EX-99.(H)(38) 8 d305398dex99h38.htm WISDOMTREE INDEX METHODOLOGY (WISDOMTREE MANAGED FUTURES INDEX) WisdomTree Index Methodology (WisdomTree Managed Futures Index)


WisdomTree Managed Futures Index

Last Updated June 2016


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The WisdomTree Managed Futures Index tracks a diversified portfolio of futures contracts on both commodities and financials based on a proprietary rules-based momentum investing framework.


The investment universe of the index includes the following components





Crude Oil   Copper   Soybeans   Live Cattle   Euro   10 Year US Note
Natural Gas   Gold   Corn   Lean Hogs   Japanese Yen   30 Year US Bond
Heating Oil   Silver   Wheat     British Pound  
Gasoline     Coffee     Swiss Franc  
    Sugar     Australian Dollar  
    Cotton     Canadian Dollar  


The index tracks the prices of futures contracts on the components in the universe. The futures contracts for the corresponding components and their exchanges are summarized in the table below.


Commodities    Financials





Crude Oil

   CL       NYMEX   


   EC    CME

Natural Gas

   NG       NYMEX   

Japanese Yen

   JY    CME

Heating Oil

   HO       NYMEX   

British Pound

   BP    CME


   XB       NYMEX   

Swiss Franc

   SF    CME


   HG       CMX   

Australian Dollar

   AD    CME


   GC       CMX   

Canadian Dollar

   CD    CME


   SI       CMX   

10 Year US Note

   TY    CBT


   S       CBT   

30 Year US Bond

   US    CBT


   C       CBT         


   W       CBT         


   KC       NYB-ICE         


   SB       NYB-ICE         


   CT       NYB-ICE         


   CC       NYB-ICE         

Live Cattle

   LC       CME         

Lean Hogs

   LH       CME         


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Rolling schedule

The futures contract of each component follows a fixed rolling schedule as listed below. For example, the contract applicable to Crude Oil in April is the June contract of the same year. In May, the contract applicable to Crude Oil will roll into the September contract of the same year, according to the schedule.



   Contract    January    February    March    April    May    June    July    August    September    October    November    December

Crude oil

   CL    H    M    M    M    U    U    U    Z    Z    Z    H    H

Natural Gas

   NG    H    M    M    M    U    U    U    Z    Z    Z    H    H

Heating Oil

   HO    H    M    M    M    U    U    U    Z    Z    Z    H    H


   XB    H    M    M    M    U    U    U    Z    Z    Z    H    H


   HG    H    K    K    N    N    U    U    Z    Z    Z    H    H


   GC    J    J    M    M    Q    Q    Z    Z    Z    Z    G    G


   SI    H    N    N    N    N    U    U    Z    Z    Z    H    H


   S    H    N    N    N    N    X    X    X    X    H    H    H


   CO    H    N    N    N    N    U    U    Z    Z    Z    H    H


   W    H    N    N    N    N    U    U    Z    Z    Z    H    H


   KC    H    N    N    N    N    U    U    Z    Z    Z    H    H


   SB    H    K    K    N    N    V    V    V    H    H    H    H


   CT    H    N    N    N    N    Z    Z    Z    Z    Z    H    H


   CC    H    N    N    N    N    U    U    Z    Z    Z    H    H

Live Cattle

   LC    M    M    M    M    Q    Q    Z    Z    Z    Z    G    G

Lean Hogs

   LH    M    M    M    M    Q    Q    Z    Z    Z    Z    G    G


   EC    H    H    M    M    M    U    U    U    Z    Z    Z    H

Japanese Yen

   JY    H    H    M    M    M    U    U    U    Z    Z    Z    H

British Pound

   BP    H    H    M    M    M    U    U    U    Z    Z    Z    H

Swiss Franc

   SF    H    H    M    M    M    U    U    U    Z    Z    Z    H

Australian Dollar

   AD    H    H    M    M    M    U    U    U    Z    Z    Z    H

Canadian Dollar

   CD    H    H    M    M    M    U    U    U    Z    Z    Z    H

10 Year US Note

   TY    H    M    M    M    U    U    U    Z    Z    Z    H    H

30 Year US Bond

   US    H    M    M    M    U    U    U    Z    Z    Z    H    H
























Contract Month Code







































Contract prices and returns of components

Two settlement prices for each component contract are used in the calculation of the final index.

Position Determination Date (PDD) Prices: prices are collected on the “position determination date”, which is two business days before the last trading day of the month, to calculate monthly percentage change time series for each component (e.g. compare PDD price of the current month with PDD price from the month before).




Rk (PDD), the monthly return of component k on the Position Determination Date.

Pk(PDD), the settlement price of the futures contract of component k on the Position Determination Date.

Pk(PDD — 1), the settlement price of the futures contract of component k on the previous Position Determination Date.


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Roll Date (RD) Prices: settlement prices are collected on the “roll date”, which is the last trading day of the month, to calculate monthly percentage change time series for each component (e.g. compare RD price of the current month with RD price from the month before).




Rk(RD), the monthly return of component k on the Roll Date.

Pk(RD), the settlement price of the futures contract of component k on the Roll Date.

Pk(RD — 1), the settlement price of the futures contract of component k on the previous Roll Date.

Long/short decision under composite momentum signal framework

The index establishes long or short positions once a month using a transparent, rules-based investment process. For each component, the index calculates the following momentum signals.

Short-term momentum: at the position determination date, the index calculates the last 3-month return based on the PDD prices. If the last 3-month return is greater than or equal to zero, the index denotes M3=1, otherwise, M3=-1.




STk(PDD), the short term momentum of component k on the Position Determination Date.

Medium-term momentum: at the position determination date, the index calculates the last 6-month return based on the PDD prices. If the last 6-month return is greater than or equal to zero, the index denotes M6=l, otherwise, M6=-1.




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MTk(PDD), the medium term momentum of component k on the Position Determination Date.

Long-term momentum: at the position determination date, the index calculates the last 12-month return based on the PDD prices. If the last 12-month return is greater than or equal to zero, the index denotes M12=1, otherwise, M12=-1.




LTk(PDD), the long term momentum of component k on the Position Determination Date.

Composite momentum signal: the composite momentum signal of each component is the sum of M3, M6 and M12.



If Mkc =3 or -3, the momentum signals are in total agreement. The index invests the full notional amount of the weight assigned to the component with a long (MkC=3) position or a short (MkC=-3) position.

If Mkc =1 or -1, the momentum signals are in partial agreement. The index invests the two thirds of the notional amount of the weight assigned to the component with a long (Mkc =1) position or a short (Mkc=-1) position.


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However, the short position in energy commodities is not allowed, which includes Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Heating Oil and Gasoline. When the composite momentum signal of an energy component mentioned above indicates a short position (MkC =-3 or -1), the index stays flat and assigns the weight of the component to other components proportionally.

Index components selection and weighting

The index selects 20 out of 24 components in the universe with lower realized volatility each month. The realized volatility is calculated as the annualized standard deviation of the last 36-month RD prices-based monthly returns of long/short positioning under the composite momentum signal framework.




SDk(RD), the annualized standard deviation of component k’s last 36 month’s monthly returns of long or short positioning under the composite momentum signal framework.

Retk (RD), the RD price based monthly return of component k of long or short positioning under the composite momentum signal framework.

N = 36, the number of months of the look back period.

Retk, the average of Retk (RD — i),i = 0, ... 35.

The index gives equal weight to all selected components.

If an energy component is selected into the index but the composite momentum signal suggests a short position, the index stays flat and assigns the weight of the energy component to other selected components proportionally.


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There are 16 components in the index each month at minimum and 20 components at maximum. Therefore, the notional amount of the weight of each component ranges from 5% to 6.25%.

Index calculation

Index values are calculated daily after the close of the underlying component markets.

Calculation of price return

Each trading day the index will be valued based on the settlement prices of their respective component contracts. The price return is a sum of the contract percentage changes that does not include any interest component.




WTMFPR(t), the value of Wisdom Tree Managed Futures Index on day t.

WTMFPR(RD), the value of WisdomTree Managed Futures Index on the Roll Date preceding day t.

t: the current trading day.

n: the number of components in WTMFPR Index on day t.

LSFk(RD): The long or short or flat indicator of the component k on the Roll Date preceding day t. The value is either 1, —1, or 0.

Wk(RD): The weight of component k on the Roll Date preceding day t.

Pk(t): the settlement price of component k on day t.

Pk(RD): the settlement price of component k on the Roll Date preceding day t.

Note that positions roll at the close of business on the Roll Date. Index valuations on the Roll Date (t=RD) will refer to the prior Roll Date for component prices, direction and weights.

Calculation of total return

The total return of the index consists of both price return and interest rate return that is earned on futures collateral. The futures collateral is assumed to be invested in a short term risk free rate to approximate the return earned from the collateral positions.


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WTMFTR(t), the value of WisdomTree Managed Futures Total Return Index on day t.

WTMFTR(RD), the value of WisdomTree Managed Futures Total Return Index on the Roll Date preceding day t.

t: the current trading day.

WTMFPR(t), the value of WisdomTree Managed Futures Index on day t.

WTMFPR(RD), the value of WisdomTree Managed Futures Index on the Roll Date preceding day t.

Rrf, the return of the risk free rate over the period from the preceding (RD) to (t)

Note that positions roll at the close of business on the Roll Date. Index valuations on the Roll Date (t=RD) will refer to the prior Roll Date for component prices, direction and weights.


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