Form 10-K - Annual report [Section 13 and 15(d), not S-K Item 405]:
SEC Accession No. 0001437749-15-006495
Filing Date
2015-03-31 17:10:58
Period of Report

Document Format Files

Seq Description Document Type Size
1 FORM 10-K cats20141231_10k.htm 10-K 1465751
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4 EXHIBIT 21.1 ex21-1.htm EX-21.1 4463
5 EXHIBIT 23.1 ex23-1.htm EX-23.1 4250
6 EXHIBIT 31.1 ex31-1.htm EX-31.1 11072
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8 EXHIBIT 32.1 ex32-1.htm EX-32.1 7156
9 EXHIBIT 32.2 ex32-2.htm EX-32.2 7660
16 ex10-27img002.jpg GRAPHIC 77022
17 ex10-27img001.jpg GRAPHIC 102402
  Complete submission text file 0001437749-15-006495.txt   8550803

Data Files

Seq Description Document Type Size
10 EXHIBIT 101.INS cats-20141231.xml EX-101.INS 1169873
11 EXHIBIT 101.SCH cats-20141231.xsd EX-101.SCH 57891
12 EXHIBIT 101.CAL cats-20141231_cal.xml EX-101.CAL 33782
13 EXHIBIT 101.DEF cats-20141231_def.xml EX-101.DEF 299491
14 EXHIBIT 101.LAB cats-20141231_lab.xml EX-101.LAB 385513
15 EXHIBIT 101.PRE cats-20141231_pre.xml EX-101.PRE 297519
Mailing Address 11601 WILSHIRE BLVD. SUITE 950 LOS ANGELES CA 90025
Business Address 11601 WILSHIRE BLVD. SUITE 950 LOS ANGELES CA 90025 310 444 4300
CATASYS, INC. (Filer) CIK: 0001136174 (see all company filings)

IRS No.: 880464853 | State of Incorp.: DE | Fiscal Year End: 1231
Type: 10-K | Act: 34 | File No.: 001-31932 | Film No.: 15740265
SIC: 8090 Services-Misc Health & Allied Services, NEC