(202) 942-4095

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(202) 551-8300

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SEC Contact Information

The SEC’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy provides a variety of services and tools to address the problems and questions you may face as an investor. We cannot tell you what investments to make, but we can help you to invest wisely and avoid fraud.

To contact the SEC and to obtain free investor education materials, call (888) SEC-6585.

To request investor assistance or to file a complaint, call (800) SEC-0330 or please see “SEC Center for Complaints and Enforcement Tips” on

Pictured from left to right:
Luis A. Aguilar, Commissioner, Kathleen L. Casey, Commissioner, Christopher Cox, Chairman, Elisse B. Walter, Commissioner, Troy A. Paredes, Commissioner

Useful SEC Contact Information

General Information Line

To contact the SEC and to obtain free investor education materials, please call (888) SEC-6585.

SEC Toll-Free Investor Information Service

To request investor assistance or to file a complaint, please see “SEC Center for Complaints and Enforcement Tips” (800) SEC-0330.

Public Document Requests

To request a public document, please see “How to Request Public Documents” via web/key links: or call (202) 551-8090.