massachusetts   Massachusetts
1838. Easthampton (MA), City of, Massachusetts 1886. North Attleborough (MA), Town of,
1839. Easton (MA), Town of, Massachusetts   Massachusetts
1840. Everett (MA), City of, Massachusetts 1887. North Reading (MA), Town of,
1841. Fairhaven (MA), Town of, Massachusetts   Massachusetts
1842. Fall River (MA), City of, Massachusetts 1888. Northampton (MA), City of, Massachusetts
1843. Falmouth (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1889. Northbridge (MA), Town of,
1844. Fitchburg (MA), City of, Massachusetts   Massachusetts
1845. Framingham (MA), City of, Massachusetts 1890. Norton (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1846. Freetown (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1891. Norwell (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1847. Georgetown (MA), Town of, 1892. Norwood (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
  Massachusetts 1893. Orange (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1848. Gloucester (MA), City of, Massachusetts 1894. Oxford (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1849. Grafton (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1895. Palmer (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1850. Greenfield (MA), City of, Massachusetts 1896. Peabody (MA), City of, Massachusetts
1851. Hanson (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1897. Pembroke (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1852. Haverhill (MA), City of, Massachusetts 1898. Pittsfield (MA), City of, Massachusetts
1853. Holliston (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1899. Plainville (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1854. Holyoke (MA), City of, Massachusetts 1900. Plymouth (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1855. Hopedale (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1901. Provincetown (MA), Town of,
1856. Hull (MA), Town of, Massachusetts   Massachusetts
1857. Kingston (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1902. Quincy (MA), City of, Massachusetts





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22


1903. Randolph (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1946. Winchendon (MA), Town of,
1904. Rehoboth (MA), Town of, Massachusetts   Massachusetts
1905. Revere (MA), City of, Massachusetts 1947. Winthrop (MA), Town of, Massachusetts
1906. Rockland (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1948. Woburn (MA), City of, Massachusetts
1907. Salem (MA), City of, Massachusetts 1949. Worcester (MA), City of, Massachusetts
1908. Salisbury (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1950. Alcona (MI), County of, Michigan
1909. Sandwich (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1951. Alger (MI), County of, Michigan
1910. Scituate (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1952. Alpena (MI), County of, Michigan
1911. Seekonk (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1953. Antrim (MI), County of, Michigan
1912. Sheffield (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1954. Arenac (MI), County of, Michigan
1913. Shirley (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1955. Baraga (MI), County of, Michigan
1914. Somerset (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1956. Bay (MI), County of, Michigan
1915. Somerville (MA), City of, Massachusetts 1957. Benzie (MI), County of, Michigan
1916. South Hadley (MA), Town of, 1958. Berrien (MI), County of, Michigan
  Massachusetts 1959. Branch (MI), County of, Michigan
1917. Southbridge (MA), Town of, 1960. Calhoun (MI), County of, Michigan
  Massachusetts 1961. Canton (MI), Charter Township of,
1918. Spencer (MA), Town of, Massachusetts   Michigan
1919. Springfield (MA), City of, Massachusetts 1962. Cass (MI), County of, Michigan
1920. Stoneham (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1963. Charlevoix (MI), County of, Michigan
1921. Stoughton (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1964. Cheboygan (MI), County of, Michigan
1922. Sturbridge (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1965. Chippewa (MI), County of, Michigan
1923. Sudbury (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1966. Clinton (MI), Charter Township of,
1924. Sutton (MA), Town of, Massachusetts   Michigan
1925. Swampscott (MA), Town of, 1967. Clinton (MI), County of, Michigan
  Massachusetts 1968. Crawford (MI), County of, Michigan
1926. Templeton (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1969. Delta (MI), County of, Michigan
1927. Tewksbury (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1970. Detroit (MI), City of, Michigan
1928. Truro (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1971. Detroit Wayne (MI), Mental Health
1929. Tyngsborough (MA), Town of,   Authority, Michigan
  Massachusetts 1972. Dickinson (MI), County of, Michigan
1930. Upton (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1973. East Lansing (MI), City of, Michigan
1931. Wakefield (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1974. Eaton (MI), County of, Michigan
1932. Walpole (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1975. Escanaba (MI), City of, Michigan
1933. Ware (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1976. Flint (MI), City of, Michigan
1934. Warren (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1977. Genesee (MI), County of, Michigan
1935. Watertown (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1978. Grand Rapids (MI), City of, Michigan
1936. Wellfleet (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1979. Grand Traverse (MI), County of, Michigan
1937. West Boylston (MA), Town of, 1980. Gratiot (MI), County of, Michigan
  Massachusetts 1981. Harrison (MI), Charter Township of,
1938. West Bridgewater (MA), Town of,   Michigan
  Massachusetts 1982. Hillsdale (MI), County of, Michigan
1939. West Springfield (MA), Town of, 1983. Houghton (MI), County of, Michigan
  Massachusetts 1984. Huron (MI), Township of, Michigan
1940. West Tisbury (MA), Town of, 1985. Ingham (MI), County of, Michigan
  Massachusetts 1986. Ionia (MI), County of, Michigan
1941. Westborough (MA), Town of, 1987. Iosco (MI), County of, Michigan
  Massachusetts 1988. Iron (MI), County of, Michigan
1942. Westford (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1989. Iron Mountain (MI), City of, Michigan
1943. Weymouth (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1990. Isabella (MI), County of, Michigan
1944. Williamsburg (MA), Town of, 1991. Jackson (MI), City of, Michigan
  Massachusetts 1992. Kalamazoo (MI), County of, Michigan
1945. Wilmington (MA), Town of, Massachusetts 1993. Kent (MI), County of, Michigan





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22


1994. Lake (MI), County of, Michigan 2045. Douglas (MN), County of, Minnesota
1995. Lansing (MI), City of, Michigan 2046. Duluth (MN), City of, Minnesota
1996. Leelanau (MI), County of, Michigan 2047. Freeborn (MN), County of, Minnesota
1997. Lenawee (MI), County of, Michigan 2048. Hennepin (MN), County of, Minnesota
1998. Livingston (MI), County of, Michigan 2049. Itasca (MN), County of, Minnesota
1999. Livonia (MI), City of, Michigan 2050. McLeod (MN), County of, Minnesota
2000. Luce (MI), County of, Michigan 2051. Meeker (MN), County of, Minnesota
2001. Macomb (MI), County of, Michigan 2052. Minneapolis (MN), City of, Minnesota
2002. Manistee (MI), County of, Michigan 2053. Minnesota Prairie County Alliance (MN),
2003. Marquette (MI), County of, Michigan   Minnesota
2004. Mason (MI), County of, Michigan 2054. Morrison (MN), County of, Minnesota
2005. Monroe (MI), County of, Michigan 2055. Mower (MN), County of, Minnesota
2006. Montcalm, (MI) County of, Michigan 2056. North St. Paul (MN), City of, Minnesota
2007. Montmorency (MI), County of, Michigan 2057. Olmsted (MN), County of, Minnesota
2008. Muskegon (MI), County of, Michigan 2058. Pine (MN), County of, Minnesota
2009. Newaygo (MI), County of, Michigan 2059. Proctor (MN), City of, Minnesota
2010. Northville (MI), Township of, Michigan 2060. Ramsey (MN), County of, Minnesota
2011. Oakland (MI), County of, Michigan 2061. Rochester (MN), City of, Minnesota
2012. Oceana (MI), County of, Michigan 2062. Roseau (MN), County of, Minnesota
2013. Ogemaw (MI), County of, Michigan 2063. Saint Paul (MN), City of, Minnesota
2014. Ontonagon (MI), County of, Michigan 2064. Sibley (MN), County of, Minnesota
2015. Osceola (MI), County of, Michigan 2065. St. Louis (MN), County of, Minnesota
2016. Otsego (MI), County of, Michigan 2066. Steele (MN), County of, Minnesota
2017. Pittsfield (MI), Charter Township of, 2067. Waseca (MN), County of, Minnesota
  Michigan 2068. Washington (MN), County of, Minnesota
2018. Pontiac (MI), City of, Michigan 2069. Winona (MN), County of, Minnesota
2019. Presque Isle (MI), County of, Michigan 2070. Wright (MN), County of, Minnesota
2020. Romulus (MI), City of, Michigan 2071. Yellow Medicine (MN), County of,
2021. Roscommon (MI), County of, Michigan   Minnesota
2022. Saginaw (MI), County of, Michigan 2072. Adams (MS), County of, Mississippi
2023. Sanilac (MI), County of, Michigan 2073. Amite (MS), County of, Mississippi
2024. Sault Ste. Marie (MI), City of, Michigan 2074. Amory (MS), City of, Mississippi
2025. Shiawassee (MI), County of, Michigan 2075. Arcola (MS), Town of, Mississippi
2026. St. Clair (MI), County of, Michigan 2076. Attala (MS), County of, Mississippi
2027. Sterling Heights (MI), City of, Michigan 2077. Benton (MS), County of, Mississippi
2028. Traverse City (MI), City of, Michigan 2078. Bolivar (MS), County of, Mississippi
2029. Tuscola (MI), County of, Michigan 2079. Brookhaven (MS), City of, Mississippi
2030. Van Buren (MI), Township of, Michigan 2080. Caledonia (MS), Town of, Mississippi
2031. Warren (MI), City of, Michigan 2081. Carroll (MS), County of, Mississippi
2032. Washtenaw (MI), County of, Michigan 2082. Centreville (MS), Town of, Missisippi
2033. Wayne (MI), City of, Michigan 2083. Charleston (MS), City of, Mississippi
2034. Wayne (MI), County of, Michigan 2084. Chickasaw (MS), County of, Mississippi
2035. Westland (MI), City of, Michigan 2085. Claiborne (MS), County of, Mississippi
2036. Wexford (MI), County of, Michigan 2086. Clarke (MS), County of, Mississippi
2037. Anoka (MN), County of, Minnesota 2087. Clarksdale (MS), City of, Mississippi
2038. Beltrami (MN), County of, Minnesota 2088. Cleveland (MS), City of, Mississippi
2039. Big Stone (MN), County of, Minnesota 2089. Columbia (MS), City of, Mississippi
2040. Board of Education of Minnetonka School 2090. Columbus (MS), City of, Mississippi
  District No. 276 (MN), Minnesota 2091. Community Hospital (MS), Sharkey-
2041. Carlton (MN), County of, Minnesota   Issaquena, Mississippi
2042. Carver (MN), County of, Minnesota 2092. Copiah (MS), County of, Mississippi
2043. Coon Rapids (MN), City of, Minnesota 2093. Covington (MS), County of, Mississippi
2044. Dakota (MN), County of, Minnesota 2094. DeSoto (MS), County of, Mississippi





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22


2095. Diamondhead (MS), City of, Mississippi 2146. New Albany (MS), City of, Mississippi
2096. Forrest (MS), County of, Mississippi 2147. Ocean Springs (MS), City of, Mississippi
2097. Franklin (MS), County of, Mississippi 2148. Panola (MS), County of, Mississippi
2098. Gautier (MS), City of, Mississippi 2149. Pascagoula (MS), City of, Mississippi
2099. George (MS), County of, Mississippi 2150. Pearl River (MS), County of, Mississippi
2100. Greene (MS), County of, Mississippi 2151. Pearl River County Hospital (MS),
2101. Greenwood (MS), City of, Mississippi   Mississippi
2102. Grenada (MS), City of, Mississippi 2152. Perry (MS), County of, Mississippi
2103. Grenada (MS), County of, Mississippi 2153. Philadelphia (MS), City of, Mississippi
2104. Gulfport (MS), City of, Mississippi 2154. Prentiss (MS), County of, Mississippi
2105. Hancock (MS), County of, Mississippi 2155. Quitman (MS), City of, Mississippi
2106. Harrison (MS), County of, Mississippi 2156. Regional Medical Center (MS), South
2107. Hattiesburg (MS), City of, Mississippi   Central, Mississippi
2108. Hinds (MS), County of, Mississippi 2157. Scott (MS), County of, Mississippi
2109. Holly Springs (MS), City of, Mississippi 2158. Shannon (MS), City of, Mississippi
2110. Holmes (MS), County of, Mississippi 2159. Shubuta (MS), Town of, Mississippi
2111. Humphreys (MS), County of, Mississippi 2160. Starkville (MS), City of, Mississippi
2112. Indianola (MS), City of, Mississippi 2161. Stone (MS), County of, Mississippi
2113. Issaquena (MS), County of, Mississippi 2162. Summit (MS), Town of, Mississippi
2114. Itawamba (MS), County of, Mississippi 2163. Sunflower (MS), County of, Mississippi
2115. Iuka (MS), City of, Mississippi 2164. Tallahatchie (MS), County of, Mississippi
2116. Jackson (MS), City of, Mississippi 2165. Tate (MS), County of, Mississippi
2117. Jackson (MS), County of, Mississippi 2166. Tippah (MS), County of, Mississippi
2118. Jefferson (MS), County of, Mississippi 2167. Tishomingo (MS), County of, Mississippi
2119. Jefferson Davis (MS), County of, 2168. Tunica (MS), County of, Mississippi
  Mississippi 2169. Tupelo (MS), City of, Mississippi
2120. Jones (MS), County of, Mississippi 2170. Union (MS), County of, Mississippi
2121. Jonestown (MS), City of, Mississippi 2171. Verona (MS), City of, Mississippi
2122. Kemper (MS), County of, Mississippi 2172. Vicksburg (MS), City of, Mississippi
2123. Kosciusko (MS), City of, Mississippi 2173. Walthall (MS), County of, Mississippi
2124. Lafayette (MS), County of, Mississippi 2174. Washington (MS), County of, Mississippi
2125. Lauderdale (MS), County of, Mississippi 2175. Wayne (MS), County of, Mississippi
2126. Laurel (MS), City of, Mississippi 2176. Waynesboro (MS), City of, Mississippi
2127. Lawrence (MS), County of, Mississippi 2177. Webb (MS), City of, Mississippi
2128. Leakesville (MS), Town of, Mississippi 2178. Wiggins (MS), City of, Mississippi
2129. Lee (MS), County of, Mississippi 2179. Yalobusha (MS), County of, Mississippi
2130. Leflore (MS), County of, Mississippi 2180. Adair (MO), County of, Missouri
2131. Lincoln (MS), County of, Mississippi 2181. Andrew (MO), County of, Missouri
2132. Long Beach (MS), City of, Mississippi 2182. Atchison (MO), County of, Missouri
2133. Lumberton (MS), City of, Mississippi 2183. Audrain (MO), County of, Missouri
2134. Madison (MS), County of, Mississippi 2184. Barry (MO), County of, Missouri
2135. Marion (MS), County of, Mississippi 2185. Barton (MO), County of, Missouri
2136. Marshall (MS), County of, Mississippi 2186. Boone (MO), County of, Missouri
2137. McLain (MS), Town of, Mississippi 2187. Buchanan (MO), County of, Missouri
2138. Memorial Hospital at Gulfport (MS), 2188. Butler (MO), County of, Missouri
  Mississippi 2189. Callaway (MO), County of, Missouri
2139. Meridian (MS), City of, Mississippi 2190. Camden (MO), County of, Missouri
2140. Monroe (MS), County of, Mississippi 2191. Cape Girardeau (MO), County of, Missouri
2141. Morton (MS), City of, Mississippi 2192. Cass (MO), County of, Missouri
2142. Moss Point (MS), City of, Mississippi 2193. Chariton (MO), County of, Missouri
2143. Mound Bayou (MS), City of, Mississippi 2194. Christian (MO), County of, Missouri
2144. Neshoba (MS), County of, Mississippi    
2145. Nettleton (MS), City of, Mississippi    





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22


2195. Citizens Memorial Hospital District d/b/a 2243. Pike (MO), County of, Missouri
  Citizens Memorial Hospital (MO), 2244. Polk (MO), County of, Missouri
  Missouri 2245. Pulaski (MO), County of, Missouri
2196. Clinton (MO), County of, Missouri 2246. Ralls (MO), County of, Missouri
2197. Cole (MO), County of, Missouri 2247. Randolph (MO), County of, Missouri
2198. Crawford (MO), County of, Missouri 2248. Ray (MO), County of, Missouri
2199. Dade (MO), County of, Missouri 2249. Reynolds (MO), County of, Missouri
2200. DeKalb (MO), County of, Missouri 2250. Ripley (MO), County of, Missouri
2201. Dent (MO), County of, Missouri 2251. Schuyler (MO), County of, Missouri
2202. Douglas (MO), County of, Missouri 2252. Scott (MO), County of, Missouri
2203. Dunklin (MO), County of, Missouri 2253. Sedalia (MO) City of, Missouri
2204. Franklin (MO), County of, Missouri 2254. Shannon (MO), County of, Missouri
2205. Gasconade (MO), County of, Missouri 2255. Shelby (MO), County of, Missouri
2206. Greene (MO), County of, Missouri 2256. Springfield (MO), City of, Missouri
2207. Grundy (MO), County of, Missouri 2257. St. Charles (MO), County of, Missouri
2208. Harrisonville (MO), City of, Missouri 2258. St. Clair (MO), County of, Missouri
2209. Henry (MO), County of, Missouri 2259. St. Francois (MO), County of, Missouri
2210. Hickory (MO), County of, Missouri 2260. St. Joseph (MO), City of, Missouri
2211. Howell (MO), County of, Missouri 2261. St. Louis (MO), City of, Missouri
2212. Independence (MO), City of, Missouri 2262. St. Louis (MO), County of, Missouri
2213. Iron (MO), County of, Missouri 2263. Ste. Genevieve (MO), County of, Missouri
2214. Jackson (MO), County of, Missouri 2264. Stone (MO), County of, Missouri
2215. Jasper (MO), County of, Missouri 2265. Taney (MO), County of, Missouri
2216. Jefferson (MO), County of, Missouri 2266. Texas (MO), County of, Missouri
2217. Johnson (MO), County of, Missouri 2267. Vernon (MO), County of, Missouri
2218. Joplin (MO), City of, Missouri 2268. Warren (MO), County of, Missouri
2219. Kansas City (MO), City of, Missouri 2269. Washington (MO), County of, Missouri
2220. Kinloch (MO), Fire Protection District of 2270. Webster (MO), County of, Missouri
  St. Louis County, Missouri 2271. Worth (MO), County of, Missouri
2221. Knox (MO), County of, Missouri 2272. Wright (MO), County of, Missouri
2222. Lafayette (MO), County of, Missouri 2273. Anaconda-Deer Lodge (MT), County of,
2223. Lawrence (MO), County of, Missouri   Montana
2224. Lewis (MO), County of, Missouri 2274. Cascade (MT), County of, Montana
2225. Lincoln (MO), County of, Missouri 2275. Gallatin (MT), County of, Montana
2226. Livingston (MO), County of, Missouri 2276. Great Falls (MT), City of, Montana
2227. Madison (MO), County of, Missouri 2277. Lake (MT), County of, Montana
2228. Maries (MO), County of, Missouri 2278. Missoula (MT), City of, Montana
2229. McDonald (MO), County of, Missouri 2279. Missoula (MT), County of, Montana
2230. Miller (MO), County of, Missouri 2280. Douglas (NE), County of, Nebraska
2231. Moniteau (MO), County of, Missouri 2281. Keith (NE), County of, Nebraska
2232. Montgomery (MO), County of, Missouri 2282. Knox (NE), County of, Nebraska
2233. Morgan (MO), County of, Missouri 2283. Lincoln (NE), County of, Nebraska
2234. New Madrid (MO), County of, Missouri 2284. Sarpy (NE), County of, Nebraska
2235. Nodaway (MO), County of, Missouri 2285. South Sioux City (NE), City of, Nebraska
2236. Northeast Ambulance (MO), Fire 2286. Boulder (NV), City of, Nevada
  Protection District of St. Louis County, 2287. Carson City (NV), Nevada
  Missouri 2288. Central Lyon County Fire Protection
2237. Osage (MO), County of, Missouri   District (NV), Nevada
2238. Ozark (MO), County of, Missouri 2289. Churchill (NV), County of, Nevada
2239. Pemiscot (MO), County of, Missouri 2290. Clark (NV), County of, Nevada
2240. Perry (MO), County of, Missouri 2291. Douglas (NV), County of, Nevada
2241. Pettis (MO), County of, Missouri 2292. Ely (NV), City of, Nevada
2242. Phelps (MO), County of, Missouri 2293. Esmeralda (NV), County of, Nevada





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22


2294. Fernley (NV), City of, Nevada 2336. Strafford (NH), County of, New Hampshire
2295. Henderson (NV), City of, Nevada 2337. Sullivan (NH), County of, New Hampshire
2296. Humboldt (NV), County of, Nevada 2338. Atlantic (NJ), County of, New Jersey
2297. Las Vegas (NV), City of, Nevada 2339. Barnegat (NJ), Township of, New Jersey
2298. Lincoln (NV), County of, Nevada 2340. Bayonne (NJ), City of, New Jersey
2299. Lyon (NV), County of, Nevada 2341. Bergen (NJ), County of, New Jersey
2300. Mesquite (NV), City of, Nevada 2342. Bloomfield (NJ), The Township of, New
2301. Mineral (NV), County of, Nevada   Jersey
2302. North Las Vegas (NV), City of, Nevada 2343. Brick (NJ), Township of, New Jersey
2303. North Lyon County Fire Protection District 2344. Burlington (NJ), County of, New Jersey
  (NV), Nevada 2345. Camden (NJ), County of, New Jersey
2304. Nye (NV), County of, Nevada 2346. Cape May (NJ), County of, New Jersey
2305. Reno (NV), City of, Nevada 2347. Clifton (NJ), City of, New Jersey
2306. Sparks (NV), City of, Nevada 2348. Clinton (NJ), Town of, New Jersey
2307. Washoe (NV), County of, Nevada 2349. Cumberland (NJ), County of, New Jersey
2308. West Wendover (NV), City of, Nevada 2350. Elizabeth (NJ), City of, New Jersey
2309. White Pine (NV), County of, Nevada 2351. Essex (NJ), County of, New Jersey
2310. Belknap (NH), County of, New Hampshire 2352. Hudson (NJ), County of, New Jersey
2311. Belmont (NH), City of, New Hampshire 2353. Irvington (NJ), Township of, New Jersey
2312. Berlin (NH), City of, New Hampshire 2354. Jersey City (NJ), City of, New Jersey
2313. Board of Education of Goshen School 2355. Monmouth (NJ), County of, New Jersey
  District (NH), New Hampshire 2356. Newark (NJ), City of, New Jersey
2314. Board of Education of Kearsarge RSU- 2357. Ocean (NJ), County of, New Jersey
  School Administrative Unit 65 (NH), New 2358. Paramus (NJ), Borough of, New Jersey
  Hampshire 2359. Passaic (NJ), County of, New Jersey
2315. Board of Education of Lebanon School 2360. Paterson (NJ), City of, New Jersey
  District (NH), New Hampshire 2361. Ridgefield (NJ) Borough of, New Jersey
2316. Board of Education of Pittsfield School 2362. Saddle Brook (NJ), Township of, New
  District (NH), New Hampshire   Jersey
2317. Board of Education of Tamworth School 2363. Sussex (NJ), County of, New Jersey
  District (NH), New Hampshire 2364. Teaneck (NJ), Township of, New Jersey
2318. Carroll (NH), County of, New Hampshire 2365. Trenton (NJ), City of, New Jersey
2319. Cheshire (NH), County of, New Hampshire 2366. Union (NJ), County of, New Jersey
2320. Claremont (NH), City of, New Hampshire 2367. Alamogordo (NM), City of, New Mexico
2321. Concord (NH), City of, New Hampshire 2368. Albuquerque (NM), City of, New Mexico
2322. Coos (NH), County of, New Hampshire 2369. Bernalillo (NM), County of
2323. Derry (NH), Town of, New Hampshire   (Commissioners), New Mexico
2324. Dover (NH), City of, New Hampshire 2370. Catron (NM), County of (Board of
2325. Franklin (NH), City of, New Hampshire   Commissioners), New Mexico
2326. Grafton (NH), County of, New Hampshire 2371. Cibola (NM), County of (Board of
2327. Hillsborough (NH), County of, New   Commissioners), New Mexico
  Hampshire 2372. Colfax (NM), County of (Board of
2328. Keene (NH), City of, New Hampshire   Commissioners), New Mexico
2329. Laconia (NH), City of, New Hampshire 2373. Curry (NM), County of (Board of
2330. Londonderry (NH), Town of, New   Commissioners), New Mexico
  Hampshire 2374. Dona Ana (NM), County of (Board of
2331. Manchester (NH), City of, New Hampshire   Commissioners), New Mexico
2332. Merrimack (NH), County of, New 2375. Eddy (NM), County of, New Mexico
  Hampshire 2376. Espanola (NM), City of, New Mexico
2333. Nashua (NH), City of, New Hampshire 2377. Grant (NM), County of, New Mexico
2334. Rochester (NH), City of, New Hampshire 2378. Hidalgo (NM), County of (Board of
2335. Rockingham (NH), County of, New   Commissioners), New Mexico
  Hampshire 2379. Hobbs (NM), City of, New Mexico





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22


2380. Las Cruces (NM), City of, New Mexico 2418. Centerport (NY), Fire District of, New
2381. Lea (NM), County of (Board of   York
  Commissioners), New Mexico 2419. Chautauqua (NY), County of, New York
2382. Lincoln (NM), County of (Board of 2420. Cheektowaga (NY), Town of, New York
  Commissioners), New Mexico 2421. Chemung (NY), County of, New York
2383. Luna (NM), County of (Board of 2422. Chenango (NY), County of, New York
  Commissioners), New Mexico 2423. Clarkstown (NY), Town of, New York
2384. McKinley (NM), County of (Board of 2424. Clinton (NY), County of, New York
  Commissioners), New Mexico 2425. Columbia (NY), County of, New York
2385. Mora (NM), County of, New Mexico 2426. Cortland (NY) County of, New York
2386. Otero (NM), County of (Board of 2427. Dutchess (NY), County of, New York
  Commissioners), New Mexico 2428. East Hampton (NY), Village of, New York
2387. Rio Arriba (NM), County of, New Mexico 2429. East Rockaway (NY), Village of, New
2388. Roosevelt (NM), County of, New Mexico   York
2389. San Juan (NM), County of, New Mexico 2430. Erie (NY), County of, New York
2390. San Miguel (NM) County of (Board of 2431. Essex (NY), County of, New York
  Commissioners), New Mexico 2432. Farmingdale (NY), Village of, New York
2391. Sandoval (NM), County of, New Mexico 2433. Floral Park (NY), Village of, New York
2392. Santa Fe (NM), County of (Board of 2434. Franklin (NY), County of, New York
  Commissioners), New Mexico 2435. Fulton (NY), County of, New York
2393. Santa Fe (NM), City of, New Mexico 2436. Garden City (NY), Village of, New York
2394. Sierra (NM), County of (Board of 2437. Genesee (NY), County of, New York
  Commissioners), New Mexico 2438. Geneva (NY), City of, New York
2395. Socorro (NM), County of (Board of 2439. Great Neck (NY), Village of, New York
  Commissioners), New Mexico 2440. Greene (NY), County of, New York
2396. Taos (NM), County of (Board of 2441. Greenport (NY), Village of, New York
  Commissioners), New Mexico 2442. Hamilton (NY), County of, New York
2397. Torrance County Board of Commissioners 2443. Hauppauge (NY), Fire District, New York
  (NM), New Mexico 2444. Haverstraw (NY), Town of, New York
2398. Union (NM), County of (Board of 2445. Hempstead (NY), Town of, New York
  Commissioners), New Mexico 2446. Hempstead (NY), Village of, New York
2399. Valencia (NM), County of (Board of 2447. Herkimer (NY), County of, New York
  Commissioners), New Mexico 2448. Herkimer (NY), Village of, New York
2400. Albany (NY), City of, New York 2449. Hicksville (NY), Water District of, New
2401. Albany (NY), County of, New York   York
2402. Allegany (NY), County of, New York 2450. Huntington (NY), Town of, New York
2403. Amherst (NY), Town of, New York 2451. Island Park (NY), Village of, New York
2404. Amityville (NY), Village of, New York 2452. Islandia (NY), Village of, New York
2405. Amsterdam (NY), City of, New York 2453. Islip (NY), Town of, New York
2406. Auburn (NY), City of, New York 2454. Islip Terrace (NY), Fire District of, New
2407. Babylon (NY), Town of, New York   York
2408. Babylon (NY), Village of, New York 2455. Ithaca (NY), City of, New York
2409. Bellmore (NY), Fire District of, New York 2456. Jefferson (NY), County of, New York
2410. Bellport (NY), Village of, New York 2457. Kingston (NY), City of, New York
2411. Board of Education of Rochester City 2458. Lackawanna (NY), City of, New York
  School District (NY), New York 2459. Lake Grove (NY), Village of, New York
2412. Brookhaven (NY), Town of, New York 2460. Lancaster (NY), Town of, New York
2413. Broome (NY), County of, New York 2461. Lawrence (NY), Village of, New York
2414. Buffalo (NY), City of, New York 2462. Levittown (NY), Fire District of, New
2415. Cattaraugus (NY), County of, New York   York
2416. Cayuga (NY), County of, New York 2463. Lewis (NY), County of, New York
2417. Centereach (NY), Fire District, New York 2464. Lindenhurst (NY), Village of, New York
    2465. Livingston (NY), County of, New York





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22


2466. Lloyd Harbor (NY), Village of, New York 2507. Port Washington North (NY), Village of,
2467. Long Beach (NY), City of, New York   New York
2468. Lynbrook (NY), Village of, New York 2508. Poughkeepsie (NY), City of, New York
2469. Madison (NY), County of, New York 2509. Poughkeepsie (NY), Town of, New York
2470. Massapequa Park (NY), Village of, New 2510. Putnam (NY), County of, New York
  York 2511. Ramapo (NY), Town of, New York
2471. Melville (NY), Fire District of, New York 2512. Rensselaer (NY), County of, New York
2472. Merrick Library (NY), New York 2513. Ridge (NY), Fire District of, New York
2473. Mill Neck (NY), Village of, New York 2514. Riverhead (NY), Town of, New York
2474. Miller Place (NY), Fire District of, New 2515. Rochester (NY), City of, New York
  York 2516. Rockland (NY), County of, New York
2475. Millerton (NY), Village of, New York 2517. Rockville Centre Public Library (NY),
2476. Monroe (NY), County of, New York   New York
2477. Montgomery (NY), County of, New York 2518. Rome (NY), City of, New York
2478. Mount Sinai (NY), Fire District of, New 2519. Rosalyn (NY) Water District, New York
  York 2520. Saltaire (NY), Village of, New York
2479. Mount Vernon (NY), City of, New York 2521. Saratoga (NY), County of, New York
2480. Nassau (NY), County of, New York 2522. Saratoga Springs (NY), City of, New York
2481. Nassau University Medical Center (NY), 2523. Schenectady (NY), City of, New York
  New York 2524. Schenectady (NY), County of, New York
2482. Nesconset (NY), Fire District of, New 2525. Schoharie (NY), County of, New York
  York 2526. Schuyler (NY), County of, New York
2483. New Hyde Park (NY), Village of, New 2527. Seneca (NY), County of, New York
  York 2528. Smithtown (NY), Fire District of, New
2484. New York (NY), City of, New York   York
2485. Niagara (NY), County of, New York 2529. Smithtown (NY), Town of, New York
2486. Nissequogue (NY), Village of, New York 2530. South Farmingdale (NY), Fire District of,
2487. North Hempstead (NY), Town of, New   New York
  York 2531. Southampton (NY), Town of, New York
2488. North Merrick (NY), Fire District of, New 2532. Southold (NY), Town of, New York
  York 2533. St James (NY), Fire District, New York
2489. North Patchogue (NY), Fire District of, 2534. St. Lawrence (NY), County of, New York
  New York 2535. Steuben (NY), County of, New York
2490. Northport (NY), Village of, New York 2536. Stewart Manor (NY), Village of, New York
2491. Ogdensburg (NY), City of, New York 2537. Stony Brook (NY), Fire District of, New
2492. Old Westbury (NY), Village of, New York   York
2493. Oneida (NY), County of, New York 2538. Stony Point (NY), Town of, New York
2494. Onondaga (NY), County of, New York 2539. Suffern (NY), Village of, New York
2495. Ontario (NY), County of, New York 2540. Suffolk (NY), County of, New York
2496. Orange (NY), County of, New York 2541. Sullivan (NY), County of, New York
2497. Orangetown (NY), Town of, New York 2542. Syracuse (NY), City of, New York
2498. Orleans (NY) County of, New York 2543. The Branch (NY), Village of, New York
2499. Oswego (NY), County of, New York 2544. Tioga (NY), County of, New York
2500. Otsego (NY), County of, New York 2545. Tompkins (NY), County of, New York
2501. Oyster Bay (NY), Town of, New York 2546. Tonawanda (NY), Town of, New York
2502. Patchogue (NY), Village of, New York 2547. Troy (NY), City of, New York
2503. Plainview - Old Bethpage Public Library 2548. Ulster (NY), County of, New York
  (NY), New York 2549. Uniondale (NY), Fire District of, New
2504. Plattsburgh (NY), City of, New York   York
2505. Poquott (NY), Village of, New York 2550. Utica (NY), City of, New York
2506. Port Washington (NY), Water District of, 2551. Valley Stream (NY), Village of, New York
  New York 2552. Wappinger (NY), Town of, New York





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22


2553. Wappingers Falls (NY), Village of, New 2599. Granville (NC), County of, North Carolina
  York 2600. Greene (NC), County of, North Carolina
2554. Warren (NY), County of, New York 2601. Greensboro (NC), City of, North Carolina
2555. Washington (NY), County of, New York 2602. Guilford (NC), County of, North Carolina
2556. West Hampton Dunes (NY), Village of, 2603. Halifax (NC), County of, North Carolina
  New York 2604. Haywood (NC), County of, North Carolina
2557. West Haverstraw (NY), Village of, New 2605. Henderson (NC), City of, North Carolina
  York 2606. Hickory (NC), City of, North Carolina
2558. West Hempstead (NY) Public Library, 2607. Iredell (NC) County of, North Carolina
  New York 2608. Jacksonville (NC), City of, North Carolina
2559. Westbury (NY), Village of, New York 2609. Jones (NC), County of, North Carolina
2560. Westchester (NY), County of, New York 2610. Lee (NC), County of, North Carolina
2561. Wyoming (NY), County of, New York 2611. Lenoir (NC), County of, North Carolina
2562. Yates (NY) County of, New York 2612. Lincoln (NC), County of, North Carolina
2563. Yonkers (NY), City of, New York 2613. Madison (NC), County of, North Carolina
2564. Alamance (NC), County of, North Carolina 2614. Martin (NC), County of, North Carolina
2565. Alexander (NC), County of, North Carolina 2615. McDowell (NC), County of, North
2566. Alleghany (NC), County of, North Carolina   Carolina
2567. Anson (NC), County of, North Carolina 2616. Mecklenburg (NC), County of, North
2568. Ashe (NC), County of, North Carolina   Carolina
2569. Beaufort (NC), County of, North Carolina 2617. Mitchell (NC), County of, North Carolina
2570. Bertie (NC), County of, North Carolina 2618. Moore (NC), County of, North Carolina
2571. Bladen (NC), County of, North Carolina 2619. New Hanover (NC), County of, North
2572. Brunswick (NC), County of, North   Carolina
  Carolina 2620. Onslow (NC), County of, North Carolina
2573. Buncombe (NC), County of, North 2621. Orange (NC), County of, North Carolina
  Carolina 2622. Pamlico (NC), County of, North Carolina
2574. Burke (NC), County of, North Carolina 2623. Pasquotank (NC), County of, North
2575. Cabarrus (NC), County of, North Carolina   Carolina
2576. Caldwell (NC), County of, North Carolina 2624. Person (NC), County of, North Carolina
2577. Camden (NC), County of, North Carolina 2625. Pitt (NC), County of, North Carolina
2578. Canton (NC), City of, North Carolina 2626. Polk (NC), County of, North Carolina
2579. Carteret (NC), County of, North Carolina 2627. Randolph (NC), County of, North Carolina
2580. Caswell (NC), County of, North Carolina 2628. Richmond (NC), County of, North Carolina
2581. Catawba (NC), County of, North Carolina 2629. Robeson (NC), County of, North Carolina
2582. Chatham (NC), County of, North Carolina 2630. Rockingham (NC), County of, North
2583. Cherokee (NC), County of, North Carolina   Carolina
2584. Chowan (NC), County of, North Carolina 2631. Rowan (NC), County of, North Carolina
2585. Cleveland (NC), County of, North Carolina 2632. Rutherford (NC), County of, North
2586. Columbus (NC), County of, North Carolina   Carolina
2587. Craven (NC), County of, North Carolina 2633. Sampson (NC), County of, North Carolina
2588. Cumberland (NC), County of, North 2634. Scotland (NC), County of, North Carolina
  Carolina 2635. Stokes (NC), County of, North Carolina
2589. Currituck (NC), County of, North Carolina 2636. Surry (NC), County of, North Carolina
2590. Dare (NC), County of, North Carolina 2637. Tyrrell (NC), County of, North Carolina
2591. Davidson (NC), County of, North Carolina 2638. Vance (NC), County of, North Carolina
2592. Davie (NC), County of, North Carolina 2639. Warren (NC), County of, North Carolina
2593. Duplin (NC), County of, North Carolina 2640. Washington (NC), County of, North
2594. Durham (NC), County of, North Carolina   Carolina
2595. Fayetteville (NC), City Of, North Carolina 2641. Watauga (NC), County of, North Carolina
2596. Forsyth (NC), County of, North Carolina 2642. Wayne (NC), County of, North Carolina
2597. Franklin (NC), County of, North Carolina 2643. Wilkes (NC), County of, North Carolina
2598. Gaston (NC), County of, North Carolina 2644. Wilmington (NC), City of, North Carolina





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22


2645. Winston-Salem (NC), City of, North 2691. Belmont (OH), County of (Board of
  Carolina   Commissioners), Ohio
2646. Yadkin (NC), County of, North Carolina 2692. Boston (OH), Township of, Ohio
2647. Yancey (NC), County of, North Carolina 2693. Boston Heights (OH), Village of, Ohio
2648. Barnes (ND), County of, North Dakota 2694. Broadview Heights (OH), City of, Ohio
2649. Benson (ND), County of, North Dakota 2695. Brooklyn Heights (OH), Village of, Ohio
2650. Bismarck (ND), City of, North Dakota 2696. Brown (OH), County of (Board of
2651. Burleigh (ND), County of, North Dakota   Commissioners), Ohio
2652. Cass (ND), County of, North Dakota 2697. Brunswick (OH), City of, Ohio
2653. Devils Lake (ND), City of, North Dakota 2698. Butler (OH), County of (Board of
2654. Dickey (ND), County of, North Dakota   Commissioners), Ohio
2655. Dunn (ND), County of, North Dakota 2699. Canton (OH), City of, Ohio
2656. Eddy (ND), County of, North Dakota 2700. Carroll (OH), County of (Board of
2657. Fargo (ND), City of, North Dakota   Commissioners), Ohio
2658. Foster (ND), County of, North Dakota 2701. Champaign (OH), County of (Board of
2659. Grand Forks (ND), City of, North Dakota   Commissioners), Ohio
2660. Grand Forks (ND), County of, North 2702. Cincinnati (OH), City of, Ohio
  Dakota 2703. Clermont (OH), County of (Board of
2661. Lamoure (ND), County of, North Dakota   Commissioners), Ohio
2662. Lisbon (ND), City of, North Dakota 2704. Cleveland (OH), City of, Ohio
2663. McKenzie (ND), County of, North Dakota 2705. Clinton (OH), County of (Board of
2664. McLean (ND), County of, North Dakota   Commissioners), Ohio
2665. Mercer (ND), County of, North Dakota 2706. Clinton (OH), Village of, Ohio
2666. Mountrail (ND), County of, North Dakota 2707. Columbiana (OH), County of (Board of
2667. Pembina (ND), County of, North Dakota   Commissioners), Ohio
2668. Pierce (ND), County of, North Dakota 2708. Columbus (OH), City of, Ohio
2669. Ramsey (ND), County of, North Dakota 2709. Copley (OH), Township of, Ohio
2670. Ransom (ND), County of, North Dakota 2710. Coshocton (OH), County of (Board of
2671. Richland (ND), County of, North Dakota   Commissioners), Ohio
2672. Rolette (ND), County of, North Dakota 2711. Coventry (OH), Township of, Ohio
2673. Sargent (ND), County of, North Dakota 2712. Crawford (OH), County of (Board of
2674. Stark (ND), County of, North Dakota   Commissioners), Ohio
2675. Towner (ND), County of, North Dakota 2713. Cuyahoga Falls (OH), City of, Ohio
2676. Walsh (ND), County of, North Dakota 2714. Darke (OH), County of (Commissioners),
2677. Ward (ND), County of, North Dakota   Ohio
2678. Wells (ND), County of, North Dakota 2715. Dayton (OH), City of, Ohio
2679. Williams (ND), County of, North Dakota 2716. Delaware (OH), County of (Board of
2680. Adams (OH), County of (Board of   Commissioners), Ohio
  Commissioners), Ohio 2717. East Cleveland (OH), City of, Ohio
2681. Akron (OH), City of, Ohio 2718. Elyria (OH), City of, Ohio
2682. Allen (OH), County of (Board of 2719. Erie (OH), County of (Board of
  Commissioners), Ohio   Commissioners), Ohio
2683. Alliance (OH), City of, Ohio 2720. Euclid (OH), City of, Ohio
2684. Ashland (OH), City of, Ohio 2721. Fairfield (OH), City of, Ohio
2685. Ashland (OH), County of (Board of 2722. Fairfield (OH), County of (Board of
  Commissioners), Ohio   Commissioners), Ohio
2686. Ashtabula (OH), County of, Ohio 2723. Fairlawn (OH), City of, Ohio
2687. Athens (OH), County of (Board of 2724. Fayette (OH), County of, Ohio
  Commissioners), Ohio 2725. Findlay (OH), City of, Ohio
2688. Auglaize (OH), County of (Board of 2726. Fostoria (OH), City of, Ohio
  Commissioners), Ohio 2727. Franklin (OH), County of (Board of
2689. Aurora (OH), City of, Ohio   Commissioners), Ohio
2690. Barberton (OH), City of, Ohio    





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22


2728. Fulton (OH), County of (Board of 2765. Medina (OH), County of, Ohio
  Commissioners), Ohio 2766. Meigs (OH), County of, Ohio
2729. Gallia (OH), County of (Board of 2767. Mental Health & Recovery Services Board
  Commissioners), Ohio   of Allen, Auglaize, and Hardin Counties
2730. Garfield Heights (OH), City of, Ohio   (OH), Ohio
2731. Geauga (OH), County of (Commissioners), 2768. Mental Health & Recovery Services Board
  Ohio   of Lucas County (OH), Ohio
2732. Green (OH), City of, Ohio 2769. Mercer (OH), County of (Board of
2733. Guernsey (OH), County of (Board of   Commissioners), Ohio
  Commissioners), Ohio 2770. Miami (OH), County of (Board of
2734. Hamilton (OH), City of, Ohio   Commissioners), Ohio
2735. Hamilton (OH), County of (Board of 2771. Middletown (OH), City of, Ohio
  Commissioners), Ohio 2772. Mogadore (OH), Village of, Ohio
2736. Hancock (OH), County of (Board of 2773. Monroe (OH), County of (Board of
  Commissioners), Ohio   Commissioners), Ohio
2737. Harrison (OH), County of 2774. Montgomery (OH), County of (Board of
  (Commissioners), Ohio   Commissioners), Ohio
2738. Hocking (OH), County of (Board of 2775. Morrow (OH), County of (Board of
  Commissioners), Ohio   Commisioners), Ohio
2739. Huron (OH), City of, Ohio 2776. Munroe Falls (OH), City of, Ohio
2740. Huron (OH), County of (Board of 2777. Muskingum (OH), County of (Board of
  Commissioners), Ohio   Commissioners), Ohio
2741. Ironton (OH), City of, Ohio 2778. New Franklin (OH), City of, Ohio
2742. Jackson (OH), County of (Board of 2779. Newburgh Heights (OH), Village of, Ohio
  Commissioners), Ohio 2780. Noble (OH), County of (Commissioners),
2743. Jefferson (OH), County of, Ohio   Ohio
2744. Kent (OH), City of, Ohio 2781. North Olmsted (OH), City of, Ohio
2745. Knox (OH), County of (Board of 2782. North Ridgeville (OH), City of, Ohio
  Commissioners), Ohio 2783. North Royalton (OH), City of, Ohio
2746. Lake (OH), County of, Ohio 2784. Norton (OH), City of, Ohio
2747. Lakemore (OH), Village of, Ohio 2785. Norwalk (OH), City of, Ohio
2748. Lakewood (OH), City of, Ohio 2786. Olmsted Falls (OH), City of, Ohio
2749. Lawrence (OH), County of (Board of 2787. Ottawa (OH), County of (Board of
  Commissioners), Ohio   Commissioners), Ohio
2750. Lebanon (OH), City of, Ohio 2788. Painesville (OH), Township of, Ohio
2751. Licking (OH), County (Board of 2789. Parma (OH), City of, Ohio
  Commissioners), Ohio 2790. Parma Heights (OH), City of, Ohio
2752. Lima (OH), City of, Ohio 2791. Peninsula (OH), Village of, Ohio
2753. Logan (OH), County of (Board of 2792. Perry (OH), County of (Board of
  Commissioners), Ohio   Commissioners), Ohio
2754. Lorain (OH), City of, Ohio 2793. Pike (OH), County of (Board), Ohio
2755. Lorain (OH), County of, Ohio 2794. Portage (OH), County of, Ohio
2756. Lucas (OH), County of (Board of 2795. Portsmouth (OH), City of, Ohio
  Commissioners), Ohio 2796. Ravenna (OH), City of, Ohio
2757. Lucas County Children Services Board of 2797. Richfield (OH), Village of, Ohio
  Trustees (OH), Ohio 2798. Richland (OH), County Children's Services
2758. Lyndhurst (OH), City of, Ohio   of, Ohio
2759. Macedonia (OH), City of, Ohio 2799. Ross (OH), County of, Ohio
2760. Mansfield (OH), City of, Ohio 2800. Sandusky (OH), City of, Ohio
2761. Marietta (OH), City of, Ohio 2801. Sandusky (OH), County of
2762. Marion (OH), County of, Ohio   (Commissioners), Ohio
2763. Massillon (OH), City of, Ohio 2802. Scioto (OH), County of (Board of
2764. Mayfield Heights (OH), City of, Ohio   Commissioners), Ohio





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22


2803. Seneca (OH), County of (Board of 2847. Bedford (PA), County of, Pennsylvania
  Commissioners), Ohio 2848. Bensalem (PA), Township of, Pennsylvania
2804. Seven Hills (OH), City of, Ohio 2849. Berks (PA) County of (District Attorney
2805. Shelby (OH), County of (Board of   John Adams), Pennsylvania
  Commissioners), Ohio 2850. Bradford (PA), County of, Pennsylvania
2806. Silver Lake (OH), Village of, Ohio 2851. Bristol (PA), Township, Pennsylvania
2807. Springfield (OH), Township of, Ohio 2852. Bucks (PA), County of, Pennsylvania
2808. St. Marys (OH), City of, Ohio 2853. Bucks (PA) County of (District Attorney
2809. Stark (OH), County of, Ohio   Matthew Weintraub), Pennsylvania
2810. Stow (OH), City of, Ohio 2854. Cambria (PA), County of, Pennsylvania
2811. Strongsville (OH), City of, Ohio 2855. Carbon (PA), County of, Pennsylvania
2812. Tallmadge (OH), City of, Ohio 2856. Chester (PA), County of, Pennsylvania
2813. Toledo (OH), City of, Ohio 2857. Chester (PA) County of (District Attorney
2814. Trumbull (OH), County of, Ohio   Deborah Ryan), Pennsylvania
2815. Tuscarawas (OH), County of, Ohio 2858. Clarion (PA), County of, Pennsylvania
2816. Valley Fire District (OH), Ohio 2859. Clearfield (PA), County of, Pennsylvania
2817. Van Wert (OH), City of, Ohio 2860. Clearfield (PA) County of (District
2818. Van Wert (OH), County of (Board of   Attorney Ryan P. Sayers), Pennsylvania
  Commissioners), Ohio 2861. Clinton (PA), County of, Pennsylvania
2819. Vinton County (OH), County of (Board of 2862. Coatesville (PA), City of, Pennsylvania
  Commissioners), Ohio 2863. Columbia (PA), County of, Pennsylvania
2820. Warren (OH), City of, Ohio 2864. Cumberland (PA), County of, Pennsylvania
2821. Warrensville Heights (OH), City of, Ohio 2865. Dauphin (PA) County of, (District Attorney
2822. Washington (OH), County of, Ohio   Francis Chardo), Pennsylvania
2823. Wayne (OH), County of (Board of 2866. Delaware (PA), County of, Pennsylvania
  Commissioners), Ohio 2867. Delaware (PA) County of (District
2824. Wickliffe (OH), City of, Ohio   Attorney Jack Stollsteimer), Pennsylvania
2825. Williams (OH), County of 2868. Edwardsville (PA), Borough of,
  (Commissioners), Ohio   Pennsylvania
2826. Wyandot (OH), County of (Board of 2869. Erie (PA), County of, Pennsylvania
  Commissioners), Ohio 2870. Erie (PA) County of (District Attorney
2827. Youngstown (OH), City of, Ohio   Jack Daneri), Pennsylvania
2828. Clackamas (OR), County of, Oregon 2871. Exeter (PA), Borough of, Pennsylvania
2829. Clatsop (OR), County of, Oregon 2872. Fairview (PA), Township of, Pennsylvania
2830. Columbia (OR), County of, Oregon 2873. Fayette (PA), County of, Pennsylvania
2831. Coos (OR), County of, Oregon 2874. Forty Fort (PA), Borough of, Pennsylvania
2832. Curry (OR), County of, Oregon 2875. Franklin (PA), County of, Pennsylvania
2833. Jackson (OR), County of, Oregon 2876. Greene (PA), County of, Pennsylvania
2834. Josephine (OR), County of, Oregon 2877. Hanover (PA), Township of, Pennsylvania
2835. Lane (OR), County of, Oregon 2878. Hazleton (PA), City of, Pennsylvania
2836. Multnomah (OR), County of, Oregon 2879. Huntingdon (PA), County of, Pennsylvania
2837. Portland (OR), City of, Oregon 2880. Indiana (PA), County of, Pennsylvania
2838. Washington (OR), County of, Oregon 2881. Kingston (PA), Borough of, Pennsylvania
2839. Yamhill (OR), County of, Oregon 2882. Lackawanna (PA), County of,
2840. Adams (PA), County of, Pennsylvania   Pennsylvania
2841. Aliquippa (PA), City of, Pennsylvania 2883. Lawrence (PA), County of, Pennsylvania
2842. Allegheny, (PA), County of, Pennsylvania 2884. Lehigh (PA), County of, Pennsylvania
2843. Allegheny (PA)County of (District 2885. Lehigh (PA) County of (District
  Attorney Stephen A. Zappala Jr.),   Attorney Jack B. Martin), Pennsylvania
  Pennsylvania 2886. Lock Haven (PA), City of, Pennsylvania
2844. Allentown (PA), City of, Pennsylvania 2887. Lower Makefield (PA), Township of,
2845. Armstrong (PA), County of, Pennsylvania   Pennsylvania
2846. Beaver (PA), County of, Pennsylvania    





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22


2888. Lower Southampton (PA), Township of, 2925. Barceloneta (PR), Municipality of, Puerto
  Pennsylvania   Rico
2889. Luzerne (PA), County of, Pennsylvania 2926. Bayamon (PR), Municipality of, Puerto
2890. Lycoming (PA), County of, Pennsylvania   Rico
2891. Mercer (PA), County of, Pennsylvania 2927. Caguas (PR), Municipality of, Puerto Rico
2892. Middletown (PA), Township of, 2928. Canovanas Puerto Rico (PR), Municipality
  Pennsylvania   of, Puerto Rico
2893. Monroe (PA), County of, Pennsylvania 2929. Catano (PR), Municipality of, Puerto Rico
2894. Morrisville (PA), Borough of, 2930. Cayey (PR), Municipality of, Puerto Rico
  Pennsylvania 2931. Ceiba (PR), Municipality of, Puerto Rico
2895. Nanticoke (PA), City of, Pennsylvania 2932. Cidra (PR), Municipality of, Puerto Rico
2896. New Castle (PA), City of, Pennsylvania 2933. Coamo (PR), Municipality of, Puerto Rico
2897. Newtown (PA), Township of, Pennsylvania 2934. Guayanilla (PR), Municipality of, Puerto
2898. Norristown (PA), Municipality of,   Rico
  Pennsylvania 2935. Isla de Vieques (PR), Municipality of,
2899. Northampton (PA) County of (District   Puerto Rico
  Attorney Terence Houck), Pennsylvania 2936. Juncos (PR), Municipality of, Puerto Rico
2900. Northumberland (PA), County of, 2937. Loiza (PR), Municipality of, Puerto Rico
  Pennsylvania 2938. Rio Grande (PR), Municipality of, Puerto
2901. Philadelphia (PA), City of, Pennsylvania   Rico
2902. Philadelphia (PA) County of (District 2939. Sabana Grande (PR), Municipality of,
  Attorney Lawrence Krasner), Pennsylvania   Puerto Rico
2903. Pike (PA), County of, Pennsylvania 2940. San Juan (PR), Municipality of, Puerto
2904. Pittsburgh (PA), City of, Pennsylvania   Rico
2905. Plains (PA), Township, Pennsylvania 2941. Vega Alta (PR), Municipality of, Puerto
2906. Schuylkill (PA), County of, Pennsylvania   Rico
2907. Sugar Notch (PA), Borough, Pennsylvania 2942. Villalba (PR), Municipality of, Puerto Rico
2908. Tioga (PA), County of, Pennsylvania 2943. Yabucoa (PR), Municipality of, Puerto
2909. Union (PA), Township of, Pennsylvania   Rico
2910. Warminster (PA), Township of, 2944. Barrington (RI), Town of, Rhode Island
  Pennsylvania 2945. Bristol (RI), Town of, Rhode Island
2911. Warrington (PA), Township of, 2946. Burrillville (RI), Town of, Rhode Island
  Pennsylvania 2947. Central Falls (RI), City of, Rhode Island
2912. Washington (PA), County of, Pennsylvania 2948. Charlestown (RI), Town of, Rhode Island
2913. West Norriton (PA), Township of, 2949. Coventry (RI), Town of, Rhode Island
  Pennsylvania 2950. Cranston (RI), City of, Rhode Island
2914. West Pittston (PA), Borough of, 2951. Cumberland (RI), Town of, Rhode Island
  Pennsylvania 2952. East Greenwich (RI), Town of, Rhode
2915. Westmoreland (PA), County of,   Island
  Pennsylvania 2953. East Providence (RI), City of, Rhode Island
2916. Westmoreland (PA) County of (District 2954. Foster (RI), Town of, Rhode Island
  Attorney John Peck), Pennsylvania 2955. Glocester (RI), Town of, Rhode Island
2917. Wilkes-Barre (PA), City of, Pennsylvania 2956. Hopkinton (RI), Town of, Rhode Island
2918. Wilkes-Barre (PA), Township, 2957. Jamestown (RI), Town of, Rhode Island
  Pennsylvania 2958. Johnston (RI), Town of, Rhode Island
2919. Wright (PA), Township of, Pennsylvania 2959. Middletown (RI), Town of, Rhode Island
2920. Wyoming (PA), Borough of, Pennsylvania 2960. Narragansett (RI), Town of, Rhode Island
2921. Wyoming (PA), County of, Pennsylvania 2961. Newport (RI), City of, Rhode Island
2922. York (PA), County of, Pennsylvania 2962. North Kingstown (RI), Town of, Rhode
2923. Adjuntas (PR), Municipality of, Puerto   Island
  Rico 2963. North Providence (RI), Town of, Rhode
2924. Arroyo (PR), Municipality of, Puerto Rico   Island
    2964. Pawtucket (RI), City of, Rhode Island





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22


2965. Portsmouth (RI), Town of, Rhode Island 3010. Laurens (SC), County of, South Carolina
2966. Providence (RI), City of, Rhode Island 3011. Lee (SC), County of, South Carolina
2967. Richmond (RI), Town of, Rhode Island 3012. Lexington County (SC), South Carolina
2968. Scituate (RI), Town of, Rhode Island 3013. Marion (SC), County of, South Carolina
2969. Smithfield (RI), Town of, Rhode Island 3014. Marlboro (SC), County of, South Carolina
2970. South Kingstown (RI), Town of, Rhode 3015. McCormick (SC), County of, South
  Island   Carolina
2971. Warren (RI), Town of, Rhode Island 3016. Mt. Pleasant (SC), Town of, South
2972. Warwick (RI), City of, Rhode Island   Carolina
2973. West Greenwich (RI), Town of, Rhode 3017. Myrtle Beach (SC), City of, South Carolina
  Island 3018. Newberry (SC), County of, South Carolina
2974. West Warwick (RI), Town of, Rhode 3019. North Charleston (SC), City of, South
  Island   Carolina
2975. Westerly (RI), Town of, Rhode Island 3020. Oconee (SC), County of, South Carolina
2976. Woonsocket (RI), City of, Rhode Island 3021. Orangeburg (SC), City of, South Carolina
2977. Abbeville (SC), County of, South Carolina 3022. Orangeburg (SC), County of, South
2978. Aiken (SC), County of, South Carolina   Carolina
2979. Allendale (SC), County of, South Carolina 3023. Pickens (SC) County of, South Carolina
2980. Anderson, (SC), County of, South Carolina 3024. Richland (SC), County of, South Carolina
2981. Bamberg (SC), County of, South Carolina 3025. Saluda (SC), County of, South Carolina
2982. Barnwell (SC), County of, South Carolina 3026. Spartanburg (SC), County of, South
2983. Beaufort (SC), County of, South Carolina   Carolina
2984. Berkeley (SC), County of, South Carolina 3027. Summerville (SC), Town of, South
2985. Calhoun (SC), County of, South Carolina   Carolina
2986. Charleston (SC), City of, South Carolina 3028. Sumter (SC), County of, South Carolina
2987. Charleston (SC), County of, South Carolina 3029. Union (SC), County of, South Carolina
2988. Cherokee (SC), County of, South Carolina 3030. Williamsburg (SC) County of, South
2989. Chester (SC), City of, South Carolina   Carolina
2990. Chester (SC), County of, South Carolina 3031. York (SC), County of, South Carolina
2991. Chesterfield (SC), County of, South 3032. Pennington (SD), County of, South Dakota
  Carolina 3033. Alexandria (TN), Town of, Tennessee
2992. Clarendon (SC), County of, South Carolina 3034. Algood (TN), City of, Tennessee
2993. Colleton (SC), County of, South Carolina 3035. Arlington (TN), Town of, Tennessee
2994. Columbia (SC), City of, South Carolina 3036. Baxter (TN), Town of, Tennessee
2995. Dillon (SC), County of, South Carolina 3037. Bedford (TN), County of, Tennessee
2996. Dorchester (SC), County of, South 3038. Blount (TN), County of, Tennessee
  Carolina 3039. Campbell (TN), County of, Tennessee
2997. Edgefield (SC), County, South Carolina 3040. Cannon (TN), County of, Tennessee
2998. Fairfield (SC) County of, South Carolina 3041. Celina (TN), City of, Tennessee
2999. Florence (SC), County of, South Carolina 3042. Centertown (TN), Town of, Tennessee
3000. Georgetown (SC), City of, South Carolina 3043. Claiborne (TN), County of, Tennessee
3001. Georgetown (SC), County of, South 3044. Clarksville (TN), City of, Tennessee
  Carolina 3045. Clay (TN), County of, Tennessee
3002. Greenville (SC), County of, South Carolina 3046. Clifton (TN), City of, Tennessee
3003. Greenwood (SC), County of, South 3047. Columbia (TN), City of, Tennessee
  Carolina 3048. Cookeville (TN), City of, Tennessee
3004. Hampton (SC), County of, South Carolina 3049. Cornersville (TN), Town of, Tennessee
3005. Horry (SC), County of, South Carolina 3050. Crockett (TN), County of, Tennessee
3006. Jasper (SC), County of, South Carolina 3051. Crossville (TN), City of, Tennessee
3007. Kershaw (SC) County Hospital Board, 3052. Cumberland (TN), County of, Tennessee
  South Carolina 3053. Dandridge (TN), Town of, Tennessee
3008. Kershaw (SC), County of, South Carolina 3054. Decatur (TN), County of, Tennessee
3009. Lancaster (SC), County of, South Carolina 3055. Decatur (TN), Town of, Tennessee





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22


3056. Dekalb (TN), County of, Tennessee 3106. Wayne (TN), County of, Tennessee
3057. Eagleville (TN), City of, Tennessee 3107. White (TN), County of, Tennessee
3058. Fayetteville (TN), City of, Tennessee 3108. Williamson (TN), County of, Tennessee
3059. Fentress (TN), County of, Tennessee 3109. Angelina (TX), County of, Texas
3060. Gatlinburg (TN) City of, Tennessee 3110. Bailey (TX), County of, Texas
3061. Germantown (TN), City of, Tennessee 3111. Bastrop (TX), County of, Texas
3062. Giles (TN), County of, Tennessee 3112. Bexar (TX), County of, Texas
3063. Greene (TN), County of, Tennessee 3113. Bexar County Hospital District d/b/a
3064. Hamilton (TN), County of, Tennessee   University Health System (TX), Texas
3065. Hancock (TN), County of, Tennessee 3114. Bowie (TX), County of, Texas
3066. Hawkins (TN), County of, Tennessee 3115. Brazos (TX), County of, Texas
3067. Haywood (TN), County of, Tennessee 3116. Brooks (TX), County of, Texas
3068. Henderson (TN), County of, Tennessee 3117. Burleson (TX), County of, Texas
3069. Jefferson (TN), County of, Tennessee 3118. Burleson County Hospital District (TX),
3070. Johnson (TN), County of, Tennessee   Texas
3071. La Vergne (TN), City of, Tennessee 3119. Burnet (TX), County of, Texas
3072. Lauderdale (TN), County of, Tennessee 3120. Caldwell (TX), County of, Texas
3073. Lewisburg (TN), City of, Tennessee 3121. Calhoun (TX), County of, Texas
3074. Lexington (TN), City of, Tennessee 3122. Cameron (TX), County of, Texas
3075. Lynchburg, Moore County Metropolitan 3123. Camp (TX), County of, Texas
  Government (TN), Tennessee 3124. Cass (TX), County of, Texas
3076. Madison (TN), County of, Tennessee 3125. Castro (TX), County of, Texas
3077. Marshall (TN), County of, Tennessee 3126. Cherokee (TX), County of, Texas
3078. Maryville (TN), City of, Tennessee 3127. Childress (TX), County of, Texas
3079. Memphis (TN), City of, Tennessee 3128. Clay (TX), County of, Texas
3080. Millington (TN), City of, Tennessee 3129. Colorado (TX), County of, Texas
3081. Montgomery (TN), County of, Tennessee 3130. Cooke (TX), County of, Texas
3082. Morgan (TN), County of, Tennessee 3131. Coryell (TX), County of, Texas
3083. Mount Pleasant (TN), City of, Tennessee 3132. Dallas (TX), County of, Texas
3084. Murfreesboro (TN), City of, Tennessee 3133. Dallas County Hospital District d/b/a
3085. Nashville and Davidson County (TN),   Parkland Health & Hospital System (TX),
  Government of, Tennessee   Texas
3086. Obion (TN), County of, Tennessee 3134. Delta (TX), County of, Texas
3087. Overton (TN), County of, Tennessee 3135. Dimmit (TX), County of, Texas
3088. Pickett (TN), County of, Tennessee 3136. Duval (TX), County of, Texas
3089. Pigeon Forge (TN), City of, Tennessee 3137. Eagle Pass (TX), City of, Texas
3090. Putnam (TN), County of, Tennessee 3138. Ector (TX), County of, Texas
3091. Ripley (TN), City of, Tennessee 3139. El Paso (TX), County of, Texas
3092. Rutherford (TN), County of, Tennessee 3140. Ellis (TX), County of, Texas
3093. Scott (TN), County, Tennessee 3141. Falls (TX), County of, Texas
3094. Shelby (TN), County of (Board of 3142. Fannin (TX), County of, Texas
  Commissioners), Tennessee 3143. Fort Bend (TX), County of, Texas
3095. Shelbyville (TN), City of, Tennessee 3144. Franklin (TX), County of, Texas
3096. Smith (TN), County of, Tennessee 3145. Freestone (TX), County of, Texas
3097. Smithville (TN), City of, Tennessee 3146. Galveston (TX), County of, Texas
3098. Sparta (TN), City of, Tennessee 3147. Grayson (TX), County of, Texas
3099. Spencer (TN), Town of, Tennessee 3148. Guadalupe (TX), County of, Texas
3100. Spring Hill (TN), City of, Tennessee 3149. Guadalupe Valley Hospital a/k/a
3101. Sumner (TN), County of, Tennessee   Guadalupe Regional Medical Center (TX),
3102. Van Buren (TN), County of, Tennessee   Texas
3103. Warren (TN), County of, Tennessee 3150. Harris (TX), County of, Texas
3104. Wartrace (TN), Town of, Tennessee 3151. Harris County Hospital District d/b/a
3105. Washington (TN), County of, Tennessee   Harris Health System (TX), Texas





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22


3152. Harrison (TX), County of, Texas 3201. Roberts (TX), County of, Texas
3153. Haskell (TX), County of, Texas 3202. Robertson (TX), County of, Texas
3154. Hays (TX), County of, Texas 3203. Rockwall (TX), County of, Texas
3155. Henderson (TX), County of, Texas 3204. Rusk (TX), County of, Texas
3156. Hidalgo (TX), County of, Texas 3205. San Antonio (TX), City of, Texas
3157. Hopkins (TX), County of, Texas 3206. San Patricio (TX), County of, Texas
3158. Houston (TX), City of, Texas 3207. San Saba (TX), County of, Texas
3159. Houston (TX), County of, Texas 3208. Shackelford (TX), County of, Texas
3160. Irving Independent School District (TX), 3209. Shelby (TX), County of, Texas
  Texas 3210. Smith (TX), County of, Texas
3161. Jasper (TX), County of, Texas 3211. Socorro Independent School District (TX),
3162. Jefferson (TX), County of, Texas   Texas
3163. Jim Hogg (TX), County of, Texas 3212. Stephens (TX), County of, Texas
3164. Jim Wells (TX), County of, Texas 3213. Tarrant (TX), County of, Texas
3165. Johnson (TX), County of, Texas 3214. Tarrant County Hospital District (TX) d/b/a
3166. Jones (TX), County of, Texas   JPS Health Network, Texas
3167. Kaufman (TX), County of, Texas 3215. Terrell (TX), County of, Texas
3168. Kendall (TX), County of, Texas 3216. Texarkana Independent School District
3169. Kerr (TX), County of, Texas   (TX), Texas
3170. Kinney (TX), County of, Texas 3217. Throckmorton (TX), County of, Texas
3171. Kleberg (TX), County of, Texas 3218. Titus (TX), County of, Texas
3172. La Salle (TX), County of, Texas 3219. Travis (TX), County of, Texas
3173. Lamar (TX), County of, Texas 3220. Trinity (TX), County of, Texas
3174. Laredo (TX), City of, Texas 3221. Upshur (TX), County of, Texas
3175. Leon (TX), County of, Texas 3222. Uvalde (TX), County of, Texas
3176. Leon Valley (TX), City of, Texas 3223. Van Zandt (TX), County of, Texas
3177. Liberty (TX), County of, Texas 3224. Walker (TX), County of, Texas
3178. Limestone (TX), County of, Texas 3225. Waller (TX), County of, Texas
3179. Lubbock (TX), County of, Texas 3226. Webb (TX), County of, Texas
3180. Madison (TX), County of, Texas 3227. West Wharton County (TX) Hospital
3181. Marion (TX), County of, Texas   District, Texas
3182. Maverick (TX), County of, Texas 3228. Wichita (TX), County of, Texas
3183. McLennan (TX), County of, Texas 3229. Williamson (TX), County of, Texas
3184. McMullen (TX), County of, Texas 3230. Wilson (TX), County of, Texas
3185. Milam (TX), County of, Texas 3231. Wilson County Memorial Hospital District
3186. Mitchell (TX), County of, Texas   (TX), Texas
3187. Montgomery (TX), County of, Texas 3232. Wood (TX), County of, Texas
3188. Morris (TX), County of, Texas 3233. Zavala (TX), County of, Texas
3189. Nacogdoches (TX), County of, Texas 3234. Beaver (UT), County of, Utah
3190. Newton (TX), County of, Texas 3235. Cache (UT), County of, Utah
3191. Nolan (TX), County of, Texas 3236. Carbon (UT), County of, Utah
3192. Nueces (TX), County of, Texas 3237. Daggett (UT), County of, Utah
3193. Nueces County Hospital District (TX), 3238. Davis (UT), County of, Utah
  Texas 3239. Duchesne (UT), County of, Utah
3194. Ochiltree County Hospital District (TX), 3240. Emery (UT), County of, Utah
  Texas 3241. Garfield (UT), County of, Utah
3195. Orange (TX), County of, Texas 3242. Grand (UT), County of, Utah
3196. Palo Pinto County Hospital District a/k/a 3243. Iron (UT), County of, Utah
  Palo Pinto General Hospital (TX), Texas 3244. Juab (UT), County of, Utah
3197. Panola (TX), County of, Texas 3245. Kane (UT), County of, Utah
3198. Polk (TX), County of, Texas 3246. Millard (UT), County of, Utah
3199. Potter (TX), County of, Texas 3247. Piute (UT), County of, Utah
3200. Red River (TX), County of, Texas 3248. Rich (UT), County of, Utah





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22


3249. Salt Lake (UT), County of, Utah 3300. Henrico (VA), County of, Virginia
3250. San Juan (UT), County of, Utah 3301. Henry (VA), County of, Virginia
3251. Sanpete (UT), County of, Utah 3302. Hopewell (VA), City of, Virginia
3252. Sevier (UT), County of, Utah 3303. Isle of Wight (VA), County of, Virginia
3253. Summit (UT), County of, Utah 3304. King and Queen (VA), County of, Virginia
3254. Tooele (UT), County of, Utah 3305. Lee (VA), County of, Virginia
3255. Tri-County Health Department (UT), Utah 3306. Lexington (VA), City of, Virginia
3256. Uintah (UT), County of, Utah 3307. Loudoun (VA), County of, Virginia
3257. Utah (UT), County of, Utah 3308. Louisa (VA), County of, Virginia
3258. Wasatch (UT), County of, Utah 3309. Madison (VA), County of, Virginia
3259. Washington (UT), County of, Utah 3310. Martinsville (VA), City of, Virginia
3260. Wayne (UT), County of, Utah 3311. Mecklenburg (VA), County of, Virginia
3261. Weber (UT), County of, Utah 3312. Montgomery (VA), County of, Virginia
3262. Bennington (VT), Town of, Vermont 3313. Norfolk (VA), City of, Virginia
3263. Brattleboro (VT), Town of, Vermont 3314. Northampton (VA), County of, Virginia
3264. Sharon (VT), Town of, Vermont 3315. Northumberland (VA), County of, Virginia
3265. St. Albans (VT), City of, Vermont 3316. Norton (VA), City of, Virginia
3266. Accomack (VA), County of, Virginia 3317. Page (VA), County of, Virginia
3267. Alexandria (VA), City of, Virginia 3318. Patrick (VA), County of, Virginia
3268. Alleghany (VA), County of, Virginia 3319. Pittsylvania (VA), County of, Virginia
3269. Amherst (VA), County of, Virginia 3320. Portsmouth (VA), City of, Virginia
3270. Arlington (VA), County of (County 3321. Prince George (VA), County of, Virginia
  Board), Virginia 3322. Prince William (VA), County of (Board of
3271. Bland (VA), County of, Virginia   Supervisors), Virginia
3272. Botetourt (VA), County of, Virginia 3323. Pulaski (VA), County of, Virginia
3273. Bristol (VA), City of, Virginia 3324. Radford (VA), City of, Virginia
3274. Buchanan (VA), County of, Virginia 3325. Richlands (VA), Town of, Virginia
3275. Buena Vista (VA), City of, Virginia 3326. Richmond (VA), City of, Virginia
3276. Carroll (VA), County of, Virginia 3327. Richmond (VA), County of, Virginia
3277. Charlotte (VA), County of, Virginia 3328. Roanoke (VA), City of, Virginia
3278. Chesapeake (VA), City of, Virginia 3329. Roanoke (VA), County of, Virginia
3279. Chesterfield (VA), County of, Virginia 3330. Rockbridge (VA), County of, Virginia
3280. Covington (VA), City of, Virginia 3331. Russell (VA), County of, Virginia
3281. Culpeper (VA), County of, Virginia 3332. Salem (VA), City of, Virginia
3282. Cumberland (VA), County of, Virginia 3333. Scott (VA), County of (Board of
3283. Danville (VA), City of, Virginia   Supervisors), Virginia
3284. Dickenson (VA), County of, Virginia 3334. Shenandoah (VA), County of, Virginia
3285. Dinwiddie (VA), County of, Virginia 3335. Smyth (VA), County of, Virginia
3286. Emporia (VA), City of, Virginia 3336. Stafford (VA), County of, Virginia
3287. Fairfax (VA), City of, Virginia 3337. Tazewell (VA), County of, Virginia
3288. Fairfax (VA), County of (Board of 3338. Virginia Beach (VA), City of, Virginia
  Supervisors), Virginia 3339. Virginia Beach (VA), City of (Sheriff),
3289. Fauquier (VA), County of, Virginia   Virginia
3290. Floyd (VA), County of, Virginia 3340. Warren (VA), County of, Virginia
3291. Franklin (VA), County of, Virginia 3341. Washington (VA), County of, Virginia
3292. Frederick (VA), County of, Virginia 3342. Waynesboro (VA), City of, Virginia
3293. Fredericksburg (VA), City of, Virginia 3343. Westmoreland (VA), County of, Virginia
3294. Galax (VA), City of, Virginia 3344. Winchester (VA), City of, Virginia
3295. Giles (VA), County of, Virginia 3345. Wise (VA), County of (Board of
3296. Goochland (VA), County of, Virginia   Supervisors), Virginia
3297. Grayson (VA), County of, Virginia 3346. Wythe (VA), County of, Virginia
3298. Greensville (VA), County of, Virginia 3347. Adams (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3299. Halifax (VA), County of, Virginia 3348. Ashland (WI), County of, Wisconsin





      FINAL AGREEMENT 3.25.22
      EXHIBITS C AND G AS OF 4.29.22


3349. Barron (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3401. Ozaukee (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3350. Bayfield (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3402. Pepin (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3351. Brown (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3403. Pierce (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3352. Buffalo (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3404. Pleasant Prairie (WI), Village of,
3353. Burnett (WI), County of, Wisconsin   Wisconsin
3354. Calumet (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3405. Portage (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3355. Chippewa (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3406. Price (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3356. Clark (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3407. Racine (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3357. Columbia (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3408. Richland (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3358. Crawford (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3409. Rock (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3359. Cudahy (WI), City of, Wisconsin 3410. Rusk (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3360. Dane (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3411. Sauk (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3361. Dodge (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3412. Sawyer (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3362. Door (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3413. Shawano (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3363. Douglas (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3414. Sheboygan (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3364. Dunn (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3415. South Milwaukee (WI), City of, Wisconsin
3365. Eau Claire (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3416. St. Croix (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3366. Florence (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3417. Sturtevant (WI), Village of, Wisconsin
3367. Fond du Lac (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3418. Superior (WI), City of, Wisconsin
3368. Forest (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3419. Taylor (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3369. Franklin (WI), City of, Wisconsin 3420. Trempealeau (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3370. Grant (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3421. Union Grove (WI), Village of, Wisconsin
3371. Green (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3422. Vernon (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3372. Green Lake (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3423. Vilas (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3373. Greenfield (WI), City of, Wisconsin 3424. Walworth (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3374. Iowa (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3425. Washburn (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3375. Iron (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3426. Washington (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3376. Jackson (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3427. Waukesha (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3377. Janesville (WI), City of, Wisconsin 3428. Waupaca (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3378. Jefferson (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3429. Waushara (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3379. Juneau (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3430. Wauwatosa (WI), City of, Wisconsin
3380. Kenosha (WI), City of, Wisconsin 3431. West Allis (WI), City of, Wisconsin
3381. Kenosha (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3432. Winnebago (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3382. Kewaunee (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3433. Wood (WI), County of, Wisconsin
3383. La Crosse (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3434. Yorkville (WI), Village of, Wisconsin
3384. Lafayette (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3435. Carbon (WY), County of, Wyoming
3385. Langlade (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3436. Casper (WY), City of, Wyoming
3386. Lincoln (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3437. Cheyenne (WY), City of, Wyoming
3387. Manitowoc (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3438. Green River (WY), City of, Wyoming
3388. Marathon (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3439. Riverton (WY), City of, Wyoming
3389. Marinette (WI), City of, Wisconsin 3440. Rock Springs (WY), City of, Wyoming
3390. Marinette (WI), County of, Wisconsin 3441. Sweetwater (WY), County of, Wyoming
3391. Marquette (WI), County of, Wisconsin    
3392. Menominee (WI), County of, Wisconsin    
3393. Milwaukee (WI), City of, Wisconsin    
3394. Milwaukee (WI), County of, Wisconsin    
3395. Monroe (WI), County of, Wisconsin    
3396. Mount Pleasant (WI), Village of,    
3397. Oak Creek (WI), City of, Wisconsin    
3398. Oconto (WI), County of, Wisconsin    
3399. Oneida (WI), County of, Wisconsin    
3400. Outagamie (WI), County of, Wisconsin    









Later Litigating Subdivision Suspension and Offset Determinations


Per Capita


Offset Cap

Suspension Deadline and
Ending Point
1 $2,500 66% 66%

Earlier of (1) 6 months after denial of a motion to dismiss, (2) 12 months

from filing, or (3) 6 months before final pre-trial conference, and until final judgment affirmed on appeal, including


2 $2,000 33.33% 34%

Earlier of (1) 6 months after denial of a motion to dismiss, (2) 12 months

from filing, or (3) 6 months before final pre-trial conference, and until final judgment affirmed on appeal, including dismissal.

3 $1,500 27.5% 30%

Earlier of (1) 9 months after denial of a motion to dismiss, (2) 12 months

from filing, or (3) 6 months before final pre-trial conference, and until final judgment affirmed on appeal, including dismissal.

4 $1,000 20% 25%

Earlier of (1) 9 months after denial of a motion to dismiss, (2) 12 months

from filing, or (3) 6 months before final pre-trial conference, and until final judgment affirmed on appeal, including dismissal.



13 Population will be measured at the level of the Later Litigating Subdivision as described in Section XIV.A, Section XIV.B, and Section XIV.C.









List of Opioid Remediation Uses


Schedule A
Core Strategies


States and Qualifying Block Grantees shall choose from among the abatement strategies listed in Schedule B. However, priority shall be given to the following core abatement strategies ("Core Strategies").14




1.Expand training for first responders, schools, community support groups and families; and


2.Increase distribution to individuals who are uninsured or whose insurance does not cover the needed service.




1.Increase distribution of MAT to individuals who are uninsured or whose insurance does not cover the needed service;


2.Provide education to school-based and youth-focused programs that discourage or prevent misuse;


3.Provide MAT education and awareness training to healthcare providers, EMTs, law enforcement, and other first responders; and


4.Provide treatment and recovery support services such as residential and inpatient treatment, intensive outpatient treatment, outpatient therapy or counseling, and recovery housing that allow or integrate medication and with other support services.



14 As used in this Schedule A, words like "expand," "fund," "provide" or the like shall not indicate a preference for new or existing programs.









1.Expand Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment ("SBIRT") services to non-Medicaid eligible or uninsured pregnant women;


2.Expand comprehensive evidence-based treatment and recovery services, including MAT, for women with co-occurring Opioid Use Disorder ("OUD") and other Substance Use Disorder ("SUD")/Mental Health disorders for uninsured individuals for up to 12 months postpartum; and


3.Provide comprehensive wrap-around services to individuals with OUD, including housing, transportation, job placement/training, and childcare.




1.Expand comprehensive evidence-based and recovery support for NAS babies;


2.Expand services for better continuum of care with infant-need dyad; and


3.Expand long-term treatment and services for medical monitoring of NAS babies and their families.




1.Expand services such as navigators and on-call teams to begin MAT in hospital emergency departments;


2.Expand warm hand-off services to transition to recovery services;


3.Broaden scope of recovery services to include co-occurring SUD or mental health conditions;


4.Provide comprehensive wrap-around services to individuals in recovery, including housing, transportation, job placement/training, and childcare; and


5.Hire additional social workers or other behavioral health workers to facilitate expansions above.









1.Provide evidence-based treatment and recovery support, including MAT for persons with OUD and co-occurring SUD/MH disorders within and transitioning out of the criminal justice system; and


2.Increase funding for jails to provide treatment to inmates with OUD.




1.Funding for media campaigns to prevent opioid use (similar to the FDA's "Real Cost" campaign to prevent youth from misusing tobacco);


2.Funding for evidence-based prevention programs in schools;


3.Funding for medical provider education and outreach regarding best prescribing practices for opioids consistent with the 2016 CDC guidelines, including providers at hospitals (academic detailing);


4.Funding for community drug disposal programs; and


5.Funding and training for first responders to participate in pre-arrest diversion programs, post-overdose response teams, or similar strategies that connect at-risk individuals to behavioral health services and supports.




1.Provide comprehensive syringe services programs with more wrap-around services, including linkage to OUD treatment, access to sterile syringes and linkage to care and treatment of infectious diseases.










Schedule B Approved Uses


Support treatment of Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and any co-occurring Substance Use Disorder or Mental Health (SUD/MH) conditions through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, the following:






  Support treatment of Opioid Use Disorder ("OUD") and any co-occurring Substance Use Disorder or Mental Health ("SUD/MH") conditions through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, those that:15


1.Expand availability of treatment for OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including all forms of Medication-Assisted Treatment ("MAT") approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.


2.Support and reimburse evidence-based services that adhere to the American Society of Addiction Medicine ("ASAM") continuum of care for OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions.


3.Expand telehealth to increase access to treatment for OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including MAT, as well as counseling, psychiatric support, and other treatment and recovery support services.


4.Improve oversight of Opioid Treatment Programs ("OTPs") to assure evidence-based or evidence-informed practices such as adequate methadone dosing and low threshold approaches to treatment.


5.Support mobile intervention, treatment, and recovery services, offered by qualified professionals and service providers, such as peer recovery coaches, for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions and for persons who have experienced an opioid overdose.


6.Provide treatment of trauma for individuals with OUD (e.g., violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, or adverse childhood experiences) and family members (e.g., surviving family members after an overdose or overdose fatality), and training of health care personnel to identify and address such trauma.


7.Support evidence-based withdrawal management services for people with OUD and any co-occurring mental health conditions.



15 As used in this Schedule B, words like "expand," "fund," "provide" or the like shall not indicate a preference for new or existing programs.







8.Provide training on MAT for health care providers, first responders, students, or other supporting professionals, such as peer recovery coaches or recovery outreach specialists, including telementoring to assist community-based providers in rural or underserved areas.


9.Support workforce development for addiction professionals who work with persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions.


10.Offer fellowships for addiction medicine specialists for direct patient care, instructors, and clinical research for treatments.


11.Offer scholarships and supports for behavioral health practitioners or workers involved in addressing OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH or mental health conditions, including, but not limited to, training, scholarships, fellowships, loan repayment programs, or other incentives for providers to work in rural or underserved areas.


12.Provide funding and training for clinicians to obtain a waiver under the federal Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000 ("DATA 2000") to prescribe MAT for OUD, and provide technical assistance and professional support to clinicians who have obtained a DATA 2000 waiver.


13.Disseminate of web-based training curricula, such as the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry's Provider Clinical Support Service-Opioids web-based training curriculum and motivational interviewing.


14.Develop and disseminate new curricula, such as the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry's Provider Clinical Support Service for Medication-Assisted Treatment.




  Support people in recovery from OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, the programs or strategies that:


1.Provide comprehensive wrap-around services to individuals with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including housing, transportation, education, job placement, job training, or childcare.


2.Provide the full continuum of care of treatment and recovery services for OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including supportive housing, peer support services and counseling, community navigators, case management, and connections to community-based services.


3.Provide counseling, peer-support, recovery case management and residential treatment with access to medications for those who need it to persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions.







4.Provide access to housing for people with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including supportive housing, recovery housing, housing assistance programs, training for housing providers, or recovery housing programs that allow or integrate FDA-approved mediation with other support services.


5.Provide community support services, including social and legal services, to assist in deinstitutionalizing persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions.


6.Support or expand peer-recovery centers, which may include support groups, social events, computer access, or other services for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions.


7.Provide or support transportation to treatment or recovery programs or services for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions.


8.Provide employment training or educational services for persons in treatment for or recovery from OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions.


9.Identify successful recovery programs such as physician, pilot, and college recovery programs, and provide support and technical assistance to increase the number and capacity of high-quality programs to help those in recovery.


10.Engage non-profits, faith-based communities, and community coalitions to support people in treatment and recovery and to support family members in their efforts to support the person with OUD in the family.


11.Provide training and development of procedures for government staff to appropriately interact and provide social and other services to individuals with or in recovery from OUD, including reducing stigma.


12.Support stigma reduction efforts regarding treatment and support for persons with OUD, including reducing the stigma on effective treatment.


13.Create or support culturally appropriate services and programs for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including new Americans.


14.Create and/or support recovery high schools.


15.Hire or train behavioral health workers to provide or expand any of the services or supports listed above.




  Provide connections to care for people who have-or are at risk of developing-OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, those that:







1.Ensure that health care providers are screening for OUD and other risk factors and know how to appropriately counsel and treat (or refer if necessary) a patient for OUD treatment.


2.Fund SBIRT programs to reduce the transition from use to disorders, including SBIRT services to pregnant women who are uninsured or not eligible for Medicaid.


3.Provide training and long-term implementation of SBIRT in key systems (health, schools, colleges, criminal justice, and probation), with a focus on youth and young adults when transition from misuse to opioid disorder is common.


4.Purchase automated versions of SBIRT and support ongoing costs of the technology.


5.Expand services such as navigators and on-call teams to begin MAT in hospital emergency departments.


6.Provide training for emergency room personnel treating opioid overdose patients on post-discharge planning, including community referrals for MAT, recovery case management or support services.


7.Support hospital programs that transition persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, or persons who have experienced an opioid overdose, into clinically appropriate follow-up care through a bridge clinic or similar approach.


8.Support crisis stabilization centers that serve as an alternative to hospital emergency departments for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions or persons that have experienced an opioid overdose.


9.Support the work of Emergency Medical Systems, including peer support specialists, to connect individuals to treatment or other appropriate services following an opioid overdose or other opioid-related adverse event.


10.Provide funding for peer support specialists or recovery coaches in emergency departments, detox facilities, recovery centers, recovery housing, or similar settings; offer services, supports, or connections to care to persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions or to persons who have experienced an opioid overdose.


11.Expand warm hand-off services to transition to recovery services.


12.Create or support school-based contacts that parents can engage with to seek immediate treatment services for their child; and support prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery programs focused on young people.


13.Develop and support best practices on addressing OUD in the workplace.







14.Support assistance programs for health care providers with OUD.


15.Engage non-profits and the faith community as a system to support outreach for treatment.


16.Support centralized call centers that provide information and connections to appropriate services and supports for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions.




  Address the needs of persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions who are involved in, are at risk of becoming involved in, or are transitioning out of the criminal justice system through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, those that:


1.Support pre-arrest or pre-arraignment diversion and deflection strategies for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including established strategies such as:


1.Self-referral strategies such as the Angel Programs or the Police Assisted Addiction Recovery Initiative ("PAARI");


2.Active outreach strategies such as the Drug Abuse Response Team ("DART") model;


3."Naloxone Plus" strategies, which work to ensure that individuals who have received naloxone to reverse the effects of an overdose are then linked to treatment programs or other appropriate services;


4.Officer prevention strategies, such as the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion ("LEAD") model;


5.Officer intervention strategies such as the Leon County, Florida Adult Civil Citation Network or the Chicago Westside Narcotics Diversion to Treatment Initiative; or


6.Co-responder and/or alternative responder models to address OUD-related 911 calls with greater SUD expertise.


2.Support pre-trial services that connect individuals with OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions to evidence-informed treatment, including MAT, and related services.


3.Support treatment and recovery courts that provide evidence-based options for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions.







4.Provide evidence-informed treatment, including MAT, recovery support, harm reduction, or other appropriate services to individuals with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions who are incarcerated in jail or prison.


5.Provide evidence-informed treatment, including MAT, recovery support, harm reduction, or other appropriate services to individuals with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions who are leaving jail or prison or have recently left jail or prison, are on probation or parole, are under community corrections supervision, or are in re-entry programs or facilities.


6.Support critical time interventions ("CTI"), particularly for individuals living with dual-diagnosis OUD/serious mental illness, and services for individuals who face immediate risks and service needs and risks upon release from correctional settings.


7.Provide training on best practices for addressing the needs of criminal justice-involved persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions to law enforcement, correctional, or judicial personnel or to providers of treatment, recovery, harm reduction, case management, or other services offered in connection with any of the strategies described in this section.




  Address the needs of pregnant or parenting women with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, and the needs of their families, including babies with neonatal abstinence syndrome ("NAS"), through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, those that:


1.Support evidence-based or evidence-informed treatment, including MAT, recovery services and supports, and prevention services for pregnant women—or women who could become pregnant—who have OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, and other measures to educate and provide support to families affected by Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome.


2.Expand comprehensive evidence-based treatment and recovery services, including MAT, for uninsured women with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions for up to 12 months postpartum.


3.Provide training for obstetricians or other healthcare personnel who work with pregnant women and their families regarding treatment of OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions.


4.Expand comprehensive evidence-based treatment and recovery support for NAS babies; expand services for better continuum of care with infant-need dyad; and expand long-term treatment and services for medical monitoring of NAS babies and their families.







5.Provide training to health care providers who work with pregnant or parenting women on best practices for compliance with federal requirements that children born with NAS get referred to appropriate services and receive a plan of safe care.


6.Provide child and family supports for parenting women with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions.


7.Provide enhanced family support and child care services for parents with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions.


8.Provide enhanced support for children and family members suffering trauma as a result of addiction in the family; and offer trauma-informed behavioral health treatment for adverse childhood events.


9.Offer home-based wrap-around services to persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including, but not limited to, parent skills training.


10.Provide support for Children's Services—Fund additional positions and services, including supportive housing and other residential services, relating to children being removed from the home and/or placed in foster care due to custodial opioid use.






  Support efforts to prevent over-prescribing and ensure appropriate prescribing and dispensing of opioids through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, the following:


1.Funding medical provider education and outreach regarding best prescribing practices for opioids consistent with the Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, including providers at hospitals (academic detailing).


2.Training for health care providers regarding safe and responsible opioid prescribing, dosing, and tapering patients off opioids.


3.Continuing Medical Education (CME) on appropriate prescribing of opioids.


4.Providing Support for non-opioid pain treatment alternatives, including training providers to offer or refer to multi-modal, evidence-informed treatment of pain.


5.Supporting enhancements or improvements to Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs ("PDMPs"), including, but not limited to, improvements that:







1.Increase the number of prescribers using PDMPs;


2.Improve point-of-care decision-making by increasing the quantity, quality, or format of data available to prescribers using PDMPs, by improving the interface that prescribers use to access PDMP data, or both; or


3.Enable states to use PDMP data in support of surveillance or intervention strategies, including MAT referrals and follow-up for individuals identified within PDMP data as likely to experience OUD in a manner that complies with all relevant privacy and security laws and rules.


6.Ensuring PDMPs incorporate available overdose/naloxone deployment data, including the United States Department of Transportation's Emergency Medical Technician overdose database in a manner that complies with all relevant privacy and security laws and rules.


7.Increasing electronic prescribing to prevent diversion or forgery.


8.Educating dispensers on appropriate opioid dispensing.




  Support efforts to discourage or prevent misuse of opioids through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, the following:


1.Funding media campaigns to prevent opioid misuse.


2.Corrective advertising or affirmative public education campaigns based on evidence.


3.Public education relating to drug disposal.


4.Drug take-back disposal or destruction programs.


5.Funding community anti-drug coalitions that engage in drug prevention efforts.


6.Supporting community coalitions in implementing evidence-informed prevention, such as reduced social access and physical access, stigma reduction—including staffing, educational campaigns, support for people in treatment or recovery, or training of coalitions in evidence-informed implementation, including the Strategic Prevention Framework developed by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration ("SAMHSA").


7.Engaging non-profits and faith-based communities as systems to support prevention.







8.Funding evidence-based prevention programs in schools or evidence-informed school and community education programs and campaigns for students, families, school employees, school athletic programs, parent-teacher and student associations, and others.


9.School-based or youth-focused programs or strategies that have demonstrated effectiveness in preventing drug misuse and seem likely to be effective in preventing the uptake and use of opioids.


10.Create or support community-based education or intervention services for families, youth, and adolescents at risk for OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions.


11.Support evidence-informed programs or curricula to address mental health needs of young people who may be at risk of misusing opioids or other drugs, including emotional modulation and resilience skills.


12.Support greater access to mental health services and supports for young people, including services and supports provided by school nurses, behavioral health workers or other school staff, to address mental health needs in young people that (when not properly addressed) increase the risk of opioid or another drug misuse.




  Support efforts to prevent or reduce overdose deaths or other opioid-related harms through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, the following:


1.Increased availability and distribution of naloxone and other drugs that treat overdoses for first responders, overdose patients, individuals with OUD and their friends and family members, schools, community navigators and outreach workers, persons being released from jail or prison, or other members of the general public.


2.Public health entities providing free naloxone to anyone in the community.


3.Training and education regarding naloxone and other drugs that treat overdoses for first responders, overdose patients, patients taking opioids, families, schools, community support groups, and other members of the general public.


4.Enabling school nurses and other school staff to respond to opioid overdoses, and provide them with naloxone, training, and support.


5.Expanding, improving, or developing data tracking software and applications for overdoses/naloxone revivals.


6.Public education relating to emergency responses to overdoses.







7.Public education relating to immunity and Good Samaritan laws.


8.Educating first responders regarding the existence and operation of immunity and Good Samaritan laws.


9.Syringe service programs and other evidence-informed programs to reduce harms associated with intravenous drug use, including supplies, staffing, space, peer support services, referrals to treatment, fentanyl checking, connections to care, and the full range of harm reduction and treatment services provided by these programs.


10.Expanding access to testing and treatment for infectious diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis C resulting from intravenous opioid use.


11.Supporting mobile units that offer or provide referrals to harm reduction services, treatment, recovery supports, health care, or other appropriate services to persons that use opioids or persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions.


12.Providing training in harm reduction strategies to health care providers, students, peer recovery coaches, recovery outreach specialists, or other professionals that provide care to persons who use opioids or persons with OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions.


13.Supporting screening for fentanyl in routine clinical toxicology testing.






  In addition to items in section C, D and H relating to first responders, support the following:


1.Education of law enforcement or other first responders regarding appropriate practices and precautions when dealing with fentanyl or other drugs.


2.Provision of wellness and support services for first responders and others who experience secondary trauma associated with opioid-related emergency events.




  Support efforts to provide leadership, planning, coordination, facilitations, training and technical assistance to abate the opioid epidemic through activities, programs, or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, the following:


1.Statewide, regional, local or community regional planning to identify root causes of addiction and overdose, goals for reducing harms related to the opioid epidemic, and areas and populations with the greatest needs for treatment







  intervention services, and to support training and technical assistance and other strategies to abate the opioid epidemic described in this opioid abatement strategy list.


2.A dashboard to (a) share reports, recommendations, or plans to spend opioid settlement funds; (b) to show how opioid settlement funds have been spent; (c) to report program or strategy outcomes; or (d) to track, share or visualize key opioid- or health-related indicators and supports as identified through collaborative statewide, regional, local or community processes.


3.Invest in infrastructure or staffing at government or not-for-profit agencies to support collaborative, cross-system coordination with the purpose of preventing overprescribing, opioid misuse, or opioid overdoses, treating those with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, supporting them in treatment or recovery, connecting them to care, or implementing other strategies to abate the opioid epidemic described in this opioid abatement strategy list.


4.Provide resources to staff government oversight and management of opioid abatement programs.




  In addition to the training referred to throughout this document, support training to abate the opioid epidemic through activities, programs, or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, those that:


1.Provide funding for staff training or networking programs and services to improve the capability of government, community, and not-for-profit entities to abate the opioid crisis.


2.Support infrastructure and staffing for collaborative cross-system coordination to prevent opioid misuse, prevent overdoses, and treat those with OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions, or implement other strategies to abate the opioid epidemic described in this opioid abatement strategy list (e.g., health care, primary care, pharmacies, PDMPs, etc.).




  Support opioid abatement research that may include, but is not limited to, the following:


1.Monitoring, surveillance, data collection and evaluation of programs and strategies described in this opioid abatement strategy list.


2.Research non-opioid treatment of chronic pain.


3.Research on improved service delivery for modalities such as SBIRT that demonstrate promising but mixed results in populations vulnerable to opioid use disorders.







4.Research on novel harm reduction and prevention efforts such as the provision of fentanyl test strips.


5.Research on innovative supply-side enforcement efforts such as improved detection of mail-based delivery of synthetic opioids.


6.Expanded research on swift/certain/fair models to reduce and deter opioid misuse within criminal justice populations that build upon promising approaches used to address other substances (e.g., Hawaii HOPE and Dakota 24/7).


7.Epidemiological surveillance of OUD-related behaviors in critical populations, including individuals entering the criminal justice system, including, but not limited to approaches modeled on the Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring ("ADAM") system.


8.Qualitative and quantitative research regarding public health risks and harm reduction opportunities within illicit drug markets, including surveys of market participants who sell or distribute illicit opioids.


9.Geospatial analysis of access barriers to MAT and their association with treatment engagement and treatment outcomes.









List of States and Overall Allocation Percentages


Alabama 1.6419290312%
Alaska 0.2584550539%
American Samoa 0.0174042885%
Arizona 2.3755949882%
Arkansas 0.9663486633%
California 9.9213830698%
Colorado 1.6616291219%
Connecticut 1.3343523420%
Delaware 0.4900019063%
District of Columbia 0.2048876457%
Florida 7.0259134409%
Georgia 2.7882080114%
Guam 0.0509264160%
Hawaii 0.3418358185%
Idaho 0.5254331620%
Illinois 3.3263363702%
Indiana 2.2168933059%
Iowa 0.7579283477%
Kansas 0.8042000625%
Kentucky 2.0929730531%
Louisiana 1.5154431983%
Maine 0.5613880586%
Maryland 2.1106090494%
Massachusetts 2.3035761083%
Michigan 3.4020234989%
Minnesota 1.2972597706%
Mississippi 0.8898883053%
Missouri 2.0056475170%
Montana 0.3421667920%
N. Mariana Islands 0.0185877315%
Nebraska 0.4291907949%
Nevada 1.2486754235%
New Hampshire 0.6258752503%
New Jersey 2.7551354545%
New Mexico 0.8557238713%
New York 5.3903813405%







North Carolina 3.2502525994%
North Dakota 0.1858703224%
Ohio 4.3567051408%
Oklahoma 1.5831626090%
Oregon 1.4236951885%
Pennsylvania 4.5882419559%
Puerto Rico 0.7263201134%
Rhode Island 0.4895626814%
South Carolina 1.5834654145%
South Dakota 0.2169945907%
Tennessee 2.6881474977%
Texas 6.2932157196%
Utah 1.1889437113%
Vermont 0.2844241374%
Virgin Islands 0.0340410553%
Virginia 2.2801150757%
Washington 2.3189040182%
Wisconsin 1.7582560561%
Wyoming 0.1954758491%










Subdivisions Eligible to Receive Direct Allocations from the Subdivision Fund and Default
Subdivision Fund Allocation Percentages


The Subdivisions set forth on this Exhibit G are eligible to receive direct allocations from the Subdivision Fund, if such Subdivisions are otherwise eligible to receive such funds under this Agreement. By default, the Subdivisions set forth on this Exhibit G shall include: (1) all Litigating Subdivisions that are General Purpose Governments; (2) all counties and parishes in States with functional counties or parishes; (3) all Subdivisions that are the highest level of General Purpose Government in States without functional counties or parishes; and (4) all other Subdivisions that are General Purpose Governments with a population of 10,000 or greater. A State may elect to add any additional Subdivisions to this Exhibit G at any time prior to the Initial Participation Date.


Immediately upon the effectiveness of any State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution allowed by Section V.D.3 (or upon the effectiveness of an amendment to any State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution allowed by Section V.D.3) that addresses allocation from the Subdivision Fund, whether before or after the Initial Participation Date, this Exhibit G will automatically be amended to reflect the allocation from the Subdivision Fund pursuant to the State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution allowed by Section V.D.3.


For the avoidance of doubt, inclusion on this Exhibit G shall not create any claim for any amount of the Settlement Fund, and no such amounts shall be allocated or distributed to any Subdivision included herein if such Subdivision does not otherwise meet all requirements to receive any such funds pursuant to this Agreement.


The Parties recognize the benefits of remediation funds reaching all communities, including through direct payments from the Subdivision Fund. However, to promote efficiency in the use of such funds and avoid administratively-burdensome disbursements that would be too small to add a meaningful abatement response, certain Subdivisions do not receive a direct allocation from the Subdivision Fund. However, such Subdivisions will benefit from Opioid Remediation in their community, and are eligible to receive direct benefits from the Abatement Accounts Fund in their State. All settlement funds, whether allocated to a Settling State, an Abatement Accounts Fund or a Subdivision listed on this Exhibit G can be used for Opioid Remediation in communities not listed herein.


As provided by Section V.D.4.c, the Allocation Percentages shown below apply to distribution of each Settling State's Subdivision Fund in the absence of a State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, or Statutory Trust. The allocation that would have otherwise gone to General Purpose Government Subdivisions not listed below as receiving a direct allocation shall be (1)   directed to the county or parish in which such Subdivision is located in Settling States with functional counties or parishes if the relevant county or parish is a Participating Subdivision or (2)   to the highest-level General Purpose Government in which such Subdivision is located in Settling States without functional counties or parishes if the relevant highest-level General








Purpose Government is a Participating Subdivision. Where the relevant county, parish or highest-level General Purpose Government is not a Participating Subdivision, allocations of General Purpose Subdivisions not listed below as eligible to become Participating Subdivisions shall be allocated pursuant to Section VII.I. The redirecting of funds described in this paragraph is intended to promote the efficient use of Opioid Remediation funds while keeping, where possible, local control of the distribution of those funds.








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
AK1   Anchorage Municipality, Alaska   47.6578000000%
AK2   Fairbanks City, Alaska   5.1226000000%
AK3   Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska   10.9627000000%
AK4   Juneau City and Borough, Alaska   5.2324000000%
AK5   Kenai Peninsula Borough, Alaska   9.4922000000%
AK6   Ketchikan Gateway Borough, Alaska   2.2406000000%
AK7   Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska   2.1839000000%
AK8   Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Alaska   15.4726000000%
AK9   Wasilla City, Alaska   1.6351000000%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
AZ1   Apache County, Arizona   0.3907470000%
AZ2   Apache Junction City, Arizona   0.2201340000%
AZ3   Avondale City, Arizona   0.5677140000%
AZ4   Benson City, Arizona   0.0652960000%
AZ5   Bisbee City, Arizona   0.0643685000%
AZ6   Buckeye City, Arizona   0.2664780000%
AZ7   Bullhead City, Arizona   0.6416380000%
AZ8   Camp Verde Town, Arizona   0.0416227000%
AZ9   Carefree Town, Arizona   0.0231720000%
AZ10   Casa Grande City, Arizona   0.2125144000%
AZ11   Cave Creek Town, Arizona   0.0347580000%
AZ12   Chandler City, Arizona   1.6567980000%
AZ13   Chino Valley Town, Arizona   0.0291788000%
AZ14   Clarkdale Town, Arizona   0.0308952000%
AZ15   Clifton Town, Arizona   0.0102870000%
AZ16   Cochise County, Arizona   1.1773685000%
AZ17   Coconino County, Arizona   1.2011808000%
AZ18   Colorado City Town, Arizona   0.0298778000%
AZ19   Coolidge City, Arizona   0.0644448000%
AZ20   Cottonwood City, Arizona   0.2098299000%
AZ21   Dewey-Humboldt Town, Arizona   0.0660814000%
AZ22   Douglas City, Arizona   0.1565620000%
AZ23   Duncan Town, Arizona   0.0002520000%
AZ24   Eagar Town, Arizona   0.1425540000%
AZ25   El Mirage City, Arizona   0.2259270000%
AZ26   Eloy City, Arizona   1.3418328000%
AZ27   Flagstaff City, Arizona   0.3114360000%
AZ28   Florence Town, Arizona   0.0456484000%
AZ29   Fountain Hills Town, Arizona   0.0984810000%
AZ30   Fredonia Town, Arizona   0.0052328000%
AZ31   Gila Bend Town, Arizona   0.0173790000%
AZ32   Gila County, Arizona   0.7780446000%
AZ33   Gilbert Town, Arizona   0.9906030000%
AZ34   Glendale City, Arizona   1.5235590000%
AZ35   Globe City, Arizona   0.1168266000%
AZ36   Goodyear City, Arizona   0.4402680000%
AZ37   Graham County, Arizona   0.4476494000%
AZ38   Greenlee County, Arizona   0.0794610000%
AZ39   Guadalupe Town, Arizona   0.0000000000%
AZ40   Hayden Town, Arizona   0.0263802000%
AZ41   Holbrook City, Arizona   0.0575625000%
AZ42   Huachuca City Town, Arizona   0.0168805000%
AZ43   Jerome Town, Arizona   0.0012873000%
AZ44   Kearny Town, Arizona   0.0107408000%
AZ45   Kingman City, Arizona   0.4853918000%
AZ46   La Paz County, Arizona   0.2670171000%
AZ47   Lake Havasu City, Arizona   0.6793526000%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
AZ48   Litchfield Park City, Arizona   0.0231720000%
AZ49   Mammoth Town, Arizona   0.0061376000%
AZ50   Marana Town, Arizona   0.3841282000%
AZ51   Maricopa City, Arizona   0.1047228000%
AZ52   Maricopa County, Arizona   29.8513290000%
AZ53   Mesa City, Arizona   3.5105580000%
AZ54   Miami Town, Arizona   0.0309482000%
AZ55   Mohave County, Arizona   3.0617398000%
AZ56   Navajo County, Arizona   1.0789515000%
AZ57   Nogales City, Arizona   0.0834350000%
AZ58   Oro Valley Town, Arizona   0.3207284000%
AZ59   Page City, Arizona   0.0575608000%
AZ60   Paradise Valley Town, Arizona   0.1969620000%
AZ61   Parker Town, Arizona   0.0156219000%
AZ62   Patagonia Town, Arizona   0.0024790000%
AZ63   Payson Town, Arizona   0.1846614000%
AZ64   Peoria City, Arizona   0.8747430000%
AZ65   Phoenix City, Arizona   12.3275040000%
AZ66   Pima County, Arizona   13.4612693000%
AZ67   Pima Town, Arizona   0.0159618000%
AZ68   Pinal County, Arizona   2.0334636000%
AZ69   Pinetop-Lakeside Town, Arizona   0.0729125000%
AZ70   Prescott City, Arizona   0.5917289000%
AZ71   Prescott Valley Town, Arizona   0.3471419000%
AZ72   Quartzsite Town, Arizona   0.0183911000%
AZ73   Queen Creek Town, Arizona   0.0637230000%
AZ74   Safford City, Arizona   0.1929077000%
AZ75   Sahuarita Town, Arizona   0.1510407000%
AZ76   San Luis City, Arizona   0.0963840000%
AZ77   Santa Cruz County, Arizona   0.2840860000%
AZ78   Scottsdale City, Arizona   2.3114070000%
AZ79   Sedona City, Arizona   0.0690392000%
AZ80   Show Low City, Arizona   0.1441365000%
AZ81   Sierra Vista City, Arizona   0.3084865000%
AZ82   Snowflake Town, Arizona   0.0451290000%
AZ83   Somerton City, Arizona   0.0449792000%
AZ84   South Tucson City, Arizona   0.0578057000%
AZ85   Springerville Town, Arizona   0.0740370000%
AZ86   St. Johns City, Arizona   0.0826620000%
AZ87   Star Valley Town, Arizona   0.0039970000%
AZ88   Superior Town, Arizona   0.0168784000%
AZ89   Surprise City, Arizona   0.5677140000%
AZ90   Taylor Town, Arizona   0.0411380000%
AZ91   Tempe City, Arizona   1.8943110000%
AZ92   Thatcher Town, Arizona   0.0624092000%
AZ93   Tolleson City, Arizona   0.1564110000%
AZ94   Tombstone City, Arizona   0.0215180000%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
AZ95   Tucson City, Arizona   4.2720277000%
AZ96   Tusayan Town, Arizona   0.0113096000%
AZ97   Wellton Town, Arizona   0.0122488000%
AZ98   Wickenburg Town, Arizona   0.0579300000%
AZ99   Willcox City, Arizona   0.0443345000%
AZ100   Williams City, Arizona   0.0324096000%
AZ101   Winkelman Town, Arizona   0.0011420000%
AZ102   Winslow City, Arizona   0.0950165000%
AZ103   Yavapai County, Arizona   2.9740921000%
AZ104   Youngtown, Arizona   0.0289650000%
AZ105   Yuma City, Arizona   0.5285056000%
AZ106   Yuma County, Arizona   1.3258824000%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
AR1   Adona City, Arkansas   0.0020790506%
AR2   Alexander City, Arkansas   0.0103476018%
AR3   Alicia Town, Arkansas   0.0002309579%
AR4   Allport Town, Arkansas   0.0026587350%
AR5   Alma City, Arkansas   0.1875236673%
AR6   Almyra Town, Arkansas   0.0010881066%
AR7   Alpena Town, Arkansas   0.0141319347%
AR8   Altheimer City, Arkansas   0.0071081808%
AR9   Altus City, Arkansas   0.0161149675%
AR10   Amagon Town, Arkansas   0.0016587759%
AR11   Amity City, Arkansas   0.0105947297%
AR12   Anthonyville Town, Arkansas   0.0010978372%
AR13   Antoine Town, Arkansas   0.0010576270%
AR14   Arkadelphia City, Arkansas   0.2710593166%
AR15   Arkansas City, Arkansas   0.0026365550%
AR16   Arkansas County, Arkansas   0.2272004928%
AR17   Ash Flat City, Arkansas   0.0560964456%
AR18   Ashdown City, Arkansas   0.0210645360%
AR19   Ashley County, Arkansas   0.3024558569%
AR20   Atkins City, Arkansas   0.0507540769%
AR21   Aubrey Town, Arkansas   0.0021166850%
AR22   Augusta City, Arkansas   0.0134645321%
AR23   Austin City, Arkansas   0.0201747613%
AR24   Avoca Town, Arkansas   0.0030227727%
AR25   Bald Knob City, Arkansas   0.1048227005%
AR26   Banks Town, Arkansas   0.0006822846%
AR27   Barling City, Arkansas   0.1588678563%
AR28   Bassett Town, Arkansas   0.0011499243%
AR29   Batesville City, Arkansas   0.1318965785%
AR30   Bauxite Town, Arkansas   0.0049816222%
AR31   Baxter County, Arkansas   0.8690235470%
AR32   Bay City, Arkansas   0.0250493472%
AR33   Bearden City, Arkansas   0.0161101022%
AR34   Beaver Town, Arkansas   0.0051365958%
AR35   Beebe City, Arkansas   0.2412092213%
AR36   Beedeville Town, Arkansas   0.0018030172%
AR37   Bella Vista City, Arkansas   0.5136648745%
AR38   Bellefonte Town, Arkansas   0.0008435545%
AR39   Belleville City, Arkansas   0.0050880860%
AR40   Ben Lomond Town, Arkansas   0.0012499489%
AR41   Benton City, Arkansas   1.3762616667%
AR42   Benton County, Arkansas   1.9493524156%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
AR43   Bentonville City, Arkansas   1.3212148347%
AR44   Bergman Town, Arkansas   0.0080191338%
AR45   Berryville City, Arkansas   0.1767673815%
AR47   Big Flat Town, Arkansas   0.0005552148%
AR48   Bigelow Town, Arkansas   0.0028351731%
AR49   Biggers Town, Arkansas   0.0002571446%
AR50   Birdsong Town, Arkansas   0.0001210597%
AR51   Black Oak Town, Arkansas   0.0003079439%
AR52   Black Rock City, Arkansas   0.0020552966%
AR53   Black Springs Town, Arkansas   0.0007714338%
AR54   Blevins City, Arkansas   0.0042289340%
AR55   Blue Eye Town, Arkansas   0.0007084713%
AR56   Blue Mountain Town, Arkansas   0.0023457827%
AR57   Bluff City Town, Arkansas   0.0001956131%
AR58   Blytheville City, Arkansas   0.3444881956%
AR59   Bodcaw Town, Arkansas   0.0004892473%
AR60   Bonanza City, Arkansas   0.0271534397%
AR61   Bono City, Arkansas   0.0166311169%
AR62   Boone County, Arkansas   0.6844345049%
AR63   Booneville City, Arkansas   0.2395670446%
AR64   Bradford City, Arkansas   0.0196136795%
AR65   Bradley City, Arkansas   0.0127167093%
AR66   Bradley County, Arkansas   0.0903557767%
AR67   Branch City, Arkansas   0.0001595527%
AR68   Briarcliff City, Arkansas   0.0001841653%
AR69   Brinkley City, Arkansas   0.0788794288%
AR70   Brookland City, Arkansas   0.0336729211%
AR71   Bryant City, Arkansas   1.0536173112%
AR72   Buckner City, Arkansas   0.0065180504%
AR73   Bull Shoals City, Arkansas   0.0692543217%
AR74   Burdette Town, Arkansas   0.0001210597%
AR75   Cabot City, Arkansas   0.9626014299%
AR76   Caddo Valley Town, Arkansas   0.0447599031%
AR77   Caldwell Town, Arkansas   0.0042239256%
AR78   Cale Town, Arkansas   0.0007827384%
AR79   Calhoun County, Arkansas   0.1397959405%
AR80   Calico Rock City, Arkansas   0.0024459503%
AR81   Calion City, Arkansas   0.0029361993%
AR82   Camden City, Arkansas   0.4098542963%
AR83   Cammack Village City, Arkansas   0.0112054660%
AR84   Campbell Station City, Arkansas   0.0043090681%
AR85   Caraway City, Arkansas   0.0225855098%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
AR86   Carlisle City, Arkansas   0.1468534652%
AR87   Carroll County, Arkansas   0.5928260605%
AR88   Carthage City, Arkansas   0.0016610654%
AR89   Casa Town, Arkansas   0.0015121018%
AR90   Cash Town, Arkansas   0.0012319187%
AR91   Caulksville Town, Arkansas   0.0006928738%
AR92   Cave City, Arkansas   0.0850463202%
AR93   Cave Springs City, Arkansas   0.0320796835%
AR94   Cedarville City, Arkansas   0.0178802072%
AR95   Centerton City, Arkansas   0.1131077079%
AR96   Central City Town, Arkansas   0.0174268772%
AR97   Charleston City, Arkansas   0.0410054775%
AR98   Cherokee Village City, Arkansas   0.2125413902%
AR99   Cherry Valley City, Arkansas   0.0081466329%
AR100   Chester Town, Arkansas   0.0004361585%
AR101   Chicot County, Arkansas   0.2832352637%
AR102   Chidester City, Arkansas   0.0007419559%
AR103   Clarendon City, Arkansas   0.0270484068%
AR104   Clark County, Arkansas   0.3342708117%
AR105   Clarksville City, Arkansas   0.2458837581%
AR106   Clay County, Arkansas   0.0479674136%
AR107   Cleburne County, Arkansas   0.3503158049%
AR108   Cleveland County, Arkansas   0.1143679597%
AR109   Clinton City, Arkansas   0.0824034689%
AR110   Coal Hill City, Arkansas   0.1328713526%
AR111   Colt City, Arkansas   0.0085205444%
AR112   Columbia County, Arkansas   0.0671663991%
AR113   Concord Town, Arkansas   0.0150785188%
AR114   Conway City, Arkansas   2.0922743015%
AR115   Conway County, Arkansas   0.5138971203%
AR116   Corning City, Arkansas   0.0191809554%
AR117   Cotter City, Arkansas   0.0233925747%
AR118   Cotton Plant City, Arkansas   0.0024986099%
AR119   Cove Town, Arkansas   0.0001777260%
AR120   Coy Town, Arkansas   0.0078196572%
AR121   Craighead County, Arkansas   0.9265189050%
AR122   Crawford County, Arkansas   0.9565887967%
AR123   Crawfordsville Town, Arkansas   0.0037229444%
AR124   Crittenden County, Arkansas   0.4864689351%
AR125   Cross County, Arkansas   0.3114968436%
AR126   Crossett City, Arkansas   0.2482926464%
AR127   Cushman City, Arkansas   0.0031235127%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
AR128   Daisy Town, Arkansas   0.0019036142%
AR129   Dallas County, Arkansas   0.1170103816%
AR130   Damascus Town, Arkansas   0.0328833141%
AR131   Danville City, Arkansas   0.0554598088%
AR132   Dardanelle City, Arkansas   0.1270318663%
AR133   Datto Town, Arkansas   0.0002041989%
AR134   De Queen City, Arkansas   0.1825177187%
AR135   De Valls Bluff City, Arkansas   0.0153369512%
AR136   Decatur City, Arkansas   0.0461206088%
AR137   Delaplaine Town, Arkansas   0.0012409338%
AR138   Delight City, Arkansas   0.0019036142%
AR139   Dell Town, Arkansas   0.0049627334%
AR140   Denning Town, Arkansas   0.0066893371%
AR141   Dermott City, Arkansas   0.0098811069%
AR142   Des Arc City, Arkansas   0.0461902968%
AR143   Desha County, Arkansas   0.1880442527%
AR144   Dewitt City, Arkansas   0.0561472449%
AR145   Diamond City, Arkansas   0.0067481498%
AR146   Diaz City, Arkansas   0.0144799456%
AR147   Dierks City, Arkansas   0.0109843817%
AR148   Donaldson Town, Arkansas   0.0097288521%
AR149   Dover City, Arkansas   0.0357561215%
AR150   Drew County, Arkansas   0.4314342663%
AR151   Dumas City, Arkansas   0.0345209116%
AR152   Dyer City, Arkansas   0.0039248537%
AR153   Dyess Town, Arkansas   0.0004842389%
AR154   Earle City, Arkansas   0.0169920066%
AR155   East Camden Town, Arkansas   0.0077825952%
AR156   Edmondson Town, Arkansas   0.0080664988%
AR157   Egypt Town, Arkansas   0.0007186312%
AR158   El Dorado City, Arkansas   0.7549722601%
AR159   Elaine City, Arkansas   0.0061272536%
AR160   Elkins City, Arkansas   0.0584820092%
AR161   Elm Springs City, Arkansas   0.0169270407%
AR162   Emerson Town, Arkansas   0.0007712907%
AR163   Emmet City, Arkansas   0.0006732695%
AR164   England City, Arkansas   0.1277733929%
AR165   Enola Town, Arkansas   0.0166283981%
AR166   Etowah Town, Arkansas   0.0016945500%
AR167   Eudora City, Arkansas   0.0090127967%
AR168   Eureka Springs City, Arkansas   0.3891361972%
AR169   Evening Shade City, Arkansas   0.0112877465%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
AR170   Everton Town, Arkansas   0.0023825585%
AR171   Fairfield Bay City, Arkansas   0.0994183710%
AR172   Fargo Town, Arkansas   0.0003540210%
AR173   Farmington City, Arkansas   0.0908450240%
AR174   Faulkner County, Arkansas   1.0072116540%
AR175   Fayetteville City, Arkansas   2.1103658624%
AR176   Felsenthal Town, Arkansas   0.0017181610%
AR177   Fifty-Six City, Arkansas   0.0004614866%
AR178   Fisher City, Arkansas   0.0019605666%
AR179   Flippin City, Arkansas   0.0956901320%
AR180   Fordyce City, Arkansas   0.0545063561%
AR181   Foreman City, Arkansas   0.0020583016%
AR182   Forrest City, Arkansas   0.2961090931%
AR183   Fort Smith City, Arkansas   3.8434930088%
AR184   Fouke City, Arkansas   0.0054372418%
AR185   Fountain Hill Town, Arkansas   0.0007150537%
AR186   Fountain Lake Town, Arkansas   0.0028270166%
AR187   Fourche Town, Arkansas   0.0009659021%
AR188   Franklin County, Arkansas   0.5981687154%
AR189   Franklin Town, Arkansas   0.0147063245%
AR190   Fredonia (Biscoe) Town, Arkansas   0.0078030580%
AR191   Friendship Town, Arkansas   0.0051302995%
AR192   Fulton County, Arkansas   0.4958178657%
AR193   Fulton Town, Arkansas   0.0066352466%
AR194   Garfield Town, Arkansas   0.0074476060%
AR195   Garland County, Arkansas   1.7334588443%
AR196   Garland Town, Arkansas   0.0002891982%
AR197   Garner Town, Arkansas   0.0077934705%
AR198   Gassville City, Arkansas   0.0727563250%
AR199   Gateway Town, Arkansas   0.0062878080%
AR200   Gentry City, Arkansas   0.0904861377%
AR201   Georgetown, Arkansas   0.0040265954%
AR202   Gilbert Town, Arkansas   0.0024831554%
AR203   Gillett City, Arkansas   0.0114616089%
AR204   Gillham Town, Arkansas   0.0013801668%
AR205   Gilmore City, Arkansas   0.0000954454%
AR206   Glenwood City, Arkansas   0.0480021861%
AR207   Goshen Town, Arkansas   0.0031660124%
AR208   Gosnell City, Arkansas   0.0272347186%
AR209   Gould City, Arkansas   0.0171248002%
AR210   Grady City, Arkansas   0.0313103962%
AR211   Grannis City, Arkansas   0.0009242610%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
AR212   Grant County, Arkansas   0.2664481715%
AR213   Gravette City, Arkansas   0.0803454535%
AR214   Green Forest City, Arkansas   0.1176088116%
AR215   Greenbrier City, Arkansas   0.0720066419%
AR216   Greene County, Arkansas   0.5298528213%
AR217   Greenland City, Arkansas   0.0237445924%
AR218   Greenway City, Arkansas   0.0004757962%
AR219   Greenwood City, Arkansas   0.2310067194%
AR220   Greers Ferry City, Arkansas   0.0499860774%
AR221   Griffithville Town, Arkansas   0.0045461792%
AR222   Grubbs City, Arkansas   0.0056885194%
AR223   Guion Town, Arkansas   0.0188333737%
AR224   Gum Springs Town, Arkansas   0.0030512489%
AR225   Gurdon City, Arkansas   0.0633258293%
AR226   Guy City, Arkansas   0.0155481618%
AR227   Hackett City, Arkansas   0.0171567108%
AR228   Hamburg City, Arkansas   0.0524650830%
AR229   Hampton City, Arkansas   0.0149258347%
AR230   Hardy City, Arkansas   0.0225704847%
AR231   Harrell Town, Arkansas   0.0015608978%
AR232   Harrisburg City, Arkansas   0.0610374284%
AR233   Harrison City, Arkansas   0.7509041666%
AR234   Hartford City, Arkansas   0.0079703379%
AR235   Hartman City, Arkansas   0.0041808536%
AR236   Haskell City, Arkansas   0.0719017520%
AR237   Hatfield Town, Arkansas   0.0003119506%
AR238   Havana City, Arkansas   0.0028832535%
AR239   Haynes Town, Arkansas   0.0021807923%
AR240   Hazen City, Arkansas   0.0648458015%
AR241   Heber Springs City, Arkansas   0.3767547633%
AR242   Hector Town, Arkansas   0.0046732490%
AR243   Helena-West Helena City, Arkansas   0.1739214762%
AR244   Hempstead County, Arkansas   0.2734659153%
AR245   Hermitage City, Arkansas   0.0121839606%
AR246   Hickory Ridge City, Arkansas   0.0037770349%
AR247   Higden Town, Arkansas   0.0085654767%
AR248   Higginson Town, Arkansas   0.0151972889%
AR249   Highfill Town, Arkansas   0.0156011076%
AR250   Highland City, Arkansas   0.0298718460%
AR251   Hindsville Town, Arkansas   0.0033816590%
AR252   Holland City, Arkansas   0.0148864831%
AR253   Holly Grove City, Arkansas   0.0044608936%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
AR254   Hope City, Arkansas   0.2248866206%
AR255   Horatio City, Arkansas   0.0029417800%
AR256   Horseshoe Bend City, Arkansas   0.1112109623%
AR257   Horseshoe Lake Town, Arkansas   0.0014319677%
AR258   Hot Spring County, Arkansas   0.4782149797%
AR259   Hot Springs City, Arkansas   3.5617977507%
AR260   Houston Town, Arkansas   0.0052922849%
AR261   Howard County, Arkansas   0.1730249760%
AR262   Hoxie City, Arkansas   0.0120318489%
AR263   Hughes City, Arkansas   0.0113608689%
AR264   Humnoke City, Arkansas   0.0148176536%
AR265   Humphrey City, Arkansas   0.0142685920%
AR266   Hunter Town, Arkansas   0.0001735762%
AR267   Huntington City, Arkansas   0.0062142563%
AR268   Huntsville City, Arkansas   0.0854508543%
AR269   Huttig City, Arkansas   0.0090756161%
AR270   Imboden Town, Arkansas   0.0007621325%
AR271   Independence County, Arkansas   1.0893020276%
AR272   Izard County, Arkansas   0.5513048629%
AR273   Jackson County, Arkansas   0.1817241049%
AR274   Jacksonport Town, Arkansas   0.0050680525%
AR275   Jacksonville City, Arkansas   2.6389305280%
AR276   Jasper City, Arkansas   0.0070526594%
AR277   Jefferson County, Arkansas   0.5992841535%
AR278   Jennette Town, Arkansas   0.0012409338%
AR279   Jericho Town, Arkansas   0.0009641849%
AR281   Johnson City, Arkansas   0.1307711237%
AR282   Johnson County, Arkansas   0.3131687844%
AR283   Joiner City, Arkansas   0.0294738943%
AR284   Jonesboro City, Arkansas   2.1740597362%
AR285   Judsonia City, Arkansas   0.0470208295%
AR286   Junction City, Arkansas   0.0041819983%
AR287   Keiser City, Arkansas   0.0065363668%
AR288   Kensett City, Arkansas   0.0362397881%
AR289   Kibler City, Arkansas   0.0431741065%
AR290   Kingsland City, Arkansas   0.0062036672%
AR291   Knobel City, Arkansas   0.0009218283%
AR292   Knoxville Town, Arkansas   0.0058832739%
AR293   Lafayette County, Arkansas   0.0910619584%
AR294   Lafe Town, Arkansas   0.0028363178%
AR295   Lagrange Town, Arkansas   0.0008239503%
AR296   Lake City, Arkansas   0.0259733220%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
AR297   Lake View City, Arkansas   0.0047133160%
AR298   Lake Village City, Arkansas   0.0224886334%
AR299   Lakeview City, Arkansas   0.0193402219%
AR300   Lamar City, Arkansas   0.1021685446%
AR301   Lavaca City, Arkansas   0.0302604964%
AR302   Lawrence County, Arkansas   0.4807663922%
AR303   Leachville City, Arkansas   0.0232401768%
AR304   Lead Hill Town, Arkansas   0.0069168607%
AR305   Lee County, Arkansas   0.0989039387%
AR306   Leola Town, Arkansas   0.0013687190%
AR307   Lepanto City, Arkansas   0.0682260295%
AR308   Leslie City, Arkansas   0.0254444370%
AR309   Lewisville City, Arkansas   0.0166148039%
AR310   Lincoln City, Arkansas   0.0464338472%
AR311   Lincoln County, Arkansas   0.1387881111%
AR312   Little Flock City, Arkansas   0.0530723850%
AR313   Little River County, Arkansas   0.3040825791%
AR314   Little Rock City, Arkansas   6.7135694892%
AR315   Lockesburg City, Arkansas   0.0062672021%
AR316   Logan County, Arkansas   0.5058103018%
AR317   London City, Arkansas   0.0142372538%
AR318   Lonoke City, Arkansas   0.2452247983%
AR319   Lonoke County, Arkansas   0.5819398431%
AR320   Louann Town, Arkansas   0.0002119261%
AR321   Luxora City, Arkansas   0.0119226662%
AR322   Lynn Town, Arkansas   0.0001385175%
AR323   Madison City, Arkansas   0.0058260353%
AR324   Madison County, Arkansas   0.3196927018%
AR325   Magazine City, Arkansas   0.0318730520%
AR326   Magness Town, Arkansas   0.0014179443%
AR327   Magnolia City, Arkansas   0.5824169272%
AR328   Malvern City, Arkansas   0.3835695961%
AR329   Mammoth Spring City, Arkansas   0.0072408314%
AR330   Manila City, Arkansas   0.0409124647%
AR331   Mansfield City, Arkansas   0.0007997669%
AR332   Marianna City, Arkansas   0.0846648246%
AR333   Marie Town, Arkansas   0.0009849339%
AR334   Marion City, Arkansas   0.1126915829%
AR335   Marion County, Arkansas   0.3952336867%
AR336   Marked Tree City, Arkansas   0.0992021520%
AR337   Marmaduke City, Arkansas   0.0391761304%
AR338   Marvell City, Arkansas   0.0610375715%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
AR339   Maumelle City, Arkansas   0.2572012688%
AR340   Mayflower City, Arkansas   0.0608694329%
AR341   Maynard Town, Arkansas   0.0013140561%
AR342   McCaskill Town, Arkansas   0.0012894435%
AR343   McCrory City, Arkansas   0.0147483949%
AR344   McDougal Town, Arkansas   0.0001189133%
AR345   McGehee City, Arkansas   0.0429993856%
AR346   McNab Town, Arkansas   0.0009151028%
AR347   Mcrae City, Arkansas   0.0307843730%
AR348   Melbourne City, Arkansas   0.0687295865%
AR349   Mena City, Arkansas   0.7716866592%
AR350   Menifee Town, Arkansas   0.0106144770%
AR351   Midland Town, Arkansas   0.0002701664%
AR352   Miller County, Arkansas   0.3769094507%
AR353   Mineral Springs City, Arkansas   0.0133569235%
AR354   Minturn Town, Arkansas   0.0002323889%
AR355   Mississippi County, Arkansas   0.4561503415%
AR356   Mitchellville City, Arkansas   0.0000190318%
AR357   Monette City, Arkansas   0.0230987974%
AR358   Monroe County, Arkansas   0.0751267203%
AR359   Montgomery County, Arkansas   0.2264091685%
AR360   Monticello City, Arkansas   0.0526747196%
AR361   Montrose City, Arkansas   0.0059883068%
AR362   Moorefield Town, Arkansas   0.0009616092%
AR363   Moro Town, Arkansas   0.0019858947%
AR364   Morrilton City, Arkansas   0.2597150469%
AR365   Morrison Bluff Town, Arkansas   0.0001732900%
AR366   Mount Ida City, Arkansas   0.0133550632%
AR367   Mount Pleasant Town, Arkansas   0.0122294653%
AR368   Mount Vernon Town, Arkansas   0.0071675659%
AR369   Mountain Home City, Arkansas   0.8447100025%
AR370   Mountain Pine City, Arkansas   0.0111311989%
AR371   Mountainburg City, Arkansas   0.0505877986%
AR372   Mulberry City, Arkansas   0.0839496278%
AR373   Murfreesboro City, Arkansas   0.0401878235%
AR374   Nashville City, Arkansas   0.1174004630%
AR375   Nevada County, Arkansas   0.1042972498%
AR376   Newark City, Arkansas   0.0743959259%
AR377   Newport City, Arkansas   0.2957024125%
AR378   Newton County, Arkansas   0.2538955941%
AR379   Norfork City, Arkansas   0.0071735760%
AR380   Norman Town, Arkansas   0.0054255078%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
AR381   Norphlet City, Arkansas   0.0199309247%
AR382   North Little Rock City, Arkansas   1.6145764729%
AR383   Oak Grove Heights Town, Arkansas   0.0108133813%
AR384   Oak Grove Town, Arkansas   0.0031881924%
AR385   Oakhaven Town, Arkansas   0.0008458440%
AR386   Oden Town, Arkansas   0.0002086349%
AR387   Ogden City, Arkansas   0.0000829960%
AR388   Oil Trough Town, Arkansas   0.0018456600%
AR389   O'Kean Town, Arkansas   0.0001714297%
AR390   Okolona Town, Arkansas   0.0019046158%
AR391   Ola City, Arkansas   0.0262882776%
AR392   Omaha Town, Arkansas   0.0030405167%
AR393   Oppelo City, Arkansas   0.0090335457%
AR394   Osceola City, Arkansas   0.2492878833%
AR395   Ouachita County, Arkansas   0.2913601460%
AR396   Oxford City, Arkansas   0.0264156336%
AR397   Ozan Town, Arkansas   0.0011369025%
AR398   Ozark City, Arkansas   0.1131238778%
AR399   Palestine City, Arkansas   0.0190803585%
AR400   Pangburn City, Arkansas   0.0157168727%
AR401   Paragould City, Arkansas   1.0056390223%
AR402   Paris City, Arkansas   0.1616167421%
AR403   Parkdale City, Arkansas   0.0007150537%
AR404   Parkin City, Arkansas   0.0145157198%
AR405   Patmos Town, Arkansas   0.0012638292%
AR406   Patterson City, Arkansas   0.0019780244%
AR407   Pea Ridge City, Arkansas   0.1099874863%
AR408   Peach Orchard City, Arkansas   0.0002743162%
AR409   Perla Town, Arkansas   0.0015089537%
AR410   Perry County, Arkansas   0.2411764522%
AR411   Perry Town, Arkansas   0.0054813155%
AR412   Perrytown, Arkansas   0.0014218079%
AR413   Perryville City, Arkansas   0.0413931262%
AR414   Phillips County, Arkansas   0.3245121955%
AR415   Piggott City, Arkansas   0.3895380125%
AR416   Pike County, Arkansas   0.3481536152%
AR417   Pindall Town, Arkansas   0.0030350790%
AR418   Pine Bluff City, Arkansas   0.9840818047%
AR419   Pineville Town, Arkansas   0.0022012551%
AR420   Plainview City, Arkansas   0.0125505741%
AR421   Pleasant Plains Town, Arkansas   0.0024498139%
AR422   Plumerville City, Arkansas   0.0292462276%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
AR423   Pocahontas City, Arkansas   0.4671181241%
AR424   Poinsett County, Arkansas   0.4009911787%
AR425   Polk County, Arkansas   0.0691418478%
AR426   Pollard City, Arkansas   0.0004521853%
AR427   Pope County, Arkansas   0.8568421621%
AR428   Portia Town, Arkansas   0.0009455824%
AR429   Portland City, Arkansas   0.0081334680%
AR430   Pottsville City, Arkansas   0.0356473681%
AR431   Powhatan Town, Arkansas   0.0001556891%
AR432   Poyen Town, Arkansas   0.0022812461%
AR433   Prairie County, Arkansas   0.0903177130%
AR434   Prairie Grove City, Arkansas   0.0877670159%
AR435   Prattsville Town, Arkansas   0.0011406231%
AR436   Prescott City, Arkansas   0.0925564594%
AR437   Pulaski County, Arkansas   2.3536109191%
AR438   Pyatt Town, Arkansas   0.0061435666%
AR439   Quitman City, Arkansas   0.0720876345%
AR440   Randolph County, Arkansas   0.0533049170%
AR441   Ratcliff City, Arkansas   0.0038192484%
AR442   Ravenden Springs Town, Arkansas   0.0001143342%
AR443   Ravenden Town, Arkansas   0.0021246984%
AR444   Rector City, Arkansas   0.0056501695%
AR445   Redfield City, Arkansas   0.0199888788%
AR446   Reed Town, Arkansas   0.0009294125%
AR447   Reyno City, Arkansas   0.0001714297%
AR448   Rison City, Arkansas   0.0266158258%
AR449   Rockport City, Arkansas   0.0466258829%
AR450   Roe Town, Arkansas   0.0006297682%
AR451   Rogers City, Arkansas   1.7409808606%
AR452   Rondo Town, Arkansas   0.0001282146%
AR453   Rose Bud Town, Arkansas   0.0201332633%
AR454   Rosston Town, Arkansas   0.0012719857%
AR455   Rudy Town, Arkansas   0.0043610122%
AR456   Russell Town, Arkansas   0.0072738867%
AR457   Russellville City, Arkansas   0.9171601007%
AR458   Salem City, Arkansas   0.0044962385%
AR459   Salesville City, Arkansas   0.0064404921%
AR460   Saline County, Arkansas   1.0800200662%
AR461   Scott County, Arkansas   0.3380405487%
AR462   Scranton City, Arkansas   0.0072753177%
AR463   Searcy City, Arkansas   0.9880873649%
AR464   Searcy County, Arkansas   0.2116252857%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
AR465   Sebastian County, Arkansas   2.1934833834%
AR466   Sedgwick Town, Arkansas   0.0005311746%
AR467   Sevier County, Arkansas   0.2613059949%
AR468   Shannon Hills City, Arkansas   0.0498163648%
AR469   Sharp County, Arkansas   0.2811885530%
AR470   Sheridan City, Arkansas   0.2276671308%
AR471   Sherrill Town, Arkansas   0.0025761682%
AR472   Sherwood City, Arkansas   0.4241829888%
AR473   Shirley Town, Arkansas   0.0009145304%
AR474   Sidney Town, Arkansas   0.0035774152%
AR475   Siloam Springs City, Arkansas   0.7477783644%
AR476   Smackover City, Arkansas   0.0008007686%
AR477   Smithville Town, Arkansas   0.0001624146%
AR478   South Lead Hill Town, Arkansas   0.0018313504%
AR479   Sparkman City, Arkansas   0.0035065824%
AR480   Springdale City, Arkansas   2.0136786333%
AR481   Springtown, Arkansas   0.0002924895%
AR482   St Francis County, Arkansas   0.2044215163%
AR483   St. Charles Town, Arkansas   0.0024664131%
AR484   St. Francis City, Arkansas   0.0007137659%
AR485   St. Joe Town, Arkansas   0.0076757020%
AR486   St. Paul Town, Arkansas   0.0041619648%
AR487   Stamps City, Arkansas   0.0180207281%
AR488   Star City, Arkansas   0.0564865270%
AR489   Stephens City, Arkansas   0.0116586529%
AR490   Stone County, Arkansas   0.2837768844%
AR491   Strawberry Town, Arkansas   0.0006928738%
AR492   Strong City, Arkansas   0.0029361993%
AR493   Stuttgart City, Arkansas   0.2203815101%
AR494   Subiaco Town, Arkansas   0.0109146937%
AR495   Success Town, Arkansas   0.0001784415%
AR496   Sulphur Rock Town, Arkansas   0.0032654646%
AR497   Sulphur Springs City, Arkansas   0.0120908047%
AR498   Summit City, Arkansas   0.0074467474%
AR499   Sunset Town, Arkansas   0.0016041130%
AR500   Swifton City, Arkansas   0.0178930859%
AR501   Taylor City, Arkansas   0.0014103602%
AR502   Texarkana City, Arkansas   0.7683955804%
AR503   Thornton City, Arkansas   0.0022437548%
AR504   Tillar City, Arkansas   0.0003265465%
AR505   Tinsman Town, Arkansas   0.0003150987%
AR506   Tollette Town, Arkansas   0.0032731918%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
AR507   Tontitown City, Arkansas   0.0610355681%
AR508   Traskwood City, Arkansas   0.0177678764%
AR509   Trumann City, Arkansas   0.2319945153%
AR510   Tuckerman City, Arkansas   0.0405439909%
AR511   Tull Town, Arkansas   0.0030797252%
AR512   Tupelo Town, Arkansas   0.0005171511%
AR513   Turrell City, Arkansas   0.0090687475%
AR514   Twin Groves Town, Arkansas   0.0156102657%
AR515   Tyronza City, Arkansas   0.0382955139%
AR516   Ulm Town, Arkansas   0.0000897216%
AR517   Union County, Arkansas   0.4520045466%
AR518   Valley Springs Town, Arkansas   0.0032716177%
AR519   Van Buren City, Arkansas   1.7649031789%
AR520   Van Buren County, Arkansas   0.3641848711%
AR521   Vandervoort Town, Arkansas   0.0000659675%
AR522   Victoria Town, Arkansas   0.0005446257%
AR523   Vilonia City, Arkansas   0.1035441323%
AR524   Viola Town, Arkansas   0.0032700437%
AR525   Wabbaseka Town, Arkansas   0.0082530968%
AR526   Waldenburg Town, Arkansas   0.0023526513%
AR527   Waldo City, Arkansas   0.0028426141%
AR528   Waldron City, Arkansas   0.1501465474%
AR529   Walnut Ridge City, Arkansas   0.0315460763%
AR530   Ward City, Arkansas   0.1482609634%
AR531   Warren City, Arkansas   0.1331456688%
AR532   Washington City, Arkansas   0.0014218079%
AR533   Washington County, Arkansas   2.0141562897%
AR534   Watson City, Arkansas   0.0000569524%
AR535   Weiner City, Arkansas   0.0115016760%
AR536   Weldon Town, Arkansas   0.0015514534%
AR537   West Fork City, Arkansas   0.0278779379%
AR538   West Memphis City, Arkansas   0.6402086383%
AR539   West Point Town, Arkansas   0.0031173596%
AR540   Western Grove Town, Arkansas   0.0057204300%
AR541   Wheatley City, Arkansas   0.0050976735%
AR542   Whelen Springs Town, Arkansas   0.0002381128%
AR543   White County, Arkansas   0.9979591705%
AR544   White Hall City, Arkansas   0.0551959387%
AR545   Wickes Town, Arkansas   0.0001422380%
AR546   Widener Town, Arkansas   0.0014565804%
AR547   Wiederkehr Village City, Arkansas   0.0015955272%
AR548   Williford Town, Arkansas   0.0025041906%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
AR549   Willisville Town, Arkansas   0.0003913692%
AR550   Wilmar City, Arkansas   0.0018078825%
AR551   Wilmot City, Arkansas   0.0171605744%
AR552   Wilson City, Arkansas   0.0038733390%
AR553   Wilton City, Arkansas   0.0002323889%
AR554   Winchester Town, Arkansas   0.0011094280%
AR555   Winslow City, Arkansas   0.0059329284%
AR556   Winthrop City, Arkansas   0.0004315794%
AR557   Woodruff County, Arkansas   0.2136270641%
AR558   Wooster Town, Arkansas   0.0052930004%
AR559   Wrightsville City, Arkansas   0.0089014675%
AR560   Wynne City, Arkansas   0.1541190523%
AR561   Yell County, Arkansas   0.5032932325%
AR562   Yellville City, Arkansas   0.0268081476%
AR563   Zinc Town, Arkansas   0.0018492375%
AR564   Keo Town, Arkansas   0.0137063654%
AR565   Letona Town, Arkansas   0.0096119422%
AR567   Lexa Town, Arkansas   0.0073056542%
AR568   Lonsdale Town, Arkansas   0.0009432928%
AR569   Lowell City, Arkansas   0.2449366017%
AR570   Marshall City, Arkansas   0.0391797079%
AR571   McNeil City, Arkansas   0.0006390694%
AR572   Mountain View City, Arkansas   0.1444262605%
AR573   Nimmons Town, Arkansas   0.0001405209%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision  

Consolidated State


CA1   Adelanto City, California  

Allocations in
California will be
made in accordance
with the California

CA2   Agoura Hills City, California  
CA3   Alameda City, California  
CA4   Alameda County, California  
CA5   Albany City, California  
CA6   Alhambra City, California  
CA7   Aliso Viejo City, California  
CA9   Amador County, California  
CA10   American Canyon City, California  
CA11   Anaheim City, California  
CA12   Anderson City, California  
CA13   Antioch City, California  
CA14   Apple Valley Town, California  
CA15   Arcadia City, California  
CA16   Arcata City, California  
CA17   Arroyo Grande City, California  
CA18   Artesia City, California  
CA19   Arvin City, California  
CA20   Atascadero City, California  
CA21   Atwater City, California  
CA22   Auburn City, California  
CA23   Avenal City, California  
CA24   Azusa City, California  
CA25   Bakersfield City, California  
CA26   Baldwin Park City, California  
CA27   Banning City, California  
CA28   Barstow City, California  
CA29   Beaumont City, California  
CA30   Bell City, California  
CA31   Bell Gardens City, California  
CA32   Bellflower City, California  
CA33   Belmont City, California  
CA34   Benicia City, California  
CA35   Berkeley City, California  
CA36   Beverly Hills City, California  
CA37   Blythe City, California  
CA38   Brawley City, California  
CA39   Brea City, California  
CA40   Brentwood City, California  
CA41   Buena Park City, California  
CA42   Burbank City, California  
CA43   Burlingame City, California  
CA44   Butte County, California  
CA45   Calabasas City, California  
CA46   Calaveras County, California  
CA47   Calexico City, California  
CA48   California City, California  







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
CA49   Camarillo City, California   Allocations in
California will be
made in accordance
with the California
CA50   Campbell City, California  
CA51   Canyon Lake City, California  
CA52   Capitola City, California  
CA53   Carlsbad City, California  
CA54   Carpinteria City, California  
CA55   Carson City, California  
CA56   Cathedral City, California  
CA57   Ceres City, California  
CA58   Cerritos City, California  
CA59   Chico City, California  
CA60   Chino City, California  
CA61   Chino Hills City, California  
CA62   Chowchilla City, California  
CA63   Chula Vista City, California  
CA64   Citrus Heights City, California  
CA65   Claremont City, California  
CA66   Clayton City, California  
CA67   Clearlake City, California  
CA68   Clovis City, California  
CA69   Coachella City, California  
CA70   Coalinga City, California  
CA71   Colton City, California  
CA72   Colusa County, California  
CA73   Commerce City, California  
CA74   Compton City, California  
CA75   Concord City, California  
CA76   Contra Costa County, California  
CA77   Corcoran City, California  
CA78   Corona City, California  
CA79   Coronado City, California  
CA80   Costa Mesa City, California  
CA81   Covina City, California  
CA82   Cudahy City, California  
CA83   Culver City, California  
CA84   Cupertino City, California  
CA85   Cypress City, California  
CA86   Daly City, California  
CA87   Dana Point City, California  
CA88   Danville Town, California  
CA89   Davis City, California  
CA90   Del Norte County, California  
CA91   Delano City, California  
CA92   Desert Hot Springs City, California  
CA93   Diamond Bar City, California  
CA94   Dinuba City, California  
CA95   Dixon City, California  







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID    Qualifying Subdivision    Consolidated State
CA96   Downey City, California   Allocations in
California will be
made in accordance
with the California
CA97   Duarte City, California  
CA98   Dublin City, California  
CA99   East Palo Alto City, California  
CA100   Eastvale City, California  
CA101   El Cajon City, California  
CA102   El Centro City, California  
CA103   El Cerrito City, California  
CA104   El Dorado County, California  
CA105   El Monte City, California  
CA106   El Paso De Robles (Paso Robles) City, California  
CA107   El Segundo City, California  
CA108   Elk Grove City, California  
CA109   Emeryville City, California  
CA110   Encinitas City, California  
CA111   Escondido City, California  
CA112   Eureka City, California  
CA113   Exeter City, California  
CA114   Fairfield City, California  
CA115   Farmersville City, California  
CA116   Fillmore City, California  
CA117   Folsom City, California  
CA118   Fontana City, California  
CA119   Fortuna City, California  
CA120   Foster City, California  
CA121   Fountain Valley City, California  
CA122   Fremont City, California  
CA123   Fresno City, California  
CA124   Fresno County, California  
CA125   Fullerton City, California  
CA126   Galt City, California  
CA127   Garden Grove City, California  
CA128   Gardena City, California  
CA129   Gilroy City, California  
CA130   Glendale City, California  
CA131   Glendora City, California  
CA132   Glenn County, California  
CA133   Goleta City, California  
CA134   Grand Terrace City, California  
CA135   Grass Valley City, California  
CA136   Greenfield City, California  
CA137   Grover Beach City, California  
CA138   Half Moon Bay City, California  
CA139   Hanford City, California  
CA140   Hawaiian Gardens City, California  
CA141   Hawthorne City, California  







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID     Qualifying Subdivision     Consolidated State
CA142   Hayward City, California   Allocations in
California will be
made in accordance
with the California
CA143   Healdsburg City, California  
CA144   Hemet City, California  
CA145   Hercules City, California  
CA146   Hermosa Beach City, California  
CA147   Hesperia City, California  
CA148   Highland City, California  
CA149   Hillsborough Town, California  
CA150   Hollister City, California  
CA151   Humboldt County, California  
CA152   Huntington Beach City, California  
CA153   Huntington Park City, California  
CA154   Imperial Beach City, California  
CA155   Imperial City, California  
CA156   Imperial County, California  
CA157   Indio City, California  
CA158   Inglewood City, California  
CA159   Inyo County, California  
CA160   Irvine City, California  
CA161   Jurupa Valley City, California  
CA162   Kerman City, California  
CA163   Kern County, California  
CA164   King City, California  
CA165   Kings County, California  
CA166   Kingsburg City, California  
CA167   La Cañada Flintridge City, California  
CA168   La Habra City, California  
CA169   La Mesa City, California  
CA170   La Mirada City, California  
CA171   La Palma City, California  
CA172   La Puente City, California  
CA173   La Quinta City, California  
CA174   La Verne City, California  
CA175   Lafayette City, California  
CA176   Laguna Beach City, California  
CA177   Laguna Hills City, California  
CA178   Laguna Niguel City, California  
CA179   Laguna Woods City, California  
CA180   Lake County, California  
CA181   Lake Elsinore City, California  
CA182   Lake Forest City, California  
CA183   Lakeport City, California  
CA184   Lakewood City, California  
CA185   Lancaster City, California  
CA186   Larkspur City, California  
CA187   Lassen County, California  
CA188   Lathrop City, California  








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
CA189  Lawndale City, California    
CA190  Lemon Grove City, California    
CA191  Lemoore City, California    
CA192  Lincoln City, California    
CA193  Lindsay City, California    
CA194  Livermore City, California    
CA195  Livingston City, California    
CA196  Lodi City, California    
CA197  Loma Linda City, California    
CA198  Lomita City, California    
CA199  Lompoc City, California    
CA200  Long Beach City, California    
CA201  Los Alamitos City, California    
CA202  Los Altos City, California    
CA203  Los Angeles City, California    
CA204  Los Angeles County, California    
CA205  Los Banos City, California    
CA206  Los Gatos Town, California    
CA207  Lynwood City, California    
CA208  Madera City, California    
CA209  Madera County, California    
CA210  Malibu City, California   Allocations in
CA211  Manhattan Beach City, California   California will be
CA212  Manteca City, California   made in accordance
CA213  Marin County, California   with the California
CA214  Marina City, California   State-Subdivision
CA215  Mariposa County, California   Agreement.
CA216  Martinez City, California    
CA217  Marysville City, California    
CA218  Maywood City, California    
CA219  McFarland City, California    
CA220  Mendocino County, California    
CA221  Mendota City, California    
CA222  Menifee City, California    
CA223  Menlo Park City, California    
CA224  Merced City, California    
CA225  Merced County, California    
CA226  Mill Valley City, California    
CA227  Millbrae City, California    
CA228  Milpitas City, California    
CA229  Mission Viejo City, California    
CA230  Modesto City, California    
CA231  Modoc County, California    
CA232  Mono County, California    
CA233  Monrovia City, California    
CA234  Montclair City, California    
CA235  Montebello City, California    








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
CA236  Monterey City, California    
CA237  Monterey County, California    
CA238  Monterey Park City, California    
CA239  Moorpark City, California    
CA240  Moraga Town, California    
CA241  Moreno Valley City, California    
CA242  Morgan Hill City, California    
CA243  Morro Bay City, California    
CA244  Mountain View City, California    
CA245  Murrieta City, California    
CA246  Napa City, California    
CA247  Napa County, California    
CA248  National City, California    
CA249  Nevada County, California    
CA250  Newark City, California    
CA251  Newman City, California    
CA252  Newport Beach City, California    
CA253  Norco City, California    
CA254  Norwalk City, California    
CA255  Novato City, California    
CA256  Oakdale City, California    
CA257  Oakland City, California   Allocations in
CA258  Oakley City, California   California will be
CA259  Oceanside City, California   made in accordance
CA260  Ontario City, California   with the California
CA261  Orange City, California   State-Subdivision
CA262  Orange County, California   Agreement.
CA263  Orange Cove City, California    
CA264  Orinda City, California    
CA265  Oroville City, California    
CA266  Oxnard City, California    
CA267  Pacific Grove City, California    
CA268  Pacifica City, California    
CA269  Palm Desert City, California    
CA270  Palm Springs City, California    
CA271  Palmdale City, California    
CA272  Palo Alto City, California    
CA273  Palos Verdes Estates City, California    
CA274  Paramount City, California    
CA275  Parlier City, California    
CA276  Pasadena City, California    
CA277  Patterson City, California    
CA278  Perris City, California    
CA279  Petaluma City, California    
CA280  Pico Rivera City, California    
CA281  Piedmont City, California    
CA282  Pinole City, California    








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
CA283  Pittsburg City, California    
CA284  Placentia City, California    
CA285  Placer County, California    
CA286  Placerville City, California    
CA287  Pleasant Hill City, California    
CA288  Pleasanton City, California    
CA289  Plumas County, California    
CA290  Pomona City, California    
CA291  Port Hueneme City, California    
CA292  Porterville City, California    
CA293  Poway City, California    
CA294  Rancho Cordova City, California    
CA295  Rancho Cucamonga City, California    
CA296  Rancho Mirage City, California    
CA297  Rancho Palos Verdes City, California    
CA298  Rancho Santa Margarita City, California    
CA299  Red Bluff City, California    
CA300  Redding City, California    
CA301  Redlands City, California    
CA302  Redondo Beach City, California    
CA303  Redwood City, California    
CA304  Reedley City, California   Allocations in
CA305  Rialto City, California   California will be
CA306  Richmond City, California   made in accordance
CA307  Ridgecrest City, California   with the California
CA308  Ripon City, California   State-Subdivision
CA309  Riverbank City, California   Agreement.
CA310  Riverside City, California    
CA311  Riverside County, California    
CA312  Rocklin City, California    
CA313  Rohnert Park City, California    
CA314  Rosemead City, California    
CA315  Roseville City, California    
CA316  Sacramento City, California    
CA317  Sacramento County, California    
CA318  Salinas City, California    
CA319  San Anselmo Town, California    
CA320  San Benito County, California    
CA321  San Bernardino City, California    
CA322  San Bernardino County, California    
CA323  San Bruno City, California    
CA324  San Buenaventura (Ventura) City, California    
CA325  San Carlos City, California    
CA326  San Clemente City, California    
CA327  San Diego City, California    
CA328  San Diego County, California    








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
CA329  San Dimas City, California    
CA330  San Fernando City, California    
CA331  San Francisco City, California    
CA332  San Gabriel City, California    
CA333  San Jacinto City, California    
CA334  San Joaquin County, California    
CA335  San Jose City, California    
CA336  San Juan Capistrano City, California    
CA337  San Leandro City, California    
CA338  San Luis Obispo City, California    
CA339  San Luis Obispo County, California    
CA340  San Marcos City, California    
CA341  San Marino City, California    
CA342  San Mateo City, California    
CA343  San Mateo County, California    
CA344  San Pablo City, California    
CA345  San Rafael City, California    
CA346  San Ramon City, California    
CA347  Sanger City, California    
CA348  Santa Ana City, California    
CA349  Santa Barbara City, California    
CA350  Santa Barbara County, California   Allocations in
CA351  Santa Clara City, California   California will be
CA352  Santa Clara County, California   made in accordance
CA353  Santa Clarita City, California   with the California
CA354  Santa Cruz City, California   State-Subdivision
CA355  Santa Cruz County, California   Agreement.
CA356  Santa Fe Springs City, California    
CA357  Santa Maria City, California    
CA358  Santa Monica City, California    
CA359  Santa Paula City, California    
CA360  Santa Rosa City, California    
CA361  Santee City, California    
CA362  Saratoga City, California    
CA363  Scotts Valley City, California    
CA364  Seal Beach City, California    
CA365  Seaside City, California    
CA366  Selma City, California    
CA367  Shafter City, California    
CA368  Shasta County, California    
CA369  Shasta Lake City, California    
CA371  Sierra Madre City, California    
CA372  Signal Hill City, California    
CA373  Simi Valley City, California    
CA374  Siskiyou County, California    
CA375  Solana Beach City, California    
CA376  Solano County, California    








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
CA377  Soledad City, California    
CA378  Sonoma City, California    
CA379  Sonoma County, California    
CA380  South El Monte City, California    
CA381  South Gate City, California    
CA382  South Lake Tahoe City, California    
CA383  South Pasadena City, California    
CA384  South San Francisco City, California    
CA385  Stanislaus County, California    
CA386  Stanton City, California    
CA387  Stockton City, California    
CA388  Suisun City, California    
CA389  Sunnyvale City, California    
CA390  Susanville City, California    
CA391  Sutter County, California    
CA392  Tehachapi City, California    
CA393  Tehama County, California    
CA394  Temecula City, California    
CA395  Temple City, California    
CA396  Thousand Oaks City, California    
CA397  Torrance City, California    
CA398  Tracy City, California    
CA399  Trinity County, California   Allocations in
CA400  Truckee Town, California   California will be
CA401  Tulare City, California   made in accordance
CA402  Tulare County, California   with the California
CA403  Tuolumne County, California   State-Subdivision
CA404  Turlock City, California   Agreement.
CA405  Tustin City, California    
CA406  Twentynine Palms City, California    
CA407  Ukiah City, California    
CA408  Union City, California    
CA409  Upland City, California    
CA410  Vacaville City, California    
CA411  Vallejo City, California    
CA412  Ventura County, California    
CA413  Victorville City, California    
CA414  Visalia City, California    
CA415  Vista City, California    
CA416  Walnut City, California    
CA417  Walnut Creek City, California    
CA418  Wasco City, California    
CA419  Watsonville City, California    
CA420  West Covina City, California    
CA421  West Hollywood City, California    
CA422  West Sacramento City, California    
CA423  Westminster City, California    








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
CA424  Whittier City, California    
CA425  Wildomar City, California    
CA426  Windsor Town, California   Allocations in
CA427  Woodland City, California   California will be
CA428  Yolo County, California   made in accordance
CA429  Yorba Linda City, California   with the California
CA430  Yuba City, California   State-Subdivision
CA431  Yuba County, California   Agreement.
CA432  Yucaipa City, California    
CA433  Yucca Valley Town, California    








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
CO1   Adams County, Colorado   6.4563067236%
CO2   Alamosa City, Colorado   0.0745910871%
CO3   Alamosa County, Colorado   0.4334718288%
CO4   Arapahoe County, Colorado   4.8467256550%
CO5   Archuleta County, Colorado   0.1370425096%
CO6   Arvada City, Colorado   1.2841799450%
CO7   Aurora City, Colorado   4.2914496137%
CO8   Baca County, Colorado   0.0592396985%
CO9   Bent County, Colorado   0.1133427512%
CO10   Black Hawk City, Colorado   0.0260393489%
CO11   Boulder City, Colorado   1.8402051032%
CO12   Boulder County, Colorado   2.8040191342%
CO13   Brighton City, Colorado   0.1405791210%
CO14   Broomfield City, Colorado   1.0013917112%
CO15   Cañon City, Colorado   0.3070751207%
CO16   Castle Pines City, Colorado   0.0073662408%
CO17   Castle Rock Town, Colorado   0.4961417855%
CO18   Centennial City, Colorado   0.0476600277%
CO19   Chaffee County, Colorado   0.3604069298%
CO20   Cheyenne County, Colorado   0.0159109271%
CO21   Clear Creek County, Colorado   0.1380433961%
CO22   Colorado Springs City, Colorado   9.6056573895%
CO23   Commerce City, Colorado   0.4459216299%
CO24   Conejos County, Colorado   0.2108486947%
CO25   Costilla County, Colorado   0.0552334207%
CO26   Crowley County, Colorado   0.0933584380%
CO27   Custer County, Colorado   0.0412185507%
CO28   Delta County, Colorado   0.5440118792%
CO29   Denver City, Colorado   15.0041699144%
CO30   Dolores County, Colorado   0.0352358134%
CO31   Douglas County, Colorado   2.6394119072%
CO32   Durango City, Colorado   0.2380966286%
CO33   Eagle County, Colorado   0.6187127797%
CO34   El Paso County, Colorado   2.2654220766%
CO35   Elbert County, Colorado   0.2804372613%
CO36   Englewood City, Colorado   0.6035403160%
CO37   Erie Town, Colorado   0.0550006818%
CO38   Evans City, Colorado   0.1783043118%
CO39   Federal Heights City, Colorado   0.1079698153%
CO40   Firestone Town, Colorado   0.0578836029%
CO41   Fort Collins City, Colorado   1.1954809288%
CO42   Fort Morgan City, Colorado   0.1301284524%
CO43   Fountain City, Colorado   0.1186014119%
CO44   Frederick Town, Colorado   0.0483214578%
CO45   Fremont County, Colorado   0.6866476799%
CO46   Fruita City, Colorado   0.0482720145%
CO47   Garfield County, Colorado   0.8376446894%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
CO48   Gilpin County, Colorado   0.0300906083%
CO49   Golden City, Colorado   0.3661894352%
CO50   Grand County, Colorado   0.2036540033%
CO51   Grand Junction City, Colorado   1.0740385726%
CO52   Greeley City, Colorado   1.2128607699%
CO53   Greenwood Village City, Colorado   0.3058723632%
CO54   Gunnison County, Colorado   0.1912939834%
CO55   Hinsdale County, Colorado   0.0112390306%
CO56   Hudson Town, Colorado   0.0002554118%
CO57   Huerfano County, Colorado   0.2504945278%
CO58   Jackson County, Colorado   0.0309834115%
CO59   Jefferson County, Colorado   6.2301417879%
CO60   Johnstown, Colorado   0.0880406820%
CO61   Kiowa County, Colorado   0.0142237522%
CO62   Kit Carson County, Colorado   0.0939715175%
CO63   La Plata County, Colorado   0.5745585865%
CO64   Lafayette City, Colorado   0.1923606122%
CO65   Lake County, Colorado   0.0989843273%
CO66   Lakewood City, Colorado   1.6765864702%
CO67   Larimer County, Colorado   3.6771380213%
CO68   Las Animas County, Colorado   0.6303942510%
CO69   Lincoln County, Colorado   0.0819433053%
CO70   Littleton City, Colorado   0.9911426404%
CO71   Logan County, Colorado   0.2819912214%
CO72   Lone Tree City, Colorado   0.1937076023%
CO73   Longmont City, Colorado   0.8513027113%
CO74   Louisville City, Colorado   0.0837469407%
CO75   Loveland City, Colorado   1.5095861119%
CO76   Mesa County, Colorado   1.7687427882%
CO77   Mineral County, Colorado   0.0039157682%
CO78   Moffat County, Colorado   0.2325862894%
CO79   Montezuma County, Colorado   0.4428801804%
CO80   Montrose City, Colorado   0.0375815957%
CO81   Montrose County, Colorado   0.5319658200%
CO82   Morgan County, Colorado   0.3376035258%
CO83   Northglenn City, Colorado   0.1972243635%
CO84   Otero County, Colorado   0.4486069596%
CO85   Ouray County, Colorado   0.0534887895%
CO86   Park County, Colorado   0.1673691348%
CO87   Parker Town, Colorado   0.3247124678%
CO88   Phillips County, Colorado   0.0713973011%
CO89   Pitkin County, Colorado   0.1746622577%
CO90   Prowers County, Colorado   0.1726881656%
CO91   Pueblo City, Colorado   2.5730616529%
CO92   Pueblo County, Colorado   3.1025919095%
CO93   Rio Blanco County, Colorado   0.1012968741%
CO94   Rio Grande County, Colorado   0.2526177695%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
CO95   Routt County, Colorado   0.2323178565%
CO96   Saguache County, Colorado   0.0666194156%
CO97   San Juan County, Colorado   0.0097000947%
CO98   San Miguel County, Colorado   0.1004727271%
CO99   Sedgwick County, Colorado   0.0618109352%
CO100   Sheridan City, Colorado   0.2306795787%
CO101   Steamboat Springs City, Colorado   0.1513646932%
CO102   Sterling City, Colorado   0.0995110857%
CO103   Summit County, Colorado   0.3761345614%
CO104   Superior Town, Colorado   0.0014920421%
CO105   Teller County, Colorado   0.6218972779%
CO106   Thornton City, Colorado   1.0031200434%
CO107   Washington County, Colorado   0.0356553080%
CO108   Weld County, Colorado   2.2921158443%
CO109   Wellington Town, Colorado   0.0235131848%
CO110   Westminster City, Colorado   1.1920065086%
CO111   Wheat Ridge City, Colorado   0.3438324783%
CO112   Windsor Town, Colorado   0.0900350795%
CO113   Yuma County, Colorado   0.0992146077%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
CT1   Andover Town, Connecticut   0.0513214640%
CT2   Ansonia City, Connecticut   0.5316052437%
CT3   Ashford Town, Connecticut   0.1096965130%
CT4   Avon Town, Connecticut   0.5494886534%
CT5   Barkhamsted Town, Connecticut   0.0620629520%
CT6   Beacon Falls Town, Connecticut   0.1953947308%
CT7   Berlin Town, Connecticut   0.5215629385%
CT8   Bethany Town, Connecticut   0.1039156068%
CT9   Bethel Town, Connecticut   0.3522422145%
CT10   Bethlehem Town, Connecticut   0.0078647202%
CT11   Bloomfield Town, Connecticut   0.4888368136%
CT12   Bolton Town, Connecticut   0.1520831395%
CT13   Bozrah Town, Connecticut   0.0582057867%
CT14   Branford Town, Connecticut   0.8903816954%
CT15   Bridgeport City, Connecticut   3.2580743095%
CT16   Bridgewater Town, Connecticut   0.0118125935%
CT17   Bristol City, Connecticut   1.3355768908%
CT18   Brookfield Town, Connecticut   0.3087903124%
CT19   Brooklyn Town, Connecticut   0.1880661562%
CT20   Burlington Town, Connecticut   0.2348761319%
CT21   Canaan Town, Connecticut   0.0343343640%
CT22   Canterbury Town, Connecticut   0.1354310071%
CT23   Canton Town, Connecticut   0.2669011966%
CT24   Chaplin Town, Connecticut   0.0523959290%
CT25   Cheshire Town, Connecticut   0.9783113499%
CT26   Chester Town, Connecticut   0.0772387574%
CT27   Clinton Town, Connecticut   0.5348726093%
CT28   Colchester Town, Connecticut   0.6134395770%
CT29   Colebrook Town, Connecticut   0.0296870114%
CT30   Columbia Town, Connecticut   0.1005666237%
CT31   Cornwall Town, Connecticut   0.0486027928%
CT32   Coventry Town, Connecticut   0.3460011479%
CT33   Cromwell Town, Connecticut   0.4750451453%
CT34   Danbury City, Connecticut   1.1556465907%
CT35   Darien Town, Connecticut   0.6429649345%
CT36   Deep River Town, Connecticut   0.0924563595%
CT37   Derby City, Connecticut   0.3503125449%
CT38   Durham Town, Connecticut   0.0079309232%
CT39   East Granby Town, Connecticut   0.1455975170%
CT40   East Haddam Town, Connecticut   0.3145696377%
CT41   East Hampton Town, Connecticut   0.4637546663%
CT42   East Hartford Town, Connecticut   1.2645454069%
CT43   East Haven Town, Connecticut   0.8590923735%
CT44   East Lyme Town, Connecticut   0.6375826296%
CT45   East Windsor Town, Connecticut   0.2419743793%
CT46   Eastford Town, Connecticut   0.0446651958%
CT47   Easton Town, Connecticut   0.1354961231%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
CT48   Ellington Town, Connecticut   0.4010047839%
CT49   Enfield Town, Connecticut   0.9173431190%
CT50   Essex Town, Connecticut   0.1431870357%
CT51   Fairfield Town, Connecticut   1.4212308415%
CT52   Farmington Town, Connecticut   0.6572091547%
CT53   Franklin Town, Connecticut   0.0446032416%
CT54   Glastonbury Town, Connecticut   1.0420644550%
CT55   Goshen Town, Connecticut   0.0030464255%
CT56   Granby Town, Connecticut   0.2928405247%
CT57   Greenwich Town, Connecticut   1.5644702467%
CT58   Griswold Town, Connecticut   0.3865570141%
CT59   Groton Town, Connecticut   1.4033874500%
CT60   Guilford Town, Connecticut   0.8399392493%
CT61   Haddam Town, Connecticut   0.0151716553%
CT62   Hamden Town, Connecticut   1.7724359413%
CT63   Hampton Town, Connecticut   0.0429454985%
CT64   Hartford City, Connecticut   5.3268549899%
CT65   Hartland Town, Connecticut   0.0359782738%
CT66   Harwinton Town, Connecticut   0.0126363764%
CT67   Hebron Town, Connecticut   0.1593443254%
CT68   Kent Town, Connecticut   0.0835899976%
CT69   Killingly Town, Connecticut   0.6116898413%
CT70   Killingworth Town, Connecticut   0.2652963170%
CT71   Lebanon Town, Connecticut   0.2746607824%
CT72   Ledyard Town, Connecticut   0.5514380850%
CT73   Lisbon Town, Connecticut   0.1156355161%
CT74   Litchfield Town, Connecticut   0.3481982974%
CT75   Lyme Town, Connecticut   0.0023141411%
CT76   Madison Town, Connecticut   0.7594223560%
CT77   Manchester Town, Connecticut   1.3929765818%
CT78   Mansfield Town, Connecticut   0.3058754037%
CT79   Marlborough Town, Connecticut   0.0766010346%
CT80   Meriden City, Connecticut   1.8508778149%
CT81   Middlebury Town, Connecticut   0.0276033951%
CT82   Middlefield Town, Connecticut   0.0075627554%
CT83   Middletown City, Connecticut   1.5343128975%
CT84   Milford City, Connecticut   1.8215679630%
CT85   Monroe Town, Connecticut   0.4307375445%
CT86   Montville Town, Connecticut   0.5806185940%
CT87   Morris Town, Connecticut   0.0099785725%
CT88   Naugatuck Borough, Connecticut   1.0644527326%
CT89   New Britain City, Connecticut   1.5740557511%
CT90   New Canaan Town, Connecticut   0.6136187204%
CT91   New Fairfield Town, Connecticut   0.2962030448%
CT92   New Hartford Town, Connecticut   0.1323482193%
CT93   New Haven City, Connecticut   5.8061427601%
CT94   New London City, Connecticut   1.0536729060%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
CT95   New Milford Town, Connecticut   1.0565475001%
CT96   Newington Town, Connecticut   0.7132456565%
CT97   Newtown, Connecticut   0.5964476353%
CT98   Norfolk Town, Connecticut   0.0442819100%
CT99   North Branford Town, Connecticut   0.4795791623%
CT100   North Canaan Town, Connecticut   0.0913148022%
CT101   North Haven Town, Connecticut   0.7922543069%
CT102   North Stonington Town, Connecticut   0.1803885830%
CT103   Norwalk City, Connecticut   1.5918210823%
CT104   Norwich City, Connecticut   1.1639182124%
CT105   Old Lyme Town, Connecticut   0.0247921386%
CT106   Old Saybrook Town, Connecticut   0.4181170767%
CT107   Orange Town, Connecticut   0.3683598812%
CT108   Oxford Town, Connecticut   0.3955127994%
CT109   Plainfield Town, Connecticut   0.5352043161%
CT110   Plainville Town, Connecticut   0.3937549612%
CT111   Plymouth Town, Connecticut   0.4213382978%
CT112   Pomfret Town, Connecticut   0.1174722050%
CT113   Portland Town, Connecticut   0.3205523149%
CT114   Preston Town, Connecticut   0.1319895374%
CT115   Prospect Town, Connecticut   0.3056173107%
CT116   Putnam Town, Connecticut   0.2953254103%
CT117   Redding Town, Connecticut   0.1726435223%
CT118   Ridgefield Town, Connecticut   0.6645173744%
CT119   Rocky Hill Town, Connecticut   0.3929175425%
CT120   Roxbury Town, Connecticut   0.0037924445%
CT121   Salem Town, Connecticut   0.1075219911%
CT122   Salisbury Town, Connecticut   0.1052257347%
CT123   Scotland Town, Connecticut   0.0395212218%
CT124   Seymour Town, Connecticut   0.5301171581%
CT125   Sharon Town, Connecticut   0.0761294123%
CT126   Shelton City, Connecticut   0.5601099879%
CT127   Sherman Town, Connecticut   0.0494382353%
CT128   Simsbury Town, Connecticut   0.6988446241%
CT129   Somers Town, Connecticut   0.2491740063%
CT130   South Windsor Town, Connecticut   0.7310935932%
CT131   Southbury Town, Connecticut   0.0581965974%
CT132   Southington Town, Connecticut   0.9683065927%
CT133   Sprague Town, Connecticut   0.0874709763%
CT134   Stafford Town, Connecticut   0.3388202949%
CT135   Stamford City, Connecticut   2.9070395589%
CT136   Sterling Town, Connecticut   0.0949826467%
CT137   Stonington Town, Connecticut   0.5576891315%
CT138   Stratford Town, Connecticut   0.9155695700%
CT139   Suffield Town, Connecticut   0.3402792315%
CT140   Thomaston Town, Connecticut   0.2664061562%
CT141   Thompson Town, Connecticut   0.2673479187%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
CT142   Tolland Town, Connecticut   0.4342020371%
CT143   Torrington City, Connecticut   1.3652460176%
CT144   Trumbull Town, Connecticut   0.7617744403%
CT145   Union Town, Connecticut   0.0153941764%
CT146   Vernon Town, Connecticut   0.7027162157%
CT147   Voluntown, Connecticut   0.0733181557%
CT148   Wallingford Town, Connecticut   1.5350353996%
CT149   Warren Town, Connecticut   0.0489758024%
CT150   Washington Town, Connecticut   0.1553517897%
CT151   Waterbury City, Connecticut   4.6192219654%
CT152   Waterford Town, Connecticut   0.7608802056%
CT153   Watertown, Connecticut   0.6868118808%
CT154   West Hartford Town, Connecticut   1.6216697477%
CT155   West Haven City, Connecticut   1.4026972589%
CT156   Westbrook Town, Connecticut   0.2586999280%
CT157   Weston Town, Connecticut   0.3664201329%
CT158   Westport Town, Connecticut   0.8921084083%
CT159   Wethersfield Town, Connecticut   0.6208707168%
CT160   Willington Town, Connecticut   0.0975268185%
CT161   Wilton Town, Connecticut   0.6378099925%
CT162   Winchester Town, Connecticut   0.3760305376%
CT163   Windham Town, Connecticut   1.0108949901%
CT164   Windsor Locks Town, Connecticut   0.3174167624%
CT165   Windsor Town, Connecticut   0.7548324123%
CT166   Wolcott Town, Connecticut   0.5443693820%
CT167   Woodbridge Town, Connecticut   0.2435300513%
CT168   Woodbury Town, Connecticut   0.3411988605%
CT169   Woodmont Borough, Connecticut   0.0173159412%
CT170   Woodstock Town, Connecticut   0.1817110623%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
DE1   Dover City, Delaware   25.00000000%
DE2   Kent County, Delaware   25.00000000%
DE3   Middletown, Delaware   0.0000000000%
DE4   Milford City, Delaware   0.0000000000%
DE5   New Castle County, Delaware   0.0000000000%
DE6   Newark City, Delaware   0.0000000000%
DE7   Seaford City, Delaware   25.00000000%
DE8   Smyrna Town, Delaware   0.0000000000%
DE9   Sussex County, Delaware   25.00000000%
DE10   Wilmington City, Delaware   0.0000000000%









Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
FL1   Alachua County, Florida   0.8594613234%
FL2   Altamonte Springs City, Florida   0.0813054302%
FL3   Apopka City, Florida   0.0972154704%
FL4   Atlantic Beach City, Florida   0.0388915664%
FL5   Auburndale City, Florida   0.0286367831%
FL6   Aventura City, Florida   0.0246200756%
FL7   Avon Park City, Florida   0.0258288737%
FL8   Baker County, Florida   0.1931736622%
FL9   Bartow City, Florida   0.0439725748%
FL10   Bay County, Florida   0.5394465693%
FL11   Belle Glade City, Florida   0.0208278128%
FL12   Boca Raton City, Florida   0.4720689632%
FL13   Bonita Springs City, Florida   0.0173754580%
FL14   Boynton Beach City, Florida   0.3064979246%
FL15   Bradenton City, Florida   0.3799303249%
FL16   Bradford County, Florida   0.1894834807%
FL17   Brevard County, Florida   2.3870763525%
FL18   Broward County, Florida   4.0626227708%
FL19   Calhoun County, Florida   0.0471282181%
FL20   Callaway City, Florida   0.0249535015%
FL21   Cape Canaveral City, Florida   0.0455607190%
FL22   Cape Coral City, Florida   0.7144300110%
FL23   Casselberry City, Florida   0.0800352962%
FL24   Charlotte County, Florida   0.6902251426%
FL25   Citrus County, Florida   0.9696466473%
FL26   Clay County, Florida   1.1934300121%
FL27   Clearwater City, Florida   0.6338625372%
FL28   Clermont City, Florida   0.0759095348%
FL29   Cocoa Beach City, Florida   0.0843632048%
FL30   Cocoa City, Florida   0.1492447199%
FL31   Coconut Creek City, Florida   0.1011309318%
FL32   Collier County, Florida   1.3548224874%
FL33   Columbia County, Florida   0.3421221973%
FL34   Cooper City, Florida   0.0739363249%
FL35   Coral Gables City, Florida   0.0717799422%
FL36   Coral Springs City, Florida   0.3234064085%
FL37   Crestview City, Florida   0.0704397566%
FL38   Cutler Bay Town, Florida   0.0094141463%
FL39   Dania Beach City, Florida   0.0178067890%
FL40   Davie Town, Florida   0.2669225293%
FL41   Daytona Beach City, Florida   0.4475559985%
FL42   Daytona Beach Shores City, Florida   0.0397433158%
FL43   De Soto County, Florida   0.1136404205%
FL44   Debary City, Florida   0.0352833296%
FL45   Deerfield Beach City, Florida   0.2024233562%
FL46   Deland City, Florida   0.0989843542%
FL47   Delray Beach City, Florida   0.3518466005%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
FL48   Deltona City, Florida   0.1993292304%
FL49   Destin City, Florida   0.0146783092%
FL50   Dixie County, Florida   0.1037443927%
FL51   Doral City, Florida   0.0139780477%
FL52   Dunedin City, Florida   0.1024411213%
FL53   Eatonville Town, Florida   0.0083256415%
FL54   Edgewater City, Florida   0.0580427172%
FL55   Escambia County, Florida   1.0109990610%
FL56   Estero Village, Florida   0.0120797555%
FL57   Eustis City, Florida   0.0419300395%
FL58   Fernandina Beach City, Florida   0.0831601989%
FL59   Flagler County, Florida   0.3050082484%
FL60   Florida City, Florida   0.0039287890%
FL61   Fort Lauderdale City, Florida   0.8305816295%
FL62   Fort Myers City, Florida   0.4310995634%
FL63   Fort Pierce City, Florida   0.1595358726%
FL64   Fort Walton Beach City, Florida   0.0778370605%
FL65   Franklin County, Florida   0.0499106708%
FL66   Fruitland Park City, Florida   0.0083820932%
FL67   Gadsden County, Florida   0.1236554705%
FL68   Gainesville City, Florida   0.3815982894%
FL69   Gilchrist County, Florida   0.0643335042%
FL70   Glades County, Florida   0.0406124963%
FL71   Greenacres City, Florida   0.0764248986%
FL72   Groveland City, Florida   0.0261531482%
FL73   Gulf County, Florida   0.0599141908%
FL74   Gulfport City, Florida   0.0478945547%
FL75   Haines City, Florida   0.0479847066%
FL76   Hallandale Beach City, Florida   0.1549505272%
FL77   Hamilton County, Florida   0.0479418005%
FL78   Hardee County, Florida   0.0671103643%
FL79   Hendry County, Florida   0.1444608951%
FL80   Hernando County, Florida   1.5100758996%
FL81   Hialeah City, Florida   0.0980156525%
FL82   Hialeah Gardens City, Florida   0.0054519294%
FL83   Highlands County, Florida   0.2931860386%
FL84   Hillsborough County, Florida   6.5231125308%
FL85   Holly Hill City, Florida   0.0316162444%
FL86   Hollywood City, Florida   0.5201647754%
FL87   Holmes County, Florida   0.0816118922%
FL88   Homestead City, Florida   0.0249353985%
FL89   Indian River County, Florida   0.6541177901%
FL90   Jackson County, Florida   0.1589357678%
FL91   Jacksonville Beach City, Florida   0.1004466852%
FL92   Jacksonville City, Florida   5.2956380196%
FL93   Jefferson County, Florida   0.0408207989%
FL94   Jupiter Town, Florida   0.1254666431%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
FL95   Key Biscayne Village, Florida   0.0136838783%
FL96   Key West City, Florida   0.0880867779%
FL97   Kissimmee City, Florida   0.1623657708%
FL98   Lady Lake Town, Florida   0.0250481927%
FL99   Lafayette County, Florida   0.0319113399%
FL100   Lake City, Florida   0.1046594391%
FL101   Lake County, Florida   0.7815478562%
FL102   Lake Mary City, Florida   0.0797674370%
FL103   Lake Wales City, Florida   0.0362931762%
FL104   Lake Worth City, Florida   0.1171459041%
FL105   Lakeland City, Florida   0.2948749206%
FL106   Lantana Town, Florida   0.0245078987%
FL107   Largo City, Florida   0.3741936498%
FL108   Lauderdale Lakes City, Florida   0.0626243040%
FL109   Lauderhill City, Florida   0.1443830721%
FL110   Lee County, Florida   2.1503874299%
FL111   Leesburg City, Florida   0.0913398906%
FL112   Leon County, Florida   0.4712019797%
FL113   Levy County, Florida   0.2511923208%
FL114   Liberty County, Florida   0.0193986191%
FL115   Lighthouse Point City, Florida   0.0291322827%
FL116   Longwood City, Florida   0.0617091669%
FL117   Lynn Haven City, Florida   0.0392057816%
FL118   Madison County, Florida   0.0635403309%
FL119   Maitland City, Florida   0.0467282451%
FL120   Manatee County, Florida   2.2885234019%
FL121   Marco Island City, Florida   0.0620945413%
FL122   Margate City, Florida   0.1436833554%
FL123   Marion County, Florida   1.3321814866%
FL124   Martin County, Florida   0.7882651079%
FL125   Melbourne City, Florida   0.3831054876%
FL126   Miami Beach City, Florida   0.1814092477%
FL127   Miami City, Florida   0.2927934557%
FL128   Miami Gardens City, Florida   0.0406839641%
FL129   Miami Lakes Town, Florida   0.0078375139%
FL130   Miami Shores Village, Florida   0.0062876094%
FL131   Miami Springs City, Florida   0.0061694950%
FL132   Miami-Dade County, Florida   4.3271705192%
FL133   Milton City, Florida   0.0466314657%
FL134   Minneola City, Florida   0.0160580418%
FL135   Miramar City, Florida   0.2792796404%
FL136   Monroe County, Florida   0.3883011967%
FL137   Mount Dora City, Florida   0.0410212212%
FL138   Naples City, Florida   0.1344157944%
FL139   Nassau County, Florida   0.3937725183%
FL140   New Port Richey City, Florida   0.1498783253%
FL141   New Smyrna Beach City, Florida   0.1040660344%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
FL142   Niceville City, Florida   0.0217446385%
FL143   North Lauderdale City, Florida   0.0660690508%
FL144   North Miami Beach City, Florida   0.0303917946%
FL145   North Miami City, Florida   0.0303784307%
FL146   North Palm Beach Village, Florida   0.0443491609%
FL147   North Port City, Florida   0.2096119036%
FL148   Oakland Park City, Florida   0.1004312332%
FL149   Ocala City, Florida   0.3689945815%
FL150   Ocoee City, Florida   0.0666000846%
FL151   Okaloosa County, Florida   0.6345124117%
FL152   Okeechobee County, Florida   0.3534953181%
FL153   Oldsmar City, Florida   0.0394219828%
FL154   Opa-Locka City, Florida   0.0078475369%
FL155   Orange City, Florida   0.0335624179%
FL156   Orange County, Florida   3.1307419804%
FL157   Orlando City, Florida   1.1602492100%
FL158   Ormond Beach City, Florida   0.1146438211%
FL159   Osceola County, Florida   0.8372491116%
FL160   Oviedo City, Florida   0.1031308696%
FL161   Palatka City, Florida   0.0469549231%
FL162   Palm Bay City, Florida   0.4048169342%
FL163   Palm Beach County, Florida   5.9784001645%
FL164   Palm Beach Gardens City, Florida   0.2336752163%
FL165   Palm Coast City, Florida   0.0848564709%
FL166   Palm Springs Village, Florida   0.0380209877%
FL167   Palmetto Bay Village, Florida   0.0074040767%
FL168   Palmetto City, Florida   0.0528697594%
FL169   Panama City Beach City, Florida   0.0808973045%
FL170   Panama City, Florida   0.1551531466%
FL171   Parkland City, Florida   0.0458042834%
FL172   Pasco County, Florida   4.4295368317%
FL173   Pembroke Pines City, Florida   0.4628331778%
FL174   Pensacola City, Florida   0.3306359554%
FL175   Pinecrest Village, Florida   0.0082965714%
FL176   Pinellas County, Florida   4.7935359992%
FL177   Pinellas Park City, Florida   0.2516664490%
FL178   Plant City, Florida   0.1042185754%
FL179   Plantation City, Florida   0.2139192761%
FL180   Polk County, Florida   1.6016881161%
FL181   Pompano Beach City, Florida   0.3354719648%
FL182   Port Orange City, Florida   0.1775970116%
FL183   Port St. Lucie City, Florida   0.3908042602%
FL184   Punta Gorda City, Florida   0.0471207554%
FL185   Putnam County, Florida   0.3379382594%
FL186   Riviera Beach City, Florida   0.1636174387%
FL187   Rockledge City, Florida   0.0966039082%
FL188   Royal Palm Beach Village, Florida   0.0492948779%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
FL189   Safety Harbor City, Florida   0.0380615697%
FL190   Sanford City, Florida   0.1642438718%
FL191   Santa Rosa County, Florida   0.6546368035%
FL192   Sarasota City, Florida   0.4842803786%
FL193   Sarasota County, Florida   1.9688041245%
FL194   Satellite Beach City, Florida   0.0359750389%
FL195   Sebastian City, Florida   0.0383157745%
FL196   Sebring City, Florida   0.0381728569%
FL197   Seminole City, Florida   0.0952489243%
FL198   Seminole County, Florida   1.5086951138%
FL199   South Daytona City, Florida   0.0452214101%
FL200   South Miami City, Florida   0.0078330472%
FL201   St Johns County, Florida   0.6638216753%
FL202   St Lucie County, Florida   0.9562887503%
FL203   St. Augustine City, Florida   0.0465108819%
FL204   St. Cloud City, Florida   0.0738366040%
FL205   St. Petersburg City, Florida   1.4565924173%
FL206   Stuart City, Florida   0.0812230134%
FL207   Sumter County, Florida   0.3263986345%
FL208   Sunny Isles Beach City, Florida   0.0076937793%
FL209   Sunrise City, Florida   0.2860704481%
FL210   Suwannee County, Florida   0.1910149373%
FL211   Sweetwater City, Florida   0.0041159745%
FL212   Tallahassee City, Florida   0.4259972563%
FL213   Tamarac City, Florida   0.1344928911%
FL214   Tampa City, Florida   1.9756726462%
FL215   Tarpon Springs City, Florida   0.1019709696%
FL216   Tavares City, Florida   0.0318218598%
FL217   Taylor County, Florida   0.0921812176%
FL218   Temple Terrace City, Florida   0.1079810418%
FL219   Titusville City, Florida   0.2400558465%
FL220   Union County, Florida   0.0651555116%
FL221   Venice City, Florida   0.1423476183%
FL222   Vero Beach City, Florida   0.0606417248%
FL223   Volusia County, Florida   1.7446849189%
FL224   Wakulla County, Florida   0.1151294611%
FL225   Walton County, Florida   0.2685576832%
FL226   Washington County, Florida   0.1201244575%
FL227   Wellington Village, Florida   0.0501840680%
FL228   West Melbourne City, Florida   0.0519971652%
FL229   West Palm Beach City, Florida   0.5492662267%
FL230   West Park City, Florida   0.0295538994%
FL231   Weston City, Florida   0.1386373546%
FL232   Wilton Manors City, Florida   0.0316306070%
FL233   Winter Garden City, Florida   0.0562653176%
FL234   Winter Haven City, Florida   0.0970328243%
FL235   Winter Park City, Florida   0.1049029672%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
FL236   Winter Springs City, Florida   0.0622621530%
FL237   Zephyrhills City, Florida   0.1126717551%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
GA1   Acworth City, Georgia   0.1010066057%
GA2   Adel City, Georgia   0.0545649432%
GA3   Albany City, Georgia   0.3157843012%
GA4   Alma City, Georgia   0.0720108615%
GA5   Alpharetta City, Georgia   0.2110377863%
GA6   Americus City, Georgia   0.0651732444%
GA7   Appling County, Georgia   0.1891925647%
GA8   Arlington City, Georgia   0.0057755147%
GA9   Athens-Clarke County Unified   1.3856330305%
    Government, Georgia    
GA10   Atkinson County, Georgia   0.0986720780%
GA11   Atlanta City, Georgia   2.9922320659%
GA12   Augusta-Richmond County Consolidated   2.7761021713%
    Government, Georgia    
GA13   Bacon County, Georgia   0.1326313298%
GA14   Bainbridge City, Georgia   0.0569861790%
GA15   Baker County, Georgia   0.0138992540%
GA16   Baldwin County, Georgia   0.2940093402%
GA17   Banks County, Georgia   0.2108287241%
GA18   Barrow County, Georgia   0.7562315570%
GA19   Bartow County, Georgia   1.0945235112%
GA20   Ben Hill County, Georgia   0.0834031458%
GA21   Berrien County, Georgia   0.1225733642%
GA22   Blackshear City, Georgia   0.0349161927%
GA23   Blakely City, Georgia   0.0158441397%
GA24   Bleckley County, Georgia   0.1430561858%
GA25   Brantley County, Georgia   0.2875410777%
GA26   Braselton Town, Georgia   0.0371467624%
GA27   Brookhaven City, Georgia   0.0913450445%
GA28   Brooks County, Georgia   0.1455943886%
GA29   Brunswick City, Georgia   0.1020085339%
GA30   Bryan County, Georgia   0.2289883650%
GA31   Buford City, Georgia   0.0023586547%
GA32   Bulloch County, Georgia   0.4088475182%
GA33   Burke County, Georgia   0.1875413288%
GA34   Butts County, Georgia   0.3178860983%
GA35   Calhoun City, Georgia   0.1780085402%
GA36   Calhoun County, Georgia   0.0360783561%
GA37   Camden County, Georgia   0.3387009665%
GA38   Candler County, Georgia   0.0990882539%
GA39   Canton City, Georgia   0.1378274535%
GA40   Carroll County, Georgia   1.4108548814%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
GA41   Carrollton City, Georgia   0.4395018339%
GA42   Cartersville City, Georgia   0.2991406477%
GA43   Catoosa County, Georgia   1.0548339612%
GA44   Chamblee City, Georgia   0.0537051979%
GA45   Charlton County, Georgia   0.1046313818%
GA46   Chatham County, Georgia   1.4544033708%
GA47   Chattooga County, Georgia   0.3317513109%
GA48   Cherokee County, Georgia   2.1190683851%
GA49   Clarkston City, Georgia   0.0175253481%
GA50   Clay County, Georgia   0.0274637104%
GA51   Clayton County, Georgia   1.6728881377%
GA52   Clinch County, Georgia   0.0617206810%
GA53   Cobb County, Georgia   5.8580801967%
GA54   Coffee County, Georgia   0.4164755944%
GA55   College Park City, Georgia   0.1805996391%
GA56   Colquitt County, Georgia   0.2578612394%
GA57   Columbia County, Georgia   1.2905730633%
GA58   Columbus City, Georgia   1.8227140298%
GA59   Conyers City, Georgia   0.1202231912%
GA60   Cook County, Georgia   0.0973405674%
GA61   Cordele City, Georgia   0.0583989534%
GA62   Covington City, Georgia   0.1969084378%
GA63   Coweta County, Georgia   0.9767276305%
GA64   Crawford County, Georgia   0.1282569558%
GA65   Crisp County, Georgia   0.1296658905%
GA66   Cusseta-Chattahoochee County Unified   0.0695538650%
    Government, Georgia    
GA67   Dade County, Georgia   0.1799465490%
GA68   Dallas City, Georgia   0.0916776643%
GA69   Dalton City, Georgia   0.3628092518%
GA70   Damascus City, Georgia   0.0005040301%
GA71   Dawson City, Georgia   0.0138696254%
GA72   Dawson County, Georgia   0.3192782415%
GA73   Decatur City, Georgia   0.1040340531%
GA74   Decatur County, Georgia   0.1633371087%
GA75   Dekalb County, Georgia   4.0579602979%
GA76   Demorest City, Georgia   0.0233539880%
GA77   Dodge County, Georgia   0.3228398634%
GA78   Dooly County, Georgia   0.0758970226%
GA79   Doraville City, Georgia   0.0619484258%
GA80   Dougherty County, Georgia   0.4519146718%
GA81   Douglas City, Georgia   0.2364366638%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
GA82   Douglas County, Georgia   1.2411219485%
GA83   Douglasville City, Georgia   0.2313289102%
GA84   Dublin City, Georgia   0.1598683843%
GA85   Duluth City, Georgia   0.1174400509%
GA86   Dunwoody City, Georgia   0.0823645400%
GA87   Early County, Georgia   0.0433467628%
GA88   East Point City, Georgia   0.2308433908%
GA89   Echols County, Georgia   0.0262187359%
GA90   Effingham County, Georgia   0.4370293068%
GA91   Elbert County, Georgia   0.2655117233%
GA92   Emanuel County, Georgia   0.2278497555%
GA93   Evans County, Georgia   0.1156959749%
GA94   Fairburn City, Georgia   0.0542552469%
GA95   Fannin County, Georgia   0.5651805280%
GA96   Fayette County, Georgia   0.6527012475%
GA97   Fayetteville City, Georgia   0.1201203794%
GA98   Fitzgerald City, Georgia   0.0569093853%
GA99   Floyd County, Georgia   0.9887350092%
GA100   Forest Park City, Georgia   0.1455200592%
GA101   Forsyth County, Georgia   1.7110664570%
GA102   Franklin County, Georgia   0.5550296650%
GA103   Fulton County, Georgia   3.2792330120%
GA104   Gainesville City, Georgia   0.3640437388%
GA105   Georgetown-Quitman County Unified   0.0176595651%
    Government, Georgia    
GA106   Gilmer County, Georgia   0.4239021158%
GA107   Glascock County, Georgia   0.0283662653%
GA108   Glynn County, Georgia   0.7968809706%
GA109   Gordon County, Georgia   0.4175279543%
GA110   Grady County, Georgia   0.1716497947%
GA111   Greene County, Georgia   0.1737385827%
GA112   Griffin City, Georgia   0.2287480123%
GA113   Grovetown City, Georgia   0.0632622854%
GA114   Gwinnett County, Georgia   4.8912732775%
GA115   Habersham County, Georgia   0.4635124652%
GA116   Hall County, Georgia   1.5772937095%
GA117   Hancock County, Georgia   0.0536800967%
GA118   Haralson County, Georgia   1.0934912667%
GA119   Harris County, Georgia   0.2037540782%
GA120   Hart County, Georgia   0.2935398099%
GA121   Heard County, Georgia   0.1232058232%
GA122   Henry County, Georgia   1.9715208583%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
GA123   Hinesville City, Georgia   0.2572364025%
GA124   Holly Springs City, Georgia   0.0823108417%
GA125   Houston County, Georgia   0.8378076437%
GA126   Irwin County, Georgia   0.0610553841%
GA127   Jackson County, Georgia   0.9201220386%
GA128   Jasper County, Georgia   0.1152245534%
GA129   Jeff Davis County, Georgia   0.3659791686%
GA130   Jefferson City, Georgia   0.0881783943%
GA131   Jefferson County, Georgia   0.1517559349%
GA132   Jenkins County, Georgia   0.0808740550%
GA133   Johns Creek City, Georgia   0.1877697040%
GA134   Johnson County, Georgia   0.0876584323%
GA135   Jones County, Georgia   0.2773521617%
GA136   Kennesaw City, Georgia   0.1446191663%
GA137   Kingsland City, Georgia   0.1313198199%
GA138   Lagrange City, Georgia   0.2069622772%
GA139   Lakeland City, Georgia   0.0155232109%
GA140   Lamar County, Georgia   0.2083015245%
GA141   Lanier County, Georgia   0.0574613256%
GA142   Laurens County, Georgia   0.5249834521%
GA143   Lawrenceville City, Georgia   0.1647173317%
GA144   Lee County, Georgia   0.2162850866%
GA145   Liberty County, Georgia   0.2931642086%
GA146   Lilburn City, Georgia   0.0538355752%
GA147   Lincoln County, Georgia   0.1000487479%
GA148   Loganville City, Georgia   0.1468681321%
GA149   Long County, Georgia   0.1216766548%
GA150   Lowndes County, Georgia   0.6253829866%
GA151   Lumpkin County, Georgia   0.3139555802%
GA152   Macon County, Georgia   0.1110857755%
GA153   Macon-Bibb County Unified   2.0265214623%
    Government, Georgia    
GA154   Madison County, Georgia   0.5114434091%
GA155   Marietta City, Georgia   0.7354006996%
GA156   Marion County, Georgia   0.0615218771%
GA157   McDonough City, Georgia   0.0803644086%
GA158   McDuffie County, Georgia   0.2216409869%
GA159   McIntosh County, Georgia   0.1678759014%
GA160   Meriwether County, Georgia   0.2015834534%
GA161   Milledgeville City, Georgia   0.1343842887%
GA162   Miller County, Georgia   0.0562389307%
GA163   Milton City, Georgia   0.0765630644%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
GA164   Mitchell County, Georgia   0.1842864232%
GA165   Monroe City, Georgia   0.1616058698%
GA166   Monroe County, Georgia   0.2463868890%
GA167   Montgomery County, Georgia   0.0685440855%
GA168   Morgan County, Georgia   0.1807932852%
GA169   Moultrie City, Georgia   0.1150272968%
GA170   Murray County, Georgia   0.5636808736%
GA171   Nashville City, Georgia   0.0288042758%
GA172   Newnan City, Georgia   0.2037973462%
GA173   Newton County, Georgia   0.6206699754%
GA174   Norcross City, Georgia   0.0762036242%
GA175   Oconee County, Georgia   0.2721000475%
GA176   Oglethorpe County, Georgia   0.1461658711%
GA177   Paulding County, Georgia   1.7495211188%
GA178   Peach County, Georgia   0.2319656673%
GA179   Peachtree City, Georgia   0.2219833492%
GA180   Peachtree Corners City, Georgia   0.2099400952%
GA181   Perry City, Georgia   0.0954580908%
GA182   Pickens County, Georgia   0.3905362384%
GA183   Pierce County, Georgia   0.2012068205%
GA184   Pike County, Georgia   0.1072270653%
GA185   Polk County, Georgia   0.7130941429%
GA186   Pooler City, Georgia   0.0516303360%
GA187   Powder Springs City, Georgia   0.0633430906%
GA188   Pulaski County, Georgia   0.1671565625%
GA189   Putnam County, Georgia   0.2061208707%
GA190   Rabun County, Georgia   0.3170130000%
GA191   Randolph County, Georgia   0.0382245100%
GA192   Richmond Hill City, Georgia   0.0716382402%
GA193   Riverdale City, Georgia   0.0684460876%
GA194   Rockdale County, Georgia   0.7947696030%
GA195   Rome City, Georgia   0.3719383578%
GA196   Roswell City, Georgia   0.2174642134%
GA197   Sandy Springs City, Georgia   0.2590143480%
GA198   Savannah City, Georgia   1.1246685243%
GA199   Schley County, Georgia   0.0238356678%
GA200   Screven County, Georgia   0.1132053955%
GA201   Seminole County, Georgia   0.0804817769%
GA202   Smyrna City, Georgia   0.2661908888%
GA203   Snellville City, Georgia   0.0758688840%
GA204   Spalding County, Georgia   0.5900646014%
GA205   Springfield City, Georgia   0.0124802329%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
GA206   St. Marys City, Georgia   0.0962803562%
GA207   Statesboro City, Georgia   0.1844690660%
GA208   Stephens County, Georgia   0.7520555284%
GA209   Stewart County, Georgia   0.0419742764%
GA210   Stockbridge City, Georgia   0.0302698888%
GA211   Sugar Hill City, Georgia   0.0106058369%
GA212   Sumter County, Georgia   0.1314426325%
GA213   Suwanee City, Georgia   0.0700562332%
GA214   Talbot County, Georgia   0.0410357316%
GA215   Taliaferro County, Georgia   0.0068637499%
GA216   Tattnall County, Georgia   0.2930768128%
GA217   Taylor County, Georgia   0.0819435502%
GA218   Telfair County, Georgia   0.1855378735%
GA219   Terrell County, Georgia   0.0334710962%
GA220   Thomas County, Georgia   0.2077911904%
GA221   Thomasville City, Georgia   0.1281973547%
GA222   Tift County, Georgia   0.2088288220%
GA223   Tifton City, Georgia   0.1416502311%
GA224   Toombs County, Georgia   0.2423104056%
GA225   Towns County, Georgia   0.2454408368%
GA226   Treutlen County, Georgia   0.0571447522%
GA227   Troup County, Georgia   0.4334095739%
GA228   Tucker City, Georgia   0.0615225648%
GA229   Turner County, Georgia   0.0490657711%
GA230   Twiggs County, Georgia   0.0640416265%
GA231   Union City, Georgia   0.1531538090%
GA232   Union County, Georgia   0.2949759089%
GA233   Upson County, Georgia   0.3355566667%
GA234   Valdosta City, Georgia   0.2598246932%
GA235   Vidalia City, Georgia   0.1252530050%
GA236   Villa Rica City, Georgia   0.1397113628%
GA237   Walker County, Georgia   0.8453605309%
GA238   Walton County, Georgia   0.8194381956%
GA239   Ware County, Georgia   0.5170078559%
GA240   Warner Robins City, Georgia   0.3969845574%
GA241   Warren County, Georgia   0.0447828045%
GA242   Warwick City, Georgia   0.0103298381%
GA243   Washington County, Georgia   0.1959988913%
GA244   Waycross City, Georgia   0.1358274367%
GA245   Wayne County, Georgia   0.6609347902%
GA246   Webster County Unified Government,   0.0143656323%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
GA247   Wheeler County, Georgia   0.0675300652%
GA248   White County, Georgia   0.3873386988%
GA249   Whitfield County, Georgia   0.7644288806%
GA250   Wilcox County, Georgia   0.0828696590%
GA251   Wilkes County, Georgia   0.0976306068%
GA252   Wilkinson County, Georgia   0.0847297279%
GA253   Winder City, Georgia   0.2007720766%
GA254   Woodbury City, Georgia   0.0085236394%
GA255   Woodstock City, Georgia   0.1942956763%
GA256   Worth County, Georgia   0.1491832321%
GA257   Rincon town, Georgia   0.0275488139%
GA258   South Fulton City, Georgia   0.2561412300%
GA259   Stonecrest City, Georgia   0.0904388800%
GA260   Ashburn City, Georgia   0.0207294209%
GA261   Chatsworth City, Georgia   0.1226056863%
GA262   Dawsonville City, Georgia   0.0022440946%
GA263   Helen City, Georgia   0.0478552392%
GA264   Jackson City, Georgia   0.0568159148%
GA265   Ringgold City, Georgia   0.0585728853%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
HI1   Hawaii County, Hawaii   18.2671692501%
HI2   Kalawao, Hawaii   0.0034501514%
HI3   Kauai County, Hawaii   5.7006273580%
HI4   Maui County, Hawaii   13.9979969296%
HI5   City and County of Honolulu, Hawaii   62.0307563109%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
ID1   Ada County, Idaho   13.2776278333%
ID2   Adams County, Idaho   0.1446831902%
ID3   Ammon City, Idaho   0.0812916024%
ID4   Bannock County, Idaho   3.0595589832%
ID5   Bear Lake County, Idaho   0.6082712041%
ID6   Benewah County, Idaho   0.6526829809%
ID7   Bingham County, Idaho   1.6421270812%
ID8   Blackfoot City, Idaho   0.6283857401%
ID9   Blaine County, Idaho   0.9137717551%
ID10   Boise City, Idaho   12.7586409110%
ID11   Boise County, Idaho   0.3309644652%
ID12   Bonner County, Idaho   2.5987361786%
ID13   Bonneville County, Idaho   3.7761253875%
ID14   Boundary County, Idaho   0.8788284447%
ID15   Burley City, Idaho   0.4485975363%
ID16   Butte County, Idaho   0.1839745518%
ID17   Caldwell City, Idaho   1.1958553249%
ID18   Camas County, Idaho   0.0422073443%
ID19   Canyon County, Idaho   5.0120113688%
ID20   Caribou County, Idaho   0.4396183832%
ID21   Cassia County, Idaho   0.7270235866%
ID22   Chubbuck City, Idaho   0.4841935447%
ID23   Clark County, Idaho   0.0420924425%
ID24   Clearwater County, Idaho   0.4890418390%
ID25   Coeur D'Alene City, Idaho   2.7593778237%
ID26   Custer County, Idaho   0.2133243878%
ID27   Eagle City, Idaho   0.1711876661%
ID28   Elmore County, Idaho   0.8899512165%
ID29   Franklin County, Idaho   0.5753624958%
ID30   Fremont County, Idaho   0.5716071696%
ID31   Garden City, Idaho   0.5582782838%
ID32   Gem County, Idaho   1.3784025725%
ID33   Gooding County, Idaho   0.6966472013%
ID34   Hayden City, Idaho   0.0047132146%
ID35   Idaho County, Idaho   0.8474305547%
ID36   Idaho Falls City, Idaho   3.8875027578%
ID37   Jefferson County, Idaho   0.9842670749%
ID38   Jerome City, Idaho   0.4169017424%
ID39   Jerome County, Idaho   0.6223444291%
ID40   Kootenai County, Idaho   5.6394798565%
ID41   Kuna City, Idaho   0.1849461724%
ID42   Latah County, Idaho   1.2943861166%
ID43   Lemhi County, Idaho   0.4880814284%
ID44   Lewis County, Idaho   0.2882543555%
ID45   Lewiston City, Idaho   2.0176549375%
ID46   Lincoln County, Idaho   0.1930184422%
ID47   Madison County, Idaho   1.2748404845%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
ID48   Meridian City, Idaho   2.4045650754%
ID49   Minidoka County, Idaho   0.9140620922%
ID50   Moscow City, Idaho   0.6590552650%
ID51   Mountain Home City, Idaho   0.5706694591%
ID52   Nampa City, Idaho   3.3274647954%
ID53   Nez Perce County, Idaho   1.2765833482%
ID54   Oneida County, Idaho   0.2371656647%
ID55   Owyhee County, Idaho   0.5554298409%
ID56   Payette County, Idaho   1.2750728102%
ID57   Pocatello City, Idaho   2.9494898116%
ID58   Post Falls City, Idaho   0.6781328826%
ID59   Power County, Idaho   0.3505171035%
ID60   Preston City, Idaho   0.1496220047%
ID61   Rexburg City, Idaho   0.1336231941%
ID62   Shoshone County, Idaho   1.2841091340%
ID63   Star City, Idaho   0.0001322772%
ID64   Teton County, Idaho   0.4258195211%
ID65   Twin Falls City, Idaho   1.8245765222%
ID66   Twin Falls County, Idaho   3.3104301873%
ID67   Valley County, Idaho   0.8074710814%
ID68   Washington County, Idaho   0.4917358652%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
IL1   Adams County, Illinois  

Allocations in
Illinois will be made
in accordance with
the Illinois Opioid

IL3   Addison Village, Illinois  
IL4   Alexander County, Illinois  
IL6   Algonquin Village, Illinois  
IL10   Anna City, Illinois  
IL13   Arlington Heights Village, Illinois  
IL14   Aurora City, Illinois  
IL19   Bartlett Village, Illinois  
IL22   Bedford Park Village, Illinois  
IL23   Belleville City, Illinois  
IL24   Bellwood Village, Illinois  
IL27   Bensenville Village, Illinois  
IL28   Benton City, Illinois  
IL30   Berkeley Village, Illinois  
IL31   Berwyn City, Illinois  
IL37   Bloomington City, Illinois  
IL39   Bolingbrook Village, Illinois  
IL40   Bond County, Illinois  
IL41   Boone County, Illinois  
IL46   Bridgeview Village, Illinois  
IL47   Broadview Village, Illinois  
IL49   Brown County, Illinois  
IL51   Buffalo Grove Village, Illinois  
IL52   Burbank City, Illinois  
IL53   Bureau County, Illinois  
IL56   Calhoun County, Illinois  
IL57   Calumet City, Illinois  
IL63   Carbondale City, Illinois  
IL65   Carol Stream Village, Illinois  
IL66   Carpentersville Village, Illinois  
IL67   Carroll County, Illinois  
IL70   Cass County, Illinois  
IL75   Champaign City, Illinois  
IL76   Champaign County, Illinois  
IL84   Chicago City, Illinois  
IL85   Chicago Heights City, Illinois  
IL86   Chicago Ridge Village, Illinois  
IL87   Christian County, Illinois  
IL88   Clark County, Illinois  
IL89   Clay County, Illinois  
IL90   Clinton County, Illinois  
IL91   Coles County, Illinois  
IL96   Cook County, Illinois  
IL99   Countryside City, Illinois  
IL100   Crawford County, Illinois  
IL104   Crystal Lake City, Illinois  
IL106   Cumberland County, Illinois  








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
IL107   Danville City, Illinois  

Allocations in
Illinois will be made
in accordance with
the Illinois Opioid

IL110   De Witt County, Illinois  
IL111   Decatur City, Illinois  
IL114   Dekalb City, Illinois  
IL115   Dekalb County, Illinois  
IL117   Des Plaines City, Illinois  
IL120   Dolton Village, Illinois  
IL122   Douglas County, Illinois  
IL125   Downers Grove Village, Illinois  
IL127   Dupage County, Illinois  
IL131   Edgar County, Illinois  
IL132   Edwards County, Illinois  
IL136   Effingham County, Illinois  
IL138   Elgin City, Illinois  
IL141   Elk Grove Village, Illinois  
IL142   Elmhurst City, Illinois  
IL144   Evanston City, Illinois  
IL145   Evergreen Park Village, Illinois  
IL147   Fayette County, Illinois  
IL150   Ford County, Illinois  
IL151   Forest Park Village, Illinois  
IL155   Franklin County, Illinois  
IL156   Franklin Park Village, Illinois  
IL160   Fulton County, Illinois  
IL162   Galesburg City, Illinois  
IL163   Gallatin County, Illinois  
IL168   Glendale Heights Village, Illinois  
IL169   Glenview Village, Illinois  
IL174   Granite City, Illinois  
IL177   Greene County, Illinois  
IL180   Grundy County, Illinois  
IL181   Gurnee Village, Illinois  
IL182   Hamilton County, Illinois  
IL183   Hancock County, Illinois  
IL184   Hanover Park Village, Illinois  
IL186   Hardin County, Illinois  
IL188   Harrisburg City, Illinois  
IL190   Harvey City, Illinois  
IL191   Harwood Heights Village, Illinois  
IL193   Henderson County, Illinois  
IL194   Henry County, Illinois  
IL195   Herrin City, Illinois  
IL199   Hillside Village, Illinois  
IL201   Hodgkins Village, Illinois  
IL202   Hoffman Estates Village, Illinois  
IL206   Iroquois County, Illinois  
IL207   Jackson County, Illinois  








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
IL210   Jasper County, Illinois   Allocations in
Illinois will be made
in accordance with
the Illinois Opioid

IL211   Jefferson County, Illinois  
IL212   Jersey County, Illinois  
IL213   Jo Daviess County, Illinois  
IL214   Johnson County, Illinois  
IL215   Joliet City, Illinois  
IL218   Kane County, Illinois  
IL219   Kankakee City, Illinois  
IL220   Kankakee County, Illinois  
IL222   Kendall County, Illinois  
IL224   Knox County, Illinois  
IL225   La Grange Park Village, Illinois  
IL227   Lake County, Illinois  
IL233   Lasalle County, Illinois  
IL234   Lawrence County, Illinois  
IL235   Lee County, Illinois  
IL247   Livingston County, Illinois  
IL250   Logan County, Illinois  
IL251   Lombard Village, Illinois  
IL254   Lyons Township, Illinois  
IL255   Lyons Village, Illinois  
IL259   Macon County, Illinois  
IL260   Macoupin County, Illinois  
IL261   Madison County, Illinois  
IL266   Marion City, Illinois  
IL267   Marion County, Illinois  
IL269   Marshall County, Illinois  
IL270   Mason County, Illinois  
IL271   Massac County, Illinois  
IL275   Maywood Village, Illinois  
IL276   McCook Village, Illinois  
IL277   McDonough County, Illinois  
IL279   McHenry County, Illinois  
IL281   McLean County, Illinois  
IL283   Melrose Park Village, Illinois  
IL284   Menard County, Illinois  
IL285   Mercer County, Illinois  
IL286   Merrionette Park Village, Illinois  
IL287   Metropolis City, Illinois  
IL292   Moline City, Illinois  
IL295   Monroe County, Illinois  
IL296   Montgomery County, Illinois  
IL299   Morgan County, Illinois  
IL304   Moultrie County, Illinois  
IL305   Mount Prospect Village, Illinois  
IL307   Mundelein Village, Illinois  
IL309   Naperville City, Illinois  








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
IL317   Normal Town, Illinois   Allocations in
Illinois will be made
in accordance with
the Illinois Opioid

IL322   North Riverside Village, Illinois  
IL323   Northbrook Village, Illinois  
IL325   Northlake City, Illinois  
IL329   Oak Lawn Village, Illinois  
IL331   Oak Park Village, Illinois  
IL333   Ogle County, Illinois  
IL334   Orland Park Village, Illinois  
IL337   Oswego Village, Illinois  
IL341   Palatine Village, Illinois  
IL342   Palos Heights City, Illinois  
IL343   Palos Hills City, Illinois  
IL346   Park Ridge City, Illinois  
IL347   Pekin City, Illinois  
IL350   Peoria City, Illinois  
IL351   Peoria County, Illinois  
IL352   Perry County, Illinois  
IL354   Piatt County, Illinois  
IL355   Pike County, Illinois  
IL356   Plainfield Village, Illinois  
IL360   Pope County, Illinois  
IL361   Posen Village, Illinois  
IL362   Princeton City, Illinois  
IL365   Pulaski County, Illinois  
IL366   Putnam County, Illinois  
IL367   Quincy City, Illinois  
IL369   Randolph County, Illinois  
IL373   Richland County, Illinois  
IL376   River Forest Village, Illinois  
IL377   River Grove Village, Illinois  
IL380   Riverside Village, Illinois  
IL381   Rock Island City, Illinois  
IL382   Rock Island County, Illinois  
IL384   Rockford City, Illinois  
IL388   Romeoville Village, Illinois  
IL395   Saline County, Illinois  
IL396   Sangamon County, Illinois  
IL399   Schaumburg Village, Illinois  
IL400   Schiller Park Village, Illinois  
IL401   Schuyler County, Illinois  
IL402   Scott County, Illinois  
IL403   Sesser City, Illinois  
IL404   Shelby County, Illinois  
IL408   Skokie Village, Illinois  
IL413   Springfield City, Illinois  
IL414   St Clair County, Illinois  
IL415   St. Charles City, Illinois  








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
IL416   Stark County, Illinois  

Allocations in
Illinois will be made
in accordance with
the Illinois Opioid

IL417   Stephenson County, Illinois  
IL421   Stone Park Village, Illinois  
IL422   Streamwood Village, Illinois  
IL423   Streator City, Illinois  
IL425   Summit Village, Illinois  
IL431   Tazewell County, Illinois  
IL433   Tinley Park Village, Illinois  
IL436   Union County, Illinois  
IL437   Urbana City, Illinois  
IL438   Vermilion County, Illinois  
IL441   Wabash County, Illinois  
IL442   Warren County, Illinois  
IL446   Washington County, Illinois  
IL451   Waukegan City, Illinois  
IL453   Wayne County, Illinois  
IL456   West Frankfort City, Illinois  
IL461   Wheaton City, Illinois  
IL463   Wheeling Village, Illinois  
IL464   White County, Illinois  
IL465   Whiteside County, Illinois  
IL466   Will County, Illinois  
IL467   Williamson County, Illinois  
IL470   Winnebago County, Illinois  
IL475   Woodford County, Illinois  
IL476   Woodridge Village, Illinois  
IL485   Cicero Town, Illinois  








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation
IN1  Adams County, Indiana  0.3092831137%
IN2  Advance Town, Indiana  0.0005697429%
IN3  Akron Town, Indiana  0.0003285004%
IN4  Alamo Town, Indiana  0.0005748757%
IN5  Albany Town, Indiana  0.0256948895%
IN6  Albion Town, Indiana  0.0216604942%
IN7  Alexandria City, Indiana  0.1062339452%
IN8  Alfordsville Town, Indiana  0.0001539846%
IN9  Allen County, Indiana  2.2683259642%
IN10  Alton Town, Indiana  0.0000307970%
IN11  Altona Town, Indiana  0.0012436052%
IN12  Ambia Town, Indiana  0.0006518680%
IN13  Amboy Town, Indiana  0.0004824849%
IN14  Amo Town, Indiana  0.0005748757%
IN15  Anderson City, Indiana  1.3827864464%
IN16  Andrews Town, Indiana  0.0060515930%
IN17  Angola City, Indiana  0.0947466973%
IN18  Arcadia Town, Indiana  0.0063133668%
IN19  Argos Town, Indiana  0.0167894494%
IN20  Ashley Town, Indiana  0.0062363745%
IN21  Atlanta Town, Indiana  0.0011651498%
IN22  Attica City, Indiana  0.0207571181%
IN23  Auburn City, Indiana  0.1472502981%
IN24  Aurora City, Indiana  0.0094392533%
IN25  Austin City, Indiana  0.0232260039%
IN26  Avilla Town, Indiana  0.0199563985%
IN27  Avon Town, Indiana  0.0164096209%
IN28  Bainbridge Town, Indiana  0.0014782517%
IN29  Bargersville Town, Indiana  0.0121031861%
IN30  Bartholomew County, Indiana  1.1839769860%
IN31  Batesville City, Indiana  0.1546928850%
IN32  Battle Ground Town, Indiana  0.0136276332%
IN33  Bedford City, Indiana  0.3269554079%
IN34  Beech Grove City, Indiana  0.0544694703%
IN35  Benton County, Indiana  0.0744258688%
IN36  Berne City, Indiana  0.0028076517%
IN37  Bethany Town, Indiana  0.0002720394%
IN38  Beverly Shores Town, Indiana  0.0154446510%
IN39  Bicknell City, Indiana  0.0013294000%
IN40  Birdseye Town, Indiana  0.0029462379%
IN41  Blackford County, Indiana  0.2698682002%
IN42  Bloomfield Town, Indiana  0.0042859034%
IN43  Bloomingdale Town, Indiana  0.0026023390%
IN44  Bloomington City, Indiana  0.8389591897%
IN45  Blountsville Town, Indiana  0.0002566409%
IN46  Bluffton City, Indiana  0.1002901414%
IN47  Boone County, Indiana  0.6775012498%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation

IN48  Boonville City, Indiana  0.1007777591%
IN49  Borden Town, Indiana  0.0017502912%
IN50  Boston Town, Indiana  0.0005697429%
IN51  Boswell Town, Indiana  0.0021095885%
IN52  Bourbon Town, Indiana  0.0173027313%
IN53  Brazil City, Indiana  0.0626768471%
IN54  Bremen Town, Indiana  0.0529347576%
IN55  Bristol Town, Indiana  0.0158450108%
IN56  Brook Town, Indiana  0.0037366919%
IN57  Brooklyn Town, Indiana  0.0065700077%
IN58  Brooksburg Town, Indiana  0.0009547042%
IN59  Brookston Town, Indiana  0.0116668965%
IN60  Brookville Town, Indiana  0.0538894618%
IN61  Brown County, Indiana  0.1828823244%
IN62  Brownsburg Town, Indiana  0.1125832417%
IN63  Brownstown, Indiana  0.0033619962%
IN64  Bruceville Town, Indiana  0.0002412425%
IN65  Bryant Town, Indiana  0.0003746957%
IN66  Bunker Hill Town, Indiana  0.0010984232%
IN67  Burket Town, Indiana  0.0011138216%
IN68  Burlington Town, Indiana  0.0063800935%
IN69  Burnettsville Town, Indiana  0.0004619537%
IN70  Burns Harbor Town, Indiana  0.0397947421%
IN71  Butler City, Indiana  0.0239138015%
IN72  Cadiz Town, Indiana  0.0002823050%
IN73  Cambridge City Town, Indiana  0.0241499112%
IN74  Camden Town, Indiana  0.0064211560%
IN75  Campbellsburg Town, Indiana  0.0081868456%
IN76  Cannelburg Town, Indiana  0.0002258440%
IN77  Cannelton City, Indiana  0.0018324162%
IN78  Carbon Town, Indiana  0.0026844641%
IN79  Carlisle Town, Indiana  0.0017656896%
IN80  Carmel City, Indiana  0.3675970651%
IN81  Carroll County, Indiana  0.1654512727%
IN82  Carthage Town, Indiana  0.0013140015%
IN83  Cass County, Indiana  0.3416917299%
IN84  Cayuga Town, Indiana  0.0078480795%
IN85  Cedar Grove Town, Indiana  0.0004054927%
IN86  Cedar Lake Town, Indiana  0.0511639351%
IN87  Center Point Town, Indiana  0.0016373692%
IN88  Centerville Town, Indiana  0.0350725491%
IN89  Chalmers Town, Indiana  0.0006826649%
IN90  Chandler Town, Indiana  0.0347491815%
IN91  Charlestown City, Indiana  0.0146028687%
IN92  Chesterfield Town, Indiana  0.0379007320%
IN93  Chesterton Town, Indiana  0.2159838712%
IN94  Chrisney Town, Indiana  0.0032336757%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation

IN95  Churubusco Town, Indiana  0.0000564610%
IN96  Cicero Town, Indiana  0.0173283953%
IN97  Clark County, Indiana  1.9374593486%
IN98  Clarks Hill Town, Indiana  0.0040600594%
IN99  Clarksville Town, Indiana  0.1071681182%
IN100  Clay City Town, Indiana  0.0057692880%
IN101  Clay County, Indiana  0.2948752921%
IN102  Claypool Town, Indiana  0.0024688858%
IN103  Clayton Town, Indiana  0.0006980633%
IN104  Clear Lake Town, Indiana  0.0019761351%
IN105  Clifford Town, Indiana  0.0002309768%
IN106  Clinton City, Indiana  0.0336558912%
IN107  Clinton County, Indiana  0.2740206503%
IN108  Cloverdale Town, Indiana  0.0050198966%
IN109  Coatesville Town, Indiana  0.0007493915%
IN110  Colfax Town, Indiana  0.0046144039%
IN111  Columbia City, Indiana  0.0886335104%
IN112  Columbus City, Indiana  0.0764225351%
IN113  Connersville City, Indiana  0.4635807717%
IN114  Converse Town, Indiana  0.0045733413%
IN115  Corunna Town, Indiana  0.0016373692%
IN116  Corydon Town, Indiana  0.0069806332%
IN117  Country Club Heights Town, Indiana  0.0012216109%
IN118  Covington City, Indiana  0.0257102881%
IN119  Crandall Town, Indiana  0.0000153984%
IN120  Crane Town, Indiana  0.0015655096%
IN121  Crawford County, Indiana  0.1338844387%
IN122  Crawfordsville City, Indiana  0.2738204705%
IN123  Cromwell Town, Indiana  0.0034543868%
IN124  Crothersville Town, Indiana  0.0018221506%
IN125  Crown Point City, Indiana  0.1246094356%
IN126  Culver Town, Indiana  0.0289798935%
IN127  Cynthiana Town, Indiana  0.0032747382%
IN128  Dale Town, Indiana  0.0059746008%
IN129  Daleville Town, Indiana  0.0199769297%
IN130  Dana Town, Indiana  0.0050506934%
IN131  Danville Town, Indiana  0.0039471375%
IN132  Darlington Town, Indiana  0.0074785166%
IN133  Darmstadt Town, Indiana  0.0109483020%
IN134  Daviess County, Indiana  0.3758711686%
IN135  Dayton Town, Indiana  0.0114718495%
IN136  De Kalb County, Indiana  0.2748008388%
IN137  De Motte Town, Indiana  0.0070935552%
IN138  Dearborn County, Indiana  0.9586719164%
IN139  Decatur City, Indiana  0.0090902216%
IN140  Decatur County, Indiana  0.3533124311%
IN141  Decker Town, Indiana  0.0001231876%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation

IN142  Delaware County, Indiana  1.2034816964%
IN143  Delphi City, Indiana  0.0177236224%
IN144  Denver Town, Indiana  0.0006005398%
IN145  Dillsboro Town, Indiana  0.0060002648%
IN146  Dublin Town, Indiana  0.0051584826%
IN147  Dubois County, Indiana  0.2754013785%
IN148  Dugger Town, Indiana  0.0023405652%
IN149  Dune Acres Town, Indiana  0.0046913961%
IN150  Dunkirk City, Indiana  0.0079866657%
IN151  Dunreith Town, Indiana  0.0003387661%
IN152  Dupont Town, Indiana  0.0039779344%
IN153  Dyer Town, Indiana  0.0533145861%
IN154  Earl Park Town, Indiana  0.0009187746%
IN155  East Chicago City, Indiana  0.4620665902%
IN156  East Germantown, Indiana  0.0015860410%
IN157  Eaton Town, Indiana  0.0166405977%
IN158  Economy Town, Indiana  0.0007647900%
IN159  Edgewood Town, Indiana  0.0243654896%
IN160  Edinburgh Town, Indiana  0.0198948047%
IN161  Edwardsport Town, Indiana  0.0001488518%
IN162  Elberfeld Town, Indiana  0.0031566834%
IN163  Elizabeth Town, Indiana  0.0000153984%
IN164  Elizabethtown, Indiana  0.0005132819%
IN165  Elkhart City, Indiana  0.5425389192%
IN166  Elkhart County, Indiana  1.1592881288%
IN167  Ellettsville Town, Indiana  0.0677737359%
IN168  Elnora Town, Indiana  0.0013550641%
IN169  Elwood City, Indiana  0.2112616781%
IN170  English Town, Indiana  0.0003746957%
IN171  Etna Green Town, Indiana  0.0033722618%
IN172  Evansville City, Indiana  1.9319723656%
IN173  Fairland Town, Indiana  0.0005132819%
IN174  Fairmount Town, Indiana  0.0104401529%
IN175  Fairview Park Town, Indiana  0.0093365970%
IN176  Farmersburg Town, Indiana  0.0039728015%
IN177  Farmland Town, Indiana  0.0182061073%
IN178  Fayette County, Indiana  0.3010552056%
IN179  Ferdinand Town, Indiana  0.0189401004%
IN180  Fillmore Town, Indiana  0.0010419622%
IN181  Fishers City, Indiana  0.1521726711%
IN182  Flora Town, Indiana  0.0175953020%
IN183  Floyd County, Indiana  1.5759754704%
IN184  Fort Branch Town, Indiana  0.0073245321%
IN185  Fort Wayne City, Indiana  2.7337956132%
IN186  Fortville Town, Indiana  0.0152701352%
IN187  Fountain City Town, Indiana  0.0045990054%
IN188  Fountain County, Indiana  0.1633673484%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation

IN189  Fowler Town, Indiana  0.0093879251%
IN190  Fowlerton Town, Indiana  0.0022687058%
IN191  Francesville Town, Indiana  0.0011497513%
IN192  Francisco Town, Indiana  0.0027665892%
IN193  Frankfort City, Indiana  0.1520186866%
IN194  Franklin City, Indiana  0.1073990950%
IN195  Franklin County, Indiana  0.2948393623%
IN196  Frankton Town, Indiana  0.0115539745%
IN197  Fremont Town, Indiana  0.0201411800%
IN198  French Lick Town, Indiana  0.0211626108%
IN199  Fulton County, Indiana  0.2359761994%
IN200  Fulton Town, Indiana  0.0002925707%
IN201  Galveston Town, Indiana  0.0012729389%
IN202  Garrett City, Indiana  0.0387219830%
IN203  Gary City, Indiana  0.7294710375%
IN204  Gas City, Indiana  0.0544694703%
IN205  Gaston Town, Indiana  0.0083202988%
IN206  Geneva Town, Indiana  0.0008366494%
IN207  Gentryville Town, Indiana  0.0017964865%
IN208  Georgetown, Indiana  0.0044860834%
IN209  Gibson County, Indiana  0.2588326403%
IN210  Glenwood Town, Indiana  0.0027101282%
IN211  Goodland Town, Indiana  0.0046349351%
IN212  Goshen City, Indiana  0.2386196009%
IN213  Gosport Town, Indiana  0.0097728865%
IN214  Grabill Town, Indiana  0.0057538896%
IN215  Grandview Town, Indiana  0.0048402479%
IN216  Grant County, Indiana  0.7449310869%
IN217  Greencastle City, Indiana  0.0286257290%
IN218  Greendale City, Indiana  0.0136532973%
IN219  Greene County, Indiana  0.4322295161%
IN220  Greenfield City, Indiana  0.0612242595%
IN221  Greens Fork Town, Indiana  0.0017502912%
IN222  Greensboro Town, Indiana  0.0002720394%
IN223  Greensburg City, Indiana  0.0195355074%
IN224  Greentown, Indiana  0.0017451583%
IN225  Greenville Town, Indiana  0.0009290402%
IN226  Greenwood City, Indiana  0.1803621105%
IN227  Griffin Town, Indiana  0.0010111652%
IN228  Griffith Town, Indiana  0.0696112849%
IN229  Hagerstown, Indiana  0.0234415822%
IN230  Hamilton County, Indiana  2.0210986266%
IN231  Hamilton Town, Indiana  0.0034338556%
IN232  Hamlet Town, Indiana  0.0188220456%
IN233  Hammond City, Indiana  1.0769423211%
IN234  Hancock County, Indiana  0.9010560283%
IN235  Hanover Town, Indiana  0.0079661343%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation

IN236  Hardinsburg Town, Indiana  0.0034646525%
IN237  Harmony Town, Indiana  0.0043526301%
IN238  Harrison County, Indiana  0.5610273316%
IN239  Hartford City, Indiana  0.1032979731%
IN240  Hartsville Town, Indiana  0.0003849613%
IN241  Haubstadt Town, Indiana  0.0066777969%
IN242  Hazleton Town, Indiana  0.0014936502%
IN243  Hebron Town, Indiana  0.0721982255%
IN244  Hendricks County, Indiana  1.5699649399%
IN245  Henry County, Indiana  1.1652319327%
IN246  Highland Town, Indiana  0.0864931251%
IN247  Hillsboro Town, Indiana  0.0040497938%
IN248  Hobart City, Indiana  0.1594510078%
IN249  Holland Town, Indiana  0.0044450209%
IN250  Holton Town, Indiana  0.0060053977%
IN251  Hope Town, Indiana  0.0036802309%
IN252  Howard County, Indiana  1.8694341045%
IN253  Hudson Town, Indiana  0.0029667691%
IN254  Huntertown, Indiana  0.0415193691%
IN255  Huntingburg City, Indiana  0.0455794286%
IN256  Huntington City, Indiana  0.2486953237%
IN257  Huntington County, Indiana  0.2605726658%
IN258  Hymera Town, Indiana  0.0020171977%
IN259  Indian Village Town, Indiana  0.0006005398%
IN260  Indianapolis City, Indiana  15.8412741280%
IN261  Ingalls Town, Indiana  0.0015193143%
IN262  Jackson County, Indiana  0.0038496139%
IN263  Jamestown, Indiana  0.0010470950%
IN264  Jasonville City, Indiana  0.0039625359%
IN265  Jasper City, Indiana  0.0892032533%
IN266  Jasper County, Indiana  0.4269273145%
IN267  Jay County, Indiana  0.3117314681%
IN268  Jefferson County, Indiana  0.3577625848%
IN269  Jeffersonville City, Indiana  0.1772618882%
IN270  Jennings County, Indiana  0.4174880612%
IN271  Johnson County, Indiana  1.7412316960%
IN272  Jonesboro City, Indiana  0.0065494764%
IN273  Jonesville Town, Indiana  0.0001847815%
IN274  Kempton Town, Indiana  0.0027460579%
IN275  Kendallville City, Indiana  0.0955320186%
IN276  Kennard Town, Indiana  0.0009033760%
IN277  Kentland Town, Indiana  0.0053791939%
IN278  Kewanna Town, Indiana  0.0005389459%
IN279  Kingman Town, Indiana  0.0037931529%
IN280  Kingsbury Town, Indiana  0.0012934703%
IN281  Kingsford Heights Town, Indiana  0.0045938726%
IN282  Kirklin Town, Indiana  0.0053278657%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation

IN283  Knightstown, Indiana  0.0036853637%
IN284  Knightsville Town, Indiana  0.0053022015%
IN285  Knox City, Indiana  0.0998538518%
IN286  Knox County, Indiana  0.5298351934%
IN287  Kokomo City, Indiana  0.2824384727%
IN288  Kosciusko County, Indiana  0.4935974945%
IN289  Kouts Town, Indiana  0.0383472873%
IN290  La Crosse Town, Indiana  0.0028281830%
IN291  La Fontaine Town, Indiana  0.0017554240%
IN292  La Paz Town, Indiana  0.0034184572%
IN293  La Porte City, Indiana  0.1637779738%
IN294  La Porte County, Indiana  0.7760821626%
IN295  Laconia Town, Indiana  0.0000051328%
IN296  Ladoga Town, Indiana  0.0108148486%
IN297  Lafayette City, Indiana  1.0121661511%
IN298  Lagrange County, Indiana  0.2088287221%
IN299  Lagrange Town, Indiana  0.0232978633%
IN300  Lagro Town, Indiana  0.0008263838%
IN301  Lake County, Indiana  1.8342742976%
IN302  Lake Station City, Indiana  0.0738458603%
IN303  Lakeville Town, Indiana  0.0035467776%
IN304  Lanesville Town, Indiana  0.0000513282%
IN305  Lapel Town, Indiana  0.0216553614%
IN306  Larwill Town, Indiana  0.0024996826%
IN307  Laurel Town, Indiana  0.0013294000%
IN308  Lawrence City, Indiana  0.1413526897%
IN309  Lawrence County, Indiana  0.4144442999%
IN310  Lawrenceburg City, Indiana  0.0397690780%
IN311  Leavenworth Town, Indiana  0.0001385861%
IN312  Lebanon City, Indiana  0.0221070494%
IN313  Leesburg Town, Indiana  0.0032234100%
IN314  Leo-Cedarville Town, Indiana  0.0196022340%
IN315  Lewisville Town, Indiana  0.0006980633%
IN316  Liberty Town, Indiana  0.0173386611%
IN317  Ligonier City, Indiana  0.0406981182%
IN318  Linden Town, Indiana  0.0066880626%
IN319  Linton City, Indiana  0.0214500487%
IN320  Little York Town, Indiana  0.0026793313%
IN321  Livonia Town, Indiana  0.0017964865%
IN322  Lizton Town, Indiana  0.0006826649%
IN323  Logansport City, Indiana  0.0184062873%
IN324  Long Beach Town, Indiana  0.0039112077%
IN325  Loogootee City, Indiana  0.0178519428%
IN326  Losantville Town, Indiana  0.0065186795%
IN327  Lowell Town, Indiana  0.0413499862%
IN328  Lynn Town, Indiana  0.0149621660%
IN329  Lynnville Town, Indiana  0.0045374116%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation

IN330  Lyons Town, Indiana  0.0016425020%
IN331  Mackey Town, Indiana  0.0006159382%
IN332  Macy Town, Indiana  0.0002617737%
IN333  Madison City, Indiana  0.1309484665%
IN334  Madison County, Indiana  1.3791575436%
IN335  Marengo Town, Indiana  0.0004824849%
IN336  Marion City, Indiana  0.7935953395%
IN337  Markle Town, Indiana  0.0068882425%
IN338  Markleville Town, Indiana  0.0080533923%
IN339  Marshall County, Indiana  0.2679587917%
IN340  Marshall Town, Indiana  0.0025407452%
IN341  Martin County, Indiana  0.0865085236%
IN342  Martinsville City, Indiana  0.0793944371%
IN343  Matthews Town, Indiana  0.0050814904%
IN344  Mauckport Town, Indiana  0.0000051328%
IN345  McCordsville Town, Indiana  0.0170820201%
IN346  Mecca Town, Indiana  0.0025458780%
IN347  Medaryville Town, Indiana  0.0008109854%
IN348  Medora Town, Indiana  0.0008007197%
IN349  Mellott Town, Indiana  0.0014731189%
IN350  Mentone Town, Indiana  0.0056307019%
IN351  Merom Town, Indiana  0.0005902741%
IN352  Merrillville Town, Indiana  0.1076865329%
IN353  Miami County, Indiana  0.2157015661%
IN354  Michiana Shores Town, Indiana  0.0016065722%
IN355  Michigan City, Indiana  0.5192256575%
IN356  Michigantown, Indiana  0.0030591599%
IN357  Middlebury Town, Indiana  0.0186321313%
IN358  Middletown, Indiana  0.0039060749%
IN359  Milan Town, Indiana  0.0291441437%
IN360  Milford Town, Indiana  0.0156550965%
IN361  Millersburg Town, Indiana  0.0043936927%
IN362  Millhousen Town, Indiana  0.0001693830%
IN363  Milltown, Indiana  0.0004773521%
IN364  Milton Town, Indiana  0.0000564610%
IN365  Mishawaka City, Indiana  0.5537489949%
IN366  Mitchell City, Indiana  0.0424689405%
IN367  Modoc Town, Indiana  0.0044450209%
IN368  Monon Town, Indiana  0.0132888672%
IN369  Monroe City Town, Indiana  0.0002669066%
IN370  Monroe County, Indiana  1.1603403566%
IN371  Monroe Town, Indiana  0.0007596572%
IN372  Monroeville Town, Indiana  0.0067496564%
IN373  Monrovia Town, Indiana  0.0058924756%
IN374  Monterey Town, Indiana  0.0002874379%
IN375  Montezuma Town, Indiana  0.0078942749%
IN376  Montgomery County, Indiana  0.3881026751%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation

IN377  Montgomery Town, Indiana  0.0003028363%
IN378  Monticello City, Indiana  0.0859439136%
IN379  Montpelier City, Indiana  0.0238008796%
IN380  Mooreland Town, Indiana  0.0007083290%
IN381  Moores Hill Town, Indiana  0.0009803684%
IN382  Mooresville Town, Indiana  0.0679482517%
IN383  Morgan County, Indiana  1.1891098045%
IN384  Morgantown, Indiana  0.0033260664%
IN385  Morocco Town, Indiana  0.0043320988%
IN386  Morristown, Indiana  0.0014217907%
IN387  Mount Auburn Town, Indiana  0.0004568209%
IN388  Mount Ayr Town, Indiana  0.0004619537%
IN389  Mount Carmel Town, Indiana  0.0002207112%
IN390  Mount Etna Town, Indiana  0.0009495714%
IN391  Mount Summit Town, Indiana  0.0006723992%
IN392  Mount Vernon City, Indiana  0.0527961715%
IN393  Mulberry Town, Indiana  0.0102040432%
IN394  Muncie City, Indiana  1.1425859373%
IN395  Munster Town, Indiana  0.1401670086%
IN396  Napoleon Town, Indiana  0.0029205737%
IN397  Nappanee City, Indiana  0.0750880024%
IN398  Nashville Town, Indiana  0.0122931004%
IN399  New Albany City, Indiana  0.1005416495%
IN400  New Amsterdam Town, Indiana  0.0000000000%
IN401  New Carlisle Town, Indiana  0.0260028587%
IN402  New Castle City, Indiana  0.0525395305%
IN403  New Chicago Town, Indiana  0.0302374340%
IN404  New Harmony Town, Indiana  0.0046400679%
IN405  New Haven City, Indiana  0.1210164627%
IN406  New Market Town, Indiana  0.0055845065%
IN407  New Middletown, Indiana  0.0000102656%
IN408  New Palestine Town, Indiana  0.0039266062%
IN409  New Pekin Town, Indiana  0.0236982232%
IN410  New Point Town, Indiana  0.0004311567%
IN411  New Richmond Town, Indiana  0.0029462379%
IN412  New Ross Town, Indiana  0.0030540271%
IN413  New Whiteland Town, Indiana  0.0149724317%
IN414  Newberry Town, Indiana  0.0004311567%
IN415  Newburgh Town, Indiana  0.0335942973%
IN416  Newport Town, Indiana  0.0042551066%
IN417  Newton County, Indiana  0.1317286549%
IN418  Newtown, Indiana  0.0019350726%
IN419  Noble County, Indiana  0.3308358187%
IN420  Noblesville City, Indiana  0.1813116820%
IN421  North Judson Town, Indiana  0.0550648773%
IN422  North Liberty Town, Indiana  0.0258386085%
IN423  North Manchester Town, Indiana  0.0190889521%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation

IN424  North Salem Town, Indiana  0.0007288602%
IN425  North Vernon City, Indiana  0.1513565530%
IN426  North Webster Town, Indiana  0.0116053027%
IN427  Oakland City, Indiana  0.0117541544%
IN428  Oaktown, Indiana  0.0003028363%
IN429  Odon Town, Indiana  0.0001129220%
IN430  Ogden Dunes Town, Indiana  0.0007545244%
IN431  Ohio County, Indiana  0.0605056649%
IN432  Oldenburg Town, Indiana  0.0017554240%
IN433  Onward Town, Indiana  0.0000205312%
IN434  Oolitic Town, Indiana  0.0059284054%
IN435  Orange County, Indiana  0.1597076487%
IN436  Orestes Town, Indiana  0.0064108903%
IN437  Orland Town, Indiana  0.0025253468%
IN438  Orleans Town, Indiana  0.0250840842%
IN439  Osceola Town, Indiana  0.0333581877%
IN440  Osgood Town, Indiana  0.0249557637%
IN441  Ossian Town, Indiana  0.0269113676%
IN442  Otterbein Town, Indiana  0.0047632556%
IN443  Owen County, Indiana  0.2265061492%
IN444  Owensville Town, Indiana  0.0056358347%
IN445  Oxford Town, Indiana  0.0039163405%
IN446  Palmyra Town, Indiana  0.0000821251%
IN447  Paoli Town, Indiana  0.0428385035%
IN448  Paragon Town, Indiana  0.0022225104%
IN449  Parke County, Indiana  0.1418095105%
IN450  Parker City Town, Indiana  0.0194277182%
IN451  Patoka Town, Indiana  0.0042602394%
IN452  Patriot Town, Indiana  0.0022738386%
IN453  Pendleton Town, Indiana  0.0746106503%
IN454  Pennville Town, Indiana  0.0010008996%
IN455  Perry County, Indiana  0.2167486611%
IN456  Perrysville Town, Indiana  0.0037931529%
IN457  Peru City, Indiana  0.1825897537%
IN458  Petersburg City, Indiana  0.0103580278%
IN459  Pierceton Town, Indiana  0.0102861684%
IN460  Pike County, Indiana  0.1238189815%
IN461  Pine Village Town, Indiana  0.0008879776%
IN462  Pittsboro Town, Indiana  0.0022841043%
IN463  Plainfield Town, Indiana  0.1020968934%
IN464  Plainville Town, Indiana  0.0007185946%
IN465  Plymouth City, Indiana  0.1356039329%
IN466  Poneto Town, Indiana  0.0011086888%
IN467  Portage City, Indiana  0.4894039818%
IN468  Porter County, Indiana  0.1634597391%
IN469  Porter Town, Indiana  1.1075647165%
IN470  Portland City, Indiana  0.0123290301%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation

IN471  Posey County, Indiana  0.1942566503%
IN472  Poseyville Town, Indiana  0.0044655521%
IN473  Pottawattamie Park Town, Indiana  0.0012318765%
IN474  Princes Lakes Town, Indiana  0.0039060749%
IN475  Princeton City, Indiana  0.0452971236%
IN476  Pulaski County, Indiana  0.1885386905%
IN477  Putnam County, Indiana  0.4475715107%
IN478  Randolph County, Indiana  0.1948315260%
IN479  Redkey Town, Indiana  0.0011600170%
IN480  Remington Town, Indiana  0.0024226904%
IN481  Rensselaer City, Indiana  0.0101270510%
IN482  Reynolds Town, Indiana  0.0007083290%
IN483  Richland Town, Indiana  0.0026895969%
IN484  Richmond City, Indiana  0.6900304598%
IN485  Ridgeville Town, Indiana  0.0178930054%
IN486  Riley Town, Indiana  0.0014628533%
IN487  Ripley County, Indiana  0.2963689423%
IN488  Rising Sun City, Indiana  0.0356063622%
IN489  River Forest Town, Indiana  0.0003438989%
IN490  Roachdale Town, Indiana  0.0017759552%
IN491  Roann Town, Indiana  0.0009598370%
IN492  Roanoke Town, Indiana  0.0123392957%
IN493  Rochester City, Indiana  0.0090645575%
IN494  Rockport City, Indiana  0.0104760827%
IN495  Rockville Town, Indiana  0.0245143414%
IN496  Rome City Town, Indiana  0.0125086788%
IN497  Rosedale Town, Indiana  0.0056101707%
IN498  Roseland Town, Indiana  0.0028281830%
IN499  Rossville Town, Indiana  0.0134069220%
IN500  Royal Center Town, Indiana  0.0001796486%
IN501  Rush County, Indiana  0.2194844534%
IN502  Rushville City, Indiana  0.0154035884%
IN503  Russellville Town, Indiana  0.0006929305%
IN504  Russiaville Town, Indiana  0.0008058526%
IN505  Salamonia Town, Indiana  0.0002258440%
IN506  Salem City, Indiana  0.0949212131%
IN507  Saltillo Town, Indiana  0.0012832047%
IN508  Sandborn Town, Indiana  0.0002053127%
IN509  Santa Claus Town, Indiana  0.0075247120%
IN510  Saratoga Town, Indiana  0.0045014819%
IN511  Schererville Town, Indiana  0.1304762472%
IN512  Schneider Town, Indiana  0.0009341730%
IN513  Scott County, Indiana  1.2219803744%
IN514  Scottsburg City, Indiana  0.0624971985%
IN515  Seelyville Town, Indiana  0.0082946348%
IN516  Sellersburg Town, Indiana  0.0135711722%
IN517  Selma Town, Indiana  0.0080893220%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation

IN518  Seymour City, Indiana  0.0450507483%
IN519  Shadeland Town, Indiana  0.0129347027%
IN520  Shamrock Lakes Town, Indiana  0.0030899567%
IN521  Sharpsville Town, Indiana  0.0050814904%
IN522  Shelburn Town, Indiana  0.0044398880%
IN523  Shelby County, Indiana  0.0450507483%
IN524  Shelbyville City, Indiana  0.5456956026%
IN525  Sheridan Town, Indiana  0.0121647799%
IN526  Shipshewana Town, Indiana  0.0047170603%
IN527  Shirley Town, Indiana  0.0011805483%
IN528  Shoals Town, Indiana  0.0066983282%
IN529  Sidney Town, Indiana  0.0004773521%
IN530  Silver Lake Town, Indiana  0.0053124672%
IN531  Somerville Town, Indiana  0.0016938302%
IN532  South Bend City, Indiana  1.3581283861%
IN533  South Whitley Town, Indiana  0.0000564610%
IN534  Southport City, Indiana  0.0003490317%
IN535  Speedway Town, Indiana  0.0716336155%
IN536  Spencer County, Indiana  0.1562994572%
IN537  Spencer Town, Indiana  0.0335275707%
IN538  Spiceland Town, Indiana  0.0016835644%
IN539  Spring Grove Town, Indiana  0.0014166579%
IN540  Spring Lake Town, Indiana  0.0003079691%
IN541  Springport Town, Indiana  0.0002771722%
IN542  Spurgeon Town, Indiana  0.0006826649%
IN543  St Joseph County, Indiana  1.3359443444%
IN544  St. Joe Town, Indiana  0.0029821675%
IN545  St. John Town, Indiana  0.0653818425%
IN546  St. Leon Town, Indiana  0.0011189545%
IN547  St. Paul Town, Indiana  0.0016219706%
IN548  Starke County, Indiana  0.5754248876%
IN549  State Line City Town, Indiana  0.0005800085%
IN550  Staunton Town, Indiana  0.0035416448%
IN551  Steuben County, Indiana  0.2288877770%
IN552  Stilesville Town, Indiana  0.0004516881%
IN553  Stinesville Town, Indiana  0.0014320564%
IN554  Straughn Town, Indiana  0.0004260239%
IN555  Sullivan City, Indiana  0.0150596896%
IN556  Sullivan County, Indiana  0.4996696188%
IN557  Sulphur Springs Town, Indiana  0.0007493915%
IN558  Summitville Town, Indiana  0.0154087212%
IN559  Sunman Town, Indiana  0.0161324486%
IN560  Swayzee Town, Indiana  0.0084948146%
IN561  Sweetser Town, Indiana  0.0043782942%
IN562  Switz City Town, Indiana  0.0006570008%
IN563  Switzerland County, Indiana  0.1390275229%
IN564  Syracuse Town, Indiana  0.0288310417%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation

IN565  Tell City, Indiana  0.0071346177%
IN566  Tennyson Town, Indiana  0.0014371892%
IN567  Terre Haute City, Indiana  1.0171911805%
IN568  Thorntown, Indiana  0.0019966664%
IN569  Tippecanoe County, Indiana  0.9835763519%
IN570  Tipton City, Indiana  0.0756782765%
IN571  Tipton County, Indiana  0.1461108124%
IN572  Topeka Town, Indiana  0.0102502386%
IN573  Town of Pines Town, Indiana  0.0177492865%
IN574  Trafalgar Town, Indiana  0.0034749182%
IN575  Trail Creek Town, Indiana  0.0070062973%
IN576  Troy Town, Indiana  0.0003695629%
IN577  Ulen Town, Indiana  0.0001385861%
IN578  Union City, Indiana  0.0467240471%
IN579  Union County, Indiana  0.0788606240%
IN580  Uniondale Town, Indiana  0.0020531275%
IN581  Universal Town, Indiana  0.0029821675%
IN582  Upland Town, Indiana  0.0132683359%
IN583  Utica Town, Indiana  0.0015552440%
IN584  Valparaiso City, Indiana  0.4508205848%
IN585  Van Buren Town, Indiana  0.0074579854%
IN586  Vanderburgh County, Indiana  1.8728576945%
IN587  Veedersburg Town, Indiana  0.0174464502%
IN588  Vera Cruz Town, Indiana  0.0005286803%
IN589  Vermillion County, Indiana  0.1479124317%
IN590  Vernon Town, Indiana  0.0044552865%
IN591  Versailles Town, Indiana  0.0325728665%
IN592  Vevay Town, Indiana  0.0222610340%
IN593  Vigo County, Indiana  0.7948734113%
IN594  Vincennes City, Indiana  0.0141973761%
IN595  Wabash City, Indiana  0.0616502834%
IN596  Wabash County, Indiana  0.5253953053%
IN597  Wakarusa Town, Indiana  0.0133555938%
IN598  Walkerton Town, Indiana  0.0293391908%
IN599  Wallace Town, Indiana  0.0007442587%
IN600  Walton Town, Indiana  0.0010214309%
IN601  Wanatah Town, Indiana  0.0034287228%
IN602  Warren County, Indiana  0.0576774819%
IN603  Warren Town, Indiana  0.0076581652%
IN604  Warrick County, Indiana  0.3991125709%
IN605  Warsaw City, Indiana  0.2580575847%
IN606  Washington City, Indiana  0.0149570332%
IN607  Washington County, Indiana  0.3404136581%
IN608  Waterloo Town, Indiana  0.0127961166%
IN609  Waveland Town, Indiana  0.0037212935%
IN610  Wayne County, Indiana  0.7657292676%
IN611  Waynetown, Indiana  0.0084126896%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation

IN612  Wells County, Indiana  0.2019712766%
IN613  West Baden Springs Town, Indiana  0.0054818501%
IN614  West College Corner Town, Indiana  0.0065340780%
IN615  West Harrison Town, Indiana  0.0004773521%
IN616  West Lafayette City, Indiana  0.2612091353%
IN617  West Lebanon Town, Indiana  0.0029770347%
IN618  West Terre Haute Town, Indiana  0.0180161931%
IN619  Westfield City, Indiana  0.1106789661%
IN620  Westport Town, Indiana  0.0022019791%
IN621  Westville Town, Indiana  0.0405133367%
IN622  Wheatfield Town, Indiana  0.0014063923%
IN623  Wheatland Town, Indiana  0.0002361097%
IN624  White County, Indiana  0.2045582171%
IN625  Whiteland Town, Indiana  0.0126883274%
IN626  Whitestown, Indiana  0.0075555088%
IN627  Whitewater Town, Indiana  0.0002977035%
IN628  Whiting City, Indiana  0.0746876425%
IN629  Whitley County, Indiana  0.3073685724%
IN630  Wilkinson Town, Indiana  0.0006364695%
IN631  Williamsport Town, Indiana  0.0094546518%
IN632  Winamac Town, Indiana  0.0021557837%
IN633  Winchester City, Indiana  0.0714950294%
IN634  Windfall City Town, Indiana  0.0058873428%
IN635  Winfield Town, Indiana  0.0246529274%
IN636  Wingate Town, Indiana  0.0023251668%
IN637  Winona Lake Town, Indiana  0.0963943321%
IN638  Winslow Town, Indiana  0.0028487143%
IN639  Wolcott Town, Indiana  0.0013396657%
IN640  Wolcottville Town, Indiana  0.0086487992%
IN641  Woodburn City, Indiana  0.0082125097%
IN642  Woodlawn Heights Town, Indiana  0.0012216109%
IN643  Worthington Town, Indiana  0.0026126046%
IN644  Yeoman Town, Indiana  0.0014577205%
IN645  Yorktown, Indiana  0.0901887545%
IN646  Zanesville Town, Indiana  0.0025920734%
IN647  Zionsville Town, Indiana  0.0375824973%
IN648  Cumberland Town, Indiana  0.0148235799%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation
IA1  Adair County, Iowa  0.2556895492%
IA2  Adams County, Iowa  0.1116738610%
IA3  Allamakee County, Iowa  0.4458620571%
IA7  Appanoose County, Iowa  0.5319573473%
IA8  Audubon County, Iowa  0.1208090649%
IA9  Benton County, Iowa  0.5190077951%
IA11  Black Hawk County, Iowa  3.3423948145%
IA13  Boone County, Iowa  0.8229376316%
IA14  Bremer County, Iowa  0.7313291658%
IA15  Buchanan County, Iowa  0.3770114677%
IA16  Buena Vista County, Iowa  0.3269761930%
IA18  Butler County, Iowa  0.2707546223%
IA19  Calhoun County, Iowa  0.1889544807%
IA20  Carroll County, Iowa  0.6033080977%
IA21  Cass County, Iowa  0.3356626501%
IA22  Cedar County, Iowa  0.3655363695%
IA25  Cerro Gordo County, Iowa  1.6302973365%
IA26  Cherokee County, Iowa  0.2378358349%
IA27  Chickasaw County, Iowa  0.2431246372%
IA28  Clarke County, Iowa  0.3046029568%
IA29  Clay County, Iowa  0.2957241797%
IA30  Clayton County, Iowa  0.4574012621%
IA32  Clinton County, Iowa  1.4586196098%
IA36  Crawford County, Iowa  0.3305341145%
IA37  Dallas County, Iowa  1.4775951912%
IA39  Davis County, Iowa  0.1538560657%
IA40  Decatur County, Iowa  0.2531573348%
IA41  Delaware County, Iowa  0.3021348491%
IA43  Des Moines County, Iowa  1.5679856298%
IA44  Dickinson County, Iowa  0.3322329419%
IA46  Dubuque County, Iowa  2.7454332795%
IA47  Emmet County, Iowa  0.1753318082%
IA49  Fayette County, Iowa  0.5284635324%
IA50  Floyd County, Iowa  0.3285468070%
IA53  Franklin County, Iowa  0.2107187034%
IA54  Fremont County, Iowa  0.2047888342%
IA55  Greene County, Iowa  0.3578435662%
IA57  Grundy County, Iowa  0.3230977380%
IA58  Guthrie County, Iowa  0.2308482053%
IA59  Hamilton County, Iowa  0.3501828163%
IA60  Hancock County, Iowa  0.1901084012%
IA61  Hardin County, Iowa  0.4491314985%
IA62  Harrison County, Iowa  0.6178282639%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation

IA63  Henry County, Iowa  0.4451248302%
IA64  Howard County, Iowa  0.1714212999%
IA65  Humboldt County, Iowa  0.1929611491%
IA66  Ida County, Iowa  0.1680556985%
IA69  Iowa County, Iowa  0.2658504602%
IA70  Jackson County, Iowa  0.5490417812%
IA71  Jasper County, Iowa  1.6780568235%
IA72  Jefferson County, Iowa  0.5728253647%
IA73  Johnson County, Iowa  3.8223936863%
IA75  Jones County, Iowa  0.3884865660%
IA77  Keokuk County, Iowa  0.1980255779%
IA78  Kossuth County, Iowa  0.3482275621%
IA80  Lee County, Iowa  1.4586837165%
IA81  Linn County, Iowa  7.3285811041%
IA82  Louisa County, Iowa  0.3358870235%
IA83  Lucas County, Iowa  0.3300533143%
IA84  Lyon County, Iowa  0.1619335092%
IA85  Madison County, Iowa  0.4031349456%
IA86  Mahaska County, Iowa  0.7161999860%
IA88  Marion County, Iowa  1.1788259436%
IA89  Marshall County, Iowa  1.0363488161%
IA92  Mills County, Iowa  0.4947113580%
IA93  Mitchell County, Iowa  0.1894673343%
IA94  Monona County, Iowa  0.4457658971%
IA95  Monroe County, Iowa  0.2157510788%
IA96  Montgomery County, Iowa  0.5308995868%
IA98  Muscatine County, Iowa  1.0607414131%
IA102  O Brien County, Iowa  0.2348228203%
IA103  Osceola County, Iowa  0.1453939821%
IA106  Page County, Iowa  0.5824093155%
IA107  Palo Alto County, Iowa  0.1666132978%
IA110  Plymouth County, Iowa  0.4452850969%
IA111  Pocahontas County, Iowa  0.1165780231%
IA112  Polk County, Iowa  22.8108926250%
IA113  Pottawattamie County, Iowa  3.6145597841%
IA114  Poweshiek County, Iowa  0.4747100695%
IA115  Ringgold County, Iowa  0.1195910378%
IA116  Sac County, Iowa  0.2200782807%
IA117  Scott County, Iowa  8.8614042123%
IA118  Shelby County, Iowa  0.2859158555%
IA120  Sioux County, Iowa  0.4096738283%
IA123  Story County, Iowa  2.1665177789%
IA124  Tama County, Iowa  0.3449901740%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation

IA125  Taylor County, Iowa  0.1784409829%
IA126  Union County, Iowa  0.4629785445%
IA128  Van Buren County, Iowa  0.1525418785%
IA129  Wapello County, Iowa  1.0026607483%
IA130  Warren County, Iowa  1.3316563022%
IA131  Washington County, Iowa  0.5543626368%
IA135  Wayne County, Iowa  0.2440541843%
IA136  Webster County, Iowa  1.5957758817%
IA138  Winnebago County, Iowa  0.2340535400%
IA139  Winneshiek County, Iowa  0.3674595703%
IA140  Woodbury County, Iowa  2.5662230163%
IA141  Worth County, Iowa  0.2345663935%
IA142  Wright County, Iowa  0.2810437467%










Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only
        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
KS1   Allen County, Kansas 0.7541791329%
KS2   Anderson County, Kansas 0.2371057884%
KS3   Andover City, Kansas 0.3023298328%
KS4   Arkansas City, Kansas 0.5244164596%
KS5   Atchison City, Kansas 0.2509194126%
KS6   Atchison County, Kansas 0.3718857098%
KS7   Barber County, Kansas 0.2343333783%
KS8   Barton County, Kansas 0.4058838207%
KS9   Bourbon County, Kansas 0.5659958596%
KS10   Brown County, Kansas 0.5618840411%
KS11   Butler County, Kansas 2.1800439960%
KS12   Chase County, Kansas 0.0310115071%
KS13   Chautauqua County, Kansas 0.1534264050%
KS14   Cherokee County, Kansas 1.0387304319%
KS15   Cheyenne County, Kansas 0.0521668496%
KS16   Clark County, Kansas 0.1317865660%
KS17   Clay County, Kansas 0.3853019118%
KS18   Cloud County, Kansas 0.2727657622%
KS19   Coffey County, Kansas 0.3555052548%
KS20   Comanche County, Kansas 0.0703611984%
KS21   Cowley County, Kansas 0.1056381847%
KS22   Crawford County, Kansas 0.8006058270%
KS23   Decatur County, Kansas 0.1024648600%
KS24   Derby City, Kansas 0.2862213106%
KS25   Dickinson County, Kansas 0.5167117764%
KS26   Dodge City, Kansas 0.3763716687%
KS27   Doniphan County, Kansas 0.1428529245%
KS28   Douglas County, Kansas 0.5037148817%
KS29   Edwards County, Kansas 0.0688529961%
KS30   El Dorado City, Kansas 0.5267481432%
KS31   Elk County, Kansas 0.1699851994%
KS32   Elkhart City, Kansas 0.0023710299%
KS33   Ellis County, Kansas 0.3947457539%
KS34   Ellsworth County, Kansas 0.2694567040%
KS35   Emporia City, Kansas 0.1225808979%
KS36   Fairmount Township, Leavenworth County, Kansas 0.0084960354%
KS37   Finney County, Kansas 0.4284130288%
KS38   Ford County, Kansas 0.3536897313%
KS39   Franklin County, Kansas 0.9871549429%
KS40   Garden City, Kansas 0.3090040586%
KS41   Gardner City, Kansas 0.1783885728%
KS42   Geary County, Kansas 0.9138741928%
KS43   Gove County, Kansas 0.0596145005%
KS44   Graham County, Kansas 0.0885576425%
KS45   Grant County, Kansas 0.1121093922%
KS46   Gray County, Kansas 0.1198536546%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only
        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
KS47   Great Bend City, Kansas   0.2626213674%
KS48   Greeley County Unified Government, Kansas   0.0420764688%
KS49   Greenwood County, Kansas 0.3634446197%
KS50   Hamilton County, Kansas 0.0770093484%
KS51   Harper County, Kansas 0.2751873139%
KS52   Harvey County, Kansas 0.4874526988%
KS53   Haskell County, Kansas 0.0589027724%
KS54   Hays City, Kansas 0.2857030552%
KS55   Haysville City, Kansas 0.1161439147%
KS56   Hodgeman County, Kansas 0.0381949084%
KS57   Hutchinson City, Kansas 1.0312608960%
KS58   Jackson County, Kansas 0.2794465069%
KS59   Jefferson County, Kansas 0.4227008116%
KS60   Jewell County, Kansas 0.0576553276%
KS61   Johnson County, Kansas 9.6645678744%
KS62   Junction City, Kansas 0.1775769654%
KS63   Kansas City, Kansas 5.4520371502%
KS64   Kearny County, Kansas 0.0660370488%
KS65   Kingman County, Kansas 0.2734092742%
KS66   Kiowa County, Kansas 0.0632464788%
KS67   Labette County, Kansas 1.1704308548%
KS68   Lane County, Kansas 0.0275778907%
KS69   Lansing City, Kansas 0.7133352086%
KS70   Lawrence City, Kansas 3.1638042033%
KS71   Leavenworth City, Kansas 0.5951890494%
KS72   Leavenworth County, Kansas 2.3340801542%
KS73   Leawood City, Kansas 0.5645735676%
KS74   Lenexa City, Kansas 0.9811139852%
KS75   Liberal City, Kansas 0.0682108809%
KS76   Lincoln County, Kansas 0.0485423215%
KS77   Linn County, Kansas 0.4207125363%
KS78   Logan County, Kansas 0.1082727658%
KS79   Lyon County, Kansas 0.6750909426%
KS80   Manhattan City, Kansas 0.7992480259%
KS81   Manter City, Kansas 0.0001287490%
KS82   Marion County, Kansas 0.2585495937%
KS83   Marshall County, Kansas 0.2276721904%
KS84   McPherson City, Kansas 0.2496279649%
KS85   McPherson County, Kansas 0.5097593318%
KS86   Meade County, Kansas 0.0768717523%
KS87   Merriam City, Kansas 0.2489320686%
KS88   Miami County, Kansas 1.2663765466%
KS89   Mitchell County, Kansas 0.1352292623%
KS90   Montgomery County, Kansas 1.7112175254%
KS91   Morris County, Kansas 0.1150743437%
KS92   Morton County, Kansas 0.2160617336%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only
        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
KS93   Nemaha County, Kansas 0.2032897421%
KS94   Neosho County, Kansas 0.8310848768%
KS95   Ness County, Kansas 0.0706191619%
KS96   Newton City, Kansas 0.5433840008%
KS97   Norton County, Kansas 0.1451450288%
KS98   Olathe City, Kansas 1.6762201549%
KS99   Osage County, Kansas 0.5950568081%
KS100   Osborne County, Kansas 0.1578979290%
KS101   Ottawa City, Kansas 0.0294988813%
KS102   Ottawa County, Kansas 0.1312957833%
KS103   Overland Park City, Kansas 2.3687103690%
KS104   Pawnee County, Kansas 0.1939706911%
KS105   Phillips County, Kansas 0.1221045499%
KS106   Pittsburg City, Kansas 0.7147952173%
KS107   Pottawatomie County, Kansas 0.4594243031%
KS108   Prairie Village City, Kansas 0.2589451534%
KS109   Pratt County, Kansas 0.4619825196%
KS110   Rawlins County, Kansas 0.0431218266%
KS111   Reno County, Kansas 1.1279702345%
KS112   Republic County, Kansas 0.1617978822%
KS113   Rice County, Kansas 0.2959259100%
KS114   Riley County, Kansas 1.0426785786%
KS115   Rooks County, Kansas 0.1523482196%
KS116   Rush County, Kansas 0.0753160549%
KS117   Russell County, Kansas 0.2146389759%
KS118   Salina City, Kansas 1.3339667317%
KS119   Saline County, Kansas 0.6611290126%
KS120   Scott County, Kansas 0.0944435428%
KS121   Sedgwick County, Kansas 13.5321956939%
KS122   Seward County, Kansas 0.4105201807%
KS123   Shawnee City, Kansas 0.8209928663%
KS124   Shawnee County, Kansas 3.0388576303%
KS125   Sheridan County, Kansas 0.0529819493%
KS126   Sherman County, Kansas 0.2106519484%
KS127   Smith County, Kansas 0.1047138927%
KS128   Soldier Township, Kansas 0.0214428740%
KS129   Stafford County, Kansas 0.0781264146%
KS130   Stanton County, Kansas 0.0490733819%
KS131   Stevens County, Kansas 0.0751535472%
KS132   Sumner County, Kansas 1.0773462773%
KS133   Thomas County, Kansas 0.2518295026%
KS134   Topeka City, Kansas 2.9773291238%
KS135   Trego County, Kansas 0.0832973273%
KS136   Ulysses City, Kansas 0.0249593741%
KS137   Wabaunsee County, Kansas 0.1542554739%
KS138   Wallace County, Kansas 0.0168456276%
KS139   Washington County, Kansas 0.1090452597%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only
        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
KS140   Wichita City, Kansas 8.2621190275%
KS141   Wichita County, Kansas 0.0516844483%
KS142   Wilson County, Kansas 0.5342588881%
KS143   Winfield City, Kansas 0.6854926025%
KS144   Woodson County, Kansas 0.2011950685%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only
        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
KY1   Adair County, Kentucky 0.2072149972%
KY2   Allen County, Kentucky 0.3652932746%
KY3   Anderson County, Kentucky 0.3621159370%
KY4   Ashland City, Kentucky 0.9834499202%
KY5   Ballard County, Kentucky 0.1275818571%
KY6   Bardstown City, Kentucky 0.2352870373%
KY7   Barren County, Kentucky 0.3822164065%
KY8   Bath County, Kentucky 0.2721522696%
KY9   Bell County, Kentucky 1.6046449783%
KY10   Bellefonte City, Kentucky 0.0232546060%
KY11   Benham City, Kentucky 0.0026848062%
KY12   Berea City, Kentucky 0.1673960319%
KY13   Boone County, Kentucky 2.2416599391%
KY14   Bourbon County, Kentucky 0.3912683808%
KY15   Bowling Green City, Kentucky 0.6707865957%
KY16   Boyd County, Kentucky 1.0191273378%
KY17   Boyle County, Kentucky 0.3790292999%
KY18   Bracken County, Kentucky 0.1275577166%
KY19   Breathitt County, Kentucky 0.5390554414%
KY20   Breckinridge County, Kentucky 0.3244963382%
KY21   Buckhorn City, Kentucky 0.0016578966%
KY22   Bullitt County, Kentucky 0.9402858081%
KY23   Butler County, Kentucky 0.2691739265%
KY24   Caldwell County, Kentucky 0.2485303902%
KY25   Calloway County, Kentucky 0.0270405279%
KY26   Campbell County, Kentucky 1.8009538340%
KY27   Campbellsville City, Kentucky 0.2769609681%
KY28   Carlisle County, Kentucky 0.0604084438%
KY29   Carroll County, Kentucky 0.3429114361%
KY30   Carter County, Kentucky 0.6015849596%
KY31   Casey County, Kentucky 0.2668572392%
KY32   Christian County, Kentucky 0.4386166388%
KY33   Clark County, Kentucky 0.6110238861%
KY34   Clay County, Kentucky 0.7834161044%
KY35   Clinton County, Kentucky 0.5184782680%
KY36   Columbia City, Kentucky 0.0941274300%
KY37   Covington City, Kentucky 1.7146827203%
KY38   Crittenden County, Kentucky 0.2010231527%
KY39   Cumberland County, Kentucky 0.1857249004%
KY40   Danville City, Kentucky 0.2799464970%
KY41   Daviess County, Kentucky 1.1263935276%
KY42   Edmonson County, Kentucky 0.1884368528%
KY43   Elizabethtown City, Kentucky 0.0550593556%
KY44   Elliott County, Kentucky 0.1458221479%
KY45   Erlanger City, Kentucky 0.3397777298%
KY46   Estill County, Kentucky 0.4817186620%
KY47   Fleming County, Kentucky 0.2798388981%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only
        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
KY48   Florence City, Kentucky 0.7389020512%
KY49   Floyd County, Kentucky 2.2122610651%
KY50   Fort Thomas City, Kentucky 0.3651296923%
KY51   Frankfort City, Kentucky 0.4254271088%
KY52   Franklin County, Kentucky 0.4438483122%
KY53   Fulton County, Kentucky 0.1040009320%
KY54   Gallatin County, Kentucky 0.2347861459%
KY55   Garrard County, Kentucky 0.3127117464%
KY56   Georgetown City, Kentucky 0.2129888920%
KY57   Glasgow City, Kentucky 0.4100978120%
KY58   Grant County, Kentucky 0.8983127984%
KY59   Graves County, Kentucky 0.5377248503%
KY60   Grayson City, Kentucky 0.1405700912%
KY61   Grayson County, Kentucky 0.5506751829%
KY62   Green County, Kentucky 0.1363993307%
KY63   Greenup City, Kentucky 0.0314549006%
KY64   Greenup County, Kentucky 0.6818493215%
KY65   Hancock County, Kentucky 0.1001482246%
KY66   Hardin County, Kentucky 1.5735944542%
KY67   Harlan City, Kentucky 0.0307714057%
KY68   Harlan County, Kentucky 0.8841679348%
KY69   Harrison County, Kentucky 0.4508521033%
KY70   Hart County, Kentucky 0.2333469695%
KY71   Henderson City, Kentucky 0.5644511762%
KY72   Henderson County, Kentucky 0.3796057595%
KY73   Henry County, Kentucky 0.2263086115%
KY74   Hickman County, Kentucky 0.0533625713%
KY75   Hillview City, Kentucky 0.0559482324%
KY76   Hopkins County, Kentucky 0.5493362318%
KY77   Hopkinsville City, Kentucky 0.5662686160%
KY78   Hyden City, Kentucky 0.0208586871%
KY79   Independence City, Kentucky 0.1255237640%
KY80   Inez City, Kentucky 0.0105691141%
KY81   Jackson County, Kentucky 0.1930879337%
KY82   Jamestown City, Kentucky 0.0102921092%
KY83   Jefferson County, Kentucky 14.4939132925%
KY84   Jeffersontown City, Kentucky 0.1981991396%
KY85   Jenkins City, Kentucky 0.0688654541%
KY86   Jessamine County, Kentucky 0.6407795601%
KY87   Johnson County, Kentucky 0.6400798620%
KY88   Kenton County, Kentucky 3.0353062046%
KY89   Knott County, Kentucky 0.4760255015%
KY90   Knox County, Kentucky 0.8791225282%
KY91   Larue County, Kentucky 0.1917133825%
KY92   Laurel County, Kentucky 0.9215642107%
KY93   Lawrence County, Kentucky 0.5341168353%
KY94   Lawrenceburg City, Kentucky 0.0804801232%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only
        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
KY95   Lee County, Kentucky 0.3684164606%
KY96   Leslie County, Kentucky 0.5316878055%
KY97   Letcher County, Kentucky 0.5820426330%
KY98   Lewis County, Kentucky 0.2152456979%
KY99   Lexington-Fayette Urban County, Kentucky 6.2597070666%
KY100   Lincoln County, Kentucky 0.4844988089%
KY101   Livingston County, Kentucky 0.2056037847%
KY102   Logan County, Kentucky 0.4041639043%
KY103   London City, Kentucky 0.1961505806%
KY104   Loyall City, Kentucky 0.0033160280%
KY105   Lynch City, Kentucky 0.0027455331%
KY106   Lyndon City, Kentucky 0.0748780766%
KY107   Lyon County, Kentucky 0.1367346673%
KY108   Madison County, Kentucky 1.1073052673%
KY109   Madisonville City, Kentucky 0.3927355489%
KY110   Magoffin County, Kentucky 0.3084779576%
KY111   Manchester City, Kentucky 0.1800397241%
KY112   Marion County, Kentucky 0.3140811783%
KY113   Marshall County, Kentucky 0.6110803392%
KY114   Martin County, Kentucky 0.4586073959%
KY115   Mason County, Kentucky 0.3538044741%
KY116   McCracken County, Kentucky 0.3377504933%
KY117   McCreary County, Kentucky 0.3011869230%
KY118   McLean County, Kentucky 0.1433881867%
KY119   Meade County, Kentucky 0.3762152436%
KY120   Menifee County, Kentucky 0.1152561711%
KY121   Mercer County, Kentucky 0.4275256395%
KY122   Metcalfe County, Kentucky 0.1167070889%
KY123   Monroe County, Kentucky 0.2890192303%
KY124   Montgomery County, Kentucky 0.7103789505%
KY125   Morehead City, Kentucky 0.1176937487%
KY126   Morgan County, Kentucky 0.0505889526%
KY127   Morganfield City, Kentucky 0.1082087956%
KY128   Mount Washington City, Kentucky 0.0667863672%
KY129   Muhlenberg County, Kentucky 0.6182711015%
KY130   Murray City, Kentucky 0.5765962314%
KY131   Nelson County, Kentucky 0.4816564321%
KY132   Newport City, Kentucky 0.7312996326%
KY133   Nicholas County, Kentucky 0.1324383199%
KY134   Nicholasville City, Kentucky 0.3723153354%
KY135   Ohio County, Kentucky 0.4467150643%
KY136   Oldham County, Kentucky 0.8061439877%
KY137   Owen County, Kentucky 0.2198857418%
KY138   Owensboro City, Kentucky 0.5118319344%
KY139   Owsley County, Kentucky 0.1294761331%
KY140   Paducah City, Kentucky 1.1041080161%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only
        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
KY141   Paintsville City, Kentucky 0.3642660363%
KY142   Pendleton County, Kentucky 0.3094900729%
KY143   Perry County, Kentucky 1.7685462770%
KY144   Pike County, Kentucky 2.8526994649%
KY145   Pineville City, Kentucky 0.0736606264%
KY146   Pippa Passes City, Kentucky 0.0150639864%
KY147   Powell County, Kentucky 0.5788951657%
KY148   Prestonsburg City, Kentucky 0.4197933602%
KY149   Pulaski County, Kentucky 0.8723902940%
KY150   Radcliff City, Kentucky 0.0391427032%
KY151   Richmond City, Kentucky 0.5069051167%
KY152   Robertson County, Kentucky 0.0346199801%
KY153   Rockcastle County, Kentucky 0.5575756021%
KY154   Rowan County, Kentucky 0.4245058255%
KY155   Russell City, Kentucky 0.1455248537%
KY156   Russell County, Kentucky 0.5341152854%
KY157   Russell Springs City, Kentucky 0.0155036343%
KY158   Scott County, Kentucky 0.6332443967%
KY159   Shelby County, Kentucky 0.5093783884%
KY160   Shelbyville City, Kentucky 0.1168374662%
KY161   Shepherdsville City, Kentucky 0.1717991328%
KY162   Shively City, Kentucky 0.1040826057%
KY163   Simpson County, Kentucky 0.3109188228%
KY164   Somerset City, Kentucky 0.3108498299%
KY165   South Shore City, Kentucky 0.0058748246%
KY166   Spencer County, Kentucky 0.2447695951%
KY167   St. Matthews City, Kentucky 0.1131834246%
KY168   Taylor County, Kentucky 0.1908446071%
KY169   Todd County, Kentucky 0.1788746408%
KY170   Trigg County, Kentucky 0.2047738501%
KY171   Trimble County, Kentucky 0.1174427629%
KY172   Union County, Kentucky 0.2531192882%
KY173   Vanceburg City, Kentucky 0.0340027072%
KY174   Warfield City, Kentucky 0.0001148786%
KY175   Warren County, Kentucky 0.9893070387%
KY176   Washington County, Kentucky 0.1549834119%
KY177   Wayne County, Kentucky 0.3477965951%
KY178   Webster County, Kentucky 0.2371207742%
KY179   West Liberty City, Kentucky 0.1691975502%
KY180   Whitesburg City, Kentucky 0.0507126138%
KY181   Whitley County, Kentucky 2.0341464266%
KY182   Winchester City, Kentucky 0.4646999075%
KY183   Wolfe County, Kentucky 0.2600699609%
KY184   Woodford County, Kentucky 0.4375495264%
KY185   Worthington City, Kentucky 0.0263144349%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only
        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
LA2   Acadia Parish, Louisiana    
LA4   Allen Parish, Louisiana    
LA5   Ascension Parish, Louisiana    
LA6   Assumption Parish, Louisiana    
LA7   Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana    
LA12   Beauregard Parish, Louisiana    
LA14   Bienville Parish, Louisiana    
LA17   Bossier Parish, Louisiana    
LA19   Caddo Parish, Louisiana    
LA20   Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana    
LA21   Caldwell Parish, Louisiana    
LA22   Cameron Parish, Louisiana    
LA23   Catahoula Parish, Louisiana    
LA25   Claiborne Parish, Louisiana    
LA26   Concordia Parish, Louisiana    
LA29   De Soto Parish, Louisiana    
LA33   East Carroll Parish, Louisiana    
LA34   East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana    
LA36   Evangeline Parish, Louisiana    
LA39   Franklin Parish, Louisiana    
LA42   Grant Parish, Louisiana   Allocations in
LA46   Iberia Parish, Louisiana   Louisiana will be
LA47   Iberville Parish, Louisiana   made in accordance
LA48   Jackson Parish, Louisiana   with the Louisiana
LA50   Jefferson Davis Parish, Louisiana   State-Local
LA51   Jefferson Parish,  Louisiana   Government Opioid
LA54   Lafourche Parish, Louisiana   Litigation
LA57   Lasalle Parish, Louisiana   Memorandum of
LA58   Lincoln Parish, Louisiana   Understanding
LA59   Livingston Parish, Louisiana    
LA61   Madison Parish, Louisiana    
LA66   Morehouse Parish, Louisiana    
LA69   Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana    
LA74   Ouachita Parish, Louisiana    
LA78   Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana    
LA79   Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana    
LA80   Rapides Parish, Louisiana    
LA81   Red River Parish, Louisiana    
LA82   Richland Parish, Louisiana    
LA85   Sabine Parish, Louisiana    
LA88   St Bernard Parish, Louisiana    
LA89   St Charles Parish, Louisiana    
LA90   St Helena Parish, Louisiana    
LA91   St James Parish, Louisiana    
LA92   St John The Baptist Parish, Louisiana    
LA93   St Landry Parish, Louisiana    
LA94   St Martin Parish, Louisiana    








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only
        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation

LA95   St Mary Parish, Louisiana    
LA96   St Tammany Parish, Louisiana    
LA99   Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana    
LA100   Tensas Parish, Louisiana    
LA102   Union Parish, Louisiana    
LA103   Vermilion Parish, Louisiana    
LA104   Vernon Parish, Louisiana    
LA105   Washington Parish, Louisiana    
LA106   Webster Parish, Louisiana    
LA107   West Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana    
LA108   West Carroll Parish, Louisiana    
LA109   West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana    
LA112   Winn Parish, Louisiana    
LA115   East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana    
LA116   Lafayette Parish, Louisiana    
LA117   Orleans Parish, Louisiana    
LA118   Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana    
LA119   Sheriff of Acadia Parish, Louisiana    
LA120   Sheriff of Allen Parish, Louisiana    
LA121   Sheriff of Ascension Parish, Louisiana    
LA122   Sheriff of Assumption Parish, Louisiana    
LA123   Sheriff of Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana    
LA124   Sheriff of Beauregard Parish, Louisiana   Allocations in
LA125   Sheriff of Bienville Parish, Louisiana   Louisiana will be
LA126   Sheriff of Bossier Parish, Louisiana   made in accordance
LA127   Sheriff of Caddo Parish, Louisiana   with the Louisiana
LA128   Sheriff of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana   State-Local
LA129   Sheriff of Caldwell Parish, Louisiana   Government Opioid
LA130   Sheriff of Cameron Parish, Louisiana   Litigation
LA131   Sheriff of Catahoula Parish, Louisiana   Memorandum of
LA132   Sheriff of Claiborne Parish, Louisiana   Understanding
LA133   Sheriff of Concordia Parish, Louisiana    
LA134   Sheriff of De Soto Parish, Louisiana    
LA135   Sheriff of East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana    
LA136   Sheriff of East Carroll Parish, Louisiana    
LA137   Sheriff of East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana    
LA138   Sheriff of Evangeline Parish, Louisiana    
LA139   Sheriff of Franklin Parish, Louisiana    
LA140   Sheriff of Grant Parish, Louisiana    
LA141   Sheriff of Iberia Parish, Louisiana    
LA142   Sheriff of Iberville Parish, Louisiana    
LA143   Sheriff of Jackson Parish, Louisiana    
LA144   Sheriff of Jefferson Davis Parish, Louisiana    
LA145   Sheriff of Jefferson Parish, Louisiana    








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only
        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation

LA146   Sheriff of Lafayette Parish, Louisiana    
LA147   Sheriff of Lafourche Parish, Louisiana    
LA148   Sheriff of Lasalle Parish, Louisiana    
LA149   Sheriff of Lincoln Parish, Louisiana    
LA150   Sheriff of Livingston Parish, Louisiana    
LA151   Sheriff of Madison Parish, Louisiana    
LA152   Sheriff of Morehouse Parish, Louisiana    
LA153   Sheriff of Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana    
LA154   Sheriff of Orleans Parish, Louisiana    
LA155   Sheriff of Ouachita Parish, Louisiana    
LA156   Sheriff of Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana    
LA157   Sheriff of Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana    
LA158   Sheriff of Rapides Parish, Louisiana    
LA159   Sheriff of Red River Parish, Louisiana    
LA160   Sheriff of Richland Parish, Louisiana    
LA161   Sheriff of Sabine Parish, Louisiana    
LA162   Sheriff of St Bernard Parish, Louisiana    
LA163   Sheriff of St Charles Parish, Louisiana   Allocations in
LA164   Sheriff of St Helena Parish, Louisiana   Louisiana will be
LA165   Sheriff of St James Parish, Louisiana   made in accordance
LA166   Sheriff of St John The Baptist Parish, Louisiana   with the Louisiana
LA167   Sheriff of St Landry Parish, Louisiana   State-Local
LA168   Sheriff of St Martin Parish, Louisiana   Government Opioid
LA169   Sheriff of St Mary Parish, Louisiana   Litigation
LA170   Sheriff of St Tammany Parish, Louisiana   Memorandum of
LA171   Sheriff of Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana   Understanding
LA172   Sheriff of Tensas Parish, Louisiana    
LA173   Sheriff of Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana    
LA174   Sheriff of Union Parish, Louisiana    
LA175   Sheriff of Vermilion Parish, Louisiana    
LA176   Sheriff of Vernon Parish, Louisiana    
LA177   Sheriff of Washington Parish, Louisiana    
LA178   Sheriff of Webster Parish, Louisiana    
LA179   Sheriff of West Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana    
LA180   Sheriff of West Carroll Parish, Louisiana    
LA181   Sheriff of West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana    
LA182   Sheriff of Winn Parish, Louisiana    








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only
        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
ME1   Androscoggin County, Maine 1.6799535986%
ME2   Aroostook County, Maine 4.0537116218%
ME3   Auburn City, Maine 2.6283332826%
ME4   Augusta City, Maine 3.6779545807%
ME5   Bangor City, Maine 5.2042873123%
ME6   Biddeford City, Maine 2.7393997300%
ME7   Brunswick Town, Maine 1.6113929261%
ME8   Calais City, Maine 0.8369049504%
ME9   Cumberland County, Maine 3.5025701951%
ME10   Falmouth Town, Maine 1.2353278939%
ME11   Franklin County, Maine 1.9717572454%
ME12   Gorham Town, Maine 1.4582940317%
ME13   Hancock County, Maine 3.8494340111%
ME14   Kennebec County, Maine 4.9959268385%
ME15   Kennebunk Town, Maine 0.2185679049%
ME16   Knox County, Maine 2.1010369789%
ME17   Lewiston City, Maine 4.3451006968%
ME18   Lincoln County, Maine 2.1621727981%
ME19   Orono Town, Maine 0.2094180830%
ME20   Oxford County, Maine 3.8454418782%
ME21   Penobscot County, Maine 6.7801027597%
ME22   Piscataquis County, Maine 1.2760851978%
ME23   Portland City, Maine 7.2016026249%
ME24   Rockland City, Maine 0.6184398003%
ME25   Saco City, Maine 0.4366518238%
ME26   Sagadahoc County, Maine 1.9708146889%
ME27   Sanford City, Maine 2.6908215844%
ME28   Scarborough Town, Maine 1.8363769930%
ME29   Somerset County, Maine 3.6977198467%
ME30   South Portland City, Maine 2.2275994495%
ME31   Standish Town, Maine 0.0664145731%
ME32   Waldo County, Maine 2.4723925078%
ME33   Washington County, Maine 2.6998574469%
ME34   Waterville City, Maine 2.8132809688%
ME35   Wells Town, Maine 0.2541311729%
ME36   Westbrook City, Maine 1.5416150467%
ME37   Windham Town, Maine 0.1935482073%
ME38   York County, Maine 6.7950503019%
ME39   York Town, Maine 2.1005084476%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only
        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
MD1   Aberdeen City, Maryland 0.0372796529%
MD2   Allegany County, Maryland 1.6120411494%
MD3   Annapolis City, Maryland 0.2413230958%
MD4   Anne Arundel County, Maryland 9.5850095156%
MD5   Baltimore City, Maryland 20.9970334354%
MD6   Baltimore County, Maryland 17.7565394434%
MD7   Bel Air Town, Maryland 0.0322364280%
MD8   Berlin Town, Maryland 0.0109236186%
MD9   Bowie City, Maryland 0.0263270946%
MD10   Calvert County, Maryland 1.6948343688%
MD11   Cambridge City, Maryland 0.0196746185%
MD12   Caroline County, Maryland 0.5865017850%
MD13   Carroll County, Maryland 2.9605563001%
MD14   Cecil County, Maryland 3.7958577634%
MD15   Charles County, Maryland 1.9663409179%
MD16   Charlestown, Maryland 0.0013846587%
MD17   College Park City, Maryland 0.0050334845%
MD18   Cottage City Town, Maryland 0.0015972023%
MD19   Cumberland City, Maryland 0.1627132426%
MD20   Dorchester County, Maryland 0.3951913125%
MD21   Easton Town, Maryland 0.0630108370%
MD22   Elkton Town, Maryland 0.0884110160%
MD23   Forest Heights Town, Maryland 0.0014812182%
MD24   Frederick City, Maryland 0.1530889274%
MD25   Frederick County, Maryland 3.4957333212%
MD26   Frostburg City, Maryland 0.0194678741%
MD27   Gaithersburg City, Maryland 0.0243966914%
MD28   Garrett County, Maryland 0.3513434690%
MD29   Grantsville Town, Maryland 0.0002207076%
MD30   Greenbelt City, Maryland 0.0369938028%
MD31   Hagerstown City, Maryland 0.1829328174%
MD32   Harford County, Maryland 5.1958110720%
MD33   Havre De Grace City, Maryland 0.0458009931%
MD34   Howard County, Maryland 3.2487213744%
MD35   Hyattsville City, Maryland 0.0127377562%
MD36   Kent County, Maryland 0.4683852152%
MD37   Laurel City, Maryland 0.0300516480%
MD38   Montgomery County, Maryland 8.5574378958%
MD39   Mountain Lake Park Town, Maryland 0.0001004445%
MD40   New Carrollton City, Maryland 0.0062727689%
MD41   North Brentwood Town, Maryland 0.0000662686%
MD42   North East Town, Maryland 0.0183814522%
MD43   Oakland Town, Maryland 0.0011777453%
MD44   Perryville Town, Maryland 0.0184160785%
MD45   Prince Georges County, Maryland 7.1382650655%
MD46   Queen Annes County, Maryland 0.7381792535%
MD47   Rockville City, Maryland 0.0611045878%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only
        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
MD48   Salisbury City, Maryland 0.1347806691%
MD49   Seat Pleasant City, Maryland 0.0040128808%
MD50   Somerset County, Maryland 0.3875128839%
MD51   St Marys County, Maryland 1.3684562511%
MD52   Takoma Park City, Maryland 0.0195596479%
MD53   Talbot County, Maryland 0.4896824850%
MD54   Upper Marlboro Town, Maryland 0.0009443695%
MD55   Vienna Town, Maryland 0.0001582676%
MD56   Washington County, Maryland 3.0474490505%
MD57   Westminster City, Maryland 0.0440087573%
MD58   Wicomico County, Maryland 1.6694422411%
MD59   Worcester County, Maryland 0.9876031064%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only
        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
MA1   Abington Town, Massachusetts 0.2400899791%
MA2   Acton Town, Massachusetts 0.1586479343%
MA3   Acushnet Town, Massachusetts 0.1547305792%
MA4   Adams Town, Massachusetts 0.0189731986%
MA5   Agawam Town City, Massachusetts 0.4341901730%
MA6   Alford Town, Massachusetts 0.0007449491%
MA7   Amesbury Town City, Massachusetts 0.2580959424%
MA8   Amherst Town, Massachusetts 0.3675897982%
MA9   Andover Town, Massachusetts 0.7102727131%
MA10   Aquinnah Town, Massachusetts 0.0049293930%
MA11   Arlington Town, Massachusetts 0.3350233330%
MA12   Ashburnham Town, Massachusetts 0.0140160133%
MA13   Ashby Town, Massachusetts 0.0069876989%
MA14   Ashfield Town, Massachusetts 0.0027296132%
MA15   Ashland Town, Massachusetts 0.1613930923%
MA16   Athol Town, Massachusetts 0.0359559233%
MA17   Attleboro City, Massachusetts 0.9357205930%
MA18   Auburn Town, Massachusetts 0.3036683195%
MA19   Avon Town, Massachusetts 0.0739889948%
MA20   Ayer Town, Massachusetts 0.0179210686%
MA21   Barnstable County, Massachusetts 0.0639482242%
MA22   Barnstable Town City, Massachusetts 0.8578313582%
MA23   Barre Town, Massachusetts 0.0096522017%
MA24   Becket Town, Massachusetts 0.0067279376%
MA25   Bedford Town, Massachusetts 0.1982937972%
MA26   Belchertown, Massachusetts 0.3492785905%
MA27   Bellingham Town, Massachusetts 0.1961076781%
MA28   Belmont Town, Massachusetts 0.2420315678%
MA29   Berkley Town, Massachusetts 0.1212759115%
MA30   Berlin Town, Massachusetts 0.0397753511%
MA31   Bernardston Town, Massachusetts 0.0040751589%
MA32   Beverly City, Massachusetts 0.4801566147%
MA33   Billerica Town, Massachusetts 0.3870913124%
MA34   Blackstone Town, Massachusetts 0.0221473318%
MA35   Blandford Town, Massachusetts 0.0009007116%
MA36   Bolton Town, Massachusetts 0.0110088433%
MA37   Boston City, Massachusetts 10.5767780349%
MA38   Bourne Town, Massachusetts 0.3783946742%
MA39   Boxborough Town, Massachusetts 0.0399298051%
MA40   Boxford Town, Massachusetts 0.0912309051%
MA41   Boylston Town, Massachusetts 0.0562367737%
MA42   Braintree Town City, Massachusetts 0.4457226214%
MA43   Brewster Town, Massachusetts 0.1284470083%
MA44   Bridgewater Town, Massachusetts 0.0570448443%
MA45   Brimfield Town, Massachusetts 0.0355644757%
MA46   Bristol County, Massachusetts 0.1015083030%
MA47   Brockton City, Massachusetts 2.1170344615%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only
        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
MA48   Brookfield Town, Massachusetts 0.0372953453%
MA49   Brookline Town, Massachusetts 0.8244968622%
MA50   Buckland Town, Massachusetts 0.0031396937%
MA51   Burlington Town, Massachusetts 0.3034752912%
MA52   Cambridge City, Massachusetts 4.3053779748%
MA53   Canton Town, Massachusetts 0.2909840866%
MA54   Carlisle Town, Massachusetts 0.0526144568%
MA55   Carver Town, Massachusetts 0.2179547901%
MA56   Charlemont Town, Massachusetts 0.0066765925%
MA57   Charlton Town, Massachusetts 0.0305379405%
MA58   Chatham Town, Massachusetts 0.1685335181%
MA59   Chelmsford Town, Massachusetts 0.3162632088%
MA60   Chelsea City, Massachusetts 0.5236031155%
MA61   Cheshire Town, Massachusetts 0.0015830626%
MA62   Chester Town, Massachusetts 0.0096828727%
MA63   Chesterfield Town, Massachusetts 0.0168042468%
MA64   Chicopee City, Massachusetts 0.8816952708%
MA65   Chilmark Town, Massachusetts 0.0062328576%
MA66   Clarksburg Town, Massachusetts 0.0303920178%
MA67   Clinton Town, Massachusetts 0.2371744557%
MA68   Cohasset Town, Massachusetts 0.1430861241%
MA69   Colrain Town, Massachusetts 0.0016018525%
MA70   Concord Town, Massachusetts 0.1749597704%
MA71   Conway Town, Massachusetts 0.0354590115%
MA72   Cummington Town, Massachusetts 0.0009757143%
MA73   Dalton Town, Massachusetts 0.0123034626%
MA74   Danvers Town, Massachusetts 0.4037368656%
MA75   Dartmouth Town, Massachusetts 0.5505881937%
MA76   Dedham Town, Massachusetts 0.3188835370%
MA77   Deerfield Town, Massachusetts 0.0872700035%
MA78   Dennis Town, Massachusetts 0.0970183530%
MA79   Dighton Town, Massachusetts 0.0228752705%
MA80   Douglas Town, Massachusetts 0.1659192613%
MA81   Dover Town, Massachusetts 0.0683428114%
MA82   Dracut Town, Massachusetts 0.2045887296%
MA83   Dudley Town, Massachusetts 0.0179390734%
MA84   Dukes County, Massachusetts 0.0054256244%
MA85   Dunstable Town, Massachusetts 0.0041607864%
MA86   Duxbury Town, Massachusetts 0.3742011756%
MA87   East Bridgewater Town, Massachusetts 0.2308047825%
MA88   East Brookfield Town, Massachusetts 0.0052365739%
MA89   East Longmeadow Town, Massachusetts 0.2715713403%
MA90   Eastham Town, Massachusetts 0.0786916528%
MA91   Easthampton Town City, Massachusetts 0.2670463228%
MA92   Easton Town, Massachusetts 0.5676857515%
MA93   Edgartown, Massachusetts 0.0809809332%
MA94   Egremont Town, Massachusetts 0.0050750540%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only
        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
MA95   Erving Town, Massachusetts 0.0513752128%
MA96   Essex Town, Massachusetts 0.0113333487%
MA97   Everett City, Massachusetts 0.4368228534%
MA98   Fairhaven Town, Massachusetts 0.3265362625%
MA99   Fall River City, Massachusetts 2.1055901006%
MA100   Falmouth Town, Massachusetts 0.6632841320%
MA101   Fitchburg City, Massachusetts 0.6913634212%
MA102   Florida Town, Massachusetts 0.0170875086%
MA103   Foxborough Town, Massachusetts 0.2588100112%
MA104   Framingham Town, Massachusetts 0.6902310022%
MA105   Franklin Town City, Massachusetts 0.4506715894%
MA106   Freetown, Massachusetts 0.0347111837%
MA107   Gardner City, Massachusetts 0.3080580392%
MA108   Georgetown, Massachusetts 0.1361143365%
MA109   Gill Town, Massachusetts 0.0032293514%
MA110   Gloucester City, Massachusetts 0.4219402015%
MA111   Goshen Town, Massachusetts 0.0020598761%
MA112   Gosnold Town, Massachusetts 0.0011645031%
MA113   Grafton Town, Massachusetts 0.2787903277%
MA114   Granby Town, Massachusetts 0.1421420753%
MA115   Granville Town, Massachusetts 0.0205788719%
MA116   Great Barrington Town, Massachusetts 0.0238735954%
MA117   Greenfield Town City, Massachusetts 0.4522917084%
MA118   Groton Town, Massachusetts 0.0112861907%
MA119   Groveland Town, Massachusetts 0.0109548289%
MA120   Hadley Town, Massachusetts 0.1036658447%
MA121   Halifax Town, Massachusetts 0.0744074497%
MA122   Hamilton Town, Massachusetts 0.0148754814%
MA123   Hampden Town, Massachusetts 0.0086441416%
MA124   Hancock Town, Massachusetts 0.0080083205%
MA125   Hanover Town, Massachusetts 0.2979987927%
MA126   Hanson Town, Massachusetts 0.0306151413%
MA127   Hardwick Town, Massachusetts 0.0046489576%
MA128   Harvard Town, Massachusetts 0.1646144358%
MA129   Harwich Town, Massachusetts 0.2864309104%
MA130   Hatfield Town, Massachusetts 0.0627393895%
MA131   Haverhill City, Massachusetts 0.8142937865%
MA132   Hawley Town, Massachusetts 0.0002691301%
MA133   Heath Town, Massachusetts 0.0011790011%
MA134   Hingham Town, Massachusetts 0.4828724626%
MA135   Hinsdale Town, Massachusetts 0.0037015067%
MA136   Holbrook Town, Massachusetts 0.1222501079%
MA137   Holden Town, Massachusetts 0.0343745879%
MA138   Holland Town, Massachusetts 0.0238040885%
MA139   Holliston Town, Massachusetts 0.1672190621%
MA140   Holyoke City, Massachusetts 0.9664659552%
MA141   Hopedale Town, Massachusetts 0.1372305825%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only
        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
MA142   Hopkinton Town, Massachusetts 0.2027514537%
MA143   Hubbardston Town, Massachusetts 0.0076647112%
MA144   Hudson Town, Massachusetts 0.1994512345%
MA145   Hull Town, Massachusetts 0.1954841045%
MA146   Huntington Town, Massachusetts 0.0026561285%
MA147   Ipswich Town, Massachusetts 0.2079635850%
MA148   Kingston Town, Massachusetts 0.1369378473%
MA149   Lakeville Town, Massachusetts 0.0202228058%
MA150   Lancaster Town, Massachusetts 0.0116656002%
MA151   Lanesborough Town, Massachusetts 0.0575248505%
MA152   Lawrence City, Massachusetts 1.4758837913%
MA153   Lee Town, Massachusetts 0.1519018348%
MA154   Leicester Town, Massachusetts 0.1926291380%
MA155   Lenox Town, Massachusetts 0.1609461124%
MA156   Leominster City, Massachusetts 0.7902530708%
MA157   Leverett Town, Massachusetts 0.0395342227%
MA158   Lexington Town, Massachusetts 0.5090924410%
MA159   Leyden Town, Massachusetts 0.0007689206%
MA160   Lincoln Town, Massachusetts 0.1099619285%
MA161   Littleton Town, Massachusetts 0.1043597104%
MA162   Longmeadow Town, Massachusetts 0.2992108201%
MA163   Lowell City, Massachusetts 1.0242474790%
MA164   Ludlow Town, Massachusetts 0.3042665608%
MA165   Lunenburg Town, Massachusetts 0.1916440550%
MA166   Lynn City, Massachusetts 1.5917595154%
MA167   Lynnfield Town, Massachusetts 0.2333154069%
MA168   Malden City, Massachusetts 0.4659742140%
MA169   Manchester-By-The-Sea Town, Massachusetts 0.0201100664%
MA170   Mansfield Town, Massachusetts 0.6816694002%
MA171   Marblehead Town, Massachusetts 0.3485912672%
MA172   Marion Town, Massachusetts 0.0698025620%
MA173   Marlborough City, Massachusetts 0.3668295136%
MA174   Marshfield Town, Massachusetts 0.4930551259%
MA175   Mashpee Town, Massachusetts 0.3459150927%
MA176   Mattapoisett Town, Massachusetts 0.0843720139%
MA177   Maynard Town, Massachusetts 0.1014940666%
MA178   Medfield Town, Massachusetts 0.2083772770%
MA179   Medford City, Massachusetts 0.3972200658%
MA180   Medway Town, Massachusetts 0.1940731867%
MA181   Melrose City, Massachusetts 0.2296395466%
MA182   Mendon Town, Massachusetts 0.0164096065%
MA183   Merrimac Town, Massachusetts 0.0100336001%
MA184   Methuen Town City, Massachusetts 0.7149217230%
MA185   Middleborough Town, Massachusetts 0.3933419654%
MA186   Middlefield Town, Massachusetts 0.0003252381%
MA187   Middleton Town, Massachusetts 0.0917093411%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only
        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
MA188   Milford Town, Massachusetts 0.5323916620%
MA189   Millbury Town, Massachusetts 0.2332340712%
MA190   Millis Town, Massachusetts 0.0999797258%
MA191   Millville Town, Massachusetts 0.0062130209%
MA192   Milton Town, Massachusetts 0.3520463069%
MA193   Monroe Town, Massachusetts 0.0001025332%
MA194   Monson Town, Massachusetts 0.1266258006%
MA195   Montague Town, Massachusetts 0.0291412591%
MA196   Monterey Town, Massachusetts 0.0042137017%
MA197   Montgomery Town, Massachusetts 0.0002324400%
MA198   Mt Washington Town, Massachusetts 0.0001746048%
MA199   Nahant Town, Massachusetts 0.0355497159%
MA200   Nantucket Town, Massachusetts 0.1102324194%
MA201   Natick Town, Massachusetts 0.3421702489%
MA202   Needham Town, Massachusetts 0.4914063771%
MA203   New Ashford Town, Massachusetts 0.0002677169%
MA204   New Bedford City, Massachusetts 2.3617391681%
MA205   New Braintree Town, Massachusetts 0.0013480056%
MA206   New Marlborough Town, Massachusetts 0.0032940955%
MA207   New Salem Town, Massachusetts 0.0024476600%
MA208   Newbury Town, Massachusetts 0.0135400372%
MA209   Newburyport City, Massachusetts 0.2905748435%
MA210   Newton City, Massachusetts 1.0088865481%
MA211   Norfolk County, Massachusetts 0.0563017795%
MA212   Norfolk Town, Massachusetts 0.0892988423%
MA213   North Adams City, Massachusetts 0.3428675166%
MA214   North Andover Town, Massachusetts 0.4494773051%
MA215   North Attleborough Town, Massachusetts 0.6369959028%
MA216   North Brookfield Town, Massachusetts 0.0698725924%
MA217   North Reading Town, Massachusetts 0.1664230820%
MA218   Northampton City, Massachusetts 0.5405649568%
MA219   Northborough Town, Massachusetts 0.2422641125%
MA220   Northbridge Town, Massachusetts 0.2823159735%
MA221   Northfield Town, Massachusetts 0.0153010544%
MA222   Norton Town, Massachusetts 0.4563834066%
MA223   Norwell Town, Massachusetts 0.2753854817%
MA224   Norwood Town, Massachusetts 0.3412282413%
MA225   Oak Bluffs Town, Massachusetts 0.0769116887%
MA226   Oakham Town, Massachusetts 0.0026269230%
MA227   Orange Town, Massachusetts 0.1376712816%
MA228   Orleans Town, Massachusetts 0.0935051641%
MA229   Otis Town, Massachusetts 0.0035269019%
MA230   Oxford Town, Massachusetts 0.2336229019%
MA231   Palmer Town City, Massachusetts 0.1621757259%
MA232   Paxton Town, Massachusetts 0.0115100470%
MA233   Peabody City, Massachusetts 0.7162928627%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only
        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
MA234   Pelham Town, Massachusetts 0.0235476246%
MA235   Pembroke Town, Massachusetts 0.3388218249%
MA236   Pepperell Town, Massachusetts 0.0102363113%
MA237   Peru Town, Massachusetts 0.0011523603%
MA238   Petersham Town, Massachusetts 0.0159775433%
MA239   Phillipston Town, Massachusetts 0.0039835646%
MA240   Pittsfield City, Massachusetts 1.1541979937%
MA241   Plainfield Town, Massachusetts 0.0004986914%
MA242   Plainville Town, Massachusetts 0.0738004154%
MA243   Plymouth County, Massachusetts 0.0008974666%
MA244   Plymouth Town, Massachusetts 1.0727134492%
MA245   Plympton Town, Massachusetts 0.0311939123%
MA246   Princeton Town, Massachusetts 0.0094015998%
MA247   Provincetown, Massachusetts 0.0895015011%
MA248   Quincy City, Massachusetts 1.0277365393%
MA249   Randolph Town, Massachusetts 0.3517891103%
MA250   Raynham Town, Massachusetts 0.0739771661%
MA251   Reading Town, Massachusetts 0.2463903024%
MA252   Rehoboth Town, Massachusetts 0.0342848256%
MA253   Revere City, Massachusetts 0.5754964378%
MA254   Richmond Town, Massachusetts 0.0346755405%
MA255   Rochester Town, Massachusetts 0.0656757963%
MA256   Rockland Town, Massachusetts 0.3048431858%
MA257   Rockport Town, Massachusetts 0.1188536886%
MA258   Rowe Town, Massachusetts 0.0242459391%
MA259   Rowley Town, Massachusetts 0.0134543050%
MA260   Royalston Town, Massachusetts 0.0020739031%
MA261   Russell Town, Massachusetts 0.0012348998%
MA262   Rutland Town, Massachusetts 0.0122272562%
MA263   Salem City, Massachusetts 0.6254547137%
MA264   Salisbury Town, Massachusetts 0.0319290215%
MA265   Sandisfield Town, Massachusetts 0.0020719142%
MA266   Sandwich Town, Massachusetts 0.4944903815%
MA267   Saugus Town, Massachusetts 0.3330802265%
MA268   Savoy Town, Massachusetts 0.0103246605%
MA269   Scituate Town, Massachusetts 0.3938536371%
MA270   Seekonk Town, Massachusetts 0.3325159013%
MA271   Sharon Town, Massachusetts 0.3157804286%
MA272   Sheffield Town, Massachusetts 0.0066580643%
MA273   Shelburne Town, Massachusetts 0.0145706034%
MA274   Sherborn Town, Massachusetts 0.0361347676%
MA275   Shirley Town, Massachusetts 0.0049654026%
MA276   Shrewsbury Town, Massachusetts 0.6471205738%
MA277   Shutesbury Town, Massachusetts 0.0358178516%
MA278   Somerset Town, Massachusetts 0.2943717652%
MA279   Somerville City, Massachusetts 0.5538327759%
MA280   South Hadley Town, Massachusetts 0.3289508962%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only
        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
MA281   Southampton Town, Massachusetts 0.0773861993%
MA282   Southborough Town, Massachusetts 0.2173688486%
MA283   Southbridge Town City, Massachusetts 0.2906114812%
MA284   Southwick Town, Massachusetts 0.0165255910%
MA285   Spencer Town, Massachusetts 0.0203153945%
MA286   Springfield City, Massachusetts 3.4410224370%
MA287   Sterling Town, Massachusetts 0.0196759620%
MA288   Stockbridge Town, Massachusetts 0.0092305018%
MA289   Stoneham Town, Massachusetts 0.1669780908%
MA290   Stoughton Town, Massachusetts 0.3118943726%
MA291   Stow Town, Massachusetts 0.0087733680%
MA292   Sturbridge Town, Massachusetts 0.1235688557%
MA293   Sudbury Town, Massachusetts 0.1950193814%
MA294   Sunderland Town, Massachusetts 0.0394445127%
MA295   Sutton Town, Massachusetts 0.1720631416%
MA296   Swampscott Town, Massachusetts 0.2802270489%
MA297   Swansea Town, Massachusetts 0.3127370397%
MA298   Taunton City, Massachusetts 1.3156698571%
MA299   Templeton Town, Massachusetts 0.0167725290%
MA300   Tewksbury Town, Massachusetts 0.2526508477%
MA301   Tisbury Town, Massachusetts 0.0665566713%
MA302   Tolland Town, Massachusetts 0.0005593530%
MA303   Topsfield Town, Massachusetts 0.0713350646%
MA304   Townsend Town, Massachusetts 0.0093843801%
MA305   Truro Town, Massachusetts 0.0604250384%
MA306   Tyngsborough Town, Massachusetts 0.1162396935%
MA307   Tyringham Town, Massachusetts 0.0012803829%
MA308   Upton Town, Massachusetts 0.0211017442%
MA309   Uxbridge Town, Massachusetts 0.2255606716%
MA310   Wakefield Town, Massachusetts 0.2116065761%
MA311   Wales Town, Massachusetts 0.0147604390%
MA312   Walpole Town, Massachusetts 0.3194149930%
MA313   Waltham City, Massachusetts 0.5322671985%
MA314   Ware Town, Massachusetts 0.2035588439%
MA315   Wareham Town, Massachusetts 0.3595394490%
MA316   Warren Town, Massachusetts 0.0179304373%
MA317   Warwick Town, Massachusetts 0.0065997057%
MA318   Washington Town, Massachusetts 0.0004074112%
MA319   Watertown Town City, Massachusetts 0.2540965713%
MA320   Wayland Town, Massachusetts 0.2147389946%
MA321   Webster Town, Massachusetts 0.2405963644%
MA322   Wellesley Town, Massachusetts 0.4811483972%
MA323   Wellfleet Town, Massachusetts 0.0667808417%
MA324   Wendell Town, Massachusetts 0.0010508215%
MA325   Wenham Town, Massachusetts 0.0112119209%
MA326   West Boylston Town, Massachusetts 0.1222726663%
MA327   West Bridgewater Town, Massachusetts 0.1467598909%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only
        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation

MA328   West Brookfield Town, Massachusetts   0.0059191866%
MA329   West Newbury Town, Massachusetts   0.0086981560%
MA330   West Springfield Town City, Massachusetts 0.4627594653%
MA331   West Stockbridge Town, Massachusetts 0.0028401544%
MA332   West Tisbury Town, Massachusetts 0.0099183484%
MA333   Westborough Town, Massachusetts 0.5070384269%
MA334   Westfield City, Massachusetts 0.6538385669%
MA335   Westford Town, Massachusetts 0.2939962811%
MA336   Westhampton Town, Massachusetts 0.0199373981%
MA337   Westminster Town, Massachusetts 0.0226744436%
MA338   Weston Town, Massachusetts 0.2254658323%
MA339   Westport Town, Massachusetts 0.2811335179%
MA340   Westwood Town, Massachusetts 0.2903783084%
MA341   Weymouth Town City, Massachusetts 0.5656639786%
MA342   Whately Town, Massachusetts 0.0314223222%
MA343   Whitman Town, Massachusetts 0.0448742719%
MA344   Wilbraham Town, Massachusetts 0.0313150261%
MA345   Williamsburg Town, Massachusetts 0.0343998679%
MA346   Williamstown, Massachusetts 0.0783021941%
MA347   Wilmington Town, Massachusetts 0.2467559990%
MA348   Winchendon Town, Massachusetts 0.1830720373%
MA349   Winchester Town, Massachusetts 0.2570095300%
MA350   Windsor Town, Massachusetts 0.0005238144%
MA351   Winthrop Town City, Massachusetts 0.1505890537%
MA352   Woburn City, Massachusetts 0.3503541163%
MA353   Worcester City, Massachusetts 3.7929503518%
MA354   Worthington Town, Massachusetts 0.0015069609%
MA355   Wrentham Town, Massachusetts 0.0961794021%
MA356   Yarmouth Town, Massachusetts 0.1308391883%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
MI1   Ada Township, Michigan   0.0073233482%
MI2   Adrian City, Michigan   0.0568370128%
MI3   Alcona County, Michigan   0.0834491179%
MI4   Alger County, Michigan   0.0785291215%
MI5   Algoma Township, Michigan   0.0029345640%
MI6   Allegan County, Michigan   0.7725881935%
MI7   Allen Park City, Michigan   0.1074735355%
MI8   Allendale Charter Township, Michigan   0.0077776425%
MI9   Alpena County, Michigan   0.3171935781%
MI10   Alpine Charter Township, Michigan   0.0025427083%
MI11   Ann Arbor City, Michigan   0.4632250874%
MI12   Antrim County, Michigan   0.2381005845%
MI13   Antwerp Township, Michigan   0.0013132895%
MI14   Arenac County, Michigan   0.1612057938%
MI15   Auburn Hills City, Michigan   0.1176899978%
MI16   Bangor Charter Township, Michigan   0.0109251027%
MI17   Baraga County, Michigan   0.0741112558%
MI18   Barry County, Michigan   0.4329702358%
MI19   Bath Charter Township, Michigan   0.0537968516%
MI20   Battle Creek City, Michigan   0.3423704436%
MI21   Bay City, Michigan   0.1147802745%
MI22   Bay County, Michigan   1.1009022938%
MI23   Bedford Township, Michigan   0.0412592343%
MI24   Benton Charter Township, Michigan   0.0907240950%
MI25   Benzie County, Michigan   0.1392597323%
MI26   Berkley City, Michigan   0.0358941044%
MI27   Berrien County, Michigan   1.2815190059%
MI28   Beverly Hills Village, Michigan   0.0460038135%
MI29   Big Rapids City, Michigan   0.0245076907%
MI30   Birmingham City, Michigan   0.1031004819%
MI31   Bloomfield Charter Township, Michigan   0.2395537286%
MI32   Branch County, Michigan   0.3413411577%
MI33   Brandon Charter Township, Michigan   0.0298468290%
MI34   Brighton Township, Michigan   0.0010123659%
MI35   Brownstown Charter Township, Michigan   0.1035238283%
MI36   Burton City, Michigan   0.0331836857%
MI37   Byron Township, Michigan   0.0143593354%
MI38   Cadillac City, Michigan   0.0992155073%
MI39   Caledonia Charter Township, Kent County, Michigan   0.0046151897%
MI40   Calhoun County, Michigan   1.6522746969%
MI41   Cannon Township, Michigan   0.0055382276%
MI42   Canton Charter Township, Michigan   0.2353019350%
MI43   Cascade Charter Township, Michigan   0.0202807109%
MI44   Cass County, Michigan   0.3685228029%
MI45   Charlevoix County, Michigan   0.1913266108%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
MI46   Cheboygan County, Michigan   0.2827891794%
MI47   Chesterfield Charter Township, Michigan   0.2112831498%
MI48   Chippewa County, Michigan   0.2393040796%
MI49   Clare County, Michigan   0.4685534972%
MI50   Clawson City, Michigan   0.0233450803%
MI51   Clinton Charter Township, Michigan   0.5825283878%
MI52   Clinton County, Michigan   0.4823811618%
MI53   Coldwater City, Michigan   0.0129335184%
MI54   Commerce Charter Township, Michigan   0.0332785651%
MI55   Comstock Charter Township, Michigan   0.0141443213%
MI56   Cooper Charter Township, Michigan   0.0016050286%
MI57   Crawford County, Michigan   0.2577011831%
MI58   Davison Township, Michigan   0.0148016255%
MI59   Dearborn City, Michigan   0.5014825529%
MI60   Dearborn Heights City, Michigan   0.1763248603%
MI61   Delhi Charter Township, Michigan   0.0329269168%
MI62   Delta Charter Township, Michigan   0.0678675252%
MI63   Delta County, Michigan   0.2325433177%
MI64   Detroit City, Michigan   6.3675475252%
MI65   Dewitt Charter Township, Michigan   0.0615354244%
MI66   Dickinson County, Michigan   0.2475829616%
MI67   East Bay Township, Michigan   0.0024511576%
MI68   East Grand Rapids City, Michigan   0.0347010017%
MI69   East Lansing City, Michigan   0.1722118876%
MI70   Eastpointe City, Michigan   0.2806901834%
MI71   Eaton County, Michigan   0.8964627151%
MI72   Egelston Township, Michigan   0.0099077587%
MI73   Emmet County, Michigan   0.3034511111%
MI74   Emmett Charter Township, Michigan   0.0136208021%
MI75   Escanaba City, Michigan   0.0161625757%
MI76   Farmington City, Michigan   0.0368587005%
MI77   Farmington Hills City, Michigan   0.2763289545%
MI78   Fenton Charter Township, Michigan   0.0031005125%
MI79   Fenton City, Michigan   0.0802629568%
MI80   Ferndale City, Michigan   0.1491321203%
MI81   Flat Rock City, Michigan   0.0287479606%
MI82   Flint Charter Township, Michigan   0.0428009530%
MI83   Flint City, Michigan   2.6382255013%
MI84   Flushing Charter Township, Michigan   0.0062641566%
MI85   Fort Gratiot Charter Township, Michigan   0.0158007179%
MI86   Fraser City, Michigan   0.1340329179%
MI87   Frenchtown Charter Township, Michigan   0.0818078358%
MI88   Fruitport Charter Township, Michigan   0.0216336824%
MI89   Gaines Township, Kent County, Michigan   0.0150472599%
MI90   Garden City, Michigan   0.0602849815%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State

MI91   Garfield Charter Township, Michigan   0.0006805464%
MI92   Genesee Charter Township, Michigan   0.0216656939%
MI93   Genesee County, Michigan   1.8587109989%
MI94   Genoa Township, Michigan   0.0001265457%
MI95   Georgetown Charter Township, Michigan   0.0120538094%
MI96   Gladwin County, Michigan   0.3598571100%
MI97   Gogebic County, Michigan   0.1249651212%
MI98   Grand Blanc Charter Township, Michigan   0.0351159584%
MI99   Grand Haven Charter Township, Michigan   0.0188708587%
MI100   Grand Haven City, Michigan   0.0581929367%
MI101   Grand Rapids Charter Township, Michigan   0.0062871075%
MI102   Grand Rapids City, Michigan   1.2000276882%
MI103   Grand Traverse County, Michigan   0.8244466054%
MI104   Grandville City, Michigan   0.0465263367%
MI105   Gratiot County, Michigan   0.3147475181%
MI106   Green Oak Township, Michigan   0.0538361746%
MI107   Grosse Ile Township, Michigan   0.0358505107%
MI108   Grosse Pointe Park City, Michigan   0.0473791255%
MI109   Grosse Pointe Woods City, Michigan   0.0337630289%
MI110   Hamburg Township, Michigan   0.0567828826%
MI111   Hamtramck City, Michigan   0.1811320680%
MI112   Harper Woods City, Michigan   0.0505579556%
MI113   Harrison Charter Township, Michigan   0.1108972638%
MI114   Hartland Township, Michigan   0.0004881050%
MI115   Hazel Park City, Michigan   0.0736339264%
MI116   Highland Charter Township, Michigan   0.0294387306%
MI117   Highland Park City, Michigan   0.0391505779%
MI118   Hillsdale County, Michigan   0.3731855670%
MI119   Holland Charter Township, Michigan   0.0291739126%
MI120   Holland City, Michigan   0.1655890102%
MI121   Holly Township, Michigan   0.0040995334%
MI122   Houghton County, Michigan   0.2225642997%
MI123   Huron Charter Township, Michigan   0.0361363324%
MI124   Huron County, Michigan   0.2929757372%
MI125   Independence Charter Township, Michigan   0.0825378903%
MI126   Ingham County, Michigan   2.1348935205%
MI127   Inkster City, Michigan   0.1669443281%
MI128   Ionia City, Michigan   0.0449276471%
MI129   Ionia County, Michigan   0.4905636172%
MI130   Iosco County, Michigan   0.3212475898%
MI131   Iron County, Michigan   0.1102481228%
MI132   Iron Mountain City, Michigan   0.0091866455%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State

MI133   Isabella County, Michigan   0.5720204678%
MI134   Jackson City, Michigan   0.1764251010%
MI135   Jackson County, Michigan   1.0855421077%
MI136   Kalamazoo Charter Township, Michigan   0.0520230321%
MI137   Kalamazoo City, Michigan   0.3787268993%
MI138   Kalamazoo County, Michigan   1.9845600355%
MI139   Kalkaska County, Michigan   0.1646399668%
MI140   Kent County, Michigan   2.7808259408%
MI141   Kentwood City, Michigan   0.1423307082%
MI142   Keweenaw County, Michigan   0.0067676775%
MI143   Lake County, Michigan   0.0728348971%
MI144   Lansing City, Michigan   0.5307983425%
MI145   Lapeer County, Michigan   0.7916953951%
MI146   Leelanau County, Michigan   0.1237383482%
MI147   Lenawee County, Michigan   0.7878386566%
MI148   Lenox Township, Michigan   0.0111917816%
MI149   Leoni Township, Michigan   0.0090926074%
MI150   Lincoln Charter Township, Michigan   0.0178479538%
MI151   Lincoln Park City, Michigan   0.1588803292%
MI152   Livingston County, Michigan   1.3371907873%
MI153   Livonia City, Michigan   0.3999768720%
MI154   Luce County, Michigan   0.0638515493%
MI155   Lyon Charter Township, Michigan   0.0060287256%
MI156   Mackinac County, Michigan   0.0909538431%
MI157   Macomb County, Michigan   7.7242005849%
MI158   Macomb Township, Michigan   0.1081932941%
MI159   Madison Heights City, Michigan   0.1443184148%
MI160   Manistee County, Michigan   0.3120953798%
MI161   Marion Township, Livingston County, Michigan   0.0001988576%
MI162   Marquette City, Michigan   0.0313476613%
MI163   Marquette County, Michigan   0.5388637672%
MI164   Mason County, Michigan   0.2487294921%
MI165   Mecosta County, Michigan   0.3321355122%
MI166   Melvindale City, Michigan   0.0519698104%
MI167   Menominee County, Michigan   0.1580179806%
MI168   Meridian Charter Township, Michigan   0.0708027402%
MI169   Midland City, Michigan   0.3023071472%
MI170   Midland County, Michigan   0.5384703258%
MI171   Milford Charter Township, Michigan   0.0064275489%
MI172   Missaukee County, Michigan   0.1002815458%
MI173   Monitor Charter Township, Michigan   0.0044174736%
MI174   Monroe Charter Township, Michigan   0.0119729252%
MI175   Monroe City, Michigan   0.2101937979%
MI176   Monroe County, Michigan   1.5316423152%
MI177   Montcalm County, Michigan   0.6212351900%
MI178   Montmorency County, Michigan   0.0880221572%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State

MI179   Mount Clemens City, Michigan   0.0503004024%
MI180   Mount Morris Charter Township, Michigan   0.0046413043%
MI181   Mount Pleasant City, Michigan   0.0357778255%
MI182   Mundy Charter Township, Michigan   0.0150794621%
MI183   Muskegon Charter Township, Michigan   0.0360868180%
MI184   Muskegon City, Michigan   0.1748185396%
MI185   Muskegon County, Michigan   1.7053905386%
MI186   Muskegon Heights City, Michigan   0.0500451306%
MI187   New Baltimore City, Michigan   0.0480441296%
MI188   Newaygo County, Michigan   0.4671261358%
MI189   Niles City, Michigan   0.0583312847%
MI190   Niles Township, Michigan   0.0215348319%
MI191   Northville Charter Township, Michigan   0.0836973671%
MI192   Norton Shores City, Michigan   0.0701828658%
MI193   Novi City, Michigan   0.1465815056%
MI194   Oak Park City, Michigan   0.1037775542%
MI195   Oakland Charter Township, Michigan   0.0274353387%
MI196   Oakland County, Michigan   5.2264042066%
MI197   Oceana County, Michigan   0.2176466203%
MI198   Oceola Township, Michigan   0.0003615593%
MI199   Ogemaw County, Michigan   0.5563618764%
MI200   Ontonagon County, Michigan   0.0504349004%
MI201   Orion Charter Township, Michigan   0.0484616785%
MI202   Osceola County, Michigan   0.1924215950%
MI203   Oscoda County, Michigan   0.0981702870%
MI204   Oshtemo Charter Township, Michigan   0.0124389806%
MI205   Otsego County, Michigan   0.2838576775%
MI206   Ottawa County, Michigan   1.4829589190%
MI207   Owosso City, Michigan   0.0600391920%
MI208   Oxford Charter Township, Michigan   0.0220651355%
MI209   Park Township, Ottawa County, Michigan   0.0069409957%
MI210   Pittsfield Charter Township, Michigan   0.0254303905%
MI211   Plainfield Charter Township, Michigan   0.0147250675%
MI212   Plymouth Charter Township, Michigan   0.0619046968%
MI213   Pontiac City, Michigan   0.3007870303%
MI214   Port Huron Charter Township, Michigan   0.0144337077%
MI215   Port Huron City, Michigan   0.2605826060%
MI216   Portage City, Michigan   0.0982178051%
MI217   Presque Isle County, Michigan   0.1455220353%
MI218   Redford Charter Township, Michigan   0.2119761371%
MI219   Riverview City, Michigan   0.0482626131%
MI220   Rochester City, Michigan   0.0399194381%
MI221   Rochester Hills City, Michigan   0.0675866509%
MI222   Romulus City, Michigan   0.0931298734%
MI223   Roscommon County, Michigan   0.3840925607%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State

MI224   Roseville City, Michigan   0.4273474490%
MI225   Royal Oak City, Michigan   0.2596061973%
MI226   Saginaw Charter Township, Michigan   0.0692043420%
MI227   Saginaw City, Michigan   0.4307711416%
MI228   Saginaw County, Michigan   1.6118539630%
MI229   Sanilac County, Michigan   0.3468379663%
MI230   Sault Ste. Marie City, Michigan   0.0984697973%
MI231   Schoolcraft County, Michigan   0.0789566063%
MI232   Scio Charter Township, Michigan   0.0051527746%
MI233   Shelby Charter Township, Michigan   0.5065495239%
MI234   Shiawassee County, Michigan   0.7255393777%
MI235   South Lyon City, Michigan   0.0258956950%
MI236   Southfield City, Michigan   0.3934160797%
MI237   Southfield Township, Michigan   0.0001112995%
MI238   Southgate City, Michigan   0.0888423705%
MI239   Spring Lake Township, Michigan   0.0103960225%
MI240   Springfield Charter Township, Michigan   0.0044705319%
MI241   St Clair County, Michigan   1.9960063402%
MI242   St Joseph County, Michigan   0.4265691571%
MI243   St. Clair Shores City, Michigan   0.3399081996%
MI244   Sterling Heights City, Michigan   0.9407553377%
MI245   Sturgis City, Michigan   0.0599318930%
MI246   Summit Township, Jackson County, Michigan   0.0147223455%
MI247   Superior Charter Township, Michigan   0.0121236785%
MI248   Taylor City, Michigan   0.3764778630%
MI249   Texas Charter Township, Michigan   0.0052063171%
MI250   Thomas Township, Michigan   0.0127113988%
MI251   Traverse City, Michigan   0.0620311385%
MI252   Trenton City, Michigan   0.0481846521%
MI253   Troy City, Michigan   0.2360199679%
MI254   Tuscola County, Michigan   0.4432240961%
MI255   Tyrone Township, Livingston County, Michigan   0.0096355544%
MI256   Union Charter Township, Michigan   0.0000512255%
MI257   Van Buren Charter Township, Michigan   0.0686867403%
MI258   Van Buren County, Michigan   0.7628971716%
MI259   Vienna Charter Township, Genesee County, Michigan   0.0086448035%
MI260   Walker City, Michigan   0.0577159947%
MI261   Warren City, Michigan   1.1744758071%
MI262   Washington Township, Macomb County, Michigan   0.0808853142%
MI263   Washtenaw County, Michigan   2.3763653602%
MI264   Waterford Charter Township, Michigan   0.2186201385%
MI265   Wayne City, Michigan   0.0837926529%
MI266   Wayne County, Michigan   10.1863863702%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State

MI267   West Bloomfield Charter Township, Michigan   0.2622681115%
MI268   Westland City, Michigan   0.3261711153%
MI269   Wexford County, Michigan   0.2986947723%
MI270   White Lake Charter Township, Michigan   0.0585435626%
MI271   Wixom City, Michigan   0.0369421752%
MI272   Woodhaven City, Michigan   0.0571927749%
MI273   Wyandotte City, Michigan   0.0976772465%
MI274   Wyoming City, Michigan   0.2554463949%
MI275   Ypsilanti Charter Township, Michigan   0.0578793100%
MI276   Ypsilanti City, Michigan   0.0898598214%
MI277   Zeeland Charter Township, Michigan   0.0061508332%
MI278   Blackman Charter Township, Michigan   0.0000000000%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
MN1   Aitkin County, Minnesota   0.5760578506%
MN4   Andover City, Minnesota   0.1364919451%
MN6   Anoka County, Minnesota   5.0386504681%
MN7   Apple Valley City, Minnesota   0.2990817345%
MN10   Becker County, Minnesota   0.6619330684%
MN11   Beltrami County, Minnesota   0.7640787093%
MN13   Benton County, Minnesota   0.6440948102%
MN15   Big Stone County, Minnesota   0.1194868775%
MN16   Blaine City, Minnesota   0.4249516913%
MN17   Bloomington City, Minnesota   0.4900195550%
MN18   Blue Earth County, Minnesota   0.6635420705%
MN20   Brooklyn Center City, Minnesota   0.1413853902%
MN21   Brooklyn Park City, Minnesota   0.2804136235%
MN22   Brown County, Minnesota   0.3325325416%
MN24   Burnsville City, Minnesota   0.5135361297%
MN25   Carlton County, Minnesota   0.9839591749%
MN26   Carver County, Minnesota   1.1452829660%
MN27   Cass County, Minnesota   0.8895681513%
MN31   Chippewa County, Minnesota   0.2092611794%
MN32   Chisago County, Minnesota   0.9950193750%
MN33   Clay County, Minnesota   0.9428475282%
MN34   Clearwater County, Minnesota   0.1858592043%
MN37   Cook County, Minnesota   0.1074594960%
MN38   Coon Rapids City, Minnesota   0.5772642445%
MN39   Cottage Grove City, Minnesota   0.2810994719%
MN40   Cottonwood County, Minnesota   0.1739065270%
MN41   Crow Wing County, Minnesota   1.1394859175%
MN43   Dakota County, Minnesota   4.4207140603%
MN44   Dodge County, Minnesota   0.2213963258%
MN45   Douglas County, Minnesota   0.6021779472%
MN46   Duluth City, Minnesota   1.1502115380%
MN47   Eagan City, Minnesota   0.3657951576%
MN49   Eden Prairie City, Minnesota   0.2552171573%
MN50   Edina City, Minnesota   0.1973054822%
MN54   Faribault County, Minnesota   0.2169409335%
MN57   Fillmore County, Minnesota   0.2329591105%
MN59   Freeborn County, Minnesota   0.3507169824%
MN62   Goodhue County, Minnesota   0.5616542387%
MN64   Grant County, Minnesota   0.0764556498%
MN67   Hennepin County, Minnesota   19.0624622262%
MN70   Houston County, Minnesota   0.3099019273%
MN71   Hubbard County, Minnesota   0.4582368775%
MN74   Inver Grove Heights City, Minnesota   0.2193400520%
MN75   Isanti County, Minnesota   0.7712992708%
MN76   Itasca County, Minnesota   1.1406408131%
MN77   Jackson County, Minnesota   0.1408950444%
MN78   Kanabec County, Minnesota   0.3078966750%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State

MN79   Kandiyohi County, Minnesota   0.1581167542%
MN80   Kittson County, Minnesota   0.0812834506%
MN81   Koochiching County, Minnesota   0.2612581866%
MN82   Lac Qui Parle County, Minnesota   0.0985665133%
MN83   Lake County, Minnesota   0.1827750321%
MN84   Lake of the Woods County, Minnesota   0.1123105028%
MN85   Lakeville City, Minnesota   0.2822249627%
MN86   Le Sueur County, Minnesota   0.3225703347%
MN87   Lincoln County, Minnesota   0.1091919984%
MN90   Lyon County, Minnesota   0.2935118186%
MN91   Mahnomen County, Minnesota   0.1416417688%
MN92   Mankato City, Minnesota   0.3698584321%
MN93   Maple Grove City, Minnesota   0.1814019047%
MN94   Maplewood City, Minnesota   0.1875101678%
MN96   Marshall County, Minnesota   0.1296352091%
MN97   Martin County, Minnesota   0.2543064014%
MN98   McLeod County, Minnesota   0.1247104518%
MN99   Meeker County, Minnesota   0.3744031515%
MN101   Mille Lacs County, Minnesota   0.9301506696%
MN102   Minneapolis City, Minnesota   4.8777618689%
MN103   Minnetonka City, Minnesota   0.1967231071%
MN105   Moorhead City, Minnesota   0.4337377038%
MN106   Morrison County, Minnesota   0.7178981419%
MN108   Mower County, Minnesota   0.5801769149%
MN109   Murray County, Minnesota   0.1348775389%
MN113   Nicollet County, Minnesota   0.1572381053%
MN114   Nobles County, Minnesota   0.1562005112%
MN115   Norman County, Minnesota   0.1087596675%
MN118   North St. Paul City, Minnesota   0.0575844069%
MN121   Olmsted County, Minnesota   1.9236715095%
MN123   Otter Tail County, Minnesota   0.8336175419%
MN125   Pennington County, Minnesota   0.3082576395%
MN126   Pine County, Minnesota   0.5671222707%
MN127   Pipestone County, Minnesota   0.1535154503%
MN128   Plymouth City, Minnesota   0.1762541473%
MN129   Polk County, Minnesota   0.8654291474%
MN130   Pope County, Minnesota   0.1870129873%
MN132   Proctor City, Minnesota   0.0214374128%
MN134   Ramsey County, Minnesota   7.1081424150%
MN135   Red Lake County, Minnesota   0.0532649128%
MN137   Redwood County, Minnesota   0.2809842367%
MN138   Renville County, Minnesota   0.2706888807%
MN139   Rice County, Minnesota   0.2674764398%
MN140   Richfield City, Minnesota   0.2534018444%
MN142   Rochester City, Minnesota   0.7363082849%
MN143   Rock County, Minnesota   0.2043437336%
MN145   Roseau County, Minnesota   0.2517872793%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State

MN147   Roseville City, Minnesota   0.1721905549%
MN150   Savage City, Minnesota   0.1883576635%
MN151   Scott County, Minnesota   1.3274301646%
MN152   Shakopee City, Minnesota   0.2879873611%
MN153   Sherburne County, Minnesota   1.2543449472%
MN155   Sibley County, Minnesota   0.2393480708%
MN157   St Louis County, Minnesota   4.7407767170%
MN158   St. Cloud City, Minnesota   0.7330089009%
MN159   St. Louis Park City, Minnesota   0.1476314588%
MN161   St. Paul City, Minnesota   3.7475206798%
MN163   Stearns County, Minnesota   2.4158085321%
MN164   Steele County, Minnesota   0.3969975263%
MN165   Stevens County, Minnesota   0.1439474275%
MN167   Swift County, Minnesota   0.1344167568%
MN168   Todd County, Minnesota   0.4180909817%
MN169   Traverse County, Minnesota   0.0903964134%
MN172   Wabasha County, Minnesota   0.3103038997%
MN174   Wadena County, Minnesota   0.2644094337%
MN175   Waseca County, Minnesota   0.2857912156%
MN176   Washington County, Minnesota   3.0852862513%
MN177   Watonwan County, Minnesota   0.1475626356%
MN181   Wilkin County, Minnesota   0.0937962507%
MN184   Winona County, Minnesota   0.7755267356%
MN185   Woodbury City, Minnesota   0.4677270172%
MN187   Wright County, Minnesota   1.6985269385%
MN188   Yellow Medicine County, Minnesota   0.1742264836%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
MS1   Adams County, Mississippi   0.8956930256%
MS2   Alcorn County, Mississippi   0.0576362452%
MS3   Amite County, Mississippi   0.2746164929%
MS4   Amory City, Mississippi   0.2116793450%
MS5   Arcola Town, Mississippi   0.0010556367%
MS6   Attala County, Mississippi   0.4297756502%
MS7   Bay St. Louis City, Mississippi   0.0311287683%
MS8   Benton County, Mississippi   0.1960984974%
MS9   Biloxi City, Mississippi   0.6645430129%
MS10   Bolivar County, Mississippi   0.5038616841%
MS11   Brandon City, Mississippi   0.5570720591%
MS12   Brookhaven City, Mississippi   0.4683584117%
MS13   Byram City, Mississippi   0.0546025247%
MS14   Caledonia Town, Mississippi   0.0029950314%
MS15   Calhoun County, Mississippi   0.4153642017%
MS16   Canton City, Mississippi   0.3608383968%
MS17   Carroll County, Mississippi   0.2031873312%
MS18   Charleston City, Mississippi   0.0470339459%
MS19   Chickasaw County, Mississippi   0.5109289507%
MS21   Claiborne County, Mississippi   0.1646839236%
MS22   Clarke County, Mississippi   0.5114179153%
MS23   Clarksdale City, Mississippi   0.2773833408%
MS24   Clay County, Mississippi   0.1860006383%
MS25   Cleveland City, Mississippi   0.1374693414%
MS26   Clinton City, Mississippi   0.3236377422%
MS27   Coahoma County, Mississippi   0.4236538797%
MS28   Columbia City, Mississippi   0.1695070569%
MS29   Columbus City, Mississippi   0.7040334045%
MS30   Copiah County, Mississippi   0.7218083365%
MS31   Corinth City, Mississippi   1.5766265587%
MS32   Covington County, Mississippi   0.6154970684%
MS33   Desoto County, Mississippi   2.2451071357%
MS34   Diamondhead City, Mississippi   0.0001700675%
MS35   D'Iberville City, Mississippi   0.0448052883%
MS36   Forrest County, Mississippi   3.0519047573%
MS37   Franklin County, Mississippi   0.2573415560%
MS38   Gautier City, Mississippi   0.1317718341%
MS39   George County, Mississippi   1.0370803395%
MS40   Greene County, Mississippi   0.2945486312%
MS41   Greenville City, Mississippi   0.0840582768%
MS42   Greenwood City, Mississippi   0.5924200813%
MS43   Grenada City, Mississippi   0.0559331010%
MS44   Grenada County, Mississippi   0.5257141196%
MS45   Gulfport City, Mississippi   8.3397025495%
MS46   Hancock County, Mississippi   2.4053819819%
MS47   Harrison County, Mississippi   1.2833704733%
MS48   Hattiesburg City, Mississippi   0.3234604308%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
MS49   Hernando City, Mississippi   0.4422243258%
MS50   Hinds County, Mississippi   2.0886225058%
MS51   Holly Springs City, Mississippi   0.1628357363%
MS52   Holmes County, Mississippi   0.3324473362%
MS53   Horn Lake City, Mississippi   0.6520350689%
MS54   Humphreys County, Mississippi   0.1373820850%
MS55   Indianola City, Mississippi   0.0232047435%
MS56   Issaquena County, Mississippi   0.0175702913%
MS57   Itawamba County, Mississippi   1.0517575083%
MS58   Iuka City, Mississippi   0.2854580062%
MS59   Jackson City, Mississippi   2.6937777267%
MS60   Jackson County, Mississippi   7.6559251195%
MS61   Jasper County, Mississippi   0.3922495132%
MS62   Jefferson County, Mississippi   0.0985248779%
MS63   Jefferson Davis County, Mississippi   0.3514408929%
MS64   Jones County, Mississippi   2.2234728410%
MS65   Jonestown, Mississippi   0.0093341195%
MS66   Kemper County, Mississippi   0.2223493091%
MS67   Kosciusko City, Mississippi   0.0408594923%
MS68   Lafayette County, Mississippi   0.7049370835%
MS69   Lamar County, Mississippi   1.3105353358%
MS70   Lauderdale County, Mississippi   1.4707252306%
MS71   Laurel City, Mississippi   0.1485722943%
MS72   Lawrence County, Mississippi   0.3428558606%
MS73   Leake County, Mississippi   0.5798006796%
MS74   Leakesville Town, Mississippi   0.0098357610%
MS75   Lee County, Mississippi   1.4759031513%
MS76   Leflore County, Mississippi   0.1018315625%
MS77   Lincoln County, Mississippi   0.5740717271%
MS78   Long Beach City, Mississippi   0.1390600402%
MS79   Lowndes County, Mississippi   0.9390202250%
MS80   Lumberton City, Mississippi   0.0397836057%
MS81   Madison City, Mississippi   0.5726048335%
MS82   Madison County, Mississippi   1.0788558585%
MS83   Marion County, Mississippi   1.6274197695%
MS84   Marshall County, Mississippi   0.6280998419%
MS85   McComb City, Mississippi   1.1131798538%
MS86   McLain Town, Mississippi   0.0044584678%
MS87   Meridian City, Mississippi   1.1164172272%
MS88   Monroe County, Mississippi   0.8130759595%
MS90   Morton City, Mississippi   0.0606772097%
MS91   Moss Point City, Mississippi   0.0032841297%
MS92   Mound Bayou City, Mississippi   0.0140956794%
MS93   Natchez City, Mississippi   0.1092519702%
MS94   Neshoba County, Mississippi   1.0186206925%
MS95   Nettleton City, Mississippi   0.0307845175%
MS96   New Albany City, Mississippi   0.2729319523%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
MS97   Newton County, Mississippi   0.5457847155%
MS98   Noxubee County, Mississippi   0.1848315685%
MS99   Ocean Springs City, Mississippi   0.1196690556%
MS100   Oktibbeha County, Mississippi   0.7876142411%
MS101   Olive Branch City, Mississippi   1.0910656493%
MS102   Oxford City, Mississippi   0.6004720270%
MS103   Panola County, Mississippi   1.1256622795%
MS104   Pascagoula City, Mississippi   0.2495759096%
MS105   Pearl City, Mississippi   1.1956946818%
MS106   Pearl River County, Mississippi   3.0542096408%
MS107   Perry County, Mississippi   0.3691053552%
MS108   Petal City, Mississippi   0.0271880761%
MS109   Philadelphia City, Mississippi   0.1154094664%
MS110   Picayune City, Mississippi   0.5891117503%
MS111   Pike County, Mississippi   0.1094837756%
MS112   Pontotoc County, Mississippi   1.1485245831%
MS113   Prentiss County, Mississippi   0.7977710394%
MS114   Quitman City, Mississippi   0.0879535299%
MS115   Quitman County, Mississippi   0.2137706975%
MS116   Rankin County, Mississippi   3.4671179892%
MS117   Ridgeland City, Mississippi   0.7137364699%
MS118   Scott County, Mississippi   0.6318707959%
MS119   Shannon Town, Mississippi   0.0293681665%
MS121   Shubuta Town, Mississippi   0.0061495937%
MS122   Simpson County, Mississippi   0.9197186369%
MS123   Smith County, Mississippi   0.3871907879%
MS124   Southaven City, Mississippi   1.5563837550%
MS125   Starkville City, Mississippi   0.1006690780%
MS126   Stone County, Mississippi   0.5647624674%
MS127   Summit Town, Mississippi   0.0051138779%
MS128   Sunflower County, Mississippi   0.4655797100%
MS129   Tallahatchie County, Mississippi   0.2608094178%
MS130   Tate County, Mississippi   1.1559202957%
MS131   Tippah County, Mississippi   0.6673123304%
MS132   Tishomingo County, Mississippi   1.3186009463%
MS133   Tunica County, Mississippi   0.1788884264%
MS134   Tupelo City, Mississippi   1.4776375761%
MS135   Union County, Mississippi   0.4956551465%
MS136   Verona City, Mississippi   0.0613981442%
MS137   Vicksburg City, Mississippi   0.7338152977%
MS138   Walthall County, Mississippi   0.4949654924%
MS139   Warren County, Mississippi   0.5605232929%
MS140   Washington County, Mississippi   0.9202227479%
MS141   Wayne County, Mississippi   0.9416871398%
MS142   Waynesboro City, Mississippi   0.0134634829%
MS143   Webb Town, Mississippi   0.0120400527%
MS145   West Point City, Mississippi   0.2116459242%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
MS146   Wiggins City, Mississippi   0.1726599728%
MS148   Winston County, Mississippi   0.5339853585%
MS149   Yalobusha County, Mississippi   0.2986570860%
MS150   Yazoo City, Mississippi   0.2540246640%
MS151   Yazoo County, Mississippi   0.4224067732%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
MO1   Adair County, Missouri   0.2323492740%
MO2   Andrew County, Missouri   0.1564541324%
MO3   Arnold City, Missouri   0.5124454261%
MO4   Atchison County, Missouri   0.0503458382%
MO5   Audrain County, Missouri   0.2723907883%
MO6   Ballwin City, Missouri   0.1503503362%
MO7   Barry County, Missouri   0.5806831870%
MO8   Barton County, Missouri   0.1828006402%
MO9   Bates County, Missouri   0.4224104662%
MO10   Bellefontaine Neighbors City, Missouri   0.0857527834%
MO11   Belton City, Missouri   0.1516735499%
MO12   Benton County, Missouri   0.3879753095%
MO13   Blue Springs City, Missouri   0.1988003228%
MO14   Bolivar City, Missouri   0.6392625910%
MO15   Bollinger County, Missouri   0.1203527210%
MO16   Boone County, Missouri   1.0160242824%
MO17   Branson City, Missouri   0.4449755896%
MO18   Bridgeton City, Missouri   0.1763465152%
MO19   Buchanan County, Missouri   0.4752770338%
MO20   Butler County, Missouri   0.3661408977%
MO21   Caldwell County, Missouri   0.0989536405%
MO22   Callaway County, Missouri   0.2712833054%
MO23   Camden County, Missouri   0.7677402708%
MO24   Cape Girardeau City, Missouri   0.5367558088%
MO25   Cape Girardeau County, Missouri   0.4382279546%
MO26   Carroll County, Missouri   0.1240753517%
MO27   Carter County, Missouri   0.0825024387%
MO28   Carthage City, Missouri   0.9706909454%
MO29   Cass County, Missouri   0.9944461678%
MO30   Cedar County, Missouri   0.2606830207%
MO31   Chariton County, Missouri   0.0660694886%
MO32   Chesterfield City, Missouri   0.2353487388%
MO33   Christian County, Missouri   0.6724712099%
MO34   Clark County, Missouri   0.0860504210%
MO35   Clay County, Missouri   2.1043558671%
MO36   Clayton City, Missouri   0.3129914614%
MO37   Clinton County, Missouri   0.3136411047%
MO38   Cole County, Missouri   0.4638412355%
MO39   Columbia City, Missouri   1.1969210737%
MO40   Cooper County, Missouri   0.1709566623%
MO41   Crawford County, Missouri   0.5377697760%
MO42   Crestwood City, Missouri   0.1705940152%
MO43   Creve Coeur City, Missouri   0.2772506333%
MO44   Dade County, Missouri   0.0956916225%
MO45   Dallas County, Missouri   0.2127316981%
MO46   Dardenne Prairie City, Missouri   0.0016749613%
MO47   Daviess County, Missouri   0.0686237546%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
MO48   De Kalb County, Missouri   0.1059364189%
MO49   Dent County, Missouri   0.4657350233%
MO50   Douglas County, Missouri   0.1328072590%
MO51   Dunklin County, Missouri   0.4949307906%
MO52   Eureka City, Missouri   0.0880789358%
MO53   Excelsior Springs City, Missouri   0.1351301223%
MO54   Farmington City, Missouri   0.5454680456%
MO55   Ferguson City, Missouri   0.2574470581%
MO56   Festus City, Missouri   0.3044135646%
MO57   Florissant City, Missouri   0.3924574160%
MO58   Franklin County, Missouri   1.8587591717%
MO59   Fulton City, Missouri   0.3112636154%
MO60   Gasconade County, Missouri   0.2671420472%
MO61   Gentry County, Missouri   0.0719794172%
MO62   Gladstone City, Missouri   0.0404576910%
MO63   Grain Valley City, Missouri   0.0334350556%
MO64   Grandview City, Missouri   0.1639337689%
MO65   Greene County, Missouri   1.4401071301%
MO66   Grundy County, Missouri   0.1563373346%
MO67   Hannibal City, Missouri   0.2978324519%
MO68   Harrison County, Missouri   0.1526413397%
MO69   Harrisonville City, Missouri   0.0476820622%
MO70   Hazelwood City, Missouri   0.5185404511%
MO71   Henry County, Missouri   0.3711753912%
MO72   Hickory County, Missouri   0.1309787386%
MO73   Holt County, Missouri   0.0407768050%
MO74   Howard County, Missouri   0.0772931032%
MO75   Howell County, Missouri   0.5521591843%
MO76   Independence City, Missouri   0.9132606869%
MO77   Iron County, Missouri   0.1793646831%
MO78   Jackson City, Missouri   0.1555038848%
MO79   Jackson County, Missouri   1.9899708609%
MO80   Jasper County, Missouri   0.3290412555%
MO81   Jefferson City, Missouri   0.5714876357%
MO82   Jefferson County, Missouri   4.3802521918%
MO83   Jennings City, Missouri   0.1764093964%
MO84   Johnson County, Missouri   0.2968386067%
MO85   Joplin City, Missouri   0.5552066323%
MO86   Kansas City, Missouri   5.7571708236%
MO87   Kearney City, Missouri   0.0053417407%
MO88   Kennett City, Missouri   0.1864120841%
MO89   Kirksville City, Missouri   0.1862592989%
MO90   Kirkwood City, Missouri   0.3564022464%
MO91   Knox County, Missouri   0.0402195164%
MO92   Laclede County, Missouri   0.1401546839%
MO93   Lafayette County, Missouri   0.3589036278%
MO94   Lake St. Louis City, Missouri   0.1499293870%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
MO95   Lawrence County, Missouri   0.6708287533%
MO96   Lebanon City, Missouri   0.2505601816%
MO97   Lee's Summit City, Missouri   0.6108369410%
MO98   Lewis County, Missouri   0.1042697772%
MO99   Liberty City, Missouri   0.0442061837%
MO100   Lincoln County, Missouri   0.8894721213%
MO101   Linn County, Missouri   0.1452541869%
MO102   Livingston County, Missouri   0.3568928487%
MO103   Macon County, Missouri   0.1756025824%
MO104   Madison County, Missouri   0.2543286672%
MO105   Manchester City, Missouri   0.1098943865%
MO106   Maries County, Missouri   0.1434267628%
MO107   Marion County, Missouri   0.2234652909%
MO108   Marshall City, Missouri   0.1418453816%
MO109   Maryland Heights City, Missouri   0.3748856392%
MO110   Maryville City, Missouri   0.1076579446%
MO111   McDonald County, Missouri   0.2634826201%
MO112   Mercer County, Missouri   0.0320837873%
MO113   Mexico City, Missouri   0.0139160258%
MO114   Miller County, Missouri   0.2674444574%
MO115   Mississippi County, Missouri   0.1833143956%
MO116   Moberly City, Missouri   0.0603546528%
MO117   Moniteau County, Missouri   0.1201445359%
MO118   Monroe County, Missouri   0.1023892750%
MO119   Montgomery County, Missouri   0.1914472870%
MO120   Morgan County, Missouri   0.2721921482%
MO121   Neosho City, Missouri   0.1442050062%
MO122   New Madrid County, Missouri   0.1577443253%
MO123   Newton County, Missouri   0.3630628797%
MO124   Nixa City, Missouri   0.2468687012%
MO125   Nodaway County, Missouri   0.0949885786%
MO126   O'Fallon City, Missouri   0.5745934504%
MO127   Oregon County, Missouri   0.1307320509%
MO128   Osage County, Missouri   0.1278894988%
MO129   Overland City, Missouri   0.1364249588%
MO130   Ozark City, Missouri   0.2857254050%
MO131   Ozark County, Missouri   0.1325551539%
MO132   Pemiscot County, Missouri   0.3944645835%
MO133   Perry County, Missouri   0.2199285305%
MO134   Pettis County, Missouri   0.0151441760%
MO135   Phelps County, Missouri   1.0845340125%
MO136   Pike County, Missouri   0.2247877951%
MO137   Platte County, Missouri   0.3320717417%
MO138   Polk County, Missouri   0.1493187623%
MO139   Poplar Bluff City, Missouri   0.7559317644%
MO140   Pulaski County, Missouri   1.1729279991%
MO141   Putnam County, Missouri   0.0497042567%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
MO142   Ralls County, Missouri   0.0684816754%
MO143   Randolph County, Missouri   0.2442992792%
MO144   Ray County, Missouri   0.3201239293%
MO145   Raymore City, Missouri   0.0467701237%
MO146   Raytown City, Missouri   0.1486313258%
MO147   Republic City, Missouri   0.2002494278%
MO148   Reynolds County, Missouri   0.1173502249%
MO149   Ripley County, Missouri   0.2364998192%
MO150   Rolla City, Missouri   0.0387613823%
MO151   Saline County, Missouri   0.1638080066%
MO152   Schuyler County, Missouri   0.0255576230%
MO153   Scotland County, Missouri   0.0573087527%
MO154   Scott County, Missouri   0.3449360072%
MO155   Sedalia City, Missouri   0.4368595310%
MO156   Shannon County, Missouri   0.0849097240%
MO157   Shelby County, Missouri   0.0753316616%
MO158   Sikeston City, Missouri   0.3315549551%
MO159   Smithville City, Missouri   0.0048539762%
MO160   Springfield City, Missouri   5.8477728751%
MO161   St Charles County, Missouri   2.4842648424%
MO162   St Clair County, Missouri   0.0933227753%
MO163   St Francois County, Missouri   2.0822768958%
MO164   St Louis County, Missouri   11.0300257170%
MO165   St. Ann City, Missouri   0.1350418307%
MO166   St. Charles City, Missouri   1.3555209057%
MO167   St. Joseph City, Missouri   0.9266925599%
MO168   St. Louis City, Missouri   8.2821011552%
MO169   St. Peters City, Missouri   0.5859558551%
MO170   Ste Genevieve County, Missouri   0.2689675365%
MO171   Stoddard County, Missouri   0.4415922593%
MO172   Stone County, Missouri   0.5212198991%
MO173   Sullivan County, Missouri   0.0828316136%
MO174   Taney County, Missouri   0.3347844684%
MO175   Texas County, Missouri   0.3423504618%
MO176   Town and Country City, Missouri   0.0996467524%
MO177   Troy City, Missouri   0.0382293752%
MO178   Union City, Missouri   0.1462425501%
MO179   University City, Missouri   0.4121038850%
MO180   Vernon County, Missouri   0.3089892512%
MO181   Warren County, Missouri   0.5842281380%
MO182   Warrensburg City, Missouri   0.1958789596%
MO183   Washington City, Missouri   0.3567566384%
MO184   Washington County, Missouri   0.6514805024%
MO185   Wayne County, Missouri   0.2274524096%
MO186   Webb City, Missouri   0.0671916759%
MO187   Webster County, Missouri   0.5986690767%
MO188   Webster Groves City, Missouri   0.2556867074%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
MO189   Wentzville City, Missouri   0.3358019827%
MO190   West Plains City, Missouri   0.3439555766%
MO191   Wildwood City, Missouri   0.1021615484%
MO192   Worth County, Missouri   0.0184350871%
MO193   Wright County, Missouri   0.2540973934%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
MT1   Anaconda-Deer Lodge County, Montana   1.4480190514%
MT2   Beaverhead County, Montana   0.6841480225%
MT3   Big Horn County, Montana   0.8504903609%
MT4   Billings City, Montana   9.1331142413%
MT5   Blaine County, Montana   0.3691094337%
MT6   Bozeman City, Montana   2.0161886507%
MT7   Broadwater County, Montana   0.4143251264%
MT8   Butte-Silver Bow, Montana   5.6101260434%
MT9   Carbon County, Montana   0.7105360522%
MT10   Carter County, Montana   0.0374679104%
MT11   Cascade County, Montana   3.8993050480%
MT12   Chouteau County, Montana   0.4053063424%
MT13   Custer County, Montana   1.5139056450%
MT14   Daniels County, Montana   0.1787602908%
MT15   Dawson County, Montana   0.7800682133%
MT16   Fallon County, Montana   0.1543582011%
MT17   Fergus County, Montana   0.8667027669%
MT18   Flathead County, Montana   8.0141785369%
MT19   Gallatin County, Montana   4.0205572717%
MT20   Garfield County, Montana   0.0398838599%
MT21   Glacier County, Montana   1.5230709367%
MT22   Golden Valley County, Montana   0.0264303648%
MT23   Granite County, Montana   0.1831398237%
MT24   Great Falls City, Montana   4.3577779784%
MT25   Helena City, Montana   1.7360655042%
MT26   Hill County, Montana   1.8438532922%
MT27   Jefferson County, Montana   0.7770843087%
MT28   Judith Basin County, Montana   0.0614804228%
MT29   Kalispell City, Montana   2.4735432710%
MT30   Lake County, Montana   3.6175099064%
MT31   Lewis and Clark County, Montana   4.9326712334%
MT32   Liberty County, Montana   0.1210395973%
MT33   Lincoln County, Montana   2.1915597624%
MT34   Madison County, Montana   0.5498047673%
MT35   McCone County, Montana   0.0823035394%
MT36   Meagher County, Montana   0.0912086373%
MT37   Mineral County, Montana   0.7546909914%
MT38   Missoula City, Montana   4.4312558575%
MT39   Missoula County, Montana   8.0272833629%
MT40   Musselshell County, Montana   0.3895510594%
MT41   Park County, Montana   2.0831835653%
MT42   Petroleum County, Montana   0.0144742922%
MT43   Phillips County, Montana   0.2085622347%
MT44   Pondera County, Montana   0.4003873948%
MT45   Powder River County, Montana   0.1504386452%
MT46   Powell County, Montana   0.8872723490%
MT47   Prairie County, Montana   0.0572069653%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
MT48   Ravalli County, Montana   3.6906819270%
MT49   Richland County, Montana   0.7541525281%
MT50   Roosevelt County, Montana   0.8182976782%
MT51   Rosebud County, Montana   0.5641981949%
MT52   Sanders County, Montana   1.0679134558%
MT53   Sheridan County, Montana   0.2700355225%
MT54   Stillwater County, Montana   0.5055604014%
MT55   Sweet Grass County, Montana   0.2836540766%
MT56   Teton County, Montana   0.5735903832%
MT57   Toole County, Montana   0.3258040487%
MT58   Treasure County, Montana   0.0226554138%
MT59   Valley County, Montana   0.5598291268%
MT60   Wheatland County, Montana   0.0720998508%
MT61   Wibaux County, Montana   0.0630373047%
MT62   Yellowstone County, Montana   7.3090889550%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
NE1   Adams County, Nebraska   0.7130410264%
NE2   Antelope County, Nebraska   0.2406339800%
NE3   Arthur County, Nebraska   0.0110831278%
NE4   Banner County, Nebraska   0.0183674606%
NE5   Beatrice City, Nebraska   0.9248205382%
NE6   Bellevue City, Nebraska   2.4787880023%
NE7   Blaine County, Nebraska   0.0123640997%
NE8   Boone County, Nebraska   0.2533407507%
NE9   Box Butte County, Nebraska   0.7492533620%
NE10   Boyd County, Nebraska   0.0902847433%
NE11   Brown County, Nebraska   0.1375135354%
NE12   Buffalo County, Nebraska   0.9630320332%
NE13   Burt County, Nebraska   0.3365661770%
NE14   Butler County, Nebraska   0.2899805672%
NE15   Cass County, Nebraska   1.2356339344%
NE16   Cedar County, Nebraska   0.3502588009%
NE17   Chase County, Nebraska   0.1707898814%
NE18   Cherry County, Nebraska   0.3082161558%
NE19   Cheyenne County, Nebraska   0.7408263023%
NE20   Clay County, Nebraska   0.1772971991%
NE21   Colfax County, Nebraska   0.2670475913%
NE22   Columbus City, Nebraska   0.7291294061%
NE23   Cuming County, Nebraska   0.4019883978%
NE24   Custer County, Nebraska   0.4848137961%
NE25   Dakota County, Nebraska   0.3940917673%
NE26   Dawes County, Nebraska   0.6577293164%
NE27   Dawson County, Nebraska   0.7540316373%
NE28   Deuel County, Nebraska   0.1500055852%
NE29   Dixon County, Nebraska   0.2144571499%
NE30   Dodge County, Nebraska   1.8317996330%
NE31   Douglas County, Nebraska   14.9119111455%
NE32   Dundy County, Nebraska   0.1513630330%
NE33   Fillmore County, Nebraska   0.3541443667%
NE34   Franklin County, Nebraska   0.1630162987%
NE35   Fremont City, Nebraska   0.1476946393%
NE36   Frontier County, Nebraska   0.0732649260%
NE37   Furnas County, Nebraska   0.2315426581%
NE38   Gage County, Nebraska   0.5390651380%
NE39   Garden County, Nebraska   0.1132118364%
NE40   Garfield County, Nebraska   0.1104479177%
NE41   Gosper County, Nebraska   0.0528581072%
NE42   Grand Island City, Nebraska   1.5052861196%
NE43   Grant County, Nebraska   0.0167075406%
NE44   Greeley County, Nebraska   0.1006996872%
NE45   Hall County, Nebraska   1.3023214397%
NE46   Hamilton County, Nebraska   0.3285553228%
NE47   Harlan County, Nebraska   0.1831157431%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
NE48   Hastings City, Nebraska   0.7738158635%
NE49   Hayes County, Nebraska   0.0464208924%
NE50   Hitchcock County, Nebraska   0.1428727336%
NE51   Holt County, Nebraska   0.4319086269%
NE52   Hooker County, Nebraska   0.0195391111%
NE53   Howard County, Nebraska   0.3117590505%
NE54   Jefferson County, Nebraska   0.4621587809%
NE55   Johnson County, Nebraska   0.3674281385%
NE56   Kearney City, Nebraska   1.3128662946%
NE57   Kearney County, Nebraska   0.3284087439%
NE58   Keith County, Nebraska   0.5586120928%
NE59   Keya Paha County, Nebraska   0.0207700795%
NE60   Kimball County, Nebraska   0.2074517582%
NE61   Knox County, Nebraska   0.4262180329%
NE62   La Vista City, Nebraska   0.6948539706%
NE63   Lancaster County, Nebraska   7.9530599340%
NE64   Lexington City, Nebraska   0.2672235840%
NE65   Lincoln City, Nebraska   8.9584993437%
NE66   Lincoln County, Nebraska   0.7588461895%
NE67   Logan County, Nebraska   0.0192253637%
NE68   Loup County, Nebraska   0.0163070224%
NE69   Madison County, Nebraska   1.0198085515%
NE70   McPherson County, Nebraska   0.0133651501%
NE71   Merrick County, Nebraska   0.5571149293%
NE72   Morrill County, Nebraska   0.2640807173%
NE73   Nance County, Nebraska   0.1820220392%
NE74   Nemaha County, Nebraska   0.5862140225%
NE75   Norfolk City, Nebraska   0.6855964607%
NE76   North Platte City, Nebraska   1.2668714124%
NE77   Nuckolls County, Nebraska   0.2606241030%
NE78   Omaha City, Nebraska   16.7836032733%
NE79   Otoe County, Nebraska   0.8114537890%
NE80   Papillion City, Nebraska   1.1943452635%
NE81   Pawnee County, Nebraska   0.2449303588%
NE82   Perkins County, Nebraska   0.0938742100%
NE83   Phelps County, Nebraska   0.4453164270%
NE84   Pierce County, Nebraska   0.2791606931%
NE85   Platte County, Nebraska   0.5054632790%
NE86   Polk County, Nebraska   0.2126035890%
NE87   Red Willow County, Nebraska   0.6782282985%
NE88   Richardson County, Nebraska   0.6780640713%
NE89   Rock County, Nebraska   0.0420632348%
NE90   Saline County, Nebraska   0.6431415318%
NE91   Sarpy County, Nebraska   4.1205096407%
NE92   Saunders County, Nebraska   0.9147340487%
NE93   Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska   1.8428925654%
NE94   Scottsbluff City, Nebraska   0.5159537183%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
NE95   Seward County, Nebraska   0.7637450614%
NE96   Sheridan County, Nebraska   0.1814092513%
NE97   Sherman County, Nebraska   0.1198260243%
NE98   Sioux County, Nebraska   0.0355730752%
NE99   South Sioux City, Nebraska   0.4431368628%
NE100   Stanton County, Nebraska   0.2162062918%
NE101   Thayer County, Nebraska   0.2059575361%
NE102   Thomas County, Nebraska   0.0173570958%
NE103   Thurston County, Nebraska   0.2564159657%
NE104   Valley County, Nebraska   0.3103957199%
NE105   Washington County, Nebraska   0.7878555706%
NE106   Wayne County, Nebraska   0.3510034608%
NE107   Webster County, Nebraska   0.1652355715%
NE108   Wheeler County, Nebraska   0.0210156849%
NE109   York County, Nebraska   0.8321939645%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
NV1   Boulder City, Nevada   0.1478660452%
NV2   Carson City, Nevada   1.8146007537%
NV3   Churchill County, Nevada   0.7013051988%
NV4   Clark County, Nevada   66.9248026834%
NV5   Douglas County, Nevada   1.6601462472%
NV7   Elko County, Nevada   1.0825745225%
NV8   Ely City, Nevada   0.0066172807%
NV9   Esmeralda County, Nevada   0.0497291448%
NV10   Eureka County, Nevada   0.1033573623%
NV11   Fernley City, Nevada   0.0144506991%
NV12   Henderson City, Nevada   2.3020643974%
NV13   Humboldt County, Nevada   1.0192724731%
NV14   Lander County, Nevada   0.3627438791%
NV15   Las Vegas City, Nevada   4.7206970773%
NV16   Lincoln County, Nevada   0.2373284219%
NV17   Lyon County, Nevada   1.5721396872%
NV18   Mesquite City, Nevada   0.1465069544%
NV19   Mineral County, Nevada   0.5992930253%
NV20   North Las Vegas City, Nevada   2.4258866892%
NV21   Nye County, Nevada   1.6016841576%
NV22   Pershing County, Nevada   0.3624498791%
NV23   Reno City, Nevada   1.3562863383%
NV24   Sparks City, Nevada   0.4253229218%
NV25   Storey County, Nevada   0.1263908620%
NV26   Washoe County, Nevada   9.1139488828%
NV27   West Wendover City, Nevada   0.0564015794%
NV28   White Pine County, Nevada   1.0458576594%
NV29   Central Lyon Fire Protection District, Nevada   0.0150922618%
NV30   North Lyon Fire Protection District, Nevada   0.0051829150%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
NH3   Belknap County, New Hampshire   2.7939109892%
NH4   Belmont Town, New Hampshire   0.5587670057%
NH5   Berlin City, New Hampshire   0.7634811276%
NH6   Carroll County, New Hampshire   3.6322893799%
NH7   Cheshire County, New Hampshire   4.0796979802%
NH8   Claremont City, New Hampshire   1.0144553237%
NH9   Concord City, New Hampshire   3.2431426466%
NH11   Coos County, New Hampshire   1.7474002446%
NH12   Derry Town, New Hampshire   2.5149832507%
NH13   Dover City, New Hampshire   2.2778339043%
NH16   Franklin City, New Hampshire   0.6439189651%
NH18   Grafton County, New Hampshire   6.7694668318%
NH21   Hillsborough County, New Hampshire   15.5462714684%
NH24   Keene City, New Hampshire   1.7781643334%
NH25   Laconia City, New Hampshire   1.2116493350%
NH27   Londonderry Town, New Hampshire   1.8328560469%
NH28   Manchester City, New Hampshire   8.3226355329%
NH29   Merrimack County, New Hampshire   7.2370050210%
NH32   Nashua City, New Hampshire   6.5701459205%
NH36   Rochester City, New Hampshire   2.2599831367%
NH37   Rockingham County, New Hampshire   18.0775103117%
NH40   Strafford County, New Hampshire   4.8162130546%
NH41   Sullivan County, New Hampshire   2.3082181896%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
NJ1   Aberdeen Township, New Jersey   0.0797396894%
NJ2   Asbury Park City, New Jersey   0.3916349671%
NJ3   Atlantic City, New Jersey   1.2847690915%
NJ4   Atlantic County, New Jersey   2.8915764045%
NJ5   Barnegat Township, New Jersey   0.1626638814%
NJ6   Bayonne City, New Jersey   0.8502340058%
NJ7   Beachwood Borough, New Jersey   0.0492329228%
NJ8   Belleville Township, New Jersey   0.0872090223%
NJ9   Bellmawr Borough, New Jersey   0.0640989992%
NJ10   Bergen County, New Jersey   4.9446361090%
NJ11   Bergenfield Borough, New Jersey   0.0618076073%
NJ12   Berkeley Heights Township, New Jersey   0.0272673062%
NJ13   Berkeley Township, New Jersey   0.2619731788%
NJ14   Bernards Township, New Jersey   0.0910577073%
NJ15   Bloomfield Township, New Jersey   0.1173874959%
NJ16   Bordentown Township, New Jersey   0.0545891482%
NJ17   Bound Brook Borough, New Jersey   0.0527105023%
NJ18   Branchburg Township, New Jersey   0.0561024563%
NJ19   Brick Township, New Jersey   0.5908193174%
NJ20   Bridgeton City, New Jersey   0.2079614154%
NJ21   Bridgewater Township, New Jersey   0.1828057629%
NJ22   Burlington County, New Jersey   4.4940916659%
NJ23   Burlington Township, New Jersey   0.1157900630%
NJ24   Camden City, New Jersey   1.6603828843%
NJ25   Camden County, New Jersey   6.8741218172%
NJ26   Cape May County, New Jersey   1.2842777540%
NJ27   Carteret Borough, New Jersey   0.1794847100%
NJ28   Cedar Grove Township, New Jersey   0.0187911021%
NJ29   Chatham Township, New Jersey   0.0498541051%
NJ30   Cherry Hill Township, New Jersey   0.3440044947%
NJ31   Cinnaminson Township, New Jersey   0.0701648926%
NJ32   Clark Township, New Jersey   0.0429898704%
NJ33   Cliffside Park Borough, New Jersey   0.1142449150%
NJ34   Clifton City, New Jersey   0.3535258812%
NJ35   Clinton Town, New Jersey   0.0294193343%
NJ36   Clinton Township, New Jersey   0.0799778554%
NJ37   Collingswood Borough, New Jersey   0.1128930571%
NJ38   Cranford Township, New Jersey   0.0684441330%
NJ39   Cumberland County, New Jersey   0.9862828059%
NJ40   Delran Township, New Jersey   0.0837486054%
NJ41   Denville Township, New Jersey   0.0795654377%
NJ42   Deptford Township, New Jersey   0.2200095463%
NJ43   Dover Town, New Jersey   0.1186530251%
NJ44   Dumont Borough, New Jersey   0.0403826120%
NJ45   East Brunswick Township, New Jersey   0.0972927881%
NJ46   East Greenwich Township, New Jersey   0.0212104162%
NJ47   East Hanover Township, New Jersey   0.0890156417%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
NJ48   East Orange City, New Jersey   1.2844844553%
NJ49   East Windsor Township, New Jersey   0.0422463462%
NJ50   Eatontown Borough, New Jersey   0.0974794194%
NJ51   Edgewater Borough, New Jersey   0.0546948904%
NJ52   Edison Township, New Jersey   2.4018132631%
NJ53   Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey   0.1572891336%
NJ54   Elizabeth City, New Jersey   0.7646308101%
NJ55   Elmwood Park Borough, New Jersey   0.0462435391%
NJ56   Englewood City, New Jersey   0.6429812736%
NJ57   Essex County, New Jersey   1.4898498664%
NJ58   Evesham Township, New Jersey   0.1745115947%
NJ59   Ewing Township, New Jersey   0.0839796907%
NJ60   Fair Lawn Borough, New Jersey   0.0699332916%
NJ61   Fairview Borough, New Jersey   0.0347025484%
NJ62   Florence Township, New Jersey   0.0676007282%
NJ63   Florham Park Borough, New Jersey   0.0674975182%
NJ64   Fort Lee Borough, New Jersey   0.1848366682%
NJ65   Franklin Lakes Borough, New Jersey   0.0273076336%
NJ66   Franklin Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey   0.0870963870%
NJ67   Franklin Township, Somerset County, New Jersey   0.3236022203%
NJ68   Freehold Borough, New Jersey   0.0816675723%
NJ69   Freehold Township, New Jersey   0.1512818556%
NJ70   Galloway Township, New Jersey   0.0846515634%
NJ71   Garfield City, New Jersey   0.0989196224%
NJ72   Glassboro Borough, New Jersey   0.1948186777%
NJ73   Glen Rock Borough, New Jersey   0.0253178060%
NJ74   Gloucester City, New Jersey   0.1325275640%
NJ75   Gloucester County, New Jersey   4.7022029491%
NJ76   Gloucester Township, New Jersey   0.3259502581%
NJ77   Guttenberg Town, New Jersey   0.0382186733%
NJ78   Hackensack City, New Jersey   0.2554139785%
NJ79   Haddon Township, New Jersey   0.0831057121%
NJ80   Haddonfield Borough, New Jersey   0.0710479214%
NJ81   Hamilton Township, Atlantic County, New Jersey   0.0939608561%
NJ82   Hamilton Township, Mercer County, New Jersey   0.1394262176%
NJ83   Hammonton Town, New Jersey   0.0463451547%
NJ84   Hanover Township, New Jersey   0.0711651990%
NJ85   Harrison Town, New Jersey   0.2059190684%
NJ86   Harrison Township, New Jersey   0.0478487561%
NJ87   Hasbrouck Heights Borough, New Jersey   0.0360845581%
NJ88   Hawthorne Borough, New Jersey   0.0380122534%
NJ89   Hazlet Township, New Jersey   0.0810519234%
NJ90   Highland Park Borough, New Jersey   0.0606246554%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
NJ91   Hillsborough Township, New Jersey   0.1405113053%
NJ92   Hillsdale Borough, New Jersey   0.0247027667%
NJ93   Hillside Township, New Jersey   0.1085603967%
NJ94   Hoboken City, New Jersey   0.1803633309%
NJ95   Holmdel Township, New Jersey   0.1058875828%
NJ96   Hopatcong Borough, New Jersey   0.0677558479%
NJ97   Hopewell Township, Mercer County, New Jersey   0.0275878151%
NJ98   Howell Township, New Jersey   0.2067529072%
NJ99   Hudson County, New Jersey   0.9363280231%
NJ100   Hunterdon County, New Jersey   0.8037645396%
NJ101   Irvington Township, New Jersey   0.9244040630%
NJ102   Jackson Township, New Jersey   0.2670097394%
NJ103   Jefferson Township, New Jersey   0.0866198206%
NJ104   Jersey City, New Jersey   0.9916102863%
NJ105   Kearny Town, New Jersey   0.1071857960%
NJ106   Lacey Township, New Jersey   0.1502291236%
NJ107   Lakewood Township, New Jersey   0.7730028665%
NJ108   Lawrence Township, Mercer County, New Jersey   0.0644503163%
NJ109   Lincoln Park Borough, New Jersey   0.0595261565%
NJ110   Linden City, New Jersey   0.2495261821%
NJ111   Lindenwold Borough, New Jersey   0.1004455914%
NJ112   Little Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey   0.1465902816%
NJ113   Little Falls Township, New Jersey   0.0348320180%
NJ114   Little Ferry Borough, New Jersey   0.0258966914%
NJ115   Livingston Township, New Jersey   0.0484285793%
NJ116   Lodi Borough, New Jersey   0.1078340351%
NJ117   Long Branch City, New Jersey   0.5243184480%
NJ118   Lower Township, New Jersey   0.0710329159%
NJ119   Lumberton Township, New Jersey   0.0461973502%
NJ120   Lyndhurst Township, New Jersey   0.0645354727%
NJ121   Madison Borough, New Jersey   0.1424930674%
NJ122   Mahwah Township, New Jersey   0.0610985020%
NJ123   Manalapan Township, New Jersey   0.1318410608%
NJ124   Manchester Township, New Jersey   0.2136801182%
NJ125   Mantua Township, New Jersey   0.0853984170%
NJ126   Manville Borough, New Jersey   0.0574532358%
NJ127   Maple Shade Township, New Jersey   0.1058088976%
NJ128   Maplewood Township, New Jersey   0.0589307182%
NJ129   Marlboro Township, New Jersey   0.1588151495%
NJ130   Medford Township, New Jersey   0.1130775783%
NJ131   Mercer County, New Jersey   1.1117204895%
NJ132   Metuchen Borough, New Jersey   0.0339468322%
NJ133   Middle Township, New Jersey   0.0695160908%
NJ134   Middlesex Borough, New Jersey   0.0317606196%
NJ135   Middlesex County, New Jersey   2.2387299770%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
NJ136   Middletown Township, New Jersey   0.3292948041%
NJ137   Millburn Township, New Jersey   0.0627532842%
NJ138   Millstone Township, New Jersey   0.0066098909%
NJ139   Millville City, New Jersey   0.2397981412%
NJ140   Monmouth County, New Jersey   4.4617935668%

Monroe Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey

NJ142   Monroe Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey   0.1024216796%
NJ143   Montclair Township, New Jersey   0.5843666564%
NJ144   Montgomery Township, New Jersey   0.0805666350%
NJ145   Montville Township, New Jersey   0.0902727303%
NJ146   Moorestown Township, New Jersey   0.1000871936%
NJ147   Morris County, New Jersey   2.3575766204%
NJ148   Morris Township, New Jersey   0.1125747053%
NJ149   Morristown, New Jersey   0.2369807115%
NJ150   Mount Laurel Township, New Jersey   0.1725831491%
NJ151   Mount Olive Township, New Jersey   0.1068809023%
NJ152   Neptune Township, New Jersey   0.2450351195%
NJ153   New Brunswick City, New Jersey   1.8327331194%
NJ154   New Milford Borough, New Jersey   0.0368443070%
NJ155   New Providence Borough, New Jersey   0.0258412178%
NJ156   Newark City, New Jersey   1.7760400546%
NJ157   North Arlington Borough, New Jersey   0.0408890956%
NJ158   North Bergen Township, New Jersey   0.1110635074%
NJ159   North Brunswick Township, New Jersey   0.1217197343%
NJ160   North Plainfield Borough, New Jersey   0.1454941742%
NJ161   Nutley Township, New Jersey   0.0574061090%
NJ162   Oakland Borough, New Jersey   0.0335231134%
NJ163   Ocean City, New Jersey   0.1910428164%
NJ164   Ocean County, New Jersey   4.9497293624%
NJ165   Ocean Township, Monmouth County, New Jersey   0.1387263032%
NJ166   Old Bridge Township, New Jersey   0.1263966779%
NJ167   Orange City Township, New Jersey   0.5609302630%
NJ168   Palisades Park Borough, New Jersey   0.0366345109%
NJ169   Paramus Borough, New Jersey   0.1129786355%
NJ170   Parsippany-Troy Hills Township, New Jersey   0.2342890939%
NJ171   Passaic City, New Jersey   0.4984612868%
NJ172   Passaic County, New Jersey   2.1805505203%
NJ173   Paterson City, New Jersey   0.9805526614%
NJ174   Pemberton Township, New Jersey   0.1182059071%
NJ175   Pennsauken Township, New Jersey   0.3221185950%
NJ176   Pennsville Township, New Jersey   0.0340920576%
NJ177   Pequannock Township, New Jersey   0.0769477223%
NJ178   Perth Amboy City, New Jersey   0.3436749356%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
NJ179   Phillipsburg Town, New Jersey   0.1544595119%
NJ180   Pine Hill Borough, New Jersey   0.0482528270%
NJ181   Piscataway Township, New Jersey   0.1067019613%
NJ182   Plainfield City, New Jersey   0.3012229667%
NJ183   Plainsboro Township, New Jersey   0.0503298743%
NJ184   Pleasantville City, New Jersey   0.1421175070%
NJ185   Point Pleasant Borough, New Jersey   0.1109970141%
NJ186   Pompton Lakes Borough, New Jersey   0.0290573727%
NJ187   Princeton, New Jersey   0.0503970240%
NJ188   Rahway City, New Jersey   0.1444485698%
NJ189   Ramsey Borough, New Jersey   0.0402523452%
NJ190   Randolph Township, New Jersey   0.0853331898%
NJ191   Raritan Township, New Jersey   0.1071670391%
NJ192   Readington Township, New Jersey   0.0850076166%
NJ193   Red Bank Borough, New Jersey   0.1420636747%
NJ194   Ridgefield Borough, New Jersey   0.0201153405%
NJ195   Ridgefield Park Village, New Jersey   0.0392827532%
NJ196   Ridgewood Village, New Jersey   0.0849185213%
NJ197   Ringwood Borough, New Jersey   0.0309822545%
NJ198   River Edge Borough, New Jersey   0.0266057498%
NJ199   Robbinsville Township, New Jersey   0.0338593312%
NJ200   Rockaway Township, New Jersey   0.1290497970%
NJ201   Roselle Borough, New Jersey   0.0912325687%
NJ202   Roselle Park Borough, New Jersey   0.0316673040%
NJ203   Roxbury Township, New Jersey   0.1057717120%
NJ204   Rutherford Borough, New Jersey   0.0459830524%
NJ205   Saddle Brook Township, New Jersey   0.0390656888%
NJ206   Salem County, New Jersey   0.9344056735%
NJ207   Sayreville Borough, New Jersey   0.1477057086%
NJ208   Scotch Plains Township, New Jersey   0.0484433504%
NJ209   Secaucus Town, New Jersey   0.0516659295%
NJ210   Somers Point City, New Jersey   0.0439926621%
NJ211   Somerset County, New Jersey   1.4647125488%
NJ212   Somerville Borough, New Jersey   0.0756287358%
NJ213   South Brunswick Township, New Jersey   0.1037777110%
NJ214   South Orange Village Township, New Jersey   0.0488891085%
NJ215   South Plainfield Borough, New Jersey   0.0899775902%
NJ216   South River Borough, New Jersey   0.0421568288%
NJ217   Southampton Township, New Jersey   0.0127996268%
NJ218   Sparta Township, New Jersey   0.1069549921%
NJ219   Springfield Township, Union County, New Jersey   0.0573437423%
NJ220   Stafford Township, New Jersey   0.2155115906%
NJ221   Summit City, New Jersey   0.5428090174%
NJ222   Sussex County, New Jersey   1.2735318221%
NJ223   Teaneck Township, New Jersey   0.1723477966%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
NJ224   Tenafly Borough, New Jersey   0.0450713724%
NJ225   Tinton Falls Borough, New Jersey   0.0881640307%
NJ226   Toms River Township, New Jersey   0.5620940829%
NJ227   Totowa Borough, New Jersey   0.0342545863%
NJ228   Trenton City, New Jersey   1.9352906929%
NJ229   Union City, New Jersey   0.9841875644%
NJ230   Union County, New Jersey   1.7400474523%
NJ231   Union Township, Union County, New Jersey   0.2247240506%
NJ232   Upper Township, New Jersey   0.0173930552%
NJ233   Vernon Township, New Jersey   0.0783616187%
NJ234   Verona Township, New Jersey   0.0234318917%
NJ235   Vineland City, New Jersey   0.5000169856%
NJ236   Voorhees Township, New Jersey   0.1406021825%
NJ237   Waldwick Borough, New Jersey   0.0421770394%
NJ238   Wall Township, New Jersey   0.1650847899%
NJ239   Wallington Borough, New Jersey   0.0235956865%
NJ240   Wanaque Borough, New Jersey   0.0311245257%
NJ241   Wantage Township, New Jersey   0.0091403397%
NJ242   Warren County, New Jersey   1.0382472049%
NJ243   Warren Township, New Jersey   0.0736326246%
NJ244   Washington Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey   0.2470375143%
NJ245   Washington Township, Morris County, New Jersey   0.0524274135%
NJ246   Waterford Township, New Jersey   0.0648566849%
NJ247   Wayne Township, New Jersey   0.1724444886%
NJ248   Weehawken Township, New Jersey   0.0282451513%
NJ249   West Caldwell Township, New Jersey   0.0246748189%
NJ250   West Deptford Township, New Jersey   0.1402059895%
NJ251   West Milford Township, New Jersey   0.0644752630%
NJ252   West New York Town, New Jersey   0.6157331463%
NJ253   West Orange Township, New Jersey   0.1051193933%
NJ254   West Windsor Township, New Jersey   0.0458605228%
NJ255   Westfield Town, New Jersey   0.0887745684%
NJ256   Westwood Borough, New Jersey   0.0348328152%
NJ257   Willingboro Township, New Jersey   0.2091808026%
NJ258   Winslow Township, New Jersey   0.1817978600%
NJ259   Woodbridge Township, New Jersey   0.3688029685%
NJ260   Woodland Park Borough, New Jersey   0.0292498655%
NJ261   Woolwich Township, New Jersey   0.0599291958%
NJ262   Wyckoff Township, New Jersey   0.0296665036%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
NM1   Alamogordo City, New Mexico   0.9683526415%
NM2   Albuquerque City, New Mexico   26.1703568498%
NM3   Artesia City, New Mexico   0.5562791550%
NM4   Bernalillo County, New Mexico   15.2005970834%
NM5   Bernalillo Town, New Mexico   0.2863480762%
NM6   Carlsbad City, New Mexico   0.8261484924%
NM7   Catron County, New Mexico   0.1129940051%
NM8   Chaves County, New Mexico   1.0935494443%
NM9   Cibola County, New Mexico   0.7723148257%
NM10   Clovis City, New Mexico   0.9103511516%
NM11   Colfax County, New Mexico   0.7448541610%
NM12   Curry County, New Mexico   0.4952954732%
NM13   De Baca County, New Mexico   0.0650725663%
NM14   Deming City, New Mexico   0.2484870948%
NM15   Dona Ana County, New Mexico   4.1009817203%
NM16   Eddy County, New Mexico   1.2155709374%
NM17   Española City, New Mexico   1.0869232440%
NM18   Farmington City, New Mexico   1.4120396740%
NM19   Gallup City, New Mexico   0.7722895935%
NM20   Grant County, New Mexico   1.8057321396%
NM21   Guadalupe County, New Mexico   0.1869187026%
NM22   Harding County, New Mexico   0.0102668257%
NM23   Hidalgo County, New Mexico   0.1965507765%
NM24   Hobbs City, New Mexico   0.5477699843%
NM25   Las Cruces City, New Mexico   2.7789710876%
NM26   Las Vegas City, New Mexico   0.9509305850%
NM27   Lea County, New Mexico   1.3193643533%
NM28   Lincoln County, New Mexico   1.2208675842%
NM29   Los Alamos County, New Mexico   0.5915454490%
NM30   Los Lunas Village, New Mexico   1.0566950725%
NM31   Lovington City, New Mexico   0.1729179347%
NM32   Luna County, New Mexico   0.5889582326%
NM33   McKinley County, New Mexico   1.0214669791%
NM34   Mora County, New Mexico   0.1903934157%
NM35   Otero County, New Mexico   1.6062640137%
NM36   Portales City, New Mexico   0.2248670805%
NM37   Quay County, New Mexico   0.4733520608%
NM38   Rio Arriba County, New Mexico   3.5113726662%
NM39   Rio Rancho City, New Mexico   2.3456255907%
NM40   Roosevelt County, New Mexico   0.3148139409%
NM41   Roswell City, New Mexico   1.4423383265%
NM42   San Juan County, New Mexico   2.4064498445%
NM43   San Miguel County, New Mexico   0.7151901194%
NM44   Sandoval County, New Mexico   1.9253935060%
NM45   Santa Fe City, New Mexico   4.5408953413%
NM46   Santa Fe County, New Mexico   3.5143193357%
NM47   Sierra County, New Mexico   1.0308488455%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
NM48   Socorro County, New Mexico   0.7363065077%
NM49   Sunland Park City, New Mexico   0.2012417097%
NM50   Taos County, New Mexico   1.7429125688%
NM51   Torrance County, New Mexico   0.7071523256%
NM52   Union County, New Mexico   0.1108929666%
NM53   Valencia County, New Mexico   2.7716079380%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
NY1   Albany City, New York   Allocations in New
York will be made
in accordance with
the New York
NY2   Albany County, New York  
NY3   Allegany County, New York  
NY4   Broome County, New York  
NY5   Buffalo City, New York  
NY6   Cattaraugus County, New York  
NY7   Cayuga County, New York  
NY8   Chautauqua County, New York  
NY9   Chemung County, New York  
NY10   Chenango County, New York  
NY11   Clinton County, New York  
NY12   Columbia County, New York  
NY13   Cortland County, New York  
NY14   Delaware County, New York  
NY15   Dutchess County, New York  
NY16   Erie County, New York  
NY17   Essex County, New York  
NY18   Franklin County, New York  
NY19   Fulton County, New York  
NY20   Genesee County, New York  
NY21   Greene County, New York  
NY22   Hamilton County, New York  
NY23   Herkimer County, New York  
NY24   Jefferson County, New York  
NY25   Lewis County, New York  
NY26   Livingston County, New York  
NY27   Madison County, New York  
NY28   Monroe County, New York  
NY29   Montgomery County, New York  
NY30   Nassau County, New York  
NY31   New York City, New York  
NY32   Niagara County, New York  
NY33   Oneida County, New York  
NY34   Onondaga County, New York  
NY35   Ontario County, New York  
NY36   Orange County, New York  
NY37   Orleans County, New York  
NY38   Oswego County, New York  
NY39   Otsego County, New York  
NY40   Putnam County, New York  
NY41   Rensselaer County, New York  
NY42   Rochester City, New York  
NY43   Rockland County, New York  
NY44   Saratoga County, New York  
NY45   Schenectady County, New York  








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
NY46   Schoharie County, New York  
NY47   Schuyler County, New York  
NY48   Seneca County, New York   Allocations in New York will be made in accordance with the New York Agreement.
NY49   St Lawrence County, New York  
NY50   Steuben County, New York  
NY51   Suffolk County, New York  
NY52   Sullivan County, New York  
NY53   Syracuse City, New York  
NY54   Tioga County, New York  
NY55   Tompkins County, New York  
NY56   Ulster County, New York  
NY57   Warren County, New York  
NY58   Washington County, New York  
NY59   Wayne County, New York  
NY60   Westchester County, New York  
NY61   Wyoming County, New York  
NY62   Yates County, New York  
NY63   Yonkers City, New York  
NY64   Geneva City, New York  
NY65   Herkimer Village, New York  
NY66   Lackawanna City, New York  
NY67   Rome City, New York  
NY68   Utica City, New York  








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
NC1   Alamance County, North Carolina   1.3780289676%
NC2   Alexander County, North Carolina   0.5100078796%
NC3   Alleghany County, North Carolina   0.1490905989%
NC4   Anson County, North Carolina   0.1821929604%
NC5   Ashe County, North Carolina   0.3386391883%
NC6   Asheville City, North Carolina   0.2358147243%
NC7   Avery County, North Carolina   0.2659967669%
NC8   Beaufort County, North Carolina   0.4778884349%
NC9   Bertie County, North Carolina   0.1394685751%
NC10   Bladen County, North Carolina   0.4292178095%
NC11   Brunswick County, North Carolina   2.1132385076%
NC12   Buncombe County, North Carolina   2.5115878573%
NC13   Burke County, North Carolina   2.0901968270%
NC14   Cabarrus County, North Carolina   1.6695734466%
NC15   Caldwell County, North Carolina   1.2763011462%
NC16   Camden County, North Carolina   0.0730364004%
NC17   Canton Town, North Carolina   0.0114538232%
NC18   Carteret County, North Carolina   1.1284655939%
NC19   Cary Town, North Carolina   0.1441516454%
NC20   Caswell County, North Carolina   0.1729202375%
NC21   Catawba County, North Carolina   2.0726952227%
NC22   Charlotte City, North Carolina   1.2474838144%
NC23   Chatham County, North Carolina   0.4498143831%
NC24   Cherokee County, North Carolina   0.7827591529%
NC25   Chowan County, North Carolina   0.1137055961%
NC26   Clay County, North Carolina   0.2244299489%
NC27   Cleveland County, North Carolina   1.1199280277%
NC28   Columbus County, North Carolina   1.2209369390%
NC29   Concord City, North Carolina   0.2274558703%
NC30   Craven County, North Carolina   1.3368601902%
NC31   Cumberland County, North Carolina   2.6372996596%
NC32   Currituck County, North Carolina   0.1867785513%
NC33   Dare County, North Carolina   0.5331267313%
NC34   Davidson County, North Carolina   1.9402695304%
NC35   Davie County, North Carolina   0.5131475269%
NC36   Duplin County, North Carolina   0.3827851474%
NC37   Durham City, North Carolina   0.3804050267%
NC38   Durham County, North Carolina   1.7979943624%
NC39   Edgecombe County, North Carolina   0.4171019390%
NC40   Fayetteville City, North Carolina   0.3097690552%
NC41   Forsyth County, North Carolina   3.0684508095%
NC42   Franklin County, North Carolina   0.5005036433%
NC43   Gaston County, North Carolina   3.0981738869%
NC44   Gastonia City, North Carolina   0.2577638238%
NC45   Gates County, North Carolina   0.0795675166%
NC46   Graham County, North Carolina   0.1834845617%
NC47   Granville County, North Carolina   0.5901034093%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
NC48   Greene County, North Carolina   0.1232748186%
NC49   Greensboro City, North Carolina   0.5273916964%
NC50   Greenville City, North Carolina   0.1626564747%
NC51   Guilford County, North Carolina   3.3750152311%
NC52   Halifax County, North Carolina   0.4531611740%
NC53   Harnett County, North Carolina   0.9889807722%
NC54   Haywood County, North Carolina   0.8033151101%
NC55   Henderson City, North Carolina   0.0322534788%
NC56   Henderson County, North Carolina   1.3815950870%
NC57   Hertford County, North Carolina   0.2068430501%
NC58   Hickory City, North Carolina   0.0948758357%
NC59   High Point City, North Carolina   0.2064287629%
NC60   Hoke County, North Carolina   0.3324858046%
NC61   Hyde County, North Carolina   0.0272373541%
NC62   Iredell County, North Carolina   2.1159313745%
NC63   Jackson County, North Carolina   0.5077577313%
NC64   Jacksonville City, North Carolina   0.0950098698%
NC65   Johnston County, North Carolina   1.2508874682%
NC66   Jones County, North Carolina   0.0879669870%
NC67   Lee County, North Carolina   0.6531156836%
NC68   Lenoir County, North Carolina   0.6042825926%
NC69   Lincoln County, North Carolina   0.9268336271%
NC70   Macon County, North Carolina   0.2377764961%
NC71   Madison County, North Carolina   0.2328822206%
NC72   Martin County, North Carolina   0.5875445765%
NC73   McDowell County, North Carolina   0.4667676661%
NC74   Mecklenburg County, North Carolina   5.0383012599%
NC75   Mitchell County, North Carolina   0.3093141516%
NC76   Montgomery County, North Carolina   0.2260505430%
NC77   Moore County, North Carolina   0.9717391128%
NC78   Nash County, North Carolina   0.8456536396%
NC79   New Hanover County, North Carolina   2.8972648920%
NC80   Northampton County, North Carolina   0.1209962389%
NC81   Onslow County, North Carolina   1.6440013647%
NC82   Orange County, North Carolina   1.0558394190%
NC83   Pamlico County, North Carolina   0.1199361510%
NC84   Pasquotank County, North Carolina   0.3748162108%
NC85   Pender County, North Carolina   0.5857493319%
NC86   Perquimans County, North Carolina   0.1118331803%
NC87   Person County, North Carolina   0.4030242967%
NC88   Pitt County, North Carolina   1.3690080664%
NC89   Polk County, North Carolina   0.2661429860%
NC90   Raleigh City, North Carolina   0.5667246127%
NC91   Randolph County, North Carolina   1.5254339862%
NC92   Richmond County, North Carolina   0.7491328400%
NC93   Robeson County, North Carolina   1.3597353436%
NC94   Rockingham County, North Carolina   1.3653688375%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
NC95   Rowan County, North Carolina   2.3352192879%
NC96   Rutherford County, North Carolina   0.9289416180%
NC97   Sampson County, North Carolina   0.6195137405%
NC98   Scotland County, North Carolina   0.4491482742%
NC99   Stanly County, North Carolina   0.7249742086%
NC100   Stokes County, North Carolina   0.6239531124%
NC101   Surry County, North Carolina   1.4108267061%
NC102   Swain County, North Carolina   0.2811629286%
NC103   Transylvania County, North Carolina   0.4975955095%
NC104   Tyrrell County, North Carolina   0.0414409072%
NC105   Union County, North Carolina   1.4667026799%
NC106   Vance County, North Carolina   0.5362582553%
NC107   Wake County, North Carolina   4.9024556672%
NC108   Warren County, North Carolina   0.1063905835%
NC109   Washington County, North Carolina   0.0747707205%
NC110   Watauga County, North Carolina   0.4696757999%
NC111   Wayne County, North Carolina   0.9706993331%
NC112   Wilkes County, North Carolina   1.9971771606%
NC113   Wilmington City, North Carolina   0.1194974940%
NC114   Wilson County, North Carolina   0.6464708415%
NC115   Winston-Salem City, North Carolina   0.4944599238%
NC116   Yadkin County, North Carolina   0.5621471451%
NC117   Yancey County, North Carolina   0.3821149769%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Consolidated State
ND1  Adams County, North Dakota  0.3266859369%
ND2  Barnes County, North Dakota  1.1596409120%
ND3  Benson County, North Dakota  0.8243618844%
ND4  Billings County, North Dakota  0.0531198558%
ND5  Bismarck City, North Dakota  7.8720018475%
ND6  Bottineau County, North Dakota  0.6564106964%
ND7  Bowman County, North Dakota  0.3537618912%
ND8  Burke County, North Dakota  0.1340272238%
ND9  Burleigh County, North Dakota  5.9258321732%
ND10  Cass County, North Dakota  9.2593207065%
ND11  Cavalier County, North Dakota  0.4775832577%
ND12  Devils Lake City, North Dakota  0.3622623619%
ND13  Dickey County, North Dakota  0.6064663883%
ND14  Dickinson City, North Dakota  1.0573324109%
ND15  Divide County, North Dakota  0.1925705034%
ND16  Dunn County, North Dakota  0.5017615248%
ND17  Eddy County, North Dakota  0.2227970127%
ND18  Emmons County, North Dakota  0.7218887252%
ND19  Fargo City, North Dakota  12.8639966005%
ND20  Foster County, North Dakota  0.3938546507%
ND21  Golden Valley County, North Dakota  0.2278631874%
ND22  Grand Forks City, North Dakota  7.1999971538%
ND23  Grand Forks County, North Dakota  5.4639296523%
ND24  Grant County, North Dakota  0.2093626818%
ND25  Griggs County, North Dakota  0.2073426807%
ND26  Hettinger County, North Dakota  0.2096684753%
ND27  Jamestown City, North Dakota  0.7024664288%
ND28  Kidder County, North Dakota  0.3074782839%
ND29  La Moure County, North Dakota  0.3036088203%
ND30  Lisbon City, North Dakota  0.1372424658%
ND31  Logan County, North Dakota  0.1641331799%
ND32  Mandan City, North Dakota  1.1262932510%
ND33  McHenry County, North Dakota  0.3973374621%
ND34  McIntosh County, North Dakota  0.2870077627%
ND35  McKenzie County, North Dakota  1.2312553926%
ND36  McLean County, North Dakota  1.1384661837%
ND37  Mercer County, North Dakota  1.1241071216%
ND38  Minot City, North Dakota  2.8909627339%
ND39  Morton County, North Dakota  2.6703636118%
ND40  Mountrail County, North Dakota  1.1142893867%
ND41  Nelson County, North Dakota  0.4740975060%
ND42  Oliver County, North Dakota  0.2228234756%
ND43  Pembina County, North Dakota  1.2530005434%
ND44  Pierce County, North Dakota  0.7284574044%
ND45  Ramsey County, North Dakota  1.2734343106%
ND46  Ransom County, North Dakota  0.6183673413%
ND47  Renville County, North Dakota  0.2860845016%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Consolidated State
ND48  Richland County, North Dakota  2.4309493698%
ND49  Rolette County, North Dakota  1.8198034592%
ND50  Sargent County, North Dakota  0.5773674924%
ND51  Sheridan County, North Dakota  0.0895886685%
ND52  Sioux County, North Dakota  0.6666209643%
ND53  Slope County, North Dakota  0.0470907257%
ND54  Stark County, North Dakota  3.3526741338%
ND55  Steele County, North Dakota  0.2434939387%
ND56  Stutsman County, North Dakota  1.9758860377%
ND57  Towner County, North Dakota  0.1807489391%
ND58  Traill County, North Dakota  1.0587643476%
ND59  Walsh County, North Dakota  2.0521094729%
ND60  Ward County, North Dakota  3.4849842097%
ND61  Wells County, North Dakota  0.4346604383%
ND62  West Fargo City, North Dakota  1.8417059171%
ND63  Williams County, North Dakota  2.3067369406%
ND64  Williston City, North Dakota  1.5016973817%









Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Consolidated State
OH1  Aberdeen Village, Ohio  0.0087437716%
OH2  Ada Village, Ohio  0.0077636351%
OH3  Adams County, Ohio  0.3473544585%
OH4  Adams Township, Champaign County,  0.0001374611%
OH5  Adams Township, Clinton County, Ohio  0.0003122525%
OH6  Adams Township, Darke County, Ohio  0.0016731027%
OH7  Adams Township, Monroe County, Ohio  0.0000311703%
OH8  Adams Township, Muskingum County,  0.0001003092%
OH9  Adams Township, Seneca County, Ohio  0.0003810303%
OH10  Adams Township, Washington County,  0.0001169753%
OH11  Adamsville Village, Ohio  0.0000910884%
OH12  Addyston Village, Ohio  0.0025217854%
OH13  Adelphi Village, Ohio  0.0020068066%
OH14  Adena Village, Ohio  0.0003568983%
OH15  Aid Township, Ohio  0.0003303244%
OH16  Akron City, Ohio  0.8812077621%
OH17  Albany Village, Ohio  0.0019488925%
OH18  Alexander Township, Ohio  0.0001250626%
OH19  Alexandria Village, Ohio  0.0005560173%
OH20  Alger Village, Ohio  0.0005166462%
OH21  Allen County, Ohio  0.4092999560%
OH22  Allen Township, Darke County, Ohio  0.0006643202%
OH23  Allen Township, Hancock County, Ohio  0.0005903230%
OH24  Allen Township, Ottawa County, Ohio  0.0005976710%
OH25  Allen Township, Union County, Ohio  0.0028518922%
OH26  Alliance City, Ohio  0.0889490116%
OH27  Amanda Township, Fairfield County,  0.0018577114%
OH28  Amanda Township, Hancock County,  0.0001616361%
OH29  Amanda Village, Ohio  0.0005782400%
OH30  Amberley Village, Ohio  0.0192140009%
OH31  Amboy Township, Ohio  0.0017244001%
OH32  Amelia Village, Ohio  0.0138770427%
OH33  American Township, Ohio  0.0193901533%
OH34  Ames Township, Ohio  0.0004272973%
OH35  Amesville Village, Ohio  0.0000937970%
OH36  Amherst City, Ohio  0.0344767089%
OH37  Amherst Township, Ohio  0.0134400730%
OH38  Amsterdam Village, Ohio  0.0003984552%
OH39  Anderson Township, Ohio  0.0760877775%
OH40  Andover Township, Ohio  0.0010566751%
OH41  Andover Village, Ohio  0.0040505880%
OH42  Anna Village, Ohio  0.0028751504%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Consolidated State
OH43  Ansonia Village, Ohio  0.0014885693%
OH44  Antioch Village, Ohio  0.0000311703%
OH45  Antwerp Village, Ohio  0.0009282725%
OH46  Apple Creek Village, Ohio  0.0004832518%
OH47  Aquilla Village, Ohio  0.0000095709%
OH48  Arcadia Village, Ohio  0.0000210830%
OH49  Arcanum Village, Ohio  0.0034200188%
OH50  Archbold Village, Ohio  0.0168893369%
OH51  Arlington Heights Village, Ohio  0.0024048815%
OH52  Arlington Village, Ohio  0.0017280808%
OH53  Ashland City, Ohio  0.0677959091%
OH54  Ashland County, Ohio  0.2064379332%
OH55  Ashley Village, Ohio  0.0012125812%
OH56  Ashtabula City, Ohio  0.0931048204%
OH57  Ashtabula County, Ohio  0.7429130666%
OH58  Ashtabula Township, Ohio  0.0174821031%
OH59  Ashville Village, Ohio  0.0024582550%
OH60  Athalia Village, Ohio  0.0000173855%
OH61  Athens City, Ohio  0.0700871751%
OH62  Athens County, Ohio  0.4584170235%
OH63  Athens Township, Athens County, Ohio  0.0025846274%
OH64  Athens Township, Harrison County,  0.0003148983%
OH65  Attica Village, Ohio  0.0007921419%
OH66  Atwater Township, Ohio  0.0004753019%
OH67  Auburn Township, Crawford County,  0.0007613308%
OH68  Auburn Township, Geauga County, Ohio  0.0067953249%
OH69  Auburn Township, Tuscarawas County,  0.0000098536%
OH70  Auglaize County, Ohio  0.1648586210%
OH71  Auglaize Township, Allen County, Ohio  0.0010226874%
OH72  Auglaize Township, Paulding County,  0.0000730923%
OH73  Augusta Township, Ohio  0.0004684152%
OH74  Aurelius Township, Ohio  0.0000083554%
OH75  Aurora City, Ohio  0.0294524674%
OH76  Austinburg Township, Ohio  0.0004813742%
OH77  Austintown Township, Ohio  0.0890063352%
OH78  Avon City, Ohio  0.0729757005%
OH79  Avon Lake City, Ohio  0.0663140992%
OH80  Bailey Lakes Village, Ohio  0.0000813388%
OH81  Bainbridge Township, Ohio  0.0406379571%
OH82  Bainbridge Village, Ohio  0.0022724133%
OH83  Bairdstown Village, Ohio  0.0000612234%
OH84  Ballville Township, Ohio  0.0021521086%
OH85  Baltic Village, Ohio  0.0009410120%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Consolidated State
OH86  Baltimore Village, Ohio  0.0031532207%
OH87  Barberton City, Ohio  0.1164193916%
OH88  Barlow Township, Ohio  0.0003258598%
OH89  Barnesville Village, Ohio  0.0106861443%
OH90  Barnhill Village, Ohio  0.0006601909%
OH91  Bartlow Township, Ohio  0.0001082864%
OH92  Batavia Township, Ohio  0.0000517157%
OH93  Batavia Village, Ohio  0.0047750818%
OH94  Batesville Village, Ohio  0.0000517432%
OH95  Bath Township, Allen County, Ohio  0.0088564730%
OH96  Bath Township, Greene County, Ohio  0.0001754181%
OH97  Bath Township, Summit County, Ohio  0.0489522386%
OH98  Baughman Township, Ohio  0.0001353105%
OH99  Bay Township, Ohio  0.0000549583%
OH100  Bay View Village, Ohio  0.0012986334%
OH101  Bay Village City, Ohio  0.0295102794%
OH102  Bazetta Township, Ohio  0.0331455317%
OH103  Beach City Village, Ohio  0.0006531299%
OH104  Beachwood City, Ohio  0.0573216138%
OH105  Beallsville Village, Ohio  0.0001580913%
OH106  Bearfield Township, Ohio  0.0005486478%
OH107  Beaver Township, Mahoning County,  0.0148139167%
OH108  Beaver Township, Pike County, Ohio  0.0003380168%
OH109  Beaver Village, Ohio  0.0001859093%
OH110  Beavercreek City, Ohio  0.0843658046%
OH111  Beavercreek Township, Ohio  0.1348759090%
OH112  Beaverdam Village, Ohio  0.0000749971%
OH113  Bedford City, Ohio  0.0429793572%
OH114  Bedford Heights City, Ohio  0.0386687782%
OH115  Bedford Township, Ohio  0.0000306151%
OH116  Bellaire Village, Ohio  0.0010264323%
OH117  Bellbrook City, Ohio  0.0237949542%
OH118  Belle Center Village, Ohio  0.0005231767%
OH119  Belle Valley Village, Ohio  0.0001073626%
OH120  Bellefontaine City, Ohio  0.0729400123%
OH121  Bellevue City, Ohio  0.0299834456%
OH122  Bellville Village, Ohio  0.0011239941%
OH123  Belmont County, Ohio  0.4904799617%
OH124  Belmont Village, Ohio  0.0011248573%
OH125  Belmore Village, Ohio  0.0002483511%
OH126  Beloit Village, Ohio  0.0037587550%
OH127  Belpre City, Ohio  0.0099429019%
OH128  Belpre Township, Ohio  0.0009358025%
OH129  Bennington Township, Licking County,  0.0005560173%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Consolidated State
OH130  Bennington Township, Morrow County,  0.0001476031%
OH131  Bentleyville Village, Ohio  0.0019992236%
OH132  Benton Ridge Village, Ohio  0.0000914068%
OH133  Benton Township, Hocking County,  0.0001089904%
OH134  Benton Township, Ottawa County, Ohio  0.0007968947%
OH135  Benton Township, Paulding County,
OH136  Benton Township, Pike County, Ohio  0.0003718185%
OH137  Berea City, Ohio  0.0293403849%
OH138  Bergholz Village, Ohio  0.0002390731%
OH139  Berkey Village, Ohio  0.0003639406%
OH140  Berkshire Township, Ohio  0.0000742397%
OH141  Berlin Heights Village, Ohio  0.0009142379%
OH142  Berlin Township, Delaware County,  0.0000164977%
OH143  Berlin Township, Erie County, Ohio  0.0001350579%
OH144  Berlin Township, Holmes County, Ohio  0.0000814306%
OH145  Berlin Township, Mahoning County,  0.0014985886%
OH146  Bern Township, Ohio  0.0001354845%
OH147  Berne Township, Ohio  0.0001629571%
OH148  Bethel Township, Clark County, Ohio  0.0138134025%
OH149  Bethel Township, Monroe County, Ohio  0.0000498724%
OH150  Bethel Village, Ohio  0.0057576798%
OH151  Bethesda Village, Ohio  0.0006889751%
OH152  Bethlehem Township, Coshocton  0.0000765378%
   County, Ohio   
OH153  Bethlehem Township, Stark County,  0.0015140738%
OH154  Bettsville Village, Ohio  0.0009525757%
OH155  Beverly Village, Ohio  0.0019551589%
OH156  Bexley City, Ohio  0.0458668476%
OH157  Big Island Township, Ohio  0.0005578783%
OH158  Black Creek Township, Ohio  0.0001534027%
OH159  Blakeslee Village, Ohio  0.0000628635%
OH160  Blanchard Township, Hancock County,  0.0001475808%
OH161  Blanchard Township, Putnam County,  0.0006457128%
OH162  Blanchester Village, Ohio  0.0114641267%
OH163  Blendon Township, Ohio  0.0282639366%
OH164  Bloom Township, Fairfield County, Ohio  0.0118551321%
OH165  Bloom Township, Morgan County, Ohio  0.0001713719%
OH166  Bloom Township, Scioto County, Ohio  0.0000852977%
OH167  Bloom Township, Seneca County, Ohio  0.0009926842%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Consolidated State
OH168  Bloomdale Village, Ohio  0.0005693772%
OH169  Bloomfield Township, Jackson County,  0.0013260530%
OH170  Bloomfield Township, Logan County,  0.0000099754%
OH171  Bloomingburg Village, Ohio  0.0002078369%
OH172  Bloomingdale Village, Ohio  0.0002231349%
OH173  Bloominggrove Township, Ohio  0.0001784118%
OH174  Bloomville Village, Ohio  0.0004411930%
OH175  Blue Ash City, Ohio  0.0851895858%
OH176  Blue Creek Township, Ohio  0.0000767469%
OH177  Blue Rock Township, Ohio  0.0001103402%
OH178  Bluffton Village, Ohio  0.0052836661%
OH179  Boardman Township, Ohio  0.1408673271%
OH180  Bokescreek Township, Ohio  0.0013367015%
OH181  Bolivar Village, Ohio  0.0004434118%
OH182  Boston Heights Village, Ohio  0.0077201699%
OH183  Boston Township, Ohio  0.0003662503%
OH184  Botkins Village, Ohio  0.0019522626%
OH185  Bowerston Village, Ohio  0.0000572542%
OH186  Bowersville Village, Ohio  0.0000916319%
OH187  Bowling Green City, Ohio  0.0752741164%
OH188  Bowling Green Township, Ohio  0.0000370678%
OH189  Braceville Township, Ohio  0.0037680877%
OH190  Bradford Village, Ohio  0.0028661348%
OH191  Bradner Village, Ohio  0.0009183503%
OH192  Brady Lake Village, Ohio  0.0002559318%
OH193  Brady Township, Ohio  0.0005029083%
OH194  Bratenahl Village, Ohio  0.0051323943%
OH195  Bratton Township, Ohio  0.0000790580%
OH196  Brecksville City, Ohio  0.0241013127%
OH197  Bremen Village, Ohio  0.0006844200%
OH198  Brewster Village, Ohio  0.0058880648%
OH199  Brice Village, Ohio  0.0005574892%
OH200  Bridgeport Village, Ohio  0.0050477971%
OH201  Bridgewater Township, Ohio  0.0004164709%
OH202  Brighton Township, Ohio  0.0000194784%
OH203  Brimfield Township, Ohio  0.0111960000%
OH204  Bristol Township, Morgan County, Ohio  0.0001285289%
OH205  Bristol Township, Trumbull County,  0.0252513027%
OH206  Broadview Heights City, Ohio  0.0226789401%
OH207  Bronson Township, Ohio  0.0009334281%
OH208  Brook Park City, Ohio  0.0389572037%
OH209  Brookfield Township, Noble County,  0.0000517432%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Consolidated State
OH210  Brookfield Township, Trumbull County,  0.0346459468%
OH211  Brooklyn City, Ohio  0.0212407634%
OH212  Brooklyn Heights Village, Ohio  0.0100909430%
OH213  Brookside Village, Ohio  0.0001124857%
OH214  Brookville City, Ohio  0.0216648650%
OH215  Broughton Village, Ohio  0.0000073092%
OH216  Brown County, Ohio  0.4653422837%
OH217  Brown Township, Carroll County, Ohio  0.0009477238%
OH218  Brown Township, Darke County, Ohio  0.0007873425%
OH219  Brown Township, Delaware County,  0.0000082489%
OH220  Brown Township, Franklin County, Ohio  0.0003894787%
OH221  Brown Township, Knox County, Ohio  0.0039027192%
OH222  Brown Township, Miami County, Ohio  0.0006132702%
OH223  Brown Township, Paulding County,  0.0001315662%
OH224  Brown Township, Vinton County, Ohio  0.0000390135%
OH225  Brunswick City, Ohio  0.1197413086%
OH226  Brunswick Hills Township, Ohio  0.0200631640%
OH227  Brush Creek Township, Jefferson  0.0001275057%
   County, Ohio   
OH228  Brush Creek Township, Scioto County,  0.0011088700%
OH229  Brushcreek Township, Ohio  0.0059850824%
OH230  Bryan City, Ohio  0.0285400457%
OH231  Buchtel Village, Ohio  0.0001849243%
OH232  Buckeye Lake Village, Ohio  0.0040562680%
OH233  Buckland Village, Ohio  0.0001068314%
OH234  Bucks Township, Ohio  0.0002857543%
OH235  Bucyrus City, Ohio  0.0467130847%
OH236  Bucyrus Township, Ohio  0.0002175231%
OH237  Buffalo Township, Ohio  0.0000689910%
OH238  Burbank Village, Ohio  0.0001559017%
OH239  Burgoon Village, Ohio  0.0001532454%
OH240  Burkettsville Village, Ohio  0.0000203512%
OH241  Burlington Township, Ohio  0.0012973736%
OH242  Burton Township, Ohio  0.0022682986%
OH243  Burton Village, Ohio  0.0036177927%
OH244  Butler County, Ohio  2.6887406714%
OH245  Butler Township, Columbiana County,  0.0017704304%
OH246  Butler Township, Darke County, Ohio  0.0006643202%
OH247  Butler Township, Mercer County, Ohio  0.0021025197%
OH248  Butler Township, Montgomery County,  0.0308007959%
OH249  Butler Township, Richland County, Ohio  0.0003925059%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Consolidated State
OH250  Butler Village, Ohio  0.0004817118%
OH251  Butlerville Village, Ohio  0.0001866800%
OH252  Byesville Village, Ohio  0.0018493145%
OH253  Byrd Township, Ohio  0.0018293707%
OH254  Cadiz Township, Ohio  0.0013359320%
OH255  Cadiz Village, Ohio  0.0042081859%
OH256  Caesarscreek Township, Ohio  0.0004643421%
OH257  Cairo Village, Ohio  0.0000409075%
OH258  Caldwell Village, Ohio  0.0017937650%
OH259  Caledonia Village, Ohio  0.0007098142%
OH260  Cambridge City, Ohio  0.0668200845%
OH261  Cambridge Township, Ohio  0.0000951853%
OH262  Camden Township, Ohio  0.0003116539%
OH263  Camden Village, Ohio  0.0031099397%
OH264  Camp Creek Township, Ohio  0.0001943597%
OH265  Campbell City, Ohio  0.0206854359%
OH266  Canaan Township, Morrow County,  0.0000885618%
OH267  Canaan Township, Wayne County, Ohio  0.0002435589%
OH268  Canal Fulton City, Ohio  0.0143391696%
OH269  Canal Winchester City, Ohio  0.0017001990%
OH270  Canfield City, Ohio  0.0340253310%
OH271  Canfield Township, Ohio  0.0024198521%
OH272  Canton City, Ohio  0.4906093929%
OH273  Canton Township, Ohio  0.0238293446%
OH274  Cardington Village, Ohio  0.0026450469%
OH275  Carey Village, Ohio  0.0048237347%
OH276  Carlisle Township, Ohio  0.0046455904%
OH277  Carlisle Village, Ohio  0.0081658806%
OH278  Carroll County, Ohio  0.1274960868%
OH279  Carroll Township, Ohio  0.0031394902%
OH280  Carroll Village, Ohio  0.0008718207%
OH281  Carrollton Village, Ohio  0.0061329714%
OH282  Carryall Township, Ohio  0.0000511646%
OH283  Carthage Township, Ohio  0.0002397033%
OH284  Cass Township, Muskingum County,  0.0002006185%
OH285  Cass Township, Richland County, Ohio  0.0007850118%
OH286  Casstown Village, Ohio  0.0005337723%
OH287  Castalia Village, Ohio  0.0011427974%
OH288  Castine Village, Ohio  0.0005289957%
OH289  Catawba Island Township, Ohio  0.0060247984%
OH290  Catawba Village, Ohio  0.0002313575%
OH291  Cecil Village, Ohio  0.0000109638%
OH292  Cedarville Township, Ohio  0.0036837809%
OH293  Cedarville Village, Ohio  0.0036321873%
OH294  Celina City, Ohio  0.0165674940%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Consolidated State
OH295  Center Township, Carroll County, Ohio  0.0001634007%
OH296  Center Township, Columbiana County,  0.0003327877%
OH297  Center Township, Guernsey County,  0.0001903706%
OH298  Center Township, Mercer County, Ohio  0.0004241134%
OH299  Center Township, Monroe County, Ohio  0.0005361288%
OH300  Center Township, Morgan County, Ohio  0.0000535537%
OH301  Center Township, Noble County, Ohio  0.0001724774%
OH302  Center Township, Williams County,  0.0005107662%
OH303  Center Township, Wood County, Ohio  0.0002510158%
OH304  Centerburg Village, Ohio  0.0041342364%
OH305  Centerville City, Ohio  0.0591550598%
OH306  Centerville Village, Ohio  0.0005060807%
OH307  Cessna Township, Ohio  0.0001110677%
OH308  Chagrin Falls Township, Ohio  0.0000039510%
OH309  Chagrin Falls Village, Ohio  0.0125168784%
OH310  Champaign County, Ohio  0.2269483026%
OH311  Champion Township, Ohio  0.0283714840%
OH312  Chardon City, Ohio  0.0479405386%
OH313  Chardon Township, Ohio  0.0039336317%
OH314  Charlestown Township, Ohio  0.0000121872%
OH315  Chatfield Township, Ohio  0.0008265878%
OH316  Chatfield Village, Ohio  0.0000870092%
OH317  Chatham Township, Ohio  0.0003778818%
OH318  Chauncey Village, Ohio  0.0000833751%
OH319  Cherry Fork Village, Ohio  0.0004264208%
OH320  Cherry Valley Township, Ohio  0.0004696334%
OH321  Chesapeake Village, Ohio  0.0021905725%
OH322  Cheshire Township, Ohio  0.0010496489%
OH323  Cheshire Village, Ohio  0.0001686936%
OH324  Chester Township, Clinton County, Ohio  0.0019181224%
OH325  Chester Township, Geauga County, Ohio  0.0252766944%
OH326  Chester Township, Morrow County,  0.0005136587%
OH327  Chester Township, Wayne County, Ohio  0.0004213956%
OH328  Chesterhill Village, Ohio  0.0000958805%
OH329  Chesterville Village, Ohio  0.0000531371%
OH330  Cheviot City, Ohio  0.0177109500%
OH331  Chickasaw Village, Ohio  0.0003251707%
OH332  Chillicothe City, Ohio  0.3116747707%
OH333  Chilo Village, Ohio  0.0001537865%
OH334  Chippewa Lake Village, Ohio  0.0005077787%
OH335  Chippewa Township, Ohio  0.0025863636%
OH336  Christiansburg Village, Ohio  0.0002537744%
OH337  Cincinnati City, Ohio  1.9225774768%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Consolidated State
OH338  Circleville City, Ohio  0.3452050773%
OH339  Circleville Township, Ohio  0.0006412839%
OH340  Claibourne Township, Ohio  0.0000211028%
OH341  Claridon Township, Ohio  0.0025745668%
OH342  Clarington Village, Ohio  0.0000498724%
OH343  Clark County, Ohio  1.2151983585%
OH344  Clark Township, Brown County, Ohio  0.0053640868%
OH345  Clark Township, Clinton County, Ohio  0.0010928837%
OH346  Clarksburg Village, Ohio  0.0000295119%
OH347  Clarksfield Township, Ohio  0.0007412517%
OH348  Clarksville Village, Ohio  0.0004237712%
OH349  Clay Center Village, Ohio  0.0000618280%
OH350  Clay Township, Auglaize County, Ohio  0.0004451307%
OH351  Clay Township, Highland County, Ohio  0.0003613635%
OH352  Clay Township, Montgomery County,  0.0058148642%
OH353  Clay Township, Muskingum County,  0.0004012369%
OH354  Clay Township, Ottawa County, Ohio  0.0026311263%
OH355  Clay Township, Scioto County, Ohio  0.0064826249%
OH356  0.0000492680%   
OH357  Clayton City, Ohio  0.0375148659%
OH358  Clayton Township, Ohio  0.0004303120%
OH359  Clear Creek Township, Ohio  0.0874295648%
OH360  Clearcreek Township, Ohio  0.0010918129%
OH361  Clermont County, Ohio  1.9148422650%
OH362  Cleveland City, Ohio  1.8006406770%
OH363  Cleveland Heights City, Ohio  0.0861404621%
OH364  Cleves Village, Ohio  0.0031981583%
OH365  Clifton Village, Ohio  0.0002996729%
OH366  Clinton County, Ohio  0.4003299792%
OH367  Clinton Township, Franklin County,  0.0107832149%
OH368  Ohio
Clinton Township, Fulton County, Ohio



OH369  Clinton Township, Seneca County, Ohio  0.0007420064%
OH370  Clinton Township, Shelby County, Ohio  0.0005501831%
OH371  Clinton Township, Vinton County, Ohio  0.0002860993%
OH372  Clinton Township, Wayne County, Ohio  0.0001933007%
OH373  Clinton Village, Ohio  0.0011373034%
OH374  Cloverdale Village, Ohio  0.0001986809%
OH375  Clyde City, Ohio  0.0219912947%
OH376  Coal Grove Village, Ohio  0.0050070228%
OH377  Coal Township, Jackson County, Ohio  0.0004972699%
OH378  Coal Township, Perry County, Ohio  0.0003550074%
OH379  Coalton Village, Ohio  0.0024310971%
OH380  Coitsville Township, Ohio  0.0048028536%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Consolidated State
OH381  Coldwater Village, Ohio  0.0054593322%
OH382  Colerain Township, Belmont County,  0.0006046108%
OH383  Ohio
Colerain Township, Hamilton County,



OH384  Ohio
College Corner Village, Ohio



OH385  College Township, Ohio  0.0028608916%
OH386  Columbia Township, Hamilton County,  0.0091268592%



Columbia Township, Lorain County,





Columbia Township, Meigs County,





Columbiana City, Ohio



OH390  Columbiana County, Ohio  0.6832396894%
OH391  Columbus City, Ohio  4.0358741733%
OH392  Columbus Grove Village, Ohio  0.0013907661%
OH393  Commercial Point Village, Ohio  0.0008841945%
OH394  Concord Township, Delaware County,  0.0132064120%
OH395  Concord Township, Fayette County,
OH396  Concord Township, Highland County,  0.0000677557%
OH397  Concord Township, Lake County, Ohio  0.0329119594%
OH398  Concord Township, Miami County, Ohio  0.0048266640%
OH399  Concord Township, Ross County, Ohio  0.0034233759%
OH400  Conesville Village, Ohio  0.0001949904%
OH401  Congress Township, Morrow County,  0.0000354247%
OH402  Congress Township, Wayne County,  0.0000386601%
OH403  Congress Village, Ohio  0.0001394121%
OH404  Conneaut City, Ohio  0.0500864015%
OH405  Continental Village, Ohio  0.0013742094%
OH406  Convoy Village, Ohio  0.0015735393%
OH407  Coolville Village, Ohio  0.0002918128%
OH408  Copley Township, Ohio  0.0644889601%
OH409  Corning Village, Ohio  0.0010865378%
OH410  Cortland City, Ohio  0.0349699000%
OH411  Corwin Village, Ohio  0.0004993129%
OH412  Coshocton City, Ohio  0.0177337984%
OH413  Coshocton County, Ohio  0.1889793769%
OH414  Coventry Township, Ohio  0.0112670146%
OH415  Covington Village, Ohio  0.0077226624%
OH416  Craig Beach Village, Ohio  0.0004176394%
OH417  Cranberry Township, Ohio  0.0001631423%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Consolidated State
OH418  Crane Township, Paulding County, Ohio  0.0001169477%
OH419  Crane Township, Wyandot County, Ohio  0.0005667045%
OH420  Crawford County, Ohio  0.2595376809%
OH421  Crawford Township, Coshocton County,  0.0002372670%
OH422  Crawford Township, Wyandot County,  0.0001079437%
OH423  Crestline Village, Ohio  0.0166501207%
OH424  Creston Village, Ohio  0.0007596505%
OH425  Cridersville Village, Ohio  0.0045581388%
OH426  Crooksville Village, Ohio  0.0043353934%
OH427  Crosby Township, Ohio  0.0044757516%
OH428  Cross Creek Township, Ohio  0.0061202713%
OH429  Crown City Village, Ohio  0.0005435682%
OH430  Cumberland Village, Ohio  0.0007050617%
OH431  Custar Village, Ohio  0.0000244893%
OH432  Cuyahoga Falls City, Ohio  0.1811685822%
OH433  Cuyahoga Heights Village, Ohio  0.0193798260%
OH434  Cygnet Village, Ohio  0.0002510158%
OH435  Cynthian Township, Ohio  0.0000266218%
OH436  Dallas Township, Ohio  0.0001522662%
OH437  Dalton Village, Ohio  0.0011945985%
OH438  Damascus Township, Ohio  0.0007850761%
OH439  Danbury Township, Ohio  0.0038539475%
OH440  Danville Village, Ohio  0.0021828768%
OH441  Darby Township, Madison County, Ohio  0.0011346056%
OH442  Darby Township, Union County, Ohio  0.0004220559%
OH443  Darbyville Village, Ohio  0.0000242911%
OH444  Darke County, Ohio  0.2651621760%
OH445  Dayton City, Ohio  1.3353086202%
OH446  De Graff Village, Ohio  0.0013067754%
OH447  Decatur Township, Lawrence County,  0.0001043130%
OH448  Decatur Township, Washington County,  0.0001169753%
OH449  Deer Park City, Ohio  0.0107468140%
OH450  Deercreek Township, Ohio  0.0004275226%
OH451  Deerfield Township, Portage County,  0.0008693556%
OH452  Deerfield Township, Ross County, Ohio  0.0015346168%
OH453  Deerfield Township, Warren County,  0.1151454582%
OH454  Deersville Village, Ohio  0.0000209231%
OH455  Defiance City, Ohio  0.0658767007%
OH456  Defiance County, Ohio  0.1709704524%
OH457  Defiance Township, Ohio  0.0007172505%
OH458  Delaware City, Ohio  0.1151374756%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Consolidated State
OH459  Delaware County, Ohio  0.4816174702%
OH460  Delaware Township, Defiance County,  0.0015007088%
OH461  Delaware Township, Delaware County,  0.0075064553%
OH462  Delaware Township, Hancock County,  0.0001335254%
OH463  Delhi Township, Ohio  0.0630446356%
OH464  Dellroy Village, Ohio  0.0002505477%
OH465  Delphos City, Ohio  0.0171051813%
OH466  Delta Village, Ohio  0.0085241620%
OH467  Dennison Village, Ohio  0.0062570335%
OH468  Deshler Village, Ohio  0.0009475056%
OH469  Dexter City Village, Ohio  0.0000689910%
OH470  Dillonvale Village, Ohio  0.0012431801%
OH471  Dinsmore Township, Ohio  0.0004170743%
OH472  Dodson Township, Ohio  0.0105924667%
OH473  Donnelsville Village, Ohio  0.0002721853%
OH474  Dorset Township, Ohio  0.0001174083%
OH475  Dover City, Ohio  0.0416708574%
OH476  Dover Township, Athens County, Ohio  0.0005002505%
OH477  Dover Township, Tuscarawas County,  0.0000886824%
OH478  Dover Township, Union County, Ohio  0.0005124965%
OH479  Doylestown Village, Ohio  0.0020721837%
OH480  Dresden Village, Ohio  0.0028086586%
OH481  Dublin City, Ohio  0.0949912950%
OH482  Dublin Township, Ohio  0.0004331371%
OH483  Duchouquet Township, Ohio  0.0010861190%
OH484  Dunham Township, Ohio  0.0004344797%
OH485  Dunkirk Village, Ohio  0.0005233559%
OH486  Dupont Village, Ohio  0.0006622696%
OH487  Eagle Township, Brown County, Ohio  0.0090538344%
OH488  Eagle Township, Vinton County, Ohio  0.0002210767%
OH489  East Canton Village, Ohio  0.0024838727%
OH490  East Cleveland City, Ohio  0.0558083674%
OH491  East Liverpool City, Ohio  0.0368861843%
OH492  East Palestine Village, Ohio  0.0165861370%
OH493  East Sparta Village, Ohio  0.0004354199%
OH494  East Union Township, Ohio  0.0003556733%
OH495  Eastlake City, Ohio  0.0700788770%
OH496  Eaton City, Ohio  0.0615604375%
OH497  Eaton Township, Ohio  0.0004480024%
OH498  Eden Township, Licking County, Ohio  0.0004448138%
OH499  Eden Township, Seneca County, Ohio  0.0001102982%
OH500  Eden Township, Wyandot County, Ohio  0.0000944507%
OH501  Edgerton Village, Ohio  0.0042354308%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Consolidated State
OH502  Edinburg Township, Ohio  0.0011740363%
OH503  Edison Village, Ohio  0.0001948360%
OH504  Edon Village, Ohio  0.0013908558%
OH505  Eldorado Village, Ohio  0.0003273621%
OH506  Elgin Village, Ohio  0.0000619504%
OH507  Elida Village, Ohio  0.0011181382%
OH508  Elizabeth Township, Lawrence County,  0.0009562023%
OH509  Elizabeth Township, Miami County,  0.0000454274%
OH510  Elk Township, Noble County, Ohio  0.0000344955%
OH511  Elk Township, Vinton County, Ohio  0.0002600903%
OH512  Elkrun Township, Ohio  0.0004259682%
OH513  Ellsworth Township, Ohio  0.0001965362%
OH514  Elmore Village, Ohio  0.0016556174%
OH515  Elmwood Place Village, Ohio  0.0045008025%
OH516  Elyria City, Ohio  0.2638149975%
OH517  Elyria Township, Ohio  0.0007693955%
OH518  Empire Village, Ohio  0.0010041070%
OH519  Englewood City, Ohio  0.0628005329%
OH520  Enon Village, Ohio  0.0038378123%
OH521  Erie County, Ohio  0.4532438208%
OH522  Erie Township, Ohio  0.0006045408%
OH523  Euclid City, Ohio  0.0936790366%
OH524  Evendale Village, Ohio  0.0340357530%
OH525  Fairborn City, Ohio  0.1544298717%
OH526  Fairfax Village, Ohio  0.0079411190%
OH527  Fairfield City, Ohio  0.2893759753%
OH528  Fairfield County, Ohio  0.6244843622%
OH529  Fairfield Township, Butler County, Ohio  0.0801075425%
OH530  Fairfield Township, Columbiana County,  0.0024759402%
OH531  Fairfield Township, Huron County, Ohio  0.0006726173%
OH532  Fairfield Township, Tuscarawas County,  0.0004138510%
OH533  Fairfield Township, Washington County,  0.0000501323%
OH534  Fairlawn City, Ohio  0.0675346202%
OH535  Fairport Harbor Village, Ohio  0.0091069372%
OH536  Fairview Park City, Ohio  0.0218966352%
OH537  Fairview Village, Ohio  0.0000924858%
OH538  Falls Township, Hocking County, Ohio  0.0002873384%
OH539  Falls Township, Muskingum County,  0.0022068032%
OH540  Farmer Township, Ohio  0.0002869002%
OH541  Farmersville Village, Ohio  0.0013667928%
OH542  Farmington Township, Ohio  0.0015345154%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Consolidated State
OH543  Fayette County, Ohio  0.2554820842%
OH544  Fayette Township, Ohio  0.0013386832%
OH545  Fayette Village, Ohio  0.0012352086%
OH546  Fayetteville Village, Ohio  0.0029455968%
OH547  Fearing Township, Ohio  0.0004177690%
OH548  Felicity Village, Ohio  0.0030684641%
OH549  Findlay City, Ohio  0.1162163280%
OH550  Fitchville Township, Ohio  0.0003431721%
OH551  Flatrock Township, Ohio  0.0001691974%
OH552  Fletcher Village, Ohio  0.0012151836%
OH553  Florence Township, Erie County, Ohio  0.0013194115%
OH554  Florence Township, Williams County,  0.0002671700%
OH555  Florida Village, Ohio  0.0015566164%
OH556  Flushing Township, Ohio  0.0005905501%
OH557  Flushing Village, Ohio  0.0004640036%
OH558  Forest Park City, Ohio  0.0861415180%
OH559  Forest Village, Ohio  0.0023324226%
OH560  Fort Jennings Village, Ohio  0.0004221969%
OH561  Fort Loramie Village, Ohio  0.0012778446%
OH562  Fort Recovery Village, Ohio  0.0009926059%
OH563  Fostoria City, Ohio  0.0512205361%
OH564  Fowler Township, Ohio  0.0047569976%
OH565  Frankfort Village, Ohio  0.0079678326%
OH566  Franklin City, Ohio  0.0535002847%
OH567  Franklin County, Ohio  5.7883029997%
OH568  Franklin Township, Adams County,  0.0010014012%
OH569  Franklin Township, Brown County, Ohio  0.0023874837%
OH570  Franklin Township, Clermont County,  0.0034132353%
OH571  Franklin Township, Columbiana County,  0.0006123293%
OH572  Franklin Township, Coshocton County,  0.0002449208%
OH573  Franklin Township, Darke County, Ohio  0.0004797868%
OH574  Franklin Township, Franklin County,  0.0440874644%
OH575  Franklin Township, Fulton County, Ohio  0.0000733787%
OH576  Franklin Township, Jackson County,  0.0003038871%
OH577  Franklin Township, Mercer County,  0.0012091744%
OH578  Franklin Township, Portage County,  0.0001990581%
OH579  Franklin Township, Richland County,  0.0008563765%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Consolidated State
OH580  Franklin Township, Shelby County, Ohio  0.0011802315%
OH581  Franklin Township, Tuscarawas County,  0.0031235899%
OH582  Franklin Township, Warren County,  0.0035372089%
OH583  Frazeysburg Village, Ohio  0.0003209896%
OH584  Fredericksburg Village, Ohio  0.0001198464%
OH585  Fredericktown Village, Ohio  0.0055729507%
OH586  Freedom Township, Portage County,  0.0004265530%
OH587  Freedom Township, Wood County, Ohio  0.0012305895%
OH588  Freeport Township, Ohio  0.0002576440%
OH589  Freeport Village, Ohio  0.0001049661%
OH590  Fremont City, Ohio  0.0724844646%
OH591  Fulton County, Ohio  0.1830065436%
OH592  Fulton Village, Ohio  0.0001234266%
OH593  Fultonham Village, Ohio  0.0000100309%
OH594  Gahanna City, Ohio  0.0724048588%
OH595  Galena Village, Ohio  0.0001402305%
OH596  Galion City, Ohio  0.0440049221%
OH597  Gallia County, Ohio  0.3272280412%
OH598  Gallipolis Village, Ohio  0.0421733929%
OH599  Gambier Village, Ohio  0.0019348227%
OH600  Gann Village, Ohio  0.0000330739%
OH601  Garfield Heights City, Ohio  0.0512449222%
OH602  Garrettsville Village, Ohio  0.0040959299%
OH603  Gasper Township, Ohio  0.0060234621%
OH604  Gates Mills Village, Ohio  0.0065784730%
OH605  Geauga County, Ohio  0.4034987358%
OH606  Geneva City, Ohio  0.0306905423%
OH607  Geneva Township, Ohio  0.0015497902%
OH608  Geneva-On-The-Lake Village, Ohio  0.0052011898%
OH609  Genoa Township, Ohio  0.0490971668%
OH610  Genoa Village, Ohio  0.0023769444%
OH611  Georgetown Village, Ohio  0.0263243336%
OH612  German Township, Auglaize County,  0.0003115915%
OH613  German Township, Clark County, Ohio  0.0120986353%
OH614  German Township, Fulton County, Ohio  0.0012718979%
OH615  German Township, Harrison County,  0.0002671864%
OH616  German Township, Montgomery  0.0069298793%
   County, Ohio   
OH617  Germantown City, Ohio  0.0166173231%
OH618  Gettysburg Village, Ohio  0.0016993673%
OH619  Gibson Township, Ohio  0.0000992606%
OH620  Gibsonburg Village, Ohio  0.0033999699%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Consolidated State
OH621  Gilboa Village, Ohio  0.0001572890%
OH622  Gilead Township, Ohio  0.0002952061%
OH623  Girard City, Ohio  0.0699056997%
OH624  Glandorf Village, Ohio  0.0007698884%
OH625  Glendale Village, Ohio  0.0089682038%
OH626  Glenford Village, Ohio  0.0004004647%
OH627  Glenmont Village, Ohio  0.0000756142%
OH628  Glenwillow Village, Ohio  0.0043105790%
OH629  Gloria Glens Park Village, Ohio  0.0002361762%
OH630  Glouster Village, Ohio  0.0025846274%
OH631  Gnadenhutten Village, Ohio  0.0020889623%
OH632  Golf Manor Village, Ohio  0.0149804075%
OH633  Good Hope Township, Ohio  0.0000544952%
OH634  Gordon Village, Ohio  0.0000369067%
OH635  Gorham Township, Ohio  0.0003913532%
OH636  Goshen Township, Auglaize County,  0.0000178052%
OH637  Goshen Township, Belmont County,  0.0007592787%
OH638  Goshen Township, Champaign County,  0.0009305060%
OH639  Goshen Township, Clermont County,  0.0551461609%
OH640  Goshen Township, Hardin County, Ohio  0.0002665626%
OH641  Goshen Township, Mahoning County,  0.0098390939%
OH642  Goshen Township, Tuscarawas County,  0.0000492680%
OH643  Grafton Township, Ohio  0.0022594905%
OH644  Grafton Village, Ohio  0.0066908189%
OH645  Grand Prairie Township, Ohio  0.0006880499%
OH646  Grand Rapids Township, Ohio  0.0003306061%
OH647  Grand Rapids Village, Ohio  0.0005020315%
OH648  Grand River Village, Ohio  0.0044444886%
OH649  Grand Township, Ohio  0.0000371919%
OH650  Grandview Heights City, Ohio  0.0363742583%
OH651  Grandview Township, Ohio  0.0005932320%
OH652  Granger Township, Ohio  0.0028459226%
OH653  Granville Township, Licking County,  0.0126030583%
OH654  Granville Township, Mercer County,  0.0015971931%
OH655  Granville Village, Ohio  0.0103882561%
OH656  Gratiot Village, Ohio  0.0002067581%
OH657  Gratis Village, Ohio  0.0064162966%
OH658  Graysville Village, Ohio  0.0000309746%
OH659  Green Camp Township, Ohio  0.0011901403%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Consolidated State
OH660  Green Camp Village, Ohio  0.0002045554%
OH661  Green City, Ohio  0.0847580205%
OH662  Green Creek Township, Ohio  0.0006872280%
OH663  Green Springs Village, Ohio  0.0016423298%
OH664  Green Township, Adams County, Ohio  0.0000263527%
OH665  Green Township, Brown County, Ohio  0.0034727036%
OH666  Green Township, Clark County, Ohio  0.0007485095%
OH667  Green Township, Clinton County, Ohio  0.0001561262%
OH668  Green Township, Fayette County, Ohio  0.0001235787%
OH669  Green Township, Gallia County, Ohio  0.0009184428%
OH670  Green Township, Hamilton County,  0.0953852812%
OH671  Green Township, Harrison County, Ohio  0.0005725423%
OH672  Green Township, Hocking County, Ohio  0.0033142996%
OH673  Green Township, Mahoning County,  0.0033902496%
OH674  Green Township, Monroe County, Ohio  0.0000062341%
OH675  Green Township, Ross County, Ohio  0.0105357346%
OH676  Green Township, Scioto County, Ohio  0.0218077775%
OH677  Green Township, Shelby County, Ohio  0.0000621174%
OH678  Greene County, Ohio  0.9063855073%
OH679  Greene Township, Ohio  0.0000341003%
OH680  Greenfield Township, Fairfield County,  0.0084982150%
OH681  Greenfield Township, Huron County,  0.0011256045%
OH682  Greenfield Village, Ohio  0.0148836578%
OH683  Greenhills Village, Ohio  0.0082250286%
OH684  Greensburg Township, Ohio  0.0001324539%
OH685  Greenville City, Ohio  0.0550893674%
OH686  Greenville Township, Ohio  0.0140737464%
OH687  Greenwich Village, Ohio  0.0017844949%
OH688  Groton Township, Ohio  0.0005921768%
OH689  Grove City, Ohio  0.0733060057%
OH690  Groveport City, Ohio  0.0125549613%
OH691  Grover Hill Village, Ohio  0.0001863854%
OH692  Guernsey County, Ohio  0.2910222727%
OH693  Guilford Township, Ohio  0.0060579183%
OH694  Gustavus Township, Ohio  0.0000511505%
OH695  Guyan Township, Ohio  0.0003561309%
OH696  Hambden Township, Ohio  0.0039432026%
OH697  Hamden Village, Ohio  0.0009493296%
OH698  Hamer Township, Ohio  0.0000451704%
OH699  Hamersville Village, Ohio  0.0007131445%
OH700  Hamilton City, Ohio  0.6764224012%
OH701  Hamilton County, Ohio  5.8561869769%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.
Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Consolidated State
OH702  Hamilton Township, Franklin County,  0.0255910434%
OH703  Hamilton Township, Jackson County,  0.0005248960%
OH704  Hamilton Township, Lawrence County,  0.0009909733%
OH705  Hamilton Township, Warren County,  0.0450761424%
OH706  Hamler Village, Ohio  0.0004060738%
OH707  Hancock County, Ohio  0.2855617267%
OH708  Hanging Rock Village, Ohio  0.0019993320%
OH709  Hanover Township, Butler County, Ohio  0.0098235954%
OH710  Hanover Township, Columbiana County,  0.0013178391%
OH711  Hanover Township, Licking County,  0.0043184009%
OH712  Hanover Village, Ohio  0.0008062251%
OH713  Hanoverton Village, Ohio  0.0010440744%
OH714  Harbor View Village, Ohio  0.0001526700%
OH715  Hardin County, Ohio  0.2235793641%
OH716  Harding Township, Ohio  0.0000272955%
OH717  Hardy Township, Ohio  0.0013901375%
OH718  Harlan Township, Ohio  0.0030485156%
OH719  Harlem Township, Ohio  0.0049245646%
OH720  Harmony Township, Clark County, Ohio  0.0018916876%
OH721  Harmony Township, Morrow County,  0.0001180824%
OH722  Harpersfield Township, Ohio  0.0005048559%
OH723  Harpster Village, Ohio  0.0000822938%
OH724  Harris Township, Ohio  0.0004190567%
OH725  Harrisburg Village, Ohio  0.0002978367%
OH726  Harrison City, Ohio  0.0560804997%
OH727  Harrison County, Ohio  0.0770641930%
OH728  Harrison Township, Champaign County,  0.0001374611%
OH729  Harrison Township, Gallia County, Ohio  0.0002811560%
OH730  Harrison Township, Hamilton County,
OH731  Harrison Township, Henry County, Ohio  0.0000203037%
OH732  Harrison Township, Knox County, Ohio  0.0000165369%
OH733  Harrison Township, Licking County,  0.0003058095%
OH734  Harrison Township, Vinton County,  0.0000199508%
OH735  Harrison Township, Montgomery  0.0328749640%
   County, Ohio   








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only 


        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
OH736  Harrison Township, Muskingum County,  0.0004112679%
OH737  Harrison Township, Paulding County,  0.0000657831%
OH738  Harrison Township, Perry County, Ohio  0.0020762554%
OH739  Harrison Township, Pickaway County,  0.0068306454%
OH740  Harrison Township, Preble County, Ohio  0.0015877060%
OH741  Harrison Township, Scioto County, Ohio  0.0071650064%
OH742  Harrison Township, Van Wert County,  0.0001858511%
OH743     0.0005201806%
OH744  Harrisville Township, Ohio  0.0067192115%
OH745  Harrisville Village, Ohio  0.0000619645%
OH746  Harrod Village, Ohio  0.0000673593%
OH747  Harrison Township, Vinton County,  0.0007413564%
OH748  Hartford Township, Trumbull County,  0.0014833648%
OH749  Hartford Village, Ohio  0.0002502078%
OH750  Hartland Township, Ohio  0.0000960882%
OH751  Hartsgrove Township, Ohio  0.0005870417%
OH752  Hartville Village, Ohio  0.0099058031%
OH753  Harveysburg Village, Ohio  0.0012100978%
OH754  Haskins Village, Ohio  0.0008938610%
OH755  Haviland Village, Ohio  0.0000511646%
OH756  Hayesville Village, Ohio  0.0000894727%
OH757  Heath City, Ohio  0.0429986695%
OH758  Hebron Village, Ohio  0.0150402674%
OH759  Helena Village, Ohio  0.0000542548%
OH760  Hemlock Village, Ohio  0.0003549573%
OH761  Henrietta Township, Ohio  0.0004674808%
OH762  Henry County, Ohio  0.1089766836%
OH763  Hicksville Township, Ohio  0.0002096578%
OH764  Hicksville Village, Ohio  0.0077242363%
OH765  Higginsport Village, Ohio  0.0015866304%
OH766  Highland County, Ohio  0.3882850462%
OH767  Highland Heights City, Ohio  0.0224853394%
OH768  Highland Hills Village, Ohio  0.0015764629%
OH769   Highland Township, Defiance County, Ohio   0.0027365866%
OH770   Highland Township, Muskingum County, Ohio   0.0001705257%
OH771   Highland Village, Ohio   0.0000677557%
OH772   Hilliard City, Ohio   0.0500136505%
OH773   Hills and Dales Village, Ohio   0.0006069453%
OH774   Hillsboro City, Ohio   0.0707143136%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
OH775   Hinckley Township, Ohio   0.0165323306%
OH776   Hiram Township, Ohio   0.0008287315%
OH777   Hiram Village, Ohio   0.0032539898%
OH778   Hocking County, Ohio   0.2559590488%
OH779   Holgate Village, Ohio   0.0002774838%
OH780   Holiday City Village, Ohio   0.0000613051%
OH781   Holland Village, Ohio   0.0097536077%
OH782   Hollansburg Village, Ohio   0.0003567645%
OH783   Holloway Village, Ohio   0.0002671536%
OH784   Holmes County, Ohio   0.1337033098%
OH785   Holmes Township, Ohio   0.0003480370%
OH786   Holmesville Village, Ohio   0.0000436236%
OH787   Homer Township, Medina County, Ohio   0.0010864103%
OH788   Homer Township, Morgan County, Ohio   0.0001820827%
OH789   Hopedale Village, Ohio   0.0002767288%
OH790   Hopewell Township, Licking County, Ohio   0.0002502078%
OH791   Hopewell Township, Muskingum County, Ohio   0.0007422883%
OH792   Hopewell Township, Perry County, Ohio   0.0012909360%
OH793   Hopewell Township, Seneca County, Ohio   0.0001303525%
OH794   Howard Township, Ohio   0.0000496108%
OH795   Howland Township, Ohio   0.0502639031%
OH796   Hoytville Village, Ohio   0.0002378935%
OH797   Hubbard City, Ohio   0.0289341396%
OH798   Hubbard Township, Ohio   0.0153110532%
OH799   Huber Heights City, Ohio   0.1252489167%
OH800   Hudson City, Ohio   0.0660214283%
OH801   Hunting Valley Village, Ohio   0.0076690112%
OH802   Huntington Township, Brown County, Ohio   0.0072244638%
OH803   Huntington Township, Ross County, Ohio   0.0066106570%
OH804   Huntsburg Township, Ohio   0.0006508198%
OH805   Huntsville Village, Ohio   0.0008479077%
OH806   Huron City, Ohio   0.0302737409%
OH807   Huron County, Ohio   0.3638859630%
OH808   Huron Township, Ohio   0.0007791800%
OH809   Independence City, Ohio   0.0311578609%
OH810   Independence Township, Ohio   0.0000751984%
OH811   Irondale Village, Ohio   0.0001593821%
OH812   Ironton City, Ohio   0.0888572696%
OH813   Island Creek Township, Ohio   0.0026616805%
OH814   Israel Township, Ohio   0.0004746750%
OH815   Ithaca Village, Ohio   0.0003813690%
OH816   Jackson Center Village, Ohio   0.0015263144%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
OH817   Jackson City, Ohio   0.0556665988%
OH818   Jackson County, Ohio   0.4838159524%
OH819   Jackson Township, Allen County, Ohio   0.0004227108%
OH820   Jackson Township, Ashland County, Ohio   0.0000162678%
OH821   Jackson Township, Auglaize County, Ohio   0.0003115915%
OH822   Jackson Township, Brown County, Ohio   0.0004961005%
OH823   Jackson Township, Clermont County, Ohio   0.0014652778%
OH824   Jackson Township, Coshocton County, Ohio   0.0005510719%
OH825   Jackson Township, Crawford County, Ohio   0.0000108762%
OH826   Jackson Township, Franklin County, Ohio   0.0661350150%
OH827   Jackson Township, Guernsey County, Ohio   0.0010334405%
OH828   Jackson Township, Hardin County, Ohio   0.0015327348%
OH829   Jackson Township, Highland County, Ohio   0.0000451704%
OH830   Jackson Township, Jackson County, Ohio   0.0001105044%
OH831   Jackson Township, Mahoning County, Ohio   0.0058960862%
OH832   Jackson Township, Monroe County, Ohio   0.0000561065%
OH833   Jackson Township, Montgomery County, Ohio   0.0086323757%
OH834   Jackson Township, Muskingum County, Ohio   0.0011435253%
OH835   Jackson Township, Noble County, Ohio   0.0001207342%
OH836   Jackson Township, Monroe County, Ohio   0.0001534939%
OH837   Jackson Township, Pickaway County, Ohio   0.0001894702%
OH838   Jackson Township, Pike County, Ohio   0.0004309715%
OH839   Jackson Township, Richland County, Ohio   0.0004638706%
OH840   Jackson Township, Sandusky County, Ohio   0.0004340387%
OH841   Jackson Township, Seneca County, Ohio   0.0004311659%
OH842   Jackson Township, Shelby County, Ohio   0.0013665838%
OH843   Jackson Township, Stark County, Ohio   0.1371869620%
OH844   Jackson Township, Union County, Ohio   0.0001416902%
OH845   Jackson Township, Vinton County, Ohio   0.0000910316%
OH846   Jackson Township, Wood County, Ohio   0.0001346914%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
OH847   Jackson Township, Wyandot County, Ohio   0.0001214367%
OH848   Jacksonburg Village, Ohio   0.0002870780%
OH849   Jacksonville Village, Ohio   0.0008441727%
OH850   Jamestown Village, Ohio   0.0034877253%
OH851   Jefferson County, Ohio   0.6622324840%
OH852   Jefferson Township, Adams County, Ohio   0.0007642272%
OH853   Jefferson Township, Brown County, Ohio   0.0006821382%
OH854   Jefferson Township, Clinton County, Ohio   0.0014720474%
OH855   Jefferson Township, Coshocton County, Ohio   0.0000612302%
OH856   Jefferson Township, Crawford County, Ohio   0.0004567985%
OH857   Jefferson Township, Fayette County, Ohio   0.0005898074%
OH858   Jefferson Township, Franklin County, Ohio   0.0261561693%
OH859   Jefferson Township, Greene County, Ohio   0.0000619123%
OH860   Jefferson Township, Guernsey County, Ohio   0.0000679895%
OH861   Jefferson Township, Jackson County, Ohio   0.0000828783%
OH862   Jefferson Township, Knox County, Ohio   0.0006284039%
OH863   Jefferson Township, Logan County, Ohio   0.0002493846%
OH864   Jefferson Township, Madison County, Ohio   0.0262668976%
OH865   Jefferson Township, Montgomery County, Ohio   0.0133322246%
OH866   Jefferson Township, Muskingum County, Ohio   0.0005015462%
OH867   Jefferson Township, Noble County, Ohio   0.0000172477%
OH868   Jefferson Township, Preble County, Ohio   0.0008020371%
OH869   Jefferson Township, Richland County, Ohio   0.0017662765%
OH870   Jefferson Township, Ross County, Ohio   0.0009148677%
OH871   Jefferson Township, Scioto County, Ohio   0.0036109358%
OH872   Jefferson Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio   0.0008079949%
OH873   Jefferson Township, Williams County, Ohio   0.0002200224%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
OH874   Jefferson Village, Ohio   0.0039566613%
OH875   Jeffersonville Village, Ohio   0.0000112344%
OH876   Jenera Village, Ohio   0.0001194701%
OH877   Jennings Township, Ohio   0.0002731862%
OH878   Jerome Township, Ohio   0.0044044550%
OH879   Jeromesville Village, Ohio   0.0003085668%
OH880   Jerry City Village, Ohio   0.0003417298%
OH881   Jersey Township, Ohio   0.0017699883%
OH882   Jerusalem Township, Ohio   0.0021563480%
OH883   Jerusalem Village, Ohio   0.0000311703%
OH884   Jewett Village, Ohio   0.0001813051%
OH885   Johnson Township, Ohio   0.0002326265%
OH886   Johnston Township, Ohio   0.0002216522%
OH887   Johnstown Village, Ohio   0.0092206199%
OH888   Junction City Village, Ohio   0.0017212480%
OH889   Kalida Village, Ohio   0.0022682733%
OH890   Kelleys Island Village, Ohio   0.0028777715%
OH891   Kent City, Ohio   0.0513285414%
OH892   Kenton City, Ohio   0.0306658035%
OH893   Kettering City, Ohio   0.3384195127%
OH894   Kettlersville Village, Ohio   0.0000266218%
OH895   Killbuck Township, Ohio   0.0002093931%
OH896   Killbuck Village, Ohio   0.0010702314%
OH897   Kingston Township, Ohio   0.0000164977%
OH898   Kingston Village, Ohio   0.0076824625%
OH899   Kingsville Township, Ohio   0.0011036385%
OH900   Kinsman Township, Ohio   0.0020801208%
OH901   Kipton Village, Ohio   0.0000973918%
OH902   Kirby Village, Ohio   0.0000472254%
OH903   Kirkersville Village, Ohio   0.0005560173%
OH904   Kirkwood Township, Ohio   0.0000140607%
OH905   Kirtland City, Ohio   0.0223930205%
OH906   Kirtland Hills Village, Ohio   0.0096850050%
OH907   Knox County, Ohio   0.3115395206%
OH908   Knox Township, Columbiana County, Ohio   0.0005191487%
OH909   Knox Township, Guernsey County, Ohio   0.0002039685%
OH910   Knox Township, Jefferson County, Ohio   0.0010041070%
OH911   Knox Township, Vinton County, Ohio   0.0001170406%
OH912   La Grange Township, Ohio   0.0042170664%
OH913   La Rue Village, Ohio   0.0006694539%
OH914   Lafayette Township, Ohio   0.0073805047%
OH915   Lafayette Village, Ohio   0.0000886329%
OH916   Lagrange Village, Ohio   0.0054247251%
OH917   Lake County, Ohio   1.2794251773%
OH918   Lake Township, Stark County, Ohio   0.0367336076%
OH919   Lake Township, Wood County, Ohio   0.0141058613%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
OH920   Lakeline Village, Ohio   0.0000947652%
OH921   Lakemore Village, Ohio   0.0083562888%
OH922   Lakeview Village, Ohio   0.0008279569%
OH923   Lakewood City, Ohio   0.1008106545%
OH924   Lancaster City, Ohio   0.1565040398%
OH925   Latty Township, Ohio   0.0000877108%
OH926   Latty Village, Ohio   0.0000219277%
OH927   Laura Village, Ohio   0.0001135686%
OH928   Laurel Township, Ohio   0.0001089904%
OH929   Laurelville Village, Ohio   0.0007183460%
OH930   Lawrence County, Ohio   0.5322395718%
OH931   Lawrence Township, Lawrence County, Ohio   0.0093186258%
OH932   Lawrence Township, Stark County, Ohio   0.0140521883%
OH933   Lawrence Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio   0.0052322595%
OH934   Lawrence Township, Washington County, Ohio   0.0000334215%
OH935   Lebanon City, Ohio   0.0873597515%
OH936   Lebanon Township, Ohio   0.0004736376%
OH937   Lee Township, Athens County, Ohio   0.0005836255%
OH938   Lee Township, Carroll County, Ohio   0.0000980404%
OH939   Lee Township, Monroe County, Ohio   0.0000872768%
OH940   Leesburg Township, Ohio   0.0001989692%
OH941   Leesburg Village, Ohio   0.0054882077%
OH942   Leesville Village, Ohio   0.0000217868%
OH943   Leetonia Village, Ohio   0.0074544436%
OH944   Leipsic Village, Ohio   0.0030629968%
OH945   Lemon Township, Ohio   0.0041524079%
OH946   Lenox Township, Ohio   0.0002582984%
OH947   Leroy Township, Ohio   0.0053731877%
OH948   Letart Township, Ohio   0.0005413001%
OH949   Lewis Township, Ohio   0.0039998104%
OH950   Lewisburg Village, Ohio   0.0132254277%
OH951   Lewisville Village, Ohio   0.0001745536%
OH952   Lexington Township, Ohio   0.0014349065%
OH953   Lexington Village, Ohio   0.0093220146%
OH954   Liberty Center Village, Ohio   0.0002842517%
OH955   Liberty Township, Adams County, Ohio   0.0005534059%
OH956   Liberty Township, Butler County, Ohio   0.1149425287%
OH957   Liberty Township, Clinton County, Ohio   0.0016058699%
OH958   Liberty Township, Crawford County, Ohio   0.0001413900%
OH959   Liberty Township, Darke County, Ohio   0.0010825959%
OH960   Liberty Township, Delaware County, Ohio   0.0646792482%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
OH961   Liberty Township, Guernsey County, Ohio   0.0001631748%
OH962   Liberty Township, Hancock County, Ohio   0.0013703927%
OH963   Liberty Township, Hardin County, Ohio   0.0010773571%
OH964   Liberty Township, Henry County, Ohio   0.0006632539%
OH965   Liberty Township, Highland County, Ohio   0.0016487208%
OH966   Liberty Township, Jackson County, Ohio   0.0018785750%
OH967   Liberty Township, Knox County, Ohio   0.0003803498%
OH968   Liberty Township, Licking County, Ohio   0.0000926695%
OH969   Liberty Township, Logan County, Ohio   0.0003591138%
OH970   Liberty Township, Mercer County, Ohio   0.0002526633%
OH971   Liberty Township, Putnam County, Ohio   0.0002235160%
OH972   Liberty Township, Seneca County, Ohio   0.0003409218%
OH973   Liberty Township, Trumbull County, Ohio   0.0688997396%
OH974   Liberty Township, Union County, Ohio   0.0017726349%
OH975   Liberty Township, Wood County, Ohio   0.0002142817%
OH976   Lick Township, Ohio   0.0000552522%
OH977   Licking County, Ohio   0.7119059883%
OH978   Licking Township, Licking County, Ohio   0.0031507646%
OH979   Licking Township, Muskingum County, Ohio   0.0012839582%
OH980   Lima City, Ohio   0.1727455397%
OH981   Limaville Village, Ohio   0.0003869608%
OH982   Lincoln Heights Village, Ohio   0.0083419326%
OH983   Lincoln Township, Ohio   0.0001771237%
OH984   Lindsey Village, Ohio   0.0006510581%
OH985   Linndale Village, Ohio   0.0028091858%
OH986   Lisbon Village, Ohio   0.0009584285%
OH987   Litchfield Township, Ohio   0.0019838797%
OH988   Lithopolis Village, Ohio   0.0014069809%
OH989   Liverpool Township, Columbiana County, Ohio   0.0053112911%
OH990   Liverpool Township, Medina County, Ohio   0.0054202427%
OH991   Lockbourne Village, Ohio   0.0000076368%
OH992   Lockington Village, Ohio   0.0000443696%
OH993   Lockland Village, Ohio   0.0146296956%
OH994   Lodi Township, Ohio   0.0003856097%
OH995   Lodi Village, Ohio   0.0068845348%
OH996   Logan City, Ohio   0.0081742815%
OH997   Logan County, Ohio   0.2671308245%
OH998   Logan Township, Ohio   0.0001602471%
OH999   London City, Ohio   0.0432082694%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
OH1000   Londonderry Township, Ohio   0.0001223811%
OH1001   Lorain City, Ohio   0.2833225817%
OH1002   Lorain County, Ohio   1.3357776870%
OH1003   Lordstown Village, Ohio   0.0208012082%
OH1004   Lore City Village, Ohio   0.0001903706%
OH1005   Lostcreek Township, Ohio   0.0008063368%
OH1006   Loudon Township, Carroll County, Ohio   0.0003703748%
OH1007   Loudon Township, Seneca County, Ohio   0.0000802169%
OH1008   Loudonville Village, Ohio   0.0063961356%
OH1009   Louisville City, Ohio   0.0170110645%
OH1010   Loveland City, Ohio   0.0476149868%
OH1011   Lowell Village, Ohio   0.0000835538%
OH1012   Lowellville Village, Ohio   0.0039921417%
OH1013   Lower Salem Village, Ohio   0.0000220891%
OH1014   Lucas County, Ohio   3.1972089435%
OH1015   Lucas Village, Ohio   0.0007671706%
OH1016   Luckey Village, Ohio   0.0005693772%
OH1017   Ludlow Falls Village, Ohio   0.0002558525%
OH1018   Ludlow Township, Ohio   0.0000501323%
OH1019   Lykens Township, Ohio   0.0000217523%
OH1020   Lynchburg Village, Ohio   0.0028908592%
OH1021   Lyndhurst City, Ohio   0.0338761729%
OH1022   Lynn Township, Ohio   0.0000111068%
OH1023   Lyons Village, Ohio   0.0001442518%
OH1024   Macedonia City, Ohio   0.0527014847%
OH1025   Macksburg Village, Ohio   0.0000477742%
OH1026   Mad River Township, Champaign County, Ohio   0.0003806616%
OH1027   Mad River Township, Clark County, Ohio   0.0132962505%
OH1028   Madeira City, Ohio   0.0133187012%
OH1029   Madison County, Ohio   0.2562654482%
OH1030   Madison Township, Butler County, Ohio   0.0065436778%
OH1031   Madison Township, Clark County, Ohio   0.0028035083%
OH1032   Madison Township, Columbiana County, Ohio   0.0001863611%
OH1033   Madison Township, Fayette County, Ohio   0.0003651188%
OH1034   Madison Township, Franklin County, Ohio   0.0648596631%
OH1035   Madison Township, Guernsey County, Ohio   0.0001087832%
OH1036   Madison Township, Hancock County, Ohio   0.0001546084%
OH1037   Madison Township, Highland County, Ohio   0.0000451704%
OH1038   Madison Township, Lake County, Ohio   0.0185550292%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
OH1039   Madison Township, Licking County, Ohio   0.0016124501%
OH1040   Madison Township, Muskingum County, Ohio   0.0000200618%
OH1041   Madison Township, Pickaway County, Ohio   0.0005781272%
OH1042   Madison Township, Richland County, Ohio   0.0162443911%
OH1043   Madison Township, Sandusky County, Ohio   0.0010398844%
OH1044   Madison Township, Scioto County, Ohio   0.0090415557%
OH1045   Madison Township, Williams County, Ohio   0.0001650168%
OH1046   Madison Village, Ohio   0.0069557668%
OH1047   Magnetic Springs Village, Ohio   0.0003286007%
OH1048   Magnolia Village, Ohio   0.0039121470%
OH1049   Mahoning County, Ohio   1.6000258367%
OH1050   Maineville Village, Ohio   0.0020362222%
OH1051   Malaga Township, Ohio   0.0000561065%
OH1052   Malinta Village, Ohio   0.0000609111%
OH1053   Malta Village, Ohio   0.0001392397%
OH1054   Malvern Village, Ohio   0.0005882424%
OH1055   Manchester Township, Ohio   0.0013966912%
OH1056   Manchester Village, Ohio   0.0025562084%
OH1057   Mansfield City, Ohio   0.2140405926%
OH1058   Mantua Township, Ohio   0.0000649985%
OH1059   Mantua Village, Ohio   0.0015884020%
OH1060   Maple Heights City, Ohio   0.0395380059%
OH1061   Marble Cliff Village, Ohio   0.0004658471%
OH1062   Marblehead Village, Ohio   0.0019235388%
OH1063   Marengo Village, Ohio   0.0002597814%
OH1064   Margaretta Township, Ohio   0.0078229674%
OH1065   Mariemont Village, Ohio   0.0153812210%
OH1066   Marietta City, Ohio   0.0852917164%
OH1067   Marietta Township, Ohio   0.0002088845%
OH1068   Marion City, Ohio   0.2496505326%
OH1069   Marion County, Ohio   0.3374233828%
OH1070   Marion Township, Allen County, Ohio   0.0001840837%
OH1071   Marion Township, Clinton County, Ohio   0.0020965523%
OH1072   Marion Township, Fayette County, Ohio   0.0007695582%
OH1073   Marion Township, Hardin County, Ohio   0.0006108726%
OH1074   Marion Township, Henry County, Ohio   0.0000947506%
OH1075   Marion Township, Hocking County, Ohio   0.0001634856%
OH1076   Marion Township, Marion County, Ohio   0.0526451142%
OH1077   Marion Township, Mercer County, Ohio   0.0015069562%
OH1078   Marion Township, Pike County, Ohio   0.0001943597%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
OH1079   Mark Township, Ohio   0.0001324155%
OH1080   Marlboro Township, Delaware County, Ohio   0.0001979724%
OH1081   Marlboro Township, Stark County, Ohio   0.0048193068%
OH1082   Marseilles Township, Ohio   0.0000067465%
OH1083   Marseilles Village, Ohio   0.0000067465%
OH1084   Marshall Township, Ohio   0.0006323861%
OH1085   Marshallville Village, Ohio   0.0004600557%
OH1086   Martins Ferry City, Ohio   0.0347299689%
OH1087   Martinsburg Village, Ohio   0.0000165369%
OH1088   Martinsville Village, Ohio   0.0006022012%
OH1089   Mary Ann Township, Ohio   0.0009452294%
OH1090   Marysville City, Ohio   0.0386422342%
OH1091   Mason City, Ohio   0.1510527828%
OH1092   Mason Township, Ohio   0.0000347710%
OH1093   Massie Township, Ohio   0.0001279911%
OH1094   Massillon City, Ohio   0.1194930798%
OH1095   Matamoras Village, Ohio   0.0003175044%
OH1096   Maumee City, Ohio   0.0830057490%
OH1097   Mayfield Heights City, Ohio   0.0460098010%
OH1098   Mayfield Village, Ohio   0.0222206201%
OH1099   McArthur Village, Ohio   0.0034201873%
OH1100   McClure Village, Ohio   0.0000744469%
OH1101   McComb Village, Ohio   0.0019536880%
OH1102   McConnelsville Village, Ohio   0.0038344466%
OH1103   McDonald Township, Ohio   0.0004331642%
OH1104   McDonald Village, Ohio   0.0085762358%
OH1105   McGuffey Village, Ohio   0.0000111068%
OH1106   McKean Township, Ohio   0.0016773188%
OH1107   McLean Township, Ohio   0.0000088739%
OH1108   Mead Township, Ohio   0.0016310431%
OH1109   Mecca Township, Ohio   0.0015686157%
OH1110   Mechanicsburg Village, Ohio   0.0059742716%
OH1111   Medina City, Ohio   0.0850942672%
OH1112   Medina County, Ohio   0.7825696764%
OH1113   Medina Township, Ohio   0.0180792844%
OH1114   Meigs County, Ohio   0.1986571471%
OH1115   Meigs Township, Ohio   0.0019764498%
OH1116   Meigsville Township, Ohio   0.0000749752%
OH1117   Melrose Village, Ohio   0.0001123652%
OH1118   Mendon Village, Ohio   0.0000902369%
OH1119   Mentor City, Ohio   0.2495262895%
OH1120   Mentor-On-The-Lake City, Ohio   0.0195974466%
OH1121   Mercer County, Ohio   0.1655486085%
OH1122   Mesopotamia Township, Ohio   0.0029496795%
OH1123   Metamora Village, Ohio   0.0001589872%
OH1124   Meyers Lake Village, Ohio   0.0015027860%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
OH1125   Miami County, Ohio   0.5778482109%
OH1126   Miami Township, Clermont County, Ohio   0.2187745945%
OH1127   Miami Township, Greene County, Ohio   0.0056649739%
OH1128   Miami Township, Hamilton County,Ohio   0.0222368033%
OH1129   Miami Township, Logan County, Ohio   0.0002394092%
OH1130   Miami Township, Montgomery County, Ohio   0.1354683508%
OH1131   Miamisburg City, Ohio   0.1660413479%
OH1132   Middle Point Village, Ohio   0.0010159860%
OH1133   Middleburg Heights City, Ohio   0.0377244809%
OH1134   Middlebury Township, Ohio   0.0002811281%
OH1135   Middlefield Village, Ohio   0.0110639374%
OH1136   Middleport Village, Ohio   0.0066985891%
OH1137   Middleton Township, Columbiana County, Ohio   0.0013311506%
OH1138   Middleton Township, Wood County, Ohio   0.0032264709%
OH1139   Middletown City, Ohio   0.5826547123%
OH1140   Midland Village, Ohio   0.0000223037%
OH1141   Midvale Village, Ohio   0.0004926798%
OH1142   Midway Village, Ohio   0.0006778443%
OH1143   Mifflin Township, Ashland County, Ohio   0.0003416231%
OH1144   Mifflin Township, Franklin County, Ohio   0.0915733216%
OH1145   Mifflin Township, Pike County, Ohio   0.0001267563%
OH1146   Mifflin Township, Richland County, Ohio   0.0080552911%
OH1147   Mifflin Township, Wyandot County, Ohio   0.0001214367%
OH1148   Mifflin Village, Ohio   0.0001545438%
OH1149   Milan Township, Ohio   0.0020258680%
OH1150   Milan Village, Ohio   0.0040820332%
OH1151   Milford Center Village, Ohio   0.0000633084%
OH1152   Milford City, Ohio   0.0751522099%
OH1153   Milford Township, Butler County, Ohio   0.0015672512%
OH1154   Milford Township, Defiance County, Ohio   0.0002979348%
OH1155   Mill Creek Township, Coshocton County, Ohio   0.0000229613%
OH1156   Mill Creek Township, Williams County, Ohio   0.0000628635%
OH1157   Mill Township, Ohio   0.0121593375%
OH1158   Millbury Village, Ohio   0.0009905091%
OH1159   Millcreek Township, Ohio   0.0000180881%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
OH1160   Milledgeville Village, Ohio   0.0000257235%
OH1161   Miller City Village, Ohio   0.0000248351%
OH1162   Miller Township, Ohio   0.0008599212%
OH1163   Millersburg Village, Ohio   0.0018263731%
OH1164   Millersport Village, Ohio   0.0058664571%
OH1165   Millville Village, Ohio   0.0076100550%
OH1166   Millwood Township, Ohio   0.0000543916%
OH1167   Milton Center Village, Ohio   0.0000061223%
OH1168   Milton Township, Ashland County, Ohio   0.0000162678%
OH1169   Milton Township, Mahoning County, Ohio   0.0048642711%
OH1170   Miltonsburg Village, Ohio   0.0000172975%
OH1171   Mineral City Village, Ohio   0.0026506173%
OH1172   Minerva Park Village, Ohio   0.0030776456%
OH1173   Minerva Village, Ohio   0.0118214870%
OH1174   Mingo Junction Village, Ohio   0.0074909571%
OH1175   Minster Village, Ohio   0.0056442578%
OH1176   Mississinawa Township, Ohio   0.0003444623%
OH1177   Mogadore Village, Ohio   0.0107618198%
OH1178   Monclova Township, Ohio   0.0108181339%
OH1179   Monday Creek Township, Ohio   0.0000430312%
OH1180   Monroe City, Ohio   0.1198391105%
OH1181   Monroe County, Ohio   0.0768222745%
OH1182   Monroe Township, Adams County, Ohio   0.0016865705%
OH1183   Monroe Township, Allen County, Ohio   0.0002727166%
OH1184   Monroe Township, Carroll County, Ohio   0.0010130841%
OH1185   Monroe Township, Clermont County, Ohio   0.0034821896%
OH1186   Monroe Township, Darke County, Ohio   0.0006151113%
OH1187   Monroe Township, Guernsey County, Ohio   0.0001903706%
OH1188   Monroe Township, Harrison County, Ohio   0.0003530677%
OH1189   Monroe Township, Knox County, Ohio   0.0021828768%
OH1190   Monroe Township, Licking County, Ohio   0.0160503654%
OH1191   Monroe Township, Logan County, Ohio   0.0001895323%
OH1192   Monroe Township, Muskingum County, Ohio   0.0001203711%
OH1193   Monroe Township, Perry County, Ohio   0.0000753046%
OH1194   Monroe Township, Pickaway County, Ohio   0.0003740823%
OH1195   Monroe Township, Preble County, Ohio   0.0020296448%
OH1196   Monroe Township, Putnam County, Ohio   0.0007698884%
OH1197   Monroe Township, Richland County, Ohio   0.0011596765%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
OH1198   Monroeville Village, Ohio   0.0057515643%
OH1199   Monterey Township, Ohio   0.0001158972%
OH1200   Montezuma Village, Ohio   0.0003248528%
OH1201   Montgomery City, Ohio   0.0491831661%
OH1202   Montgomery County, Ohio   5.1644746001%
OH1203   Montgomery Township, Marion County, Ohio   0.0007252418%
OH1204   Montgomery Township, Wood County, Ohio   0.0011448768%
OH1205   Montpelier Village, Ohio   0.0054141221%
OH1206   Montville Township, Geauga County, Ohio   0.0005742528%
OH1207   Montville Township, Medina County, Ohio   0.0202875314%
OH1208   Moorefield Township, Ohio   0.0090773788%
OH1209   Moraine City, Ohio   0.0890573422%
OH1210   Moreland Hills Village, Ohio   0.0034611065%
OH1211   Morgan County, Ohio   0.0873568346%
OH1212   Morgan Township, Ashtabula County, Ohio   0.0013032327%
OH1213   Morgan Township, Butler County, Ohio   0.0060266465%
OH1214   Morgan Township, Gallia County, Ohio   0.0004498495%
OH1215   Morgan Township, Knox County, Ohio   0.0013394926%
OH1216   Morgan Township, Scioto County, Ohio   0.0014216283%
OH1217   Morral Village, Ohio   0.0008926053%
OH1218   Morris Township, Ohio   0.0000330739%
OH1219   Morristown Village, Ohio   0.0004780643%
OH1220   Morrow County, Ohio   0.2192732037%
OH1221   Morrow Village, Ohio   0.0015475289%
OH1222   Moscow Village, Ohio   0.0010343137%
OH1223   Moulton Township, Ohio   0.0002403706%
OH1224   Mount Blanchard Village, Ohio   0.0000632489%
OH1225   Mount Cory Village, Ohio   0.0001194701%
OH1226   Mount Eaton Village, Ohio   0.0003286112%
OH1227   Mount Gilead Village, Ohio   0.0047705309%
OH1228   Mount Healthy City, Ohio   0.0150472097%
OH1229   Mount Orab Village, Ohio   0.0858253892%
OH1230   Mount Pleasant Township, Ohio   0.0009562924%
OH1231   Mount Pleasant Village, Ohio   0.0001593821%
OH1232   Mount Sterling Village, Ohio   0.0092167280%
OH1233   Mount Vernon City, Ohio   0.0916146794%
OH1234   Mount Victory Village, Ohio   0.0003726928%
OH1235   Mowrystown Village, Ohio   0.0099826658%
OH1236   Munroe Falls City, Ohio   0.0144765234%
OH1237   Munson Township, Ohio   0.0126431327%
OH1238   Murray City Village, Ohio   0.0003666041%
OH1239   Muskingum County, Ohio   0.5186890264%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
OH1240   Muskingum Township, Ohio   0.0034591272%
OH1241   Mutual Village, Ohio   0.0000512624%
OH1242   Napoleon City, Ohio   0.0200262083%
OH1243   Napoleon Township, Ohio   0.0008595230%
OH1244   Nashville Village, Ohio   0.0001163295%
OH1245   Navarre Village, Ohio   0.0045125337%
OH1246   Nellie Village, Ohio   0.0000766034%
OH1247   Nelsonville City, Ohio   0.0153618582%
OH1248   Nevada Village, Ohio   0.0000539719%
OH1249   Neville Village, Ohio   0.0000172386%
OH1250   New Albany City, Ohio   0.0355984449%
OH1251   New Alexandria Village, Ohio   0.0001593821%
OH1252   New Athens Village, Ohio   0.0001049661%
OH1253   New Bavaria Village, Ohio   0.0001925555%
OH1254   New Bloomington Village, Ohio   0.0006286558%
OH1255   New Boston Village, Ohio   0.0217793450%
OH1256   New Bremen Village, Ohio   0.0076829566%
OH1257   New Carlisle City, Ohio   0.0121258538%
OH1258   New Concord Village, Ohio   0.0073426360%
OH1259   New Franklin City, Ohio   0.0293867642%
OH1260   New Haven Township, Ohio   0.0016334992%
OH1261   New Holland Village, Ohio   0.0001903085%
OH1262   New Jasper Township, Ohio   0.0016406755%
OH1263   New Knoxville Village, Ohio   0.0011840478%
OH1264   New Lebanon Village, Ohio   0.0058388430%
OH1265   New Lexington Village, Ohio   0.0129954223%
OH1266   New London Township, Ohio   0.0002882646%
OH1267   New London Village, Ohio   0.0030473682%
OH1268   New Madison Village, Ohio   0.0016608005%
OH1269   New Market Township, Ohio   0.0002484374%
OH1270   New Miami Village, Ohio   0.0024074272%
OH1271   New Middletown Village, Ohio   0.0007615778%
OH1272   New Paris Village, Ohio   0.0016204423%
OH1273   New Philadelphia City, Ohio   0.0774788253%
OH1274   New Richmond Village, Ohio   0.0330808011%
OH1275   New Riegel Village, Ohio   0.0002406507%
OH1276   New Russia Township, Ohio   0.0008375698%
OH1277   New Straitsville Village, Ohio   0.0021300444%
OH1278   New Vienna Village, Ohio   0.0009144537%
OH1279   New Washington Village, Ohio   0.0012290055%
OH1280   New Waterford Village, Ohio   0.0048586998%
OH1281   New Weston Village, Ohio   0.0000861156%
OH1282   Newark City, Ohio   0.1777772576%
OH1283   Newark Township, Ohio   0.0018255901%
OH1284   Newberry Township, Ohio   0.0019874499%
OH1285   Newburgh Heights Village, Ohio   0.0042789708%
OH1286   Newbury Township, Ohio   0.0027755552%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
OH1287   Newcomerstown Village, Ohio   0.0076759513%
OH1288   Newton Falls Village, Ohio   0.0365044154%
OH1289   Newton Township, Licking County, Ohio   0.0011027676%
OH1290   Newton Township, Muskingum County,Ohio   0.0020262466%
OH1291   Newton Township, Pike County, Ohio   0.0002281614%
OH1292   Newton Township, Trumbull County, Ohio   0.0026939270%
OH1293   Newtonsville Village, Ohio   0.0005516340%
OH1294   Newtown Village, Ohio   0.0057282940%
OH1295   Ney Village, Ohio   0.0000662077%
OH1296   Nile Township, Ohio   0.0052315920%
OH1297   Niles City, Ohio   0.1643806952%
OH1298   Nimishillen Township, Ohio   0.0122610291%
OH1299   Noble County, Ohio   0.0987433126%
OH1300   Noble Township, Auglaize County, Ohio   0.0000089026%
OH1301   Noble Township, Defiance County, Ohio   0.0003420733%
OH1302   Noble Township, Noble County, Ohio   0.0008278915%
OH1303   North Baltimore Village, Ohio   0.0034529973%
OH1304   North Bend Village, Ohio   0.0025608089%
OH1305   North Bloomfield Township, Ohio   0.0004132886%
OH1306   North Canton City, Ohio   0.0524878920%
OH1307   North College Hill City, Ohio   0.0194144077%
OH1308   North Fairfield Village, Ohio   0.0000686344%
OH1309   North Hampton Village, Ohio   0.0018236413%
OH1310   North Kingsville Village, Ohio   0.0058586766%
OH1311   North Lewisburg Village, Ohio   0.0040569220%
OH1312   North Olmsted City, Ohio   0.0399884238%
OH1313   North Perry Village, Ohio   0.0021416939%
OH1314   North Randall Village, Ohio   0.0010272691%
OH1315   North Ridgeville City, Ohio   0.1099748579%
OH1316   North Robinson Village, Ohio   0.0000652569%
OH1317   North Royalton City, Ohio   0.0490362937%
OH1318   North Star Village, Ohio   0.0006041028%
OH1319   North Township, Ohio   0.0006202542%
OH1320   Northfield Center Township, Ohio   0.0055419447%
OH1321   Northfield Village, Ohio   0.0204907382%
OH1322   Northwest Township, Ohio   0.0003378915%
OH1323   Northwood City, Ohio   0.0154037964%
OH1324   Norton City, Ohio   0.0374368018%
OH1325   Norwalk City, Ohio   0.0671930963%
OH1326   Norwalk Township, Ohio   0.0009746088%
OH1327   Norwich Township, Franklin County, Ohio   0.0881825657%
OH1328   Norwich Township, Huron County, Ohio   0.0005490754%
OH1329   Norwich Village, Ohio   0.0000776491%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
OH1330   Norwood City, Ohio   0.1133550899%
OH1331   Nottingham Township, Ohio   0.0002290169%
OH1332   Oak Harbor Village, Ohio   0.0043210926%
OH1333   Oak Hill Village, Ohio   0.0009945397%
OH1334   Oakwood City, Ohio   0.0665292396%
OH1335   Oakwood Village, Cuyahoga County, Ohio   0.0160412015%
OH1336   Oakwood Village, Paulding County, Ohio   0.0006103209%
OH1337   Oberlin City, Ohio   0.0523286319%
OH1338   Obetz Village, Ohio   0.0012677151%
OH1339   Octa Village, Ohio   0.0000132032%
OH1340   Ohio City Village, Ohio   0.0013381279%
OH1341   Ohio Township, Clermont County, Ohio   0.0024995915%
OH1342   Ohio Township, Monroe County, Ohio   0.0002805325%
OH1343   Old Washington Village, Ohio   0.0016589439%
OH1344   Olive Township, Meigs County, Ohio   0.0005413001%
OH1345   Olive Township, Noble County, Ohio   0.0002069729%
OH1346   Olmsted Falls City, Ohio   0.0116318466%
OH1347   Olmsted Township, Ohio   0.0148163807%
OH1348   Ontario City, Ohio   0.0192773910%
OH1349   Orange Township, Ashland County, Ohio   0.0004880329%
OH1350   Orange Township, Carroll County, Ohio   0.0003703748%
OH1351   Orange Township, Delaware County, Ohio   0.0531556020%
OH1352   Orange Township, Meigs County, Ohio   0.0003383126%
OH1353   Orange Township, Shelby County, Ohio   0.0011891054%
OH1354   Orange Village, Ohio   0.0100237754%
OH1355   Orangeville Village, Ohio   0.0005285553%
OH1356   Oregon City, Ohio   0.0936692081%
OH1357   Orrville City, Ohio   0.0089614214%
OH1358   Orwell Township, Ohio   0.0004813742%
OH1359   Orwell Village, Ohio   0.0054712290%
OH1360   Osgood Village, Ohio   0.0000984178%
OH1361   Osnaburg Township, Ohio   0.0017515756%
OH1362   Ostrander Village, Ohio   0.0001237328%
OH1363   Ottawa County, Ohio   0.2393019717%
OH1364   Ottawa Hills Village, Ohio   0.0134021121%
OH1365   Ottawa Village, Ohio   0.0047352274%
OH1366   Ottoville Village, Ohio   0.0010927448%
OH1367   Otway Village, Ohio   0.0001137303%
OH1368   Owensville Village, Ohio   0.0008791667%
OH1369   Oxford City, Ohio   0.0794612533%
OH1370   Oxford Township, Butler County, Ohio   0.1101599888%
OH1371   Oxford Township, Coshocton County, Ohio   0.0002143057%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
OH1372   Oxford Township, Guernsey County, Ohio   0.0001223811%
OH1373   Oxford Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio   0.0000788288%
OH1374   Painesville City, Ohio   0.0828627046%
OH1375   Painesville Township, Ohio   0.0334236916%
OH1376   Paint Township, Fayette County, Ohio   0.0000280861%
OH1377   Paint Township, Highland County, Ohio   0.0002710226%
OH1378   Paint Township, Holmes County, Ohio   0.0004187862%
OH1379   Paint Township, Madison County, Ohio   0.0000155425%
OH1380   Paint Township, Ross County, Ohio   0.0003836542%
OH1381   Paint Township, Wayne County, Ohio   0.0001894347%
OH1382   Palestine Village, Ohio   0.0005121741%
OH1383   Palmer Township, Ohio   0.0000584877%
OH1384   Palmyra Township, Ohio   0.0008124819%
OH1385   Pandora Village, Ohio   0.0009188990%
OH1386   Paris Township, Portage County, Ohio   0.0001503091%
OH1387   Paris Township, Stark County, Ohio   0.0010390703%
OH1388   Parkman Township, Ohio   0.0008613792%
OH1389   Parma City, Ohio   0.1543116176%
OH1390   Parma Heights City, Ohio   0.0326118418%
OH1391   Parral Village, Ohio   0.0000098536%
OH1392   Pataskala City, Ohio   0.0174033408%
OH1393   Patterson Village, Ohio   0.0000841761%
OH1394   Paulding County, Ohio   0.0839721160%
OH1395   Paulding Township, Ohio   0.0001534939%
OH1396   Paulding Village, Ohio   0.0016847781%
OH1397   Paxton Township, Ohio   0.0010329152%
OH1398   Payne Village, Ohio   0.0005664655%
OH1399   Pease Township, Ohio   0.0005202465%
OH1400   Pebble Township, Ohio   0.0003464673%
OH1401   Pee Pee Township, Ohio   0.0015041749%
OH1402   Peebles Village, Ohio   0.0067989872%
OH1403   Pemberville Village, Ohio   0.0012856905%
OH1404   Peninsula Village, Ohio   0.0050407601%
OH1405   Penn Township, Ohio   0.0001392397%
OH1406   Pepper Pike City, Ohio   0.0193758750%
OH1407   Perkins Township, Ohio   0.0512077107%
OH1408   Perry County, Ohio   0.2380485965%
OH1409   Perry Township, Allen County, Ohio   0.0045543679%
OH1410   Perry Township, Brown County, Ohio   0.0143559087%
OH1411   Perry Township, Columbiana County, Ohio   0.0048853229%
OH1412   Perry Township, Fayette County, Ohio   0.0003538844%
OH1413   Perry Township, Franklin County, Ohio   0.0091642053%
OH1414   Perry Township, Lake County, Ohio   0.0025586608%
OH1415   Perry Township, Lawrence County, Ohio   0.0009214313%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
OH1416   Perry Township, Licking County, Ohio   0.0016309840%
OH1417   Perry Township, Logan County, Ohio   0.0026933538%
OH1418   Perry Township, Monroe County, Ohio   0.0000872768%
OH1419   Perry Township, Muskingum County, Ohio   0.0027986277%
OH1420   Perry Township, Pickaway County, Ohio   0.0000291493%
OH1421   Perry Township, Pike County, Ohio   0.0001267563%
OH1422   Perry Township, Putnam County, Ohio   0.0000082784%
OH1423   Perry Township, Richland County, Ohio   0.0004103471%
OH1424   Perry Township, Stark County, Ohio   0.0537347763%
OH1425   Perry Township, Wood County, Ohio   0.0001040797%
OH1426   Perry Village, Ohio   0.0054300469%
OH1427   Perrysburg City, Ohio   0.0576846462%
OH1428   Perrysburg Township, Ohio   0.0342177338%
OH1429   Perrysville Village, Ohio   0.0008459238%
OH1430   Peru Township, Huron County, Ohio   0.0000274538%
OH1431   Peru Township, Morrow County, Ohio   0.0000708495%
OH1432   Phillipsburg Village, Ohio   0.0041962937%
OH1433   Philo Village, Ohio   0.0010532470%
OH1434   Pickaway County, Ohio   0.0934088328%
OH1435   Pickaway Township, Ohio   0.0005441197%
OH1436   Pickerington City, Ohio   0.0350194279%
OH1437   Pierce Township, Ohio   0.0721778605%
OH1438   Pierpont Township, Ohio   0.0011858243%
OH1439   Pike County, Ohio   0.3072066041%
OH1440   Pike Township, Brown County, Ohio   0.0024184900%
OH1441   Pike Township, Clark County, Ohio   0.0026810249%
OH1442   Pike Township, Perry County, Ohio   0.0022268646%
OH1443   Pike Township, Stark County, Ohio   0.0021276201%
OH1444   Piketon Village, Ohio   0.0023999196%
OH1445   Pioneer Village, Ohio   0.0028760068%
OH1446   Piqua City, Ohio   0.0869480927%
OH1447   Pitsburg Village, Ohio   0.0005659024%
OH1448   Pitt Township, Ohio   0.0002833522%
OH1449   Plain City Village, Ohio   0.0102501421%
OH1450   Plain Township, Franklin County, Ohio   0.0388485937%
OH1451   Plain Township, Stark County, Ohio   0.0464019090%
OH1452   Plain Township, Wayne County, Ohio   0.0002976831%
OH1453   Plain Township, Wood County, Ohio   0.0002693828%
OH1454   Plainfield Village, Ohio   0.0000153076%
OH1455   Pleasant City Village, Ohio   0.0008654831%
OH1456   Pleasant Hill Village, Ohio   0.0002839214%
OH1457   Pleasant Plain Village, Ohio   0.0000116356%
OH1458   Pleasant Township, Brown County, Ohio   0.0012092450%
OH1459   Pleasant Township, Clark County, Ohio   0.0032390047%
OH1460   Pleasant Township, Fairfield County, Ohio   0.0068849393%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
OH1461   Pleasant Township, Franklin County, Ohio   0.0137844922%
OH1462   Pleasant Township, Hancock County, Ohio   0.0002811062%
OH1463   Pleasant Township, Henry County, Ohio   0.0002233406%
OH1464   Pleasant Township, Knox County, Ohio   0.0045641970%
OH1465   Pleasant Township, Marion County, Ohio   0.0096326984%
OH1466   Pleasant Township, Perry County, Ohio   0.0001828826%
OH1467   Pleasant Township, Seneca County, Ohio   0.0003208676%
OH1468   Pleasant Township, Van Wert County, Ohio   0.0002849717%
OH1469   Pleasantville Village, Ohio   0.0000570350%
OH1470   Plymouth Township, Ohio   0.0017493844%
OH1471   Plymouth Village, Ohio   0.0065060016%
OH1472   Poland Township, Ohio   0.0148262002%
OH1473   Poland Village, Ohio   0.0061663235%
OH1474   Polk Township, Ohio   0.0010767393%
OH1475   Polk Village, Ohio   0.0000406694%
OH1476   Pomeroy Village, Ohio   0.0093881741%
OH1477   Port Clinton City, Ohio   0.0145364578%
OH1478   Port Jefferson Village, Ohio   0.0003105872%
OH1479   Port Washington Village, Ohio   0.0003251687%
OH1480   Port William Village, Ohio   0.0010928837%
OH1481   Portage County, Ohio   0.9187057360%
OH1482   Portage Township, Hancock County, Ohio   0.0001686637%
OH1483   Portage Township, Ottawa County, Ohio   0.0000480885%
OH1484   Portage Township, Wood County, Ohio   0.0001408137%
OH1485   Portage Village, Ohio   0.0016040519%
OH1486   Porter Township, Delaware County, Ohio   0.0036954857%
OH1487   Porter Township, Scioto County, Ohio   0.0395496982%
OH1488   Portsmouth City, Ohio   0.2233662325%
OH1489   Potsdam Village, Ohio   0.0000227137%
OH1490   Powell City, Ohio   0.0184361841%
OH1491   Powhatan Point Village, Ohio   0.0016591645%
OH1492   Prairie Township, Franklin County, Ohio   0.0344574120%
OH1493   Prairie Township, Holmes County, Ohio   0.0003867956%
OH1494   Preble County, Ohio   0.3067055248%
OH1495   Proctorville Village, Ohio   0.0018254771%
OH1496   Prospect Village, Ohio   0.0011157566%
OH1497   Providence Township, Ohio   0.0026476678%
OH1498   Pulaski Township, Ohio   0.0002907439%
OH1499   Pultney Township, Ohio   0.0018560145%
OH1500   Pusheta Township, Ohio   0.0002670784%
OH1501   Put In Bay Township, Ohio   0.0034623699%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
OH1502   Put-In-Bay Village, Ohio   0.0040050827%
OH1503   Putnam County, Ohio   0.1372967601%
OH1504   Quaker City Village, Ohio   0.0004351328%
OH1505   Quincy Village, Ohio   0.0003391631%
OH1506   Raccoon Township, Ohio   0.0003561309%
OH1507   Racine Village, Ohio   0.0010826003%
OH1508   Radnor Township, Ohio   0.0001814747%
OH1509   Randolph Township, Ohio   0.0013730943%
OH1510   Range Township, Ohio   0.0007149570%
OH1511   Rarden Township, Ohio   0.0020471447%
OH1512   Rarden Village, Ohio   0.0005117862%
OH1513   Ravenna City, Ohio   0.0218557620%
OH1514   Ravenna Township, Ohio   0.0059636168%
OH1515   Rawson Village, Ohio   0.0001405531%
OH1516   Rayland Village, Ohio   0.0003984552%
OH1517   Reading City, Ohio   0.0457344992%
OH1518   Reading Township, Ohio   0.0019364040%
OH1519   Recovery Township, Ohio   0.0000812132%
OH1520   Reily Township, Ohio   0.0012764211%
OH1521   Reminderville Village, Ohio   0.0151415568%
OH1522   Rendville Village, Ohio   0.0001828826%
OH1523   Republic Village, Ohio   0.0011130095%
OH1524   Reynoldsburg City, Ohio   0.0697130845%
OH1525   Rice Township, Ohio   0.0003978688%
OH1526   Richfield Township, Henry County, Ohio   0.0023349246%
OH1527   Richfield Township, Lucas County, Ohio   0.0047039321%
OH1528   Richfield Township, Summit County, Ohio   0.0095996121%
OH1529   Richfield Village, Ohio   0.0399887454%
OH1530   Richland County, Ohio   0.7455113947%
OH1531   Richland Township, Allen County, Ohio   0.0002999883%
OH1532   Richland Township, Belmont County, Ohio   0.0026715361%
OH1533   Richland Township, Clinton County, Ohio   0.0005798975%
OH1534   Richland Township, Darke County, Ohio   0.0002952534%
OH1535   Richland Township, Fairfield County, Ohio   0.0003503579%
OH1536   Richland Township, Holmes County, Ohio   0.0001483201%
OH1537   Richland Township, Wyandot County, Ohio   0.0001079437%
OH1538   Richmond Heights City, Ohio   0.0218650269%
OH1539   Richmond Township, Ashtabula County, Ohio   0.0003170025%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


        Consolidated State
State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Allocation
OH1540   Richmond Township, Huron County, Ohio   0.0015099572%
OH1541   Richmond Village, Ohio   0.0007609773%
OH1542   Richwood Village, Ohio   0.0014048433%
OH1543   Ridgefield Township, Ohio   0.0003431721%
OH1544   Ridgeville Township, Ohio   0.0002165727%
OH1545   Ridgeway Village, Ohio   0.0003864298%
OH1546   Riley Township, Ohio   0.0007202182%
OH1547   Rio Grande Village, Ohio   0.0014432672%
OH1548   Ripley Township, Holmes County, Ohio   0.0000348988%
OH1549   Ripley Township, Huron County, Ohio   0.0000137269%
OH1550   Ripley Village, Ohio   0.0111932679%
OH1551   Risingsun Village, Ohio   0.0004530528%
OH1552   Rittman City, Ohio   0.0059649971%
OH1553   Riverlea Village, Ohio   0.0001680104%
OH1554   Riverside City, Ohio   0.0817797700%
OH1555   Roaming Shores Village, Ohio   0.0034987688%
OH1556   Rochester Township, Ohio   0.0013537465%
OH1557   Rochester Village, Ohio   0.0000194784%
OH1558   Rock Creek Village, Ohio   0.0002113350%
OH1559   Rockford Village, Ohio   0.0018408327%
OH1560   Rocky Ridge Village, Ohio   0.0002129632%
OH1561   Rocky River City, Ohio   0.0503638414%
OH1562   Rogers Village, Ohio   0.0005457718%
OH1563   Rome Township, Ashtabula County, Ohio   0.0014206410%
OH1564   Rome Township, Athens County, Ohio   0.0002813909%
OH1565   Rome Township, Lawrence County, Ohio   0.0010605153%
OH1566   Rome Village, Ohio   0.0002586036%
OH1567   Rootstown Township, Ohio   0.0026527533%
OH1568   Rose Township, Ohio   0.0004793086%
OH1569   Roseville Village, Ohio   0.0016522526%
OH1570   Ross County, Ohio   1.0109583321%
OH1571   Ross Township, Butler County, Ohio   0.0261747113%
OH1572   Ross Township, Greene County, Ohio   0.0002579678%
OH1573   Ross Township, Jefferson County, Ohio   0.0004940844%
OH1574   Rossburg Village, Ohio   0.0000984178%
OH1575   Rossford City, Ohio   0.0126977241%
OH1576   Roswell Village, Ohio   0.0002759007%
OH1577   Roundhead Township, Ohio   0.0002332423%
OH1578   Royalton Township, Ohio   0.0009661532%
OH1579   Rumley Township, Ohio   0.0006297965%
OH1580   Rush Creek Township, Ohio   0.0026562014%
OH1581   Rush Township, Scioto County, Ohio   0.0047482384%
OH1582   Rush Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio   0.0000689752%









Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
OH1583   Rushcreek Township, Ohio   0.0004189662%
OH1584   Rushsylvania Village, Ohio   0.0000099754%
OH1585   Rushville Village, Ohio   0.0000244436%
OH1586   Russell Township, Ohio   0.0185770784%
OH1587   Russells Point Village, Ohio   0.0022943385%
OH1588   Russellville Village, Ohio   0.0057671685%
OH1589   Russia Village, Ohio   0.0003460829%
OH1590   Rutland Village, Ohio   0.0004567220%
OH1591   Sabina Village, Ohio   0.0072933257%
OH1592   Sagamore Hills Township, Ohio   0.0226207726%
OH1593   Salem City, Ohio   0.0383095249%
OH1594   Salem Township, Auglaize County, Ohio   0.0001157340%
OH1595   Salem Township, Champaign County, Ohio   0.0003806616%
OH1596   Salem Township, Columbiana County, Ohio   0.0009051824%
OH1597   Salem Township, Muskingum County, Ohio   0.0003912060%
OH1598   Salem Township, Ottawa County, Ohio   0.0007213271%
OH1599   Salem Township, Shelby County, Ohio   0.0010648705%
OH1600   Salem Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio   0.0026407637%
OH1601   Salem Township, Warren County, Ohio   0.0074583911%
OH1602   Salem Township, Washington County, Ohio   0.0005013228%
OH1603   Salesville Village, Ohio   0.0000679895%
OH1604   Salineville Village, Ohio   0.0034609917%
OH1605   Salisbury Township, Ohio   0.0003552282%
OH1606   Salt Creek Township, Hocking County, Ohio   0.0001833021%
OH1607   Salt Creek Township, Holmes County, Ohio   0.0000465318%
OH1608   Salt Creek Township, Wayne County, Ohio   0.0001391765%


  Salt Lick Township, Ohio   0.0000430312%
OH1610   Salt Rock Township, Ohio   0.0007066458%
OH1611   Saltcreek Township, Ohio   0.0003935151%
OH1612   Sandusky City, Ohio   0.1261336610%
OH1613   Sandusky County, Ohio   0.3072903644%
OH1614   Sandusky Township, Crawford County, Ohio   0.0000108762%
OH1615   Sandusky Township, Sandusky County, Ohio   0.0015100930%
OH1616   Sandy Township, Stark County, Ohio   0.0049479536%
OH1617   Sandy Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio   0.0006897517%
OH1618   Sarahsville Village, Ohio   0.0000689910%









Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
OH1619   Sardinia Village, Ohio   0.0044028921%
OH1620   Savannah Village, Ohio   0.0002294615%
OH1621   Saybrook Township, Ohio   0.0161906113%
OH1622   Scio Village, Ohio   0.0001526779%
OH1623   Scioto County, Ohio   0.9401796346%
OH1624   Scioto Township, Delaware County, Ohio   0.0019714756%
OH1625   Scioto Township, Pickaway County, Ohio   0.0062913839%
OH1626   Scioto Township, Pike County, Ohio   0.0002619631%
OH1627   Scioto Township, Ross County, Ohio   0.0146969071%
OH1628   Scipio Township, Meigs County, Ohio   0.0004736376%
OH1629   Scipio Township, Seneca County, Ohio   0.0005615183%
OH1630   Scott Township, Marion County, Ohio   0.0001301716%
OH1631   Scott Township, Sandusky County, Ohio   0.0009313747%
OH1632   Scott Village, Ohio   0.0006416289%
OH1633   Seal Township, Ohio   0.0013351665%
OH1634   Seaman Village, Ohio   0.0025035030%
OH1635   Sebring Village, Ohio   0.0078737318%
OH1636   Seneca County, Ohio   0.2801274556%
OH1637   Seneca Township, Monroe County, Ohio   0.0000124681%
OH1638   Seneca Township, Noble County, Ohio   0.0000172477%
OH1639   Senecaville Village, Ohio   0.0007886782%
OH1640   Seven Hills City, Ohio   0.0208535620%
OH1641   Seven Mile Village, Ohio   0.0013087356%
OH1642   Seville Village, Ohio   0.0055383307%
OH1643   Shadyside Village, Ohio   0.0078177582%
OH1644   Shaker Heights City, Ohio   0.1048407101%
OH1645   Shalersville Township, Ohio   0.0000934354%
OH1646   Sharon Township, Franklin County, Ohio   0.0053763338%
OH1647   Sharon Township, Medina County, Ohio   0.0058099333%
OH1648   Sharon Township, Richland County, Ohio   0.0000802853%
OH1649   Sharonville City, Ohio   0.1284229161%
OH1650   Shawnee Hills Village, Ohio   0.0030520752%
OH1651   Shawnee Township, Ohio   0.0289829613%
OH1652   Shawnee Village, Ohio   0.0005916790%
OH1653   Sheffield Lake City, Ohio   0.0113266702%
OH1654   Sheffield Township, Ashtabula County, Ohio   0.0012562693%
OH1655   Sheffield Township, Lorain County, Ohio   0.0039054125%
OH1656   Sheffield Village, Ohio   0.0383431647%
OH1657   Shelby City, Ohio   0.0301426674%
OH1658   Shelby County, Ohio   0.2601922372%
OH1659   Sherrodsville Village, Ohio   0.0010675510%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
OH1660   Sherwood Village, Ohio   0.0012358778%
OH1661   Shiloh Village, Ohio   0.0001516500%
OH1662   Shreve Village, Ohio   0.0012061965%
OH1663   Sidney City, Ohio   0.0768126600%
OH1664   Silver Lake Village, Ohio   0.0087129009%
OH1665   Silverton Village, Ohio   0.0117488480%
OH1666   Sinking Spring Village, Ohio   0.0018697801%
OH1667   Smith Township, Belmont County, Ohio   0.0011670394%
OH1668   Smith Township, Mahoning County, Ohio   0.0056258490%
OH1669   Smithfield Township, Ohio   0.0003028259%
OH1670   Smithfield Village, Ohio   0.0021516579%
OH1671   Smithville Village, Ohio   0.0012448566%
OH1672   Solon City, Ohio   0.0575665779%
OH1673   Somerford Township, Ohio   0.0018806477%
OH1674   Somers Township, Ohio   0.0009493500%
OH1675   Somerset Village, Ohio   0.0013447250%
OH1676   Somerville Village, Ohio   0.0001615723%
OH1677   South Amherst Village, Ohio   0.0020257501%
OH1678   South Bloomfield Township, Ohio   0.0004782339%
OH1679   South Bloomfield Village, Ohio   0.0012874261%
OH1680   South Charleston Village, Ohio   0.0026810249%
OH1681   South Euclid City, Ohio   0.0416202012%
OH1682   South Lebanon Village, Ohio   0.0058643200%
OH1683   South Point Village, Ohio   0.0061370801%
OH1684   South Russell Village, Ohio   0.0067283287%
OH1685   South Salem Village, Ohio   0.0005572426%
OH1686   South Solon Village, Ohio   0.0007460421%
OH1687   South Vienna Village, Ohio   0.0009118207%
OH1688   South Webster Village, Ohio   0.0024736332%
OH1689   South Zanesville Village, Ohio   0.0015547932%
OH1690   Southington Township, Ohio   0.0014492645%
OH1691   Sparta Village, Ohio   0.0000770825%
OH1692   Spencer Township, Allen County, Ohio   0.0001636300%
OH1693   Spencer Township, Guernsey County, Ohio   0.0001631748%
OH1694   Spencer Township, Lucas County, Ohio   0.0024565990%
OH1695   Spencer Township, Medina County, Ohio   0.0000708528%
OH1696   Spencer Village, Ohio   0.0016178066%
OH1697   Spencerville Village, Ohio   0.0025294469%
OH1698   Sprigg Township, Ohio   0.0001054107%
OH1699   Spring Valley Township, Ohio   0.0070786377%
OH1700   Spring Valley Village, Ohio   0.0001444620%
OH1701   Springboro City, Ohio   0.0299889938%
OH1702   Springdale City, Ohio   0.0692154947%
OH1703   Springfield City, Ohio   0.4735887613%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
OH1704   Springfield Township, Clark County, Ohio   0.0105063514%
OH1705   Springfield Township, Gallia County, Ohio   0.0009746740%
OH1706   Springfield Township, Hamilton County, Ohio   0.1053972703%
OH1707   Springfield Township, Jefferson County, Ohio   0.0002231349%
OH1708   Springfield Township, Lucas County, Ohio   0.0432543386%
OH1709   Springfield Township, Mahoning County, Ohio   0.0039675747%
OH1710   Springfield Township, Richland County, Ohio   0.0177162881%
OH1711   Springfield Township, Ross County, Ohio   0.0053121351%
OH1712   Springfield Township, Summit County, Ohio   0.0469667767%
OH1713   Springfield Township, Williams County, Ohio   0.0004950504%
OH1714   St Albans Township, Ohio   0.0043369348%
OH1715   St Clair Township, Butler County, Ohio   0.0005493458%
OH1716   St Clair Township, Columbiana County, Ohio   0.0167991211%
OH1717   St Marys Township, Ohio   0.0002136628%
OH1718   St. Bernard Village, Ohio   0.0379854367%
OH1719   St. Clairsville City, Ohio   0.0187569954%
OH1720   St. Henry Village, Ohio   0.0014076956%
OH1721   St. Louisville Village, Ohio   0.0003799451%
OH1722   St. Marys City, Ohio   0.0281144576%
OH1723   St. Paris Village, Ohio   0.0038066155%
OH1724   Stafford Village, Ohio   0.0000249362%
OH1725   Stark County, Ohio   1.5315796664%
OH1726   Starr Township, Ohio   0.0001436692%
OH1727   Staunton Township, Ohio   0.0003747763%
OH1728   Sterling Township, Ohio   0.0043408795%
OH1729   Steubenville City, Ohio   0.1367338744%
OH1730   Steubenville Township, Ohio   0.0000318764%
OH1731   Stock Township, Harrison County, Ohio   0.0003339830%
OH1732   Stock Township, Noble County, Ohio   0.0000344955%
OH1733   Stockport Village, Ohio   0.0002249256%
OH1734   Stokes Township, Logan County, Ohio   0.0047782092%
OH1735   Stokes Township, Madison County, Ohio   0.0007615846%
OH1736   Stone Creek Village, Ohio   0.0001379503%
OH1737   Stonelick Township, Ohio   0.0184280231%
OH1738   Stoutsville Village, Ohio   0.0000733307%
OH1739   Stow City, Ohio   0.1475892163%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
OH1740   Strasburg Village, Ohio   0.0032911011%
OH1741   Stratton Village, Ohio   0.0014981914%
OH1742   Streetsboro City, Ohio   0.0206045399%
OH1743   Strongsville City, Ohio   0.0739396664%
OH1744   Struthers City, Ohio   0.0252671862%
OH1745   Stryker Village, Ohio   0.0016737417%
OH1746   Suffield Township, Ohio   0.0026771277%
OH1747   Sugar Bush Knolls Village, Ohio   0.0000982645%
OH1748   Sugar Creek Township, Allen County, Ohio   0.0002727166%
OH1749   Sugar Creek Township, Putnam County, Ohio   0.0001655674%
OH1750   Sugar Creek Township, Wayne County, Ohio   0.0003634054%
OH1751   Sugar Grove Village, Ohio   0.0001955486%
OH1752   Sugarcreek Township, Ohio   0.0470017417%
OH1753   Sugarcreek Village, Ohio   0.0027688605%
OH1754   Sullivan Township, Ohio   0.0017162492%
OH1755   Summerfield Village, Ohio   0.0001212800%
OH1756   Summit Township, Ohio   0.0000062341%
OH1757   Summitville Village, Ohio   0.0004792142%
OH1758   Sunbury Village, Ohio   0.0082323543%
OH1759   Sunfish Township, Ohio   0.0000676034%
OH1760   Swan Creek Township, Ohio   0.0048429959%
OH1761   Swanton Township, Ohio   0.0015012549%
OH1762   Swanton Village, Ohio   0.0072434936%
OH1763   Switzerland Township, Ohio   0.0001807876%
OH1764   Sycamore Township, Hamilton County, Ohio   0.0584269292%
OH1765   Sycamore Township, Wyandot County, Ohio   0.0002766058%
OH1766   Sycamore Village, Ohio   0.0012008738%
OH1767   Sylvania City, Ohio   0.0526622027%
OH1768   Sylvania Township, Ohio   0.1247952267%
OH1769   Symmes Township, Hamilton County, Ohio   0.0305202839%
OH1770   Symmes Township, Lawrence County, Ohio   0.0000521565%
OH1771   Syracuse Village, Ohio   0.0005413001%
OH1772   Tallmadge City, Ohio   0.0580737905%
OH1773   Tarlton Village, Ohio   0.0002242634%
OH1774   Tate Township, Ohio   0.0267197716%
OH1775   Taylor Creek Township, Ohio   0.0001110677%
OH1776   Terrace Park Village, Ohio   0.0056698421%
OH1777   Texas Township, Ohio   0.0002936562%
OH1778   The Village of Indian Hill City, Ohio   0.0264202950%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
OH1779   Thompson Township, Delaware County, Ohio   0.0002474656%
OH1780   Thompson Township, Geauga County, Ohio   0.0022491568%
OH1781   Thorn Township, Ohio   0.0007422882%
OH1782   Thornville Village, Ohio   0.0006131946%
OH1783   Thurston Village, Ohio   0.0013688400%
OH1784   Tiffin City, Ohio   0.0703803061%
OH1785   Tiffin Township, Ohio   0.0005075927%
OH1786   Tiltonsville Village, Ohio   0.0016575735%
OH1787   Timberlake Village, Ohio   0.0023312243%
OH1788   Tipp City, Ohio   0.0376479790%
OH1789   Tiro Village, Ohio   0.0000326285%
OH1790   Toledo City, Ohio   1.0197706186%
OH1791   Tontogany Village, Ohio   0.0001897924%
OH1792   Toronto City, Ohio   0.0279077997%
OH1793   Townsend Township, Huron County, Ohio   0.0006177098%
OH1794   Townsend Township, Sandusky County, Ohio   0.0000271274%
OH1795   Tremont City Village, Ohio   0.0006396354%
OH1796   Trenton City, Ohio   0.0416371797%
OH1797   Trenton Township, Ohio   0.0000577420%
OH1798   Trimble Township, Ohio   0.0023032365%
OH1799   Trimble Village, Ohio   0.0004320101%
OH1800   Trotwood City, Ohio   0.0811683100%
OH1801   Troy City, Ohio   0.0899917302%
OH1802   Troy Township, Ashland County, Ohio   0.0002358826%
OH1803   Troy Township, Athens County, Ohio   0.0008754383%
OH1804   Troy Township, Geauga County, Ohio   0.0026032794%
OH1805   Troy Township, Richland County, Ohio   0.0034790294%
OH1806   Troy Township, Wood County, Ohio   0.0027734180%
OH1807   Trumbull County, Ohio   2.0203599712%
OH1808   Trumbull Township, Ohio   0.0006457459%
OH1809   Truro Township, Ohio   0.0493339720%
OH1810   Tully Township, Ohio   0.0007929647%
OH1811   Turtle Creek Township, Ohio   0.0003372090%
OH1812   Turtlecreek Township, Ohio   0.0071325956%
OH1813   Tuscarawas County, Ohio   0.3721703206%
OH1814   Tuscarawas Township, Ohio   0.0020979323%
OH1815   Tuscarawas Village, Ohio   0.0003842902%
OH1816   Twin Township, Darke County, Ohio   0.0003813690%
OH1817   Twin Township, Ross County, Ohio   0.0052531114%
OH1818   Twinsburg City, Ohio   0.0833508485%
OH1819   Tymochtee Township, Ohio   0.0003170847%
OH1820   Uhrichsville City, Ohio   0.0101787647%
OH1821   Union City Village, Ohio   0.0076150778%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
OH1822   Union City, Ohio   0.0198982889%
OH1823   Union County, Ohio   0.3002174205%
OH1824   Union Township, Auglaize County, Ohio   0.0001691497%
OH1825   Union Township, Carroll County, Ohio   0.0000762536%
OH1826   Union Township, Champaign County, Ohio   0.0000211479%
OH1827   Union Township, Clermont County,   0.3185341547%
OH1828   Union Township, Clinton County, Ohio   0.0085869431%
OH1829   Union Township, Fayette County, Ohio   0.0014043033%
OH1830   Union Township, Highland County, Ohio   0.0112248527%
OH1831   Union Township, Lawrence County, Ohio   0.0011822137%
OH1832   Union Township, Licking County, Ohio   0.0076823054%
OH1833   Union Township, Logan County, Ohio   0.0001197046%
OH1834   Union Township, Mercer County, Ohio   0.0004692319%
OH1835   Union Township, Miami County, Ohio   0.0038499743%
OH1836   Union Township, Muskingum County, Ohio   0.0003209896%
OH1837   Union Township, Pike County, Ohio   0.0001098555%
OH1838   Union Township, Ross County, Ohio   0.0119227921%
OH1839   Union Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio   0.0002167791%
OH1840   Union Township, Union County, Ohio   0.0002502189%
OH1841   Union Township, Van Wert County, Ohio   0.0002973617%
OH1842   Union Township, Warren County, Ohio   0.0079936267%
OH1843   Unionville Center Village, Ohio   0.0001475046%
OH1844   Uniopolis Village, Ohio   0.0002492732%
OH1845   Unity Township, Ohio   0.0000798690%
OH1846   University Heights City, Ohio   0.0306916388%
OH1847   Upper Arlington City, Ohio   0.1198448950%
OH1848   Upper Sandusky City, Ohio   0.0108550896%
OH1849   Upper Township, Ohio   0.0007475763%
OH1850   Urbana City, Ohio   0.0575116162%
OH1851   Urbancrest Village, Ohio   0.0003436577%
OH1852   Utica Village, Ohio   0.0044986588%
OH1853   Valley Hi Village, Ohio   0.0001316045%
OH1854   Valley Township, Guernsey County, Ohio   0.0005439160%
OH1855   Valley Township, Scioto County, Ohio   0.0018196842%
OH1856   Valley View Village, Ohio   0.0158831601%
OH1857   Valleyview Village, Ohio   0.0016037359%

Van Buren Township, Darke County, Ohio








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
OH1859   Van Buren Township, Putnam County, Ohio   0.0002317943%
OH1860   Van Buren Township, Shelby County, Ohio   0.0003904525%
OH1861   Van Buren Village, Ohio   0.0001188906%
OH1862   Van Wert City, Ohio   0.0528808311%
OH1863   Van Wert County, Ohio   0.1122540604%
OH1864   Vandalia City, Ohio   0.0967305650%
OH1865   Vanlue Village, Ohio   0.0001114793%
OH1866   Venedocia Village, Ohio   0.0000371702%
OH1867   Venice Township, Ohio   0.0000100271%
OH1868   Vermilion City, Ohio   0.0432196320%
OH1869   Vermilion Township, Ohio   0.0012778552%
OH1870   Vermillion Township, Ohio   0.0004880329%
OH1871   Vernon Township, Crawford County, Ohio   0.0000108762%
OH1872   Vernon Township, Scioto County, Ohio   0.0038952614%
OH1873   Vernon Township, Trumbull County, Ohio   0.0006308563%
OH1874   Verona Village, Ohio   0.0012373333%
OH1875   Versailles Village, Ohio   0.0100017096%
OH1876   Vienna Township, Ohio   0.0042113922%
OH1877   Vinton County, Ohio   0.1090168446%
OH1878   Vinton Township, Ohio   0.0001170406%
OH1879   Vinton Village, Ohio   0.0005060807%
OH1880   Violet Township, Ohio   0.0621844457%
OH1881   Virginia Township, Ohio   0.0000841915%
OH1882   Wabash Township, Ohio   0.0000492089%
OH1883   Wadsworth City, Ohio   0.0760959559%
OH1884   Waite Hill Village, Ohio   0.0053068521%
OH1885   Wakeman Village, Ohio   0.0018119487%
OH1886   Walbridge Village, Ohio   0.0029019871%
OH1887   Waldo Township, Ohio   0.0000743838%
OH1888   Waldo Village, Ohio   0.0004160980%
OH1889   Walnut Township, Fairfield County, Ohio   0.0087100593%
OH1890   Walnut Township, Gallia County, Ohio   0.0001499498%
OH1891   Walton Hills Village, Ohio   0.0099526568%
OH1892   Wapakoneta City, Ohio   0.0275268850%
OH1893   Ward Township, Ohio   0.0001486233%
OH1894   Warren City, Ohio   0.3520178232%
OH1895   Warren County, Ohio   1.0504230532%
OH1896   Warren Township, Belmont County, Ohio   0.0000984250%
OH1897   Warren Township, Jefferson County, Ohio   0.0004303316%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
OH1898   Warren Township, Trumbull County, Ohio   0.0001534515%
OH1899   Warren Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio   0.0002069255%
OH1900   Warren Township, Washington County, Ohio   0.0008773149%
OH1901   Warrensville Heights City, Ohio   0.0361164097%
OH1902   Warsaw Village, Ohio   0.0003911414%
OH1903   Warwick Township, Ohio   0.0008474093%
OH1904   Washington County, Ohio   0.3325608246%
OH1905   Washington Court House City, Ohio   0.0376016242%
OH1906   Washington Township, Auglaize County, Ohio   0.0023680955%
OH1907   Washington Township, Belmont County, Ohio   0.0000843643%
OH1908   Washington Township, Brown County, Ohio   0.0011782387%
OH1909   Washington Township, Carroll County, Ohio   0.0002178675%
OH1910   Washington Township, Clermont County, Ohio   0.0305984481%
OH1911   Washington Township, Clinton County, Ohio   0.0029440948%
OH1912   Washington Township, Columbiana County, Ohio   0.0006256408%
OH1913   Washington Township, Coshocton County, Ohio   0.0000841915%
OH1914   Washington Township, Darke County, Ohio   0.0003198579%
OH1915   Washington Township, Defiance County, Ohio   0.0003531079%
OH1916   Washington Township, Franklin County, Ohio   0.1225330619%
OH1917   Washington Township, Guernsey County, Ohio   0.0000951853%
OH1918   Washington Township, Hancock County, Ohio   0.0008925122%
OH1919   Washington Township, Harrison County, Ohio   0.0003339830%
OH1920   Washington Township, Henry County, Ohio   0.0002571801%
OH1921   Washington Township, Highland County, Ohio   0.0004065339%
OH1922   Washington Township, Hocking County, Ohio   0.0002427514%
OH1923   Washington Township, Holmes County, Ohio   0.0000261741%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
OH1924   Washington Township, Jackson County, Ohio   0.0003315132%
OH1925   Washington Township, Lawrence County, Ohio   0.0000695420%
OH1926   Washington Township, Licking County, Ohio   0.0008154920%
OH1927   Washington Township, Logan County, Ohio   0.0017756185%

Washington Township, Lucas County, Ohio

OH1929   Washington Township, Mercer County, Ohio   0.0001173080%
OH1930   Washington Township, Miami County, Ohio   0.0009766897%
OH1931   Washington Township, Monroe County, Ohio   0.0000062341%
OH1932   Washington Township, Montgomery County, Ohio   0.1316317394%
OH1933   Washington Township, Morrow County, Ohio   0.0002420690%
OH1934   Washington Township, Muskingum County, Ohio   0.0014845767%
OH1935   Washington Township, Paulding County, Ohio   0.0000402008%
OH1936   Washington Township, Pickaway County, Ohio   0.0003983733%
OH1937   Washington Township, Preble County, Ohio   0.0006874604%
OH1938   Washington Township, Richland County, Ohio   0.0012132000%
OH1939   Washington Township, Sandusky County, Ohio   0.0006510581%
OH1940   Washington Township, Scioto County, Ohio   0.0113445935%
OH1941   Washington Township, Shelby County, Ohio   0.0000798653%
OH1942   Washington Township, Stark County, Ohio   0.0006531299%
OH1943   Washington Township, Wood County, Ohio   0.0002265264%
OH1944   Washingtonville Village, Ohio   0.0014015930%
OH1945   Waterford Township, Ohio   0.0050048725%
OH1946   Waterloo Township, Ohio   0.0006670006%
OH1947   Watertown Township, Ohio   0.0001503968%
OH1948   Waterville City, Ohio   0.0124831621%
OH1949   Waterville Township, Ohio   0.0015558460%
OH1950   Wauseon City, Ohio   0.0277126990%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
OH1951   Waverly Village, Ohio   0.0077490360%
OH1952   Wayne County, Ohio   0.2257675097%
OH1953   Wayne Lakes Village, Ohio   0.0075166600%
OH1954   Wayne Township, Adams County, Ohio   0.0012649279%

Wayne Township, Ashtabula County, Ohio

OH1956   Wayne Township, Auglaize County, Ohio   0.0004273255%
OH1957   Wayne Township, Belmont County, Ohio   0.0000562429%
OH1958   Wayne Township, Butler County, Ohio   0.0007432325%
OH1959   Wayne Township, Champaign County, Ohio   0.0014909244%
OH1960   Wayne Township, Clermont County, Ohio   0.0020513889%
OH1961   Wayne Township, Clinton County, Ohio   0.0002007337%
OH1962   Wayne Township, Columbiana County, Ohio   0.0005990178%
OH1963   Wayne Township, Darke County, Ohio   0.0000369067%
OH1964   Wayne Township, Fayette County, Ohio   0.0001404303%
OH1965   Wayne Township, Jefferson County, Ohio   0.0021038433%
OH1966   Wayne Township, Monroe County, Ohio   0.0000062341%
OH1967   Wayne Township, Muskingum County, Ohio   0.0001404329%
OH1968   Wayne Township, Noble County, Ohio   0.0000862387%
OH1969   Wayne Township, Pickaway County, Ohio   0.0000437239%
OH1970   Wayne Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio   0.0003941438%
OH1971   Wayne Township, Warren County, Ohio   0.0038164622%
OH1972   Wayne Village, Ohio   0.0008081483%
OH1973   Waynesburg Village, Ohio   0.0012073007%
OH1974   Waynesfield Village, Ohio   0.0007567223%
OH1975   Waynesville Village, Ohio   0.0046309511%
OH1976   Weathersfield Township, Ohio   0.0249955502%
OH1977   Weller Township, Ohio   0.0004460294%
OH1978   Wellington Village, Ohio   0.0164981765%
OH1979   Wells Township, Ohio   0.0100888848%
OH1980   Wellston City, Ohio   0.0406103723%
OH1981   Wellsville Village, Ohio   0.0125660620%
OH1982   Wesley Township, Ohio   0.0001253307%
OH1983   West Alexandria Village, Ohio   0.0099845432%
OH1984   West Carrollton City, Ohio   0.0603546931%
OH1985   West Chester Township, Ohio   0.3737167118%
OH1986   West Elkton Village, Ohio   0.0026843690%
OH1987   West Farmington Village, Ohio   0.0001875519%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
OH1988   West Jefferson Village, Ohio   0.0159155640%
OH1989   West Lafayette Village, Ohio   0.0026252451%
OH1990   West Leipsic Village, Ohio   0.0002152376%
OH1991   West Liberty Village, Ohio   0.0035013600%
OH1992   West Manchester Village, Ohio   0.0025206880%
OH1993   West Mansfield Village, Ohio   0.0000798031%
OH1994   West Millgrove Village, Ohio   0.0001102020%
OH1995   West Milton Village, Ohio   0.0098350376%
OH1996   West Rushville Village, Ohio   0.0001070525%
OH1997   West Salem Village, Ohio   0.0004987159%
OH1998   West Township, Ohio   0.0005857063%
OH1999   West Union Village, Ohio   0.0111998820%
OH2000   West Unity Village, Ohio   0.0014694352%
OH2001   Westerville City, Ohio   0.2122517954%
OH2002   Westfield Center Village, Ohio   0.0015469538%
OH2003   Westfield Township, Ohio   0.0022200558%
OH2004   Westlake City, Ohio   0.0470647273%
OH2005   Westland Township, Ohio   0.0000407937%
OH2006   Weston Township, Ohio   0.0001040797%
OH2007   Weston Village, Ohio   0.0009305950%
OH2008   Wharton Village, Ohio   0.0000269859%
OH2009   Wheeling Township, Belmont County, Ohio   0.0005343072%
OH2010   Wheeling Township, Guernsey County, Ohio   0.0000407937%
OH2011   Whetstone Township, Ohio   0.0003262846%
OH2012   White Eyes Township, Ohio   0.0001913444%
OH2013   Whitehall City, Ohio   0.0708163966%
OH2014   Whitehouse Village, Ohio   0.0191159792%
OH2015   Whitewater Township, Ohio   0.0072647461%
OH2016   Wickliffe City, Ohio   0.0543194216%
OH2017   Wilkesville Township, Ohio   0.0005461896%
OH2018   Wilkesville Village, Ohio   0.0001034151%
OH2019   Willard City, Ohio   0.0338504955%
OH2020   Williams County, Ohio   0.1507467614%
OH2021   Williamsburg Township, Ohio   0.0138253270%
OH2022   Williamsburg Village, Ohio   0.0064127452%
OH2023   Williamsfield Township, Ohio   0.0004696334%
OH2024   Williamsport Village, Ohio   0.0004226644%
OH2025   Willoughby City, Ohio   0.1356374532%
OH2026   Willoughby Hills City, Ohio   0.0528410843%
OH2027   Willowick City, Ohio   0.0540256495%
OH2028   Wills Township, Ohio   0.0001087832%
OH2029   Willshire Village, Ohio   0.0006690639%
OH2030   Wilmington City, Ohio   0.1278227818%
OH2031   Wilmot Village, Ohio   0.0024343932%
OH2032   Wilson Township, Ohio   0.0006914162%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
OH2033   Wilson Village, Ohio   0.0001415832%
OH2034   Winchester Village, Ohio   0.0033994936%
OH2035   Windham Township, Ohio   0.0001218723%
OH2036   Windham Village, Ohio   0.0030305573%
OH2037   Windsor Township, Ashtabula County, Ohio   0.0006340051%
OH2038   Windsor Township, Lawrence County, Ohio   0.0007128053%

Windsor Township, Morgan County, Ohio

OH2040   Wintersville Village, Ohio   0.0169582518%
OH2041   Wood County, Ohio   0.6017827347%
OH2042   Woodlawn Village, Ohio   0.0240822158%
OH2043   Woodmere Village, Ohio   0.0007072352%
OH2044   Woodsfield Village, Ohio   0.0011221301%
OH2045   Woodstock Village, Ohio   0.0001517571%
OH2046   Woodville Township, Ohio   0.0019622167%
OH2047   Woodville Village, Ohio   0.0034270973%
OH2048   Wooster City, Ohio   0.4046402646%
OH2049   Wooster Township, Ohio   0.0017358405%
OH2050   Worthington City, Ohio   0.0819890902%
OH2051   Worthington Township, Ohio   0.0017573559%
OH2052   Wren Village, Ohio   0.0008301349%
OH2053   Wyandot County, Ohio   0.0959147354%
OH2054   Wyoming City, Ohio   0.0220280462%
OH2055   Xenia City, Ohio   0.1268376308%
OH2056   Xenia Township, Ohio   0.0075532986%
OH2057   Yankee Lake Village, Ohio   0.0000341003%
OH2058   Yellow Creek Township, Ohio   0.0010782320%
OH2059   Yellow Springs Village, Ohio   0.0142295064%
OH2060   York Township, Athens County, Ohio   0.0005523599%
OH2061   York Township, Fulton County, Ohio   0.0061882726%
OH2062   York Township, Medina County, Ohio   0.0023145263%
OH2063   York Township, Sandusky County, Ohio   0.0006239306%
OH2064   York Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio   0.0007784341%
OH2065   York Township, Van Wert County, Ohio   0.0001115107%
OH2066   Yorkshire Village, Ohio   0.0007627380%
OH2067   Yorkville Village, Ohio   0.0011795516%
OH2068   Youngstown City, Ohio   0.5751891038%
OH2069   Zaleski Village, Ohio   0.0000780271%
OH2070   Zane Township, Ohio   0.0012568985%
OH2071   Zanesfield Village, Ohio   0.0001257699%
OH2072   Zanesville City, Ohio   0.1371227251%
OH2073   Zoar Village, Ohio   0.0002364863%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only 


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
OR1   Albany City, Oregon   1.1574421234%
OR2   Ashland City, Oregon   0.5725593238%
OR3   Astoria City, Oregon   0.1859283065%
OR4   Baker County, Oregon   0.4771636205%
OR5   Beaverton City, Oregon   0.9709676029%
OR6   Bend City, Oregon   0.9443519043%
OR7   Benton County, Oregon   1.0219885306%
OR8   Canby City, Oregon   0.1716812437%
OR9   Central Point City, Oregon   0.1718730043%
OR10   Clackamas County, Oregon   7.7713142577%
OR11   Clatsop County, Oregon   1.1423692099%
OR12   Columbia County, Oregon   1.0096699413%
OR13   Coos Bay City, Oregon   0.2538945929%
OR14   Coos County, Oregon   1.5633002470%
OR15   Cornelius City, Oregon   0.0949750265%
OR16   Corvallis City, Oregon   0.6633711425%
OR17   Cottage Grove City, Oregon   0.0910229575%
OR18   Crook County, Oregon   0.3513229911%
OR19   Curry County, Oregon   0.7612961295%
OR20   Dallas City, Oregon   0.1606964683%
OR21   Deschutes County, Oregon   2.2569753600%
OR22   Douglas County, Oregon   2.5689481047%
OR23   Eugene City, Oregon   2.7611039932%
OR24   Forest Grove City, Oregon   0.2522169415%
OR26   Gladstone City, Oregon   0.1181360032%
OR28   Grants Pass City, Oregon   0.8232581895%
OR29   Gresham City, Oregon   0.9831942718%
OR30   Happy Valley City, Oregon   0.0103506009%
OR32   Hermiston City, Oregon   0.1316304314%
OR33   Hillsboro City, Oregon   1.5083519364%
OR34   Hood River County, Oregon   0.3553687498%
OR35   Independence City, Oregon   0.0808970601%
OR36   Jackson County, Oregon   4.0769510640%
OR37   Jefferson County, Oregon   0.3674692915%
OR38   Josephine County, Oregon   1.6536523798%
OR39   Keizer City, Oregon   0.1916558451%
OR40   Klamath County, Oregon   1.2169628601%
OR41   Klamath Falls City, Oregon   0.3209275214%
OR42   La Grande City, Oregon   0.2715648669%
OR44   Lake Oswego City, Oregon   0.6934160342%
OR45   Lane County, Oregon   6.3326808234%
OR46   Lebanon City, Oregon   0.3269345282%
OR47   Lincoln County, Oregon   1.5190343268%
OR48   Linn County, Oregon   1.8185376689%
OR49   Malheur County, Oregon   0.5014027023%
OR50   Marion County, Oregon   4.1636475308%
OR51   McMinnville City, Oregon   0.4803592635%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only 


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
OR52   Medford City, Oregon   1.5540758598%
OR53   Milwaukie City, Oregon   0.2113647118%
OR54   Monmouth City, Oregon   0.0706960930%
OR55   Morrow County, Oregon   0.1351544937%
OR56   Multnomah County, Oregon   13.9643815662%
OR57   Newberg City, Oregon   0.4093257361%
OR58   Newport City, Oregon   0.1908392623%
OR59   Ontario City, Oregon   0.1869780182%
OR60   Oregon City, Oregon   0.2765040475%
OR61   Pendleton City, Oregon   0.3521049458%
OR62   Polk County, Oregon   0.7074299681%
OR63   Portland City, Oregon   8.2736702858%
OR64   Prineville City, Oregon   0.0924861843%
OR65   Redmond City, Oregon   0.1550311086%
OR66   Roseburg City, Oregon   0.6370799877%
OR67   Salem City, Oregon   3.0438221421%
OR68   Sandy City, Oregon   0.0775015682%
OR70   Sherwood City, Oregon   0.1404204928%
OR71   Silverton City, Oregon   0.0775630731%
OR72   Springfield City, Oregon   1.1667234659%
OR73   St. Helens City, Oregon   0.1964453077%
OR74   The Dalles City, Oregon   0.1723418738%
OR75   Tigard City, Oregon   0.5049875956%
OR76   Tillamook County, Oregon   0.9001228870%
OR77   Troutdale City, Oregon   0.0899929610%
OR78   Tualatin City, Oregon   0.1551565618%
OR79   Umatilla County, Oregon   0.9738633884%
OR80   Union County, Oregon   0.4153841374%
OR82   Wasco County, Oregon   0.4116278731%
OR83   Washington County, Oregon   7.2167622210%
OR84   West Linn City, Oregon   0.1600504983%
OR86   Wilsonville City, Oregon   0.1383351396%
OR87   Woodburn City, Oregon   0.2069349266%
OR88   Yamhill County, Oregon   1.4120246444%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only 


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
PA2   Adams County, Pennsylvania   Allocations in
Pennsylvania will be
made in accordance
with the
Pennsylvania Trust
and Allocation
PA5   Allegheny County, Pennsylvania  
PA6   Allentown City, Pennsylvania  
PA10   Armstrong County, Pennsylvania  
PA13   Beaver County, Pennsylvania  
PA14   Bedford County, Pennsylvania  
PA15   Bensalem Township, Pennsylvania  
PA16   Berks County, Pennsylvania  
PA20   Blair County, Pennsylvania  
PA22   Bradford County, Pennsylvania  
PA23   Bristol Township, Pennsylvania  
PA25   Bucks County, Pennsylvania  
PA27   Butler County, Pennsylvania  
PA30   Cambria County, Pennsylvania  
PA31   Cameron County, Pennsylvania  
PA32   Carbon County, Pennsylvania  
PA36   Centre County, Pennsylvania  
PA40   Chester County, Pennsylvania  
PA42   Clarion County, Pennsylvania  
PA43   Clearfield County, Pennsylvania  
PA44   Clinton County, Pennsylvania  
PA46   Coatesville City, Pennsylvania  
PA49   Columbia County, Pennsylvania  
PA53   Crawford County, Pennsylvania  
PA54   Cumberland County, Pennsylvania  
PA57   Dauphin County, Pennsylvania  
PA58   Delaware County, Pennsylvania  
PA76   Edwardsville Borough, Pennsylvania  
PA79   Elk County, Pennsylvania  
PA84   Erie County, Pennsylvania  
PA85   Exeter Borough, Pennsylvania  
PA90   Fayette County, Pennsylvania  
PA92   Forest County, Pennsylvania  
PA94   Forty Fort Borough, Pennsylvania  
PA96   Franklin County, Pennsylvania  
PA98   Fulton County, Pennsylvania  
PA99   Greene County, Pennsylvania  
PA107   Hanover Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania  
PA114   Hazleton City, Pennsylvania  
PA120   Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania  
PA122   Indiana County, Pennsylvania  
PA123   Jefferson County, Pennsylvania  
PA126   Juniata County, Pennsylvania  
PA127   Kingston Borough, Pennsylvania  
PA128   Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania  
PA130   Lancaster County, Pennsylvania  







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only 


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
PA134   Lawrence County, Pennsylvania   Allocations in
Pennsylvania will be
made in accordance
with the
Pennsylvania Trust
and Allocation
PA136   Lebanon County, Pennsylvania  
PA137   Lehigh County, Pennsylvania  
PA141   Lock Haven City, Pennsylvania  
PA147   Lower Makefield Township, Pennsylvania  
PA155   Lower Southampton Township, Pennsylvania  
PA157   Luzerne County, Pennsylvania  
PA158   Lycoming County, Pennsylvania  
PA164   McKean County, Pennsylvania  
PA167   Mercer County, Pennsylvania  
PA169   Middletown Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania  
PA171   Mifflin County, Pennsylvania  
PA174   Monroe County, Pennsylvania  
PA176   Montgomery County, Pennsylvania  
PA178   Montour County, Pennsylvania  
PA180   Morrisville Borough, Pennsylvania  
PA187   Nanticoke City, Pennsylvania  
PA195   Newtown Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania  
PA197   Norristown Borough, Pennsylvania  
PA205   Northampton County, Pennsylvania  
PA207   Northumberland County, Pennsylvania  
PA213   Perry County, Pennsylvania  
PA215   Philadelphia City, Pennsylvania  
PA217   Pike County, Pennsylvania  
PA219   Pittsburgh City, Pennsylvania  
PA220   Plains Township, Pennsylvania  
PA225   Potter County, Pennsylvania  
PA241   Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania  
PA248   Snyder County, Pennsylvania  
PA249   Somerset County, Pennsylvania  
PA265   Sugar Notch Borough, Pennsylvania  
PA266   Sullivan County, Pennsylvania  
PA267   Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania  
PA270   Tioga County, Pennsylvania  
PA273   Union County, Pennsylvania  
PA290   Venango County, Pennsylvania  
PA291   Warminster Township, Pennsylvania  
PA292   Warren County, Pennsylvania  
PA293   Warrington Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania  
PA297   Washington County, Pennsylvania  
PA299   Wayne County, Pennsylvania  
PA310   West Norriton Township, Pennsylvania  







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only 


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
PA311   West Pittston Borough, Pennsylvania   Allocations in
Pennsylvania will be
made in accordance
with the
Pennsylvania Trust
and Allocation
PA313   Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania  
PA320   Wilkes Barre Township, Pennsylvania  
PA321   Wilkes-Barre City, Pennsylvania  
PA327   Wright Township, Pennsylvania  
PA328   Wyoming Borough, Pennsylvania  
PA329   Wyoming County, Pennsylvania  
PA333   York County, Pennsylvania  
PA335   Fairview Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania  
PA336   District Attorney of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania  
PA337   District Attorney of Berks County, Pennsylvania  
PA338   District Attorney of Bucks County, Pennsylvania  
PA339   District Attorney of Chester County, Pennsylvania  
PA340   District Attorney of Clearfield County, Pennsylvania  
PA341   District Attorney of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania  
PA342   District Attorney of Delaware County, Pennsylvania  
PA343   District Attorney of Erie County, Pennsylvania  
PA344   District Attorney of Lehigh County, Pennsylvania  
PA345   District Attorney of Northampton County, Pennsylvania  
PA346   District Attorney of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania  
PA347   District Attorney of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania  







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only 


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
PR1   Adjuntas, Puerto Rico   0.4468461493%
PR2   Aguada, Puerto Rico   0.9238661758%
PR3   Aguadilla, Puerto Rico   1.6156167759%
PR4   Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico   0.7490858028%
PR5   Aibonito, Puerto Rico   0.7959428477%
PR6   Anasco, Puerto Rico   0.5050154853%
PR7   Arecibo, Puerto Rico   1.3074850692%
PR8   Arroyo, Puerto Rico   2.0592191012%
PR9   Barceloneta, Puerto Rico   0.5768569406%
PR10   Barranquitas, Puerto Rico   0.7167107056%
PR11   Bayamon, Puerto Rico   5.7282390971%
PR12   Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico   1.1570847420%
PR13   Caguas, Puerto Rico   4.7119895861%
PR14   Camuy, Puerto Rico   0.7759381807%
PR15   Canovanas, Puerto Rico   1.0721780377%
PR16   Carolina, Puerto Rico   4.3228006165%
PR17   Catano, Puerto Rico   0.7612066695%
PR18   Cayey, Puerto Rico   1.3596493469%
PR19   Ceiba, Puerto Rico   0.2896687707%
PR20   Ciales, Puerto Rico   0.4533215195%
PR21   Cidra, Puerto Rico   1.1671492158%
PR22   Coamo, Puerto Rico   0.9970822347%
PR23   Comerio, Puerto Rico   0.5268640655%
PR24   Corozal, Puerto Rico   0.8595048594%
PR25   Culebra, Puerto Rico   0.0380175870%
PR26   Dorado, Puerto Rico   0.8970759382%
PR27   Fajardo, Puerto Rico   1.1102770585%
PR28   Florida, Puerto Rico   0.2695408253%
PR29   Guanica, Puerto Rico   0.4269617539%
PR30   Guayama, Puerto Rico   1.3293151076%
PR31   Guayanilla, Puerto Rico   0.4886780984%
PR32   Guaynabo, Puerto Rico   2.3185934725%
PR33   Gurabo, Puerto Rico   0.9866291335%
PR34   Hatillo, Puerto Rico   1.0577790273%
PR35   Hormigueros, Puerto Rico   0.3963005262%
PR36   Humacao, Puerto Rico   1.8829438530%
PR37   Isabela, Puerto Rico   1.0062900243%
PR38   Jayuya, Puerto Rico   0.3757431113%
PR39   Juana Diaz, Puerto Rico   1.7179648597%
PR40   Juncos, Puerto Rico   0.9543672919%
PR41   Lajas, Puerto Rico   0.5633742491%
PR42   Lares, Puerto Rico   0.6852103333%
PR43   Las Marias, Puerto Rico   0.2285582941%
PR44   Las Piedras, Puerto Rico   0.8440153869%
PR45   Loiza, Puerto Rico   0.7971240145%
PR46   Luquillo, Puerto Rico   0.5035020683%
PR47   Manati, Puerto Rico   1.3858134207%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only 


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
PR48   Maricao, Puerto Rico   0.1311593846%
PR49   Maunabo, Puerto Rico   0.2983734242%
PR50   Mayaguez, Puerto Rico   2.7384221211%
PR51   Moca, Puerto Rico   0.9400143856%
PR52   Morovis, Puerto Rico   0.7678286207%
PR53   Naguabo, Puerto Rico   0.6776685553%
PR54   Naranjito, Puerto Rico   0.6713715879%
PR55   Orocovis, Puerto Rico   0.5209419444%
PR56   Patillas, Puerto Rico   0.4307397840%
PR57   Penuelas, Puerto Rico   0.5782731381%
PR58   Ponce, Puerto Rico   5.1762853836%
PR59   Quebradillas, Puerto Rico   0.6086201563%
PR60   Rincon, Puerto Rico   0.3607312171%
PR61   Rio Grande, Puerto Rico   1.2995118170%
PR62   Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico   0.5625075422%
PR63   Salinas, Puerto Rico   0.8069301551%
PR64   San German, Puerto Rico   0.9914753253%
PR65   San Juan, Puerto Rico   13.8003700360%
PR66   San Lorenzo, Puerto Rico   1.0322446251%
PR67   San Sebastian, Puerto Rico   0.9222442638%
PR68   Santa Isabel, Puerto Rico   0.5210354055%
PR69   Toa Alta, Puerto Rico   1.7552873773%
PR70   Toa Baja, Puerto Rico   2.1783919223%
PR71   Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico   1.9136501824%
PR72   Utuado, Puerto Rico   0.7718304061%
PR73   Vega Alta, Puerto Rico   0.9338331796%
PR74   Vega Baja, Puerto Rico   1.6886509241%
PR75   Vieques, Puerto Rico   0.1979351524%
PR76   Villalba, Puerto Rico   0.5576736281%
PR77   Yabucoa, Puerto Rico   0.8842993409%
PR78   Yauco, Puerto Rico   1.1383015829%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision

Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only 


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
RI1   Barrington Town, Rhode Island   2.3000539202%
RI2   Bristol Town, Rhode Island   1.0821868960%
RI3   Burrillville Town, Rhode Island   1.3272036109%
RI4   Central Falls City, Rhode Island   0.9147584689%
RI5   Charlestown, Rhode Island   0.5887860100%
RI6   Coventry Town, Rhode Island   3.5886939036%
RI7   Cranston City, Rhode Island   7.8869595262%
RI8   Cumberland Town, Rhode Island   2.4742003754%
RI9   East Greenwich Town, Rhode Island   1.7467671439%
RI10   East Providence City, Rhode Island   4.3247728580%
RI11   Exeter Town, Rhode Island   0.0071810640%
RI12   Foster Town, Rhode Island   0.2489021533%
RI13   Glocester Town, Rhode Island   0.8508469130%
RI14   Hopkinton Town, Rhode Island   0.7098006614%
RI15   Jamestown, Rhode Island   0.4220295287%
RI16   Johnston Town, Rhode Island   3.0898685140%
RI17   Lincoln Town, Rhode Island   2.1171973520%
RI18   Little Compton Town, Rhode Island   0.2663017745%
RI19   Middletown, Rhode Island   1.2877439601%
RI20   Narragansett Town, Rhode Island   1.2760123800%
RI21   New Shoreham Town, Rhode Island   0.2118269375%
RI22   Newport City, Rhode Island   2.3339316695%
RI23   North Kingstown, Rhode Island   2.6500524514%
RI24   North Providence Town, Rhode Island   2.5306229398%
RI25   North Smithfield Town, Rhode Island   1.1299013506%
RI26   Pawtucket City, Rhode Island   5.9652217345%
RI27   Portsmouth Town, Rhode Island   1.2807429020%
RI28   Providence City, Rhode Island   21.4858080262%
RI29   Richmond Town, Rhode Island   0.0818789542%
RI30   Scituate Town, Rhode Island   1.0248588645%
RI31   Smithfield Town, Rhode Island   1.7724673574%
RI32   South Kingstown, Rhode Island   2.3282747894%
RI33   Tiverton Town, Rhode Island   0.9907730639%
RI34   Warren Town, Rhode Island   0.1394116029%
RI35   Warwick City, Rhode Island   9.9418184427%
RI36   West Greenwich Town, Rhode Island   0.7104734659%
RI37   West Warwick Town, Rhode Island   3.0239943495%
RI38   Westerly Town, Rhode Island   2.0135754535%
RI39   Woonsocket City, Rhode Island   3.8740986306%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation
SC1  Abbeville County, South Carolina  0.3350059823%
SC2  Aiken City, South Carolina  0.7838026892%
SC3  Aiken County, South Carolina  2.5661670597%
SC4  Allendale County, South Carolina  0.1220441823%
SC5  Anderson City, South Carolina  1.1735303052%
SC6  Anderson County, South Carolina  3.3392231904%
SC7  Bamberg County, South Carolina  0.2705913372%
SC8  Barnwell County, South Carolina  0.4653224769%
SC9  Beaufort City, South Carolina  0.0769982478%
SC10  Beaufort County, South Carolina  2.3364418352%
SC11  Berkeley County, South Carolina  2.0961440294%
SC12  Bluffton Town, South Carolina  0.0481968917%
SC13  Calhoun County, South Carolina  0.1833260393%
SC14  Cayce City, South Carolina  0.2572136960%
SC15  Charleston City, South Carolina  2.3004340552%
SC16  Charleston County, South Carolina  3.8016438488%
SC17  Cherokee County, South Carolina  0.9440700745%
SC18  Chester City, South Carolina  0.1299573133%
SC19  Chester County, South Carolina  0.3947965211%
SC20  Chesterfield County, South Carolina  0.9443488664%
SC21  Clarendon County, South Carolina  0.5705383575%
SC22  Clemson City, South Carolina  0.3311616877%
SC23  Colleton County, South Carolina  0.8589365535%
SC24  Columbia City, South Carolina  2.3918060702%
SC25  Conway City, South Carolina  0.2894739402%
SC26  Darlington County, South Carolina  1.6906462867%
SC27  Dillon County, South Carolina  0.6608411417%
SC28  Dorchester County, South Carolina  1.6015765975%
SC29  Easley City, South Carolina  0.8565835771%
SC30  Edgefield County, South Carolina  0.3586097074%
SC31  Fairfield County, South Carolina  0.3536421891%
SC32  Florence City, South Carolina  1.0065336904%
SC33  Florence County, South Carolina  2.2059006272%
SC34  Forest Acres City, South Carolina  0.0995929056%
SC35  Fort Mill Town, South Carolina  0.1714974802%
SC36  Fountain Inn City, South Carolina  0.1975697094%
SC37  Gaffney City, South Carolina  0.2044353782%
SC38  Georgetown City, South Carolina  0.2626233562%
SC39  Georgetown County, South Carolina  1.1895098900%
SC40  Goose Creek City, South Carolina  0.5473575768%
SC41  Greenville City, South Carolina  2.2705648395%
SC42  Greenville County, South Carolina  7.1502328364%
SC43  Greenwood City, South Carolina  0.0308220618%
SC44  Greenwood County, South Carolina  1.3388944490%
SC45  Greer City, South Carolina  0.5590564672%
SC46  Hampton County, South Carolina  0.3450376919%
SC47  Hanahan City, South Carolina  0.2279684840%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation
SC48  Hilton Head Island Town, South Carolina  0.2323878458%
SC49  Horry County, South Carolina  5.2166718879%
SC50  Irmo Town, South Carolina  0.0942740906%
SC51  James Island Town, South Carolina  0.0461551887%
SC52  Jasper County, South Carolina  0.4278548317%
SC53  Kershaw County, South Carolina  1.0780892823%
SC54  Lancaster County, South Carolina  1.4809282603%
SC55  Laurens County, South Carolina  1.3598442946%
SC56  Lee County, South Carolina  0.2176621820%
SC57  Lexington County, South Carolina  4.4881391605%
SC58  Lexington Town, South Carolina  0.2342104062%
SC59  Marion County, South Carolina  0.6973242307%
SC60  Marlboro County, South Carolina  0.4878238042%
SC61  Mauldin City, South Carolina  0.4253253929%
SC62  McCormick County, South Carolina  0.1281623493%
SC63  Moncks Corner Town, South Carolina  0.1965426445%
SC64  Mount Pleasant Town, South Carolina  0.5750801889%
SC65  Myrtle Beach City, South Carolina  1.9068234068%
SC66  Newberry City, South Carolina  0.0344864657%
SC67  Newberry County, South Carolina  0.5656551710%
SC68  North Augusta City, South Carolina  0.5139678525%
SC69  North Charleston City, South Carolina  1.7751090959%
SC70  North Myrtle Beach City, South Carolina  0.6366313248%
SC71  Oconee County, South Carolina  2.8099515214%
SC72  Orangeburg City, South Carolina  0.0468940344%
SC73  Orangeburg County, South Carolina  1.4543982912%
SC74  Pickens County, South Carolina  2.8143347165%
SC75  Port Royal Town, South Carolina  0.0206098617%
SC76  Richland County, South Carolina  3.8816723839%
SC77  Rock Hill City, South Carolina  1.3120073555%
SC78  Saluda County, South Carolina  0.2604801809%
SC79  Simpsonville City, South Carolina  0.3497064495%
SC80  Spartanburg City, South Carolina  1.1890308958%
SC81  Spartanburg County, South Carolina  6.4084293395%
SC82  Summerville Town, South Carolina  0.6446011912%
SC83  Sumter City, South Carolina  0.5390642671%
SC84  Sumter County, South Carolina  0.9480995733%
SC85  Tega Cay City, South Carolina  0.0433365022%
SC86  Union County, South Carolina  0.6499524020%
SC87  West Columbia City, South Carolina  0.3943858322%
SC88  Williamsburg County, South Carolina  0.4931357629%
SC89  York County, South Carolina  2.5800878865%






Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation
SD1  Aberdeen City, South Dakota  1.7806789284%
SD2  Aurora County, South Dakota  0.1283252150%
SD3  Beadle County, South Dakota  0.8743032704%
SD4  Bennett County, South Dakota  0.1895703332%
SD5  Bon Homme County, South Dakota  0.6047162426%
SD6  Box Elder City, South Dakota  0.2251076107%
SD7  Brandon City, South Dakota  0.4012895918%
SD8  Brookings City, South Dakota  2.4259611863%
SD9  Brookings County, South Dakota  0.2802421588%
SD10  Brown County, South Dakota  1.7764564315%
SD11  Brule County, South Dakota  0.8045710091%
SD12  Buffalo County, South Dakota  0.1823519926%
SD13  Butte County, South Dakota  0.8926544344%
SD14  Campbell County, South Dakota  0.0682419048%
SD15  Charles Mix County, South Dakota  0.8084433424%
SD16  Clark County, South Dakota  0.2550260601%
SD17  Clay County, South Dakota  0.4415194932%
SD18  Codington County, South Dakota  0.8721266365%
SD19  Corson County, South Dakota  0.3429322421%
SD20  Custer County, South Dakota  1.0868471426%
SD21  Davison County, South Dakota  0.6815458005%
SD22  Day County, South Dakota  0.3921680475%
SD23  Deuel County, South Dakota  0.4035008098%
SD24  Dewey County, South Dakota  0.3699996685%
SD25  Douglas County, South Dakota  0.2891518759%
SD26  Edmunds County, South Dakota  0.2529348056%
SD27  Fall River County, South Dakota  2.1968904590%
SD28  Faulk County, South Dakota  0.2772473959%
SD29  Grant County, South Dakota  0.6923230564%
SD30  Gregory County, South Dakota  0.5555128599%
SD31  Haakon County, South Dakota  0.1774497029%
SD32  Hamlin County, South Dakota  0.3340117176%
SD33  Hand County, South Dakota  0.2401311401%
SD34  Hanson County, South Dakota  0.1484271966%
SD35  Harding County, South Dakota  0.0620805393%
SD36  Hughes County, South Dakota  0.8137066032%
SD37  Huron City, South Dakota  0.8308959590%
SD38  Hutchinson County, South Dakota  0.5659237410%
SD39  Hyde County, South Dakota  0.0640529112%
SD40  Jackson County, South Dakota  0.1437421380%
SD41  Jerauld County, South Dakota  0.3258250234%
SD42  Jones County, South Dakota  0.0451732597%
SD43  Kingsbury County, South Dakota  0.3721763025%
SD44  Lake County, South Dakota  0.8273932428%
SD45  Lawrence County, South Dakota  2.3838237581%
SD46  Lincoln County, South Dakota  1.2611723923%
SD47  Lyman County, South Dakota  0.3239942300%





Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation
SD48  Marshall County, South Dakota  0.5625107271%
SD49  McCook County, South Dakota  0.3047773840%
SD50  McPherson County, South Dakota  0.1613184030%
SD51  Meade County, South Dakota  3.2698326502%
SD52  Mellette County, South Dakota  0.1848247525%
SD53  Miner County, South Dakota  0.1616739703%
SD54  Minnehaha County, South Dakota  12.2243522517%
SD55  Mitchell City, South Dakota  1.5031732329%
SD56  Moody County, South Dakota  0.4743937985%
SD57  Oglala Lakota County, South Dakota  1.3919692864%
SD58  Pennington County, South Dakota  8.0611767283%
SD59  Perkins County, South Dakota  0.3755374403%
SD60  Pierre City, South Dakota  0.6216678331%
SD61  Potter County, South Dakota  0.1893444561%
SD62  Rapid City, South Dakota  6.9492723574%
SD63  Roberts County, South Dakota  0.9943780269%
SD64  Sanborn County, South Dakota  0.1141857404%
SD65  Sioux Falls City, South Dakota  21.6732660428%
SD66  Spearfish City, South Dakota  0.8208633410%
SD67  Spink County, South Dakota  0.7324773052%
SD68  Stanley County, South Dakota  0.1733882380%
SD69  Sully County, South Dakota  0.0632218131%
SD70  Todd County, South Dakota  1.0677859248%
SD71  Tripp County, South Dakota  0.6252580903%
SD72  Turner County, South Dakota  0.6536969906%
SD73  Union County, South Dakota  1.4531041680%
SD74  Vermillion City, South Dakota  0.5912781760%
SD75  Walworth County, South Dakota  0.5615110318%
SD76  Watertown City, South Dakota  1.6132964277%
SD77  Yankton City, South Dakota  1.2219897393%
SD78  Yankton County, South Dakota  1.4233435084%
SD79  Ziebach County, South Dakota  0.3085103004%





Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation
TN1  Alexandria Town, Tennessee  0.0027913085%
TN2  Algood City, Tennessee  0.0032741136%
TN3  Anderson County, Tennessee  1.2063249026%
TN5  Arlington Town, Tennessee  0.0036566309%
TN8  Bartlett City, Tennessee  0.0730561566%
TN9  Baxter Town, Tennessee  0.0004972097%
TN10  Bedford County, Tennessee  0.5276238893%
TN12  Benton County, Tennessee  0.5216608068%
TN13  Bledsoe County, Tennessee  0.1398580820%
TN14  Blount County, Tennessee  1.9196465581%
TN15  Bradley County, Tennessee  1.0430217552%
TN16  Brentwood City, Tennessee  0.0478208600%
TN17  Bristol City, Tennessee  0.5426871150%
TN19  Campbell County, Tennessee  1.5974370559%
TN20  Cannon County, Tennessee  0.3205453950%
TN21  Carroll County, Tennessee  0.4438060785%
TN22  Carter County, Tennessee  0.8435596891%
TN23  Celina City, Tennessee  0.0277813920%
TN24  Centertown, Tennessee  0.0001321538%
TN26  Chapel Hill Town, Tennessee  0.0043601529%
TN27  Chattanooga City, Tennessee  0.4981237028%
TN28  Cheatham County, Tennessee  0.8209998781%
TN29  Chester County, Tennessee  0.1751399118%
TN30  Claiborne County, Tennessee  1.1929412357%
TN31  Clarksville City, Tennessee  0.2296815192%
TN32  Clay County, Tennessee  0.2983695250%
TN33  Cleveland City, Tennessee  0.5531282252%
TN34  Clifton City, Tennessee  0.0022427615%
TN36  Cocke County, Tennessee  0.8746257470%
TN37  Coffee County, Tennessee  0.8953551698%
TN39  Collierville Town, Tennessee  0.0617375387%
TN41  Columbia City, Tennessee  0.0390894158%
TN42  Cookeville City, Tennessee  0.8404101920%
TN43  Cornersville Town, Tennessee  0.0025527953%
TN45  Crockett County, Tennessee  0.1232062476%
TN46  Crossville City, Tennessee  0.0619543195%
TN47  Cumberland County, Tennessee  0.8165125963%
TN48  Dandridge Town, Tennessee  0.0109089663%
TN49  De Kalb County, Tennessee  0.4253694564%
TN50  Decatur County, Tennessee  0.3607195939%
TN51  Decatur Town, Tennessee  0.0050599481%
TN53  Dickson County, Tennessee  0.8341347308%





Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation
TN56  Dyer County, Tennessee  0.4019088559%
TN58  Eagleville City, Tennessee  0.0010231029%
TN64  Fayette County, Tennessee  0.3157083831%
TN65  Fayetteville City, Tennessee  0.0647238955%
TN66  Fentress County, Tennessee  0.5526714656%
TN67  Franklin City, Tennessee  0.1089989646%
TN68  Franklin County, Tennessee  0.6323371108%
TN69  Gallatin City, Tennessee  0.0760079674%
TN70  Gatlinburg City, Tennessee  0.0507819668%
TN71  Germantown City, Tennessee  0.0687501047%
TN72  Gibson County, Tennessee  0.4940695219%
TN73  Giles County, Tennessee  0.4604367667%
TN75  Grainger County, Tennessee  0.4671260668%
TN76  Greene County, Tennessee  1.2127967101%
TN78  Grundy County, Tennessee  0.3896858892%
TN79  Hamblen County, Tennessee  2.2614488604%
TN80  Hamilton County, Tennessee  4.2055530346%
TN81  Hancock County, Tennessee  0.2089065376%
TN82  Hardeman County, Tennessee  0.2150658408%
TN83  Hardin County, Tennessee  0.5683946644%
TN84  Hartsville/Trousdale County, Tennessee  0.1139641522%
TN85  Hawkins County, Tennessee  1.0968095083%
TN86  Haywood County, Tennessee  0.1104263592%
TN87  Henderson County, Tennessee  0.2498867656%
TN88  Hendersonville City, Tennessee  0.1137407554%
TN89  Henry County, Tennessee  0.6661685991%
TN90  Hickman County, Tennessee  0.2804089244%
TN91  Houston County, Tennessee  0.1198735525%
TN92  Humphreys County, Tennessee  0.2441608982%
TN93  Jackson City, Tennessee  0.0431370644%
TN94  Jackson County, Tennessee  0.2780985367%
TN95  Jefferson County, Tennessee  0.8912247367%
TN96  Johnson City, Tennessee  1.0682855260%
TN97  Johnson County, Tennessee  0.2282065978%
TN98  Kingsport City, Tennessee  0.9871149359%
TN99  Knox County, Tennessee  9.1809198144%
TN100  Knoxville City, Tennessee  1.5417816888%
TN101  La Vergne City, Tennessee  0.0518950147%
TN102  Lake County, Tennessee  0.0671464632%
TN104  Lauderdale County, Tennessee  0.2733775153%
TN105  Lawrence County, Tennessee  0.6479399224%
TN106  Lawrenceburg City, Tennessee  0.0465511203%





Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation
TN107  Lebanon City, Tennessee  0.1110258247%
TN108  Lewis County, Tennessee  0.1528225920%
TN109  Lewisburg City, Tennessee  0.0396496875%
TN110  Lexington City, Tennessee  0.0796867496%
TN112  Lincoln County, Tennessee  0.3413545456%
TN114  Loretto City, Tennessee  0.0047940075%
TN115  Loudon County, Tennessee  0.8992484296%
TN116  Lynchburg, Moore County  0.0579106070%
   Metropolitan Government, Tennessee   
TN118  Macon County, Tennessee  0.3091017000%
TN119  Madison County, Tennessee  0.8907256845%
TN121  Marion County, Tennessee  0.3637161259%
TN122  Marshall County, Tennessee  0.4956600988%
TN124  Maryville City, Tennessee  0.3223901040%
TN125  Maury County, Tennessee  1.0724162522%
TN126  McMinn County, Tennessee  0.9297273747%
TN128  McNairy County, Tennessee  0.4269884656%
TN129  Meigs County, Tennessee  0.2016450737%
TN130  Memphis City, Tennessee  4.9079216307%
TN131  Millington City, Tennessee  0.0212200583%
TN133  Monroe County, Tennessee  0.7506735593%
TN135  Montgomery County, Tennessee  1.6758545682%
TN136  Morgan County, Tennessee  0.5132562715%
TN138  Morristown City, Tennessee  0.3919462797%
TN139  Mount Juliet City, Tennessee  0.0577622481%
TN140  Mount Pleasant City, Tennessee  0.0048377656%
TN141  Murfreesboro City, Tennessee  0.7283549414%
TN142  Nashville-Davidson Metropolitan  8.9810236006%
   Government, Tennessee   
TN145  Oak Ridge City, Tennessee  0.9598050011%
TN146  Obion County, Tennessee  0.3198033491%
TN147  Overton County, Tennessee  0.5461670803%
TN149  Perry County, Tennessee  0.0857864664%
TN151  Pickett County, Tennessee  0.1471132648%
TN152  Pigeon Forge City, Tennessee  0.0877322588%
TN153  Pleasant Hill Town, Tennessee  0.0000178801%
TN154  Polk County, Tennessee  0.3220131560%
TN157  Putnam County, Tennessee  0.3893182790%
TN159  Rhea County, Tennessee  0.5404420504%
TN160  Ripley City, Tennessee  0.0190759934%
TN161  Roane County, Tennessee  1.6361535854%
TN162  Robertson County, Tennessee  0.9333043197%





Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation
TN163  Rutherford County, Tennessee  2.5746747125%
TN164  Scott County, Tennessee  0.5189341096%
TN165  Sequatchie County, Tennessee  0.2433974548%
TN166  Sevier County, Tennessee  1.4412782095%
TN168  Shelby County, Tennessee  3.5255489082%
TN169  Shelbyville City, Tennessee  0.0482670674%
TN170  Smith County, Tennessee  0.5711842980%
TN171  Smithville City, Tennessee  0.0196818237%
TN172  Smyrna Town, Tennessee  0.1314691656%
TN174  Sparta City, Tennessee  0.0168519913%
TN175  Spencer Town, Tennessee  0.0007743306%
TN176  Spring Hill City, Tennessee  0.0244598773%
TN179  Stewart County, Tennessee  0.1459273147%
TN180  Sullivan County, Tennessee  1.4573397906%
TN181  Sumner County, Tennessee  1.7449087187%
TN182  Tipton County, Tennessee  0.6312749815%
TN184  Unicoi County, Tennessee  0.3464527663%
TN186  Union County, Tennessee  0.5606745148%
TN187  Van Buren County, Tennessee  0.0471429229%
TN189  Warren County, Tennessee  0.5717791156%
TN190  Wartrace Town, Tennessee  0.0003753988%
TN191  Washington County, Tennessee  1.1061046159%
TN192  Wayne County, Tennessee  0.2306289980%
TN194  Weakley County, Tennessee  0.3874777573%
TN195  White County, Tennessee  0.3993875079%
TN197  Williamson County, Tennessee  1.6843304984%
TN198  Wilson County, Tennessee  1.4019072760%





Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation
TX1  Abbott City, Texas  0.0004586670%
TX2  Abernathy City, Texas  0.0000733330%
TX3  Abilene City, Texas  0.3758786670%
TX4  Ackerly City, Texas  0.0000140000%
TX5  Addison Town, Texas  0.0387293330%
TX6  Adrian City, Texas  0.0001206670%
TX7  Agua Dulce City, Texas  0.0000286670%
TX8  Alamo City, Texas  0.0147473330%
TX9  Alamo Heights City, Texas  0.0187986670%
TX10  Alba Town, Texas  0.0021306670%
TX11  Albany City, Texas  0.0001200000%
TX12  Aledo City, Texas  0.0002206670%
TX13  Alice City, Texas  0.0475273330%
TX14  Allen City, Texas  0.2100540000%
TX15  Alma Town, Texas  0.0007380000%
TX16  Alpine City, Texas  0.0197906670%
TX17  Alto Town, Texas  0.0025113330%
TX18  Alton City, Texas  0.0076933330%
TX19  Alvarado City, Texas  0.0193526670%
TX20  Alvin City, Texas  0.0759746670%
TX21  Alvord Town, Texas  0.0002386670%
TX22  Amarillo City, Texas  0.6584406670%
TX23  Ames City, Texas  0.0037140000%
TX24  Amherst City, Texas  0.0000146670%
TX25  Anahuac City, Texas  0.0003613330%
TX26  Anderson City, Texas  0.0000126670%
TX27  Anderson County, Texas  0.1791753330%
TX28  Andrews City, Texas  0.0126553330%
TX29  Andrews County, Texas  0.0250706670%
TX30  Angelina County, Texas  0.1533040000%
TX31  Angleton City, Texas  0.0418606670%
TX32  Angus City, Texas  0.0002206670%
TX33  Anna City, Texas  0.0060500000%
TX34  Annetta North Town, Texas  0.0000226670%
TX35  Annetta South Town, Texas  0.0004013330%
TX36  Annetta Town, Texas  0.0039706670%
TX37  Annona Town, Texas  0.0004920000%
TX38  Anson City, Texas  0.0034226670%
TX39  Anthony Town, Texas  0.0030093330%
TX40  Anton City, Texas  0.0002960000%
TX41  Appleby City, Texas  0.0010340000%
TX42  Aquilla City, Texas  0.0001386670%
TX43  Aransas County, Texas  0.1776746670%
TX44  Aransas Pass City, Texas  0.0385420000%
TX45  Archer City, Texas  0.0070360000%
TX46  Archer County, Texas  0.0303560000%
TX47  Arcola City, Texas  0.0048600000%





Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation
TX48  Argyle City, Texas  0.0076040000%
TX49  Arlington City, Texas  0.4905353330%
TX50  Armstrong County, Texas  0.0006493330%
TX51  Arp City, Texas  0.0013393330%
TX52  Asherton City, Texas  0.0000746670%
TX53  Aspermont Town, Texas  0.0000060000%
TX54  Atascosa County, Texas  0.1179353330%
TX55  Athens City, Texas  0.0706280000%
TX56  Atlanta City, Texas  0.0206633330%
TX57  Aubrey City, Texas  0.0100940000%
TX58  Aurora City, Texas  0.0012326670%
TX59  Austin City, Texas  3.2518106670%
TX60  Austin County, Texas  0.0506866670%
TX61  Austwell City, Texas  0.0000726670%
TX62  Avery Town, Texas  0.0000920000%
TX63  Avinger Town, Texas  0.0007433330%
TX64  Azle City, Texas  0.0214753330%
TX65  Bailey City, Texas  0.0006333330%
TX66  Bailey County, Texas  0.0102513330%
TX67  Bailey's Prairie Village, Texas  0.0037360000%
TX68  Baird City, Texas  0.0018680000%
TX69  Balch Springs City, Texas  0.0182386670%
TX70  Balcones Heights City, Texas  0.0158740000%
TX71  Ballinger City, Texas  0.0061146670%
TX72  Balmorhea City, Texas  0.0000420000%
TX73  Bandera City, Texas  0.0019286670%
TX74  Bandera County, Texas  0.0578766670%
TX75  Bangs City, Texas  0.0020333330%
TX76  Bardwell City, Texas  0.0002413330%
TX77  Barry City, Texas  0.0001333330%
TX78  Barstow City, Texas  0.0000406670%
TX79  Bartlett City, Texas  0.0022493330%
TX80  Bartonville Town, Texas  0.0059246670%
TX81  Bastrop City, Texas  0.0308800000%
TX82  Bastrop County, Texas  0.2293066670%
TX83  Bay City, Texas  0.0386080000%
TX84  Baylor County, Texas  0.0198880000%
TX85  Bayou Vista City, Texas  0.0041600000%
TX86  Bayside Town, Texas  0.0001613330%
TX87  Baytown City, Texas  0.1440440000%
TX88  Bayview Town, Texas  0.0000273330%
TX89  Beach City, Texas  0.0083366670%
TX90  Bear Creek Village, Texas  0.0006040000%
TX91  Beasley City, Texas  0.0000866670%
TX92  Beaumont City, Texas  0.4553400000%
TX93  Beckville City, Texas  0.0008313330%
TX94  Bedford City, Texas  0.0628760000%





Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation
TX95  Bedias City, Texas  0.0023166670%
TX96  Bee Cave City, Texas  0.0085753330%
TX97  Bee County, Texas  0.0652293330%
TX98  Beeville City, Texas  0.0160180000%
TX99  Bell County, Texas  0.4338320000%
TX100  Bellaire City, Texas  0.0275093330%
TX101  Bellevue City, Texas  0.0000373330%
TX102  Bellmead City, Texas  0.0096580000%
TX103  Bells Town, Texas  0.0012606670%
TX104  Bellville City, Texas  0.0049920000%
TX105  Belton City, Texas  0.0484533330%
TX106  Benavides City, Texas  0.0001013330%
TX107  Benbrook City, Texas  0.0292793330%
TX108  Benjamin City, Texas  0.0006340000%
TX109  Berryville Town, Texas  0.0095860000%
TX110  Bertram City, Texas  0.0001213330%
TX111  Beverly Hills City, Texas  0.0028906670%
TX112  Bevil Oaks City, Texas  0.0003660000%
TX113  Bexar County, Texas  4.6714346670%
TX114  Big Lake City, Texas  0.0003646670%
TX115  Big Sandy Town, Texas  0.0030526670%
TX116  Big Spring City, Texas  0.1266186670%
TX117  Big Wells City, Texas  0.0001573330%
TX118  Bishop City, Texas  0.0054753330%
TX119  Bishop Hills Town, Texas  0.0002153330%
TX120  Blackwell City, Texas  0.0000206670%
TX121  Blanco City, Texas  0.0041273330%
TX122  Blanco County, Texas  0.0328153330%
TX123  Blanket Town, Texas  0.0000980000%
TX124  Bloomburg Town, Texas  0.0006733330%
TX125  Blooming Grove Town, Texas  0.0002346670%
TX126  Blossom City, Texas  0.0001320000%
TX127  Blue Mound City, Texas  0.0019253330%
TX128  Blue Ridge City, Texas  0.0008966670%
TX129  Blum Town, Texas  0.0010813330%
TX130  Boerne City, Texas  0.0303840000%
TX131  Bogata City, Texas  0.0024326670%
TX132  Bonham City, Texas  0.0672726670%
TX133  Bonney Village, Texas  0.0016733330%
TX134  Booker Town, Texas  0.0006906670%
TX135  Borden County, Texas  0.0006666670%
TX136  Borger City, Texas  0.0464533330%
TX137  Bosque County, Texas  0.0473820000%
TX138  Bovina City, Texas  0.0001153330%
TX139  Bowie City, Texas  0.0557466670%
TX140  Bowie County, Texas  0.1554600000%
TX141  Boyd Town, Texas  0.0046353330%





Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation
TX142  Brackettville City, Texas  0.0000053330%
TX143  Brady City, Texas  0.0183200000%
TX144  Brazoria City, Texas  0.0076913330%
TX145  Brazoria County, Texas  0.6807266670%
TX146  Brazos Bend City, Texas  0.0003080000%
TX147  Brazos Country City, Texas  0.0006013330%
TX148  Brazos County, Texas  0.2280580000%
TX149  Breckenridge City, Texas  0.0159840000%
TX150  Bremond City, Texas  0.0037026670%
TX151  Brenham City, Texas  0.0365000000%
TX152  Brewster County, Texas  0.0400580000%
TX153  Briarcliff Village, Texas  0.0003813330%
TX154  Briaroaks City, Texas  0.0000380000%
TX155  Bridge City, Texas  0.0538373330%
TX156  Bridgeport City, Texas  0.0222006670%
TX157  Briscoe County, Texas  0.0006513330%
TX158  Broaddus Town, Texas  0.0000206670%
TX159  Bronte Town, Texas  0.0000660000%
TX160  Brooks County, Texas  0.0138066670%
TX161  Brookshire City, Texas  0.0042706670%
TX162  Brookside Village City, Texas  0.0007400000%
TX163  Brown County, Texas  0.1289446670%
TX164  Browndell City, Texas  0.0001013330%
TX165  Brownfield City, Texas  0.0096346670%
TX166  Brownsboro City, Texas  0.0021173330%
TX167  Brownsville City, Texas  0.2833713330%
TX168  Brownwood City, Texas  0.1110480000%
TX169  Bruceville-Eddy City, Texas  0.0011280000%
TX170  Bryan City, Texas  0.1645980000%
TX171  Bryson City, Texas  0.0008186670%
TX172  Buckholts Town, Texas  0.0007420000%
TX173  Buda City, Texas  0.0071893330%
TX174  Buffalo City, Texas  0.0079106670%
TX175  Buffalo Gap Town, Texas  0.0000586670%
TX176  Buffalo Springs Village, Texas  0.0001253330%
TX177  Bullard Town, Texas  0.0049913330%
TX178  Bulverde City, Texas  0.0096240000%
TX179  Bunker Hill Village City, Texas  0.0003146670%
TX180  Burkburnett City, Texas  0.0252293330%
TX181  Burke City, Texas  0.0007426670%
TX182  Burleson City, Texas  0.1011860000%
TX183  Burleson County, Texas  0.0468293330%
TX184  Burnet City, Texas  0.0222300000%
TX185  Burnet County, Texas  0.1265526670%
TX186  Burton City, Texas  0.0006246670%
TX187  Byers City, Texas  0.0000513330%
TX188  Bynum Town, Texas  0.0002533330%





Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation
TX189  Cactus City, Texas  0.0031860000%
TX190  Caddo Mills City, Texas  0.0000286670%
TX191  Caldwell City, Texas  0.0121633330%
TX192  Caldwell County, Texas  0.0576086670%
TX193  Calhoun County, Texas  0.0852840000%
TX194  Callahan County, Texas  0.0085960000%
TX195  Callisburg City, Texas  0.0000673330%
TX196  Calvert City, Texas  0.0005146670%
TX197  Cameron City, Texas  0.0073940000%
TX198  Cameron County, Texas  0.3580173330%
TX199  Camp County, Texas  0.0192340000%
TX200  Camp Wood City, Texas  0.0002813330%
TX201  Campbell City, Texas  0.0007440000%
TX202  Canadian City, Texas  0.0007266670%
TX203  Caney City Town, Texas  0.0013366670%
TX204  Canton City, Texas  0.0378226670%
TX205  Canyon City, Texas  0.0175006670%
TX206  Carbon Town, Texas  0.0004133330%
TX207  Carl's Corner Town, Texas  0.0000320000%
TX208  Carmine City, Texas  0.0002566670%
TX209  Carrizo Springs City, Texas  0.0011140000%
TX210  Carrollton City, Texas  0.2068366670%
TX211  Carson County, Texas  0.0196620000%
TX212  Carthage City, Texas  0.0126180000%
TX213  Cashion Community City, Texas  0.0002146670%
TX214  Cass County, Texas  0.0621033330%
TX215  Castle Hills City, Texas  0.0085200000%
TX216  Castro County, Texas  0.0029466670%
TX217  Castroville City, Texas  0.0030166670%
TX218  Cedar Hill City, Texas  0.0467513330%
TX219  Cedar Park City, Texas  0.1237113330%
TX220  Celeste City, Texas  0.0008533330%
TX221  Celina City, Texas  0.0121886670%
TX222  Center City, Texas  0.0392253330%
TX223  Centerville City, Texas  0.0002566670%
TX224  Chambers County, Texas  0.1021253330%
TX225  Chandler City, Texas  0.0115760000%
TX226  Channing City, Texas  0.0000013330%
TX227  Charlotte City, Texas  0.0028380000%
TX228  Cherokee County, Texas  0.1044080000%
TX229  Chester Town, Texas  0.0007826670%
TX230  Chico City, Texas  0.0019520000%
TX231  Childress City, Texas  0.0252773330%
TX232  Childress County, Texas  0.0337213330%
TX233  Chillicothe City, Texas  0.0001146670%
TX234  China City, Texas  0.0003480000%
TX235  China Grove Town, Texas  0.0003986670%





Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation
TX236  Chireno City, Texas  0.0010453330%
TX237  Christine Town, Texas  0.0002360000%
TX238  Cibolo City, Texas  0.0091266670%
TX239  Cisco City, Texas  0.0048120000%
TX240  Clarendon City, Texas  0.0000760000%
TX241  Clarksville City, Texas  0.0139273330%
TX242  Clarksville City, Texas  0.0000360000%
TX243  Claude City, Texas  0.0000173330%
TX244  Clay County, Texas  0.0480333330%
TX245  Clear Lake Shores City, Texas  0.0044546670%
TX246  Cleburne City, Texas  0.1521226670%
TX247  Cleveland City, Texas  0.0645980000%
TX248  Clifton City, Texas  0.0066260000%
TX249  Clint Town, Texas  0.0002500000%
TX250  Clute City, Texas  0.0342333330%
TX251  Clyde City, Texas  0.0115246670%
TX252  Coahoma Town, Texas  0.0015273330%
TX253  Cochran County, Texas  0.0022593330%
TX254  Cockrell Hill City, Texas  0.0003413330%
TX255  Coffee City Town, Texas  0.0007246670%
TX256  Coke County, Texas  0.0036813330%
TX257  Coldspring City, Texas  0.0002980000%
TX258  Coleman City, Texas  0.0036280000%
TX259  Coleman County, Texas  0.0027760000%
TX260  College Station City, Texas  0.1720980000%
TX261  Colleyville City, Texas  0.0306993330%
TX262  Collin County, Texas  0.8444806670%
TX263  Collingsworth County, Texas  0.0128226670%
TX264  Collinsville Town, Texas  0.0012206670%
TX265  Colmesneil City, Texas  0.0014740000%
TX266  Colorado City, Texas  0.0056033330%
TX267  Colorado County, Texas  0.0327226670%
TX268  Columbus City, Texas  0.0045780000%
TX269  Comal County, Texas  0.2640946670%
TX270  Comanche City, Texas  0.0110020000%
TX271  Comanche County, Texas  0.0339760000%
TX272  Combes Town, Texas  0.0011400000%
TX273  Combine City, Texas  0.0012613330%
TX274  Commerce City, Texas  0.0225793330%
TX275  Como Town, Texas  0.0002766670%
TX276  Concho County, Texas  0.0025726670%
TX277  Conroe City, Texas  0.3111140000%
TX278  Converse City, Texas  0.0184620000%
TX279  Cooke County, Texas  0.1336340000%
TX280  Cool City, Texas  0.0004873330%
TX281  Coolidge Town, Texas  0.0001620000%
TX282  Cooper City, Texas  0.0002413330%





Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation
TX283  Coppell City, Texas  0.0577286670%
TX284  Copper Canyon Town, Texas  0.0003260000%
TX285  Copperas Cove City, Texas  0.0889946670%
TX286  Corinth City, Texas  0.0501986670%
TX287  Corpus Christi City, Texas  1.2084713330%
TX288  Corral City Town, Texas  0.0000953330%
TX289  Corrigan Town, Texas  0.0142120000%
TX290  Corsicana City, Texas  0.0582066670%
TX291  Coryell County, Texas  0.0824393330%
TX292  Cottle County, Texas  0.0005833330%
TX293  Cottonwood City, Texas  0.0001926670%
TX294  Cottonwood Shores City, Texas  0.0008020000%
TX295  Cotulla City, Texas  0.0008340000%
TX296  Coupland City, Texas  0.0001773330%
TX297  Cove City, Texas  0.0002580000%
TX298  Covington City, Texas  0.0003460000%
TX299  Coyote Flats City, Texas  0.0009813330%
TX300  Crandall City, Texas  0.0080626670%
TX301  Crane City, Texas  0.0070660000%
TX302  Crane County, Texas  0.0174306670%
TX303  Cranfills Gap City, Texas  0.0000853330%
TX304  Crawford Town, Texas  0.0002553330%
TX305  Creedmoor City, Texas  0.0000106670%
TX306  Cresson City, Texas  0.0007240000%
TX307  Crockett City, Texas  0.0156020000%
TX308  Crockett County, Texas  0.0121400000%
TX309  Crosby County, Texas  0.0122586670%
TX310  Crosbyton City, Texas  0.0009986670%
TX311  Cross Plains Town, Texas  0.0032513330%
TX312  Cross Roads Town, Texas  0.0001626670%
TX313  Cross Timber Town, Texas  0.0003613330%
TX314  Crowell City, Texas  0.0042233330%
TX315  Crowley City, Texas  0.0148966670%
TX316  Crystal City, Texas  0.0129413330%
TX317  Cuero City, Texas  0.0164593330%
TX318  Culberson County, Texas  0.0005260000%
TX319  Cumby City, Texas  0.0035466670%
TX320  Cuney Town, Texas  0.0004040000%
TX321  Cushing City, Texas  0.0007466670%
TX322  Cut and Shoot City, Texas  0.0014273330%
TX323  Daingerfield City, Texas  0.0083173330%
TX324  Daisetta City, Texas  0.0035800000%
TX325  Dalhart City, Texas  0.0077393330%
TX326  Dallam County, Texas  0.0144573330%
TX327  Dallas City, Texas  1.9999346670%
TX328  Dallas County, Texas  5.6921940000%
TX329  Dalworthington Gardens City, Texas  0.0040400000%





Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation
TX330  Danbury City, Texas  0.0028206670%
TX331  Darrouzett Town, Texas  0.0000673330%
TX332  Dawson County, Texas  0.0312740000%
TX333  Dawson Town, Texas  0.0004000000%
TX334  Dayton City, Texas  0.0314146670%
TX335  Dayton Lakes City, Texas  0.0000253330%
TX336  De Kalb City, Texas  0.0006900000%
TX337  De Leon City, Texas  0.0054786670%
TX338  De Witt County, Texas  0.0459300000%
TX339  Deaf Smith County, Texas  0.0230213330%
TX340  Dean City, Texas  0.0000940000%
TX341  Decatur City, Texas  0.0377793330%
TX342  Decordova City, Texas  0.0091853330%
TX343  Deer Park City, Texas  0.0329253330%
TX344  Del Rio City, Texas  0.0393706670%
TX345  Dell City, Texas  0.0000100000%
TX346  Delta County, Texas  0.0203893330%
TX347  Denison City, Texas  0.1402840000%
TX348  Denton City, Texas  0.3055560000%
TX349  Denton County, Texas  0.7548653330%
TX350  Denver City Town, Texas  0.0014026670%
TX351  Deport City, Texas  0.0000280000%
TX352  Desoto City, Texas  0.0482666670%
TX353  Detroit Town, Texas  0.0006433330%
TX354  Devers City, Texas  0.0001273330%
TX355  Devine City, Texas  0.0029026670%
TX356  Diboll City, Texas  0.0170220000%
TX357  Dickens City, Texas  0.0000473330%
TX358  Dickens County, Texas  0.0012486670%
TX359  Dickinson City, Texas  0.0557886670%
TX360  Dilley City, Texas  0.0017553330%
TX361  Dimmit County, Texas  0.0221960000%
TX362  Dimmitt City, Texas  0.0006746670%
TX363  Dish Town, Texas  0.0000126670%
TX364  Dodd City Town, Texas  0.0008073330%
TX365  Dodson Town, Texas  0.0002980000%
TX366  Domino Town, Texas  0.0001306670%
TX367  Donley County, Texas  0.0149133330%
TX368  Donna City, Texas  0.0091986670%
TX369  Dorchester City, Texas  0.0001540000%
TX370  Double Oak Town, Texas  0.0031766670%
TX371  Douglassville Town, Texas  0.0003826670%
TX372  Dripping Springs City, Texas  0.0005406670%
TX373  Driscoll City, Texas  0.0000260000%
TX374  Dublin City, Texas  0.0096520000%
TX375  Dumas City, Texas  0.0174860000%
TX376  Duncanville City, Texas  0.0388853330%





Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation
TX377  Duval County, Texas  0.0327393330%
TX378  Eagle Lake City, Texas  0.0032546670%
TX379  Eagle Pass City, Texas  0.0373366670%
TX380  Early City, Texas  0.0098920000%
TX381  Earth City, Texas  0.0001613330%
TX382  East Bernard City, Texas  0.0037026670%
TX383  East Mountain City, Texas  0.0016626670%
TX384  East Tawakoni City, Texas  0.0018153330%
TX385  Eastland City, Texas  0.0105973330%
TX386  Eastland County, Texas  0.0348500000%
TX387  Easton City, Texas  0.0002193330%
TX388  Ector City, Texas  0.0007386670%
TX389  Ector County, Texas  0.3200000000%
TX390  Edcouch City, Texas  0.0027340000%
TX391  Eden City, Texas  0.0003313330%
TX392  Edgecliff Village Town, Texas  0.0014880000%
TX393  Edgewood Town, Texas  0.0087693330%
TX394  Edinburg City, Texas  0.0805893330%
TX395  Edmonson Town, Texas  0.0000906670%
TX396  Edna City, Texas  0.0121293330%
TX397  Edom City, Texas  0.0014326670%
TX398  Edwards County, Texas  0.0006500000%
TX399  El Campo City, Texas  0.0211333330%
TX400  El Cenizo City, Texas  0.0004140000%
TX401  El Lago City, Texas  0.0037360000%
TX402  El Paso City, Texas  0.8162473330%
TX403  El Paso County, Texas  1.7280806670%
TX404  Eldorado City, Texas  0.0000333330%
TX405  Electra City, Texas  0.0104773330%
TX406  Elgin City, Texas  0.0175226670%
TX407  Elkhart Town, Texas  0.0002006670%
TX408  Ellis County, Texas  0.2102480000%
TX409  Elmendorf City, Texas  0.0004973330%
TX410  Elsa City, Texas  0.0051466670%
TX411  Emhouse Town, Texas  0.0000553330%
TX412  Emory City, Texas  0.0025853330%
TX413  Enchanted Oaks Town, Texas  0.0008660000%
TX414  Encinal City, Texas  0.0010100000%
TX415  Ennis City, Texas  0.0545593330%
TX416  Erath County, Texas  0.0684106670%
TX417  Escobares City, Texas  0.0000266670%
TX418  Estelline Town, Texas  0.0006060000%
TX419  Euless City, Texas  0.0618826670%
TX420  Eureka City, Texas  0.0002226670%
TX421  Eustace City, Texas  0.0013926670%
TX422  Evant Town, Texas  0.0013786670%
TX423  Everman City, Texas  0.0051280000%





Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation
TX424  Fair Oaks Ranch City, Texas  0.0053846670%
TX425  Fairchilds Village, Texas  0.0000540000%
TX426  Fairfield City, Texas  0.0008300000%
TX427  Fairview Town, Texas  0.0214966670%
TX428  Falfurrias City, Texas  0.0014806670%
TX429  Falls City, Texas  0.0000273330%
TX430  Falls County, Texas  0.0230146670%
TX431  Fannin County, Texas  0.0877686670%
TX432  Farmers Branch City, Texas  0.0630213330%
TX433  Farmersville City, Texas  0.0070213330%
TX434  Farwell City, Texas  0.0002286670%
TX435  Fate City, Texas  0.0023153330%
TX436  Fayette County, Texas  0.0616266670%
TX437  Fayetteville City, Texas  0.0002606670%
TX438  Ferris City, Texas  0.0092486670%
TX439  Fisher County, Texas  0.0036786670%
TX440  Flatonia Town, Texas  0.0037740000%
TX441  Florence City, Texas  0.0026326670%
TX442  Floresville City, Texas  0.0144660000%
TX443  Flower Mound Town, Texas  0.1435040000%
TX444  Floyd County, Texas  0.0060326670%
TX445  Floydada City, Texas  0.0042380000%
TX446  Foard County, Texas  0.0038426670%
TX447  Follett City, Texas  0.0001413330%
TX448  Forest Hill City, Texas  0.0174213330%
TX449  Forney City, Texas  0.0534080000%
TX450  Forsan City, Texas  0.0003840000%
TX451  Fort Bend County, Texas  1.0044793330%
TX452  Fort Stockton City, Texas  0.0029406670%
TX453  Fort Worth City, Texas  1.4138600000%
TX454  Franklin City, Texas  0.0026206670%
TX455  Franklin County, Texas  0.0171886670%
TX456  Frankston Town, Texas  0.0001826670%
TX457  Fredericksburg City, Texas  0.0376573330%
TX458  Freeport City, Texas  0.0486486670%
TX459  Freer City, Texas  0.0021806670%
TX460  Freestone County, Texas  0.0336633330%
TX461  Friendswood City, Texas  0.0935533330%
TX462  Frio County, Texas  0.0133026670%
TX463  Friona City, Texas  0.0018986670%
TX464  Frisco City, Texas  0.2702060000%
TX465  Fritch City, Texas  0.0030320000%
TX466  Frost City, Texas  0.0002140000%
TX467  Fruitvale City, Texas  0.0015626670%
TX468  Fulshear City, Texas  0.0035146670%
TX469  Fulton Town, Texas  0.0010680000%
TX470  Gaines County, Texas  0.0362313330%





Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only  


      Consolidated State
State ID  Qualifying Subdivision  Allocation
TX471  Gainesville City, Texas  0.1026533330%
TX472  Galena Park City, Texas  0.0087286670%
TX473  Gallatin City, Texas  0.0008353330%
TX474  Galveston City, Texas  0.3254580000%
TX475  Galveston County, Texas  0.7493953330%
TX476  Ganado City, Texas  0.0036733330%
TX477  Garden Ridge City, Texas  0.0075673330%
TX478  Garland City, Texas  0.2801626670%
TX479  Garrett Town, Texas  0.0016733330%
TX480  Garrison City, Texas  0.0023700000%
TX481  Gary City Town, Texas  0.0003000000%
TX482  Garza County, Texas  0.0059626670%
TX483  Gatesville City, Texas  0.0179960000%
TX484  George West City, Texas  0.0041380000%
TX485  Georgetown City, Texas  0.1505973330%
TX486  Gholson City, Texas  0.0010033330%
TX487  Giddings City, Texas  0.0084493330%
TX488  Gillespie County, Texas  0.0421273330%
TX489  Gilmer City, Texas  0.0226340000%
TX490  Gladewater City, Texas  0.0164253330%
TX491  Glasscock County, Texas  0.0006666670%
TX492  Glen Rose City, Texas  0.0003600000%
TX493  Glenn Heights City, Texas  0.0110620000%
TX494  Godley City, Texas  0.0020766670%
TX495  Goldsmith City, Texas  0.0004513330%
TX496  Goldthwaite City, Texas  0.0008166670%
TX497  Goliad City, Texas  0.0023753330%
TX498  Goliad County, Texas  0.0231066670%
TX499  Golinda City, Texas  0.0000666670%
TX500  Gonzales City, Texas  0.0099213330%
TX501  Gonzales County, Texas  0.0221533330%
TX502  Goodlow City, Texas  0.0001473330%
TX503  Goodrich City, Texas  0.0064286670%
TX504  Gordon City, Texas  0.0002433330%
TX505  Goree City, Texas  0.0004993330%
TX506  Gorman City, Texas  0.0020713330%
TX507  Graford City, Texas  0.0000153330%
TX508  Graham City, Texas  0.1569520000%
TX509  Granbury City, Texas  0.0478233330%
TX510  Grand Prairie City, Texas  0.2969593330%
TX511  Grand Saline City, Texas  0.0242753330%
TX512  Grandfalls Town, Texas  0.0000433330%
TX513  Grandview City, Texas  0.0044000000%
TX514  Granger City, Texas  0.0018273330%
TX515  Granite Shoals City, Texas  0.0078893330%
TX516  Granjeno City, Texas  0.0000286670%
TX517  Grapeland City, Texas  0.0048580000%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
TX518  Grapevine City, Texas  0.0861300000%
TX519  Gray County, Texas  0.0439226670%
TX520  Grays Prairie Village, Texas  0.0000113330%
TX521  Grayson County, Texas  0.3593886670%
TX522  Greenville City, Texas  0.1354080000%
TX523  Gregg County, Texas  0.1624960000%
TX524  Gregory City, Texas  0.0031313330%
TX525  Grey Forest City, Texas  0.0003160000%
TX526  Grimes County, Texas  0.0632520000%
TX527  Groesbeck City, Texas  0.0038300000%
TX528  Groom Town, Texas  0.0006433330%
TX529  Groves City, Texas  0.0271680000%
TX530  Groveton City, Texas  0.0058846670%
TX531  Gruver City, Texas  0.0007773330%
TX532  Guadalupe County, Texas  0.0978826670%
TX533  Gun Barrel City, Texas  0.0242013330%
TX534  Gunter City, Texas  0.0030726670%
TX535  Gustine Town, Texas  0.0000226670%
TX536  Hackberry Town, Texas  0.0000626670%
TX537  Hale Center City, Texas  0.0040280000%
TX538  Hale County, Texas  0.0527666670%
TX539  Hall County, Texas  0.0059553330%
TX540   Hallettsville City, Texas   0.0045966670%
TX541   Hallsburg City, Texas   0.0001813330%
TX542   Hallsville City, Texas   0.0068260000%
TX543   Haltom City, Texas   0.0478666670%
TX544   Hamilton City, Texas   0.0023873330%
TX545   Hamilton County, Texas   0.0442380000%
TX546   Hamlin City, Texas   0.0031040000%
TX547   Hansford County, Texas   0.0109440000%
TX548   Happy Town, Texas   0.0002180000%
TX549   Hardeman County, Texas   0.0101460000%
TX550   Hardin City, Texas   0.0000666670%
TX551   Hardin County, Texas   0.2532000000%
TX552   Harker Heights City, Texas   0.0757873330%
TX553   Harlingen City, Texas   0.1102860000%
TX554   Harris County, Texas   9.9774680000%
TX555   Harrison County, Texas   0.1239400000%
TX556   Hart City, Texas   0.0000573330%
TX557   Hartley County, Texas   0.0005240000%
TX558   Haskell City, Texas   0.0072193330%
TX559   Haskell County, Texas   0.0146740000%
TX560   Haslet City, Texas   0.0012720000%
TX561   Hawk Cove City, Texas   0.0004493330%
TX562   Hawkins City, Texas   0.0052880000%
TX563   Hawley City, Texas   0.0006206670%
TX564   Hays City, Texas   0.0003373330%





Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
TX565   Hays County, Texas   0.3529926670%
TX566   Hearne City, Texas   0.0112160000%
TX567   Heath City, Texas   0.0191673330%
TX568   Hebron Town, Texas   0.0004580000%
TX569   Hedley City, Texas   0.0000466670%
TX570   Hedwig Village City, Texas   0.0087113330%
TX571   Helotes City, Texas   0.0105266670%
TX572   Hemphill City, Texas   0.0053566670%
TX573   Hemphill County, Texas   0.0095960000%
TX574   Hempstead City, Texas   0.0141600000%
TX575   Henderson City, Texas   0.0399773330%
TX576   Henderson County, Texas   0.2186433330%
TX577   Henrietta City, Texas   0.0018133330%
TX578   Hereford City, Texas   0.0136153330%
TX579   Hewitt City, Texas   0.0131840000%
TX580   Hickory Creek Town, Texas   0.0110066670%
TX581   Hico City, Texas   0.0036893330%
TX582   Hidalgo City, Texas   0.0177473330%
TX583   Hidalgo County, Texas   0.8354020000%
TX584   Hideaway City, Texas   0.0006146670%
TX585   Higgins City, Texas   0.0000286670%
TX586   Highland Haven City, Texas   0.0002133330%
TX587   Highland Park Town, Texas   0.0289220000%
TX588   Highland Village City, Texas   0.0335433330%
TX589   Hill Country Village City, Texas   0.0043233330%
TX590   Hill County, Texas   0.0849846670%
TX591   Hillcrest Village, Texas   0.0035633330%
TX592   Hillsboro City, Texas   0.0310726670%
TX593   Hilshire Village City, Texas   0.0005726670%
TX594   Hitchcock City, Texas   0.0191973330%
TX595   Hockley County, Texas   0.0309380000%
TX596   Holiday Lakes Town, Texas   0.0011966670%
TX597   Holland Town, Texas   0.0000513330%
TX598   Holliday City, Texas   0.0039400000%
TX599   Hollywood Park Town, Texas   0.0062826670%
TX600   Hondo City, Texas   0.0768586670%
TX601   Honey Grove City, Texas   0.0047973330%
TX602   Hood County, Texas   0.1947366670%
TX603   Hooks City, Texas   0.0018013330%
TX604   Hopkins County, Texas   0.0996786670%
TX605   Horizon City, Texas   0.0050133330%
TX606   Horseshoe Bay City, Texas   0.0321153330%
TX607   Houston City, Texas   4.6811953330%
TX608   Houston County, Texas   0.0524320000%
TX609   Howard County, Texas   0.0595533330%
TX610   Howardwick City, Texas   0.0000560000%
TX611   Howe Town, Texas   0.0061180000%






Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
TX612   Hubbard City, Texas   0.0024233330%
TX613   Hudson City, Texas   0.0045600000%
TX614   Hudson Oaks City, Texas   0.0104246670%
TX615   Hudspeth County, Texas   0.0006566670%
TX616   Hughes Springs City, Texas   0.0029613330%
TX617   Humble City, Texas   0.0493013330%
TX618   Hunt County, Texas   0.2065673330%
TX619   Hunters Creek Village City, Texas   0.0098053330%
TX620   Huntington City, Texas   0.0058613330%
TX621   Huntsville City, Texas   0.0535820000%
TX622   Hurst City, Texas   0.0661246670%
TX623   Hutchins City, Texas   0.0063673330%
TX624   Hutchinson County, Texas   0.0497533330%
TX625   Hutto City, Texas   0.0255640000%
TX626   Huxley City, Texas   0.0004920000%
TX627   Idalou City, Texas   0.0013326670%
TX628   Impact Town, Texas   0.0000053330%
TX629   Indian Lake Town, Texas   0.0003153330%
TX630   Industry City, Texas   0.0004026670%
TX631   Ingleside City, Texas   0.0269913330%
TX632   Ingleside on the Bay City, Texas   0.0000946670%
TX633   Ingram City, Texas   0.0034953330%
TX634   Iola City, Texas   0.0021093330%
TX635   Iowa Colony Village, Texas   0.0027266670%
TX636   Iowa Park City, Texas   0.0156580000%
TX637   Iraan City, Texas   0.0000373330%
TX638   Iredell City, Texas   0.0001440000%
TX639   Irion County, Texas   0.0060700000%
TX640   Irving City, Texas   0.2852120000%
TX641   Italy Town, Texas   0.0035660000%
TX642   Itasca City, Texas   0.0057960000%
TX643   Ivanhoe City, Texas   0.0000173330%
TX644   Jacinto City, Texas   0.0094273330%
TX645   Jack County, Texas   0.0098660000%
TX646   Jacksboro City, Texas   0.0155026670%
TX647   Jackson County, Texas   0.0253226670%
TX648   Jacksonville City, Texas   0.0534526670%
TX649   Jamaica Beach City, Texas   0.0032753330%
TX650   Jarrell City, Texas   0.0016153330%
TX651   Jasper City, Texas   0.0522813330%
TX652   Jasper County, Texas   0.1659033330%
TX653   Jayton City, Texas   0.0000420000%
TX654   Jeff Davis County, Texas   0.0056666670%
TX655   Jefferson City, Texas   0.0074626670%
TX656   Jefferson County, Texas   0.5044093330%
TX657   Jersey Village City, Texas   0.0242313330%
TX658   Jewett City, Texas   0.0062253330%






Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
TX659   Jim Hogg County, Texas   0.0084786670%
TX660   Jim Wells County, Texas   0.1110260000%
TX661   Joaquin City, Texas   0.0005400000%
TX662   Johnson City, Texas   0.0023873330%
TX663   Johnson County, Texas   0.2724613330%
TX664   Jolly City, Texas   0.0000173330%
TX665   Jones County, Texas   0.0146673330%
TX666   Jones Creek Village, Texas   0.0033853330%
TX667   Jonestown City, Texas   0.0042793330%
TX668   Josephine City, Texas   0.0005873330%
TX669   Joshua City, Texas   0.0137460000%
TX670   Jourdanton City, Texas   0.0064000000%
TX671   Junction City, Texas   0.0032166670%
TX672   Justin City, Texas   0.0057166670%
TX673   Karnes City, Texas   0.0077546670%
TX674   Karnes County, Texas   0.0234993330%
TX675   Katy City, Texas   0.0349780000%
TX676   Kaufman City, Texas   0.0184046670%
TX677   Kaufman County, Texas   0.2353646670%
TX678   Keene City, Texas   0.0255306670%
TX679   Keller City, Texas   0.0527926670%
TX680   Kemah City, Texas   0.0188833330%
TX681   Kemp City, Texas   0.0042793330%
TX682   Kempner City, Texas   0.0002200000%
TX683   Kendall County, Texas   0.0670953330%
TX684   Kendleton City, Texas   0.0000086670%
TX685   Kenedy City, Texas   0.0004506670%
TX686   Kenedy County, Texas   0.0006666670%
TX687   Kenefick Town, Texas   0.0002773330%
TX688   Kennard City, Texas   0.0000880000%
TX689   Kennedale City, Texas   0.0140160000%
TX690   Kent County, Texas   0.0006260000%
TX691   Kerens City, Texas   0.0012826670%
TX692   Kermit City, Texas   0.0037680000%
TX693   Kerr County, Texas   0.1456346670%
TX694   Kerrville City, Texas   0.1269046670%
TX695   Kilgore City, Texas   0.0703886670%
TX696   Killeen City, Texas   0.3571000000%
TX697   Kimble County, Texas   0.0136533330%
TX698   King County, Texas   0.0006666670%
TX699   Kingsville City, Texas   0.0133886670%
TX700   Kinney County, Texas   0.0014280000%
TX701   Kirby City, Texas   0.0058346670%
TX702   Kirbyville City, Texas   0.0071266670%
TX703   Kirvin Town, Texas   0.0000013330%
TX704   Kleberg County, Texas   0.0827393330%
TX705   Knollwood City, Texas   0.0007733330%






Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
TX706   Knox City Town, Texas   0.0013080000%
TX707   Knox County, Texas   0.0078200000%
TX708   Kosse Town, Texas   0.0016453330%
TX709   Kountze City, Texas   0.0131440000%
TX710   Kress City, Texas   0.0001240000%
TX711   Krugerville City, Texas   0.0010053330%
TX712   Krum City, Texas   0.0064406670%
TX713   Kurten Town, Texas   0.0004573330%
TX714   Kyle City, Texas   0.0345566670%
TX715   La Feria City, Texas   0.0069206670%
TX716   La Grange City, Texas   0.0064153330%
TX717   La Grulla City, Texas   0.0011386670%
TX718   La Joya City, Texas   0.0056380000%
TX719   La Marque City, Texas   0.0659533330%
TX720   La Porte City, Texas   0.0610213330%
TX721   La Salle County, Texas   0.0099833330%
TX722   La Vernia City, Texas   0.0021446670%
TX723   La Villa City, Texas   0.0003813330%
TX724   La Ward City, Texas   0.0002140000%
TX725   Lacoste City, Texas   0.0001060000%
TX726   Lacy-Lakeview City, Texas   0.0077326670%
TX727   Ladonia Town, Texas   0.0013406670%
TX728   Lago Vista City, Texas   0.0091786670%
TX729   Laguna Vista Town, Texas   0.0024593330%
TX730   Lake Bridgeport City, Texas   0.0001546670%
TX731   Lake City Town, Texas   0.0019453330%
TX732   Lake Dallas City, Texas   0.0168760000%
TX733   Lake Jackson City, Texas   0.0505206670%
TX734   Lake Tanglewood Village, Texas   0.0004086670%
TX735   Lake Worth City, Texas   0.0133673330%
TX736   Lakeport City, Texas   0.0003086670%
TX737   Lakeside City Town, Texas   0.0001480000%
TX738   Lakeside Town, San Patricio County, Texas   0.0029826670%
TX739   Lakeside Town, Tarrant County, Texas   0.0029826670%
TX740   Lakeview Town, Texas   0.0002846670%
TX741   Lakeway City, Texas   0.0211046670%
TX742   Lakewood Village City, Texas   0.0003713330%
TX743   Lamar County, Texas   0.0943986670%
TX744   Lamb County, Texas   0.0337873330%
TX745   Lamesa City, Texas   0.0197706670%
TX746   Lampasas City, Texas   0.0188073330%
TX747   Lampasas County, Texas   0.0285453330%
TX748   Lancaster City, Texas   0.0604353330%
TX749   Laredo City, Texas   0.5087826670%
TX750   Latexo City, Texas   0.0000826670%
TX751   Lavaca County, Texas   0.0306486670%






Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
TX752   Lavon City, Texas   0.0049566670%
TX753   Lawn Town, Texas   0.0000386670%
TX754   League City, Texas   0.2016120000%
TX755   Leakey City, Texas   0.0001706670%
TX756   Leander City, Texas   0.0590940000%
TX757   Leary City, Texas   0.0005313330%
TX758   Lee County, Texas   0.0203046670%
TX759   Lefors Town, Texas   0.0001060000%
TX760   Leon County, Texas   0.0449286670%
TX761   Leon Valley City, Texas   0.0155053330%
TX762   Leona City, Texas   0.0005886670%
TX763   Leonard City, Texas   0.0056700000%
TX764   Leroy City, Texas   0.0001173330%
TX765   Levelland City, Texas   0.0312320000%
TX766   Lewisville City, Texas   0.2547293330%
TX767   Lexington Town, Texas   0.0015453330%
TX768   Liberty City, Texas   0.0482286670%
TX769   Liberty County, Texas   0.3541413330%
TX770   Liberty Hill City, Texas   0.0018533330%
TX771   Limestone County, Texas   0.0904560000%
TX772   Lincoln Park Town, Texas   0.0004513330%
TX773   Lindale City, Texas   0.0161346670%
TX774   Linden City, Texas   0.0024406670%
TX775   Lindsay City, Texas   0.0008186670%
TX776   Lipan City, Texas   0.0000293330%
TX777   Lipscomb County, Texas   0.0067546670%
TX778   Little Elm City, Texas   0.0462173330%
TX779   Little River-Academy City, Texas   0.0005320000%
TX780   Littlefield City, Texas   0.0051186670%
TX781   Live Oak City, Texas   0.0218266670%
TX782   Live Oak County, Texas   0.0264773330%
TX783   Liverpool City, Texas   0.0009566670%
TX784   Livingston Town, Texas   0.0487766670%
TX785   Llano City, Texas   0.0154140000%
TX786   Llano County, Texas   0.0770980000%
TX787   Lockhart City, Texas   0.0327000000%
TX788   Lockney Town, Texas   0.0022006670%
TX789   Log Cabin City, Texas   0.0013066670%
TX790   Lometa City, Texas   0.0007840000%
TX791   Lone Oak City, Texas   0.0011366670%
TX792   Lone Star City, Texas   0.0055220000%
TX793   Longview City, Texas   0.3215026670%
TX794   Loraine Town, Texas   0.0001253330%
TX795   Lorena City, Texas   0.0022600000%
TX796   Lorenzo City, Texas   0.0075720000%
TX797   Los Fresnos City, Texas   0.0074566670%
TX798   Los Indios Town, Texas   0.0001060000%






Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
TX799   Lott City, Texas   0.0010106670%
TX800   Lovelady City, Texas   0.0001660000%
TX801   Loving County, Texas   0.0006666670%
TX802   Lowry Crossing City, Texas   0.0005220000%
TX803   Lubbock City, Texas   0.2132446670%
TX804   Lubbock County, Texas   0.9198126670%
TX805   Lucas City, Texas   0.0035106670%
TX806   Lueders City, Texas   0.0003386670%
TX807   Lufkin City, Texas   0.1877280000%
TX808   Luling City, Texas   0.0196140000%
TX809   Lumberton City, Texas   0.0244060000%
TX810   Lyford City, Texas   0.0020473330%
TX811   Lynn County, Texas   0.0041833330%
TX812   Lytle City, Texas   0.0048153330%
TX813   Mabank Town, Texas   0.0129620000%
TX814   Madison County, Texas   0.0329946670%
TX815   Madisonville City, Texas   0.0076386670%
TX816   Magnolia City, Texas   0.0173540000%
TX817   Malakoff City, Texas   0.0084093330%
TX818   Malone Town, Texas   0.0002926670%
TX819   Manor City, Texas   0.0083326670%
TX820   Mansfield City, Texas   0.1005253330%
TX821   Manvel City, Texas   0.0082033330%
TX822   Marble Falls City, Texas   0.0246926670%
TX823   Marfa City, Texas   0.0000433330%
TX824   Marietta Town, Texas   0.0002253330%
TX825   Marion City, Texas   0.0001833330%
TX826   Marion County, Texas   0.0364853330%
TX827   Marlin City, Texas   0.0144226670%
TX828   Marquez City, Texas   0.0008813330%
TX829   Marshall City, Texas   0.0722473330%
TX830   Mart City, Texas   0.0006186670%
TX831   Martin County, Texas   0.0072413330%
TX832   Martindale City, Texas   0.0016246670%
TX833   Mason City, Texas   0.0005180000%
TX834   Mason County, Texas   0.0020893330%
TX835   Matador Town, Texas   0.0008020000%
TX836   Matagorda County, Texas   0.0901593330%
TX837   Mathis City, Texas   0.0104800000%
TX838   Maud City, Texas   0.0002820000%
TX839   Maverick County, Texas   0.0772793330%
TX840   Maypearl City, Texas   0.0006573330%
TX841   McAllen City, Texas   0.2429493330%
TX842   McCamey City, Texas   0.0003613330%
TX843   McCulloch County, Texas   0.0133473330%
TX844   McGregor City, Texas   0.0061033330%
TX845   McKinney City, Texas   0.3002553330%






Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
TX846   McLean Town, Texas   0.0000093330%
TX847   McLendon-Chisholm City, Texas   0.0002740000%
TX848   McLennan County, Texas   0.3530940000%
TX849   McMullen County, Texas   0.0006666670%
TX850   Meadow Town, Texas   0.0007473330%
TX851   Meadowlakes City, Texas   0.0006033330%
TX852   Meadows Place City, Texas   0.0120986670%
TX853   Medina County, Texas   0.0322366670%
TX854   Megargel Town, Texas   0.0004073330%
TX855   Melissa City, Texas   0.0102540000%
TX856   Melvin Town, Texas   0.0002300000%
TX857   Memphis City, Texas   0.0048020000%
TX858   Menard City, Texas   0.0006606670%
TX859   Menard County, Texas   0.0098113330%
TX860   Mercedes City, Texas   0.0142940000%
TX861   Meridian City, Texas   0.0023640000%
TX862   Merkel Town, Texas   0.0067446670%
TX863   Mertens Town, Texas   0.0001593330%
TX864   Mertzon City, Texas   0.0000193330%
TX865   Mesquite City, Texas   0.2071393330%
TX866   Mexia City, Texas   0.0140640000%
TX867   Miami City, Texas   0.0003033330%
TX868   Midland City, Texas   0.3478993330%
TX869   Midland County, Texas   0.1866180000%
TX870   Midlothian City, Texas   0.0638660000%
TX871   Midway City, Texas   0.0000520000%
TX872   Milam County, Texas   0.0649240000%
TX873   Milano City, Texas   0.0006026670%
TX874   Mildred Town, Texas   0.0001906670%
TX875   Miles City, Texas   0.0000620000%
TX876   Milford Town, Texas   0.0041180000%
TX877   Miller's Cove Town, Texas   0.0000646670%
TX878   Millican Town, Texas   0.0002780000%
TX879   Mills County, Texas   0.0132873330%
TX880   Millsap Town, Texas   0.0000226670%
TX881   Mineola City, Texas   0.0324793330%
TX882   Mineral Wells City, Texas   0.0613740000%
TX883   Mingus City, Texas   0.0001260000%
TX884   Mission City, Texas   0.0831786670%
TX885   Missouri City, Texas   0.1397553330%
TX886   Mitchell County, Texas   0.0139000000%
TX887   Mobeetie City, Texas   0.0000346670%
TX888   Mobile City, Texas   0.0013560000%
TX889   Monahans City, Texas   0.0038993330%
TX890   Mont Belvieu City, Texas   0.0131126670%
TX891   Montague County, Texas   0.0631973330%
TX892   Montgomery City, Texas   0.0012560000%






Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
TX893   Montgomery County, Texas   1.8006073330%
TX894   Moody City, Texas   0.0005520000%
TX895   Moore County, Texas   0.0270846670%
TX896   Moore Station City, Texas   0.0005146670%
TX897   Moran City, Texas   0.0000333330%
TX898   Morgan City, Texas   0.0004033330%
TX899   Morgan's Point City, Texas   0.0020700000%
TX900   Morgan's Point Resort City, Texas   0.0053493330%
TX901   Morris County, Texas   0.0355520000%
TX902   Morton City, Texas   0.0001113330%
TX903   Motley County, Texas   0.0022293330%
TX904   Moulton Town, Texas   0.0006660000%
TX905   Mount Calm City, Texas   0.0004033330%
TX906   Mount Enterprise City, Texas   0.0012213330%
TX907   Mount Pleasant City, Texas   0.0437893330%
TX908   Mount Vernon Town, Texas   0.0040326670%
TX909   Mountain City, Texas   0.0010320000%
TX910   Muenster City, Texas   0.0031040000%
TX911   Muleshoe City, Texas   0.0032733330%
TX912   Mullin Town, Texas   0.0002560000%
TX913   Munday City, Texas   0.0013646670%
TX914   Murchison City, Texas   0.0015346670%
TX915   Murphy City, Texas   0.0345953330%
TX916   Mustang Ridge City, Texas   0.0016413330%
TX917   Mustang Town, Texas   0.0000046670%
TX918   Nacogdoches City, Texas   0.1373280000%
TX919   Nacogdoches County, Texas   0.1323886670%
TX920   Naples City, Texas   0.0028160000%
TX921   Nash City, Texas   0.0053326670%
TX922   Nassau Bay City, Texas   0.0074980000%
TX923   Natalia City, Texas   0.0004166670%
TX924   Navarro County, Texas   0.0690086670%
TX925   Navarro Town, Texas   0.0002226670%
TX926   Navasota City, Texas   0.0251173330%
TX927   Nazareth City, Texas   0.0000826670%
TX928   Nederland City, Texas   0.0297233330%
TX929   Needville City, Texas   0.0068940000%
TX930   Nevada City, Texas   0.0001580000%
TX931   New Berlin City, Texas   0.0000026670%
TX932   New Boston City, Texas   0.0046353330%
TX933   New Braunfels City, Texas   0.2048753330%
TX934   New Chapel Hill City, Texas   0.0001920000%
TX935   New Deal Town, Texas   0.0002253330%
TX936   New Fairview City, Texas   0.0015560000%
TX937   New Home City, Texas   0.0000060000%
TX938   New Hope Town, Texas   0.0006826670%
TX939   New London City, Texas   0.0027526670%






Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
TX940   New Summerfield City, Texas   0.0002946670%
TX941   New Waverly City, Texas   0.0017080000%
TX942   Newark City, Texas   0.0003466670%
TX943   Newcastle City, Texas   0.0006093330%
TX944   Newton City, Texas   0.0040680000%
TX945   Newton County, Texas   0.1053373330%
TX946   Neylandville Town, Texas   0.0001086670%
TX947   Niederwald City, Texas   0.0000106670%
TX948   Nixon City, Texas   0.0015220000%
TX949   Nocona City, Texas   0.0110240000%
TX950   Nolan County, Texas   0.0335080000%
TX951   Nolanville City, Texas   0.0028313330%
TX952   Nome City, Texas   0.0002606670%
TX953   Noonday City, Texas   0.0001506670%
TX954   Nordheim City, Texas   0.0004646670%
TX955   Normangee Town, Texas   0.0041280000%
TX956   North Cleveland City, Texas   0.0000700000%
TX957   North Richland Hills City, Texas   0.0976126670%
TX958   Northlake Town, Texas   0.0059366670%
TX959   Novice City, Texas   0.0000506670%
TX960   Nueces County, Texas   0.9119546670%
TX961   Oak Grove Town, Texas   0.0018460000%
TX962   Oak Leaf City, Texas   0.0004080000%
TX963   Oak Point City, Texas   0.0060073330%
TX964   Oak Ridge North City, Texas   0.0223413330%
TX965   Oak Ridge Town, Cooke County, Texas   0.0002386670%
TX966   Oak Ridge Town, Kaufman County, Texas   0.0002386670%
TX967   Oak Valley Town, Texas   0.0000046670%
TX968   Oakwood Town, Texas   0.0000986670%
TX969   O'Brien City, Texas   0.0000506670%
TX970   Ochiltree County, Texas   0.0103173330%
TX971   Odem City, Texas   0.0049466670%
TX972   Odessa City, Texas   0.3727753330%
TX973   O'Donnell City, Texas   0.0000180000%
TX974   Oglesby City, Texas   0.0000193330%
TX975   Old River-Winfree City, Texas   0.0144353330%
TX976   Oldham County, Texas   0.0068786670%
TX977   Olmos Park City, Texas   0.0065340000%
TX978   Olney City, Texas   0.0040586670%
TX979   Olton City, Texas   0.0007980000%
TX980   Omaha City, Texas   0.0027900000%
TX981   Onalaska City, Texas   0.0211026670%
TX982   Opdyke West Town, Texas   0.0003193330%
TX983   Orange City, Texas   0.2075593330%
TX984   Orange County, Texas   0.4598786670%
TX985   Orange Grove City, Texas   0.0011180000%






Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
TX986   Orchard City, Texas   0.0005780000%
TX987   Ore City, Texas   0.0045373330%
TX988   Overton City, Texas   0.0052666670%
TX989   Ovilla City, Texas   0.0089273330%
TX990   Oyster Creek City, Texas   0.0064220000%
TX991   Paducah Town, Texas   0.0000833330%
TX992   Paint Rock Town, Texas   0.0000940000%
TX993   Palacios City, Texas   0.0093573330%
TX994   Palestine City, Texas   0.1186726670%
TX995   Palisades Village, Texas   0.0001600000%
TX996   Palm Valley City, Texas   0.0012786670%
TX997   Palmer Town, Texas   0.0084440000%
TX998   Palmhurst City, Texas   0.0031066670%
TX999   Palmview City, Texas   0.0050513330%
TX1000   Palo Pinto County, Texas   0.0830806670%
TX1001   Pampa City, Texas   0.0448180000%
TX1002   Panhandle Town, Texas   0.0063573330%
TX1003   Panola County, Texas   0.0537993330%
TX1004   Panorama Village City, Texas   0.0008613330%
TX1005   Pantego Town, Texas   0.0085986670%
TX1006   Paradise City, Texas   0.0000346670%
TX1007   Paris City, Texas   0.1341200000%
TX1008   Parker City, Texas   0.0068713330%
TX1009   Parker County, Texas   0.3175026670%
TX1010   Parmer County, Texas   0.0105773330%
TX1011   Pasadena City, Texas   0.2376906670%
TX1012   Pattison City, Texas   0.0007653330%
TX1013   Patton Village City, Texas   0.0061786670%
TX1014   Payne Springs Town, Texas   0.0011800000%
TX1015   Pearland City, Texas   0.2225013330%
TX1016   Pearsall City, Texas   0.0077133330%
TX1017   Pecan Gap City, Texas   0.0004793330%
TX1018   Pecan Hill City, Texas   0.0001526670%
TX1019   Pecos City, Texas   0.0050813330%
TX1020   Pecos County, Texas   0.0313313330%
TX1021   Pelican Bay City, Texas   0.0007993330%
TX1022   Penelope Town, Texas   0.0002766670%
TX1023   Penitas City, Texas   0.0002080000%
TX1024   Perryton City, Texas   0.0155760000%
TX1025   Petersburg City, Texas   0.0011273330%
TX1026   Petrolia City, Texas   0.0000113330%
TX1027   Petronila City, Texas   0.0000033330%
TX1028   Pflugerville City, Texas   0.0576053330%
TX1029   Pharr City, Texas   0.0964806670%
TX1030   Pilot Point City, Texas   0.0077420000%
TX1031   Pine Forest City, Texas   0.0025960000%
TX1032   Pine Island Town, Texas   0.0020940000%






Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
TX1033   Pinehurst City, Texas   0.0217806670%
TX1034   Pineland City, Texas   0.0027586670%
TX1035   Piney Point Village City, Texas   0.0104920000%
TX1036   Pittsburg City, Texas   0.0136840000%
TX1037   Plains Town, Texas   0.0000860000%
TX1038   Plainview City, Texas   0.0401986670%
TX1039   Plano City, Texas   0.7677386670%
TX1040   Pleak Village, Texas   0.0001800000%
TX1041   Pleasant Valley Town, Texas   0.0002053330%
TX1042   Pleasanton City, Texas   0.0193406670%
TX1043   Plum Grove City, Texas   0.0001720000%
TX1044   Point Blank City, Texas   0.0002366670%
TX1045   Point City, Texas   0.0010126670%
TX1046   Point Comfort City, Texas   0.0002980000%
TX1047   Point Venture Village, Texas   0.0003920000%
TX1048   Polk County, Texas   0.2472206670%
TX1049   Ponder Town, Texas   0.0008546670%
TX1050   Port Aransas City, Texas   0.0206813330%
TX1051   Port Arthur City, Texas   0.2452966670%
TX1052   Port Isabel City, Texas   0.0065346670%
TX1053   Port Lavaca City, Texas   0.0078346670%
TX1054   Port Neches City, Texas   0.0258993330%
TX1055   Portland City, Texas   0.0510113330%
TX1056   Post City, Texas   0.0015546670%
TX1057   Post Oak Bend City Town, Texas   0.0006893330%
TX1058   Poteet City, Texas   0.0045113330%
TX1059   Poth Town, Texas   0.0026493330%
TX1060   Potter County, Texas   0.2478006670%
TX1061   Pottsboro Town, Texas   0.0082013330%
TX1062   Powell Town, Texas   0.0000733330%
TX1063   Poynor Town, Texas   0.0007866670%
TX1064   Prairie View City, Texas   0.0050666670%
TX1065   Premont City, Texas   0.0022140000%
TX1066   Presidio City, Texas   0.0000986670%
TX1067   Presidio County, Texas   0.0005246670%
TX1068   Primera Town, Texas   0.0019720000%
TX1069   Princeton City, Texas   0.0128300000%
TX1070   Progreso City, Texas   0.0053813330%
TX1071   Progreso Lakes City, Texas   0.0000260000%
TX1072   Prosper Town, Texas   0.0151800000%
TX1073   Providence Village Town, Texas   0.0003386670%
TX1074   Putnam Town, Texas   0.0000093330%
TX1075   Pyote Town, Texas   0.0000146670%
TX1076   Quanah City, Texas   0.0001380000%
TX1077   Queen City, Texas   0.0032246670%
TX1078   Quinlan City, Texas   0.0048693330%
TX1079   Quintana Town, Texas   0.0003280000%






Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
TX1080   Quitaque City, Texas   0.0000053330%
TX1081   Quitman City, Texas   0.0104126670%
TX1082   Rains County, Texas   0.0354600000%
TX1083   Ralls City, Texas   0.0026446670%
TX1084   Rancho Viejo Town, Texas   0.0025573330%
TX1085   Randall County, Texas   0.1854173330%
TX1086   Ranger City, Texas   0.0081240000%
TX1087   Rankin City, Texas   0.0010753330%
TX1088   Ransom Canyon Town, Texas   0.0006200000%
TX1089   Ravenna City, Texas   0.0004566670%
TX1090   Raymondville City, Texas   0.0049773330%
TX1091   Reagan County, Texas   0.0168100000%
TX1092   Real County, Texas   0.0033820000%
TX1093   Red Lick City, Texas   0.0000153330%
TX1094   Red Oak City, Texas   0.0178953330%
TX1095   Red River County, Texas   0.0195373330%
TX1096   Redwater City, Texas   0.0007053330%
TX1097   Reeves County, Texas   0.0689000000%
TX1098   Refugio County, Texas   0.0308106670%
TX1099   Refugio Town, Texas   0.0058926670%
TX1100   Reklaw City, Texas   0.0007573330%
TX1101   Reno City, Lamar County, Texas   0.0074426670%
TX1102   Reno City, Parker County, Texas   0.0025273330%
TX1103   Retreat Town, Texas   0.0000346670%
TX1104   Rhome City, Texas   0.0081900000%
TX1105   Rice City, Texas   0.0013146670%
TX1106   Richardson City, Texas   0.1735433330%
TX1107   Richland Hills City, Texas   0.0162920000%
TX1108   Richland Springs Town, Texas   0.0014893330%
TX1109   Richland Town, Texas   0.0001400000%
TX1110   Richmond City, Texas   0.0517373330%
TX1111   Richwood City, Texas   0.0080746670%
TX1112   Riesel City, Texas   0.0007453330%
TX1113   Rio Bravo City, Texas   0.0056986670%
TX1114   Rio Grande City, Texas   0.0172980000%
TX1115   Rio Hondo City, Texas   0.0023666670%
TX1116   Rio Vista City, Texas   0.0029460000%
TX1117   Rising Star Town, Texas   0.0012886670%
TX1118   River Oaks City, Texas   0.0079446670%
TX1119   Riverside City, Texas   0.0005720000%
TX1120   Roanoke City, Texas   0.0001833330%
TX1121   Roaring Springs Town, Texas   0.0003073330%
TX1122   Robert Lee City, Texas   0.0000566670%
TX1123   Roberts County, Texas   0.0003646670%
TX1124   Robertson County, Texas   0.0297613330%
TX1125   Robinson City, Texas   0.0120013330%
TX1126   Robstown City, Texas   0.0267693330%






Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
TX1127   Roby City, Texas   0.0002853330%
TX1128   Rochester Town, Texas   0.0004493330%
TX1129   Rockdale City, Texas   0.0139820000%
TX1130   Rockport City, Texas   0.0361686670%
TX1131   Rocksprings Town, Texas   0.0000166670%
TX1132   Rockwall City, Texas   0.0762053330%
TX1133   Rockwall County, Texas   0.1125466670%
TX1134   Rocky Mound Town, Texas   0.0001866670%
TX1135   Rogers Town, Texas   0.0025453330%
TX1136   Rollingwood City, Texas   0.0031693330%
TX1137   Roma City, Texas   0.0110860000%
TX1138   Roman Forest Town, Texas   0.0057400000%
TX1139   Ropesville City, Texas   0.0014146670%
TX1140   Roscoe City, Texas   0.0005186670%
TX1141   Rose City, Texas   0.0026746670%
TX1142   Rose Hill Acres City, Texas   0.0015406670%
TX1143   Rosebud City, Texas   0.0009926670%
TX1144   Rosenberg City, Texas   0.0843953330%
TX1145   Ross City, Texas   0.0000980000%
TX1146   Rosser Village, Texas   0.0003660000%
TX1147   Rotan City, Texas   0.0009953330%
TX1148   Round Mountain Town, Texas   0.0003026670%
TX1149   Round Rock City, Texas   0.3173280000%
TX1150   Round Top Town, Texas   0.0000933330%
TX1151   Rowlett City, Texas   0.0666420000%
TX1152   Roxton City, Texas   0.0000313330%
TX1153   Royse City, Texas   0.0156626670%
TX1154   Rule Town, Texas   0.0005333330%
TX1155   Runaway Bay City, Texas   0.0046206670%
TX1156   Runge Town, Texas   0.0001700000%
TX1157   Runnels County, Texas   0.0225540000%
TX1158   Rusk City, Texas   0.0119940000%
TX1159   Rusk County, Texas   0.1009266670%
TX1160   Sabinal City, Texas   0.0012073330%
TX1161   Sabine County, Texas   0.0309860000%
TX1162   Sachse City, Texas   0.0156000000%
TX1163   Sadler City, Texas   0.0006166670%
TX1164   Saginaw City, Texas   0.0213153330%
TX1165   Salado Village, Texas   0.0021400000%
TX1166   San Angelo City, Texas   0.3576726670%
TX1167   San Antonio City, Texas   2.9102773330%
TX1168   San Augustine City, Texas   0.0167880000%
TX1169   San Augustine County, Texas   0.0252360000%
TX1170   San Benito City, Texas   0.0266766670%
TX1171   San Diego City, Texas   0.0078473330%
TX1172   San Elizario City, Texas   0.0052206670%
TX1173   San Felipe Town, Texas   0.0009986670%






Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
TX1174   San Jacinto County, Texas   0.1315986670%
TX1175   San Juan City, Texas   0.0192300000%
TX1176   San Leanna Village, Texas   0.0000240000%
TX1177   San Marcos City, Texas   0.2171253330%
TX1178   San Patricio City, Texas   0.0028086670%
TX1179   San Patricio County, Texas   0.1812773330%
TX1180   San Perlita City, Texas   0.0014793330%
TX1181   San Saba City, Texas   0.0067046670%
TX1182   San Saba County, Texas   0.0117080000%
TX1183   Sanctuary Town, Texas   0.0000113330%
TX1184   Sandy Oaks City, Texas   0.0065753330%
TX1185   Sandy Point City, Texas   0.0010913330%
TX1186   Sanford Town, Texas   0.0002053330%
TX1187   Sanger City, Texas   0.0148246670%
TX1188   Sansom Park City, Texas   0.0001486670%
TX1189   Santa Anna Town, Texas   0.0002193330%
TX1190   Santa Clara City, Texas   0.0000580000%
TX1191   Santa Fe City, Texas   0.0221813330%
TX1192   Santa Rosa Town, Texas   0.0014253330%
TX1193   Savoy City, Texas   0.0015660000%
TX1194   Schertz City, Texas   0.0400733330%
TX1195   Schleicher County, Texas   0.0037966670%
TX1196   Schulenburg City, Texas   0.0017066670%
TX1197   Scotland City, Texas   0.0000986670%
TX1198   Scottsville City, Texas   0.0004720000%
TX1199   Scurry County, Texas   0.0487440000%
TX1200   Scurry Town, Texas   0.0007400000%
TX1201   Seabrook City, Texas   0.0201800000%
TX1202   Seadrift City, Texas   0.0006606670%
TX1203   Seagoville City, Texas   0.0114040000%
TX1204   Seagraves City, Texas   0.0050206670%
TX1205   Sealy City, Texas   0.0137580000%
TX1206   Seguin City, Texas   0.2510253330%
TX1207   Selma City, Texas   0.0149526670%
TX1208   Seminole City, Texas   0.0107280000%
TX1209   Seven Oaks City, Texas   0.0026113330%
TX1210   Seven Points City, Texas   0.0049680000%
TX1211   Seymour City, Texas   0.0094786670%
TX1212   Shackelford County, Texas   0.0008586670%
TX1213   Shady Shores Town, Texas   0.0003960000%
TX1214   Shallowater City, Texas   0.0012713330%
TX1215   Shamrock City, Texas   0.0028853330%
TX1216   Shavano Park City, Texas   0.0021186670%
TX1217   Shelby County, Texas   0.0732833330%
TX1218   Shenandoah City, Texas   0.0314146670%
TX1219   Shepherd City, Texas   0.0000980000%
TX1220   Sherman City, Texas   0.2203900000%






Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
TX1221   Sherman County, Texas   0.0052866670%
TX1222   Shiner City, Texas   0.0026946670%
TX1223   Shoreacres City, Texas   0.0006386670%
TX1224   Silsbee City, Texas   0.0442946670%
TX1225   Silverton City, Texas   0.0000093330%
TX1226   Simonton City, Texas   0.0012706670%
TX1227   Sinton City, Texas   0.0157720000%
TX1228   Skellytown, Texas   0.0002666670%
TX1229   Slaton City, Texas   0.0001026670%
TX1230   Smiley City, Texas   0.0004366670%
TX1231   Smith County, Texas   0.5059740000%
TX1232   Smithville City, Texas   0.0113393330%
TX1233   Smyer Town, Texas   0.0002000000%
TX1234   Snook City, Texas   0.0009480000%
TX1235   Snyder City, Texas   0.0060120000%
TX1236   Socorro City, Texas   0.0074166670%
TX1237   Somerset City, Texas   0.0010180000%
TX1238   Somervell County, Texas   0.0380506670%
TX1239   Somerville City, Texas   0.0025373330%
TX1240   Sonora City, Texas   0.0048913330%
TX1241   Sour Lake City, Texas   0.0119040000%
TX1242   South Houston City, Texas   0.0170800000%
TX1243   South Mountain Town, Texas   0.0001026670%
TX1244   South Padre Island Town, Texas   0.0204193330%
TX1245   Southlake City, Texas   0.0472306670%
TX1246   Southmayd City, Texas   0.0047306670%
TX1247   Southside Place City, Texas   0.0005900000%
TX1248   Spearman City, Texas   0.0093333330%
TX1249   Splendora City, Texas   0.0051706670%
TX1250   Spofford City, Texas   0.0000046670%
TX1251   Spring Valley Village City, Texas   0.0109360000%
TX1252   Springlake Town, Texas   0.0000020000%
TX1253   Springtown City, Texas   0.0094960000%
TX1254   Spur City, Texas   0.0002846670%
TX1255   St. Hedwig Town, Texas   0.0000740000%
TX1256   St. Jo City, Texas   0.0049066670%
TX1257   St. Paul Town, Texas   0.0000140000%
TX1258   Stafford City, Texas   0.0500966670%
TX1259   Stagecoach Town, Texas   0.0020240000%
TX1260   Stamford City, Texas   0.0002653330%
TX1261   Stanton City, Texas   0.0025586670%
TX1262   Staples City, Texas   0.0000126670%
TX1263   Star Harbor City, Texas   0.0001006670%
TX1264   Starr County, Texas   0.0665973330%
TX1265   Stephens County, Texas   0.0234960000%
TX1266   Stephenville City, Texas   0.0556480000%
TX1267   Sterling City, Texas   0.0000413330%






Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
TX1268   Sterling County, Texas   0.0006260000%
TX1269   Stinnett City, Texas   0.0027313330%
TX1270   Stockdale City, Texas   0.0004940000%
TX1271   Stonewall County, Texas   0.0012146670%
TX1272   Stratford City, Texas   0.0055853330%
TX1273   Strawn City, Texas   0.0006580000%
TX1274   Streetman Town, Texas   0.0000033330%
TX1275   Sudan City, Texas   0.0000213330%
TX1276   Sugar Land City, Texas   0.2143740000%
TX1277   Sullivan City, Texas   0.0040806670%
TX1278   Sulphur Springs City, Texas   0.0830686670%
TX1279   Sun Valley City, Texas   0.0000026670%
TX1280   Sundown City, Texas   0.0017280000%
TX1281   Sunnyvale Town, Texas   0.0021653330%
TX1282   Sunray City, Texas   0.0017140000%
TX1283   Sunrise Beach Village City, Texas   0.0013886670%
TX1284   Sunset Valley City, Texas   0.0062833330%
TX1285   Surfside Beach City, Texas   0.0043533330%
TX1286   Sutton County, Texas   0.0043606670%
TX1287   Sweeny City, Texas   0.0030020000%
TX1288   Sweetwater City, Texas   0.0454986670%
TX1289   Swisher County, Texas   0.0048340000%
TX1290   Taft City, Texas   0.0039073330%
TX1291   Tahoka City, Texas   0.0002866670%
TX1292   Talco City, Texas   0.0002480000%
TX1293   Talty Town, Texas   0.0060826670%
TX1294   Tarrant County, Texas   4.1141060000%
TX1295   Tatum City, Texas   0.0006480000%
TX1296   Taylor City, Texas   0.0386300000%
TX1297   Taylor County, Texas   0.2340520000%
TX1298   Taylor Lake Village City, Texas   0.0002746670%
TX1299   Taylor Landing City, Texas   0.0001020000%
TX1300   Teague City, Texas   0.0011426670%
TX1301   Tehuacana Town, Texas   0.0000080000%
TX1302   Temple City, Texas   0.1871646670%
TX1303   Tenaha Town, Texas   0.0031453330%
TX1304   Terrell City, Texas   0.0991373330%
TX1305   Terrell County, Texas   0.0038246670%
TX1306   Terrell Hills City, Texas   0.0065720000%
TX1307   Terry County, Texas   0.0169486670%
TX1308   Texarkana City, Texas   0.1280626670%
TX1309   Texas City, Texas   0.1991346670%
TX1310   Texhoma City, Texas   0.0001040000%
TX1311   Texline Town, Texas   0.0005766670%
TX1312   The Colony City, Texas   0.0761980000%
TX1313   The Hills Village, Texas   0.0006693330%
TX1314   Thompsons Town, Texas   0.0012646670%






Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
TX1315   Thorndale City, Texas   0.0010633330%
TX1316   Thornton Town, Texas   0.0001800000%
TX1317   Thorntonville Town, Texas   0.0000580000%
TX1318   Thrall City, Texas   0.0005500000%
TX1319   Three Rivers City, Texas   0.0031126670%
TX1320   Throckmorton County, Texas   0.0037966670%
TX1321   Throckmorton Town, Texas   0.0000193330%
TX1322   Tiki Island Village, Texas   0.0014520000%
TX1323   Timbercreek Canyon Village, Texas   0.0002460000%
TX1324   Timpson City, Texas   0.0084280000%
TX1325   Tioga Town, Texas   0.0015933330%
TX1326   Tira Town, Texas   0.0001233330%
TX1327   Titus County, Texas   0.0470740000%
TX1328   Toco City, Texas   0.0000026670%
TX1329   Todd Mission City, Texas   0.0011200000%
TX1330   Tolar City, Texas   0.0015793330%
TX1331   Tom Bean City, Texas   0.0015286670%
TX1332   Tom Green County, Texas   0.1882846670%
TX1333   Tomball City, Texas   0.0230800000%
TX1334   Tool City, Texas   0.0098580000%
TX1335   Toyah Town, Texas   0.0000266670%
TX1336   Travis County, Texas   3.1356486670%
TX1337   Trent Town, Texas   0.0000420000%
TX1338   Trenton City, Texas   0.0020593330%
TX1339   Trinidad City, Texas   0.0039060000%
TX1340   Trinity City, Texas   0.0157680000%
TX1341   Trinity County, Texas   0.0705106670%
TX1342   Trophy Club Town, Texas   0.0195800000%
TX1343   Troup City, Texas   0.0052786670%
TX1344   Troy City, Texas   0.0035466670%
TX1345   Tulia City, Texas   0.0059406670%
TX1346   Turkey City, Texas   0.0004913330%
TX1347   Tuscola City, Texas   0.0000920000%
TX1348   Tye City, Texas   0.0011773330%
TX1349   Tyler City, Texas   0.4825526670%
TX1350   Tyler County, Texas   0.0878286670%
TX1351   Uhland City, Texas   0.0010300000%
TX1352   Uncertain City, Texas   0.0001233330%
TX1353   Union Grove City, Texas   0.0006626670%
TX1354   Union Valley City, Texas   0.0004440000%
TX1355   Universal City, Texas   0.0189520000%
TX1356   University Park City, Texas   0.0338886670%
TX1357   Upshur County, Texas   0.0855333330%
TX1358   Upton County, Texas   0.0056660000%
TX1359   Uvalde City, Texas   0.0122926670%
TX1360   Uvalde County, Texas   0.0241626670%
TX1361   Val Verde County, Texas   0.0785433330%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
TX1362   Valentine Town, Texas   0.0001380000%
TX1363   Valley Mills City, Texas   0.0014853330%
TX1364   Valley View City, Texas   0.0012160000%
TX1365   Van Alstyne City, Texas   0.0291660000%
TX1366   Van City, Texas   0.0041373330%
TX1367   Van Horn Town, Texas   0.0001406670%
TX1368   Van Zandt County, Texas   0.1658313330%
TX1369   Vega City, Texas   0.0006493330%
TX1370   Venus Town, Texas   0.0065280000%
TX1371   Vernon City, Texas   0.0542246670%
TX1372   Victoria City, Texas   0.0563986670%
TX1373   Victoria County, Texas   0.3472573330%
TX1374   Vidor City, Texas   0.0637466670%
TX1375   Vinton Village, Texas   0.0004146670%
TX1376   Volente Village, Texas   0.0002220000%
TX1377   Von Ormy City, Texas   0.0003420000%
TX1378   Waco City, Texas   0.3413380000%
TX1379   Waelder City, Texas   0.0022846670%
TX1380   Wake Village City, Texas   0.0001160000%
TX1381   Walker County, Texas   0.1230826670%
TX1382   Waller City, Texas   0.0075300000%
TX1383   Waller County, Texas   0.0841373330%
TX1384   Wallis City, Texas   0.0017986670%
TX1385   Walnut Springs City, Texas   0.0001220000%
TX1386   Ward County, Texas   0.0452800000%
TX1387   Warren City, Texas   0.0000440000%
TX1388   Washington County, Texas   0.0558180000%
TX1389   Waskom City, Texas   0.0035640000%
TX1390   Watauga City, Texas   0.0221440000%
TX1391   Waxahachie City, Texas   0.1013960000%
TX1392   Weatherford City, Texas   0.1385813330%
TX1393   Webb County, Texas   0.3368693330%
TX1394   Webberville Village, Texas   0.0008533330%
TX1395   Webster City, Texas   0.0354680000%
TX1396   Weimar City, Texas   0.0038866670%
TX1397   Weinert City, Texas   0.0001560000%
TX1398   Weir City, Texas   0.0002953330%
TX1399   Wellington City, Texas   0.0060740000%
TX1400   Wellman City, Texas   0.0002553330%
TX1401   Wells Town, Texas   0.0009046670%
TX1402   Weslaco City, Texas   0.0492993330%
TX1403   West City, Texas   0.0023480000%
TX1404   West Columbia City, Texas   0.0119720000%
TX1405   West Lake Hills City, Texas   0.0113706670%
TX1406   West Orange City, Texas   0.0283013330%
TX1407   West Tawakoni City, Texas   0.0046633330%
TX1408   West University Place City, Texas   0.0231146670%






Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
TX1409   Westbrook City, Texas   0.0000286670%
TX1410   Westlake Town, Texas   0.0276933330%
TX1411   Weston City, Texas   0.0001773330%
TX1412   Weston Lakes City, Texas   0.0001260000%
TX1413   Westover Hills Town, Texas   0.0030060000%
TX1414   Westworth Village City, Texas   0.0052280000%
TX1415   Wharton City, Texas   0.0211333330%
TX1416   Wharton County, Texas   0.0485913330%
TX1417   Wheeler City, Texas   0.0002980000%
TX1418   Wheeler County, Texas   0.0175153330%
TX1419   White Deer Town, Texas   0.0008486670%
TX1420   White Oak City, Texas   0.0102033330%
TX1421   White Settlement City, Texas   0.0155360000%
TX1422   Whiteface Town, Texas   0.0001033330%
TX1423   Whitehouse City, Texas   0.0193446670%
TX1424   Whitesboro City, Texas   0.0126213330%
TX1425   Whitewright Town, Texas   0.0047320000%
TX1426   Whitney Town, Texas   0.0000486670%
TX1427   Wichita County, Texas   0.3682473330%
TX1428   Wichita Falls City, Texas   0.5550493330%
TX1429   Wickett Town, Texas   0.0000580000%
TX1430   Wilbarger County, Texas   0.0367493330%
TX1431   Willacy County, Texas   0.0163873330%
TX1432   Williamson County, Texas   0.7973246670%
TX1433   Willis City, Texas   0.0162560000%
TX1434   Willow Park City, Texas   0.0178246670%
TX1435   Wills Point City, Texas   0.0291766670%
TX1436   Wilmer City, Texas   0.0002840000%
TX1437   Wilson City, Texas   0.0000080000%
TX1438   Wilson County, Texas   0.0806893330%
TX1439   Wimberley City, Texas   0.0004826670%
TX1440   Windcrest City, Texas   0.0086053330%
TX1441   Windom Town, Texas   0.0007246670%
TX1442   Windthorst Town, Texas   0.0022566670%
TX1443   Winfield City, Texas   0.0001933330%
TX1444   Wink City, Texas   0.0000800000%
TX1445   Winkler County, Texas   0.0407753330%
TX1446   Winnsboro City, Texas   0.0191940000%
TX1447   Winona Town, Texas   0.0002126670%
TX1448   Winters City, Texas   0.0041526670%
TX1449   Wise County, Texas   0.1927160000%
TX1450   Wixon Valley City, Texas   0.0002940000%
TX1451   Wolfe City, Texas   0.0036440000%
TX1452   Wolfforth City, Texas   0.0026813330%
TX1453   Wood County, Texas   0.1780320000%
TX1454   Woodbranch City, Texas   0.0064113330%
TX1455   Woodcreek City, Texas   0.0002386670%








Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only 


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
TX1456   Woodloch Town, Texas   0.0006746670%
TX1457   Woodsboro Town, Texas   0.0007533330%
TX1458   Woodson Town, Texas   0.0000813330%
TX1459   Woodville Town, Texas   0.0135600000%
TX1460   Woodway City, Texas   0.0171420000%
TX1461   Wortham Town, Texas   0.0002506670%
TX1462   Wylie City, Texas   0.0764720000%
TX1463   Yantis Town, Texas   0.0013813330%
TX1464   Yoakum City, Texas   0.0134733330%
TX1465   Yoakum County, Texas   0.0232826670%
TX1466   Yorktown City, Texas   0.0036313330%
TX1467   Young County, Texas   0.0294133330%
TX1468   Zapata County, Texas   0.0376533330%
TX1469   Zavala County, Texas   0.0254313330%
TX1470   Zavalla City, Texas   0.0007253330%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only 


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
UT3   Beaver County, Utah   0.2280000000%
UT6   Box Elder County, Utah   1.4640000000%
UT8   Cache County, Utah   2.6490000000%
UT9   Carbon County, Utah   2.7180000000%
UT16   Daggett County, Utah   0.0280000000%
UT17   Davis County, Utah   8.6950000000%
UT19   Duchesne County, Utah   0.6410000000%
UT21   Emery County, Utah   0.9380000000%
UT23   Garfield County, Utah   0.1470000000%
UT24   Grand County, Utah   0.3040000000%
UT31   Iron County, Utah   1.6220000000%
UT32   Juab County, Utah   0.3520000000%
UT33   Kane County, Utah   0.4390000000%
UT41   Millard County, Utah   0.3550000000%
UT42   Morgan County, Utah   0.2160000000%
UT50   Piute County, Utah   0.0220000000%
UT54   Rich County, Utah   0.0610000000%
UT58   Salt Lake County, Utah   42.2710000000%
UT59   San Juan County, Utah   0.2490000000%
UT61   Sanpete County, Utah   1.0130000000%
UT64   Sevier County, Utah   0.6610000000%
UT72   Summit County, Utah   0.9440000000%
UT76   Tooele County, Utah   2.2330000000%
UT77   Uintah County, Utah   0.8660000000%
UT78   Utah County, Utah   15.4260000000%
UT81   Wasatch County, Utah   0.6010000000%
UT83   Washington County, Utah   4.8650000000%
UT84   Wayne County, Utah   0.1090000000%
UT85   Weber County, Utah   9.8830000000%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only 


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
VT1   Addison County, Vermont   0.7355948910%
VT2   Albany Town, Vermont   0.0345075405%
VT3   Albany Village, Vermont   0.0160668267%
VT4   Alburgh Town, Vermont   0.0606145322%
VT5   Alburgh Village, Vermont   0.0525580527%
VT6   Andover Town, Vermont   0.0012398034%
VT7   Arlington Town, Vermont   0.0885559202%
VT8   Athens Town, Vermont   0.0006484140%
VT9   Bakersfield Town, Vermont   0.0549127180%
VT10   Baltimore Town, Vermont   0.0024796068%
VT11   Barnard Town, Vermont   0.0830636232%
VT12   Barnet Town, Vermont   0.0471074029%
VT13   Barre City, Vermont   2.1256028600%
VT14   Barre Town, Vermont   1.3320832015%
VT15   Barton Town, Vermont   0.3252065150%
VT16   Barton Village, Vermont   0.0324162133%
VT17   Bellows Falls Village, Vermont   0.9422159742%
VT18   Belvidere Town, Vermont   0.0049931720%
VT19   Bennington County, Vermont   0.9901518348%
VT20   Bennington Town, Vermont   2.4851413569%
VT21   Benson Town, Vermont   0.0225970986%
VT22   Berlin Town, Vermont   0.5526473249%
VT23   Bethel Town, Vermont   0.0892626402%
VT24   Bloomfield Town, Vermont   0.0119245379%
VT25   Bolton Town, Vermont   0.1874031696%
VT26   Bradford Town, Vermont   0.7724442824%
VT27   Braintree Town, Vermont   0.0619908100%
VT28   Brandon Town, Vermont   0.5039156835%
VT29   Brattleboro Town, Vermont   2.8616648398%
VT30   Bridgewater Town, Vermont   0.2045592293%
VT31   Bridport Town, Vermont   0.0525426753%
VT32   Brighton Town, Vermont   0.1371312246%
VT33   Bristol Town, Vermont   0.4536168281%
VT34   Brookfield Town, Vermont   0.0181094589%
VT35   Brookline Town, Vermont   0.0142663887%
VT36   Brownington Town, Vermont   0.0209132726%
VT37   Brunswick Town, Vermont   0.0071549790%
VT38   Burke Town, Vermont   0.0035553845%
VT39   Burlington City, Vermont   10.6984139884%
VT40   Cabot Town, Vermont   0.0223388863%
VT41   Calais Town, Vermont   0.0461347819%
VT42   Caledonia County, Vermont   0.8505961058%
VT43   Cambridge Town, Vermont   0.0682410850%
VT44   Cambridge Village, Vermont   0.0012481328%
VT45   Canaan Town, Vermont   0.1359388349%
VT46   Castleton Town, Vermont   0.4255786906%
VT47   Cavendish Town, Vermont   0.0216955982%






Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only 


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
VT48   Charleston Town, Vermont   0.0460098405%
VT49   Charlotte Town, Vermont   0.2587947007%
VT50   Chelsea Town, Vermont   0.0097511978%
VT51   Chester Town, Vermont   0.3719262791%
VT52   Chittenden County, Vermont   0.6721150355%
VT53   Chittenden Town, Vermont   0.0203372606%
VT54   Clarendon Town, Vermont   0.0632716198%
VT55   Colchester Town, Vermont   2.5489633597%
VT56   Concord Town, Vermont   0.0166940968%
VT57   Corinth Town, Vermont   0.0626872784%
VT58   Cornwall Town, Vermont   0.0577966224%
VT59   Coventry Town, Vermont   0.0376445314%
VT60   Craftsbury Town, Vermont   0.0501924950%
VT61   Danby Town, Vermont   0.0082858591%
VT62   Danville Town, Vermont   0.0302198071%
VT63   Derby Center Village, Vermont   0.0488117321%
VT64   Derby Line Village, Vermont   0.0549242511%
VT65   Derby Town, Vermont   0.5855806035%
VT66   Dorset Town, Vermont   0.0697288490%
VT67   Dover Town, Vermont   0.6426262960%
VT68   Dummerston Town, Vermont   0.0577133282%
VT69   East Haven Town, Vermont   0.0107321482%
VT70   East Montpelier Town, Vermont   0.1121807421%
VT71   Eden Town, Vermont   0.0299596726%
VT72   Elmore Town, Vermont   0.0195568572%
VT73   Enosburg Falls Village, Vermont   0.0515847910%
VT74   Enosburgh Town, Vermont   0.0873609676%
VT75   Essex County, Vermont   0.3791972294%
VT76   Essex Junction Village, Vermont   0.1451319610%
VT77   Essex Town, Vermont   1.8402135758%
VT78   Fair Haven Town, Vermont   0.3879168595%
VT79   Fairfax Town, Vermont   0.1256334098%
VT80   Fairfield Town, Vermont   0.0981770508%
VT81   Fairlee Town, Vermont   0.0592042959%
VT82   Fayston Town, Vermont   0.0053417265%
VT83   Ferrisburgh Town, Vermont   0.1296046250%
VT84   Fletcher Town, Vermont   0.0216321664%
VT85   Franklin County, Vermont   1.4110871894%
VT86   Franklin Town, Vermont   0.0432643327%
VT87   Georgia Town, Vermont   0.2512668196%
VT88   Goshen Town, Vermont   0.0148872515%
VT89   Grafton Town, Vermont   0.0220479971%
VT90   Grand Isle County, Vermont   0.4312958821%
VT91   Grand Isle Town, Vermont   0.1561992085%
VT92   Granville Town, Vermont   0.0131355086%
VT93   Greensboro Town, Vermont   0.2645567430%
VT94   Groton Town, Vermont   0.0719938128%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only 


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
VT95   Guildhall Town, Vermont   0.0155017070%
VT96   Guilford Town, Vermont   0.0032420698%
VT97   Halifax Town, Vermont   0.0155632167%
VT98   Hancock Town, Vermont   0.0534179060%
VT99   Hardwick Town, Vermont   0.7839350493%
VT100   Hartford Town, Vermont   3.2053851113%
VT101   Hartland Town, Vermont   0.0483504099%
VT102   Highgate Town, Vermont   0.2362905072%
VT103   Hinesburg Town, Vermont   0.2869757200%
VT104   Holland Town, Vermont   0.0010456636%
VT105   Hubbardton Town, Vermont   0.0632716198%
VT106   Huntington Town, Vermont   0.0422712086%
VT107   Hyde Park Town, Vermont   0.0374497510%
VT108   Hyde Park Village, Vermont   0.0025481644%
VT109   Ira Town, Vermont   0.0067788733%
VT110   Irasburg Town, Vermont   0.0909740173%
VT111   Isle La Motte Town, Vermont   0.0520666164%
VT112   Jacksonville Village, Vermont   0.0061977355%
VT113   Jamaica Town, Vermont   0.0259384809%
VT114   Jay Town, Vermont   0.0031369909%
VT115   Jeffersonville Village, Vermont   0.0039462269%
VT116   Jericho Town, Vermont   0.0422712086%
VT117   Johnson Town, Vermont   0.2812873611%
VT118   Johnson Village, Vermont   0.1616364031%
VT119   Killington Town, Vermont   0.2124125988%
VT120   Kirby Town, Vermont   0.0008886859%
VT121   Lamoille County, Vermont   1.1151624597%
VT122   Landgrove Town, Vermont   0.0125511672%
VT123   Leicester Town, Vermont   0.0481639588%
VT124   Lincoln Town, Vermont   0.0718080025%
VT125   Londonderry Town, Vermont   0.0382589870%
VT126   Lowell Town, Vermont   0.0481011678%
VT127   Ludlow Town, Vermont   0.7209171567%
VT128   Ludlow Village, Vermont   0.2940730337%
VT129   Lunenburg Town, Vermont   0.0965880521%
VT130   Lyndon Town, Vermont   0.4559618826%
VT131   Lyndonville Village, Vermont   0.0079994549%
VT132   Maidstone Town, Vermont   0.0214642963%
VT133   Manchester Town, Vermont   0.6972897719%
VT134   Manchester Village, Vermont   0.0076701221%
VT135   Marlboro Town, Vermont   0.0129695608%
VT136   Marshfield Town, Vermont   0.0174828296%
VT137   Marshfield Village, Vermont   0.0171445266%
VT138   Mendon Town, Vermont   0.0971672678%
VT139   Middlebury Town, Vermont   1.3520936922%
VT140   Middlesex Town, Vermont   0.0165114901%
VT141   Middletown Springs Town, Vermont   0.0587525845%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only 


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
VT142   Milton Town, Vermont   0.9332579943%
VT143   Monkton Town, Vermont   0.0210170701%
VT144   Montgomery Town, Vermont   0.0432643327%
VT145   Montpelier City, Vermont   2.1358012840%
VT146   Moretown, Vermont   0.0140831413%
VT147   Morgan Town, Vermont   0.0271878951%
VT148   Morristown, Vermont   0.5887893556%
VT149   Morrisville Village, Vermont   0.2266450291%
VT150   Mount Holly Town, Vermont   0.0918947396%
VT151   Mount Tabor Town, Vermont   0.0241034437%
VT152   New Haven Town, Vermont   0.1313563678%
VT153   Newbury Town, Vermont   0.0536325490%
VT154   Newbury Village, Vermont   0.0020894051%
VT155   Newfane Town, Vermont   0.0603069840%
VT156   Newfane Village, Vermont   0.0032420698%
VT157   Newport City, Vermont   1.2443589426%
VT158   Newport Town, Vermont   0.5761696308%
VT159   North Bennington Village, Vermont   0.1073823506%
VT160   North Hero Town, Vermont   0.0916986776%
VT161   North Troy Village, Vermont   0.0345075405%
VT162   Northfield Town, Vermont   0.5366215046%
VT163   Norton Town, Vermont   0.0131169276%
VT164   Norwich Town, Vermont   0.4866039276%
VT165   Old Bennington Village, Vermont   0.0014256137%
VT166   Orange County, Vermont   0.5836866196%
VT167   Orange Town, Vermont   0.0271641883%
VT168   Orleans County, Vermont   0.4475510820%
VT169   Orleans Village, Vermont   0.1150249216%
VT170   Orwell Town, Vermont   0.0350284502%
VT171   Panton Town, Vermont   0.0402823974%
VT172   Pawlet Town, Vermont   0.0497138732%
VT173   Peacham Town, Vermont   0.0373299353%
VT174   Perkinsville Village, Vermont   0.0463135443%
VT175   Peru Town, Vermont   0.0034861862%
VT176   Pittsfield Town, Vermont   0.0090387113%
VT177   Pittsford Town, Vermont   0.2538406130%
VT178   Plainfield Town, Vermont   0.0684736682%
VT179   Plymouth Town, Vermont   0.0681866233%
VT180   Pomfret Town, Vermont   0.0750052216%
VT181   Poultney Town, Vermont   0.1634522185%
VT182   Poultney Village, Vermont   0.3218151562%
VT183   Pownal Town, Vermont   0.1568905511%
VT184   Proctor Town, Vermont   0.1581796903%
VT185   Putney Town, Vermont   0.1348803568%
VT186   Randolph Town, Vermont   1.0482675385%
VT187   Reading Town, Vermont   0.0006195813%
VT188   Readsboro Town, Vermont   0.0495075597%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only 


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
VT189   Richford Town, Vermont   0.3377954850%
VT190   Richmond Town, Vermont   0.3085809759%
VT191   Ripton Town, Vermont   0.0402823974%
VT192   Rochester Town, Vermont   0.1090982129%
VT193   Rockingham Town, Vermont   0.4824558723%
VT194   Roxbury Town, Vermont   0.0082557450%
VT195   Royalton Town, Vermont   0.1989804344%
VT196   Rutland City, Vermont   6.2978142029%
VT197   Rutland County, Vermont   1.5426293676%
VT198   Rutland Town, Vermont   0.3201255637%
VT199   Ryegate Town, Vermont   0.0515514733%
VT200   Salisbury Town, Vermont   0.0271468887%
VT201   Sandgate Town, Vermont   0.0257994435%
VT202   Saxtons River Village, Vermont   0.0156375408%
VT203   Searsburg Town, Vermont   0.0118540581%
VT204   Shaftsbury Town, Vermont   0.0697288490%
VT205   Sharon Town, Vermont   0.1462910330%
VT206   Sheffield Town, Vermont   0.0302198071%
VT207   Shelburne Town, Vermont   0.7838991687%
VT208   Sheldon Town, Vermont   0.1372817951%
VT209   Shoreham Town, Vermont   0.0359043216%
VT210   Shrewsbury Town, Vermont   0.0323893028%
VT211   South Burlington City, Vermont   4.2811506559%
VT212   South Hero Town, Vermont   0.0559519744%
VT213   Springfield Town, Vermont   2.0400160607%
VT214   St Albans Town, Vermont   0.7155280165%
VT215   St George Town, Vermont   0.0117419312%
VT216   St Johnsbury Town, Vermont   1.7171904807%
VT217   St. Albans City, Vermont   3.9012902759%
VT218   Stamford Town, Vermont   0.0495075597%
VT219   Stannard Town, Vermont   0.0017773719%
VT220   Starksboro Town, Vermont   0.0070056900%
VT221   Stockbridge Town, Vermont   0.0737654182%
VT222   Stowe Town, Vermont   0.9395659345%
VT223   Strafford Town, Vermont   0.0821896740%
VT224   Stratton Town, Vermont   0.1614672516%
VT225   Sudbury Town, Vermont   0.0135583873%
VT226   Sunderland Town, Vermont   0.0341673154%
VT227   Sutton Town, Vermont   0.0364412494%
VT228   Swanton Town, Vermont   0.1297936389%
VT229   Swanton Village, Vermont   0.5715903674%
VT230   Thetford Town, Vermont   0.2618926073%
VT231   Tinmouth Town, Vermont   0.0120520422%
VT232   Topsham Town, Vermont   0.0592042959%
VT233   Townshend Town, Vermont   0.0596585701%
VT234   Troy Town, Vermont   0.0365988678%
VT235   Underhill Town, Vermont   0.0897092257%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only 


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
VT236   Vergennes City, Vermont   1.4746932678%
VT237   Vernon Town, Vermont   0.3196917927%
VT238   Vershire Town, Vermont   0.0006964684%
VT239   Victory Town, Vermont   0.0095397585%
VT240   Waitsfield Town, Vermont   0.0485631307%
VT241   Walden Town, Vermont   0.0071107690%
VT242   Wallingford Town, Vermont   0.0165710775%
VT243   Waltham Town, Vermont   0.0201411987%
VT244   Warren Town, Vermont   0.0480774609%
VT245   Washington County, Vermont   0.9081281087%
VT246   Washington Town, Vermont   0.0529360806%
VT247   Waterbury Town, Vermont   0.4584350821%
VT248   Waterford Town, Vermont   0.0577729156%
VT249   Waterville Town, Vermont   0.0004158307%
VT250   Weathersfield Town, Vermont   0.1692264346%
VT251   Wells River Village, Vermont   0.1107474397%
VT252   Wells Town, Vermont   0.0444407043%
VT253   West Burke Village, Vermont   0.0017773719%
VT254   West Fairlee Town, Vermont   0.0090547294%
VT255   West Haven Town, Vermont   0.0090387113%
VT256   West Rutland Town, Vermont   0.1212713522%
VT257   West Windsor Town, Vermont   0.0210760168%
VT258   Westfield Town, Vermont   0.0250965679%
VT259   Westford Town, Vermont   0.0657557117%
VT260   Westminster Town, Vermont   0.0752217867%
VT261   Westminster Village, Vermont   0.0079763888%
VT262   Westmore Town, Vermont   0.0365988678%
VT263   Weston Town, Vermont   0.0291344185%
VT264   Weybridge Town, Vermont   0.0245199151%
VT265   Wheelock Town, Vermont   0.0222203522%
VT266   Whiting Town, Vermont   0.0026269736%
VT267   Whitingham Town, Vermont   0.0901365894%
VT268   Williston Town, Vermont   1.4048183334%
VT269   Wilmington Town, Vermont   0.4344700351%
VT270   Windham County, Vermont   0.7048785219%
VT271   Windham Town, Vermont   0.0155632167%
VT272   Windsor County, Vermont   0.7909631647%
VT273   Windsor Town, Vermont   1.5118803214%
VT274   Winhall Town, Vermont   0.3772340472%
VT275   Winooski City, Vermont   1.3620774732%
VT276   Wolcott Town, Vermont   0.0337047118%
VT277   Woodbury Town, Vermont   0.0267099141%
VT278   Woodford Town, Vermont   0.0383512514%
VT279   Woodstock Town, Vermont   0.5151181240%
VT280   Woodstock Village, Vermont   0.3241960913%
VT281   Worcester Town, Vermont   0.0233102258%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only 


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
VA1   Accomack County, Virginia   0.3480000000%
VA2   Albemarle County, Virginia   0.8630000000%
VA3   Alexandria City, Virginia   1.1620000000%
VA4   Alleghany County, Virginia   0.2130000000%
VA5   Amelia County, Virginia   0.1000000000%
VA6   Amherst County, Virginia   0.2990000000%
VA7   Appomattox County, Virginia   0.1330000000%
VA8   Arlington County, Virginia   1.3780000000%
VA9   Augusta County, Virginia   0.8350000000%
VA10   Bath County, Virginia   0.0370000000%
VA11   Bedford County, Virginia   0.7770000000%
VA12   Bland County, Virginia   0.1470000000%
VA13   Botetourt County, Virginia   0.3620000000%
VA14   Bristol City, Virginia   0.4340000000%
VA15   Brunswick County, Virginia   0.1070000000%
VA16   Buchanan County, Virginia   0.9290000000%
VA17   Buckingham County, Virginia   0.1270000000%
VA18   Buena Vista City, Virginia   0.0780000000%
VA19   Campbell County, Virginia   0.4560000000%
VA20   Caroline County, Virginia   0.3180000000%
VA21   Carroll County, Virginia   0.4400000000%
VA22   Charles City County, Virginia   0.0730000000%
VA23   Charlotte County, Virginia   0.1380000000%
VA24   Charlottesville City, Virginia   0.4630000000%
VA25   Chesapeake City, Virginia   2.9120000000%
VA26   Chesterfield County, Virginia   4.0880000000%
VA27   Clarke County, Virginia   0.1250000000%
VA28   Colonial Heights City, Virginia   0.2830000000%
VA29   Covington City, Virginia   0.1000000000%
VA30   Craig County, Virginia   0.0700000000%
VA31   Culpeper County, Virginia   0.7900000000%
VA32   Cumberland County, Virginia   0.1000000000%
VA33   Danville City, Virginia   0.6370000000%
VA34   Dickenson County, Virginia   0.9480000000%
VA35   Dinwiddie County, Virginia   0.1960000000%
VA36   Emporia City, Virginia   0.0500000000%
VA37   Essex County, Virginia   0.1010000000%
VA38   Fairfax City, Virginia   0.2690000000%
VA39   Fairfax County, Virginia   8.6720000000%
VA40   Falls Church City, Virginia   0.1020000000%
VA41   Fauquier County, Virginia   1.2100000000%
VA42   Floyd County, Virginia   0.1820000000%
VA43   Fluvanna County, Virginia   0.1940000000%
VA44   Franklin City, Virginia   0.0790000000%
VA45   Franklin County, Virginia   0.9540000000%
VA46   Frederick County, Virginia   1.2770000000%
VA47   Fredericksburg City, Virginia   0.5240000000%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only 


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
VA48   Galax City, Virginia   0.1390000000%
VA49   Giles County, Virginia   0.4090000000%
VA50   Gloucester County, Virginia   0.4240000000%
VA51   Goochland County, Virginia   0.2250000000%
VA52   Grayson County, Virginia   0.2240000000%
VA53   Greene County, Virginia   0.1780000000%
VA54   Greensville County, Virginia   0.1240000000%
VA55   Halifax County, Virginia   0.3530000000%
VA56   Hampton City, Virginia   1.5380000000%
VA57   Hanover County, Virginia   1.0790000000%
VA58   Harrisonburg City, Virginia   0.5230000000%
VA59   Henrico County, Virginia   4.4730000000%
VA60   Henry County, Virginia   1.2200000000%
VA61   Highland County, Virginia   0.0230000000%
VA62   Hopewell City, Virginia   0.3440000000%
VA63   Isle of Wight County, Virginia   0.3560000000%
VA64   James City County, Virginia   0.6120000000%
VA65   King and Queen County, Virginia   0.0720000000%
VA66   King George County, Virginia   0.3060000000%
VA67   King William County, Virginia   0.1780000000%
VA68   Lancaster County, Virginia   0.1350000000%
VA69   Lee County, Virginia   0.5560000000%
VA70   Lexington City, Virginia   0.0930000000%
VA71   Loudoun County, Virginia   2.5670000000%
VA72   Louisa County, Virginia   0.4490000000%
VA73   Lunenburg County, Virginia   0.0880000000%
VA74   Lynchburg City, Virginia   0.8160000000%
VA75   Madison County, Virginia   0.1630000000%
VA76   Manassas City, Virginia   0.4520000000%
VA77   Manassas Park City, Virginia   0.0950000000%
VA78   Martinsville City, Virginia   0.4940000000%
VA79   Mathews County, Virginia   0.0880000000%
VA80   Mecklenburg County, Virginia   0.3440000000%
VA81   Middlesex County, Virginia   0.1080000000%
VA82   Montgomery County, Virginia   1.2050000000%
VA83   Nelson County, Virginia   0.1470000000%
VA84   New Kent County, Virginia   0.1560000000%
VA85   Newport News City, Virginia   2.0470000000%
VA86   Norfolk City, Virginia   3.3880000000%
VA87   Northampton County, Virginia   0.1220000000%
VA88   Northumberland County, Virginia   0.1290000000%
VA89   Norton City, Virginia   0.1100000000%
VA90   Nottoway County, Virginia   0.1330000000%
VA91   Orange County, Virginia   0.6380000000%
VA92   Page County, Virginia   0.4100000000%
VA93   Patrick County, Virginia   0.3290000000%
VA94   Petersburg City, Virginia   0.3950000000%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only 


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
VA95   Pittsylvania County, Virginia   0.7500000000%
VA96   Poquoson City, Virginia   0.1860000000%
VA97   Portsmouth City, Virginia   1.9370000000%
VA98   Powhatan County, Virginia   0.2620000000%
VA99   Prince Edward County, Virginia   0.1900000000%
VA100   Prince George County, Virginia   0.3510000000%
VA101   Prince William County, Virginia   3.5560000000%
VA102   Pulaski County, Virginia   1.0610000000%
VA103   Radford City, Virginia   0.2470000000%
VA104   Rappahannock County, Virginia   0.0910000000%
VA105   Richmond City, Virginia   4.2250000000%
VA106   Richmond County, Virginia   0.0840000000%
VA107   Roanoke City, Virginia   1.8590000000%
VA108   Roanoke County, Virginia   1.4980000000%
VA109   Rockbridge County, Virginia   0.2350000000%
VA110   Rockingham County, Virginia   0.6140000000%
VA111   Russell County, Virginia   1.0640000000%
VA112   Salem City, Virginia   0.7860000000%
VA113   Scott County, Virginia   0.4210000000%
VA114   Shenandoah County, Virginia   0.6600000000%
VA115   Smyth County, Virginia   0.5920000000%
VA116   Southampton County, Virginia   0.1370000000%
VA117   Spotsylvania County, Virginia   1.4170000000%
VA118   Stafford County, Virginia   1.4430000000%
VA119   Staunton City, Virginia   0.4400000000%
VA120   Suffolk City, Virginia   0.7100000000%
VA121   Surry County, Virginia   0.0580000000%
VA122   Sussex County, Virginia   0.0810000000%
VA123   Tazewell County, Virginia   1.6060000000%
VA124   Virginia Beach City, Virginia   4.8590000000%
VA125   Warren County, Virginia   0.7660000000%
VA126   Washington County, Virginia   0.9960000000%
VA127   Waynesboro City, Virginia   0.3630000000%
VA128   Westmoreland County, Virginia   0.2230000000%
VA129   Williamsburg City, Virginia   0.0860000000%
VA130   Winchester City, Virginia   0.6490000000%
VA131   Wise County, Virginia   1.7560000000%
VA132   Wythe County, Virginia   0.6420000000%
VA133   York County, Virginia   0.5610000000%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only 


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
WI1   Adams County, Wisconsin   0.3270000000%
WI4   Ashland County, Wisconsin   0.2250000000%
WI7   Barron County, Wisconsin   0.4780000000%
WI8   Bayfield County, Wisconsin   0.1240000000%
WI13   Brown County, Wisconsin   2.9000000000%
WI15   Buffalo County, Wisconsin   0.1260000000%
WI17   Burnett County, Wisconsin   0.2240000000%
WI19   Calumet County, Wisconsin   0.3860000000%
WI21   Chippewa County, Wisconsin   0.6960000000%
WI23   Clark County, Wisconsin   0.2610000000%
WI24   Columbia County, Wisconsin   1.0760000000%
WI25   Crawford County, Wisconsin   0.1950000000%
WI26   Cudahy City, Wisconsin   0.0870000000%
WI27   Dane County, Wisconsin   8.2480000000%
WI30   Dodge County, Wisconsin   1.3020000000%
WI31   Door County, Wisconsin   0.2820000000%
WI32   Douglas County, Wisconsin   0.5540000000%
WI33   Dunn County, Wisconsin   0.4420000000%
WI35   Eau Claire County, Wisconsin   1.1770000000%
WI38   Florence County, Wisconsin   0.0530000000%
WI40   Fond Du Lac County, Wisconsin   1.1960000000%
WI41   Forest County, Wisconsin   0.1270000000%
WI43   Franklin City, Wisconsin   0.1550000000%
WI48   Grant County, Wisconsin   0.4980000000%
WI50   Green County, Wisconsin   0.4660000000%
WI51   Green Lake County, Wisconsin   0.2800000000%
WI53   Greenfield City, Wisconsin   0.1630000000%
WI61   Iowa County, Wisconsin   0.2790000000%
WI62   Iron County, Wisconsin   0.0610000000%
WI63   Jackson County, Wisconsin   0.2360000000%
WI65   Jefferson County, Wisconsin   1.0510000000%
WI66   Juneau County, Wisconsin   0.4380000000%
WI68   Kenosha City, Wisconsin   0.4840000000%
WI69   Kenosha County, Wisconsin   3.7120000000%
WI70   Kewaunee County, Wisconsin   0.1560000000%
WI72   La Crosse County, Wisconsin   1.6490000000%
WI73   Lafayette County, Wisconsin   0.1340000000%
WI74   Langlade County, Wisconsin   0.3120000000%
WI75   Lincoln County, Wisconsin   0.3500000000%
WI80   Manitowoc County, Wisconsin   1.4030000000%
WI81   Marathon County, Wisconsin   1.2590000000%
WI82   Marinette City, Wisconsin   0.0320000000%
WI83   Marinette County, Wisconsin   0.5030000000%
WI84   Marquette County, Wisconsin   0.2460000000%
WI87   Menominee County, Wisconsin   0.0800000000%
WI92   Milwaukee City, Wisconsin   7.8150000000%
WI93   Milwaukee County, Wisconsin   25.2210000000%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only 


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
WI95   Monroe County, Wisconsin   0.6550000000%
WI96   Mount Pleasant Village, Wisconsin   0.1170000000%
WI100   Oak Creek City, Wisconsin   0.1660000000%
WI102   Oconto County, Wisconsin   0.3360000000%
WI104   Oneida County, Wisconsin   0.5260000000%
WI107   Outagamie County, Wisconsin   1.8360000000%
WI108   Ozaukee County, Wisconsin   1.0360000000%
WI109   Pepin County, Wisconsin   0.0550000000%
WI111   Pierce County, Wisconsin   0.3870000000%
WI113   Pleasant Prairie Village, Wisconsin   0.0590000000%
WI118   Portage County, Wisconsin   0.7290000000%
WI119   Price County, Wisconsin   0.1490000000%
WI121   Racine County, Wisconsin   3.2080000000%
WI123   Richland County, Wisconsin   0.2180000000%
WI125   Rock County, Wisconsin   2.9470000000%
WI126   Rusk County, Wisconsin   0.1590000000%
WI128   Sauk County, Wisconsin   1.2260000000%
WI129   Sawyer County, Wisconsin   0.2580000000%
WI130   Shawano County, Wisconsin   0.4180000000%
WI132   Sheboygan County, Wisconsin   1.4100000000%
WI134   South Milwaukee City, Wisconsin   0.0960000000%
WI135   St Croix County, Wisconsin   0.8290000000%
WI138   Sturtevant Village, Wisconsin   0.0180000000%
WI141   Superior City, Wisconsin   0.0890000000%
WI143   Taylor County, Wisconsin   0.1590000000%
WI145   Trempealeau County, Wisconsin   0.3200000000%
WI147   Union Grove Village, Wisconsin   0.0070000000%
WI148   Vernon County, Wisconsin   0.3220000000%
WI150   Vilas County, Wisconsin   0.4680000000%
WI151   Walworth County, Wisconsin   1.5730000000%
WI152   Washburn County, Wisconsin   0.1850000000%
WI153   Washington County, Wisconsin   1.9910000000%
WI156   Waukesha County, Wisconsin   6.0350000000%
WI158   Waupaca County, Wisconsin   0.6060000000%
WI161   Waushara County, Wisconsin   0.2310000000%
WI162   Wauwatosa City, Wisconsin   0.3090000000%
WI163   West Allis City, Wisconsin   0.3780000000%
WI168   Winnebago County, Wisconsin   2.1760000000%
WI170   Wood County, Wisconsin   0.8420000000%
WI171   Yorkville Town, Wisconsin   0.0020000000%







Allocations are subject to change pursuant to a State-Subdivision
Agreement, Allocation Statute, Statutory Trust, or voluntary redistribution.


Subdivisions with Consolidated Allocations - Qualified Subdivisions Only 


State ID   Qualifying Subdivision   Consolidated State
WY1   Albany County, Wyoming   1.6329876137%
WY2   Big Horn County, Wyoming   3.0324432485%
WY3   Campbell County, Wyoming   4.4393335213%
WY4   Carbon County, Wyoming   3.6968556043%
WY5   Casper City, Wyoming   7.3503611059%
WY6   Cheyenne City, Wyoming   1.2286265328%
WY7   Converse County, Wyoming   1.8962432493%
WY8   Crook County, Wyoming   0.5448669885%
WY9   Evanston City, Wyoming   1.9702405199%
WY10   Fremont County, Wyoming   6.7374838437%
WY11   Gillette City, Wyoming   1.7410635670%
WY12   Goshen County, Wyoming   1.6361202905%
WY13   Green River City, Wyoming   0.6122218672%
WY14   Hot Springs County, Wyoming   0.8557309329%
WY15   Jackson Town, Wyoming   0.5598544963%
WY16   Johnson County, Wyoming   0.9322427236%
WY17   Laramie City, Wyoming   3.4181078811%
WY18   Laramie County, Wyoming   15.5855269922%
WY19   Lincoln County, Wyoming   3.1228011914%
WY20   Natrona County, Wyoming   7.9000169472%
WY21   Niobrara County, Wyoming   0.1540280861%
WY22   Park County, Wyoming   5.7964268009%
WY23   Platte County, Wyoming   1.7507027157%
WY24   Riverton City, Wyoming   1.2744483314%
WY25   Rock Springs City, Wyoming   1.5261479738%
WY26   Sheridan City, Wyoming   0.3405187102%
WY27   Sheridan County, Wyoming   3.9149494912%
WY28   Sublette County, Wyoming   0.7136740477%
WY29   Sweetwater County, Wyoming   7.6391306020%
WY30   Teton County, Wyoming   1.3290900349%
WY31   Uinta County, Wyoming   4.3911508108%
WY32   Washakie County, Wyoming   1.5007597928%
WY33   Weston County, Wyoming   0.7758434851%











Participation Tier Determination1


of Settling States as
of the Reference
Date (or as of the
Payment Date,
beginning in
Payment Year 3)3
Percentage of Litigating Subdivisions
in Settling States that are
Participating Subdivisions
and/or Subdivisions Subject to a
Bar, Case-Specific Resolution, or
Settlement Class Resolution
in effect as of the Reference Date (or
as of the Payment Date, beginning in
Payment Year 3)4 5 (“Percentage of
Litigating Subdivisions”)
Percentage of
Primary Subdivisions that are Non-Litigating
Subdivisions in Settling States that are
Subdivisions and/or Subdivisions Subject
to a Bar, Case-Specific Resolution, or
Settlement Class
Resolution in effect as of the Reference Date
(or as of the Payment Date, beginning in
Payment Year 3) (“Percentage of Non-
Litigating Subdivisions”)
1 44 out of 49 95% 90%
(Primary Subdivisions only)
2 45 out of 49 96% 96%
(Primary Subdivisions only)
3 46 out of 49 97% 97%
(Primary Subdivisions only)
4 48 out of 49 98% 97%
(Primary Subdivisions only)



1For the avoidance of doubt, the determinations that a sufficient number of states have agreed to be Settling States and there has been sufficient resolution of the Claims of the Litigating Subdivisions in the Settling States as described in the preamble, Section II.A and Section VIII.A remain in the sole discretion of the Settling Distributors.
2In order to qualify for the relevant tier, the minimum amounts listed in each of the “Number of Settling States,” “Percentage of Litigating Subdivisions,” and “Percentage of Non-Litigating Primary Subdivisions” columns must be met or surpassed.
3For the sole purpose of the Participation Tier determination under this Exhibit H, the States used to calculate each criterion (including the Percentage of Litigating Subdivisions and Percentage of Non-Litigating Subdivisions) will include each of the 50 states in the United States, except West Virginia, for a total of 49 states. For the avoidance of doubt, notwithstanding the definition of “State” in Section I.TTT or Exhibit F, neither Washington, D.C., nor any territory of the United States will be included for purposes of determining the participation tier under this Exhibit H.
4School Districts, Health Districts, Hospital Districts, Library Districts and Fire Districts that satisfy the definition of Litigating Subdivision will be included for purposes of determining the Percentage of Litigating Subdivisions. These categories of Special District shall have their population measured as set forth in Section XIV.B. Any other Special Districts that satisfy the definition of Litigating Subdivisions will not be included for purposes of calculating the Participation Tier.


The Percentage of Litigating Subdivisions and Percentage of Non-Litigating Primary Subdivisions will be calculated as follows: each Litigating Subdivision and each Non-Litigating Subdivision in the 49 states used to calculate the Participation Tier will be assigned a metric reflecting both population and severity (the “Population-Severity Metric”). The Population- Severity Metric shall be the Subdivision's population plus the Subdivision's population multiplied by the severity factor for the State of the Subdivision (the severity factors for each State are attached as Exhibit X hereto) and then divided in two, thus giving fifty percent (50%) weight to each of population and population multiplied by the severity factor. The denominator for each Percentage shall be the sum total of the Population-Severity Metric for all the Subdivisions in the relevant category (Litigating Subdivisions or Non-Litigating Primary Subdivisions) in the Settling States, notwithstanding that persons may be included within the population (and therefore the Population-Severity Metric) of more than one Subdivision. The numerator will be the sum total of the Population-Severity Metrics of all Subdivisions in the relevant category of Subdivision (i.e., Litigating Subdivisions or Non-Litigating Subdivisions that are also Primary Subdivisions) in the Settling States that are either Participating Subdivisions or are subject to a Bar, Case-Specific Resolution, or Settlement Class Resolution, notwithstanding that persons may be included within the population of more than one Subdivision. An









individual Litigating Subdivision shall not be included more than once in the numerator, and shall not be included more than once in the denominator, of the calculation regardless if it (or any of its officials) is named as multiple plaintiffs in the same lawsuit; provided, however, that for the avoidance of doubt, no Litigating Subdivision will be excluded from the numerator or denominator under this sentence unless a Litigating Subdivision otherwise counted in the denominator has the authority to release the Claims (consistent with Section XI) of the Litigating Subdivision to be excluded.


For the avoidance of doubt, Subdivisions in Non-Settling States are excluded from both the denominator and numerator of the calculations for the Percentage of Litigating Subdivisions and Percentage of Non-Litigating Primary Subdivisions.


5During the period when the Participation Tier is redetermined annually, Later Participating Subdivisions described in Section VII.E.3 or Section VII.E.4 shall not be included as Participating Subdivisions, and for Subdivisions subject to a Bar, Case-Specific Resolution, or Settlement Class Resolution to be included, the Bar, Case-Specific Resolution, or Settlement Class Resolution must have been in effect both as of the relevant Payment Date and for the entire period since the prior Payment Date.










Primary Subdivisions16


1. Anchorage municipality, Alaska *
2. Fairbanks city, Alaska *
3. Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska *
4. Juneau city and borough, Alaska *
5. Kenai Peninsula Borough, Alaska *
6. Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Alaska *
7. Ketchikan Gateway Borough, Alaska
8. Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska
9. Wasilla city, Alaska
10. Apache County, Arizona *
11. Apache Junction city, Arizona *
12. Avondale city, Arizona *
13. Buckeye city, Arizona *
14. Bullhead City city, Arizona *
15. Casa Grande city, Arizona *
16. Chandler city, Arizona *
17. Cochise County, Arizona *
18. Coconino County, Arizona *
19. El Mirage city, Arizona *
20. Flagstaff city, Arizona *
21. Gila County, Arizona *
22. Gilbert town, Arizona *
23. Glendale city, Arizona *
24. Goodyear city, Arizona *
25. Graham County, Arizona *
26. Kingman city, Arizona *
27. Lake Havasu City city, Arizona *
28. Marana town, Arizona *
29. Maricopa city, Arizona *
30. Maricopa County, Arizona *
31. Mesa city, Arizona *
32. Mohave County, Arizona *
33. Navajo County, Arizona *
34. Oro Valley town, Arizona *
35. Peoria city, Arizona *
36. Phoenix city, Arizona *
37. Pima County, Arizona *

38. Pinal County, Arizona *
39. Prescott city, Arizona *
40. Prescott Valley town, Arizona *
41. Queen Creek town, Arizona *
42. Sahuarita town, Arizona *
43. San Luis city, Arizona *
44. Santa Cruz County, Arizona *
45. Scottsdale city, Arizona *
46. Sierra Vista city, Arizona *
47. Surprise city, Arizona *
48. Tempe city, Arizona *
49. Tucson city, Arizona *
50. Yavapai County, Arizona *
51. Yuma city, Arizona *
52. Yuma County, Arizona *
53. Camp Verde town, Arizona
54. Chino Valley town, Arizona
55. Coolidge city, Arizona
56. Cottonwood city, Arizona
57. Douglas city, Arizona
58. Eloy city, Arizona
59. Florence town, Arizona
60. Fountain Hills town, Arizona
61. La Paz County, Arizona
62. Nogales city, Arizona
63. Paradise Valley town, Arizona
64. Payson town, Arizona
65. Sedona city, Arizona
66. Show Low city, Arizona
67. Somerton city, Arizona
68. Baxter County, Arkansas *
69. Benton city, Arkansas *
70. Benton County, Arkansas *
71. Bentonville city, Arkansas *
72. Boone County, Arkansas *
73. Conway city, Arkansas *
74. Craighead County, Arkansas *
75. Crawford County, Arkansas *
76. Crittenden County, Arkansas *
77. Faulkner County, Arkansas *
78. Fayetteville city, Arkansas *
79. Fort Smith city, Arkansas *
80. Garland County, Arkansas *
81. Greene County, Arkansas *

82. Hot Spring County, Arkansas *
83. Hot Springs city, Arkansas *
84. Independence County, Arkansas *
85. Jefferson County, Arkansas *
86. Jonesboro city, Arkansas *
87. Little Rock city, Arkansas *
88. Lonoke County, Arkansas *
89. Miller County, Arkansas *
90. Mississippi County, Arkansas *
91. North Little Rock city, Arkansas *
92. Pine Bluff city, Arkansas *
93. Pope County, Arkansas *
94. Pulaski County, Arkansas *
95. Rogers city, Arkansas *
96. Saline County, Arkansas *
97. Sebastian County, Arkansas *
98. Sherwood city, Arkansas *
99. Springdale city, Arkansas *
100. Union County, Arkansas *
101. Washington County, Arkansas *
102. White County, Arkansas *
103. Arkadelphia city, Arkansas
104. Arkansas County, Arkansas
105. Ashley County, Arkansas
106. Batesville city, Arkansas
107. Bella Vista city, Arkansas
108. Blytheville city, Arkansas
109. Bradley County, Arkansas
110. Bryant city, Arkansas
111. Cabot city, Arkansas
112. Camden city, Arkansas
113. Carroll County, Arkansas
114. Centerton city, Arkansas
115. Chicot County, Arkansas
116. Clark County, Arkansas
117. Clay County, Arkansas
118. Cleburne County, Arkansas
119. Columbia County, Arkansas
120. Conway County, Arkansas
121. Cross County, Arkansas
122. Desha County, Arkansas



16 Entities denoted with an asterisk (*) indicate a population of greater than 30,000 for purposes of the definition of Primary Subdivision as it relates to Incentive Payment C.







123. Drew County, Arkansas
124. El Dorado city, Arkansas
125. Forrest City city, Arkansas
126. Franklin County, Arkansas
127. Fulton County, Arkansas
128. Grant County, Arkansas
129. Harrison city, Arkansas
130. Helena-West Helena city, Arkansas
131. Hempstead County, Arkansas
132. Howard County, Arkansas
133. Izard County, Arkansas
134. Jackson County, Arkansas
135. Jacksonville city, Arkansas
136. Johnson County, Arkansas
137. Lawrence County, Arkansas
138. Lincoln County, Arkansas
139. Little River County, Arkansas
140. Logan County, Arkansas
141. Madison County, Arkansas
142. Magnolia city, Arkansas
143. Malvern city, Arkansas
144. Marion city, Arkansas
145. Marion County, Arkansas
146. Maumelle city, Arkansas
147. Mountain Home city, Arkansas
148. Ouachita County, Arkansas
149. Paragould city, Arkansas
150. Perry County, Arkansas
151. Phillips County, Arkansas
152. Pike County, Arkansas
153. Poinsett County, Arkansas
154. Polk County, Arkansas
155. Randolph County, Arkansas
156. Russellville city, Arkansas
157. Scott County, Arkansas
158. Searcy city, Arkansas
159. Sevier County, Arkansas
160. Sharp County, Arkansas
161. Siloam Springs city, Arkansas
162. St. Francis County, Arkansas
163. Stone County, Arkansas
164. Texarkana city, Arkansas
165. Van Buren city, Arkansas
166. Van Buren County, Arkansas
167. West Memphis city, Arkansas
168. Yell County, Arkansas
169. Adelanto city, California *
170. Alameda city, California *
171. Alameda County, California *
172. Alhambra city, California *
173. Aliso Viejo city, California *
174. Amador County, California *
175. Anaheim city, California *

176. Antioch city, California *
177. Apple Valley town, California *
178. Arcadia city, California *
179. Atascadero city, California *
180. Azusa city, California *
181. Bakersfield city, California *
182. Baldwin Park city, California *
183. Banning city, California *
184. Beaumont city, California *
185. Bell city, California *
186. Bell Gardens city, California *
187. Bellflower city, California *
188. Berkeley city, California *
189. Beverly Hills city, California *
190. Brea city, California *
191. Brentwood city, California *
192. Buena Park city, California *
193. Burbank city, California *
194. Burlingame city, California *
195. Butte County, California *
196. Calaveras County, California *
197. Calexico city, California *
198. Camarillo city, California *
199. Campbell city, California *
200. Carlsbad city, California *
201. Carson city, California *
202. Cathedral City city, California *
203. Ceres city, California *
204. Cerritos city, California *
205. Chico city, California *
206. Chino city, California *
207. Chino Hills city, California *
208. Chula Vista city, California *
209. Citrus Heights city, California *
210. Claremont city, California *
211. Clovis city, California *
212. Coachella city, California *
213. Colton city, California *
214. Compton city, California *
215. Concord city, California *
216. Contra Costa County, California *
217. Corona city, California *
218. Costa Mesa city, California *
219. Covina city, California *
220. Culver City city, California *
221. Cupertino city, California *
222. Cypress city, California *
223. Daly City city, California *
224. Dana Point city, California *
225. Danville town, California *

226. Davis city, California *
227. Delano city, California *
228. Diamond Bar city, California *
229. Downey city, California *
230. Dublin city, California *
231. Eastvale city, California *
232. El Cajon city, California *
233. El Centro city, California *
234. El Dorado County, California *
235. El Monte city, California *
236. El Paso de Robles (Paso Robles) city, California *
237. Elk Grove city, California *
238. Encinitas city, California *
239. Escondido city, California *
240. Fairfield city, California *
241. Folsom city, California *
242. Fontana city, California *
243. Foster City city, California *
244. Fountain Valley city, California *
245. Fremont city, California *
246. Fresno city, California *
247. Fresno County, California *
248. Fullerton city, California *
249. Garden Grove city, California *
250. Gardena city, California *
251. Gilroy city, California *
252. Glendale city, California *
253. Glendora city, California *
254. Goleta city, California *
255. Hanford city, California *
256. Hawthorne city, California *
257. Hayward city, California *
258. Hemet city, California *
259. Hesperia city, California *
260. Highland city, California *
261. Hollister city, California *
262. Humboldt County, California *
263. Huntington Beach city, California *
264. Huntington Park city, California *
265. Imperial County, California *
266. Indio city, California *
267. Inglewood city, California *
268. Irvine city, California *
269. Jurupa Valley city, California*
270. Kern County, California *
271. Kings County, California *
272. La Habra city, California *







273. La Mesa city, California *
274. La Mirada city, California *
275. La Puente city, California *
276. La Quinta city, California *
277. La Verne city, California *
278. Laguna Hills city, California *
279. Laguna Niguel city, California *
280. Lake County, California *
281. Lake Elsinore city, California *
282. Lake Forest city, California *
283. Lakewood city, California *
284. Lancaster city, California *
285. Lassen County, California *
286. Lawndale city, California *
287. Lincoln city, California *
288. Livermore city, California *
289. Lodi city, California *
290. Lompoc city, California *
291. Long Beach city, California *
292. Los Altos city, California *
293. Los Angeles city, California *
294. Los Angeles County, California *
295. Los Banos city, California *
296. Los Gatos town, California *
297. Lynwood city, California *
298. Madera city, California *
299. Madera County, California *
300. Manhattan Beach city, California *
301. Manteca city, California *
302. Marin County, California *
303. Martinez city, California *
304. Mendocino County, California *
305. Menifee city, California *
306. Menlo Park city, California *
307. Merced city, California *
308. Merced County, California *
309. Milpitas city, California *
310. Mission Viejo city, California *
311. Modesto city, California *
312. Monrovia city, California *
313. Montclair city, California *
314. Montebello city, California *
315. Monterey County, California *
316. Monterey Park city, California *
317. Moorpark city, California *
318. Moreno Valley city, California *
319. Morgan Hill city, California *

320. Mountain View city,
  California *
321. Murrieta city, California *
322. Napa city, California *
323. Napa County, California *
324. National City city, California *
325. Nevada County, California *
326. Newark city, California *
327. Newport Beach city, California *
328. Norwalk city, California *
329. Novato city, California *
330. Oakland city, California *
331. Oakley city, California *
332. Oceanside city, California *
333. Ontario city, California *
334. Orange city, California *
335. Orange County, California *
336. Oxnard city, California *
337. Pacifica city, California *
338. Palm Desert city, California *
339. Palm Springs city, California *
340. Palmdale city, California *
341. Palo Alto city, California *
342. Paramount city, California *
343. Pasadena city, California *
344. Perris city, California *
345. Petaluma city, California *
346. Pico Rivera city, California *
347. Pittsburg city, California *
348. Placentia city, California *
349. Placer County, California *
350. Pleasant Hill city, California *
351. Pleasanton city, California *
352. Pomona city, California *
353. Porterville city, California *
354. Poway city, California *
355. Rancho Cordova city, California *
356. Rancho Cucamonga city, California *
357. Rancho Palos Verdes city, California *
358. Rancho Santa Margarita city, California *
359. Redding city, California *
360. Redlands city, California *
361. Redondo Beach city, California *
362. Redwood City city, California *
363. Rialto city, California *
364. Richmond city, California *
365. Riverside city, California *
366. Riverside County, California *

367. Rocklin city, California *
368. Rohnert Park city, California *
369. Rosemead city, California *
370. Roseville city, California *
371. Sacramento city, California *
372. Sacramento County, California *
373. Salinas city, California *
374. San Benito County, California *
375. San Bernardino city, California *
376. San Bernardino County, California *
377. San Bruno city, California *
378. San Buenaventura (Ventura) city, California *
379. San Carlos city, California *
380. San Clemente city, California *
381. San Diego city, California *
382. San Diego County, California *
383. San Dimas city, California *
384. San Francisco city / San Francisco County, California *
385. San Gabriel city, California *
386. San Jacinto city, California *
387. San Joaquin County, California *
388. San Jose city, California *
389. San Juan Capistrano city, California *
390. San Leandro city, California *
391. San Luis Obispo city, California *
392. San Luis Obispo County, California *
393. San Marcos city, California *
394. San Mateo city, California *
395. San Mateo County, California *
396. San Pablo city, California *
397. San Rafael city, California *
398. San Ramon city, California *
399. Santa Ana city, California *
400. Santa Barbara city, California *
401. Santa Barbara County, California *
402. Santa Clara city, California *
403. Santa Clara County, California *
404. Santa Clarita city, California *
405. Santa Cruz city, California *








406. Santa Cruz County, California *
407. Santa Maria city, California *
408. Santa Monica city, California *
409. Santa Rosa city, California *
410. Santee city, California *
411. Saratoga city, California *
412. Seaside city, California *
413. Shasta County, California *
414. Simi Valley city, California *
415. Siskiyou County, California *
416. Solano County, California *
417. Sonoma County, California *
418. South Gate city, California *
419. South San Francisco city, California *
420. Stanislaus County, California *
421. Stanton city, California *
422. Stockton city, California *
423. Sunnyvale city, California *
424. Sutter County, California *
425. Tehama County, California *
426. Temecula city, California *
427. Temple City city, California *
428. Thousand Oaks city, California *
429. Torrance city, California *
430. Tracy city, California *
431. Tulare city, California *
432. Tulare County, California *
433. Tuolumne County, California *
434. Turlock city, California *
435. Tustin city, California *
436. Union City city, California *
437. Upland city, California *
438. Vacaville city, California *
439. Vallejo city, California *
440. Ventura County, California *
441. Victorville city, California *
442. Visalia city, California *
443. Vista city, California *
444. Walnut Creek city, California *
445. Watsonville city, California *
446. West Covina city, California *
447. West Hollywood city, California *
448. West Sacramento city, California *
449. Westminster city, California *
450. Whittier city, California *
451. Wildomar city, California *

452. Woodland city, California *
453. Yolo County, California *
454. Yorba Linda city, California *
455. Yuba City city, California *
456. Yuba County, California *
457. Yucaipa city, California *
458. Agoura Hills city, California
459. Albany city, California
460. American Canyon city, California
461. Anderson city, California
462. Arcata city, California
463. Arroyo Grande city, California
464. Artesia city, California
465. Arvin city, California
466. Atwater city, California
467. Auburn city, California
468. Avenal city, California
469. Barstow city, California
470. Belmont city, California
471. Benicia city, California
472. Blythe city, California
473. Brawley city, California
474. Calabasas city, California
475. California City city, California
476. Canyon Lake city, California
477. Capitola city, California
478. Carpinteria city, California
479. Chowchilla city, California
480. Clayton city, California
481. Clearlake city, California
482. Coalinga city, California
483. Colusa County, California
484. Commerce city, California
485. Corcoran city, California
486. Coronado city, California
487. Cudahy city, California
488. Del Norte County, California
489. Desert Hot Springs city, California
490. Dinuba city, California
491. Dixon city, California
492. Duarte city, California
493. East Palo Alto city, California
494. El Cerrito city, California
495. El Segundo city, California
496. Emeryville city, California
497. Eureka city, California
498. Exeter city, California
499. Farmersville city, California
500. Fillmore city, California
501. Fortuna city, California
502. Galt city, California
503. Glenn County, California
504. Grand Terrace city, California

505. Grass Valley city, California
506. Greenfield city, California
507. Grover Beach city, California
508. Half Moon Bay city, California
509. Hawaiian Gardens city, California
510. Healdsburg city, California
511. Hercules city, California
512. Hermosa Beach city, California
513. Hillsborough town, California
514. Imperial Beach city, California
515. Imperial city, California
516. Inyo County, California
517. Kerman city, California
518. King City city, California
519. Kingsburg city, California
520. La Cañada Flintridge city, California
521. La Palma city, California
522. Lafayette city, California
523. Laguna Beach city, California
524. Laguna Woods city, California
525. Larkspur city, California
526. Lathrop city, California
527. Lemon Grove city, California
528. Lemoore city, California
529. Lindsay city, California
530. Livingston city, California
531. Loma Linda city, California
532. Lomita city, California
533. Los Alamitos city, California
534. Malibu city, California
535. Marina city, California
536. Mariposa County, California
537. Marysville city, California
538. Maywood city, California
539. McFarland city, California
540. Mendota city, California
541. Mill Valley city, California
542. Millbrae city, California
543. Mono County, California
544. Monterey city, California
545. Moraga town, California
546. Morro Bay city, California
547. Newman city, California
548. Norco city, California
549. Oakdale city, California
550. Orange Cove city, California
551. Orinda city, California
552. Oroville city, California
553. Pacific Grove city, California
554. Palos Verdes Estates city, California








555. Parlier city, California
556. Patterson city, California
557. Piedmont city, California
558. Pinole city, California
559. Placerville city, California
560. Plumas County, California
561. Port Hueneme city, California
562. Rancho Mirage city, California
563. Red Bluff city, California
564. Reedley city, California
565. Ridgecrest city, California
566. Ripon city, California
567. Riverbank city, California
568. San Anselmo town, California
569. San Fernando city, California
570. San Marino city, California
571. Sanger city, California
572. Santa Fe Springs city, California
573. Santa Paula city, California
574. Scotts Valley city, California
575. Seal Beach city, California
576. Selma city, California
577. Shafter city, California
578. Shasta Lake city, California
579. Sierra Madre city, California
580. Signal Hill city, California
581. Solana Beach city, California
582. Soledad city, California
583. Sonoma city, California
584. South El Monte city, California
585. South Lake Tahoe city, California
586. South Pasadena city, California
587. Suisun City city, California
588. Susanville city, California
589. Tehachapi city, California
590. Trinity County, California
591. Truckee town, California
592. Twentynine Palms city, California
593. Ukiah city, California
594. Walnut city, California
595. Wasco city, California
596. Windsor town, California
597. Yucca Valley town, California
598. Adams County, Colorado *
599. Arapahoe County, Colorado *
600. Arvada city, Colorado *
601. Aurora city, Colorado *
602. Boulder city, Colorado *
603. Boulder County, Colorado *

604. Brighton city, Colorado *
605. Broomfield city / Broomfield County, Colorado *
606. Castle Rock town, Colorado *
607. Centennial city, Colorado *
608. Colorado Springs city, Colorado *
609. Commerce City city, Colorado *
610. Delta County, Colorado *
611. Denver city / Denver County, Colorado *
612. Douglas County, Colorado *
613. Eagle County, Colorado *
614. El Paso County, Colorado *
615. Englewood city, Colorado *
616. Fort Collins city, Colorado *
617. Fountain city, Colorado *
618. Fremont County, Colorado *
619. Garfield County, Colorado *
620. Grand Junction city, Colorado *
621. Greeley city, Colorado *
622. Jefferson County, Colorado *
623. La Plata County, Colorado *
624. Lafayette city, Colorado *
625. Lakewood city, Colorado *
626. Larimer County, Colorado *
627. Littleton city, Colorado *
628. Longmont city, Colorado *
629. Loveland city, Colorado *
630. Mesa County, Colorado *
631. Montrose County, Colorado *
632. Northglenn city, Colorado *
633. Parker town, Colorado *
634. Pueblo city, Colorado *
635. Pueblo County, Colorado *
636. Summit County, Colorado *
637. Thornton city, Colorado *
638. Weld County, Colorado *
639. Westminster city, Colorado *
640. Wheat Ridge city, Colorado *
641. Windsor town, Colorado *
642. Alamosa County, Colorado
643. Archuleta County, Colorado
644. Cañon City city, Colorado
645. Castle Pines city, Colorado
646. Chaffee County, Colorado
647. Durango city, Colorado
648. Elbert County, Colorado
649. Erie town, Colorado
650. Evans city, Colorado
651. Federal Heights city, Colorado
652. Firestone town, Colorado
653. Fort Morgan city, Colorado

654. Frederick town, Colorado
655. Fruita city, Colorado
656. Golden city, Colorado
657. Grand County, Colorado
658. Greenwood Village city, Colorado
659. Gunnison County, Colorado
660. Johnstown town, Colorado
661. Las Animas County, Colorado
662. Logan County, Colorado
663. Lone Tree city, Colorado
664. Louisville city, Colorado
665. Moffat County, Colorado
666. Montezuma County, Colorado
667. Montrose city, Colorado
668. Morgan County, Colorado
669. Otero County, Colorado
670. Park County, Colorado
671. Pitkin County, Colorado
672. Prowers County, Colorado
673. Rio Grande County, Colorado
674. Routt County, Colorado
675. Steamboat Springs city, Colorado
676. Sterling city, Colorado
677. Superior town, Colorado
678. Teller County, Colorado
679. Wellington town, Colorado
680. Yuma County, Colorado
681. Bridgeport town / Bridgeport city, Connecticut *
682. Bristol city / Bristol town, Connecticut *
683. Danbury city / Danbury town, Connecticut *
684. East Hartford town, Connecticut *
685. Enfield town, Connecticut *
686. Fairfield town, Connecticut *
687. Glastonbury town, Connecticut *
688. Greenwich town, Connecticut *
689. Groton town, Connecticut *
690. Hamden town, Connecticut *
691. Hartford city / Hartford town, Connecticut *
692. Manchester town, Connecticut *
693. Meriden city / Meriden town, Connecticut *
694. Middletown city / Middletown town, Connecticut *
695. Milford city, Connecticut *
696. Milford town, Connecticut *








697. Naugatuck borough /
  Naugatuck town, Connecticut *
698. New Britain town / New
  Britain city, Connecticut *
699. New Haven town / New
  Haven city, Connecticut *
700. Newington town, Connecticut *
701. Norwalk city / Norwalk town, Connecticut *
702. Norwich city / Norwich town, Connecticut *
703. Shelton city / Shelton town, Connecticut *
704. Southington town, Connecticut *
705. Stamford city / Stamford town, Connecticut *
706. Stratford town, Connecticut *
707. Torrington city / Torrington town, Connecticut *
708. Trumbull town, Connecticut *
709. Wallingford town, Connecticut *
710. Waterbury city / Waterbury town, Connecticut *
711. West Hartford town, Connecticut *
712. West Haven city / West Haven town, Connecticut *
713. Ansonia town / Ansonia city, Connecticut
714. Avon town, Connecticut
715. Berlin town, Connecticut
716. Bethel town, Connecticut
717. Bloomfield town, Connecticut
718. Branford town, Connecticut
719. Brookfield town, Connecticut
720. Canton town, Connecticut
721. Cheshire town, Connecticut
722. Clinton town, Connecticut
723. Colchester town, Connecticut
724. Coventry town, Connecticut
725. Cromwell town, Connecticut
726. Darien town, Connecticut
727. Derby city / Derby town, Connecticut
728. East Hampton town, Connecticut
729. East Haven town, Connecticut
730. East Lyme town, Connecticut
731. East Windsor town, Connecticut
732. Ellington town, Connecticut

733. Farmington town, Connecticut
734. Granby town, Connecticut
735. Griswold town, Connecticut
736. Guilford town, Connecticut
737. Killingly town, Connecticut
738. Ledyard town, Connecticut
739. Madison town, Connecticut
740. Mansfield town, Connecticut
741. Monroe town, Connecticut
742. Montville town, Connecticut
743. New Canaan town, Connecticut
744. New Fairfield town, Connecticut
745. New London city / New London town, Connecticut
746. New Milford town, Connecticut
747. Newtown town, Connecticut
748. North Branford town, Connecticut
749. North Haven town, Connecticut
750. Old Saybrook town, Connecticut
751. Orange town, Connecticut
752. Oxford town, Connecticut
753. Plainfield town, Connecticut
754. Plainville town, Connecticut
755. Plymouth town, Connecticut
756. Ridgefield town, Connecticut
757. Rocky Hill town, Connecticut
758. Seymour town, Connecticut
759. Simsbury town, Connecticut
760. Somers town, Connecticut
761. South Windsor town, Connecticut
762. Southbury town, Connecticut
763. Stafford town, Connecticut
764. Stonington town, Connecticut
765. Suffield town, Connecticut
766. Tolland town, Connecticut
767. Vernon town, Connecticut
768. Waterford town, Connecticut
769. Watertown town, Connecticut
770. Weston town, Connecticut
771. Westport town, Connecticut
772. Wethersfield town, Connecticut
773. Wilton town, Connecticut
774. Winchester town, Connecticut
775. Windham town, Connecticut
776. Windsor Locks town, Connecticut
777. Windsor town, Connecticut

778. Wolcott town, Connecticut
779. Dover city, Delaware *
780. Kent County, Delaware *
781. New Castle County, Delaware *
782. Newark city, Delaware *
783. Sussex County, Delaware *
784. Wilmington city, Delaware *
785. Middletown town, Delaware
786. Milford city, Delaware
787. Smyrna town, Delaware
788. Alachua County, Florida *
789. Altamonte Springs city, Florida *
790. Apopka city, Florida *
791. Aventura city, Florida *
792. Bay County, Florida *
793. Boca Raton city, Florida *
794. Bonita Springs city, Florida *
795. Boynton Beach city, Florida *
796. Bradenton city, Florida *
797. Brevard County, Florida *
798. Broward County, Florida *
799. Cape Coral city, Florida *
800. Charlotte County, Florida *
801. Citrus County, Florida *
802. Clay County, Florida *
803. Clearwater city, Florida *
804. Clermont city, Florida *
805. Coconut Creek city, Florida *
806. Collier County, Florida *
807. Columbia County, Florida *
808. Cooper City city, Florida *
809. Coral Gables city, Florida *
810. Coral Springs city, Florida *
811. Cutler Bay town, Florida *
812. Dania Beach city, Florida *
813. Davie town, Florida *
814. Daytona Beach city, Florida *
815. Deerfield Beach city, Florida *
816. DeLand city, Florida *
817. Delray Beach city, Florida *
818. Deltona city, Florida *
819. DeSoto County, Florida *
820. Doral city, Florida *
821. Dunedin city, Florida *
822. Duval County / Jacksonville city, Florida *
823. Escambia County, Florida *
824. Estero village, Florida *
825. Flagler County, Florida *
826. Fort Lauderdale city, Florida *
827. Fort Myers city, Florida *
828. Fort Pierce city, Florida *
829. Gadsden County, Florida *








830. Gainesville city, Florida *
831. Greenacres city, Florida *
832. Hallandale Beach city, Florida *
833. Hendry County, Florida *
834. Hernando County, Florida *
835. Hialeah city, Florida *
836. Highlands County, Florida *
837. Hillsborough County, Florida *
838. Hollywood city, Florida *
839. Homestead city, Florida *
840. Indian River County, Florida *
841. Jackson County, Florida *
842. Jupiter town, Florida *
843. Kissimmee city, Florida *
844. Lake County, Florida *
845. Lake Worth city, Florida *
846. Lakeland city, Florida *
847. Largo city, Florida *
848. Lauderdale Lakes city, Florida *
849. Lauderhill city, Florida *
850. Lee County, Florida *
851. Leon County, Florida *
852. Levy County, Florida *
853. Manatee County, Florida *
854. Margate city, Florida *
855. Marion County, Florida *
856. Martin County, Florida *
857. Melbourne city, Florida *
858. Miami Beach city, Florida *
859. Miami city, Florida *
860. Miami Gardens city, Florida *
861. Miami Lakes town, Florida *
862. Miami-Dade County, Florida *
863. Miramar city, Florida *
864. Monroe County, Florida *
865. Nassau County, Florida *
866. North Lauderdale city, Florida *
867. North Miami Beach city, Florida *
868. North Miami city, Florida *
869. North Port city, Florida *
870. Oakland Park city, Florida *
871. Ocala city, Florida *
872. Ocoee city, Florida *
873. Okaloosa County, Florida *
874. Okeechobee County, Florida *
875. Orange County, Florida *
876. Orlando city, Florida *
877. Ormond Beach city, Florida *
878. Osceola County, Florida *
879. Oviedo city, Florida *

880. Palm Bay city, Florida *
881. Palm Beach County, Florida *
882. Palm Beach Gardens city, Florida *
883. Palm Coast city, Florida *
884. Panama City city, Florida *
885. Parkland city, Florida *
886. Pasco County, Florida *
887. Pembroke Pines city, Florida *
888. Pensacola city, Florida *
889. Pinellas County, Florida *
890. Pinellas Park city, Florida *
891. Plant City city, Florida *
892. Plantation city, Florida *
893. Polk County, Florida *
894. Pompano Beach city, Florida *
895. Port Orange city, Florida *
896. Port St. Lucie city, Florida *
897. Putnam County, Florida *
898. Riviera Beach city, Florida *
899. Royal Palm Beach village, Florida *
900. Sanford city, Florida *
901. Santa Rosa County, Florida *
902. Sarasota city, Florida *
903. Sarasota County, Florida *
904. Seminole County, Florida *
905. St. Cloud city, Florida *
906. St. Johns County, Florida *
907. St. Lucie County, Florida *
908. St. Petersburg city, Florida *
909. Sumter County, Florida *
910. Sunrise city, Florida *
911. Suwannee County, Florida *
912. Tallahassee city, Florida *
913. Tamarac city, Florida *
914. Tampa city, Florida *
915. Titusville city, Florida *
916. Volusia County, Florida *
917. Wakulla County, Florida *
918. Walton County, Florida *
919. Wellington village, Florida *
920. West Palm Beach city, Florida *
921. Weston city, Florida *
922. Winter Garden city, Florida *
923. Winter Haven city, Florida *
924. Winter Park city, Florida *
925. Winter Springs city, Florida *
926. Atlantic Beach city, Florida
927. Auburndale city, Florida
928. Avon Park city, Florida
929. Baker County, Florida
930. Bartow city, Florida
931. Belle Glade city, Florida

932. Bradford County, Florida
933. Calhoun County, Florida
934. Callaway city, Florida
935. Cape Canaveral city, Florida
936. Casselberry city, Florida
937. Cocoa Beach city, Florida
938. Cocoa city, Florida
939. Crestview city, Florida
940. DeBary city, Florida
941. Destin city, Florida
942. Dixie County, Florida
943. Edgewater city, Florida
944. Eustis city, Florida
945. Fernandina Beach city, Florida
946. Florida City city, Florida
947. Fort Walton Beach city, Florida
948. Franklin County, Florida
949. Fruitland Park city, Florida
950. Gilchrist County, Florida
951. Glades County, Florida
952. Groveland city, Florida
953. Gulf County, Florida
954. Gulfport city, Florida
955. Haines City city, Florida
956. Hamilton County, Florida
957. Hardee County, Florida
958. Hialeah Gardens city, Florida
959. Holly Hill city, Florida
960. Holmes County, Florida
961. Jacksonville Beach city, Florida
962. Jefferson County, Florida
963. Key Biscayne village, Florida
964. Key West city, Florida
965. Lady Lake town, Florida
966. Lake City city, Florida
967. Lake Mary city, Florida
968. Lake Wales city, Florida
969. Lantana town, Florida
970. Leesburg city, Florida
971. Lighthouse Point city, Florida
972. Longwood city, Florida
973. Lynn Haven city, Florida
974. Madison County, Florida
975. Maitland city, Florida
976. Marco Island city, Florida
977. Miami Shores village, Florida
978. Miami Springs city, Florida
979. Milton city, Florida
980. Minneola city, Florida
981. Mount Dora city, Florida
982. Naples city, Florida
983. New Port Richey city, Florida








984. New Smyrna Beach city, Florida
985. Niceville city, Florida
986. North Palm Beach village, Florida
987. Oldsmar city, Florida
988. Opa-locka city, Florida
989. Orange City city, Florida
990. Palatka city, Florida
991. Palm Springs village, Florida
992. Palmetto Bay village, Florida
993. Palmetto city, Florida
994. Panama City Beach city, Florida
995. Pinecrest village, Florida
996. Punta Gorda city, Florida
997. Rockledge city, Florida
998. Safety Harbor city, Florida
999. Satellite Beach city, Florida
1000. Sebastian city, Florida
1001. Sebring city, Florida
1002. Seminole city, Florida
1003. South Daytona city, Florida
1004. South Miami city, Florida
1005. St. Augustine city, Florida
1006. Stuart city, Florida
1007. Sunny Isles Beach city, Florida
1008. Sweetwater city, Florida
1009. Tarpon Springs city, Florida
1010. Tavares city, Florida
1011. Taylor County, Florida
1012. Temple Terrace city, Florida
1013. Union County, Florida
1014. Venice city, Florida
1015. Vero Beach city, Florida
1016. Washington County, Florida
1017. West Melbourne city, Florida
1018. West Park city, Florida
1019. Wilton Manors city, Florida
1020. Zephyrhills city, Florida
1021. Albany city, Georgia *
1022. Alpharetta city, Georgia *
1023. Athens-Clarke County unified government, Georgia *
1024. Atlanta city, Georgia *
1025. Augusta-Richmond County consolidated government, Georgia *
1026. Baldwin County, Georgia *
1027. Barrow County, Georgia *
1028. Bartow County, Georgia *
1029. Brookhaven city, Georgia *
1030. Bryan County, Georgia *
1031. Bulloch County, Georgia *

1032. Camden County, Georgia *
1033. Canton city, Georgia *
1034. Carroll County, Georgia *
1035. Catoosa County, Georgia *
1036. Chamblee city, Georgia *
1037. Chatham County, Georgia *
1038. Cherokee County, Georgia *
1039. Clayton County, Georgia *
1040. Cobb County, Georgia *
1041. Coffee County, Georgia *
1042. Colquitt County, Georgia *
1043. Columbia County, Georgia *
1044. Columbus city, Georgia *
1045. Coweta County, Georgia *
1046. Dalton city, Georgia *
1047. DeKalb County, Georgia *
1048. Dougherty County, Georgia *
1049. Douglas County, Georgia *
1050. Douglasville city, Georgia *
1051. Dunwoody city, Georgia *
1052. East Point city, Georgia *
1053. Effingham County, Georgia *
1054. Fayette County, Georgia *
1055. Floyd County, Georgia *
1056. Forsyth County, Georgia *
1057. Fulton County, Georgia *
1058. Gainesville city, Georgia *
1059. Gilmer County, Georgia *
1060. Glynn County, Georgia *
1061. Gordon County, Georgia *
1062. Gwinnett County, Georgia *
1063. Habersham County, Georgia *
1064. Hall County, Georgia *
1065. Harris County, Georgia *
1066. Henry County, Georgia *
1067. Hinesville city, Georgia *
1068. Houston County, Georgia *
1069. Jackson County, Georgia *
1070. Johns Creek city, Georgia *
1071. Kennesaw city, Georgia *
1072. LaGrange city, Georgia *
1073. Laurens County, Georgia *
1074. Lawrenceville city, Georgia *
1075. Liberty County, Georgia *
1076. Lowndes County, Georgia *
1077. Lumpkin County, Georgia *
1078. Macon-Bibb County, Georgia *
1079. Marietta city, Georgia *
1080. Milton city, Georgia *
1081. Murray County, Georgia *
1082. Newnan city, Georgia *
1083. Newton County, Georgia *
1084. Oconee County, Georgia *
1085. Paulding County, Georgia *

1086. Peachtree City city, Georgia *
1087. Peachtree Corners city, Georgia *
1088. Pickens County, Georgia *
1089. Polk County, Georgia *
1090. Rockdale County, Georgia *
1091. Rome city, Georgia *
1092. Roswell city, Georgia *
1093. Sandy Springs city, Georgia *
1094. Savannah city, Georgia *
1095. Smyrna city, Georgia *
1096. South Fulton city, Georgia *
1097. Spalding County, Georgia *
1098. Statesboro city, Georgia *
1099. Stonecrest city, Georgia *
1100. Thomas County, Georgia *
1101. Tift County, Georgia *
1102. Troup County, Georgia *
1103. Tucker city, Georgia *
1104. Valdosta city, Georgia *
1105. Walker County, Georgia *
1106. Walton County, Georgia *
1107. Ware County, Georgia *
1108. Warner Robins city, Georgia *
1109. White County, Georgia *
1110. Whitfield County, Georgia *
1111. Woodstock city, Georgia *
1112. Acworth city, Georgia
1113. Americus city, Georgia
1114. Appling County, Georgia
1115. Bacon County, Georgia
1116. Bainbridge city, Georgia
1117. Banks County, Georgia
1118. Ben Hill County, Georgia
1119. Berrien County, Georgia
1120. Bleckley County, Georgia
1121. Brantley County, Georgia
1122. Braselton town, Georgia
1123. Brooks County, Georgia
1124. Brunswick city, Georgia
1125. Buford city, Georgia
1126. Burke County, Georgia
1127. Butts County, Georgia
1128. Calhoun city, Georgia
1129. Candler County, Georgia
1130. Carrollton city, Georgia
1131. Cartersville city, Georgia
1132. Charlton County, Georgia
1133. Chattooga County, Georgia
1134. Clarkston city, Georgia
1135. College Park city, Georgia
1136. Conyers city, Georgia
1137. Cook County, Georgia
1138. Cordele city, Georgia
1139. Covington city, Georgia







1140. Crawford County, Georgia
1141. Crisp County, Georgia
1142. Cusseta-Chattahoochee County unified government, Georgia
1143. Dade County, Georgia
1144. Dallas city, Georgia
1145. Dawson County, Georgia
1146. Decatur city, Georgia
1147. Decatur County, Georgia
1148. Dodge County, Georgia
1149. Dooly County, Georgia
1150. Doraville city, Georgia
1151. Douglas city, Georgia
1152. Dublin city, Georgia
1153. Duluth city, Georgia
1154. Early County, Georgia
1155. Elbert County, Georgia
1156. Emanuel County, Georgia
1157. Evans County, Georgia
1158. Fairburn city, Georgia
1159. Fannin County, Georgia
1160. Fayetteville city, Georgia
1161. Forest Park city, Georgia
1162. Franklin County, Georgia
1163. Grady County, Georgia
1164. Greene County, Georgia
1165. Griffin city, Georgia
1166. Grovetown city, Georgia
1167. Haralson County, Georgia
1168. Hart County, Georgia
1169. Heard County, Georgia
1170. Holly Springs city, Georgia
1171. Jasper County, Georgia
1172. Jeff Davis County, Georgia
1173. Jefferson city, Georgia
1174. Jefferson County, Georgia
1175. Jones County, Georgia
1176. Kingsland city, Georgia
1177. Lamar County, Georgia
1178. Lanier County, Georgia
1179. Lee County, Georgia
1180. Lilburn city, Georgia
1181. Loganville city, Georgia
1182. Long County, Georgia
1183. Macon County, Georgia
1184. Madison County, Georgia
1185. McDonough city, Georgia
1186. McDuffie County, Georgia
1187. McIntosh County, Georgia
1188. Meriwether County, Georgia
1189. Milledgeville city, Georgia
1190. Mitchell County, Georgia
1191. Monroe city, Georgia
1192. Monroe County, Georgia

1193. Morgan County, Georgia
1194. Moultrie city, Georgia
1195. Norcross city, Georgia
1196. Oglethorpe County, Georgia
1197. Peach County, Georgia
1198. Perry city, Georgia
1199. Pierce County, Georgia
1200. Pike County, Georgia
1201. Pooler city, Georgia
1202. Powder Springs city, Georgia
1203. Pulaski County, Georgia
1204. Putnam County, Georgia
1205. Rabun County, Georgia
1206. Richmond Hill city, Georgia
1207. Rincon city, Georgia
1208. Riverdale city, Georgia
1209. Screven County, Georgia
1210. Snellville city, Georgia
1211. St. Marys city, Georgia
1212. Stephens County, Georgia
1213. Stockbridge city, Georgia
1214. Sugar Hill city, Georgia
1215. Sumter County, Georgia
1216. Suwanee city, Georgia
1217. Tattnall County, Georgia
1218. Telfair County, Georgia
1219. Thomasville city, Georgia
1220. Tifton city, Georgia
1221. Toombs County, Georgia
1222. Towns County, Georgia
1223. Union City city, Georgia
1224. Union County, Georgia
1225. Upson County, Georgia
1226. Vidalia city, Georgia
1227. Villa Rica city, Georgia
1228. Washington County, Georgia
1229. Waycross city, Georgia
1230. Wayne County, Georgia
1231. Winder city, Georgia
1232. Worth County, Georgia
1233. Hawaii County, Hawaii *
1234. Honolulu County, Hawaii *
1235. Kauai County, Hawaii *
1236. Maui County, Hawaii *
1237. Ada County, Idaho *
1238. Bannock County, Idaho *
1239. Bingham County, Idaho *
1240. Boise City city, Idaho *
1241. Bonner County, Idaho *
1242. Bonneville County, Idaho *
1243. Caldwell city, Idaho *
1244. Canyon County, Idaho *
1245. Coeur d'Alene city, Idaho *
1246. Idaho Falls city, Idaho *
1247. Kootenai County, Idaho *

1248. Latah County, Idaho *
1249. Lewiston city, Idaho *
1250. Madison County, Idaho *
1251. Meridian city, Idaho *
1252. Nampa city, Idaho *
1253. Nez Perce County, Idaho *
1254. Pocatello city, Idaho *
1255. Post Falls city, Idaho *
1256. Twin Falls city, Idaho *
1257. Twin Falls County, Idaho *
1258. Ammon city, Idaho
1259. Blackfoot city, Idaho
1260. Blaine County, Idaho
1261. Boundary County, Idaho
1262. Burley city, Idaho
1263. Cassia County, Idaho
1264. Chubbuck city, Idaho
1265. Eagle city, Idaho
1266. Elmore County, Idaho
1267. Franklin County, Idaho
1268. Fremont County, Idaho
1269. Garden City city, Idaho
1270. Gem County, Idaho
1271. Gooding County, Idaho
1272. Hayden city, Idaho
1273. Idaho County, Idaho
1274. Jefferson County, Idaho
1275. Jerome city, Idaho
1276. Jerome County, Idaho
1277. Kuna city, Idaho
1278. Minidoka County, Idaho
1279. Moscow city, Idaho
1280. Mountain Home city, Idaho
1281. Owyhee County, Idaho
1282. Payette County, Idaho
1283. Rexburg city, Idaho
1284. Shoshone County, Idaho
1285. Star city, Idaho
1286. Teton County, Idaho
1287. Valley County, Idaho
1288. Washington County, Idaho
1289. Adams County, Illinois *
1290. Addison township, Illinois *
1291. Addison village, Illinois *
1292. Algonquin township, Illinois *
1293. Algonquin village, Illinois *
1294. Arlington Heights village, Illinois *
1295. Aurora city, Illinois *
1296. Aurora township, Illinois *
1297. Avon township, Illinois *
1298. Bartlett village, Illinois *
1299. Batavia township, Illinois *
1300. Belleville city, Illinois *
1301. Berwyn city, Illinois *








1302. Berwyn township, Illinois *
1303. Bloom township, Illinois *
1304. Bloomingdale township, Illinois *
1305. Bloomington city, Illinois *
1306. Bloomington City township, Illinois *
1307. Bolingbrook village, Illinois *
1308. Boone County, Illinois *
1309. Bourbonnais township, Illinois *
1310. Bremen township, Illinois *
1311. Bristol township, Illinois *
1312. Buffalo Grove village, Illinois *
1313. Bureau County, Illinois *
1314. Calumet City city, Illinois *
1315. Capital township, Illinois *
1316. Carol Stream village, Illinois *
1317. Carpentersville village, Illinois *
1318. Caseyville township, Illinois *
1319. Champaign city, Illinois *
1320. Champaign City township, Illinois *
1321. Champaign County, Illinois *
1322. Chicago city, Illinois *
1323. Christian County, Illinois *
1324. Cicero town / Cicero township, Illinois *
1325. Clinton County, Illinois *
1326. Coles County, Illinois *
1327. Collinsville township, Illinois *
1328. Cook County, Illinois *
1329. Crystal Lake city, Illinois *
1330. Cunningham township, Illinois *
1331. Danville city, Illinois *
1332. Decatur city, Illinois *
1333. Decatur township, Illinois *
1334. DeKalb city, Illinois *
1335. DeKalb County, Illinois *
1336. DeKalb township, Illinois *
1337. Des Plaines city, Illinois *
1338. Downers Grove township, Illinois *
1339. Downers Grove village, Illinois *
1340. Du Page township, Illinois *
1341. Dundee township, Illinois *
1342. DuPage County, Illinois *
1343. Edwardsville township, Illinois *
1344. Effingham County, Illinois *

1345. Ela township, Illinois *
1346. Elgin city, Illinois *
1347. Elgin township, Illinois *
1348. Elk Grove township, Illinois *
1349. Elk Grove Village village, Illinois *
1350. Elmhurst city, Illinois *
1351. Evanston city, Illinois *
1352. Frankfort township, Illinois *
1353. Franklin County, Illinois *
1354. Fremont township, Illinois *
1355. Fulton County, Illinois *
1356. Galesburg city, Illinois *
1357. Galesburg City township, Illinois *
1358. Glendale Heights village, Illinois *
1359. Glenview village, Illinois *
1360. Grafton township, Illinois *
1361. Grundy County, Illinois *
1362. Gurnee village, Illinois *
1363. Hanover Park village, Illinois *
1364. Hanover township, Illinois *
1365. Harlem township, Illinois *
1366. Henry County, Illinois *
1367. Hoffman Estates village, Illinois *
1368. Homer township, Illinois *
1369. Jackson County, Illinois *
1370. Jefferson County, Illinois *
1371. Joliet city, Illinois *
1372. Joliet township, Illinois *
1373. Kane County, Illinois *
1374. Kankakee County, Illinois *
1375. Kendall County, Illinois *
1376. Knox County, Illinois *
1377. Lake County, Illinois *
1378. Lake Villa township, Illinois *
1379. LaSalle County, Illinois *
1380. Lee County, Illinois *
1381. Leyden township, Illinois *
1382. Libertyville township, Illinois *
1383. Lisle township, Illinois *
1384. Livingston County, Illinois *
1385. Lockport township, Illinois *
1386. Lombard village, Illinois *
1387. Lyons township, Illinois *
1388. Macon County, Illinois *
1389. Macoupin County, Illinois *
1390. Madison County, Illinois *
1391. Maine township, Illinois *
1392. Marion County, Illinois *
1393. McHenry County, Illinois *

1394. McHenry township, Illinois *
1395. McLean County, Illinois *
1396. Milton township, Illinois *
1397. Moline city, Illinois *
1398. Monroe County, Illinois *
1399. Moraine township, Illinois *
1400. Morgan County, Illinois *
1401. Mount Prospect village, Illinois *
1402. Mundelein village, Illinois *
1403. Naperville city, Illinois *
1404. Naperville township, Illinois *
1405. New Lenox township, Illinois *
1406. New Trier township, Illinois *
1407. Niles township, Illinois *
1408. Normal town, Illinois *
1409. Normal township, Illinois *
1410. Northbrook village, Illinois *
1411. Northfield township, Illinois *
1412. Nunda township, Illinois *
1413. Oak Lawn village, Illinois *
1414. Oak Park township, Illinois *
1415. Oak Park village, Illinois *
1416. Ogle County, Illinois *
1417. Orland Park village, Illinois *
1418. Orland township, Illinois *
1419. Oswego township, Illinois *
1420. Oswego village, Illinois *
1421. Palatine township, Illinois *
1422. Palatine village, Illinois *
1423. Palos township, Illinois *
1424. Park Ridge city, Illinois *
1425. Pekin city, Illinois *
1426. Peoria city, Illinois *
1427. Peoria City township, Illinois *
1428. Peoria County, Illinois *
1429. Plainfield township, Illinois *
1430. Plainfield village, Illinois *
1431. Proviso township, Illinois *
1432. Quincy city, Illinois *
1433. Quincy township, Illinois *
1434. Randolph County, Illinois *
1435. Rich township, Illinois *
1436. Rock Island city, Illinois *
1437. Rock Island County, Illinois *
1438. Rockford city, Illinois *
1439. Rockford township, Illinois *
1440. Romeoville village, Illinois *
1441. Sangamon County, Illinois *
1442. Schaumburg township, Illinois *
1443. Schaumburg village, Illinois *
1444. Shields township, Illinois *








1445. Skokie village, Illinois *
1446. South Moline township, Illinois *
1447. Springfield city, Illinois *
1448. St. Charles city, Illinois *
1449. St. Charles township, Illinois *
1450. St. Clair County, Illinois *
1451. St. Clair township, Illinois *
1452. Stephenson County, Illinois *
1453. Stickney township, Illinois *
1454. Streamwood village, Illinois *
1455. Tazewell County, Illinois *
1456. Thornton township, Illinois *
1457. Tinley Park village, Illinois *
1458. Troy township, Illinois *
1459. Urbana city, Illinois *
1460. Vermilion County, Illinois *
1461. Vernon township, Illinois *
1462. Warren township, Illinois *
1463. Waukegan city, Illinois *
1464. Waukegan township, Illinois *
1465. Wayne township, Illinois *
1466. West Deerfield township, Illinois *
1467. Wheatland township, Illinois *
1468. Wheaton city, Illinois *
1469. Wheeling township, Illinois *
1470. Wheeling village, Illinois *
1471. Whiteside County, Illinois *
1472. Will County, Illinois *
1473. Williamson County, Illinois *
1474. Winfield township, Illinois *
1475. Winnebago County, Illinois *
1476. Wood River township, Illinois *
1477. Woodford County, Illinois *
1478. Woodridge village, Illinois *
1479. Worth township, Illinois *
1480. York township, Illinois *
1481. Alsip village, Illinois
1482. Alton city, Illinois
1483. Alton township, Illinois
1484. Antioch township, Illinois
1485. Antioch village, Illinois
1486. Aux Sable township, Illinois
1487. Barrington township, Illinois
1488. Barrington village, Illinois
1489. Batavia city, Illinois
1490. Beach Park village, Illinois
1491. Bellwood village, Illinois
1492. Belvidere city, Illinois
1493. Belvidere township, Illinois
1494. Bensenville village, Illinois
1495. Benton township, Illinois
1496. Blackberry township, Illinois

1497. Bloomingdale village, Illinois
1498. Blue Island city, Illinois
1499. Bond County, Illinois
1500. Bourbonnais village, Illinois
1501. Bradley village, Illinois
1502. Bridgeview village, Illinois
1503. Brookfield village, Illinois
1504. Bruce township, Illinois
1505. Burbank city, Illinois
1506. Burr Ridge village, Illinois
1507. Cahokia village, Illinois
1508. Calumet township, Illinois
1509. Campton Hills village, Illinois
1510. Campton township, Illinois
1511. Canton city, Illinois
1512. Canton township, Illinois
1513. Carbondale city, Illinois
1514. Carbondale township, Illinois
1515. Carroll County, Illinois
1516. Cary village, Illinois
1517. Cass County, Illinois
1518. Centralia city, Illinois
1519. Centralia township, Illinois
1520. Centreville township, Illinois
1521. Champaign township, Illinois
1522. Channahon township, Illinois
1523. Channahon village, Illinois
1524. Charleston city, Illinois
1525. Charleston township, Illinois
1526. Chatham village, Illinois
1527. Cherry Valley township, Illinois
1528. Chicago Heights city, Illinois
1529. Chicago Ridge village, Illinois
1530. Clark County, Illinois
1531. Clay County, Illinois
1532. Collinsville city, Illinois
1533. Coloma township, Illinois
1534. Columbia city, Illinois
1535. Cortland township, Illinois
1536. Country Club Hills city, Illinois
1537. Crawford County, Illinois
1538. Crest Hill city, Illinois
1539. Crestwood village, Illinois
1540. Crete township, Illinois
1541. Cuba township, Illinois
1542. Cumberland County, Illinois
1543. Danville township, Illinois
1544. Darien city, Illinois
1545. De Witt County, Illinois
1546. Deerfield village, Illinois
1547. Dixon city, Illinois
1548. Dixon township, Illinois
1549. Dolton village, Illinois

1550. Dorr township, Illinois
1551. Douglas County, Illinois
1552. Douglas township, Illinois
1553. East Moline city, Illinois
1554. East Peoria city, Illinois
1555. East St. Louis city, Illinois
1556. East St. Louis township, Illinois
1557. Edgar County, Illinois
1558. Edwardsville city, Illinois
1559. Effingham city, Illinois
1560. Elmwood Park village, Illinois
1561. Evergreen Park village, Illinois
1562. Fairview Heights city, Illinois
1563. Fayette County, Illinois
1564. Flagg township, Illinois
1565. Fondulac township, Illinois
1566. Ford County, Illinois
1567. Forest Park village, Illinois
1568. Fox Lake village, Illinois
1569. Frankfort village, Illinois
1570. Franklin Park village, Illinois
1571. Freeport city, Illinois
1572. Freeport township, Illinois
1573. Geneva city, Illinois
1574. Geneva township, Illinois
1575. Glen Carbon village, Illinois
1576. Glen Ellyn village, Illinois
1577. Godfrey township, Illinois
1578. Godfrey village, Illinois
1579. Granite City city, Illinois
1580. Granite City township, Illinois
1581. Grant township, Illinois
1582. Grayslake village, Illinois
1583. Greene County, Illinois
1584. Greenwood township, Illinois
1585. Groveland township, Illinois
1586. Hampton township, Illinois
1587. Hancock County, Illinois
1588. Harrisburg township, Illinois
1589. Harvey city, Illinois
1590. Hazel Crest village, Illinois
1591. Herrin city, Illinois
1592. Hickory Hills city, Illinois
1593. Hickory Point township, Illinois
1594. Highland Park city, Illinois
1595. Hinsdale village, Illinois
1596. Homer Glen village, Illinois
1597. Homewood village, Illinois
1598. Huntley village, Illinois
1599. Iroquois County, Illinois
1600. Jacksonville city, Illinois
1601. Jarvis township, Illinois








1602. Jersey County, Illinois
1603. Jo Daviess County, Illinois
1604. Johnson County, Illinois
1605. Justice village, Illinois
1606. Kankakee city, Illinois
1607. Kankakee township, Illinois
1608. Kewanee city, Illinois
1609. La Grange Park village, Illinois
1610. La Grange village, Illinois
1611. Lake Forest city, Illinois
1612. Lake in the Hills village, Illinois
1613. Lake Zurich village, Illinois
1614. Lansing village, Illinois
1615. LaSalle township, Illinois
1616. Lawrence County, Illinois
1617. Lemont township, Illinois
1618. Lemont village, Illinois
1619. Libertyville village, Illinois
1620. Limestone township, Illinois
1621. Lincoln city, Illinois
1622. Lincolnwood village, Illinois
1623. Lindenhurst village, Illinois
1624. Lisle village, Illinois
1625. Little Rock township, Illinois
1626. Lockport city, Illinois
1627. Logan County, Illinois
1628. Long Creek township, Illinois
1629. Loves Park city, Illinois
1630. Lyons village, Illinois
1631. Machesney Park village, Illinois
1632. Macomb city, Illinois
1633. Macomb City township, Illinois
1634. Mahomet township, Illinois
1635. Manhattan township, Illinois
1636. Manteno township, Illinois
1637. Marion city, Illinois
1638. Markham city, Illinois
1639. Marshall County, Illinois
1640. Mason County, Illinois
1641. Massac County, Illinois
1642. Matteson village, Illinois
1643. Mattoon city, Illinois
1644. Mattoon township, Illinois
1645. Maywood village, Illinois
1646. McDonough County, Illinois
1647. McHenry city, Illinois
1648. Medina township, Illinois
1649. Melrose Park village, Illinois
1650. Menard County, Illinois
1651. Mercer County, Illinois
1652. Midlothian village, Illinois

1653. Minooka village, Illinois
1654. Mokena village, Illinois
1655. Moline township, Illinois
1656. Monee township, Illinois
1657. Montgomery County, Illinois
1658. Montgomery village, Illinois
1659. Morris city, Illinois
1660. Morton Grove village, Illinois
1661. Morton township, Illinois
1662. Morton village, Illinois
1663. Moultrie County, Illinois
1664. Mount Vernon city, Illinois
1665. Mount Vernon township, Illinois
1666. Nameoki township, Illinois
1667. New Lenox village, Illinois
1668. Newell township, Illinois
1669. Niles village, Illinois
1670. Norridge village, Illinois
1671. North Aurora village, Illinois
1672. North Chicago city, Illinois
1673. Northlake city, Illinois
1674. Norwood Park township, Illinois
1675. O'Fallon city, Illinois
1676. O'Fallon township, Illinois
1677. Oak Forest city, Illinois
1678. Ottawa city, Illinois
1679. Ottawa township, Illinois
1680. Palos Heights city, Illinois
1681. Palos Hills city, Illinois
1682. Park Forest village, Illinois
1683. Pekin township, Illinois
1684. Perry County, Illinois
1685. Peru township, Illinois
1686. Piatt County, Illinois
1687. Pike County, Illinois
1688. Plano city, Illinois
1689. Pontiac city, Illinois
1690. Pontiac township, Illinois
1691. Prospect Heights city, Illinois
1692. Rantoul township, Illinois
1693. Rantoul village, Illinois
1694. Richland County, Illinois
1695. Richton Park village, Illinois
1696. River Forest township, Illinois
1697. River Forest village, Illinois
1698. Riverdale village, Illinois
1699. Riverside township, Illinois
1700. Rock Island township, Illinois
1701. Rockton township, Illinois
1702. Rolling Meadows city, Illinois
1703. Roscoe township, Illinois
1704. Roscoe village, Illinois
1705. Roselle village, Illinois

1706. Round Lake Beach village, Illinois
1707. Round Lake village, Illinois
1708. Rutland township, Illinois
1709. Saline County, Illinois
1710. Sauk Village village, Illinois
1711. Schiller Park village, Illinois
1712. Shelby County, Illinois
1713. Shiloh Valley township, Illinois
1714. Shiloh village, Illinois
1715. Shorewood village, Illinois
1716. South Elgin village, Illinois
1717. South Holland village, Illinois
1718. South Rock Island township, Illinois
1719. Sterling city, Illinois
1720. Sterling township, Illinois
1721. Streator city, Illinois
1722. Sugar Grove township, Illinois
1723. Summit village, Illinois
1724. Swansea village, Illinois
1725. Sycamore city, Illinois
1726. Sycamore township, Illinois
1727. Taylorville city, Illinois
1728. Taylorville township, Illinois
1729. Troy city, Illinois
1730. Union County, Illinois
1731. Vernon Hills village, Illinois
1732. Villa Park village, Illinois
1733. Wabash County, Illinois
1734. Warren County, Illinois
1735. Warrenville city, Illinois
1736. Washington city, Illinois
1737. Washington County, Illinois
1738. Washington township, Illinois
1739. Waterloo city, Illinois
1740. Wauconda township, Illinois
1741. Wauconda village, Illinois
1742. Wayne County, Illinois
1743. West Chicago city, Illinois
1744. Westchester village, Illinois
1745. Western Springs village, Illinois
1746. Westmont village, Illinois
1747. White County, Illinois
1748. Wilmette village, Illinois
1749. Winnetka village, Illinois
1750. Wood Dale city, Illinois
1751. Wood River city, Illinois
1752. Woodside township, Illinois
1753. Woodstock city, Illinois
1754. Worth village, Illinois
1755. Yorkville city, Illinois
1756. Zion city, Illinois








1757. Zion township, Illinois
1758. Aboite township, Indiana *
1759. Adams County, Indiana *
1760. Adams township, Indiana *
1761. Allen County, Indiana *
1762. Anderson city, Indiana *
1763. Anderson township, Indiana *
1764. Bartholomew County, Indiana *
1765. Bloomington city, Indiana *
1766. Bloomington township, Indiana *
1767. Boone County, Indiana *
1768. Calumet township, Indiana *
1769. Carmel city, Indiana *
1770. Cass County, Indiana *
1771. Center township, Indiana *
1772. Center township, Indiana *
1773. Center township, Indiana *
1774. Center township, Indiana *
1775. Center township, Indiana *
1776. Center township, Indiana *
1777. Clark County, Indiana *
1778. Clay township, Indiana *
1779. Clay township, Indiana *
1780. Clinton County, Indiana *
1781. Columbus city, Indiana *
1782. Columbus township, Indiana *
1783. Concord township, Indiana *
1784. Crown Point city, Indiana *
1785. Daviess County, Indiana *
1786. Dearborn County, Indiana *
1787. Decatur township, Indiana *
1788. DeKalb County, Indiana *
1789. Delaware County, Indiana *
1790. Delaware township, Indiana *
1791. Dubois County, Indiana *
1792. Elkhart city, Indiana *
1793. Elkhart County, Indiana *
1794. Elkhart township, Indiana *
1795. Evansville city, Indiana *
1796. Fairfield township, Indiana *
1797. Fall Creek township, Indiana *
1798. Fishers city, Indiana *
1799. Floyd County, Indiana *
1800. Fort Wayne city, Indiana *
1801. Franklin township, Indiana *
1802. Gary city, Indiana *
1803. Gibson County, Indiana *
1804. Goshen city, Indiana *
1805. Grant County, Indiana *
1806. Greene County, Indiana *
1807. Greenwood city, Indiana *
1808. Guilford township, Indiana *
1809. Hamilton County, Indiana *
1810. Hammond city, Indiana *
1811. Hancock County, Indiana *
1812. Harrison County, Indiana *
1813. Harrison township, Indiana *
1814. Hendricks County, Indiana *
1815. Henry County, Indiana *
1816. Hobart township, Indiana *
1817. Howard County, Indiana *
1818. Huntington County, Indiana *
1819. Jackson County, Indiana *
1820. Jasper County, Indiana *
1821. Jefferson County, Indiana *
1822. Jeffersonville city, Indiana *
1823. Jeffersonville township, Indiana *
1824. Johnson County, Indiana *
1825. Knight township, Indiana *
1826. Knox County, Indiana *
1827. Kokomo city, Indiana *
1828. Kosciusko County, Indiana *
1829. Lafayette city, Indiana *
1830. LaGrange County, Indiana *
1831. Lake County, Indiana *
1832. LaPorte County, Indiana *
1833. Lawrence city, Indiana *
1834. Lawrence County, Indiana *
1835. Lawrence township, Indiana *
1836. Lincoln township, Indiana *
1837. Madison County, Indiana *
1838. Marion County / Indianapolis city, Indiana *
1839. Marshall County, Indiana *
1840. Merrillville town, Indiana *
1841. Miami County, Indiana *
1842. Michigan City city, Indiana *
1843. Mishawaka city, Indiana *
1844. Monroe County, Indiana *
1845. Montgomery County, Indiana *
1846. Morgan County, Indiana *
1847. Muncie city, Indiana *
1848. New Albany city, Indiana *
1849. New Albany township, Indiana *
1850. Noble County, Indiana *
1851. Noblesville city, Indiana *
1852. Noblesville township, Indiana *
1853. North township, Indiana *
1854. Ohio township, Indiana *
1855. Penn township, Indiana *
1856. Perry township, Indiana *
1857. Perry township, Indiana *
1858. Perry township, Indiana *
1859. Pike township, Indiana *
1860. Plainfield town, Indiana *
1861. Pleasant township, Indiana *
1862. Portage city, Indiana *
1863. Portage township, Indiana *
1864. Portage township, Indiana *
1865. Porter County, Indiana *
1866. Putnam County, Indiana *
1867. Richmond city, Indiana *
1868. Ross township, Indiana *
1869. Shelby County, Indiana *
1870. South Bend city, Indiana *
1871. St. John township, Indiana *
1872. St. Joseph County, Indiana *
1873. St. Joseph township, Indiana *
1874. Steuben County, Indiana *
1875. Terre Haute city, Indiana *
1876. Tippecanoe County, Indiana *
1877. Valparaiso city, Indiana *
1878. Vanderburgh County, Indiana *
1879. Vigo County, Indiana *
1880. Wabash County, Indiana *
1881. Wabash township, Indiana *
1882. Warren township, Indiana *
1883. Warrick County, Indiana *
1884. Washington township, Indiana *
1885. Washington township, Indiana *
1886. Washington township, Indiana *
1887. Washington township, Indiana *
1888. Wayne County, Indiana *
1889. Wayne township, Indiana *
1890. Wayne township, Indiana *
1891. Wayne township, Indiana *
1892. Wea township, Indiana *
1893. West Lafayette city, Indiana *
1894. Westfield city, Indiana *
1895. White River township, Indiana *
1896. Whitley County, Indiana *
1897. Addison township, Indiana
1898. Auburn city, Indiana
1899. Avon town, Indiana
1900. Bainbridge township, Indiana
1901. Baugo township, Indiana
1902. Bedford city, Indiana
1903. Beech Grove city, Indiana
1904. Blackford County, Indiana
1905. Bluffton city, Indiana
1906. Boon township, Indiana
1907. Brown County, Indiana
1908. Brown township, Indiana







1909. Brown township, Indiana
1910. Brownsburg town, Indiana
1911. Carroll County, Indiana
1912. Cedar Creek township, Indiana
1913. Cedar Creek township, Indiana
1914. Cedar Lake town, Indiana
1915. Center township, Indiana
1916. Center township, Indiana
1917. Center township, Indiana
1918. Center township, Indiana
1919. Center township, Indiana
1920. Center township, Indiana
1921. Center township, Indiana
1922. Centre township, Indiana
1923. Charlestown township, Indiana
1924. Chesterton town, Indiana
1925. Clarksville town, Indiana
1926. Clay County, Indiana
1927. Cleveland township, Indiana
1928. Columbia township, Indiana
1929. Connersville city, Indiana
1930. Connersville township, Indiana
1931. Coolspring township, Indiana
1932. Crawford County, Indiana
1933. Crawfordsville city, Indiana
1934. Danville town, Indiana
1935. Decatur County, Indiana
1936. Dyer town, Indiana
1937. East Chicago city, Indiana
1938. Eel township, Indiana
1939. Fall Creek township, Indiana
1940. Fayette County, Indiana
1941. Fountain County, Indiana
1942. Frankfort city, Indiana
1943. Franklin city, Indiana
1944. Franklin County, Indiana
1945. Franklin township, Indiana
1946. Fulton County, Indiana
1947. Georgetown township, Indiana
1948. Greencastle city, Indiana
1949. Greencastle township, Indiana
1950. Greenfield city, Indiana
1951. Greensburg city, Indiana
1952. Griffith town, Indiana
1953. Hanover township, Indiana
1954. Harris township, Indiana
1955. Harrison township, Indiana
1956. Henry township, Indiana
1957. Highland town, Indiana
1958. Hobart city, Indiana
1959. Honey Creek township, Indiana
1960. Huntington city, Indiana
1961. Huntington township, Indiana
1962. Jackson township, Indiana
1963. Jackson township, Indiana
1964. Jasper city, Indiana
1965. Jay County, Indiana
1966. Jefferson township, Indiana
1967. Jennings County, Indiana
1968. Keener township, Indiana
1969. La Porte city, Indiana
1970. Lake Station city, Indiana
1971. Lawrenceburg township, Indiana
1972. Lebanon city, Indiana
1973. Logansport city, Indiana
1974. Lost Creek township, Indiana
1975. Madison city, Indiana
1976. Madison township, Indiana
1977. Marion city, Indiana
1978. Martin County, Indiana
1979. Martinsville city, Indiana
1980. Michigan township, Indiana
1981. Mill township, Indiana
1982. Munster town, Indiana
1983. New Castle city, Indiana
1984. New Haven city, Indiana
1985. Newton County, Indiana
1986. Noble township, Indiana
1987. Orange County, Indiana
1988. Osolo township, Indiana
1989. Owen County, Indiana
1990. Parke County, Indiana
1991. Patoka township, Indiana
1992. Perry County, Indiana
1993. Perry township, Indiana
1994. Peru city, Indiana
1995. Peru township, Indiana
1996. Pigeon township, Indiana
1997. Pike County, Indiana
1998. Pipe Creek township, Indiana
1999. Pleasant township, Indiana
2000. Posey County, Indiana
2001. Pulaski County, Indiana
2002. Randolph County, Indiana
2003. Richland township, Indiana
2004. Ripley County, Indiana
2005. Rush County, Indiana
2006. Schererville town, Indiana
2007. Scott County, Indiana
2008. Seymour city, Indiana
2009. Shawswick township, Indiana
2010. Shelbyville city, Indiana
2011. Silver Creek township, Indiana
2012. Speedway town, Indiana
2013. Spencer County, Indiana
2014. St. John town, Indiana
2015. Starke County, Indiana

2016. Sugar Creek township, Indiana
2017. Sullivan County, Indiana
2018. Switzerland County, Indiana
2019. Tipton County, Indiana
2020. Troy township, Indiana
2021. Union township, Indiana
2022. Union township, Indiana
2023. Van Buren township, Indiana
2024. Vermillion County, Indiana
2025. Vernon township, Indiana
2026. Vincennes city, Indiana
2027. Vincennes township, Indiana
2028. Warsaw city, Indiana
2029. Washington city, Indiana
2030. Washington County, Indiana
2031. Washington township, Indiana
2032. Washington township, Indiana
2033. Washington township, Indiana
2034. Washington township, Indiana
2035. Wayne township, Indiana
2036. Wayne township, Indiana
2037. Wells County, Indiana
2038. Westchester township, Indiana
2039. White County, Indiana
2040. Winfield township, Indiana
2041. Yorktown town, Indiana
2042. Zionsville town, Indiana
2043. Ames city, Iowa *
2044. Ankeny city, Iowa *
2045. Bettendorf city, Iowa *
2046. Black Hawk County, Iowa *
2047. Cedar Falls city, Iowa *
2048. Cedar Rapids city, Iowa *
2049. Cerro Gordo County, Iowa *
2050. Clinton County, Iowa *
2051. Council Bluffs city, Iowa *
2052. Dallas County, Iowa *
2053. Davenport city, Iowa *
2054. Des Moines city, Iowa *
2055. Des Moines County, Iowa *
2056. Dubuque city, Iowa *
2057. Dubuque County, Iowa *
2058. Iowa City city, Iowa *
2059. Jasper County, Iowa *
2060. Johnson County, Iowa *
2061. Lee County, Iowa *
2062. Linn County, Iowa *
2063. Marion city, Iowa *
2064. Marion County, Iowa *
2065. Marshall County, Iowa *
2066. Muscatine County, Iowa *
2067. Polk County, Iowa *
2068. Pottawattamie County, Iowa *
2069. Scott County, Iowa *
2070. Sioux City city, Iowa *







2071. Sioux County, Iowa *
2072. Story County, Iowa *
2073. Urbandale city, Iowa *
2074. Wapello County, Iowa *
2075. Warren County, Iowa *
2076. Waterloo city, Iowa *
2077. Webster County, Iowa *
2078. West Des Moines city, Iowa *
2079. Woodbury County, Iowa *
2080. Allamakee County, Iowa
2081. Altoona city, Iowa
2082. Appanoose County, Iowa
2083. Benton County, Iowa
2084. Boone city, Iowa
2085. Boone County, Iowa
2086. Bremer County, Iowa
2087. Buchanan County, Iowa
2088. Buena Vista County, Iowa
2089. Burlington city, Iowa
2090. Butler County, Iowa
2091. Carroll County, Iowa
2092. Cass County, Iowa
2093. Cedar County, Iowa
2094. Cherokee County, Iowa
2095. Chickasaw County, Iowa
2096. Clay County, Iowa
2097. Clayton County, Iowa
2098. Clinton city, Iowa
2099. Clive city, Iowa
2100. Coralville city, Iowa
2101. Crawford County, Iowa
2102. Delaware County, Iowa
2103. Dickinson County, Iowa
2104. Fairfield city, Iowa
2105. Fayette County, Iowa
2106. Floyd County, Iowa
2107. Fort Dodge city, Iowa
2108. Fort Madison city, Iowa
2109. Franklin County, Iowa
2110. Grimes city, Iowa
2111. Grundy County, Iowa
2112. Guthrie County, Iowa
2113. Hamilton County, Iowa
2114. Hancock County, Iowa
2115. Hardin County, Iowa
2116. Harrison County, Iowa
2117. Henry County, Iowa
2118. Indianola city, Iowa
2119. Iowa County, Iowa
2120. Jackson County, Iowa
2121. Jefferson County, Iowa
2122. Johnston city, Iowa
2123. Jones County, Iowa
2124. Keokuk city, Iowa
2125. Keokuk County, Iowa
2126. Kossuth County, Iowa
2127. Le Mars city, Iowa
2128. Louisa County, Iowa
2129. Lyon County, Iowa
2130. Madison County, Iowa
2131. Mahaska County, Iowa
2132. Marshalltown city, Iowa
2133. Mason City city, Iowa
2134. Mills County, Iowa
2135. Mitchell County, Iowa
2136. Muscatine city, Iowa
2137. Newton city, Iowa
2138. North Liberty city, Iowa
2139. Norwalk city, Iowa
2140. O'Brien County, Iowa
2141. Oskaloosa city, Iowa
2142. Ottumwa city, Iowa
2143. Page County, Iowa
2144. Pella city, Iowa
2145. Pleasant Hill city, Iowa
2146. Plymouth County, Iowa
2147. Poweshiek County, Iowa
2148. Shelby County, Iowa
2149. Spencer city, Iowa
2150. Storm Lake city, Iowa
2151. Tama County, Iowa
2152. Union County, Iowa
2153. Washington County, Iowa
2154. Waukee city, Iowa
2155. Waverly city, Iowa
2156. Winnebago County, Iowa
2157. Winneshiek County, Iowa
2158. Wright County, Iowa
2159. Butler County, Kansas *
2160. Cowley County, Kansas *
2161. Crawford County, Kansas *
2162. Douglas County, Kansas *
2163. Finney County, Kansas *
2164. Ford County, Kansas *
2165. Geary County, Kansas *
2166. Harvey County, Kansas *
2167. Hutchinson city, Kansas *
2168. Johnson County, Kansas *
2169. Kansas City city, Kansas *
2170. Lawrence city, Kansas *
2171. Leavenworth city, Kansas *
2172. Leavenworth County, Kansas *
2173. Leawood city, Kansas *
2174. Lenexa city, Kansas *
2175. Lyon County, Kansas *
2176. Manhattan city, Kansas *
2177. Miami County, Kansas *
2178. Montgomery County, Kansas *

2179. Olathe city, Kansas *
2180. Overland Park city, Kansas *
2181. Reno County, Kansas *
2182. Riley County, Kansas *
2183. Salina city, Kansas *
2184. Saline County, Kansas *
2185. Sedgwick County, Kansas *
2186. Shawnee city, Kansas *
2187. Shawnee County, Kansas *
2188. Topeka city, Kansas *
2189. Wichita city, Kansas *
2190. Allen County, Kansas
2191. Andover city, Kansas
2192. Arkansas City city, Kansas
2193. Atchison city, Kansas
2194. Atchison County, Kansas
2195. Barton County, Kansas
2196. Bourbon County, Kansas
2197. Bruno township, Kansas
2198. Cherokee County, Kansas
2199. Derby city, Kansas
2200. Dickinson County, Kansas
2201. Dodge City city, Kansas
2202. El Dorado city, Kansas
2203. Ellis County, Kansas
2204. Emporia city, Kansas
2205. Fairmount township, Kansas
2206. Franklin County, Kansas
2207. Garden City city, Kansas
2208. Gardner city, Kansas
2209. Great Bend city, Kansas
2210. Hays city, Kansas
2211. Haysville city, Kansas
2212. Jackson County, Kansas
2213. Jefferson County, Kansas
2214. Junction City city, Kansas
2215. Labette County, Kansas
2216. Lansing city, Kansas
2217. Liberal city, Kansas
2218. Madison township, Kansas
2219. Marion County, Kansas
2220. McPherson city, Kansas
2221. McPherson County, Kansas
2222. Merriam city, Kansas
2223. Nemaha County, Kansas
2224. Neosho County, Kansas
2225. Newton city, Kansas
2226. Osage County, Kansas
2227. Ottawa city, Kansas
2228. Pittsburg city, Kansas
2229. Pottawatomie County, Kansas
2230. Prairie Village city, Kansas
2231. Riverside township, Kansas
2232. Rockford township, Kansas
2233. Seward County, Kansas







2234. Soldier township, Kansas
2235. Sumner County, Kansas
2236. Winfield city, Kansas
2237. Barren County, Kentucky *
2238. Boone County, Kentucky *
2239. Bowling Green city, Kentucky *
2240. Boyd County, Kentucky *
2241. Boyle County, Kentucky *
2242. Bullitt County, Kentucky *
2243. Calloway County, Kentucky *
2244. Campbell County, Kentucky *
2245. Christian County, Kentucky *
2246. Clark County, Kentucky *
2247. Covington city, Kentucky *
2248. Daviess County, Kentucky *
2249. Elizabethtown city, Kentucky *
2250. Florence city, Kentucky *
2251. Floyd County, Kentucky *
2252. Franklin County, Kentucky *
2253. Georgetown city, Kentucky *
2254. Graves County, Kentucky *
2255. Greenup County, Kentucky *
2256. Hardin County, Kentucky *
2257. Henderson County, Kentucky *
2258. Hopkins County, Kentucky *
2259. Hopkinsville city, Kentucky *
2260. Jessamine County, Kentucky *
2261. Kenton County, Kentucky *
2262. Knox County, Kentucky *
2263. Laurel County, Kentucky *
2264. Lexington-Fayette urban county, Kentucky *
2265. Louisville/Jefferson County metro government, Kentucky *
2266. Madison County, Kentucky *
2267. Marshall County, Kentucky *
2268. McCracken County, Kentucky *
2269. Muhlenberg County, Kentucky *
2270. Nelson County, Kentucky *
2271. Nicholasville city, Kentucky *
2272. Oldham County, Kentucky *
2273. Owensboro city, Kentucky *
2274. Pike County, Kentucky *
2275. Pulaski County, Kentucky *
2276. Richmond city, Kentucky *
2277. Scott County, Kentucky *
2278. Shelby County, Kentucky *
2279. Warren County, Kentucky *
2280. Whitley County, Kentucky *

2281. Adair County, Kentucky
2282. Allen County, Kentucky
2283. Anderson County, Kentucky
2284. Ashland city, Kentucky
2285. Bardstown city, Kentucky
2286. Bath County, Kentucky
2287. Bell County, Kentucky
2288. Berea city, Kentucky
2289. Bourbon County, Kentucky
2290. Breathitt County, Kentucky
2291. Breckinridge County, Kentucky
2292. Butler County, Kentucky
2293. Caldwell County, Kentucky
2294. Campbellsville city, Kentucky
2295. Carroll County, Kentucky
2296. Carter County, Kentucky
2297. Casey County, Kentucky
2298. Clay County, Kentucky
2299. Clinton County, Kentucky
2300. Danville city, Kentucky
2301. Edmonson County, Kentucky
2302. Erlanger city, Kentucky
2303. Estill County, Kentucky
2304. Fleming County, Kentucky
2305. Fort Thomas city, Kentucky
2306. Frankfort city, Kentucky
2307. Garrard County, Kentucky
2308. Glasgow city, Kentucky
2309. Grant County, Kentucky
2310. Grayson County, Kentucky
2311. Green County, Kentucky
2312. Harlan County, Kentucky
2313. Harrison County, Kentucky
2314. Hart County, Kentucky
2315. Henderson city, Kentucky
2316. Henry County, Kentucky
2317. Independence city, Kentucky
2318. Jackson County, Kentucky
2319. Jeffersontown city, Kentucky
2320. Johnson County, Kentucky
2321. Knott County, Kentucky
2322. Larue County, Kentucky
2323. Lawrence County, Kentucky
2324. Lawrenceburg city, Kentucky
2325. Letcher County, Kentucky
2326. Lewis County, Kentucky
2327. Lincoln County, Kentucky
2328. Logan County, Kentucky
2329. Lyndon city, Kentucky
2330. Madisonville city, Kentucky
2331. Magoffin County, Kentucky
2332. Marion County, Kentucky
2333. Martin County, Kentucky
2334. Mason County, Kentucky

2335. McCreary County, Kentucky
2336. Meade County, Kentucky
2337. Mercer County, Kentucky
2338. Metcalfe County, Kentucky
2339. Monroe County, Kentucky
2340. Montgomery County, Kentucky
2341. Morgan County, Kentucky
2342. Mount Washington city, Kentucky
2343. Murray city, Kentucky
2344. Newport city, Kentucky
2345. Ohio County, Kentucky
2346. Owen County, Kentucky
2347. Paducah city, Kentucky
2348. Pendleton County, Kentucky
2349. Perry County, Kentucky
2350. Powell County, Kentucky
2351. Radcliff city, Kentucky
2352. Rockcastle County, Kentucky
2353. Rowan County, Kentucky
2354. Russell County, Kentucky
2355. Shelbyville city, Kentucky
2356. Shepherdsville city, Kentucky
2357. Shively city, Kentucky
2358. Simpson County, Kentucky
2359. Somerset city, Kentucky
2360. Spencer County, Kentucky
2361. St. Matthews city, Kentucky
2362. Taylor County, Kentucky
2363. Todd County, Kentucky
2364. Trigg County, Kentucky
2365. Union County, Kentucky
2366. Washington County, Kentucky
2367. Wayne County, Kentucky
2368. Webster County, Kentucky
2369. Winchester city, Kentucky
2370. Woodford County, Kentucky
2371. Acadia Parish, Louisiana *
2372. Alexandria city, Louisiana *
2373. Ascension Parish, Louisiana *
2374. Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana *
2375. Baton Rouge city, Louisiana *
2376. Beauregard Parish, Louisiana *
2377. Bossier City city, Louisiana *
2378. Bossier Parish, Louisiana *
2379. Caddo Parish, Louisiana *
2380. Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana *
2381. East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana *
2382. Evangeline Parish, Louisiana *
2383. Iberia Parish, Louisiana *
2384. Iberville Parish, Louisiana *







2385. Jefferson Davis Parish, Louisiana *
2386. Jefferson Parish, Louisiana *
2387. Kenner city, Louisiana *
2388. Lafayette city, Louisiana *
2389. Lafayette Parish, Louisiana *
2390. Lafourche Parish, Louisiana *
2391. Lake Charles city, Louisiana *
2392. Lincoln Parish, Louisiana *
2393. Livingston Parish, Louisiana *
2394. Monroe city, Louisiana *
2395. Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana *
2396. New Orleans city / Orleans Parish, Louisiana *
2397. Ouachita Parish, Louisiana *
2398. Rapides Parish, Louisiana *
2399. Shreveport city, Louisiana *
2400. St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana *
2401. St. Charles Parish, Louisiana *
2402. St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana *
2403. St. Landry Parish, Louisiana *
2404. St. Martin Parish, Louisiana *
2405. St. Mary Parish, Louisiana *
2406. St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana *
2407. Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana *
2408. Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana *
2409. Vermilion Parish, Louisiana *
2410. Vernon Parish, Louisiana *
2411. Washington Parish, Louisiana *
2412. Webster Parish, Louisiana *
2413. Abbeville city, Louisiana
2414. Allen Parish, Louisiana
2415. Assumption Parish, Louisiana
2416. Baker city, Louisiana
2417. Bastrop city, Louisiana
2418. Bienville Parish, Louisiana
2419. Bogalusa city, Louisiana
2420. Broussard city, Louisiana
2421. Central city, Louisiana
2422. Claiborne Parish, Louisiana
2423. Concordia Parish, Louisiana
2424. Covington city, Louisiana
2425. Crowley city, Louisiana
2426. De Soto Parish, Louisiana
2427. DeRidder city, Louisiana
2428. East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana
2429. Franklin Parish, Louisiana
2430. Gonzales city, Louisiana
2431. Grant Parish, Louisiana
2432. Gretna city, Louisiana
2433. Hammond city, Louisiana
2434. Jackson Parish, Louisiana
2435. LaSalle Parish, Louisiana
2436. Madison Parish, Louisiana
2437. Mandeville city, Louisiana
2438. Minden city, Louisiana
2439. Morehouse Parish, Louisiana
2440. Morgan City city, Louisiana
2441. Natchitoches city, Louisiana
2442. New Iberia city, Louisiana
2443. Opelousas city, Louisiana
2444. Pineville city, Louisiana
2445. Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
2446. Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana
2447. Richland Parish, Louisiana
2448. Ruston city, Louisiana
2449. Sabine Parish, Louisiana
2450. Slidell city, Louisiana
2451. St. Helena Parish, Louisiana
2452. St. James Parish, Louisiana
2453. Sulphur city, Louisiana
2454. Thibodaux city, Louisiana
2455. Union Parish, Louisiana
2456. West Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana
2457. West Carroll Parish, Louisiana
2458. West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana
2459. West Monroe city, Louisiana
2460. Winn Parish, Louisiana
2461. Youngsville city, Louisiana
2462. Zachary city, Louisiana
2463. Androscoggin County, Maine *
2464. Aroostook County, Maine *
2465. Bangor city, Maine *
2466. Cumberland County, Maine *
2467. Franklin County, Maine *
2468. Hancock County, Maine *
2469. Kennebec County, Maine *
2470. Knox County, Maine *
2471. Lewiston city, Maine *
2472. Lincoln County, Maine *
2473. Oxford County, Maine *
2474. Penobscot County, Maine *
2475. Portland city, Maine *
2476. Sagadahoc County, Maine *
2477. Somerset County, Maine *
2478. Waldo County, Maine *
2479. Washington County, Maine *
2480. York County, Maine *

2481. Auburn city, Maine
2482. Augusta city, Maine
2483. Biddeford city, Maine
2484. Brunswick town, Maine
2485. Falmouth town, Maine
2486. Gorham town, Maine
2487. Kennebunk town, Maine
2488. Orono town, Maine
2489. Piscataquis County, Maine
2490. Saco city, Maine
2491. Sanford city, Maine
2492. Scarborough town, Maine
2493. South Portland city, Maine
2494. Standish town, Maine
2495. Waterville city, Maine
2496. Wells town, Maine
2497. Westbrook city, Maine
2498. Windham town, Maine
2499. York town, Maine
2500. Allegany County, Maryland *
2501. Annapolis city, Maryland *
2502. Anne Arundel County, Maryland *
2503. Baltimore city, Maryland *
2504. Baltimore County, Maryland *
2505. Bowie city, Maryland *
2506. Calvert County, Maryland *
2507. Caroline County, Maryland *
2508. Carroll County, Maryland *
2509. Cecil County, Maryland *
2510. Charles County, Maryland *
2511. College Park city, Maryland *
2512. Dorchester County, Maryland *
2513. Frederick city, Maryland *
2514. Frederick County, Maryland *
2515. Gaithersburg city, Maryland *
2516. Hagerstown city, Maryland *
2517. Harford County, Maryland *
2518. Howard County, Maryland *
2519. Montgomery County, Maryland *
2520. Prince George's County, Maryland *
2521. Queen Anne's County, Maryland *
2522. Rockville city, Maryland *
2523. Salisbury city, Maryland *
2524. St. Mary's County, Maryland *
2525. Talbot County, Maryland *
2526. Washington County, Maryland *
2527. Wicomico County, Maryland *
2528. Worcester County, Maryland *








2529. Aberdeen city, Maryland
2530. Bel Air town, Maryland
2531. Cambridge city, Maryland
2532. Cumberland city, Maryland
2533. Easton town, Maryland
2534. Elkton town, Maryland
2535. Garrett County, Maryland
2536. Greenbelt city, Maryland
2537. Havre de Grace city, Maryland
2538. Hyattsville city, Maryland
2539. Kent County, Maryland
2540. Laurel city, Maryland
2541. New Carrollton city, Maryland
2542. Somerset County, Maryland
2543. Takoma Park city, Maryland
2544. Westminster city, Maryland
2545. Amherst town, Massachusetts *
2546. Andover town, Massachusetts *
2547. Arlington town, Massachusetts *
2548. Attleboro city, Massachusetts *
2549. Barnstable County, Massachusetts *
2550. Barnstable Town city, Massachusetts *
2551. Beverly city, Massachusetts *
2552. Billerica town, Massachusetts *
2553. Boston city, Massachusetts *
2554. Braintree Town city, Massachusetts *
2555. Bristol County, Massachusetts *
2556. Brockton city, Massachusetts *
2557. Brookline town, Massachusetts *
2558. Cambridge city, Massachusetts *
2559. Chelmsford town, Massachusetts *
2560. Chelsea city, Massachusetts *
2561. Chicopee city, Massachusetts *
2562. Dartmouth town, Massachusetts *
2563. Dracut town, Massachusetts *
2564. Everett city, Massachusetts *
2565. Fall River city, Massachusetts *
2566. Falmouth town, Massachusetts *
2567. Fitchburg city, Massachusetts *
2568. Framingham city, Massachusetts *
2569. Franklin Town city, Massachusetts *
2570. Gloucester city, Massachusetts *
2571. Haverhill city, Massachusetts *
2572. Holyoke city, Massachusetts *
2573. Lawrence city, Massachusetts *
2574. Leominster city, Massachusetts *
2575. Lexington town, Massachusetts *
2576. Lowell city, Massachusetts *
2577. Lynn city, Massachusetts *
2578. Malden city, Massachusetts *
2579. Marlborough city, Massachusetts *
2580. Medford city, Massachusetts *
2581. Methuen Town city, Massachusetts *
2582. Natick town, Massachusetts *
2583. Needham town, Massachusetts *
2584. New Bedford city, Massachusetts *
2585. Newton city, Massachusetts *
2586. Norfolk County, Massachusetts *
2587. North Andover town, Massachusetts *
2588. Peabody city, Massachusetts *
2589. Pittsfield city, Massachusetts *
2590. Plymouth County, Massachusetts *
2591. Plymouth town, Massachusetts *
2592. Quincy city, Massachusetts *
2593. Randolph Town city, Massachusetts *
2594. Revere city, Massachusetts *
2595. Salem city, Massachusetts *
2596. Shrewsbury town, Massachusetts *
2597. Somerville city, Massachusetts *
2598. Springfield city, Massachusetts *
2599. Taunton city, Massachusetts *
2600. Tewksbury town, Massachusetts *
2601. Waltham city, Massachusetts *
2602. Watertown Town city, Massachusetts *
2603. Westfield city, Massachusetts *
2604. Weymouth Town city, Massachusetts *
2605. Woburn city, Massachusetts *
2606. Worcester city, Massachusetts *
2607. Abington town, Massachusetts
2608. Acton town, Massachusetts
2609. Acushnet town, Massachusetts
2610. Agawam Town city, Massachusetts
2611. Amesbury Town city, Massachusetts
2612. Ashland town, Massachusetts
2613. Athol town, Massachusetts
2614. Auburn town, Massachusetts
2615. Bedford town, Massachusetts
2616. Belchertown town, Massachusetts
2617. Bellingham town, Massachusetts
2618. Belmont town, Massachusetts
2619. Bourne town, Massachusetts
2620. Bridgewater Town city, Massachusetts
2621. Burlington town, Massachusetts
2622. Canton town, Massachusetts
2623. Carver town, Massachusetts
2624. Charlton town, Massachusetts
2625. Clinton town, Massachusetts
2626. Concord town, Massachusetts
2627. Danvers town, Massachusetts
2628. Dedham town, Massachusetts
2629. Dennis town, Massachusetts
2630. Dudley town, Massachusetts
2631. Dukes County, Massachusetts
2632. Duxbury town, Massachusetts
2633. East Bridgewater town, Massachusetts
2634. East Longmeadow town, Massachusetts
2635. Easthampton Town city, Massachusetts
2636. Easton town, Massachusetts
2637. Fairhaven town, Massachusetts
2638. Foxborough town, Massachusetts
2639. Gardner city, Massachusetts
2640. Grafton town, Massachusetts







2641. Greenfield Town city, Massachusetts
2642. Groton town, Massachusetts
2643. Hanover town, Massachusetts
2644. Hanson town, Massachusetts
2645. Harwich town, Massachusetts
2646. Hingham town, Massachusetts
2647. Holbrook town, Massachusetts
2648. Holden town, Massachusetts
2649. Holliston town, Massachusetts
2650. Hopkinton town, Massachusetts
2651. Hudson town, Massachusetts
2652. Hull town, Massachusetts
2653. Ipswich town, Massachusetts
2654. Kingston town, Massachusetts
2655. Lakeville town, Massachusetts
2656. Leicester town, Massachusetts
2657. Littleton town, Massachusetts
2658. Longmeadow town, Massachusetts
2659. Ludlow town, Massachusetts
2660. Lunenburg town, Massachusetts
2661. Lynnfield town, Massachusetts
2662. Mansfield town, Massachusetts
2663. Marblehead town, Massachusetts
2664. Marshfield town, Massachusetts
2665. Mashpee town, Massachusetts
2666. Maynard town, Massachusetts
2667. Medfield town, Massachusetts
2668. Medway town, Massachusetts
2669. Melrose city, Massachusetts
2670. Middleborough town, Massachusetts
2671. Middleton town, Massachusetts
2672. Milford town, Massachusetts
2673. Millbury town, Massachusetts
2674. Milton town, Massachusetts
2675. Nantucket town, Massachusetts
2676. Newburyport city, Massachusetts
2677. Norfolk town, Massachusetts 2678. North Adams city, Massachusetts
2679. North Attleborough town, Massachusetts
2680. North Reading town, Massachusetts
2681. Northampton city, Massachusetts
2682. Northborough town, Massachusetts
2683. Northbridge town, Massachusetts
2684. Norton town, Massachusetts
2685. Norwell town, Massachusetts
2686. Norwood town, Massachusetts
2687. Oxford town, Massachusetts
2688. Palmer Town city, Massachusetts
2689. Pembroke town, Massachusetts
2690. Pepperell town, Massachusetts
2691. Raynham town, Massachusetts
2692. Reading town, Massachusetts
2693. Rehoboth town, Massachusetts
2694. Rockland town, Massachusetts
2695. Sandwich town, Massachusetts
2696. Saugus town, Massachusetts
2697. Scituate town, Massachusetts
2698. Seekonk town, Massachusetts
2699. Sharon town, Massachusetts
2700. Somerset town, Massachusetts
2701. South Hadley town, Massachusetts
2702. Southborough town, Massachusetts
2703. Southbridge Town city, Massachusetts
2704. Spencer town, Massachusetts
2705. Stoneham town, Massachusetts
2706. Stoughton town, Massachusetts
2707. Sudbury town, Massachusetts
2708. Swampscott town, Massachusetts
2709. Swansea town, Massachusetts
2710. Tyngsborough town, Massachusetts
2711. Uxbridge town, Massachusetts
2712. Wakefield town, Massachusetts
2713. Walpole town, Massachusetts
2714. Wareham town, Massachusetts
2715. Wayland town, Massachusetts
2716. Webster town, Massachusetts
2717. Wellesley town, Massachusetts
2718. West Springfield Town city, Massachusetts
2719. Westborough town, Massachusetts

2720. Westford town, Massachusetts
2721. Weston town, Massachusetts
2722. Westport town, Massachusetts
2723. Westwood town, Massachusetts
2724. Whitman town, Massachusetts
2725. Wilbraham town, Massachusetts
2726. Wilmington town, Massachusetts
2727. Winchendon town, Massachusetts
2728. Winchester town, Massachusetts
2729. Winthrop Town city, Massachusetts
2730. Wrentham town, Massachusetts
2731. Yarmouth town, Massachusetts
2732. Allegan County, Michigan *
2733. Ann Arbor city, Michigan *
2734. Barry County, Michigan *
2735. Battle Creek city, Michigan *
2736. Bay City city, Michigan *
2737. Bay County, Michigan *
2738. Bedford township, Michigan *
2739. Berrien County, Michigan *
2740. Bloomfield charter township, Michigan *
2741. Branch County, Michigan *
2742. Brownstown charter township, Michigan *
2743. Calhoun County, Michigan *
2744. Canton charter township, Michigan *
2745. Cass County, Michigan *
2746. Chesterfield township, Michigan *
2747. Chippewa County, Michigan *
2748. Clare County, Michigan *
2749. Clinton charter township, Michigan *
2750. Clinton County, Michigan *
2751. Commerce charter township, Michigan *
2752. Dearborn city, Michigan *
2753. Dearborn Heights city, Michigan *
2754. Delta charter township, Michigan *
2755. Delta County, Michigan *
2756. Detroit city, Michigan *
2757. East Lansing city, Michigan *
2758. Eastpointe city, Michigan *







2759. Eaton County, Michigan *
2760. Emmet County, Michigan *
2761. Farmington Hills city, Michigan *
2762. Flint charter township, Michigan *
2763. Flint city, Michigan *
2764. Genesee County, Michigan *
2765. Georgetown charter township, Michigan *
2766. Grand Blanc charter township, Michigan *
2767. Grand Rapids city, Michigan *
2768. Grand Traverse County, Michigan *
2769. Gratiot County, Michigan *
2770. Hillsdale County, Michigan *
2771. Holland charter township, Michigan *
2772. Holland city, Michigan *
2773. Houghton County, Michigan *
2774. Huron County, Michigan *
2775. Independence charter township, Michigan *
2776. Ingham County, Michigan *
2777. Ionia County, Michigan *
2778. Isabella County, Michigan *
2779. Jackson city, Michigan *
2780. Jackson County, Michigan *
2781. Kalamazoo city, Michigan *
2782. Kalamazoo County, Michigan *
2783. Kent County, Michigan *
2784. Kentwood city, Michigan *
2785. Lansing city, Michigan *
2786. Lapeer County, Michigan *
2787. Lenawee County, Michigan *
2788. Lincoln Park city, Michigan *
2789. Livingston County, Michigan *
2790. Livonia city, Michigan *
2791. Macomb County, Michigan *
2792. Macomb township, Michigan *
2793. Marquette County, Michigan *
2794. Mecosta County, Michigan *
2795. Meridian charter township, Michigan *
2796. Midland city, Michigan *
2797. Midland County, Michigan *
2798. Monroe County, Michigan *
2799. Montcalm County, Michigan *
2800. Muskegon city, Michigan *
2801. Muskegon County, Michigan *

2802. Newaygo County, Michigan *
2803. Novi city, Michigan *
2804. Oakland County, Michigan *
2805. Orion charter township, Michigan *
2806. Ottawa County, Michigan *
2807. Pittsfield charter township, Michigan *
2808. Plainfield charter township, Michigan *
2809. Pontiac city, Michigan *
2810. Portage city, Michigan *
2811. Redford charter township, Michigan *
2812. Rochester Hills city, Michigan *
2813. Roseville city, Michigan *
2814. Royal Oak city, Michigan *
2815. Saginaw charter township, Michigan *
2816. Saginaw city, Michigan *
2817. Saginaw County, Michigan *
2818. Sanilac County, Michigan *
2819. Shelby charter township, Michigan *
2820. Shiawassee County, Michigan *
2821. Southfield city, Michigan *
2822. St. Clair County, Michigan *
2823. St. Clair Shores city, Michigan *
2824. St. Joseph County, Michigan *
2825. Sterling Heights city, Michigan *
2826. Taylor city, Michigan *
2827. Troy city, Michigan *
2828. Tuscola County, Michigan *
2829. Van Buren County, Michigan *
2830. Warren city, Michigan *
2831. Washtenaw County, Michigan *
2832. Waterford charter township, Michigan *
2833. Wayne County, Michigan *
2834. West Bloomfield charter township, Michigan *
2835. Westland city, Michigan *
2836. Wexford County, Michigan *
2837. White Lake charter township, Michigan *
2838. Wyoming city, Michigan *
2839. Ypsilanti charter township, Michigan *
2840. Ada township, Michigan

2841. Adrian city, Michigan
2842. Alcona County, Michigan
2843. Algoma township, Michigan
2844. Allen Park city, Michigan
2845. Allendale charter township, Michigan
2846. Alpena County, Michigan
2847. Alpine township, Michigan
2848. Antrim County, Michigan
2849. Antwerp township, Michigan
2850. Arenac County, Michigan
2851. Auburn Hills city, Michigan
2852. Bangor charter township, Michigan
2853. Bath charter township, Michigan
2854. Benton charter township, Michigan
2855. Benzie County, Michigan
2856. Berkley city, Michigan
2857. Beverly Hills village, Michigan
2858. Big Rapids city, Michigan
2859. Birmingham city, Michigan
2860. Blackman charter township, Michigan
2861. Brandon charter township, Michigan
2862. Brighton township, Michigan
2863. Burton city, Michigan
2864. Byron township, Michigan
2865. Cadillac city, Michigan
2866. Caledonia township, Michigan
2867. Cannon township, Michigan
2868. Cascade charter township, Michigan
2869. Charlevoix County, Michigan
2870. Cheboygan County, Michigan
2871. Clawson city, Michigan
2872. Coldwater city, Michigan
2873. Comstock charter township, Michigan
2874. Cooper charter township, Michigan
2875. Crawford County, Michigan
2876. Davison township, Michigan
2877. Delhi charter township, Michigan
2878. DeWitt charter township, Michigan
2879. Dickinson County, Michigan
2880. East Bay township, Michigan
2881. East Grand Rapids city, Michigan
2882. Egelston township, Michigan







2883. Emmett charter township, Michigan
2884. Escanaba city, Michigan
2885. Farmington city, Michigan
2886. Fenton charter township, Michigan
2887. Fenton city, Michigan
2888. Ferndale city, Michigan
2889. Flat Rock city, Michigan
2890. Flushing charter township, Michigan
2891. Fort Gratiot charter township, Michigan
2892. Fraser city, Michigan
2893. Frenchtown township, Michigan
2894. Fruitport charter township, Michigan
2895. Gaines charter township, Michigan
2896. Garden City city, Michigan
2897. Garfield charter township, Michigan
2898. Genesee charter township, Michigan
2899. Genoa township, Michigan
2900. Gladwin County, Michigan
2901. Gogebic County, Michigan
2902. Grand Haven charter township, Michigan
2903. Grand Haven city, Michigan
2904. Grand Rapids charter township, Michigan
2905. Grandville city, Michigan
2906. Green Oak township, Michigan
2907. Grosse Ile township, Michigan
2908. Grosse Pointe Park city, Michigan
2909. Grosse Pointe Woods city, Michigan
2910. Hamburg township, Michigan
2911. Hamtramck city, Michigan
2912. Harper Woods city, Michigan
2913. Harrison charter township, Michigan
2914. Hartland township, Michigan
2915. Hazel Park city, Michigan
2916. Highland charter township, Michigan
2917. Highland Park city, Michigan
2918. Holly township, Michigan
2919. Huron charter township, Michigan
2920. Inkster city, Michigan

2921. Ionia city, Michigan
2922. Iosco County, Michigan
2923. Iron County, Michigan
2924. Kalamazoo charter township, Michigan
2925. Kalkaska County, Michigan
2926. Lake County, Michigan
2927. Leelanau County, Michigan
2928. Lenox township, Michigan
2929. Leoni township, Michigan
2930. Lincoln charter township, Michigan
2931. Lyon charter township, Michigan
2932. Mackinac County, Michigan
2933. Madison Heights city, Michigan
2934. Manistee County, Michigan
2935. Marion township, Michigan
2936. Marquette city, Michigan
2937. Mason County, Michigan
2938. Melvindale city, Michigan
2939. Menominee County, Michigan
2940. Milford charter township, Michigan
2941. Missaukee County, Michigan
2942. Monitor charter township, Michigan
2943. Monroe charter township, Michigan
2944. Monroe city, Michigan
2945. Mount Clemens city, Michigan
2946. Mount Morris township, Michigan
2947. Mount Pleasant city, Michigan
2948. Mundy township, Michigan
2949. Muskegon charter township, Michigan
2950. Muskegon Heights city, Michigan
2951. New Baltimore city, Michigan
2952. Niles city, Michigan
2953. Niles township, Michigan
2954. Northville township, Michigan
2955. Norton Shores city, Michigan
2956. Oak Park city, Michigan
2957. Oakland charter township, Michigan
2958. Oceana County, Michigan
2959. Oceola township, Michigan
2960. Ogemaw County, Michigan
2961. Osceola County, Michigan
2962. Oshtemo charter township, Michigan

2963. Otsego County, Michigan
2964. Owosso city, Michigan
2965. Oxford charter township, Michigan
2966. Park township, Michigan
2967. Plymouth charter township, Michigan
2968. Port Huron charter township, Michigan
2969. Port Huron city, Michigan
2970. Presque Isle County, Michigan
2971. Riverview city, Michigan
2972. Rochester city, Michigan
2973. Romulus city, Michigan
2974. Roscommon County, Michigan
2975. Sault Ste. Marie city, Michigan
2976. Scio township, Michigan
2977. South Lyon city, Michigan
2978. Southfield township, Michigan
2979. Southgate city, Michigan
2980. Spring Lake township, Michigan
2981. Springfield charter township, Michigan
2982. Sturgis city, Michigan
2983. Summit township, Michigan
2984. Superior charter township, Michigan
2985. Texas charter township, Michigan
2986. Thomas township, Michigan
2987. Traverse City city, Michigan
2988. Trenton city, Michigan
2989. Tyrone township, Michigan
2990. Union charter township, Michigan
2991. Van Buren charter township, Michigan
2992. Vienna charter township, Michigan
2993. Walker city, Michigan
2994. Washington township, Michigan
2995. Wayne city, Michigan
2996. Wixom city, Michigan
2997. Woodhaven city, Michigan
2998. Wyandotte city, Michigan
2999. Ypsilanti city, Michigan
3000. Zeeland charter township, Michigan
3001. Andover city, Minnesota *
3002. Anoka County, Minnesota *







3003. Apple Valley city, Minnesota *
3004. Becker County, Minnesota *
3005. Beltrami County, Minnesota *
3006. Benton County, Minnesota *
3007. Blaine city, Minnesota *
3008. Bloomington city, Minnesota *
3009. Blue Earth County, Minnesota *
3010. Brooklyn Center city, Minnesota *
3011. Brooklyn Park city, Minnesota *
3012. Burnsville city, Minnesota *
3013. Carlton County, Minnesota *
3014. Carver County, Minnesota *
3015. Chisago County, Minnesota *
3016. Clay County, Minnesota *
3017. Coon Rapids city, Minnesota *
3018. Cottage Grove city, Minnesota *
3019. Crow Wing County, Minnesota *
3020. Dakota County, Minnesota *
3021. Douglas County, Minnesota *
3022. Duluth city, Minnesota *
3023. Eagan city, Minnesota *
3024. Eden Prairie city, Minnesota *
3025. Edina city, Minnesota *
3026. Freeborn County, Minnesota *
3027. Goodhue County, Minnesota *
3028. Hennepin County, Minnesota *
3029. Inver Grove Heights city, Minnesota *
3030. Isanti County, Minnesota *
3031. Itasca County, Minnesota *
3032. Kandiyohi County, Minnesota *
3033. Lakeville city, Minnesota *
3034. Mankato city, Minnesota *
3035. Maple Grove city, Minnesota *
3036. Maplewood city, Minnesota *
3037. McLeod County, Minnesota *
3038. Minneapolis city, Minnesota *
3039. Minnetonka city, Minnesota *
3040. Moorhead city, Minnesota *
3041. Morrison County, Minnesota *
3042. Mower County, Minnesota *
3043. Nicollet County, Minnesota *
3044. Olmsted County, Minnesota *
3045. Otter Tail County, Minnesota *

3046. Plymouth city, Minnesota *
3047. Polk County, Minnesota *
3048. Ramsey County, Minnesota *
3049. Rice County, Minnesota *
3050. Richfield city, Minnesota *
3051. Rochester city, Minnesota *
3052. Roseville city, Minnesota *
3053. Savage city, Minnesota *
3054. Scott County, Minnesota *
3055. Shakopee city, Minnesota *
3056. Sherburne County, Minnesota *
3057. St. Cloud city, Minnesota *
3058. St. Louis County, Minnesota *
3059. St. Louis Park city, Minnesota *
3060. St. Paul city, Minnesota *
3061. Stearns County, Minnesota *
3062. Steele County, Minnesota *
3063. Washington County, Minnesota *
3064. Winona County, Minnesota *
3065. Woodbury city, Minnesota *
3066. Wright County, Minnesota *
3067. Aitkin County, Minnesota
3068. Albert Lea city, Minnesota
3069. Alexandria city, Minnesota
3070. Anoka city, Minnesota
3071. Arden Hills city, Minnesota
3072. Austin city, Minnesota
3073. Bemidji city, Minnesota
3074. Big Lake city, Minnesota
3075. Brainerd city, Minnesota
3076. Brown County, Minnesota
3077. Buffalo city, Minnesota
3078. Cass County, Minnesota
3079. Champlin city, Minnesota
3080. Chanhassen city, Minnesota
3081. Chaska city, Minnesota
3082. Chippewa County, Minnesota
3083. Cloquet city, Minnesota
3084. Columbia Heights city, Minnesota
3085. Cottonwood County, Minnesota
3086. Crystal city, Minnesota
3087. Dodge County, Minnesota
3088. East Bethel city, Minnesota
3089. Elk River city, Minnesota
3090. Fairmont city, Minnesota
3091. Faribault city, Minnesota
3092. Faribault County, Minnesota
3093. Farmington city, Minnesota
3094. Fergus Falls city, Minnesota
3095. Fillmore County, Minnesota

3096. Forest Lake city, Minnesota
3097. Fridley city, Minnesota
3098. Golden Valley city, Minnesota
3099. Grand Rapids city, Minnesota
3100. Ham Lake city, Minnesota
3101. Hastings city, Minnesota
3102. Hibbing city, Minnesota
3103. Hopkins city, Minnesota
3104. Houston County, Minnesota
3105. Hubbard County, Minnesota
3106. Hugo city, Minnesota
3107. Hutchinson city, Minnesota
3108. Kanabec County, Minnesota
3109. Koochiching County, Minnesota
3110. Lake County, Minnesota
3111. Le Sueur County, Minnesota
3112. Lino Lakes city, Minnesota
3113. Little Canada city, Minnesota
3114. Lyon County, Minnesota
3115. Marshall city, Minnesota
3116. Martin County, Minnesota
3117. Meeker County, Minnesota
3118. Mendota Heights city, Minnesota
3119. Mille Lacs County, Minnesota
3120. Monticello city, Minnesota
3121. Mounds View city, Minnesota
3122. New Brighton city, Minnesota
3123. New Hope city, Minnesota
3124. New Ulm city, Minnesota
3125. Nobles County, Minnesota
3126. North Branch city, Minnesota
3127. North Mankato city, Minnesota
3128. North St. Paul city, Minnesota
3129. Northfield city, Minnesota
3130. Oakdale city, Minnesota
3131. Otsego city, Minnesota
3132. Owatonna city, Minnesota
3133. Pennington County, Minnesota
3134. Pine County, Minnesota
3135. Pope County, Minnesota
3136. Prior Lake city, Minnesota
3137. Ramsey city, Minnesota
3138. Red Wing city, Minnesota
3139. Redwood County, Minnesota
3140. Renville County, Minnesota
3141. Robbinsdale city, Minnesota
3142. Rogers city, Minnesota
3143. Roseau County, Minnesota
3144. Rosemount city, Minnesota
3145. Sartell city, Minnesota
3146. Sauk Rapids city, Minnesota
3147. Shoreview city, Minnesota







3148. Sibley County, Minnesota
3149. South St. Paul city, Minnesota
3150. St. Michael city, Minnesota
3151. St. Peter city, Minnesota
3152. Stillwater city, Minnesota
3153. Todd County, Minnesota
3154. Vadnais Heights city, Minnesota
3155. Victoria city, Minnesota
3156. Wabasha County, Minnesota
3157. Waconia city, Minnesota
3158. Wadena County, Minnesota
3159. Waseca County, Minnesota
3160. Watonwan County, Minnesota
3161. West St. Paul city, Minnesota
3162. White Bear Lake city, Minnesota
3163. White Bear township, Minnesota
3164. Willmar city, Minnesota
3165. Winona city, Minnesota
3166. Worthington city, Minnesota
3167. Adams County, Mississippi *
3168. Alcorn County, Mississippi *
3169. Biloxi city, Mississippi *
3170. Bolivar County, Mississippi *
3171. DeSoto County, Mississippi *
3172. Forrest County, Mississippi *
3173. Gulfport city, Mississippi *
3174. Hancock County, Mississippi *
3175. Harrison County, Mississippi *
3176. Hattiesburg city, Mississippi *
3177. Hinds County, Mississippi *
3178. Jackson city, Mississippi *
3179. Jackson County, Mississippi *
3180. Jones County, Mississippi *
3181. Lafayette County, Mississippi *
3182. Lamar County, Mississippi *
3183. Lauderdale County, Mississippi *
3184. Lee County, Mississippi *
3185. Lincoln County, Mississippi *
3186. Lowndes County, Mississippi *
3187. Madison County, Mississippi *
3188. Marshall County, Mississippi *
3189. Meridian city, Mississippi *
3190. Monroe County, Mississippi *
3191. Oktibbeha County, Mississippi *

3192. Olive Branch city, Mississippi *
3193. Panola County, Mississippi *
3194. Pearl River County, Mississippi *
3195. Pike County, Mississippi *
3196. Pontotoc County, Mississippi *
3197. Rankin County, Mississippi *
3198. Southaven city, Mississippi *
3199. Tupelo city, Mississippi *
3200. Warren County, Mississippi *
3201. Washington County, Mississippi *
3202. Amite County, Mississippi
3203. Attala County, Mississippi
3204. Bay St. Louis city, Mississippi
3205. Brandon city, Mississippi
3206. Brookhaven city, Mississippi
3207. Byram city, Mississippi
3208. Calhoun County, Mississippi
3209. Canton city, Mississippi
3210. Chickasaw County, Mississippi
3211. Clarke County, Mississippi
3212. Clarksdale city, Mississippi
3213. Clay County, Mississippi
3214. Cleveland city, Mississippi
3215. Clinton city, Mississippi
3216. Coahoma County, Mississippi
3217. Columbus city, Mississippi
3218. Copiah County, Mississippi
3219. Corinth city, Mississippi
3220. Covington County, Mississippi
3221. D'Iberville city, Mississippi
3222. Gautier city, Mississippi
3223. George County, Mississippi
3224. Greene County, Mississippi
3225. Greenville city, Mississippi
3226. Greenwood city, Mississippi
3227. Grenada city, Mississippi
3228. Grenada County, Mississippi
3229. Hernando city, Mississippi
3230. Holmes County, Mississippi
3231. Horn Lake city, Mississippi
3232. Itawamba County, Mississippi
3233. Jasper County, Mississippi
3234. Jefferson Davis County, Mississippi
3235. Laurel city, Mississippi
3236. Lawrence County, Mississippi
3237. Leake County, Mississippi
3238. Leflore County, Mississippi
3239. Long Beach city, Mississippi

3240. Madison city, Mississippi
3241. Marion County, Mississippi
3242. McComb city, Mississippi
3243. Moss Point city, Mississippi
3244. Natchez city, Mississippi
3245. Neshoba County, Mississippi
3246. Newton County, Mississippi
3247. Noxubee County, Mississippi
3248. Ocean Springs city, Mississippi
3249. Oxford city, Mississippi
3250. Pascagoula city, Mississippi
3251. Pearl city, Mississippi
3252. Perry County, Mississippi
3253. Petal city, Mississippi
3254. Picayune city, Mississippi
3255. Prentiss County, Mississippi
3256. Ridgeland city, Mississippi
3257. Scott County, Mississippi
3258. Simpson County, Mississippi
3259. Smith County, Mississippi
3260. Starkville city, Mississippi
3261. Stone County, Mississippi
3262. Sunflower County, Mississippi
3263. Tallahatchie County, Mississippi
3264. Tate County, Mississippi
3265. Tippah County, Mississippi
3266. Tishomingo County, Mississippi
3267. Union County, Mississippi
3268. Vicksburg city, Mississippi
3269. Walthall County, Mississippi
3270. Wayne County, Mississippi
3271. West Point city, Mississippi
3272. Winston County, Mississippi
3273. Yalobusha County, Mississippi
3274. Yazoo City city, Mississippi
3275. Yazoo County, Mississippi
3276. Ballwin city, Missouri *
3277. Barry County, Missouri *
3278. Blue Springs city, Missouri *
3279. Boone County, Missouri *
3280. Buchanan County, Missouri *
3281. Butler County, Missouri *
3282. Callaway County, Missouri *
3283. Camden County, Missouri *
3284. Cape Girardeau city, Missouri *
3285. Cape Girardeau County, Missouri *
3286. Cass County, Missouri *
3287. Chesterfield city, Missouri *
3288. Christian County, Missouri *







3289. Clay County, Missouri *
3290. Cole County, Missouri *
3291. Columbia city, Missouri *
3292. Florissant city, Missouri *
3293. Franklin County, Missouri *
3294. Greene County, Missouri *
3295. Howell County, Missouri *
3296. Independence city, Missouri *
3297. Jackson County, Missouri *
3298. Jasper County, Missouri *
3299. Jefferson City city, Missouri *
3300. Jefferson County, Missouri *
3301. Johnson County, Missouri *
3302. Joplin city, Missouri *
3303. Kansas City city, Missouri *
3304. Laclede County, Missouri *
3305. Lafayette County, Missouri *
3306. Lawrence County, Missouri *
3307. Lee's Summit city, Missouri *
3308. Liberty city, Missouri *
3309. Lincoln County, Missouri *
3310. Newton County, Missouri *
3311. O'Fallon city, Missouri *
3312. Pettis County, Missouri *
3313. Phelps County, Missouri *
3314. Platte County, Missouri *
3315. Polk County, Missouri *
3316. Pulaski County, Missouri *
3317. Scott County, Missouri *
3318. Springfield city, Missouri *
3319. St. Charles city, Missouri *
3320. St. Charles County, Missouri *
3321. St. Francois County, Missouri *
3322. St. Joseph city, Missouri *
3323. St. Louis city, Missouri *
3324. St. Louis County, Missouri *
3325. St. Peters city, Missouri *
3326. Stone County, Missouri *
3327. Taney County, Missouri *
3328. University City city, Missouri *
3329. Warren County, Missouri *
3330. Webster County, Missouri *
3331. Wentzville city, Missouri *
3332. Wildwood city, Missouri *
3333. Adair County, Missouri
3334. Andrew County, Missouri
3335. Arnold city, Missouri
3336. Audrain County, Missouri
3337. Barton County, Missouri
3338. Bates County, Missouri
3339. Bellefontaine Neighbors city, Missouri
3340. Belton city, Missouri

3341. Benton County, Missouri
3342. Bolivar city, Missouri
3343. Bollinger County, Missouri
3344. Branson city, Missouri
3345. Bridgeton city, Missouri
3346. Carthage city, Missouri
3347. Cedar County, Missouri
3348. Clayton city, Missouri
3349. Clinton County, Missouri
3350. Cooper County, Missouri
3351. Crawford County, Missouri
3352. Crestwood city, Missouri
3353. Creve Coeur city, Missouri
3354. Dallas County, Missouri
3355. Dardenne Prairie city, Missouri
3356. DeKalb County, Missouri
3357. Dent County, Missouri
3358. Douglas County, Missouri
3359. Dunklin County, Missouri
3360. Eureka city, Missouri
3361. Excelsior Springs city, Missouri
3362. Farmington city, Missouri
3363. Ferguson city, Missouri
3364. Festus city, Missouri
3365. Fulton city, Missouri
3366. Gasconade County, Missouri
3367. Gladstone city, Missouri
3368. Grain Valley city, Missouri
3369. Grandview city, Missouri
3370. Hannibal city, Missouri
3371. Harrisonville city, Missouri
3372. Hazelwood city, Missouri
3373. Henry County, Missouri
3374. Howard County, Missouri
3375. Independence township, Missouri
3376. Iron County, Missouri
3377. Jackson city, Missouri
3378. Jennings city, Missouri
3379. Kearney city, Missouri
3380. Kennett city, Missouri
3381. Kirksville city, Missouri
3382. Kirkwood city, Missouri
3383. Lake St. Louis city, Missouri
3384. Lebanon city, Missouri
3385. Liberty township, Missouri
3386. Linn County, Missouri
3387. Livingston County, Missouri
3388. Macon County, Missouri
3389. Madison County, Missouri
3390. Manchester city, Missouri
3391. Marion County, Missouri
3392. Marshall city, Missouri

3393. Maryland Heights city, Missouri
3394. Maryville city, Missouri
3395. McDonald County, Missouri
3396. Mexico city, Missouri
3397. Miller County, Missouri
3398. Mississippi County, Missouri
3399. Moberly city, Missouri
3400. Moniteau County, Missouri
3401. Montgomery County, Missouri
3402. Morgan County, Missouri
3403. Neosho city, Missouri
3404. New Madrid County, Missouri
3405. Nixa city, Missouri
3406. Nodaway County, Missouri
3407. Oregon County, Missouri
3408. Osage County, Missouri
3409. Overland city, Missouri
3410. Ozark city, Missouri
3411. Pemiscot County, Missouri
3412. Perry County, Missouri
3413. Pike County, Missouri
3414. Polk township, Missouri
3415. Poplar Bluff city, Missouri
3416. Ralls County, Missouri
3417. Randolph County, Missouri
3418. Ray County, Missouri
3419. Raymore city, Missouri
3420. Raytown city, Missouri
3421. Republic city, Missouri
3422. Ripley County, Missouri
3423. Rolla city, Missouri
3424. Saline County, Missouri
3425. Sedalia city, Missouri
3426. Sikeston city, Missouri
3427. Smithville city, Missouri
3428. St. Ann city, Missouri
3429. Ste. Genevieve County, Missouri
3430. Stoddard County, Missouri
3431. Texas County, Missouri
3432. Town and Country city, Missouri
3433. Troy city, Missouri
3434. Union city, Missouri
3435. Vernon County, Missouri
3436. Warrensburg city, Missouri
3437. Washington city, Missouri
3438. Washington County, Missouri
3439. Wayne County, Missouri
3440. Webb City city, Missouri
3441. Webster Groves city, Missouri
3442. West Plains city, Missouri
3443. Wright County, Missouri
3444. Billings city, Montana *







3445. Bozeman city, Montana *
3446. Butte-Silver Bow, Montana *
3447. Cascade County, Montana *
3448. Flathead County, Montana *
3449. Gallatin County, Montana *
3450. Great Falls city, Montana *
3451. Helena city, Montana *
3452. Lake County, Montana *
3453. Lewis and Clark County, Montana *
3454. Missoula city, Montana *
3455. Missoula County, Montana *
3456. Ravalli County, Montana *
3457. Yellowstone County, Montana *
3458. Big Horn County, Montana
3459. Carbon County, Montana
3460. Custer County, Montana
3461. Fergus County, Montana
3462. Glacier County, Montana
3463. Hill County, Montana
3464. Jefferson County, Montana
3465. Kalispell city, Montana
3466. Lincoln County, Montana
3467. Park County, Montana
3468. Richland County, Montana
3469. Roosevelt County, Montana
3470. Sanders County, Montana
3471. Adams County, Nebraska *
3472. Bellevue city, Nebraska *
3473. Buffalo County, Nebraska *
3474. Dodge County, Nebraska *
3475. Douglas County, Nebraska *
3476. Grand Island city, Nebraska *
3477. Hall County, Nebraska *
3478. Kearney city, Nebraska *
3479. Lancaster County, Nebraska *
3480. Lincoln city, Nebraska *
3481. Lincoln County, Nebraska *
3482. Madison County, Nebraska *
3483. Omaha city, Nebraska *
3484. Platte County, Nebraska *
3485. Sarpy County, Nebraska *
3486. Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska *
3487. Beatrice city, Nebraska
3488. Box Butte County, Nebraska
3489. Cass County, Nebraska
3490. Colfax County, Nebraska
3491. Columbus city, Nebraska
3492. Custer County, Nebraska
3493. Dakota County, Nebraska
3494. Dawson County, Nebraska
3495. Fremont city, Nebraska
3496. Gage County, Nebraska

3497. Hastings city, Nebraska
3498. Holt County, Nebraska
3499. La Vista city, Nebraska
3500. Lexington city, Nebraska
3501. Norfolk city, Nebraska
3502. North Platte city, Nebraska
3503. Otoe County, Nebraska
3504. Papillion city, Nebraska
3505. Red Willow County, Nebraska
3506. Saline County, Nebraska
3507. Saunders County, Nebraska
3508. Scottsbluff city, Nebraska
3509. Seward County, Nebraska
3510. South Sioux City city, Nebraska
3511. Washington County, Nebraska
3512. York County, Nebraska
3513. Carson City, Nevada *
3514. Clark County, Nevada *
3515. Douglas County, Nevada *
3516. Elko County, Nevada *
3517. Henderson city, Nevada *
3518. Las Vegas city, Nevada *
3519. Lyon County, Nevada *
3520. North Las Vegas city, Nevada *
3521. Nye County, Nevada *
3522. Reno city, Nevada *
3523. Sparks city, Nevada *
3524. Washoe County, Nevada *
3525. Boulder City city, Nevada
3526. Churchill County, Nevada
3527. Elko city, Nevada
3528. Fernley city, Nevada
3529. Humboldt County, Nevada
3530. Mesquite city, Nevada
3531. Belknap County, New Hampshire *
3532. Carroll County, New Hampshire *
3533. Cheshire County, New Hampshire *
3534. Concord city, New Hampshire *
3535. Coos County, New Hampshire *
3536. Derry town, New Hampshire *
3537. Dover city, New Hampshire *
3538. Grafton County, New Hampshire *
3539. Hillsborough County, New Hampshire *
3540. Manchester city, New Hampshire *

3541. Merrimack County, New Hampshire *
3542. Nashua city, New Hampshire *
3543. Rochester city, New Hampshire *
3544. Rockingham County, New Hampshire *
3545. Strafford County, New Hampshire *
3546. Sullivan County, New Hampshire *
3547. Amherst town, New Hampshire
3548. Bedford town, New Hampshire
3549. Berlin city, New Hampshire
3550. Claremont city, New Hampshire
3551. Conway town, New Hampshire
3552. Durham town, New Hampshire
3553. Exeter town, New Hampshire
3554. Goffstown town, New Hampshire
3555. Hampton town, New Hampshire
3556. Hanover town, New Hampshire
3557. Hooksett town, New Hampshire
3558. Hudson town, New Hampshire
3559. Keene city, New Hampshire
3560. Laconia city, New Hampshire
3561. Lebanon city, New Hampshire
3562. Londonderry town, New Hampshire
3563. Merrimack town, New Hampshire
3564. Milford town, New Hampshire
3565. Pelham town, New Hampshire
3566. Portsmouth city, New Hampshire
3567. Raymond town, New Hampshire
3568. Salem town, New Hampshire
3569. Somersworth city, New Hampshire
3570. Windham town, New Hampshire
3571. Atlantic City city, New Jersey *
3572. Atlantic County, New Jersey *
3573. Bayonne city, New Jersey *







3574. Belleville township, New Jersey *
3575. Bergen County, New Jersey *
3576. Berkeley township, New Jersey *
3577. Bloomfield township, New Jersey *
3578. Brick township, New Jersey *
3579. Bridgewater township, New Jersey *
3580. Burlington County, New Jersey *
3581. Camden city, New Jersey *
3582. Camden County, New Jersey *
3583. Cape May County, New Jersey *
3584. Cherry Hill township, New Jersey *
3585. City of Orange township, New Jersey *
3586. Clifton city, New Jersey *
3587. Cumberland County, New Jersey *
3588. Deptford township, New Jersey *
3589. East Brunswick township, New Jersey *
3590. East Orange city, New Jersey *
3591. Edison township, New Jersey *
3592. Egg Harbor township, New Jersey *
3593. Elizabeth city, New Jersey *
3594. Essex County, New Jersey *
3595. Evesham township, New Jersey *
3596. Ewing township, New Jersey *
3597. Fair Lawn borough, New Jersey *
3598. Fort Lee borough, New Jersey *
3599. Franklin township, New Jersey *
3600. Freehold township, New Jersey *
3601. Galloway township, New Jersey *
3602. Garfield city, New Jersey *
3603. Gloucester County, New Jersey *
3604. Gloucester township, New Jersey *
3605. Hackensack city, New Jersey *

3606. Hamilton township, New Jersey *
3607. Hillsborough township, New Jersey *
3608. Hoboken city, New Jersey *
3609. Howell township, New Jersey *
3610. Hudson County, New Jersey *
3611. Hunterdon County, New Jersey *
3612. Irvington township, New Jersey *
3613. Jackson township, New Jersey *
3614. Jersey City city, New Jersey *
3615. Kearny town, New Jersey *
3616. Lakewood township, New Jersey *
3617. Lawrence township, New Jersey *
3618. Linden city, New Jersey *
3619. Livingston township, New Jersey *
3620. Long Branch city, New Jersey *
3621. Manalapan township, New Jersey *
3622. Manchester township, New Jersey *
3623. Marlboro township, New Jersey *
3624. Mercer County, New Jersey *
3625. Middlesex County, New Jersey *
3626. Middletown township, New Jersey *
3627. Monmouth County, New Jersey *
3628. Monroe township, New Jersey *
3629. Monroe township, New Jersey *
3630. Montclair township, New Jersey *
3631. Morris County, New Jersey *
3632. Mount Laurel township, New Jersey *
3633. New Brunswick city, New Jersey *
3634. Newark city, New Jersey *
3635. North Bergen township, New Jersey *
3636. North Brunswick township, New Jersey *
3637. Ocean County, New Jersey *

3638. Old Bridge township, New Jersey *
3639. Parsippany-Troy Hills township, New Jersey *
3640. Passaic city, New Jersey *
3641. Passaic County, New Jersey *
3642. Paterson city, New Jersey *
3643. Pennsauken township, New Jersey *
3644. Perth Amboy city, New Jersey *
3645. Piscataway township, New Jersey *
3646. Plainfield city, New Jersey *
3647. Princeton, New Jersey *
3648. Salem County, New Jersey *
3649. Sayreville borough, New Jersey *
3650. Somerset County, New Jersey *
3651. South Brunswick township, New Jersey *
3652. Sussex County, New Jersey *
3653. Teaneck township, New Jersey *
3654. Toms River township, New Jersey *
3655. Trenton city, New Jersey *
3656. Union City city, New Jersey *
3657. Union County, New Jersey *
3658. Union township, New Jersey *
3659. Vineland city, New Jersey *
3660. Warren County, New Jersey *
3661. Washington township, New Jersey *
3662. Wayne township, New Jersey *
3663. West New York town, New Jersey *
3664. West Orange township, New Jersey *
3665. Willingboro township, New Jersey *
3666. Winslow township, New Jersey *
3667. Woodbridge township, New Jersey *
3668. Aberdeen township, New Jersey
3669. Asbury Park city, New Jersey
3670. Barnegat township, New Jersey
3671. Beachwood borough, New Jersey







3672. Bellmawr borough, New Jersey
3673. Bergenfield borough, New Jersey
3674. Berkeley Heights township, New Jersey
3675. Bernards township, New Jersey
3676. Bordentown township, New Jersey
3677. Bound Brook borough, New Jersey
3678. Branchburg township, New Jersey
3679. Bridgeton city, New Jersey
3680. Burlington township, New Jersey
3681. Carteret borough, New Jersey
3682. Cedar Grove township, New Jersey
3683. Chatham township, New Jersey
3684. Cinnaminson township, New Jersey
3685. Clark township, New Jersey
3686. Cliffside Park borough, New Jersey
3687. Clinton township, New Jersey
3688. Collingswood borough, New Jersey
3689. Cranford township, New Jersey
3690. Delran township, New Jersey
3691. Denville township, New Jersey
3692. Dover town, New Jersey
3693. Dumont borough, New Jersey
3694. East Greenwich township, New Jersey
3695. East Hanover township, New Jersey
3696. East Windsor township, New Jersey
3697. Eatontown borough, New Jersey
3698. Edgewater borough, New Jersey
3699. Elmwood Park borough, New Jersey
3700. Englewood city, New Jersey
3701. Fairview borough, New Jersey
3702. Florence township, New Jersey
3703. Florham Park borough, New Jersey

3704. Franklin Lakes borough, New Jersey
3705. Franklin township, New Jersey
3706. Freehold borough, New Jersey
3707. Glassboro borough, New Jersey
3708. Glen Rock borough, New Jersey
3709. Gloucester City city, New Jersey
3710. Guttenberg town, New Jersey
3711. Haddon township, New Jersey
3712. Haddonfield borough, New Jersey
3713. Hamilton township, New Jersey
3714. Hammonton town, New Jersey
3715. Hanover township, New Jersey
3716. Harrison town, New Jersey
3717. Harrison township, New Jersey
3718. Hasbrouck Heights borough, New Jersey
3719. Hawthorne borough, New Jersey
3720. Hazlet township, New Jersey
3721. Highland Park borough, New Jersey
3722. Hillsdale borough, New Jersey
3723. Hillside township, New Jersey
3724. Holmdel township, New Jersey
3725. Hopatcong borough, New Jersey
3726. Hopewell township, New Jersey
3727. Jefferson township, New Jersey
3728. Lacey township, New Jersey
3729. Lincoln Park borough, New Jersey
3730. Lindenwold borough, New Jersey
3731. Little Egg Harbor township, New Jersey
3732. Little Falls township, New Jersey
3733. Little Ferry borough, New Jersey
3734. Lodi borough, New Jersey
3735. Lower township, New Jersey
3736. Lumberton township, New Jersey

3737. Lyndhurst township, New Jersey
3738. Madison borough, New Jersey
3739. Mahwah township, New Jersey
3740. Mantua township, New Jersey
3741. Manville borough, New Jersey
3742. Maple Shade township, New Jersey
3743. Maplewood township, New Jersey
3744. Medford township, New Jersey
3745. Metuchen borough, New Jersey
3746. Middle township, New Jersey
3747. Middlesex borough, New Jersey
3748. Millburn township, New Jersey
3749. Millstone township, New Jersey
3750. Millville city, New Jersey
3751. Montgomery township, New Jersey
3752. Montville township, New Jersey
3753. Moorestown township, New Jersey
3754. Morris township, New Jersey
3755. Morristown town, New Jersey
3756. Mount Olive township, New Jersey
3757. Neptune township, New Jersey
3758. New Milford borough, New Jersey
3759. New Providence borough, New Jersey
3760. North Arlington borough, New Jersey
3761. North Plainfield borough, New Jersey
3762. Nutley township, New Jersey
3763. Oakland borough, New Jersey
3764. Ocean City city, New Jersey
3765. Ocean township, New Jersey
3766. Palisades Park borough, New Jersey
3767. Paramus borough, New Jersey
3768. Pemberton township, New Jersey
3769. Pennsville township, New Jersey
3770. Pequannock township, New Jersey







3771. Phillipsburg town, New Jersey
3772. Pine Hill borough, New Jersey
3773. Plainsboro township, New Jersey
3774. Pleasantville city, New Jersey
3775. Point Pleasant borough, New Jersey
3776. Pompton Lakes borough, New Jersey
3777. Rahway city, New Jersey
3778. Ramsey borough, New Jersey
3779. Randolph township, New Jersey
3780. Raritan township, New Jersey
3781. Readington township, New Jersey
3782. Red Bank borough, New Jersey
3783. Ridgefield borough, New Jersey
3784. Ridgefield Park village, New Jersey
3785. Ridgewood village, New Jersey
3786. Ringwood borough, New Jersey
3787. River Edge borough, New Jersey
3788. Robbinsville township, New Jersey
3789. Rockaway township, New Jersey
3790. Roselle borough, New Jersey
3791. Roselle Park borough, New Jersey
3792. Roxbury township, New Jersey
3793. Rutherford borough, New Jersey
3794. Saddle Brook township, New Jersey
3795. Scotch Plains township, New Jersey
3796. Secaucus town, New Jersey
3797. Somers Point city, New Jersey
3798. Somerville borough, New Jersey
3799. South Orange Village township, New Jersey
3800. South Plainfield borough, New Jersey
3801. South River borough, New Jersey
3802. Southampton township, New Jersey

3803. Sparta township, New Jersey
3804. Springfield township, New Jersey
3805. Stafford township, New Jersey
3806. Summit city, New Jersey
3807. Tenafly borough, New Jersey
3808. Tinton Falls borough, New Jersey
3809. Totowa borough, New Jersey
3810. Upper township, New Jersey
3811. Vernon township, New Jersey
3812. Verona township, New Jersey
3813. Voorhees township, New Jersey
3814. Waldwick borough, New Jersey
3815. Wall township, New Jersey
3816. Wallington borough, New Jersey
3817. Wanaque borough, New Jersey
3818. Wantage township, New Jersey
3819. Warren township, New Jersey
3820. Washington township, New Jersey
3821. Waterford township, New Jersey
3822. Weehawken township, New Jersey
3823. West Caldwell township, New Jersey
3824. West Deptford township, New Jersey
3825. West Milford township, New Jersey
3826. West Windsor township, New Jersey
3827. Westfield town, New Jersey
3828. Westwood borough, New Jersey
3829. Woodland Park borough, New Jersey
3830. Woolwich township, New Jersey
3831. Wyckoff township, New Jersey
3832. Alamogordo city, New Mexico *
3833. Albuquerque city, New Mexico *
3834. Bernalillo County, New Mexico *
3835. Chaves County, New Mexico *

3836. Clovis city, New Mexico *
3837. Curry County, New Mexico *
3838. Doña Ana County, New Mexico *
3839. Eddy County, New Mexico *
3840. Farmington city, New Mexico *
3841. Hobbs city, New Mexico *
3842. Las Cruces city, New Mexico *
3843. Lea County, New Mexico *
3844. McKinley County, New Mexico *
3845. Otero County, New Mexico *
3846. Rio Arriba County, New Mexico *
3847. Rio Rancho city, New Mexico *
3848. Roswell city, New Mexico *
3849. San Juan County, New Mexico *
3850. Sandoval County, New Mexico *
3851. Santa Fe city, New Mexico *
3852. Santa Fe County, New Mexico *
3853. Taos County, New Mexico *
3854. Valencia County, New Mexico *
3855. Artesia city, New Mexico
3856. Bernalillo town, New Mexico
3857. Carlsbad city, New Mexico
3858. Cibola County, New Mexico
3859. Colfax County, New Mexico
3860. Deming city, New Mexico
3861. Española city, New Mexico
3862. Gallup city, New Mexico
3863. Grant County, New Mexico
3864. Las Vegas city, New Mexico
3865. Lincoln County, New Mexico
3866. Los Alamos County, New Mexico
3867. Los Lunas village, New Mexico
3868. Lovington city, New Mexico
3869. Luna County, New Mexico
3870. Portales city, New Mexico
3871. Roosevelt County, New Mexico
3872. San Miguel County, New Mexico
3873. Sierra County, New Mexico
3874. Socorro County, New Mexico
3875. Sunland Park city, New Mexico







3876. Torrance County, New Mexico
3877. Albany city, New York *
3878. Albany County, New York *
3879. Allegany County, New York *
3880. Amherst town, New York *
3881. Babylon town, New York *
3882. Bethlehem town, New York *
3883. Binghamton city, New York *
3884. Brighton town, New York *
3885. Brookhaven town, New York *
3886. Broome County, New York *
3887. Buffalo city, New York *
3888. Carmel town, New York *
3889. Cattaraugus County, New York *
3890. Cayuga County, New York *
3891. Chautauqua County, New York *
3892. Cheektowaga town, New York *
3893. Chemung County, New York *
3894. Chenango County, New York *
3895. Cicero town, New York *
3896. Clarence town, New York *
3897. Clarkstown town, New York *
3898. Clay town, New York *
3899. Clifton Park town, New York *
3900. Clinton County, New York *
3901. Colonie town, New York *
3902. Columbia County, New York *
3903. Cortland County, New York *
3904. Cortlandt town, New York *
3905. Delaware County, New York *
3906. Dutchess County, New York *
3907. Eastchester town, New York *
3908. Erie County, New York *
3909. Essex County, New York *
3910. Franklin County, New York *
3911. Freeport village, New York *
3912. Fulton County, New York *
3913. Genesee County, New York *
3914. Greece town, New York *
3915. Greenburgh town, New York *
3916. Greene County, New York *
3917. Guilderland town, New York *
3918. Hamburg town, New York *
3919. Haverstraw town, New York *
3920. Hempstead town, New York *

3921. Hempstead village, New York *
3922. Henrietta town, New York *
3923. Herkimer County, New York *
3924. Huntington town, New York *
3925. Irondequoit town, New York *
3926. Islip town, New York *
3927. Ithaca city, New York *
3928. Jefferson County, New York *
3929. Lancaster town, New York *
3930. Livingston County, New York *
3931. Long Beach city, New York *
3932. Madison County, New York *
3933. Manlius town, New York *
3934. Monroe County, New York *
3935. Montgomery County, New York *
3936. Mount Pleasant town, New York *
3937. Mount Vernon city, New York *
3938. Nassau County, New York *
3939. New Rochelle city, New York *
3940. New York city / Bronx County / Kings County / New York County / Queens County / Richmond County, New York *
3941. Newburgh town, New York *
3942. Niagara County, New York *
3943. Niagara Falls city, New York *
3944. North Hempstead town, New York *
3945. North Tonawanda city, New York *
3946. Oneida County, New York *
3947. Onondaga County, New York *
3948. Ontario County, New York *
3949. Orange County, New York *
3950. Orangetown town, New York *
3951. Orleans County, New York *
3952. Ossining town, New York *
3953. Oswego County, New York *
3954. Otsego County, New York *
3955. Oyster Bay town, New York *
3956. Penfield town, New York *
3957. Perinton town, New York *
3958. Poughkeepsie city, New York *

3959. Poughkeepsie town, New York *
3960. Putnam County, New York *
3961. Ramapo town, New York *
3962. Rensselaer County, New York *
3963. Riverhead town, New York *
3964. Rochester city, New York *
3965. Rockland County, New York *
3966. Rome city, New York *
3967. Rye town, New York *
3968. Salina town, New York *
3969. Saratoga County, New York *
3970. Schenectady city, New York *
3971. Schenectady County, New York *
3972. Schoharie County, New York *
3973. Seneca County, New York *
3974. Smithtown town, New York *
3975. Southampton town, New York *
3976. Spring Valley village, New York *
3977. St. Lawrence County, New York *
3978. Steuben County, New York *
3979. Suffolk County, New York *
3980. Sullivan County, New York *
3981. Syracuse city, New York *
3982. Tioga County, New York *
3983. Tompkins County, New York *
3984. Tonawanda town, New York *
3985. Troy city, New York *
3986. Ulster County, New York *
3987. Union town, New York *
3988. Utica city, New York *
3989. Valley Stream village, New York *
3990. Warren County, New York *
3991. Warwick town, New York *
3992. Washington County, New York *
3993. Wayne County, New York *
3994. Webster town, New York *
3995. West Seneca town, New York *
3996. Westchester County, New York *
3997. White Plains city, New York *
3998. Wyoming County, New York *
3999. Yonkers city, New York *
4000. Yorktown town, New York *







4001. Amsterdam city, New York
4002. Arcadia town, New York
4003. Auburn city, New York
4004. Aurora town, New York
4005. Babylon village, New York
4006. Ballston town, New York
4007. Batavia city, New York
4008. Bath town, New York
4009. Beacon city, New York
4010. Bedford town, New York
4011. Beekman town, New York
4012. Blooming Grove town, New York
4013. Brunswick town, New York
4014. Camillus town, New York
4015. Canandaigua city, New York
4016. Canandaigua town, New York
4017. Canton town, New York
4018. Catskill town, New York
4019. Chenango town, New York
4020. Chester town, New York
4021. Chili town, New York
4022. Cohoes city, New York
4023. Corning city, New York
4024. Cornwall town, New York
4025. Cortland city, New York
4026. De Witt town, New York
4027. Depew village, New York
4028. Dobbs Ferry village, New York
4029. Dryden town, New York
4030. Dunkirk city, New York
4031. East Fishkill town, New York
4032. East Greenbush town, New York
4033. East Hampton town, New York
4034. Elma town, New York
4035. Elmira city, New York
4036. Endicott village, New York
4037. Evans town, New York
4038. Fallsburg town, New York
4039. Farmington town, New York
4040. Fishkill town, New York
4041. Floral Park village, New York
4042. Fredonia village, New York
4043. Fulton city, New York
4044. Garden City village, New York
4045. Gates town, New York
4046. Geddes town, New York
4047. Geneseo town, New York
4048. Geneva city, New York
4049. German Flatts town, New York

4050. Glen Cove city, New York
4051. Glens Falls city, New York
4052. Glenville town, New York
4053. Gloversville city, New York
4054. Goshen town, New York
4055. Grand Island town, New York
4056. Great Neck village, New York
4057. Halfmoon town, New York
4058. Harrison town, New York
4059. Harrison village, New York
4060. Haverstraw village, New York
4061. Highlands town, New York
4062. Horseheads town, New York
4063. Hyde Park town, New York
4064. Ithaca town, New York
4065. Jamestown city, New York
4066. Johnson City village, New York
4067. Kenmore village, New York
4068. Kent town, New York
4069. Kingsbury town, New York
4070. Kingston city, New York
4071. Kirkland town, New York
4072. Kiryas Joel village, New York
4073. La Grange town, New York
4074. Lackawanna city, New York
4075. Lake Grove village, New York
4076. Lancaster village, New York
4077. Lansing town, New York
4078. Le Ray town, New York
4079. Lewis County, New York
4080. Lewisboro town, New York
4081. Lewiston town, New York
4082. Lindenhurst village, New York
4083. Lloyd town, New York
4084. Lockport city, New York
4085. Lockport town, New York
4086. Lynbrook village, New York
4087. Lysander town, New York
4088. Malone town, New York
4089. Malta town, New York
4090. Mamakating town, New York
4091. Mamaroneck town, New York
4092. Mamaroneck village, New York
4093. Massapequa Park village, New York
4094. Massena town, New York
4095. Massena village, New York
4096. Middletown city, New York
4097. Milton town, New York
4098. Mineola village, New York
4099. Monroe town, New York
4100. Montgomery town, New York

4101. Moreau town, New York
4102. Mount Kisco village / Mount Kisco town, New York
4103. New Castle town, New York
4104. New Hartford town, New York
4105. New Paltz town, New York
4106. New Windsor town, New York
4107. Newburgh city, New York
4108. Niskayuna town, New York
4109. North Castle town, New York
4110. North Greenbush town, New York
4111. Ogden town, New York
4112. Ogdensburg city, New York
4113. Olean city, New York
4114. Oneida city, New York
4115. Oneonta city, New York
4116. Onondaga town, New York
4117. Ontario town, New York
4118. Orchard Park town, New York
4119. Ossining village, New York
4120. Oswego city, New York
4121. Owego town, New York
4122. Palm Tree town, New York
4123. Parma town, New York
4124. Patchogue village, New York
4125. Patterson town, New York
4126. Peekskill city, New York
4127. Pelham town, New York
4128. Pittsford town, New York
4129. Plattekill town, New York
4130. Plattsburgh city, New York
4131. Plattsburgh town, New York
4132. Pomfret town, New York
4133. Port Chester village, New York
4134. Potsdam town, New York
4135. Putnam Valley town, New York
4136. Queensbury town, New York
4137. Red Hook town, New York
4138. Rockville Centre village, New York
4139. Rotterdam town, New York
4140. Rye city, New York
4141. Saratoga Springs city, New York
4142. Saugerties town, New York
4143. Scarsdale village / Scarsdale town, New York
4144. Schodack town, New York
4145. Schuyler County, New York
4146. Shawangunk town, New York







4147. Sleepy Hollow village, New York
4148. Somers town, New York
4149. Southeast town, New York
4150. Southold town, New York
4151. Stony Point town, New York
4152. Suffern village, New York
4153. Sullivan town, New York
4154. Sweden town, New York
4155. Tarrytown village, New York
4156. Thompson town, New York
4157. Tonawanda city, New York
4158. Ulster town, New York
4159. Van Buren town, New York
4160. Vestal town, New York
4161. Victor town, New York
4162. Wallkill town, New York
4163. Wappinger town, New York
4164. Watertown city, New York
4165. Wawarsing town, New York
4166. West Haverstraw village, New York
4167. Westbury village, New York
4168. Wheatfield town, New York
4169. Whitestown town, New York
4170. Wilton town, New York
4171. Woodbury town, New York
4172. Woodbury village, New York
4173. Yates County, New York
4174. Alamance County, North Carolina *
4175. Alexander County, North Carolina *
4176. Apex town, North Carolina *
4177. Asheville city, North Carolina *
4178. Beaufort County, North Carolina *
4179. Bladen County, North Carolina *
4180. Brunswick County, North Carolina *
4181. Buncombe County, North Carolina *
4182. Burke County, North Carolina *
4183. Burlington city, North Carolina *
4184. Cabarrus County, North Carolina *
4185. Caldwell County, North Carolina *
4186. Carteret County, North Carolina *
4187. Cary town, North Carolina *

4188. Catawba County, North Carolina *
4189. Chapel Hill town, North Carolina *
4190. Charlotte city, North Carolina *
4191. Chatham County, North Carolina *
4192. Cleveland County, North Carolina *
4193. Columbus County, North Carolina *
4194. Concord city, North Carolina *
4195. Cornelius town, North Carolina *
4196. Craven County, North Carolina *
4197. Cumberland County, North Carolina *
4198. Dare County, North Carolina *
4199. Davidson County, North Carolina *
4200. Davie County, North Carolina *
4201. Duplin County, North Carolina *
4202. Durham city, North Carolina *
4203. Durham County, North Carolina *
4204. Edgecombe County, North Carolina *
4205. Fayetteville city, North Carolina *
4206. Forsyth County, North Carolina *
4207. Franklin County, North Carolina *
4208. Fuquay-Varina town, North Carolina *
4209. Garner town, North Carolina *
4210. Gaston County, North Carolina *
4211. Gastonia city, North Carolina *
4212. Goldsboro city, North Carolina *
4213. Granville County, North Carolina *
4214. Greensboro city, North Carolina *
4215. Greenville city, North Carolina *
4216. Guilford County, North Carolina *

4217. Halifax County, North Carolina *
4218. Harnett County, North Carolina *
4219. Haywood County, North Carolina *
4220. Henderson County, North Carolina *
4221. Hickory city, North Carolina *
4222. High Point city, North Carolina *
4223. Hoke County, North Carolina *
4224. Holly Springs town, North Carolina *
4225. Huntersville town, North Carolina *
4226. Indian Trail town, North Carolina *
4227. Iredell County, North Carolina *
4228. Jackson County, North Carolina *
4229. Jacksonville city, North Carolina *
4230. Johnston County, North Carolina *
4231. Kannapolis city, North Carolina *
4232. Lee County, North Carolina *
4233. Lenoir County, North Carolina *
4234. Lincoln County, North Carolina *
4235. Macon County, North Carolina *
4236. Matthews town, North Carolina *
4237. McDowell County, North Carolina *
4238. Mecklenburg County, North Carolina *
4239. Monroe city, North Carolina *
4240. Moore County, North Carolina *
4241. Mooresville town, North Carolina *
4242. Nash County, North Carolina *
4243. New Hanover County, North Carolina *
4244. Onslow County, North Carolina *
4245. Orange County, North Carolina *








4246. Pasquotank County, North Carolina *
4247. Pender County, North Carolina *
4248. Person County, North Carolina *
4249. Pitt County, North Carolina *
4250. Raleigh city, North Carolina *
4251. Randolph County, North Carolina *
4252. Richmond County, North Carolina *
4253. Robeson County, North Carolina *
4254. Rockingham County, North Carolina *
4255. Rocky Mount city, North Carolina *
4256. Rowan County, North Carolina *
4257. Rutherford County, North Carolina *
4258. Salisbury city, North Carolina *
4259. Sampson County, North Carolina *
4260. Sanford city, North Carolina *
4261. Scotland County, North Carolina *
4262. Stanly County, North Carolina *
4263. Stokes County, North Carolina *
4264. Surry County, North Carolina *
4265. Transylvania County, North Carolina *
4266. Union County, North Carolina *
4267. Vance County, North Carolina *
4268. Wake County, North Carolina *
4269. Wake Forest town, North Carolina *
4270. Watauga County, North Carolina *
4271. Wayne County, North Carolina *
4272. Wilkes County, North Carolina *
4273. Wilmington city, North Carolina *
4274. Wilson city, North Carolina *

4275. Wilson County, North Carolina *
4276. Winston-Salem city, North Carolina *
4277. Yadkin County, North Carolina *
4278. Albemarle city, North Carolina
4279. Alleghany County, North Carolina
4280. Anson County, North Carolina
4281. Archdale city, North Carolina
4282. Ashe County, North Carolina
4283. Asheboro city, North Carolina
4284. Avery County, North Carolina
4285. Belmont city, North Carolina
4286. Bertie County, North Carolina
4287. Boone town, North Carolina
4288. Camden County, North Carolina
4289. Carrboro town, North Carolina
4290. Caswell County, North Carolina
4291. Cherokee County, North Carolina
4292. Chowan County, North Carolina
4293. Clay County, North Carolina
4294. Clayton town, North Carolina
4295. Clemmons village, North Carolina
4296. Currituck County, North Carolina
4297. Davidson town, North Carolina
4298. Eden city, North Carolina
4299. Elizabeth City city, North Carolina
4300. Elon town, North Carolina
4301. Gates County, North Carolina
4302. Graham city, North Carolina
4303. Greene County, North Carolina
4304. Harrisburg town, North Carolina
4305. Havelock city, North Carolina
4306. Henderson city, North Carolina
4307. Hendersonville city, North Carolina
4308. Hertford County, North Carolina
4309. Hope Mills town, North Carolina

4310. Kernersville town, North Carolina
4311. Kings Mountain city, North Carolina
4312. Kinston city, North Carolina
4313. Knightdale town, North Carolina
4314. Laurinburg city, North Carolina
4315. Leland town, North Carolina
4316. Lenoir city, North Carolina
4317. Lewisville town, North Carolina
4318. Lexington city, North Carolina
4319. Lincolnton city, North Carolina
4320. Lumberton city, North Carolina
4321. Madison County, North Carolina
4322. Martin County, North Carolina
4323. Mebane city, North Carolina
4324. Mint Hill town, North Carolina
4325. Mitchell County, North Carolina
4326. Montgomery County, North Carolina
4327. Morganton city, North Carolina
4328. Morrisville town, North Carolina
4329. Mount Airy city, North Carolina
4330. Mount Holly city, North Carolina
4331. New Bern city, North Carolina
4332. Newton city, North Carolina
4333. Northampton County, North Carolina
4334. Pamlico County, North Carolina
4335. Perquimans County, North Carolina
4336. Pinehurst village, North Carolina
4337. Polk County, North Carolina
4338. Reidsville city, North Carolina
4339. Roanoke Rapids city, North Carolina
4340. Shelby city, North Carolina
4341. Smithfield town, North Carolina
4342. Southern Pines town, North Carolina







4343. Spring Lake town, North Carolina
4344. Stallings town, North Carolina
4345. Statesville city, North Carolina
4346. Summerfield town, North Carolina
4347. Swain County, North Carolina
4348. Tarboro town, North Carolina
4349. Thomasville city, North Carolina
4350. Warren County, North Carolina
4351. Washington County, North Carolina
4352. Waxhaw town, North Carolina
4353. Waynesville town, North Carolina
4354. Weddington town, North Carolina
4355. Yancey County, North Carolina
4356. Bismarck city, North Dakota *
4357. Burleigh County, North Dakota *
4358. Cass County, North Dakota *
4359. Fargo city, North Dakota *
4360. Grand Forks city, North Dakota *
4361. Grand Forks County, North Dakota *
4362. Minot city, North Dakota *
4363. Morton County, North Dakota *
4364. Stark County, North Dakota *
4365. Ward County, North Dakota *
4366. West Fargo city, North Dakota *
4367. Williams County, North Dakota *
4368. Barnes County, North Dakota
4369. Dickinson city, North Dakota
4370. Jamestown city, North Dakota
4371. Mandan city, North Dakota
4372. McKenzie County, North Dakota
4373. Mountrail County, North Dakota
4374. Ramsey County, North Dakota
4375. Richland County, North Dakota
4376. Rolette County, North Dakota
4377. Stutsman County, North Dakota
4378. Walsh County, North Dakota
4379. Williston city, North Dakota

4380. Akron city, Ohio *
4381. Allen County, Ohio *
4382. Anderson township, Ohio *
4383. Ashland County, Ohio *
4384. Ashtabula County, Ohio *
4385. Athens County, Ohio *
4386. Athens township, Ohio *
4387. Auglaize County, Ohio *
4388. Austintown township, Ohio *
4389. Bath township, Ohio *
4390. Beavercreek city, Ohio *
4391. Beavercreek township, Ohio *
4392. Belmont County, Ohio *
4393. Boardman township, Ohio *
4394. Bowling Green city, Ohio *
4395. Brown County, Ohio *
4396. Brunswick city, Ohio *
4397. Butler County, Ohio *
4398. Canton city, Ohio *
4399. Champaign County, Ohio *
4400. Cincinnati city, Ohio *
4401. Clark County, Ohio *
4402. Clear Creek township, Ohio *
4403. Clermont County, Ohio *
4404. Cleveland city, Ohio *
4405. Cleveland Heights city, Ohio *
4406. Clinton County, Ohio *
4407. Colerain township, Ohio *
4408. Columbiana County, Ohio *
4409. Columbus city, Ohio *
4410. Concord township, Ohio *
4411. Coshocton County, Ohio *
4412. Crawford County, Ohio *
4413. Cuyahoga County, Ohio *
4414. Cuyahoga Falls city, Ohio *
4415. Darke County, Ohio *
4416. Dayton city, Ohio *
4417. Deerfield township, Ohio *
4418. Defiance County, Ohio *
4419. Delaware city, Ohio *
4420. Delaware County, Ohio *
4421. Dublin city, Ohio *
4422. Elyria city, Ohio *
4423. Erie County, Ohio *
4424. Euclid city, Ohio *
4425. Fairborn city, Ohio *
4426. Fairfield city, Ohio *
4427. Fairfield County, Ohio *
4428. Findlay city, Ohio *
4429. Franklin County, Ohio *
4430. Franklin township, Ohio *
4431. Fulton County, Ohio *
4432. Gahanna city, Ohio *
4433. Geauga County, Ohio *
4434. Green township, Ohio *

4435. Greene County, Ohio *
4436. Grove City city, Ohio *
4437. Guernsey County, Ohio *
4438. Hamilton city, Ohio *
4439. Hamilton County, Ohio *
4440. Hancock County, Ohio *
4441. Hardin County, Ohio *
4442. Highland County, Ohio *
4443. Hilliard city, Ohio *
4444. Holmes County, Ohio *
4445. Huber Heights city, Ohio *
4446. Huron County, Ohio *
4447. Jackson County, Ohio *
4448. Jackson township, Ohio *
4449. Jackson township, Ohio *
4450. Jefferson County, Ohio *
4451. Kettering city, Ohio *
4452. Knox County, Ohio *
4453. Lake County, Ohio *
4454. Lakewood city, Ohio *
4455. Lancaster city, Ohio *
4456. Lawrence County, Ohio *
4457. Liberty township, Ohio *
4458. Liberty township, Ohio *
4459. Licking County, Ohio *
4460. Lima city, Ohio *
4461. Logan County, Ohio *
4462. Lorain city, Ohio *
4463. Lorain County, Ohio *
4464. Lucas County, Ohio *
4465. Madison County, Ohio *
4466. Mahoning County, Ohio *
4467. Mansfield city, Ohio *
4468. Marion city, Ohio *
4469. Marion County, Ohio *
4470. Marion township, Ohio *
4471. Mason city, Ohio *
4472. Massillon city, Ohio *
4473. Medina County, Ohio *
4474. Mentor city, Ohio *
4475. Mercer County, Ohio *
4476. Miami County, Ohio *
4477. Miami township, Ohio *
4478. Miami township, Ohio *
4479. Middletown city, Ohio *
4480. Mifflin township, Ohio *
4481. Montgomery County, Ohio *
4482. Morrow County, Ohio *
4483. Muskingum County, Ohio *
4484. Newark city, Ohio *
4485. North Olmsted city, Ohio *
4486. North Ridgeville city, Ohio *
4487. North Royalton city, Ohio *
4488. Norwich township, Ohio *
4489. Orange township, Ohio *








4490. Ottawa County, Ohio *
4491. Parma city, Ohio *
4492. Perry County, Ohio *
4493. Pickaway County, Ohio *
4494. Plain township, Ohio *
4495. Portage County, Ohio *
4496. Preble County, Ohio *
4497. Putnam County, Ohio *
4498. Reynoldsburg city, Ohio *
4499. Richland County, Ohio *
4500. Ross County, Ohio *
4501. Sandusky County, Ohio *
4502. Scioto County, Ohio *
4503. Seneca County, Ohio *
4504. Shelby County, Ohio *
4505. Springfield city, Ohio *
4506. Springfield township, Ohio *
4507. Stark County, Ohio *
4508. Stow city, Ohio *
4509. Strongsville city, Ohio *
4510. Summit County, Ohio *
4511. Sylvania township, Ohio *
4512. Toledo city, Ohio *
4513. Trumbull County, Ohio *
4514. Tuscarawas County, Ohio *
4515. Union County, Ohio *
4516. Union township, Ohio *
4517. Upper Arlington city, Ohio *
4518. Violet township, Ohio *
4519. Warren city, Ohio *
4520. Warren County, Ohio *
4521. Washington County, Ohio *
4522. Washington township, Ohio *
4523. Washington township, Ohio *
4524. Wayne County, Ohio *
4525. West Chester township, Ohio *
4526. Westerville city, Ohio *
4527. Westlake city, Ohio *
4528. Williams County, Ohio *
4529. Wood County, Ohio *
4530. Youngstown city, Ohio *
4531. Adams County, Ohio
4532. Alliance city, Ohio
4533. American township, Ohio
4534. Amherst city, Ohio
4535. Ashland city, Ohio
4536. Ashtabula city, Ohio
4537. Ashtabula township, Ohio
4538. Athens city, Ohio
4539. Aurora city, Ohio
4540. Avon city, Ohio
4541. Avon Lake city, Ohio
4542. Bainbridge township, Ohio
4543. Barberton city, Ohio


4544. Batavia township, Ohio
4545. Bay Village city, Ohio
4546. Beachwood city, Ohio
4547. Bedford city, Ohio
4548. Bedford Heights city, Ohio
4549. Bellefontaine city, Ohio
4550. Berea city, Ohio
4551. Bethel township, Ohio
4552. Bexley city, Ohio
4553. Blue Ash city, Ohio
4554. Brecksville city, Ohio
4555. Brimfield township, Ohio
4556. Broadview Heights city, Ohio
4557. Brook Park city, Ohio
4558. Brooklyn city, Ohio
4559. Brunswick Hills township, Ohio
4560. Bucyrus city, Ohio
4561. Cambridge city, Ohio
4562. Cambridge township, Ohio
4563. Canfield township, Ohio
4564. Canton township, Ohio
4565. Carroll County, Ohio
4566. Celina city, Ohio
4567. Centerville city, Ohio
4568. Chester township, Ohio
4569. Chillicothe city, Ohio
4570. Chippewa township, Ohio
4571. Circleville city, Ohio
4572. Clayton city, Ohio
4573. Clinton township, Ohio
4574. Concord township, Ohio
4575. Concord township, Ohio
4576. Conneaut city, Ohio
4577. Copley township, Ohio
4578. Coshocton city, Ohio
4579. Coventry township, Ohio
4580. Defiance city, Ohio
4581. Defiance township, Ohio
4582. Delhi township, Ohio
4583. Dover city, Ohio
4584. Duchouquet township, Ohio
4585. East Cleveland city, Ohio
4586. East Liverpool city, Ohio
4587. Eastlake city, Ohio
4588. Englewood city, Ohio
4589. Etna township, Ohio
4590. Fairfield township, Ohio
4591. Fairview Park city, Ohio
4592. Falls township, Ohio
4593. Fayette County, Ohio
4594. Forest Park city, Ohio
4595. Fostoria city, Ohio
4596. Franklin city, Ohio
4597. Franklin township, Ohio


4598. Fremont city, Ohio
4599. Gallia County, Ohio
4600. Garfield Heights city, Ohio
4601. Geneva township, Ohio
4602. Genoa township, Ohio
4603. Goshen township, Ohio
4604. Granville township, Ohio
4605. Green city, Ohio
4606. Green township, Ohio
4607. Greenville city, Ohio
4608. Greenville township, Ohio
4609. Hamilton township, Ohio
4610. Harrison city, Ohio
4611. Harrison County, Ohio
4612. Harrison township, Ohio
4613. Harrison township, Ohio
4614. Heath city, Ohio
4615. Henry County, Ohio
4616. Hocking County, Ohio
4617. Howland township, Ohio
4618. Hubbard township, Ohio
4619. Hudson city, Ohio
4620. Huron township, Ohio
4621. Ironton city, Ohio
4622. Jefferson township, Ohio
4623. Jefferson township, Ohio
4624. Kent city, Ohio
4625. Lake township, Ohio
4626. Lake township, Ohio
4627. Lake township, Ohio
4628. Lawrence township, Ohio
4629. Lebanon city, Ohio
4630. Lemon township, Ohio
4631. Liberty township, Ohio
4632. Liberty township, Ohio
4633. London city, Ohio
4634. Loveland city, Ohio
4635. Lyndhurst city, Ohio
4636. Macedonia city, Ohio
4637. Mad River township, Ohio
4638. Madison township, Ohio
4639. Madison township, Ohio
4640. Madison township, Ohio
4641. Maple Heights city, Ohio
4642. Marietta city, Ohio
4643. Marysville city, Ohio
4644. Maumee city, Ohio
4645. Mayfield Heights city, Ohio
4646. Medina city, Ohio
4647. Meigs County, Ohio
4648. Miami township, Ohio
4649. Miamisburg city, Ohio
4650. Middleburg Heights city, Ohio
4651. Monclova township, Ohio
4652. Monroe city, Ohio







4653. Monroe County, Ohio
4654. Monroe township, Ohio
4655. Montgomery city, Ohio
4656. Montville township, Ohio
4657. Moorefield township, Ohio
4658. Morgan County, Ohio
4659. Mount Vernon city, Ohio
4660. New Albany city, Ohio
4661. New Franklin city, Ohio
4662. New Philadelphia city, Ohio
4663. Niles city, Ohio
4664. Noble County, Ohio
4665. North Canton city, Ohio
4666. Norton city, Ohio
4667. Norwalk city, Ohio
4668. Norwood city, Ohio
4669. Olmsted township, Ohio
4670. Oregon city, Ohio
4671. Oxford city, Ohio
4672. Oxford township, Ohio
4673. Painesville city, Ohio
4674. Painesville township, Ohio
4675. Paris township, Ohio
4676. Parma Heights city, Ohio
4677. Pataskala city, Ohio
4678. Paulding County, Ohio
4679. Pease township, Ohio
4680. Perkins township, Ohio
4681. Perry township, Ohio
4682. Perry township, Ohio
4683. Perrysburg city, Ohio
4684. Perrysburg township, Ohio
4685. Pickerington city, Ohio
4686. Pierce township, Ohio
4687. Pike County, Ohio
4688. Piqua city, Ohio
4689. Plain township, Ohio
4690. Pleasant township, Ohio
4691. Poland township, Ohio
4692. Portsmouth city, Ohio
4693. Powell city, Ohio
4694. Prairie township, Ohio
4695. Ravenna city, Ohio
4696. Reading city, Ohio
4697. Richland township, Ohio
4698. Richmond Heights city, Ohio
4699. Riverside city, Ohio
4700. Rocky River city, Ohio
4701. Sagamore Hills township, Ohio
4702. Salem city, Ohio
4703. Sandusky city, Ohio
4704. Scioto township, Ohio
4705. Scioto township, Ohio
4706. Seven Hills city, Ohio


4707. Shaker Heights city, Ohio
4708. Sharon township, Ohio
4709. Sharonville city, Ohio
4710. Shawnee township, Ohio
4711. Sidney city, Ohio
4712. Solon city, Ohio
4713. South Euclid city, Ohio
4714. Springboro city, Ohio
4715. Springdale city, Ohio
4716. Springfield township, Ohio
4717. Springfield township, Ohio
4718. Springfield township, Ohio
4719. Springfield township, Ohio
4720. St. Marys township, Ohio
4721. Steubenville city, Ohio
4722. Streetsboro city, Ohio
4723. Struthers city, Ohio
4724. Sycamore township, Ohio
4725. Sylvania city, Ohio
4726. Symmes township, Ohio
4727. Tallmadge city, Ohio
4728. Tiffin city, Ohio
4729. Tipp City city, Ohio
4730. Trenton city, Ohio
4731. Trotwood city, Ohio
4732. Troy city, Ohio
4733. Truro township, Ohio
4734. Turtlecreek township, Ohio
4735. Twinsburg city, Ohio
4736. Union township, Ohio
4737. Union township, Ohio
4738. University Heights city, Ohio
4739. Upper township, Ohio
4740. Urbana city, Ohio
4741. Urbana township, Ohio
4742. Van Wert city, Ohio
4743. Van Wert County, Ohio
4744. Vandalia city, Ohio
4745. Vermilion city, Ohio
4746. Vinton County, Ohio
4747. Wadsworth city, Ohio
4748. Warrensville Heights city, Ohio
4749. Washington Court House city, Ohio
4750. Weathersfield township, Ohio
4751. West Carrollton city, Ohio
4752. Whitehall city, Ohio
4753. Wickliffe city, Ohio
4754. Willoughby city, Ohio
4755. Willowick city, Ohio
4756. Wilmington city, Ohio
4757. Wooster city, Ohio
4758. Worthington city, Ohio
4759. Wyandot County, Ohio


4760. Xenia city, Ohio
4761. Zanesville city, Ohio
4762. Albany city, Oregon *
4763. Beaverton city, Oregon *
4764. Bend city, Oregon *
4765. Benton County, Oregon *
4766. Clackamas County, Oregon *
4767. Clatsop County, Oregon *
4768. Columbia County, Oregon *
4769. Coos County, Oregon *
4770. Corvallis city, Oregon *
4771. Deschutes County, Oregon *
4772. Douglas County, Oregon *
4773. Eugene city, Oregon *
4774. Grants Pass city, Oregon *
4775. Gresham city, Oregon *
4776. Hillsboro city, Oregon *
4777. Jackson County, Oregon *
4778. Josephine County, Oregon *
4779. Keizer city, Oregon *
4780. Klamath County, Oregon *
4781. Lake Oswego city, Oregon *
4782. Lane County, Oregon *
4783. Lincoln County, Oregon *
4784. Linn County, Oregon *
4785. Malheur County, Oregon *
4786. Marion County, Oregon *
4787. McMinnville city, Oregon *
4788. Medford city, Oregon *
4789. Multnomah County, Oregon *
4790. Oregon City city, Oregon *
4791. Polk County, Oregon *
4792. Portland city, Oregon *
4793. Redmond city, Oregon *
4794. Salem city, Oregon *
4795. Springfield city, Oregon *
4796. Tigard city, Oregon *
4797. Umatilla County, Oregon *
4798. Washington County, Oregon *
4799. Yamhill County, Oregon *
4800. Ashland city, Oregon
4801. Astoria city, Oregon
4802. Baker County, Oregon
4803. Canby city, Oregon
4804. Central Point city, Oregon
4805. Coos Bay city, Oregon
4806. Cornelius city, Oregon
4807. Cottage Grove city, Oregon
4808. Crook County, Oregon
4809. Curry County, Oregon
4810. Dallas city, Oregon
4811. Forest Grove city, Oregon
4812. Gladstone city, Oregon
4813. Happy Valley city, Oregon
4814. Hermiston city, Oregon







4815. Hood River County, Oregon
4816. Independence city, Oregon
4817. Jefferson County, Oregon
4818. Klamath Falls city, Oregon
4819. La Grande city, Oregon
4820. Lebanon city, Oregon
4821. Milwaukie city, Oregon
4822. Monmouth city, Oregon
4823. Morrow County, Oregon
4824. Newberg city, Oregon
4825. Newport city, Oregon
4826. Ontario city, Oregon
4827. Pendleton city, Oregon
4828. Prineville city, Oregon
4829. Roseburg city, Oregon
4830. Sandy city, Oregon
4831. Sherwood city, Oregon
4832. Silverton city, Oregon
4833. St. Helens city, Oregon
4834. The Dalles city, Oregon
4835. Tillamook County, Oregon
4836. Troutdale city, Oregon
4837. Tualatin city, Oregon
4838. Union County, Oregon
4839. Wasco County, Oregon
4840. West Linn city, Oregon
4841. Wilsonville city, Oregon
4842. Woodburn city, Oregon
4843. Abington township, Pennsylvania *
4844. Adams County, Pennsylvania *
4845. Allegheny County, Pennsylvania *
4846. Allentown city, Pennsylvania *
4847. Altoona city, Pennsylvania *
4848. Armstrong County, Pennsylvania *
4849. Beaver County, Pennsylvania *
4850. Bedford County, Pennsylvania *
4851. Bensalem township, Pennsylvania *
4852. Berks County, Pennsylvania *
4853. Bethel Park municipality, Pennsylvania *
4854. Bethlehem city, Pennsylvania *
4855. Blair County, Pennsylvania *
4856. Bradford County, Pennsylvania *
4857. Bristol township, Pennsylvania *


4858. Bucks County, Pennsylvania *
4859. Butler County, Pennsylvania *
4860. Cambria County, Pennsylvania *
4861. Carbon County, Pennsylvania *
4862. Centre County, Pennsylvania *
4863. Cheltenham township, Pennsylvania *
4864. Chester city, Pennsylvania *
4865. Chester County, Pennsylvania *
4866. Clarion County, Pennsylvania *
4867. Clearfield County, Pennsylvania *
4868. Clinton County, Pennsylvania *
4869. Columbia County, Pennsylvania *
4870. Cranberry township, Pennsylvania *
4871. Crawford County, Pennsylvania *
4872. Cumberland County, Pennsylvania *
4873. Dauphin County, Pennsylvania *
4874. Delaware County, Pennsylvania *
4875. Erie city, Pennsylvania *
4876. Erie County, Pennsylvania *
4877. Falls township, Pennsylvania *
4878. Fayette County, Pennsylvania *
4879. Franklin County, Pennsylvania *
4880. Greene County, Pennsylvania *
4881. Hampden township, Pennsylvania *
4882. Harrisburg city, Pennsylvania *
4883. Haverford township, Pennsylvania *
4884. Hempfield township, Pennsylvania *
4885. Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania *
4886. Indiana County, Pennsylvania *
4887. Jefferson County, Pennsylvania *
4888. Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania *


4889. Lancaster city, Pennsylvania *
4890. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania *
4891. Lawrence County, Pennsylvania *
4892. Lebanon County, Pennsylvania *
4893. Lehigh County, Pennsylvania *
4894. Lower Macungie township, Pennsylvania *
4895. Lower Makefield township, Pennsylvania *
4896. Lower Merion township, Pennsylvania *
4897. Lower Paxton township, Pennsylvania *
4898. Luzerne County, Pennsylvania *
4899. Lycoming County, Pennsylvania *
4900. Manheim township, Pennsylvania *
4901. McKean County, Pennsylvania *
4902. Mercer County, Pennsylvania *
4903. Middletown township, Pennsylvania *
4904. Mifflin County, Pennsylvania *
4905. Millcreek township, Pennsylvania *
4906. Monroe County, Pennsylvania *
4907. Montgomery County, Pennsylvania *
4908. Mount Lebanon township, Pennsylvania *
4909. Norristown borough, Pennsylvania *
4910. North Huntingdon township, Pennsylvania *
4911. Northampton County, Pennsylvania *
4912. Northampton township, Pennsylvania *
4913. Northumberland County, Pennsylvania *
4914. Penn Hills township, Pennsylvania *
4915. Perry County, Pennsylvania *
4916. Philadelphia city / Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania *







4917. Pike County, Pennsylvania *
4918. Pittsburgh city, Pennsylvania *
4919. Radnor township, Pennsylvania *
4920. Reading city, Pennsylvania *
4921. Ridley township, Pennsylvania *
4922. Ross township, Pennsylvania *
4923. Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania *
4924. Scranton city, Pennsylvania *
4925. Snyder County, Pennsylvania *
4926. Somerset County, Pennsylvania *
4927. State College borough, Pennsylvania *
4928. Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania *
4929. Tioga County, Pennsylvania *
4930. Union County, Pennsylvania *
4931. Upper Darby township, Pennsylvania *
4932. Upper Merion township, Pennsylvania *
4933. Venango County, Pennsylvania *
4934. Warminster township, Pennsylvania *
4935. Warren County, Pennsylvania *
4936. Washington County, Pennsylvania *
4937. Wayne County, Pennsylvania *
4938. Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania *
4939. Wilkes-Barre city, Pennsylvania *
4940. York city, Pennsylvania *
4941. York County, Pennsylvania *
4942. Adams township, Pennsylvania
4943. Amity township, Pennsylvania
4944. Antrim township, Pennsylvania
4945. Aston township, Pennsylvania
4946. Baldwin borough, Pennsylvania
4947. Bethlehem township, Pennsylvania
4948. Bloomsburg town, Pennsylvania
4949. Buckingham township, Pennsylvania


4950. Butler city, Pennsylvania
4951. Butler township, Pennsylvania
4952. Caln township, Pennsylvania
4953. Carlisle borough, Pennsylvania
4954. Cecil township, Pennsylvania
4955. Center township, Pennsylvania
4956. Chambersburg borough, Pennsylvania
4957. Chestnuthill township, Pennsylvania
4958. Coal township, Pennsylvania
4959. Coatesville city, Pennsylvania
4960. College township, Pennsylvania
4961. Columbia borough, Pennsylvania
4962. Concord township, Pennsylvania
4963. Coolbaugh township, Pennsylvania
4964. Cumru township, Pennsylvania
4965. Darby borough, Pennsylvania
4966. Derry township, Pennsylvania
4967. Derry township, Pennsylvania
4968. Dingman township, Pennsylvania
4969. Douglass township, Pennsylvania
4970. Dover township, Pennsylvania
4971. Doylestown township, Pennsylvania
4972. Dunmore borough, Pennsylvania
4973. East Cocalico township, Pennsylvania
4974. East Goshen township, Pennsylvania
4975. East Hempfield township, Pennsylvania
4976. East Lampeter township, Pennsylvania
4977. East Norriton township, Pennsylvania
4978. East Pennsboro township, Pennsylvania
4979. East Stroudsburg borough, Pennsylvania
4980. East Whiteland township, Pennsylvania
4981. Easton city, Pennsylvania
4982. Easttown township, Pennsylvania


4983. Elizabeth township, Pennsylvania
4984. Elizabethtown borough, Pennsylvania
4985. Elk County, Pennsylvania
4986. Emmaus borough, Pennsylvania
4987. Ephrata borough, Pennsylvania
4988. Ephrata township, Pennsylvania
4989. Exeter township, Pennsylvania
4990. Fairview township, Pennsylvania
4991. Fairview township, Pennsylvania
4992. Ferguson township, Pennsylvania
4993. Forks township, Pennsylvania
4994. Franconia township, Pennsylvania
4995. Franklin Park borough, Pennsylvania
4996. Fulton County, Pennsylvania
4997. Greene township, Pennsylvania
4998. Greensburg city, Pennsylvania
4999. Guilford township, Pennsylvania
5000. Hamilton township, Pennsylvania
5001. Hampton township, Pennsylvania
5002. Hanover borough, Pennsylvania
5003. Hanover township, Pennsylvania
5004. Hanover township, Pennsylvania
5005. Harborcreek township, Pennsylvania
5006. Harrison township, Pennsylvania
5007. Hatfield township, Pennsylvania
5008. Hazleton city, Pennsylvania
5009. Hermitage city, Pennsylvania
5010. Hilltown township, Pennsylvania
5011. Hopewell township, Pennsylvania
5012. Horsham township, Pennsylvania
5013. Indiana borough, Pennsylvania







5014. Jefferson Hills borough, Pennsylvania
5015. Johnstown city, Pennsylvania
5016. Juniata County, Pennsylvania
5017. Kingston borough, Pennsylvania
5018. Lancaster township, Pennsylvania
5019. Lansdale borough, Pennsylvania
5020. Lansdowne borough, Pennsylvania
5021. Lebanon city, Pennsylvania
5022. Lehigh township, Pennsylvania
5023. Lehman township, Pennsylvania
5024. Limerick township, Pennsylvania
5025. Logan township, Pennsylvania
5026. Lower Allen township, Pennsylvania
5027. Lower Burrell city, Pennsylvania
5028. Lower Gwynedd township, Pennsylvania
5029. Lower Moreland township, Pennsylvania
5030. Lower Pottsgrove township, Pennsylvania
5031. Lower Providence township, Pennsylvania
5032. Lower Salford township, Pennsylvania
5033. Lower Saucon township, Pennsylvania
5034. Lower Southampton township, Pennsylvania
5035. Loyalsock township, Pennsylvania
5036. Manchester township, Pennsylvania
5037. Manor township, Pennsylvania
5038. Marple township, Pennsylvania
5039. McCandless township, Pennsylvania
5040. McKeesport city, Pennsylvania
5041. Meadville city, Pennsylvania
5042. Middle Smithfield township, Pennsylvania
5043. Middletown township, Pennsylvania


5044. Milford township, Pennsylvania
5045. Monroeville municipality, Pennsylvania
5046. Montgomery township, Pennsylvania
5047. Montour County, Pennsylvania
5048. Moon township, Pennsylvania
5049. Mount Joy township, Pennsylvania
5050. Mount Pleasant township, Pennsylvania
5051. Muhlenberg township, Pennsylvania
5052. Munhall borough, Pennsylvania
5053. Murrysville municipality, Pennsylvania
5054. Nanticoke city, Pennsylvania
5055. Nether Providence township, Pennsylvania
5056. New Britain township, Pennsylvania
5057. New Castle city, Pennsylvania
5058. New Garden township, Pennsylvania
5059. New Hanover township, Pennsylvania
5060. New Kensington city, Pennsylvania
5061. Newberry township, Pennsylvania
5062. Newtown township, Pennsylvania
5063. Newtown township, Pennsylvania
5064. North Fayette township, Pennsylvania
5065. North Lebanon township, Pennsylvania
5066. North Middleton township, Pennsylvania
5067. North Strabane township, Pennsylvania
5068. North Union township, Pennsylvania
5069. North Whitehall township, Pennsylvania
5070. Palmer township, Pennsylvania
5071. Patton township, Pennsylvania
5072. Penn township, Pennsylvania
5073. Penn township, Pennsylvania
5074. Peters township, Pennsylvania


5075. Phoenixville borough, Pennsylvania
5076. Pine township, Pennsylvania
5077. Plum borough, Pennsylvania
5078. Plumstead township, Pennsylvania
5079. Plymouth township, Pennsylvania
5080. Pocono township, Pennsylvania
5081. Potter County, Pennsylvania
5082. Pottstown borough, Pennsylvania
5083. Pottsville city, Pennsylvania
5084. Rapho township, Pennsylvania
5085. Richland township, Pennsylvania
5086. Richland township, Pennsylvania
5087. Richland township, Pennsylvania
5088. Robinson township, Pennsylvania
5089. Rostraver township, Pennsylvania
5090. Salisbury township, Pennsylvania
5091. Salisbury township, Pennsylvania
5092. Sandy township, Pennsylvania
5093. Scott township, Pennsylvania
5094. Shaler township, Pennsylvania
5095. Sharon city, Pennsylvania
5096. Silver Spring township, Pennsylvania
5097. Skippack township, Pennsylvania
5098. Somerset township, Pennsylvania
5099. South Fayette township, Pennsylvania
5100. South Lebanon township, Pennsylvania
5101. South Middleton township, Pennsylvania
5102. South Park township, Pennsylvania
5103. South Union township, Pennsylvania
5104. South Whitehall township, Pennsylvania
5105. Spring Garden township, Pennsylvania
5106. Spring township, Pennsylvania







5107. Springettsbury township, Pennsylvania
5108. Springfield township, Pennsylvania
5109. Springfield township, Pennsylvania
5110. St. Marys city, Pennsylvania
5111. Stroud township, Pennsylvania
5112. Susquehanna township, Pennsylvania
5113. Swatara township, Pennsylvania
5114. Towamencin township, Pennsylvania
5115. Tredyffrin township, Pennsylvania
5116. Unity township, Pennsylvania
5117. Upper Allen township, Pennsylvania
5118. Upper Chichester township, Pennsylvania
5119. Upper Dublin township, Pennsylvania
5120. Upper Gwynedd township, Pennsylvania
5121. Upper Macungie township, Pennsylvania
5122. Upper Moreland township, Pennsylvania
5123. Upper Providence township, Pennsylvania
5124. Upper Providence township, Pennsylvania
5125. Upper Saucon township, Pennsylvania
5126. Upper Southampton township, Pennsylvania
5127. Upper St. Clair township, Pennsylvania
5128. Upper Uwchlan township, Pennsylvania
5129. Uwchlan township, Pennsylvania
5130. Warrington township, Pennsylvania
5131. Warwick township, Pennsylvania
5132. Warwick township, Pennsylvania
5133. Washington city, Pennsylvania
5134. Washington township, Pennsylvania
5135. Waynesboro borough, Pennsylvania


5136. West Bradford township, Pennsylvania
5137. West Chester borough, Pennsylvania
5138. West Deer township, Pennsylvania
5139. West Goshen township, Pennsylvania
5140. West Hanover township, Pennsylvania
5141. West Hempfield township, Pennsylvania
5142. West Lampeter township, Pennsylvania
5143. West Manchester township, Pennsylvania
5144. West Mifflin borough, Pennsylvania
5145. West Norriton township, Pennsylvania
5146. West Whiteland township, Pennsylvania
5147. Westtown township, Pennsylvania
5148. White township, Pennsylvania
5149. Whitehall borough, Pennsylvania
5150. Whitehall township, Pennsylvania
5151. Whitemarsh township, Pennsylvania
5152. Whitpain township, Pennsylvania
5153. Wilkinsburg borough, Pennsylvania
5154. Williamsport city, Pennsylvania
5155. Willistown township, Pennsylvania
5156. Windsor township, Pennsylvania
5157. Worcester township, Pennsylvania
5158. Wyoming County, Pennsylvania
5159. Wyomissing borough, Pennsylvania
5160. Yeadon borough, Pennsylvania
5161. York township, Pennsylvania
5162. Aguada Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5163. Aguadilla Municipio, Puerto Rico *


5164. Arecibo Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5165. Bayamón Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5166. Cabo Rojo Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5167. Caguas Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5168. Camuy Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5169. Canóvanas Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5170. Carolina Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5171. Cayey Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5172. Cidra Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5173. Coamo Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5174. Corozal Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5175. Dorado Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5176. Guayama Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5177. Guaynabo Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5178. Gurabo Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5179. Hatillo Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5180. Humacao Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5181. Isabela Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5182. Juana Díaz Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5183. Juncos Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5184. Las Piedras Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5185. Manatí Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5186. Mayagüez Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5187. Moca Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5188. Morovis Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5189. Ponce Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5190. Río Grande Municipio, Puerto Rico *







5191. San Germán Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5192. San Juan Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5193. San Lorenzo Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5194. San Sebastián Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5195. Toa Alta Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5196. Toa Baja Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5197. Trujillo Alto Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5198. Vega Alta Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5199. Vega Baja Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5200. Yabucoa Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5201. Yauco Municipio, Puerto Rico *
5202. Adjuntas Municipio, Puerto Rico
5203. Aguas Buenas Municipio, Puerto Rico
5204. Aibonito Municipio, Puerto Rico
5205. Añasco Municipio, Puerto Rico
5206. Arroyo Municipio, Puerto Rico
5207. Barceloneta Municipio, Puerto Rico
5208. Barranquitas Municipio, Puerto Rico
5209. Cataño Municipio, Puerto Rico
5210. Ceiba Municipio, Puerto Rico
5211. Ciales Municipio, Puerto Rico
5212. Comerío Municipio, Puerto Rico
5213. Fajardo Municipio, Puerto Rico
5214. Florida Municipio, Puerto Rico
5215. Guánica Municipio, Puerto Rico
5216. Guayanilla Municipio, Puerto Rico
5217. Hormigueros Municipio, Puerto Rico
5218. Jayuya Municipio, Puerto Rico
5219. Lajas Municipio, Puerto Rico
5220. Lares Municipio, Puerto Rico


5221. Loíza Municipio, Puerto Rico
5222. Luquillo Municipio, Puerto Rico
5223. Maunabo Municipio, Puerto Rico
5224. Naguabo Municipio, Puerto Rico
5225. Naranjito Municipio, Puerto Rico
5226. Orocovis Municipio, Puerto Rico
5227. Patillas Municipio, Puerto Rico
5228. Peñuelas Municipio, Puerto Rico
5229. Quebradillas Municipio, Puerto Rico
5230. Rincón Municipio, Puerto Rico
5231. Sabana Grande Municipio, Puerto Rico
5232. Salinas Municipio, Puerto Rico
5233. Santa Isabel Municipio, Puerto Rico
5234. Utuado Municipio, Puerto Rico
5235. Villalba Municipio, Puerto Rico
5236. Coventry town, Rhode Island *
5237. Cranston city, Rhode Island *
5238. Cumberland town, Rhode Island *
5239. East Providence city, Rhode Island *
5240. North Providence town, Rhode Island *
5241. Pawtucket city, Rhode Island *
5242. Providence city, Rhode Island *
5243. South Kingstown town, Rhode Island *
5244. Warwick city, Rhode Island *
5245. Woonsocket city, Rhode Island *
5246. Barrington town, Rhode Island
5247. Bristol town, Rhode Island
5248. Burrillville town, Rhode Island
5249. Central Falls city, Rhode Island
5250. East Greenwich town, Rhode Island
5251. Glocester town, Rhode Island


5252. Johnston town, Rhode Island
5253. Lincoln town, Rhode Island
5254. Middletown town, Rhode Island
5255. Narragansett town, Rhode Island
5256. Newport city, Rhode Island
5257. North Kingstown town, Rhode Island
5258. North Smithfield town, Rhode Island
5259. Portsmouth town, Rhode Island
5260. Scituate town, Rhode Island
5261. Smithfield town, Rhode Island
5262. Tiverton town, Rhode Island
5263. Warren town, Rhode Island
5264. West Warwick town, Rhode Island
5265. Westerly town, Rhode Island
5266. Aiken city, South Carolina *
5267. Aiken County, South Carolina *
5268. Anderson County, South Carolina *
5269. Beaufort County, South Carolina *
5270. Berkeley County, South Carolina *
5271. Charleston city, South Carolina *
5272. Charleston County, South Carolina *
5273. Cherokee County, South Carolina *
5274. Chester County, South Carolina *
5275. Chesterfield County, South Carolina *
5276. Clarendon County, South Carolina *
5277. Colleton County, South Carolina *
5278. Columbia city, South Carolina *
5279. Darlington County, South Carolina *
5280. Dillon County, South Carolina *
5281. Dorchester County, South Carolina *
5282. Florence city, South Carolina *
5283. Florence County, South Carolina *







5284. Georgetown County, South Carolina *
5285. Goose Creek city, South Carolina *
5286. Greenville city, South Carolina *
5287. Greenville County, South Carolina *
5288. Greenwood County, South Carolina *
5289. Greer city, South Carolina *
5290. Hilton Head Island town, South Carolina *
5291. Horry County, South Carolina *
5292. Jasper County, South Carolina *
5293. Kershaw County, South Carolina *
5294. Lancaster County, South Carolina *
5295. Laurens County, South Carolina *
5296. Lexington County, South Carolina *
5297. Marion County, South Carolina *
5298. Mount Pleasant town, South Carolina *
5299. Myrtle Beach city, South Carolina *
5300. Newberry County, South Carolina *
5301. North Charleston city, South Carolina *
5302. Oconee County, South Carolina *
5303. Orangeburg County, South Carolina *
5304. Pickens County, South Carolina *
5305. Richland County, South Carolina *
5306. Rock Hill city, South Carolina *
5307. Spartanburg city, South Carolina *
5308. Spartanburg County, South Carolina *
5309. Summerville town, South Carolina *
5310. Sumter city, South Carolina *
5311. Sumter County, South Carolina *


5312. Williamsburg County, South Carolina *
5313. York County, South Carolina *
5314. Abbeville County, South Carolina
5315. Anderson city, South Carolina
5316. Bamberg County, South Carolina
5317. Barnwell County, South Carolina
5318. Beaufort city, South Carolina
5319. Bluffton town, South Carolina
5320. Calhoun County, South Carolina
5321. Cayce city, South Carolina
5322. Clemson city, South Carolina
5323. Conway city, South Carolina
5324. Easley city, South Carolina
5325. Edgefield County, South Carolina
5326. Fairfield County, South Carolina
5327. Forest Acres city, South Carolina
5328. Fort Mill town, South Carolina
5329. Fountain Inn city, South Carolina
5330. Gaffney city, South Carolina
5331. Greenwood city, South Carolina
5332. Hampton County, South Carolina
5333. Hanahan city, South Carolina
5334. Irmo town, South Carolina
5335. James Island town, South Carolina
5336. Lee County, South Carolina
5337. Lexington town, South Carolina
5338. Marlboro County, South Carolina
5339. Mauldin city, South Carolina
5340. Moncks Corner town, South Carolina
5341. Newberry city, South Carolina
5342. North Augusta city, South Carolina
5343. North Myrtle Beach city, South Carolina
5344. Orangeburg city, South Carolina
5345. Port Royal town, South Carolina
5346. Saluda County, South Carolina


5347. Simpsonville city, South Carolina
5348. Tega Cay city, South Carolina
5349. Union County, South Carolina
5350. West Columbia city, South Carolina
5351. Brookings County, South Dakota *
5352. Brown County, South Dakota *
5353. Lincoln County, South Dakota *
5354. Minnehaha County, South Dakota *
5355. Pennington County, South Dakota *
5356. Rapid City city, South Dakota *
5357. Sioux Falls city, South Dakota *
5358. Aberdeen city, South Dakota
5359. Beadle County, South Dakota
5360. Box Elder city, South Dakota
5361. Brandon city, South Dakota
5362. Brookings city, South Dakota
5363. Butte County, South Dakota
5364. Clay County, South Dakota
5365. Codington County, South Dakota
5366. Davison County, South Dakota
5367. Hughes County, South Dakota
5368. Huron city, South Dakota
5369. Lake County, South Dakota
5370. Lawrence County, South Dakota
5371. Meade County, South Dakota
5372. Mitchell city, South Dakota
5373. Oglala Lakota County, South Dakota
5374. Pierre city, South Dakota
5375. Roberts County, South Dakota
5376. Spearfish city, South Dakota
5377. Todd County, South Dakota
5378. Union County, South Dakota
5379. Vermillion city, South Dakota
5380. Watertown city, South Dakota
5381. Yankton city, South Dakota
5382. Yankton County, South Dakota
5383. Anderson County, Tennessee *
5384. Bartlett city, Tennessee *
5385. Bedford County, Tennessee *
5386. Blount County, Tennessee *







5387. Bradley County, Tennessee *
5388. Brentwood city, Tennessee *
5389. Campbell County, Tennessee *
5390. Carter County, Tennessee *
5391. Chattanooga city, Tennessee *
5392. Cheatham County, Tennessee *
5393. Claiborne County, Tennessee *
5394. Clarksville city, Tennessee *
5395. Cleveland city, Tennessee *
5396. Cocke County, Tennessee *
5397. Coffee County, Tennessee *
5398. Collierville town, Tennessee *
5399. Columbia city, Tennessee *
5400. Cookeville city, Tennessee *
5401. Cumberland County, Tennessee *
5402. Dickson County, Tennessee *
5403. Dyer County, Tennessee *
5404. Fayette County, Tennessee *
5405. Franklin city, Tennessee *
5406. Franklin County, Tennessee *
5407. Gallatin city, Tennessee *
5408. Germantown city, Tennessee *
5409. Gibson County, Tennessee *
5410. Greene County, Tennessee *
5411. Hamblen County, Tennessee *
5412. Hamilton County, Tennessee *
5413. Hawkins County, Tennessee *
5414. Hendersonville city, Tennessee *
5415. Henry County, Tennessee *
5416. Jackson city, Tennessee *
5417. Jefferson County, Tennessee *
5418. Johnson City city, Tennessee *
5419. Kingsport city, Tennessee *
5420. Knox County, Tennessee *
5421. Knoxville city, Tennessee *
5422. La Vergne city, Tennessee *
5423. Lawrence County, Tennessee *
5424. Lebanon city, Tennessee *
5425. Lincoln County, Tennessee *
5426. Loudon County, Tennessee *
5427. Madison County, Tennessee *
5428. Marshall County, Tennessee *
5429. Maury County, Tennessee *
5430. McMinn County, Tennessee *
5431. Memphis city, Tennessee *
5432. Monroe County, Tennessee *
5433. Montgomery County, Tennessee *
5434. Morristown city, Tennessee *


5435. Mount Juliet city, Tennessee *
5436. Murfreesboro city, Tennessee *
5437. Nashville-Davidson metropolitan government, Tennessee *
5438. Obion County, Tennessee *
5439. Putnam County, Tennessee *
5440. Rhea County, Tennessee *
5441. Roane County, Tennessee *
5442. Robertson County, Tennessee *
5443. Rutherford County, Tennessee *
5444. Sevier County, Tennessee *
5445. Shelby County, Tennessee *
5446. Smyrna town, Tennessee *
5447. Spring Hill city, Tennessee *
5448. Sullivan County, Tennessee *
5449. Sumner County, Tennessee *
5450. Tipton County, Tennessee *
5451. Warren County, Tennessee *
5452. Washington County, Tennessee *
5453. Weakley County, Tennessee *
5454. Williamson County, Tennessee *
5455. Wilson County, Tennessee *
5456. Arlington town, Tennessee
5457. Athens city, Tennessee
5458. Benton County, Tennessee
5459. Bledsoe County, Tennessee
5460. Bristol city, Tennessee
5461. Cannon County, Tennessee
5462. Carroll County, Tennessee
5463. Chester County, Tennessee
5464. Clinton city, Tennessee
5465. Collegedale city, Tennessee
5466. Crockett County, Tennessee
5467. Crossville city, Tennessee
5468. Decatur County, Tennessee
5469. DeKalb County, Tennessee
5470. Dickson city, Tennessee
5471. Dyersburg city, Tennessee
5472. East Ridge city, Tennessee
5473. Elizabethton city, Tennessee
5474. Farragut town, Tennessee
5475. Fentress County, Tennessee
5476. Giles County, Tennessee
5477. Goodlettsville city, Tennessee
5478. Grainger County, Tennessee
5479. Greeneville town, Tennessee
5480. Grundy County, Tennessee
5481. Hardeman County, Tennessee
5482. Hardin County, Tennessee


5483. Hartsville/Trousdale County, Tennessee
5484. Haywood County, Tennessee
5485. Henderson County, Tennessee
5486. Hickman County, Tennessee
5487. Humphreys County, Tennessee
5488. Jackson County, Tennessee
5489. Johnson County, Tennessee
5490. Lakeland city, Tennessee
5491. Lauderdale County, Tennessee
5492. Lawrenceburg city, Tennessee
5493. Lewis County, Tennessee
5494. Lewisburg city, Tennessee
5495. Macon County, Tennessee
5496. Manchester city, Tennessee
5497. Marion County, Tennessee
5498. Martin city, Tennessee
5499. Maryville city, Tennessee
5500. McMinnville city, Tennessee
5501. McNairy County, Tennessee
5502. Meigs County, Tennessee
5503. Millington city, Tennessee
5504. Morgan County, Tennessee
5505. Nolensville town, Tennessee
5506. Oak Ridge city, Tennessee
5507. Overton County, Tennessee
5508. Paris city, Tennessee
5509. Polk County, Tennessee
5510. Portland city, Tennessee
5511. Red Bank city, Tennessee
5512. Scott County, Tennessee
5513. Sequatchie County, Tennessee
5514. Sevierville city, Tennessee
5515. Shelbyville city, Tennessee
5516. Smith County, Tennessee
5517. Soddy-Daisy city, Tennessee
5518. Springfield city, Tennessee
5519. Stewart County, Tennessee
5520. Tullahoma city, Tennessee
5521. Unicoi County, Tennessee
5522. Union City city, Tennessee
5523. Union County, Tennessee
5524. Wayne County, Tennessee
5525. White County, Tennessee
5526. White House city, Tennessee
5527. Abilene city, Texas *
5528. Allen city, Texas *
5529. Amarillo city, Texas *
5530. Anderson County, Texas *
5531. Angelina County, Texas *
5532. Arlington city, Texas *
5533. Atascosa County, Texas *
5534. Austin city, Texas *
5535. Austin County, Texas *







5536. Bastrop County, Texas *
5537. Baytown city, Texas *
5538. Beaumont city, Texas *
5539. Bedford city, Texas *
5540. Bee County, Texas *
5541. Bell County, Texas *
5542. Bexar County, Texas *
5543. Bowie County, Texas *
5544. Brazoria County, Texas *
5545. Brazos County, Texas *
5546. Brown County, Texas *
5547. Brownsville city, Texas *
5548. Bryan city, Texas *
5549. Burleson city, Texas *
5550. Burnet County, Texas *
5551. Caldwell County, Texas *
5552. Cameron County, Texas *
5553. Carrollton city, Texas *
5554. Cass County, Texas *
5555. Cedar Hill city, Texas *
5556. Cedar Park city, Texas *
5557. Chambers County, Texas *
5558. Cherokee County, Texas *
5559. Cibolo city, Texas *
5560. Cleburne city, Texas *
5561. College Station city, Texas *
5562. Collin County, Texas *
5563. Comal County, Texas *
5564. Conroe city, Texas *
5565. Cooke County, Texas *
5566. Coppell city, Texas *
5567. Copperas Cove city, Texas *
5568. Corpus Christi city, Texas *
5569. Coryell County, Texas *
5570. Dallas city, Texas *
5571. Dallas County, Texas *
5572. Deer Park city, Texas *
5573. Del Rio city, Texas *
5574. Denton city, Texas *
5575. Denton County, Texas *
5576. DeSoto city, Texas *
5577. Duncanville city, Texas *
5578. Ector County, Texas *
5579. Edinburg city, Texas *
5580. El Paso city, Texas *
5581. El Paso County, Texas *
5582. Ellis County, Texas *
5583. Erath County, Texas *
5584. Euless city, Texas *
5585. Fannin County, Texas *
5586. Farmers Branch city, Texas *
5587. Flower Mound town, Texas *
5588. Fort Bend County, Texas *
5589. Fort Worth city, Texas *
5590. Friendswood city, Texas *


5591. Frisco city, Texas *
5592. Galveston city, Texas *
5593. Galveston County, Texas *
5594. Garland city, Texas *
5595. Georgetown city, Texas *
5596. Grand Prairie city, Texas *
5597. Grapevine city, Texas *
5598. Grayson County, Texas *
5599. Gregg County, Texas *
5600. Guadalupe County, Texas *
5601. Hale County, Texas *
5602. Haltom City city, Texas *
5603. Hardin County, Texas *
5604. Harker Heights city, Texas *
5605. Harlingen city, Texas *
5606. Harris County, Texas *
5607. Harrison County, Texas *
5608. Hays County, Texas *
5609. Henderson County, Texas *
5610. Hidalgo County, Texas *
5611. Hill County, Texas *
5612. Hood County, Texas *
5613. Hopkins County, Texas *
5614. Houston city, Texas *
5615. Howard County, Texas *
5616. Hunt County, Texas *
5617. Huntsville city, Texas *
5618. Hurst city, Texas *
5619. Irving city, Texas *
5620. Jasper County, Texas *
5621. Jefferson County, Texas *
5622. Jim Wells County, Texas *
5623. Johnson County, Texas *
5624. Kaufman County, Texas *
5625. Keller city, Texas *
5626. Kendall County, Texas *
5627. Kerr County, Texas *
5628. Killeen city, Texas *
5629. Kleberg County, Texas *
5630. Kyle city, Texas *
5631. La Porte city, Texas *
5632. Lamar County, Texas *
5633. Lancaster city, Texas *
5634. Laredo city, Texas *
5635. League City city, Texas *
5636. Leander city, Texas *
5637. Lewisville city, Texas *
5638. Liberty County, Texas *
5639. Little Elm city, Texas *
5640. Longview city, Texas *
5641. Lubbock city, Texas *
5642. Lubbock County, Texas *
5643. Lufkin city, Texas *
5644. Mansfield city, Texas *
5645. Matagorda County, Texas *


5646. Maverick County, Texas *
5647. McAllen city, Texas *
5648. McKinney city, Texas *
5649. McLennan County, Texas *
5650. Medina County, Texas *
5651. Mesquite city, Texas *
5652. Midland city, Texas *
5653. Midland County, Texas *
5654. Midlothian city, Texas *
5655. Mission city, Texas *
5656. Missouri City city, Texas *
5657. Montgomery County, Texas *
5658. Nacogdoches city, Texas *
5659. Nacogdoches County, Texas *
5660. Navarro County, Texas *
5661. New Braunfels city, Texas *
5662. North Richland Hills city, Texas *
5663. Nueces County, Texas *
5664. Odessa city, Texas *
5665. Orange County, Texas *
5666. Parker County, Texas *
5667. Pasadena city, Texas *
5668. Pearland city, Texas *
5669. Pflugerville city, Texas *
5670. Pharr city, Texas *
5671. Plano city, Texas *
5672. Polk County, Texas *
5673. Port Arthur city, Texas *
5674. Potter County, Texas *
5675. Randall County, Texas *
5676. Richardson city, Texas *
5677. Rockwall city, Texas *
5678. Rockwall County, Texas *
5679. Rosenberg city, Texas *
5680. Round Rock city, Texas *
5681. Rowlett city, Texas *
5682. Rusk County, Texas *
5683. San Angelo city, Texas *
5684. San Antonio city, Texas *
5685. San Juan city, Texas *
5686. San Marcos city, Texas *
5687. San Patricio County, Texas *
5688. Schertz city, Texas *
5689. Sherman city, Texas *
5690. Smith County, Texas *
5691. Socorro city, Texas *
5692. Southlake city, Texas *
5693. Starr County, Texas *
5694. Sugar Land city, Texas *
5695. Tarrant County, Texas *
5696. Taylor County, Texas *
5697. Temple city, Texas *
5698. Texarkana city, Texas *
5699. Texas City city, Texas *







5700. The Colony city, Texas *
5701. Titus County, Texas *
5702. Tom Green County, Texas *
5703. Travis County, Texas *
5704. Tyler city, Texas *
5705. Upshur County, Texas *
5706. Val Verde County, Texas *
5707. Van Zandt County, Texas *
5708. Victoria city, Texas *
5709. Victoria County, Texas *
5710. Waco city, Texas *
5711. Walker County, Texas *
5712. Waller County, Texas *
5713. Washington County, Texas *
5714. Waxahachie city, Texas *
5715. Weatherford city, Texas *
5716. Webb County, Texas *
5717. Weslaco city, Texas *
5718. Wharton County, Texas *
5719. Wichita County, Texas *
5720. Wichita Falls city, Texas *
5721. Williamson County, Texas *
5722. Wilson County, Texas *
5723. Wise County, Texas *
5724. Wood County, Texas *
5725. Wylie city, Texas *
5726. Addison town, Texas
5727. Alamo city, Texas
5728. Alice city, Texas
5729. Alton city, Texas
5730. Alvin city, Texas
5731. Andrews city, Texas
5732. Andrews County, Texas
5733. Angleton city, Texas
5734. Anna city, Texas
5735. Aransas County, Texas
5736. Athens city, Texas
5737. Azle city, Texas
5738. Balch Springs city, Texas
5739. Bandera County, Texas
5740. Bay City city, Texas
5741. Beeville city, Texas
5742. Bellaire city, Texas
5743. Bellmead city, Texas
5744. Belton city, Texas
5745. Benbrook city, Texas
5746. Big Spring city, Texas
5747. Blanco County, Texas
5748. Boerne city, Texas
5749. Bonham city, Texas
5750. Borger city, Texas
5751. Bosque County, Texas
5752. Brenham city, Texas
5753. Brownwood city, Texas
5754. Buda city, Texas


5755. Burkburnett city, Texas
5756. Burleson County, Texas
5757. Calhoun County, Texas
5758. Callahan County, Texas
5759. Camp County, Texas
5760. Canyon city, Texas
5761. Celina city, Texas
5762. Clay County, Texas
5763. Clute city, Texas
5764. Colleyville city, Texas
5765. Colorado County, Texas
5766. Comanche County, Texas
5767. Converse city, Texas
5768. Corinth city, Texas
5769. Corsicana city, Texas
5770. Crowley city, Texas
5771. Dawson County, Texas
5772. Deaf Smith County, Texas
5773. Denison city, Texas
5774. DeWitt County, Texas
5775. Dickinson city, Texas
5776. Dimmit County, Texas
5777. Donna city, Texas
5778. Dumas city, Texas
5779. Duval County, Texas
5780. Eagle Pass city, Texas
5781. Eastland County, Texas
5782. El Campo city, Texas
5783. Elgin city, Texas
5784. Ennis city, Texas
5785. Fair Oaks Ranch city, Texas
5786. Falls County, Texas
5787. Fate city, Texas
5788. Fayette County, Texas
5789. Forest Hill city, Texas
5790. Forney city, Texas
5791. Franklin County, Texas
5792. Fredericksburg city, Texas
5793. Freeport city, Texas
5794. Freestone County, Texas
5795. Frio County, Texas
5796. Fulshear city, Texas
5797. Gaines County, Texas
5798. Gainesville city, Texas
5799. Galena Park city, Texas
5800. Gatesville city, Texas
5801. Gillespie County, Texas
5802. Glenn Heights city, Texas
5803. Gonzales County, Texas
5804. Granbury city, Texas
5805. Gray County, Texas
5806. Greenville city, Texas
5807. Grimes County, Texas
5808. Groves city, Texas
5809. Henderson city, Texas


5810. Hereford city, Texas
5811. Hewitt city, Texas
5812. Hidalgo city, Texas
5813. Highland Village city, Texas
5814. Hockley County, Texas
5815. Horizon City city, Texas
5816. Houston County, Texas
5817. Humble city, Texas
5818. Hutchinson County, Texas
5819. Hutto city, Texas
5820. Ingleside city, Texas
5821. Jacinto City city, Texas
5822. Jackson County, Texas
5823. Jacksonville city, Texas
5824. Jones County, Texas
5825. Karnes County, Texas
5826. Katy city, Texas
5827. Kerrville city, Texas
5828. Kilgore city, Texas
5829. Kingsville city, Texas
5830. La Marque city, Texas
5831. Lake Jackson city, Texas
5832. Lakeway city, Texas
5833. Lamb County, Texas
5834. Lampasas County, Texas
5835. Lavaca County, Texas
5836. Lee County, Texas
5837. Leon County, Texas
5838. Leon Valley city, Texas
5839. Levelland city, Texas
5840. Limestone County, Texas
5841. Live Oak city, Texas
5842. Live Oak County, Texas
5843. Llano County, Texas
5844. Lockhart city, Texas
5845. Lumberton city, Texas
5846. Madison County, Texas
5847. Manor city, Texas
5848. Manvel city, Texas
5849. Marshall city, Texas
5850. Melissa city, Texas
5851. Mercedes city, Texas
5852. Milam County, Texas
5853. Mineral Wells city, Texas
5854. Montague County, Texas
5855. Moore County, Texas
5856. Morris County, Texas
5857. Mount Pleasant city, Texas
5858. Murphy city, Texas
5859. Nederland city, Texas
5860. Newton County, Texas
5861. Nolan County, Texas
5862. Orange city, Texas
5863. Palestine city, Texas
5864. Palo Pinto County, Texas







5865. Pampa city, Texas
5866. Panola County, Texas
5867. Paris city, Texas
5868. Pearsall city, Texas
5869. Pecos city, Texas
5870. Pecos County, Texas
5871. Plainview city, Texas
5872. Pleasanton city, Texas
5873. Port Lavaca city, Texas
5874. Port Neches city, Texas
5875. Portland city, Texas
5876. Princeton city, Texas
5877. Prosper town, Texas
5878. Rains County, Texas
5879. Raymondville city, Texas
5880. Red Oak city, Texas
5881. Red River County, Texas
5882. Reeves County, Texas
5883. Richmond city, Texas
5884. Rio Grande City city, Texas
5885. Robertson County, Texas
5886. Robinson city, Texas
5887. Robstown city, Texas
5888. Rockport city, Texas
5889. Roma city, Texas
5890. Royse City city, Texas
5891. Runnels County, Texas
5892. Sabine County, Texas
5893. Sachse city, Texas
5894. Saginaw city, Texas
5895. San Benito city, Texas
5896. San Jacinto County, Texas
5897. Santa Fe city, Texas
5898. Scurry County, Texas
5899. Seabrook city, Texas
5900. Seagoville city, Texas
5901. Seguin city, Texas
5902. Selma city, Texas
5903. Shelby County, Texas
5904. Snyder city, Texas
5905. South Houston city, Texas
5906. Stafford city, Texas
5907. Stephenville city, Texas
5908. Sulphur Springs city, Texas
5909. Sweetwater city, Texas
5910. Taylor city, Texas
5911. Terrell city, Texas
5912. Terry County, Texas
5913. Tomball city, Texas
5914. Trinity County, Texas
5915. Trophy Club town, Texas
5916. Tyler County, Texas
5917. Universal City city, Texas
5918. University Park city, Texas
5919. Uvalde city, Texas


5920. Uvalde County, Texas
5921. Vernon city, Texas
5922. Vidor city, Texas
5923. Ward County, Texas
5924. Watauga city, Texas
5925. Webster city, Texas
5926. West University Place city, Texas
5927. White Settlement city, Texas
5928. Wilbarger County, Texas
5929. Willacy County, Texas
5930. Young County, Texas
5931. Zapata County, Texas
5932. Zavala County, Texas
5933. American Fork city, Utah *
5934. Bountiful city, Utah *
5935. Box Elder County, Utah *
5936. Cache County, Utah *
5937. Cedar City city, Utah *
5938. Clearfield city, Utah *
5939. Cottonwood Heights city, Utah *
5940. Davis County, Utah *
5941. Draper city, Utah *
5942. Eagle Mountain city, Utah *
5943. Herriman city, Utah *
5944. Holladay city, Utah *
5945. Iron County, Utah *
5946. Kaysville city, Utah *
5947. Kearns metro township, Utah *
5948. Layton city, Utah *
5949. Lehi city, Utah *
5950. Logan city, Utah *
5951. Midvale city, Utah *
5952. Millcreek city, Utah *
5953. Murray city, Utah *
5954. Ogden city, Utah *
5955. Orem city, Utah *
5956. Pleasant Grove city, Utah *
5957. Provo city, Utah *
5958. Riverton city, Utah *
5959. Roy city, Utah *
5960. Salt Lake City city, Utah *
5961. Salt Lake County, Utah *
5962. Sandy city, Utah *
5963. Sanpete County, Utah *
5964. Saratoga Springs city, Utah *
5965. South Jordan city, Utah *
5966. Spanish Fork city, Utah *
5967. Springville city, Utah *
5968. St. George city, Utah *
5969. Summit County, Utah *
5970. Syracuse city, Utah *
5971. Taylorsville city, Utah *


5972. Tooele city, Utah *
5973. Tooele County, Utah *
5974. Uintah County, Utah *
5975. Utah County, Utah *
5976. Wasatch County, Utah *
5977. Washington County, Utah *
5978. Weber County, Utah *
5979. West Jordan city, Utah *
5980. West Valley City city, Utah *
5981. Alpine city, Utah
5982. Bluffdale city, Utah
5983. Brigham City city, Utah
5984. Carbon County, Utah
5985. Cedar Hills city, Utah
5986. Centerville city, Utah
5987. Clinton city, Utah
5988. Duchesne County, Utah
5989. Emery County, Utah
5990. Farmington city, Utah
5991. Grantsville city, Utah
5992. Heber city, Utah
5993. Highland city, Utah
5994. Hurricane city, Utah
5995. Juab County, Utah
5996. Lindon city, Utah
5997. Magna metro township, Utah
5998. Mapleton city, Utah
5999. Millard County, Utah
6000. Morgan County, Utah
6001. North Logan city, Utah
6002. North Ogden city, Utah
6003. North Salt Lake city, Utah
6004. Payson city, Utah
6005. Pleasant View city, Utah
6006. San Juan County, Utah
6007. Santaquin city, Utah
6008. Sevier County, Utah
6009. Smithfield city, Utah
6010. South Ogden city, Utah
6011. South Salt Lake city, Utah
6012. Vernal city, Utah
6013. Vineyard town, Utah
6014. Washington city, Utah
6015. West Haven city, Utah
6016. West Point city, Utah
6017. Woods Cross city, Utah
6018. Addison County, Vermont *
6019. Bennington County, Vermont *
6020. Burlington city, Vermont *
6021. Chittenden County, Vermont *
6022. Franklin County, Vermont *
6023. Rutland County, Vermont *
6024. Washington County, Vermont *







6025. Windham County, Vermont *
6026. Windsor County, Vermont *
6027. Bennington town, Vermont
6028. Brattleboro town, Vermont
6029. Caledonia County, Vermont
6030. Colchester town, Vermont
6031. Essex Junction village, Vermont
6032. Essex town, Vermont
6033. Lamoille County, Vermont
6034. Milton town, Vermont
6035. Orange County, Vermont
6036. Orleans County, Vermont
6037. Rutland city, Vermont
6038. South Burlington city, Vermont
6039. Williston town, Vermont
6040. Accomack County, Virginia *
6041. Albemarle County, Virginia *
6042. Alexandria city, Virginia *
6043. Amherst County, Virginia *
6044. Arlington County, Virginia *
6045. Augusta County, Virginia *
6046. Bedford County, Virginia *
6047. Blacksburg town, Virginia *
6048. Botetourt County, Virginia *
6049. Campbell County, Virginia *
6050. Caroline County, Virginia *
6051. Charlottesville city, Virginia *
6052. Chesapeake city, Virginia *
6053. Chesterfield County, Virginia *
6054. Culpeper County, Virginia *
6055. Danville city, Virginia *
6056. Fairfax County, Virginia *
6057. Fauquier County, Virginia *
6058. Franklin County, Virginia *
6059. Frederick County, Virginia *
6060. Gloucester County, Virginia *
6061. Halifax County, Virginia *
6062. Hampton city, Virginia *
6063. Hanover County, Virginia *
6064. Harrisonburg city, Virginia *
6065. Henrico County, Virginia *
6066. Henry County, Virginia *
6067. Isle of Wight County, Virginia *
6068. James City County, Virginia *
6069. Leesburg town, Virginia *
6070. Loudoun County, Virginia *
6071. Louisa County, Virginia *
6072. Lynchburg city, Virginia *
6073. Manassas city, Virginia *
6074. Mecklenburg County, Virginia *


6075. Montgomery County, Virginia *
6076. Newport News city, Virginia *
6077. Norfolk city, Virginia *
6078. Orange County, Virginia *
6079. Petersburg city, Virginia *
6080. Pittsylvania County, Virginia *
6081. Portsmouth city, Virginia *
6082. Prince George County, Virginia *
6083. Prince William County, Virginia *
6084. Pulaski County, Virginia *
6085. Richmond city, Virginia *
6086. Roanoke city, Virginia *
6087. Roanoke County, Virginia *
6088. Rockingham County, Virginia *
6089. Shenandoah County, Virginia *
6090. Smyth County, Virginia *
6091. Spotsylvania County, Virginia *
6092. Stafford County, Virginia *
6093. Suffolk city, Virginia *
6094. Tazewell County, Virginia *
6095. Virginia Beach city, Virginia *
6096. Warren County, Virginia *
6097. Washington County, Virginia *
6098. Wise County, Virginia *
6099. York County, Virginia *
6100. Alleghany County, Virginia
6101. Amelia County, Virginia
6102. Appomattox County, Virginia
6103. Bristol city, Virginia
6104. Brunswick County, Virginia
6105. Buchanan County, Virginia
6106. Buckingham County, Virginia
6107. Carroll County, Virginia
6108. Charlotte County, Virginia
6109. Christiansburg town, Virginia
6110. Clarke County, Virginia
6111. Colonial Heights city, Virginia
6112. Culpeper town, Virginia
6113. Dickenson County, Virginia
6114. Dinwiddie County, Virginia
6115. Essex County, Virginia
6116. Fairfax city, Virginia
6117. Falls Church city, Virginia
6118. Floyd County, Virginia
6119. Fluvanna County, Virginia
6120. Fredericksburg city, Virginia
6121. Front Royal town, Virginia


6122. Giles County, Virginia
6123. Goochland County, Virginia
6124. Grayson County, Virginia
6125. Greene County, Virginia
6126. Greensville County, Virginia
6127. Herndon town, Virginia
6128. Hopewell city, Virginia
6129. King George County, Virginia
6130. King William County, Virginia
6131. Lancaster County, Virginia
6132. Lee County, Virginia
6133. Lunenburg County, Virginia
6134. Madison County, Virginia
6135. Manassas Park city, Virginia
6136. Martinsville city, Virginia
6137. Middlesex County, Virginia
6138. Nelson County, Virginia
6139. New Kent County, Virginia
6140. Northampton County, Virginia
6141. Northumberland County, Virginia
6142. Nottoway County, Virginia
6143. Page County, Virginia
6144. Patrick County, Virginia
6145. Poquoson city, Virginia
6146. Powhatan County, Virginia
6147. Prince Edward County, Virginia
6148. Purcellville town, Virginia
6149. Radford city, Virginia
6150. Rockbridge County, Virginia
6151. Russell County, Virginia
6152. Salem city, Virginia
6153. Scott County, Virginia
6154. Southampton County, Virginia
6155. Staunton city, Virginia
6156. Sussex County, Virginia
6157. Vienna town, Virginia
6158. Warrenton town, Virginia
6159. Waynesboro city, Virginia
6160. Westmoreland County, Virginia
6161. Williamsburg city, Virginia
6162. Winchester city, Virginia
6163. Wythe County, Virginia
6164. Appleton city, Wisconsin *
6165. Barron County, Wisconsin *
6166. Beloit city, Wisconsin *
6167. Brookfield city, Wisconsin *
6168. Brown County, Wisconsin *
6169. Calumet County, Wisconsin *
6170. Chippewa County, Wisconsin *
6171. Clark County, Wisconsin *







6172. Columbia County, Wisconsin *
6173. Dane County, Wisconsin *
6174. Dodge County, Wisconsin *
6175. Douglas County, Wisconsin *
6176. Dunn County, Wisconsin *
6177. Eau Claire city, Wisconsin *
6178. Eau Claire County, Wisconsin *
6179. Fitchburg city, Wisconsin *
6180. Fond du Lac city, Wisconsin *
6181. Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin *
6182. Franklin city, Wisconsin *
6183. Grant County, Wisconsin *
6184. Green Bay city, Wisconsin *
6185. Green County, Wisconsin *
6186. Greenfield city, Wisconsin *
6187. Janesville city, Wisconsin *
6188. Jefferson County, Wisconsin *
6189. Kenosha city, Wisconsin *
6190. Kenosha County, Wisconsin *
6191. La Crosse city, Wisconsin *
6192. La Crosse County, Wisconsin *
6193. Madison city, Wisconsin *
6194. Manitowoc city, Wisconsin *
6195. Manitowoc County, Wisconsin *
6196. Marathon County, Wisconsin *
6197. Marinette County, Wisconsin *
6198. Menomonee Falls village, Wisconsin *
6199. Milwaukee city, Wisconsin *
6200. Milwaukee County, Wisconsin *
6201. Monroe County, Wisconsin *
6202. New Berlin city, Wisconsin *
6203. Oak Creek city, Wisconsin *
6204. Oconto County, Wisconsin *
6205. Oneida County, Wisconsin *
6206. Oshkosh city, Wisconsin *
6207. Outagamie County, Wisconsin *
6208. Ozaukee County, Wisconsin *
6209. Pierce County, Wisconsin *
6210. Polk County, Wisconsin *
6211. Portage County, Wisconsin *
6212. Racine city, Wisconsin *
6213. Racine County, Wisconsin *
6214. Rock County, Wisconsin *
6215. Sauk County, Wisconsin *
6216. Shawano County, Wisconsin *


6217. Sheboygan city, Wisconsin *
6218. Sheboygan County, Wisconsin *
6219. St. Croix County, Wisconsin *
6220. Sun Prairie city, Wisconsin *
6221. Vernon County, Wisconsin *
6222. Walworth County, Wisconsin *
6223. Washington County, Wisconsin *
6224. Waukesha city, Wisconsin *
6225. Waukesha County, Wisconsin *
6226. Waupaca County, Wisconsin *
6227. Wausau city, Wisconsin *
6228. Wauwatosa city, Wisconsin *
6229. West Allis city, Wisconsin *
6230. West Bend city, Wisconsin *
6231. Winnebago County, Wisconsin *
6232. Wood County, Wisconsin *
6233. Adams County, Wisconsin
6234. Allouez village, Wisconsin
6235. Ashland County, Wisconsin
6236. Ashwaubenon village, Wisconsin
6237. Baraboo city, Wisconsin
6238. Bayfield County, Wisconsin
6239. Beaver Dam city, Wisconsin
6240. Bellevue village, Wisconsin
6241. Brown Deer village, Wisconsin
6242. Buffalo County, Wisconsin
6243. Burlington city, Wisconsin
6244. Burnett County, Wisconsin
6245. Caledonia village, Wisconsin
6246. Cedarburg city, Wisconsin
6247. Chippewa Falls city, Wisconsin
6248. Crawford County, Wisconsin
6249. Cudahy city, Wisconsin
6250. De Pere city, Wisconsin
6251. DeForest village, Wisconsin
6252. Door County, Wisconsin
6253. Elkhorn city, Wisconsin
6254. Fort Atkinson city, Wisconsin
6255. Fox Crossing village, Wisconsin
6256. Germantown village, Wisconsin
6257. Glendale city, Wisconsin
6258. Grafton village, Wisconsin
6259. Grand Chute town, Wisconsin
6260. Green Lake County, Wisconsin


6261. Greendale village, Wisconsin
6262. Greenville town, Wisconsin
6263. Harrison village, Wisconsin
6264. Hartford city, Wisconsin
6265. Hobart village, Wisconsin
6266. Holmen village, Wisconsin
6267. Howard village, Wisconsin
6268. Hudson city, Wisconsin
6269. Iowa County, Wisconsin
6270. Jackson County, Wisconsin
6271. Juneau County, Wisconsin
6272. Kaukauna city, Wisconsin
6273. Kewaunee County, Wisconsin
6274. Lafayette County, Wisconsin
6275. Langlade County, Wisconsin
6276. Lincoln County, Wisconsin
6277. Lisbon town, Wisconsin
6278. Little Chute village, Wisconsin
6279. Marinette city, Wisconsin
6280. Marquette County, Wisconsin
6281. Marshfield city, Wisconsin
6282. Menasha city, Wisconsin
6283. Menomonie city, Wisconsin
6284. Mequon city, Wisconsin
6285. Middleton city, Wisconsin
6286. Monroe city, Wisconsin
6287. Mount Pleasant village, Wisconsin
6288. Muskego city, Wisconsin
6289. Neenah city, Wisconsin
6290. Oconomowoc city, Wisconsin
6291. Onalaska city, Wisconsin
6292. Oregon village, Wisconsin
6293. Pewaukee city, Wisconsin
6294. Platteville city, Wisconsin
6295. Pleasant Prairie village, Wisconsin
6296. Plover village, Wisconsin
6297. Port Washington city, Wisconsin
6298. Portage city, Wisconsin
6299. Price County, Wisconsin
6300. Richfield village, Wisconsin
6301. Richland County, Wisconsin
6302. River Falls city, Wisconsin
6303. Rusk County, Wisconsin
6304. Salem Lakes village, Wisconsin
6305. Sawyer County, Wisconsin
6306. Shorewood village, Wisconsin
6307. South Milwaukee city, Wisconsin
6308. Stevens Point city, Wisconsin
6309. Stoughton city, Wisconsin







6310.Suamico village, Wisconsin
6311.Superior city, Wisconsin
6312.Sussex village, Wisconsin
6313.Taylor County, Wisconsin
6314.Trempealeau County, Wisconsin
6315.Two Rivers city, Wisconsin
6316.Verona city, Wisconsin
6317.Vilas County, Wisconsin
6318.Washburn County, Wisconsin
6319.Watertown city, Wisconsin
6320.Waunakee village, Wisconsin
6321.Waupun city, Wisconsin
6322.Waushara County, Wisconsin
6323.Weston village, Wisconsin
6324.Whitefish Bay village, Wisconsin
6325.Whitewater city, Wisconsin
6326.Wisconsin Rapids city, Wisconsin
6327.Albany County, Wyoming *
6328.Campbell County, Wyoming *
6329.Casper city, Wyoming *
6330.Cheyenne city, Wyoming *
6331.Fremont County, Wyoming *
6332.Gillette city, Wyoming *
6333.Laramie city, Wyoming *
6334.Laramie County, Wyoming *
6335.Natrona County, Wyoming *
6336.Sheridan County, Wyoming *
6337.Sweetwater County, Wyoming *
6338.Big Horn County, Wyoming
6339.Carbon County, Wyoming
6340.Converse County, Wyoming
6341.Evanston city, Wyoming
6342.Goshen County, Wyoming
6343.Green River city, Wyoming
6344.Jackson town, Wyoming
6345.Lincoln County, Wyoming
6346.Park County, Wyoming
6347.Riverton city, Wyoming
6348.Rock Springs city, Wyoming
6349.Sheridan city, Wyoming
6350.Teton County, Wyoming
6351.Uinta County, Wyoming











Settling Distributors' Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures, and Predecessor Entities





1.A.T. Pharma Consultancy FZC
2.AB Eurco Ltd
3.AB Financing, LLC
4.AB Finco Ltd
5.AB Nokco Ltd
6.AB Singapore Investments Pte. Ltd.
7.AB Specialty Solutions, LLC
8.ABBP International Company
9.ABSG Canada Holdings, Inc.
10.Access M.D. Inc.
11.AERO LINK Courier GmbH
12.Agri-Laboratories, LTD
13.Agstrata, LLC
14.AH Schweiz GmbH
15.AH UK Holdco 1 Limited
16.Alcura France
17.Alcura Health España, S.A.
18.Alcura UK Limited
19.Alliance Boots BV
20.Alliance Boots Schweiz Investments GmbH
21.Alliance Health Services, Inc.
22.Alliance Healthcare (Distribution) Limited
23.Alliance Healthcare Acores (f/k/a Proconfar, S.A.)
24.Alliance Healthcare Ecza Deposu Anonim Şirketi
25.Alliance Healthcare España Holdings, S.L.
26.Alliance Healthcare España S.A.
27.Alliance Healthcare France SA
28.Alliance Healthcare Group France SA
29.Alliance Healthcare Management Services (Nederland) B.V.
30.Alliance Healthcare Management Services Limited
31.Alliance Healthcare Nederland B.V.
32.Alliance Healthcare Norge AS
33.Alliance Healthcare Participações SGPS, unipessoal, Lda.
34.Alliance Healthcare Répartition
35.Alliance Healthcare Romania SRL
36.Alliance Healthcare S.A.
37.Alliance Healthcare s.r.o.
38.Alliance Healthcare s.r.o. Slovakia Branch





39.Alliance Healthcare Services France (f/k/a Alliance Healthcare Formation SAS)
40.Alliance Healthcare Technology Services Limited
41.Alliance Healthcare Turkey Holding A.S.
42.Alliance Healthcare Yatirim Holding Anonim Şirketi
43.Alliance Home Health Care, Inc.
44.Alliance UniChem IP Limited
45.Alloga (Nederland) B.V.
46.Alloga France SAS
47.Alloga Logifarma, S.A.
48.Alloga Logistica (España) S.L.
50.Alloga Portugal - Armazenagem e Distribuicao Farmaceutica, Lda
51.Alloga UK Limited
52.AllyDVM, Inc.
53.Almus Farmaceutica, S.A.
54.Almus France
55.Almus Pharmacuticals Limited
56.Almus, Lda.
57.Alphega SA
58.Ambulatory Pharmaceutical Services, Inc.
59.American Medical Distributors, Inc.
60.American Oncology Network, LLC
61.Amerisource Health Services Corporation
62.Amerisource Health Services, LLC
63.Amerisource Health Services, LLC d/b/a American Health Packaging
64.Amerisource Heritage Corporation
65.AmeriSource Heritage LLC
66.Amerisource Receivables Financial Corporation
67.Amerisource Sales Corporation
68.AmerisourceBergen Associate Assistance Fund
69.AmerisourceBergen BC, ULC
70.AmerisourceBergen Canada Corporation
71.AmerisourceBergen Canada GP LLC
72.AmerisourceBergen Canada GP, LLC
73.AmerisourceBergen Canada Holdings LP
74.AmerisourceBergen Consulting Services, Inc.










75.AmerisourceBergen Consulting Services, LLC
76.AmerisourceBergen Corporation
77.AmerisourceBergen Drug Corporation
78.AmerisourceBergen Foundation
79.AmerisourceBergen Global Holdings GmbH
80.AmerisourceBergen Global Investments S.a.r.l.
81.AmerisourceBergen Global Manufacturer Services GmbH
82.AmerisourceBergen Group GmbH
83.AmerisourceBergen Holding Corporation
84.AmerisourceBergen Integrated Services Offering, LLC
85.AmerisourceBergen International Holdings Inc.
86.AmerisourceBergen International Investments, LLC
87.AmerisourceBergen Luxembourg s.a.r.l.
88.AmerisourceBergen Services Corporation
89.AmerisourceBergen Sourcing, LLC
90.AmerisourceBergen Specialty Group Canada Corporation
91.AmerisourceBergen Specialty Group Canada Holdings, Inc.
92.AmerisourceBergen Specialty Group, Inc.
93.AmerisourceBergen Specialty Group, LLC
94.AmerisourceBergen Swiss Holdings GmbH
95.AmerisourceBergen Switzerland GmbH
96.AmerisourceBergen UK Holdings Ltd
97.Anderson Packaging, Inc.
98.AndersonBrecon Inc.
99.Animal Prescriptions Limited
100.Animalytix LLC
101.Apluspharma Ltd
102.Apotheek Hagi B.V.
103.Apotheek Lichtenvoorde B.V.
104.APS Acquisitions Corporation
105.APS Enterprises Holding Company, Inc.
106.Armila UAB
107.ASD Hemophilia Management, LLC
108.ASD Hemophilia Program, L.P.
109.ASD Specialty Healthcare, Inc.
110.ASD Specialty Healthcare, LLC
111.ASD Specialty Healthcare, LLC d/b/a ASD Healthcare
112.ASD Specialty Healthcare, LLC d/b/a Besse Medical
113.ASD Specialty Healthcare, LLC d/b/a Oncology Supply
114.Automed Technologies (Canada) Inc.



115.Automed Technologies (Canada) ULC
116.Automed Technologies, Inc.
117.BBC Laboratories
118.BBC Operating Sub, Inc.
119.BBC Packing Corporation
120.BBC Special Packaging, Inc.
121.BBC Transportation Co.
122.Beachcourse Limited
123.Bellco Drug Corp.
124.Bellco Health Corp.
125.Bergen Brunswig Corporation
126.Bergen Brunswig Drug Company
127.Bergen Brunswig Realty Services, Inc.
128.Bermuda Equity Holdings, Ltd.
129.Beverly Acquisition Corporation
130.Blue Hill II, Inc.
131.Blue Hill, Inc.
132.BluePoint Intellectual Property, LLC
133.Boots Nederland B.V.
134.Boots Norge AS
135.BP Pharmaceuticals Laboratories Unlimited Company
136.BPL Brasil Participacoes Ltda.
137.BPL Brazil Holding Company s.a.r.l.
138.BPL Brazil, LLC
139.BPL Group, LLC
140.BPL Pharmaceuticals Holding Unlimited Company
141.BPLH Ireland Company Dublin, Zug Branch
142.BPLH Ireland Unlimited Company
143.Brecon Holdings Limited
144.Brecon Pharmaceuticals Holdings Limited
145.Brecon Pharmaceuticals Limited
146.Bridge Medical, Inc.
147.Brownstone Pharmacy, Inc.
148.Bruin Acquisition Corp.
149.Burt's Pharmacy, LLC
150.Cameron Stewart Lifescience Canada Inc.
151.Cannes RJ Participacoes S.A.
152.Capstone Med, Inc.
153.Capstone Pharmacy of Delaware, Inc.
154.CDRF Parent LLC
155.CDRF Parent, Inc.
156.Centaur Services Limited
157.Centro Farmaceutico Asturiano, SA
158.Century Advertising Inc.
159.Chapin Drug Company
160.Choice Medical, Inc.
161.Clinical Outcomes Resource Application Corporation
162.Clinical Outcomes Resource Application, Inc.











163.CliniCare Concepts, Inc.
164.ClinPharm, L.L.C.
165.Committed Provider Services, LLC
166.Compuscript, Inc.
167.Computran Systems, Inc.
168.Corrections Pharmacies Licensing Company, L.L.C.
169.Corrections Pharmacies of California, LP
170.Corrections Pharmacies of Hawaii, LP
171.Corrections Pharmacies, L.L.C.
172.Cubex, LLC
173.Datapharm Sarl
174.DD Wholesale, Inc.
175.Dialysis Purchasing Alliance, Inc.
177.Documedics Acquisition Co., Inc.
178.Drug Service, Inc.
179.Dunnington Drug, Inc.
180.Dunnington RX Services of Massachusetts, Inc.
181.Dunnington RX Services of Rhode Island, Inc.
182.Durr-Fillauer Medical, Inc.
183.Durvet, Inc.
184.Dymaxium Healthcare Innovations, Ltd.
185.Dymaxium Holdings, Ltd.
186.Dymaxium, Ltd.
187.Entel d.o.o.
188.Escalante Solutions, L.P.
189.Esko Itriyat Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi
190.Euro Registratie Collectief B.V.
191.European Physician Networks GmbH
192.Express Pharmacy Services, Inc.
193.Falcon Acquisition Sub, LLC
194.Family Center Pharmacy, Inc.
195.Feeders Advantage, LCC
196.General Drug Company
197.Goot Nursing Home Pharmacy, Inc.
198.Goot Westbridge Pharmacy, Inc.
199.Goot's Goodies, Inc.
200.Goot's Pharmacy & Orthopedic Supply, Inc.
201.Green Barn, Inc
202.H. D. Smith Holding Company
203.H. D. Smith Holdings, LLC
204.H. D. Smith Wholesale Drug Co.
205.H. D. Smith, LLC
206.HAI Acquisition, Inc.
207.HDS Solutions, LLC
208.Health Services Capital Corporation
209.Healthcare Prescription Services, Inc.
210.HealthForward Inc.



211.HealthQuest Partner II, L.P.
212.HealthTronics Data Solutions LLC
213.HealthTronics Data Solutions, LLC
214.HealthTronics Information Technology Solutions, Inc.
215.Hedef International Holdings BV
216.Home Medical Equipment Health Company
217.Hydra Pharm SPA
218.I.g.G. of America, Inc.
219.IHS Acquisition XXX, Inc.
220.Imedex, Inc.
221.Imedex, LLC
222.Independent Pharmacy Buying Group, Inc.
223.Innomar Pharmacy (BC) Inc.
224.Innomar Pharmacy (SK) Inc.
225.Innomar Pharmacy Inc.
226.Innomar Specialty Pharmacy, Inc.
227.Innomar Strategies Inc.
228.Innovation Cancer, Inc.
229.Insta-Care Holdings, Inc.
230.Insta-Care Pharmacy Services Corporation
231.Intake Initiatives Incorporated
232.IntegraConnect NewCo, LLC
233.Integrated Commercialization Solutions, Inc.
234.Integrated Commercialization Solutions, LLC
235.Integrated Health Systems Outcomes Coalition, LLC
236.Inteplex, Inc.
237.Interfill, LLC
238.International Oncology Network Solutions, Inc.
239.International Physician Networks, L.L.C.
240.International Rheumatology Network, L.L.C.
241.IntrinsiQ Holdings, Inc.
242.IntrinsiQ Specialty Solutions, Inc.
243.IntrinsiQ Tendler, Inc.
244.IntrinsiQ, LLC
245.J.M. Blanco, Inc.
246.James Brudnick Company, Inc.
247.K/S Instrument Corp.
248.KRP Investments, Inc.
249.Labpak Limited
250.LAD Drug Corporation
251.Leading Educational Research Network, LLC
252.Lexicon Pharmacy Services, L.L.C.
253.Liberty Acquisition Corp.
254.Libra C.V.
255.Los Angeles Drug Corporation
256.M.D.P. Properties, Inc.
257.Managed Care Network, Inc.
258.Marshall Reinardy LLC











259.Medical Health Industries, Inc.
260.Medical Initiatives, Inc.
261.Medidyne Corp.
262.Medselect Inc.
263.Memorial Pet Care, Inc.
264.Micro Technologies Canada Inc.
265.MWI Buying Group Limited (formerly St. Francis Limited)
266.MWI Supply (UK Acquisition) Limited
267.MWI Supply (UK Holdings) Limited
268.MWI Supply (UK) Limited
269.MWI Veterinary Supply Co.
270.MWI Veterinary Supply, Inc.
271.Nareks Ecza Deposu Ticaret Anonim Şirketi
272.Network for Medical Communication & Research Analytics, LLC
273.New Jersey Medical Corporation
274.Nexiapharma, SL
275.NMCR Holdings, Inc.
276.NMCR-Europe, LLC
277.Northeast Veterinary Supply Company, LLC
278.Oktal Pharma d.o.o
279.Oktal Pharma d.o.o
280.Oktal Pharma d.o.o [Zagreb]
281.Oktal Pharma d.o.o.
282.Oktal Pharma Hungary K.f.t.
283.Omni Med B, Inc.
284.OPH Oktal Pharma d.o.o
285.OTC Direct Limited
286.Paris Acquisition Corp.
287.Pharm Plus Acquisition, Inc.
288.Pharma One Corporation Limited
289.Pharmacy Corporation of America
290.Pharmacy Corporation of America - Massachusetts, Inc.
291.Pharmacy Healthcare Solutions, Ltd.
292.Pharmacy Review Services, Inc.
293.Pharmdata s.r.o.
294.PharMEDium Healthcare Corporation
295.PharMEDium Healthcare Holdings LLC
296.PharMEDium Healthcare Holdings, Inc.
297.PharMEDium Healthcare LLC
298.PharMEDium Pharmacy Services, LLC
299.PharMEDium R.E., LLC
300.PharMEDium Services, LLC
301.PharMerica Drug Systems, Inc.
302.PharMerica Technology Solutions, LLC
303.Pharmerica, Inc.
304.Pitango HealthTech Fund I, L.P.
305.Planet Software Limited
306.PMSI MSA Services, Inc.



307.PMSI, Inc.
309.Premier Pharmacy, Inc.
310.Premier Source Diagnostics Inc.
311.Premier Source, LLC
312.Prescribe Wellness, LLC
313.Profarma Distribuidora de Produtos Farmaceuticos S.A.
314.Ramuneles Vaistine UAB
315.Reimbursement Education Network, LLC
316.Rightpak, Inc.
317.Rombro's Drug Center, Inc.
318.Roscoe Acquisition Corporation
319.S.R.P. (Services de la Répartition Pharmaceutique)
320.SecureDVM, LLC
321.Securos Europe GmbH
322.Silver Streak I, LLC
323.Skills in Healthcare France
324.Skills in Healthcare Pazarlama ve Tanitim Hizmetleri Anonim Şirketi
325.Skills in Healthcare Romania S.r.l.
326.Smart ID Works, LLC
327.Smith Medical Partners, LLC
328.Snipetjernveien 10 Norge AS
329.Solana Beach, Inc.
330.Southwest Pharmacies, Inc.
331.Southwestern Drug Corporation
332.SparkSense Analytics, Inc.
333.Specialty Advancement Network, LLC
334.Specialty Pharmacy of California, Inc.
335.Specialty Pharmacy, Inc.
336.Spielberg Acquisition Corp.
337.Spits B.V.
338.Stadt Solutions, LLC
339.Stephar B.V.
340.Strategic Pharmaceutical Solutions, Inc.
341.Swine Solutions Network, LLC
342.Taylor & Manno Asset Recovery, Inc.
343.Telepharmacy Solutions, Inc.
344.Terra-Lab d.o.o
345.The Allen Company
346.The Lash Group, Inc.
347.The Lash Group, LLC
348.TheraCom, L.L.C.
349.ThermoSecure Medical Equipment GmbH
350.TMESYS, Inc.
351.TrakCel Holding Company, Inc.
352.Trellis Healthcare Consulting, L.L.C.
353.Trellis Healthcare Consulting, LLC
354.True Blue Indemnity Company











355.United Company of Pharmacists SAE
356.Universal Packaging Systems, Inc.
357.US Bioservices Corporation
358.Valley Wholesale Drug Co., LLC
359.Value Apothecaries, Inc.
360.Vedco, Inc.
361.Vetbridge Animal Health, LLC
362.Vetbridge Product Development (NM-OMP) LLC
363.VetSpace Limited
364.VetSpace, Inc.
365.Vetswest Limited
366.W.C. International Limited
367.WBA Acquisitions Luxco 9 S.à.r.l.
368.Wight Nederland Holdco 2 B.V.
369.Wight Nederland Holdco 4 BV
370.WML, LLC
371.Woodglen Properties Limited
372.Woodglen Properties Limited Portugal Branch
373.World Courier (Aust) Pty. Ltd.
374.World Courier (Austria) GmbH
375.World Courier (Austria) GmbH - Serbia Branch
376.World Courier (Deutschland) GmbH
377.World Courier (Finland) Oy
378.World Courier (India) Private Limited
379.World Courier (Ireland) Limited
380.World Courier (Lithuania), UAB
381.World Courier (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
382.World Courier (Norway) AS
383.World Courier (NZ) Limited
384.World Courier (Poland) Sp. Z.o.o.
385.World Courier (Shanghai) Co., Ltd Guangzhou Branch
386.World Courier (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
387.World Courier (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Beijing Branch
388.World Courier (Sweden) AB
389.World Courier (Switzerland) SA
390.World Courier (U.K.) Limited
391.World Courier Asia (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
392.World Courier Belgium s.a.
393.World Courier Bulgaria
394.World Courier Czech Republic s.r.o.
395.World Courier de Chile Limitada
396.World Courier de Colombia S.A.
397.World Courier de Espana, S.A.
398.World Courier de Mexico S.A. de C.V.
399.World Courier de Portugal, Lda.
400.World Courier de Uruguay S.A.



401.World Courier del Ecuador S.A.
402.World Courier del Peru S.A.
403.World Courier Denmark A/S
404.World Courier do Brasil Transportes Internacionais Ltda.
405.World Courier France S.A.R.L.
406.World Courier Ground (Europe) Limited
407.World Courier Ground, Inc.
408.World Courier Group Logistics, Inc.
409.World Courier Group S.a.r.l.
410.World Courier Group, Inc.
411.World Courier Group, Inc. Taiwan Branch
412.World Courier Hellas Limited Liability Company
413.World Courier Holland BV
414.World Courier Hong Kong Limited
415.World Courier Hungary Freight Forwarder and Service Provider Limited Liability Company
416.World Courier Israel Ltd.
417.World Courier Italia srl
418.World Courier K.K. Japan
419.World Courier Korea Co., Ltd.
420.World Courier Limited (Russia)
421.World Courier Logistics (Europe) Limited
422.World Courier Logistics (UK) Limited
423.World Courier Logistics, Inc.
424.World Courier Logistics, Inc. (DE)
425.World Courier Logistics, Inc. (NY)
426.World Courier Management Limited
427.World Courier Management, Inc.
428.World Courier of Canada Ltd
429.World Courier Operations Kenya Limited
430.World Courier Philippines - Representative Office
431.World Courier Romania S.R.L.
432.World Courier S.A.
433.World Courier Singapore Pte Ltd
434.World Courier Slovak Republic s.r.o.
435.World Courier South Africa (Proprietary) Limited
436.World Courier Tasimacilik ve Lojistik Hizmetleri Ticaret Limited Sirketi
437.World Courier Ukraine LLC
438.World Courier Venezuela, S.A.
439.World Courier Zagreb d.o.o.
440.World Courier, Inc.
441.World Courier, kurirske storitve,d.o.o.
442.World Customs Brokerage, Inc.
443.Xcenda (UK) Limited
444.Xcenda GmbH










445.Xcenda Switzerland GmbH
446.Xcenda, L.L.C.



447.ZU Vase Zdravije












1.A+ Secure Packaging, LLC
2.Abilene Nuclear, LLC
3.Access Closure, Inc.
4.Acuity GPO, LLC
5.Aero-Med, Ltd.
6.Allegiance (BVI) Holding Co. Ltd.
7.Allegiance Corporation
8.Allegiance Healthcare (Labuan) Pte. Ltd.
9.Allegiance I, LLC
10.Allegiance Labuan Holdings Pte. Ltd.
11.API (Suppliers) Limited
12.AssuraMed Acquisition Corp.
13.AssuraMed Group, Inc.
14.AssuraMed Holding, Inc.
15.AssuraMed Intermediate Holding, Inc.
16.AssuraMed, Inc.
17.C. International, Inc.
18.Cardinal Distribution Holding Corporation - I
19.Cardinal Distribution Holding Corporation - II
20.Cardinal Health 100, Inc.
21.Cardinal Health 104 LP
22.Cardinal Health 105, Inc.
23.Cardinal Health 107, LLC
24.Cardinal Health 108, LLC
25.Cardinal Health 110, LLC
26.Cardinal Health 112, LLC
27.Cardinal Health 113, LLC
28.Cardinal Health 114, Inc.
29.Cardinal Health 115, LLC
30.Cardinal Health 116, LLC
31.Cardinal Health 118, LLC
32.Cardinal Health 119, LLC
33.Cardinal Health 121, LLC
34.Cardinal Health 122, LLC
35.Cardinal Health 123, LLC
36.Cardinal Health 124, LLC
37.Cardinal Health 125, LLC
38.Cardinal Health 126, LLC
39.Cardinal Health 127, Inc.
40.Cardinal Health 128, LLC
41.Cardinal Health 130, LLC
42.Cardinal Health 131, LLC
43.Cardinal Health 132, LLC
44.Cardinal Health 133, Inc.
45.Cardinal Health 2, LLC
46.Cardinal Health 200, LLC
47.Cardinal Health 201 Canada L.P.
48.Cardinal Health 201, Inc.
49.Cardinal Health 215, LLC



50.Cardinal Health 222 (Thailand) Ltd.
51.Cardinal Health 242, LLC
52.Cardinal Health 246, Inc.
53.Cardinal Health 247, Inc.
54.Cardinal Health 249, LLC
55.Cardinal Health 250 Dutch C.V.
56.Cardinal Health 251, LLC
57.Cardinal Health 252, LLC
58.Cardinal Health 253, LP
59.Cardinal Health 3, LLC
60.Cardinal Health 414, LLC
61.Cardinal Health 418, Inc.
62.Cardinal Health 5, LLC
63.Cardinal Health 500, LLC
64.Cardinal Health 524, LLC
65.Cardinal Health 529, LLC
66.Cardinal Health 6, Inc.
67.Cardinal Health 7, LLC
68.Cardinal Health 8, LLC
69.Cardinal Health Australia 503 Pty Ltd.
70.Cardinal Health Austria 504 GmbH
71.Cardinal Health Belgium 505 BVBA
72.Cardinal Health Canada Holdings Cooperatie U.A.
73.Cardinal Health Canada Inc.
74.Cardinal Health Capital Corporation
75.Cardinal Health Cardiology Solutions, LLC
76.Cardinal Health Chile Limitada
77.Cardinal Health Colombia S.A.S.
78.Cardinal Health Commercial Technologies, LLC
79.Cardinal Health Corporate Solutions, LLC
80.Cardinal Health D.R. 203 II Ltd.
81.Cardinal Health Denmark ApS
82.Cardinal Health do Brasil Ltda.
83.Cardinal Health Finance
84.Cardinal Health Finland Oy
85.Cardinal Health Foundation
86.Cardinal Health France 506 SAS
87.Cardinal Health Funding, LLC
88.Cardinal Health Germany 507 GmbH
89.Cardinal Health Germany Manufacturing GmbH
90.Cardinal Health Holding International, Inc.
91.Cardinal Health International Philippines, Inc.
92.Cardinal Health IPS, LLC
93.Cardinal Health Ireland 419 Designated Activity Company
94.Cardinal Health Ireland 508 Limited










95.Cardinal Health Ireland Manufacturing Limited
96.Cardinal Health Ireland Unlimited Company
97.Cardinal Health Italy 509 S.r.l.
98.Cardinal Health Japan G.K.
99.Cardinal Health Korea Limited
100.Cardinal Health Luxembourg 420 S.a.r.l.
101.Cardinal Health Luxembourg 522 S.a.r.l.
102.Cardinal Health Malaysia 211 Sdn. Bhd.
103.Cardinal Health Malta 212 Limited
104.Cardinal Health Managed Care Services, LLC
105.Cardinal Health Medical Products India Private Limited
106.Cardinal Health Mexico 244 S. de R.L. de C.V.
107.Cardinal Health Mexico 514 S. de R.L. de C.V.
108.Cardinal Health Middle East FZ-LLC
109.Cardinal Health MPB, Inc.
110.Cardinal Health Napoleon Holding, LLC
111.Cardinal Health Netherlands 502 B.V.
112.Cardinal Health Netherlands 525 Cooperatie U.A.
113.Cardinal Health Netherlands 528 B.V.
114.Cardinal Health Norway AS
115.Cardinal Health P.R. 120, Inc.
116.Cardinal Health P.R. 218, Inc.
117.Cardinal Health P.R. 220, LLC
118.Cardinal Health P.R. 436, Inc.
119.Cardinal Health Panama, S. de R.L.
120.Cardinal Health Pharmaceutical Contracting, LLC
121.Cardinal Health Pharmacy Services, LLC
122.Cardinal Health Poland Spolka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia
123.Cardinal Health Portugal 513, Unipessoal Lda.
124.Cardinal Health Russia
125.Cardinal Health Singapore 225 Pte. Ltd.
126.Cardinal Health Spain 511 S.L.
127.Cardinal Health Sweden 512 A.B.
128.Cardinal Health Switzerland 515, GmbH
129.Cardinal Health Systems, Inc.
130.Cardinal Health Technologies Switzerland GmbH
131.Cardinal Health Technologies, LLC
132.Cardinal Health U.K. 418 Limited
133.Cardinal Health U.K. 432 Limited
134.Cardinal Health U.K. Holding Limited
135.Cardinal Health U.K. International Holding LLP



136.Cardinal Health, Inc.
137.Cardinal MED Equipment Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
138.Cirpro de Delicias S.A. de C.V.
139.Clinic Pharmacies III, LLC
140.Clinic Pharmacies, LLC
141.Community Pharmacy Enterprises, LLC
142.Convertors de Mexico S.A. de C.V.
143.Cordis (Shanghai) MED Devices Co., Ltd.
144.Cordis Cashel Unlimited Company
145.Cordis Corporation
146.Cornerstone Rheumatology LP
147.Covidien Manufacturing Solutions, S.A.
148.Dutch American Manufacturers II (D.A.M. II) B.V.
149.Ellipticare, LLC
150.EPIC Insurance Company
151.Especialidades Medicas Kenmex S.A. de C.V.
152.Experience East, LLC
153.Flexible Stenting Solutions, Inc.
154.Frog Horned Capital, Inc.
155.Generic Drug Holdings, Inc.
156.GetOutcomes, LLC
157.Griffin Capital, LLC
158.HDG Acquisition, Inc.
159.imgRx Healdsburg, Inc.
160.imgRx Salud, Inc.
161.imgRx SJ Valley, Inc.
162.imgRx SLO, Inc.
163.imgRx Sonoma, Inc.
164.InnerDyne Holdings, Inc.
165.Innovative Therapies, Inc.
166.Instant Diagnostic Systems, Inc.
167.InteCardia-Tennessee East Catheterization, LLC
168.ITI Sales, LLC
169.Kendall-Gammatron Limited
170.Killilea Development Company, Ltd.
171.Kinray I, LLC
172.KPR Australia Pty. Ltd.
173.KPR Switzerland Sales GmbH
174.KPR U.S., LLC
175.Leader Drugstores, Inc.
176.Ludlow Technical Products Canada, Ltd.
177.Marin Apothecaries
178.Medicap Pharmacies Incorporated
179.Medicine Shoppe Capital Corporation
180.Medicine Shoppe International, Inc.
181.Medicine Shoppe Internet, Inc.
182.Mediquip Sdn. Bhd.
183.Mirixa Corporation












184.MosaicGPO, LLC
185.mscripts Holdings, LLC
186.mscripts Systems India Private Limited
187.mscripts, LLC
188.Nippon Covidien Ltd.
189.One Cloverleaf, LLC
190.Outcomes Incorporated
191.Owen Shared Services, Inc.
192.Pharmacy Operations Of New York, Inc.
193.Pharmacy Operations, Inc.
194.Physicians Purchasing, Inc.
195.Pinnacle Intellectual Property Services, Inc.
196.Pinnacle Intellectual Property Services- International, Inc.
197.Quiroproductos de Cuauhtemoc S. de R.L. de C.V.
198.RainTree Administrative Services, LLC
199.RainTree Care Management, LLC
200.RainTree GPO, LLC
201.Ransdell Surgical, Inc.
202.Red Oak Sourcing, LLC
203.Renal Purchasing Group, LLC
204.RGH Enterprises, Inc.
205.RT Oncology Services Corporation
206.Rxealtime, Inc.
207.Sierra Radiopharmacy, L.L.C.
208.Sonexus Health Access & Patient Support, LLC
209.Sonexus Health Distribution Services, LLC
210.Sonexus Health Financial Solutions, LLC
211.Sonexus Health Pharmacy Services, LLC
212.Sonexus Health, LLC
213.TelePharm, LLC
214.The Harvard Drug Group, L.L.C.
215.Tianjin ITI Trading Company
216.Tradex International, Inc.
217.Traverse GPO, LLC
218.Wavemark Lebanon Offshore s.a.l.
219.Wavemark, Inc.
220.Red Oak Sourcing, LLC
221.API (Suppliers) Limited
222.Sierra Radiopharmacy, L.L.C.
223.Abilene Nuclear, LLC
224.InteCardia-Tennessee East Catheterization, LLC
225.Kendall-Gammatron Limited
226.Almus Pharmaceuticals USA LLC
227.Cardinal Health (H.K.) Co. Limited
228.Cardinal Health (Shanghai) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.





229.Cardinal Health (Sichuan) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
230.Cardinal Health (Wuxi) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
231.Cardinal Health Hedan (Shenzhen) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
232.Dalian Zhongda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
233.NaviHealth Holdings, LLC
234.Parch, L.L.C.
235.6464661 Canada Inc.
236.Academy Of Managed Care Medicine, L.L.C.
237.Alaris Medical 1 (Suisse) Sarl
238.Alaris Medical New Zealand Limited
239.Allegiance Healthcare International GmbH
240.Allegiance Pro Inc.
241.Allied Healthcare Services, Inc.
242.Almus Pharmaceuticals Singapore Pte. Ltd.
243.Almus Pharmaceuticals USA LLC
244.American Threshold Industries, Inc.
245.Anoka, LLC
246.ARCH Collection Corporation
247.ARCH, S.A.
248.Armand Scott, LLC
249.Aurum Pharmaceuticals Limited
250.Behrens Inc.
251.Beijing Baiji Advanced Specialty Company Limited
252.Bellwether Oncology Alliance, Inc.
253.Bentley Merger Sub, LLC
254.Bindley Western Funding Corporation
255.Bindley Western Industries II Of Maine, Inc.
256.Biosigna GmbH Institut für Biosignalverarbeitung und Systemanalyse
257.Bird Products (Japan) Ltd.
258.Bird Products Corporation
259.Brighton Capital, Inc.
260.Buffalo Merger Corp.
261.BW Transportation Services, Inc.
262.Cardal II, LLC
263.Cardal, Inc.
264.Cardinal Florida, Inc.
265.Cardinal Health (Beijing) China Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
266.Cardinal Health (Beijing) Medical Trading Co., Ltd.
267.Cardinal Health (Beijing) Pharmacy Co., Ltd.
268.Cardinal Health (Chengdu) Pharmacy Co., Ltd.
269.Cardinal Health (China) Investment Co., Ltd.











270.Cardinal Health (Chongqing) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
271.Cardinal Health (Chongqing) Pharmacy Co., Ltd.
272.Cardinal Health (H.K.) Co. Limited
273.Cardinal Health (Hubei) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
274.Cardinal Health (L) Co., Ltd.
275.Cardinal Health (Liaoning) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
276.Cardinal Health (P02296)
277.Cardinal Health (P04080)
278.Cardinal Health (Shanghai) Commercial and Trading Company Limited
279.Cardinal Health (Shanghai) Cosmetics Trading Co., Ltd.
280.Cardinal Health (Shanghai) Logistics Co., Ltd.
281.Cardinal Health (Shanghai) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
282.Cardinal Health (Shanghai) Pharmacy Co., Ltd.
283.Cardinal Health (Shanxi) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
284.Cardinal Health (Shenyang) Pharmacy Co., Ltd.
285.Cardinal Health (Sichuan) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
286.Cardinal Health (Tianjin) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
287.Cardinal Health (Wuxi) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
288.Cardinal Health (WuXi) Pharmacy Co., Ltd.
289.Cardinal Health (Zhejiang) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
290.Cardinal Health 101, Inc.
291.Cardinal Health 102, Inc.
292.Cardinal Health 103, Inc.
293.Cardinal Health 106, Inc.
294.Cardinal Health 109, Inc.
295.Cardinal Health 111, LLC
296.Cardinal Health 113, LLC
297.Cardinal Health 117, LLC
298.Cardinal Health 129, Inc.
299.Cardinal Health 208, Inc.
300.Cardinal Health 301, LLC
301.Cardinal Health 400, Inc.
302.Cardinal Health 401, Inc.
303.Cardinal Health 402, Inc.
304.Cardinal Health 403, Inc.
305.Cardinal Health 404, Inc.



306.Cardinal Health 405, Inc.
307.Cardinal Health 406, Inc.
308.Cardinal Health 406, LLC
309.Cardinal Health 407, Inc.
310.Cardinal Health 408, Inc.
311.Cardinal Health 409, Inc.
312.Cardinal Health 410, Inc.
313.Cardinal Health 411, Inc.
314.Cardinal Health 412, Inc.
315.Cardinal Health 413, Inc.
316.Cardinal Health 415, Inc.
317.Cardinal Health 416, Inc.
318.Cardinal Health 417, Inc.
319.Cardinal Health 419, LLC
320.Cardinal Health 420, LLC
321.Cardinal Health 421 Limited Partnership
322.Cardinal Health 421, Inc.
323.Cardinal Health 422, Inc.
324.Cardinal Health 501 Dutch C.V.
325.Cardinal Health Austria 201 GmbH
326.Cardinal Health Bermuda 224, Ltd.
327.Cardinal Health Brasil 423 Servicos Farmaceuticos Nucleares Ltda
328.Cardinal Health Canada 204, Inc.
329.Cardinal Health Canada 301, Inc.
330.Cardinal Health Canada 302, Inc.
331.Cardinal Health Canada 307, ULC
332.Cardinal Health Canada 403, Inc.
333.Cardinal Health Canada 437, Inc.
334.Cardinal Health Canada Inc.
335.Cardinal Health Canada LP
336.Cardinal Health Cayman Islands Holding Co. Ltd
337.Cardinal Health Cayman Islands Ltd.
338.Cardinal Health China Co., Ltd.
339.Cardinal Health D.R. 203 Limited
340.Cardinal Health Europe IT GmbH
341.Cardinal Health France 205 SAS
342.Cardinal Health France 309 SAS
343.Cardinal Health Germany 206 GmbH
344.Cardinal Health Germany 234 GmbH
345.Cardinal Health Germany 318 GmbH
346.Cardinal Health Hedan (Shenzhen) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
347.Cardinal Health Hong Kong Limited
348.Cardinal Health I, Inc.
349.Cardinal Health Imaging, LLC
350.Cardinal Health India Private Limited
351.Cardinal Health International Ventures, Ltd.
352.Cardinal Health Ireland 406 Ltd.










353.Cardinal Health Ireland 527 General Partnership
354.Cardinal Health Italy 208 S.r.l.
355.Cardinal Health Italy 312 S.p.A.
356.Cardinal Health Lease Funding 2002A, LLC
357.Cardinal Health Lease Funding 2002AQ, LLC
358.Cardinal Health Lease Funding 2003A, LLC
359.Cardinal Health Lease Funding 2003AQ, LLC
360.Cardinal Health Lease Funding 2003B, LLC
361.Cardinal Health Lease Funding 2003BQ, LLC
362.Cardinal Health Lease Funding 2004A, LLC
363.Cardinal Health Lease Funding 2004AQ, LLC
364.Cardinal Health Luxembourg 523 S.a.r.l.
365.Cardinal Health Mauritius Holding 226 Ltd.
366.Cardinal Health Mexico 213, S.A. de C.V.
367.Cardinal Health Netherlands 238 BV
368.Cardinal Health Netherlands 526 B.V.
369.Cardinal Health Netherlands Financing C.V.
370.Cardinal Health Netherlands Holding B.V.
371.Cardinal Health New Zealand 313 Limited
372.Cardinal Health Norway 315 A/S
373.Cardinal Health P.R. 227, Inc.
374.Cardinal Health P.R. 409 B.V.
375.Cardinal Health PTS, Inc.
376.Cardinal Health PTS, LLC
377.Cardinal Health S.A. 319 (Proprietary) Limited
378.Cardinal Health Singapore 304
379.Cardinal Health Singapore 423 Pte. Ltd.
380.Cardinal Health Spain 219 S.L.U.
381.Cardinal Health Spain 239 SA
382.Cardinal Health Specialty Pharmacy, LLC
383.Cardinal Health Sweden 220 AB
384.Cardinal Health Sweden 314 AB
385.Cardinal Health Switzerland 221 Sarl
386.Cardinal Health Switzerland 317 Sarl
387.Cardinal Health Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
388.Cardinal Health U.K. 100 Limited
389.Cardinal Health U.K. 101 Limited
390.Cardinal Health U.K. 102 Limited
391.Cardinal Health U.K. 103 Limited
392.Cardinal Health U.K. 104 Limited
393.Cardinal Health U.K. 105 Limited
394.Cardinal Health U.K. 106 Limited
395.Cardinal Health U.K. 223 Limited
396.Cardinal Health U.K. 232 Limited
397.Cardinal Health U.K. 235 Limited
398.Cardinal Health U.K. 236 Limited
399.Cardinal Health U.K. 240 Limited
400.Cardinal Health U.K. 305 Limited
401.Cardinal Health U.K. 306 Limited



402.Cardinal Health U.K. 433 Limited
403.Cardinal Health U.K. 434 Limited
404.Cardinal Syracuse, Inc.
405.Cardinal.Com Holdings, Inc.
406.Care Fusion Development Private Limited
407.Care Fusion Incorporated
408.CareFusion 202, Inc.
409.CareFusion 203, Inc.
410.CareFusion 205, Inc.
411.CareFusion 206, Inc.
412.CareFusion 207, Inc.
413.CareFusion 209, Inc.
414.CareFusion 210, Inc.
415.CareFusion 211, Inc.
416.CareFusion 212, LLC
417.CareFusion 213, LLC
418.CareFusion 214, LLC
419.CareFusion 2200, Inc.
420.CareFusion 2201, Inc.
421.CareFusion 302, LLC
422.CareFusion 303, Inc.
423.CareFusion 304, LLC
424.CareFusion Australia 200 Pty Ltd.
425.CareFusion Australia 316 Pty Limited
426.CareFusion Australia 500 Pty Ltd
427.CareFusion Belgium 202 BVBA
428.CareFusion Brasil 231 Servico e Comercia de Productos Medicos Ltda
429.CareFusion Corporation
430.CareFusion EIT, LLC
431.CareFusion Iberia 308 S.L.U.
432.CareFusion Italy 237 Srl
433.CareFusion Italy 311 Srl
434.CareFusion Japan 228 K.K.
435.CareFusion Japan 233, Inc.
436.CareFusion Luxembourg 501 Sarl
437.CareFusion Manufacturing Ireland 241 Limited
438.CareFusion Manufacturing, LLC
439.CareFusion Netherlands 214 B.V.
440.CareFusion Netherlands 238 BV
441.CareFusion Netherlands 310 B.V.
442.CareFusion Netherlands 503 B.V.
443.CareFusion New Zealand 217 Limited
444.CareFusion New Zealand 313 Limited
445.CareFusion Resources, LLC
446.CareFusion Singapore 243 Pte. Ltd.
447.CareFusion Solutions, LLC
448.CareFusion U.K. 284 Limited
449.CareFusion U.K. 286 Limited
450.CareFusion U.K. 287 Limited










451.CareFusion U.K. 288 Limited
452.Cascade Development, Inc.
453.CCB, Inc.
454.CDI Investments, Inc.
455.Centralia Pharmacy, Inc.
456.Centricity, LLC
457.Chapman Drug Company
458.Chengdu Baiji Advanced Specialty Pharmacy Company Limited
459.Cheshire Merger Sub, Inc.
460.CMI Net, Inc.
461.College Park Plaza Associates, Inc.
462.Comprehensive Medical Imaging-Anaheim Hills, Inc.
463.Comprehensive Medical Imaging-Apple Valley, Inc.
464.Comprehensive Medical Imaging-Boynton Beach, Inc.
465.Comprehensive Medical Imaging-Downey, Inc.
466.Comprehensive Medical Imaging-Encino, Inc.
467.Comprehensive Medical Imaging-Fort Lauderdale, Inc.
468.Comprehensive Medical Imaging-Fremont, Inc.
469.Comprehensive Medical Imaging-Hesperia, Inc.
470.Comprehensive Medical Imaging-Huntington Beach, Inc.
471.Comprehensive Medical Imaging-Palm Springs, Inc.
472.Comprehensive Medical Imaging-Rancho Cucamonga, Inc.
473.Comprehensive Medical Imaging-Rancho Mirage, Inc.
474.Comprehensive Medical Imaging-Salisbury, Inc.
475.Comprehensive Medical Imaging-Sherman Oaks, Inc.
476.Comprehensive Medical Imaging-Tempe, Inc.
477.Comprehensive Medical Imaging-Van Nuys, Inc.
478.Comprehensive Medical Imaging-Victorville, Inc.
479.Comprehensive Medical Imaging-Westlake Village, Inc.
480.Comprehensive Open MRI-Carmichael, Inc.
481.Comprehensive Open MRI-Folsom, Inc.
482.Comprehensive Open MRI-Fullerton, Inc.
483.Comprehensive Open MRI-Laguna Hills, Inc.
484.Comprehensive Open MRI-Sacramento, Inc.



485.Comprehensive Reimbursement Consultants, Inc.
486.Consumer2patient, LLC
487.CR Medicap, Inc.
488.Curaspan Health Group, Inc.
489.Cytokine Pharmasciences, Inc.
490.Dalian Zhongda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
491.Daniels Pharmaceuticals Limited
492.DC Merger Corp
493.Denver Biomedical, Inc.
494.Desert PET, LLC
495.Dik Drug Company, LLC
496.Dik Medical Supplies, LLC
497.Discor Limited
498.Dismed Inc.
499.Dohmen Distribution Partners Southeast, L.L.C.
500.Dover Communications, LLC
501.Duquoin Pharmacy, Inc.
502.Dutch American Manufacturers (D.A.M.) B.V.
503.East Iowa Pharmacies, Inc.
504.EGIS Holdings, Inc.
505.Eldon Laboratories Limited
506.Ellicott Drug Company
507.EME Medical, Inc.
508.Enturia Canada ULC
509.Enturia de Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V.
510.Enturia Limited
511.Enturican, Inc.
512.EON Media Inc.
513.Eureka Merger Sub, Inc.
514.European Pharmaceuticals Group Ltd.
515.First Choice, Inc. Of Maine
516.Flower Merger Corp.
517.Futuremed Health Care Products Limited Partnership
518.Futuremed Healthcare Products Corporation
519.Futuremed Holdings General Partner Inc.
520.Fuzhou Baiji Pharmacy Company Limited
521.Gala Design, Inc.
522.Gelatin Products International, Inc.
523.Geodax Technology, Inc.
524.Glacier Corporation
525.Grand Avenue Pharmacy, Inc.
526.Graphic Holdings, Inc.
527.Griffin Group Document Management Services, Inc.










528.Guangzhou Baiji Advanced Specialty Pharmaceutical Chain Stores Company Limited
529.Guangzhou Baiji Drug Store Company Limited
530.Guangzhou City Kangwei Information Technology Company Limited
531.Guangzhou Ruixun Pharmaceutical Company Limited
532.Guizhou Yibai Medical Co., Ltd.
533.Hangzhou Baiji Advanced Specialty Drug Store Company Limited
534.Heartland Diagnostic Services, Inc.
535.HLS Advantage, LLC
536.Homecare (North-West) Limited
537.Humiston-Keeling, Inc.
538.IMI Of Boca Raton, Inc.
539.IMI Of Miami, Inc.
540.IMI Of North Miami Beach, Inc.
541.Inland Empire Regional Pet Center, LLC
542.InnerDyne, Inc.
543.Inpharm Nationwide Limited
544.InteCardia-Tennessee East Diagnostic, LLC
545.Intercare Holdings Limited
546.Intercare Investments Limited
547.Intercare Properties Plc
548.Iowa Falls Pharmacy, Inc.
549.IVAC Overseas Holdings LP
550.JakaMed AB AB
551.Jinan Baiji Drug Store Company Limited
552.JRG, Ltd.
553.Kendall Patient Recovery BVBA
554.Kinetic Surgical, LLC
555.Kinray, Inc.
556.Kinray, LLC
557.KPR Italia S.r.l.
558.KPR U.S., Inc.
559.Kunming Baiji Advanced Specialty Pharmacy Company Limited
560.Lake Charles Pharmaceutical Supply Company, LLC
561.Liaoning Longda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
562.Liberty Communications Network, LLC
563.Ludlow Technical Products Corporation
564.Macarthy Group Trustees Limited
565.Macarthys Laboratories Limited
566.Macarthy's Limited
567.Marmac Distributors, Inc.
568.Martindale Pharma GmbH
569.Martindale Pharmaceuticals Limited
570.Medcon S.A.



571.MedEd Resources, LLC
572.Medesta Associates, LLC
573.Medical Concepts Development, Inc.
574.Medical Diagnostic Leasing, Inc
575.Medical Education Systems, LLC
576.Medical Media Communications, LLC
577.Medical Strategies, Inc.
578.MediQual Systems, Inc.
579.Meditrol Automation Systems, Inc.
580.Meditrol, Inc.
581.MedMined, Inc.
582.Mercury Merger Sub, LLC
583.Mesa Merger Corp.
584.MicroGas Limited
585.MicroMedical Deutschland GmbH
586.Microport Healthcare, LLC
587.Midland Pharmacies, Inc
588.Mississippi Medical Supply Cooperative, L.L.C.
589.MRI Equipment Partners, Ltd.
590.Mudhen Merger Corp.
591.Multi-Medica S.A.
592.Multipharm Limited
593.Nanjing Baiji Advanced Specialty Drug Store Company Limited
594.Nanning Baiji Advanced Specialty Pharmacy Company Limited
595.Nationwide Ostomy Supplies Limited
596.Navigator Health, Inc.
597.NaviHealth Holdings, LLC
598.NaviHealth SM Holdings, Inc.
599.NaviHealth, Inc.
600.Nexus Healthcare, Inc.
601.Nitric Bio Therapeudics, Inc.
602.Northern Michigan Supply Alliance, L.L.C.
603.Ohio Valley-Clarksburg, Inc.
604.Oncology Holdings, Inc.
605.Onpointe Medical Communications, LLC
606.Oval (Shanghai) Technologies, Inc.
607.Oval Technologies (H.K.) Pty Limited
608.Owen Healthcare Building, Inc.
609.Pacific Surgical Innovations, Inc.
610.Panther Merger Sub II, Inc.
611.Panther Merger Sub, Inc.
612.Parch, L.L.C.
613.Parch, L.L.C. State File
614.ParMed Pharmaceuticals, LLC
615.PatientScribe Inc.
616.PCI Acquisition I, Inc.
617.PCI Acquisition II, Inc.
618.PCI Services Holdings, Inc.










619.PCI Services III, Inc.
620.PCI/Acquisition III, Inc.
621.PCI/All Pack Holdings, Inc.
622.PCI/Delvco, Inc. State File
623.PCI/Tri-Line (Usa), Inc.
624.Pharmaceutical & Diagnostic Services, LLC
625.Pharmacy Service Corporation
626.Phillipi Holdings, Inc.
627.PHR Staffing, Inc.
628.Post-Acute Care Center For Research, LLC
629.Practicome Solutions, LLC
630.Princeton Diagnostic Isotopes, Inc.
631.Priority Healthcare Services Corporation
632.Procedure-Based Instrument Services, L.L.C.
633.Productos Urologos de Mexico S.A. de C.V.
634.Professional Health-Care Resources, Inc.
635.Pyxis Capital Corporation
636.Pyxis Funding II, LLC
637.Pyxis Funding, LLC
638.R Cubed, Inc.
639.R. P. Scherer Hardcapsule (West)
640.R.P. Scherer Inc.
641.R.P. Scherer Technologies, Inc.
642.Radiopharmacy Of Boise, Inc.
643.Radiopharmacy Of Northern California, Inc.
644.Renlar Systems, Inc.
645.RightCare Solutions, Inc.
646.Royal Merger Sub, Inc. 647. Scela, Inc.
648.Scriptline, Inc.
649.SensorMedics (Deutschland) GmbH
650.SensorMedics Corporation
651.Shanghai Baiwei Drug Store Company Limited
652.Shanghai Cardinal Baiwei Drug Store Co., Ltd.
653.Shanghai Jinyi Health Management Consultation Co., Ltd.
654.Shanghai Luoda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
655.Shenzhen Zhengdan Investment Company Limited
656.Simolo (GL) Limited
657.Sistemas Medicos ALARIS S.A. de C.V.
658.Snowden Pencer Holdings, Inc.
659.Snowden Pencer, Inc.
660.Solomons Company



661.Source Medical Corporation
662.SRX, Inc.
663.Strategic Implications International, LLC
664.Supplyline Technologies Limited
665.Surgical Carepair, L.L.C.
666.Surgical Instrument Repair Service, L.L.C.
667.Syncor Belgium SPRL
668.Syncor Diagnostics Bakersfield, LLC
669.Syncor Diagnostics Dallas, LLC
670.Syncor Diagnostics Encino, LLC
671.Syncor Diagnostics Fullerton, LLC
672.Syncor Diagnostics Laguna Hills, LLC
673.Syncor Diagnostics Plano, LLC
674.Syncor Diagnostics Sacramento, LLC
675.Syncor Financing Corporation
676.Syncor Italy srl
677.The Enright Group, Inc.
678.The Heron Corporation
679.The LVC Corporation
680.Tianjin Cardinal Pharmacy Co., Ltd.
681.Toledo Pharmacy Company
682.Tropic Merger Sub, Inc.
683.UroMed, Inc.
684.VIASYS Healthcare Ireland Limited
685.VIASYS Healthcare Island EHF 686. VIASYS Healthcare S.A.R.L.
687.VIASYS Holdings Inc.
688.VIASYS NeuroCare France SAS
689.VIASYS Polymer Products LLC
690.Virginia Imaging Center, LLC
691.Virginia Merger Corporation
692.Vistant Corporation
693.Vistant Holdings, Inc.
694.Vubiq Inc.
695.Wenzhou Xinte Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
696.West Hudson, Inc.
697.West Texas Nuclear Pharmacy Partners
698.Wholesale (PI) Limited
699.Williams Drug Distributors, Inc.
700.Wolf Merger Corp.
701.Wrangler Acquisition Sub, Inc.
702.Wuhan Baiji New & Special Drug Store Company Limited
703.Xiamen Cardinal Baiwei Drug Store Co., Ltd.
704.Xi'an Baiji Advanced Specialty Pharmacy Company Limited
705.Yorkshire Pharmacy, Inc.












1."Aewige" ärztliche Wirtschaftsgesellschaft m.b.H., HG Wien
2."die apoteeke in teesdorf" Mag. pharm. Gerda Kohlhauser KG, LG Wiener Neustadt
3."Esplanade-Apotheke" Mag. pharm. Anna-Maria Köck KG, Landesgericht Wels
4."Panther Apotheke" Mag. pharm. Sandra Krokos KG, Landesgericht Graz
5.10101 Woodloch Forest LLC
6.2012 DREAM LIMITED, England
7.28CVR LIMITED, England
8.3068312 Nova Scotia ULC
9.3069163 Nova Scotia Limited
10.3069164 Nova Scotia Limited
11.30MC LIMITED, England 12. 701985 N.B. INC.
15.A.F.M. Bergamo S.p.A., Italy
16.A.L.I. Holdings LLC
17.A.L.I. Imaging Systems Corp.
18.A.L.I. Technologies (International) LLC
21.AAH Glass & Windows Limited, England
22.AAH Ireland, Dublin
23.AAH LIMITED, England
24.AAH Lloyds Insurance (IoM) Limited, Isle Of Man
27.AAH ONE LIMITED, Scotland
32.ABG Apotheken-Beratungsgesellschaft mbH, Stuttgart
33.Access Health NZ Limited
34.AccessMed Holdings, Inc.



35.AccessMed, Inc. (AccessMed, LLC)
36.AccessMed, LLC
39.Adler Apotheke Krems Mag. Gabriele Denk KG, LG Krems an der Donau
40.Adler-Apotheke Mag.pharm. Ingrid Chvatal KG, LG Leoben
41.Admenta Beteiligungs GmbH, HG Wien
42.Admenta Denmark ApS, Copenhagen
43.Admenta Deutschland GmbH, Stuttgart
47.Admenta Sweden AB
49.Admenta Verwaltungs GmbH, HG Wien
50.AFM S.p.A., CCIAA di Bologna
53.ALPE-ADRIA PHARMA farmacevtsko podjetje d.o.o., Ljubljana
54.Alphar Ayeneux, Belgium
55.Alphar Gilly DL, Belgium
56.Alphar Monceau sur Sambre, Belgium
57.Alphar Partners SA, Belgium
58.Alte Löwen-Apotheke Mag. pharm. Kristina Taubald KG, HG Wien
59.Alte Spora Apotheke Mag.pharm. Stephan Öhlzelt KG, LG St. Pölten
60.Amethyst Acquisition Corp.
61.Ancavion GmbH, AG Darmstadt
62.Ancillary Management Solutions, Inc.
63.Anton-Bruckner-Apotheke Mag.pharm. Christian Schwarzenbrunner KG, LG Linz
64.AOR Holding Company of Indiana, Inc. (AOR Holding Company of Indiana, LLC)
65.AOR Holding Company of Indiana, LLC
66.AOR Management Company of Alabama, Inc.
67.AOR Management Company of Arizona, Inc. (AOR Management Company of Arizona, LLC)









68.AOR Management Company of Arizona, LLC
69.AOR Management Company of Central Florida, Inc.
70.AOR Management Company of Florida, Inc.
71.AOR Management Company of Indiana, Inc. (AOR Management Company of Indiana, LLC)
72.AOR Management Company of Indiana, LLC
73.AOR Management Company of Kansas, Inc.
74.AOR Management Company of Missouri, Inc. (AOR Management Company of Missouri, LLC)
75.AOR Management Company of Missouri, LLC
76.AOR Management Company of Nevada, Inc.
77.AOR Management Company of New York, Inc.
78.AOR Management Company of North Carolina, Inc.
79.AOR Management Company of Ohio, Inc.
80.AOR Management Company of Oklahoma, Inc. (AOR Management Company of Oklahoma, LLC)
81.AOR Management Company of Oklahoma, LLC
82.AOR Management Company of Oregon, Inc.
83.AOR Management Company of Pennsylvania, Inc. (AOR Management Company of Pennsylvania, LLC)
84.AOR Management Company of Pennsylvania, LLC
85.AOR Management Company of South Carolina, Inc.
86.AOR Management Company of Texas, Inc.
87.AOR Management Company of Virginia, Inc. (AOR Management Company of Virginia, LLC)
88.AOR Management Company of Virginia, LLC
89.AOR of Indiana Management Partnership
90.AOR of Texas Management Limited Partnership
91.AOR of Texas Management, LLC



92.AOR Real Estate, Inc. (AOR Real Estate, LLC)
93.AOR Real Estate, LLC
94.AOR Synthetic Real Estate, Inc. (AOR Synthetic Real Estate, LLC)
95.AOR Synthetic Real Estate, LLC
96.AORIP, Inc.
97.AORT Holding Company, Inc. (AORT Holding Company, LLC)
98.AORT Holding Company, LLC
100.Aporana AS
101.Apotheke "Zum Bergmann" Mag.pharm. Sabine Tuttner KG, LG Leoben
102.Apotheke "Zur heiligen Dreifaltigkeit" Mag. pharm. Edith Schuller-Grundnig KG, Landesgericht Korneuburg
103.Apotheke "Zur Mutter Gottes" Mag. pharm. Karin Nozicka KG, HG Wien
104.Apotheke Atzgersdorf Mr. Hermann Latzin KG, Wien
105.Apotheke im Messepark Mag. pharm. Dietmar Purin KG, LG Feldkirch
106.Apotheke Niklasdorf Mag. pharm. Matthias Schöggl KG, LG Leoben
107.APOTHEKE U1 TROSTSTRASSE, Mag. pharm. Max Wellan KG, HG Wien
108.Apotheke Zum heiligen Antonius Mag. pharm. Walter Staschek KG, LG Wiener Neustadt
109.Apotheke zum heiligen Schutzengel Mag.pharm. Barbara Penz-Arzberger KG, Landesgericht Graz
110.Apotheke zum Patriarchen Mag. pharm. Brigitte Kölbl KG, HG Wien
111.Apotheke Zur hl. Dreifaltigkeit Mag. pharm. Doris Richter KG, LG Wiener Neustadt
112.Apotheke Zur Hütte Mag. pharm. Mrak KG, LG Leoben
113.Apovest AS
114.Apovest Drift AS
115.Art Acquisition Subsidiary, Inc.
116.Ascalon International, Inc.
117.ATLAS Travel Clinic Limited, England
118.Attentus Medical Sales, Incorporated (Attentus Medical Sales, LLC)
119.Attentus Medical Sales, LLC
120.Awarix, Inc.
121.Axis Medical Management, Inc.









124. Azienda Farmacie Milanesi S.p.A., CCIAA di Milano
125. Babbingore Limited, Dublin
127. Ballycane Pharmacy Limited, Ireland
133. BDI Pharma, Inc.  (BDI Pharma, LLC)
134. BDI Pharma, LLC
135. Beausejour Drugs Limited
137. Beldere Corporation
138. BeneVi Health LLC (Biologics, Inc.)
139. BENU Apotheken B.V., Chamber of commerce Amsterdam
140. BENU Nederland BV, Kamer van Koophandel Amsterdam
144. Biologics, Inc.
145. Blackhall Pharmaceutical Distributors Limited
146. Blackhawk Development LLC
147. Blackstaff Pharmaceuticals Limited, England
148. Blomsterdalen Apotek AS
149. Blue Medical Supply, Inc. (McKesson Medical-Surgical Inc.)
150. Boad Seven, Inc.
151. BOFH Holdings Unlimited Company, Ireland
152. Bottomline Medical Solutions, LLC (Linear Holdings, LLC)


153. Breamor Pharmacy Limited, Ireland
154. Brevard Radiation Oncology, LLC
155. Brickyard Acquisition Inc. (Biologics, Inc.)
157. Brocacef Groep N.V., Maarssen
158. Brockton Radiation Oncology, LLC
159. Brooklyn Radiation Oncology, LLC
160. Brukar Enterprises, Inc.
161. Bullet Acquisition Corporation
163. California Golden State Finance Company
164. Camic Pharmacies Limited, Ireland
165. Canada Distribution Holdings Limited Partnership
166. Canada Retail Holdings Limited Partnership Societe en Commandite Gestion Detail Canada
167. Cancer Treatment Associates of Northeast Missouri, Ltd.
169. Carrollton Radiation Therapy Center, LLC
170. Cascade Medical Supply, Inc. (McKesson Medical-Surgical Minnesota Supply Inc.)
171. Cavalier Acquisition Company LLC
172. CCCN NW Building JV, LLC
173. Celesio Business Services Ltd., Ireland
175. CGSF Funding Corporation (CGSF Funding LLC)
176. CGSF Funding LLC
177. Chem Labs Limited, Dublin
178. CHNG Newco LLC
179. CHNG NewSub Inc.
180. City Properties, S.A.
181. Civiche Farmacie Desio S.p.A., Italy
182. Claimone, LLC (Linear Holdings, LLC)
183. ClaimSecure Inc. (SUCCESSOR)
186. ClarusONE Sourcing Services LLP
187. Clinicians Database, L.L.C.
188. CMR Holdings Ltd, Dublin
189. Coleham, Dublin
190. Colorado Cancer Centers, LLC
191. Combined Enterprises Corporation







196. CookCo, Inc.
197. Cophana SA, Belgium
198. Corporation Groupe Pharmessor/Pharmessor Group Corporation (SUCCESSOR 10/01/2017)
199. Corporation of America
200. CoverMyMeds LLC
201. CoverMYMeds Specialty Pharmacy Holdings LLC
202. CoverMYMeds Specialty Pharmacy LLC
203. CPG Industries, Inc.
204. Crocker Plaza Company (Crocker Plaza LLC)
205. Crocker Plaza LLC
209. Crowley's Blackrock Limited, Dublin
210. Cypress Import Brokerage LLC
211. Cypress Medical Products LLC
212. D & K Healthcare Resources LLC
213. D & K Healthcare Resources, Inc. (D & K Healthcare Resources LLC)
214. D & K Pharmacy Solutions, Inc.
215. D & K Receivables Corporation
216. D.F. O'Neill (Chemists) Ltd, Dublin
217. Dale Apotek AS
218. Danubia-Apotheke Mag. pharm. Barbara Sedelies KG, HG Wien
219. Dargle Pharmacies Holdings Limited, Ireland
220. DATACARE Datenpflege des PharmagroBhandels Ges.m.b.H., HG Wien
221. DATAPHARM, Paris
222. Daytona Beach Radiation Oncology, LLC
223. DC Land Company
224. DCAZ Land Company
225. Delta Clinical Research, LLC
226. DEPOTRADE, Bobigny
227. Derm Vantage, LLC


228. Diana-Apotheke Dr. et Mag. pharm. Michaela Stipsits KG, LG Eisenstadt
229. Die Apotheke Ebenfurth, Mag.pharm. Beate Haage-Lowe KG, LG Wiener Neustadt
230. Dispensing Solutions Acquisition Corporation (DS Holdings, Inc.)
231. Dispensing Solutions, Inc. (Dispensing Solutions, LLC)
232. Dispensing Solutions, LLC (DS Holdings, Inc.)
233. Ditt Apotek Amfi Os AS
234. Ditt Apotek Rodberg AS
235. Ditt Apotek Sorumsand AS
236. Diversified Healthcare, LLC
237. Dix Bulles Pharma, Belgium
238. DLI Market Intelligence ApS, Denmark
239. DOL Pharmacy Limited, Ireland
240. Donnybrook Pharmacy Limited, Ireland
241. Downtown Los Angeles Radiation Oncology, LLC
242. DS Holdings, Inc. (DS Holdings, LLC)
243. DS Holdings, LLC (McKesson Medical- Surgical Top Holdings Inc.)
244. DSRX, Inc. (DS Holdings, Inc.)
245. Dublin 2016 Acquisition, LLC
246. Dublin Holdings Acquisitions, LLC (Vantage Oncology Holdings, LLC)
247. Dublin POS I Acquisition Corp. (POS I Corp.)
248. East Indy CC, LLC
250. Edwards Medical Supply, Inc.
251. EM Acquisition Corporation
252. Emploi AS
253. Engel-Apotheke Mag. pharm. Susanne Zauner KG, LG Wiener Neustadt
254. Ephrata Diamond Spring Water Co.
256. Espafarmed S.L., Belgium
257. EUROSANTE (Societe en liquidation), Luxembourg
258. Evesland Limited, Dublin
261. Family Pharmacy @ Las Colinas LLC
262. Fana Apotek AS
263. FAR.CO.SAN S.p.A., CCIAA di Arezzo







265. Farmacia Garbatella I S.r.l., Italy
266. Farmacie Comunali di Modena S.p.A., Italy
267. Farmacie Comunali di Padova S.p.A., Italy
268. Farmacie di Sassuolo S.p.A., Italy
269. Farmacie Pratesi Pratofarma S.p.A., CCIAA di Prato
271. FASTPRO International, Inc.
272. Federal Medical Supplies, Inc. (McKesson Medical-Surgical Minnesota Supply Inc.)
273. Felview Limited, Dublin
274. First Aid Service, Inc.
275. First Choice Medical Supply Holding, Inc. (First Choice Medical Supply Holding, LLC)
276. First Choice Medical Supply Holding, LLC
277. First Choice Medical Supply, LLC
279. Flex-Master Technology Holdings, Inc.
280. Floriani-Apotheke Mag.pharm. Doris Leykauf KG, LG Graz
281. Foremost de Venezuela, S.A. (Forvensa)
282. Foremost Homes Hawaii, Ltd.
283. Foremost Iran Corporation
284. Foremost Shir, Inc.
285. Foremost Tehran, Inc.
288. Foundation For Opioid Response Efforts
289. G J MALEY LIMITED, Isle Of Man
292. GEHE Immobilien GmbH & Co. KG, Stuttgart
293. GEHE Immobilien Verwaltungs-GmbH, Stuttgart
294. GEHE Pharma Handel GmbH, Stuttgart
295. General Medical Inc.
297. Gerard Ryan Pharmacy (Clonmel) Limited, Dublin


298. GERSTHOFER-APOTHEKE Mag.pharm. Elisabeth Reisegger KG, HG Wien
299. Giardina Enterprises, Inc.
300. Glendale Radiation Oncology, LLC (Vantage Oncology Treatment Centers, LLC)
301. Golden State Company, Ltd.
302. Golden State Corporate Services LLC
303. Golden State Insurance Company Limited
304. Golden State Milk Products Company
305. Goodman Manufacturing Company
306. Gorrys Pharmacy Limited, Ireland
307. Goviltown Limited, Westmeath
308. GPL 2007 LIMITED, England
311. Greenville Radiation Care, Inc.
312. Greystones Pharmacy Limited, Dublin
313. GROUPE PHR, France
314. Gulf South Medical Supply, Inc. (Gulf South Medical Supply, LLC)
315. Gulf South Medical Supply, LLC
316. Gwinnett Radiation Oncology, LLC
318. Haleston Enterprises Limited, Dublin
319. HBO & Company (VI), Inc.
320. HBO & Company of Georgia
321. HBOC Ventures, Inc.
322. HC Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH, HG Wien
323. HDSC Acquisition Corp.
324. Health Data Sciences Corporation
325. Health Mart Atlas, LLC
326. Health Mart Systems, Inc.
329. Heinz Management Co.
330. Helmard Holdings Limited, Dublin
331. HEP HealthQx Holdings, Inc. (McKesson Technologies Inc.)
332. Herba Chemosan Apotheker-AG, HG Wien
334. Hercules Parent LLC
335. Herz - Jesu Apotheke Mag. pharm. Marianne Keller KG, HG Wien








336. Herz Jesu Apotheke & Parfümerie Mag. pharm. Ingrid Heller KG, LG Feldkirch
337. HF Land Company
338. HFN of Northwest Florida, Inc.
341. HisComp Co., Zee Medical Service Co.
342. HMS Acquisition Corp.
343. HOLLYFAR - Marcas e Comunicacao, Unipessoal, Lda., Portugal
345. HOLON, S.A., Portugal
346. Honeybee Bridge LLC
347. HTP Inc. (HTP LLC)
348. HTP LLC
349. Hubertus-Apotheke Mag.pharm. E. Klettenhofer KG, HG Wien
351. Hygeia Bottled Water, Inc.
353. IHA Corp.
354. Imagine Health, Inc.
356. Indian River Radiation Oncology, LLC
357. Infolab, LLC
358. Innovent Oncology, LLC
360. Integrated Cancer Care, LLC
361. Integrated Pathology Services
362. IntelliClaim, Inc.
363. Inten GmbH, Stuttgart
364. Intercal, Inc.
365. International Dairy Engineering Co. of Asia, Inc.
366. InterQual Inc.
367. intraFUSION GP, LLC
368. Intrafusion Holding Corp.
369. intraFUSION Purchasing Network, LLC
370. intraFUSION Research Network, LLC
371. Inviva, McKesson Pharma Care Network Corporation / La Corporation Inviva, Reseau de soins pharmacologiques McKesson (SUCCESSOR)
372. Iowa Pharmaceutical Services, LLC
373. IPCC LIMITED, England
374. IPD Holdings, Inc.


375. J S DENT LIMITED, England
376. Bradbury (Surgical) Limited, Northern Ireland
377. J.G. Crowley Pharmacy Limited, Dublin
378. JACS, Inc.
379. Jaron, Inc.
380. Jeffersonville Radiation Technology, LLC
381. Jessheim Apotek AS
382. Jewett Drug Co.
383. Jewett Drug LLC
384. Johannes Apotheke Mag. pharm. Deutsch KG, LG Graz
387. Jupiter Acquisition Ltd.
388. Kairnbury, Dublin
389. Kathleen Properties Subdivision Association, Inc.
390. Keling Limited
391. Keltman Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Linear Holdings, LLC)
392. Kemofarmacija, veletrgovina za oskrbo zdravstva, d.d., Ljubljana
393. Keystone/Ozone Pure Water Company
394. Kilshallow Limited, Dublin
397. Kitco, Inc.
398. Knowledgeable Healthcare Solutions, Inc.
399. Kreuz-Apotheke KG, HG Wien
400. KWS & P, Inc
401. KWS & P/SFA, Inc.
403. Laboratoria Flandria NV, Belgium
404. Laboratory Supply Company
405. Labsco Holdings, Inc. (McKesson Medical-Surgical Inc.)
406. Leesburg Radiation Oncology, LLC
408. Liberty Real Estate NJ LLC
409. Lind-Apotheke Mag. pharm. Alexander Telesko KG, LG Klagenfurt
410. Linear Holdings, Inc. (McKesson Medical-Surgical Top Holdings Inc.)
411. Linear Holdings, LLC (Linear Holdings, Inc.)







412. Linear Medical Solutions, LLC
415. Lissone Farmacie S.p.A., CCIAA di Monza e Brianza
417. LKW, Inc.
422. Lloyds Pharmacy Clinical Homecare Limited, England
425. LLOYDS Property Management Company Belgium S.A., Belgium
427. Lloyds Retail S.r.l., Socio Unico, Italy
429. Lloydspharma Group S.A., Belgium
430. Lloydspharma S.A., Belgium
431. Lloydspharmacy Ireland Limited, Dublin
432. Lory Apotheke Mag. pharm. Karin Eichinger KG, HG Wien
433. LP Clinical Homecare Group Limited, England
434. LPL ONE LIMITED, England
435. M H GILL LIMITED, England
436. M PAYNE & CO LIMITED, England
437. Macfor International Finance Company
438. MACON Acquisition Corp.
439. Macro Helix LLC
440. Madison Acquisition Inc.
441. Marathon Acquisition Subsidiary, Inc.
442. Mariahilf-Apotheke Mag. pharm. Christoph Rücklinger KG, LG St. Polten
443. Mariahilf-Apotheke Mag. pharm. Helga Mann KG, Landesgericht Graz
444. Marien-Apotheke Mag. pharm. Thomas Job KG, LG Eisenstadt


445. Marien-Apotheke, Mag.pharm. Eva Grabner KG, Landesgericht Korneuburg
446. Maryland First Aid Co., Inc.
447. MASTA Limited, England
448. Masters Drug Company, Inc.
449. MATIS Immobilien OHG, Stuttgart
450. Maurice F. Dougan Limited, Dublin
451. May Roberts Ltd, Dublin
452. MCK Acquisition Corp.
453. McK International Financial Holdings (Barbados) SRL
454. McKesson (Cayman Islands) Inc.
455. McKesson (Shanghai) Trading Company Limited
456. McKesson + Strategic Solutions ULC / Solutions Strategiques McKesson + ULC
457. McKesson Automation Systems Inc.
458. McKesson Belgium Holdings SPRL, Belgium
459. McKesson Canada Corporation/La Corporation McKesson Canada (SUCCESSOR)
460. McKesson Canada Finance IA ULC
461. McKesson Canada Finance IB ULC
462. McKesson Capital Funding Corp.
463. McKesson Capital Funding Corporation
464. McKesson Capital LLC
465. McKesson Central Fill LLC (McKesson Distribution Holdings LLC)
466. McKesson Contract Research Organization LLC
467. McKesson Cork Business Solutions Unlimited Company
468. McKesson Corporate Properties, Inc.
469. McKesson Corporation
470. McKesson Development Corp.
471. McKesson Distribution Holdings LLC
472. McKesson Drug Company LLC
473. McKesson Europe AG
474. McKesson Europe Holdings GmbH & Co. KGaA
475. McKesson Europe Holdings Verwaltungs GmbH
476. McKesson Financial Holdings II Unlimited Company
477. McKesson Financial Holdings Unlimited Company
478. McKesson Financing Trust III
479. McKesson Financing Trust IV
480. McKesson Foundation Inc.







482. McKesson France Retail, Bobigny B
483. McKesson Funding Company of Canada
484. McKesson Global Procurement & Sourcing Limited
485. McKesson Global Sourcing Limited
486. McKesson Global Sourcing Limited [Irish Branch]
487. McKesson Health Solutions Holdings LLC
488. McKesson Health Solutions LLC
489. McKesson Health Solutions Puerto Rico Inc.
490. McKesson Health Solutions Texas Inc.
491. McKesson High Volume Solutions Inc.
492. McKesson Information Solutions Finance S.a.r.l.
493. McKesson Information Solutions Holdings II S.a.r.l.
494. McKesson Information Solutions Holdings III S.a.r.l.
495. McKesson Information Solutions Holdings IV S.a.r.l.
496. McKesson Information Solutions Holdings V S.a.r.l.
497. McKesson Information Solutions III LLC
498. McKesson Information Solutions Inc. (McKesson Information Solutions LLC)
499. McKesson Information Solutions IV LLC
500. McKesson Information Solutions LLC
501. McKesson Information Solutions Topholdings S.a.r.l.
502. McKesson Information Solutions UK Limited
503. McKesson International Bermuda IP2A Limited
504. McKesson International Bermuda IP2B Unlimited
505. McKesson International Bermuda IP3A Limited
506. McKesson International Bermuda IP3B Unlimited (McKesson International Bermuda IP3A Limited)
507. McKesson International Bermuda IP4A Limited
508. McKesson International Bermuda IP4B Unlimited (McKesson International Bermuda IP4A Limited)
509. McKesson International Bermuda IP5A Limited


510. McKesson International Bermuda IP5B Unlimited (McKesson International Bermuda IP5A Limited)
511. McKesson International Bermuda Opco1A Limited
512. McKesson International Bermuda Opco1B Unlimited (McKesson International Bermuda Opco1A Limited)
513. McKesson International Bermuda Opco3A Limited
514. McKesson International Bermuda Opco3B Unlimited (McKesson International Bermuda Opco3A Limited)
515. McKesson International Bermuda Opco4A Limited
516. McKesson International Bermuda Opco4B Unlimited
517. McKesson International Finance III Limited (McKesson US Finance Corporation)
518. McKesson International Finance S.a.r.l.
519. McKesson International Holdings III S.a.r.l.
520. McKesson International Holdings IV S.a.r.l.
521. McKesson International Holdings S.a.r.l.
522. McKesson International Holdings Unlimited Company
523. McKesson International Holdings VI S.a.r.l.
524. McKesson International Holdings VII S.a.r.l.
525. McKesson International Investment Corp.
526. McKesson International Ireland I Limited
527. McKesson International LLC
528. McKesson International Malaysia Sdn Bhd
529. McKesson International S.a.r.l.
530. McKesson International Topholdings S.a.r.l.
531. McKesson Ireland Limited
532. McKesson Logistics Solutions
533. McKesson Medical Imaging Company Ltd. (predecessor)
534. McKesson Medical-Surgical FDT Inc.
535. McKesson Medical-Surgical Government Solutions LLC
536. McKesson Medical-Surgical Holdings Inc.
537. McKesson Medical-Surgical Inc.
538. McKesson Medical-Surgical Iowa Inc.







539. McKesson Medical-Surgical Iowa Supply Inc.
540. McKesson Medical-Surgical Maine Inc.
541. McKesson Medical-Surgical Manufacturing Inc.
542. McKesson Medical-Surgical MediMart Inc.
543. McKesson Medical-Surgical MediNet Inc.
544. McKesson Medical-Surgical Minnesota Inc. (McKesson Medical-Surgical Holdings Inc.)
545. McKesson Medical-Surgical Minnesota Supply Inc.
546. McKesson Medical-Surgical Supply Chain Services LLC
547. McKesson Medical-Surgical Top Holdings Inc.
548. McKesson Medication Management Holdings Inc.
549. McKesson Medication Management Virgin Islands Inc.
550. McKesson Norway Holdings AS
551. McKesson Pharmacy Optimization LLC
552. McKesson Pharmacy Systems Canada ULC
553. McKesson Pharmacy Systems LLC
554. McKesson Plasma and Biologics LLC
555. McKesson Prescription Drug Plan LLC
556. McKesson Property Company, Inc.
557. McKesson Purchasing Company LLC
558. McKesson Services Inc. (McKesson Services LLC)
559. McKesson Services LLC
560. McKesson Sourcing Services Inc.
561. McKesson Specialized Distribution Inc. / McKesson Distribution Specialisee Inc. (Successor)
562. McKesson Specialty Arizona Inc.
563. McKesson Specialty Care Distribution Corporation (McKesson Specialty Care Distribution LLC)
564. McKesson Specialty Care Distribution JV LLC
565. McKesson Specialty Care Distribution LLC
566. McKesson Specialty Corporation
567. McKesson Specialty Distribution LLC
568. McKesson Specialty Health Innovative Practice Services, LLC
569. McKesson Specialty Health Management Services LLC


570. McKesson Specialty Health Pharmaceutical & Biotech Solutions, LLC
571. McKesson Specialty Health Pharmaceutical & Biotech Solutions, LP (McKesson Specialty Health Pharmaceutical & Biotech Solutions, LLC)
572. McKesson Specialty Health Technology Products LLC
573. McKesson Specialty Pharmacy, LP (RxC Acquisition Company)
574. McKesson Specialty Prescription Services (Atlantic) Corporation/Corporation McKesson Services de Prescription Specialisee (Atlantique)
575. McKesson Specialty Prescription Services (B.C.) Corporation
576. McKesson Specialty Prescription Services Corporation
577. McKesson SPS (Manitoba) Corporation
578. McKesson Strategic Services Limited
579. McKesson Technologies Inc.
580. McKesson Trading Company
581. McKesson Transportation Systems, Inc.
582. McKesson UK Finance I Limited
583. McKesson UK Finance II Limited
584. McKesson UK Finance V Limited
585. McKesson UK Holdings Limited
586. McKesson US Finance Corporation
587. McKesson US Holdings GP
588. McKesson Ventures LLC
589. McKesson Ventures Unlimited Company
590. McQueary Bros. Drug Company
591. McQueary Bros. Drug Company, LLC
592. McSweeney Dispensers 10 Limited, Ireland
593. McSweeney Dispensers 23 Limited, Ireland
594. MDD pharma N.V., Belgium
595. MED3000 Health Solutions Southeast
596. MED3000 RPG
597. Medaid Supply, Inc.
598. Medcon Telemedicine Technology, Inc.
599. Median Healthcare Services Unlimited Company, Ireland
600. Medical & Vaccine Products, Inc.
601. Medical Advisory Services for Travellers Abroad Limited, England
602. Medical Specialties Distributors Holdings, Inc. (MSD Parent Corporation)
603. Medical Specialties Distributors, LLC







604. Medical Specialties Holdings Corp. (Medical Specialties Holdings II Corp.)
605. Medical Specialties Holdings II Corp.
606. Medicentres Canada Inc. (SUCCESSOR)
607. Medicine Shoppe Atlantic Corporation
608. Medicine Shoppe Canada Corporation
609. Medicine Shoppe Canada Real Estate Corporation
611. MediVation, Inc.
612. MedVentive Inc.
613. MeMed CZ s.r.o., Praha
614. Menges Medizintechnik Schweiz AG, Sankt Gallen
615. Merlin Subsidiary Inc.
616. Merrick Healthcare Limited
617. Metabolic Healthcare Holdings Limited, England
618. Metabolic Healthcare Limited, England
619. Metropolitan Integrated Cancer Center, L.L.C.
620. MH/USON Radiation Management Company, LLC
621. MHD-USO General, LLC
622. MHD-USO Management Company, LP
623. MHS Connecticut LLC
624. Michigan Pharmaceutical Services, LLC
625. Mid-Atlantic Radiation Oncology LLC
626. Millennium Merger Corporation
627. Mohawk Liqueur Corporation
628. Mohren-Apotheke Mag. Christian Müller KG, LG Graz
629. Moore Medical LLC (McKesson Medical- Surgical Government Solutions LLC)
630. Mosaic Acquisition Corporation
632. MSA Products LLC
633. MSD Acquisition Corp. (Medical Specialties Holdings Corp.)
634. MSD Parent Corporation (MSD Acquisition Corp.)
635. Multum Information Services, Inc.
637. MWPC Acquisition Corp.
638. MWPC Acquisition Corp. (PA)
639. My MHealth Limited, England & Wales
640. myhca, inc.
641. NARO, LLC
642. National Oncology Alliance, Inc.


643. Natureline, Dublin
644. NDC of Canada, Inc.
645. NDCHealth Corporation
646. NDCHealth Pharmacy Systems and Services, Inc.
647. Nebraska Pharmaceutical Services, LLC
648. Negatron, Inc.
649. Nensi d.o.o., Ljubljana
651. New Experimental Therapeutics of San Antonio, LLC
653. New Mexico Pharmaceutical Services, LLC
654. NewHealthCo, LLC
655. NexCura, LLC (McKesson Specialty Health Technology Products LLC)
656. Nibelungen-Apotheke Mag. pharm. Michaela Wachter KG, LG St. Polten
657. Norsk Medisinaldepot AS
658. North Carolina Pharmaceutical Services, LLC
659. Northeast Pennsylvania Radiation Oncology, LP
660. Northern Arizona Oncology Centers, LLC
661. Northern Boulevard Radiation Oncology Management, LLC
662. Northern San Fernando Valley Radiation Oncology, LLC
663. Northstar Healthcare Holdings Limited
664. Northstar Healthcare Holdings Unlimited Company
665. Northstar Healthcare Limited
666. Northstar Healthcare Unlimited Company
667. Northstar International Holdings Limited
668. Northstar Rx LLC
669. Norvern Enterprises, Inc.
670. NR Direct, Inc. (McKesson Patient Care Solutions Inc.)
671. O'Leary Pharmacy (Lucan) Limited, Dublin
672. OCP FORMATION, Bobigny
675. OCP, Bobigny
676. Oncology Holdings II, Inc.
677. Oncology Holdings, Inc.
678. Oncology Rehab Partners, LLC







679. Oncology Therapeutics Network Corporation
680. Oncology Today, LP
681. OnMark, Inc.
682. Optimed Health Limited, England & Wales
683. Orca Acquisition Corp.
684. 0rebekk Apotek AS
685. Oswald-Apotheke Mag. pharm. Ilse Pedevilla KG, LG Feldkirch
686. OTN Generics, Inc.
687. OTN Participant, Inc.
688. Outpatient Infusion Systems, Inc
689. 0ygarden Apotek AS
690. P C Cahill & Company Limited, Dublin
691. P.L.C.E., Inc.
692. Packet Merger Sub Inc.
694. Palm Merger Sub, Inc.
695. Panther Acquisition Corporation
696. Panther-Apotheke Mag. pharm. Margarete Breyha KG., LG St. Polten
697. Paracelsus-Apotheke Mag. pharm. Dr. Birgit Müller KG, Austria
698. Pathology Service Associates, LLC
699. Pathway Purchasing Network, LLC
700. Patient Account Management Services, Inc.
702. PCB SA, Belgium
704. peerVue, Inc. (DE)
705. peerVue, Inc. (NH)
706. Pemberton Marketing International Limited
707. Penn-Chem Corporation
708. PERILLA Grundstücks- Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, AG München
709. Per-Se Transaction Services, Inc.
710. PF2 McKesson Technologies Inc.
711. PF2 SpinCo Inc.
712. Pharma Belgium Belmedis SA, Belgium
714. Pharma Services (NI) Limited, Northern Ireland
715. Pharmaceutical Distributors Federation Ireland Company Limited By Guarantee
716. Pharmaceutical Support Services, Inc.
717. Pharmacie Ananga-Talom, Belgium


718. Pharmacie de la Bascule, Belgium
720. Pharmacy O'Riada Holdings Limited, Dublin
724. PhyServ Solutions, Inc.
725. Physician Micro Systems, Inc.
726. Physician Oncology Services Management Company, LLC
727. Physician Reliance Holdings, LLC
728. Physician Reliance Maryland, LP
729. Physician Reliance Network, Inc. (Physician Reliance Network, LLC)
730. Physician Reliance Network, LLC
731. Physician Reliance, L.P.
732. Physician Reliance, LLC
733. Physician Sales & Service Limited Partnership
734. Physician Sales & Service, Inc. (McKesson Medical-Surgical Top Holdings Inc.)
735. Pindsle Apotek AS
736. PMLX Limited
737. POC Management Group, LLC (Dispensing Solutions, Inc.)
738. Podiatry Online, Inc.
739. Portico Systems of Delaware, Inc.
740. POS I Corp. (Dublin 2016 Acquisition, LLC)
741. Presbyterian Cancer Center-Dallas, LLC
742. Prescribing Support Services Limited, England & Wales
743. Prima Brands Limited, Northern Ireland
745. Prismedica S.A.S.
746. PRN Physician Reliance, LLC
747. Pro-AvO GmbH, Deutschland
748. Proclaim, Inc. (McKesson Medical- Surgical MediMart Inc.)
749. PRODILAB, France
750. Providence Radiation Oncology Partners LLC
751. PSS China Sourcing Limited
752. PSS Global Holdings
753. PSS Global Sourcing China Business Trust
754. PSS Global Sourcing Hong Kong Limited








755. PSS Global Sourcing Limited [Hong Kong]
756. PSS HK 1 Limited
757. PSS Holding, Inc. (McKesson Medical- Surgical Inc.)
758. PSS Service, Inc. (McKesson Medical- Surgical Top Holdings Inc.)
759. PSS Southeast Asia Limited
760. PSS World Medical, Inc.
761. PST Products, LLC
762. PST Services, Inc. (PST Products, LLC)
763. Purchasing Alliance for Clinical Therapeutics, LLC
766. R/X Automation Solutions, LLC
767. Raabtal-Apotheke Mag.pharm. Karin Drawetz KG, Landesgericht Graz
768. Radiation Oncology Services of America, Inc.
769. Radiotherapy Clinic Holdings, LLC
770. Radiotherapy Clinics of Kentuckiana, LLC
771. Radiotherapy Clinics of Kentuckiana-2, LLC
772. Radius Data Solutions, LLC
773. Radius Reimbursement Services, LLC
774. Radunnco, Inc.
775. Rancare, Inc.
776. Randolph Home Care Inc.
777. Randolph Medical Inc.
778. RCOG Cancer Centers, LLC
779. Rebel Distributors Corp. (McKesson Medical-Surgical Top Holdings Inc.)
780. recucare GmbH, Stuttgart
781. recusana GmbH, Stuttgart
782. Regenbogenapotheke "Am Leberberg" Mag. pharm. Andreas Portisch KG, HG Wien
783. RelayHealth Corporation (McKesson Information Solutions LLC)
784. Renoir Acquisition Corporation
785. Renoir Acquisition Corporation (DE)
787. RetraceHealth, Inc.
788. Rexall Pharmacy Group Ltd.
789. Rexall/Pharma Plus Pharmacies (BC) Ltd.
790. Rexall/Pharma Plus Pharmacies (Sask) Ltd.


791. Rexall/Pharma Plus Pharmacies Ltd.
792. Riel, Inc.
793. Riverside Radiation Oncology, LLC (Vantage Oncology Treatment Centers, LLC)
794. R-jet, Incorporated
795. RMCC Cancer Center, Inc. (RMCC Cancer Center, LLC)
796. RMCC Cancer Center, LLC
797. ROSA of Eastern Shore, LLC
798. ROSA of Georgia, LLC
799. ROSA of South Alabama, LLC
800. ROSA of Southern New Jersey, LLC
801. Roth Medical Services, Inc.
802. RPRS, LLC
803. RX Information Technology LLC
804. RxC Acquisition Company
805. RxCrossroads 3PL LLC
806. Ryle and De Lacy Pharmacies Limited, Ireland
807. S.K.U., Inc.
808. Salus-Apotheke Mag. pharm. Simone Gaigg KG, Salzburg
809. Salvator - Apotheke Mag. pharm. Gertrude Polzl KG, LG Leoben
810. San Bruno Mountain Ltd., A California Limited Partnership
811. Sandviken Apotek AS
812. Sangers (Northern Ireland) Limited, Northern Ireland
813. SANOVA Pharma GesmbH, HG Wien
817. Schutzengelapotheke Neufeld Mag. Schweifer KG, LG Eisenstadt
818. Scrip Pak, LLC (Linear Holdings, LLC)
819. Script2U Holdings LLC
820. Script2U LLC
821. ScriptHero LLC
822. ScriptHero Pharmacy Holdings LLC
823. ScriptHero Pharmacy LLC
824. Select RX, LLC (Linear Holdings, LLC)
825. SelectPlus Oncology, LLC
826. Sens Arbeidsinkludering AS
827. Sens Eiendom AS
828. Sens Gruppen AS
829. Sens Utvikling AS







831. SF Valley Derm Equipment I, LLC
832. Sherman Oaks Radiation Oncology, LLC (Vantage Oncology Treatment Centers, LLC)
833. Sherman Oaks Radiation Technology, LLC (Vantage Oncology Treatment Centers, LLC)
834. Shoup Properties, Inc.
835. SHS V Medtech Investments GmbH & Co. KG
836. Simply Medical LLC
837. SIVEM Pharmaceuticals ULC/SIVEM Produits Pharmaceutiques ULC
838. Six R Investments, Inc.
841. Sofarmex BVBA, Belgium
842. Sofiadis SCRL, Belgium
843. Soldier Acquisition Corporation
844. SOPI The Lough Limited, Ireland
845. SOPI Youghal Limited, Ireland
846. SourceTenn LLC
847. South Alabama Cancer Centers, LLC
848. South Bay Radiation Oncology, LLC
849. South Pacific Medical Inc.
850. Southeast Merger Corp.
851. Southeast Texas Cancer Centers, L.P.
852. Southern California Radiation Oncology, LLC
853. Spider Acquisition Corporation
854. Spirit Acquisition Corporation
855. Spring Valley Industries, LLC
856. St. Louis Pharmaceutical Services, LLC
857. St. Lucas-Apotheke Mag.pharm. Ilona Elisabeth Leitner KG, HG Wien
858. St. Markus Apotheke Dr. Elke Kramberger-Kaplan KG, LG Linz
859. St. Richard Apotheke Mag.pharm. Ursula Kohl KG, Landesgericht Korneuburg
860. Stadion-Apotheke Mag. pharm. Ulrike Grosser-Schmidt KG, LG St. Polten
861. Stadt-Apotheke "Zur heiligen Barbara" Mag. pharm. Igor Mauritsch KG, Austria
862. Stadtapotheke Fürstenfeld Mag. pharm. Waltraud Maier KG, Landesgericht Graz


863. Stat RX USA, LLC (Linear Holdings, LLC)
866. Sterling Medical Services, LLC (McKesson Patient Care Solutions Inc.)
867. STQ LLC
868. Strategic Health Alliance II, Inc.
869. Strategic Health Alliance Management Corp.
870. Strategic Sourcing Services LLC
871. Streator Radiation Oncology, LLC
872. Stubaital-Apotheke Mag.pharm. Christian Kernstock KG, LG Innsbruck
873. Summa Script LLC
874. Sund Apotek AS
876. Supplylogix LLC
878. T. Sheridan Sales & Marketing, Dublin
879. Tabor Apotheke Mag. pharm. Wolfram Schaden KG, LG Steyr
880. Targa Parent Holdings, LLC
881. TBC Products, Inc.
882. Temperature Controlled Pharmaceuticals Limited
883. Test Corporation changed 2 GM 3 AG
884. Test Entity - Corporation
885. Test Entity - Corporation (Glenette)
886. Test Entity - LLC (Anne)
887. Test Entity - LLC (Glenette)
888. Test Entity - LLC (Karen)
889. Test Entity - LLC (Melissa)
890. Test Entity - LP
891. Test Entity - Manager LLC
892. Test Entity - Member LLC
893. Test Entity - Parent Corporation
894. Texas Pharmaceutical Services, LLC
895. Texas Proton Therapy Center, LLC
896. The Oregon Cancer Centers, Ltd.
897. Theratech, Inc. (McKesson Medical-Surgical Top Holdings Inc.)
898. Thriftymed, Inc. (McKesson Medical-Surgical Top Holdings Inc.)
900. Titus Home Health Care LLC
901. Tjellesen Max Jenne A/S, Rodovre
902. Todin A/S, Denmark
903. TOPS Pharmacy Services, Inc.
904. Tower Radiation Technology, LLC
905. Tracer Enterprises LLC







906. Tri-State Radiation Oncology Centers, LLC
907. Tuna Acquisition Corp.
908. Tyler Radiation Equipment Leasing, LLC
909. Unicare Dispensers 16 Limited, Ireland
910. Unicare Dispensers 27 Limited, Ireland
911. Unicare Dispensers 5 Limited, Ireland
912. Unicare Pharmacy Group Limited, Dublin
913. United Drug (Wholesale) Limited
914. United Drug Distributors Ireland Limited
915. Unity Oncology, LLC
916. Urbani-Apotheke Mag. pharm. Bernhard Prattes KG, LG Graz
917. US Oncology Corporate, Inc.
918. US Oncology Holdings, Inc.
919. US Oncology Lab Services, LLC
920. US Oncology Pharmaceutical Services, LLC
921. US Oncology Pharmacy GPO, L.P.
922. US Oncology Reimbursement Solutions, LLC
923. US Oncology Research, Inc. (US Oncology Research, LLC)
924. US Oncology Research, LLC
925. US Oncology Specialty, LP
926. US Oncology, Inc.
927. USCITA LIMITED, England
928. USON Insurance Company
929. USON Risk Retention Group, Inc.
930. Utah Acquisition Corporation
931. Valley Equipment Company
932. Vantage Acquisition Company, LLC (Vantage Oncology, LLC)
933. Vantage Acquisition Finance, LLC (Vantage Oncology, LLC)
934. Vantage Cancer Care - Alabama, LLC (Vantage Cancer Care Networks, LLC)
935. Vantage Cancer Care - Indiana, LLC (Vantage Cancer Care Networks, LLC)
936. Vantage Cancer Care - New Mexico, LLC (Vantage Cancer Care Networks, LLC)
937. Vantage Cancer Care Network of Alabama, LLC (Vantage Cancer Care Networks, LLC)
938. Vantage Cancer Care Network of Indiana, LLC (Vantage Cancer Care Networks, LLC)
939. Vantage Cancer Care Network of New Mexico, LLC (Vantage Cancer Care Networks, LLC)
940. Vantage Cancer Care Networks, LLC


941. Vantage Cancer Centers of Georgia, LLC
942. Vantage Central Ohio Radiation Therapy, LLC
943. Vantage Equipment Acquisition, LLC
944. Vantage Exton Radiation Oncology, LLC
945. Vantage Medical Management Services, LLC
946. Vantage Mokena Radiation Oncology, LLC
947. Vantage Oncology - Brooklyn, LLC
948. Vantage Oncology Centers - Beverly Hills, LLC
949. Vantage Oncology Finance Co. (Vantage Oncology, LLC)
950. Vantage Oncology Holdings, LLC
951. Vantage Oncology LLC PAC Corporation
952. Vantage Oncology Physics, LLC
953. Vantage Oncology Treatment Centers - Brevard, LLC
954. Vantage Oncology Treatment Centers - Brockton, LLC
955. Vantage Oncology Treatment Centers - Central Florida, LLC (Vantage Oncology Treatment Centers, LLC)
956. Vantage Oncology Treatment Centers - Northern Arizona, LLC
957. Vantage Oncology Treatment Centers - Ohio, LLC (Vantage Oncology Treatment Centers, LLC)
958. Vantage Oncology Treatment Centers - San Antonio, LLC (Vantage Oncology Treatment Centers, LLC)
959. Vantage Oncology Treatment Centers - Tri-State, LLC
960. Vantage Oncology Treatment Centers, LLC
961. Vantage Oncology, LLC
962. Vantage Operational Support Services, LLC
963. Vantage Radiation Oncology Associates, LLC
964. Vantage San Antonio Radiation Oncology, LLC (Vantage Oncology Treatment Centers - San Antonio, LLC)
965. Vantage South Suburban Radiation Oncology, LLC
966. VC Services, Inc.
967. VEC GP, LLC
968. VerbalCare, LLC
969. Verdal Apotek AS
970. Very Important Products, Inc.







971.Visitacion Associates
972.Vitapharm, proizvodnja in trgovina farmacevtskih izdelkov d.o.o., Murska Sobota
973.Vitusapotek Jessheim Storsenter AS
974.Vitus-Apoteket Torvbyen Fredrikstad AS
975.VOTC-Queens, LLC
976.Vulcan Acquisition Subsidiary, Inc.
980.W.H.C.P. (DUNDEE) LIMITED,Scotland
981.Walsh Distribution, L.L.C.
982.Walsh Healthcare Solutions LLC
983.Walsh Healthcare Solutions, Inc.
984.Walsh Heartland, L.L.C.
985.Walsh Southwest L.L.C.
986.Well.ca ULC
987.West Florida Radiation Therapy, LLC
988.West Wholesale Drug Co.
990.Western Tumor Radiation Oncology, LLC (Vantage Oncology Treatment Centers, LLC)
991.Westside LA Derm Equipment I, LLC
992.WFCC Radiation Management Company,LLC
993.Wickham Radiation Oncology, LLC (Vantage Oncology Treatment Centers, LLC)
994.Wiley Industries, LLC
995.Wilkes Barre Radiation Technology, LLC (Vantage Oncology Treatment Centers, LLC)
996.Wilkes-Barre Radiation Oncology, LLC
997.Windmill Realty, LLC
999.World Medical Government Solutions, LLC
1000.WorldMed Shared Services, Inc.
1001.WZ-WundZentren GmbH, AG Düsseldorf
1002.Ybbstal-Apotheke Mag.pharm. Adelheid Tazreiter KG, LG St. Pölten
1003.Zeepro, Inc.










Subdivision Settlement Participation Form


Governmental Entity: State:
Authorized Official:  
Address 1:  
Address 2:  
City, State, Zip:  


The governmental entity identified above ("Governmental Entity"), in order to obtain and in consideration for the benefits provided to the Governmental Entity pursuant to the Settlement Agreement dated July 21, 2021 ("Distributor Settlement"), and acting through the undersigned authorized official, hereby elects to participate in the Distributor Settlement, release all Released Claims against all Released Entities, and agrees as follows.


1.The Governmental Entity is aware of and has reviewed the Distributor Settlement, understands that all terms in this Participation Form have the meanings defined therein, and agrees that by signing this Participation Form, the Governmental Entity elects to participate in the Distributor Settlement and become a Participating Subdivision as provided therein.
2.The Governmental Entity shall, within 14 days of the Reference Date and prior to the filing of the Consent Judgment, secure the dismissal with prejudice of any Released Claims that it has filed.
3.The Governmental Entity agrees to the terms of the Distributor Settlement pertaining to Subdivisions as defined therein.
4.By agreeing to the terms of the Distributor Settlement and becoming a Releasor, the Governmental Entity is entitled to the benefits provided therein, including, if applicable, monetary payments beginning after the Effective Date.
5.The Governmental Entity agrees to use any monies it receives through the Distributor Settlement solely for the purposes provided therein.
6.The Governmental Entity submits to the jurisdiction of the court in the Governmental Entity's state where the Consent Judgment is filed for purposes limited to that court's role as provided in, and for resolving disputes to the extent provided in, the Distributor Settlement. The Governmental Entity likewise agrees to arbitrate before the National Arbitration Panel as provided in, and for resolving disputes to the extent otherwise provided in, the Distributor Settlement.







7.The Governmental Entity has the right to enforce the Distributor Settlement as provided therein.
8.The Governmental Entity, as a Participating Subdivision, hereby becomes a Releasor for all purposes in the Distributor Settlement, including, but not limited to, all provisions of Part XI, and along with all departments, agencies, divisions, boards, commissions, districts, instrumentalities of any kind and attorneys, and any person in their official capacity elected or appointed to serve any of the foregoing and any agency, person, or other entity claiming by or through any of the foregoing, and any other entity identified in the definition of Releasor, provides for a release to the fullest extent of its authority. As a Releasor, the Governmental Entity hereby absolutely, unconditionally, and irrevocably covenants not to bring, file, or claim, or to cause, assist or permit to be brought, filed, or claimed, or to otherwise seek to establish liability for any Released Claims against any Released Entity in any forum whatsoever. The releases provided for in the Distributor Settlement are intended by the Parties to be broad and shall be interpreted so as to give the Released Entities the broadest possible bar against any liability relating in any way to Released Claims and extend to the full extent of the power of the Governmental Entity to release claims. The Distributor Settlement shall be a complete bar to any Released Claim.
9.The Governmental Entity hereby takes on all rights and obligations of a Participating Subdivision as set forth in the Distributor Settlement.
10.In connection with the releases provided for in the Distributor Settlement, each Governmental Entity expressly waives, releases, and forever discharges any and all provisions, rights, and benefits conferred by any law of any state or territory of the United States or other jurisdiction, or principle of common law, which is similar, comparable, or equivalent to § 1542 of the California Civil Code, which reads:


General Release; extent. A general release does not extend to claims that the creditor or releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release, and that if known by him or her would have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor or released party.


  A Releasor may hereafter discover facts other than or different from those which it knows, believes, or assumes to be true with respect to the Released Claims, but each Governmental Entity hereby expressly waives and fully, finally, and forever settles, releases and discharges, upon the Effective Date, any and all Released Claims that may exist as of such date but which Releasors do not know or suspect to exist, whether through ignorance, oversight, error, negligence or through no fault whatsoever, and which, if known, would materially affect the Governmental Entities' decision to participate in the Distributor Settlement.







11.Nothing herein is intended to modify in any way the terms of the Distributor Settlement, to which Governmental Entity hereby agrees. To the extent this Participation Form is interpreted differently from the Distributor Settlement in any respect, the Distributor Settlement controls.


I have all necessary power and authorization to execute this Participation Form on behalf of the Governmental Entity.











Settlement Fund Administrator




A.This Settlement Fund Administrator Terms incorporates all defined terms in the Distributor Settlement Agreement, unless otherwise defined herein, and shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with the Distributor Settlement Agreement.
B.Directed Trustee. The banking institution where the Settlement Fund is established and which distributes the funds according to the instructions of the Directing Administrator.17
C.Directing Administrator. The institution or individual that fulfills the remaining obligations of the Settlement Fund Administrator, other than those performed by the Directed Trustee.
D.Settlement Fund Administrator. The Directed Trustee together with the Directing Administrator (collectively referred to as the "Settlement Fund Administrators").
E.Settlement Fund Escrow. The escrow account established between the Settling Distributors and U.S. Bank National Association as of September 24, 2021, or such other escrow account that may be established pursuant to the Agreement to hold disputed or suspended payments made under the Agreement.


II.Establishment of the Settlement Fund Administrator


A.Selection of the Settlement Fund Administrators.


i.The duties of the Settlement Fund Administrator under the Distributor Settlement Agreement will be divided between Directed Trustee and Directing Administrator.
ii.The Directed Trustee and Directing Administrator will each be selected through a targeted solicitation process. Criteria for selection will include, but not be limited to, institutional strength; potential institutional conflicts; experience with work of similar size and complexity; capacity to handle the scope of work; staffing and other proposed resources; and cost and pricing proposals. The selection process will include written submissions and interviews.
iii.Within sixty (60) calendar days of the selection of the Settlement Fund Administrators, unless such time is extended by written agreement of the Settling Distributors and the Enforcement Committee, contracts shall be negotiated and finalized with the Directed Trustee and Directing Administrator.
iv.The terms of the Directed Trustee and Directing Administrator shall be for the duration of the Distributor Settlement Agreement or as otherwise specified in the contract executed with such entity, unless the Directed Trustee or the Directing Administrator is removed pursuant to Section II.C below.
B.Governance of the Settlement Fund Administrators.



17 Pursuant to the Letter Agreement dated February 25, 2022, Wilmington Trust, N.A. was selected as the Directed Trustee.







i.The Settlement Fund Administrators will act as independent and neutral third parties to determine Annual Payment and Participation Tier; administer and disburse funds from the Abatement Accounts Fund, State Fund, Subdivision Fund and Additional Restitution Amount; and perform other duties as described below and in the Distributor Settlement Agreement.
ii.All parties to the Distributor Settlement Agreement are entitled to rely upon information received from the Settlement Fund Administrators, whether in oral, written, or other form. No Party to the Distributor Settlement Agreement shall have any liability (whether direct or indirect, in contract or tort or otherwise) to any party for or in connection with any action taken or not taken by the Settlement Fund Administrators. In addition, no Party to the Distributor Settlement Agreement shall have any liability (whether direct or indirect, in contract or tort or otherwise) to any party for or in connection with any action taken or not taken by a Settling Distributor based on incorrect, inaccurate, incomplete or otherwise erroneous information or data provided by the Settlement Fund Administrators. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this paragraph alters Sections I to XIV of the Distributor Settlement Agreement or any of the exhibits therein.


C.Removal of the Settlement Fund Administrators.


i.The Directed Trustee or Directing Administrator may be removed for cause. The contracts with each entity shall describe the standards for removing that entity for cause.
ii.Disputes regarding the performance and/or removal of the Settlement Fund Administrators will be resolved by the National Arbitration Panel in accordance with Section VI.F of the Distributor Settlement Agreement.


D.Funding of the Settlement Fund Administrators.


i.The costs and fees associated with or arising out of the duties of the Settlement Fund Administrators, including third-party costs associated with the selection of the Settlement Fund Administrators and the set-up of the Settlement Fund Escrow, shall be paid from the interest accrued in the Settlement Fund Escrow and the Settlement Fund. For the years that Settlement Fund Administrators are used for the Janssen Settlement Agreement, seventy-five percent (75%) of the costs and fees will be attributed to the Distributer Settlement Agreement.
ii.In the event that the costs and fees of the Settlement Fund Administrators exceeds the accrued interest available, Settling Distributors shall pay fifty percent (50%) of the additional amount and fifty percent (50%) shall be paid out of the Settlement Fund pursuant to Section V.C.5 of the Distributor Settlement Agreement. The Settling Distributors will pay their amount to the Settlement Fund Administrators alongside the Annual Payment.
iii.Payments due from the Settling Distributors under this Section II.D shall be allocated evenly among the Settling Distributors. For the avoidance of doubt, each Settling Distributor's liability for its share of the costs and fees is several, and not joint. No Settling Distributor shall be responsible for any portion of another Settling Distributor's share.
iv.There will be a cap on the costs and fees of the Settlement Fund Administrators, which shall be dependent on the scope of services, the number and timing of







    distributions from the Settlement Fund, and the Settlement Fund Administrators' reporting requirements. The cap on fees and costs shall be specified in the contracts executed with each of the Directed Trustee and Directing Administrator.
v.Representatives of the Enforcement Committee and the Settling Distributors shall negotiate a "not to exceed" budget with the Settlement Fund Administrators and have the right to review the costs and fees of the Settlement Fund Administrators upon request. The deadlines and grounds for reviewing and objecting to such costs and fees will be established in the contracts executed with each of the Directed Trustee and Directing Administrator. Disputes regarding the payment of such costs and fees will be resolved by the National Arbitration Panel in accordance with Section VI.F of the Distributor Settlement Agreement.


III.Participation in the Distributor Settlement Agreement
A.Repository for Subdivision Settlement Participation Forms.
i.The Directing Administrator is responsible for receiving and preserving the Subdivision Settlement Participation Forms pursuant to Section VII.B of the Distributor Settlement Agreement. The Directing Administrator is responsible for ensuring newly received forms are properly executed. For forms executed and accepted prior to the retention of the Directing Administrator, the Directing Administrator shall rely on information provided by Rubris as to the proper execution of the forms unless it is provided information that indicates such information is incorrect.
ii.Within sixty (60) calendar days of its retention, the Directing Administrator shall establish a process to receive, preserve, and review the Subdivision Settlement Participation Forms. The Directing Administrator is encouraged, in the interests of efficiency and so long as financially reasonable, to continue to utilize Rubris and the processes previously implemented by the Settling Distributors and Enforcement Committee to fulfill its obligations under this Section III.A. The Directing Administrator may rely on the information provided by Rubris unless it is provided information that indicates such information is incorrect.
iii.After the Reference Date, the Directing Administrator will make the Subdivision Settlement Participation Forms available to the Settling Distributors, the Enforcement Committee, and the Settling States through Rubris, or another online platform. If the requirements for preserving and making available the Subdivision Settlement Participation Forms change, the Enforcement Committee will convey any new requirements to the Directing Administrator which will make the change.
iv.The Directing Administrator shall promptly respond to requests by the Settling Distributors, Enforcement Committee, or the Settling States for information concerning the Subdivision Settlement Participation Forms. The Directing Administrator will notify the Settling Distributors, Enforcement Committee, and the Settling States on a regular basis when additional Subdivision Settlement Participation Forms are submitted unless such information is readily available to the Parties on the online platform established under Section III.A.iii.







v.The Directing Administrator shall provide quarterly reports pursuant to Section VII.C of the Distributor Settlement Agreement for Settling States that require information regarding contingency fee contracts on their Subdivision Settlement Participation Form. Upon reasonable request, the Directing Administrator shall also provide reasonably available information to Settling States and Participating Subdivisions relevant to calculating amounts owed under a State Back-Stop Agreement.

B.Determination of the Participation Tier.
i.The Directing Administrator shall determine the Participation Tier existing on July 1, 2022 applying the criteria set forth in Exhibit H of the Distributor Settlement Agreement. The Directing Administrator shall notify the Settling Distributors and the Enforcement Committee of the Participation Tier within five (5) calendar days of its determination.


1.If the Settling Distributors and the Enforcement Committee agree as to the Participation Tier, they shall so inform the Directing Administrator, and such agreement shall satisfy the Directing Administrator's obligations under this Section III.B.i.
ii.The Directing Administrator shall redetermine the Participation Tier annually as of the Payment Date, beginning with Payment Year 3, pursuant to the criteria set forth in Exhibit H of the Distributor Settlement Agreement.
1.In the event that a Participation Tier redetermination moves the Participation Tier higher, and that change is in whole or in part as a result of the post-Reference Date enactment of a Bar and there is later a Revocation Event with respect to such Bar, then on the next Payment Date that is at least one hundred eighty (180) calendar days after the Revocation Event, the Directing Administrator shall move the Participation Tier down to the Participation Tier that would have applied had the Bar never been enacted, unless the Bar is reinstated or all Subdivisions affected by the Revocation Event become Participating Subdivisions within one hundred eighty (180) calendar days of the Revocation Event. This is the sole circumstance in which, on a nationwide basis, the Participation Tier can move down.
2.In the event that there is a post-Reference Date Revocation Event with respect to a Bar that was enacted in a Settling State prior to the Reference Date, then, on the next Payment Date that is at least one hundred eighty (180) calendar days after the Revocation Event, unless the Bar is reinstated or all Subdivisions affected by the Revocation Event become Participating Subdivisions within one hundred eighty (180) calendar days of the Revocation Event, the Directing Administrator shall decrease the Participation Tier - solely for the State in which the Revocation Event occurred - to the Participation Tier commensurate with the percentage of Litigating Subdivisions in that State that are Participating Subdivisions and the percentage of Non-Litigating Subdivisions that are both Primary Subdivisions and Participating Subdivisions, according to the criteria set forth in Exhibit H of the Distributor Settlement Agreement, except that the calculations shall be performed as to that State alone. For the avoidance of doubt and solely for the calculation in this subparagraph, the Settling States Column of Exhibit H of the Distributor Settlement







    Agreement shall play no role. This is the sole circumstance in which one Settling State will have a different Participation Tier than other Settling States.


3.The redetermination of the Participation Tier shall not affect payments already made or suspensions, offsets, or reductions already applied.
4.After each redetermination, the Directing Administrator shall notify the Settling Distributors and the Enforcement Committee of the Participation Tier within five (5) calendar days of its determination.
5.If the Settling Distributors and the Enforcement Committee agree as to a Participation Tier redetermination, they shall so inform the Directing Administrator and such agreement shall satisfy the Directing Administrator's obligations under this Section III.B.ii.
iii.After Payment Year 6, the Participation Tier cannot move higher, unless this restriction is waived by the Settling Distributors. If this restriction is waived by the Settling Distributors, the Directing Administrator shall be responsible for calculating the Participation Tier consistent with the instructions in Section III.B.ii.
iv.Any disputes as to the determination of the Participation Tier shall be decided by the National Arbitration Panel pursuant Section VI.F.2 to the Distributor Settlement Agreement.


IV.Calculation and Allocation of Annual Payments
A.General Principles.
i.This Section IV is intended to implement the relevant provisions of Sections I through XIV of the Distributor Settlement Agreement and the exhibits therein. To the extent this Section IV conflicts with Sections I through XIV of the Distributor Settlement Agreement and the exhibits therein, the Distributor Settlement Agreement shall control.
ii.The Settlement Fund Administrators are entitled to rely upon information received from the Parties to the Distributor Settlement Agreement, whether in oral, written, or other form, for the purpose for which it was submitted, provided that such information is not disputed by another Party.
iii.The Settling Distributors and the Enforcement Committee may agree to some or all of the calculations and allocations set forth in this Section IV prior to the Directing Administrator making such determination. In such cases, they shall so inform the Directing Administrator and such agreement shall satisfy the Directing Administrator's obligations to determine such calculations and allocations unless the Directing Administrator is provided with information establishing that the agreed-upon calculation or allocation is inaccurate.
iv.The Settling States have different requirements for how payments are made to the State and its Participating Subdivisions listed in Exhibit G based on applicable State-Subdivision Agreements, Allocation Statutes, Statutory Trusts, State Back- Stop Agreements, fiscal laws, and other differences. The Directing Administrator shall ask the Attorney General's Office in each Settling State to: (a) inform it whether the State has a State-Subdivision Agreement, Allocation







  Statute, and/or Statutory Trust; and (b) submit instructions on how payments are to be made to the State and its Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G of the Distributor Settlement Agreement. The Directing Administrator shall comply with such instructions so long as it is timely submitted and permissible under Sections I through XIV of the Distributor Settlement Agreement and the exhibits therein.


1.Notwithstanding the above, the Directing Administrator shall not instruct the Directed Trustee to make payments to any entity that is not an instrumentality of: (a) a Settling State; (b) a Participating Subdivision; (c)  a trust account for an attorney representing a Settling State or Participating Subdivision; or (d) a special master or similar entity identified by a Settling State.
2.A Participating Subdivision listed on Exhibit G of the Distributor Settlement Agreement may timely choose to make a voluntary redistribution as provided by Section V.D.3 of the Distributor Settlement Agreement by providing notice through the instructions provided by the Attorney General's Office for its State or by providing notice directly to the Directing Administrator through the instructions provided by the Directing Administrator.
v.The Directing Administrator shall request any Settling State without a State- Subdivision Agreement, Allocation Statute, or Statutory Trust, to submit a designation of a lead State agency or other entity to serve as the single point of contact for that Settling State's funding requests from the Abatement Accounts Fund to comply with Section V.D.4.b of the Distributor Settlement Agreement. The designated entity shall be the only entity authorized to request the Directing Administrator instruct the Directed Trustee to disburse from that Settling State's Abatement Accounts Fund. The Directing Administrator shall not instruct the Directed Trustee to disburse any moneys from these Settling States' Abatement Accounts Fund without such instructions.
vi.In consultation with the Settling Distributors and the Enforcement Committee, the Directing Administrator may set reasonable limits on the frequency with which it directs the Directed Trustee to make payments and may set other reasonable restrictions on complying with requests made by Settling States or their Participating Subdivisions, to limit the burdens and costs imposed on the Settlement Fund Administrators.
B.Payment Year 1 Annual Payment.
i.The Settlement Fund Administrators shall be responsible for allocating the Annual Payment for Payment Year 1 among Settling States and Participating Subdivisions listed in Exhibit G of the Distributor Settlement Agreement.
ii.The Settling Distributors have placed into the Settlement Fund Escrow the Annual Payment (the total amount of the base payment and Incentive Payment A due for the Settling States) for Payment Year 1.
1.This is the Restitution/Abatement amount specified in Exhibit M of the Distributor Settlement Agreement for Payment Year 1, reduced by the allocable share of Non-Settling States provided in Exhibit F of the Distributor Settlement Agreement.







iii.In the event that, in accordance with the terms of Section VIII.A of the Distributor Settlement Agreement, the Settling Distributors determine not to proceed with the Distributor Settlement Agreement, or the Distributor Settlement Agreement does not become effective for any other reason, the Settlement Fund Escrow shall immediately revert to the Settling Distributors.
iv.If the condition set forth in Section VIII.A of the Distributor Settlement Agreement is met, the Directing Administrator shall proceed as follows:
1.The Directing Administrator shall allocate the Annual Payment for Payment Year 1 among the Settling States and their Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G of the Distributor Settlement Agreement.
a.The Directing Administrator shall determine each Settling State's overall allocation using the allocation percentages in Exhibit F of the Distributor Settlement Agreement.
b.The Directing Administrator shall determine the allocations within each Settling State pursuant to Section V.C, Section V.D and Exhibit G of the Distributor Settlement Agreement, taking into account the instructions it has received pursuant to Section IV.A.iv, above.
c.If a Settling State and its Participating Subdivisions agree as to the intrastate allocation pursuant to Section V.C, Section V.D and Exhibit G of the Distributor Settlement Agreement, the Attorney General's Office in the Settling State shall so inform the Settlement Fund Administrators and such agreement shall satisfy the Directing Administrator's obligations under Section IV.B.iv.1.b, above, provided the Settling Distributors do not object.
2.At least fifty (50) calendar days prior to any payment distributions, the Settling Distributors, the Settling States, and the Enforcement Committee shall receive notice of: (a) the amount to be received by each Settling State; (b) the amount to be received by the separate types of funds for each Settling State (if applicable); and (c) the amount to be received by each Participating Subdivision in the Settling States that is listed on Exhibit G of the Distributor Settlement Agreement and eligible to receive payments; provided, however, payment distributions to Settling States to which Section IV.B.iv.1.c, above, applies shall be made as soon as the notice is provided if the Settling Distributors and the Enforcement Committee have agreed, pursuant to Section IV.A.iii, above, on the amount to be received by each Settling State.
3.The Annual Payment for Payment Year 1 shall be transferred from the Settlement Fund Escrow to the Settlement Fund on the Effective Date; provided, however, that any amounts allocated to Subdivisions included on Exhibit G that are not Participating Subdivisions shall remain in the Settlement Fund Escrow until the Payment Date for Payment Year 2.
4.The Directing Administrator shall provide instructions regarding the distribution of the Annual Payment to the Directed Trustee, which shall distribute the funds on, or as soon as practicable after, the Effective Date







  unless the requests made pursuant to Section IV.A.iv and .v, above, provide otherwise; provided, however, that for any Settling State where the Consent Judgment has not been entered as of the Effective Date, the funds allocable to that Settling State and its Participating Subdivisions shall not be transferred from the Settlement Fund or disbursed until ten (10) calendar days after the entry of the Consent Judgment in that State; provided further that any amounts allocated to a Participating Subdivision that has not yet secured dismissal with prejudice of its lawsuit as required under Section VII.C of the Distributor Settlement Agreement shall not be transferred or disbursed until the Participating Subdivision has secured such dismissal. The Settling Distributors shall notify the Directing Administrator if they believe a Participating Subdivision has not yet secured dismissal with prejudice of its lawsuit as required under Section VII.C of the Distributor Settlement Agreement. If so notified, the Directing Administrator will notify the Participating Subdivision.


v.The Settlement Fund Administrators shall also be responsible for allocating the Additional Restitution Amount for Payment Year 1 among Settling States listed in Exhibit N of the Distributor Settlement Agreement. The Directing Administrator shall account for the instructions it has received pursuant to Section IV.A.iv, above in directing the Directed Administrator's distribution of this money.
C.Payment Year 2 Annual Payment.
i.The Settlement Fund Administrators shall be responsible for allocating the Annual Payment for Payment Year 2 among the Settling States and Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G of the Distributor Settlement Agreement.
ii.The Payment Date for Payment Year 2 is July 15, 2022.
1.The Directing Administrator shall provide notice to the Settling Distributors of the amount owed by the Settling Distributors for the Settlement Fund Administrators' costs and fees for Payment Year 1 and Payment Year 2 Annual Payments pursuant to Section II.D.ii, above, at least fifty (50) calendar days before the Payment Date. On or before July 15, 2022, the Settling Distributors shall pay any additional amount from Payment Year 1 and Payment Year 2 to the Settlement Fund Administrators.
2.On or before July 15, 2022, the Settling Distributors shall pay into the Settlement Fund the total amount of the base payment and Incentive Payment A for the Settling States. This is the Restitution/Abatement amount specified in Exhibit M of the Distributor Settlement Agreement for Payment Year 2, reduced by the allocable share of Non-Settling States provided in Exhibit F of the Distributor Settlement Agreement.
iii.No later than fifty (50) calendar days, or as soon as practicable, prior to July 15, 2022, the Directing Administrator shall allocate the Annual Payment as follows:
1.The Directing Administrator shall use the data provided to it by the Settling Distributors and the Enforcement Committee, which shall be submitted to the Directing Administrator no later than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the Payment Date, to fulfill its obligations under this







  Section IV.C and determine the allocations to Settling States and their Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G of the Distributor Settlement Agreement.


2.The Directing Administrator shall subtract any amount owed out of the Settlement Fund for Settlement Fund Administrator costs and fees for Payment Year 1 and Payment Year 2, pursuant to Section II.D.ii, above.
3.The Directing Administrator shall allocate the remainder of the Annual Payment for Payment Year 2 among the Settling States and their Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G of the Distributor Settlement Agreement.
a.The Directing Administrator shall determine each Settling State's overall allocation using the allocation percentages in Exhibit F of the Distributor Settlement Agreement.
b.The Directing Administrator shall determine the allocations within each Settling State pursuant to Section V.C, Section V.D and Exhibit G of the Distributor Settlement Agreement, taking into account the instructions it has received pursuant to Section IV.A.iv, above.
c.If a Settling State enacts a legislative Bar after the Initial Participation Date, but before July 15, 2022, a Subdivision that meets the requirements for becoming a Participating Subdivision under Section VII of the Distributor Settlement Agreement prior to July 15, 2022 (but was not an Initial Participating Subdivision) shall be eligible to receive its allocated share (if any) for Payment Year 2, and it shall also receive any amounts allocated to it for Payment Year 1 from the Settlement Fund Escrow.
d.If a Settling State and its Participating Subdivisions agree as to the intrastate allocation, the Attorney General's Office in the Settling State shall so inform the Settlement Fund Administrators and such agreement shall satisfy the Directing Administrator's obligations under Section IV.C.iii.3.b, above, provided the Settling Distributors do not object.
4.As soon as possible and at least fifty (50) calendar days prior to any payment distributions, the Directing Administrator shall give notice to the Settling Distributors, the Settling States, the Enforcement Committee, and the Directed Trustee of the amount of: (a) the Annual Payment (including the amount to be allocated to the Settlement Fund Administrators in costs and fees); (b) the amount to be received by each Settling State; (c) the amount to be received by the separate types of funds for each Settling State (if applicable); and (d) the amount to be received by each Settling State's Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G of the Distributor Settlement Agreement; provided, however, that if the Settling Distributors and the Enforcement Committee have agreed on all of these amounts and submitted them to the Directing Administrator pursuant to Section IV.A.iii, payment distributions may be made as soon as this notice is provided. This notice to the Directed







  Trustee will include instructions for disbursement of the Annual Payment within fifteen (15) calendar days of July 15, 2022, or at such later time as directed by each Settling State to the Directing Administrator.
5.Within fifteen (15) calendar days of July 15, 2022 or at such later time as directed by the Directing Administrator, the Directed Trustee shall disburse the amounts due to each Settling State and to its Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G of the Distributor Settlement Agreement; provided, however, that the Directing Administrator shall instruct the Directed Trustee that any amounts allocated to a Participating Subdivision that has not yet secured dismissal with prejudice of its lawsuit as required under Section VII.C of the Distributor Settlement Agreement shall not be transferred or disbursed until the Participating Subdivision has secured such dismissal.- The Settling Distributors shall notify the Directing Administrator if they believe a Participating Subdivision has not yet secured dismissal with prejudice of its lawsuit as required under Section VII.C of the Distributor Settlement Agreement. If so notified, the Directing Administrator will notify the Participating Subdivision.
6.Any amounts remaining in the Settlement Fund Escrow for allocations to Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G of the Distributor Settlement Agreement that have not become Participating Subdivisions after all payments for Payment Year 2 are disbursed shall be transferred to the Settlement Fund and disbursed by the Directed Trustee pursuant to the reallocation provided by Section V.D.5 of the Distributor Settlement Agreement.
iv.The Settlement Fund Administrators shall be also responsible for allocating the Additional Restitution Amount for Payment Year 2 among Settling States listed in Exhibit N of the Distributor Settlement Agreement. The Directing Administrator shall account for the instructions it has received pursuant to Section IV.A.iv, above in directing the Directed Administrator's distribution of this money.
D.Years 3-18 Annual Payment.
i.In Payment Years 3-18, the Settlement Fund Administrators shall be responsible for determining the Annual Payment, allocating the Annual Payment among Settling States and Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G of the Distributor Settlement Agreement, and determining the amount owed by each Settling Distributor.
ii.The Payment Date for Payment Year 3 and successive Payment Years is July 15 of the third and successive years.
iii.No later than fifty (50) calendar days prior to the Payment Date, the Directing Administrator shall determine the Annual Payment and the allocations as follows:
1.The Directing Administrator shall use the data provided to it by the Settling Distributors and the Enforcement Committee, which shall be submitted to the Directing Administrator no later than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the Payment Date, to fulfill its obligations under this Section IV.D and determine the allocations to Settling States and their







  Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G of the Distributor Settlement Agreement.


2.The Directing Administrator shall determine, for each Settling State, the amount of base and incentive payments to which the State is entitled.
a.The base payments will be equal to fifty-five percent (55%) of the Net Abatement Amount multiplied by the aggregate Overall Allocation Percentage of the Settling States in Exhibit F of the Distributor Settlement Agreement. These payments will be due in installments consistent with Exhibit M of the Distributor Settlement Agreement over the eighteen (18) Payment Years.
b.The Directing Administrator shall follow the steps outlined in Section IV.F of the Distributor Settlement Agreement to determine each Settling State's eligibility for Incentive Payments A-D, which total up to a maximum of forty-five percent (45%) of the Net Abatement Amount multiplied by the aggregate Overall Allocation Percentage of the Settling States; provided, however, that, with respect to Payment Year 3, Settling States shall have up to the Payment Date to become eligible for Incentive Payment A and thus avoid the reductions set forth in Section XIII of the Distributor Settlement Agreement. If a Settling State enacts a Bar less than sixty (60) calendar days before the Payment Date for Payment Year 3, each Settling Distributor shall pay, within thirty (30) calendar days of the Payment Year 3 Payment Date, its allocable share of the difference between the Annual Payment as calculated by the Directing Administrator and the amount that would have been owed had the Settlement Fund Administrator taken the Bar into account.
3.The Directing Administrator shall apply any suspensions, offsets, or reductions as specified under Section IV, Section XII, and Section XIII of the Distributor Settlement Agreement, and allocate and track these amounts so that they reduce payments to only those Settling States and their Participating Subdivisions subject to the relevant suspension, offset, or reduction.
4.The Directing Administrator shall apply any adjustment required as a result of prepayment or significant financial constraint, as specified under Section IV.J and Section IV.K of the Distributor Settlement Agreement.
5.The Directing Administrator shall determine the amount of any Settlement Fund Administrator costs and fees that exceed the accrued interest in the Settlement Fund and Settlement Fund Escrow, as well as the amounts, if any, of such costs and fees owed by Settling Distributors and out of the Settlement Fund pursuant to Section II.D.ii, above.
6.The Directing Administrator shall determine the total amount owed by Settling Distributors (including any amounts to be held in the Settlement Fund Escrow pending resolution of a case by a Later Litigating Subdivision as described in Section XII of the Distributor Settlement







  Agreement). Payments due from the Settling Distributors will be allocated among the Settling Distributors as follows: McKesson - 38.1%; Amerisource - 31.0%; Cardinal - 30.9%. For the avoidance of doubt, each Settling Distributor's liability for its share of the Annual Payment is several, and not joint. No Settling Distributor shall be responsible for any portion of another Settling Distributor's share.


7.The Directing Administrator shall allocate the Annual Payment (other than the amount owed for Settlement Fund Administrator costs and fees) within the Settling States. The allocations within each Settling State will be determined pursuant Section V.C, Section V.D and Exhibit G of the Distributor Settlement Agreement, taking into account the instructions it has received pursuant to Section IV.A.iv, above.
a.If a Settling State and its Participating Subdivisions agree as to the intrastate allocation, the Attorney General's Office in the Settling State shall so inform the Settlement Fund Administrators and such agreement shall satisfy the Directing Administrator's obligations under this Section IV.D.iii.7, provided the Settling Distributors do not object.
8.No later than fifty (50) calendar days prior to the Payment Date for each Annual Payment, the Directing Administrator shall give notice to the Settling Distributors, the Settling States, the Enforcement Committee, and the Directed Trustee of: (a) the amount of the Annual Payment (including the amount to be allocated to the Settlement Fund Administrators in costs and fees); (b) the amount to be received by each Settling State (specifying the amount of base payment, of each incentive payment, and of each applicable suspension, offset, or reduction); (c) the amount to be received by the separate types of funds for each Settling State (if applicable); and (d) the amount to be received by each Settling State's Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G of the Distributor Settlement Agreement. The Directing Administrator shall also give notice to each Settling Distributor of the amount of its allocable share of the Annual Payment, including its allocable share of the amount of any Settlement Fund Administrator costs and fees that exceed the available interest accrued in the Settlement Fund. The Directing Administrator's notice to the Directed Trustee will include instructions for disbursement of the Annual Payment within fifteen (15) calendar days of the Payment Date, or at such later time as directed by each Settling State to the Directing Administrator.
9.Within fifteen (15) calendar days of July 15 of each year or at such later time as directed by the Directing Administrator, the Directed Trustee shall disburse the amounts due to each Settling State and to its Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G of the Distributor Settlement Agreement; provided, however, that the Directing Administrator shall instruct the Directed Trustee that any amounts allocated to a Participating Subdivision that has not yet secured dismissal with prejudice of its lawsuit as required under Section VII.C of the Distributor Settlement Agreement shall not be transferred or disbursed until the Participating Subdivision has secured such dismissal. The Settling Distributors shall notify the Directing Administrator if they







  believe a Participating Subdivision has not yet secured dismissal with prejudice of its lawsuit as required under Section VII.C of the Distributor Settlement Agreement. If so notified, the Directing Administrator will notify the Participating Subdivision.


iv.The Settlement Fund Administrators shall be also responsible for allocating the Additional Restitution Amount for Payment Year 3 among Settling States listed in Exhibit N of the Distributor Settlement Agreement. The Directing Administrator shall account for the instructions it has received pursuant to Section IV.A.iv, above in directing the Directed Administrator's distribution of this money.
E.Disputes Regarding the Annual Payment.
i.Within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the notice provided by the Directing Administrator, any party may dispute, in writing, the calculation of the Annual Payment (including the amount allocated for Settlement Fund Administrator costs and fees), or the amount to be received by a Settling State and/or its Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G of the Distributor Settlement Agreement. Such disputing party must provide a written notice of dispute to the Settlement Fund Administrators, the Enforcement Committee, any affected Settling State, and the Settling Distributors identifying the nature of the dispute, the amount of money that is disputed, and the Settling State(s) affected. The Directing Administrator will maintain official contact information for providing a notice of dispute.
ii.Within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the sending of a written notice of dispute, any affected party may submit a response, in writing, to the Settlement Fund Administrators, the Enforcement Committee, any affected Settling State, and the Settling Distributors identifying the basis for disagreement with the notice of dispute.
iii.If no response is filed, and the Directing Administrator determines the disputing Party is correct, the Directing Administrator shall adjust the amount calculated consistent with the written notice of dispute and accordingly provide updated instructions to the Directed Trustee, and each Settling Distributor shall pay its allocable share of the adjusted amount, collectively totaling that year's Annual Payment, on the Payment Date. If a written response to the written notice of dispute is timely sent to the Settlement Fund Administrators, the Directing Administrator shall notify the Settling Distributors of the preliminary amount to be paid, which shall be the greater of the amount originally calculated by the Directing Administrator or the amount that would be consistent with the notice of dispute, provided, however, that in no circumstances shall the preliminary amount to be paid be higher than the maximum amount of base and Incentive Payments A and D for that Payment Year as set forth on Exhibit M of the Distributor Settlement Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, a transfer of suspended payments from the Settlement Fund Escrow does not count toward determining whether the amount to be paid is higher than the maximum amount of base and Incentive Payments A and D for that Payment Year as set forth on Exhibit M.
iv.The Directing Administrator shall instruct the Directed Trustee to place any disputed amount of the preliminary amount paid by the Settling Distributors into the Settlement Fund Escrow and to disburse any undisputed amount to each







  Settling State and its Participating Subdivisions listed on Exhibit G of the Distributor Settlement Agreement within fifteen (15) calendar days of the Payment Date or at such later time as directed by each Settling State.


v.Disputes described in this subsection shall be resolved in accordance with the terms of Section VI.F of the Distributor Settlement Agreement.
vi.The decisions of the National Arbitration Panel shall be binding on Settling States, Participating Subdivisions, Settling Distributors, and the Settlement Fund Administrators.
i.The schedule provided for in this Section IV shall be adjusted based on what is practicable. The Settlement Fund Administrators shall provide notice to the Settling Distributors and the Enforcement Committee should the Directing Administrator and/or Directed Trustee believe that the deadlines provided for in this Section IV need to be adjusted. In such a circumstance, the Settlement Fund Administrators, the Settling Distributors, and the Enforcement Committee will meet and confer regarding the appropriate timeline, seeking to balance practical realities with the importance of expediting the receipt of funds by the Settling States and their Participating Subdivisions so that they can be used to provide Opioid Remediation.
ii.The deadlines in this Section IV may be extended by the written agreement of the Settling Distributors and the Enforcement Committee.


V.Reporting Obligations
A.Reporting of Non-Opioid Remediation Uses.
i.The Directing Administrator shall set up a system to receive and preserve reports from Settling States and Participating Subdivisions that have used monies from the Settlement Fund for purposes that do not qualify as Opioid Remediation, pursuant to Section V.B.2 of the Distributor Settlement Agreement. The Directing Administrator will not require Settling States and Participating Subdivisions without any such uses of money to submit a report, and the Directing Administrator may treat the failure to submit a report as confirmation that a Settling State or Participating Subdivision had no such uses of money.
ii.Settling States and Participating Subdivisions shall report to the Directing Administrator and the Settling Distributors the amount of funds received from the Settlement Fund used for purposes that do not qualify as Opioid Remediation (pursuant to Section V.B.2 of the Distributor Settlement Agreement). Settling States and Participating Subdivisions' reports to the Directing Administrator and the Settling Distributors shall identify how such funds were used, including if used to pay attorneys' fees, investigation costs, litigation costs, or costs related to the operation and enforcement of the Distributor Settlement Agreement, respectively. Such Settling State or Participating Subdivision shall make such reports to the Directing Administrator and the Settling Distributors with respect to each six-month period ending on June 30 or December 31 of any year in which funds are received from the Settlement Fund. Such Settling State or Participating Subdivision shall make each such report within ninety (90) days of the end of the applicable six-month period.







iii.The Directing Administrator shall establish a process by December 31, 2022 to make the reporting under this Section V.A available to the public.
B.Abatement Accounts Fund Reporting.
i.The Settlement Fund Administrators shall track and assist in the report of the amount of remediation disbursed or applied during each fiscal year, broken down by primary funded strategy category listed in Exhibit E of the Distributor Settlement Agreement (with any permissible common costs prorated among strategies).
ii.Upon request by any Settling Distributor, the Settlement Fund Administrators shall agree to perform such further acts and to execute and deliver such further documents as may be reasonably necessary for the Settling Distributors to establish the statements set forth in Section V.F of the Distributor Settlement Agreement to the satisfaction of their tax advisors, their independent financial auditors, the Internal Revenue Service, or any other governmental authority, including as contemplated by Treasury Regulations Section 1.162-21(b)(3)(ii) and any subsequently proposed or finalized relevant regulations or administrative guidance.
C.Qualified Settlement Fund Treatment.
i.The Settling Distributors and the Settlement Fund Administrators shall agree that the Settlement Fund is intended to be classified as a "qualified settlement fund" within the meaning of Treasury regulations Section 1.468B-1, et seq. (and corresponding or similar provisions of state, local, or foreign law, as applicable). The Settlement Fund Administrators or any independent certified public accounting firm selected by the Settling Distributors to serve as administrator of the Settlement Fund for tax purposes (the "Tax Administrator") shall not take any action or tax position inconsistent with such treatment. The Settlement Fund shall be treated as a qualified settlement fund from the earliest date possible, and the Settling Distributors and the Settlement Fund Administrators shall agree to any relation-back election required to treat the Settlement Fund as a qualified settlement fund from the earliest date possible.
ii.The Settlement Fund Administrators or the Tax Administrator shall serve as administrator of the Settlement Fund for tax purposes. The Settlement Fund Administrators or Tax Administrator shall (i) obtain federal and state taxpayer identification numbers for the Settlement Fund and provide the same to the Settling Distributors and the Settlement Fund Administrators, (ii) be responsible for all tax reporting, withholding and filing requirements for the Settlement Fund, (iii)     provide instructions to the Settling Distributors and Settlement Fund Administrators for the release of sufficient funds from the Settlement Fund to pay all taxes owed by the Settlement Fund in accordance with Treasury regulations Section 1.468B-2 and any applicable state, local or other tax laws, and (iv) send copies of all such tax filings and returns to the Settling Distributors and Settlement Fund Administrators. The Settling Distributors and Settlement Fund Administrators shall provide such cooperation and information as the Tax Administrator may reasonably request in performing the responsibilities set forth in this Section VI.
iii.Any costs and fees arising from a Tax Administrator shall be allocated evenly among the Settling Distributors. For the avoidance of doubt, each Settling







  Distributor's liability for its share of the costs and fees is several, and not joint. No Settling Distributor shall be responsible for any portion of another Settling Distributor's share. For the years that Janssen is also utilizing the Settlement Fund, costs will be divided equally among the four companies.









Settlement Payment Schedule


The below reflects the maximum payment if all States become Settling States and no offsets or reductions pursuant to this Agreement apply.


The text of this Agreement explains the terms, conditions, and underlying calculations for each of these Payments.


   Payment 1  Payment 2  Payment 3  Payment 4  Payment 5  Payment 6  Payment 7  Payment 8  Payment 9  Payment 10  Payment 11  Payment 12  Payment 13  Payment 14  Payment 15  Payment 16  Payment 17  Payment 18  Total   
Resitution/Abatement  $792,612,857.89  $832,997,473.28  $832,997,473.28  $1,042,614,337.16  $1,042,614,337.15  $1,042,614,337.15  $1,042,614,337.15  $1,226,240,076.84  $1,226,240,076.84  $1,226,240,076.84  $1,030,778,538.44  $1,030,778,538.44  $1,030,778,538.44  $1,030,778,538.44  $1,030,778,538.44  $1,030,778,538.44  $1,030,778,538.44  $1,030,778,538.44  $18,554,013,691.11   
Base  $458,881,128.25  $482,261,695.06  $482,261,695.06  $603,618,826.78  $603,618,826.77  $562,304,221.38  $562,304,221.38  $668,613,860.15  $668,613,860.15  $668,613,860.15  $555,451,916.87  $555,451,916.87  $555,451,916.87  $555,451,916.87  $555,451,916.87  $555,451,916.87  $555,451,916.87  $555,451,916.87  $10,204,707,530.09   
Bonus A  $333,731,729.64  $350,735,778.22  $350,735,778.22  $438,995,510.38  $438,995,510.38  $408,948,524.64  $408,948,524.64  $486,264,625.57  $486,264,625.57  $486,264,625.57  $403,965,030.45  $403,965,030.45  $403,965,030.45  $403,965,030.45  $403,965,030.45  $403,965,030.45  $403,965,030.45  $403,965,030.45  $7,421,605,476.43   
Bonus B  $208,582,331.02  $219,209,861.39  $219,209,861.39  $274,372,193.99  $274,372,193.99  $255,592,827.90  $255,592,827.90  $303,915,390.98  $303,915,390.98  $303,915,390.98  $252,478,144.03  $252,478,144.03  $252,478,144.03  $252,478,144.03  $252,478,144.03  $252,478,144.03  $252,478,144.03  $252,478,144.03  $4,638,503,422.77   
Bonus C  $125,149,398.61  $131,525,916.83  $131,525,916.83  $164,623,316.39  $164,623,316.39  $153,355,696.74  $153,355,696.74  $182,349,234.59  $182,349,234.59  $182,349,234.59  $151,486,886.42  $151,486,886.42  $151,486,886.42  $151,486,886.42  $151,486,886.42  $151,486,886.42  $151,486,886.42  $151,486,886.42  $2,783,102,053.66   
Bonus D                 $71,361,591.12  $71,361,591.12  $71,361,591.12  $71,361,591.12  $71,361,591.12  $71,361,591.12  $71,361,591.12  $71,361,591.12  $71,361,591.12  $71,361,591.12  $71,361,591.12  $71,361,591.12  $71,361,591.12  $927,700,684.60   
Additional Restitution Amount  $64,615,384.62  $113,076,923.08  $105,000,000.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $282,692,307.70   
State Cost Fund  $56,538,461.54  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $56,538,461.54   
State Outside Counsel Fee Fund  $136,044,378.70  $129,230,769.23  $17,417,159.76  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $282,692,307.70   
Attorney Fee Fund  $136,044,378.70  $150,934,911.25  $270,825,443.80  $183,625,739.68  $183,625,739.69  $183,625,739.69  $183,625,739.69  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $1,292,307,692.51   
MDL Expense Fund  $40,384,615.39  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $40,384,615.39   
Litigating Subdivision Cost Fund  $40,000,000.00  $40,000,000.00  $40,000,000.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $0.00  $120,000,000.00   
Total Payment  $1,266,240,076.84  $1,266,240,076.84  $1,266,240,076.84  $1,226,240,076.84  $1,226,240,076.84  $1,226,240,076.84  $1,226,240,076.84  $1,226,240,076.84  $1,226,240,076.84  $1,226,240,076.84  $1,030,778,538.44  $1,030,778,538.44  $1,030,778,538.44  $1,030,778,538.44  $1,030,778,538.44  $1,030,778,538.44  $1,030,778,538.44  $1,030,778,538.44  $20,628,629,075.93  Max After Credit
                                                         $491,370,923.07  Tribal/W. Va. Credit
                                                         $21,119,999,999.00  Global Settlement Amount










Additional Restitution Amount Allocation


American Samoa 0.0269444247%
Arizona 3.6430210329%
California 16.2669545320%
Colorado 2.7085512198%
Connecticut 2.1096636070%
District of Columbia 0.3322525916%
Guam 0.0804074609%
Illinois 5.4255643065%
Iowa 1.2999070108%
Kansas 1.3410510698%
Louisiana 2.3525361878%
Maine 0.9038789471%
Maryland 3.2974316916%
Massachusetts 3.6093694218%
Minnesota 2.1790874099%
Missouri 3.1849331362%
N. Mariana Islands 0.0285222675%
Nebraska 0.7246475605%
New Jersey 4.3741379541%
New York 9.7303039729%
North Carolina 5.1803544928%
North Dakota 0.3171626484%
Oregon 2.2051475878%
Pennsylvania 7.0279415168%
Tennessee 4.2216179010%
Texas 10.4894528864%
Virgin Islands 0.0544915651%
Virginia 3.7333854452%
Wisconsin 2.8360231633%
Wyoming 0.3152569876%









Adoption of a State-Subdivision Agreement


A State-Subdivision Agreement shall be applied if it meets the requirements of Section V and is approved by the State and by the State's Subdivisions as follows: 


1.  Requirements for Approval. A State-Subdivision Agreement shall be agreed when it has been approved by the State and either (a) Subdivisions whose aggregate "Population Percentages," determined as set forth below, total more than sixty percent (60%), or (b) Subdivisions whose aggregate Population Percentages total more than fifty percent (50%) provided that these Subdivisions also represent fifteen percent (15%) or more of the State's counties or parishes (or, in the case of Settling States whose counties and parishes that do not function as local governments, fifteen percent (15%) of or more of the Settling State's General Purpose Governments that qualify as Subdivisions), by number.


2.  Approval Authority. Approval by the State shall be by the Attorney General. Approval by a Subdivision shall be by the appropriate official or legislative body pursuant to the required procedures for that Subdivision to agree to a legally binding settlement.


3.  Population Percentage Calculation. For purposes of this Exhibit O only, Population Percentages shall be determined as follows: For States with functional counties or parishes18, the Population Percentage of each county or parish shall be deemed to be equal to (a) (1) two hundred percent (200%) of the population of such county or parish, minus (2) the aggregate population of all Primary Incorporated Municipalities located in such county or parish, divided by (b) two hundred percent (200%) of the State's population. A "Primary Incorporated Municipality" means a city, town, village or other municipality incorporated under applicable state law with a population of at least 25,000 that is not located within another incorporated municipality. The Population Percentage of each Primary Incorporated Municipality shall be equal to its population (including the population of any incorporated or unincorporated municipality located therein) divided by two hundred percent (200%) of the State's population; provided that the Population Percentage of a Primary Incorporated Municipality that is not located within a county shall be equal to two hundred percent (200%) of its population (including the population of any incorporated or unincorporated municipality located therein) divided by two hundred percent (200%) of the State's population. For all States that do not have functional counties or parishes, the Population Percentage of each General Purpose Government (including any incorporated or unincorporated municipality located therein), shall be equal to its population divided by the State's population.


4.  Preexisting Agreements and Statutory Provisions. A State may include with the notice to its Subdivisions an existing agreement, a proposed agreement, or statutory provisions regarding the distribution and use of settlement funds and have the acceptance of such an agreement or statutory provision be part of the requirements to be an Initial Participating Subdivision.



18 Certain states do not have counties or parishes that have functional governments, including: Alaska, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont.







5.  Revised Agreements. A State-Subdivision Agreement that has been revised, supplemented, or refined shall be applied if it meets the requirements of Section V and is approved by the State and by the State's Subdivisions pursuant to the terms above.









Injunctive Relief


I.                   INTRODUCTION


A.Within ninety (90) days of the Effective Date unless otherwise set forth herein, each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall implement the injunctive relief terms set forth in Sections II through XIX (the "Injunctive Relief Terms") in its Controlled Substance Monitoring Program ("CSMP").


B.The Effective Date of these Injunctive Relief Terms shall be defined by Section I.P of the Settlement Agreement, dated as of July 21, 2021, which incorporates these Injunctive Relief Terms as Exhibit P.


II.                TERM AND SCOPE


A.The duration of the Injunctive Relief Terms contained in Sections IV through XVI shall be ten (10) years from the Effective Date.


B.McKesson Corporation, Cardinal Health, Inc., and AmerisourceBergen Corporation are referred to collectively throughout these Injunctive Relief Terms as the "Injunctive Relief Distributors" or individually as an "Injunctive Relief Distributor." Each Injunctive Relief Distributor is bound by the terms herein.


C.The requirements contained in Sections VIII through XV shall apply to the distribution of Controlled Substances to Customers by each Injunctive Relief Distributor's Full-Line Wholesale Pharmaceutical Distribution Business, including by any entities acquired by the Injunctive Relief Distributors that are engaged in the Full-Line Wholesale Pharmaceutical Distribution Business. The prior sentence is not limited to activity physically performed at each Injunctive Relief Distributor's distribution centers and includes activity covered by the prior sentence performed by each Injunctive Relief Distributor at any physical location, including at its corporate offices or at the site of a Customer with respect to Sections III through XV.


III.             DEFINITIONS


A."Audit Report." As defined in Section XVIII.H.3.


B."Chain Customers." Chain retail pharmacies that have centralized corporate headquarters and have multiple specific retail pharmacy locations from which Controlled Substances are dispensed to individual patients.


C."Chief Diversion Control Officer." As defined in Section IV.A.


D."Clearinghouse." The system established by Section XVII.







E."Clearinghouse Advisory Panel." As defined in Section XVII.B.4.


F."Controlled Substances." Those substances designated under schedules II-V pursuant to the federal Controlled Substances Act and the laws and regulations of the Settling States that incorporate federal schedules II-V. For purposes of the requirements of the Injunctive Relief Terms, Gabapentin shall be treated as a Controlled Substance, except for purposes of Section XII for Customers located in States that do not regulate it as a controlled substance or similar designation (e.g., drug of concern).


G."Corrective Action Plan." As defined in Section XIX.B.7.b.


H."CSMP." As defined in Section I.A.


I."CSMP Committee." As defined in Section VI.A.


J."Customers." Refers collectively to current, or where applicable potential, Chain Customers and Independent Retail Pharmacy Customers. "Customers" do not include long-term care facilities, hospital pharmacies, and pharmacies that serve exclusively inpatient facilities.


K."Data Security Event." Refers to any compromise, or threat that gives rise to a reasonable likelihood of compromise, by unauthorized access or inadvertent disclosure impacting the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of Dispensing Data.


L."Dispensing Data." Includes, unless altered by the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel: (i)   unique patient IDs; (ii) patient zip codes; (iii) the dates prescriptions were dispensed; (iv) the NDC numbers of the drugs dispensed; (v) the quantities of drugs dispensed; (vi) the day's supply of the drugs dispensed; (vii) the methods of payment for the drugs dispensed; (viii) the prescribers' names; (ix) the prescribers' NPI or DEA numbers; and (x) the prescribers' zip codes or addresses. The Clearinghouse will be solely responsible for collecting Dispensing Data.


M."Draft Report." As defined in Section XVIII.H.1.


N."Effective Date." As defined in Section I.B.


O."Full-Line Wholesale Pharmaceutical Distribution Business." Activity engaged in by distribution centers with a primary business of supplying a wide range of branded, generic, over-the-counter and specialty pharmaceutical products to Customers.


P."Highly Diverted Controlled Substances." Includes: (i) oxycodone; (ii) hydrocodone; (iii) hydromorphone; (iv) tramadol; (v) oxymorphone; (vi) morphine; (vii) methadone; (viii) carisoprodol; (ix) alprazolam; and (x) fentanyl. The Injunctive Relief Distributors shall confer annually and review this list to determine whether changes are appropriate and shall add Controlled Substances to







the list of Highly Diverted Controlled Substances as needed based on information provided by the DEA and/or other sources related to drug diversion trends. The Injunctive Relief Distributors shall notify the State Compliance Review Committee and the Monitor of any additions to the list of Highly Diverted Controlled Substances. Access to Controlled Substances predominately used for Medication-Assisted Treatment shall be considered when making such additions.


Q."Independent Retail Pharmacy Customers." Retail pharmacy locations that do not have centralized corporate headquarters and dispense Controlled Substances to individual patients.


R."Injunctive Relief Distributors." As defined in Section II.B.


S."Injunctive Relief Terms." As defined in Section I.A.


T."Monitor." As defined in Section XVIII.A.


U."National Arbitration Panel." As defined by Section I.GG of the Settlement Agreement, dated as of July 21, 2021, which incorporates these Injunctive Relief Terms as Exhibit P.


V."NDC." National Drug Code.


W."non-Controlled Substance." Prescription medications that are not Controlled Substances.


X."Notice of Potential Violation." As defined in Section XIX.B.2.


Y."Order." A unique Customer request on a specific date for (i) a certain amount of a specific dosage form or strength of a Controlled Substance or (ii) multiple dosage forms and/or strengths of a Controlled Substance. For the purposes of this definition, each line item on a purchasing document or DEA Form 222 is a separate order, except that a group of line items either in the same drug family or DEA base code (based upon the structure of a Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP) may be considered to be a single order.


Z."Pharmacy Customer Data." Aggregated and/or non-aggregated data provided by the Customer for a 90-day period.


1.To the extent feasible based on the functionality of a Customer's pharmacy management system, Pharmacy Customer Data shall contain (or, in the case of non-aggregated data, shall be sufficient to determine) the following:


a)A list of the total number of prescriptions and dosage units for each NDC for all Controlled Substances and non-Controlled Substances;







b)A list of the top five prescribers of each Highly Diverted Controlled Substance by dosage volume and the top ten prescribers of all Highly Diverted Controlled Substances combined by dosage volume. For each prescriber, the data shall include the following information:


(1)Number of prescriptions and doses prescribed for each Highly Diverted Controlled Substance NDC;


(2)Number of prescriptions for each unique dosage amount (number of pills per prescription) for each Highly Diverted Controlled Substance NDC;


(3)Prescriber name, DEA registration number, and address; and


(4)Medical practice/specialties, if available;


c)Information on whether the method of payment was cash for (a) Controlled Substances, and (b) non-Controlled Substances; and


d)Information on top ten patient residential areas by five-digit ZIP code prefix for filled Highly Diverted Controlled Substances by dosage volume, including number of prescriptions and doses for each Highly Diverted Controlled Substance NDC.


2.Injunctive Relief Distributors are not required to obtain Pharmacy Customer Data for all Customers. Pharmacy Customer Data only needs to be obtained under circumstances required by the Injunctive Relief Terms and the applicable CSMP policies and procedures. Each Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP policies and procedures shall describe the appropriate circumstances under which and methods to be used to obtain and analyze Pharmacy Customer Data.


3.Injunctive Relief Distributors shall only collect, use, disclose or retain Pharmacy Customer Data consistent with applicable federal and state privacy and consumer protections laws. Injunctive Relief Distributors shall not be required to collect, use, disclose or retain any data element that is prohibited by law or any element that would require notice to or consent from the party who is the subject of the data element, including, but not limited to, a third party (such as a prescriber) to permit collection, use, disclosure and/or retention of the data.


AA."Potential Violation." As defined in Section XIX.B.1.


BB."Reporting Periods." As defined in Section XVIII.C.1.







CC."Settling State." As defined by Section I.OOO of the Settlement Agreement, dated as of July 21, 2021, which incorporates these Injunctive Relief Terms as Exhibit P.


DD."State Compliance Review Committee." The initial State Compliance Review Committee members are representatives from the Attorneys General Offices of Connecticut, Florida, New York, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. The membership of the State Compliance Review Committee may be amended at the discretion of the Settling States.


EE."Suspicious Orders." As defined under federal law and regulation and the laws and regulations of the Settling States that incorporate the federal Controlled Substances Act. Suspicious Orders currently include, but are not limited to, orders of unusual size, orders deviating substantially from a normal pattern, and orders of unusual frequency.


FF."Threshold." The total volume of a particular drug family, DEA base code, or a particular formulation of a Controlled Substance that an Injunctive Relief Distributor shall allow a Customer to purchase in any particular period. This term may be reassessed during Phase 2-B of the Clearinghouse.


GG."Third Party Request." A request from an entity other than an Injunctive Relief Distributor, a Settling State, or the Monitor pursuant to a subpoena, court order, data practices act, freedom of information act, public information act, public records act, or similar law.


HH."Top Prescriber." A prescriber who, for a Customer, is either (i) among the top five (5) prescribers of each Highly Diverted Controlled Substance or (ii) among the top ten (10) prescribers of Highly Diverted Controlled Substances combined, as determined from the most recent Pharmacy Customer Data for that Customer.


IV.             CSMP PERSONNEL


A.Each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall establish or maintain the position of Chief Diversion Control Officer, or other appropriately titled position, to oversee the Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP. The Chief Diversion Control Officer shall have appropriate experience regarding compliance with the laws and regulations concerning Controlled Substances, in particular laws and regulations requiring effective controls against the potential diversion of Controlled Substances. The Chief Diversion Control Officer shall report directly to either the senior executive responsible for U.S. pharmaceutical distribution or the most senior legal officer at the Injunctive Relief Distributor.


B.The Chief Diversion Control Officer shall be responsible for the approval of material revisions to the CSMP.


C.The Chief Diversion Control Officer shall provide at least quarterly reports to the CSMP Committee regarding the Injunctive Relief Distributor's operation of the







CSMP, including the implementation of any changes to the CSMP required by these Injunctive Relief Terms.


D.An Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP functions, including, but not limited to, the onboarding and approval of new Customers for the sale of Controlled Substances, setting and adjusting Customer Thresholds for Controlled Substances, terminating or suspending Customers, and submitting Suspicious Orders and other reports to Settling States (or the Clearinghouse, when operational), but excluding support necessary to perform these functions, shall be conducted exclusively by the Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP personnel or qualified third-party consultants.


E.Staffing levels of each Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP department shall be reviewed periodically, but at least on an annual basis, by the Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP Committee. This review shall include consideration of relevant developments in technology, law, and regulations to ensure the necessary resources are in place to carry out the program in an effective manner.


F.Personnel in an Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP department shall not report to individuals in an Injunctive Relief Distributor's sales department, and sales personnel shall not be authorized to make decisions regarding the promotion, compensation, demotion, admonition, discipline, commendation, periodic performance reviews, hiring, or firing of CSMP personnel.


G.The CSMP policies and procedures shall be published in a form and location readily accessible to all CSMP personnel at each Injunctive Relief Distributor.


V.                 INDEPENDENCE


A.For each Injunctive Relief Distributor, sales personnel compensated with commissions shall not be compensated based on revenue or profitability targets or expectations for sales of Controlled Substances. However, each Injunctive Relief Distributor's personnel may, as applicable, be compensated (including incentive compensation) based on formulas that include total sales for all of the Injunctive Relief Distributor's products, including Controlled Substances. The compensation of sales personnel shall not include incentive compensation tied solely to sales of Controlled Substances.


B.For any Injunctive Relief Distributor personnel who are compensated at least in part based on Customer sales, the Injunctive Relief Distributor shall ensure the compensation of such personnel is not decreased by a CSMP-related suspension or termination of a Customer or as a direct result of the reduction of sales of Controlled Substances to a Customer pursuant to the CSMP.


C.The Injunctive Relief Distributors' sales personnel shall not be authorized to make decisions regarding the implementation of CSMP policies and procedures, the design of the CSMP, the setting or adjustment of Thresholds, or other actions taken pursuant to the CSMP, except sales personnel must provide information







regarding compliance issues to CSMP personnel promptly. The Injunctive Relief Distributors' sales personnel are prohibited from interfering with, obstructing, or otherwise exerting control over any CSMP department decision-making.


D.Each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall review its compensation and non- retaliation policies and, if necessary, modify and implement changes to those policies to effectuate the goals of, and incentivize compliance with, the CSMP.


E.Each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall maintain a telephone, email, and/or web- based "hotline" to permit employees and/or Customers to anonymously report suspected diversion of Controlled Substances or violations of the CSMP, Injunctive Relief Distributor company policy related to the distribution of Controlled Substances, or applicable law. Each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall share the hotline contact information with their employees and Customers. Each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall maintain all complaints made to the hotline, and document the determinations and bases for those determinations made in response to all complaints.


VI.             OVERSIGHT


A.To the extent not already established, each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall establish a committee that includes senior executives with responsibility for legal, compliance, distribution and finance to provide oversight over its CSMP (the "CSMP Committee"). The Chief Diversion Control Officer shall be a member of the CSMP Committee. The CSMP Committee shall not include any employee(s) or person(s) performing any sales functions on behalf of the Injunctive Relief Distributor; provided that service on the CSMP Committee by any senior executives listed in this paragraph whose responsibilities may include, but are not limited to, management of sales functions shall not constitute a breach of the Injunctive Relief Terms.


B.Each Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP Committee shall have regular meetings during which the Chief Diversion Control Officer shall present to the CSMP Committee with respect to, and the CSMP Committee shall evaluate, among other things: (1) any material modifications and potential enhancements to the CSMP including, but not limited to, those relating to Customer due diligence and Suspicious Order monitoring and reporting; (2) any significant new national and regional diversion trends involving Controlled Substances; (3) the Injunctive Relief Distributor's adherence to the CSMP policies and procedures, the Injunctive Relief Terms, and applicable laws and regulations governing the distribution of Controlled Substances; and (4) any technology, staffing, or other resource needs for the CSMP. The CSMP Committee shall have access to all CSMP reports. The CSMP Committee will review and approve the specific metrics used to identify the Red Flags set forth in Section VIII.


C.On a quarterly basis, each Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP Committee shall send a written report to the Injunctive Relief Distributor's Chief Executive, Chief







Financial, and Chief Legal Officer, as well as its Board of Directors, addressing: (1) the Injunctive Relief Distributor's substantial adherence to the CSMP policies and procedures, the Injunctive Relief Terms, and applicable laws and regulations governing the distribution of Controlled Substances; (2) recommendations as appropriate about the allocation of resources to ensure the proper functioning of the Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP; and (3) significant revisions to the CSMP. The Board of Directors or a committee thereof at each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall document in its minutes its review of the quarterly CSMP Committee reports.


D.To the extent not already established, the Board of Directors of each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall establish its own compliance committee (the "Board Compliance Committee") to evaluate, at a minimum, and on a quarterly basis: (1) the CSMP Committee's written reports; (2) the Injunctive Relief Distributor's substantial adherence to the CSMP policies and procedures, the Injunctive Relief Terms, and applicable laws and regulations governing the distribution of Controlled Substances; (3) the Injunctive Relief Distributor's code of conduct and any whistleblower reporting policies, including those prescribed by Section V.E; and (4) any significant regulatory and/or government enforcement matters within the review period relating to the distribution of Controlled Substances. An Injunctive Relief Distributor meets this requirement if it established, prior to the Effective Date, multiple committees of its Board of Directors that together have responsibilities outlined in this paragraph.


E.The Board Compliance Committee shall have the authority to: (1) require management of the Injunctive Relief Distributor to conduct audits on any CSMP or legal and regulatory concern pertaining to Controlled Substances distribution, and to update its full Board of Directors on those audits; (2) to commission studies, reviews, reports, or surveys to evaluate the Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP performance; (3) request meetings with the Injunctive Relief Distributor's management and CSMP staff; and (4) review the appointment, compensation, performance, and replacement of the Injunctive Relief Distributor's Chief Diversion Control Officer.




A.Each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall require all new CSMP personnel to attend trainings on its CSMP, its obligations under the Injunctive Relief Terms, and its duties with respect to maintaining effective controls against potential diversion of Controlled Substances and reporting Suspicious Orders pursuant to state and federal laws and regulations prior to conducting any compliance activities for the Injunctive Relief Distributor without supervision.


B.Each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall provide annual trainings to CSMP personnel on its CSMP, its obligations under the Injunctive Relief Terms, and its duties to maintain effective controls against potential diversion of Controlled







Substances and report Suspicious Orders pursuant to state and federal laws and regulations.


C.On an annual basis, each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall test its CSMP personnel on their knowledge regarding its CSMP, its obligations under the Injunctive Relief Terms, and its duties to maintain effective controls against potential diversion of Controlled Substances and to report Suspicious Orders pursuant to state and federal laws and regulations.


D.Each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall train all third-party compliance consultants (defined as non-employees who are expected to devote fifty percent (50%) or more of their time to performing work related to the Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP, excluding information technology consultants not engaged in substantive functions related to an Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP) performing compliance functions for the Injunctive Relief Distributor in the same manner as the Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP personnel.


E.At least every three (3) years in the case of existing employees, and within the first six months of hiring new employees, each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall require operations, sales, and senior executive employees to attend trainings on its CSMP, its obligations under the Injunctive Relief Terms, the hotline established in Section V.E, and its duties to maintain effective controls against potential diversion of Controlled Substances and report Suspicious Orders pursuant to state and federal laws and regulations.




A.Within one hundred and twenty days (120) of the Effective Date, each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall, at a minimum, apply specific metrics to identify the potential Red Flags described in Section VIII.D with respect to Independent Retail Pharmacy Customers. For Chain Customers, the metrics used to identify the Red Flags described in Section VIII.D may be adjusted based on the specific business model and supplier relationships of the Chain Customer.


B.Each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall evaluate and, if necessary, enhance or otherwise adjust the specific metrics it uses to identify Red Flags set forth in Section VIII.D.


C.Each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall provide annually to the Monitor the specific metrics it uses to identify Red Flags as set forth in Section VIII.D. The Monitor shall review the metrics used to identify Red Flags as set forth in Section VIII.D to assess whether the metrics are reasonable. The Monitor may, at its discretion, suggest revisions to the metrics in the annual Audit Report as part of the Red Flags Review set forth in Section XVIII.F.3.f. Each Injunctive Relief Distributor may rely on its specific metrics to comply with the requirements of Section VIII unless and until the Monitor proposes a revised metric in connection with Section XVIII.H.







D.For purposes of the Injunctive Relief Terms, "Red Flags" are defined as follows:


1.Ordering ratio of Highly Diverted Controlled Substances to non-Controlled Substances: Analyze the ratio of the order volume of all Highly Diverted Controlled Substances to the order volume of all non-Controlled Substances to identify Customers with significant rates of ordering Highly Diverted Controlled Substances.


2.Ordering ratio of Highly Diverted Controlled Substance base codes or drug families to non-Controlled Substances: Analyze the ratio of the order volume of each Highly Diverted Controlled Substance base code or drug family to the total order volume of all non-Controlled Substances to identify Customers with significant rates of ordering each Highly Diverted Controlled Substance base code or drug family.


3.Excessive ordering growth of Controlled Substances: Analyze significant increases in the ordering volume of Controlled Substances using criteria to identify customers that exhibit percentage growth of Controlled Substances substantially in excess of the percentage growth of non-Controlled Substances.


4.Unusual formulation ordering: Analyze ordering of Highly Diverted Controlled Substances to identify customers with significant ordering of high-risk formulations. High-risk formulations include, but are not limited to, 10mg hydrocodone, 8mg hydromorphone, 2mg alprazolam, single-ingredient buprenorphine (i.e., buprenorphine without naloxone), and highly-abused formulations of oxycodone. On an annual basis (or as otherwise necessary), high-risk formulations of Highly Diverted Controlled Substances may be added, removed, or revised based on the Injunctive Relief Distributors' assessment and regulatory guidance.


5.Out-of-area patients: Analyze Pharmacy Customer Data or Dispensing Data to assess volume of prescriptions for Highly Diverted Controlled Substances for out-of-area patients (based on number of miles traveled between a patient's zip code and the pharmacy location, depending on the geographic area of interest) taking into consideration the percentage of out-of-area patients for non-Controlled Substances.


6.Cash prescriptions: Analyze Pharmacy Customer Data or Dispensing Data to assess percentage of cash payments for purchases of Controlled Substances taking into consideration the percentage of cash payments for purchases of non-Controlled Substances.


7.Prescriber activity of Customers: Analyze Pharmacy Customer Data or Dispensing Data to identify Customers that are dispensing Highly Diverted Controlled Substance prescriptions for Top Prescribers as follows:







a)Top Prescribers representing a significant volume of dispensing where the prescriber's practice location is in excess of 50 miles from the pharmacy ("out-of-area"), relative to the percentage of out-of-area prescriptions for non-Controlled Substances.


b)Top Prescribers representing prescriptions for the same Highly Diverted Controlled Substances in the same quantities and dosage forms indicative of pattern prescribing (e.g., a prescriber providing many patients with the same high-dose, high-quantity supply of 30mg oxycodone HCL prescription without attention to the varying medical needs of the prescriber's patient population).


c)Top Prescribers where the top five (5) or fewer prescribers represent more than fifty percent (50%) of total prescriptions for Highly Diverted Controlled Substances during a specified period.


8.Public regulatory actions against Customers: Review information retrieved from companies that provide licensing and disciplinary history records (e.g., LexisNexis), and/or other public sources, including governmental entities, showing that the Customer, pharmacists working for that Customer, or the Customer's Top Prescribers have been subject, in the last five (5) years, to professional disciplinary sanctions regarding the dispensing or handling of Controlled Substances or law enforcement action related to Controlled Substances diversion. Continued licensing by a relevant state agency may be considered, but shall not be dispositive, in resolving the Red Flag. For Chain Customer locations, representations from each Chain Customer that it reviews its pharmacists' licensing statuses annually and for the regulatory actions described in this paragraph has either (i) taken appropriate employment action, or (ii) disclosed the regulatory action to the Injunctive Relief Distributor, may be considered in resolving the Red Flag.


9.Customer termination data: Review information from the Injunctive Relief Distributor's due diligence files and, when operable, from the Clearinghouse, subject to Section VIII.F, regarding Customers that have been terminated from ordering Controlled Substances by another distributor due to concerns regarding Controlled Substances.


E.For any Red Flag evaluation in Section VIII.D that may be performed using Pharmacy Customer Data or Dispensing Data, an Injunctive Relief Distributor will analyze the Red Flag using Pharmacy Customer Data, to the extent feasible based on the functionality of a Customer's pharmacy management system, until Dispensing Data is collected and analyzed by the Clearinghouse as described in Section XVII. Until Dispensing Data is collected and analyzed by the Clearinghouse, an Injunctive Relief Distributor may satisfy the Red Flag evaluations in Sections VIII.D.5 through VIII.D.7 by engaging in considerations of out-of-area patients, cash payments for prescriptions and Top Prescribers







without satisfying the specific requirements of Sections VIII.D.5 through VIII.D.7. In the event that the Clearinghouse is not collecting and analyzing Dispensing Data within two years of the Effective Date, the Injunctive Relief Distributors and the State Compliance Review Committee shall meet and confer to consider alternatives for the performance of the analysis required by Sections VIII.D.5 through VIII.D.7 using Pharmacy Customer Data.


F.As provided for in Section XVII.C.4, the foregoing Red Flag evaluations may be performed by the Clearinghouse and reported to the relevant Injunctive Relief Distributors.


G.The Injunctive Relief Distributors and the State Compliance Review Committee shall work in good faith to identify additional potential Red Flags that can be derived from the data analytics to be performed by the Clearinghouse.


IX.             ONBOARDING


A.For each Injunctive Relief Distributor, prior to initiating the sale of Controlled Substances to a potential Customer, a member of the Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP department (or a qualified third-party compliance consultant trained on the Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP) shall perform the following due diligence:


1.Interview the pharmacist-in-charge, either over the telephone, via videoconference, or in person. The interview shall include questions regarding the manner in which the potential Customer maintains effective controls against the potential diversion of Controlled Substances.


2.Obtain a "Pharmacy Questionnaire" completed by the owner and/or pharmacist-in-charge of the potential Customer. The Pharmacy Questionnaire shall require going-concern potential Customers to list their top ten (10) prescribers for Highly Diverted Controlled Substances combined, along with the prescriber's specialty, unless the Injunctive Relief Distributor is able to obtain this data otherwise. The Pharmacy Questionnaire shall also require disclosure of the identity of all other distributors that serve the potential Customer, and whether the potential Customer has been terminated or suspended from ordering Controlled Substances by another distributor and the reason for any termination or suspension. The Pharmacy Questionnaire shall request information that would allow the Injunctive Relief Distributor to identify Red Flags, including questions regarding the manner in which the potential Customer maintains effective controls against the potential diversion of Controlled Substances. A potential Customer's responses to the Pharmacy Questionnaire shall be verified, to the extent applicable and practicable, against external sources (for example, the Clearinghouse, once operational, and Automation of Reports and Consolidated Orders System ("ARCOS") data made available to the Injunctive Relief Distributor by the







DEA). The Pharmacy Questionnaire shall be maintained by the Injunctive Relief Distributor in a database accessible to its CSMP personnel.


3.Complete a written onboarding report to be maintained in a database accessible to the Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP personnel reflecting the findings of the interview and any site visit, the findings regarding the identification of and, if applicable, conclusion concerning any Red Flag associated with the pharmacy, as well as an analysis of the Pharmacy Questionnaire referenced in the preceding paragraph.


4.For going-concern potential Customers, review Pharmacy Customer Data to assist with the identification of any Red Flags.


5.Document whether the potential Customer or the pharmacist-in-charge has been subject to any professional disciplinary sanctions or law enforcement activity related to Controlled Substances dispensing, and, if so, the basis for that action. For Chain Customers, this provision shall apply to the potential specific pharmacies in question.


B.For Chain Customers, each Injunctive Relief Distributor may obtain the information in Section IX.A from a corporate representative of the Chain Customer.


C.In the event that an Injunctive Relief Distributor identifies one or more unresolved Red Flags or other information indicative of potential diversion of Controlled Substances through the onboarding process or otherwise, the Injunctive Relief Distributor shall refrain from selling Controlled Substances to the potential Customer pending additional due diligence. If following additional due diligence, the Injunctive Relief Distributor is unable to resolve the Red Flags or other information indicative of diversion, the Injunctive Relief Distributor shall not initiate the sale of Controlled Substances to the potential Customer and shall report the potential Customer consistent with Section XIV. If the Injunctive Relief Distributor determines that the potential Customer may be onboarded for the sale of Controlled Substances, the Injunctive Relief Distributor shall document the decision and the bases for its decision. Such a good faith determination, if documented, shall not serve, without more, as the basis of a future claim of non- compliance with the Injunctive Relief Terms. For Chain Customers, these provisions shall apply to the potential specific pharmacies in question.


X.                 ONGOING DUE DILIGENCE


A.Each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall periodically review its procedures and systems for detecting patterns or trends in Customer order data or other information used to evaluate whether a Customer is maintaining effective controls against diversion.


B.Each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall conduct periodic proactive compliance reviews of its Customers' performance in satisfying their corresponding







responsibilities to maintain effective controls against the diversion of Controlled Substances.


C.Each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall review ARCOS data made available to it by the DEA and, once operational, by the Clearinghouse, to assist with Customer specific due diligence. For Chain Customers, this provision shall apply to the potential specific pharmacies in question.


D.Each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall conduct due diligence as set forth in its CSMP policies and procedures in response to concerns of potential diversion of Controlled Substances at its Customers. For Chain Customers, these provisions shall apply to the specific pharmacies in question. The due diligence required by an Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP policies and procedures may depend on the information or events at issue. The information or events raising concerns of potential diversion of Controlled Substances at a Customer include but are not limited to:


1.The discovery of one or more unresolved Red Flags;


2.The receipt of information directly from law enforcement or regulators concerning potential diversion of Controlled Substances at or by a Customer;


3.The receipt of information concerning the suspension or revocation of pharmacist's DEA registration or state license related to potential diversion of Controlled Substances;


4.The receipt of reliable information through the hotline established in Section V.E concerning suspected diversion of Controlled Substances at the Customer;


5.The receipt of reliable information from another distributor concerning suspected diversion of Controlled Substances at the Customer; or


6.Receipt of other reliable information that the Customer is engaged in conduct indicative of diversion or is failing to adhere to its corresponding responsibility to prevent the diversion of Highly Diverted Controlled Substances.


E.On an annual basis, each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall obtain updated pharmacy questionnaires from five hundred (500) Customers to include the following:


1.The top 250 Customers by combined volume of Highly Diverted Controlled Substances purchased from the Injunctive Relief Distributor measured as of the end of the relevant calendar year; and







2.Additional Customers selected as a representative sample of various geographic regions, customer types (Independent Retail Pharmacy Customers and Chain Customers), and distribution centers. Each Injunctive Relief Distributor's Chief Diversion Control Officer shall develop risk-based criteria for the sample selection.


F.Scope of Review


1.For reviews triggered by Section X.D, an Injunctive Relief Distributor shall conduct due diligence and obtain updated Pharmacy Customer Data or equivalent, or more comprehensive data from the Clearinghouse if needed, as set forth in its CSMP policies and procedures.


2.For questionnaires collected pursuant to Section X.E, Injunctive Relief Distributors shall conduct a due diligence review consistent with the Injunctive Relief Distributors' CSMP policies and procedures. These annual diligence reviews shall be performed in addition to any of the diligence reviews performed under Section X.D, but may reasonably rely on reviews performed under Section X.D.


3.If the Injunctive Relief Distributor decides to terminate the Customer due to concerns regarding potential diversion of Controlled Substances, the Injunctive Relief Distributor shall promptly cease the sale of Controlled Substances to the Customer and report the Customer consistent with Section XIV. If the Injunctive Relief Distributor decides not to terminate the Customer, the Injunctive Relief Distributor shall document that determination and the basis therefor. Such a good faith determination, if documented, shall not, without more, serve as the basis of a future claim of non-compliance with the Injunctive Relief Terms.


XI.             SITE VISITS


A.Each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall conduct site visits, including unannounced site visits, where appropriate, of Customers, as necessary, as part of Customer due diligence.


B.During site visits, an Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP personnel or qualified third-party compliance consultants shall interview the pharmacist-in-charge or other relevant Customer employees, if appropriate, about any potential Red Flags and the Customer's maintenance of effective controls against the potential diversion of Controlled Substances.


C.An Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP personnel or qualified third-party compliance consultants who conduct site visits shall document the findings of any site visit.


D.Site visit and all other compliance reports shall be maintained by each Injunctive Relief Distributor in a database accessible to all CSMP personnel.









A.Each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall use Thresholds to identify potentially Suspicious Orders of Controlled Substances from Customers.


B.Each Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP department shall be responsible for the oversight of the process for establishing and modifying Thresholds. The sales departments of the Injunctive Relief Distributors shall not have the authority to establish or adjust Thresholds for any Customer or participate in any decisions regarding establishment or adjustment of Thresholds.


C.Injunctive Relief Distributors shall not provide Customers specific information about their Thresholds or how their Thresholds are calculated.


1.Threshold Setting


a)Injunctive Relief Distributors shall primarily use model-based thresholds. For certain circumstances, Injunctive Relief Distributors may apply a non-model threshold based on documented customer diligence and analysis.


b)Each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall include in its Annual Threshold Analysis and Assessment Report (as required by Section XVIII.F.3.c) to the Monitor summary statistics regarding the use of non-model thresholds and such information shall be considered by the Monitor as part of its Threshold Setting Process Review in the annual Audit Report.


c)For the purposes of establishing and maintaining Thresholds, each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall take into account the Controlled Substances diversion risk of each drug base code. The diversion risk of each base code should be defined and reassessed annually by the Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP Committee and reviewed by the Monitor.


d)Each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall establish Thresholds for new Customers prior to supplying those Customers with Controlled Substances and shall continue to have Thresholds in place at all times for each Customer to which it supplies Controlled Substances.


e)When ordering volume from other distributors becomes readily available from the Clearinghouse, an Injunctive Relief Distributor shall consider including such information as soon as reasonably practicable in establishing and maintaining Thresholds.








f)Each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall incorporate the following guiding principles in establishing and maintaining Customer Thresholds, except when inapplicable to non-model Thresholds:


(1)Thresholds shall take into account the number of non- Controlled Substance dosage units distributed to, dispensed and/or number of prescriptions dispensed by the Customer to assist with the determination of Customer size. As a general matter, smaller customers should have lower Thresholds than larger customers.


(2)For the purposes of establishing and maintaining Thresholds, Injunctive Relief Distributors shall use statistical models that are appropriate to the underlying data.


(3)For the purposes of establishing and maintaining Thresholds, Injunctive Relief Distributors shall take into account a Customer's ordering and/or dispensing history for a specified period of time.


(4)For the purposes of establishing and maintaining Thresholds, Injunctive Relief Distributors shall take into account the ordering history of Customers within similar geographic regions, or, where appropriate for Chain Customers, ordering history within the chain.


(5)If appropriate, Thresholds may take into account the characteristics of Customers with similar business models.


(a)A Customer's statement that it employs a particular business model must be verified, to the extent practicable, before that business model is taken into account in establishing and maintaining a Customer's Threshold.


2.Threshold Auditing


a)The Injunctive Relief Distributors shall review their respective Customer Thresholds at least on an annual basis and modify them where appropriate.


b)Each Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP department shall annually evaluate its Threshold setting methodology and processes and its CSMP personnel's performance in adhering to those policies.


3.Threshold Changes







a)An Injunctive Relief Distributor may increase or decrease a Customer Threshold as set forth in its CSMP policies and procedures, subject to Sections XII.C.3.b through XII.C.3.e.


b)Prior to approving any Threshold change request by a Customer, each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall conduct due diligence to determine whether an increase to the Threshold is warranted. This due diligence shall include obtaining from the Customer the basis for the Threshold change request, obtaining and reviewing Dispensing Data and/or Pharmacy Customer Data for the previous three (3) months for due diligence purposes, and, as needed, conducting an on-site visit to the Customer. This Threshold change request diligence shall be conducted by the Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP personnel.


c)No Injunctive Relief Distributor shall proactively contact a Customer to suggest that the Customer request an increase to any of its Thresholds, to inform the Customer that its Orders-to-date are approaching its Thresholds or to recommend to the Customer the amount of a requested Threshold increase. It shall not be a violation of this paragraph to provide Chain Customer headquarters reporting on one or more individual Chain Customer pharmacy location(s) to support the anti-diversion efforts of the Chain Customer's headquarters staff, and it shall not be a violation of this paragraph for the Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP personnel to contact Customers to seek to understand a Customer's ordering patterns.


d)An Injunctive Relief Distributor's Chief Diversion Control Officer may approve criteria for potential adjustments to Customer Thresholds to account for circumstances where the Thresholds produced by the ordinary operation of the statistical models require modification. Such circumstances include adjustments to account for seasonal ordering of certain Controlled Substances that are based on documented diligence and analysis, adjustments made to permit ordering of certain Controlled Substances during a declared national or state emergency (e.g., COVID-19 pandemic), IT errors, and data anomalies causing results that are inconsistent with the design of the statistical models. Each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall include in its Annual Threshold Analysis and Assessment Report (as required by Section XVIII.F.3.c) to the Monitor information regarding the use of this paragraph and such information shall be considered by the Monitor as part of its Threshold Setting Process Review in the annual Audit Report.


e)Any decision to raise a Customer's Threshold in response to a request by a Customer to adjust its Threshold must be documented







in a writing and state the reason(s) for the change. The decision must be consistent with the Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP and documented appropriately.




A.Each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall report Suspicious Orders to the Settling States ("Suspicious Order Reports" or "SORs"), including those Settling States that do not currently require such SORs, at the election of the Settling State.


B.For the SORs required by the Injunctive Relief Terms, each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall report Orders that exceed a Threshold for Controlled Substances set pursuant to the processes in Section XII that are blocked and not shipped.


C.No Injunctive Relief Distributor shall ship any Order that it (i) reports pursuant to Sections XIII.A or XIII.B, or (ii) would have been required to report pursuant to Sections XIII.A or XIII.B had the Settling State elected to receive SORs.


D.In reporting Suspicious Orders to the Settling States, the Injunctive Relief Distributors shall file SORs in a standardized electronic format that is uniform among the Settling States and contains the following information fields:


1.Customer name;


2.Customer address;


3.DEA registration number;


4.State pharmacy license number;


5.Date of order;


6.NDC number;




8.Explanation for why the order is suspicious (up to 250 characters): Details that are order-specific regarding why an order was flagged as a Suspicious Order, including specific criteria used by an Injunctive Relief Distributor's Threshold system (except phrases such as "order is of unusual size" without any additional detail are not acceptable); and


9.Name and contact information for a knowledgeable designee within the Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP department to be a point of contact for the SORs.


E.On a quarterly basis, each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall provide a summary report to the Settling States that elect to receive it that provides the following







information for the relevant quarter with respect to the top ten (10) Customers by volume for each Highly Diverted Controlled Substance base code that have placed a Suspicious Order for that base code, in that quarter (for Chain Customers, only individual pharmacies in the chain will considered for evaluation as a top ten (10) Customer):


1.The number of SORs submitted for that Customer by base code;


2.The Customer's order volume by base code for the quarter for all Highly Diverted Controlled Substances;


3.The Customer's order frequency by base code for the quarter for all Highly Diverted Controlled Substances;


4.For each Highly Diverted Controlled Substance base code, the ratio of the Customer's order volume for that base code to the volume of all pharmaceutical orders for the quarter; and


5.The ratio of the Customer's order volume of all Controlled Substances to the volume of all pharmaceutical orders for the quarter.


F.The Injunctive Relief Distributors shall only be required to file a single, uniform, electronic form of SOR with any Settling State that receives SORs pursuant to these Injunctive Relief Terms. A Settling State retains the authority pursuant to applicable state law or relevant state agency authority to request additional information about a particular SOR.


G.It is the objective of the Settling States and the Injunctive Relief Distributors for the Injunctive Relief Distributors to provide SORs to Settling States that identify the same Suspicious Orders as reported to the DEA pursuant to the definition and requirements of the federal Controlled Substances Act and its regulations, although the fields of the SORs submitted to the Settling States as required by Section XIII may differ from the content required by the DEA. To the extent federal definitions and requirements materially change during the term of the Injunctive Relief Terms, the Injunctive Relief Distributors may be required to adjust the format and content of the SORs to meet these federal requirements. The Injunctive Relief Distributors and the State Compliance Review Committee will engage in good faith discussions regarding such adjustments.


H.It shall not be a violation of the Injunctive Relief Terms if an Injunctive Relief Distributor ships a Suspicious Order or fails to submit or transmit a SOR if:


1.The shipment of the Suspicious Order or failed SOR transmission was due to a computer error (data entry mistakes, coding errors, computer logic issues, software malfunctions, and other computer errors or IT failures); and







2.The Injunctive Relief Distributor reports the error, including a description of measures that will be taken to prevent recurrence of the error, to any affected Settling State, the State Compliance Review Committee, and the Monitor within five (5) business days of its discovery.




A.Each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall report to the Clearinghouse, once operational, within five (5) business days (or as otherwise required by state statute or regulation), Customers it has terminated from eligibility to receive Controlled Substances or refused to onboard for the sale of Controlled Substances due to concerns regarding the Customer's ability to provide effective controls against the potential diversion of Controlled Substances following the Effective Date.


B.The Injunctive Relief Distributors shall report to the relevant Settling State(s), within five (5) business days (or as otherwise required by state statute or regulation) Customers located in such Settling States that it has terminated from eligibility to receive Controlled Substances or refused to onboard for the sale of Controlled Substances due to concerns regarding the Customer's ability to provide effective controls against the potential diversion of Controlled Substances following the Effective Date. Such reports will be made in a uniform format. The Injunctive Relief Distributors and the State Compliance Review Committee shall use best efforts to agree on such uniform format for inclusion prior to the requirement taking effect.


C.In determining whether a Customer should be terminated from eligibility to receive Controlled Substances, Injunctive Relief Distributors shall apply factors set out in their CSMP policies and procedures, which shall include the following conduct by a Customer:


1.Has generated an excessive number of Suspicious Orders, which cannot otherwise be explained;


2.Has routinely demonstrated unresolved Red Flag activity;


3.Has continued to fill prescriptions for Highly Diverted Controlled Substances that raise Red Flags following an Injunctive Relief Distributor's warning or communication about such practices;


4.Has failed to provide Pharmacy Customer Data or Dispensing Data in response to a request from an Injunctive Relief Distributor or otherwise refuses to cooperate with the Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP after providing the Customer with a reasonable amount of time to respond to the Injunctive Relief Distributor's requests;


5.Has been found to have made material omissions or false statements on a Pharmacy Questionnaire (the requirements for the contents of a Pharmacy Questionnaire are described in Section IX); or







6.Has been the subject of discipline by a State Board of Pharmacy within the past three (3) years or has had its owner(s) or pharmacist-in-charge subject to license probation or termination within the past five (5) years by a State Board of Pharmacy for matters related to Controlled Substances dispensing or a federal or state felony conviction.


D.Once the Clearinghouse has made Customer termination data available to each Injunctive Relief Distributor, each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall consider terminating Customers that have been terminated from eligibility to receive Controlled Substances by another distributor as a result of suspected diversion of Controlled Substances if the Customer is ordering only Controlled Substances from the Injunctive Relief Distributor. If the Injunctive Relief Distributor determines not to terminate Customers to which this paragraph applies, the Injunctive Relief Distributor shall document its decision-making. A good-faith decision to continue shipping Controlled Substances to Customers to which this paragraph applies, shall not serve, without more, as the basis of a future claim of non-compliance with the Injunctive Relief Terms.


E.For Chain Customers, the provisions in Section XIV.A-D shall apply to the specific pharmacies in question.




A.In the circumstances of declared national or state emergencies in which the healthcare community relies on the Injunctive Relief Distributors for critical medicines, medical supplies, products, and services, the Injunctive Relief Distributors may be required to temporarily modify their respective CSMP processes to meet the critical needs of the supply chain. These modifications may conflict with the requirements of the Injunctive Relief Terms.


B.In the case of a declared national or state emergency, the Injunctive Relief Distributors shall be required to give notice to the State Compliance Review Committee of any temporary material changes to their CSMP processes which may conflict with the requirements of the Injunctive Relief Terms and specify the sections of the Injunctive Relief Terms which will be affected by the temporary change.


C.The Injunctive Relief Distributors shall document all temporary changes to their CSMP processes and appropriately document all customer-specific actions taken as a result of the declared national or state emergency.


D.The Injunctive Relief Distributors shall provide notice to the State Compliance Review Committee at the conclusion of the declared national or state emergency, or sooner, stating that the temporary CSMP processes put into place have been suspended.


E.Provided the Injunctive Relief Distributors comply with the provisions of Sections XV.A through XV.D, the Injunctive Relief Distributors will not face liability for







any deviations from the requirements of the Injunctive Relief Terms taken in good faith to meet the critical needs of the supply chain in response to the declared national or state emergency. Nothing herein shall limit Settling States from pursuing claims against the Injunctive Relief Distributors based on deviations from the requirements of the Injunctive Relief Terms not taken in good faith to meet the critical needs of the supply chain in response to a declared national or state emergency.




A.The Injunctive Relief Distributors acknowledge and agree that they must comply with applicable state and federal laws governing the distribution of Controlled Substances.


B.Good faith compliance with the Injunctive Relief Terms creates a presumption that the Injunctive Relief Distributors are acting reasonably and in the public interest with respect to Settling States' existing laws requiring effective controls against diversion of Controlled Substances and with respect to the identification, reporting, and blocking of Suspicious Orders of Controlled Substances.


C.The requirements of the Injunctive Relief Terms are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other requirements of state or federal law applicable to Controlled Substances distribution. Except as provided in Section XVI.D, nothing in the Injunctive Relief Terms shall be construed as relieving Injunctive Relief Distributors of the obligation to comply with such laws, regulations, or rules. No provision of the Injunctive Relief Terms shall be deemed as permission for Injunctive Relief Distributors to engage in any acts or practices prohibited by such laws, regulations, or rules.


D.In the event of a conflict between the requirements of the Injunctive Relief Terms and any other law, regulation, or requirement such that an Injunctive Relief Distributor cannot comply with the law without violating the Injunctive Relief Terms or being subject to adverse action, including fines and penalties, the Injunctive Relief Distributor shall document such conflicts and notify the State Compliance Review Committee and any affected Settling State the extent to which it will comply with the Injunctive Relief Terms in order to eliminate the conflict within thirty (30) days of the Injunctive Relief Distributor's discovery of the conflict. The Injunctive Relief Distributor shall comply with the Injunctive Relief Terms to the fullest extent possible without violating the law.


E.In the event of a change or modification of federal or state law governing the distribution of Controlled Substances that creates an actual or potential conflict with the Injunctive Relief Terms, any Injunctive Relief Distributor, any affected Settling State, or the State Compliance Review Committee may request that the Injunctive Relief Distributors, State Compliance Review Committee, and any affected Settling State meet and confer regarding the law change. During the meet and confer, the Injunctive Relief Distributors, the State Compliance Review







Committee, and any affected Settling State will address whether the change or modification in federal or state law requires an amendment to the Injunctive Relief Terms. In the event the Injunctive Relief Distributors, the State Compliance Review Committee, and any affected Settling State cannot agree on a resolution, and the dispute relates to whether the generally applicable Injunctive Relief Terms herein should be changed, an Injunctive Relief Distributor, the State Compliance Review Committee, or any affected Settling State may submit the question to the National Arbitration Panel. If the dispute relates to whether a change in an individual State's law requires a modification of the Injunctive Relief Terms only with respect to that State, an Injunctive Relief Distributor, the State Compliance Review Committee, or any affected Settling State may seek resolution of the dispute pursuant to Section XIX. Maintenance of competition in the industry and the potential burden of inconsistent obligations by Injunctive Relief Distributors shall be a relevant consideration in such resolution.


F.Recordkeeping: Each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall retain records it is required to create pursuant to its obligations hereunder in an electronic or otherwise readily accessible format. The Settling States shall have the right to review records provided to the Monitor pursuant to Section XVIII. Nothing in the Injunctive Relief Terms prohibits a Settling State from issuing a lawful subpoena for records pursuant to an applicable law.




A.Creation of the Clearinghouse


1.The Clearinghouse functions shall be undertaken by a third-party vendor or vendors.


2.The vendor(s) will be chosen through a process developed and jointly agreed upon by the Injunctive Relief Distributors and the State Compliance Review Committee.


3.Consistent with the process developed by the Injunctive Relief Distributors and the State Compliance Review Committee, within two (2) months of the Effective Date, the Injunctive Relief Distributors shall issue a Request for Proposal to develop the systems and capabilities for a Clearinghouse to perform the services of a data aggregator.


4.Within five (5) months of the Effective Date, the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel shall select one or more entities to develop the systems for the Clearinghouse and perform data aggregator services. The Clearinghouse Advisory Panel shall select a vendor or vendors that employ or retain personnel who have adequate expertise and experience related to the pharmaceutical industry, the distribution of Controlled Substances, and the applicable requirements of the Controlled Substances Act and the DEA's implementing regulations.







5.Within sixty (60) days of the selection of a vendor(s) to serve as the Clearinghouse, the Injunctive Relief Distributors shall negotiate and finalize a contract with the vendor(s). The date that the contract is signed by the Injunctive Relief Distributors and the vendor(s) shall be referred to as the "Clearinghouse Retention Date."


6.The development of the Clearinghouse shall proceed on a phased approach as discussed in Sections XVII.C and XVII.D.


B.Governance and Staffing of the Clearinghouse


1.Capabilities. The selected vendor or vendors shall staff the Clearinghouse in a manner that ensures the development of robust data collection, analytics and reporting capabilities for the Settling States and Injunctive Relief Distributors. To the extent additional expertise is required for the engagement, the vendor(s) may retain the services of third-party consultants.


2.Independence. While performing services for the Clearinghouse, all vendors and consultants, and their staff working on the Clearinghouse, shall be independent (i.e., not perform services of any kind, including as a consultant or an employee on behalf of any Injunctive Relief Distributor outside of the ordinary business operations of the Clearinghouse). Independence may be achieved by implementing appropriate ethical walls with employees who are currently performing or who have previously performed work for an Injunctive Relief Distributor within two years of the Clearinghouse Retention Date.


3.Liability. The Injunctive Relief Distributors are entitled to rely upon information or data received from the Clearinghouse, whether in oral, written, or other form. No Injunctive Relief Distributor, and no individual serving on the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel, shall have any liability (whether direct or indirect, in contract or tort or otherwise) to any Party for or in connection with any action taken or not taken by the Clearinghouse. In addition, no Injunctive Relief Distributor, and no individual serving on the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel, shall have any liability (whether direct or indirect, in contract or tort or otherwise) to any Party for or in connection with any action taken or not taken by an Injunctive Relief Distributor based on incorrect, inaccurate, incomplete or otherwise erroneous information or data provided by the Clearinghouse, unless the information or data was incorrect, inaccurate, incomplete or otherwise erroneous because the Injunctive Relief Distributor itself provided incorrect, inaccurate, incomplete or otherwise erroneous data or information to the Clearinghouse. For any legal requirements that are assumed by the Clearinghouse during Phase 2-B pursuant to Section XVII.D.3, liability shall be addressed pursuant to Section XVII.D.3.c.







4.Clearinghouse Advisory Panel. The State Compliance Review Committee and Injunctive Relief Distributors shall create a Clearinghouse Advisory Panel no later than sixty (60) days after the Effective Date to oversee the Clearinghouse.


a)The Clearinghouse Advisory Panel shall have an equal number of members chosen by the State Compliance Review Committee on the one hand, and the Injunctive Relief Distributors on the other. The size of the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel will be decided by the State Compliance Review Committee and the Injunctive Relief Distributors, and the State Compliance Review Committee and the Injunctive Relief Distributors may select as members third-party experts, but no more than one half of each side's representatives may be such third-party experts. At least one member chosen by the State Compliance Review Committee will be based on consultation with the National Association of State Controlled Substances Authorities.


b)During the first two years of the operation of the Clearinghouse, the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel shall meet (in-person or remotely) at least once per month. After the first two years of operation, the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel shall meet at least quarterly. The Monitor may attend Clearinghouse Advisory Panel meetings and may provide recommendations to the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel.


c)The Clearinghouse Advisory Panel shall establish a subcommittee to advise on issues related to privacy, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA"), and data security and a subcommittee to advise on issues related to Dispensing Data. It may establish additional subcommittees. Subcommittees may include individuals who are not members of the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel. The Clearinghouse Advisory Panel may invite one or more prescribers, dispensers, and representatives from state Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs ("PDMP") to serve on the Dispensing Data subcommittee. Each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall have a representative on each subcommittee created by the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel.


d)The Clearinghouse Advisory Panel may delegate tasks assigned to it by the Injunctive Relief Terms to the Executive Director.


5.Executive Director. One employee of the vendor, or one representative from the vendor group in the event that there are multiple vendors, shall be an Executive Director who shall manage day-to-day operations and report periodically to the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel.







C.Phase 1 of the Clearinghouse: Data Collection, Initial Analytics and Reporting


1.System Development


a)Within one (1) year of the Clearinghouse Retention Date, the Clearinghouse shall develop systems to receive and analyze data obtained from the Injunctive Relief Distributors pursuant to electronic transmission formats to be agreed upon by the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel.


b)In developing such systems, the Clearinghouse shall ensure that:


(1)The systems provide robust reporting and analytic capabilities.


(2)Data obtained from Injunctive Relief Distributors shall be automatically pulled from the existing order management data platforms (e.g., SAP).


(3)The systems shall be designed to receive data from sources other than the Injunctive Relief Distributors, including pharmacies, non-Injunctive Relief Distributors, the DEA, State Boards of Pharmacy, and other relevant sources, pursuant to standardized electronic transmission formats.


(4)The systems shall be designed to protect personally identifiable information ("PII") and protected health information ("PHI") from disclosure and shall comply with HIPAA and any federal and state laws relating to the protection of PII and PHI.


(5)The Clearinghouse will establish a HIPAA-compliant database that can be accessed by state authorities, the Injunctive Relief Distributors, and any entities that subsequently participate in the Clearinghouse. The database that will be made available to the Injunctive Relief Distributors and any non-governmental entities that subsequently participate in the Clearinghouse will also blind commercially sensitive information.


(6)State authorities shall have access to the HIPAA-compliant database via web-based tools and no additional or specialized equipment or software shall be required. This access shall allow state authorities to query the HIPAA-compliant database without limitation.







(7)The Injunctive Relief Distributors shall be permitted to use data obtained from the Clearinghouse for anti-diversion purposes, including the uses expressly contemplated by the Injunctive Relief Terms. The Injunctive Relief Distributors shall not sell (or obtain license fees for) data obtained from Clearinghouse to any third-parties. Nothing in the Injunctive Relief Terms shall prohibit an Injunctive Relief Distributor from using its own data, including data provided to the Injunctive Relief Distributor by third- parties other than the Clearinghouse, for any commercial purposes, including selling or licensing its data to third- parties.


2.Aggregation of Data


a)It is the goal of the Settling States and the Injunctive Relief Distributors for the Clearinghouse to obtain comprehensive data from all distributors, pharmacies, and other relevant data sources to provide maximum permissible transparency into the distribution and dispensing of Controlled Substances. During Phase 1, the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel shall develop recommendations for ways to achieve this goal.


b)In Phase 1, the Injunctive Relief Distributors shall provide and/or facilitate the collection of, and the Clearinghouse shall collect and maintain, the following:


(1)Injunctive Relief Distributor transaction data for Controlled Substances and non-Controlled Substances, specified at the NDC, date, quantity, and customer level.


(2)Injunctive Relief Distributor information on Customers that have been terminated and/or declined onboarding due to concerns regarding Controlled Substance dispensing following the Effective Date.


c)The Clearinghouse shall make available to the Injunctive Relief Distributors, in a format to be determined by the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel, blinded data for their CSMP due diligence functions. The data will include all Controlled Substances and non- Controlled Substances and be refreshed on a regular basis. The Clearinghouse will also seek to provide non-identifying information regarding whether a single distributor is associated with multiple warehouses with unique DEA registrations (e.g., multiple distribution centers operated by a single distributor), in the data it makes available.







d)During Phase 1, the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel (with input from its Dispensing Data subcommittee) will develop an operational plan to obtain Dispensing Data directly from pharmacies, unless the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel determines it is inadvisable to do so. The operational plan developed by the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel shall address compliance with HIPAA and shall include recommendations to facilitate the collection of Dispensing Data in compliance with HIPAA and relevant state privacy laws. To the extent possible, the Clearinghouse will begin collecting Dispensing Data during Phase 1.


e)Nothing in the Injunctive Relief Terms shall require the Injunctive Relief Distributors to indemnify or otherwise be responsible to pharmacy customers for any claims resulting from the provision of Dispensing Data to the Clearinghouse, including, but not limited to, claims related to any data breaches occurring with the data transmitted to or maintained by the Clearinghouse.


3.State and Federal Reporting Requirements


a)The Injunctive Relief Distributors shall comply with state and federal transactional and Suspicious Order reporting requirements related to Controlled Substances as follows:


(1)Until such time as the Clearinghouse is able to provide transactional and Suspicious Order regulatory reporting to the states on behalf of the Injunctive Relief Distributors, the Injunctive Relief Distributors shall continue to file all required reports under state law and those reports required by these Injunctive Relief Terms.


(2)Once the Clearinghouse is able to process and submit such reports, the Clearinghouse may process and submit those reports on behalf of each Injunctive Relief Distributor to the states. At all times during Phase 1, each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall remain responsible for the identification of Suspicious Orders and will remain liable for a failure to submit transactional data or Suspicious Order reports required under state law or these Injunctive Relief Terms.


(3)An Injunctive Relief Distributor may elect to fulfill its reporting obligations directly, rather than have the Clearinghouse assume the responsibility for the transmission of the various reports.







4.Additional Reports and Analytics


a)In consultation with the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel, the Clearinghouse shall work to develop additional reports and analyses to assist the Settling States and the Injunctive Relief Distributors in addressing Controlled Substance diversion, including, but not limited to, identifying Red Flags consistent with Section VIII.


b)The Clearinghouse will generate analyses and reports to be used by the Settling States and the Injunctive Relief Distributors based on format and content recommended by the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel. In order to refine the format and reach final recommendations, the Clearinghouse shall prepare sample analytical reports for a sample geographic region to review with the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel. The sample reports will also be shared with the DEA in an effort to receive additional feedback.


c)After the content and format of the sample reports have been approved by the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel, the Clearinghouse will begin producing reports on a periodic basis.


d)The Clearinghouse will develop capabilities to provide Settling States customized reports upon reasonable request to assist in their efforts to combat the diversion of Controlled Substances and for other public health and regulatory purposes.


e)After the Clearinghouse has obtained sufficient Dispensing Data from Customers, the Clearinghouse shall commence providing standard reports to the Settling States and Injunctive Relief Distributors that will include summaries and analysis of Dispensing Data. The reports and analytics of Dispensing Data shall be developed in consultation with the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel (including its Dispensing Data subcommittee) and shall include, but not be limited to:


(1)Identification of Customers whose dispensing may indicate Red Flags consistent with Section VIII, as determined by the Clearinghouse from aggregate data; and


(2)Identification of Customers whose aggregate dispensing volumes for Highly Diverted Controlled Substances are disproportionately high relative to the population of the relevant geographic area.


f)The Clearinghouse shall also prepare reports and analyses for the Settling States and Injunctive Relief Distributors identifying prescribers whose prescribing behavior suggests they may not be







engaged in the legitimate practice of medicine. Such reports and analysis shall be developed in consultation with the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel (including its Dispensing Data subcommittee) and shall seek to identify and evaluate:


(1)Prescribers who routinely prescribe large volumes of Highly Diverted Controlled Substances relative to other prescribers with similar specialties, including health care professionals who prescribe a large number of prescriptions for high dosage amounts of Highly Diverted Controlled Substances;


(2)Prescribers whose prescriptions for Highly Diverted Controlled Substances are routinely and disproportionately filled in a geographic area that is unusual based on the prescriber's location; and


(3)Prescribers who routinely prescribe out-of-specialty or out- of-practice area without legitimate reason.


g)Reports or analysis generated by the Clearinghouse may not be based on complete data due to a lack of participation by non- Injunctive Relief Distributors and pharmacies. As such, Injunctive Relief Distributors shall not be held responsible for actions or inactions related to reports and analysis prepared by the Clearinghouse which may be based on incomplete data due to a lack of participation by non-Injunctive Relief Distributors and pharmacies.


D.Phase 2 of the Clearinghouse: Additional Data Collection and Analytics and Assumption of CSMP Functions


Within one (1) year of Phase 1 of the Clearinghouse being operational, the Clearinghouse and the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel shall develop a detailed strategic and implementation plan for Phase 2 of the Clearinghouse ("Phase 2 Planning Report"). Phase 2 will consist of two parts. Phase 2-A will focus on increasing data collection from non-Injunctive Relief Distributors, pharmacies and other data sources and developing enhanced analytics based on the experiences gained from Phase 1. Phase 2-A will also include recommendations for the development of uniform federal and state reporting. Phase 2-B will involve the potential assumption of various CSMP activities, including Threshold setting and order management by the Clearinghouse. The Phase 2 Planning Report will address both Phase 2-A and Phase 2-B. After the completion of the Phase 2 Planning Report, individual Injunctive Relief Distributors, in their sole discretion, may elect not to proceed with Phase 2-B as provided by Section XVII.E. If one or more Injunctive Relief Distributors elect to proceed with Phase 2-B, the goal will be to have Phase 2-B fully operational within two (2) years of the Clearinghouse







Retention Date and no later than three (3) years of the Clearinghouse Retention Date.


1.Phase 2-A: Additional Data Collection and Analytics


a)During Phase 2-A, the Clearinghouse will continue the functions defined in Phase 1 and work to expand the scope of its data collection and enhance its analytics and reporting capabilities including the following:


(1)Integration of data from additional sources, including:


(a)Transaction data from other distributors, including manufacturers that distribute directly to retail pharmacies and pharmacies that self-warehouse; and


(b)Where possible, state PDMP data and other data, including, but not limited to, State Board of Medicine and Board of Pharmacy sanctions, and agreed-upon industry data. If state PDMP data is effectively duplicative of Dispensing Data already obtained in Phase 1, it will not be necessary for the Clearinghouse to obtain state PDMP data.


(2)Development of additional metrics analyzing the data available from the additional data sources (PDMP, other pharmacy data, sanction authorities, and third-party volume projections).


(3)Development of real-time or near real-time access to distribution data, dispensing data and other data sources.


(4)Refinement of methodologies for analyzing Dispensing Data to identify suspicious prescribers.


(5)Development of additional capabilities to provide Settling States, the Injunctive Relief Distributors and potentially the DEA customized reporting from the Clearinghouse upon reasonable request.


2.Phase 2-A: Uniform Required Reporting


a)The Clearinghouse and the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel shall develop uniform reporting recommendations for potential implementation by state regulators in order to allow the Injunctive Relief Distributors to satisfy their obligations under the Injunctive







Relief Terms and state and federal laws in a uniform and consistent manner.


b)It is a goal of the Settling States and the Injunctive Relief Distributors to:


(1)Streamline and simplify required reporting which will benefit the Injunctive Relief Distributors and the Settling States, as well as the DEA;


(2)Develop uniform transactional and Suspicious Order reporting requirements; and


(3)Provide for the submission of uniform Suspicious Order reports.


3.Phase 2-B: Clearinghouse Assumption of CSMP Functions


a)With respect to Phase 2-B, the Phase 2 Planning Report shall address:


(1)Engagement with stakeholders, including the DEA, to develop the system of Threshold setting and Suspicious Order reporting to potentially be provided by the Clearinghouse;


(2)Development of technology and rules, including any proposed changes to federal law or regulations;


(3)Development of models for the identification of Suspicious Orders and setting universal Thresholds in a manner consistent with Section XII. These models shall include active order management and order fulfillment protocols to ensure that orders are compared to relevant Thresholds by the Clearinghouse before shipment instructions are provided by the Clearinghouse to the Injunctive Relief Distributors. The models shall also include the identification of Suspicious Orders when they are placed by Customers, which will be held before shipment or blocked based on instructions provided by the Clearinghouse to the Injunctive Relief Distributors.


(4)Development of criteria governing distribution to Customers that have placed one or more Orders that exceed a Threshold;







(5)Development of rules for allocating Orders placed by Customers that have more than one Distributor if one or more Orders exceed a Threshold;


(6)Development of a pilot project for a sample geographic region to perform data analysis to test the models for Threshold setting and the identification of Suspicious Orders.


b)Following implementation of Phase 2-B, the Injunctive Relief Distributors participating in Phase 2-B and the State Compliance Review Committee shall meet and confer with respect to whether to expand the scope of the Clearinghouse to cover additional anti- diversion functions, such as the performance of due diligence.


c)CSMP functions that have been assumed by the Clearinghouse during Phase 2-B will no longer be performed by participating Injunctive Relief Distributors individually through their CSMPs. CSMP functions performed by the Clearinghouse will assist participating Injunctive Relief Distributors to satisfy the applicable legal obligations of those Injunctive Relief Distributors. The Clearinghouse's performance of CSMP functions will not relieve participating Injunctive Relief Distributors from their legal obligations unless (i) the Injunctive Relief Distributors and the State Compliance Review Committee jointly enter into a written agreement for the Clearinghouse to assume legal requirements during Phase 2-B; and (ii) all vendors and consultants working on the Clearinghouse agree in writing to assume such obligations. Nothing in this paragraph shall apply to any Injunctive Relief Distributor that does not participate in Phase 2-B pursuant to Section XVII.E.


E.Option to Opt Out of Phase 2-B


1.Each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall have the option, in its sole discretion, to elect not to participate in Phase 2-B at any point. In the event that an Injunctive Relief Distributor elects not to participate in Phase 2-B, that Injunctive Relief Distributor shall cease to have any obligation to fund future costs directly related to Phase 2-B of the Clearinghouse or to implement the Clearinghouse's determinations as to identification of Suspicious Orders and Suspicious Order reporting. If an Injunctive Relief Distributor elects not to participate in Phase 2-B, that Injunctive Relief Distributor shall remain responsible for the requirements specified for Phase 1 and Phase 2-A of the Clearinghouse and shall be responsible for contributing to the costs associated with Phase 1 and Phase 2-A.







2.In the event that an Injunctive Relief Distributor elects not to participate in Phase 2-B, the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel shall discuss and make recommendations for any necessary adjustments to the Phase 2-B capabilities described in Section XVII.D.3.




1.The establishment and ongoing operations of the Clearinghouse shall be funded by the Injunctive Relief Distributors for a period of ten (10) years commencing on the Clearinghouse Retention Date.


2.For each of the first two (2) years of the operation of the Clearinghouse, the Injunctive Relief Distributors will make total payments of $7.5 million per year combined. For years three (3) through ten (10), the Injunctive Relief Distributors will make total payments of $3 million per year combined. Additional costs associated with Phase 2-B shall be billed to the Injunctive Relief Distributors participating in Phase 2-B.


3.Payments by the Injunctive Relief Distributors for the Clearinghouse shall be allocated among the Injunctive Relief Distributors as set forth in Section IV.H of the Settlement Agreement, dated as of July 21, 2021, which incorporates these Injunctive Relief Terms as Exhibit P.


4.In the event that the cost of the Clearinghouse exceeds the amounts provided by the Injunctive Relief Distributors, the Injunctive Relief Distributors and State Compliance Review Committee shall meet-and- confer on alternatives, which may include:


a)Limiting the operations of the Clearinghouse consistent with a revised budget;


b)Seeking additional sources of funding for the Clearinghouse; and/or


c)Allocating, in a manner consistent with the allocation of payments between the Injunctive Relief Distributors as set forth in Section XVII.F.3, additional amounts that are the responsibility of the Injunctive Relief Distributors to be used for the operation of the Clearinghouse.


5.The Injunctive Relief Distributors and the State Compliance Review Committee agree to engage in good faith discussions regarding potential continued operation and funding of the Clearinghouse following the initial ten (10) year period of Clearinghouse operations.


6.The Injunctive Relief Distributors and the State Compliance Review Committee shall develop a means to obtain payments from other parties that may use or benefit from the Clearinghouse, including, but not limited







to, other settling defendants, non-Injunctive Relief Distributors, or other parties and the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel shall consider other funding sources for the Clearinghouse. This may include consideration of a user fee or other model by which non-Injunctive Relief Distributors that use the Clearinghouse will contribute to funding the Clearinghouse.


7.In the event that ten (10) or more Settling States reach agreements with any national retail chain pharmacies to resolve claims related to the distribution of Controlled Substances, the Settling States' Attorneys' General agree to make participation in the Clearinghouse, including providing data to the Clearinghouse and contribution to the cost of the operation of the Clearinghouse, a condition of any settlement. The Settling States' Attorneys' General agree to make best efforts to ensure that any other settling distributors and/or pharmacies participate in the Clearinghouse. To the extent that the Attorneys General are able to secure participation by additional distributors and/or pharmacies, it is anticipated that, to the extent practicable based on the financial and relative size of the settling distributor and/or pharmacy, those entities will contribute to the cost of the operation of the Clearinghouse. The Injunctive Relief Distributors' obligation to fund the Clearinghouse shall be partially reduced by contributions obtained from other distributors and/or pharmacies pursuant to a formula to be determined by the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel.




1.All data provided to the Clearinghouse shall be confidential.


2.Information provided by distributors participating in the Clearinghouse may not be provided to any other entity or individual outside those expressly contemplated by the Injunctive Relief Terms.


3.The Clearinghouse may not provide to any distributor information specific to another distributor. Notwithstanding the prior sentence, the Clearinghouse may provide blinded data to a distributor reflecting total Orders (across all distributors) for a particular Customer, region, and/or state at the base code and NDC number level and all transactional data information. Such information may only be used by receiving distributors for purposes of identifying, minimizing, or otherwise addressing the risk of Controlled Substances diversion. No distributor or pharmacy, including the Injunctive Relief Distributors, shall attempt to obtain revenue from this information. Such information provided by the Clearinghouse shall be compliant with all applicable laws and regulations.


4.If the Clearinghouse receives a request for disclosure of any data, material or other information created or shared under the Injunctive Relief Terms, pursuant to a Third Party Request, the Clearinghouse shall notify the








Injunctive Relief Distributors and the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel of the Third Party Request and any confidential information to be disclosed so that the Injunctive Relief Distributors may seek a protective order or otherwise challenge or object to the disclosure. The Clearinghouse shall provide the Injunctive Relief Distributors and the Clearinghouse Advisory Panel with at least ten (10) days' advance notice before complying with any Third Party Request for confidential information, except where state law requires a lesser period of advance notice.


H.Data Integrity


1.The Clearinghouse shall use best-in-class technology to preserve the integrity of the data.


2.The Clearinghouse shall report any data breaches under HIPAA and state law that occur as a result of any of its data collection and reporting activities to the Settling States and other authorities as required by law.


3.The Injunctive Relief Distributors and the Settling States shall not be liable for any breaches of any databases maintained by the Clearinghouse. This does not excuse the Clearinghouse or its vendor(s) from compliance with all state and federal laws and regulations governing (1) the protection of personal information and protected health information, or (2) notifications relating to Data Security Events.


I.Credit for Investment in the Clearinghouse


1.The Injunctive Relief Distributors and the State Compliance Review Committee shall negotiate in good faith regarding a potential credit against Injunctive Relief Distributors' overall settlement obligations if costs exceed the amounts specified in Section XVII.F.




A.Monitor Selection and Engagement


1.The Injunctive Relief Distributors shall engage a Monitor to perform the reviews described in Section XVIII.F. The Monitor shall employ or retain personnel who have appropriate qualifications related to the pharmaceutical industry and the laws governing the distribution of pharmaceuticals, the distribution of Controlled Substances, and the applicable requirements of federal and state law. The Monitor may also employ or retain personnel who have appropriate qualifications in the audit and review of sample documents in order to conduct the reviews described in Section XVIII.F. To the extent additional expertise is required for the engagement, the Monitor may retain the services of third-party consultants.







2.The Monitor must perform each review described in Section XVIII.F in a professionally independent and objective fashion, as defined in the most recent Government Auditing Standards issued by the United States Government Accountability Office. A Monitor shall not be engaged in active litigation involving one or more of the Injunctive Relief Distributors or Settling States or present a potential conflict of interest involving matters concerning an Injunctive Relief Distributor, except by agreement of the affected parties. If the Monitor is employed by an entity that performed work for any Injunctive Relief Distributor or any of the Settling States prior to the Effective Date, the Monitor will cause to be implemented appropriate ethical walls between the Monitor team and the employees of the firm who have previously performed work for an Injunctive Relief Distributor or any of the Settling States.


3.The process for selecting the Monitor shall be as follows:


a)Within sixty (60) calendar days of the Effective Date, the Injunctive Relief Distributors and the State Compliance Review Committee shall exchange pools of recommended candidates to serve as the Monitor. The pools shall each contain the names of three (3) individuals, groups of individuals, or firms.


b)After receiving the pools of Monitor candidates, the Injunctive Relief Distributors and the State Compliance Review Committee shall have the right to meet with the candidates and conduct appropriate interviews of the personnel who are expected to work on the project. The Injunctive Relief Distributors (individually or in combination) and the State Compliance Review Committee may veto any of the candidates, and must do so in writing within thirty (30) days of receiving the pool of candidates. If all three (3) candidates within a pool are rejected by either the Injunctive Relief Distributors or the State Compliance Review Committee, the party who rejected the three (3) candidates may direct the other party to provide up to three (3) additional qualified candidates within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of said notice.


c)If the Injunctive Relief Distributors or the State Compliance Review Committee do not object to a proposed candidate, the Injunctive Relief Distributors or the State Compliance Review Committee shall so notify the other in writing within thirty (30) days of receiving the pool of candidates. If more than one candidate remains, the State Compliance Review Committee shall select the Monitor from the remaining candidates. Within thirty (30) calendar days of the selection of the Monitor, the Injunctive Relief Distributors shall retain the Monitor, and finalize all terms of engagement, supplying a copy of an engagement letter to the State Compliance Review Committee. The terms of engagement







    shall include a process by which Injunctive Relief Distributors may challenge Monitor costs as excessive, duplicative or unnecessary, which process must be approved by the State Compliance Review Committee.


4.The Injunctive Relief Distributors shall be responsible for the Monitor's fees and costs directly related to its performance of the work specified by the Injunctive Relief Terms up to a limit of $1,000,000 per year per Injunctive Relief Distributor (i.e., a total of $3,000,000 per year).


5.Prior to each year, the Monitor shall submit a combined annual budget to the Injunctive Relief Distributors and State Compliance Review Committee that shall not exceed a total of $3,000,000. The Monitor shall submit quarterly reports to the Injunctive Relief Distributors and the State Compliance Review Committee tracking actual spend to the annual budget.


6.In the event that any of the Injunctive Relief Distributors or State Compliance Review Committee believe that the Monitor is not performing its duties and responsibilities under the Injunctive Relief Terms in a reasonably cost effective manner, an Injunctive Relief Distributor or the State Compliance Review Committee shall recommend in writing changes to the Monitor's practices to reduce cost. The Monitor, Injunctive Relief Distributors, and the State Compliance Review Committee shall meet and confer in good faith in response to such a recommendation.


7.In the event that the Injunctive Relief Distributor and the State Compliance Review Committee cannot agree on whether the recommended cost reductions are warranted, either the State Compliance Review Committee or the Injunctive Relief Distributors may submit the question to the National Arbitration Panel, who shall determine whether the Monitor is performing its duties and responsibilities under the Injunctive Relief Terms in a reasonably cost effective manner, and, if not, the necessary changes to the Monitor's practices to reduce cost.


8.If the National Arbitration Panel determines that the Monitor cannot complete the reviews described in Section XVIII.F within the combined annual budget of $3,000,000, the National Arbitration Panel shall require the Monitor to provide the Injunctive Relief Distributors and the State Compliance Review Committee with a written report explaining why it is not possible to complete the reviews within budget and all steps the Monitor has taken to perform its duties and responsibilities under the Injunctive Relief Terms in a reasonably cost effective manner. After receiving the Monitor's report, the Injunctive Relief Distributors, and the State Compliance Review Committee shall meet and confer in good faith to determine whether an increase in the combined budget is appropriate. If the Injunctive Relief Distributors and the State Compliance Review







Committee cannot reach an agreement on the amount of the reasonable costs in excess of $3,000,000 for the relevant year, the issue will be submitted to the National Arbitration Panel for resolution. The National Arbitration Panel may award additional costs up to total cap of $5,000,000 for the relevant year ($3,000,000 plus an additional $2,000,000).


9.Unless the Injunctive Relief Distributors and the State Compliance Review Committee agree otherwise as part of the meet and confer process in the prior paragraph (such as by agreeing to limit the Monitor's duties and responsibilities for the remainder of the year), the amount above $3,000,000 and up to the total cap of $5,000,000 in a given year necessary for the Monitor to complete the reviews described in Section XVIII.F shall be divided evenly among the Injunctive Relief Distributors without reducing any other amounts that are the responsibility of the Injunctive Relief Distributors.


B.Early Termination of the Monitor


1.In the event any of the Injunctive Relief Distributors or State Compliance Review Committee believe that the Monitor is not performing its duties and responsibilities under the Injunctive Relief Terms in a reasonably professional, competent and independent manner, an Injunctive Relief Distributor or the State Compliance Review Committee shall recommend replacement of the Monitor in writing. The Injunctive Relief Distributors and the State Compliance Review Committee shall meet and confer in good faith in response to a recommendation to replace the Monitor. If the State Compliance Review Committee and the Injunctive Relief Distributors agree that the Monitor should be replaced, a replacement Monitor will be selected in the manner set forth in Section XVIII.A.3.


2.In the event the Injunctive Relief Distributor and the State Compliance Review Committee cannot agree on whether the Monitor should be replaced, either the State Compliance Review Committee or the Injunctive Relief Distributors may submit the question of the Monitor's dismissal to the National Arbitration Panel, and the Monitor shall only be dismissed if that panel finds that there is Good Cause for dismissal. Good Cause for dismissal shall mean (a) a material and substantial breach of the terms of the Monitor's obligations under the Injunctive Relief Terms; (b) any act of dishonesty, misappropriation, embezzlement, intentional fraud, or similar conduct by the Monitor; (c) any clear pattern of bias or prejudice in favor or against any party by the Monitor; (d) conduct by the Monitor that demonstrates unfitness to fulfill the functions of the Monitor reasonably and competently; or (e) conflicts of interest described in Section XVIII.A.2. If the panel finds that the Monitor should be dismissed, a replacement Monitor will be selected in the manner set forth in Section XVIII.A.3.







3.In addition, if the Monitor resigns for any reason, a replacement Monitor will be selected in the manner set forth in Section XVIII.A.3.


C.Term and Reporting Periods


1.The term of the Monitor will be five (5) years from the date the Monitor is appointed, divided into one-year periods for purposes of the reviews and reporting described in Section XVIII ("Reporting Periods").


D.Monitor Access to Information


1.In connection with its reviews set forth in Section XVIII.F, the Monitor may request to interview employees with appropriate authority and responsibilities as necessary. In the event that an Injunctive Relief Distributor believes that the Monitor is requesting an unreasonable number of interviews or requesting interviews of employees who do not have relevant information to the reviews required by Section XVIII.F, the Injunctive Relief Distributor and State Compliance Review Committee shall meet and confer in good faith to resolve this issue.


2.The Chief Diversion Control Officer of each Injunctive Relief Distributor or a direct report of the Chief Diversion Control Officer shall serve as the primary point of contact for the Monitor to facilitate the Monitor's access to documents, materials, or staff necessary to conduct the reviews specified in Section XVIII.F. The Monitor shall communicate any request for documents, materials, or access to staff to the Chief Diversion Control Officers or their designees.


3.If at any time the Monitor believes there is undue delay, resistance, interference, limitation, or denial of access to any records or to any employee or former employee deemed necessary by the Monitor to conduct the reviews specified in Section XVIII.F, the Monitor shall notify the Chief Diversion Control Officer of the Injunctive Relief Distributor and they shall meet and confer to resolve such issue. If the Monitor believes that the matter was not resolved, the Monitor shall immediately report the issue to the State Compliance Review Committee.


4.To the extent any of the documents requested by the Monitor contain material protected from disclosure by any legal privilege, including the attorney-client privilege or attorney work product protections, an Injunctive Relief Distributor may redact such material before providing the documents to the Monitor, but must provide the Monitor with a privilege log describing the redacted information and identifying the basis for redaction.


5.Notwithstanding any other information referenced and produced pursuant to Section XVIII, the Monitor shall have access to, and each Injunctive Relief Distributor's Chief Diversion Control Officer shall produce to the







Monitor, any settlement agreements with government entities entered into after the Effective Date specifically concerning the requirements contained in the Injunctive Relief Terms and an Injunctive Relief Distributor's distribution of Controlled Substances (as opposed to distribution of pharmaceutical products in general).


E.Settling States' Access to Monitor


1.Other than in connection with the initiation of a Notice of Potential Violation set forth in Section XIX.B.2, should the Monitor believe it needs to initiate communication with the State Compliance Review Committee regarding an Injunctive Relief Distributor's compliance with the Injunctive Relief Terms, the Monitor's communications should include the Chief Diversion Control Officer or counsel of the affected Injunctive Relief Distributor, regardless of the form of communication.


2.The State Compliance Review Committee shall have access to any settlement agreements produced to the Monitor pursuant to Section XVIII.D.5.


F.Reviews to be Conducted by the Monitor


1.There shall be two (2) types of reviews to be conducted by the Monitor:


a)Customer-specific reviews, as set forth in Section XVIII.F.2; and


b)System reviews, as set forth in Section XVIII.F.3.


2.Customer-Specific Reviews


a)The following Customer-specific reviews will be conducted by the Monitor for each Injunctive Relief Distributor for each of the Reporting Periods:


(1)Threshold Change Request Review ("TCR Review");


(2)Onboarding New Customer Review ("Onboarding Review");


(3)Ongoing Due Diligence Review ("Ongoing Diligence Review");


(4)Customer Termination Review ("Termination Review"); and


(5)Orders that Exceed Thresholds but are Shipped Review ("Exceeded Threshold Review").







b)Sample selection and audit periods for TCR Reviews, Onboarding Reviews, Ongoing Diligence Reviews, Termination Reviews, and Exceeded Threshold Reviews:


(1)For each Reporting Period, the Monitor will review a representative sample of files for the performance of the TCR Reviews, Onboarding Reviews, and Ongoing Diligence Reviews. The Monitor shall select a sample representative of various geographic regions, customer types (Independent Retail Pharmacy Customers or Chain Customer), and distribution centers.


(2)The Monitor will meet and confer with each of the Injunctive Relief Distributors to determine the appropriate audit period within each Reporting Period from which the samples will be selected (e.g. samples will be selected from the first six (6) months of a reporting period to allow the Monitor time to perform its review during the remainder of the reporting period).


(3)Within thirty (30) calendar days following the close of the agreed-upon audit period, the Injunctive Relief Distributors (or the Clearinghouse once operational, if able to do so) will provide the Monitor with the following lists of relevant Customers for each type of review:


(a)A list of all Customers that requested at least one Threshold increase for a Highly Diverted Controlled Substance during the relevant audit period, including the number of such requests by each Customer;


(b)A list of all Customers that were onboarded during the relevant audit period and, during that period, ordered and received Highly Diverted Controlled Substances;


(c)A list of all Customers that were the subject of an Ongoing Diligence Review during the relevant audit period;


(d)A list of all Customers that, for reasons related to Controlled Substance regulatory compliance, were terminated during the relevant audit period; and


(e)A list of all Orders for Highly Diverted Controlled Substances where a decision was made to ship the Order even though the order exceeded the otherwise







applicable Threshold, with number of such shipped orders.


(4)Within fifteen (15) calendar days of compiling this Customer information for sample selection, each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall propose a reasonable number of customer files for each review to the Monitor.


(5)Within fifteen (15) calendar days of receiving the lists specified above from the Injunctive Relief Distributors, the Monitor shall choose representative files to be reviewed from these lists. Each list will include the Customers' zip code, geographic region, distribution center, and customer type (Independent Retail Pharmacy Customer or Chain Customer).


c)TCR Reviews


(1)For each Reporting Period, the Monitor shall conduct a TCR Review for a sample review of Customers who requested at least one Threshold increase for Highly Diverted Controlled Substances for each Injunctive Relief Distributor. For the TCR Reviews, the Monitor shall review the information contained in the files of the sample Customers and determine whether the information reflects substantial compliance with the requirements of Section XII.C.3.


d)Onboarding Reviews


(1)For each Reporting Period, the Monitor shall conduct an Onboarding Review of a sample of Customers that were onboarded during the applicable audit period and, during that period, ordered and received Highly Diverted Controlled Substances from the Injunctive Relief Distributor. For the Onboarding Reviews, the Monitor shall review the information contained in the files of the sample Customers and determine whether the information reflects substantial compliance with the requirements of Section IX.


e)Ongoing Diligence Reviews


(1)For each Reporting Period, the Monitor shall conduct an Ongoing Diligence Review of a sample of Customers for each Injunctive Relief Distributor that was the subject of an Ongoing Diligence Review during the relevant audit period. For the Ongoing Diligence Reviews, the Monitor shall review the information contained in the files of the







sample of Customers and determine whether the information reflects substantial compliance with the requirements of Section X.


f)Termination Reviews


(1)For each Reporting Period, the Monitor shall conduct a review of a sample of Customers that were terminated by each Injunctive Relief Distributor during the audit period. For the Termination Reviews, the Monitor shall review the information contained in the files of the sample of Customers and determine whether the information reflects substantial compliance with the requirements of Section XIV.


g)Exceeded Threshold Review


(1)For each Reporting Period, the Monitor shall conduct a review of a sample of Orders for Highly Diverted Controlled Substances where a decision was made by the Injunctive Relief Distributor to ship the Order even though the Order exceeded the applicable Threshold. For the Exceeded Threshold Reviews, the Monitor shall review the information contained in the Customer files related to the Orders and determine whether the information reflects substantial compliance with the requirements of Section XIII.B.


3.Annual System Reviews:


a)The following system reviews will be conducted by the Monitor for each Injunctive Relief Distributor for each of the Reporting Periods:


  (1) CSMP Review;
  (2) Threshold Setting Process Review;
  (3) Suspicious Orders and Suspicious Order Report Review;
  (4) Compensation Review;
  (5) Red Flag Review; and
  (6) Review of CSMP Integration with Clearinghouse.


b) CSMP Review







(1)For each Reporting Period, the Monitor shall conduct a review of the following materials from each Injunctive Relief Distributor:


(a)Current CSMP policies and procedures;


(b)Organizational charts for the departments that are relevant to the CSMP organization;


(c)Logs and/or summaries of any reports received on the "hot line" required by Section V.E and the action or response of an Injunctive Relief Distributor to any such reports;


(d)Copies of the quarterly reports provided by the Chief Diversion Control Officer to the CSMP Committee as required by Section IV.C;


(e)Copies of the quarterly reports provided by the CSMP Committee to senior management and the Board of Directors as required by Section VI.C; and


(f)Copies of the materials used for the training required by Section VII and lists of the attendees of the training.


c)Threshold Setting Process Review:


(1)For each Reporting Period, each Injunctive Relief Distributor or its outside consultants shall prepare a summary report describing how its Threshold-setting methodology for Independent Retail Pharmacy Customers and Chain Customers complies with Section XII (the "Annual Threshold Analysis and Assessment Report").


(2)For each Reporting Period, the Monitor shall review the Annual Threshold Analysis and Assessment Report, determine whether the information reflects substantial compliance with the requirements of Section XII, and include any Observations and Recommendations, as defined in Section XVIII.G, in its annual Audit Report.


d)Suspicious Orders and Suspicious Order Reporting Review:


(1)For each Reporting Period, each Injunctive Relief Distributors will provide the Monitor with a report containing summary metrics for the Suspicious Orders that were reported to the DEA and the Settling States (the







"Suspicious Order Metrics Report"). In the Suspicious Order Metrics Report, the Injunctive Relief Distributors will also provide summary metrics for Orders of Highly Diverted Controlled Substances that exceeded a Threshold but were still shipped.


(2)For each Reporting Period, the Monitor shall review the Suspicious Order Metrics Report, determine whether the information reflects substantial compliance with the requirements of Section XIII, and include any Observations and Recommendations in its annual Audit Report.


e)Compensation Reviews:


(1)For each Reporting Period, the Monitor will review compensation-related policy documents for each Injunctive Relief Distributor for sales personnel. The Monitor shall analyze those documents and determine whether the compensation policies of each Injunctive Relief Distributor comply with the requirements contained in Section V.


f)Red Flags Review:


(1)For each Reporting Period, the Monitor shall review the Red Flags defined in Section VIII and their incorporation into each Injunctive Relief Distributor's policies and procedures. The Monitor shall determine whether the information reflects substantial compliance with the requirements of Section VIII and include any Observations and Recommendations, as called for by Section VIII.C, about those definitions in its annual Audit Report.


g)Review of CSMP Integration with the Clearinghouse:


(1)For each Reporting Period, each Injunctive Relief Distributor shall prepare a report summarizing the status of the Injunctive Relief Distributor's CSMP integration with the operation of the Clearinghouse ("Clearinghouse Integration Report"). The Monitor shall review each Injunctive Relief Distributor's Clearinghouse Integration Report, determine whether the information reflects substantial compliance with the requirements of Section XVII, and include any Observations and Recommendations in its annual Audit Report.


G.Observations and Recommendations:







1.If the Monitor notes any areas for potential improvement during the course of the reviews conducted pursuant to the Injunctive Relief Terms, the Monitor shall include any such recommendations in the Audit Report. Collectively, any such questions, concerns or recommendations will be referred to as "Observations and Recommendations."


H.Audit Reports:


1.No later than one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days prior to the end of a Reporting Period and/or at any other time deemed reasonably necessary by the Monitor, the Monitor shall provide each Injunctive Relief Distributor with a draft report detailing any instances of substantial non- compliance with the applicable provisions of the Injunctive Relief Terms from the reviews in Section XVIII.F (the "Draft Report"). The Draft Report will also describe any Observations and Recommendations.


2.Within thirty (30) calendar days of its receipt of the Draft Report, the Injunctive Relief Distributor will provide comments and responses to the Draft Report. The Injunctive Relief Distributor will, among other things:


a)Respond to each instance of substantial non-compliance, including, where appropriate, describing any corrective action taken (or to be taken).


b)Respond to each Observation and Recommendation.


3.Within thirty (30) calendar days of its receipt of the Injunctive Relief Distributors' responses to the Draft Report, the Monitor shall provide a final report (the "Audit Report") to each Injunctive Relief Distributor and the State Compliance Review Committee. The Monitor shall provide the State Compliance Review Committee with a copy of an Injunctive Relief Distributor's response to the Draft Report.


4.No action or lack of action by the Settling States regarding information received from the Monitor concerning an Injunctive Relief Distributor's conduct shall be considered affirmation, acceptance, or ratification of that conduct by the Settling States.




1.Materials and information provided by the Injunctive Relief Distributors to the Monitor that are designated "Confidential" (and any parts, portions, or derivations thereof) (the "Confidential Information") will be kept confidential and not be shown, disclosed, or distributed to any other party, including any other Injunctive Relief Distributor.


2.The Monitor will not use materials or information received from one Injunctive Relief Distributor, or information or analysis developed using







the Confidential Information of an Injunctive Relief Distributor, in its assessment of any other Injunctive Relief Distributor. Because each Injunctive Relief Distributor operates pursuant to its own unique policies and procedures intended to comply with legal and other requirements of the Injunctive Relief Terms, the Monitor shall apply the standards of each Injunctive Relief Distributor to its reviews without preference to the practices or standards applied by any other Injunctive Relief Distributor.


3.If any of the Settling States or the Monitor receive a request for disclosure of any material or information created or shared under the Injunctive Relief Terms, pursuant to a Third Party Request, the Settling State or the Monitor, respectively, shall notify the Injunctive Relief Distributors of the Third Party Request and the Confidential Information to be disclosed so that the Injunctive Relief Distributors may seek a protective order or otherwise challenge or object to the disclosure. The Settling State or the Monitor will provide the Injunctive Relief Distributors with at least ten (10) days' advance notice before complying with any Third Party Request for Confidential Information, except where state law requires a lesser period of advance notice.


4.Nothing herein will be deemed to prevent any party from claiming any applicable exemption to the public information act, freedom of information act, public records act, or similar law.




A.State Compliance Review Committee:


1.Any Settling State may initiate a review of a Potential Violation consistent with the process set forth in Section XIX.


2.The State Compliance Review Committee shall assign the Monitor the responsibilities set forth in Sections XIX.B.3 through XIX.B.7, regarding review of a Potential Violation and an opportunity to cure, except with respect to matters requiring interpretation of the Injunctive Relief Terms subject to Section XIX.C.2. The objective of the Monitor shall be to facilitate a resolution among the parties, providing an opportunity to cure, as applicable, for the party against whom a Potential Violation has been alleged.


3.No less than six (6) months before the Monitor's term expires pursuant to Section XVIII, the State Compliance Review Committee and Injunctive Relief Distributors shall meet and confer in good faith to determine the parameters and processes for continued enforcement, consistent to the maximum extent possible with the provisions set forth in Section XIX, for the period after the Monitor's term has ended. Absent agreement between the State Compliance Review Committee and Injunctive Relief







Distributors, all provisions set forth in Section XIX involving the Monitor are excused after the Monitor's term has ended.


4.Should an Injunctive Relief Distributor allege in good faith that a Settling State or the Monitor has impaired the ability of the Injunctive Relief Distributor to meet the Injunctive Relief Terms, the Injunctive Relief Distributor may request the State Compliance Review Committee to mediate any dispute in an effort to avoid the time and expense of litigation regarding interpretation and enforcement of the Injunctive Relief Terms.


B.Process for Review of Potential Violations and Opportunity to Cure:


1.Definition of "Potential Violation": A Potential Violation occurs when an Injunctive Relief Distributor is alleged to not be in substantial compliance with (i) the Injunctive Relief Terms or (ii) a Corrective Action Plan adopted consistent with the process set forth in Section XIX.B.7.


2.Submission of Notice of Potential Violation. An allegation of a Potential Violation shall be submitted to the State Compliance Review Committee in writing by one or more Settling States ("Notice of Potential Violation" or "Notice") and shall include the following to the extent practicable:


a)Specification of the particular Injunctive Relief Term(s) and/or Corrective Action Plan(s) implicated by the Potential Violation;


b)Description of the Potential Violation with specificity;


c)The reasoning for and, if available, any documentation supporting the allegation that a Potential Violation has occurred, including whether the Potential Violation is a matter identified by the Monitor in an Audit Report; and


d)Description of the time-sensitivity of the Potential Violation, if relevant.


3.Assignment to Monitor. The State Compliance Review Committee shall review every Notice. If the State Compliance Review Committee reasonably believes that further review is warranted, the State Compliance Review Committee shall forward the Notice to the Monitor. The Monitor shall ensure that the Injunctive Relief Distributor that is the subject of the Notice receives a copy of the Notice and a proposed schedule consistent with the process set forth in Sections XIX.B.4 and XIX.B.5.


4.Response to Notice of Potential Violation. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Notice of Potential Violation, the Injunctive Relief Distributor that is the subject of the Notice shall provide a written response to the referring Settling State(s), the Monitor, and the State Compliance Review Committee. The response (a) shall set forth the







reasons the Injunctive Relief Distributor that is the subject of the Notice believes that it is in substantial compliance with the relevant Injunctive Relief Term(s) and/or Corrective Action Plan(s), and (b) as applicable, shall explain efforts undertaken to cure the Potential Violation and a schedule for completing the efforts to cure.


5.Conference for Parties re Notice of Potential Violation. The parties to the Notice shall meet or otherwise confer regarding the Potential Violation. The parties and the Monitor shall make themselves available for such a meeting (which may at any party's election be a virtual or technology- based meeting), provided, however, that the meeting is not required to take place sooner than fifteen (15) days after a written response to the Notice of Potential Violation.


6.Process for Previously-Submitted Notices of Potential Violation. At the request of the parties to a Notice, the Monitor shall determine whether the Notice implicates the same or similar issues as a previously submitted Notice or is a matter previously identified by the Monitor in an Audit Report involving the same party alleged to have engaged in a Potential Violation, and make an initial determination as to whether the issues needs to be addressed anew. The Monitor shall inform the Settling State and Injunctive Relief Distributor involved in the previous Notice or the subject of a matter previously identified by the Monitor in an Audit Report of its determination within five (5) business days of receipt of the Notice. The Settling State and Injunctive Relief Distributor shall have five (5) business days to object to the determination. If an objection is made, the Monitor shall respond to the objection within five (5) business days. If no objection is made, the party involved in the prior Notice may rely on the response to the previously submitted Notice or matter previously identified by the Monitor in an Audit Report and no further action shall be required.


7.Monitor Resolution of Potential Violation and Opportunity to Cure. Within thirty (30) days of the meeting pursuant to Section XIX.B.5, the Monitor, taking into consideration the submissions of the parties involved in the Notice and other information available to the Monitor, shall resolve the Notice as follows:


a)If the Monitor reasonably believes that a Potential Violation is not ongoing or has been substantially resolved as of thirty (30) days from the meeting pursuant to Section XIX.B.5, the Monitor shall provide written notice to the State Compliance Review Committee and the Settling State(s) and Injunctive Relief Distributor involved in the Notice.


b)If the Monitor reasonably believes that a Potential Violation is ongoing and has not been substantially resolved as of thirty (30) days from the meeting pursuant to Section XIX.B.5, the Monitor







shall provide written notice to the State Compliance Review Committee and the Settling State(s) and Injunctive Relief Distributor involved in the Notice and request that the Injunctive Relief Distributor prepare, within thirty (30) days of the receipt of such written notice, a Corrective Action Plan to remedy such Potential Violation, including a reasonable period for implementation of such plan. The Monitor may extend the period of time to submit a Corrective Action Plan up to ninety (90) days based on a reasonable request by the affected party.


c)A Corrective Action Plan may address multiple Potential Violations, and an existing Corrective Action Plan may be amended to address additional Potential Violations.


d)Within ten (10) business days of submission of a Corrective Action Plan regarding a Potential Violation, the Monitor shall confer with the State Compliance Review Committee and the Settling State(s) and Injunctive Relief Distributor involved in the Notice regarding the proposed Corrective Action Plan. The Monitor may recommend revisions in its discretion. The conference required by this paragraph may at any party's election be a virtual or technology-based meeting.


e)Within thirty (30) days of the conference in Section XIX.B.7.d, the Monitor shall advise the State Compliance Review Committee and the Settling State(s) and Injunctive Relief Distributor involved in the Notice whether the Monitor has adopted the proposed Corrective Action Plan or whether the Monitor has adopted it after making modifications. The Monitor shall also set forth a reasonable period for implementation of any such plan that has been adopted. The Injunctive Relief Distributor that is subject to a Corrective Action Plan adopted by the Monitor must begin to comply with the Corrective Action Plan within five (5) business days of receiving notice of the Corrective Action Plan has been adopted, unless it seeks review by the State Compliance Review Committee pursuant to Section XIX.C.1.


C.Enforcement Responsibilities of State Compliance Review Committee:


1.The Settling State(s) or Injunctive Relief Distributor involved in a Notice may request the State Compliance Review Committee to review the resolution (including a resolution pursuant to Section XIX.B.7.a) and/or Corrective Action Plan adopted by the Monitor regarding that Notice. Any such request must be made within five (5) business days of a resolution or adoption of a Corrective Action Plan by the Monitor. The State Compliance Review Committee, taking into consideration the resolution by the Monitor, submissions of the Settling State(s) or Injunctive Relief







Distributor, and other information available to the Committee, shall within thirty (30) days of receipt of the request resolve the matter by written notice to the affected parties, which shall include the State Compliance Review Committee's reasoning in reaching its resolution. The State Compliance Review Committee may agree, disagree, or modify any resolution or Corrective Action Plan that it reviews. An Injunctive Relief Distributor that is subject to a Corrective Action Plan that is affirmed or affirmed as amended by the State Compliance Review Committee must within five (5) business days begin to comply with the Corrective Action Plan.


2.The State Compliance Review Committee shall review any issues raised by a Notice regarding the interpretation of the Injunctive Relief Terms at the request of the Settling State(s), Injunctive Relief Distributor involved in a Notice, or the Monitor. Such a request may be made at any time after the Notice's submission, and the request will not extend the timelines set forth in Sections XIX.B and XIX.C.1. The State Compliance Review Committee shall notify the Monitor, Settling State(s) and Injunctive Relief Distributor involved in the Notice of its determination. Settling States and Injunctive Relief Distributors do not waive their rights to challenge the interpretation of the Injunctive Relief Terms by the State Compliance Review Committee in any subsequent proceeding pursuant to Section XIX.E.2.


3.The State Compliance Review Committee may, independent of a Notice of Potential Violation, review requests by a Monitor, Settling State, or Injunctive Relief Distributor regarding the interpretation of the Injunctive Relief Terms. The State Compliance Review Committee shall notify the Monitor and requesting party of its interpretation, including the State Compliance Review Committee's reasoning in reaching its conclusion. Settling States and Injunctive Relief Distributors do not waive their rights to challenge the interpretation of the Injunctive Relief Terms by the State Compliance Review Committee in any subsequent proceeding pursuant to Section XIX.E.2.


4.The State Compliance Review Committee shall make available to all Settling States and Injunctive Relief Distributors any interpretation it issues pursuant to Sections XIX.C.2 and XIX.C.3.


D.Composition of State Compliance Review Committee:


1.A Settling State on the State Compliance Review Committee that is in active litigation with one or more of the Injunctive Relief Distributors, or in another potential conflict of interest involving compliance with Controlled Substances laws and regulations, may not serve on the State Compliance Review Committee for matters involving the affected Injunctive Relief Distributor, and the remaining Settling States on the







State Compliance Review Committee shall within five (5) business days select an alternate Settling State as a replacement.


2.If the affected state on the State Compliance Review Committee disputes that it has a disqualifying active litigation or other conflict of interest, the determination of whether that state has a conflict disqualifying it from serving on the State Compliance Review Committee shall be made by the remaining states on the State Compliance Review Committee.


E.Enforcement Actions:


1.Any written notice or resolution by the State Compliance Review Committee regarding the matters set forth in Sections XIX.B and XIX.C shall provide the State Compliance Review Committee's assessment of the matter but will not be an official opinion of any individual Settling State.


2.Following the issuance of a written notice or resolution of the State Compliance Review Committee pursuant to Section XIX.C, a Settling State or Injunctive Relief Distributor may take whatever action it deems necessary related to the written notice or resolution issued by the State Compliance Review Committee, provided that the Settling State or Injunctive Relief Distributor is either (a) the Settling State that sought review by the State Compliance Review Committee, or (b) the Injunctive Relief Distributor that is the subject of the Potential Violation at issue. Such action may include but is not limited to bringing an action to enforce the settlement agreement, filing a new original action, or, the parties to a Notice attempting to negotiate a Corrective Action Plan directly with each other.


3.The Settling States agree that prior to taking any court or administrative action, other than an action that is necessary to address an immediate threat to the health, safety, or welfare of the citizens of the Settling State, or that a public emergency requiring immediate action exists, it will follow the process outlined in Sections XIX.B and XIX.C.


4.A Settling State or Injunctive Relief Distributor must bring a court or administrative action within six (6) months of any resolution of the State Compliance Review Committee, unless the alleged violation is also an independent violation of state or federal law, or an action that a Settling State concludes is necessary to address an immediate threat to the health, safety, or welfare of the citizens of the State, or that a public emergency requiring immediate action exists, in which cases, the applicable statute of limitations (if any) for sovereign actions shall apply.










Illustrative Examples of Prepayments


Example 1


Gross Settlement Prepayment: $3,000,000


Settlement Prepayment Reduction Schedule: Reduce amounts paid for each of Payment Years 8, 13, and 18 by $1,000,000


Net Settlement Prepayment Amount (assumes discount rate of five percent (5%)): $2,591,513 ($863,838 for each of Payment Years 5, 10, and 15)



Payment Year

Initial Settlement
Payment Schedule

Settlement Prepayment


Net Settlement
Revised Settlement
Payment Schedule
1 $1,000,000     $1,000,000
2 $1,000,000     $1,000,000
3 $1,000,000     $1,000,000
4 $1,000,000     $1,000,000
5 $1,000,000   $863,838 $1,863,838
6 $1,000,000     $1,000,000
7 $1,000,000     $1,000,000
8 $1,000,000 $1,000,000   $0
9 $1,000,000     $1,000,000
10 $1,000,000   $863,838 $1,863,838
11 $1,000,000     $1,000,000
12 $1,000,000     $1,000,000
13 $1,000,000 $1,000,000   $0
14 $1,000,000     $1,000,000
15 $1,000,000   $863,838 $1,863,838
16 $1,000,000     $1,000,000
17 $1,000,000     $1,000,000
18 $1,000,000 $1,000,000   $0



Total $18,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,591,513 $17,591,513







Example 2


Gross Settlement Prepayment: $3,000,000


Settlement Prepayment Reduction Schedule: Reduce amounts paid for each of Payment Years 4, 9, and 14 by $1,000,000


Net Settlement Prepayment Amount (assumes discount rate of five percent (5%)): $2,857,143 ($952,381 for each of Payment Years 3, 8, and 13)



Payment Year

Initial Settlement
Payment Schedule

Settlement Prepayment


Net Settlement
Revised Settlement
Payment Schedule
1 $1,000,000     $1,000,000
2 $1,000,000     $1,000,000
3 $1,000,000   $952,381 $1,952,381
4 $1,000,000 $1,000,000   $0
5 $1,000,000     $1,000,000
6 $1,000,000     $1,000,000
7 $1,000,000     $1,000,000
8 $1,000,000   $952,381 $1,952,381
9 $1,000,000 $1,000,000   $0
10 $1,000,000     $1,000,000
11 $1,000,000     $1,000,000
12 $1,000,000     $1,000,000
13 $1,000,000   $952,381 $1,952,381
14 $1,000,000 $1,000,000   $0
15 $1,000,000     $1,000,000
16 $1,000,000     $1,000,000
17 $1,000,000     $1,000,000
18 $1,000,000     $1,000,000


Total $18,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,857,143 $17,857,143









Agreement on Attorneys' Fees, Expenses and Costs


This Agreement on Attorneys' Fees, Expenses and Costs ("Fee Agreement") is entered between McKesson Corporation, Cardinal Health, Inc., and AmerisourceBergen Corporation (collectively, the "Settling Distributors"), and the Plaintiffs' Executive Committee appointed in the multidistrict litigation in the Northern District of Ohio, National Prescription Opiate Litigation, No. 1:17-MD-2804 ("MDL PEC"), in connection with the Distributor Settlement Agreement ("Distributor Agreement"). This Fee Agreement becomes effective on the Effective Date of the Distributor Agreement or the date that the Consent Judgments anticipated under the Distributor Agreement become final in 25 Settling States (whichever is later). However, costs specified in Sections II.I and II.I.4 of this Fee Agreement that are to be funded pre-Effective Date by the Settling Distributors are effective upon agreement in writing with the Settling Distributors.


I.                   Definitions.


A.                 This Fee Agreement incorporates all defined terms in the Distributor Agreement, unless otherwise defined herein, and shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with the Distributor Agreement.


B.                 "Attorney." Any of the following retained through a legal contract: a solo practitioner, a multi-attorney law firm, or other legal representative of a Participating Subdivision.


C.                 "Attorney Fee Fund." An account consisting of funds allocated to pay attorneys' fees approved pursuant to Section II of this Fee Agreement established by Order of, and under the ongoing jurisdiction of, the MDL Court, as provided below.


D.                 "Common Benefit Fund." The sub fund of the Attorney Fee Fund described in Section II.C.


E.                  "Contingency Fee Fund." The sub fund of the Attorney Fee Fund described in Section II.D.


F.                  "Cost and Expense Fund Administrator." The administrator appointed by the MDL Court to administer the MDL Expense Fund and Subdivision Cost Fund as provided in the Fee Agreement.


G."Cost Funds." Collectively, the MDL Expense Fund and Subdivision Cost Fund.


H.                 "Fee Entitlement." Any right, entitlement or expectation, including but not limited to a fee contract, contingent fee contract, agreement, referral arrangement, co-counsel arrangement, State Back-Stop Agreement, or any other arrangement by which counsel could receive compensation or other consideration.







I.                    "Fee Panel." The three-person panel appointed by the MDL Court to administer the Attorney Fee Fund and its sub funds as provided in the Fee Agreement.


J."Litigating Subdivision Cost Fund." The cost fund described in Section II.E herein.


K."MDL Court." United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio Eastern Division, Case No. 1:17-md-2804, Judge Dan Aaron Polster.


L."MDL Expense Fund." The cost fund described in Section II.F below.


M."MDL PEC." The Plaintiffs' Executive Committee appointed by the MDL Court.


N.                 "Non-Participating Litigating Subdivision." A Litigating Subdivision that is not a Participating Subdivision.


O.                 "Participating Litigating Subdivision." A Litigating Subdivision that is also a Participating Subdivision.


P.                  "Participation Agreement." An agreement executed by an Attorney that acknowledges the obligation to pay an appropriate MDL Common Benefit Assessment.


Q.                 "Qualifying Representation." Legal services provided for representation of a Participating Litigating Subdivision regarding Released Claims against Released Entities.


R.                 "State Back-Stop Agreement." Any agreement by a Settling State and private counsel for Participating Subdivisions in that State (or legislation enacted in that State) to provide, adjust, or guarantee attorneys' fees and costs, whether from the Attorney Fee Fund or any other source recognized in the agreement or legislation.


II.                Fees and Costs.


A.Total Attorneys' Fees and Costs.


1.                  Total attorneys' fees and costs to be paid by Settling Distributors to Attorneys in each of the relevant Payment Years under this Fee Agreement shall be up to the following amounts, subject to the provisions set forth below, including with respect to the division of the Attorney Fee Fund into its sub funds:


  Attorney Fee Fund
(Contingency Fee Fund and
Common Benefit Fund
MDL Expense
Subdivision Cost
Payment Year 1 $136,044,378.70 $40,384,615.39 $40,000,000
Payment Year 2 $150,934,911.25   $40,000,000
Payment Year 3 $270,825,443.80   $40,000,000
Payment Year 4 $183,625,739.68    








Payment Year 5 $183,625,739.69    
Payment Year 6 $183,625,739.69    
Payment Year 7 $183,625,739.69    


2.                  The sub funds within the Attorney Fee Fund shall include the Common Benefit Fund and the Contingency Fee Fund. The Cost Funds shall include the MDL Expense Fund, and the Litigating Subdivision Cost Fund. The State Counsel Fee Fund and the State Cost Fund shall be separate funds under the control of the Settling States.


3.                  The Contingency Fee Fund and the Common Benefit Fund shall be administered by a Fee Panel to be appointed by the MDL Court that will be governed by the provisions of this Fee Agreement and shall design the process and procedures for the allocation of fees pursuant to this Fee Agreement and the MDL Court's Order. The Cost Funds shall be administered by the Cost and Expense Fund Administrator to be appointed by the MDL Court who will be governed by the provisions of this Fee Agreement and shall design the process and procedures for the allocation of costs pursuant to this Fee Agreement and the MDL Court's Order.


4.                  The fees and costs to be paid under this Fee Agreement are available for Attorneys engaged in Qualifying Representations only. Fees and costs to be paid under this Fee Agreement are not available prior to the Effective Date of the Distributor Agreement or if the Distributor Agreement does not proceed past the Settling Distributors' determination in Section VIII.A of the Distributor Agreement. Fees and costs to be paid under this Fee Agreement are not available for representation of Non- Participating Subdivisions or Non-Litigating Subdivisions and are not available for representation of private hospitals, third-party payors, NAS claimants, personal injury/wrongful death claimants, or any entity other than Participating Litigating Subdivisions. In addition, fees and costs under this Fee Agreement are not available for representation of any individual or entity in matters other than those claims against Released Entities, but may include a reasonable share of representations that involve development of facts for pursuit of opioid-related claims against multiple defendants in the pharmacy, manufacturing, and distribution chain.


5.                  Payments due to the Attorney Fee Fund and the Cost Funds from the Settling Distributors under this Section II will be allocated among the Settling Distributors as follows: McKesson - 38.1%; Amerisource - 31.0%; Cardinal - 30.9%. A Settling Distributor's sole responsibility for payments under this Fee Agreement shall be to make its share of each payment. The obligations of the Settling Distributors in this Fee Agreement are several and not joint. No Settling Distributor shall be responsible for any portion of another Settling Distributor's share.


B.Attorney Fee Fund and Sub Funds.


1.                       There shall be a split of the Attorney Fee Fund into the Contingency Fee Fund and the Common Benefit Fund. The split shall be 40% to the Contingency Fee Fund and 60% to the Common Benefit Fund.







2.                  In no event shall Settling Distributors be required to pay more into the Attorney Fee Fund in any Payment Year than the maximum amount specified for that Payment Year in Section II.A.1, which amounts are reflected in Exhibit M to the Distributor Agreement. The amounts allocated to the Contingency Fee Fund and the Common Benefit Fund set by the Fee Panel shall be subject to the reductions and offsets set forth below.


3.                  Awards of fees from the Contingency Fee Fund shall be available to Attorneys with Qualifying Representations of Participating Litigating Subdivisions eligible to receive an allocation under the Distributor Agreement, as set forth in Exhibit G to the Distributor Agreement, and shall be made applying the Mathematical Model attached as Exhibit A to this Fee Agreement ("Mathematical Model"). The collection of the data and calculations for the Mathematical Model has been a cooperative effort among private counsel for a large number of Litigating Subdivisions. The analysis has been spearheaded by Joseph Tann and Andrew Arnold. The Fee Panel is encouraged to continue working with those counsel in application of the Model. The Fee Panel shall oversee the application of the Model and resolve any questions or disputes concerning the eligibility of an Attorney to participate as required in Section II.G. The Panel is empowered to hear disputes concerning and ensure the accuracy of the mathematical calculation.


4.As to awards from the Contingency Fee Fund, there shall be no right of appeal.


5.Any appeal of an award of the Fee Panel from the Common Benefit Fund will be made to the MDL Court and be reviewed under an abuse of discretion standard.


  C.Common Benefit Fund. (60% of the Attorney Fee Fund.)


1.              Funds in the Attorney Fee Fund shall be allocated to the Common Benefit Fund according to the schedule set forth below, subject to the adjustments described in Section II.C.5. The payments are to be made on the following yearly schedule, subject to the adjustments set forth below:


Payment Year 1 $81,626,627.22
Payment Year 2 $90,560,946.75
Payment Year 3 $162,495,266.28
Payment Year 4 $110,175,443.79
Payment Year 5 $110,175,443.79
Payment Year 6 $110,175,443.79
Payment Year 7 $110,175,443.79
Total: $775,384,615.41







2.               The Common Benefit Fund shall be available to compensate Attorneys engaged in Qualifying Representations of Participating Litigating Subdivisions who:


a.                  have performed work for the common benefit of all subdivisions pursuant to the guidelines established by Judge Polster set forth in MDL 2804 and the Order dated June 19, 2018, under docket number 636, which is included herein by reference; and


b.satisfy the eligibility criteria set forth in Section II.G.


For purposes of Common Benefit Fund distribution, notwithstanding Section II.A.4 above, Attorneys representing Tribal Nations litigating against the Settling Distributors that have reached a settlement for Released Claims with Settling Distributors and/or Released Entities and meet the eligibility criteria in Section II.G shall be eligible.


3.               The Common Benefit Fund shall be overseen by the Fee Panel, which shall determine the allocation of funds to eligible Attorneys consistent with this Fee Agreement and the June 19, 2018 Order.


4.               In assessing the benefits that an Attorney has conferred to Participating Subdivisions (including non-Litigating Subdivisions) and/or Tribal Nations for purposes of any compensation decision, the Fee Panel shall give significant weight to the extent to which (i) the Attorney and his or her clients have contributed to increasing (or reducing) the Initial Participation Tier achieved through participation in the Distributor Agreement; (ii) the Attorney and his or her clients have contributed to increasing (or reducing) the amounts achieved under Incentive Payments A-D through participation in the Distributor Agreement; and (iii) the Attorney and his or her clients have contributed to the potential triggering of any suspension, reduction, or offset of Payment amounts under the Distributor Agreement. The Fee Panel may also consider additional fee recoveries the Attorney may potentially obtain, including, but not limited to, from State Back-Stop Agreements, representations of States or Tribal Nations, representations of other clients in opioids-related matters, or through the representation of Subdivision clients, whether they participated in the Distributor Agreement or not. It is the intent of this provision to recognize that the goal of the Distributor Agreement is to provide for maximum participation by the Subdivisions, maximum abatement funding for all Subdivisions nationally, and the maximum peace for Released Entities. Therefore, representing a Non- Participating Subdivision does not further the goal of the Distributor Agreement and should not be considered Common Benefit because it does not increase funds available to Participating Subdivisions' abatement programs. Representing Later Litigating Subdivisions is antithetical to the Distributor Agreement, detracts from Common Benefit, and is addressed by the ethics opinion discussed in Section II.I.4. The Fee Panel shall consider this concept of "common detriment" set forth in this Section II.C.4 in all of its decisionmaking with respect to the allocation of the Attorney Fee Fund among Attorneys, as well as, in its discretion, any offsets provided to Settling Distributors as set forth in Section II.C.6. The Fee Panel shall consider the totality of the Attorney's Participating Litigating Subdivisions as compared to the Attorney's Non-Participating Litigating







Subdivisions; the Parties recognize that, although the goal is for 100% participation, Attorneys with a higher number of clients have a higher probability of having one or more Non-Participating Litigating Subdivision client. As used in this Section II.C.4, "client" or "representing" a Subdivision shall include any Litigating Subdivision as to which the Attorney has a Fee Entitlement.


5.                  As set forth in Section II.C.6, the Fee Panel must consider the factors described in Section II.C.4 to determine how and whether to reduce the amounts to be paid by Settling Distributors under this Fee Agreement and to determine how to allocate funds among Attorneys. They may also, at their discretion, consider other factors. Any reduction in payment obligation or credit to be given a Settling Distributor in this Fee Agreement shall be applied against Payment Year 7 and working backwards. Any reduction to an Attorney not credited to Settling Distributors shall be allocated to attorneys whose Litigating Subdivision clients participated in the settlement by the Initial Participation Date.


6.                  The amounts to be provided as a credit or offset to Settling Distributors from the Common Benefit Fund shall depend on the relevant Participation Tier achieved, set forth in Exhibit H of the Distributor Agreement, as follows:


a.                        At Participation Tier 1 or below, the Common Benefit Fund payments to be paid by Settling Distributors shall be reduced as follows:


(i)                 With respect to any Attorney seeking payment from the Common Benefit Fund, the Fee Panel shall compare the aggregate allocation that Participating Litigating Subdivisions with which the Attorney has a Fee Entitlement would receive using the negotiating class allocation metrics with the aggregate amount that all Litigating Subdivisions (Participating and Non-Participating) with which the Attorney has a Fee Entitlement would receive using the negotiating class allocation metrics, provided that only Litigating Subdivisions in Settling States shall be considered for this ratio. The Fee Panel will multiply the amount to be paid to that Attorney from the Common Benefit Fund by that ratio, reduce the Attorney's award by a maximum reduction of 15%, and the dollar amount of such reduction shall be deducted, dollar-for- dollar, from the amount owed by Settling Distributors to the Common Benefit Fund of the Attorney Fee Fund.


(ii)                  In the event that any Non-Participating Subdivision that is (a)   under the jurisdiction of the MDL Court or (b) represented by an Attorney that is obligated to pay into the MDL Common Benefit Fund pursuant to a Participation Agreement, an order of the MDL Court, or any other arrangement settles with or wins a judgment against a Released Entity separate from the Distributor Agreement, and such settlement or judgment results in a common benefit fee assessment or fee payment into the MDL Common Benefit Fund during the time of Settling Distributors' obligation to pay fees under this Fee Agreement, Settling Distributors'







obligation to pay into the Common Benefit Fund shall be reduced dollar- for-dollar for any amount of such fee assessments or payments (in the aggregate based on all reductions in this Section II.C.6.a.ii that exceed the reductions in Section II.C.6.a.i).


(iii)             For the avoidance of doubt, in Tier 1 for each settlement or judgment with the Settling Distributors that results in an assessment or payment to the MDL Common Benefit Fund, that payment shall result in an offset for the Settling Distributors, unless the assessment or payment occurs after the Payment Date for Year 7.


b.                       At Participation Tier 2, the Common Benefit Fund payments to be made by Settling Distributors shall be reduced only as follows:


(i)                 Reduction by the Fee Panel. With respect to all Attorneys making an application that seeks payment from the Common Benefit Fund, the Fee Panel shall, following a determination that an Attorney is eligible under Section II.G, apply the criteria specified in Section II.C.4 in determining whether the lack of participation by Subdivisions with which an Attorney has a Fee Entitlement has resulted in a reduction in the Participation Tier achieved, reduction in benefit to Participating Subdivisions as a result of reductions in Incentive Payments A-D, and/or potential triggering of a suspension, reduction or offset under the Distributor Agreement. If the Fee Panel concludes that such a reduction has occurred, it must consider (1) the relative size of the Non- Participating Subdivision, as adjusted by the severity measures reflected in Exhibit H (governing the Participation Tiers) of the Distributor Agreement, and the impact of its non-participation on the Distributor Agreement as a whole (including amounts of Incentive Payments and triggering of suspensions, reductions or offsets); (2) whether and by how much the payment to the Attorney from the Common Benefit Fund should be reduced as a result of the impact of such non-participation on Participating Subdivisions; and (3) whether some or all of said reduction should revert to Settling Distributors due to the reduction in peace obtained from the Distributor Agreement. Consideration of the factors discussed in this Section II.C.6.b.i and Section II.C.4 is mandatory. The decision whether to (and by how much to) reduce payments by Settling Distributors or to reduce the payment to any Attorney based on the factors in Section II.C.4 shall be in the sole discretion of the Fee Panel.




(1)               In the event that any Non-Participating Subdivision that is (a) under the jurisdiction of the MDL Court or (b)   represented by an Attorney that is obligated to pay into the MDL Common Benefit Fund pursuant to a Participation Agreement, an order of the MDL Court, or any other arrangement







settles with or wins a judgment against a Released Entity separate from the Distributor Agreement, and such settlement or judgment results in a common benefit fee assessment or fee payment into the MDL Common Benefit Fund during the time of Settling Distributors' obligation to pay Common Benefit Fees under this Fee Agreement, Settling Distributors' obligation to pay into the Common Benefit Fund shall be reduced dollar-for-dollar up to the amount of the fee assessment or payment, except that such amount shall be capped at 7.5% of the amount of the settlement or judgment. Such reduction shall be taken first from Payment Year 7 of Settling Distributors' payments to the Common Benefit Fund of the Attorney Fee Fund up to the full amount of Settling Distributors' payment obligation in Payment Year 7, then from Payment Year 6, and so on.


(2)       For the avoidance of doubt, for each settlement or judgment with the Settling Distributors that results in an assessment or payment to the MDL Common Benefit Fund, that payment shall result in an offset for the Settling Distributors, unless the assessment or payment occurs after the Payment Date for Payment Year 7.


c.                        At Participation Tier 3, the reductions to the Attorney Fee Fund shall be the same as set forth in Section II.C.6.b, except that the cap on each offset shall be 5% of the amount of such settlement or judgment.


d.                       At Participation Tier 4, there shall be no reductions to the Settling Distributors' obligations to make payment into the Common Benefit Fund, but the principles set forth in Section II.C.4 shall continue to apply.


  D.Contingency Fee Fund. (40% of the Attorney Fee Fund.)


1.                 Funds from the Attorney Fee Fund shall be allocated to the Contingency Fee Fund on the following yearly schedule, subject to the adjustments set forth below:


Payment Year 1 $54,417,751.48
Payment Year 2 $60,373,964.50
Payment Year 3 $108,330,177.52
Payment Year 4 $73,450,295.88
Payment Year 5 $73,450,295.88
Payment Year 6 $73,450,295.88
Payment Year 7 $73,450,295.88
Total: $516,923,077.32







2.               The Contingency Fee Fund shall be available to compensate Attorneys engaged in Qualifying Representations of Participating Litigating Subdivisions that meet the criteria set forth in Section II.G.


3.The Contingency Fee Fund shall be available to Attorneys who:


a.                   represent Litigating Subdivisions that are Participating Subdivisions, whether their actions are filed in state or federal court; and


b.                  meet the eligibility criteria of Section II.G.


c.                   Participation in the Contingency Fee Fund by counsel that have a case that is not subject to the jurisdiction of the MDL Court shall not create, provide, or waive jurisdiction of the MDL Court over that Litigating Subdivision, that case or Attorneys, other than to oversee the fairness of the distribution process, and enforcement of this Fee Agreement.


4.               The amounts owed by Settling Distributors to the Contingency Fee Fund shall depend on the relevant Participation Tier set forth in Exhibit H of the Distributor Agreement as follows:


a.                     At Participation Tiers 1, 2 and 3, the Contingency Fee Fund payments shall be reduced as follows:


(i)                 For Non-Settling States, the Contingency Fee Fund payments shall first be reduced by the amounts identified by the Fee Panel, pursuant to Section II.H.6, that would have been owed to counsel for Litigating Subdivisions in Non-Settling States, had those States and those Litigating Subdivisions been Settling States and Participating Subdivisions.


(ii)               Following the calculation in Section II.D.4.a.i, the Contingency Fee Fund payments shall be reduced to reflect the non- joinder of Litigating Subdivisions in Settling States by subtracting the amounts identified by the Fee Panel, pursuant to Section II.H.6, that would have been owed to counsel for Non-Participating Litigating Subdivisions in Settling States had such Litigating Subdivisions been Participating Subdivisions.


b.                       At Participation Tier 4, there shall be no reductions in the Contingency Fee Fund.


c.                        In the event that the Settling Distributors, prior to the Effective Date of the Distributor Agreement, settle with any Litigating Subdivision and, under such settlement agreement pay attorneys' fees, the Fee Panel shall treat those Litigating Subdivisions as Participating Litigating Subdivisions and, applying the same criteria applicable to all Attorneys for Participating Litigating







Subdivisions, determine what amount they would have been paid from the Contingency Fee Fund if they had become Participating Subdivisions under the Distributor Agreement without such prior settlement. That sum, rather than being paid to the Attorney for the previously settled Litigating Subdivision, shall be credited and/or returned to the Settling Defendants as if determined under Section II.D.4.a.ii above, except that such credit shall not be greater than the amount to the Attorneys paid under the Litigating Subdivision's prior settlement agreement.


  E.Litigating Subdivision Cost Fund.


1.                       The Settling Distributors shall pay $120,000,000 into the Subdivision Cost Fund, according to the schedule set forth below:


Payment Year 1 $40,000,000
Payment Year 2 $40,000,000
Payment Year 3 $40,000,000


2.                  The Litigating Subdivision Cost Fund shall be available to compensate Attorneys for costs and expenses arising out of representation of Participating Litigating Subdivisions or to compensate Participating Litigating Subdivisions for direct in-house costs for expenditures related to their litigation against the Settling Distributors, including the cost of in-house employees. No funds in the Litigating Subdivision Cost Fund may be used to compensate the costs incurred by Non-Participating Subdivisions or Non- Litigating Subdivisions or costs and expenses arising out of representation of any such Subdivision. In allocating the Litigating Subdivision Cost Fund, the Administrator shall not allocate any funds for costs incurred after July 21, 2021.


3.                  During the period between July 21, 2021, and the Effective Date, the MDL PEC, as well as Litigating Subdivisions eligible to claim costs from the Litigating Subdivision Cost Fund shall make best efforts to cease litigation activity against Settling Distributors, including by jointly seeking stays or severance of claims against the Settling Distributors, where feasible, or postponements if a motion to stay or sever is not feasible or is denied, so long as such actions are not otherwise detrimental to the Litigating Subdivision.


4.                  In the event that the Settling Distributors, prior to the Effective Date of the Distributor Agreement, settle with any Litigating Subdivision and, under such settlement agreement pay costs to the Litigating Subdivision or its Attorney, the MDL Cost and Expense Fund Administrator shall treat those Litigating Subdivisions as Participating Litigating Subdivisions and, using the same criteria applicable to all applicants to the Subdivision Cost Fund, determine what amount in costs the Litigating Subdivision or its Attorney would have been paid from the Litigating Subdivision Cost Fund if it had settled under the Distributor Agreement. That sum, rather than being paid to the Attorney or the previously settling Litigating Subdivision, shall be credited and/or returned to the Settling Defendants, except that such sum shall not be greater than the amount paid under the previously settled Litigating Subdivision's settlement agreement.







5.                  The MDL Court shall appoint a Cost and Expense Fund Administrator, who shall develop a process and criteria, with input from participating counsel, by which to (a) determine the distribution of amounts from the MDL Expense Fund in pursuit of the claims against Settling Distributors; and (b) receive and evaluate applications from Participating Litigating Subdivisions, whether filed in Federal Court or State Court, to seek reimbursement from the Litigating Subdivision Cost Fund for eligible costs under Section II.E.2 in pursuit of the claims against the Settling Distributors. The Cost and Expense Fund Administrator shall require transparency from all applicants as to any other sources for compensating Attorneys for Litigating Subdivisions for costs incurred. The Cost and Expense Fund Administrator shall be compensated from the Fund.


6.                  In the event that the total amount of reimbursements from the Litigating Subdivision Cost Fund approved as reasonable by the Cost and Expense Administrator is less than the $120,000,000, any remaining funds shall revert to the Settling Distributors.


  F.MDL Expense Fund.


1.                       In Payment Year 1 of the Distributor Agreement, the Settling Distributors shall pay the following amount into the MDL Expense Fund:


MDL Expense Fund $40,384,615



2.                  The MDL Expense Fund shall be released following the Effective Date of this Fee Agreement without any delay to reimburse the MDL Counsel for an agreed-to portion of the expenses incurred, as approved by the Cost and Expense Fund Administrator. The MDL Expense Fund will be paid directly to the MDL Cost Account, set up by MDL Order and will be administered under the ongoing jurisdiction of the MDL Court, as provided below. No funds may be used to compensate the costs incurred by Non-Participating Subdivisions or to compensate any Attorney for costs incurred in representing one or more Non-Participating Subdivisions.


3.                  In allocating the MDL Expense Fund, the Administrator shall not allocate any funds for costs incurred after July 21, 2021, unless the Administrator determines that there are sufficient funds to cover all subdivision costs incurred prior to July 21, 2021 and that special circumstances exist to justify costs incurred following the public announcement of the Distributor Agreement.




1.                 It is the intention of all parties participating in the Fee Panel process that there should be total transparency to the Fee Panel and to all fund participants. In connection with the process to be developed by the Fee Panel, any and all monies in attorney's fees, including referral fees, expenses paid, promises for payment, or any other Fee Entitlement, to any applicant in any opioid litigation shall be disclosed to the Fee Panel as a condition of participating in the Attorney Fee Fund and prior to an award from the Fee Panel. Any payment, expectation of payment or perceived entitlement to participate in a State Back-Stop Agreement or any other agreement reached with a







Settling State or any Subdivision or any other source regarding payment of fees must be disclosed to the Fee Panel. Similarly, any right to payment from any other fund, for example a fund for payment to lawyers representing Settling States or Tribal Nations or Subdivisions shall be disclosed to the Fee Panel. Because it is anticipated that there will be multiple firms listed on contingent fee agreements with Litigating Subdivisions, the Fee Panel shall establish procedures, with input from Attorneys for Participating Litigating Subdivisions, for who should petition for fees from such groups and to whom the fee shall be paid and thereafter distributed to co-counsel in accordance with applicable agreements. For the avoidance of doubt, all Attorneys that are part of such groups must meet the eligibility criteria in Section II.G, must be subject to the criteria set forth in Section II.C.4, and must be disclosed to the Fee Panel.


2.               An Attorney may apply for and recover attorneys' fees from the Common Benefit Fund, the Contingency Fee Fund, and the Litigating Subdivision Cost Fund and any fund created by a past or future State Back-Stop Agreement, provided the Attorney satisfies the requirements relevant to each such fund and requirements for disclosure to the Fee Panel.


3.               An Attorney may not receive any payment from the Attorney Fee Fund (which includes both the Contingency Fee Fund and the Common Benefit Fund) unless the following eligibility criteria are met and annually certified by the Attorney:


a.                        The Attorney must expressly waive the enforcement against the Litigating Subdivision client of all Fee Entitlements (other than under State Back- Stop Agreements) arising out of or related to any or all Qualifying Representations of any Participating Litigating Subdivision prior to applying for attorneys' fees from the Attorney Fee Fund or costs from the Cost Funds. All applications for attorneys' fees or costs under this Fee Agreement shall include an affirmation by the Attorney of such waiver and notice to the client(s) of such waiver. Such waiver shall not preclude the Attorney from submitting such Fee Entitlements to the Fee Panel as a factor for consideration in allocating payments from the Attorney Fee Fund or in connection with a State Back-Stop Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, no Attorney may recover fees under this Fee Agreement unless the Attorney expressly agrees not to enforce Fee Entitlements as to each and every Participating Litigating Subdivision represented by that Attorney, but such Attorneys may participate in and receive funds from a State Back-Stop Agreement.


b.                       The Attorney must represent that s/he has no present intent to represent or participate in the representation of any Later Litigating Subdivision or any Releasor with respect to Released Claims against Released Entities.


c.                        The Attorney must represent that s/he has not and will not engage in any advertising or solicitation related to Released Claims against Released Entities where such advertising or solicitation relates to a representation that the Attorney could not undertake consistent with the ethics opinion referenced in Section II.I.4.







d.                       The Attorney must represent s/he will not charge or accept any referral fees for any Released Claims brought against Released Entities by Later Litigating Subdivisions. For the avoidance of doubt, this representation shall not prohibit Attorneys from receiving allocated shares of any future common benefit assessments arising out of settlements or judgments with Later Litigating Subdivisions represented by other Attorneys that are the result of the MDL Court's Common Benefit order.


e.                        The Attorney may not have and must represent that s/he does not have a Fee Entitlement related to a Later Litigating Subdivision.


f.                         The Attorney must certify that s/he has reviewed the ethics opinion referenced in Section II.I.4 and will act in conformity with such opinion.


g.                       The Attorney must fully disclose the participation, or the anticipation of participation, in any agreement with a Settling State or Participating Subdivision concerning fees arising out of or related to the Distributor Agreement, including any fees paid or anticipated to be paid or any State Back-Stop Agreement.


h.                       The Attorney must identify for the Fee Panel whether s/he utilized state litigation work product or MDL work product, including but not limited to ARCOS data, document repositories, experts developed in the MDL, and deposition transcripts. The Attorney must identify whether s/he signed the MDL Participation Agreement, and for which case(s) it was signed.


i.                         Any Attorney who applies for fees from one or both Funds must represent that, having exercised his/her independent judgment, s/he believes the Distributor Agreement to be fair and will make or has made best efforts to recommend the Distributor Agreement to his or her Subdivision clients in Settling States. For the avoidance of doubt, each Attorney is expected to exercise his or her independent judgment in the best interest of each client individually before determining whether to recommend joining the settlement. All applications for attorneys' fees or costs under this Section II shall include an affirmation by the Attorney in compliance with this Section II.G.


4.               No Attorney receiving fees under this Fee Agreement may apply for or recover from the Attorney Fee Fund fees arising from representing a Non-Settling State or a Non-Participating Subdivision. All applications for attorneys' fees under this Section II shall include an affirmation by the Attorney of compliance with this Section II.


5.               An Attorney who has filed an application under this Section II and received an award of attorneys' fees shall provide a certification of compliance this Fee Agreement annually during the years upon which they are still entitled to receive attorneys' fee payments.


6.               If, at any time, the Attorney is unable to make the representations set forth in this Section II.G.3, such representations become untrue, or the Attorney falsely







represents compliance with the eligibility criteria, the Attorney shall cease to be eligible to receive funds from the Attorney Fee Fund until further review by the Fee Panel of the Attorney's eligibility under and compliance with this Section II.


7.                  If an Attorney has a Fee Entitlement from a Later Litigating Subdivision or otherwise becomes unable to reaffirm compliance with the eligibility criteria set forth above, the Attorney shall notify Settling Distributors and the Fee Panel. For the avoidance of doubt, any Attorney who undertakes any new representation of, or has a Fee Entitlement to, a Later Litigating Subdivision shall be prohibited from receiving any future funds from the Attorney Fee Fund. If an Attorney fails to notify Settling Distributors and the Fee Panel of such Fee Entitlement to a Later Litigating Subdivision, the Attorney shall be required to refund amounts previously paid.


8.                  In the event that an Attorney is deemed ineligible by the Fee Panel (whether based on its initial application or subsequent recertification), the Fee Panel shall provide notice to the Attorney and give the Attorney 30 days to provide additional information such that the Fee Panel could reconsider the Attorney's eligibility.


9.                  To the extent that an Attorney has a Fee Entitlement with a Participating Subdivision and is authorized to bring Released Claims against Released Entities, but such authorization is, in scope, less broad than the category of Released Claims set forth in the Distributor Agreement, such Attorney may participate fully in both the Contingency Fee Fund and the Common Benefit Fund, without any reduction imposed by the Fee Panel due to the scope of the authorization, so long as the Participating Subdivision fully releases all Released Claims against Released Entities.


10.               Attorneys applying to the Attorney Fee Fund knowingly and expressly agree to be bound by the decisions of the Fee Panel, subject to the limited appeal rights set forth in this Fee Agreement, and waive the ability to assert the lack of enforceability of the allocation reached through the arbitration procedures outlined herein.


  H.Calculation of Amounts Due.


1.                       The Fee Panel shall be solely responsible for determining the amount of fees to be paid to each Attorney and each Participating Subdivision that applies under this Section II. None of the Released Entities shall have any responsibility, obligation, or liability of any kind whatsoever with respect to how attorneys' fees are calculated under this Section II, except that the Fee Panel may receive information from the Settling Distributors (a) as to the identity of Participating, Non-Participating, Litigating, Later Litigating, and Non-Litigating Subdivisions; (b) the impact of non-participation by a Litigating Subdivision as is relevant to the Fee Panel's determination in Section II.C.4; and (c) such other information as Settling Distributors may voluntarily elect to provide.


2.                  The Fee Panel shall establish procedures for the arbitration process consistent with this Fee Agreement and orders of the MDL Court. Such procedures may include submission of documentary and/or other evidence, interviews with applicants and/or other counsel (including counsel for Settling Distributors) that the Fee Panel







deems appropriate, and/or other means of creating a record upon which fee awards will be based.


3.             In making determinations under this Fee Agreement, the Fee Panel must apply the eligibility criteria set forth in Section II.G of this Fee Agreement and the criteria set forth in Section II. In addition, the Fee Panel will give consideration in regard to Common Benefit awards to the Johnson factors, as well as the following factors (which factors may be applied and given relative weight in the Fee Panel's discretion):


a.                       The Attorney's contemporaneously recorded time and labor dedicated to Qualifying Representations along with the Attorney's financial commitment to such Qualifying Representations. Claimed "time" will not be automatically accepted by the Fee Panel but will be critically reviewed and given substantially more weight and consideration if such time was subject to the audit process described in any Pretrial Order(s) governing the collection of common benefit time;


b.                       The novelty, time, and complexity of the Qualifying Representations;


c.                        The skill requisite to perform legal services properly and undesirability of the case;


d.                       The preclusion of other employment by the Attorney due to time dedicated to Qualifying Representations;


e.                        The "common benefit," if any alleged to have been conferred by the Attorney and whether such common benefit work product by that Attorney was used by others in parallel litigations against Released Entities whether within or outside the MDL, provided that for any Attorney claiming that s/he substantially benefited cases other than those in which s/he entered an appearance as counsel must substantiate such claims by proffering factual support, such as proper supporting affidavits or other documents as determined by the Fee Panel with input from Attorneys for Participating Litigating Subdivisions;


f.                        Any "common detriment," as set forth in Section II.C.4.


g.                       Any contingent fee agreements or other Fee Entitlement with Participating Subdivisions, enforcement of which, except for State Back-Stop Agreements, are waived in conjunction with the application, the nature and extent of any work for those Participating Subdivisions, whether such Participating Subdivisions actively litigated and, if so, the nature and procedural history of such case(s);


h.                        The experience, reputation, and ability of the Attorney;


i.                         Whether the Attorney's clients brought Released Claims against Released Entities;







j.                         The status of discovery in cases primarily handled by the Attorney;


k.                       The nature of any work by the Attorney on "bellwether" cases or cases that were similarly active in litigation;


l.                         Any pressure points successfully asserted by the Attorney in cases against Settling Distributors or any risk for Settling Distributors created by the Attorney in cases against them;


m.                     Any risk for defendants created by applicants in cases against the Setting Distributors;


n.                       Successful and unsuccessful motion practice in cases worked on by the Attorney;


o.                      The date of filing of any cases filed by the Attorney;


p.                       Obtaining consolidation of the litigation in the Attorney's jurisdiction;


q.                       The number and population of entities represented by the Attorney and the fees that would have been awarded under extinguished contingent fee arrangements;


r.                         Whether the Attorney's clients brought claims against the Settling Distributors;


s.                        Whether the Attorney has had a leadership role in the litigation, whether in state or federal court;


t.                         Whether the Attorney has had a leadership role in any negotiations aimed at resolving the litigation;


u.                        Whether the Attorney's cases have survived motions to dismiss;


v.                       The extent to which the Attorney contributed to the work product user for the common benefits of opioids litigants, including, without limitation, work on ARCOS data, Prescription Data Monitoring Programs, IQVIA data, depositions, document production and analysis experts, motions, briefs and pleadings, trial preparations, and trials;


w.                      The extent to which litigation was done prior to and contributed to completion of settlement negotiations, as distinct from litigation that was done litigating after the announcement of the Distributor Agreement, such latter litigation both being of less value and potentially resulting a common detriment to the settlement process; and







x.                       Any other factors that the Fee Panel finds to be appropriate to consider after input from applicants to the Attorney Fee Fund.


4.             The Fee Panel shall develop procedures for receiving a single application, which may be updated or amended based on new information (such as participation by additional Litigating Subdivisions) from each Attorney seeking compensation from the Attorney Fee Fund, procedures shall not be inconsistent with this Fee Agreement. Any request for attorneys' fees not included on the single application or through the updating/amendment process designed by the Fee Panel shall be deemed waived. For purposes of transparency and to permit the Fee Panel to conduct its work, the application from each Attorney shall, at a minimum, require each Attorney to:


a.                        Identify all Litigating Subdivisions for which s/he is seeking payment from the Attorney Fee Fund;


b.                       Identify all Subdivisions in both Settling and Non-Settling States with respect to which s/he has a Fee Entitlement with respect to Relevant Claims against Released Entities, and identify all co-counsel in such cases;


c.                        Identify which of those Subdivisions are Participating Subdivisions and which are not;


d.                       Specify the specific fund or funds within the Attorney Fee Fund from which the Attorney is seeking compensation;


e.                        Demonstrate his or her eligibility for compensation from the relevant sub funds within the Attorney Fee Fund pursuant to the criteria set forth for the relevant sub fund; and


f.                         Identify any and all Fee Entitlements from representations of States, Tribal Nations, or other plaintiffs related to Released Claims against Released Entities or in opioids-related matters.


Notwithstanding Sections II.H.4.a-f above, the Panel may consider a supplemental application if the Attorney shows good cause why circumstances exist that will lead to consideration for additional Common Benefit award. Examples would include, but are not limited to, an Attorney having Non-Participating Litigating Subdivision clients that subsequently become Participating Subdivisions, a Bar Date passes that increases participation or the Participation Tier or an Allocation Agreement is reached.


5.              With respect to the Common Benefit Fund, the Fee Panel shall (subject to any applicable MDL Court Order):


a.                        Review the applications of all Attorneys seeking compensation from the Common Benefit Fund, including determining eligibility for each Attorney as set forth in Section II.G.







b.                       Reduce, on an annual basis, the Distributor's payment obligations, as set forth in Section II.C.6. The Panel shall inform the Settling Distributors and the MDL PEC of all such amounts and adjust the Settling Distributors' payment obligations accordingly.


c.                        Using criteria set forth in Sections II.C and II.G, allocate amounts from the Common Benefit Fund to eligible Attorneys, including payment amounts for each Payment Year. In making such allocations (regardless of the Participation Tier achieved), the Panel shall apply the principles set forth in Section II.C.4 and shall allocate any reduction in the payments of Settling Distributors specified in Section II.C.6 to the amounts paid to Attorneys with a Fee Entitlement to Litigating Subdivisions that are not Participating Subdivisions.


6.With respect to the Contingency Fee Fund, the Fee Panel shall:


a.                  Review the applications of all Attorneys seeking compensation from the Litigating Subdivision Fee Fund, including determining eligibility for each Attorney as set forth in Section II.G.


b.Apply the Mathematical Model in Exhibit A.


c.                   Use such allocations to reduce payments, on an annual basis, the payment obligations of the Settling Distributors to the Attorney Fee Fund as set forth in Section II.D.4, and distributions therefrom, and inform the Settling Distributors and MDL PEC of all such adjustments.


7.                  To the extent that there is a dispute about the calculations of the Fee Panel related to the amounts that Settling Distributors are required to pay (including application of any reductions or offsets under this Fee Agreement), such disputes shall be presented to the Fee Panel and any disputed funds be paid into/held in escrow. The Fee Panel shall resolve such disputes expeditiously, with either Party having the right to seek review from the MDL Court.


8.                  For purposes of determination of fee or cost awards, allocations, reductions and possible reversions under this Fee Agreement, unless specified otherwise a Subdivision will be considered a Non-Participating Subdivision if it is not a Participating Subdivision as of the deadline for the application for the fee or cost award at issue (or, if the determination does not involve a specific application, the date on which the record for such determination closes).


9.                  In the event that the Fee Panel, through the use of the Mathematical Model set forth in Exhibit A, allocates funds from the Contingency Fee Fund for an Attorney based on a Qualifying Representation of a Participating Litigating Subdivision or allocates cost to such Participating Litigating Subdivision and that Subdivision is in a Settling State in which the Consent Judgment has not been approved, such funds shall be placed into escrow until the Consent Judgment is approved, after which time they shall be released.










1.                       The costs associated with the Fee Panel prior to the Effective Date of this Fee Agreement shall be funded by Settling Distributors. The Fee Panel shall charge an hourly rate that has been previously approved by a federal or state court and shall provide a budget and a cap for such work prior to the Effective Date, which shall be approved by Settling Distributors and such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Settling Distributors shall receive a refund for any such payment of pre-Effective Date costs from interest that accrues on the monies in the Attorney Fee Fund (including interest that accrues during such time as the Attorney Fee Fund monies are in escrow prior to the Effective Date of the Distributor Agreement), up to the amount of such costs. Post- Effective Date, the cost of the Fee Panel shall be charged against the applicable Fee Fund based on allocation by the Fee Panel and shall not be otherwise funded by Settling Distributors. The costs associated with the Cost and Expense Fund Administrator shall be paid from funds in the MDL Expense Fund and the Litigating Subdivision Cost Fund and shall not be otherwise funded by Settling Distributors.


2.                  The MDL PEC will seek, and the Attorneys General for Settling States and the Settling Distributors will not oppose, a Common Benefit Fee Order requiring an assessment of 7.5% on the gross recovery (by judgment or settlement) of any Non- Participating Subdivision that is subject to the federal court jurisdiction, represented by a MDL PEC firm, represented by any Attorney receiving fees from the Common Benefit Fund, represented by any Attorney that signed a Participation Agreement or paid in a case otherwise under the jurisdiction of the MDL Court.


3.                  The MDL PEC shall provide to Settling Distributors information they have that identifies Attorneys who represent Litigating Subdivisions who are not Participating Subdivisions and who have an obligation to pay a common benefit assessment, either due to the MDL Court's orders or to having signed a Participation Agreement.


4.                  The MDL PEC shall retain ethics counsel of its choice to provide an opinion that addresses the compliance of its ethical obligations, as it relates to the Distributor Agreement. Such opinion shall address the issue of the potential conflict of interest for an Attorney that had represented a Participating Subdivision also representing a Later Litigating Subdivision as defined in the Distributor Agreement. This Section II.I shall be enforceable to the extent permitted by the equivalent to Rules 1.16 and 5.6 of the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct in the relevant jurisdictions. The opinion shall be provided to the Settling Distributors as soon as it is completed and, in any event, prior to July 31, 2021 and shall be disseminated to counsel eligible to apply to the Attorney Fee Fund within 30 days of the announcement of the Distributor Agreement. The MDL PEC represents that it will comply with this opinion until the Reference Date and thereafter if the Distributor Agreement proceeds. The cost of such expert work done prior to the Effective Date of the Distributor Agreement shall be funded by Settling Distributors.







5.                  Participating Subdivisions agree to instruct their counsel to treat information, work product and expert materials as secret under Rule 1.6 of the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct. Accordingly, an Attorney shall not share information or work product with, or experts or materials to, non-participants (other than the Attorney's own current clients or their lawyers, consultants, experts or other representatives or agents). However, nothing herein shall prevent MDL Leadership or PEC Counsel from fulfilling their obligations in any MDL and the MDL Court Order.




A.                 Termination. If the Distributor Agreement does not proceed past the Reference Date, whether because the Settling Distributors do not determine to proceed or for any other reason, this Fee Agreement shall be null and void, Settling Distributors shall have no obligation to make any payments under this Fee Agreement, and the Settling Distributors and the MDL PEC shall take such steps as are necessary to restore the status quo ante.


B.                 MDL Court Consideration. This Fee Agreement shall be attached as an exhibit to the Distributor Agreement. This Fee Agreement shall also be submitted jointly by the Settling Distributors and the MDL PEC to the MDL Court for approval pursuant to the motion that shall be attached, prior to the Preliminary Agreement Date of the Distributor Agreement, to this Fee Agreement as Exhibit B.


1.                       In the event that the MDL Court, through an order, makes any change to the amounts potentially to be paid by Settling Distributors under this Fee Agreement, makes any change to the Fee Panel's consideration of the factors set forth in Section II.C.4, or any other material change to the draft Order attached as part of Exhibit B or the terms of this Fee Agreement, the Settling Distributors and the MDL PEC shall meet and confer concerning such changes.


2.                  If the Settling Distributors and the MDL PEC are unable to reach agreement and revisions to this Fee Agreement in the event discussed in Section III.B.1, this Fee Agreement shall be null and void, Settling Distributors shall have no obligation to make any payments under this Fee Agreement, and the Settling Distributors and the MDL PEC shall take such steps as are necessary to restore the status quo ante.


C.                 Amendment. Once the MDL Court has entered an order implementing this Fee Agreement, this Fee Agreement can only be amended by (1) written agreement of the Settling Distributors and the MDL PEC and (2) approval by the MDL Court.


D.                 Jurisdiction and Enforcement. The MDL Court shall have exclusive and ongoing jurisdiction over the enforcement and implementation of this Fee Agreement as set forth herein. The MDL PEC shall be the Authorized Party to enforce this Fee Agreement, as to the payment obligations of the Settling Distributors as set forth in this Fee Agreement, and as to Attorneys making application to the Funds under this Fee Agreement. Solely for purposes of assessing or allocating common benefit fees, the MDL Court will continue to have jurisdiction over the work product developed in the MDL Court by and under the direction of the MDL PEC with respect to claims against the Settling Defendants, including data and documents, depositions, expert







reports, briefs and pleadings; and the MDL Court's protective orders, management orders, and other decisions regarding such discovery and other work product, including but not limited to, conditions on its use, will continue in full force and effect. Nothing in this Section III.D authorizes the MDL Court to act contrary to this Fee Agreement or to share any of the work product, or provides the MDL Court with jurisdiction over the Distributor Agreement.







Description of Mathematical Model for the Allocation of the Contingency Fee Funds


Distributor Settlement Agreement and Janssen Settlement Agreement


This document describes the Mathematical Model for allocation of the Contingency Fee Fund described in Exhibit R (Agreement of Attorney's Fees, Expenses and Costs) to the Distributor Settlement Agreement and the Janssen Settlement Agreement, respectively.19 Awards of fees from the Contingency Fee Funds shall be available to Attorneys with Qualifying Representations of Participating Litigating Subdivisions eligible to receive an allocation under the corresponding agreements.20 A Fee Panel shall oversee the application of the Model and resolve any questions or disputes concerning the eligibility of a counsel to participate. The Panel is empowered to hear disputes concerning and ensure the accuracy of the mathematical calculations.


In general terms, allocation of the Contingency Fee Fund shall be made by (1) determining the amount of the Settlement Fund that is attributable to each Litigating Subdivision; (2) making certain adjustments to these amounts based on when the Subdivision filed suit and the terms of the applicable fee contract; and (3) dividing the Contingency Fee Fund proportionately among counsel for each Participating Litigating Subdivision based on the amounts calculated in subpart 2.


Each Settling Defendant is responsible only for its own share of payments.21 In other words, to collect a fee award from the Contingency Fee Fund against a Settling Defendant, the Participating Litigating Subdivision must have named the Settling Defendant in its lawsuit. The total amount of the Contingency Fee Fund in the Distributor Settlement Agreement is $516,923,077.22 Amerisource's share is $160,246,153.97 (31.0%), Cardinal's share is $159,729,230.89 (30.9%), and McKesson's share is $196,947,692.46 (38.1%). The total amount of the Contingency Fee Fund in the Janssen Settlement Agreement is $123,076,923.23


More specifically, allocation of each Settling Defendant's share of the corresponding Contingency Fee Fund shall be made according to the following steps. These steps must be performed separately for each Settlement Agreement, and each Defendant is responsible for paying only its share of the Contingency Fee Fund. These calculations are made only for purpose of determining the percentage share of the Contingency Fee Fund that Attorneys for each Participating Litigating Subdivision should receive, not for determining the dollar amount each Subdivision will receive.






19 See Distributor Settlement Agreement, Exhibit R § II.B.3; Janssen Settlement Agreement, Exhibit R § II.B.3.

20 Distributor Settlement Agreement, Exhibit R § II.B.3; Janssen Settlement Agreement, Exhibit R § II.B.3

21 Distributor Settlement Agreement, Exhibit R § II.A.5.

22 Distributor Settlement Agreement, Exhibit R § II.D.1.

23 Janssen Settlement Agreement, Exhibit R § II.D.1.







(1)For each Settling State, attribute 50% of the settlement funds for that State to its Subdivisions according to the Subdivision Allocation Percentage in Exhibit G to the Distributor Settlement Agreement or Janssen Settlement Agreement, as appropriate.


Illustrative example for the Distributor Agreement:


·Assume that State A is allocated 1.00000% of the $18,554,013,691.11 Restitution/Abatement amount [see Exhibit M of the Agreement].


·50% of the 1% share allocated to State A is $92,770,068.46.


·Assume that, per Exhibit G of the Agreement, the Subdivision Allocation Percentage for City B in State A is 1.00000000%.
·For purposes of determining its counsel’s share of the Contingency Fee Fund, City B is attributed 1.00000000% of $92,770,068.46, or $927,700.68.


(2)Adjust the amounts in paragraph 1 as follows:


a.Upward Adjustment for Early Filers. Increase the amount calculated in paragraph 1 above by 10% for any Litigating Subdivision that named the defendant(s) in a suit before December 5, 2017, the date the National Prescription Opiate Litigation MDL was formed. This adjustment must be done individually for each defendant. If the Litigating Subdivision did not name a Settling Defendant in a suit before January 1, 2021, then fees from the Contingency Fee Fund for that defendant will not be awarded to Attorneys with otherwise Qualifying Representations of that Participating Litigating Subdivision.


Illustrative Example:


·Assume City C is attributed $1,000,000 under paragraph 1 above.


·If City C named the defendant(s) before 12/5/2017, the attributed amount would be adjusted to $1,100,000.


b.Determine Amount Due under Contingency Fee Contract. Determine the amount that would be due to Attorneys with Qualifying Representations of each Participating Litigating Subdivision under the terms of the applicable fee contract if the Participating Litigating Subdivision were to receive the amount calculated in paragraph 2.a. This amount can be referred to as the Contingency Fee Assumption.


Illustrative Example:


Continuing the example given in paragraph 2.a, if Attorneys have a 20% contingency fee contract with City C for the relevant litigation, the amount calculated in this step would be 20% of $1,100,000, or $220,000.







In the next step, the Contingency Fee Assumption is used to determine the percentage share of the Contingency Fee Fund due to Attorneys for each Participating Litigating Subdivision.


(3)Divide the Contingency Fee Fund proportionately among Attorneys for each Participating Litigating Subdivision in two ways:


a.National Fee Pool Calculation. Determine each Litigating Subdivision's percentage share of all amounts due under contingency fee contracts nationwide by dividing the Contingency Fee Assumption calculated for each Subdivision in paragraph 2.b by the sum of all Contingency Fee Assumptions. Then multiply that percentage by the Contingency Fee Fund to figure each Subdivision's dollar share of the Contingency Fee Fund (but only for Settling Defendants the Subdivision timely named in a lawsuit).24


Illustrative example for Distributor Settlement Agreement:


·$220,000 [from para. 2.b] ÷ $1,800,000,000 [total amount owed under contingency fee contracts nationwide] = 0.012222%25


·0.012222% * $516,923,077.32 [Contingency Fee Fund] = $63,179.49


b.Separate State Fee Pools Calculation. Determine each Litigating Subdivision's percentage share of all amounts due under contingency fee contracts statewide by dividing the Contingency Fee Assumption calculated for each Subdivision in paragraph 2.b by the sum of all Contingency Fee Assumptions in the same State. Then multiply that percentage by the portion of the Contingency Fee Fund that corresponds to that State's Overall Allocation Percentage, shown in Exhibit F of the relevant Settlement Agreement, to figure each Subdivision's dollar share of the Contingency Fee Fund (but only for Settling Defendants the Subdivision timely named in a lawsuit).


Illustrative example for Distributor Settlement Agreement:


·1% * $516,923,077.32 = $5,169,230.77 [amount of the Contingency Fee Fund corresponding to State A]




24 Because a few Litigating Subdivisions named only one or two of the Distributors in a lawsuit before January 1, 2021, each Subdivision's share of the Contingency Fee Fund is slightly different for each distributor. Therefore, under the Distributor Settlement Agreement, the calculations described in this step need to be made separately for each Settling Defendant. It is shown in a single calculation here for ease of illustration only.


25 In this example, $1.8 billion is the amount theoretically owed under all contingency fee contracts for litigation against distributors as calculated in paragraph 2.b. This amount is illustrative only; the actual amount will not be known until all litigating subdivisions are identified and the terms of all of their contingency fee contracts are collected.







·Assume a total of $17,600,000 is owed under contingency fee contracts for State A.
·$220,000 [from para. 2.b] ÷ $17,600,000 = 1.25%
·1.25% * $5,169,230.77 = $64,615.38


The award of fees to Attorneys with Qualifying Representations of Participating Litigating Subdivisions will be the average of the final amounts calculated in paragraphs 3.a and 3.b above.26


Paragraph 3.a represents allocation based on a proportional share of a National Fee Pool, while paragraph 3.b represents allocation based on a proportional share of the Separate State Fee Pools. In other words, for the National Fee Pool described above in paragraph 3.a, the contingency fee contract rate is compared to all other contingency fee contract rates in the nation. For the Separate State Fee Pools described above in paragraph 3.b, the contingency fee contract terms are compared to the other contingency fee contract terms in that same State. The National Fee Pool and the Separate State Fee Pools are given equal weighting. This is illustrated below.




Using the first methodology, Attorneys for two Subdivisions in different States with the same amount calculated under paragraph 2.b would be assigned the same amount under paragraph 3.a. Using the second methodology, Attorneys for the same two Subdivisions would be assigned different amounts under paragraph 3.b because they are in different States. Specifically, the Subdivision in the State with a smaller proportion of Participating




26 The model also enforces a maximum fee award of 20% of the amount calculated in 2.b. This rule is designed to prevent windfalls by addressing over-allocation in a small number of states with relatively few Litigating Subdivisions. An estimated 97% of Qualifying Representations are not impacted this rule. The description in this document of the Mathematical Model is by necessity an abstraction; the precise contours of the calculations are defined in the model itself.







Litigating Subdivisions would be allocated more than the Subdivision in the State with a greater proportion of Participating Litigating Subdivisions.









Agreement on the State Outside Counsel Fee Fund


1.                  Creation of a State Outside Counsel Fee Fund. The Settling Distributors and the Settling States agree to the creation of a state outside counsel fee fund to pay reasonable attorneys' fees of Settling States which have retained outside counsel in connection with litigation against the Settling Distributors (such fund, the "State Outside Counsel Fee Fund").


2.                  State Outside Counsel Fee Fund Administration. The State Outside Counsel Fee Fund shall be administered separately from the Common Benefit Fund, the Contingency Fee Fund, the State Cost Fund, and the MDL Expense Fund. A committee of Attorneys General shall oversee the State Outside Counsel Fee Fund (the "Fee Fund Committee"). The Fee Fund Committee shall initially consist of the following States: (a) Delaware; (b) Florida; (c) Georgia; (d) Indiana; (e) Michigan; (f) Ohio; and (g) Rhode Island. The Fee Fund Committee shall select a settlement fund administrator, who may or may not be different from the Settlement Fund Administrator (the "Fee Fund Administrator") and who shall administer the State Outside Counsel Fee Fund according to the guidelines and directives of the Fee Fund Committee.


3.                  State Outside Counsel Fee Eligibility. To receive any amount from the State Outside Counsel Fee Fund, an outside counsel to a Settling State must have filed and maintained an action in the name of a Settling State or its Attorney General against a Settling Distributor in a state or federal court as of June 1, 2021. No Settling State shall receive funds from both the State Outside Counsel Fee Fund and the Additional Restitution Amount as set forth in Section IX.


4.                  State Outside Counsel Fee Fund Amount. The Settling Distributors shall pay funds into the State Outside Counsel Fee Fund according to the schedule set forth below, subject to any suspensions, offsets, reductions, or adjustments provided for in the Agreement or described below:


Payment Year 1 Payment Date $136,044,379
Payment Year 2 Payment Date $129,230,769
Payment Year 3 Payment Date $17,417,160


5.State Outside Counsel Fee Fund Availability and Calculation of Amount.

a.     The State Outside Counsel Fee Fund shall be available to compensate private outside counsel for Settling State Attorneys General for approved fees arising out of representation of the Settling State pursuant to the schedule developed by the Fee Fund Committee and provided to the Settling Distributors. 

b.    Fees shall be calculated by adding two components: (a) a fixed amount consisting of fifty percent (50%) of the amount allocated to a Settling State pursuant to Exhibit F multiplied by 4.5%; and (b) a proportional percentage of the remaining fee due under that Settling State's contract assuming that fifty







percent (50%) of the Settling State's recovery is allocable to a Settling State (rather than allocable to the Settling State's Participating Subdivisions) so that the fees of all Settling States (minus the fixed amount that would have been allocated to any Non-Settling States had they become Settling States) exhausts the State Outside Counsel Fee Fund. The proportional share percentage will be the same for each Settling State included in the State Outside Counsel Fee Fund. All amounts paid will be less any costs or fees of the Fee Fund Administrator.


6.Payment by the Fee Fund Administrator.

a.       If a Settling State's outside counsel agrees that the amount calculated in Paragraph 5 above either satisfies in full or exceeds the amounts owed to all such Settling State's outside counsel, then upon written notice waiving all entitlement to any additional fee, the Fee Fund Administrator shall pay that Settling State's outside counsel the amount that satisfies the Settling State's obligation in full and, in no event more than (i) such obligation or (ii) the amount pursuant to the calculation and any schedule created by the Fee Fund Committee.

b.      If a Settling State's outside counsel does not agree that the amount calculated in Paragraph 5 above either satisfies in full or exceeds the amounts owed by the Settling State, then the Settling State's share shall be placed in an interest- bearing escrow account (less reasonable expenses of the Fee Fund Administrator) and held unless and until the Settling State and its outside counsel agree in a signed writing to a resolution of the amount outstanding or there is a final judgment entered that is no longer appealable.

c.       Upon being provided a signed, written agreement or the final non-appealable judgment, the Fee Fund Administrator shall release monies from the State Outside Counsel Fee Fund in either the amount held by the Fee Fund Administrator, if the amount of the agreement or judgment is equal to or more than the amount held, or the amount indicated in the agreement or in the final judgment, if the amount in the agreement or judgment is less than the amount held.

d.      Nothing herein, including the amounts listed in paragraph 5 above, shall prevent a Settling State from arguing in any proceeding with its outside counsel that (i) its recovery was less than fifty percent (50%) of the recovery in the Settlement Agreement down to and including fifteen percent (15%) of the total recovery; (ii) any payment should be discounted by an appropriate discount rate commensurate to the risk of the Settlement Agreement and the timeline that the Settling State is receiving its payments; (iii) the settlement amount should be lower because the amount a Settling State receives was reduced because such Settling State's outside counsel failed to obtain joinder from a Settling State's Subdivision(s) that the outside counsel also







represented; or (iv) any limitation placed by the Settling Distributors bars payment of a higher fee to outside counsel.

e.      In the event the amount due to the Settling State's outside counsel from an escrow account is less than the total amount of funds escrowed on the account of the Settling State, the balance shall be paid to the Settling State. In no event, other than a State becoming a Non-Settling State, shall funds revert to a Settling Distributor.

f.       Amounts owed by Settling Distributors to the State Outside Counsel Fee Fund shall be reduced and/or credited to Settling Distributors by amounts allocated on the above-mentioned schedule for outside counsel in Non-Settling States.


7.                  Reversion or Reduction of Amounts owed to Non-Settling States. Amounts owed by Settling Distributors to the State Outside Counsel Fee Fund shall be reduced proportionally across payments owed by the Settling Distributors by amounts allocated to the fixed amount on the below schedule for outside counsel in the event that a listed State becomes a Non-Settling State. In the event the Fee Fund Administrator receives part or all of the fixed amount due to a Non-Settling State from a Settling Distributor, the Fee Fund Administrator shall return the amount allocable to that Non-Settling State's fixed amount to the Settling Distributor.


State Allocation
State Share
(50% of


$304,643,737.25 $152,321,868.62 TIPAC $17,914,852. 67





$47,953,786.09 $23,976,893.04 20%







$179,296,463.29 $89,648,231.65 TIPAC

$7,982,411.5 8






$90,915,020.78 $45,457,510.39

21% ,


$9,546,077.1 8






$1,303,588,941.75 $651,794,470.88 TIPAC

$36,089,723. 54






$517,324,496.17 $258,662,248.09 8%

$20,692,979. 85







27 This is the State allocation provided in Exhibit F.

28 This is calculated by taking the State allocation times the Net Abatement Amount.

29 As provided in Paragraph 5.b, the Fixed Amount is calculated by taking 50% of the maximum abatement amount for a State times 4.5%. Together with a proportional amount to be calculated as provided in Paragraph 5.b, this will be the total fee paid each Settling State.










$63,424,264.57 $31,712,132.28 17%







$97,488,940.82 $48,744,470.41 10%







$411,322,687.49 $205,661,343.75 TIPAC

 $13,783,066. 74






$388,330,506.82 $194,165,253.41 TIPAC

 $11,958,262. 67






$631,211,905.76 $315,605,952.88 15%

 $47,340,892. 93




Mississipp i


$165,109,998.00 $82,554,999.00 TIPAC

 $8,127,749.9 5






$63,485,673.43 $31,742,836.72

20, 18,

and 15% by amount

 $6,061,425.5 1




$231,679,409.03 $115,839,704.52 19%

 $22,009,543. 86




New Hampshire


$116,124,979.63 $58,062,489.81 27%

 $15,676,872. 25




New Mexico


$158,771,124.24 $79,385,562.12 24%

 $19,052,534. 91






$808,343,668.31 $404,171,834.15 TIPAC

 $23,708,591. 71






$293,740,207.23 $146,870,103.61





 $34,374,020. 72


Puerto Rico


$134,761,533.28 $67,380,766.64 25%

 $16,845,191. 66




Rhode Island


$90,833,526.93 $45,416,763.47 17%

 $7,720,849.7 9




South Carolina


$293,796,389.80 $146,898,194.90 TIPAC

 $21,470,837. 54




South Dakota


$40,261,206.07 $20,130,603.03 12%

 $2,415,672.3 6









Utah 1.1889437113% $220,596,778.97 $110,298,389.49 TIPAC $14,165,161.55 $4,963,427.53
        by K    
Vermont 0.2844241374 % $52,772,093.39 $26,386,046.70 TIPAC $4,888,604.67 $1,187,372.10
Washington 2.3189040182% $430,249,769.02 $215,124,884.51 Statute $20,000,000.00 $9,680,619.80










Agreement on the State Cost Fund Administration


1.                   Creation of a State Cost Fund. The Settling Distributors and the Settling States agree to the creation of a state cost fund to pay litigation costs and expenses associated with litigation and investigation related to the opioid litigation (such fund, the "State Cost Fund"). The State Cost Fund shall be administered separately from the Common Benefit Fund, the Contingency Fee Fund, the State Counsel Fee Fund, and the MDL Expense Fund.


2.                   State Cost Fund Amount and to Whom Owed. On the Payment Date of Payment Year 1, the Settling Distributors shall pay into the State Cost Fund $56,538,461.00 (the "State Cost Fund Amount"). No funds may be released from the State Cost Fund to Non-Settling States.


3.                   State Cost Fund Committee. A committee of Attorneys General or their designated representatives (such committee, the "State Cost Fund Committee") shall oversee the State Cost Fund. The committee shall initially consist of the following States: (a) Delaware; (b) Florida; (c) Georgia; (d) New York; (e) North Carolina; (f) Ohio; (g) Tennessee; and (h) Texas. The Attorneys General may by majority vote add or change the composition of the State Cost Fund Committee, including replacing any above State, if that State is not a Settling State.


4.                   State Cost Fund Administrator. The State Cost Fund Committee shall select an administrator (the "State Cost Fund Administrator"). The State Cost Fund Administrator may or may not be different from the Settlement Fund Administrator. The State Cost Fund Administrator shall administer the State Cost Fund and direct payments to Settling States.


5.                   State Cost Fund Guidelines. Monies in the State Cost Fund shall be released without any delay to reimburse Settling States for documented costs incurred or paid in connection with litigation and investigation related to the opioid litigation. In allocating the State Cost Fund, no funds shall be allocated for costs incurred after July 21, 2021. The State Cost Fund Committee shall establish guidelines for the submission and approval of expenses eligible for reimbursement from the State Cost Fund. The State Cost Fund Administrator shall, in accordance with such guidelines, receive from Settling States records sufficient to demonstrate the incurrence and payment of each expense attributable to litigation or investigation related to the opioid litigation, including any outstanding National Association of Attorneys General grant.


6.                   State Cost Fund Payment Priorities and Residual. To the extent the aggregate eligible submissions of costs and expenses from Settling States exceed the State Cost Fund Amount, payments to Settling States shall be paid in the order described in this section until the State Cost Fund is exhausted. If the State Cost Fund is unable to fully pay costs at any of the following levels, then Settling States with costs at that level shall be paid on a proportional basis. All expenses with a lesser priority from the level where the State Cost Fund is exhausted will not be reimbursed from the State Cost Fund. Costs shall be paid in the following order of priority:







(a) the reasonable costs of the State Cost Fund Administrator, if any; (b) repayment of the National Association of Attorneys General grants connected to opioid litigation; (c) costs incurred or paid by outside counsel for a Settling State litigating against the Settling Distributors apart from any fee owed; (d) litigation-related costs attributable to the Settling Distributors incurred or paid by a Settling State litigating against the Settling Distributors; and (e) pre-suit investigation-related costs attributable to the Settling Distributors incurred or paid by either a Settling State outside counsel (not including any amount of fees or any costs which have already been reimbursed pursuant to clause (c), above) or a Settling State investigating the Settling Distributors. If the State Cost Fund has additional monies after payment of the State Cost Fund Administrator's and all Settling States' submitted costs, then the remaining funds will be provided to the National Association of Attorneys General to be placed in the Financial Services Fund for the purpose of funding grants for consumer protection- or healthcare-related enforcement or training activities. In determining what costs are attributable to the Settling Distributors, the State Fund Committee shall develop a guideline that ensures that all Settling States are treated equitably.









ABC IRS Form 1098-F30





30 To be updated to account for any Non-Settling States and the effectiveness of any separate agreements with a Settling State. 









Cardinal IRS Form 1098-F31




31 To be updated to account for any Non-Settling States and the effectiveness of any separate agreements with a Settling State.









McKesson IRS Form 1098-F32





32 To be updated to account for any Non-Settling States and the effectiveness of any separate agreements with a Settling State.









Severity Factors


State Severity Factor
Alabama 108.5243%
Alaska 107.8614%
American Samoa 102.7639%
Arizona 107.7129%
Arkansas 103.2818%
California 82.8688%
Colorado 95.2263%
Connecticut 121.0971%
Delaware 155.5946%
District of Columbia 88.3270%
Florida 107.9604%
Georgia 86.6675%
Guam 96.8019%
Hawaii 77.1051%
Idaho 93.0570%
Illinois 86.6318%
Indiana 108.6768%
Iowa 78.2056%
Kansas 89.6374%
Kentucky 150.0126%
Louisiana 105.2878%
Maine 132.7534%
Maryland 115.2160%
Massachusetts 110.3001%
Michigan 112.4239%
Minnesota 75.9148%
Mississippi 96.7243%
Missouri 107.8496%
Montana 99.7815%
N. Mariana Islands 100.2421%
Nebraska 71.9045%
Nevada 130.5519%
New Hampshire 144.4997%
New Jersey 102.3701%
New Mexico 128.9295%
New York 91.4472%







North Carolina 102.2754%
North Dakota 76.0864%
Ohio 123.0063%
Oklahoma 129.3047%
Oregon 108.9094%
Pennsylvania 118.2821%
Puerto Rico 73.9803%
Rhode Island 143.8802%
South Carolina 99.6801%
South Dakota 76.4482%
Tennessee 129.9078%
Texas 71.6286%
Utah 119.5878%
Vermont 140.2239%
Virgin Islands 100.4396%
Virginia 88.1611%
Washington 100.5007%
Wisconsin 99.6616%
Wyoming 100.9659%

