<SEC-DOCUMENT>0001140361-11-021756.txt : 20110412 <SEC-HEADER>0001140361-11-021756.hdr.sgml : 20110412 <ACCEPTANCE-DATETIME>20110412140629 ACCESSION NUMBER: 0001140361-11-021756 CONFORMED SUBMISSION TYPE: 13F-HR PUBLIC DOCUMENT COUNT: 1 CONFORMED PERIOD OF REPORT: 20110331 FILED AS OF DATE: 20110412 DATE AS OF CHANGE: 20110412 EFFECTIVENESS DATE: 20110412 FILER: COMPANY DATA: COMPANY CONFORMED NAME: AKJ ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC CENTRAL INDEX KEY: 0001215381 IRS NUMBER: 770238515 STATE OF INCORPORATION: CA FISCAL YEAR END: 1231 FILING VALUES: FORM TYPE: 13F-HR SEC ACT: 1934 Act SEC FILE NUMBER: 028-10308 FILM NUMBER: 11754548 BUSINESS ADDRESS: STREET 1: 1180 HARKER AVENUE CITY: PALO ALTO STATE: CA ZIP: 94301 BUSINESS PHONE: 650-326-9090 MAIL ADDRESS: STREET 1: 1180 HARKER AVENUE CITY: PALO ALTO STATE: CA ZIP: 94301 FORMER COMPANY: FORMER CONFORMED NAME: RESNICK PAUL GERSON & BILODEAU KENNETH ROBERT JR DBA AKJ AS DATE OF NAME CHANGE: 20030122 </SEC-HEADER> <DOCUMENT> <TYPE>13F-HR <SEQUENCE>1 <FILENAME>form13fhr.txt <TEXT> UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 Form 13F Form 13F COVER PAGE Report for the Calendar Year or Quarter Ended: 3/31/2011 Check here if Amendment []; Amendment Number: ------- This Amendment (Check only one.): [] is a restatement. [] adds new holdings entries. Institutional Investment Manager Filing this Report: Name: AKJ Asset Management, LLC Address: 1180 Harker Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94301 Form 13F File Number: 28-10308 The institutional investment manager filing this report and the person by whom it is signed hereby represent that the person signing the report is authorized to submit it, that all information contained herein is true, correct and complete, and that it is understood that all required items, statements, schedules, lists, and tables, are considered integral parts of this form. Persons Signing this Report on Behalf of Reporting Manager: Name: Kenneth R. Bilodeau, Jr. Title: Manager Phone: 650-326-9090 Signature, Place, and Date of Signing: /s/ Kenneth R. Bilodeau, Jr. Palo Alto, CA 4/11/2011 --------------------------------- --------------------------------- ---------- [Signature] [City, State] [Date] Report Type (Check only one): [X] 13F HOLDINGS REPORT. (Check here if all holdings of this reporting manager are reported in this report.) [ ] 13F NOTICE. (Check here if no holdings reported are in this report, and all holdings are reported by other reporting manager(s).) [ ] 13F COMBINATION REPORT. (Check here if a portion of the holdings for this reporting manager are reported in this report and a portion are reported by other reporting manager(s).) List of Other Managers Reporting for this Manager: <PAGE> Form 13F SUMMARY PAGE Report Summary: Number of Other Included Managers: 0 Form 13F Information Table Entry Total: 72 Form 13F Information Table Value Total: $ 123,871 -------------- (In Thousands) List of Other Included Managers: Provide a numbered list of the name(s) and 13F file number(s) of all institutional investment managers with respect to which this report is filed, other than the manager filing this report. NONE <PAGE> <TABLE> <CAPTION> FORM 13F INFORMATION TABLE COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 ------------------------ -------------- --------- -------- ----------------- ---------- -------- ------------------- VALUE SHRS OR SH/ PUT/ INVESTMENT OTHER VOTING AUTHORITY NAME OF ISSUER TITLE OF CLASS CUSIP (x$1000) PRN AMT PRN CALL DISCRETION MANAGERS SOLE SHARED NONE ------------------------ -------------- --------- -------- -------- --- ---- ---------- -------- ---- ------ ------- <S> <C> <C> <C> <C> <C> <C> <C> <C> <C> <C> <C> Apple Computer cs 037833100 292 838 SH SOLE 0 0 838 ABM Industries, Inc. cs 000957100 330 13,000 SH SOLE 0 0 13,000 Automatic Data Proc cs 053015103 3,105 60,509 SH SOLE 0 0 60,509 Ameren Corp. cs 023608102 803 28,616 SH SOLE 0 0 28,616 Amer Electric Power cs 025537101 1,227 34,910 SH SOLE 0 0 34,910 AFLAC Inc cs 001055102 2,086 39,514 SH SOLE 0 0 39,514 Amerigas Partners oa 030975106 1,239 25,773 SH SOLE 0 0 25,773 Ares Capital Corp. cs 04010L103 409 24,150 SH SOLE 0 0 24,150 American Express cs 025816109 658 14,557 SH SOLE 0 0 14,557 Boeing cs 097023105 2,976 40,250 SH SOLE 0 0 40,250 Bank America cs 060505104 1,481 111,129 SH SOLE 0 0 111,129 Bristol Myers cs 110122108 2,007 75,932 SH SOLE 0 0 75,932 Conagra Foods Inc. cs 205887102 543 22,865 SH SOLE 0 0 22,865 Mack Cali RealtyREIT oa 554489104 3,070 90,550 SH SOLE 0 0 90,550 Cisco Systems cs 17275R102 2,800 163,264 SH SOLE 0 0 163,264 Capitalsource Inc cs 14055X102 565 80,292 SH SOLE 0 0 80,292 Chevron Texaco cs 166764100 1,039 9,666 SH SOLE 0 0 9,666 Dominion Res Inc VA cs 25746U109 1,684 37,665 SH SOLE 0 0 37,665 Diebold Incorporated cs 253651103 1,821 51,350 SH SOLE 0 0 51,350 D T E Energy Company cs 233331107 280 5,725 SH SOLE 0 0 5,725 Duke Power cs 26441C105 1,078 59,367 SH SOLE 0 0 59,367 I Shares Dow Div ut 464287168 3,988 76,494 SH SOLE 0 0 76,494 Consolidated Edison cs 209115104 1,833 36,147 SH SOLE 0 0 36,147 I Share Tr MSCI ut 464287465 2,502 41,648 SH SOLE 0 0 41,648 Emerson Electric Co cs 291011104 1,715 29,350 SH SOLE 0 0 29,350 Nicor Inc. cs 654086107 1,681 31,306 SH SOLE 0 0 31,306 General Electric cs 369604103 2,600 129,683 SH SOLE 0 0 129,683 Great Plains Energy cs 391164100 1,811 90,454 SH SOLE 0 0 90,454 Health Care REIT oa 42217K106 236 4,507 SH SOLE 0 0 4,507 HCP Inc. REIT oa 40414L109 3,361 88,588 SH SOLE 0 0 88,588 Hawaiian Elec Indus cs 419870100 640 25,795 SH SOLE 0 0 25,795 Hospitality Pptys Tr oa 44106M102 1,621 70,000 SH SOLE 0 0 70,000 iShares iBoxx HY Cor cs 464288513 217 2,365 SH SOLE 0 0 2,365 Intel cs 458140100 2,815 139,512 SH SOLE 0 0 139,512 ISharesRussl1000Valu cs 464287598 1,373 20,000 SH SOLE 0 0 20,000 ISharesRussl 1000 Gr cs 464287614 1,539 25,450 SH SOLE 0 0 25,450 Johnson and Johnson cs 478160104 1,350 22,793 SH SOLE 0 0 22,793 JP Morgan Chase cs 46625H100 3,549 76,985 SH SOLE 0 0 76,985 Kraft Foods cs 50075N104 244 7,775 SH SOLE 0 0 7,775 Kimberly Clark cs 494368103 1,773 27,166 SH SOLE 0 0 27,166 Kinder Morgan Energy oa 494550106 4,133 55,780 SH SOLE 0 0 55,780 Kinder Morgan Mgmt cs 49455U100 1,444 22,020 SH SOLE 0 0 22,020 Coca-Cola Co. cs 191216100 3,244 48,896 SH SOLE 0 0 48,896 Lincoln National cs 534187109 1,187 39,517 SH SOLE 0 0 39,517 Herman Miller Inc cs 600544100 290 10,558 SH SOLE 0 0 10,558 3M Company cs 88579Y101 3,486 37,282 SH SOLE 0 0 37,282 Altria Group Inc cs 02209S103 484 18,600 SH SOLE 0 0 18,600 Nveen CA Mn Val Mf cs 67062C107 711 83,932 SH SOLE 0 0 83,932 Nucor Corp cs 670346105 3,175 69,000 SH SOLE 0 0 69,000 O G E Energy Cp Hldg cs 670837103 699 13,820 SH SOLE 0 0 13,820 Oracle cs 68389X105 2,471 73,900 SH SOLE 0 0 73,900 Occidental Pet cs 674599105 240 2,300 SH SOLE 0 0 2,300 Paccar cs 693718108 789 15,068 SH SOLE 0 0 15,068 Precision Castparts cs 740189105 6,621 44,983 SH SOLE 0 0 44,983 Pfizer cs 717081103 1,287 63,350 SH SOLE 0 0 63,350 Proctor and Gamble cs 742718109 3,283 53,291 SH SOLE 0 0 53,291 Progress Energy Inc cs 743263105 2,064 44,735 SH SOLE 0 0 44,735 Philip Morris Intnl cs 718172109 1,106 16,850 SH SOLE 0 0 16,850 Pinnacle West cs 723484101 923 21,575 SH SOLE 0 0 21,575 Penn West Pete Ltd cs 707887105 4,305 155,407 SH SOLE 0 0 155,407 </TABLE> <PAGE> <TABLE> <CAPTION> FORM 13F INFORMATION TABLE COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 ------------------------ -------------- --------- -------- ----------------- ---------- -------- ------------------- VALUE SHRS OR SH/ PUT/ INVESTMENT OTHER VOTING AUTHORITY NAME OF ISSUER TITLE OF CLASS CUSIP (x$1000) PRN AMT PRN CALL DISCRETION MANAGERS SOLE SHARED NONE ------------------------ -------------- --------- -------- -------- --- ---- ---------- -------- ---- ------ ------- <S> <C> <C> <C> <C> <C> <C> <C> <C> <C> <C> <C> Schlumberger cs 806857108 262 2,814 SH SOLE 0 0 2,814 The Southern Company cs 842587107 1,477 38,750 SH SOLE 0 0 38,750 A T & T Inc cs 00206R102 236 7,695 SH SOLE 0 0 7,695 Integrys Energy Grp. cs 45822P105 1,311 25,964 SH SOLE 0 0 25,964 US Bancorp cs 902973304 240 9,090 SH SOLE 0 0 9,090 Vulcan Materials Co. cs 929160109 704 15,430 SH SOLE 0 0 15,430 Vanguard Value ETF ut 922908744 3,339 58,860 SH SOLE 0 0 58,860 Vanguard Growth Idx ut 922908736 2,655 41,293 SH SOLE 0 0 41,293 Walgreen cs 931422109 3,214 80,066 SH SOLE 0 0 80,066 Wells Fargo cs 949746101 3,041 95,895 SH SOLE 0 0 95,895 Xcel Energy cs 98389B100 362 15,145 SH SOLE 0 0 15,145 Exxon Mobil Corp. cs 30231G102 747 8,877 SH SOLE 0 0 8,877 </TABLE> <PAGE> </TEXT> </DOCUMENT> </SEC-DOCUMENT>