EX-10.2 3 d259396dex102.htm EXHIBIT 10.2 Exhibit 10.2

Exhibit 10.2





Visteon Corporation

One Village Center Drive

Van Buren Township, Michigan 48111

From:    UBS AG, London Branch
Subject:    Accelerated Stock Buyback
Ref. No:    BKP352STM4463978
Date:    February 27, 2017

The purpose of this Supplemental Confirmation is to confirm the terms and conditions of the Transaction entered into between UBS AG, London Branch (“Bank”) and Visteon Corporation (“Counterparty”) (together, the “Contracting Parties”) on the Trade Date specified below. This Supplemental Confirmation is a binding contract between Bank and Counterparty as of the relevant Trade Date for the Transaction referenced below.

1. This Supplemental Confirmation supplements, forms part of, and is subject to the Master Confirmation dated as of February 27, 2017 (the “Master Confirmation”) between the Contracting Parties, as amended and supplemented from time to time. All provisions contained in the Master Confirmation govern this Supplemental Confirmation except as expressly modified below.

2. The terms of the Transaction to which this Supplemental Confirmation relates are as follows:


Trade Date:    February 27, 2017
Forward Price Adjustment Amount:    USD 0.9416
Calculation Period Start Date:    February 27, 2017
Scheduled Termination Date:    May 8, 2017
First Acceleration Date:    April 10, 2017
Prepayment Amount:    USD 125,000,000
Prepayment Date:    March 2, 2017
Initial Shares:    1,062,022 Shares; provided that if, in connection with the Transaction, Bank is unable to borrow or otherwise acquire a number of Shares equal to the Initial Shares for delivery to Counterparty on the Initial Share Delivery Date, the Initial Shares delivered on the Initial Share Delivery Date shall be reduced to such number of Shares that Bank is able to so borrow or otherwise acquire, in order to establish a commercially reasonable hedge position, and thereafter Bank shall use good faith and commercially reasonable efforts to borrow or otherwise acquire a number of Shares, at a stock borrow cost no greater than the Initial Stock Loan Rate, equal to the shortfall in the Initial Share Delivery, and to deliver such additional Shares as soon as reasonably



   practicable (it being understood, for the avoidance of doubt, that in using such commercially reasonable efforts Bank shall act in good faith and in accordance with its then current policies, practices and procedures (including without limitation any policies, practices or procedures relating to counterparty risk, market risk, reputational risk, credit, documentation, legal, regulatory capital, compliance and collateral), and shall not be required to enter into any securities lending transaction or transact with any potential securities lender if such transaction would not be in accordance with such policies, practices and procedures).
Initial Share Delivery Date:    The Prepayment Date.
Termination Price:    USD 47.08 per Share
Additional Relevant Days:    The five Exchange Business Days immediately following the Calculation Period.

3. Counterparty represents and warrants to Bank that neither it nor any “affiliated purchaser” (as defined in Rule 10b-18 under the Exchange Act) has made any purchases of blocks pursuant to the proviso in Rule 10b-18(b)(4) under the Exchange Act during either (i) the four full calendar weeks immediately preceding the Trade Date or (ii) during the calendar week in which the Trade Date occurs.

4. Counterparty represents and warrants to Bank that the entry into the Agreement shall be deemed to be written notice on behalf of Bank for the purpose of Article FIFTH of the Certificate of (i) the Transaction and (ii) any “5% Transaction” (as defined in the Certificate) effected by Bank in connection the Transaction.

5. This Supplemental Confirmation may be executed in any number of counterparts, all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument, and any party hereto may execute this Supplemental Confirmation by signing and delivering one or more counterparts.



Counterparty hereby agrees (a) to check this Supplemental Confirmation carefully and immediately upon receipt so that errors or discrepancies can be promptly identified and rectified and (b) to confirm that the foregoing (in the exact form provided by Bank) correctly sets forth the terms of the agreement between Bank and Counterparty with respect to the Transaction to which this Supplemental Confirmation relates, by manually signing this Supplemental Confirmation or this page hereof as evidence of agreement to such terms and providing the other information requested herein and immediately returning an executed copy to Bank.


Yours sincerely,

/s/ Michael O’Donovan

Name:   Michael O’Donovan
Authorized Representative

/s/ Brian Badertscher

Name:   Brian Badertscher
Authorized Representative


Agreed and Accepted By:

/s/ Jennifer Pretzel

  Name: Jennifer Pretzel
  Title: Treasurer





1. The following Counterparty Settlement Provisions shall apply to the extent indicated under the Master Confirmation:


Settlement Currency:    USD
Settlement Method Election:    Applicable; provided that (i) Section 7.1 of the Equity Definitions is hereby amended by deleting the word “Physical” in the sixth line thereof and replacing it with the words “Net Share” and (ii) the Electing Party may make a settlement method election only if the Electing Party represents and warrants to Bank in writing on the date it notifies Bank of its election that, as of such date, the Electing Party is not aware of any material non-public information concerning Counterparty or the Shares and is electing the settlement method in good faith and not as part of a plan or scheme to evade compliance with the federal securities laws.
Electing Party:    Counterparty
Settlement Method Election Date:    The earlier of (i) the Scheduled Termination Date and (ii) the second Exchange Business Day immediately following the Accelerated Termination Date (in which case the election under Section 7.1 of the Equity Definitions shall be made no later than 10 minutes prior to the open of trading on the Exchange on such second Exchange Business Day), as the case may be.
Default Settlement Method:    Net Share Settlement
Forward Cash Settlement Amount:    The Number of Shares to be Delivered multiplied by the Settlement Price.
Settlement Price:    The average of the VWAP Prices for the Exchange Business Days in the Settlement Valuation Period, subject to Valuation Disruption as specified in the Master Confirmation.
Settlement Valuation Period:    A number of Scheduled Trading Days selected by Bank in its good faith commercially reasonable discretion by reference to (x) the then-prevailing volume limitations of Rule 10b-18 in respect of the Shares and (y) the number of commercially reasonable Scheduled Trading Days necessary or advisable to unwind a commercially reasonable hedge position, beginning on the Scheduled Trading Day immediately following the earlier of (i) the Scheduled Termination Date or (ii) the date on which Bank designates the Accelerated Termination Date.
Cash Settlement:    If Cash Settlement is applicable, then Buyer shall pay to Seller the absolute value of the Forward Cash Settlement Amount on the Cash Settlement Payment Date.
Cash Settlement Payment Date:    The date one Settlement Cycle following the last day of the Settlement Valuation Period.
Net Share Settlement Procedures:    If Net Share Settlement is applicable, Net Share Settlement shall be made in accordance with paragraphs 2 through 7 below.

2. Net Share Settlement shall be made by delivery on the Cash Settlement Payment Date of a number of Shares satisfying the conditions set forth in paragraph 3 below (the “Registered Settlement Shares”), or a number of Shares not satisfying such conditions (the “Unregistered Settlement Shares”), in either case with a value equal to the absolute value of the Forward Cash Settlement Amount, with such Shares’ value determined by the Calculation Agent in a commercially reasonable manner (which value shall, in the case of Unregistered Settlement Shares, take into account a commercially reasonable illiquidity discount), in each case as determined by the Calculation Agent.

3. Counterparty may only deliver Registered Settlement Shares pursuant to paragraph 2 above if:

(a) a registration statement covering public resale of the Registered Settlement Shares by Bank (the “Registration Statement”) shall have been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Act and been declared or otherwise become effective on or prior to the date of delivery, and no stop order shall be in effect with respect to the Registration Statement; a printed prospectus relating to the Registered Settlement Shares (including any prospectus supplement thereto, the “Prospectus”) shall have been delivered to Bank, in such quantities as Bank shall reasonably have requested, on or prior to the date of delivery;

(b) the form and content of the Registration Statement and the Prospectus (including, without limitation, any sections describing the plan of distribution) shall be satisfactory to Bank;

(c) as of or prior to the date of delivery, Bank and its agents shall have been afforded a reasonable opportunity to conduct a due diligence investigation with respect to Counterparty customary in scope for underwritten offerings of equity securities and the results of such investigation are satisfactory to Bank, in its discretion; and

(d) as of the date of delivery, an agreement (the “Underwriting Agreement”) shall have been entered into with Bank in connection with the public resale of the Registered Settlement Shares by Bank substantially similar to underwriting agreements customary for underwritten offerings of equity securities of similar size, in form and substance satisfactory to Bank, which Underwriting Agreement shall include, without limitation, provisions substantially similar to those contained in such underwriting agreements relating, without limitation, to the indemnification of, and contribution in connection with the liability of, Bank and its affiliates and the provision of customary opinions, accountants’ comfort letters and lawyers’ negative assurance letters.

4. If Counterparty delivers Unregistered Settlement Shares pursuant to paragraph 2 above:

(a) all Unregistered Settlement Shares shall be delivered to Bank (or any affiliate of Bank designated by Bank) pursuant to the exemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act provided by Section 4(a)(2) thereof;

(b) as of or prior to the date of delivery, Bank and any potential purchaser of any such shares from Bank (or any affiliate of Bank designated by Bank) identified by Bank shall be afforded a commercially reasonable opportunity to conduct a due diligence investigation with respect to Counterparty customary in scope for private placements of equity securities of similar size (including, without limitation, the right to have made available to them for inspection all financial and other records, pertinent corporate documents and other information reasonably requested by them);

(c) as of the date of delivery, Counterparty shall enter into an agreement (a “Private Placement Agreement”) with Bank (or any affiliate of Bank designated by Bank) in connection with the private placement of such shares by Counterparty to Bank (or any such affiliate) and the private resale of such shares by Bank (or any such affiliate), substantially similar to private placement purchase agreements customary for private placements of equity securities of similar size, in form and substance commercially reasonably satisfactory to Bank, which Private Placement Agreement shall include, without limitation, provisions substantially similar to those contained in such private placement purchase agreements relating, without limitation, to the indemnification of, and contribution in connection with the liability of, Bank and its affiliates and the provision of customary opinions, accountants’ comfort letters and lawyers’ negative assurance letters, and shall provide for the payment by Counterparty of all commercially reasonable fees and expenses in connection with such resale, including all commercially reasonable fees and expenses of counsel for Bank, and shall contain representations, warranties, covenants and agreements of Counterparty reasonably necessary or advisable to establish and maintain the availability of an exemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act for such resales; and

(d) in connection with the private placement of such shares by Counterparty to Bank (or any such affiliate) and the private resale of such shares by Bank (or any such affiliate), Counterparty shall, if so requested by Bank, prepare, in cooperation with Bank, a private placement memorandum in form and substance commercially reasonably satisfactory to Bank

5. Bank, itself or through an affiliate (the “Selling Agent”) or any underwriter(s), will sell in a commercially reasonable manner all, or such lesser portion as may be required hereunder, of the Registered Settlement Shares or Unregistered Settlement Shares and any Makewhole Shares (as defined below) (together, the “Settlement Shares”) delivered by Counterparty to Bank pursuant to paragraph 6 below commencing on the Cash Settlement Payment Date and continuing until the date on which the aggregate Net Proceeds (as such term is defined below) of such sales, as determined by Bank in a commercially reasonable manner, is equal to the absolute value of the Forward Cash Settlement Amount (such date, the “Final Resale Date”). If the proceeds of any sale(s) made by Bank, the Selling Agent or any underwriter(s), net of any commercially reasonable fees and commissions (including, without limitation, commercially reasonable underwriting or placement fees) customary for similar transactions under the circumstances at the time of the offering, together with carrying charges and expenses incurred in connection with the offer and sale of the Shares (including, but without limitation to, the covering of any over-allotment or short position (syndicate or otherwise)) (the “Net Proceeds”) exceed the absolute value of the Forward Cash Settlement Amount, Bank will refund, in USD or in Shares at the election of the Counterparty, such excess to Counterparty on the date that is three (3) Currency Business Days following the Final Resale Date, and, if any portion of the Settlement Shares remains unsold, Bank shall return to Counterparty on that date such unsold Shares.

6. If the Calculation Agent determines that the Net Proceeds received from the sale of the Registered Settlement Shares or Unregistered Settlement Shares or any Makewhole Shares, if any, pursuant to this paragraph 6 are less than the absolute value of the Forward Cash Settlement Amount (the amount in USD by which the Net Proceeds are less than the absolute value of the Forward Cash Settlement Amount being the “Shortfall” and the date on which such determination is made, the “Deficiency Determination Date”), Counterparty shall on the Exchange Business Day next succeeding the Deficiency Determination Date (the “Makewhole Notice Date”) deliver to Bank, through the Selling Agent, a notice of Counterparty’s election that Counterparty shall either (i) pay an amount in cash equal to the Shortfall on the day that is one (1) Currency Business Day after the Makewhole Notice Date, or (ii) deliver additional Shares. If Counterparty elects to deliver to Bank additional Shares, then Counterparty shall deliver additional Shares in compliance with the terms and conditions of paragraph 3 or paragraph 4 above, as the case may be (the “Makewhole Shares”), on the first Clearance System Business Day which is also an Exchange Business Day following the Makewhole Notice Date in such number as the Calculation Agent reasonably believes would have a market value on that Exchange Business Day equal to the Shortfall. Such Makewhole Shares shall be sold by Bank in accordance with the provisions above; provided that if the sum of the Net Proceeds from the sale of the originally delivered Shares and the Net Proceeds from the sale of any Makewhole Shares is less than the absolute value of the Forward Cash Settlement Amount then Counterparty shall, at its election, either make such cash payment or deliver to Bank further Makewhole Shares until such Shortfall has been reduced to zero.

7. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall the aggregate number of Settlement Shares and Makewhole Shares be greater than the Reserved Shares (“Capped Number”). Counterparty represents and warrants (which shall be deemed to be repeated on each day that a Transaction is outstanding) that the Capped Number is equal to or less than the number of Shares determined according to the following formula:

A – B


Where   A = the number of authorized but unissued shares of the Counterparty that are not reserved for future issuance on the date of the determination of the Capped Number; and
  B = the maximum number of Shares required to be delivered to third parties if Counterparty elected Net Share Settlement of all transactions in the Shares (other than Transactions in the Shares under this Master Confirmation) with all third parties that are then currently outstanding and unexercised.

Reserved Shares” means initially, 2,655,055 shares. The Reserved Shares may be increased or decreased in a Supplemental Confirmation.