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Business Policy: WFAM COMP – 177 – WFAM Code of Ethics

Wells Fargo Asset Management Code of Ethics

Supplemental to the Risk Management Framework

Published Month XX, 20XX


WFAM has adopted this Code pursuant to Rule 17j-1 under the 1940 Act, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority ("FINRA") Rules 3110, 3210, 3280, and Section 204A of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (the "Advisers Act"), and Rule 204A-1 thereunder. This Code establishes standards of business conduct and outlines the policies and procedures that Reporting Persons (as defined in Appendix A) must follow to prevent fraudulent, manipulative or improper practices or transactions. This Code is maintained and enforced by the WFAM Chief Compliance Officer ("CCO"), the Code of Ethics Team Manager ("Code Manager"), and the Code of Ethics Team ("Code Team") within WFAM.

Areas Primarily Affected

This Wells Fargo Asset Management ("WFAM") Code of Ethics (the, or this "Code") applies to employees, directors, and officers of the following entities, which entities may be referred to collectively herein as "WFAM":

1.Wells Capital Management Inc., a Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") registered investment adviser based in San Francisco, California.

2.Wells Capital Management Singapore, an SEC registered investment adviser based in Singapore that is a separately identifiable department of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

3.Wells Fargo Asset Management International, an SEC and Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA") registered investment adviser based in London, England.

4.Wells Fargo Asset Management (International) Limited, an SEC and FCA registered investment adviser based in London, England.

5.Wells Fargo Funds Management LLC ("WFFM"), an SEC registered investment adviser that is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wells Fargo & Company primarily based in San Francisco, California.

6.Wells Fargo Funds Distributor LLC ("the Distributor" or "WFFD"), a limited purpose broker-dealer, registered with and regulated by Financial Industry Regulatory Authority ("FINRA") and the SEC that is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wells Fargo & Company ("WFC" or "Wells Fargo & Co.") primarily based in San Francisco, California.

7.Wells Fargo Asset Management Luxembourg S.A. ("WFAML") is a Luxembourg management company authorized by the Luxembourg Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier ("CSSF") pursuant to chapter 15 of the Law of 17 December 2010 relating to undertakings for collective investment, as may be amended from time to time ("Law of 2010"), managing Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities ("UCITS") governed by Directive 2009/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 on the coordination of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities, as may be amended from time to time ("UCITS Directive").

Non-WFAM entities that are affiliated persons of WFAM, as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the "1940 Act") may be referred to collectively herein as "Non-WFAM Entities."

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Business Policy: WFAM COMP – 177 – WFAM Code of Ethics

1. Overview

1.1 Code of Ethics

WFAM has adopted this Code pursuant to Rule 17j-1 under the 1940 Act, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority ("FINRA") Rules 3110, 3210, 3280, and Section 204A of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (the "Advisers Act"), and Rule 204A-1 thereunder. This Code establishes standards of business conduct and outlines the policies and procedures that Reporting Persons (as defined in Appendix A) must follow to prevent fraudulent, manipulative or improper practices or transactions. This Code is maintained and enforced by the WFAM Chief Compliance Officer ("CCO"), the Code of Ethics Team Manager ("Code Manager"), and the Code of Ethics Team ("Code Team") within WFAM. Note: See the Definitions located in Appendix A for definitions of capitalized terms that are not otherwise defined in the Code.

1.2 Standards of Business Conduct

Reporting Persons must always observe the highest standards of business conduct and follow all applicable laws and regulations. Reporting Persons may never:

Use any device, scheme or artifice to defraud a client;

Make any untrue statement of a material fact to a client or mislead a client by omitting to state a material fact;

Engage in any act, practice or course of business that would defraud or deceive a client;

Engage in any manipulative practice with respect to a client;

Engage in any inappropriate trading practices, including price manipulation; or

Engage in any transaction or series of transactions that may give the appearance of impropriety.

This Code does not attempt to identify all possible fraudulent, manipulative or improper practices or transactions, and literal compliance with each of its specific provisions will not shield Reporting Persons from liability for personal trading or other conduct that violates a fiduciary duty to clients.

1.3 Applicability of this Code of Ethics

"Reporting Persons" are subject to all provisions of this Code, except for Section 2.5.B. "Investment Professionals" are subject to all provisions of this Code, including Section 2.5.B. Please refer to Appendix A for the definitions of these terms. If you have any questions regarding whether you are a Reporting Person or an Investment Professional, please contact the Code Manager or Code Team. Compliance maintains a shared mailbox (COE@wellsfargo.com) for requests, assistance, and ad-hoc issues.

Important Note: All references to "Reporting Persons" and "Investment Professionals" in the guidelines, prohibitions, restrictions, and duties set forth in this Code should be interpreted to also refer, as the context requires, to Immediate Family Members (as defined in Appendix A) of such persons. "You" or "your" should be interpreted to refer, as the context requires, to Reporting Persons or Investment Professionals and/or the Immediate Family Members of such persons.

1.4 Reporting Person Duties

As a Reporting Person, you are expected to:

Be ethical;

Act professionally;

Exercise independent judgment;

Comply with all applicable Federal Securities Laws;

Avoid, mitigate or appropriately resolve conflicts of interest, and situations which create the perception of a conflict of interest. A conflict of interest exists when financial or other incentives motivate a Reporting Person to place their or Wells Fargo's interest ahead of a WFAM client. For more information on conflicts of interest, see the Wells Fargo Conflicts of Interest Policy and Section 2.1 of this Code;

Promptly report violations or suspected violations of the Code and/or any WFAM compliance policy to the relevant CCO or WFAM Compliance Department; and

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Cooperate fully, honestly and in a timely manner with any relevant CCO or WFAM Compliance Department investigation or inquiry.

Reporting Persons are required to submit all requests and reports to the Code Team via the FIS Protegent PTA ("PTA") transaction monitoring system ("TMS").

In addition to PTA, Reporting Persons can utilize the shared Compliance mailbox (COE@wellsfargo.com) for requests, assistance and ad-hoc issues.

Training for PTA will be provided to Reporting Persons by the Code Team.

All Reporting Persons, as a condition of employment, must acknowledge in writing (or electronically) receipt of this Code and certify, within 30 calendar days of becoming subject to the Code and annually thereafter, that they have read, understand, and will comply with the WFAM Code. Violations of the Code may result in disciplinary actions, including disgorgement, fines and even termination, as determined by the Code Manager and/or senior management.

In addition to this Code, Reporting Persons must comply with separate personal conduct policies (located on WFAM Connect) regarding the following:

Wells Fargo Conflicts of Interest and Outside Business Activities;

WFAM Firewall Compliance;

WFAM Information Barriers & Non-Public Information Compliance Policy ;

WFAM Gifts and Entertainment; and

WFAM Political Contributions and Solicitation of Contributions and Payments.

All Reporting Persons must disclose if they or an Immediate Family Member (i) have a beneficial financial interest in, or (ii) act as a proprietor, partner, member, director, trustee, officer, employee or consultant of a WFAM competitor, vendor, service provider, broker, intermediary or client, or a company seeking to become one.

All Reporting Persons must disclose if they or an Immediate Family Member (i) have a beneficial financial interest in, or (ii) act as a proprietor, partner, member, director, trustee, officer, or employee with access to material non-public information of a company or organization with publicly-traded debt or equity.

All Reporting Persons must also comply with policies outlined in the Handbook for Wells Fargo Team Members and the Wells Fargo Code of Ethics and Business Conduct located on Teamworks.

The Code and your fiduciary obligations generally require you to put the interests of WFAM clients ahead of your own. The Code Manager and/or any relevant CCO may review and take appropriate action concerning instances of conduct that, while not necessarily violating the letter of the Code, give the appearance of impropriety. Note: See Appendix B for Relevant Compliance Department Staff list.

1.5 Reporting Persons' Obligation to Report Violations

Reporting Persons are expected to report any concerns regarding ethical business conduct, suspected or actual violations of the Code, or any non-compliance with applicable laws, rules, or regulations to the Code Manager or to a member of the WFAM Compliance Department. Reporting Persons may instead contact the Ethics Line (800-382-7250 or https://www.reportlineweb.com/wfelreport) where a report can be made anonymously. Reports will be treated confidentially to the extent reasonably possible and will be investigated promptly and appropriately. No retaliation may be taken against a Reporting Person for providing information in good faith about such violations or concerns.

Examples of violations or concerns that Reporting Persons are expected to report include, but are not limited to:

Fraud or illegal acts involving any aspect of our business;

Concerns about accounting, auditing, or internal accounting control matters;

Material misstatements in reports;

Any activity that is prohibited by the Code; and

Deviations from required controls and procedures that safeguard clients, WFAM, and Wells Fargo.

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Business Policy: WFAM COMP – 177 – WFAM Code of Ethics

1.6 WFAM's Duties and Responsibilities to Reporting Persons

To help Reporting Persons comply with this Code, the Code Manager will:

Identify and maintain current listings of Reporting Persons and Investment Professionals;

Notify Reporting Persons and Investment Professionals in writing of their status as such and the Code requirements;

Make a copy of the Code available and require initial and annual certifications that Reporting Persons have read, understand, and will comply with the Code;

Make available a revised copy of the Code if there are any amendments to it (and, to the extent possible, prior to their effectiveness) and require Reporting Persons to certify in writing (or electronically) receipt, understanding, and compliance with the revised Code;

Periodically compare reported Reportable Personal Securities Transactions with portfolio transaction reports of the WFAM Accounts. Before WFAM determines if a Reporting Person has violated the Code on the basis of this comparison, the Code Team will give the Reporting Person an opportunity to provide an explanation;

From time to time, provide training sessions to facilitate compliance with and understanding of the Code and keep records of such sessions and the Reporting Persons in attendance; and

Review the Code at least once a year to assess its adequacy and effectiveness.

1.7 Annual Reports and Certifications

No less frequently than annually, the relevant CCO or his or her designee shall submit to the Wells Fargo Funds' and the Wells Fargo Funds Distributor Boards of Trustees (collectively, the "Boards") a written report on behalf of the Covered Companies:

Describing any issues arising under the Code relating to the particular Covered Company since the last report to the Boards, including, but not limited to, information about material violations of or waivers from the Code and any sanctions imposed in response to material violations, and

Certifying that the Code contains procedures reasonably necessary to prevent Reporting Persons from violating it.

1.8 Recordkeeping

This Code, a record of each violation of the Code and any action taken as a result of the violation, a copy of each report and certification/acknowledgment made by a Reporting Person pursuant to the Code, lists of all persons required to make and/or review reports under the Code, and a copy of any pre-clearance given or requested pursuant to Section 3 of the Code shall be preserved with the applicable Covered Company's records, as appropriate, for the periods and in the manner required by the rules noted in Section 1.1 above.. To the extent appropriate and permissible, these records may be kept electronically.

2. Reportable Personal Securities Transactions

2.1 Resolving Conflicts of Interest

When engaging in Reportable Personal Securities Transactions, there might be conflicts between the interests of a WFAM client or a WFAM Account and a Reporting Person's personal interests. Any conflicts that arise in connection with such Reportable Personal Securities Transactions must be resolved in a manner that does not inappropriately benefit the Reporting Person or adversely affect WFAM clients or WFAM Accounts. Reporting Persons shall always place the financial interests of the WFAM clients and WFAM Accounts before personal financial and business interests.

Examples of inappropriate resolutions of conflicts are:

Taking an investment opportunity away from a WFAM Account to benefit a portfolio or personal account in which a Reporting Person has Beneficial Ownership;

Using your position to take advantage of available investments for yourself;

Front running a WFAM Account by trading in Securities (or Equivalent Securities) ahead of the WFAM Account;

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Taking advantage of information or using WFAM Account portfolio assets to affect the market in a way that personally benefits you or a portfolio or personal account in which you have Beneficial Ownership; and

Engaging in any other behavior determined by the CCO to be, or to have the appearance of, an inappropriate resolution of a conflict.

2.2 Reporting Reportable Personal Securities Accounts and Transactions

Reporting Persons must report all Reportable Personal Securities Accounts (see definitions in Appendix

A)to the Code Team via the applicable TMS (see Section 1.4) along with the Reportable Personal Securities holdings and transactions of Reportable Personal Securities Transactions in those accounts. Reportable Personal Securities Accounts include accounts of Immediate Family Members and accounts in which a Reporting Person is a Beneficial Owner. There are three types of reports: (1) an initial holdings report that is filed upon becoming a Reporting Person or establishing any Reportable Personal Securities Account, (2) a quarterly transaction report, and (3) an annual holdings report.

Each broker-dealer, bank, or fund company, where a Reporting Person has a Reportable Personal Securities Account will receive a request for the WFAM Compliance Department to receive copies of all account statements and confirmations from such accounts. The Code Team will make this request after the accounts are reported via the TMS. All accounts that have the ability to hold Reportable Securities must be included even if the account does not have holdings of Securities at the time of reporting.

1. Initial Holdings Report. Within 10 business days of becoming a Reporting Person:

All Reportable Personal Securities Accounts and Managed Accounts, including broker name and account number information must be reported by each Reporting Person to the Code of Team via the TMS.

A recent statement (electronic or paper) for each Reportable Personal Securities Account and Managed Account must be submitted by each Reporting Person to the Code Team.

All holdings of Reportable Securities in Reportable Personal Securities Accounts and Managed Accounts must be inputted by each Reporting Person into an Initial Holdings Report via the applicable TMS. The information in the report must be current as of a date no more than 45 calendar days prior to the date of becoming a Reporting Person.

2.Quarterly Transactions Reports. Within 30 calendar days of each calendar quarter end:

Each Reporting Person must supply to the Code Team a report via the TMS showing all Reportable Securities trades made in the Reporting Person's Reportable Personal Securities Accounts during the quarter. A request for this report will be generated by the TMS with notification of due dates sent to Reporting Persons via email and a report must be submitted by each Reporting Person even if there were not any Reportable Securities trades transacted during the quarter.

Each Reporting Person must certify as to the correctness and completeness of this report.

This report and certification must be submitted to the Code Team by the business day immediately before the weekend or holiday if the 30th day falls on a weekend or holiday.

Managed Accounts are not subject to the quarterly transactions reports requirement.

3.Annual Holdings Reports. Within 30 calendar days of each calendar year end:

All holdings of Reportable Securities in all Reportable Personal Securities Accounts must be reported by each Reporting Person to the Code Team via the TMS. The information in the report must be current as of a date no more than 45 calendar days prior to when you submit the report.

Each Reporting Person must certify as to the correctness and completeness of this report.

This report and certification must be submitted to the Code Team by the business day immediately before the weekend or holiday if the 30th day falls on a weekend or holiday.

Managed Accounts are not subject to the annual holdings report requirement.

Any report under this Section may contain a statement that the report shall not be construed as an admission by the Reporting Person making such a report that he or she has any direct or indirect Beneficial Ownership in the Reportable Securities to which the report relates.

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Business Policy: WFAM COMP – 177 – WFAM Code of Ethics

2.3 New Accounts

Each Reporting Person must submit a request for pre-approval of a Reportable Personal Securities Account or Managed Account (including those of Immediate Family Members) to the Code Team within 10 business days of receiving the account number or prior to executing a transaction requiring pre- clearance, whichever occurs first. All new accounts opened are required to be at one of the approved brokers on the WFAM Approved Broker List. This requirement is not applicable to Managed Accounts. In addition, pursuant to FINRA Rule 3210, all Reporting Persons that are associated with WFFD (including those accounts where Reporting Persons have a beneficial interest) must obtain approval from WFFD Compliance when opening a Reportable Personal Securities Account or Managed Account (including those of Immediate Family Members) at another broker dealer. This FINRA rule does not apply to the following types of accounts:

Accounts that exclusively hold unit investment trusts;

Accounts that exclusively hold municipal fund securities;

Qualified tuition programs (529 accounts); and

Non-Reportable Accounts and accounts that exclusively hold non-reportable securities.


WFAM will use reasonable efforts to ensure that the reports submitted to the Code Team as required by this Code are kept confidential. Reports required to be submitted pursuant to the Code will be selectively reviewed by members of the Code Team and possibly senior executives or legal counsel on a periodic basis to seek to identify improper trading activity or patterns of trading and to otherwise seek to verify compliance with this Code. Data and information may be provided to Reportable Fund officers and trustees, and will be provided to government authorities upon request or others if required to do so by law or court order.

2.5Trading Restrictions and Prohibitions

A.Reporting Persons. All Reporting Persons (including Investment Professionals) and their Immediate Family Members must comply with the following trading restrictions and prohibitions:

All Reporting Persons must pre-clear transactions of certain Reportable Securities in Reportable Personal Security Accounts, (including those of Immediate Family Members and accounts for which the Reporting Person is a Beneficial Owner) as described in the table that follows in Section 2.7.

60-Day Holding Period for Reportable Fund Shares (open-end and closed-end) Except as noted below, Reporting Persons are required to hold shares of most of the Reportable Funds for at least 60 days. This restriction applies without regard to tax lot considerations. Reporting Persons are prohibited from selling any Reportable Fund shares for 60 days from the date of the most recent purchase. If it is necessary to sell Reportable Fund shares before the 60-day holding period has passed, Reporting Persons must obtain advance written approval from the CCO or the Code Manager. The 60-day holding period does not apply to transactions pursuant to Automatic Investment Plans. The 60-day holding period does not apply to the Adjustable Rate Government Fund, Conservative Income Fund, Ultra Short-Term Income Fund, Ultra Short-Term Municipal Income Fund, and the money market funds.

IPOs, Private Placements and Initial Coin Offerings

Reporting Persons are generally prohibited from purchasing shares in an IPO (an Initial Public Offering (as defined in Appendix A). Reporting Persons must get written approval from the Code Manager before acquiring shares in an IPO, or selling shares that were acquired in an IPO prior to becoming a Reporting Person. Reporting Persons may, subject to pre-clearance requirements, purchase shares in a Private Placement or acquire virtual "coins" or "tokens" in an Initial Coin Offering ("ICO") that is conducted as a Private Placement as long as the position will be less than a 10% voting interest in the issuer, or 10% of the ICO, and is

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Business Policy: WFAM COMP – 177 – WFAM Code of Ethics

otherwise permitted under the Policy on Directorships and Other Outside Employment as set forth in the Wells Fargo Code of Ethics and Business Conduct.

Reporting Persons who have been pre-cleared to purchase shares in a Private Placement or acquire virtual "coins" or "tokens" in a private placement that is an ICO must disclose that investment to the Code Team when they are involved in the subsequent consideration of an investment in the issuer, "coins" or "tokens" by WFAM for a client, and WFAM's decision to purchase such Reportable Securities must be independently reviewed by Reporting Persons with no personal interest in the issuer, "coins" or "tokens". To obtain pre-approval please complete the Private Securities Transaction Request Form in the applicable TMS' noted in Section 1.4.

WFC Derivatives

Reporting Persons must comply with the policies outlined in the Wells Fargo Code of Ethics and Business Conduct which states, "You may not invest or engage in derivative or hedging transactions involving Securities issued by Wells Fargo & Co, including but not limited to options contracts (other than employee stock options), puts, calls, short sales, futures contracts, or other similar transactions regardless of whether you have material inside information."

Exchange Traded Funds ("ETFs")

All Reporting Persons must disclose and report all holdings in ETFs. However, purchases or sales of ETFs that follow the following broad based indices do not require pre-clearance: Dow Jones Industrial Average, NASDAQ 100, Russell 2000, Russell 3000, S&P 100, S&P 500, S&P Midcap 400, S&P Europe 350, FTSE 100, FTSE Mid 250, FTSE 350, Hang Seng 100, Deutscher Aktien Index (DAX 30), S&P/TSX 60, Wilshire 5000 and Nikkei 225. ETFs that do not follow these indices must be pre-cleared. See Appendix D for list of ETF's that are not subject to pre- clearance or the 60 day holding period.

Wells Fargo Closed-End Funds

Reporting Persons may not participate in a tender offer made by a closed-end Wells Fargo Fund under the terms of which the number of shares to be purchased is limited to less than all of the outstanding shares of such closed-end Wells Fargo Fund.

No Reporting Person may purchase or sell shares of any closed-end Wells Fargo Fund within 60 days of the later of:

The initial closing of the issuance of shares of such fund; or

The final closing of the issuance of shares in connection with an overallotment option.

Reporting Persons may purchase or sell shares of closed-end Wells Fargo Funds only during the 10-day period following the release of dividend announcements to the public for such fund, which typically occurs on or about the first of the month. Certain Reporting Persons, who shall be notified by the Legal Department, are required to make filings with the SEC in connection with their purchases and sales of shares of closed-end Wells Fargo Funds.

Investment Clubs

Reporting Persons may not participate in the activities of an Investment Club without the prior approval from the Code Team. Remember that guidelines, prohibitions, restrictions, and duties set forth in this Code should be interpreted to also refer, as the context requires, to Immediate Family Members. Transactions for an Investment Club would need to be pre- cleared and reported as applicable.

Personal Transactions

Reporting Persons are prohibited from executing or processing through a Covered Company's direct access software (TA2000 or any other similar software):

Reporting Persons' own personal transactions;

Transactions for Immediate Family Members; or

Transactions for accounts of other persons for which the Reporting Person or his/her Immediate Family Member have been given investment discretion.

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This provision does not exclude you from trading directly with a broker/dealer or using a broker/dealer's software. The foregoing also does not prohibit you from executing or processing transactions in WFC Securities granted to you as compensation through an online program designated by WFC for such purpose.

Attempts to Manipulate the Market

Reporting Persons must not execute any transactions intended to raise, lower, or maintain the price of any Reportable Security or to create a false appearance of active trading.

Excessive Trading

Excessive Trading in Reportable Personal Securities Accounts is strongly discouraged and Reportable Personal Securities Accounts will be monitored by the Code Team for Excessive Trading activity and may be reported to the relevant CCO. Additional restrictions may be imposed by the Code Team if Excessive Trading is noted in a Reportable Personal Securities Account.

Currency Accounts (including Cryptocurrencies)

Reporting Persons do not need to report accounts established to hold foreign currency or cryptocurrencies, provided no Reportable Securities can be held in the account.

Volcker Rule

The "Volcker Rule" is a section of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act that with certain exceptions, (i) prohibits banks and their affiliates from engaging in proprietary trading, and (ii) prohibits banks and their affiliates from investing in or sponsoring hedge funds and private equity funds (i.e., funds that are exempt from registration under Section 3(c)(1) or Section 3(c)(7) of the 1940 Act), also known as Covered Funds. Many foreign funds are also considered Covered Funds under the Volcker Rule. The Volcker Rule contains a number of exemptions and exclusions from the general prohibitions on proprietary trading and sponsoring and investing in Covered Funds. One such exemption is known as the "Asset Management Exemption." Wells Fargo may sponsor a Covered Fund pursuant to the Asset Management Exemption so long as it meets certain conditions. One of the conditions is that no Reporting Person or director may acquire or retain an ownership interest in a Covered Fund, unless such Reporting Person or director acquired the ownership interest while directly engaged in providing investment advisory, commodity trading advisory or other services to the Covered Fund. These other services include providing investment advice or investment management services to the fund, and providing such services that enable the provision of investment advice or investment management, including but not limited to:

Oversight and risk management;

Deal origination;

Due Diligence; or

Administrative or other support services.

Additionally, any permissible investments cannot be financed by Wells Fargo. Reporting Persons are responsible for not investing in a Covered Fund, except when permitted under the conditions applicable to the Asset Management Exemption. The investors in a Covered Fund will be periodically checked to confirm no impermissible Reporting Persons ownership exists. Reporting Persons looking to make a purchase (initial or subsequent) in a Covered Fund must obtain pre-approval from the Code Team before making the transaction. Please consult your TMS' request form for Private Placements for additional guidance.

B.Investment Professionals. All Investment Professionals and their Immediate Family Members must comply with the following additional trading restrictions and prohibitions:

Investment Professionals' trades are subject to a 15-day blackout restriction: There is a "15-day blackout" on inappropriate purchases or sales of Reportable Securities bought or sold by a WFAM Account. This means that purchases and sales of a Reportable Security (or Equivalent Reportable Security) ("blackout security") during the 7-day periods

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immediately preceding and immediately following the date the WFAM Account trades in the blackout security ("blackout window") are subject to review by the Code Team in order to determine if the purchase or sale is inappropriate. In such review, any Reportable Personal Securities Transactions in a blackout security during a blackout window will be evaluated and investigated by the Code Team based on each situation. This will include a review of the Investment Professional's role within WFAM and his or her reason(s) for buying or selling. Penalties on trades determined to have been inappropriate may range from no action to potential disgorgement of profits or payment of avoided losses (see Section 3 for Code violations and penalties) or more serious penalties. A blackout security that is inappropriately purchased during a blackout window may be subject to mandatory divestment. Similarly, inappropriate sales of a blackout security during a blackout window may subject the Investment Professional to penalties.

In the case of a purchase and subsequent mandatory divestment at a higher price, any profits derived upon divestment may be subject to disgorgement; penalties may include a requirement that disgorged profits be donated to charity, with no tax deduction claimed by the Investment Professional. In the case of a sale, penalties may include a requirement that an amount equal to the avoided loss be donated to charity, with no tax deduction claimed by the Investment Professional.

For example, if a WFAM Account trades in a blackout security on July 7, July 15 (the 8th day following the trade date) would be the 1st day Investment Professionals may engage in a Reportable Personal Securities Transaction involving that blackout security. Any purchases and sales in the blackout security made on or after June 30 through July 14, even if pre-cleared, could be subject to mandatory divestment and/or penalties. Purchases and sales in the security made on or before June 29 (the 8th day before the trade date) would not be within the blackout window.

The Code Team has full discretion to determine whether any purchase or sale of a blackout security during a blackout window is "inappropriate" based on each situation.

Investment Professionals who are Research Analysts may not trade personally any Reportable Security that they cover until 2 business days after the publication of a research note.

2.6How to Pre-Clear Reportable Personal Securities Transactions

Reporting Persons must follow the steps below to pre-clear trades for themselves and their Immediate Family Members:

1.Request Authorization. A request for authorization of a transaction that requires pre-clearance must be entered using PTA (see Section 1.4). Email requests submitted to the respective mailbox noted in Appendix B will only be processed for those Reporting Persons who are on formal leave of absence or on paid time off ("PTO"). Reporting Persons may only request pre- clearance for market orders or same day limit orders. Verbal pre-clearance requests are not permitted.

2.Have The Request Reviewed and Approved. After receiving the electronic request, PTA will notify Reporting Persons if the trade has been approved or denied. For Reporting Persons on leave of absence or PTO, email responses will be sent with the approval or denial.

3.Trading in Foreign Markets. A request for pre-clearance of a transaction in a local foreign market that has already closed for the day may be granted with authorization to trade on the following day because of time considerations. Approval will only be valid for that following trading day in that local foreign market.

4.Approval of Transactions

The Request May be Refused. The Code Manager may refuse to authorize a Reporting Person's Reportable Personal Securities Transaction and need not give an explanation for the refusal. Reasons for refusing your Reportable Personal Securities Transactions may be confidential.

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Authorizations Expire. Any transaction authorization is effective until the close of business of the same trading day for which the authorization is granted (unless the authorization is revoked earlier). If the order for the transaction is not executed within that period, you must obtain a new advance authorization before placing a new transaction order.

2.7Summary of What Reporting Persons and their Immediate Family Need to Report Quarterly and Pre-Clear

The table below serves as a reference to use in determining





what Reporting Persons need to report on quarterly





transactions reports and must pre-clear when executing a





trade. If you have questions about any types of Securities





not shown below, please contact the Code Team per





instructions located in Appendix B.





Equity Securities





Corporate Debt Securities





Investment Trusts





Municipal Bonds





Options on Reportable Securities





Self-directed Reportable Securities transactions in Automatic





Investment Plans







Virtual Coins or Tokens acquired through an Initial Coin





Offering ("ICO") or those acquired through a secondary token





offering. (please refer to Section 2.5)





Closed-End Mutual Funds (affiliated and non-affiliated)





Private Placements (please refer to Section 2.5)





ETFs, including iShares, both open-end and closed-end, Unit





Investment Trusts, and Options on ETFs (subject to pre-





clearance exceptions in Section 2.5)





Robo advisor accounts (e.g.,Wells Fargo Intuitive Investor)





Open-End Investment Companies that are Reportable Funds





WFC Stock





Money Market Mutual Funds





Short Term Cash Equivalents





U.S. Government Bonds (direct obligations)





U.S. Treasuries/Agencies (direct obligations)





Commodities, Futures or Options on Futures





Securities Purchased through automatic transactions in





Automatic Investment Plans







Open-End Investment Companies that are not Reportable












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The table below serves as a reference to use in determining





what Reporting Persons need to report on quarterly





transactions reports and must pre-clear when executing a





trade. If you have questions about any types of Securities





not shown below, please contact the Code Team per





instructions located in Appendix B.





Receipt of unvested grants of WFC stock options, unvested





restricted shares and other Securities awarded in WFC





employee compensation plans





Banker's Acceptances, bank certificates of deposit,





commercial paper & High Quality Short-Term Debt





Instruments, including repurchase agreements





529 Plans





Non-WFC 401(k) plans that do not and cannot hold





Reportable Funds or Reportable Securities







Transactions in Managed Accounts





Cryptocurrencies (e.g., Bitcoin)





Reportable Securities purchased through Automated





Investment Plans







Vesting of WFC options in employee compensation plans or





WFC restricted shares







Gifting Reportable Securities to any account outside your





Reportable Securities account







Receipt of Reportable Securities as a gift





Tender Offers





2.8 Wells Fargo & C. Securities

Reporting Persons are prohibited from engaging in any transaction in Wells Fargo & Co. securities that is not in compliance with applicable requirements of the Wells Fargo Team Member Code of Ethics and Business Conduct set forth under the heading "Avoid Conflicts of Interest—Personal Trading and Investment—Derivative and Hedging Transactions in Securities Issued by Wells Fargo" as may be amended from time to time. A copy of this policy is available on the Wells Fargo & Co. website at: http://portal.teamworks.wellsfargo.com/1/Ethics/Pages/COE.aspx

2.9 Ban on Short-Term Trading Profits

There is a ban on short-term trading profits. Reporting Persons are not permitted to buy and sell, or sell and buy, the same pre-clearable Reportable Security (or Equivalent Security) within 60 calendar days and make a profit; this will be considered short-term trading.

This prohibition applies without regard to tax lot.

Short sales are subject to the 60-day profit ban.

If a Reporting Person makes a profit on an involuntary call of an option, those profits are excluded from this ban; however, buying and selling options within 60 calendar days resulting in profits is prohibited. Settlement/expiration date on the opening option transaction must be at least 60 days out.

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Sales or purchases made at the original purchase or sale price or at a loss are not prohibited during the 60 calendar day profit holding period.

Reporting Persons may be required to disgorge any profits the Reporting Person makes from any sale before the 60-day period expires.

The ban on short-term trading profits does not apply to transactions that involve:

Reportable Securities not requiring pre-clearance (e.g., open-end investment companies that are not Reportable Funds, although they typically impose their own restrictions on short-term trading);

Same-day sales of Reportable Securities acquired through the exercise of employee stock options or other WFC Securities granted to you as compensation or through the delivery (constructive or otherwise) of previously owned employer stock to pay the exercise price and tax withholding;

Commodities, futures (including currency futures), options on futures and options on currencies;

Automated purchases and sales that were done as part of an Automatic Investment Plan. However, any self-directed purchases or sales outside the pre-set schedule or allocation of the Automatic Investment Plan, or other changes to the pre-set schedule or allocation of the Automatic Investment Plan, within a 60-day period, are subject to the 60-day ban on short term profit; or

Adjustable Rate Government Fund, Conservative Income Fund, Ultra Short-Term Income Fund, Ultra Short-Term Municipal Income Fund, and the money market funds.

2.10Employee Compensation Related Accounts

1. 401(k) Plans

Initial Holding Report: Completed in PTA

Reporting Persons who have an established Wells Fargo 401(k) plan with a non-zero balance are required to report their 401(k) balances in Reportable Funds or Reportable Securities as part of the Initial Holdings Reporting process.

401(k) Plans that are external to Wells Fargo are required to be reported if, regardless of the balance, the plan is capable of holding Reportable Funds or Reportable Securities.

Quarterly Transaction Report: Completed in PTA

Reporting Persons are required to report self-directed transactions in Reportable Funds or Reportable Securities in Wells Fargo 401(k) plans that occurred outside of the previously reported investment allocations. This reporting may be made on behalf of the Reporting Person by the 401(k) plan administration area to the WFAM Compliance Department.

Reporting Persons are required to report transactions in Reportable Funds or Reportable Securities in 401(k) plans held outside of Wells Fargo.

Reporting Persons are not required to report bi-weekly payroll contributions, periodic company matches, or profit sharing contributions.

Annual Holdings Report: Completed PTA

Reporting Persons are required to update their holdings in Wells Fargo 401(k) plans in their Annual Holdings Report. This update may be made on behalf of the Reporting Person by the 401(k) plan administration area to the WFAM Department.

If an external 401(k) account holds Reportable Funds or Reportable Securities, Reporting Persons are required to update these holdings in their Annual Holdings Report.

2.Wells Fargo Employee Stock Options & Vested Stock Awards

Initial Holdings Report:

Reporting Persons are not required to report the grant or vesting of WFC restricted share rights in the Initial Holdings Report.

Following the delivery of an Initial Holding Report, when Reporting Persons' restricted share rights in WFC stock awarded under the Reporting Persons' Long Term Incentive Compensation Plan ("LTICP") vest and shares of WFC stock are thereupon delivered to a

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brokerage account, including the shareowner services account, Reporting Persons are required to report the account holding such shares of WFC stock as a new Reportable Personal Securities Account within the time period specified in Section 2.2, if such account was not previously reported.

Reporting Persons are required to report subsequent vested, restricted share rights and shares delivered to any such Reportable Personal Securities Account, including a shareowner services account.

Quarterly Transaction Report:

All Reporting Person-directed transactions in LTICP holdings are reportable on the Quarterly Transaction Report, i.e., exercising of WFC options.

The exercise of employee stock options is a reportable transaction.

Reporting Persons are required to report shares of WFC stock delivered to any Reportable Personal Security Accounts, including a shareowner services account upon vesting of restricted share rights, in Quarterly Transaction Reports, and any prior or subsequent transactions in WFC stock during the reporting period.

Reporting Person are not otherwise required to report the grant or vesting of WFC restricted share rights or the vesting of WFC employee stock options.

Annual Holdings Report:

Reporting Persons are required to report shares of WFC stock delivered upon vesting or restricted share rights and held in Reportable Personal Security Accounts, such as a shareowner services account.

Reporting Persons are not required to report holdings of restricted share rights or employee stock options in LTICP.


Pre-clearance is not required prior to the sale of LTICP restricted shares.

The exercise of stock options from LTICP is not pre-clearable in the TMS; however, Reporting Persons are requested to inform the Code Team via an email to COE@wellsfargo.com of the transaction details, as exercising of the options will create an alert in PTA.

3.Wells Fargo Employee Stock Purchase Plan ("ESPP")

Initial Holdings Report:

An ESPP is a Reportable Personal Securities Account and must be included in a Reporting Person's Initial Holding Report.

Quarterly Transaction Report:

Sales of shares acquired under an ESPP are reportable on the Quarterly Transaction Report.

Annual Holdings Report:

Reporting Persons are required to update holdings within ESPP accounts in the Annual Holdings Report.


Transactions in an ESPP (WFC stock) do not require pre-clearance.

4.Wells Fargo Health Savings Account ("HSA")

Initial Holdings Report:

Wells Fargo HSAs are reportable when the balance reaches the threshold that allows the Reporting Person to invest in Reportable Funds.

Quarterly Transaction Report:

Sales of shares of Reportable Funds within a Reporting Person's HSA are reportable on the Quarterly Transaction Report.

Annual Holdings Report:

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Reporting Persons are required to update holdings of balances invested in Reportable Funds within a Reporting Person's HSA in the Annual Holdings Report.


Transactions in an HSA account do not require pre-clearance.

5.Wells Fargo Deferred Compensation Plans

Wells Fargo Deferred Compensation Plans are not reportable accounts.

3. Code Violations

3.1 Investigating Code Violations

The Code Manager or designee is responsible for investigating any suspected violation of the Code. This includes not only instances of violations against the letter of the Code, but also any instances that may give the appearance of impropriety. Reporting Persons are expected to respond to Code Manager inquiries promptly. The Code Manager is responsible for reviewing the results of any investigation of any reported or suspected violation of the Code. The Code Manager will report the results of each investigation to the CCO, as well as the WFAM Ethics Committee. Violations of the Code may also be reported to the Reporting Person's supervisor and human resources as well.

3.2 Penalties

The Code Manager is responsible for deciding whether a violation is minor, substantive or serious. In determining the seriousness of a violation of this Code, the Code Manager will consider the following factors, among others and will escalate as needed to the WFAM CCO:

The degree of willfulness of the violation;

The severity of the violation;

The extent, if any, to which a Reporting Person profited or benefited from the violation;

The adverse effect, if any, of the violation on a Covered Company or a WFAM Account; and

The Reporting Person's history of prior violation(s) of the Code.

For purposes of imposing sanctions, violations generally will be counted on a rolling 24 month period. However, the Code Manager (in consultation with the CCO) reserves the right to impose a more severe sanction/penalty depending on the severity of the violation and/or taking into consideration violations dating back more than 24 months.

Any serious offense as described below will be reported to the Wells Fargo Fund Board. All minor and substantive violations will be reported to the Board at least annually

Minor Offenses:

Minor offenses may include, but are not limited to, the following: failure to timely submit quarterly transaction reports, failure to timely complete assigned training, failure to submit signed acknowledgments of Code forms and certifications, excessive (i.e., more than three) late submissions of such documents, and conflicting pre-clear request dates versus actual trade dates or other pre- clearance request errors, or Reportable Securities not covered by the blackout period.

Substantive Offenses:

Substantive offenses may include, but are not limited to, the following: unauthorized purchase/sale of Securities as outlined in this Code, violations of short-term trading for profit (60-day rule), failure to request pre-clearance of transactions as required by the Code, failure to timely report a reportable brokerage account, and violations of the 15-day blackout period.

Serious Offenses:

Engaging in insider trading or related illegal and prohibited activities such as "front running" and "scalping," and repeated violations or a flagrant violation of the Code are considered a "serious offense."

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3.3 Penalties

Depending on the severity of the infraction, a violation of this Code may result in the following, subject to applicable law: an informational memorandum; a warning; a fine, deduction from wages, disgorgement of profit or other payment; a personal trading ban; referral of the matter to Human Resources; termination of employment; or referral to civil or criminal authorities. Dismissal and/or Referral to Authorities.

Repeated violations or a flagrant violation of the Code may result in immediate dismissal from employment. In addition, the Code Manager, the CCO, the WFAM Ethics Committee and/or senior management may determine that a single flagrant violation of the law, such as insider trading, will result in immediate dismissal and referral to authorities.

3.4 Exceptions to the Code

The Code Manager is responsible for enforcing the Code. The CCO or Code Manager (or his or her designee) may grant certain exceptions to the Code, provided any requests and any approvals granted must be submitted and obtained, respectively, in advance and in writing. The CCO or Code Manager (or his or her designee) may refuse to authorize any request for exception under the Code and is not required to furnish any explanation for the refusal.

Related Information

Related Regulation

Rule 17j-1 of the Investment Company Act of 1940

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Rules 3110, 3210, 3280

Section 204A of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940

Rule 204A-1 of Investment Advisers Act of 1940

Related Policies or Resources

WFAM Gifts and Entertainment Policy

WFAM Political Contributions Policy

 Wells Fargo Code of Ethics and Business Conduct 

Appendix A


General Note:

The definitions and terms used in the Code are intended to mean the same as they do under the 1940 Act and applicable other Federal Securities Laws. If a definition hereunder conflicts with the definition in the 1940 Act or other Federal Securities Laws, or if a term used in the Code is not defined, you should follow the definitions and meanings in the 1940 Act or other Federal Securities Laws, as applicable.

Automatic Investment Plan A program that allows a person to purchase or sell Reportable Securities, automatically and on a regular basis in accordance with a pre-determined schedule and allocation, without any further action by the person. An Automatic Investment Plan includes a SIP (systematic

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investment plan), SWP (systematic withdrawal plan), SPP (stock


purchase plan), DRIP (dividend reinvestment plan), or employer-


sponsored plan.

Beneficial Owner

You are the "beneficial owner" of any Reportable Securities in which


you have a direct or indirect Financial or Pecuniary Interest, whether


or not you have the power to buy and sell, or to vote, the securities.


In addition, you are the "beneficial owner" of Reportable Securities in


which an Immediate Family Member has a direct or indirect Financial


or Pecuniary Interest, whether or not you or the Immediate Family


Member has the power to buy and sell, or to vote, the Reportable


Securities. For example, you have Beneficial Ownership of securities


in trusts of which Immediate Family Members are beneficiaries.


You are also the "beneficial owner" of Reportable Securities in any


account, including but not limited to those of relatives, friends and


entities in which you have a non-controlling interest or over which you


or an Immediate Family Member exercise investment discretion. Such


accounts do not include accounts you manage on behalf of a Covered


Company or any other affiliate of Wells Fargo & Co..


The power to exercise a controlling influence over the management or


policies of a company, unless the power is solely the result of an


official position with such company. Owning 25% or more of a


company's outstanding voting securities is presumed to give you


control over the company. (See Section 2(a) (9) of the 1940 Act for a


complete definition.)

Covered Companies

Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC, Wells Fargo Funds Distributor,


LLC, Wells Capital Management Inc., Wells Capital Management


Singapore, Wells Fargo Asset Management International, Wells Fargo


Asset Management International, Wells Fargo Asset Management


(International) Limited, and Wells Fargo Asset Management


Luxembourg ("WFAML").

Direct Listing

A Direct Listing is also known as a Direct Public Offering ("DPO") which


is a type of initial public offering ("IPO") in which a company offers its


securities directly to the public to raise capital. An issuing company


using a DPO eliminates the middlemen—investment banks, broker-


dealers, and underwriters that are involved in typical IPOs, and self-


underwrites its securities.

Equivalent Security

Any Reportable Security issued by the same entity as the issuer of a


subject security that is convertible into the equity security of the


issuer. Examples include, but are not limited to, options, rights, stock


appreciation rights, warrants and convertible bonds.

Excessive Trading

A high number of transactions by any Reporting Person during any


month could be considered by the Code Team, in its sole discretion, to


be Excessive Trading. The Compliance Department may report any


Excessive Trading to WFAM's CCO and/or senior management.

Federal Securities Laws

The Securities Act of 1933 (15 U.S.C. 77a-aa), the Securities


Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78a—mm), the Sarbanes-Oxley Act


of 2002 (Pub. L. 107-204, 116 Stat. 745 (2002)), the Investment


Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a), the Investment Advisers Act of


1940 (15 U.S.C. 80b), Title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act


(Pub. L. No. 100-102, 113 Stat. 1338 (1999)), any rules adopted by


the SEC under any of these statutes, the Bank Secrecy Act


(31 U.S.C. 5311-5314; 5316-5332) as it applies to funds and


investment advisers, and any rules adopted thereunder by the SEC or


the Department of the Treasury.

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Financial or Pecuniary

The opportunity for you or your Immediate Family Member, directly, or


indirectly, to profit or share in any profit derived from a transaction in


the subject Reportable Securities whether through any contract,


arrangement, understanding, relationship or otherwise. This standard


looks beyond the record owner of Reportable Securities to reach the


substance of a particular arrangement. You not only have a Financial


or Pecuniary Interest in Reportable Securities held by you for your own


benefit, but also Reportable Securities held (regardless of whether or


how they are registered) by others for your benefit, such as


Reportable Securities held for you by custodians, brokers, relatives,


executors, administrators, or trustees. The term also includes any


interest in any Reportable Security owned by an entity directly or


indirectly controlled by you, which may include corporations,


partnerships, limited liability companies, trusts and other types of legal


entities. You or your Immediate Family Member likely have a Financial


or Pecuniary Interest in:


Your accounts or the accounts of Immediate Family Members;


A partnership or limited liability company, if you or an


Immediate Family Member is a general partner or a managing




A corporation or similar business entity, if you or an


Immediate Family Member has or shares investment control;




A trust, if you or an Immediate Family Member is a



High Quality Short-Term

Any instrument that has a maturity at issuance of less than 366 days

Debt Instrument

and that is rated in one of the two highest rating categories by a


nationally recognized statistical rating organization such as Moody's


Investors Service.

Immediate Family Member Any of the following persons, including any such relations through adoption, who reside in the same household with you:




domestic partner


















Immediate Family Member also includes any other relationship that


the CCO determines could lead to possible conflicts of interest,


diversions of corporate opportunity, or appearances of impropriety.


All references to "Reporting Persons" and "Investment Professionals" in


the guidelines, prohibitions, restrictions and duties set forth in this


Code should be interpreted to also refer, as the context requires, to


Immediate Family Members of such persons.

Investment Club

An investment club is a group of people who pool their money to make


investments. Usually, investment clubs are organized as partnerships


and, after the members study different investments, the group decides


to buy or sell based on a majority vote of the members. Club meetings


may be educational and/or each member may actively participate in


investment decisions.

Investment Professional Any Reporting Person who is a portfolio manager, trader or analyst employed (including as a temporary or contract employee) by WFAM, and any other person designated by the CCO or designee as such given his or her access to current portfolio or trading information for clients.

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All references to "Investment Professionals" in the guidelines,


prohibitions, restrictions and duties set forth in this Code should be


interpreted to also refer, as the context requires, to Immediate Family


Members of Investment Professionals. The Code Manager is


responsible for maintaining a list of all Investment Professionals and


notifying such Investment Professionals of their status.


An initial public offering, or the first sale of a company's securities to


public investors. Specifically, it is an offering of securities registered


under the Securities Act of 1933, the issuer of which, immediately


before registration, was not subject to the reporting requirements of


Section 13 or Section 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Managed Account

Any account for which the holder gives, in writing, his/her broker or


someone else (other than another Reporting Person) the authority to


buy and sell Reportable Securities, either absolutely or subject to


certain restrictions, other than pre-approval by any Reportable


Person. In other words, the holder gives up the right to decide what


Reportable Securities are bought or sold for the account. This includes


accounts known as "Robo Advisor" accounts where account


investments and reallocations are done through an automated



Non-Public Information

Any information that is not generally available to the general public in


widely disseminated media reports, SEC filings, public reports,


prospectuses, or similar publications or sources.

Private Placement

An offering, including an ICO, that is exempt from registration under


Section 4(2) or 4(6) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or


Rule 504, Rule 505 or Rule 506 thereunder.

Purchase or Sale of a

In addition to any acquisition or disposition of a Reportable Security


for value, a Purchase or Sale of a Reportable Security includes, among


other things, the receipt or giving of a gift or writing of an option to


purchase or sell a Reportable Security.

Reportable Fund

Reportable Fund means (i) any investment company registered under


the 1940 Act, for which a Covered Company serves as an investment


adviser as defined in Section 2(a)(20) of that Act, which includes a


sub-adviser, or (ii) any investment company registered under the


1940 Act, as amended, whose investment adviser or sub-adviser or


principal underwriter controls a Covered Company, is controlled by a


Covered Company, or is under common control with a Covered


Company; provided, however, that Reportable Fund shall not include


an investment company that holds itself out as a money market fund.


For purposes of this definition, "control" has the same meaning as it


does in Section 2(a) (9) of the 1940 Act. A list of all Reportable Funds


shall be maintained and made available for reference under


"Reportable Funds" under the "Code of Ethics" tab in the WFAM


Compliance Department InvestNet web page.

Reporting Person

Reporting Person means (i) any employee, officer or director, and any


other persons designated by the CCO or designee, as having access to


current trading information for clients, of WFAM, and (ii) any employee


(including all temporary or contract employees), officer or director of


any Non-WFAM Entities who supports any WFAM business functions


and has access to WFAM systems that contain Non-Public Information


regarding WFAM client holdings or transactions, and any other person


designated by the CCO or designee as such given his or her access to


current portfolio or trading information for clients.

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All references to "Reporting Persons" in the guidelines, prohibitions,


restrictions and duties set forth in this Code should be interpreted to


also refer, as the context requires, to Immediate Family Members of


Reporting Persons. The Code Manager is responsible for maintaining a


list of all Reporting Persons and notifying such Reporting Persons of


their status.

Reportable Personal

Any account that holds Reportable Securities of which you have

Securities Account

Beneficial Ownership, other than a Managed Account that holds


Reportable Securities and has previously been approved by the Code


Manager over which you have no direct influence or Control. A


Reportable Personal Securities Account is not limited to Reportable


Securities accounts maintained at brokerage firms, but also includes


holdings of Reportable Securities owned directly by you or an


Immediate Family Member or held through a retirement plan of Wells


Fargo or any other employer. All Reportable Personal Securities


Accounts opened or reported after 1/1/2020 are required to be on the


WFAM Approved Broker List. The accounts reported after 1/1/2020


not on WFAM Approved Broker List must be moved to one of the


approved brokers timely. This requirement is not applicable to


Managed Accounts. Exceptions may be granted by the Code of Ethics



Reportable Personal

A Purchase or Sale of a Reportable Security, of which you acquire or

Securities Transaction

relinquish Beneficial Ownership.

Reportable Security/Securities Any security as defined under Section 2(a)(36) of the 1940 Act or Section 202(a)(18) of the Advisers Act, except that it does not include direct obligations of the U.S. Government, bankers' acceptances, bank certificates of deposit, commercial paper, High Quality Short-Term Debt Instruments, including repurchase agreements, shares issued by affiliated or unaffiliated money market mutual funds, or shares issued by open-end registered investment companies other than the Reportable Funds or shares issued by unit investment trusts that are invested exclusively in one or more open-end registered investment companies none of which are Reportable Funds. "Reportable Security" includes any security issued by closed-end funds and ETFs.

WFAM Accounts

Accounts of investment advisory and sub-advisory clients of Covered


Companies, including but not limited to registered and unregistered


investment companies.

Appendix B

Compliance Department Staff List

Please consult WFAM Connect for a current list of compliance staff designated to monitoring the Code of Ethics, as wells as for additional Code of Ethics resources including links to PTA. For Reporting Persons with no access to the above systems, please contact the Code Team at COE@wellsfargo.com.

Appendix C

Reportable Funds

Please consult the following link for a list of WFAM Reportable Funds:

https://wellscap.ptaconnect.com/pta/openDocument.do?st=T376-RNOQYRTQ-RIDI-QL31-7SBY- V91VJY6E&name=281_1400097842793.PDF&path=//PTANAS01/Clients/WELLSCA P/docs/&st=T376- RNOQ-YRTQ-RIDI-QL31-7SBY-V91V-JY6E.

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Appendix D





SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF Trust

State Street Global





iShares Dow Jones US ETF



Invesco QQQ Trust



ProShares Short QQQ



Direxion NASDAQ 100 Index



SPDR Portfolio Small Cap ETF

State Street Global





Vanguard Russell 2000 ETF



iShares Russell 2000 ETF



ProShares Short Russell 2000



iShares Russell 3000



SPDR Portfolio Total Stock Market ETF

State Street Global





Vanguard Russell 3000 ETF



iShares S&P 100



ProShares Short S&P 500



ProShares S&P 500 Bond ETF



SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust

Standard and Poor's

Financial Services




iShares Core S&P 500



Vanguard S&P 500



iPath Series B S$P 500 Vix Short-Term Futures ETN

Barclays Capital



Direxion Daily S&P 500 Bear 1X Shares




Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight ETF




Invesco S&P 500 BuyWrite ETF




Direxion Daily S&P MidCap 400




Proshares Short S&P MidCap 400




UltraShort MidCap 400 Proshares



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iShares Europe ETF



iShares Core FTSE 100









iShares FTSE 250 UCITS ETF


S250 LN

Invseco FTSE 250 UCITS ETF



iShares MSCI United Kingdom ETF



iShares Core Hang Seng Index ETF



iShares DAX ETF



iShares S&P TSX 60 Index



Horizons S&P/TSX 60 Index ETF



Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF



iShares Core Nikkei 225 ETF



Direxion Daily 20 Year Treasury Bear 1X



Direxion Daily 7-10 Year Treasury Bear 1X



UltraShort Barclays 20+ Year Treasury



iShares 1-3 Year Treasury Bond ETF



iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF



iShares 7-10 Year Treasury Bond ETF



iShares 0-5 Year TIPS Bond ETF



iShares Intermediate Government Credit Bond ETF



iShares 10-20 Year Treasury Bond ETF



Invesco CurrencyShares Australian Dollar Trust



Invesco CurrencyShares British Pound Sterling Trust



Invesco CurrencyShares Canadian Dollar Trust



Invesco CurrencyShare Chinese Renminbi Trust



Invesco CurrencyShare Euro Trust



Invesco CurrencyShare Japanese Yen Trust



Invesco CurrencyShare Singapore Trust



Invesco CurrencyShare Swedish Krona Trust


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Invesco CurrencyShare Swiss Franc Trust



Invesco DB G10 Currency Harvest Fund



Invesco DB US Dollar Index Bearish Fund



Invesco DB US Dollar Index Bullish Fund



Invesco DB Agriculture Fund



Invesco DB Base Metals Fund



Invesco DB Commodity Index Tracking Fund



Invesco DB Energy Fund



Invesco DB Gold Fund



Invesco DB Oil Fund



Invesco DB Precious Metals Fund



Invesco DB Silver Fund



Invesco DB Optimum Yield Diversified Commodity Strategy


No K-1 ETF




Aberdeen Standard Physical Swiss Gold Shares ETF



Aberdeen Standard Platinum Shares ETF



Aberdeen Standard Physical Precious Metals Basket Shares ETF



Aberdeen Standard Physical Silver Shares ETF



Aberdeen Standard Physical Palladium Shares ETF



Aberdeen Standard Bloomberg All Commodity Strategy


K-1 Free Shares ETF




Aberdeen Standard Bloomberg WTI Crude Oil Strategy


K-1 Free Shares ETF




Aberdeen Standard Bloomberg All Commodity Longer Dated


Strategy K-1 Free Shares ETF




iPath Dow Jones - UBS Commodity ETN

Barclay Capital


iPath Series B S&P GSCI Crude Oil Total Return Index ETN

Barclay Capital


iPath Series B Bloomberg Coffee Subindex Total Return ETN

Barclay Capital


iPath Pure Beta Broad Commodity ETN

Barclay Capital


iPath S&P GSCI Total Return Index ETN

Barclay Capital


iPath Series B Bloomberg Sugar Subindex Total Return ETN

Barclay Capital


iPath Dow Jones - UBS Cocoa ETN

Barclay Capital

Page 23 of 24. Wells Fargo internal use.

Corporate and business policies or procedures may not be duplicated outside of the Policy Library; only direct links may be used.

Business Policy: WFAM COMP – 177 – WFAM Code of Ethics


iPath Series B Bloomberg Grains Subindex Total Return ETN

Barclay Capital


iPath Series B Bloomberg Copper Subindex Total Return ETN

Barclay Capital


iPath Series B Bloomberg Livestock Subindex Total Return ETN

Barclay Capital


iPath Series B Bloomberg Cotton Subindex Total Return ETN

Barclay Capital


DB Gold Short ETN



ProShares K-1 Free Crude Oil Strategy ETF



iShares Gold Trust



iShares Bloomberg Roll Select Commodity Strategy ETF


Page 24 of 24. Wells Fargo internal use.

Corporate and business policies or procedures may not be duplicated outside of the Policy Library; only direct links may be used.