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       February 8, 2019  Special Committee Discussion Materials  PRELIMINARY & CONFIDENTIAL 

 PRELIMINARY & CONFIDENTIAL      Agenda  Diligence Update  Negotiation Strategy and Next Steps      I      II  2 

 PRELIMINARY & CONFIDENTIAL      Diligence Update  3  DBO has received and discussed with Ignite Management materials analyzing various alternative industry consolidation scenarios, including materials prepared on the following dates:  October 2017      Merger of Ignite & Spark(Prepared by Ignite Management)  Excel model (“Overdrive Ignite Model”) describing merger of Ignite and Spark and potential growth initiatives of the combined company with resulting impact on 2022 EBITDAGuidance given to Ignite Management was to prepare a plan that would grow 2022 EBITDA to “pre-recession levels”  Identified potential upside from the following:Live Event (Capacity Utilization, etc.)Real Estate DevelopmentFacility Utilization (Music Festivals, etc.)Cost Efficiencies  October 2017      Growth Strategy Initiatives(Prepared by Nova)  Presentation prepared by Nova and their advisors building off of the analysis reviewing a potential merger of Ignite and SparkWas presented to potential minority investor in Nova  In addition to the items above, also analyzed:Integrated SponsorshipSchedule RealignmentLicensingOTT / TV ChanneleSportsInternational Expansion  May 2018      ConsolidationCredit Analysis(Prepared by Ignite Management)  Excel model analyzing the credit and leverage impact of several different possible industry consolidation scenariosNo discussion with credit providers  Analyzed the following:Nova buyout of public shareholdersPotential minority investment in Nova (19% and 49% scenarios)Merger with Spark 


 PRELIMINARY & CONFIDENTIAL      Source: Overdrive Ignite Model (October 2017)  Step 1: Ignite Management Analyzed Combination of Ignite& Spark to Identify EBITDA Growth Opportunities              $MM  CumulativeAdditional EBITDA  Ignite & Spark Consolidated EBITDA (Baseline) 366.3 364.0 451.1  EBITDA - Growth Projection $366.3 $364.0 $674.5  $522.9    2016A  2017E  2018E  2019E  2020E  2021E  2022E                      Live Event  5.7  28.0  57.9  88.9  129.0  Real Estate Development  50.0          Facility Utilization  1.1  6.3  9.2  10.8  14.0  Cost Efficiency    30.5  30.5  30.5  30.5                      Ignite Consolidated EBITDA (Baseline)  $238.7  $237.8  $293.7  Spark Consolidated EBITDA (Baseline)  127.6  126.2  157.4          $309.6  $50.0  $41.3  $122.0  5  Key Assumptions:      Live Event    Facility Utilization  Impact Capital:  $700MM spent on 7 projects, 8.5% ROI  Music Festivals  Capacity Management:  Remove total of 415,000 seats  Driving School Relationships    Removal cost of $100/seat  Karting Facilities    Projecting 97% attendance by 2022  Adventure Sports  Food/Beverage:  Eliminate outside product  Iconic Sporting Events  Real Estate Development    Cost Efficiency  Richmond:  Multi-use facility  Public Company and Family  Phoenix:  Retail dining and entertainment  Corporate Support Services  Chicago:  LT ground lease to 3rd party  Profit Centers (Salary, Wages, etc.)  Charlotte:  Retail dining and entertainment    Texas:  Retail dining and entertainment   


 PRELIMINARY & CONFIDENTIAL        Step 2: Nova Created a Growth Strategy InitiativesPresentation for Meetings with a Potential Minority Investor  The October 2017 “Growth Strategy Initiatives” presentation analyzed the following 10 initiatives as part of a strategy to grow consolidated Nova / Ignite / Spark EBITDA to pre-recession levels                      1  Live Event and Fan Experience  6  Licensing  2  Integrated Sponsorship Model  7  OTT / TV Channel  3  Schedule Realignment  8  eSports  4  Real Estate  9  International Expansion  5  Increased Facility Utilization  10  Consolidation Efficiencies      These initiatives were based upon Ignite Management’s analysis and assumptions in the Ignite and Spark consolidation materials  Ignite Management did not provide the analysis and assumptions for these initiatives    Source: Growth Strategy Initiatives (October 2017)  7 

 PRELIMINARY & CONFIDENTIAL      Growth Strategy Initiatives Financial Impact  Combined 2017 - 2022 EBITDA Bridge for Nova, Spark, and Ignite                                  $120  $129  $50  $14  $61  $60  $28  $15  $50  $26  $35 $1,024  $436$400$200–  $600  $800  $1,000  $1,200                EBITDA ($MM)    Ignite Generated Figure from Overdrive Ignite Model    Nova Generated Figure from Growth Strategy Initiatives        Ignite Identified Consolidated EBITDA        Nova Identified Consolidated EBITDA  Source: Growth Strategy Initiatives (October 2017)  8 

 PRELIMINARY & CONFIDENTIAL      Observations on Growth Strategy Initiatives Presentation  9  Prepared as a marketing document to a potential minority investorNone of the transactions contemplated in the presentation are known to have occurred or be pendingManagement at Ignite is exploring the following opportunities in the presentation that can be pursued on a standalone basis:Live Event: Capacity utilization and impact capitalSponsorship: Integrated sponsorship strategyIncrease Facility Utilization: New event contentReal Estate: Exploring additional “ONE DAYTONA” type investmentsManagement has stated no actions have been taken to achieve other opportunities (e.g., investment to support increased food and beverage revenues) and some that have been pursued have achieved mixed success (e.g., use of tracks for non-racing events) 

 PRELIMINARY & CONFIDENTIAL      Growth Strategy Initiatives | Summary of Ignite AnalysisIndicates analysis provided by Ignite Management  Source: Growth Strategy Initiatives (October 2017)      Initiatives (2017-2022)  Live Event  $129  $0  $129  Sponsorship  –  60  60  Schedule  –  28  28  Real Estate  50  –  50  Utilization  14  –  14  Licensing  –  15  15  OTT  –  50  50  eSports  –  26  26  International  –  35  35  Efficiencies  31  31  61              $MM        Growth Strategy Ig  nite Analyzed Additional    Total  2017E EBITDA  $364  $72  $436  Baseline  87  $33  120  Identified Opportunities per October 2017 Presentation        Total Incremental  $223  $245  $468          Total 2022E EBITDA  $675  $349  $1,024        123    4    10 

 PRELIMINARY & CONFIDENTIAL        Source: Growth Strategy Initiatives (October 2017)(1) Per Management Plan (January 2019), diligence conversations with Ignite Management, and “Notes & Assumptions” document accompanying the Growth Strategy Initiatives analysis  Impact Capital: Focus on facilities in need of significant guest enhancements in markets that will yield the greatest sustainable financial returns$100MM average project cost$8.5MM EBITDA recognized first year following construction7 potential target markets across Igniteand Spark (Richmond, Talladega, and Darlington all mentioned)  Capacity Management: Target to hit 97% of paid utilization for Cup Events and 50% increase in attendance at Xfinity and Camping World seriesCapacity reductions of 65,000 at Ignitefacilities and 350,000 at Spark facilities2% CAGR for average ticket price across all motorsport events  Food & Beverage: Eliminate outside product and expand services offerings to increase per cap spending from $7.80 to $13.75  Consumer Car Parking: Expand paid parking from $800K revenue contribution to$10.7MM by growing percentage of paidparking  11          Ignite Management Plan & Commentary (1)  Impact Capital: Annual EBITDA lift of $15.5MM from Richmond Infield, Phoenix Redevelopment, and Talladega Infield by 2022Capacity Management: ~75% of paid utilization across Ignite facilities for Cup SeriesIgnite capacity reduction of 65,000 seats completed in 2018~2% average ticket price growth annually for Cup SeriesFood & Beverage: Per cap spending remains at ~$8, with no near-term plans to eliminate outside product and expand services offeringsConsumer Car Parking: No increase included in the Management Plan    1  Live Event and Fan ExperienceIncremental $129MM 2022E EBITDA      Assumptions      Consolidated EBITDA Contribution    ($MM) 

 PRELIMINARY & CONFIDENTIAL      Source: Growth Strategy Initiatives (October 2017)(1) Per diligence conversations with Ignite Management  12  Extend the guest experience at existing facilities, similar to ONE DAYTONA:Richmond (Ignite): Multi-use sports facility with retail,dining, hotel and entertainmentPhoenix (Ignite): Retail, dining, and entertainmentChicago (Ignite): Highest and best use study to determine what opportunities exist including long-term ground leasesCharlotte (Spark): Retail, dining, and entertainmentTexas (Spark): Retail, dining, and entertainment  Investment could range from $500MM - $750MM  Expected returns to be at least 10% unlevered (cash on cash)  EBITDA expectations ~$10MM per investment for a total of $50MM        Assumptions        Ignite Management Plan & Commentary (1)  No new real estate development initiatives are included in the Management PlanThe potential Richmond multi-use sports facility and a sale of Auto Club Speedway are the furthest along in the planning process (of the potential real estate opportunities), but not yet discussed in Board materials or reflected in the Management Plan  Real EstateIncremental $50MM 2022E EBITDA    2      ONE DAYTONA Example      ($MM)    Pro FormaIgnite Incremental EBITDARD&E $8.2   Shoppes 2.1   $10.3  SubtotalIgnite Share of JV Cash FairfieldAutograph  0.50.4   Residential 0.1 Subtotal $1.0  Total EBITDA + JV Cash $11.3 

 PRELIMINARY & CONFIDENTIAL        Source: Growth Strategy Initiatives (October 2017)(1) Per Management Plan (January 2019), diligence conversations with Ignite Management, and “Notes & Assumptions” documentaccompanying the Growth Strategy Initiatives analysis  13        Assumptions        Assumes the following 2022 EBITDA contributions from new content additions to Ignite and Spark:  Driving schools: $1.5MMOEM ride and drive programs: $1.0MMMusic festivals and concerts: $6.4MM from 8 new festivals (cumulative from 2018)Karting facilities: $1.2MM from 6 new facilitiesRunning and adventure events: $0.8MM from 8 new eventsHoliday light drive-thru shows: $0.6MM from 6 newfacility showsIconic major league sports events: $2.5MM from a major event rotating at same or different facility annuallyAdditional guiding principles:– Preference for content supported by media broadcasters and sustainable over multi-year horizon, with emphasis on partnerships that provide operating capabilities (e.g., AEG and Live Nation for concerts)  Ignite Management Plan & Commentary (1)Ignite has attempted and continues to explore new content opportunities, but thus far these efforts have had mixed results for EBITDA growthFaster Horses Festival at Michigan and Hard Summer at Fontana: Risk-free upside of concessions revenueCountry 500 at Daytona: ($2.4MM) EBITDA loss in 2018The Management Plan reflects only the baseline growth target (i.e., ~1% topline growth) and does not include additional facility utilization upside  Increased Facility UtilizationIncremental $14MM 2022E EBITDA    3      Consolidated EBITDA Contribution        ($MM) 

 PRELIMINARY & CONFIDENTIAL        Consolidation EfficienciesIncremental $61MM 2022E EBITDA  14        Assumptions        Ignite Management Commentary (1)Consolidation efficiencies calculated as part of broader consolidation strategy across Nova, Ignite, and Spark– Elements of Corporate Support Services and Profit Center efficiencies would only be available with entire Nova, Ignite, and Spark consolidation strategy  $30.5MM calculated by Ignite Management based on Ignite costs and assumed Spark costs, as well as estimated efficiencies in combining the two entities, in the following areas:Public company overheadCorporate office functionsSales and marketingTrack administration and business support  An additional $30.5MM is included in the Nova presentation for consolidation efficiencies  Source: Growth Strategy Initiatives (October 2017)(1) Per diligence conversations with Ignite Management    4        Consolidated EBITDA Contribution      ($MM) 


 PRELIMINARY & CONFIDENTIAL      Step 3: Analysis by Ignite Management of Borrowing Capacity toFund Consolidation of Ignite / Nova and Ignite / Nova / Spark  Source: Strategic Consolidation Plan (May 2018)                    Sources for FFG        Excess Cash on Hand  0.2  0.2  0.2  New Debt  0.9  1.0  1.3  Equity Sold to Minority Investor / PE  –  0.3  0.4  Uses for FFG        Ignite Acquired  1.4  1.2  1.2  Spark Acquired  –  –  0.9  Net Cash Returned to (Required by) FFG  ($0.3)  $0.2  ($0.4)          Net Cash Returned to (Required by) Minority Investor / PE  –  ($0.4)  ($0.5)  Current Debt  0.4  0.4  0.6  New Debt  0.9  1.0  1.3  2018 Total Debt  $1.3  $1.4  $1.9  2024E Total Debt  $0.8  $0.7  $0.9  2018 Leverage / 2024E Leverage  5.3x / 2.5x  4.0x / 1.6x  4.2x / 1.7x      Total ($MM)    $MM  Ignite  Ignite - Nova  Ignite - Nova - Spark  Nova Valuation:  $2.5          Ignite Valuation:  $2.4  Nova Equity  –  $2.5  $2.5  Spark Valuation:  $0.9  Ignite Currently Owned  1.0  1.0  1.0      Ignite Acquired  1.4  1.2  1.2      Spark Acquired  –  –  0.9      Equity Sold to Minority Investor / PE  –  (0.3)  (0.4)      FFG Value Owned  $2.4  $4.4  $5.2      Ignite Acquired  –  0.1  0.1      Spark Equity Acquired  –  –  0.1      Equity Acquired from FFG  –  0.3  0.4      Minority Investor / PE Value Owned  –  $0.5  $0.6      Total Valuation  $2.4  $4.9  $5.8      FFG Ownership    90%  90%      Minority Investor / PE Ownership    10%  10%            16 

 PRELIMINARY & CONFIDENTIAL      Capital Required for Consolidation Scenarios                    Ownership Scenarios  Ignite Economic Interest    Spark Acquisition    Funds Required      FFG Minority Investor      FFG Minority Investor      FFG Minority Investor    Scenario 1: 100% FFG / 0% Minority Investor  -  -  % Acquired$ Acquired  58%$1,388  –  100%$947  –  $2,335 –  Total Ownership  100%  -  100%  -                                                                                      $MM, except per share values          Current Ownership and Valuation    Ignite    Spark            Price (50 Day Avg.)    $41.52    $17.73  Shares Outstanding    44    41  Market Cap    $1,831    $729  Premium    30%    30%  Implied Value    $2,381    $947  FFG Current Ownership (%)    42%    -  FFG Current Ownership ($)    $993    –                      Scenario 2: 81% FFG / 19% Minority Investor                % Acquired  39%  19%    81%  19%      $ Acquired  $927  $461    $764  $184  $1,690  $645  Total Ownership  81%  19%    81%  19%                      Scenario 3: 51% FFG / 49% Minority Investor                % Acquired  10%  49%    51%  49%      $ Acquired  $228  $1,160    $486  $462  $714  $1,622  Total Ownership  51%  49%    51%  49%      Source: Strategic Track Ownership Plan (May 2018)  17