FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2000-12 SEC Charges Two Day-Trading Firms With Violations of Federal Margin Regulations Firms Loaned Customers Funds in Excess of Legal Limits To Permit Continued Trading Washington, DC, February 22, 2000 -- The Securities and Exchange Commission today sued two broker-dealers -- All-Tech Direct, Inc. and Investment Street Company - and nine individuals for violating the federal margin lending provisions by providing loans in excess of legal limits to day trading customers. The Commission also charged some of the respondents with failing to disclose required information about the terms of the loans. All- Tech and seven associated persons are contesting the charges. Without admitting or denying the charges, Investment Street, two associated persons, and Dynamic Trading of Miami, Inc, an unregistered firm providing administrative services for Investment Street, settled the charges by agreeing to cease-and- desist orders, civil money penalties, and suspensions from affiliation with a broker-dealer for the two associated persons. Richard H. Walker, Director of the Division of Enforcement, said, "Margin magnifies both the risks and costs of day-trading. We will not allow day-trading firms to overextend margin and keep customers afloat so the firms may continue to generate commissions. We will be vigilant in ensuring that day-trading broker-dealers disclose key terms of margin loans as required by law." All-Tech Direct, Inc. of Montvale, NJ and Investment Street Company of Miami, FL, specialize in executing trades for day traders by offering their customers trading facilities equipped with computers and specialized software that analyze securities markets and allow rapid entry of orders directly with market centers. Most day traders rely extensively on margin loans to purchase securities and trade in high volume. The conduct alleged in these proceedings enabled day traders to engage in a greater volume of trading, despite their lack of funds to meet margin requirements. As a result, the traders continued to generate commissions for the broker-dealer firms. All-Tech Direct, Inc. The Commission alleges that throughout 1998, All-Tech and seven associated persons were responsible for making 103 unsecured loans to customers to meet margin calls totaling more than $3.6 million. These loans enabled customers to meet margin calls and continue trading when the balance in their accounts fell below required levels. The Commission alleges that All-Tech made the loans by drawing from the assets of three associated persons who are respondents: Ralph Zulferino, manager of All- Tech's Edison, NJ office; David Waldman, employed in All-Tech's headquarters; and Adam Leeds, employed in All-Tech's San Diego, CA branch office. The Commission also alleges that the following four individuals aided and abetted the violations by authorizing or otherwise facilitating the loans to All-Tech customers: Mark Shefts, president of All-Tech; Harry Lefkowitz, vice-president of operations; Lisa Esposito, head of All-Tech's margin department; and Barry Parrish, manager of All-Tech's San Diego office. Investment Street Company In a settled administrative proceeding, the Commission found that between November 1997 and March 1999, Investment Street, one of its directors, Emilio Sardi, and president Javier Saenz were responsible for making at least 22 unsecured loans to customers to meet margin calls totaling $250,000. Investment Street utilized funds from accounts controlled by respondent Sardi to make loans so that customers could meet margin calls. In addition, Investment Street and Dynamic Trading allowed unregistered individuals to conduct business that required them to register with the NASD. Trading on margin is one of several risks that day-traders should be aware of and that are outlined in the Commission's publication: Day Trading: Your Dollars at Risk, available on the Commission's website at: For further information, contact: All-Tech matter -- Investment Street matter -- Barry W. Rashkover Glenn S. Gordon Northeast Regional Office Southeast Regional Office Assistant Regional Director Assistant Regional Director 212-748-8373 305-982-6360 # # #