EX-99.1 2 fins.htm CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE SIX MONTH PERIOD ENDED JUNE 30, 2017 JA Filed by Filing Services Canada Inc. 403-717-3898









Consolidated Financial Statements

For the 3 and 6 month periods ended 

'June 30th, 2017 





Consolidated Balance Sheets
(Unaudited - expressed in Canadian dollars)
        June 30, December 31,
        2017 2016
Current assets        
  Cash and cash equivalents      $             288,046  $          490,496
  Short-term investments                 1,500,000           1,453,091
  Accounts receivable                       33,196              205,952
  Prepaid expenses and deposits                     672,371              166,802
                    2,493,613           2,316,341
Long term assets        
  Property and equipment                     844,644           3,348,557
  Intellectual property               22,181,900        23,024,268
         $       25,520,157  $    28,689,166
Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity        
Current liabilities        
  Accounts payable and accrued liabilities      $         1,402,250  $          575,964
  Income taxes payable                                17                         98
  Current portion of capital lease obligation                       38,137                 36,769
                    1,440,404              612,831
Long-term liabilities        
  Capital lease obligation                     105,238              124,697
  Other liabilities (Note 11)                     595,320                             -
  Asset retirement obligation                       58,240                 55,240
  Deferred charges                       83,378                 84,838
                        842,176              264,775
                    2,282,580              877,606
Commitments and contingencies        
Shareholders' equity        
  Common shares (Note 3): - authorized unlimited        
       Issued:  53,856,509 (2016 - 53,856,509) common shares               85,996,813        85,966,393
  Contributed capital                 7,948,000           7,613,719
  Deficit             (71,418,171)       (66,479,488)
  Accumulated other comprehensive income                     710,935              710,935
                  23,237,577        27,811,560
         $       25,520,157  $    28,689,166


Signed "George Liszicasz"; Signed "Bruce G. Wilcox"
Director  Director
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.




Consolidated Statements of Loss and Comprehensive Loss
(Unaudited - expressed in Canadian dollars)
    For the three months For the six months
    ended June 30 ended June 30
    2017 2016 2017 2016
  Survey revenue  $                      -  $                      -  $                           -  $      1,447,269
  Survey costs, net            612,342            157,365                 775,559              946,744
  General and administrative expenses        1,337,051        1,833,326             2,699,632           3,088,935
  Stock based compensation expense            169,033            135,000                 334,281              285,000
  Amortization expense            474,558            520,493                 989,250           1,034,751
           2,592,984        2,646,184             4,798,722           5,355,430
Other expenses (income)        
  Interest income, net                  (389)               (3,510)                      4,726               (10,881)
  Foreign exchange (gain) loss              11,306              13,601                   17,281              285,275
  Intellectual property and other expenses              38,785              19,065                   45,366              172,730
                 49,702              29,156                   67,373              447,124
Loss before income taxes      (2,642,686)      (2,675,340)            (4,866,095)         (4,355,285)
Income tax (recovery) expense        
  Current              81,270            (31,402)                   72,587              244,595
                 81,270            (31,402)                   72,587              244,595
Net loss and comprehensive loss  $  (2,723,956)  $  (2,643,938)  $       (4,938,682)  $     (4,599,880)
Net loss per share (Note 4)        
  Basic  $             (0.05)  $             (0.05)  $                  (0.09)  $               (0.09)
  Diluted  $             (0.05)  $             (0.05)  $                  (0.09)  $               (0.09)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.




Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
(Unaudited - expressed in Canadian dollars)
    For the three months For the six months
    ended June 30 ended June 30
    2017 2016 2017 2016
Cash provided by (used in):        
Operating activities        
Comprehensive loss for the period  $  (2,723,956)  $  (2,643,938)  $       (4,938,682)  $     (4,599,880)
Items not affecting cash:        
  Stock based compensation expense            169,033            135,000                 334,281              285,000
  Amortization expense            474,558            520,493                 989,250           1,034,751
  Non-cash changes to asset retirement obligation                 1,500                          -                      3,000                             -
  Valuation allowance of Bolivian Tax Credits            207,682                          -                 207,682                             -
  Amortization of deferred gain on sale of aircraft            (25,884)                          -                  (25,884)                             -
  Other                  (730)                  (229)                    (1,460)                     (459)
  Change in non-cash working capital balances (Note 7)              19,079          (585,609)                 130,409             (863,377)
               845,238              69,655             1,637,278              455,915
Net cash used in operating activities      (1,878,718)      (2,574,283)            (3,301,404)         (4,143,965)
Financing activities        
Proceeds from exercise of stock options                    136            145,444                   30,420              145,444
Repayment of capital lease obligation               (9,112)               (8,468)                  (18,090)               (16,821)
Net cash from (used in) financing activities               (8,976)            136,976                   12,330              128,623
Investing activities        
Proceeds from sale / purchase of property and equipment, net        3,137,905            (34,148)             3,133,533               (77,558)
Increase in short-term investments      (1,196,909)      (1,055,323)                  (46,909)         (1,059,412)
Change in non-cash working capital balances (Note 7)                          -                          -                               -               (60,187)
Net cash from (used in) investing activities        1,940,996      (1,089,471)             3,086,624         (1,197,157)
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents              53,302      (3,526,778)               (202,450)         (5,212,499)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period            234,744        5,400,082                 490,496           7,085,803
Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period  $       288,046  $    1,873,304  $             288,046  $      1,873,304
Supplemental information        
  Cash interest (received)                 1,175            (35,531)                    (1,148)                             -
  Cash taxes paid  $                      -  $       387,516  $               65,989  $      1,133,458
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity
(Unaudited - expressed in Canadian dollars)
        For the six months
        ended June 30
        2017 2016
Common Shares        
Balance at beginning of the period (Note 3)      $       85,966,393  $    85,051,553
Issued upon exercise of stock options (Note 3)                       30,420              145,444
Transfer from contributed capital upon exercise of stock options                               -                 102,351
Balance at end of the period               85,996,813        85,299,348
Contributed Capital          
Balance at beginning of the period                 7,613,719           7,239,089
Recognition of stock based compensation expense                     334,281              285,000
Contributed capital transferred to common shares        
   upon exercise of stock options                                   -             (102,351)
Balance at end of the period                 7,948,000           7,421,738
Balance at beginning of the period             (66,479,488)       (57,379,926)
Net loss and comprehensive loss for the period                (4,938,683)         (4,599,880)
Balance at end of the period             (71,418,171)       (61,979,806)
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income        
Balance at beginning and end of the period                     710,935              710,935
Total Shareholders' Equity at end of the period      $       23,237,577  $    31,452,215
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.




Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

As at and for the three and six month periods ended June 30, 2017

(Unaudited - expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated)

 1. The Company and Going Concern

NXT Energy Solutions Inc. (the "Company" or "NXT") is a publicly traded company based in Calgary, Canada.

NXT's proprietary Stress Field Detection ("SFD®") technology is an airborne survey system that is used in the oil and natural gas exploration industry to identify areas with hydrocarbon reservoir potential.


These consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis.  The going concern basis of presentation assumes that NXT will continue in operation for the foreseeable future and will be able to realize its assets and discharge its liabilities and commitments in the normal course of business. 


The events described in the following paragraphs highlight that there is substantial doubt about NXT’s ability to continue as a going concern within one year after the date that these financial statements have been issued.


As a result of the extended duration between revenue contracts, NXT’s working capital has reduced from approximately $7.8 million at December 31, 2015 to $1.1 million at June 30, 2017.  Notwithstanding that during 2017 the Company received a binding promissory note of up to $650,000 from its CEO and obtained a commitment of up to US $250,000 from an existing shareholder towards an equity financing should the Company need to pursue such a course of action the Company’s current and forecasted working capital position is not expected to be sufficient to meet its obligations for the 12 month period beyond the date that these financial statements have been issued.  While near term survey prospects are expected to provide positive contribution to the liquidity position, there are no certainties that these prospects will convert into executed contracts.  The Company has taken steps to reduce costs; the most significant include the deferral of a portion of the employees’ cash compensation, deferral of all of the Board and Advisory Board members’ cash compensation and a reduction in non-essential staff. In addition, the Company is pursuing debt and equity financing options in order to meet its future obligations.  Financing options that may be available to the Company include issuance of new equity, debentures or bank credit facilities.  The need for any of these options will be dependent on the timing of securing new contracts and obtaining financing terms that are acceptable to both the Company and the financier.


NXT continues to develop its pipeline of opportunities to secure new revenue contracts. However, the Company’s longer-term success remains dependent upon its ability convert these opportunities into successful contracts and to continue to attract new client projects and expand the revenue base to a level sufficient to exceed fixed operating costs and generate positive cash flow from operations.   The occurrence and timing of these events cannot be predicted with certainty. 


The consolidated financial statements do not reflect adjustments that would be necessary if the going concern basis was not appropriate.  If the going concern basis was not appropriate for these consolidated financial statements, then significant adjustments would be necessary in the classification and carrying value of assets and liabilities and the reported revenues and expenses.


2. Significant Accounting Policies

Basis of presentation

These interim unaudited consolidated financial statements have been prepared by management in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles of the United States of America ("US GAAP") and by applying the same accounting policies and methods as used in preparing the consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2016.

Certain comparative figures have been reclassified to conform to the presentation adopted for these financial statements

Future Accounting Policy Changes

Revenue recognition:

In May 2014, the US Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued new guidance on accounting for “Revenue from Contracts with Customers”, which supersedes the current revenue recognition requirements and most industry-specific guidance. This new guidance will require that an entity recognize revenue to depict the transfer of promised goods or services to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the Company expects to be entitled in exchange for those goods or services.

This new guidance will be effective from January 1, 2018, and early application is not permitted. There will be two methods in which the amendment can be applied: (1) retrospectively to each prior reporting period (which will include NXT’s fiscal years 2016 and 2017) presented, or (2) retrospectively with the cumulative effect recognized at the date of initial application. NXT is evaluating the impact of the adoption of this new guidance and although the review is not yet complete, indications are that there will be no material impact on the financial statements.


In February 2016, the FASB issued new guidance on leases. The new guidance requires lessees to recognize most leases, including operating leases, on the balance sheet as lease assets and lease liabilities. In addition, lessees may be required to reassess assumptions associated with existing leases as well as to provide expanded qualitative and quantitative disclosures. The new guidance is effective January 1, 2019. NXT is evaluating the impact of the adoption of this new guidance and has not yet determined the effect on its consolidated financial statements.



3. Common shares

The Company is authorized to issue an unlimited number of common shares, of which the following are issued and outstanding:

    For the six month periods ended
    June 30, 2017 June 30, 2016
    # of shares $ amount # of shares $ amount
As at the beginning of the period 53,856,509        $ 85,966,393 53,306,109 $ 85,051,553
Shares issued during the period:        
  Exercise of stock options (see (i)) - 30,420 167,222 145,444
  Return to Treasury of exercised stock options     (15,322)  
  Transfer from contributed capital on the        
  exercise of stock options - - - 102,351
As at the end of the period 53,856,509 85,996,813 53,458,009 85,299,348


(i) Stock options exercised at the end of 2016 resulted in a receivable in the amount of $30,284. Cash was received in January 2017.

4. Earnings (loss) per share

      for the three months for the six months
      ended June 30 ended June 30
      2017 2016 2017 2016
Comprehensive loss for the period $(2,723,956) $(2,643,938) $(4,938,682) $(4,599,880)
Weighted average number of shares        
  outstanding for the period:        
  Basic 53,856,509 53,371,138 53,856,509 53,338,624
  Diluted 53,856,509 53,371,138 53,856,509 53,338,624
Earnings (loss) per share – Basic $ (0.05) $ (0.05) $ (0.09) $ (0.09)
Earnings (loss) per share – Diluted $ (0.05) $ (0.05) $ (0.09) $ (0.09)




5. Stock options

The following is a summary of stock options which are outstanding and exercisable as at June 30, 2017:

      Average remaining
Exercise price # of options # of options contractual
per share outstanding exercisable  life (in years)
$ 0.75 345,000 345,000 0.1
$ 0.76 104,001 104,001 0.6
$ 0.86 530,000 530,000 0.1
$ 1.20 300,000 300,000 0.1
$ 1.35 554,400 396,269 2.5
$ 1.39 30,000 30,000 2.0
$ 1.45 37,500 37,500 4.5
$ 1.48 37,500 37,500 4.0
$ 1.49 150,000 49,995 3.9
$ 1.50 50,000 50,000 4.0
$ 1.50 50,000   4.3
$ 1.51 150,000 - 4.2
$ 1.55 40,000 40,000 1.7
$ 1.57 30,000 20,000 2.6
$ 1.61 25,000 25,000 1.6
$ 1.67 150,000 100,000 2.4
$ 1.73 92,600 59,267 3.4
$ 1.82 215,000 71,667 3.3
$ 1.83 30,000 30,000 1.5
$ 2.10 300,000 100,000 3.2
$ 1.33 3,221,001 2,326,199 1.92

A continuity of the number of stock options which are outstanding at the end of the current period and as at the prior fiscal year ended December 31, 2016 is as follows:

    For the six months For the year ended
    ended June 30, 2017 December 31, 2016
      weighted   weighted
    # of stock average # of stock average
    options exercise price options exercise price
Options outstanding, start of the period 3,221,001 $ 1.33 3,462,835 $ 1.26
Granted -  - 475,000 $ 1.50
Exercised - - (565,722) -
Forfeited - - (151,112) $1.50
Options outstanding, end of the period 3,221,001 $ 1.33 3,221,001 $ 1.33
Options exercisable, end of the period 2,326,199 $ 1.20 2,036,401 $ 1.17



Stock options granted generally expire, if unexercised, five years from the date granted and entitlement to exercise them generally vests at a rate of one-third at the end of each of the first three years following the date of grant.

Stock based compensation expense (“SBCE”) is calculated based on the fair value attributed to grants of stock options using the Black-Scholes valuation model and utilizing the following weighted average assumptions:

The Q2-17 unamortized SBCE of $611,303 (2016 - $883,843) will be recognized in future expense over the related remaining (2017 to 2019) vesting periods.

6. Financial instruments

1) Non-derivative financial instruments:

The Company's non-derivative financial instruments consist of cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments, accounts receivable, income taxes payable and accounts payables and accrued liabilities. The carrying value of these financial instruments approximates their fair values due to their short terms to maturity. NXT is not exposed to significant interest or credit risks arising from these financial instruments. NXT is exposed to foreign exchange risk as a result of periodically holding foreign denominated financial instruments. Any unrealized foreign exchange gains and losses arising on such holdings are reflected in earnings at the end of each period.

2) Derivative financial instruments:

As at June 30, 2017, there were no outstanding derivative financial instruments.



7. Change in non-cash working capital

The changes in non-cash working capital balances are comprised of:

    For the three months For the six months
    ended June 30 ended June 30
    2017 2016 2017 2016
Accounts receivable $ 209,836 $ 97,308 $ 172,755 $ 659,334
Work-in-progress - - - 404,840
Prepaid expenses and deposits (473,640) (9,905) (505,568) (27,404)
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 282,892 (254,094) 463,303 (364,749)
Income Taxes Payable (9) (418,918) (81) (888,863)
Deferred revenue - - - (706,722)
    19,079 (585,609) 130,409 (923,564)
Portion attributable to:        
  Operating activities 19,079 (585,609) 130,409 (863,377)
  Financing activities - - - -
  Investing activities - - - (60,187)
    19,079 (585,609) 130,409 (923,564


8. Commitments and contingencies

Aircraft and office premises leases

The Company has a 10 year operating lease for its Calgary office space and entered into a new 5 year operating lease in April 2017 for the use of an aircraft (see note 11). The minimum annual lease payments are as follows:


For the period ended June 30   Office Premises Aircraft
2017     535,485 615,110
2018     535,485 615,110
2019     535,485 615,110
2020     544,408 615,110
      2,150,863 2,460,440
Thereafter, 2021 through 2025   2,326,374 512,592
      4,477,237 2,973,032


Deferred charges of $83,378 as at June 30, 2017 relates to the valuation of an initial free-rent period received on the Company’s office lease in 2015. This balance will be amortized as a reduction of general and administrative expense over the 10 year term of the lease commitment.


9. Geographic information

NXT conducts all of its survey operations from its head office in Canada, and occasionally maintains administrative offices in foreign locations such as Colombia (to mid-2014) and currently Bolivia. NXT has no long-term assets outside of Canada.

Revenues by geographic area were generated solely in Bolivia in 2016, entirely from a single client.

10. Other related party transactions

One of the members of NXT’s Board of Directors is a partner in a law firm which provides legal advice to NXT. Legal fees (including costs related to share issuance) incurred with this firm were as follows:

    For the three months For the six months
    Ended June 30 ended June 30
    2017 2016 2017 2016
    $8,884 $40,650 $  22,478 $ 42,593


Accounts payable and accrued liabilities includes a total of $9,328 ($10,443 as at December 31, 2016) payable to this law firm.

11. Aircraft Financing

In April, 2017, NXT completed a sale and leaseback agreement of its aircraft with a Calgary based international aircraft services organization (“the lessor”). The terms of the agreement resulted in NXT selling its’ Cessna Citation aircraft that was purchased in 2015 for US$2,000,000 for the sum of US$2,300,000. NXT has leased the aircraft over an initial term of 60 months and retains all existing operating rights and obligations. Net proceeds to NXT from the sale were approximately CAD $2,700,000, after payment of all commissions and fees. The net book value of the asset of $2.4 million was derecognized and the resulting gain on disposition of $776,504 was deferred ($621,203 included in long term liabilities and $155,301 included in accounts payable and accrued liabilities). The gain will be recognized as a reduction to the Company’s lease expense over the 60 month term of the lease. The resulting leaseback transaction is an operating lease. NXT is required to make monthly payments to the lessor of approximately US $40,000. NXT has the option to extend the term of the lease by an additional two years. Should NXT want to repurchase the aircraft at the end of the initial lease term, the purchase price is US $1.45 million.