Form 10-K - Annual report [Section 13 and 15(d), not S-K Item 405]:
SEC Accession No. 0001445866-15-000374
Filing Date
2015-03-31 17:29:25
Period of Report

Document Format Files

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Mailing Address 1999 AVENUE OF THE STARS SUITE 2520 LOS ANGELES CA 90067
Business Address 1999 AVENUE OF THE STARS SUITE 2520 LOS ANGELES CA 90067 310-552-1555
Eos Petro, Inc. (Filer) CIK: 0001419583 (see all company filings)

IRS No.: 980550353 | State of Incorp.: NV | Fiscal Year End: 1231
Type: 10-K | Act: 34 | File No.: 000-53246 | Film No.: 15740559
SIC: 1311 Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas