Subject: File No. S7-32-10
From: Anon
Affiliation: Just some retail

December 15, 2021

I would like to note that I would like further transparency into the markets, particularly conflict of interests, specially within your organization. I have reasons to believe Citadel might be colluding with several entities to rig the market, and that the SEC might have a few bad actors among its own ranks, particularly Hester Pierce, and Elad Roisman.

My confidence in your ability to safeguard our markets decreases by the day with both your actions and inactions. The CFTF recently closed disclosure to SWAP data, and arbitrarily decided to stop reporting until 2023, this obfuscates the ability of retail to make informed decisions, which seems in line with the apparent corruption I suspect with Citadel.

Please increase transparency, remove obstacles to a free market, give retail the tools it needs to have a FAIR chance.