
The Office of Credit Ratings assists the Commission in executing its oversight of credit rating agencies registered with the Commission as nationally recognized statistical rating organizations (NRSROs). Office of Credit Ratings staff monitor the activities and conduct examinations of registered NRSROs to assess and promote compliance with statutory and Commission requirements.

Lori Price

Director, Office of Credit Ratings

Contact the Office


Current NRSROs

A list of credit rating agencies currently registered as NRSROs with links to their regulatory forms, registration orders and notices, and any enforcement actions.

Orders and Notices

Commission orders and notices pertaining to the registration of NRSROs and classes of credit ratings as well as documents related to any exemptions from or enforcement of the federal securities laws.

Rulemaking Activity

Rulemaking undertaken by the Commission related to NRSROs including rule proposals and final rules or rule amendments.

Staff Guidance

Summaries or explanations of rules or regulations related to NRSROs, including compliance guides, Dear DCO letters, and other correspondence or information.


A template and instructions about how to complete a Form NRSRO for application for registration, registration updates, or annual certification as an NRSRO.

Reports and Studies

Annual reports to Congress, summary examination reports, and information about NRSRO - Employment Transition Reports.