0000898432-13-000168.txt : 20130206
0000898432-13-000168.hdr.sgml : 20130206
ACCESSION NUMBER: 0000898432-13-000168
FILED AS OF DATE: 20130206
IRS NUMBER: 550777181
SEC ACT: 1934 Act
SEC FILE NUMBER: 028-11081
FILM NUMBER: 13576571
ZIP: 25301
Washington, D.C. 20549
Form 13F
Report for the Calendar Year or Quarter Ended December 31, 2012
Check here if Amendment [ ]; Amendment Number:
This Amendment (Check only one): [ ] is a restatement.
[ ] adds new holdings entries.
Institutional Investment Manager Filing this Report:
Name: NTV Asset Management, LLC
Address: 216 Brooks Street
Suite 300
Charleston, WV 25301
Form 13F File Number: 028-11081
The institutional investment manager filing this report and the person by whom
it is signed hereby represent that the person signing the report is authorized
to submit it, that all information contained herein is true, correct and
complete, and that it is understood that all required items, statements,
schedules, lists, and tables, are considered integral parts of this form.
Person Signing this Report on Behalf of Reporting Manager:
Name: Karen Setterstrom
Title: Chief Compliance Officer
Phone: (304) 353-9095
Signature, Place, and Date of Signing:
/s/ Karen Setterstrom Charleston, West Virginia February 6, 2013
Report Type (Check only one.):
[X] 13F HOLDINGS REPORT. (Check here if all holdings of this reporting
manager are reported in this report.)
[ ] 13F NOTICE. (Check here if no holdings reported are in this report, and
all holdings are reported by other reporting manager(s).)
[ ] 13F COMBINATION REPORT. (Check here if a portion of the holdings for
this reporting manager are reported in this report and a portion are
reported by other reporting manager(s).)
List of Other Managers Reporting for this Manager
Form 13F File Number Name
Report Summary:
Number of Other Included Managers: 0
Form 13F Information Table Entry Total: 185
Form 13F Information Table Value Total: 247,272
List of Other Included Managers:
Provide a numbered list of the name(s) and Form 13F file number(s) of all
institutional investment managers with respect to which this report is filed,
other than the manager filing this report.
No. Form 13F File Number Name
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7 Column 8
Apple Inc Com 037833100 2444 4592 Sole 4242 350
ABB Ltd Sponsored ADR 000375204 257 12400 Sole 0 12400
Abbott Labs Com 002824100 712 10870 Sole 10460 410
Automatic Data Processing Com 053015103 647 11368 Sole 11118 250
Autodesk Inc Com 052769106 353 10000 Sole 0 10000
American Elec Pwr Inc Com 025537101 394 9250 Sole 8850 400
Barclys US
Ishares Tr AGG B 464287226 611 5506 Sole 2506 3000
Amgen Inc Com 031162100 1187 13777 Sole 12377 1400
Air Prods & Chems Inc Com 009158106 621 7400 Sole 0 7400
American Rlty Cap Tr Inc Com 02917L101 375 32500 Sole 32500 0
Boeing Co Com 097023105 1605 21300 Sole 19900 1400
Bank of America Corporation Com 060505104 436 37633 Sole 32017 5616
Baxter Intl Inc Com 071813109 1469 22039 Sole 21720 319
BB&T Corp Com 054937107 7944 272901 Shared 239688 33213
BCE Inc Com New 05534B760 1472 34300 Sole 34300 0
Black Hills Corp Com 092113109 445 12250 Sole 0 12250
Bristol Myers Squibb Co Com 110122108 1476 45297 Sole 37397 7900
Berkshire Hathaway Inc Del Cl B New 084670702 734 8191 Sole 5276 2915
Blackstone GSO Flting Rte Fu Com 09256U105 2387 117452 Sole 94952 22500
Citigroup Inc Com New 172967424 220 5568 Sole 4699 869
Chubb Corp Com 171232101 225 3000 Sole 1000 2000
City Hldg Co Com 177835105 614 17630 Shared 16130 1500
Colgate Palmolive Co Com 194162103 1032 9872 Sole 6172 3700
Ishares Tr 10+ Yr Cr Bd 464289511 2435 38868 Sole 31260 7608
ConocoPhillips Com 20825C104 1858 32045 Sole 31829 216
Cisco Sys Inc Com 17275R102 708 36031 Sole 22451 13580
CSX Corp Com 126408103 733 37185 Sole 2985 34200
Chevron Corp New Com 166764100 2671 24701 Sole 20366 4335
Gug Multi
Claymore Exchange Trd Fd Tr Asset 18383M506 242 11060 Sole 10560 500
Brclys Cap
SPDR Series Trust Conv 78464A359 3969 98500 Sole 79315 19185
Dominion Res Inc Va New Com 25746U109 408 7885 Sole 7885 0
Powershares DB Cmdty Idx Tra Unit Ben Int 73935S105 488 17580 Sole 12600 4980
Du Pont E I De Nemours & Co Com 263534109 1700 37809 Sole 24709 13100
Emerg Mkts
Wisdomtree Trust ETF 97717W315 2906 50825 Sole 45150 5675
SPDR Dow Jones Indl Avrg ETF Ut Ser 1 78467X109 1887 14455 Sole 11060 3395
Disney Walt Co Com Disney 254687106 2688 54000 Sole 25220 28780
Wisdomtree Trust Intl SmCap Div 97717W760 489 9395 Sole 9395 0
Dow Chem Co Com 260543103 738 22844 Shared 6594 16250
DTE Energy Co Com 233331107 209 3492 Sole 3392 100
Duke Energy Corp New Com 26441C105 1368 21455 Sole 16791 4664
Ishares Tr DJ Sel Div Inx 464287168 7242 126524 Sole 114274 12250
ECA Marcellus Tr I Com Unit 26827L109 342 22400 Sole 20400 2000
MSCI Emerg
Ishares Tr Mkt 464287234 7391 166667 Sole 101907 64760
Ishares Tr MSCI Eafe Idx 464287465 2552 44884 Sole 4760 40124
Emerson Elec Co Com 291011104 1281 24192 Sole 9050 15142
Enterprise Prods Partners Com 293792107 1453 29025 Sole 29025 0
Express Scripts Hldg Co Com 30219G108 220 4083 Sole 281 3802
Edwards Lifesciences Corp Com 28176E108 331 3680 Sole 0 3680
Ishares Inc Index 464286509 329 11600 Sole 1600 10000
Ishares Inc MSCI Japan 464286848 206 21200 Sole 0 21200
Ishares Inc MSCI Brazil 464286400 271 4850 Sole 2750 2100
Ishares Tr S&P GL Industr 464288729 1278 23300 Sole 14600 8700
Freeport-McMoran Copper & Go Com 35671D857 480 14036 Sole 14036 0
First Tr Exchange Traded Fd DJ Internt Idx 33733E203 843 21650 Sole 14050 7600
FirstEnergy Corp Com 337932107 229 5501 Sole 5501 0
Flaherty & Crmn/Clymr Pfd Se Com Shs 338478100 442 22640 Sole 21360 1280
Federated Invs Inc PA Cl B 314211103 404 20000 Sole 0 20000
Fiserv Inc Com 337738108 1082 13700 Sole 100 13600
Fiduciary Claymore MLP Opp F Com 31647Q106 1405 64546 Sole 60323 4223
Claymore Exchange Trd Fd Tr Gugg Frntr Mkt 18383Q838 533 27000 Sole 26600 400
FTSE China 25
Ishares Tr Idx 464287184 202 5000 Sole 0 5000
General Dynamics Corp Com 369550108 519 7500 Sole 0 7500
Western Asset Global CP Defi Com 95790C107 622 30022 Sole 13900 16122
General Electric Co Com 369604103 4181 199195 Sole 134634 64561
General Mls Inc Com 370334104 344 8517 Sole 2990 5527
Google Inc Cl A 38259P508 424 600 Sole 540 60
Com Shs Ben
Government Pptys Income Tr Int 38376A103 923 38537 Sole 33750 4787
GlaxoSmithKline PLC Sponsored ADR 37333W105 1223 28137 Sole 28137 0
Ishares Tr Barclys Inter Gv 464288612 247 2200 Sole 100 2100
Health Care REIT Inc Com 42217K106 1885 30760 Sole 28260 2500
HCP Inc Com 40414L109 309 6850 Sole 4900 1950
Home Depot Inc Com 437076102 1940 31375 Sole 23370 8005
Ishares Tr Hgh Div Eqt Fd 46429B663 1841 31339 Sole 27775 3564
Heniz H J Co Com 423074103 703 12202 Sole 11002 1200
Hologic Inc Com 436440101 324 16200 Sole 16200 0
Honeywell Intl Inc Com 438516106 289 4557 Sole 857 3700
Hershey Co Com 427866108 296 4100 Sole 900 3200
Ishares Tr High Yld Corp 464288513 3833 41069 Sole 34442 6627
Pimco ETF Tr 0-5 High Yield 72201R783 413 4000 Sole 2900 1100
Ishares Gold Trust Ishares 464285105 1066 65500 Sole 55500 10000
Ishares Tr Indx 464287556 2976 21692 Sole 15965 5727
International Business Machs Com 459200101 3234 16884 Sole 11409 5475
Ishares Tr DJ US Utils 464287697 252 2920 Sole 2920 0
Ishares Tr DJ Intl Sel Divd 464288448 703 20900 Sole 17800 3100
Ishares Tr Barclays 7-10 yr 464287440 642 5981 Sole 2126 3855
S&P MidCap
Ishares Tr 400 464287507 4996 49134 Sole 29249 19885
S&P MC 400
Ishares Tr Grw 464287606 1330 11625 Sole 8475 3150
S&P SmlCap
Ishares Tr 600 464287804 3403 43575 Sole 28635 14940
S&P SmlCp
Ishares Tr Grow 464287887 306 3650 Sole 3650 0
Intel Corp Com 458140100 880 42690 Sole 17228 25462
S&P Glb 100
Ishares Tr Indx 464287572 542 8484 Sole 4925 3559
Ishares Tr Int Pfd Stk Fd 46429B135 495 18300 Sole 14800 3500
Ishares Tr S&P 500 Value 464287408 1129 17011 Sole 2711 14300
Ishares Tr S&P 500 Index 464287200 381 2662 Sole 2662 0
Ishares Tr S&P 500 Grw 464287309 2957 39045 Sole 19695 19350
Ishares Tr Russell 1000 464287622 633 8000 Sole 0 8000
Ishares Tr Rssl Mcrcp Idx 464288869 202 3875 Sole 3775 100
Ishares Tr Russell 1000 Gr 464287614 1109 16944 Sole 7419 9525
Ishares Tr Russell 2000 464287655 657 7798 Sole 6133 1665
Ishares Tr Rusl 2000 Gr 464287648 490 5150 Sole 5150 0
Ishares Tr Russell Mcp Gr 464287481 584 9300 Sole 2300 7000
Russell Mid
Ishares Tr Cap 464287499 2407 21290 Sole 9260 12030
Ishares Tr Russell 3000 464287689 295 3490 Sole 0 3490
Ishares Tr S&P Gbl Inf 464287291 661 9825 Sole 9325 500
Ishares Tr S&P Gbl Telcm 464287275 388 6800 Sole 6100 700
Ishares Tr DJ US Industrl 464287754 388 5297 Sole 3575 1722
DJ US Tech
Ishares Tr Sec 464287739 239 3705 Sole 2250 1455
Johnson & Johnson Com 478160104 4272 60943 Sole 39493 21450
JP Morgan Chase & Co Com 46625H100 778 17700 Shared 16394 1306
Ishares Tr S&P Gl Utiliti 464288711 946 22950 Sole 20050 2900
SPDR Series Trust S&P Ins ETF 78464A789 253 5750 Sole 5750 0
Kimberly Clark Corp Com 494368103 580 6874 Sole 6274 600
Kinder Morgan Inc Del Com 49456B101 209 5936 Sole 0 5936
Kinder Morgan Energy Partner Ut Ltd Partner 494550106 1184 14850 Sole 14850 0
Coca Cola Co Com 191216100 3008 83005 Sole 48602 34403
KBW Regn Bk
SPDR Series Trust ETF 78464A698 1390 49700 Sole 49700 0
Kraft Foods Group Inc Com 50076Q106 2420 53222 Sole 52397 825
Kayne Anderson Energy TTL Rt Com 48660P104 1574 64016 Sole 48116 15900
Kayne Anderson MLP Invsmnt Com 486606106 2154 73095 Sole 57824 15271
Leggett & Platt Inc Com 524660107 408 15000 Sole 15000 0
Global X Fds Glb X Lithium 37950E762 262 18300 Sole 17300 1000
Lilly Eli & Co Com 532457108 902 18306 Sole 15660 2646
Ishares Tr CPBD 464287242 2225 18391 Sole 14321 4070
Ishares Tr Barclys Mbs Bd 464288588 1160 10750 Sole 5750 5000
Altria Group Inc Com 02209S103 1177 37445 Sole 32545 4900
Market Vectors ETF Tr Agribus ETF 57060U605 1125 21325 Sole 16325 5000
Merck & Co Inc New Com 58933Y105 1591 38885 Sole 18893 19992
Microsoft Corp Com 594918104 2832 106063 Sole 68531 37532
Markwest Energy Partners L P Unit Ltd Partn 570759100 214 4200 Sole 3000 1200
Ishares Tr S&P Glb Mtrls 464288695 1373 21988 Sole 12575 9413
Mylan Inc Com 628530107 618 22523 Sole 22523 0
Nextera Energy Inc Com 65339F101 1627 23518 Sole 21630 1888
National Grid Plc Spon Adr New 636274300 1160 20200 Sole 20200 0
Novartis A G Sponsored ADR 66987V109 694 10975 Sole 10975 0
NYSE Euronext Com 629491101 394 12500 Sole 2500 10000
Ishares Tr S&P 100 Idx Fd 464287101 4158 64290 Sole 43225 21065
Oracle Corp Com 68389X105 822 24675 Sole 4675 20000
Plum Creek Timber Co Inc Com 729251108 617 13908 Sole 8872 5036
Powershares Global ETF Trust Sovereign Debt 73936T573 1972 62714 Sole 36437 26277
Pepsico Inc Com 713448108 3148 46017 Sole 41017 5000
Powershares ETF Trust Hi Yld Eq Dvdn 73935X302 253 27965 Sole 27965 0
Pfizer Inc Com 717081103 1174 46828 Sole 27778 19050
Ishares Tr US Pfd Stk Idx 464288687 1830 46200 Sole 27025 19175
Pimco Income Strategy Fund Com 72201H108 241 18934 Sole 11997 6937
Procter & Gamble Co Com 742718109 4614 67967 Sole 44771 23196
Philip Morris Intl Inc Com 718172109 326 3905 Sole 3430 475
Piedmont Nat Gas Inc Com 720186105 275 8801 Sole 8801 0
Pre-Rf Mun
Market Vectors ETF Tr ETF 57060U738 251 9917 Sole 9917 0
First Tr Nas100 Eq Weighted Shs 337344105 370 14175 Sole 11675 2500
Powershares QQQ Trust Unit Ser 1 73935A104 5778 88722 Sole 59497 29225
Pimco Strategic Gbl Gov Fd I Com 72200X104 434 38275 Sole 36275 2000
Royal Dutch Shell PLC Spons ADR A 780259206 1835 26625 Sole 26625 0
RGC Res Inc Com 74955L103 725 39300 Sole 0 39300
Rockwell Hldgs Inc Com 774415103 828 16750 Sole 16750 0
S&P 500 Eq
Rydex ETF Trust Trd 78355W106 2510 47090 Sole 30950 16140
Raytheon Co Com New 755111507 539 9367 Sole 1367 8000
Seadrill Limited Shs G7945E105 1074 29200 Sole 27700 1500
Ishares Tr Barclys 1-3 YR 464287457 1338 15855 Sole 12475 3380
SPDR Ser Tr Cap S/T Hi Yld 78468R408 528 17300 Sole 17300 0
Schlumberger Ltd Com 806857108 2919 42130 Sole 25680 16450
Ishares Silver Trust Ishares 46428Q109 748 25500 Sole 25500 0
Senior Hsg Pptys Tr Sh Ben Int 81721M109 495 20977 Sole 17567 3410
Southern Co Com 842587107 1094 25566 Sole 23941 1625
SPDR S&P 500 ETF Tr Tr Unit 78462F103 6654 46730 Sole 45155 1575
Sysco Corp Com 871829107 627 19806 Sole 17806 2000
AT&T Inc Com 00206R102 4410 130831 Sole 110877 19954
ProShares Tr Pshs Ultsh 20 yr 74347R297 294 4635 Sole 4635 0
Telefonica S A Sponsored ADR 879382208 223 16600 Sole 16600 0
Teva Pharmaceuticals Inds Ltd ADR 881624209 334 8950 Sole 2300 6650
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc Com 883556102 1372 21525 Sole 20225 1300
Total S A Sponsored ADR 89151E109 1635 31450 Sole 30350 1100
Tyco International Ltd Shs H89128104 247 8475 Sole 8475 0
United Bankshares Inc WV Com 909907107 1316 54098 Shared 54098 0
US Bancorp Del Com New 902973304 501 15700 Sole 15700 0
Cohen & Steers Infrastructur Com 19248A109 319 17020 Sole 17020 0
United Technologies Corp Com 913017109 996 12145 Sole 7773 4372
Vodafone Group PLC New Spons Adr New 92857W209 891 35404 Sole 33765 1639
MSCI Emr Mkt
Vanguard Intl Equity Index Etf 922042858 271 6105 Sole 106 5999
Verizon Communications Inc Com 92343V104 2610 60329 Sole 49248 11081
Wells Fargo & Co New Com 949746101 495 14496 Sole 10296 4200
Waste Mgmt Inc Del Com 94106L109 1656 49093 Sole 31543 17550
Wal Mart Stores Inc Com 931142103 325 4765 Sole 4765 0
Wesbanco Inc Com 950810101 494 22235 Shared 18815 3420
Select Sector SPDR Tr SBI Int-Finl 81369Y605 2020 123300 Sole 117300 6000
Exxon Mobil Corp Com 30231G102 6822 78823 Sole 50455 28368