EX-95.1 16 slca-20211231xex_951.htm EX-95.1 Document

Exhibit 95.1
Mine Safety Disclosure

The following disclosures are provided pursuant to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the “Act”) and Item 104 of Regulation S-K, which requires certain disclosures by companies required to file periodic reports under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, that operate mines regulated under the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 (the “Mine Act”).

Mine Safety Information. Whenever the Federal Mine Safety and Health Administration (“MSHA”) believes a violation of the Mine Act, any health or safety standard or any regulation has occurred, it may issue a citation which describes the alleged violation and fixes a time within which the U.S. mining operator must abate the alleged violation. In some situations, such as when MSHA believes that conditions pose a hazard to miners, MSHA may issue an order removing miners from the area of the mine affected by the condition until the alleged hazards are corrected. When MSHA issues a citation or order, it generally proposes a civil penalty, or fine, as a result of the alleged violation, that the operator is ordered to pay. Citations and orders can be contested and appealed, and as part of that process, are often reduced in severity and amount, and are sometimes dismissed. The number of citations, orders and proposed assessments vary depending on the size and type (underground or surface) of the mine as well as by the MSHA District’s approach to enforcement. Due to timing and other factors, the data below may not agree with the mine data retrieval system maintained by the MSHA at www.MSHA.gov

The following table details violations, citations, and orders issued and civil penalties assessed to us by MSHA during 2021 calendar year:
(whole dollars)
Mine or Operating Name/MSHA Identification NumberSection 104 S&S CitationsSection 104(b) OrdersSection 104(d) Citations and OrdersSection 110(b)(2) ViolationsSection 107(a) OrdersTotal Dollar Value of MSHA Assessments Proposed (1)Total Number of Mining Related FatalitiesReceived Notice of Pattern of Violations Under Section 104(e) (yes/no)Received Notice of Potential to Have Pattern Under Section 104(e) (yes/no)Legal Actions Pending as of Last Day of PeriodLegal Actions Initiated During PeriodLegal Actions Resolved During Period
Berkley Springs, WV / 460280500000$971.000NoNo000
Celatom Mine, OR / 350323700000$159.000NoNo000
Celatom Plant, OR / 350323600000$883.000NoNo000
Cheto Mine, AZ / 020010300000$0.000NoNo000
Clark, NV / 260067700000$547000NoNo000
Columbia, SC / 380013850000$6,411.000NoNo066
Crane, TX / 410533100001$1,602.00*0NoNo011
Dubberly, LA / 160048900000$0.000NoNo000
Fernley, NV / 260195020000$1,451.000NoNo000
Festus, MO / 230237700000$1,000.000NoNo000
Fowlkes Mine, MS / 220046000000$0.000NoNo000
Hazen Mine, NV/ 260067900000$0.000NoNo000

Hurtsboro, AL / 010061700000$0.000NoNo000
Jackson, MS / 220041500000$0.000NoNo000
Jackson, TN / 400293700000$0.000NoNo000
Kosse, TX / 410026200000$0.000NoNo000
Lamesa, TX / 4105363100000$25,261.000NoNo000
Lovelock (Colado Plant) / 260068040000$32,394.000NoNo0527
Lovelock, NV (Colado Mine) / 260067210000$1,028.000NoNo000
Mapleton, PA / 360312200000$782.000NoNo000
Mauricetown, NJ / 280052610000$849.000NoNo001
Middletown, TN / 400296810000$1,324.000NoNo000
Mill Creek Mine, OK / 340083600000$125.000NoNo000
Mill Creek Plant, OK / 340037700000$375.000NoNo000
Millen, GA / 090123200000$250.000NoNo000
Montpelier, VA / 440282900000$500.000NoNo000
Ottawa, IL / 110101340000$5,002.000NoNo044
Pacific, MO / 230054400000$375.000NoNo000
Popcorn Mine, NV / 260223600000$0.000NoNo000
Port Elizabeth, NJ / 280051000000$0.000NoNo000
Rockwood, MI / 200060810000$327.000NoNo000
Sparta, WI / 470364400000$250.000NoNo000
Tyler, TX /410418200000$0.000NoNo000
Utica, IL / 110326800000$0.000NoNo000

Amounts included are the total dollar value of proposed assessments received from MSHA on or before December 31, 2021, regardless of whether the assessment has been challenged or appealed. Citations and orders can be contested and appealed, and as part of that process, are sometimes reduced in severity and amount, and sometimes dismissed. The number of citations, orders, and proposed assessments vary by the MSHA District’s approach to enforcement and vary depending on the size and type of the operation.

*MSHA issued a Section 107(a) for the practice of an independent contractor because the operator was present during the inspection.