From: Bill Katakis [] Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 2:02 PM To: Subject: naked shorts and shorting public comment I respectfully request that the practice of shorting any stock be strictly prohibited. At a time when there is zero trust in the market and the time to rectify things is at hand if we are to have a viable economy, I request that you: 1. Discontinue the practice of naked shorting and make it illegal with strict prison sentences. 2. Stop all shorting of stock. Here is why. Shorting a stock has the same effect as if someone took title to your home, without your permission, and took a mortgage against it, lowering its value, while you sit trusting and naive, expecting your home to appreciate in value. Shorting is so dishonest that more words fail me. It is an abomination to average investor, and a stalwart leftover from the many many years where ripping off stockholders was the norm. Please restore trust to the market. This can only be done if shorting is made illegal and impossible. Puts should be equally illegal and impossible. To bet that the price of a security will go up you should buy the stock or buy a call , to bet that a stock will go down you simply sell it or don't buy it. All else is theft by those who owe us a fiduciary trust upon which we depend for our retirements. Thank You, Bill Katakis 321 Venice Dr. Northwood, Ohio 43619