EX-99.D ADVSR CONTR 9 exd42i_mfssubagmnt04242017.htm
EX 99.28(d)(42)(i)

JNL Series Trust
Investment Sub-Advisory Agreement

Agreement, dated as of April 24, 2017, by and between Jackson National Asset Management, LLC, a limited liability company organized in the State of Michigan (the “Adviser”), and Massachusetts Financial Services Company (d/b/a/ MFS Investment Management) (“Sub-Adviser”), a corporation organized in the State of Delaware.

Whereas, the Adviser is registered as an investment adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (“Advisers Act”);

Whereas, the Adviser has entered into an Amended and Restated Investment Advisory and Management Agreement dated July 1, 2013, as amended, with JNL Series Trust (“Trust”), an open-end management investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (“Investment Company Act”);

Whereas, the Trust’s shareholders are primarily separate accounts maintained by insurance companies for variable life insurance policies and variable annuity contracts (the “Policies”) under which income, gains and losses, whether or not realized, from assets allocated to such accounts are, in accordance with the Policies, credited to or charged against such accounts without regard to other income, gains, or losses of such insurance companies, as well as other shareholders as permitted under Section 817(h) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (“Code”), and the rules and regulations thereunder;

Whereas, the fund or funds listed on Schedule A hereto (each, a “Fund”) are series of the Trust;

Whereas, the Sub-Adviser is registered as an investment adviser under the Advisers Act;

Whereas, the Board of Trustees of the Trust (“Board”) and the Adviser desire that the Adviser retain the Sub-Adviser to render investment advisory services to each Fund identified on Schedule A in the manner and on the terms hereinafter set forth;

Whereas, the Adviser has the authority under the Investment Advisory and Management Agreement with the Trust to select sub-advisers for each Fund; and

Whereas, the Sub-Adviser is willing to furnish such services to the Adviser and each Fund.

Now, Therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the Adviser and the Sub-Adviser agree as follows:

1.         Appointment of Sub-Adviser

The Adviser hereby appoints the Sub-Adviser to act as the investment sub-adviser for each Fund, subject to the supervision and control of the Adviser and the Board and in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

The Sub-Adviser accepts such appointment and agrees to furnish the services herein set forth, for the compensation herein provided.

In the event the Adviser designates one or more funds other than the Fund or Funds identified on Schedule A with respect to which the Adviser wishes to retain the Sub-Adviser to furnish investment advisory services hereunder, it shall notify the Sub-Adviser in writing. If the Sub-Adviser is willing to furnish such services, it shall notify the Adviser in writing, whereupon, subject to the approval of the Trust’s Board of Trustees (“Board”), such fund shall be added to Schedule A and become a Fund hereunder subject to this Agreement.

2.         Services to be Rendered by the Sub-Adviser to the Trust

A.         As investment sub-adviser to each Fund, the Sub-Adviser will coordinate and monitor the investment and reinvestment of the assets of each Fund and determine the composition of the assets of each Fund, subject always to the supervision and control of the Adviser and the Board.

B.         As part of the services it will provide hereunder, the Sub-Adviser will:

(i)           obtain and evaluate pertinent economic, statistical, financial, and other information affecting the individual companies or industries, the securities of which are included in each Fund or are under consideration for inclusion in each Fund;

(ii)          formulate and implement a continuous investment program and make investment decisions for all assets in each Fund;

(iii)         take whatever steps are necessary to implement the investment program for each Fund by placing all orders, on behalf of each Fund, for the purchase and sale of securities and other property and investments, including issuing directives to the administrator of the Trust as necessary for the appropriate implementation of the investment program of each Fund;

(iv)         use the same skill and care in providing its services as it uses in providing services to its other similar registered investment company clients for which it has investment responsibilities;

(v)          keep the Board and the Adviser fully informed in writing on an ongoing basis of all material facts concerning the investment and reinvestment of the assets in each Fund, the Sub-Adviser and its key investment personnel and operations; make regular and periodic special written reports of such additional information concerning the same as may reasonably be requested from time to time by the Adviser or the Board; and attend meetings with the Adviser and/or the Board, as reasonably requested, to discuss the foregoing;

(vi)         cooperate fully with the Trust’s Chief Compliance Officer in executing his/her responsibilities to monitor service providers of each Fund pursuant to Rule 38a-1 under the Investment Company Act, including but not limited to providing compliance and reporting information as reasonably requested by the Adviser and the Board;

(vii)        in accordance with procedures and methods established by the Board, which may be amended from time to time, provide reasonable assistance in determining the fair value of securities and other investments/assets in each Fund, as reasonably agreed upon by the parties to this Agreement, and use reasonable efforts to arrange for the provision of valuation information or a price(s) from a party(ies) independent of the Sub-Adviser for each security or  other investment/asset in each Fund for which market prices are not readily available. The parties to this Agreement acknowledge that although the Sub-Adviser may provide reasonable assistance
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with respect to the valuation of assets of the Funds, the Sub-Adviser is not a pricing agent of the Funds and shall not be responsible for the Funds’ valuation determinations. In addition, the Sub-Adviser shall provide the Trust’s custodian on each business day with information relating to all transactions concerning each Fund’s assets under the Sub-Adviser’s supervision, and shall promptly provide Adviser with such information upon the reasonable request of the Adviser;

(viii)        upon reasonable request, provide material composite performance information, records and supporting documentation about accounts the Sub-Adviser manages, if appropriate, which are relevant to each Fund and that have investment objectives, policies, and strategies substantially similar to those employed by the Sub-Adviser in managing each Fund that may be reasonably necessary, under applicable laws, provided that the Adviser recognizes that the Sub-Adviser may be subject to a duty of confidentiality with respect to such accounts and that such information, records and supporting documentation may be redacted, altered, or withheld to satisfy any such confidentiality obligations; and
(ix)         cooperate with and provide reasonable assistance to the Adviser, the Board, the Trust’s administrator, the Trust’s custodian and foreign custodians, the Trust’s transfer agent and pricing agents and all other agents and representatives of the Trust and the Adviser, keep all such persons fully informed as to such matters as they may reasonably deem necessary to the performance of their obligations to the Trust and the Adviser, provide prompt responses to reasonable requests made by such persons and maintain any appropriate interfaces with each so as to promote the efficient exchange of information.

C.        In furnishing services hereunder, the Sub-Adviser shall be subject to, and shall perform in compliance with the following, each as applicable to the services provided by the Sub-Adviser pursuant to this Agreement: (i) the Trust’s Agreement and Declaration of Trust, as the same may be modified or amended from time to time (“Declaration”); (ii) the By-Laws of the Trust, as the same may be modified or amended from time to time (“By-Laws”); (iii) the stated investment objectives, policies and restrictions of each Fund and other matters contained in the currently effective Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information of the Trust filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), as the same may be modified, amended or supplemented from time to time (“Prospectus and SAI”); (iv) the Investment Company Act, the Advisers Act, the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (“CEA”) and the rules under each, and all other federal and state laws or regulations applicable to the Trust and each Fund; (v) any applicable controlling foreign laws, regulations and regulatory requirements as set forth by applicable foreign regulatory agencies; (vi) the Trust’s compliance and other policies and procedures adopted from time to time by the Board; and (vii) the written instructions of the Adviser and the Board. Prior to the commencement of the Sub-Adviser’s services hereunder, the Adviser shall provide the Sub-Adviser with current copies of the Declaration, By-Laws, Prospectus and SAI, Fund compliance manual and other relevant policies and procedures that are adopted by the Board. The Adviser undertakes to provide the Sub-Adviser with copies or other written notice of any amendments, modifications or supplements to any such above-mentioned document.

D.         Without Adviser’s prior consent to each transaction, Sub-Adviser shall have full discretionary authority as agent and attorney-in-fact, with full power of substitution and full authority in each Fund’s name, to (a) buy, sell, hold, exchange, convert or otherwise deal in any manner in any assets; (b) place orders for the execution of such assets and other transactions with or through such brokers, dealers, counter-parties, issuers, agents or arrangers as Sub-Adviser may select; (c) execute, on behalf of a Fund, such brokerage, derivatives, subscription and other agreements and documents (including, without limitation, ISDA, LSTA, and/or Master Securities Forward Transaction Agreement or MSFTA documentation) as Sub-Adviser deems necessary or
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appropriate in connection with each Fund’s investment activities; and (d) negotiate, enter into, make and perform any other contracts, agreements or other undertakings it may deem advisable in connection with the performance of the Sub-Adviser’s duties hereunder. However, nothing in this section shall be construed as imposing a duty on the Sub-Adviser to act in its capacity as agent and attorney-in-fact for the Funds.

E.         In furnishing services hereunder, the Sub-Adviser will not consult with any other sub-adviser to the Trust or the sub-adviser to any other investment company managed by the Adviser concerning transactions of each Fund in securities or other assets. (This shall not be deemed to prohibit the Sub-Adviser from consulting with any of the other sub-advisers concerning compliance with paragraphs (a) and (b) of Rule 12d3-1 under the Investment Company Act. This shall also not be deemed to prohibit consultations between current and successor sub-advisers of a Fund in order to effect an orderly transition of sub-advisory duties so long as such consultations are not concerning transactions prohibited by Section 17(a) of the Investment Company Act.)

F.         Sub-Adviser and Adviser will each make its officers and employees available to the other from time to time at reasonable times to review investment policies of each Fund and to consult with each other regarding the investment affairs of each Fund. Sub-Adviser will report to the Board and to Adviser with respect to the implementation of such program as reasonably requested by the Board or the Adviser.

G.        The Sub-Adviser at its expense, will furnish: (i) all necessary facilities and personnel, including salaries, expenses, and fees of any personnel required for the Sub-Adviser to faithfully perform its duties under this Agreement; and (ii) administrative facilities, including bookkeeping, and all equipment necessary for the efficient conduct of the Sub-Adviser’s duties under this Agreement. The Sub-Adviser shall, at its expense, bear any fees or costs associated with regulatory investigations or litigation arising from or pertaining to (i) the services provided by the Sub-Adviser under the Agreement (but excluding litigation for services provided and/or fees charged by the Adviser); and (ii) the Sub-Adviser’s general business operations that require the involvement or participation of the Adviser, the Fund, and/or any Trustee of the Fund.

H.        The Sub-Adviser will select brokers and dealers to effect all portfolio transactions subject to the conditions set forth herein. The Sub-Adviser is granted authority to negotiate, open, continue and terminate brokerage accounts and other brokerage arrangements with respect to all portfolio transactions it enters into on behalf of each Fund. The Sub-Adviser will provide to the Adviser copies of agreements regarding brokerage arrangements applicable to the services provided by the Sub-Adviser hereunder, upon the Adviser’s reasonable request. The Sub-Adviser will place all necessary orders with brokers, dealers, or issuers, and will negotiate brokerage commissions, if applicable. The Sub-Adviser is directed at all times to seek to execute transactions for each Fund (i) in accordance with any written policies, practices or procedures that may be established by the Board or the Adviser from time to time and which have been provided to and reasonably agreed upon by the Sub-Adviser or (ii) as described in the Trust’s Prospectus and SAI. In placing any orders for the purchase or sale of securities and instruments for each Fund, the Sub-Adviser is hereby authorized, to the extent permitted by applicable law, to aggregate the securities and instruments to be so purchased or sold and shall seek to obtain for each Fund best price and execution, considering all of the circumstances, and shall maintain records adequate to demonstrate compliance with this requirement. Consistent with this policy, the Sub-Adviser, in selecting broker-dealers and negotiating commission rates, will take all factors that the Sub-Adviser considers relevant into consideration, including but not limited to: the best price available; the reliability, integrity and financial condition of the broker-dealer; the size of and difficulty in executing the order; the broker’s execution capabilities; any research provided by the broker that
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aids the Sub-Adviser’s investment decision-making process and the value of the expected contribution of the broker-dealer to the investment performance of the applicable Fund on a continuing basis.

I.          Subject to such policies and procedures as the Board may determine, the Sub-Adviser may, to the extent authorized by Section 28(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (“Exchange Act”), and as interpreted by the SEC or its staff, cause each Fund to pay a broker or dealer that provides brokerage or research services to the Adviser, the Sub-Adviser and the Fund an amount of commission for effecting a portfolio investment transaction in excess of the amount of commission another broker-dealer would have charged for effecting that transaction, if the Sub-Adviser determines in good faith that such amount of commission is reasonable in relation to the value of the brokerage or research services provided by such broker-dealer, viewed in terms of either that particular investment transaction or the Sub-Adviser’s overall responsibilities with respect to each Fund and other accounts to which the Sub-Adviser exercises investment discretion (as such term is defined in Section 3(a)(35) of the Exchange Act). Allocation of orders placed by the Sub-Adviser on behalf of each Fund to such broker-dealers shall be in such amounts and proportions as the Sub-Adviser shall determine in good faith in conformity with its responsibilities under applicable laws, rules and regulations. The Sub-Adviser will submit reports on such allocations to the Adviser or the Board as reasonably requested by the Adviser or the Board, in such form as may be mutually agreed to by the parties hereto, indicating the broker-dealers to whom such allocations have been made and the basis therefor. To the extent authorized by Section 28(e) and the Trust’s Board, the Sub-Adviser shall not be deemed to have acted unlawfully or to have breached any duty created by this Agreement or otherwise solely by reason of such action. Subject to seeking best price and execution, the Board or the Adviser may direct the Sub-Adviser to effect transactions in portfolio securities through broker-dealers in a manner that will help generate resources to pay the cost of certain expenses that the Trust is required to pay or for which the Trust is required to arrange payment.

J.          The Sub-Adviser will maintain all accounts, books and records with respect to each Fund as are required of an investment sub-adviser of a registered investment company pursuant to the Investment Company Act, Advisers Act, and Commodity Exchange Act and the rules thereunder, will furnish the Adviser and the Board such periodic and special reports as they may reasonably request, and shall timely file with the SEC all forms pursuant to Section 13 of the Exchange Act, with respect to its duties as are set forth herein.

K.        The Sub-Adviser shall use best efforts to ensure that each Fund complies with the diversification provisions of Section 851 and Section 817(h) of the Code and the regulations thereunder, including, but not limited to, Treas. Reg. Section 1.817-5. Sub-Adviser shall be responsible for the correction of any failure under the provisions cited above attributable to its actions whether in good faith, negligent, or reckless disregard, including any penalties, taxes, and interest and for any other obligations to Contract-owners and insurance company investors in each Fund.

L.         The Sub-Adviser will, unless and until otherwise directed in writing by the Adviser or the Board, vote proxies with respect to each Fund’s securities and exercise rights in corporate actions or otherwise in accordance with the Sub-Adviser’s proxy voting guidelines, as amended from time to time, which shall be provided to the Trust and the Adviser.

M.       The Sub-Adviser may execute on behalf of each Fund certain agreements, instruments and documents in connection with the services performed by it under this Agreement. These may include, without limitation, brokerage agreements, clearing agreements, account
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documentation, futures and options agreements, swap agreements, other investment-related agreements, and any other agreements, documents or instruments the Sub-Adviser believes are appropriate or desirable in performing its duties under this Agreement.

N.        The Sub-Adviser will provide to the Adviser (i) a completed monthly compliance checklist developed for each Fund by Adviser and Sub-Adviser, (ii) quarterly reports developed for each Fund by Adviser and Sub-Adviser, and (iii) other compliance and reporting information as reasonably requested by the Adviser or the Board of Trustees from time-to-time.

O.        The Sub-Adviser will review each Fund’s investment-related risk disclosures in the Prospectus and SAI, and the Sub-Adviser will certify to the Adviser on a quarterly basis that, based on the Sub-Adviser’s knowledge after due inquiry including consideration of market conditions, such disclosures appropriately address the principal risks affecting investments in the Fund.

The Adviser acknowledges that the Sub-Adviser is not the compliance agent for the Trust, the Funds, or the Adviser and does not have access to all of the Funds’ books and records necessary to perform certain compliance testing. To the extent that the Sub-Adviser has agreed to perform the services specified in this Agreement in accordance with applicable law (including, but not limited to, Section 851 and Section 817(h) of the Code, the Investment Company Act, and the Advisers Act, or any rule, regulation or order thereunder (“Applicable Law”)) and in accordance with the Declaration and By-Laws, Fund policies and procedures, and the Funds’ Prospectus and SAI (collectively the “Charter Requirements”) the Sub-Adviser shall perform such services based upon its books and records with respect to the Funds, which comprise a portion of the Funds’ books and records, and upon written instructions and information received from the Fund or the Adviser. The Sub-Adviser shall not be responsible for providing fund administration services, such as fund accounting and tax services, with respect to the Funds.

3.         Compensation of Sub-Adviser

The Adviser will pay the Sub-Adviser a sub-advisory fee, accrued daily and payable monthly on the average daily net assets of each Fund, as specified in Schedule B to this Agreement to cover the Sub-Adviser’s services under and expenses assumed in carrying out this Agreement.

4.         Custody of Assets

Sub-Adviser shall at no time physically possess the assets of the Funds or have the assets registered in its own name or the name of its nominee, nor shall Sub-Adviser in any manner acquire or become possessed of any income, whether in kind or cash, or proceeds, whether in kind or cash, distributable by reason of selling, holding or controlling such assets of the Funds. In accordance with the preceding sentence, Sub-Adviser shall have no responsibility with respect to the collection of income, physical acquisition or the safekeeping of the assets of the Funds. All such duties of collection, physical acquisition and safekeeping shall be the sole obligation of the custodian. The Sub-Adviser shall not be liable for any loss arising from any act or failure to act by the custodian.

5.         Liability and Indemnification

A.        Except as may otherwise be provided by law, neither the Sub-Adviser nor any of its officers, members or employees (its “Affiliates”) shall be liable (i) for any losses, claims, damages, liabilities or litigation (including legal and other expenses) incurred or suffered by the Adviser or the Trust as a result of any error of judgment or mistake of law by the Sub-Adviser or its Affiliates with respect to any Fund or (ii) for any failure to recommend the purchase or sale of
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any security on behalf of any Fund on the basis of any information which might, in the Sub-Adviser’s reasonable opinion, constitute a violation of any federal or state laws, rules or regulations; except that nothing in this Agreement shall operate or purport to operate in any way to exculpate, waive or limit the liability of the Sub-Adviser or its Affiliates for, and the Sub-Adviser shall indemnify and hold harmless the Trust, the Adviser, all affiliated persons thereof (within the meaning of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act) and all controlling persons (as described in Section 15 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (“1933 Act”)) (collectively, “Adviser Indemnitees”) against, any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities or litigation (including reasonable legal and other expenses) to which any of the Adviser Indemnitees may become subject under the 1933 Act, the Investment Company Act, the Advisers Act, or under any other statute, or common law or otherwise arising out of or based on (i) any willful misconduct, bad faith, reckless disregard or gross negligence of the Sub-Adviser in the performance of any of its duties or obligations hereunder or (ii) any untrue statement of a material fact contained in the Prospectus and SAI, proxy materials, reports, advertisements, sales literature, or other materials pertaining to any Fund by the Sub-Adviser or the omission to state therein a material fact known to the Sub-Adviser which was required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, if such statement or omission was made in reliance upon information furnished to the Adviser or the Trust by the Sub-Adviser Indemnitees (as defined below) for use therein. The Sub-Adviser offers no guarantee of investment performance, profitability, or that a Fund’s performance objective will be met.

B.         Except as may otherwise be provided by law, the Adviser and the Trust shall not be liable for any losses, claims, damages, liabilities or litigation (including legal and other expenses) incurred or suffered by the Sub-Adviser as a result of any error of judgment or mistake of law by the Adviser with respect to any Fund, except that nothing in this Agreement shall operate or purport to operate in any way to exculpate, waive or limit the liability of the Adviser for, and the Adviser shall indemnify and hold harmless the Sub-Adviser, all affiliated persons thereof (within the meaning of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act) and all controlling persons (as described in Section 15 of the 1933 Act) (collectively, “Sub-Adviser Indemnitees”) against, any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities or litigation (including reasonable legal and other expenses) to which any of the Sub-Adviser Indemnitees may become subject under the 1933 Act, the Investment Company Act, the Advisers Act, or under any other statute, at common law or otherwise arising out of or based on (i) any willful misconduct, bad faith, reckless disregard or gross negligence of the Adviser in the performance of any of its duties or obligations hereunder or (ii) any untrue statement of a material fact contained in the Prospectus and SAI, proxy materials, reports, advertisements, sales literature, or other materials pertaining to any Fund or the omission to state therein a material fact known to the Adviser that was required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, unless such statement or omission was made in reliance upon information furnished to the Adviser or the Trust by the Sub-Adviser.

6.         Representations of Adviser

The Adviser represents, warrants and agrees that:

A.        The Adviser has been duly authorized by the Board to delegate to the Sub-Adviser the provision of investment services to each Fund as contemplated hereby.

B.        The Adviser is currently in compliance and shall at all times continue to comply with the requirements imposed upon the Adviser by applicable law and regulations.

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C.        The Adviser (i) is registered as an investment adviser under the Advisers Act and will continue to be so registered for so long as this Agreement remains in effect; (ii) is not prohibited by the Investment Company Act, the Advisers Act or other law, regulation or order from performing the services contemplated by this Agreement; (iii) to the best of its knowledge, has met and will seek to continue to meet for so long as this Agreement is in effect, any other applicable federal or state requirements, or the applicable requirements of any regulatory or industry self-regulatory agency necessary to be met in order to perform the services contemplated by this Agreement; (iv) has the authority to enter into and perform the services contemplated by this Agreement; and (v) will promptly notify Sub-Adviser of the occurrence of any event that would disqualify Adviser from serving as investment manager of an investment company pursuant to Section 9(a) of the Investment Company Act or otherwise. The Adviser will also promptly notify the Sub-Adviser if it is served or otherwise receives notice of any action, suit, proceeding, inquiry or investigation, at law or in equity, before or by any court, public board or body, involving the affairs of any Fund, provided, however, that routine regulatory examinations shall not be required to be reported by this provision.

D.        The Adviser certifies that as of the date of this Agreement the Trust is a Qualified Institutional Buyer (“QIB”) as defined in Rule 144A under the 1933 Act, and the Adviser will promptly notify the Sub-Adviser if the Trust ceases to be a QIB; the Adviser represents and warrants that each Fund is not a “restricted person” under Rule 5130 of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Inc. (“FINRA”) and thus each Fund is not prohibited from participating in the allocation of initial public offerings of equity securities offered by FINRA members.

E.         The Adviser, through its designated administrator or sub-administrator, will regularly notify the Sub-Adviser if any “government entity” assets, within the meaning of Rule 206(4)-5 under the Advisers Act, are contributed to any Fund.

F.         The Adviser will use its best efforts to provide the Sub-Adviser with a list of all publicly traded affiliates of the Adviser or the Funds that may not be purchased by the Funds (such list shall include security name, cusip number, sedol and/or applicable ticker or otherwise reasonably identify such affiliates) and a list of all brokers and underwriters affiliated with the Adviser or the Funds for monitoring and reporting transactions under applicable provisions of the Investment Company Act. All such information referenced in Section 2(C) and this Section 6(F) shall be conveyed to the Sub-Adviser in a timely manner so as to permit the Sub-Adviser to take such actions as may be required in an orderly fashion.

7.         Representations of Sub-Adviser

The Sub-Adviser represents, warrants and agrees as follows:

A.        The Sub-Adviser is currently in compliance and shall at all times continue to comply with the requirements imposed upon the Sub-Adviser by applicable law and regulations.

B.        The Sub-Adviser (i) is registered as an investment adviser under the Advisers Act and will continue to be so registered for so long as this Agreement remains in effect; (ii) is not prohibited by the Investment Company Act, the Advisers Act or other law, regulation or order from performing the services contemplated by this Agreement; (iii) to the best of its knowledge, has met and will seek to continue to meet for so long as this Agreement remains in effect, any other applicable federal or state requirements, or the applicable requirements of any regulatory or industry self-regulatory agency necessary to be met in order to perform the services contemplated by this Agreement; (iv) has the authority to enter into and perform the services contemplated by
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this Agreement; and (v) will promptly notify Adviser of the occurrence of any event that would disqualify the Sub-Adviser from serving as an investment sub-adviser of an investment company pursuant to Section 9(a) of the Investment Company Act or otherwise. The Sub-Adviser will also promptly notify the Trust and the Adviser if it is served or otherwise receives notice of any action, suit, proceeding, inquiry or investigation requesting information about any Fund that directly relates to or otherwise materially and adversely affects a Fund, at law or in equity, before or by any court, public board or body, involving the affairs of a Fund; provided however, that routine regulatory examinations shall not be required to be reported by this provision. The Sub-Adviser represents that this Agreement does not violate any existing agreement between the Sub-Adviser and any other party.

C.        The Sub-Adviser has reviewed the Prospectus and SAI of the Trust with respect to each Fund, as it may be amended from time to time, that contains disclosure about the Sub-Adviser, and represents and warrants that, with respect to the disclosure about the Sub-Adviser or information relating to the Sub-Adviser, such Registration Statement contains, as of the date hereof, no untrue statement of any material fact and does not omit any statement of a material fact necessary to make the statements contained therein not misleading.

The Sub-Adviser has adopted a written code of ethics complying with the requirements of Rule 17j-1 under the Investment Company Act and will provide the Adviser and the Board with a copy of such code of ethics, together with evidence of its adoption. The Sub-Adviser will promptly provide the Adviser any material amendments thereto. As requested, the president, Chief Compliance Officer (or his or her designee) or a vice-president of the Sub-Adviser shall certify to the Adviser that the Sub-Adviser has complied with the requirements of Rule 17j-1 during the previous year and that there has been no material violation of the Sub-Adviser’s code of ethics or, if such a material violation has occurred, that appropriate action was taken in response to such violation. Upon the reasonable written request of the Adviser, the Sub-Adviser shall permit the Adviser, its employees or its agents to examine the reports required to be made to the Sub-Adviser by Rule 17j-1(d)(1) as they relate to the Funds, it being understood that such reports may be redacted to remove information that does not relate to the Fund.

D.        The Sub-Adviser has provided the Trust and the Adviser with a copy of its Form ADV Part 2A, which as of the date of this Agreement is its Form ADV Part 2A as most recently filed with the SEC, and relevant Form ADV Parts 2B, and Adviser hereby acknowledges receipt thereof on behalf of itself and on behalf of the Trust. The Sub-Adviser promptly will furnish a copy of all amendments and annual updates to the Adviser as required by applicable law, and Adviser hereby consents to electronic delivery thereof. Such amendments shall conform in all material respects with the requirements of the Advisers Act.

E.         The Sub-Adviser will promptly notify the Trust and the Adviser of any proposed assignment of this Agreement or change of control of the Sub-Adviser and any proposed changes in the key personnel who are either the portfolio manager(s) of a Fund or senior management of the Sub-Adviser. For purposes of the foregoing, “senior management” shall mean the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Investment Officer, Chief Compliance Officer, Chief Financial Officer, and General Counsel of the Sub-Adviser. The Sub-Adviser agrees to bear all reasonable expenses of the Trust, if any, associated with any proxy statement, information statement, and/or other disclosure documents that are necessary to permit the Sub-Adviser to continue to provide sub-advisory services to the Fund arising out of an assignment or change in control.

F.         The Sub-Adviser has provided the Adviser with a summary of its insurance coverage and will promptly provide the Adviser notification of any material changes to or
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 cancellation of such coverage. The Sub-Adviser will maintain its insurance coverage at least at the amounts considered commercially reasonable and appropriate under current industry practices.

G.        The Sub-Adviser agrees that neither it, nor any of its affiliates, will knowingly in any way refer directly or indirectly to its relationship with the Trust, each Fund, the Adviser or any of their respective affiliates in offering, marketing or other promotional materials without the express written consent of the Adviser, except as required by law, rule, regulation or upon the request of a governmental authority and only upon providing written notice to the Adviser and the Trust. However, the Adviser hereby consents to the Sub-Adviser referencing the Adviser or the Funds on a representative client list, incorporating the performance of each Fund in its composite performance.

H.        The Sub-Adviser will not file class action claim forms for or on behalf of the Trust or any Fund or otherwise exercise any rights the Adviser or the Trust or any Fund may have with respect to participating in, commencing or defending suits or legal proceedings involving securities or issuers of securities held in, or formerly held in, each Fund, unless the Sub-Adviser, the Adviser and the Trust mutually agree in writing that the Sub-Adviser may take such actions.

I.          The Sub-Adviser will promptly notify the Adviser and the Trust if the Sub-Adviser suffers a material adverse change in its business that would materially impair its ability to perform its relevant duties for a Fund. For the purposes of this paragraph, a “material adverse change” shall include, but is not limited to, a material loss of assets or accounts under management or the departure of senior investment professionals to the extent such professionals are not replaced promptly with professionals of comparable experience and quality.

J.          The Sub-Adviser will promptly notify the Adviser and the Trust to the extent required by applicable law in the event that the Sub-Adviser or any of its affiliates: (1) becomes aware that it is subject to a statutory disqualification that prevents the Sub-Adviser from serving as an investment adviser pursuant to this Agreement; or (2) becomes aware that it is the subject of an administrative proceeding or enforcement action by the SEC or other regulatory authority. The Sub-Adviser further agrees to notify the Trust and the Adviser promptly of any material fact known to the Sub-Adviser respecting or relating to the Sub-Adviser that would make any written information previously provided to the Adviser or the Trust materially inaccurate or incomplete or if any such written information becomes untrue in any material respect.

8.         Commodity Exchange Act Matters

A.        The Adviser hereby represents and warrants to the Sub-Adviser that:

with respect to each Fund, the Adviser is excluded from the definition of a CPO pursuant to CFTC Regulation 4.5, and the Adviser (A) filed the notice required by CFTC Regulation 4.5(c) and shall re-file such notice annually as required and (B) will promptly notify the Sub-Adviser if it withdraws such notice or can no longer rely on the exclusion pursuant to CFTC Regulation 4.5 with respect to a Fund; and

each Fund is an “eligible contract participant” within the meaning of Section 1a(18) of the CEA.
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B.         The Adviser hereby acknowledges to the Sub-Adviser that:

The Sub-Adviser is a registered Commodity Trading Advisor (“CTA”) but, to the extent that the Sub-Adviser provides commodity interest trading advice to a Fund, it will do so as if it was exempt from registration as a CTA.
C.        The Sub-Adviser hereby represents and warrants to the Adviser that:

the Sub-Adviser is registered with the CFTC in all capacities, if any, in which the Sub-Adviser is required under the CEA and the CFTC’s regulations to be so registered and is a member of the NFA if required to be a member thereof;

if the Sub-Adviser is exempt from registration as a commodity trading advisor (“CTA”) under CFTC Regulation 4.14(a)(8) with respect to a Fund, it has filed notice required under CFTC Regulation 4.14(a)(8) and shall re-file such notice annually as required; and

if the Adviser has filed the exclusion under CFTC Regulation 4.5 with respect to a Fund, the Sub-Adviser (A) will cause such Fund to comply with the trading limitations in CFTC Regulation 4.5 unless otherwise agreed with the Adviser, and (B) promptly will notify the Adviser if it is reasonably likely that one or more Funds will not comply with such trading limitations.

D.        The Adviser and the Sub-Adviser each further agree that:

to the extent that the CEA and the then-current CFTC regulations require (A) registration by such party as a CPO or CTA and/or membership with NFA with respect to any Fund, (B) specific disclosure, as applicable to the investors in any Fund, or (C) filing of reports and other documents with respect to any Fund, it shall promptly and fully comply, or take reasonable steps to cause such Fund to comply, with all such requirements;

the Adviser and the Sub-Adviser shall each comply with all requirements of the CEA, then-current CFTC regulations and NFA rules that apply to the Adviser and the Sub-Adviser, respectively, with respect to each Fund;

the Sub-Adviser shall provide reasonable cooperation to the Adviser and the Adviser shall provide reasonable cooperation to the Sub-Adviser in fulfilling, or causing to be fulfilled, any disclosure or reporting requirements applicable to such party with respect to each Fund under the CEA and/or then-current CFTC regulations and NFA rules; and

the Adviser and the Sub-Adviser each further agrees to notify the other party promptly in writing if any of the representations and warranties herein ceases to be accurate in any respect with respect to the Adviser, the Sub-Adviser or any Fund.
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9.         Non-Exclusivity

The services of the Sub-Adviser to the Adviser, each Fund and the Trust are not to be deemed to be exclusive, and the Sub-Adviser shall be free to render investment advisory or other services to others and to engage in other activities. Adviser has no objection to Sub-Adviser rendering such services to any other person, provided that whenever the Fund and one or more other investment advisory clients of Sub-Adviser have available funds for investment, investments suitable and appropriate for each will be allocated in a manner believed by Sub-Adviser to be equitable to each. Sub-Adviser may group orders for a Fund with orders for other funds and accounts to obtain the efficiencies that may be available on larger transactions when it determines that investment decisions are appropriate for each participating account. It is understood and agreed that the directors, officers, and employees of the Sub-Adviser are not prohibited from engaging in any other business activity or from rendering services to any other person, or from serving as partners, officers, directors, trustees, or employees of any other firm or corporation.

10.       Regulation

The Sub-Adviser shall submit to all regulatory and administrative bodies having jurisdiction over the services provided pursuant to this Agreement any information, reports, or other material which any such body by reason of this Agreement may request or require pursuant to applicable laws and regulations. The Sub-Adviser shall provide prompt written notice to the Adviser and the Trust of any such submission to the extent not prohibited by the applicable regulatory or administrative body.

11.       Records

The records relating to the services provided under this Agreement shall be the property of the Trust and shall be under its control; however, the Trust shall furnish to the Sub-Adviser such records and permit it to retain such records (either in original or in duplicate form) as it shall reasonably require in order to carry out its business. In the event of the termination of this Agreement, such records shall promptly be returned to the Trust by the Sub-Adviser free from any claim or retention of rights therein, provided that the Sub-Adviser may retain any such records that are required by law or regulation.

12.       Confidential Treatment

All information and advice furnished by one party to the other party (including their respective agents, employees and representatives and the agents, employees, and representatives of any affiliates) hereunder shall be treated as confidential and shall not be disclosed to third parties, except (i) as may be necessary to comply with applicable laws, rules and regulations, subpoenas, court orders, (ii) as required in the administration and management of the Funds; or (iii) with the prior written consent of the non-disclosing party. It is understood that any information or recommendation supplied or produced by Sub-Adviser in connection with the performance of its obligations hereunder is to be regarded as confidential and for use only by the Adviser and the Trust. Without limiting the foregoing, the Adviser and the Trust will only disclose portfolio information in accordance with the Trust’s portfolio information policy as adopted by the Board of Trustees.

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13.       Duration of Agreement

This Agreement shall become effective as to a Fund upon execution or, if later, on the date that initial capital for such Fund is first provided to it and, unless sooner terminated as provided herein, the initial term will continue in effect through September 30, 2018. Thereafter, if not terminated as to a Fund, this Agreement will continue from year to year through September 30 of each successive year following the initial term for each Fund covered by this Agreement, as listed on Schedule A, provided that such continuation is specifically approved at least annually by the Board of Trustees or by vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of such Fund, and either event approved also by a majority of the Trustees of the Trust who are not interested persons of the Trust, or of the Adviser, or of the Sub-Adviser (“Independent Trustees”) cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval.

14.       Termination of Agreement

This Agreement may be terminated at any time, without the payment of any penalty, by the Board, including a majority of the Independent Trustees, or by the vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of each Fund, on sixty (60) days’ written notice to the Adviser and the Sub-Adviser, or by the Adviser or Sub-Adviser on sixty (60) days’ written notice to the Trust and the other party. This Agreement will automatically terminate, without the payment of any penalty, (i) in the event of its assignment (as defined in the Investment Company Act), or (ii) in the event the Investment Advisory and Management Agreement between the Adviser and the Trust is assigned (as defined in the Investment Company Act) or terminates for any other reason. This Agreement will also terminate upon written notice to the other party that the other party is in material breach of this Agreement, unless the other party in material breach of this Agreement cures such breach to the reasonable satisfaction of the party alleging the breach within thirty (30) days after written notice. Section 5 herein shall survive the termination of this Agreement.

15.       Use of Sub-Adviser’s Name

The parties agree that the name “Massachusetts Financial Services Company” or “MFS Investment Management”, the names of any affiliates of the Sub-Adviser and any derivative or logo or trademark or service mark or trade name are the valuable property of the Sub-Adviser and its affiliates. The Sub-Adviser hereby grants the Adviser and the Trust the right to use such name(s), derivatives, logos, trademarks or service marks or trade names in the Trust’s Prospectus and SAI or other filings, forms, or reports required under applicable law, so long as this Agreement is in effect. Neither the Trust nor the Adviser shall use the Sub-Adviser’s name or logo in promotional or sales related materials prepared by or on behalf of the Adviser or the Trust without prior review and approval by the Sub-Adviser, which approval may not be unreasonably withheld. Upon termination of this Agreement, the Adviser and the Trust shall forthwith cease to use such name(s), derivatives, logos, trademarks or service marks or trade names. The Sub-Adviser hereby consents to the names of the Funds as set forth in Schedule A to this Agreement.

16.       Use of Adviser’s Name
The Sub-Adviser acknowledges and agrees that the names “JNL Series Trust” and “Jackson National Asset Management, LLC,” and abbreviations or logos associated with those names, are the valuable property of the Adviser and its affiliates; that the Trust has the right to use such names, abbreviations and logos; and that the Sub-Adviser shall use the names “JNL Series Trust,” “Jackson National Asset Management, LLC,” and associated abbreviations and logos, only in connection with the Sub-Adviser’s performance of its duties hereunder. Further, in any
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communication with the public and in any marketing communications of any sort, the Sub-Adviser agrees to obtain prior written approval from the Adviser before using or referring to “JNL Series Trust” and the Adviser, or the Funds or any abbreviations or logos associated with those names; provided that nothing herein shall be deemed to prohibit the Sub-Adviser from referring to the performance of the Funds in the Sub-Adviser’s marketing material as long as such marketing material does not constitute “sales literature’ or “advertising” for the Funds, as those terms are used in the rules, regulations and guidelines of the SEC and FINRA. Adviser and the Trust acknowledge that Sub-Adviser may reference the Adviser or the Funds on a representative client list and will use the Funds’ performance information within its composites compiled pursuant to the Global Investment Performance Standards (“GIPS®”).

17.       Amendments to the Agreement

Except to the extent permitted by the Investment Company Act or the rules or regulations thereunder or pursuant to exemptive relief granted by the SEC, this Agreement may be amended by the parties only if such amendment, if material, is specifically approved by the vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities of each Fund (unless such approval is not required by Section 15 of the Investment Company Act as interpreted by the SEC or its staff or unless the SEC has granted an exemption from such approval requirement) and by the vote of a majority of the Independent Trustees cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval. The required shareholder approval shall be effective with respect to each Fund if a majority of the outstanding voting securities of each Fund vote to approve the amendment, notwithstanding that the amendment may not have been approved by a majority of the outstanding voting securities of any other series affected by the amendment or all the series of the Trust.

18.       Assignment

No assignment (as that term is defined in the Investment Company Act) shall be made by the Sub-Adviser without the prior written consent of the Trust and the Adviser. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no assignment shall be deemed to result from any changes in the directors, officers or employees of such Sub-Adviser except as may be provided to the contrary in the Investment Company Act or the rules or regulations thereunder.

19.       Entire Agreement

This Agreement contains the entire understanding and agreement of the parties with respect to each Fund. The Trust is an intended third-party beneficiary of this Agreement. The parties to this Agreement do not intend for this Agreement to benefit any other third party, including without limitation a record owner or beneficial owner of shares of the Funds. The terms of this Agreement may be enforced solely by a party to this Agreement, the Trust, and the Funds.

20.       Headings

The headings in the sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not constitute a part hereof.

21.       Notices

All notices required to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be delivered or mailed to the address listed below of each applicable party in person or by registered or certified mail or a private mail or delivery service providing the sender with notice of receipt or such other address
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as specified in a notice duly given to the other parties. Notice shall be deemed given on the date delivered or mailed in accordance with this paragraph.

To the Adviser:
Jackson National Asset Management, LLC
225 West Wacker Drive
Suite 1200
Chicago, IL 60606
Attention: General Counsel
Email address: JNAMLegal@jackson.com

To the Sub-Adviser:
Massachusetts Financial Services Company
111 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02199
Attention: Legal Department, 24th Floor
Email address: InstitutionalClientService@mfs.com

To the Trust:
JNL Series Trust
1 Corporate Way
Lansing, MI 48951
Attention: Chief Legal Officer
Email address: JNAMLegal@jackson.com

22.       Severability

Should any portion of this Agreement for any reason be held to be void in law or in equity, the Agreement shall be construed, insofar as is possible, as if such portion had never been contained herein.

23.       Trust and Shareholder Liability

The Adviser and Sub-Adviser are hereby expressly put on notice of the limitation of shareholder liability as set forth in the Declaration and agree that obligations assumed by the Trust pursuant to this Agreement shall be limited in all cases to the Trust and its assets, and if the liability relates to one or more series, the obligations hereunder shall be limited to the respective assets of each respective Fund. The Adviser and Sub-Adviser further agree that they shall not seek satisfaction of any such obligation from the shareholders or any individual shareholder of a Fund, nor from the Board or any individual Trustee of the Trust.

24.       Governing Law

The provisions of this Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan, or any of the applicable provisions of the Investment Company Act. To the extent that the laws of the State of Michigan, or any of the provisions in this Agreement, conflict with applicable provisions of the Investment Company Act, the latter shall control.

25.       Counterpart Signatures

This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, including via facsimile, each of which shall be deemed an original for all purposes, including judicial proof of the terms hereof, and all of which together shall constitute and be deemed one and the same agreement.

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With respect to a Fund for which the Adviser has not claimed an exclusion under CFTC Regulation 4.5, the following language applies:


In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers as of the date first mentioned above.
  Jackson National Asset Management, LLC
/s/ Mark D. Nerud
Mark D. Nerud
President and Chief Executive Officer

  Massachusetts Financial Services Company d/b/a MFS Investment Management 
/s/ Carol Geremia
Carol Geremia
Executive Vice President
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Schedule A
April 24, 2017
JNL/MFS Mid Cap Value Fund


Schedule B
April 24, 2017

JNL/MFS Mid Cap Value Fund
Average Daily Net Assets
Annual Rate
$0 to $250 million
$250 million to $500 million
Over $500 million