EX-3.2 3 a16-1106_1ex3d2.htm EX-3.2

Exhibit 3.2


2/Cr" ARTICLES OF ENTITY CONVERSION 1 I d 3 rllf t:;6; SECRETARY OF STATE Conversion of a Corporation into a Limited Liability Comp'a y' "' SLII.O Form 51576 (Rl I 8 1•1 Approved by SLI!o lloard ar Accounrs, 20U Eo1a ..,_ 101 ln.ga INSTRUCTIONS: IUseB W• ll"whllepaperlorsrtachments. 2.Presenl origillalsnd one (I) copy to the eddres3 in upper right comer of this form 3 Please TYPE or PRINT. 4. P sse visit our offiC.e on the web at WIVIV. S9S m gov Indiana Code 23-I·I 8-3 FILING FEE:$30.00 a. Ploaso aot forth tho Plan olConvorslon, containing such lnhmnotlon as roqulrod by lndittnll Code 23·1· 38.5-11 and Indiana Code 23·1· 38.5-12, anach horvwlth, and doslgnato II as "Exhibit A." The folowlng Is basic lnformaUon that must be Included In tne Plan olEntlly Conversion: (please 111fer to Indians Code23·1·38.5-12 tors more complete lbllng af requitemenls be/ore lfUilmining the pl,n) A statement olthe type of busine!.S entity tnalSurvlvlng LLC will be and, lilt will be a foreign non-corporation, ils organizalion; The rerms anel conditions ollhe conversion, The manner anc! basis of converting the shares of Non-sul'llfving Corporation into the lnteresls, secvrilles. obligations, rights to acquire Interests or olher securities or SurvMng LLC loHowing Us con erslon; and The luM text. as In elfectlmmediately after tha consummallon of the conversion, orlhe organic document (II any) 11, as aresuil or the conversion.one or more sharehOlders of Non·sutYivlng COIJIOratlon would be subject to owner liability for debts. obllgalions. Of liabilities nf any othtlf person or enllty.those sharet-.olders must consent In writing to such llabiiJVe& In Older for tho Plan of *Set forth in the Articles of Organization attached Mergertobevslld. PteasereadandslgntheloHowlngstatement. hereto as "Exhibit B." b. I hereby a/firm under penalty ol perjury that the plen of conversion Is fn occordance with the Atlleles of lnc:orpon tion or bylaws of Non-surviving COIPOrallon andIs duly authorized by the shareholders of Non-survAIInrJ Corporation as required by lha l'w:s of file State of indians. (Please nola pursuant to Indians Code 2 18-2-B, this name mlllflindude the woras "Lml!ed UabWiry Company', "L.L.C.".or ·uc·.) l IN I46168 I 000 East Main Street Plainfield Page I or2 aThe name of Surviving LLC Is the following: (II Surviving U.C is a foreign LLC. then ils name musladhere 10 the laws of tne state In which ills domiciled 1 Duke Energy Indiana, LLC bThe address olSurviVIng LLC's Pnndpal Office Is lhe loUowlng: Street Adllresa (numb•' 1nd mwarJlc51818ZIP co6o ARTICLE Ill: NAME AND PRINCIPLE OFFICE OF SURVIVING LLC a. The name of Non-surviving C01poretion Immediately before filing these Attlcles of Entity Conversion b llle fo!Cowlng: Duke Energy Indiana, Inc. b.The date on which Non-surviving Corporauon was lnCOiporated In the State of Indiana Is the following tmonfll.dlly, ye11r1· September 6, 1941 NAME AND DATE OF INCORPORATION OF NON-SURVIVING CORPORATION ARTICLE II: jurisdiction or * of Surviving LLC. orate Secreta PLAN OF ENTITY CONVERSION ARTICLE 1: ARTICLES OF CONVERSION OF Duke EnerIndiana Inc. (hereinal!er "Non-surviving Corporalion1 INTO Duke EnerIndiana, LLC (he1111naller ·surviving LLC') ••CONNIE LAWSON "'CORPORATE DM$1011 302 w W:lallingran SU.el Rm lndianapcl" a,IN 46204 Telephone (317) 232·1576



l ZIP coda I City Address or Registered orr.... (nlltrlber 11111 SIIHI or OUrltlinQ} Slate 2. A slalementlhetlhe Arllcles of Cl\arter Surrender are being ffied in connection v.iln the conversion olNon-surviving Corporation Into an 0(Surviving LLC 11perpetualunUI dissolullon. Qg A manager or managers J S#gMO.re1/Mlt/VJ 1ll 1r ://fLt Nanc y M. Wright Assistant .c6rporate Secreta The effective date of these Articles of Conversion shall be january 1, 2016 Page 2 of2 In VWness Whereof, the undersigned being an officer or other duly authorized representative of Non-surviving Corporalion executes these Articles of Entity Conversion and verifies. subject lo penalties of perjury, that the statements contained herein are true, this Lre. .fA-dayol December 2015 Required: r:J By checking tne box.the Signator(a) represenl(s) that the registered agenlnamed in the appUcallon has consented lo the appointment of registered agent.rI PMied ...IN! Todo • ·-. - •.·<-·· -·ARTICLE VII: MANAGEMENT OF SURVIVING LLC : .. ' --• Surviving LLC v.ill be managed by: DThe members or Surviving LLC. OR . • .••.1.,'. ,, - .;:... ·..,. --'"':·. · .. · · :.;, }"' -·.•r·: • •• Please lndicale when dissolution will take place In Surviving LLC: 0 The latest date upon whlcll Surviving LLC is to dissolve Is---------------· OR ·ARTICLE VI: DISSOLUTION OF SURVIVING LLC :, ' ARTICLE V-JURISDICTION OF SURVIVING LLC AND CHARTER SURRENDER OF NON-SURVIVING CORPORA liON M:OlmlUBI DICDQH PleDse slale 1he furlsdlcUon in which Surviving LLC wiD be organized and governed. Indiana flm']'ll a!ARTsB !H!BB§ND§!! (Pieau camp/oro lhls socf/on only II Surviving LLC l:s 0'9•nltod oiJfslde of lndiene.} If the jurl&didion slated above Is nat Indiana. please set forth the Articles of Charter Surrender lor the Non-survlllfng Corporalion and attach herewith as ·emrbrte: Pl.lrsuantlo Indiana CorJa 2.).1·38 5-f4, the Articles of Charter Surrender musllndude: I . The name of Non-surviving C01porallon; LLC that will be orvanlzed In a furlsdicllon olher lhan the State of Indiana; 3. ' A signed stetemenlunder penally of pc ury lhalthe conversion was duty approved bV the shareholders of Non-sun lving CorporationIn a manner required bV Indiana law and consislent with the Arlleles or lncorpora on or the bylaws or Non-surviving Corporation: 4. The jurisdiction under which the Slmllvtng LLC will be organized;and 5. The address of Surviving LLC's executive office. • .•_ Regislered Agent The name and s11ee1 address or Sun iving LLC's Reglslered Agenlones Reglslered Otrrce for aervice of proc;ess are the following: Homo ol Roglstered AQolll C T Corporation 150 West Market Street. Suite800_l Indiana_polisJ Indiana46204 REGISTERED OFFICE AND AGENT OF SURVIVING LLC • ARTICLE IV: - ;. - :,. ···'' J.' '-f•: