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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Summary of Updates to Pilot Securities
as of April 13, 2005

Description of the Information and Codes

The Summary of Updates to Pilot Securities is intended to facilitate research of the Regulation SHO Pilot Program. The Summary includes a list of and information about all Category A Pilot Securities and Category B Pilot Securities that have experienced changes as a result of name changes, business combinations, and permanent delistings since June 25, 2004. The information is current as of April 13, 2005. The SROs that maintain the primary listings for Category A Pilot Securities and Category B Pilot Securities will keep current a Summary of Updates to such securities on their websites to reflect changes that may occur after this date. All of the information in the Summary could be reconstructed using public information. The Summary as of April 13, 2005 is, and any subsequent Summaries to be published by the SROs will be in pipe-delimited ASCII form for easy incorporation into statistical programs.

Set forth below is a description of the information included in the Summary.

Symbol: Ticker symbol of the security. This ticker symbol might differ slightly from the ticker symbols in the SRO short selling data, the TAQ data, the NASTRAQ data, and other datasets typically used for financial research. Researchers should be familiar with these variations and make the usual adjustments.

Security Name: Name of the company that issued the security.

Exchange: Market where the security is primarily listed. Updates regarding this security will be available on the website of this SRO.

EffectiveDate: In cases of name and ticker symbol changes, mergers or other corporate actions, the effective date indicates the first date that the security appears in the Pilot. Most of these ticker symbols will not have existed prior to the effective date. The dates that may be included in this data field represent the dates of the corporate actions but do not pair up an old ticker symbol with a new ticker symbol. Note that this data field may be left blank for certain securities if it is not relevant to the changes that affected such securities.

Deleted: In the case of a name and ticker symbol changes, mergers or other corporate actions, the deleted date indicates the date that the corporate action took effect. For most of these ticker symbols, the last date of data will be the day prior to the date given in the deleted field. The dates that may be included in this data field represent the dates of the corporate actions but do not pair up an old ticker symbol with a new ticker symbol. Note that this data field may be left blank for certain securities if it is not relevant to the changes that affected such securities.

Pilot: Indicates whether the security is a Category A Pilot Security (no tick test or bid test at all times during the Pilot) or a Category B Pilot Security (no tick test after 4:15 pm ET until the open of the consolidated tape the next day).

Reason: Describes the change that affected the security. “M” indicates that the security was involved in a merger, acquisition or other business combination. “T” indicates that the ticker symbol of the security changed. “O” indicates any other change that affected the security.



Modified: 04/19/2005