EX-3.1 2 filename2.htm

Exhibit 3.1

Fo r Minisby Us e Only A rusa usll 'Wi!Rleff,'<n ƒ tJ::> ' Governmen t Services Ontari CERTIFICATE Thi s I s t o ccrlit}• mal thes e a,ticlos ar e elfectiv e on Minlstlire des Servlr:es gouvernememaux CEH TIFICAT Cc!:; • t!•ftr• qi.le les prest>nts statuts er.t : ... . • , , •1iiJ1!•:•.1 t ro Ontario COiporalion Number Numer o d e l a sock!t6 e n Ontario 1901673 ... . A.U. G .U . S . T .. . 2 . . e ...... . AQ.9_T,·_ · .. . i m .............. . . '1 1 \ / · _ ---- tca:1 { Di1ec10, 1 Dir<n v / Business Corporaticns Act / Lei su , Form1 Busln8S$ Corporations Act Formula 1 loisurles socletespar actions C. ( 0711 6 ( 2008/06 ) Article s o f Incorporation Statuts Constitutifs 1. The name of the corporation is: (Set out ln BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS) Denomination sociale de la societe : (Ecrire en LETTRES MAJUSCULES SEULEMENl) 1 2 3 N A T u R A L F 0 0 D 0 N T A R 10 L T D. 2 . Th e addres s of the registered office Is: Adress e d u sieg e social : 670 Highway 7 East, Unit 64, Richmond Hill (Slzeel & Nu r or R.R. Number & if Multi - Office Bulldlng give Room No . ) (Rue el num6ro ou nunMlro de la R.R. el, & ƒ 11 &'agil d'un flee a bureaux, numt!ro du bureau) ( Nam e o f Munlclpalily o r PDS I Off109 ) (Nam de la municlpalile 011 du bureau de poste) 3 . Numbe r o f directors is/are: Nombr e d'adminislrateurs : Fixed number D O R minimu m an d maximu m I 1 1 Q Nombr e race OU minimum et maximum . _. , 4 . Th e lirs l direclor (s) is/are : Premier{s ) administrateur (s) : Firs t name , middl e name s an d surname Pninom , aulre S Pren0/TI 5 e l nom de famine ( Posta l Code ) ( Cod e postal ) Address for service, giving Street & No.or R.R. No., Munlcipanty, Province , Counlr y an d Posta l Code Domicile elu, y compris fa rue et le num \ \ ro, le numero de le. R.R. ou le nom de la municipalite, la province, le pays et le code postal Resident Canadian? Ye s o r No AMiden t canadien? OulJNon Fa n Zhou 670 Highway 7 East, Unit 64, Richmond Hill , Ontari o L4 B 3P2 O Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2008 / C Jrnprimeur de la Reille pour rOntario, 2008 Yes Page 1 of/d e 6


C l 07116 (2008/06) 5. Reslriclions, if any, on business lhe corporation may carry on or on powers the corporation may exercise. LimUes, s'il ya lieu, lmposees aux acliviles commerciales ou aux pouvoirs de la sociele. There are no such restrictions on the business the Corporation may carry on or on th e power s th e Corporatio n may exercise. 6 . The classes and any maximum number of shares thal the corporation iS authorized to issue: Categories et nombre maldmal, s'il y a lieu, d'actions que la societe est autorisee a 6mellre : The Corporation is authorized to issue an unlimited number of shares designated as common shares without par value, and unlimited number of special shares designated as preference shares. Page2 ol/de6


( l 07116 (2008/06) 7. Rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions {lf any) allaching lo each class of shares and directors authority with respect to any class of shares which may be Issued in series: Droits, privileges, restrlclions et conditions, s'11 ya lieu, rattaches a chaque categorie d'actions el pou11oirs des administrateur s retatils a chaque categorie <faction s qu i peu t etr e emfse e n serie : Se e Schedul e A t'ag e 3 oUd e 6


( SCHEDULEA COMMO N SHARES The Common Shares shall, as a class, have attached thereto the following rights, privileges. restrictions, conditions and limitations. (a) Votin g Rights Each holder of Common Shares shall be entitled to receive a notice of and to attend all meetings of shareholders of the corporation, except meetings at which only holders of a specified class of shares ( other than Common Shares) or specified series of shares are entitled to vote . At all meetings at which notice must be given to the holders of Common Shares, each holder of Common Shares shall be entitled to one vote in . respect of each Common Share held by such holder . The holders of Common Shares shall be entitled to elect all nominees to the board of directors of the corporation . (b) Dividends The holders of the Common Shares shall be entitled, subject to the rights, privileges, restrictions, conditions and limitations attaching to any other class of shares of the corporation, to receive any dividends declared by the corporation . C ( c ) Right s on Dissolution The ho]ders of the Common Shares shall be entitle subject to the rights, privileges, restrictions . limitations and conditions attaching to any other class of shares of the corporation, to receive the remaining property of the corporation on a liquidation, dissolution of winding - up of the COI'poration, whether voluntary or involuntary . PREFERENC E SHARES The preferences, rights, privileges, restrictions, limitations and conditions attaching to Preference shares are as follows: (a) Dividends All the holders of Preference shares shall be entitled to receive, and the corporation shall pay, dividends on th e basis hereinafter se t forth: (i) Dividends shall be paid only out of money of the corporation properly applicable to th e payment of th e dividends. (ii) The dividends shall be paid only if and when declared. (iii) Th e dividends ar e non - cumulative.


- 38 - ( iv ) The dividends may, but need not be paid in priority to dividends on the Common shares. (v) Dividends may be paid on the Common shares and not on the Preference shares if the Boar d of Director s s o detennines. (vi) Dividends may be paid on the Preference shares and not on the Common shares if the Boar d of Director s s o determines. (ix) The holders of the Preference shares shall not be entitled to any dividend other than or i n excess of th e dividends hereinbefore provided. (b) Participation i n Asset s on Dissolutio11 If the corporation is liquidated, dissolved or wound up, either voluntarily or involuntarily, or if there is a reduction of capital, or any distribution of assets among shareholders by way of repayment of capital : (i) The holders of the Preference shares shall be entitled to be paid the redemption amount for each Preference share together with all dividends that have been declared but not paid wit h respect t o them ; C ( ii ) The payment to the holders of the Preference shares is in priority to any payment or distribution to th e holders of th e Commo n shares; ( iii ) If the amount payable is not sufficient to pay in full the redemption amount owing on all Preference shares the amount will be paid on a pro rata basis; (iv) All assets remaining after payment to the holders of Preference shares shall be paid or distributed rateably among the holders of the Common shares, and the holders of the Preference shares shall have no further right of participation in such assets . (c) Redemptio n of Preferenc e Shares ( i ) A t Optio n of Corporation 1. The COIJ) 0 ration shall have the right . at its option, at any time, and on such notice as the Board of Directors may deem advisable, to redeem all or any portion of the Preference shares for the redemption amount for each Preference share together with any declared and unpaid dividends thereon without th e consent of th e holders of suc h shares . 2 . The corporation may redeem all or any part of the Preference shares of any one or more holders in priority to any other holder or holders and i 11 so doing is not required to redeem the Preference share or shares of such other holder or holders .


- 3C - (ii) Redemption Amount The redemption amount for each Preference share shall be the amount set at the time of the issuance of such Preference share by the directors of the corporation or if not so specified then the redemption amount shall be the stated capital for each Preference Share . (d) Votin g Rights Except as provided in clause (e) hereof and the Ontario Business Corporations Act, the holders of Preference shares shall not be entitled to vote at any meeting of the shareholders of the corporation, but shall be entitled to notice of meetings of shareholders called for the purpose of authorizing the dissolution of the corporation for the sale of its undertaking or a substantial part thereof . (e) Amendmen t of Articles Confirmation of any special resolution to amend the corporation's articles to delete or vary any preference, right, condition, restriction, limitation or prohibition attaching to the preference shares or to create special shares ranking in priority to or on a parity with the Preference shares may be given by at least two - thirds ( 2 / 3 ) of the votes cast at a meeting of the holders of the Preference share duly called for that purpose . The fonnalities to be observed with respect to the giving of notice of any such meeting or adjourned meeting and the conduct thereof shall be those from time to time prescribed in the by - laws of the corporation with respect to the meetings of shareholders . On every poll taken at every such meeting or adjourned meeting every holder of Preference shares shall be entitled to one ( 1 ) vote i n respect of each Preferenc e shar e held . (


( 07116 (2008/06) 8. The issue, transfer or ownership of shares is/is not reslricted and the restrictions (if any) are as foHows: l'emission, le transfert ou fa propriete d'aclions eslln'est pas restrain!. Les restridions, s'J ya 6eu, sont fes suivanles : The right to transfer shares of the Corporation shall be restricted in that on shares be transferred without: (a) the consent of the directors of the Corporation expressed by a resolution passed at a meeting of the director or by an instrument or instruments in writing singed by the majority of the directors; and (b) the unanimous consent of the holders of all the shares for time being outstanding entitled to vote expressed by resolution passed at a meeting of the shareholders or by the instrument or instruments in writing signed by such shareholders. 1/'v / ( L g 4 of/de 6


C 07116(2008,06) 9 . Othe r provisions i f any: Autres dispositions , s'i l y a ue u : None f P t ag e / SoUde6


0 7116 (200810 6 ) 10 . T h e name s an d address es o f lh lof l a r • Nom s e t adresse s de s fondateur s : First name. middle names an d surnam e or co rp orate name Prenom . eutre s pre nom s e t no m d e famil e ou denominatio n sociale Fun address for service or if a corporatio n, the address of t h e regi stered or head offic e giving street & No. or R .R . No ., municipality, province , cou n try and postal code Domicile elu au complet ou, dans le c:as d'une societe, adresse du sie ge social o u ad resse de l'etablissement principal. y compris la rue e t le numero ou le numero de la R.R . • la municipal ite , la provin ce , le pays et le code posl al F an Zh ou 670 Highway 7 Ea st , Unit 64 , Richmond Hill, Ontari o L4 B 3P2 Thes e art i cle s ar e si g n e d i n duplicate. Les pre se nts sta tu ls son! sign es e n doubl e e x emp l aire . Fu Uname{ s) an d signature(s) of inc o rpora to r(s) . In t he case of a corpor ati on s et out the name o f lhe co rpor ation and the name and office of th e pe rson signing on behalf of the corpo ra tion Nom(s) au complel et sign ature (s) du ou des fondate urs. Si le fondate ur est u n e societ e , ind i que r la de nominatio n s ocia ls et le nom et le litre de la personne slgnant au nom de l a societe V&t t ): / 1 t 7 l ( Signatur e / si g na tu r e F an Zh ou Name of incorporator (o r corpo ration name & sign a to riesname and o ffice) Norn du fond ateur (ou denomination soclale et nom et li tre du signataire) Signa tur e/ sig nature Nam e o f incorp o r at o r (o r cor p ora t i o n n a me & s i g nalori e s n a m e an d off ice ) Norn du fondaleur (ou den o minalion so clale et nom el litre du s ignalal re) Si g n a tu re / signature Name of incorpora t or (or corpora tion nam e & signatories name and office) Norn du fondateur (ou denomin a tion sociale el nom et tltre du signataire) Signature / signa ture Nam e of i ncorpora t o r ( or corporaH on na me & signatories name and office) Nom du fo nd at eu r (ou denomina tion sociale el nom et titre du signalaire) Page6 o ll de6


.C>: - :> ir - Ontario Mlnlslly of GovernmQn t Services Cenlra l Productio n and Verlfic.itio n Services Branch 39 3 Un!versil y Ave , Suit e 200 TOl'Qnl o O N MSG 2M2 Ministere des Services gouvernementaux Directio n de s services cenlraux d e productio n e l d e vdrilication 393 , a v University . burea u 200 Toronto O N MSG 2M2 r Fo r Minist,y Us e Onty · rusage d u mlnlst m sl!Ulement Pa g ag e 1 of/d e 2.. Ntrlicc•ICh. Rm 1. Busines s Ccrpc1111ion/ RallttG Avloole 1 - Qltt., [ J Form 1 - Ontario Corporation Initial Return/ Notice of Change Formule 1 - Personnes morales de !'Ontario Rapport initial/ Avis de modification Corporations Information Act I Loi sur /es renseignemenls exiges des personnes morales Sod61 6 pa r actions NO! - F«•PCCfi l CorporaVcn l Ƒ Ƒ Please type or prfnt all information In blo capital letters using black ink. Priore de dactylographier les renselgnements ou do los ecrire et'! caracteres d'lmprimerie a l'encre noiro, Personne morale sans but IUCllltif 2. 3. Dal e o f Incorporatio n or Amalgamation/ Fo r Uinisuy Us e Only ;. . rusage d u minlst m seu!etnenl Ontari o Corporallo n Number Numer o malricute d e l a per80!1ne Date de constitution ou ruslon morale en Onlerio Y e MllnlhlMob Q!ll.lCM I 1901613 I 12013 I o s I 20 I 4 . Como,, - ion Name Including PuncluoliOn/Rason GOdale de la 1111rSCMo moral• • - """'• la - •ation 123 NATURA L FOO D ONTARIO LT D . 5 . Addre ss o f Registered or Head O ffice/Adresse du siege social f:o r Minislry Us e On ƒ "J/ c/o/a/s A rusage d U minlstere seull!'1 \ enl I r:; 51 • ,i¥i , , :;::; ; :;; Suite/Bureau I !UNIT 64 I Slree t Na ( nl ' NQm d e !! Ill! ! ll i l I I CkxTTownN le r RICHMOND HILL I ONTARIO , CANADA Postal Code/Coda e2stal I L 4 B 3P2 I 6 . Malling Address/Adress e poslaie Stree t No.IN• civigue I M!me qu e siege social Ƒ Sam e r: - 1 a s Registere d o r Hea d Office/ No t Applicable( N e s'applique pas " : - - - ., - - -- ., - - - ---- - -- - ------- I ... . _. Sllee t Nam e (confd) INo m d e l a roe (suite) Street Name/Norn de la rue S uite/Bureau CilyfrownNilre Province , S1ata1Province , Sla t 1 Cou n , lr y - /P a - y, - , ------- . , 1 Posta l CodeJCod e po s I tal French - Fran als Ƒ --- · ----- ••· lnt - :,rmatlon on Directors/Offic:era must be completed on Schedule A as requested. If addiUonal space is required, photocopy Schadul" P,Jtes r..,, .:i,.;, - !l;cn•s F•ir admlmstrateurs au kls dlrfsunts dolvent itre foumiG dans rAnnexe A, tel qua d11111andE. Si wus avez bescmde plusd'aspaca. wus pouvez photoooplerrAnnexe A. 7. Languag e o f Preference/Langue pnUAre e English - Anglals 0 Number of Schedule A(s) submilledlNombre d'Annexes A prilsenlees j (At least one Schedule A must be submllled/Au moil \ 8 unv Annexe A doil Air e presentee ) 9. {Print or type name Inlull of the pel50II authorizlns filing / hier oulnsaira le prenom et le nom en caiadiles d'imprlmerie de la personne qui aulotise l'enRgisbemanl) We IFANZHOU certify that Ille inrormatlon set out herein, is true and COCTect atlest e que le s renselgnemants precit6s son! vt!ridiques e t ex Ŷ c l s, Check appropriat e box Cocher l a case pertinenle D) l - J Dlrector!Admlnistrateur Office r /Oirigeant Othe r individua l having knowledge of the affairs or lhe Corporation/Autre personne ayan t conna!Ssance de s activites d e ta personn e morale NOT.EIREI \ IARQUE: Sections 13 and 14DllheCoq,cwa/ions lnA>mlalionAcf ptavldepenal6esfo,malclng lalseor -- er omlsslons. Lasamclas 13 111 Ż de latohur/oS .renseignllm&IIIS e,dgr!sdl!s pe,sonr,es IIIOfllltspr6voielll des peine& an cas de declaraUan rausse oulrompeuse , oucl"omlsslon. 0 Queen's Printar ror Ontario, 2009 I Cl lmprimeur de la Reine pour l'Onta,lo, 2009 07200 (2009/06) Pag e 1 oUde3


..Form 1 - Ontario Corporation/Formula 1 - Personnes morales de l'Ontario Schedule A/Annexe A Fo r lllrisb y us e o,,1y A l'u$ag e d - , rniroste,e seu1emen 1 _? Page/Page ::?:' - oflde .:::= -- . Date of lncorpora a J g arna ion Dal e d e co11&Ululion ou fusion l _ ' - ias e typ e o r print all Information i n block capital letter s using ,c k Ink. , Ve.r/AMk IAGIUl!IMols OGy/Jou ' I r,ere de dactylographler les renselgnements ou de los ecrire en 1 1901673 Onlari o Corporatio n Number Numer o malricul e d e t a personne morale e n Ontario - _, 1 20 I I I [aracteres d'imprlmerle 1 l'encre noire . _ l3 _ 08 _ 20 _ DIRECTOR/ OFFICER INFOR MATION - RENSEIGNEMENTS RELATIFS AUX ADMINISTRA TEURS/DIRIGEANTS Full Name and Address for Sel' \ llceJNom et domicHe e1u Las t NameJNo m d e ramHle First NamelPrencm lr - Z - H - OU --- - ----------- , 1 1 . _ F A _ N _, SlrN l N<aro b civic \ U • SuilelBuieau 1670 I IUNIT 64 Slteet tlame/No m d e l a rue Middle Names/Autre s p i e n o ms - OTIIERTITLES - rl •AUTRE S TITRE S ( VouillHp t .., I ChairlP - 1 - lHIGWAY7EAST ::tree \ Nam e (conl'd) INom d e l a ru e ( suila ) C ijyfrownNile ! RICHMOND HILL Province , Slale/P r oWICc, Eta l joN Directo r lnformation/Renseignement s relatifs aux admlnistrateurs Resident Canadian/ [L) YES/OU I D NOINON Resk!et1 t ca11adlen (Residenlcanacilllappl'.,.lodnfdcrsolbuslnessci,,pora&onscdy . )I {Resldenl c:anadien nes'lflllllque Cllfau,c aclmlrimllus d&sod61e8 par actions) Date Elected# Dat e d'<!lec:tion YearlAnnff M - .S O;q/Jou r ! 2013 l o s 1 2 0 I Dat e Ceased/ Date c!e ceas11tion Ve¥1Mnt e lo!Cnlh/Moi s Day/Jour I I I I C Dat e Ceasedl Dat e d e cessallon DIRECTOR I OFFICER INFORMATION - RENSEIGNEMENTS RELATIFS AUX ADMINISTRATEURS/DIRIGEANTS Fun Name and Address ror Service/Nom etdomicile elu Last Name/Nam de famUle First Narne/PfBIIOm Middle Names/Autres prenoms Slrllet NumbarAllumtto cMquoo Sufte/Sun,au I I I Stree t NamalNo m d e l a rue , , 'OTHER TITLE S tp1ns o s,.. - a,i •AUTR! S TITRE S I \ . ' ... . ,....... , Cllllrll'..idenldu - Stree t Nam e (confd )INom de l a rue ( suil e l Cllyl'TownJViUe Province , S1ate/Province , t:ta t Couritry/Pays Director lnformation/Renselgnements relatifs aux administrateurs Residellt Canadian/ D YES/OU ( D NO/NON R'51dente8naclien (AuldonlcanaclMappliulDditeclaradbloinesscotp0nllionsGllly.)/ (Raidenlcanadiennenppliq,ae •soeitisparactlons} Date Electedl Dat e d'etecllon Vear/Anne e MGn11VMciS Day/Jour I I I I Dat e c.sedf Dat e d e ce s s Ŷ l l on YntfAMN Monlhlllois Oay/Jcx r I I I I 07200 (2009/06) Page2or/de3