EX1A-2A CHARTER 4 rdar_ex2102.htm CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT (REVERSE SPLIT: 1-FOR-1,000) DATED AUGUST 31, 2022 Certificate of Amendment (Reverse Split: 1-for-1,000) dated August 31, 2022

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5. Information Being Changed (continuation):


“Article V. Shares. In the best interests of the Corporation and its shareholders, there shall be a reverse split of the currently outstanding shares of the Corporation's $0.00 1 par value common stock (the “Common Stock”), on a one-for-one-thousand (l-for-l,000) basis, that is, each one thousand (l,000) shares shall become one (l) share of Corporation Common Stock, to be carried out as soon as possible, and this Article V of the Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation shall be amended to effect a 1-for-l ,000 reverse stock split to re-authorize Twelve Billion (12,000,000,000) shares of Common Stock with a par value of $0.00l per share and to reaffirm the prior authorization of One Hundred Million (100,000,000) shares of preferred stock (the “Preferred Stock”) with a par value of $0.00l per share.”