Exhibit 3.46
ERNST & YOUNG ATTN: FAYE HAMMOND GPO BOX M939 PERTH WA 6843 Certificate of the Registration of a Company Corporations Act 2001 Paragraph 1274 (2) (b) This is to certify that ENSCO AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED Australian Company Number 100 601 634 is a registered company under the Corporations Act 2001 and is taken to be registered in Western Australia. The company is limited by shares. The company is a proprietary company. The day of commencement of registration is the seventeenth day of May 2002. Issued by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission on this ninth day of January, 2003. of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission |
Qertific~te of Registration - of ~< Cl>mpa:r(f This is to certify that _ ENSCO AUffRALIJ\> f'.t".;t LiM_ITED " . ~. ... ... . ' ·. ' ' r: ... - Australian Company Number JOO 601 634 , • . • ;,' .- :~c ':; ," -.,. :z~. is .a registered c~mpa,ny: u~df( the Corpoi:ahons ~ct 2001 and is taken to be regist;red iii w~~tem¼ustr~lia. L ~ - · •., •• -'.'.:~··" ! _ ~~, • The comp~y i~ lh~ited by- ~hai;;,;·- ; _,, ;" ; . 'I } !;_· .\. . ' ~ • ... • .::,. " .': !ir ;- ~ ,"' ,., :1 l' · The company is a proprieta:ry ~omp_ any. - - ' ~. ! ~ •: . . -,. .. ~_ ! f The day ofco1pp1enceiµent of~g~istr~tion is· ·' "' the" seventeenth day of l\1.ay,2002:·~; ;!, • i:~· •~. _.:}"~ .. -: .:- .~~:>-~. Issued l?Y ,the_, · . . . . Australian Secunttes and Investments Comm1ss10n on this seventeenth day of May, 2002. David Knott Chairman ♦ |