Blue Sphere Corporation S-1/A


Exhibit 21.1 




Blue Sphere Corporation (the “Company”) has the following direct and indirect subsidiaries and/or affiliates:


Subsidiary Name Jurisdiction of Formation Percentage of Ownership  
Eastern Sphere, Ltd. Israel 100%  
Bluesphere Pavia S.r.l Italy 100% (1)
Agricerere S.r.l. Italy 100% (2)
Agrielekra S.r.l. Italy 100% (2)
Agrisorse S.r.l. Italy 100% (2)
Gefa S.r.l. Italy 100% (2)
PureSphere Ltd. Israel                      50% (3)
Blue Sphere Brabant B.V. Holland 100%  
Rhode Island Energy Partners, LLC Delaware 22.75% (5)
Orbit Energy Rhode Island, LLC Rhode Island 22.75% (4)(5)
Concord Energy Partners, LLC Delaware 25% (5)
Orbit Energy Charlotte, LLC North Carolina 25% (4)(5)
Bino Sphere LLC Delaware 100%  
BlueSphere Italy S.r.l. Italy 100%  


(1) The Company’s interest in Bluesphere Pavia S.r.l is based on its interest in Eastern Sphere, Ltd., which owns 100% of Bluesphere Pavia S.r.l.


(2) The Company’s interests in these entities is based on its interest in Bluesphere Pavia S.r.l, which owns 100% of these entities.


(3) The Company’s interest in interests in these entities is based on its interest in Eastern Sphere, Ltd., which owns 50% of each of these entities.


(4) The Company’s interests in these entities is based on its interests in Concord Energy Partners, LLC and Rhode Island Energy Partners, LLC, which are the sole owners of Orbit Energy Charlotte, LLC and Orbit Energy Rhode Island, LLC, respectively.


(5) Such entity is deemed to be nonconsolidated affiliate of the Company.