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Exhibit 4.1


\-x-1 BRUKER BRKR4024 INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE AUTHORIZED· 260,000,000 COMMON SHARES, $0 01 PAR VALUE PER SHARE CUSIP 11679410 8 SEE REVERSE FOR CERTAIN DEFINITIONS Tlus Cefljies That I E IS the owner of Fully Paid and Non-Assessable Common Stock, $0.01 Par Value of BRUKER CORPORATION transfeurble on the books of tins C01poratwn 111 pe1son or by attorney upon .\ltllendeJ oft/us CeJttjicate duly end01sed 01 assigned Tlus Ce1tt}icate and the shmes rep1esented hereby me subject to the la\Vs of the State of Delaware, and to the Articles of Inc01 poratwn and the Bylaws of the Coi]Joratwn, as now 01 he1eafte1 amended This Certiftutte 1,\ not valtd tmtll cotmters1gned by the T!ansferAgent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused tlus Cerllficate to be s1gued by the faoimile .1ignatures of it' duly autholized officers and to be sealed \l'lfh the facsmule seal of the Corpo/(/fion. Dated. A/ TREASURER c=::a.---C._c,..-;;;;;;:._..,=--­ CHAIRMAN, PRESIDENT & CEO



BRUKER CORPORATION AMERICAN STOCK TRANSFER & TRUST COMPANY, LLC TRANSFER FEE: AS REQUIRED The followmg abbreviatwns, when used in the mscnptwn on the face of this certificate. shall be construed as though they were wntten out m full accordmg to applicable laws or regulatiOns TEN COM· as tenants m common TENENT · as tenants by the entlfetles UNIF GIFT MIN ACT· Cu<;todJan JTTEN as JOmt tenants w1th nght of survivorship and not as tenants m common (Cust) (Mmor) under Umform Gifts to Mmors Act -----------(State) Addrtwnal abbreviatiOns may also be used though not m the above hst PLEASE INSERT SOCIAL SECURITY OR OTHER IDENTIFYING NUMBER OF ASSIGNEE FOR VALUE RECEIVED. hereby sell. assign and transfer unto PLEASE PRINT OR TYPEWRITE NAME AND ADDRESS INCLUDING POSTAL ZIP CODE OF A.SSIG:\'EE ---------------- ---------- -------------------------------ShMes of the Common Stock represented by the wllhm Certificate and do hereby mevocably conslltute and appomt .Attorney to transfer the srud stock on the books of the w1thm-nMned Corporal!on. w1th full power of subst1tut1on m the prermses. Dated· 20. Signature· X _ Signature(s) GuManteed: Signature: X. _ THE SIGNATURE(S) TO THIS ASSIGNMENT MUST CORRESPOND WITH THE NAME(S) AS WRITTEN UPOl\ THE FACE OF THE CERTIFICATE IN EVERY PARTICULAR. WITHOUT ALTERATION OR ENLARGEMENT OR ANY CHANGE WHATEVER THE SIGNATURE(S) SHOULD BE GUARANTEED BY AN ELIGIBLE GUARANTOR INSTITUTION (Banks. Stockbrokers, Savmgs and Loan Assoc auons and Cred1t Umons) WITH MEMBERSHIP IN AN APPROVED SIGNATURE GUARANTEE MEDALLION PROGRAM, PURSUANT TO S E C RULE 17Ad-15