EDGAR XBRL Validation Errors
June 21, 2024
EDGAR XBRL Validation Errors
Message ID | Number | Message | Subsection |
ft-RegnFileNb-{otherTag}-Values | 11010101 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:RegnFileNb value {value} must be equal to header:fileNumber {otherValue}. | 1.1.1 |
ft-FormTp-Missing | 11010201 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there must be a value for ffd:FormTp. | 1.1.2 |
ft-FormTp-Value | 11010200 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:FormTp {value} must be {expectedValue}. | 1.1.2 |
ft-SubmissnTp-{otherTag}-Values | 11010301 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:SubmissnTp value {value} must be equal to header:submissionType {otherValue}. | 1.1.3 |
ft-FeeExhibitTp-Missing | 11010401 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there must be a value for ffd:FeeExhibitTp. | 1.1.4 |
ft-FormTp-Missing | 11020201 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there must be a value for ffd:FormTp. | 1.2.2 |
ft-FormTp-Value | 11020200 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:FormTp {value} must be {expectedValue}. | 1.2.2 |
ft-SubmissnTp-{otherTag}-Values | 11020301 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:SubmissnTp value {value} must be equal to header:submissionType {otherValue}. | 1.2.3 |
ft-FeeExhibitTp-Missing | 11020401 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there must be a value for ffd:FeeExhibitTp. | 1.2.4 |
ft-RptgFsclYrEndDt-Expected-Value | 11021254 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:RptgFsclYrEndDt value {value} must not be later than {expectedValue}. The "Last day of the fiscal year for the issuer for which the prospectus is filed" is for a future period of {value} which is not allowed. | 1.2.12 |
ft-RptgFsclYrEndDt-{otherTag}-Values | 11021249 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:RptgFsclYrEndDt value {value} must be equal to header:fiscalYearEnd {otherValue}. The Last Day of the Fiscal Year in ffd:RptgFsclYrEndDt does not match with the Registrant CIK records. Please update the Fiscal Year End for the company or provide an ffd:RptgFsclYrEndDt that matches the Fiscal Year End in EDGAR and resubmit the filing. | 1.2.12 |
ft-TtlPrevslyPdAmt-Expected-Value | 12010213 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:TtlPrevslyPdAmt value {value} must be from 0 to 99999999999999.99. | 2.1.2 |
ft-TtlFeeAmt-Expected-Value | 12010313 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:TtlFeeAmt value {value} must be from 0 to 99999999999999.99. | 2.1.3 |
ft-FeeIntrstAmt-Mutual-Dependency | 12010500 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, all of ffd:FeeIntrstAmt must have a non-zero value if any of them has a value. | 2.1.5 |
ft-TtlOffsetAmt-Expected-Value | 12010613 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:TtlOffsetAmt value {value} must be from 0 to 99999999999999.99. | 2.1.6 |
ft-NetFeeAmt-Expected-Value | 12010813 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:NetFeeAmt value {value} must be from 0 to 99999999999999.99. | 2.1.8 |
ft-TtlPrevslyPdAmt-Expected-Value | 12020213 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:TtlPrevslyPdAmt value {value} must be from 0 to 99999999999999.99. | 2.2.2 |
ft-TtlFeeAmt-Expected-Value | 12020313 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:TtlFeeAmt value {value} must be from 0 to 99999999999999.99. | 2.2.3 |
ft-FeeIntrstAmt-Mutual-Dependency | 12020500 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, all of ffd:FeeIntrstAmt must have a non-zero value if any of them has a value. | 2.2.5 |
ft-TtlOffsetAmt-Expected-Value | 12020613 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:TtlOffsetAmt value {value} must be from 0 to 99999999999999.99. | 2.2.6 |
ft-NetFeeAmt-Expected-Value | 12020813 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:NetFeeAmt value {value} must be from 0 to 99999999999999.99. | 2.2.8 |
ft-TtlOfferingAmt-Value | 12030105 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:TtlOfferingAmt {value} must be be greater than zero. | 2.3.1 |
ft-TtlOfferingAmt-Value | 12030109 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:TtlOfferingAmt {value} must be be greater than zero. | 2.3.1 |
ft-TtlOfferingAmt-Value | 12030106 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:TtlOfferingAmt {value} must be be greater than zero. When the company has a non 811- reporting file number the "Total Offering Amount" must be greater than zero. | 2.3.1 |
ft-TtlPrevslyPdAmt-Expected-Value | 12030213 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:TtlPrevslyPdAmt value {value} must be from 0 to 99999999999999.99. | 2.3.2 |
ft-TtlFeeAmt-Expected-Value | 12030313 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:TtlFeeAmt value {value} must be from 0 to 99999999999999.99. | 2.3.3 |
ft-FeeIntrstAmt-Mutual-Dependency | 12030500 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, all of ffd:FeeIntrstAmt must have a non-zero value if any of them has a value. | 2.3.5 |
ft-TtlOffsetAmt-Expected-Value | 12030613 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:TtlOffsetAmt value {value} must be from 0 to 99999999999999.99. | 2.3.6 |
ft-NetFeeAmt-Expected-Value | 12030813 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:NetFeeAmt value {value} must be from 0 to 99999999999999.99. | 2.3.8 |
ft-OfferingSctyTp-Value | 13010207 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:OfferingSctyTp value {otherValue} must be be one of "Asset-Backed Securities", "Debt Convertible into Equity", "Debt", "Equity", "Exchange-Traded Vehicle Securities", "Face Amount Certificates", "Limited Partnership Interests", "Mortgage Backed Securities", "Non-Convertible Debt", "Other", "Unallocated (Universal) Shelf". | 3.1.2 |
ft-OfferingSctyTp-Value | 13020207 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:OfferingSctyTp value {otherValue} must be be one of "Asset-Backed Securities", "Debt Convertible into Equity", "Debt", "Equity", "Exchange-Traded Vehicle Securities", "Face Amount Certificates", "Limited Partnership Interests", "Mortgage Backed Securities", "Non-Convertible Debt", "Other", "Unallocated (Universal) Shelf". | 3.2.2 |
ft-OfferingSctyTp-Value | 13030207 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:OfferingSctyTp value {otherValue} must be be one of "Asset-Backed Securities", "Debt Convertible into Equity", "Debt", "Equity", "Exchange-Traded Vehicle Securities", "Face Amount Certificates", "Limited Partnership Interests", "Mortgage Backed Securities", "Non-Convertible Debt", "Other", "Unallocated (Universal) Shelf". | 3.3.2 |
ft-OfferingSctyTp-Value | 13040207 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:OfferingSctyTp value {otherValue} must be be one of "Asset-Backed Securities", "Debt Convertible into Equity", "Debt", "Equity", "Exchange-Traded Vehicle Securities", "Face Amount Certificates", "Limited Partnership Interests", "Mortgage Backed Securities", "Non-Convertible Debt", "Other", "Unallocated (Universal) Shelf". | 3.4.2 |
ft-OfferingSctyTp-Value | 13060207 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:OfferingSctyTp value {otherValue} must be be one of "Asset-Backed Securities", "Debt Convertible into Equity", "Debt", "Equity", "Exchange-Traded Vehicle Securities", "Face Amount Certificates", "Limited Partnership Interests", "Mortgage Backed Securities", "Non-Convertible Debt", "Other", "Unallocated (Universal) Shelf". | 3.6.2 |
ft-OfferingSctyTp-Value | 13070207 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, ffd:OfferingSctyTp value {otherValue} must be be one of "Asset-Backed Securities", "Debt Convertible into Equity", "Debt", "Equity", "Exchange-Traded Vehicle Securities", "Face Amount Certificates", "Limited Partnership Interests", "Mortgage Backed Securities", "Non-Convertible Debt", "Other", "Unallocated (Universal) Shelf". | 3.7.2 |
cp-0501-File-Name | 5010100 | Document file name {filename} must start with a-z or 0-9, contain lower case letters, ., -, _, and end with {suffix}. | 5.1.1 |
cp-0501-File-Name-Length | 5010100 | Document file name {filename} must not exceed 32 characters. | 5.1.1 |
cp-0501-File-Character | 502010100 | Disallowed character '{text}' in file {file} at line {line} col {column} | |
cp-0502-File-Entity-Code | 502020600 | Disallowed entity code {text} in file {file} line {line} column {column} | |
cp-0502-Prohibited-Html | 5020500 | {validatedObjectLabel} <meta> content is "{metaContent}" but must be "text/html". {refSources} | 5.2.5 |
cp-0502-Prohibited-Html | 5020500 | {validatedObjectLabel} causes the XML error: {error}. {refSources} | 5.2.5 |
cp-0502-Prohibited-Html | 5020500 | {validatedObjectLabel} contains text that is not valid for the content of the HTML "body" tag: invalid external reference in '{attribute}' for <{element}>: {value}. {refSources} | 5.2.5 |
cp-0502-Prohibited-Html | 5020500 | {validatedObjectLabel} contains text that is not valid for the content of the HTML "body" tag: javascript in '{attribute}' for <{element}>. {refSources} | 5.2.5 |
cp-0502-Prohibited-Html | 5020500 | {validatedObjectLabel} contains text that is not valid for the content of the HTML "body" tag: reference to a graphics file which isn't .gif or .jpg '{attribute}' for <{element}>. {refSources} | 5.2.5 |
cp-0502-Prohibited-Html | 5020500 | {validatedObjectLabel} has nested <table> elements. {refSources} | 5.2.5 |
cp-0502-Prohibited-Html | 5020500 | {validatedObjectLabel} references a graphics data URL which isn't accepted which isn't accepted '{attribute}' for <{element}>. {refSources} | 5.2.5 |
cp-0502-Prohibited-Html | 5020500 | {validatedObjectLabel} references a graphics file which has invalid format '{format}' in '{attribute}' for <{element}>. {refSources} | 5.2.5 |
cp-0502-Prohibited-Html | 5020500 | {validatedObjectLabel} references a graphics file which isn't openable '{attribute}' for <{element}>, error: {error}. {refSources} | 5.2.5 |
ix-0502-Standard-Namespace-Prefix | 5020500 | The prefix {submittedPrefix} must be replaced by {recommendedPrefix} for standard namespace {namespace} | 5.2.5 |
ix-0512-Unsupported-Transformation-Registry | 502051200 | Inline elements have disallowed transformation registries {unsupportedRegistries} - {refSources} | |
ix-0514-Hidden-Fact-Not-Found | 502051400 | The value of the -sec-ix-hidden style property, {id}, does not correspond to the id of any hidden fact. {refSources} | |
cp-0302-Sdr-Has-Non-Sdr-Attachment | 6030200 | An SDR filing contains non-SDR attachment document type {attachmentDocumentType} dei document type {deiDocumentType}. | 6.3.2 |
cp-0302-Sdr-Missing-Files | 6030200 | {deiDocumentType} report missing files: {missingFiles}. | 6.3.2 |
cp-0302-Sdr-Missing-Standard-Schema | 6030200 | {deiDocumentType} submission must use a US GAAP standard schema. | 6.3.2 |
cp-0303-Valid-File-Extension | 6030300 | Invalid linkbase file name: {filename}, has no extended link element, cannot determine link type. | 6.3.3 |
cp-0303-Valid-File-Extension | 6030300 | The document type and naming of "{filename}" naming is not consistent with one or more of the following: EX-101.INS - XBRL Instance document (Required) *.xml EX-101.SCH - XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema document *.xsd EX-101.REF - XBRL Taxonomy Extension Reference Linkbase document *.xml EX-101.CAL - XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase document *.xml EX-101.DEF - XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase document *.xml EX-101.LAB - XBRL Taxonomy Extension Labels Linkbase document *.xml EX-101.PRE - XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase document *.xml Please ensure that you comply with the document type and naming provided. | 6.3.3 |
cp-0306-Href-Xpointers | 6030600 | Href {elementHref} may only have shorthand xpointers | 6.3.6 |
cp-0308-More-Than-One-Ins | 6030800 | The submission contains more than one instance for attachment document type {attachmentDocumentType}. Remove all but one or change the attachment document types. | 6.3.8 |
cp-0308-Sdr-Has-Multiple-K-Reports | 6030800 | SDR filing has multiple K SDR reports for {entities}. | 6.3.8 |
cp-0310-Missing-Schema | 6031000 | The submission is missing required schema attachment {documentType}. | 6.3.10 |
du-0311-Xml-Base-Used | 6031100 | The attribute xml:base appears in on element {element} in {refSource}. Please remove the attribute. | 6.3.11 |
cp-0501-Entity-Identifier-Scheme | 6050100 | Your identifier for the CIK code, {identifier}, or scheme {scheme}, in context {context}, did not adhere to the standard naming convention of <identifier scheme="http://www.sec.gov/CIK">xxxxxxxxxx</identifier>. Please recheck your submission and comply with the standard naming convention. {refSources} | 6.5.1 |
cp-0503-Non-Matching-Cik | 6050300 | The submission CIK, {filerIdentifier} does not match either the EntityCentralIndexKey, {entityIdentifer}, or context identifier CIK(s) {entityIdentifer}, {entityIdentifer2}, or is not 10 digits, for required context(s). Please include a correct matching EntityCentralIndexKey and context identifier CIK(s) in the filing. {refSources} | 6.5.3 |
cp-0504-No-Scenario | 6050400 | There must be no contexts with scenarios, but {count} was(were) found: {context}. | 6.5.4 |
cp-0505-Segment-Child-Not-Explicit-Member | 6050500 | There must be no segments with non-explicitDimension content, but {count} was(were) found: {content}. | 6.5.5 |
du-0507-Duplicate-Contexts | 6050700 | The instance document contained more than one context equivalent to {context} ({context2}). Please remove duplicate contexts from the instance. | 6.5.7 |
du-0508-Unused-Context | 6050800 | The instance document contained a context {contextIDs} that was not used in any fact. Please remove the context from the instance. | 6.5.8 |
fs-0509-Start-And-End-Dates-Not-Distinct-Inconsistent-With-Document-Type | 6050900 | Context {endContexts} endDate and {startContexts} startDate have a duration of one day; that is inconsistent with document type {documentType}. | 6.5.9 |
fs-0510-Start-And-Instant-Dates-Not-Distinct-Inconsistent-With-Document-Type | 6051000 | Contexts {contexts} have an overlap of one day; that is inconsistent with document type {documentType}. | 6.5.10 |
du-0511-Duplicate-Units | 6051100 | There is more than one unit equivalent to {unitID} ({unitID2}). Please remove all but one and resubmit. | 6.5.11 |
du-0512-Duplicate-Facts | 6051200 | The instance document contained an element, {fact} that was used more than once in contexts equivalent to {contextID}. Please ensure there are no duplicate combinations of concept and context in the instance. | 6.5.12 |
du-0514-English-Text-Missing | 6051400 | Element {fact} in context {contextID} has text with xml:lang other than "en-US" without matching English text. Please provide a fact with xml:lang equal to "en-US". | 6.5.14 |
cp-0515-Text-Block-Not-Well-Formed-XML | 6051500 | A {fact} fact contains unbalanced tags, in {refSource}. (For example, <BR> must be followed by </BR>; values of attributes such as "align" must be quoted, as in align="center".) XML parser messages: {error}. | 6.5.15 |
cp-0516-Prohibited-Html-Body | 6051600 | A {fact} fact contains text that is not valid for the content of the HTML 'body' tag: external reference in '{attribute}' for <{element}>. {refSources} | 6.5.16 |
cp-0516-Prohibited-Html-Body | 6051600 | A {fact} fact contains text that is not valid for the content of the HTML 'body' tag: javascript in '{attribute}' for <{element}>. {refSources} | 6.5.16 |
cp-0516-Prohibited-Html-Body | 6051600 | A {fact} fact contains text that is not valid for the content of the HTML 'body' tag: nested <table> elements. {refSources} | 6.5.16 |
cp-0516-Prohibited-Html-Body | 6051600 | A {fact} fact contains text that is not valid for the content of the HTML 'body' tag: reference to a graphics file which has invalid format '{format}' in '{attribute}' for <{element}>. {refSources} | 6.5.16 |
cp-0516-Prohibited-Html-Body | 6051600 | A {fact} fact contains text that is not valid for the content of the HTML 'body' tag: reference to a graphics file which isn't .gif or .jpg '{attribute}' for <{element}>. {refSources} | 6.5.16 |
cp-0516-Prohibited-Html-Body | 6051600 | A {fact} fact contains text that is not valid for the content of the HTML 'body' tag: reference to a graphics file which isn't openable '{attribute}' for <{element}>, error: {error}. {refSources} | 6.5.16 |
cp-0516-Prohibited-Html-Body | 6051600 | A {fact} fact references a graphics data URL which isn't accepted which isn't accepted '{attribute}' for <{element}>. {refSources} | 6.5.16 |
cp-0516-Prohibited-Html-Body | 6051600 | A {fact} fact, in {refSource}, contains text that is not valid for the content of the HTML "body" tag: {error}. | 6.5.16 |
cp-0516-Prohibited-Html-Body | 6051600 | A {fact} fact, in {refSource}, contains text that is not valid for the content of the HTML 'body' tag: {error}. | 6.5.16 |
fs-0517-Decimals-Not-Precision | 6051700 | Your filing contained elements using the precision attribute. Please recheck your submission and replace the precision attribute with the decimals attribute. | 6.5.17 |
cp-0519-Required-Context | 6051900 | Required context (no segment) not found for document type {documentType}. | 6.5.19 |
dq-0520-DocumentPeriodEndDate-Missing | 6052000 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for DocumentPeriodEndDate in the {context}. | 6.5.20 |
dq-0520-DocumentPeriodEndDate-Unexpected | 6052000 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for DocumentPeriodEndDate in the {context}. | 6.5.20 |
dq-0520-DocumentPeriodEndDate-Value | 6052000 | In submission type {subType}, DocumentPeriodEndDate value, {value}, must be {qualifier}{expectedValue} in the {context}. | 6.5.20 |
dq-0520-DocumentType-Missing | 6052000 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for DocumentType in the {context}. | 6.5.20 |
dq-0520-DocumentType-Unexpected | 6052000 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for DocumentType in the {context}. | 6.5.20 |
dq-0520-DocumentType-Value | 6052000 | In submission type {subType}, DocumentType value, {value}, must be {qualifier}{expectedValue} in the {context}. | 6.5.20 |
dq-0521-CurrentFiscalYearEndDate-Missing | 6052100 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for CurrentFiscalYearEndDate in the {context}. | 6.5.21 |
dq-0521-CurrentFiscalYearEndDate-Unexpected | 6052100 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for CurrentFiscalYearEndDate in the {context}. | 6.5.21 |
dq-0521-CurrentFiscalYearEndDate-{headerTag}-Dependency | 6052100 | In submission type {subType}, CurrentFiscalYearEndDate must have a value if and only if header element {headerTag} is provided. | 6.5.21 |
dq-0521-EntityCentralIndexKey-Missing | 6052100 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for EntityCentralIndexKey in the {context}. | 6.5.21 |
dq-0521-EntityCentralIndexKey-Unexpected | 6052100 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for EntityCentralIndexKey in the {context}. | 6.5.21 |
dq-0521-EntityRegistrantName-Missing | 6052100 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for EntityRegistrantName in the {context}. | 6.5.21 |
dq-0521-EntityRegistrantName-Unexpected | 6052100 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for EntityRegistrantName in the {context}. | 6.5.21 |
dq-0521-EntityShellCompany-Missing | 6052100 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for EntityShellCompany in the {context}. | 6.5.21 |
dq-0521-EntityShellCompany-Unexpected | 6052100 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for EntityShellCompany in the {context}. | 6.5.21 |
dq-0521-EntityVoluntaryFilers-Missing | 6052100 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for EntityVoluntaryFilers in the {context}. | 6.5.21 |
dq-0521-EntityVoluntaryFilers-Unexpected | 6052100 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for EntityVoluntaryFilers in the {context}. | 6.5.21 |
dq-0521-EntityWellKnownSeasonedIssuer-Missing | 6052100 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for EntityWellKnownSeasonedIssuer in the {context}. | 6.5.21 |
dq-0521-EntityWellKnownSeasonedIssuer-Unexpected | 6052100 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for EntityWellKnownSeasonedIssuer in the {context}. | 6.5.21 |
dq-0521-{tags}-Exclusive-Value | 6052100 | In submission type {subType}, only one of {tags} must have a value {value}. | 6.5.21 |
ft-EntityCentralIndexKey-Missing | 26052100 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there must be a value for dei:EntityCentralIndexKey. | 6.5.21 |
cp-0523-Non-Matching-Cik | 6052300 | The EntityCentralIndexKey, {value}, does not match the context identifier CIK {entityIdentifier}. Please include a correct matching EntityCentralIndexKey and context identifier CIK(s) in the filing. | 6.5.23 |
cp-0523-Non-Matching-Cik | 6052300 | The context identifier CIK {entityIdentifier} is not 10 digits, for required context(s). Please include a correct context identifier CIK in the filing. | 6.5.23 |
cp-0523-Non-Matching-Cik | 6052300 | The submission CIK, {filerIdentifier} does not match the EntityCentralIndexKey. Please include a correct matching EntityCentralIndexKey in the filing. {refSources} | 6.5.23 |
cp-0524-Multiple-L-Sdr-Reports-For-Entity | 6052400 | There is more than one L SDR Exhibit having EntityRegistrantName {entity}. Change one of the names or remove one of the L SDR exhibits. | 6.5.24 |
cp-0524-Registrant-Name-Mismatch | 6052400 | The Official Registrant name, {prefix}, does not match the value {value} in the Required Context. Please correct dei:EntityRegistrantName. | 6.5.24 |
ft-EntityRegistrantName-Missing | 26052401 | for submission type {subType}, {ftContext}, there must be a value for dei:EntityRegistrantName. | 6.5.24 |
du-0525-Domain-As-Fact | 6052500 | The domain item {fact} cannot appear as a fact, in {refSource}. Please remove the fact from context {contextID}. | 6.5.25 |
im-0526-Entity-Common-Shares-Outstanding | 6052600 | An instance with dei:DocumentType of {documentType} must have one dei:EntityCommonStockSharesOutstanding fact for each class of stock or units outstanding. | 6.5.26 |
du-0527-Footnote-Substitution-Group | 6052700 | Footnote link {footnoteLinkNumber} has a child element {elementName} that is not allowed. Please remove it. | 6.5.27 |
du-0528-Footnote-Custom-Footnote-Role | 6052800 | Footnote {xlinkLabel} has a role {role} that is not allowed. Please replace it with the default footnote role. | 6.5.28 |
du-0528-Footnote-Role-Missing | 6052800 | Footnote {xlinkLabel} is missing a role. Please provide the default footnote role. | 6.5.28 |
du-0529-Footnote-Custom-Loc-Role | 6052900 | Footnote locator {xlinkLabel} has a custom role, {role} that is not allowed. Please replace it with the default footnote role. | 6.5.29 |
du-0530-Footnote-Custom-Arcrole | 6053000 | Footnote relationship {arcToLabel} has a custom arc role {arcrole} that is not allowed. Please replace it with the default (fact-footnote) arcrole. | 6.5.30 |
du-0532-Footnote-Locator-Portable | 6053200 | Footnote {locLabel} refers to a location, {locHref}, that does not begin with '#' so that any change to the file name would render the XBRL invalid. | 6.5.32 |
cp-0533-Dangling-Footnote | 6053300 | The footnote with label {footnoteLabel} and text '{text}' is not connected to any fact. Please remove the footnote, or link it to a fact. | 6.5.33 |
cp-0534-Prohibited-Html-Footnote-Body | 6053400 | Footnote {xlinkLabel}, line {refLine}, contains text that is not valid for the content of the HTML "body" tag: {error}. | 6.5.34 |
cp-0534-Prohibited-Html-Footnote-Body | 6053400 | {validatedObjectLabel} <meta> content is "{metaContent}" but must be "text/html". {refSources} | 6.5.34 |
cp-0534-Prohibited-Html-Footnote-Body | 6053400 | {validatedObjectLabel} causes the XML error: {error}. {refSources} | 6.5.34 |
cp-0534-Prohibited-Html-Footnote-Body | 6053400 | {validatedObjectLabel} contains text that is not valid for the content of the HTML "body" tag: invalid external reference in '{attribute}' for <{element}>: {value}. {refSources} | 6.5.34 |
cp-0534-Prohibited-Html-Footnote-Body | 6053400 | {validatedObjectLabel} contains text that is not valid for the content of the HTML "body" tag: javascript in '{attribute}' for <{element}>. {refSources} | 6.5.34 |
cp-0534-Prohibited-Html-Footnote-Body | 6053400 | {validatedObjectLabel} contains text that is not valid for the content of the HTML "body" tag: reference to a graphics file which isn't .gif or .jpg '{attribute}' for <{element}>. {refSources} | 6.5.34 |
cp-0534-Prohibited-Html-Footnote-Body | 6053400 | {validatedObjectLabel} has nested <table> elements. {refSources} | 6.5.34 |
cp-0534-Prohibited-Html-Footnote-Body | 6053400 | {validatedObjectLabel} references a graphics data URL which isn't accepted which isn't accepted '{attribute}' for <{element}>. {refSources} | 6.5.34 |
cp-0534-Prohibited-Html-Footnote-Body | 6053400 | {validatedObjectLabel} references a graphics file which has invalid format '{format}' in '{attribute}' for <{element}>. {refSources} | 6.5.34 |
cp-0534-Prohibited-Html-Footnote-Body | 6053400 | {validatedObjectLabel} references a graphics file which isn't openable '{attribute}' for <{element}>, error: {error}. {refSources} | 6.5.34 |
du-0536-Name-Length-Limit | 6053600 | Unit {unitID} contains a measure element whose local-name in UTF-8 has more than 200 bytes. Shorten the measure name. | 6.5.36 |
du-0537-Nonzero-Digits-Truncated | 6053700 | Fact {fact} of context {contextID} decimals {decimals} value {value} has insignificant digits {insignificantDigits}. Please correct the fact value and resubmit. | 6.5.37 |
du-0538-Context-Has-Period-Forever | 6053800 | Context {contextID}s uses period <xbrli:forever>. Please remove it and resubmit. | 6.5.38 |
cp-0539-Typed-Dimension-Not-Standard | 6053900 | Typed dimensions must be defined in standard taxonomy schemas, contexts: {contextIDs} dimensions: {dimensions}. | 6.5.39 |
dq-0540-EntityExTransitionPeriod-EntityEmergingGrowthCompany-Dependency | 6054000 | In submission type {subType}, EntityExTransitionPeriod must have a value if EntityEmergingGrowthCompany has value "true" in context {contextID}, else it should not be provided. | 6.5.40 |
dq-0540-EntityExTransitionPeriod-Missing | 6054000 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for EntityExTransitionPeriod in the {context}. | 6.5.40 |
dq-0540-EntityExTransitionPeriod-Unexpected | 6054000 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for EntityExTransitionPeriod in the {context}. | 6.5.40 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: AdditionalSecurities462b | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: AdditionalSecurities462bFileNumber | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: AdditionalSecuritiesEffective413b | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: ApproximateDateOfCommencementOfProposedSaleToThePublic | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: AuditorFirmId | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: AuditorLocation | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: AuditorName | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: DelayedOrContinuousOffering | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: DividendOrInterestReinvestmentPlanOnly | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: DocumentRegistrationStatement | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EffectiveAfter60Days486a | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EffectiveOnDate486b | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EffectiveUponFiling462e | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EffectiveUponFiling486b | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EffectiveWhenDeclaredSection8c | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: EntityFileNumber | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: InvestmentCompanyActFileNumber | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: InvestmentCompanyActRegistration | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: InvestmentCompanyRegistrationAmendment | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: InvestmentCompanyRegistrationAmendmentNumber | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: NewEffectiveDateForPreviousFiling | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: PostEffectiveAmendment | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: PostEffectiveAmendmentNumber | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: PreEffectiveAmendment | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: PreEffectiveAmendmentNumber | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: cef:BusinessDevelopmentCompanyFlag | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: cef:IntervalFundFlag | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: cef:NewCefOrBdcRegistrantFlag | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: cef:PrimaryShelfFlag | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: cef:PrimaryShelfQualifiedFlag | 6.5.45 |
dq-0545-Cover-Page-Fact-Not-Visible | 6054500 | Submission type {subType} has {countUnreferenced} cover page fact(s) in ix:hidden that must be visible or referenced by an -sec-ix-hidden style property: cef:RegisteredClosedEndFundFlag | 6.5.45 |
dq-0549-DocumentFinStmtErrorCorrectionFlag-Missing | 6054900 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for DocumentFinStmtErrorCorrectionFlag in the {context}. | 6.5.49 |
dq-0549-DocumentFinStmtErrorCorrectionFlag-Unexpected | 6054900 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for DocumentFinStmtErrorCorrectionFlag in the {context}. | 6.5.49 |
dq-0549-DocumentFinStmtRestatementRecoveryAnalysisFlag-Missing | 6054900 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for DocumentFinStmtRestatementRecoveryAnalysisFlag in the {context}. | 6.5.49 |
dq-0549-DocumentFinStmtRestatementRecoveryAnalysisFlag-Unexpected | 6054900 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for DocumentFinStmtRestatementRecoveryAnalysisFlag in the {context}. | 6.5.49 |
dq-0549-{taxonomy}-Version-Required | 6054900 | Submission type {subType} must use {taxonomy} version {earliestTaxonomy} or later. | 6.5.49 |
dq-0554-AuditorFirmId-Missing | 6055400 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for AuditorFirmId in the {context}. | 6.5.54 |
dq-0554-AuditorFirmId-Unexpected | 6055400 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for AuditorFirmId in the {context}. | 6.5.54 |
dq-0554-AuditorLocation-Missing | 6055400 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for AuditorLocation in the {context}. | 6.5.54 |
dq-0554-AuditorLocation-Unexpected | 6055400 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for AuditorLocation in the {context}. | 6.5.54 |
dq-0554-AuditorName-Missing | 6055400 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for AuditorName in the {context}. | 6.5.54 |
dq-0554-AuditorName-Unexpected | 6055400 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for AuditorName in the {context}. | 6.5.54 |
dq-0554-{tags}-Missing | 6055400 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for at least one of {tags} in the {context}. | 6.5.54 |
dq-0554-{tags}-Mutual-Dependency | 6055400 | In submission type {subType}, all of {tags} must have a value if any of them has a value in context {contextID}. | 6.5.54 |
dq-0554-{taxonomy}-Version-Required | 6055400 | Submission type {subType} must use {taxonomy} version {earliestTaxonomy} or later. | 6.5.54 |
dq-0555-DocumentRegistrationStatement-Missing | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for DocumentRegistrationStatement in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-DocumentRegistrationStatement-Unexpected | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for DocumentRegistrationStatement in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-EffectiveOnDate486a- EffectiveOnSetDate486a-Dependent-Value | 6055500 | In submission type {subType}, EffectiveOnDate486a must be provided if and only if EffectiveOnSetDate486a has value {value} in context {contextID}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-EffectiveOnDate486a-Missing | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for EffectiveOnDate486a in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-EffectiveOnDate486a-Unexpected | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for EffectiveOnDate486a in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-EffectiveOnDate486b-EffectiveOnSetDate486b-Dependent-Value | 6055500 | In submission type {subType}, EffectiveOnDate486b must be provided if and only if EffectiveOnSetDate486b has value {value} in context {contextID}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-EffectiveOnDate486b-Missing | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for EffectiveOnDate486b in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-EffectiveOnDate486b-Unexpected | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for EffectiveOnDate486b in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-EntityFileNumber-DocumentRegistrationStatement-Dependent-Value | 6055500 | In submission type {subType}, EntityFileNumber must be provided if and only if DocumentRegistrationStatement has value {value} in context {contextID}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-EntityFileNumber-Missing | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for EntityFileNumber in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-EntityFileNumber-Unexpected | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for EntityFileNumber in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-ExhibitsOnly462dFileNumber-ExhibitsOnly462d-Dependent-Value | 6055500 | In submission type {subType}, ExhibitsOnly462dFileNumber must be provided if and only if ExhibitsOnly462d has value {value} in context {contextID}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-ExhibitsOnly462dFileNumber-Missing | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for ExhibitsOnly462dFileNumber in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-ExhibitsOnly462dFileNumber-Unexpected | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for ExhibitsOnly462dFileNumber in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-InvestmentCompanyActFileNumber-InvestmentCompanyActRegistration-Dependent-Value | 6055500 | In submission type {subType}, InvestmentCompanyActFileNumber must be provided if and only if InvestmentCompanyActRegistration has value {value} in context {contextID}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-InvestmentCompanyActFileNumber-Missing | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for InvestmentCompanyActFileNumber in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-InvestmentCompanyActFileNumber-Unexpected | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for InvestmentCompanyActFileNumber in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-InvestmentCompanyActRegistration-Missing | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for InvestmentCompanyActRegistration in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-InvestmentCompanyActRegistration-Unexpected | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for InvestmentCompanyActRegistration in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-InvestmentCompanyRegistrationAmendment-InvestmentCompanyRegistration-Value-Dependency | 6055500 | In submission type {subType}, InvestmentCompanyRegistrationAmendment must have the value {value} if and only if InvestmentCompanyRegistration has the value {value} in context {contextID}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-InvestmentCompanyRegistrationAmendment-Missing | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for InvestmentCompanyRegistrationAmendment in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-InvestmentCompanyRegistrationAmendment-Unexpected | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for InvestmentCompanyRegistrationAmendment in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-InvestmentCompanyRegistrationAmendmentNumber-InvestmentCompanyRegistrationAmendment-Dependent-Value | 6055500 | In submission type {subType}, InvestmentCompanyRegistrationAmendmentNumber must be provided if and only if InvestmentCompanyRegistrationAmendment has value {value} in context {contextID}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-InvestmentCompanyRegistrationAmendmentNumber-Missing | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for InvestmentCompanyRegistrationAmendmentNumber in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-InvestmentCompanyRegistrationAmendmentNumber-Unexpected | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for InvestmentCompanyRegistrationAmendmentNumber in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-NoSubstantiveChanges462cFileNumber-Missing | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for NoSubstantiveChanges462cFileNumber in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-NoSubstantiveChanges462cFileNumber-NoSubstantiveChanges462c-Dependent-Value | 6055500 | In submission type {subType}, NoSubstantiveChanges462cFileNumber must be provided if and only if NoSubstantiveChanges462c has value {value} in context {contextID}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-NoSubstantiveChanges462cFileNumber-Unexpected | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for NoSubstantiveChanges462cFileNumber in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-PostEffectiveAmendment-Missing | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for PostEffectiveAmendment in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-PostEffectiveAmendment-Unexpected | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for PostEffectiveAmendment in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-PostEffectiveAmendmentNumber-Missing | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for PostEffectiveAmendmentNumber in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-PostEffectiveAmendmentNumber-PostEffectiveAmendment-Dependent-Value | 6055500 | In submission type {subType}, PostEffectiveAmendmentNumber must be provided if and only if PostEffectiveAmendment has value {value} in context {contextID}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-PostEffectiveAmendmentNumber-Unexpected | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for PostEffectiveAmendmentNumber in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-PreEffectiveAmendment-Missing | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for PreEffectiveAmendment in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-PreEffectiveAmendment-Unexpected | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for PreEffectiveAmendment in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-PreEffectiveAmendmentNumber-Missing | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for PreEffectiveAmendmentNumber in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-PreEffectiveAmendmentNumber-PreEffectiveAmendment-Dependent-Value | 6055500 | In submission type {subType}, PreEffectiveAmendmentNumber must be provided if and only if PreEffectiveAmendment has value {value} in context {contextID}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-PreEffectiveAmendmentNumber-Unexpected | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for PreEffectiveAmendmentNumber in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-cef:BdcFileNumber-Missing | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for cef:BdcFileNumber in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-cef:BdcFileNumber-Unexpected | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for cef:BdcFileNumber in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-cef:BdcFileNumber-Value | 6055500 | In submission type {subType}, cef:BdcFileNumber value, {value}, must be {qualifier}{expectedValue} in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-{tags}-Exclusive | 6055500 | In submission type {subType}, only one of {tags} must have a value, but not both, in context, {contextID}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0555-{tags}-Missing | 6055500 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for at least one of {tags} in the {context}. | 6.5.55 |
dq-0556-Taxonomy-Url-Required | 6055600 | Submission type {subType} document type {docType} must contain a taxonomy URL matching {taxonomyPattern} in its DTS. | 6.5.56 |
dq-0556-fnd-uit:*-Missing | 6055600 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for fnd-uit:* in the {context}. | 6.5.56 |
dq-0556-fnd-uit:*-Unexpected | 6055600 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for fnd-uit:* in the {context}. | 6.5.56 |
dq-0556-vip-n4:*-Missing | 6055600 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for vip-n4:* in the {context}. | 6.5.56 |
dq-0556-vip-n4:*-Unexpected | 6055600 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for vip-n4:* in the {context}. | 6.5.56 |
dq-0556-vip-n6:*-Missing | 6055600 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for vip-n6:* in the {context}. | 6.5.56 |
dq-0556-vip-n6:*-Unexpected | 6055600 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for vip-n6:* in the {context}. | 6.5.56 |
dq-0557-EntityCentralIndexKey-Missing | 6055700 | Submission type {subType} must have a non-empty value for EntityCentralIndexKey in the {context}. | 6.5.57 |
dq-0557-EntityCentralIndexKey-Unexpected | 6055700 | Submission type {subType} must not have a value for EntityCentralIndexKey in the {context}. | 6.5.57 |
dq-0557-EntityCentralIndexKey-Value | 6055700 | In submission type {subType}, EntityCentralIndexKey value, {value}, must be {qualifier}{expectedValue} in the {context}. | 6.5.57 |
rxp-0558-Exhibit-Document-Type | 6055800 | The value for dei:DocumentType, {deiDocumentType}, is not allowed for {exhibitDocumentType} attachments. | 6.5.58 |
rxp-0558-Exhibit-Document-Type | 6055800 | The value for dei:DocumentType, {documentType}, is not allowed for {exhibitType} attachments. | 6.5.58 |
rxp-0558-Context-Required-Facts | 605580300 | The Context {context} has a {fact1} and is missing required {fact2NotNil}fact {fact2}. {refSources} | |
rxp-055804-Conversion-Method-Value | 605580400 | A value cannot be given for rxp:Cm in context {context} because the payment is in the reporting currency {currency}. | |
rxp-055805-Amount-For-Required-12-Months-Period | 605580500 | Amount rxp:A missing for reporting currency and matching 12 months preceding dei:DocumentPeriodEndDate. | |
rxp-055807-Category-Total-Existence | 605580700 | Payment type {paymentType} was reported in context {context} but there is no fact with element {paymentType} in the Required Context. {refSources} | |
rxp-055809-Project-Payment-Amount-Existence | 605580900 | A payment for each project axis member is required. Provide a value for element rxp:Pr with value {dimension} in context {context}. {refSources} | |
du-0701-Schema-Include-Present | 6070100 | The schema contains an 'include' element, in {refSource}. Please remove it and resubmit. | 6.7.1 |
fs-0703-Extension-Has-Standard-Namespace-Authority | 6070300 | The target namespace, {targetNamespace} cannot have the same authority ({targetNamespaceAuthority}) as a standard taxonomy, in {schema}. Please change your target namespace. | 6.7.3 |
cp-0704-Taxonomy-Valid-Target-Namespace | 6070400 | You did not adhere to the requirements for target namespace, for {targetNamespace} in {schema}. Please recheck your submission and adhere to the target namespace requirements. | 6.7.4 |
du-0705-Namespace-Authority | 6070500 | Taxonomy schema {schema} namespace {targetNamespace} must be a valid URI with a valid authority for the namespace. | 6.7.5 |
du-0707-Multiple-Recommended-Prefixes | 6070700 | The schema must supply a single prefix for %(targetNamespace)s but there are %(count)s in file %(schema)s. | 6.7.7 |
du-0707-Recommended-Prefix-Disallowed | 6070700 | The schema does not supply a prefix for {targetNamespace} without an underscore character, in file {schema}. Please provide or change a prefix. | 6.7.7 |
cp-0708-No-Embedded-Linkbases | 6070800 | Your filing contained embedded linkbases in {schema}. Please recheck your submission and remove all embedded linkbases. | 6.7.8 |
du-0709-Role-Namespace-Mismatch | 6070900 | Role {roleType} does not begin with {targetNamespace}'s scheme and authority, in {refSource}. Please change the role URI or target namespace URI. | 6.7.9 |
du-0710-Role-Type-Duplicates | 6071000 | Role {roleType} was declared more than once ({numberOfDeclarations} times, in {refSources}). Please remove all but one declaration. | 6.7.10 |
du-0711-Role-Type-Declaration-Incomplete | 6071100 | The role {roleType} did not provide a usedOn element for all three link types (presentation, calculation and definition), in {refSource}. Change the declaration to be for all three types of link, and resubmit. | 6.7.11 |
rq-0712-Role-Definition-Mismatch | 6071200 | The definition "{definition}" of role {roleType} does not match the expected format, in {refSource}. Please check that the definition matches {{number} - {{type} - {{text}. | 6.7.12 |
du-0713-Arcrole-Namespace-Mismatch | 6071300 | Relationship role {arcroleType} does not begin with {targetNamespace}'s scheme and authority, in {refSource}. Please change the relationship role URI or target namespace URI. | 6.7.13 |
du-0714-Arcrole-Type-Duplicates | 6071400 | Relationship arc role {arcroleType} is declared more than once ({numberOfDeclarations} duplicates, {refSources}). Please remove all but one of them. | 6.7.14 |
du-0715-Arcrole-Definition-Missing | 6071500 | Relationship role declaration {arcroleType} is missing a definition, in {refSource}. Please provide a definition. | 6.7.15 |
cp-0716-Element-Name-Same-As-Base | 6071600 | Your extension taxonomy contains an element, {concept}, which has the same name as an element in the base taxonomy, {standardConcept}. Please ensure that this extension is appropriate and if so, please change the extension concept name. | 6.7.16 |
cp-0717-Element-Id | 6071700 | You did not adhere to the declarations for concepts by containing an "id" attribute whose value begins with the recommended namespace prefix of the taxonomy, followed by an underscore, followed by an element name, for the concept {concept}. Please recheck your submission. | 6.7.17 |
du-0718-Nillable-Not-True | 6071800 | Element {concept} is declared without a "true" value for the nillable attribute, in {refSource}. Please set the value to "true". | 6.7.18 |
cp-0719-No-Tuple-Element | 6071900 | You provided an extension concept which is a tuple, {concept}. Please remove tuples and check your submission. | 6.7.19 |
du-0720-Typed-Domain-Ref-Disallowed | 6072000 | There is an xbrldt:typedDomainRef attribute on {concept}, in {refSource}. Please remove it. | 6.7.20 |
du-0721-Abstract-Is-Instant | 6072100 | Element {concept} is declared as an abstract item with period type "instant", in {refSource}. Please change it to "duration" or make the element not abstract. | 6.7.21 |
du-0723-Axis-Dimension-Name-Mismatch | 6072300 | The substitution group "xbrldt:dimensionItem" is only consistent with an element name that ends with "Axis". Please change $local-name({concept}) or change the substitutionGroup, in {refSource}. | 6.7.23 |
du-0724-Table-Hypercube-Name-Mismatch | 6072400 | The substitution group "xbrldt:hypercubeItem" is only allowed with an element name that ends with "Table". Please change $local-name({concept}) or change the substitutionGroup, in {refSource}. | 6.7.24 |
du-0725-Substitution-Group-Custom | 6072500 | The substitution group attribute value {substitutionGroup} of element $local-name({concept}) is not allowed, in {refSource}. Please change it to one of "xbrli:item", "xbrldt:dimensionItem" or "xbrldt:hypercubeItem". | 6.7.25 |
du-0726-LineItems-Abstract-Name-Mismatch | 6072600 | The element $local-name({concept}) ends with "LineItems" but is not abstract. Please change $local-name({concept}) or the value of the "abstract" attribute, in {refSource}. | 6.7.26 |
du-0727-Domain-Type-Name-Mismatch | 6072700 | The type "us-types:domainItemType" is only allowed with an element name that ends with "Domain" or "Member". Please change $local-name({concept}) or change the type, in {refSource}. | 6.7.27 |
du-0728-Domain-Member-Is-Instant | 6072800 | Element $local-name({concept}) is declared as a us-types:domainItemType with period type "instant", in {refSource}. Please change it to "duration" or change the item type. | 6.7.28 |
du-0729-Name-Length-Limit | 6072900 | Shorten this declaration name to 200 bytes or fewer in UTF-8: {name} | 6.7.29 |
du-0730-Uri-Length-Limit | 6073000 | Shorten this declaration URI to 255 bytes or fewer in UTF-8: {value}. | 6.7.30 |
du-0731-Fraction-Item-Type | 6073100 | Element {concept} is declared as a fraction item type. Change or remove the declaration and resubmit. | 6.7.31 |
rq-0732-TextBlock-Must-Be-Duration | 6073200 | Declaration of element {concept} in {schema} must have xbrli:periodType of 'duration' because its type is a text block. | 6.7.32 |
du-0903-Relationship-Ineffectual | 6090300 | The {arcrole} relationship from {conceptFrom} to {conceptTo}, link role {linkroleDefinition}, in the submission is ineffectual. Please remove or correct the relationship. | 6.9.3 |
fs-0904-Resource-Role-Missing | 6090400 | The {element} element requires an xlink:role such as the default, "http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/label", in {refSource}. Please recheck submission. | 6.9.4 |
fs-0905-Custom-Resource-Role-Used | 6090500 | The {element} element has a role, {roleDefinition}, that is not defined in a standard taxonomy, resource labeled {xlinkLabel}, in {refSource}. Please recheck submission. | 6.9.5 |
fs-0906-Custom-Arcrole-Referenced | 6090600 | An arcroleRef element refers to {xlinkHref}, an arcrole, {refURI}, that is not defined in a standard taxonomy, in {refSource}. Please recheck submission. | 6.9.6 |
cp-0907-Linkbases-Distinct | 6090700 | Your filing contained extended type links with roles of different namespaces and local names, {element} and {element2} in the same linkbase, {refUrl}. Please recheck your submission and ensure that all extended-type links in a single linkbase have the same namespace and local name. | 6.9.7 |
du-0909-Relationship-Priority-Not-Less-Than-Ten | 6090900 | The priority attribute {priority} has a value of ten or greater, on arc {arcElement}, in {refSource}. Please change the priority to value less than 10 and resubmit. | 6.9.9 |
cp-1001-Element-Used-Standard-Label | 6100100 | You have submitted an instance using an element without an en-US standard label {concept} in {refSources2_n}. Please check your submission and correct the labels. | 6.10.1 |
cp-1002-Element-Used-Has-Duplicate-Label | 6100200 | Concept {concept} has duplicated labels for role {role} lang {lang}. | 6.10.2 |
cp-1003-Element-Used-Standard-English-Label | 6100300 | You have submitted an instance using an element {concept} with {lang} for role {role} in instance {refSource}. Labels are in {refSources2_n}. Please check your submission and correct the labels. | 6.10.3 |
du-1004-English-Standard-Labels-Duplicated | 6100400 | More than one element has {text} as its English standard label ({concept} in {refSource} and {concept2} in {refSource3}). Please change or remove all but one label. | 6.10.4 |
cp-1005-Custom-Documentation-Standard-Element | 6100500 | Your filing attempted to add a new definition, "{text}", to an existing concept in the standard taxonomy, {concept}. Please remove this definition. | 6.10.5 |
rq-1006-Label-Disallowed | 6100600 | Element {concept} has more than 511 characters or contains a left-angle-bracket character in the label for role {role}, in {refSource}. Please correct the label. | 6.10.6 |
du-1008-Label-Not-Trimmed | 6100800 | The label {text} of element {concept} has leading or trailing white space, in {refSource}. Please remove it. | 6.10.8 |
du-1009-Numeric-Label-Role | 6100900 | Non-numeric element {concept} has a label role for numeric elements: {role}. Please change the role attribute. | 6.10.9 |
rq-1201-Presentation-Order-Missing | 6120100 | The presentation relationship from {conceptFrom} to {conceptTo} does not have an order attribute, in {refSource}. Please provide a value. | 6.12.1 |
rq-1202-Presentation-Order-Duplicates | 6120200 | More than one presentation relationship in role {linkroleDefinition} has order value {order}, in {refSources}. Change all but one so they are distinct. | 6.12.2 |
cp-1203-Element-Used-Not-Presented | 6120300 | Element {concept} is used in a fact or context in the instance, but is not in any presentation relationships. Element is defined in {refSources2_n}. Add the element to at least one presentation group. | 6.12.3 |
rq-1204-English-Preferred-Label-Missing | 6120400 | Element {concept} has no English value for role {preferredLabel}, but there is a presentation relationship from {fromConcept} to {concept} that requires it, in {refSource}. Provide a label with xml:lang equal to "en-US". | 6.12.4 |
rq-1205-Preferred-Label-Duplicates | 6120500 | Relationships from {fromConcept} to {concept} in role {linkroleDefinition} do not have distinct values for the preferredLabel attribute, in {refSources}. Change all but one value of preferredLabel. | 6.12.5 |
du-1210-Relationship-Not-Permitted | 6121000 | The {arcrole} relationship from {conceptFrom} to {conceptTo}, link role {linkroleDefinition}, is not permitted. {refSources} | 6.12.10 |
du-1211-Relationship-Not-Permitted | 6121100 | The {arcrole} relationship from {conceptFrom} to {conceptTo}, link role {linkroleDefinition}, is not permitted. {refSources} | 6.12.11 |
du-1212-Relationship-Not-Permitted | 6121200 | The {arcrole} relationship from {conceptFrom} to {conceptTo}, link role {linkroleDefinition}, is not permitted. {refSources} | 6.12.12 |
du-1401-Calculation-Relationship-Order-Missing | 6140100 | The calculation relationship from {conceptFrom} to {conceptTo} does not have an order attribute, in {refSource}. | 6.14.1 |
fs-1402-Calculation-Relationship-Weight-Not-Unitary | 6140200 | Weight value {weight} on the calculation relationship from {conceptFrom} to {conceptTo} must be equal to 1 or to -1, in {refSource}. Please recheck submission. | 6.14.2 |
fs-1403-Calculation-Relationship-Has-Different-Period-Types | 6140300 | Element {conceptFrom} and element {conceptTo} have different period types, but there is a calculation relationship between them in role {linkroleDefinition}, in {refSource}. Please recheck submission calculation links. | 6.14.3 |
fs-1404-Circular-Calculation | 6140400 | Element {concept} is summed into itself in calculation group {linkroleDefinition}. Please recheck submission. | 6.14.4 |
du-1405-Facts-In-Calculations-Presentation-Missing | 6140500 | Context {contextId} has facts of elements {conceptFrom} and {conceptTo}, with a calculation relationship in {linkroleDefinition}, but these elements are not in any common corresponding presentation relationship group. The calculation relationship is in {refSource}. | 6.14.5 |
du-1406-Relationship-Not-Permitted | 6140600 | The {arcrole} relationship from {conceptFrom} to {conceptTo}, link role {linkroleDefinition}, is not permitted. {refSources} | 6.14.6 |
du-1407-Relationship-Not-Permitted | 6140700 | The {arcrole} relationship from {conceptFrom} to {conceptTo}, link role {linkroleDefinition}, is not permitted. {refSources} | 6.14.7 |
du-1408-Relationship-Not-Permitted | 6140800 | The {arcrole} relationship from {conceptFrom} to {conceptTo}, link role {linkroleDefinition}, is not permitted. {refSources} | 6.14.8 |
du-1409-Relationship-Not-Permitted | 6140900 | The {arcrole} relationship from {conceptFrom} to {conceptTo}, link role {linkroleDefinition}, is not permitted. {refSources} | 6.14.9 |
du-1410-Relationship-Not-Permitted | 6141000 | The {arcrole} relationship from {conceptFrom} to {conceptTo}, link role {linkroleDefinition}, is not permitted. {refSources} | 6.14.10 |
du-1411-Relationship-Not-Permitted | 6141100 | The {arcrole} relationship from {conceptFrom} to {conceptTo}, link role {linkroleDefinition}, is not permitted. {refSources} | 6.14.11 |
du-1601-Definition-Relationship-Order-Missing | 6160100 | The Definition relationship from {conceptFrom} to {conceptTo} does not have an order attribute, in {refSource}. | 6.16.1 |
du-1603-Dimension-Domain-Target-Mismatch | 6160300 | There is a dimension-domain relationship from {conceptFrom} but its target element {conceptTo} is not a domain, in {refSource}. Please change the relationship or change the type of the target element. | 6.16.3 |
fs-1604-Domain-Is-Tangled | 6160400 | Element {conceptFrom} appears in overlapping sets of members in a Directed Relationship Set in role {linkroleDefinition}; remove it as a target of one of its domain-member relationships. Please recheck submission. | 6.16.4 |
fs-1605-Primary-Element-Has-Redundant-Tables | 6160500 | Element {concept} is a primary element of more than one Table in relationship group {linkroleDefinition}, to tables {hypercubes} in {refSources2_n}. Please modify the "all" relationships that have the element as a source so that it has only one primary axis. | 6.16.5 |
fs-1606-Not-All-Relationship-Is-Closed | 6160600 | The notAll relationship for table {hypercube} must have the closed attribute set to 'false' so that it can achieve its intended purpose of excluding combinations of domain values, on relationship from {primaryItem}, in {refSource}. Please recheck submission. | 6.16.6 |
fs-1607-Axis-Excluded-Not-In-Table | 6160700 | Members of axis {dimension} are excluded, in role {linkroleDefinition}, from primary item {primaryItem} but not included in any table. Please modify the relationships to make it consistent. | 6.16.7 |
fs-1608-Table-Excludes-Itself | 6160800 | Element {hypercube} is a table that negates itself in {linkroleDefinition} for primary item {primaryItem}. Modify the "all" and "notAll" relationships that have the element as a target. Please recheck submission. | 6.16.8 |
fs-1609-Target-Role-With-No-Consecutive-Relationships | 6160900 | A table is malformed because the {arcroleURI} from {fromConcept} to {toConcept} in link role {linkroleDefinition} has no consecutive relationships, in {refSource}. Remove the targetRole attribute, or provide a consecutive relationship. | 6.16.9 |
du-1610-Relationship-Not-Permitted | 6161000 | The {arcrole} relationship from {conceptFrom} to {conceptTo}, link role {linkroleDefinition}, is not permitted. {refSources} | 6.16.10 |
du-1611-Relationship-Not-Permitted | 6161100 | The {arcrole} relationship from {conceptFrom} to {conceptTo}, link role {linkroleDefinition}, is not permitted. {refSources} | 6.16.11 |
du-1612-Relationship-Not-Permitted | 6161200 | The {arcrole} relationship from {conceptFrom} to {conceptTo}, link role {linkroleDefinition}, is not permitted. {refSources} | 6.16.12 |
du-1613-Relationship-Not-Permitted | 6161300 | The {arcrole} relationship from {conceptFrom} to {conceptTo}, link role {linkroleDefinition}, is not permitted. {refSources} | 6.16.13 |
du-1614-Relationship-Not-Permitted | 6161400 | The {arcrole} relationship from {conceptFrom} to {conceptTo}, link role {linkroleDefinition}, is not permitted. {refSources} | 6.16.14 |
du-1614-Role-Source-Not-Permitted | 6161400 | The {arcrole} relationship source, {conceptFrom}, to {conceptTo}, link role %{inkroleDefinition}, is not permitted. {refSources} | 6.16.14 |
du-1614-TargetRole-Not-Permitted | 6161400 | The {arcrole} relationship targetRole from {conceptFrom} to {conceptTo}, link role {linkroleDefinition}, is not permitted. {refSources} | 6.16.14 |
rxp-161404-Member-Multiple-RXP-Roles | 616140400 | Member concept {member} appears in more than one {taxonomy} role: {roles}. {refSources} | |
du-1615-Relationship-Not-Permitted | 6161500 | The {arcrole} relationship from {conceptFrom} to {conceptTo}, link role {linkroleDefinition}, is not permitted. {refSources} | 6.16.15 |
du-1615-Role-Source-Not-Permitted | 6161500 | The {arcrole} relationship source, {conceptFrom}, to {conceptTo}, link role %{inkroleDefinition}, is not permitted. {refSources} | 6.16.15 |
du-1615-TargetRole-Not-Permitted | 6161500 | The {arcrole} relationship targetRole from {conceptFrom} to {conceptTo}, link role {linkroleDefinition}, is not permitted. {refSources} | 6.16.15 |
rxp-161501-Member-Multiple-SHR-Roles | 616150100 | Member concept {member} appears in more than one {taxonomy} role: {roles}. {refSources} | |
cp-1801-Custom-Element-Has-Reference | 6180100 | Your filing provides a reference, "{xml}", for a custom concept in extension taxonomy, {concept}. Please remove this reference. | 6.18.1 |
cp-1802-Standard-Element-Has-Reference | 6180200 | Your filing attempted to add a new reference, "{xml}", to an existing concept in the standard taxonomy, {concept}. Please remove this reference. | 6.18.2 |
cp-2200-Prohibited-Href-Or-Schema-Location | 6220000 | File "{url}" referenced in {refUrl} is not supported. Please see http://www.sec.gov/info/edgar/edgartaxonomies.shtml for a listing of supported files. | 6.22.0 |
cp-2203-Incompatible-Inline-DocumentType | 6220300 | DocumentType {documentType} is incompatible with inline XBRL. {refSources} | 6.22.3 |
cp-2203-Incompatible-Schemas | 6220300 | References for conflicting standard taxonomies {conflictClass} are not allowed in same DTS: {namespaceConflicts}. {refSources} | 6.22.3 |
cp-2203-Incompatible-Taxonomy-DocumentType | 6220300 | DocumentType {documentType} is incompatible with the {conflictClass} taxonomy. {refSources} | 6.22.3 |
rq-2604-Embedding-Command-Invalid-Member | 6260400 | In ''{linkroleName}'', the embedded report created by the fact {fact} with the context {contextID}, the domain members {members} are not presentation descendants of {axis}. | 6.26.4 |
rq-2604-Embedding-Command-Malformed-Axis | 6260400 | In ''{linkroleName}'', the embedded report created by the fact {fact} with the context {contextID}, the token {token}, at position {position} in the list of tokens, is malformed. This token can only be 'period', 'unit', 'primary' or identify an Axis by its namespace prefix, underscore, and element name. | 6.26.4 |
rq-2604-Embedding-Command-Malformed-Direction-Token | 6260400 | In ''{linkroleName}'', the embedded report created by the fact {fact} with the context {contextID}, the token {token}, at position {position} in the list of tokens, is malformed. Each iterator can only start with 'row' or 'column'. | 6.26.4 |
rq-2604-Embedding-Command-Malformed-Member | 6260400 | In ''{linkroleName}'', the embedded report created by the fact {fact} with the context {contextID}, the keyword(s) {tokenlist} is not '*', a valid member qname or list of valid member qnames. | 6.26.4 |
rq-2604-Embedding-Command-Malformed-Style-Token | 6260400 | In ''{linkroleName}'', the embedded report created by the fact {fact}, with the context {contextID}, the style keyword {style} is not one of 'compact' or 'nodisplay'. | 6.26.4 |
rq-2605-Embedding-Command-Missing-Iterator | 6260500 | In ''{linkroleName}'', the embedded report created by the fact {fact} with the context {contextID}, there are no valid {roworcol} commands{iftransposed}. Change one of the {axes} to a {colorrow} or add a {roworcol} command with an additional axis. | 6.26.5 |
rq-2605-Embedding-Command-Missing-Iterator-After-Transposition | 6260500 | In ''{linkroleName}'', the embedded report created by the fact {fact} with the context {contextID}, there are no valid {roworcol} commands{iftransposed}. Change one of the {axes} to a {colorrow} or add a {roworcol} command with an additional axis. | 6.26.5 |
rq-2608-Too-Many-Annual-Return-Facts | 6260800 | In ''{linkroleName}'', the embedded report created by the fact {fact} with context {contextID}, there are {numYears} Annual Return Facts, but there must not be more than 20. | 6.26.8 |
Last Reviewed or Updated: March 17, 2025